#trigun speculation
crimson-amarone · 5 months
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This moment would be extra special if this was Vash and Nai’s Plant Mama. Having Rem as their human mom and their Plant bio mom together during this scene would be so bittersweet knowing what happened soon after. 😭😭😭
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karlydraws · 2 months
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Stay Active
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artofalassa · 10 months
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The Feather
Aaand next part! Look who finally showed up... <3
Part ONE | Part TWO | Part THREE | Part FOUR | Part FIVE | Part SEVEN
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orcelito · 1 year
everyone always talks about That One panel of Trigun: Multiple Bullets, but i havent seen anyone talk about how fucking BATSHIT INSANE the surrounding fight is
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Vash & Wolfwood fighting back-to-back, both using the punisher as a shield
(the rest under a readmore bc this accidentally got LONG...)
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Vash seeing the shots coming from behind & purposefully not moving bc he knows if he does, Wolfwood would get hit
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Wolfwood getting injured too, but not moving from Vash's back. the way he's stanced, it looks Protective. he's doing what he can to keep Vash out of the direct line of fire.
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even when he's getting shot up for it, he Doesn't Move. (this also seems to be the moment he got hurt, which leads into the panel later)
& throughout this whole scene, we are only seeing Wolfwood's reactions.
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until the girls give them an opening, and they burst out with THIS:
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Wolfwood injured, so he can't properly aim the punisher... and he gets around this by sticking one of the leather straps in his Mouth
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and then we FINALLY get to see Vash's face again as he grabs the punisher (with a "GAN" sound effect, so he fuckin SLAPPED that metal hand on the punisher).
Wolfwood trusts him enough to just do what he says in the thick of battle, so we FINALLY get to the iconic panel:
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which brings us to the aboslute insanity of what Vash is actually Doing.
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"DON DON" -> two shots fired for two missiles launched. he literally manages to TURN THEM AROUND MID-FLIGHT (interesting to note that they seem to have internal propulsion, rather than simply being fired by Wolfwood. how many of these does Wolfwood have? they seem heavy.)
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he manages to avert the third missile from hitting the dude directly, and instead makes it land Behind him. then the other two missiles, he rests his arm on Wolfwood's shoulders to hit them and direct them behind the other two enemies
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killing no-one, but showing an INSANE level of fine control AND teamwork.
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and in the end, Wolfwood's arm is in a cast, Vash seems either unhurt or hurt but unbothered by it (typical Vash). And Life Goes On.
(forgot to mention before, but all panels are from @trigun-manga-overhaul! thank u for the beautiful pages)
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andr0nap · 1 year
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with angie and buddy bc i LOVE them sm
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needle-noggins · 8 months
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The Biology and Riding of Thoma
Thoma, also known as Thomases (singular: Thomas), are the primary animal used on No Man's Land for transportation, meat, eggs, feathers and oil. The meat can be eaten fresh or dried into jerky, and thoma meat, fried in thoma oil and sprinkled with worm dust, is a popular street food. These massive birds were genetically engineered early on in No Man's Land history and are well-suited for the desert, making them easy to raise and care for. Plus, they're easy to ride.
Thoma are a combination of several bird species, genetically similar to Emu and Ostriches, but with the stature of much larger birds such as the extinct Terror birds (Phorusrhacids), standing near 5-6 feet tall at the withers. Their bright blue plumage and loosely-packed feathers helps dissipate heat. They have long eyelashes to keep out dust, and they have a second eyelid that protect the cornea from grit and bright UV light. This does, however, decrease visibility, making them more prone to tripping over rocks.
Thoma have a long, feathery neck that helps balance them at faster speeds along with the heavy, muscled keel. The keel is engineered to be similar to that of a broiler chicken, as their vestigial wings are useless except for thoma mating displays. Under the throat is a vocal sac, which can be used to transmit low rumbles over long distances. Most thoma, however, prefer to chirp at a frequency easily heard by their human caretakers and riders. They have long, powerful legs, capable of galloping up to 40 iles an hour, and a kick that can disembowel an attacker or rip into a worm's exoskeleton. The three talons on their feet need to be trimmed by an experienced farrier every 4-8 weeks, depending on a bird's mileage.
Thoma eat a diet of seeds, grains, worms, and (when available) fruits and vegetables. Like many birds before them, they will sometimes ingest small rocks and pebbles to help grind their food in the gizzard. The thin, short beak is perfect for pecking at the ground, and when provoked, they will also peck at an enemy. Thoma are, however, generally good-natured creatures, as they have been bred to be.
Thoma are easy-going and very trainable with a nice floating gait, making them great mounts for humans on No Man's Land. Like many birds, they can move their legs independently from the movement of the spine, which allows the use of saddles. Most saddles are similar to old Western saddles, and are optimized for comfort and long journeys. However, in the bigger cities, some people may ride Thoma in competitions, typically using more English-style tack for greater control of the bird. typically two straps are used to secure the saddle - a breastplate to keep it from sliding back, and a girth/breeching to prevent it from sliding forward. The strong legs are left free to move as needed, giving the bird great flexibility.
The tack on the head often consists of a bridle, a canvas covering on the neck, and a headpiece with blinders. Headpieces and bridles may vary, as the design has been through several different iterations, but the general idea is to generate gentle pressure on the beak when the reins are pulled and to protect the eyes. The headpiece often has blinders and a screen over the eyes, allowing the bird to travel without using the second eyelid. This allows the thomas to move with greater agility, picking its way around desert rocks even at high speeds. The canvas across the neck protects the feathers from the reins and keeps the bird cool. Some headpieces also include a protective metal beak piece that can be used as a weapon.
Thoma make excellent mounts as they are docile, easy to train, have very few natural predators, little fear of humans, and can live on worms alone in a pinch. They do require some water, not having ability to store much themselves, but their ability to dissipate heat and the ways in which the tack can help keep them cool minimizes the need. There are a few wild herds, but most thoma live on ranches or in stables, marked with a leg band or brand.
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I can't sleep.
Did knives ever try to communicate with his plant sisters on what they wanted? Did he ever ask them what made them happy?? What was his plan past freeing plants from humans because it doesn't look like he was improving the quality of their lives past not sending into a Last Run but what would an improvement on their lives look like??
Do the Plants even know what they want? They must, from the sparse glimpses we get from their perspectives.
Am I focusing on the wrong things in trigun lmao
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revenantghost · 1 year
I’ve seen a lot of people on both sides of the fence of how people want Vash’s hair to fall (or not fall lmao) in Tristamp season two, but I think we already have a hint?
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This is his corrected bounty poster from the end of episode twelve, from the official Twitter account. And while in ‘98, Vash had clearly outlined sentimental reasons for having his hair the way he does, it’s never stated that he keeps his hair Vash-style in Trimax (which Tristamp is most heavily based off of) for the same reasons. Though you could reasonably draw that line, for sure!
But Vash is and never has been the kind of person to run from his reputation. He could have, at the very least, decided to change the color or style of his coat more than he did, but he didn’t. He could have kept his hair down, but he didn’t. Even down to his boots and his gun--he is who he is, and he’s not running from that anymore, he won’t hide as Eriks. He went back to the very easily recognizable Vash the Stampede we see in the wanted posters.
So while I think that when things are tense and he’s using plant powers, his hair will be full og Vash, I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re gonna see this Vash often as well. Could be wrong though! I don’t have a horse in this race because I love them both so much I legitimately can’t decide which I’d rather have lmao
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redinthesea · 1 year
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Manifesting more Gung-Ho Guns for season 2. 🤞
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whimsicmimic · 7 months
Once again thinking about Meryl’s fear of worms in tristamp and how that can be taken as a one off “haha funny joke” or how it can be viewed as another way that Meryl’s (supposed) middle/upper class background impacts the way that she interacts with the world.
Worms are one of the few readily available/“staple” proteins (and just food sources as a whole) on No Man’s Land that aren’t sourced directly from Plants. That she reacts to worms with fear, and reacts to the idea of Eating worms with disgust/revulsion indicates either a lack of exposure to the idea of people eating worms (possible if we run with the idea of her being middle/upper class; perhaps the people in her social sphere can rely on Plant-produced proteins and other food), or a degree of separation between the meat she eats and the source from which it originates (something very common with middle/upper class-raised people. There’s a degree of separation between buying a plastic-wrapped steak at a supermarket and butchering a cow).
Either way, that she Is repulsed by worms shows her privilege as someone who can Afford To Be repulsed by worms — someone who maybe hasn’t had to rely on worms as a food source before — and I just think it’s a fun little detail to think about.
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lost-technology · 6 months
Speculative Trigun Biology Time! Plants? Nope. Worms / Wam? Nope! Teleporting, ubiquitous black cats that might be an eldritch being or possibly God? Nope! HUMANS!!! So, you thought humans were boring, hmm? Silly human, you! I had the thought today regarding human adaptations to the harsh environment of Planet Gunsmoke / No Man's Land - and NOT the cobbled together tech adaptation, slapdash survival adaptation in behaviour or culture. What if... humans actually start BODILY adapting? And what if it doesn't take very long? Listen to me. I Used to live in Arizona (the desert part) and it is actually a known scientific thing that if a person is born in Arizona or lives there for more than two years, their bodies actually get a nifty adaptation for retaining water. I forget where I heard it, I think on the news there - like a study on adaptations to arid environments. I feel like I've experienced it in my own body in terms of moving from AZ to the Eastern United States and a temperate climate. My body no longer retains water or "strategically sweats" the same way as I did as a desert-person. I think that the people of No Man's Land would very quickly, within one generation - and actually perhaps pass it on genetically, those who survive best - adaptations such as stuff for moisture-retention.
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makima-s-most-smile · 5 months
I've now read more than once that Pomni is made out to be a Jesus figure, which... I guess? Maybe? I need more episodes for that comparison. But I see the reasons why people have that theory.
But then I stumbled over the takes that Jax is meant to be the Judas and...
No? (That said, no hate towards the people saying that. I just have an opinion about what is needed for a Judas)
Specifically, they said, due to Jax' animosity and him missing during the funeral scene (since Judas wasn't at Jesus' cruxification because he hanged himself)
First of all, there are different endings for Judas, depending on the evangelist. One is, yes, he was so haunted by his betrayal that he killed himself. Another one is that he was smitten by God and left to rot in a field. Or he isn't mentioned after the betrayal at all. So the connection to any funeral or him missing from it is pretty weak to me.
Secondly, Judas has to be an important person to Jesus, too. Some scholars argued, rightfully so, that without Judas' betrayal there would be no Christianity, because Jesus needed to die and come back for this to happen. It's bittersweet, to say in the least drastic words.
But even if we take the first end for Judas. Judas killed himself because he couldn't live with the regret of having betrayed Jesus. For that you need to care for a person. Jax has no closer relationship to Pomni as of now. Jax doesn't seem to have ANY close relationship to anyone. He seems to actively avoid them. That may be due to apathy for being trapped for how much time in the circus and witnessing people abstract or just because he is a jerk or both. Both is always good.
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This is not the face of someone NOT caring about anyone. I am sure we will get more to that. But this face is about Kaufmo and not about Pomni.
For me this reads more like Pomni is very aware that she cannot trust Jax. It is just a consequence of his behaviour towards her and everyone really. Him mocking her in her first dream and his absence of a helping hand in the second dream is showing her disposition towards him, at least to me. I mean everyone else is helping her in her second dream, they reach out to her, Kinger's hand, Gangle's, Zooble's and Ragatha's. Caine and Jax are missing there.
Added to that, if any character as of now could have the position of a possible Judas, I would say it is Ragatha. While Pomni and Ragatha get closer to each other in episode 2, Ragatha has been incredibly disappointed by Pomni leaving her in pain and danger for the exit. And due to her conflict avoiding tendencies and Pomni being in constant overwhelmed mode (understandable), they never really talked about it. That may fester.
And from the other side... Ragatha may have known what will happen to Gummigoo, but she didn't say it to Pomni and stop her from bringing him with them to the circus (again, to avoid confrontation). If that is true, Pomni could be hurt by this.
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iszapizza · 2 years
something i noticed while watching the original Trigun is that Vash rarely wears his sunglasses. He wears them sometimes when he fights, but if he's not fighting he wears them when he wants to pretend he's serious or needs to hide his next move from others.
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I like to think that it's because he wants to show no vulnerability or emotion through his eyes in times when he must be stoic and unpredictable.
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BUT in the 2023 version, he wears them all the time. Which is very interesting to me. This Vash seems to be more introverted and quiet that the 98' Vash. He makes more effort in not showing what bothers him, but at the time it comes off as a bit counterproductive because he still ends up wearing his emotions on his sleeve. His glasses are also bigger, which makes him look kind of harmless.
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I'm excited to see what kind of resource Studio Orange will use to communicate how intimidating Vash can be when the need comes up. Will they rely on his sunglasses like in the original? Or will it be something else?
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orcelito · 11 months
showing off the commission i got from @ruporas for my fic, In the Next Life!
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i'm still so incredibly excited about this. it's been some months since the story event that caused these scars, but i wanted SO BADLY to be able to see what they'd actually Look like... & Here They Are.
ruporas rendered the scars So Well, i just cant stop Looking at them... there's a Fresh & a Healed version, which ruporas was kind enough to give me without additional charge (Thank U Again😭😭) so i get to see what it looks like at different stages.
Lichtenberg Figures. in terms of actual scarring, lightning strikes that people survive don't tend to leave permanent scars, but the lichtenberg figures that they (usually temporarily) leave behind are just So Cool... Now, what happens when you get someone who can survive an amount of electricity/lightning that would be Frankly Lethal to any normal human person?
This :]
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andr0nap · 1 year
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cowboy au worldbuilding with the thoma
as you can see im taking some creative liberties with the giant emu by making them more diverse bc canon isnt enough for me and i have the brainworms
extra notes below the cut
standard thoma:
the original thoma and most common type available
perfect for travel, can pull wagons or carry light cargo
fast with good stamina, fastest over short distances
friendly, intelligent, energetic and quick to learn
the most diverse in terms of colors, patterns and extra traits
well rounded in all departments (theyre like the AQ horses of trigun)
draft thoma:
uncommon outside of major cities (kept by specialized breeders)
used for construction work and long haul heavy cargo transport
gentle, patient and eager to work
not built for speed but can walk for days at a steady pace without rest
dense feather coat protects them from the heat and sand
expensive to maintain and keep due to their size
theyre a relatively new type that came from selective breeding
"wild" thoma:
actually feral (aka. previously domesticated), not wild
originating from lost/runaways that have not been in contact with humans for generations
rare and elusive with a small population, sometimes spotted living near shipwrecks
people will pay top $$ for their capture
begin to exhibit adaptive mutations that help them survive the wastelands
smaller and less fluffy than their standard counterparts
dont come in many colors, mostly bays, chestnuts and blacks
hardy with incredible endurance
very stubborn, temperamental and intelligent, cant be forced to do something they dont want (like donkeys)
rarely ridden, mostly kept for crossbreeding
cattle-type thoma:
related to the standard thoma but NOT the same species
common pack animal in caravans, sometimes ridden as a cheaper alternative to the standard thoma
mainly bred for meat, hide and eggs
kept in huge open range herds that travel along worm swarms for feeding
sometimes kept as a form for anti-worm pest control
keratin crests are lightweight and used for protection and display
ranchers will paint patterns on their crests as a form of identification
not the sharpest tools in the shed, tend to bite and trample people
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tricum · 8 months
hey so how long during his time in No Mans Land after the accident did it take for Vash to finally stop looking for Nai in everything?
how much time did he spend hurting because he still misses his presence?
for how long did he experience victories and find himself wishing Nai were there to share that joy?
how many times did he yearn to talk like old times; to have someone to share this pain with, despite him being the cause?
how many meals did he wish Knives were there for, even if only to goad him about needing to eat? how many close calls did he wish he could tell him about? how many soft dreams did he suffer as reminder?
did it ever end? did it even get easier, all considered?
Knives betrayal is akin to his death in many ways for Vash. His closest person, and final connection to his childhood. I don’t talk about it nearly enough tbh
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