#awl flora
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ladylemrelle · 10 months ago
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The other day it became clear to me that Flora is daughter of Lars and Beth. I will hear nothing against it, it is now in fact canon because obviously
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awlimagines · 2 years ago
How they respond to hearing you have a crush on them.
Cecilia overhears Marlin grumbling to Vesta one morning about you. Though she knows it's wrong, she pauses on the stairs to listen in. He is complaining about how obvious you are in having a crush on Ceci. Marlin doesn’t think you’re a good fit for her. You distract her from work and aren’t good enough with nothing but a run-down farm to your name. Vesta laughs and says she likes your sincerity and determination. She thinks you’d be a perfect fit for Cecilia with how much progress you made on the farm in such a short time. Ceci’s face flushes at the thought; it feels like an impossible dream to think you would like her. Why would you choose her? You were close with the glamorous, outgoing Molly and accomplished young Lumina. Not to mention the last time you met, Cecilia had unloaded about an arranged marriage and her misgivings. The next time you see Cecilia, she seems hesitant to speak with you and avoids meeting your eyes. Cecilia nervously laughs when you ask what’s wrong and confesses what she overheard this morning between Marlin and Vesta. You confirm that you do have feelings for her. You were doing your best to be discreet since Cecilia had the arranged marriage date coming up, and you wanted the best for her. She quickly assures you that she has the same feelings and would always choose you over anyone else.
Gordy is surprised when Gustafa lets slip you have a crush on him. Gustafa quickly backtracks and asks that Gordy doesn’t let you know. He was told the secret in confidence, but Gustafa thought Gordy and you would be great together. Gordy gives the thought serious consideration over the next couple of days. His work has always consumed his mind rather than love. As he worked on sorting through his feelings on this information, Gordy naturally became more attentive to observing you when you spoke with him. You didn’t seem unaware of this new focus. You blushed as the large man’s purple eyes bore into your own. Gordy realizes he has had more inspiration and motivation since you arrived in the valley. The sculpture outside his house is improving as Gordy spends time with you, and he enjoys your moments together. Is this the love that Gustafa sings about? Gordy decides to explore where these feelings lead. He starts to prolong conversations with you when he sees you. Gordy doesn’t want to rush through his feelings for you, so he can one day express them adequately with his art.
He overhears Rock complaining to Lumina about why anyone, especially you, would have a crush on Daryl. He just doesn’t get it. Daryl had heard the term throughout his school years but never paid it much thought. He couldn’t understand why people were so wrapped in liking someone and made a note to research a ‘crush’ in more detail at the lab. A crush was a bit more than just liking someone Daryl discovered. Instead, it is an intense and usually passive infatuation. All valuable and reliable information ended with the dictionary’s definition. Daryl’s interest peeked. He wasted no time in confronting you about your crush and that he wished to observe the physiological systems at play. You blinked in surprise, shocked by the sudden request but agreed. He quickly identified that blushing and sweaty hands occurred alongside dilated pupils. You had an increased heart rate, but he could not get an accurate baseline read as it spiked each time he tried. Daryl noticed you tripped over your words with him and not with others in the valley. Daryl only needed to discover why his lab felt warmer and his stomach tight when you were around.
Flora is flattered when she hears you have a crush on her. She had never given much thought to matters of infatuation or love. Flora likes the idea of one day getting married and having children, but her career seemed more pressing after school. Your crush helped explain how you made so much time to help at the site with a farm to run. Flora spends a few weeks working through her feelings. The last thing she wants to do is act rashly on impulse. She is uncertain if she feels love or infatuation for you. Flora enjoys your company. She wonders where you are and if you’re okay when you are late or don’t arrive at the dig site. Could this be the start of affection? She had many crushes of her own when she was a young girl. They seemed so long ago Flora wasn’t sure of her feelings, and all the pondering hadn’t helped. She would like to focus on you and see what caused her indecision. Flora soon invites you to dinner at the cafe to spend time together outside work.
You were sitting by his yurt, humming along to the chords Gustafa strummed. You reflected on how close you had gotten to Gustafa. You never expected it from the brief pointing out Takakura did. After all, Gustafa was a traveling musician. Who knew how long he would stick around here? His playing felt so relaxing to stop and listen to as you struggled. The melodies he played were like a spell to lift your troubles for snatches of time before resuming your responsibilities once more. 
“What’d you think?” Gustafa’s voice roused you from thought. 
“I like you.” 
You watched his eyebrows shoot up in surprise from behind his glasses as you froze in wide-eyed horror. That was not what you meant to say. Mortified, you hurriedly tried to explain. You had a sinking feeling as he tugged the wide brim of his pointed hat down to hide his face further. Gustafa softly explained that your confession made things easier for him. He’s had a crush on you for a while but was worried about you not feeling the same. Gustafa asked if you’d like to meet with him for a drink at the bar that evening.
Lumina felt frustrated when she discovered you had a crush on her. She was obvious in dropping hints of her crush on you. At least, she thought she had been. How could she make it more clear? Lumina was scared to confess. What if she was wrong and you only thought of her as a friend? Or worse, like a sister. No, she would much rather you confess first. It needed to be before Aunt Romana found out you were who she was pining for and got involved. But how? Lumina’s eyes widened as she had a brilliant idea. You said something interesting the other day that could help move things along. The next time you came by, Lumina mentioned she had been thinking of how you didn’t know how to play an instrument. It was one of the reasons you liked to listen to her play. Lumina gazed off to the side and shuffled her feet as she offered to teach you. She was thrilled when you enthusiastically agreed to lessons. Lumina found chances to ‘accidentally’ brush hands or correct your placement as you sat squeezed together on the piano bench. Each of your blushes felt like she was inching closer to one of you admitting your feelings.
Marlin returns to the house after speaking to you about Cecilia turning into Vesta in his most recent dream. Ceci greets him at the door with a huge grin and a sparkle in her eyes. Marlin froze in shock as she asked what you talked about. He mumbled something about hybrid crops. Marlin had barely told you and certainly didn’t want to share his dream with either of them. Cecilia let out a disappointed sigh in response. She was so sure you had confessed. Nonplussed, Marlin asked what she was talking about. Vesta says it's because you obviously like him a great deal when Ceci hesitates to answer. He grumbles that they must be mistaken; you’re that nice to everyone. His sister shakes her head, telling him he should watch you closer if he thinks that. Marlin watches you more as you pass by their farm. He doesn’t see anything different at all as you wave towards them. Marlin headed to the cafe with his hands shoved in his pockets. He had foolishly gotten his hopes up listening to Cecilia and Vesta. Marlin hoped a drink would help. He didn’t expect to see you selling from a stall. It stung to see you smile at Gordy as you passed over some flowers. He was about to turn and leave when your eyes met. Your radiant smile when you met his eyes made him realize Vesta was right. You didn’t give a smile like that to everyone.
She’s heard this before about prior guys, and nothing ever came of it. So, Molly does her best not to get her hopes up. She will not confront you but continues to act the same as before. Molly’s teasing and flirting are not limited to you as Molly continues the occasional date with city boys. She comes to you for support and a shoulder to cry on with each disastrous result. Eventually, you’re frustrated enough to tell her to stop. Molly shouldn’t keep entertaining guys that aren’t good enough for her. YOU like her and have for a while now and would treat her like the goddess she is. You avoid looking at Molly while trying to get your blush under control from such a confession. When the silence drags on, you peek at Molly to see her reaction. The tears in her green eyes cause you to panic as you fumble to comfort her and apologize. Molly brushes you off as she smiles through her tears. She was just surprised you had such strong feelings for her. Molly was scared to get her hopes up, but to hear you confess made her so happy she couldn’t stop the tears of relief. Her eyes crinkle with a giant smile as you promise this is the first and last time you’ll make her cry.
Nami realizes she has a crush on you long before she finds out it goes both ways. At first, Nami couldn’t figure out her feelings. She traveled around so much that she didn’t usually make close connections with others. The valley had been different, and she’d stayed too long to leave at this point. Nami should have left the first day you arrived. She was proud of how great she had hidden her growing feelings or thought she was. Nami felt a bit disappointed when you left to continue your day.  After watching her parents' relationship fall apart as a child, she had trouble trusting there were good ones. Galen and Nina had shown her that love could easily carry on for years. Nami wanted that. However, each time she thought to confess, her doubts would overwhelm her. When you admitted your feelings, Nami felt she could be honest too.
“Are you sure you’re not tired? You’ve been running through my-”
“Yeah, I am tired. Your dog is such a sore loser when he loses races to me. I’m glad someone understands how taxing that is.” Rock cut off your cheesy pickup line rattling about his day on your farm. You thought this would be the easiest way to say you liked him. You could brush it off as a joke at the worst. You never expected he would interrupt you before you could finish. At least he was happy you sympathized with him, so it wasn’t a complete miss. 
“Do you know CPR? Because-”
“Nah, Dr. Baddoch tried to tell me, but it seemed like a lot to remember. And he said you’d have to do compressions until a professional arrived. Do you know how far off he lives? I think it’s better left to someone else.” 
Rock was driving you to frustration. Was he being this difficult on purpose? You seriously doubted it, but he foiled each pickup line. 
“I bet you dinner that-”
“Dinner sounds great. We can skip the bet and just to you winning. What did you plan on-” You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. If he wouldn’t stay quiet, then you’d make sure he found out another way.
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awlimagines · 8 months ago
@dedtoot I hope this is okay, but I felt inspired.
Why they're covered in blood. (SFW)
You woke gazing at the blue sky and confused about your whereabouts. Dr. Hardy, Takakura, and Cecilia’s faces soon swam into focus, hovering above you. Cecilia frowned at you as the doctor moved away to speak with Takakura. The sight worried you. She only ever smiled. As she helped you to slowly sit upright, you noticed her apron stained with red. You quickly questioned her on what happened, worried she was injured. Instead, Cecilia informed you about your injury. As the brunette explained, your hand traveled to the bandages around your head. Cecilia was headed to the Goddess Pond when she saw you collapse harvesting fodder. Her explanation shifted quickly to a lecture: you could have been seriously hurt! What if she and Takakura weren’t around?  You meekly hung your head, promising her to be more careful in the future. 
You felt responsible despite his assurances. Gordy wouldn't have misplaced his next punch if it wasn’t for you jumping out to surprise him. Instead, his hand caught the sharp edge of metal, ripping the flesh across his knuckles. His amethyst eyes widened as much as your own when the blood began to gush from his hand. You scrambled, retrieving your basic first aid kit from your rucksack. Bumps, bruises, and cuts were too uncommon on the farm. You were familiar enough with first aid to assist. It wasn’t until you had the wound clean and worried over the possibility of stitches that you noticed his gaze fixated on the manor in the distance. Gordy softly explained he couldn’t stand the sight of blood. It made him feel faint, and it seemed like a lot. Your heart fluttered at his vulnerability as you delicately wrapped his hand. 
He was frustrated. You could tell from his muttering and the furious glances he cast at you. For your part, you sat as still as possible, ignoring the stinging as Daryl patched you up. It was an innocent mistake. You had planned to surprise him. He would come home from his daily walk to find you waiting with dinner to share. Instead, he walked into the lab to find you surrounded by shattered glass. Daryl’s eyes almost instantly widened, and his face turned red when he saw you. You quickly tried to apologize for the damage and explained that you accidentally bumped into the shelf. It was soon clear that the scientist didn’t care about the mess or damage to his lab. No, Daryl was upset you got hurt. As he delicately removed another shard of glass from your hand, you focused on his sleeves. The poor lab coat was stained with your blood by this point. Would he let you buy him a new one? Maybe Sebastian knew how to get the stains out if you could get the coat off Daryl long enough to clean it.   
It was a pleasant day until you found Vesta, Matthew, and Cecilia gathered in the back corner of their fields. You listened as Cecilia urgently told you Dr. Hardy had just gone to the dig site. As the older woman saw your confusion with the words, Vesta calmly attempted to tell you about the cave-in. At the mention of the dig site’s collapse, you rushed up the path. When you arrived to find the damage, your heart dropped to your stomach. Flora’s usual blonde locks were half-dyed red with blood. She quickly tried to reassure you everything was fine as she spotted you from under the doctor’s care. Despite her reassurances of head wounds bleeding a lot and their measures to prevent cave-ins, Flora did not protest too much when you insisted on her staying under your watchful eye for the evening. 
You cried in frustration rather than pain as you cradled your hand. The sound of a familiar voice calling a greeting soon had you jumping to your feet. You hesitated at the door, unsure how to hide your injury, before shoving your hand in a pocket. The door swung open to reveal the green-hatted musician. While he smiled seeing you, you could tell he knew something was up. A concerned eyebrow rose higher above his shaded frames as Gustafa asked if everything was okay. You shuffled your feet in shame before sliding your hand out to show him. Your hand trembled, the still bleeding wounds now holding bits of fuzz from the pocket lining. He wasted no time in cradling your injured fingers in his hands and tending to them. As he left to wash the blood from his hands, you fidgeted, wondering if he was going to ask what happened. Gustafa returned to your side with the poorly hidden guitar you borrowed from Gavin to learn how to play. 
“Hey,” the softness of his voice made you jump. “I appreciate you learning for me, but you’ve got to listen to your body. I hate seeing you hurt.” 
Lumina insisted on learning to ride your horse. The young woman had quickly broken from her shell of expectations after your engagement. While you typically supported her exploration, you hesitated on this particular one. Horseback riding could be dangerous. Your inexperienced fiancé was excited to jump fences like you did. Lumina’s pouts as you instead walked them around the pasture were very clear. You hadn’t expected her to take matters into her own hands. So, when you returned to the farm from foraging at the Goddess Spring, you were shocked to see Takakura tending to Lumina. The young woman refused to cry despite the moisture forming at the corners of her eyes. You learned Lumina had tried to surprise you, but a sudden hare sprinting from the back of the property startled her and your horse, sending her to crash. The numerous scrapes and scratches from her trip to the earth while drawing blood looked superficial. Lumina did cry when you mentioned having Dr. Hardy look over her. She didn’t want Aunt Romana to find out what happened. 
The typhoon that swept through only created minimal damage in Forget-Me-Not Valley. Thankfully, your farm was spared the worst of it. Due to your luck, you were helping out at Vesta’s after you finished work. As Vesta and Cecilia tended their fields, you helped Matthew repair a broken fence. The two of you had managed to remove the damaged parts. Matthew insisted on replacing the post, leaving you to gather the slats to attach. The boards fell from your hands as a sickening crack caught your attention. The post driver had slipped from the post, smacking Matthew in the head. He gruffly tried telling the group gathered around him that he was fine. Until a trickle of blood ran down his face. Matthew reluctantly let you and Vesta help him sit inside as Cecilia ran for the doctor. Even after being treated and cleared by Dr. Hardy, Vesta refused to allow Matthew to resume work. 
When you arrived for lunch at the Bluebird, you were surprised to find out-of-towners filling the seats. The rowdy bunch was traveling and managed to stop here. You tried to ignore the noise and enjoy your lunch. It wasn’t until an argument broke out between two of the patrons and a glass whistled by to strike the shelves that you acted. After helping Gavin remove the party, you returned to help clean the mess and saw Molly with tears. A thin red line ran across her cheek from the bottles exploding. You hurriedly sat the shaken blonde on a barstool to clean the cut. At Gavin’s insistence, Molly soon followed you back to the farm to take the day off. Tears formed again in her green eyes when you gave her a cream to help ensure there wasn’t a scar. 
Honestly, it was a terrible idea from the beginning. You were bragging to Rock about learning fencing from Nami. The two of you had the brilliant thought of sharing what you learned. Unfortunately, all you could find were the foils and not the protective gear Nami always insisted on wearing. It didn’t take long before both you and Rock recognized the purpose of the suits. Nami arrived outside the inn from the beach to see you both cut open, the fencing foils lying forgotten in the dirt. She hopped into action, instructing you to apply pressure as she focused on a hysterical Rock first. You were ready to cry and beg Nami to not be angry as well, but you followed her commands. Later once Rock and you were both treated and Nami sporting stained clothing, you sat in the inn’s lobby enduring a safety lecture from the angry redhead. 
The blonde had arrived at your farm to rechallenge your dog to a race. You hid a smile as you rolled your eyes and let Rock play with the pup. Screaming minutes later startled you and the livestock you attempted to care for in the pasture. You clambered over the fence to hurry to Rock’s side as he rolled in the dirt. Takakura soon joined you as you tried to settle the young man down to discover what happened. From his cries, you worried over a broken bone. Relief and annoyance swept through you as you learned Rock’s shoe slipped off, causing him to trip. His palms were scratched from catching himself on the gravel, droplets of blood dotting the scrapes. You thought the shaken man had calmed down from the injury and his ruined pants when you helped him to a seat inside your home. Fresh wails came from him as Rock saw the hydrogen peroxide in your hands. 
“I’d rather Dr. Hardy just cut them off! That stuff stings!”
Tier list on how high is the chance of awl characters to be covered in blood
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holycowharvestmoon · 4 months ago
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Here they are, the AnWL/Ds Cute girlies. Absolutely mortified that Flora wasn’t a marriage candidate in the remake, but I love Nami’s redesign 💞
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yazziescribbles · 12 days ago
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Here’s a Flora chibi
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macaritaville · 2 years ago
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Oh Flora, how I wish you were romanceable…. I shall continue to give you my freshly caught fish every day and pine from afar!
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 years ago
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after seeing the Stardew version I was inspired to make one for the AWL marriage candidates (all of them)
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vandaliatraveler · 1 year ago
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Dreary weekend in NC-WV, but once I got over my hangover from the WVU-Texas Tech game this morning, I managed to sneak in a quick fall hike on the Virgin Hemlock Trail in Coopers Rock State Forest. The asters are out in force and quite beautiful this fall. Among them are (from top): purplestem aster (Symphyotrichum puniceum); frost aster (Symphyotrichum pilosum), also known as awl aster; calico aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum); and blue wood aster (Symphyotrichum cordifolium).
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nstehu · 10 months ago
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joshseoh · 2 years ago
gave this basegame hair a little edit ✨
what do we think of this? 👀
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the before & after!
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zephyr-bazaar · 7 months ago
fun fact nina in SNES was the first girl in the series I ever married
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just-a-pansy · 2 years ago
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Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Rival Children
Second secret love interest: Flora's and Carter's son! Last love interest...also maybe you noticed HM:DS is also included into my little rival universe here
remember how Keira the beautiful princess was waiting for you deep down in the mines? yea. this time you get Tito
he's got a little camp on the halfway point, doing his research
when you find him he doesn't seem to realise how long he's been down there
figuring that his parents probably want to be updated on his findings he decides to go see the light of day again
needless to say the dig site and archaeology are his life
has an intense interest for beryl
his family has a strong bond because of their shared interests, his parents have built a house near the dig site
he follows a strict routine and is found at the same places at the same time every day starting with a long walk at 6 am to clear his head
it takes a while for him to comprehend that you're romantically interested in him and his way of responding to that is to show you his collection of rocks
he confesses he had a hard time growing up fitting in with the other children of the valley and especially budding heads with Edie
he feels like he can fully be himself around you
Rival Relationship: Tito & Adora
scientist besties!
have a natural connection with each other and enjoy hearing the other one talk for hours about one specific detail of their work
Adora sometimes stops by the dig site because she needs samples (right...)
she even gets Tito to swim with her and though he hates it he loves seeing her so happy
they mumble about having to share their newest discoveries with the other
That's it! I'm intensely invested and I hope you're too because I'll keep building on this!
The Rival Children: Edie - Ava - Marcie - Rae - Mikhail - August - Adora
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awlimagines · 11 months ago
The bachelorettes pregnant.
Cecilia has the perfect pregnancy at the start. She excitedly tells everyone in town after she discovers she’s pregnant. You’re happy to see her glow during this time. Dr. Hardy has some concerns in the second trimester and places some restrictions on Cecilia’s activity. Her bubbly disposition helps temporarily quell your worries. You soon find yourself having to monitor her around the house closely. Marlin and Vesta are also enlisted to ensure Cecilia doesn’t overdo work there. Cecilia spends the last part of her pregnancy on bedrest, pouting about not being able to do anything.
You know Flora is pregnant, but other than her body changing, not much else seemed to happen. She had mild cravings throughout the pregnancy but managed to avoid morning sickness. She does experience food aversions and sends you and your food from the room several times during the pregnancy. Flora spoke in detail with Dr. Hardy after you raised concerns about her working during the pregnancy. With his clearance, Flora worked until the day before giving birth. Flora is not keen on a gender reveal or baby shower but is happy to participate if you want one.
Lumina is calm and practical at the start of her pregnancy. She insists on not telling anyone other than Dr. Hardy until the first trimester is complete. Lumina has mild symptoms but nothing that really impacts her daily life. You find some of her cravings immensely odd. The fridge stays stocked with pickles and ice cream for Lumina. Aunt Romana’s displeasure at the secrecy is quickly forgotten when Lumina agrees to have a baby shower. Lumina is eager to share every movement with you when the baby can be felt. She says she is happy with a boy or girl. Lumina just wants them to be healthy and would love it if they looked like you.
Molly greatly suffers from morning sickness during the first trimester. She also began napping during the day, claiming she was exhausted. Her energy bounces back in the second and third trimesters. You struggled to keep up with her enthusiasm as she constantly changed her mind on how to decorate. Molly insists on a gender reveal party after hearing about them from her friends in the city. While Molly doesn’t go overboard, she insists on dozens of pictures being taken. Your opinions of her city friends change slightly when they host a very thoughtful and grand baby shower for Molly.
You find a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom before Nami says anything to you. The redhead kills your excitement by telling you to wait. She doesn’t think the test was accurate and plans to test again. Nami seems dazed after another two positive tests. You can tell she’s excited by the list of names she has weeks later to share with you. Nami doesn’t show any signs of morning sickness or being tired. Her main difference while pregnant is how easily she cries. The first time she startled you was when she began crying at a commercial on the television.
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octahyde · 10 months ago
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flovverworks · 1 year ago
five yrs in forgotten valley would help akira tremendously
#stardust speaking !#'with what' i dont know#the farming game love is simply intense rn my heart aches for pixels forming trees and cows and turnips#also cuz mollys scene where she returned from a wedding of a former 'coworker' T_T not feeling like she belonged in the city#them more or less laughing at her when she spoke about her current job#oh my no1 love.....#matthew who feels like he isnt getting better & is frustrated about it#that nami scene where she admits she did intend to leave but she got hungry and wanted lou's cooking so she forgot about that & went back#premhyk akira is very.....lost to me T_T very kind and gentle but very. going along w the flow?#thinks of those lines about how they now can look at ppl at vincent & gilbert properly#while in the past they wouldve looked away & avoided them#also the line i always mention but akira taking comfort in the convo about burnt bread and jam and olive oil#lumina who plays perfectly but thats the issue because she just plays the notes. she isnt plyng like shes having fun#lumina who felt like she should become like her mother but also knows thats not what romana wants at all#luminas line about how practice feels like watching paint dry LMAAOOO I ADOREEEE her shes so. silly. so great#idk if ive ever said it here but forgetmenot valley has always been my favorite town. probably nostalgia factor but#i plyd hmds a tremendous amount LOL said i wouldnt marry muffy since i Always went for her in awl#so i went thro flora lumina nami.....rly like flora still i think shes cute#i miss leia too#also i read some of the engagement scenes and i rlyyyy like matthews and namis................(i like celias 9heart event a lot too LOL#i think shes cute#i should watch them too but i dont wanna yet ill do it some other time#also the gordy scene where he visits ur farm GOD the mc is SO cute T_T?!?!? the way they play w their dog ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!#thinking about flowerworks too......although i might be flawed but arent we all......#every step you took toughened the world....#god i Have been thinking about flowerworks lately but i havent listened cuz just thinking about the lyrics makes me tear up LOLT_T#akira and their wizards......1.5..........
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year ago
i just watched peer advice cutscene with the player's son and kate... yeah, there's no way she isn't a lesbian.
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