#trigger warning: serial killer
lovefrombegonia · 2 years
TW // serial killer, murder, rape, slavery, mutilation
The content is disturbing. It's just a personal rant. If you feel uncomfortable, don't read. Trust me, you're not missing out on anything good. This is just me with my enraged word vomit.
I am a rotten, indecent person who loves villainous characters and problematic tropes and toxic love stories and what not. But this...this is truly disgusting. This is a real life serial killer, people. Jeffrey Dahmer was a monstrosity. I hope he burns in hell for eternity. And if I see someone going uwu over him just coz of that Netflix show, I am blocking their asses.
This is...this just makes my blood boil. Like...he mutilated and killed teenagers and youngsters.
CAN WE NOT DO THIS?? There are PLENTY of fictional rotten ass villains we can stan and target out fandom urges into. Let's not stan and headcanon and make bloody fan content about a real life murderer and rapist who wanted to sex slaves.
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twistedinspo · 2 months
Open to: All! (Trans and Nonbinary welcomed and encouraged!)
Muse: August | Austin Butler | 31 | Mechanic & Serial Killer | Trigger Warning Heavy
Background: August is a masked serial killer and he's set his sights on your muse to be his next victim. Connections can be made or they can be strangers! Open to anything. Can be turned smutty if desired.
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♡ Discord RP Only ♡
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The rich smell of petrichor hung heavily around him, the atmosphere damp and sticky from mid-summer rain. Water glistened atop the asphalt, the sun low in the sky, not quite high enough to offer much aid in drying away the recent downpour. It was that eerie time between day and night. The shadows had grown darker and longer, there was a bite to the air and a calm that washed over everything.
Dusk was August's favorite time of day. Most had ventured indoors to hide from the coming threat, night. It would soon cloak the town in its expansive void, leaving far too much to the imagination. The darkness was feared for many reasons, but more often than not for what lurked within it. He wasn't bothered by it, he never really had been. To August it was more of a warm embrace than a cold hand around the throat. Though, that had more to do with the fact he had no reason to fear what lurked within the dark. He was what sent those cold shards of ice down a person's spine. He was what lurked within.
His footsteps were heavy, each step made louder by the silence. His head hung low and his hands shoved into his pockets. It was better to appear unassuming, to blend in with the typical. He merely appeared as if he were a man headed home, drenched from the rain and beaten down from a day's work. Almost all of which rang true, all except the heading home part. He was actually two towns over from his current place of residence. Not that those around him would know that, he'd walked this path for months now. The neighborhood had grown accustomed to his nightly ritual of stalking walking the streets.
It allowed for things to run smoothly when he got that itch. August had already picked them out, his next victim. He'd learned every key detail he could about them from the shadows. They'd made it too easy with their public profiles and loud conversations. They were completely unaware of the predator that had set his sights on them. It was too bad really. August lavished in the paranoia some of his past obsessions had experienced.
The streetlights dimly lit the dark house before him. He stood in front of it as he made sure all of the lights were out. They weren't home yet, still out with their work friends after a long week. If only they knew the surprise that waited for them when they arrived home. Just the thought made his fingers twitch and the weight of his dagger at his belt more prominent. His mouth watered as his thoughts drifted only momentarily to their helpless form. If only they knew.
It was light work picking the lock to enter the empty house. Once inside August retrieved his mask from the bag he'd had on his shoulders. He tugged it on before setting to work. He knew the layout of the home like the back of his hand. He moved through it with ease and without making a sound. Into the bedroom and then into the closet, the doors cracked open for an easy exit and view of his target.
August's breathing hitched only slightly when he heard the familiar click of the door being unlocked. They were home. His lips twitched up into an excited smile before he forced himself to breathe in deeply. It was imperative he kept himself concealed, breathing low and heartbeat slow. He had to wait for the right moment to strike. 
His eyes were locked on the open bedroom door. He swallowed the building saliva and adjusted his hold on the cloth in one of his hands. The glass bottle of chemicals ready in the other. The muscles of his jaw constricted as he caught his first glimpse of them. They were so oblivious to the danger just a few feet from them. 
They grew closer and closer as they flitted about the room. It wasn't long until it was his time to strike. Quietly he doused the cloth in the liquid, holding his breath as he did so as to not drug himself. With one swift movement, he was out of the closet and had pounced on them. His arms wrapped tightly around their torso and his left hand raised to cover their mouth and nose with the cloth. His grip ironclad on the thrashing body. It wouldn't be long before they were limp in his arms. All they had to do was breathe.
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Serial Killer Better Names
I'm tired of these fucking asshole serial killers getting cool media names. Fuck that. I looked at each case and named them what they deserve to be known as forever. If you are confused on the nicknames, I highly recommend looking up the case, because I made all the names personal to their stories.
Peter Sutcliffe "Yorkshire Ripper" Renamed "Mama's Boy" Ted Bundy "Campus Killer" Renamed "Literal Baby Bastard Boy" Richard Ramirez "Night Stalker" Renamed "Coco for Cocaine!" HH Holmes "Doctor Torture" Renamed "Smegma Man" Robert Lee Yates "Grocery Bag Killer" Renamed...actually no, wait. This one is dumb already, no change! Put that on his fucking grave lol Albert Fish "The Boogeyman" Renamed "Sparky Ass Boy" Ed Kemper "Co-Ed Butcher" Renamed "Tall Glasshole of Asshole" Rodney Alcala "Dating Game Killer" Renamed "Couldn't Even Win a Date" John Wayne Gacy "Killer Clown" Renamed "Discount Pennywise" Denis Rader "BTK" Renamed "SMI (Super Mommy Issues) Ed Gein "Butcher of Plainfield" Renamed "When DIY Goes Horribly Wrong"
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Me: Girl, 11 is a great book, at least a solid 8/10 for sure
Girl, 11: *has a canonically aroace character*
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I’m gonna say it again read Butcher and Blackbird if you like unsub!Reid that’s more of a vigilante serial killer/Dexter type bc you’ll love it. It’s actually funny and it’s making me root for two serial killers to fall in love ???
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awlimagines · 1 year
NSFW - Pit of Bones
Possessive Reader x Flora
TW: Implied Deaths, Murder, and Serial Murders
I pulled mostly from the numerous documentaries/podcasts I've listened to over the years. Some of the themes and the location and title are from the Pit of Bones/Sima de los Huesos at Atapuerca in Spain.
Flora captured your heart the moment you first saw her. You found time to help at the dig site each day. Spending the silent time with her chipping away for artifacts was all you needed. But everything changed when Carter proposed to her. Even worse, Flora accepted. You tried taking your usual calming walk on the mountainside. The rugged area off the paths had always been a relief for you, even living in the city. You stopped, seeing a familiar blonde braid through a gap in the overgrown forest. 
Flora was walking along the path, seemingly lost in thought. Hidden in the vegetation, you watched her walk along. Your rage silently bubbled as you considered your situation. She never indicated she had any interest in romance. Least of all, Carter, who had been her teacher at one point! You could feel your fury steadily burning away your love for her. People like this were your least favorite. You blinked, returning to the present as your emotions settled. 
Flora lay bleeding on the ground, groaning as blood seeped into the dirt around her head. Your hammer felt heavy in your hand as you glanced down at the bloodspecked metal. It was okay, you told yourself. This wasn’t the first time you had blacked out. You knew what to do. After quickly wrapping Flora’s head with spare cloth to stop the bleeding, you pulled her limp body into the trees. You took only a moment to kick the drag marks from the dirt path before resuming cleanup. You dropped her legs as you approached the clay-filled pit in the ground. You found it years ago after seeing an animal drop from the surface. 
You paused at the pit’s edge, staring into the inky blackness. You hoped that one-day archeologists would discover and study her. It was almost funny to you. An archaeologist discovers another skull and tries to uncover their death and identity. The one bone of many but the only one to suffer a visibly violent death. A mystery centuries old that could never be solved but make you immortal. Maybe they would think it was a sacrificial pit. They wouldn’t be wrong. The collection of your spurned lovers were the sacrifices to maintain your sanity. They couldn’t reject you if they were gone. You didn’t regret marring Flora’s skull. She had been your favorite so far. Sighing, you kicked her body into the pit. 
Carter came by that evening asking if you had seen Flora. You assumed an innocent look and asked what happened. He explained Flora left for the Hot Springs earlier that day and had yet to return. Carter was trying to see if anyone had seen her before searching the area. The mountain connecting Mineral Town, Forget-Me-Not Valley, and the city was massive. You would be happy to join any search parties to help find her.
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m34gs · 1 year
For the ask: 12, 13, 14, 20!
Thank you for the ask, friend! From this ask game. No specific fandom or media, so if media is necessary for the answer I will choose the most applicable one for me for each question!
Alright, this got away from me a little. Under the cut she goes. Warnings for: murder, serial killers, true crime, Jeffrey Dahmer, and some very very very abominable behaviour that makes my gut churn and my blood boil.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I don't know if I pay close enough attention to what fandom dislikes to know which characters are unpopular, I kind of just hang out in the spaces that have the things I like, so I may be like "Oh this character is super popular" and it's like no...no Meags. they're not. It's just that you followed five blogs dedicated specifically to that character in the past three days so you're seeing a lot of stuff about them.
If I had to pick one that I *think* would be unpopular, that I like, it would be Inca Kasugatani from Fire Force. I think people don't like her because she's completely self-centered and just wants that adrenaline rush; she just wants that thrill of whether or not she will survive. I think this is an interesting trait to have in a character and one that is not explored near enough in female characters. I find it a bit refreshing, especially that she followed what seemed in alignment with her character and chose the side that seemed more exciting to her. So many times a character will be set up as 'this person only pursues what they want' only to make some weird choice that doesn't align with their wishes, but shows no development up to that point, leaving me to wonder where the heck that choice came from.
We know I love an unhinged fictional character, and Inca is no different. She's coldblooded and does not care what others think. Don't get in her way, because you will not walk away unscathed.
I would never want to force someone to like a character, or to make someone feel like they have to justify not liking a character. I do feel like she would get more love if she was a boy (I can list a plethora of male characters who are self-centered, thrill seekers, cold and low or no empathy who are loved by the masses; I pay enough attention to fandom for that) or if she was on the side of the protagonist, or both, but that doesn't mean everyone has to like her or else they're being sexist or whatever. I don't really care that much if other people like her or not. I just think she's fascinating and I want to see what else she does.
13. worst blorboficiation
Hmm. Well, typically what I dislike is when characters who are complex and dynamic get boiled down to one character trait. That being said, with fiction I tend to try and live and let live.
Real people however? Oh that will get me. That will tick me off. Ignoring for a moment that I kind of find the "blorbofication" of real living people in general just distasteful, I'd have to say the one that gets me actually riled up, the one that disturbs me the most, is the "blorbofication" of Jeffrey Dahmer. Yeah, you heard me. People are out here treating real serial killers like they're some sort of fictional character to thirst over or call their "precious little meow meow". I don't care so much what people do with fictional characters, but if you're gonna glorify and thirst over a man who brutalized actual living people? Disgusting. Difference between serial killers and fictional characters? Uh, fictional characters don't hurt real people. It's just sickening. They sell merch with his face on it. Some call him "daddy"; I've seen the freaking tiktoks. Sickening. Disgusting. Makes me rather uneasy with the True Crime as a whole. Like, at least have the decency to treat the subject of True Crimes with respect and solemnity it deserves. The victims were real fucking people, ffs.
I don't hate all true crime; documentaries, reading articles, etc, I don't hate on the topic as a whole, and I even read and watch my fair share, the true crime fandom is not all bad, but you gotta treat the victims and families with RESPECT. You gotta recognize that some of these victims...their families, THEIR MOTHERS. ARE STILL. ALIVE. How would you feel if one day you're doing ok, you've finally managed to move forward with your life, and even though you miss your SON WHO WAS MURDERED, you can still live...and then BAM. Some asshole is wearing his murderer's face on a t-shirt like he's part of some fucking boy-band. How gross.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
"This character is the mom (gender neutral) and this character is the dad (gender neutral) and the rest are all their children" - this dynamic isn't *bad*. It's just done a lot. Don't get me wrong, I do love it as a found family dynamic. But I would love to see more "these two are clearly siblings and this is the feral child that pretends not to care but secretly does and these are the gay uncles and here's the vodka aunt and there's granny with her multiple lesbian wives" or "this one is clearly The Child and everyone else are the Responsible Older Siblings because they CANNOT be left unsupervised EVER" or something different once in a while. A family doesn't have to be "mom" "dad" and "kids". It can be so much more.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
Naruto - the flashbacks. So many flashbacks. Often the same flashbacks. Flashbacks *within* flashbacks. Enough. I get it. There's an important scene you want us to associate with this moment. But we already are. I honestly would zone out during some of them because they were just so long.
There you go, there are my answers! Thanks for asking. Hope you find them interesting :)
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pearlposts · 2 years
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Scarlett Clark is an exceptional English professor. But she’s even better at getting away with murder.
Every year, she searches for the worst man at Gorman University and plots his well-deserved demise. Thanks to her meticulous planning, she’s avoided drawing attention to herself—but as she’s preparing for her biggest kill yet, the school starts probing into the growing body count on campus. Determined to keep her enemies close, Scarlett insinuates herself into the investigation and charms the woman in charge, Dr. Mina Pierce. Everything’s going according to her master plan…until she loses control with her latest victim, putting her secret life at risk of exposure.
Meanwhile, Gorman student Carly Schiller is just trying to survive her freshman year. Finally free of her emotionally abusive father, all Carly wants is to focus on her studies and fade into the background. Her new roommate has other ideas. Allison Hadley is cool and confident—everything Carly wishes she could be—and the two girls quickly form an intense friendship. So when Allison is sexually assaulted at a party, Carly becomes obsessed with making the attacker pay...and turning her fantasies about revenge into a reality.
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themurdererblog · 2 years
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Israel Keyes, murderer, rapist, and necrophiliac.
Country: United States. (Alaska, New Jersey, Vermont, Washington, and New York)
Years Active: 1998, 2001-2012
Victim Count: 11
Punishment: Committed suicide while awaiting trial.
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avidbookreader2028 · 2 months
Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver Review
Happy Friday Nerds! Book Title: Butcher and BlackbirdSeries Title: The Ruinous Love TrilogyAuthor: Brynne WeaverPage Count:360pgRelease Day: August 15, 2023Star Rating: 5/5Spice Rating: 2/5 This book series made me extremely nervous as there was so much hype surrounding it. I have never seen anyone hate it or dislike it, that is a very high standard to have. I tend to be one of the people that…
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kalosis91 · 3 months
Leather and Lark
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As a follow up to the Butcher and Blackbird book that took the book world by storm last year, this was a good book. It follows Lachlain and Lark, the older brother and best friend of Rowan and Sloane as they find love with each other.
It's not an easy road as Lark has to come to terms with her past as does Lachlain with his need to get out of the darkness that his childhood instilled in him
Overall, it's a good book to follow the first story. I'm also looking forward to reading Fionn's book, who is the third brother we meet in Butcher and Blackbird but there's no update on when that book will be released.
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barkzim · 5 months
OC Introduction: Cooper&Sam
!TW!--mentions of stalking, murder + brief mentions of child neglect and very brief mention of s/a
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Cooper-He/Him cis straight male (autism !!!!!)
Sammy-She/Her (fine w/ they/them) cis bi-curious girl
Cooper grew up in a household with his brother and neglectful mother. Coopers brother, David, was sexually abused by their mother, while Cooper was neglected by her. David was the only one who understood Cooper, and treated him right, but he had to run away from home when he was 17 (Cooper was 7). A couple years in the future, something happened which resulted in Coopers face being horribly burnt (i havnt figured that one out sorry) !!! Cooper, when he was kicked out of the house, fled to the woods to live in an old cabin in a nearby forest, only going into the city to shop very rarily, mostly he lived off of woodland creatures, and eventually found a particular bunny he claimed as his pet, named Mr. F (Short for Mr. Fluffles).
Cooper was always kinda messed up in the head (unrelated to the autism), which was drastically heightened by the neglect, his brother leaving (David couldnt tell Cooper why he had to run away), and the constant bullying due to his face.,, he felt he needed to look normal.. naturally, he decided the best way to do that was to kill people to make a face mask !! Then hed look normal and people would have to like him!! surely !!!
He found people at the edges of town and in the forest and killed them, but became obsessed with trying to make the mask look just right.. One day, when he was in a store, he ran into a girl named Sam.
Sam was a bubbly girl who was just full of love. She loved to write poems and bake! She was of course caught off guard by this scary lookin guy who just bumped into her, but didnt let it be any less kind to him. She quickly forgot about the very short encounter, but Cooper didnt forget. His mind was completely clogged, only thinking of the mysterious shop girl... He quickly found her and started obsessing and stalking her!!! (Thats only the very beginning of the story, if anyone is interested, let me know Ill write about it more in-depth) (or you can go read about it on my Toyhouse, same username as on here)
IMPORTANT NOTE-- My friend Mikey (@marblelynx ) co-created cooper+the story, he designed cooper!
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dead-byte · 11 months
I had a dream last night, where there was this vicious serial killer who would kidnap his victims, abuse them Saw-style, enslave them, and then kill them years down the line when he got bored; like, genuinely the most grotesque kind of horrible shit possible.
And for SOME reason, DESPITE knowing this, when I inevitably got kidnapped, DREAM-me decided it would be good idea to act all horny while in captivity. I don’t even think that was like, an escape plan, I think dream-me was just genuinely down bad, and I COULD NOT tell you why. And the killer was so off-put by my constant attempts at seducing him that he progressively began avoiding me, until he just straight-up disappeared from the house he was keeping me at, never to be seen again.
And I just???? Like, that’s awful, but it’s so funny??? I literally was acting so desperate and horny that even this horrific serial killer was like “yo, I’m gonna bounce, I think u got some issues u need to work out” and I CANNOT stop giggling about it now that I’ve remembered it.
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melaniem54 · 1 year
Review: Body Count (Wayward Sons Book 1) by L Eveland
Rating: 4.5🌈 The blurb for the book is what drew my attention immediately. The subject matter and characters of L Eveland’s series are so dark and detailed in their histories that my mind made a swift connection to another author’s terrific books that offer up the same type of murderous psychopaths (Onley James’ Necessary Evils series). I was so excited to see what Eveland did with this…
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b3ansandsand · 2 years
im working on writing stuff right now (not fandom, my own stuff :D) and idk if people would actually be interested in any of them so ima put some synopses here :)
(TW: ABUSE) Pericorp:
a graphic novel about a father who is hit by his wife, is cheating on said wife, has 2 kids, and is legally dead. also i made up an entire religion for this. the father, Peri is tired of how terrible his life is, his wife hates him, his 8 year old son is being told to hate him, he hates himself. the only person in his life without a negative opinion of him is his 2 year old daughter. he starts leaving for work earlier so he can have some time to himself, he drops by his favorite coffee shop every morning to relax and just... shut his brain off. one day though, he (literally) runs into a kind man named Wells. Wells buys Peri a coffee and they start meeting up every day. finally! someone who is genuinely kind to Peri, who looks at him with eyes full of adoration. no, not adoration... love... I SURE HOPE NOTHING BAD HAPPENS TO THEM :DDDD
(TW: SERIAL KILLER) Spiraling:
a mystery novel set during the golden age of private detectives, also set in a universe where homophobia isn't real because i wanted a nonbinary main character :). our main character, Yen Newman and their best friend Ollie Quick are young upstart detectives for hire, running a pay-what-you-can agency in their small town. Yen idolizes a much more successful detective, Hiram Aldine. Hiram always gets his guy, always, except for one. The Spiral Killer, who got his name from the spiral he carves into the stomachs of his victims. when Hiram and Yen get hired for the same case Yen is ecstatic, Hiram, not so much. will this unlikely pair ever be able to see eye to eye? will they figure out who kidnapped Bernadette's daughter? read it and see!
A horror/mystery novel following a young woman named Jessica Wollcroft. Jessica is tired of the monotony and drudgery of her life. that is, until her manager and best friend, Daniel Martins goes missing. the only lead points back to the place she currently works, NuDawn Industries. with the help of a new ally, Vincent, Jessica works up the courage to follow that lead, and in doing so she unravels a sinister plot of genetic experimentation, lies, and the true goal of NuDawn.
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 6 months
Can't Leave Me
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Pairing: Dark Hawks x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
Female Reader
SUMMARY: Seeing a darker side of Keigo has you rethinking your entire relationship. But it’s not like Keigo is planning on letting you go. 
WARNINGS: Murder; Kidnapping. 
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
His hand rubs comforting circles over the expanse of your back, innumerous apologies being mumbled as he kisses the crown of your head. 
“I should’ve eased you into it. I‘m so sorry, baby.” his tone is apologetic, almost regretful, but you can’t be bothered by that.
Not after what you witnessed. 
The queasiness in your stomach increases, and you swallow hard, closing your eyes in a poor attempt to control both yourself and the wave of nausea that threatens to rise. 
“Next time, I promise I’ll let you know beforehand, ‘kay? No more nasty surprises, I promise.” his cooing has you pushing your palms against the edge of the marble kitchen island, and you take a few stumbling steps backwards.
“I really thought you’d like to see my patriotic work.”
“You…” his golden eyes squint for a second when you dodge his hand from touching your arm, “That man-”
“He’s no one. Just some fucking dirtbag I caught the other day on patrol. No one even cares that he’s gone, if that makes you feel better.”
You look at him in bewilderment, unable to believe his words. Was Keigo - always so sweet and gentleman - trying to convince you that killing people was fine? That it was okay for his basement to have pools of blood and pieces of human limbs?
The pungent smell of fresh blood is still haunting your nose and you scrunch it, remembering the nasty scene your boyfriend presented you. 
When Keigo asked you to come to his house, telling you he had a surprise stored in his basement for you, your mind wandered to the idea of receiving a sweet gift.
Maybe a painting or a bracelet, anything with a romantic meaning. A normal thing. 
But when Keigo took you to his basement, chest inflated with pride at what he called “city scum cleaning” it wasn’t at all what you expected. 
“You’re worrying too much.” he sighs, his wings ruffling behind him. “I’m cleaning the city from the filthy scum, nothing else.”
“They’re human beings, Keigo. You can’t take justice into your own hands, that’s not your job.”
Keigo only shrugs his shoulders, disinterested at your attempt to bring some conscience to him.
“I know this upsetted you, baby, so why don’t we change the subject? How about we start making dinner and then watch a movie? I know you’re excited to see that new action movie, right?”
His proposition makes you feel sick to your stomach for more reasons than one, but the realization that your boyfriend is trying to distract you from the fact that he’s a serial killer is too much.
You need to leave. Immediately. 
But you’re scared. Terrified of becoming Keigo’s new addition to his basement, if he realizes that you’re not on his side. You’re not sure if he loves enough to spare you from such destiny.
You’re not sure of anything anymore. 
You shift the weight from one foot to the other, eyes drifting to the kitchen door. 
“I think…” your voice shakes, and you attempt to clear your throat, “Maybe I should go,  Keigo. I’m not…feeling great.”
His expression drops for a moment, cold anger being replaced with feigned sympathy so quickly that you almost believe you imagined it. 
“Sweet cheeks, if you’re not feeling well, then you can just sleep over.” he takes a minuscule step in your direction, his wings stretching behind him for a moment. Demonstrating their enormous size before he pulls them back.
A not very subtle threat.
“I can prepare a warm bath for you, and then get you in bed with some painkillers. How about that?” 
You shake your head, feeling helpless. 
“No, Keigo, it’s fine, really. I can just go home and-”
“Nonsense. Besides, I don’t like the idea of you all alone in your apartment, especially if you’re feeling sick.” he brushes you off, “I can’t have you puking or passing out when you’re on your own. What kind of boyfriend would that make me, am I right?” 
A few of his feathers gracefully fly in your direction, gently but effectively pushing you forward. 
The conflict inside your mind only fires up, but you’re hardly able to bitterly swallow down all the shabby excuses and useless begging that would only result in angering Keigo. 
Your body bumps against his and Keigo instantly wraps his arm around your waist, replacing the feathers that rejoin his wings. 
He kisses your cheek with an arm tightly gripping your waist, as if he’s waiting for you to bolt and run away. You’d be lying if you say the idea doesn’t seem awfully tempting.
Maybe if he looks away or gets distracted…maybe then  you could take the chance. 
“C’mon, let’s get you a bath, ‘kay? You’re really not looking too good.” 
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The melancholic moonlight hits you in the face, seeping through the locked window. Your eyes are wide open, despite the ungodly time of the night. It’s quiet now, aside from the light cricket’s sounds and the occasional car speeding up through the street.
You barely move your head as you glance towards the fluorescent numbers of the digital clock on the bedside table next to you, careful enough to shift as little as you can.
The arm draped across your waist feels like a rope, keeping you bound to Keigo.
But it’s better than the red wing that lays wide open in all of its immense size, acting as a second blanket to your body, caging you to the bed with its oppressive weight. 
Despite your objections of becoming too hot during the night, Keigo still insisted on covering your body with it, shutting you down with a gentle kiss.
He sleeps soundly, his chest a few inches away from your chest, his deep calm breathing hitting your ear and neck. 
You can’t sleep. Your mind is too bothered, too upset to even consider something as futile as sleeping when there are more urgent necessities. Such as escaping this house. 
Keigo fell into a deep slumber a few hours ago while you remained awake, thinking about your next steps. You have to leave the bed, leave the house, leave him. 
But even the last step seems complicated when you can’t even pull yourself out of the bed - out of Keigo’s suffocating embrace. 
You’re frozen with fear, you begrudgingly admit. Scared of accidentally waking Keigo up and in the process, to wake a side of him that you don’t want to see. 
You have to do this.
The first step is to test the waters.
You take a deep breath, slowly shifting your body, your hand gently pushing his arm down and away from you. Nothing happens.
Your heartbeat speeds up as you embrace yourself for the final step. 
Looking down at the impending problem of escaping the red wing, you take the decision to slide underneath it. 
It’s awkward and embarrassing when you weirdly dive underneath the wing, squishing yourself against the bed as you try to touch the feathers as little as you can. They don’t pulse or move, remaining completely still as you make your escape. 
A relieved sigh gets caught in your throat when your feet touch the floor. Just a little more, you think, bending your body to slide down the curve of the bed. 
Premature hope makes your breathe faster. Maybe you can actually get away.
Oh god, you’re actually going to get away. 
Your whole body freezes for a scary moment when Keigo mumbles a few incoherent words, shifting and turning in bed, but thankfully he remains asleep. You can breathe again.
It’s a bit hard to walk in the darkness, only the dim light of the moon helping you guide yourself, as your feet take baby steps and you prod the walls with your hands until you finally find the closet room.
The door creaks slightly as you slowly close it, and you hold your breath for a moment. Nothing happens. 
You open the light, hoping it doesn’t infiltrate through the door’s crack and search the place with your eyes, looking for your clothes. Keigo kept them there before handing you one of his shirts earlier in the night, saying that it would be more comfortable for you to sleep in his clothes than in your outer clothes. 
It’s easy to find your shirt and pants, both of them tucked away in a corner of the room, the evident contrast between Keigo’s expensive clothing and your cheap casual outfit standing out. 
You quickly put them on, looking around for your purse before remembering that you had left it in the kitchen. Fuck. 
You close the light, and silently leave the closet. 
Your blood runs cold at the sight of Keigo casually standing in front of you, arms crossed in his chest. There’s no anger  in his face - nor sleepiness, you notice - but there are hints of annoyance. Did he really expect you not to try and run? 
“I’m kinda disappointed, I gotta say.” he shakes his head with a tired sigh. “I was really hoping you wouldn’t do anything stupid tonight. Guess I was wrong.”
“I wasn’t-” your words lose strength, and for a moment, the idea of dashing for the door with all of your speed seems incredibly enticing, “It’s not what you think.”
“Yeah? Pfft, c’mon, you seriously think you’re gonna fool me into believing any crappy excuse? Like I didn’t just catch you trying to sneak off on me?” he clicks his tongue, messy strands of blonde hair falling onto his forehead, “But you know what?”
It’s now. The moment he switches the flip on you and beats you and-
“Let’s continue this tomorrow, alright? It’s late, so how about we sleep on this and in the morning, we’ll talk.” 
You look at him, surprised. Isn’t he gonna drag you by the hair to his basement and beat you? 
Keigo directs you back to the closet, watching as you hesitate to change back into his shirt. 
“That was never gonna work, you know that, right?” he says. “It’s not like you could outrun me. I’m too fast for you, with or without quirk.”
When you get back on the bed, his wing covers you once again and his arm pulls you flush against his chest, suffocating you with his presence.
He kisses the nape of your neck. 
“Sleep tight.”
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You wake up startled, mind buzzing with a chilling nightmare. Red blood and sticky viscera follow you even though you rise away from the realm of dreams. 
You breathe in. It was just a dream. 
Distant sounds coming from another room catch your attention and you remain quiet, catching the tiny rays of sunlight that come through the curtains, basking on pacific solitude. 
What are you supposed to do now? Relent and pretend that everything is peachy, to act as if the basement isn’t torture chamber and that your boyfriend isn’t some cold-hearted killer? 
You roll to the side, yelping when your leg gets caught on. 
A chain. 
A soft leather wrapped tightly around your ankle, connecting it to the links of metal that keep you in a short leash. There’s barely any length to it, meaning you won’t even be able to reach the bathroom if you need to. 
This can’t be real. 
You persistently rub your eyes, shaking your head as fear threatens to spill in the shape of a panic attack. 
Keigo wouldn’t do this. He can’t do this. He just can’t. 
Much to your consternation, you don’t wake up. This isn’t some wicked dream, after all. 
“No, no, please, no.” you cry, pulling and tugging on the solid chain with both of your hands. It doesn’t work, despite all the clicking it does. Doesn’t so much as move away from your ankle.
But it does make a shrilling noise and soon Keigo rushes into the room, a worried expression on his face before he understands what you’re doing. 
He plops next to you, firm hands pulling your shaky ones away from the chain, despite you not giving up and you yelp when he uses his strength to expertly twist your wrist, forcing you to let go of the chain.
“Keigo, please, don’t…don’t do this. I promise I won’t run away, I swear!” you plead, snot and tears pathetically dripping down your face as Keigo pulls you into his lap, a large hand securing both of your wrists. 
“Shh, it’s okay. Everything is fine, it’s all okay.” 
It only makes you cry harder. One of his hands rubs your back while the other holds the back of your neck, pushing your face to his chest. 
“C’mon, don’t cry.  You know how awful that makes me feel.” he presses a gentle kiss to your head, rocking your bodies back and forth, comforting you as if you were a child throwing a tantrum.
“You left me no choice. You were gonna leave me, abandon me like I never meant anything to you.” his voice is almost quiet and you know that if you looked up, his face would resemble a kicked puppy.
It almost makes you feel bad until the stupid chain in your ankle clinks, reminding you that Keigo isn’t a good man. 
“But it’s okay now. I know you’re not happy with… our current situation, but you’ll soon see it my way. I’m doing this for you - for us.” 
His arms tightened around your wriggling body, keeping you close to him. 
“I’m not letting anything get between us. Not even you.”
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