#tried out a new shading style for this and I kinda love it
thesoulbonder · 1 month
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Bellator!
Hey peeps!
Did I ever mention that I redesigned my consistently courageous crusader? Because I did! She has a much cleaner look now, and I’m super proud of it!
Hopefully this means I’ll draw her some more? Or at least show off my finished redesigns for the rest of her crew since I still really love their story even if I haven’t worked on it in a little while
Anygay, enjoy the art everyone :3
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art-emis99 · 2 years
bad boy (singular)
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month
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A little fluffy angst for my chaggie heart. 🫶
Tried a new shading style, idk, im always experimenting 4 sum reson, but i like this one alot!! Wt do yall think?
Ive lost my hyperfixation in hazbin and this couple. For now i prt much just like chaggie. And i dont really have the dire passion that i once had. Maybe when season 2 comes out ill be all over it and have my hyperfixation once again. But right now im js kinda distancing myself from hazbin. Chaggie will always have a place in my heart and ill always love it for the healthiness and love they share and i hope someday ill have the same perfectly flawed relationship as them. For now thouh, im going to focus a bit more on my other interests, like Descendants: ror and Red Dead Redemption 2, and obviously INSIDE OUT 2!! I cant wait to show you guys art of my current fsvorites :>> 🫶🫶
Dont you worry though, im not going to stop makin art of Chaggie anytime soon! They just may be a little less frequent, but never once will i stop drawing my favorite babiesss!!
(Oh also arcane, whenever that comes out. I can just FEEL the hf rolling in once it releases. Mmm. Maybe not, i can never guess when i gain an interest 🤧)
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naviaknell777 · 11 months
Dyeing/Cutting Your Hair Headcanons!
All ROTTMNT boys x gn reader (romantic+established relationship)
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[Requested from Quotev. Requests currently CLOSED] Posted 10/31/23, happy Halloween!
On a whim, you decided it was time to change up your look
You’ve had this hair length and color for a long while, and it was time to change things up for once!
So impulsively, you booked the soonest appointment to your hair salon, deciding that it would be a surprise for your boyfriend as well
You directed the hairdresser the way you wanted your hair, the shade of the color(s), and by the end of it, you could barely recognize the person in the mirror, but you couldn’t be happier to see the new you with your new hair style!
You just hoped your boyfriend would be happy with your new look!!
Wasn’t expecting the new change, but loved it anyway!
He really doesn't care what you change your hair to, or even if you got a new tattoo or piercing, he just love you
No matter what you look like he loves you either way, but he thinks your new haircut and color is amazing
“Wow! Your new look is awesome, [n/n]!”
“Ooh, and that color is perfect for you too!”
He’ll throw a thumbs up as well, smiling cause he just loves you so much
Will stare at your new hair for a bit, he’s just absorbing the new look
Overall, thinks you look lovely per usual!
Bonus points if you get it dyed red though, he’ll blush a bit more than normal
He’s a very go-with-the-flow kinda guy, so despite you not impulsively cutting/dyeing your hair before while you two were together, he’s not surprised when you impulsively do it
“Wow babe, you look good!”
“That color is really working for you!”
Will ask for a turn around from you so he can get a 360 of your new hair
Will probably touch your new hair too (unless you two explicitly stated boundaries when it comes to not touching your hair) just because he wants to
Bonus points if you get it dyed blue, will tease you about it specifically, and very much would love your new hair more if you had it dyed his signature color
“What, you love me so much you had to dye your hair blue? Can’t get me out of your head, huh?”
Surprised and screamed cause he thinks you look amazing (not that you don’t normally look amazing, but you know what I mean)
Not actually sad he didn’t know about it but would’ve been happier to know about it at least right before you got it cut and dyed
“Ohmigosh [n/n]! Why didn’t you tell me?” He pouts “I so would’ve joined you or helped you pick out a shade of color!”
“Not that you don’t look amazing, because you do! I just like doing things with you!”
Would appreciate to know and go with you next time because he loves spending time with you and wants to experience it with you in the future if/when you get it cut/dyed again
Bonus points if you dye it orange, will fond over it
“Aww and your hair is orange now too! I love it so much!”
Would definitely like to know ahead of time
He wanted to be mentally prepared for the new look
He likes to be an organized and somewhat prepared guy, so when you come to the lair with a new haircut and color he has to do a bit of a double take
Tries to be so supportive though
“W-wow, [y/n], your hair-“ and he smiles a bit awkwardly
It’s not that he’s mad at you, just a bit disappointed he didn’t know ahead of time
He still thinks you look handsome and beautiful and loves you no matter what! Just wants to know changes like this ahead of time is all
“You look good!”
Bonus points if you dye it purple, likes that you (probably) thought of him when choosing that color, will tease you lovingly like Leo
“Purple suits you well, [y/n].” And he smirks
Overall loves your new look, even if it did take him by surprise at first!
All Rights Reserved ©️NaviaKnell777 2023
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kozachenko · 5 months
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Ok the WIP I posted a little while ago is no loner a WIP yipeeeeeee I am so tired of looking at this drawing.
Artist's Notes:
Ok so this drawing was a WIP that I had had sitting around for a while, and so because I wanted to do a test run with the new face style I'm trying out, I decided to pick it back up again. Now you may notice that compared to the other version of the WIP, the shading is different, and that's because I had to change all of it to match the light source of the moon, which was.... not exactly fun (especially cuz I stayed up late at night to finish this which was tiring), but it was worth it because I am a lot happier with the shading now. Also, when I initially redid the shading on the white trim of her outfit, I ended up making them look like indiscreet white blobs that just looked... bad, so I had to fix that and I think it looks a lot better.
My favourite parts of this drawing have to be the face and the hair, though I'm not surprised about how much I like the hair since hair is my favourite thing to draw. Also the wolf, I really like how the wolf turned out, since I also love drawing animals from time to time. I also like how the background turned out.
Also, Enoko's design was a hit hard to get right, and I decided to add the white trim separating her shirt and skirt mainly because I didn't like how abruptly it changed in the original design. Also, for some reason her dress makes me think of 1800s-y southern/western clothes, which has given me the headcanon that Saki gave her these clothes when they first met. Makes me wanna draw the two of them together in very western styled clothes, I think it would be cute. I also changed up some of the colours on her original design to fit in more with the palette that I was going for with this piece. Also, I like how her tails turned out, mainly because when I was working on some of the sketch for this I tried to make them smaller, but they didn't look right so I just went "fuck it" and made them big and poofy. Also drawing her wolf ears was fun, I like drawing simplified wolf ears like that. Overall, I'd say I did a good job incorporating elements (like the bear trap hands, the tails, the gem) in a way that didn't feel like they were out of place in the piece (something I was concerned about with Enoko's design).
All in all, I wouldn't call this my best work, but I do like a lot of aspects of it. I've also noticed that I'm kinda getting a bit frustrated with certain parts of my style like the lighting (mainly the lighting), so I think I wanna try and branch back into that more painterly style that I started out with when I first started posting here while still mixing in some elements of my lineless style. Also, I need to get better with my colour values, mainly just for clarity since I kinda think that's where this drawing falls flat a little.
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icanseeyou2007 · 5 months
two of my favorite characters:3 love these silly goobers
fluffy Prototype and squishy Bive supremacy<333
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also trying out a new style kinda?? also new shading style i tried out on Bive so huzzah!!👍
also also drew these today, i’m posting things out of order sorry guys. apology with tears coming soon😔/j
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xxstraymoonchildxx · 9 months
This Couple is Unusual
Prev. / Next
Chapter 2 This Couple, investigating
cw: bad humor, graphic description of a corpse in the second half
You didn’t know who looked more perplexed. Satan or the, admittedly handsome stranger with the pitch-back hair.  They still stared at each other, both bent down to touch the felines, it was almost comical. Slowly they stood up, both with a kitten in hand. Satan cleared his throat. The other person did the same. They eyed each other for a long moment, the felines meowing and tugging at their dress pants begging for attention. It reminded you of Mammon and Asmo.
“I did not expect to run into another person with a love for cats,” the stranger said while bowling politely with a practiced smile on his lips.
“Likewise. Well, there is much to appreciate about them obviously.”
You weren't sure but it looked like they were bonding telepathically. 
/Is this the beginning of a new romance?/
Whatever it was that was happening in this non-verbal dialogue, it was cut short quickly.
"Sebastian, what are you doing?!”
A small person a few feet away appeared out of nowhere, a scowl on his young face. He couldn't be much older than twelve or thirteen. It was obvious that he tried to appear more mature from his fashion choice - a top hat and high-heeled shoes and in his hand a walking cane like the other gentlemen walking around the area. 
He clicked his tongue, watching the cats with disdain. The blue shade and style of his hair reminded you of Belphegor’s and he had the youngest sibling-energy around him to match; now you couldn't unsee it (It would be funny if he had a twin). 
“Please excuse me, it was my pleasure, Sir. Farewell.”
“I apologize for the wait, young master.”
“Tch, let's hurry already.”
“That was weird. But they kinda remind me of some people I know,” you deadpanned, watching the duo with the interesting dynamic leave until they vanished between buildings. 
Satan checked into the hotel. Not that you weren’t capable of doing it yourself but you had to follow the customs in this era whether you liked it or not.
It did come with a bonus. Satan was in uncharacteristically high spirits from the moment you stepped into the hotel room together. Unbeknownst to you he was happy that he could spend this and the coming nights with you, in the same bed, without having to worry that one of his brothers would barge in, demanding time with you - and way too kind you, usually folding. 
You readied yourself for bed, longing to sink into the mattress from this exciting day but first you had to shower -  technically you’d have to do with a sponge bath but luckily you were a sorceress and had the right spells on hand to do the trick, courtesy of Asmodeus. Satan helped you with your dress, opening the back for you. The outer material pooled at your feet. “This dress sure has many layers,” you couldn't help but complain as you stepped over the striped dress, untying the padded bustle from around your hip, shaking off the thin petticoat and the corset cover. Satan watched you twiddling with the lacing of your corset while walking into the bathroom. He respectfully looked away, pulling out his nightwear, a dark blue pajama.
In the modest bathroom, you dropped the rest of your undergarments “Spirit of water and wind, I, the sorcerer y/n command thou to clean and dry my earthly vessel.” 
After everything was done, you changed into a simple tank top and a pair of satin shorts and handed the bathroom over to Satan, who joined you in bed fifteen minutes later. 
There the two of you lay, snuggled up together with you tucked under his arm and him with a book in hand for you to read.
Wasn't all this wonderfully domestic?
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The next day 
Bold letters hung above the entrance door, spelling the word “Undertaker” and a skull on top of the sign.
You decided to visit him after getting an approval letter from Scotland Yard. The wine did wonders! Anyway, the funeral parlor looked very interesting from the outside! On the right two anthracite coffins and three sotoba - you had to ask Satan what those even were - were leaning against the brick wall. On the left were two tombstones and a flag leaning against one of them. The cobwebs were a nice detail, too. /Guess you need to stand out from the competition/
A little bell jingled when you stepped inside. It was dark and it took a moment for your eyes to adjust. The candle chandelier didn't do much to illuminate the place. Satan didn't have this problem, his bluish-green eyes observing the unfamiliar room.
Coffins were standing around, even the counter was a massive exemplar. Large shelves with various bottles and jars containing questionable items crosses on the wall, skulls, and a human skeleton in the back. The place had cobwebs inside and out and needed a good dusting. 
Not that he was any better with his room back in the House of Lamentation but at least it was squeaky clean.
The coffin on your left suddenly squeaked open. A set of dark long nails tapped the wood, pushing the lid to the side. 
“What a nice surprise, customers in the making!” the man said in a squeaky voice, giggling like a madman. An interesting entrance for sure. As unique as the person itself. A crooked top hat sat on top of long silver hair, the bangs hid his eyes, leaving only the lower part visible which displayed a wide, crazed smile and a prominent scar running from his cheeks up and over his nose. 
With swift steps he glided over the floor, stopping himself just right in front of Satan, leaning in. “What brings you to me, care for a test lay in one of my first-rate coffins? We have a pair, brand new~ Care for a fitting?” Irritation oozed from the blond, so you decided to step in. “Excuse us, Mister...eh” His head snapped towards you, still grinning “Undertaker~”
“Yeah, I can see that?”
“Hehe, no, that's my name,” he slyly boobed your nose with his long index finger or rather his nail. Asmo would love to paint them. 
“Oh, like a pseudonym for an artist. Noted.”
Undertaker twirled around, the long black coat fluttered along with his movement and the mourning lockets around his waist clicked together. “Artist! Oh my, how flattering! It sure is, preparing my guests for their most important day.”
“So?” the funeral director drawled out, propping himself up against the counter and crossing his legs. (You noticed the slight shift in his demeanor, planting the thought inside your head that he looked kind of cool when he didn’t act like a weirdo). Satan cleared his throat “My name is Holmes and this is my wife. We are journalists from America and have permission to write about the Whitechapel murders in all their detail. We were informed you are in charge to autopsied the victims”
His wife. You blushed. 
You did talk about playing a married couple while undercover but hearing the term from his mouth and addressing you made your head all fuzzy while Satan felt pride swelling in his chest that rivaled Lucifer's. 
Undertaker hummed like he already knew about you. “It will cost you,” he grinned.
“How much?” Satan was ready to pick out his wallet but Undertaker beat him to it. In the blink of an eye, he dashed forward, halting close to Satan’s face. “I don’t desire the queen’s coins. What I want is…” 
A dramatic pause.
“...a Joke. Make me laugh~”
/This human is unreal-/ Satan’s left eye twitched. 
“Well, they do say ‘A kingdom for a joke’” you chirped in while Satan gave you a side eye. Undertaker giggled excitedly, plopping down on one of the coffins. You raised your hand as if in class. “Let me try!”
You took a moment to ponder over your options, searching for a joke that wasn’t too modern. 
“A man and his son are driving past a graveyard. Suddenly the son leans forward asking “Do they ever bury two people in the same grave?”
Surprised the father said “Of course not! Why ask such a question?” His son replied “Well, I read a gravestone that said “Here lies a lawyer and an honest man”
Silence. Satan sweatdropped. 
You were worried for a moment, thinking /Maybe I should have told the orphan/ graveyard joke/
To your surprise, the silver-haired director threw his body back, maniacal laughter blasting through the building. He held his belly, kicking his feet like a child. He laughed for two minutes straight, without taking a breather until he finally calmed down, sitting himself up properly and rubbing his eyes with the long sleeves of his coat. 
“Wonderful,” he quaked “Consider the payment done. My newest guest just arrived today and I was about to start the autopsy before you came in” 
Undertaker hopped down from his coffin and with the movement of his finger, he ordered you silently to follow him down the stairs.  
A disgusting smell of blood, disinfectants, and death hung in the cold air and instantly hit your nose. It smelled disgusting and you were glad you skipped breakfast this morning. Satan was less affected, the lucky demon! The reason for the stink was lying on two metal tables each, partly covered by an old linen cloth. Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes were the recent victims of Jack the Ripper as the silver-haired man informed the two of you. 
“I must warn you, this is not for the faint heart” Undertaker warned but nevertheless guided you towards Eddowes, carefully petting her hair peaking out from under the fabric “This one was not as lucky as her friend over there” 
“How so?” Satan asked, confused as both women were dead after all. 
With a knowing smile, Undertaker pulled away the cloth over Catherine's body, showing you all the gruesome work of her murderer. Thank whatever deity that you skipped the breakfast. The intestines had been stuffed back messily into her body, perhaps for the transportation of the corpse, and her throat had been slashed open. Her eyes were wide open from horror, having faced the killer just upon her death and mutilated nearly into unrecognition. 
“The killer slashed both victim's throats first, but this one was mangled much worse,” Undertaker explained, amused by your ever-changing facial reactions to the unsightly sight. “The killer was perhaps disturbed and searched for the next victim, finishing their work on dear Catherine here~ She was found with her intestines hanged over her shoulder, so they could reach for something else” He pointed towards her uterus, or rather where it should have been “My guest isn’t a whole woman anymore to add to the insult of dying in their own puddle of blood. The left kidney is missing as well, a minor detail but might be important as well.”     
/This is disgusting af/ you tried to stop breathing the foul odor in, holding a tissue to your nose. How Satan, who was deep in thought, was able to handle it was beyond you. “The kidney taken could mean the killer was involved with organ trafficking but the uterus? Very unusual…” He said it more to himself than anyone. “But the unsub very likely has experience in the medical field. They must be right-handed judging by their slashing movement”
“You refer to the killer as ‘they’, Mr. Undertaker,” you chimed in “The Yard and the public usually address Jack the Ripper with a male pronoun. Do you think the culprit could be a woman?”
The mortician hummed “That is a possibility yes, although they prefer poison, well, judging by my usual patronage.” 
“Nevertheless, the unsub most likely has personal feelings towards prostitutes in general. The victims have done something to anger the killer, the uterus and kidney are most likely some sort of trophy, usual for serial killers. As you said, the uterus is exclusively female and the kidney has significance in several cultures. In Egypt, for example, they were left in mummies because they connected the kidney with judgment and moral decisions. In Hebrew, it was understood as the seat of emotion together with the heart and bowl. And during medieval times they were regarded as the seat of our conscience. Fascinating.”
/Satan - Google, who?/
Undertaker regarded the blond with a cheeky smile “You sure are a smart one, Mr. Holmes. Interesting deduction.” 
You beamed, proud of your husband. If Undertaker looked closely, he could see the hearts floating above your head. 
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“We thank you for your time, Mr. Undertaker” You curtsied politely, glad you finally left the mortuary, which bad smell hopefully didn’t stick onto your clothes and hair. “It was my pleasure. I hope you’ll tell me another joke one day.”
Satan deadpanned (He loved you, but those dad jokes…)
“Oh, I have one for free. Wanna hear?”
“What do you call it when an orphan visits a graveyard?” 
“Oh, please tell me~”
“A family reunion” 
/Too offensive?/
A chime of a little bell forced all of your attention to the entrance door. The young boy from the day before stepped inside forcefully, the man dressed in black from head to toe by his side. ��Are you here, Undertaker!?”
You were not sure that the funeral director started to roar with laughter just because of your joke.
What an unusual man, that Undertaker.
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Sorry for the long wait. Hope you like it.
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rainofpainaaaaa · 23 days
New persona time :D
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I was actually getting lazy by the end of the shading but I’m glad I powered through TvT I decided to try out a new shading style for this (I did a fancier shading style for the skin and hair and started regretting it because I have to do the same for everything else or it won’t look right qvq)
Here’s where I got all my inspiration from:
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All those pretty boys (Silas: The pretty head empty elf, Elias: The pretty boy with the long hair and dangly earrings, Micah: The close eyed sinister one, Ciaran: The cute crybaby vampire, Lavi: The spoiled cat energy twink incubus) belong to @/meo-eiru, I love their art so much I check their blog every morning while having breakfast like it’s newspaper and I’m a dad at the dinner table
I saw their ocs and got gender envy, so what do I do? Make a persona who’s basically the man I want to be. I wanted: The cuteness of Silas, the beauty of Elias, the sinister and intimidating energy of Micah, the style (kinda) of Lavi, and the soggy cat energy of Ciaran, so I tried to mix all that in this persona
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Shopping and makeup with Svetlana!!
Requested by one of my friends! :] (sorry if this is kinda OOC, It's my first time writing for her - meant to be seen as platonic, but read it however you like <3) - (also originally written for a younger reader, but I made sure it was readable both ways.)
Take her to Sephora. PLEASE. She will love you forever.
She’s not really picky when it comes to makeup brands
She’ll use anything that looks nice, but she does have her favourites
(I know nothing about makeup so I can’t really specify brands)
You guys would probably go into H&M too
She’d want to do a little fashion show with you, even if you don’t end up buying anything.
Pick a handful of outfits, show them off to each other <3
She would POSE. And I mean POSE. Dramatic, wonderful poses. Very over the top /pos
WILL ask you to take pictures.
She’ll take pictures of you too!! (If you’re comfortable with that)
She’ll make a collage of all your photos and outfits, making it all pretty and sparkly like a magazine
I don’t think she’s big on mall lunches
Likes the place itself, but not the food.
Probably somewhat of a picky eater
She does like McDonald’s though
Gets you a happy meal if you want one
“Excuse me, they asked for no pickles!” (or with pickles, if you like them.)
Will help you exchange the toy you get if you don’t like it
100% has a collection of the Squishimallows and little bears they used to have a few years ago. 
Like. The ones that had blue, and purple with polka dots, and there was a pink one? She has all of them in a shoebox on a shelf somewhere.
(Will 100% let you play with them btw. And she's playing too. Have a doll house? That's their new home. Don't have one? Making one out of cardboard ASAP)
Definitely gets either strawberry fruitopia, sprite, or iced tea.
Big fan of their soft serve cones
She’ll take you to any stores you wanna go to. May get distracted by shiny things, but she’ll look around a shop you like, even if she isn’t a fan of it. (may complain, but not in a mean way. Just silly little comments)
"Ooh! Now look at this shirt! This would look so wonderful on you. We are getting it!"
DANGLY EARRINGS!!! PLEASE! She LOVES those. Will hold them up to her ears and make them sway back and forth really quickly, Giggling like a maniac. A sweet one, of course. She just gets so excited over them. ESPECIALLY if they’re shiny in the light.
Tbh I don't think they have their ears pierced. I imagine they'd be a little too scared to actually do that, so she probably has clip on ones.
Anyways back to the makeup stuff I got sidetracked
Loves the little sample lipsticks and stuff you can put on your wrist to see the colour
Tries ALL of them
Stop her before their whole arm is covered in different shades of pink and red lipstick
LOVESSS the perfume bottles you can test out. Smells all of them, and tries them on. 
Makeup time!!
Later in the night, or maybe the day after, she'd want to try all sorts of different makeup styles with you
Tries some herself, tries some on you, and has you try some on her!
You have full creative control here! Go wild!
Even if it's messy, she'll love it. Staring at it in one of those little round table mirrors, just kinda admiring your work :)
I think she'd try her best to sit still, and do a pretty good job, but she'd be super excited so maybe a little bit jittery, for lack of better words.
Doing your makeup!!
I think she'd have a really steady hand
Perfect lines, not pressing too hard or too soft, she's just really good at it.
Smiling and telling you how gorgeous you look the whole time
(Friendship goals fr)
"So beautiful. So so beautiful. With and without! Look at you!"
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notsodailycake · 1 year
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My kofi
Here's a drawing that was supposed to be a simple doodle, then bcame a oractice doodle, to a fully rendered drawing XD
I decided to try out this new style of shading, and i really love it, so i might be drawing like this more often, it's quite easy to do if you know where to add the light/shadow and i had alot of fun doing it. Tho i did struggle a but trying to figure out where to put it, bc it looked weird as i did it, but as the say, trust the proces! Harder than it looks, tho, but in the end, it turned out better than expected! The less i tried to make it look perfect, the better it got.Who knows tho, that might change my style by next month lol
Although i have my general stlye figured out, how i shade has been a struggle 😅
Oh, and obviously, i had to share a version without his visors to show off the eyes bc I'm super proud of it.
I also wanted to try and work on electricity effects(?) and they are surprisingly easy to do XD
Was expecting more of a chalange, but i went quite wellm i kinda had fun doing it, it was and still is my favorite part! Obviously, there is still stuff to improve on, but i think i did quite well
Anyhow, here's a little something from a fnaf sb au of mine. This is Gregory, hero name Breach. The au is called "Hero's Breach" and currently, i have nothing published about it, and imma keep that way till i feel like i can share more of the au
It's currently under works, and i have no clue if or when it will ever come out to the public, but i love drawing this little guy so yall can have this
And on a final note, have a few doodles i did of him these past few months (not many, but hey, i haven't been able to draw alot recently YwY), as well as kinda of a reference drawings for him, they're quite old tho, but i haven't really changed his desing lol
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sunny-starshine · 9 months
spamblue anon again - real talk ive followed u for a lil bit and even just with that small amt of time i've seen u improve and refine ur skills and it's been really fun and nice to watch u create!!! i hope u have a good year and create pieces u love as much as ur followers do <3
YEAH! This year alone I have improved a lot, I do have to kinda thank my good pal @/Stelldubs cause If it wasn't for her characters I wouldn't have tried out new art styles- I went from kinda doing basic lineart shit to going into rendering and painting via one layer (Idk why but drawing on one layer is just soo fucking yummy to me) I'm sorry now I just wanna talk and compare how I've improved cause like I don't mention it a lot and I don't really post art other then spamton here so A lot of my art never reaches here sadly BUT LEMME JUST SHOW A COMPARISON
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I Deff got more comfortable this year with rendering/dynamics/ and shading!!
I feel bad about it but I REALLY JUST WANNA SHOW MY IMPROVEMENT TO PEEPS *crying emoji* I mean you deff probably haven't been following me long enough to ever see this old shit and I KNOWWWWWWWWW this is way off topic now but I love to talk! ANYYYYYYYYWAYS getting back on track, THANK YOU MYSTERIOUS SPAMBLUE ANON, I LOVE YOU, I CARE ABOUT YOUUUUU
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bluenightcomedies · 10 months
uuuugh i keep procrastinating cuz i wanna make new refs n' arts n' all for us all but art slow so fuggit placeholder pinned abt the system better pinned with comm details, other accs, etc later :3 will reopen for commissions once arty verifies me! as a whole we're legally deaf and disabled! we can all draw but have diff styles/preferences :3 body is 30 (eugh i don't like admitting that) so am adult BUT we don't wanna be involved in nsfw art so pls respect that⭐ We can't get a formal diagnosis due to various real life issues, so we're not going to claim any particular diagnosis, but we can't exactly ignore the symptoms and stay masked forever. We're going to stay out of syscourse as much as possible, of course. 🌙 each alter has an assigned emoji so ppl can tell us apart easier if needed, use em as our tags too (when we remember) note- using they/them for any of us fine too!⭐
(doesn't include alters that rarely or never front) ⭐star emoji = Blue! she/her pls~ guess i'm the honorary host cuz i front most. uhhh... nothing rly too fancy i can say abt myself, i'm p affectionate and love y2k art and hanging out, i try to be as nice as i can >w< my art's usually sketchbooky, with thin lines and soft colors/shading!
💠this blue gem/flower emoji is Azure! she/her, she's kinda new to the system. looks n' acts a lot like me but uh... more childish i guess? very silly, very 'cringe culture is dead'. loves to rp, say silly things, n' cling to people. hyperfixates on Dot Hack (RIP) her art looks like mspaint x3 🌙 (Writing for myself since I'm available.) The name's Lune, hence moon emoji, and I use she/her pronouns as well. Formerly "Starry" but people kept confusing me with Blue due to her star symbolism. Used to be the designated mask, I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore... Sometimes I re-mask out of habit so if something sounds like me but wasn't marked as an alter, it probably is me. I have a flat tone and chronic paranoid anxiety so uh... Let me know if I come across as rude, I usually don't mean to. I enjoy doing research and organizing information, so I'm often the one to fact-check things or find guides and how-to's for the system. My art's very bold and colorful, and friends describe it as 'angular'. Clashes with my personality, huh? 🗝️key emoji = Sylverwynd! he uses he/him! he's super laid back and chill, i've never seen him upset or anything, but he's rly long-winded talks... kinda poet-y? he loves reading and talking abt lore and myths so he'll pop in if ur talking abt something he likes or if he has trivia 2 share! fave genres r horror n' fantasy he's still experimenting w/ style but likes drawing rly soft
❌cross emoji= Laceburner! it/its or they/them pronouns! tbh i'm not used to it/its pronouns but Lace wanted em; it's very uh... emotionally empty i guess? aroace, agender, can't socialize or empathize v well. it usually fronts when the rest of us are tired or in pain cuz it just ignores all that. likes 2000's scenemo aesthetics though which is surprising but ye idk how to describe its style, but it's trying to mimic emo art n' likes bright colored lines with dark bg/colors 🗡️the dagger is Kal! he/him pronouns, he gets angry and stressed abt things really easy but he gets too hostile abt it so he tries to not front too much; need to find him a way to de-stress n' chill out... when he's not mad at smth he's a good sympathetic listener imo, still swears and talks all rough tho hasn't drawn much yet but does rly harsh lines and fast/messy sketches when he does (and gets riled up by mistakes =w=;)
❤️heart is Weiss! genderfluid, goes by any pronouns, usually uses whatever they like at the time x3 has a hard time fronting but tries to. flirty, loves dumb jokes, overly confident... (we worry they'd get us in trouble sometimes cuz the shit they want to say) loves demon and monster-related stuff! still experimental style but uses bold colors and thick rough lines a lot, may get suggestive (forbidden from outright nsfw, don't ask >:c) btw ur always welcome to direct asks @ someone specific >w< we just might take a while to respond
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hadesmediocreart · 9 months
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Star man waiting in the sky. He’d like to come and meet us, but he thinks he’d blow out mind
tried a new shading/colouring style and I kinda love it
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bosskie · 6 months
Molluck in Leather
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Man, I don't know how long I have been thinking about drawing Molluck in leather but it's probably been over a year... And I just had to draw it now. I started this at night and ruined my sleep rhythm, again... Just had to force myself stop drawing and I finished this later today. It was that leather jacket that took me so many hours... I have no idea how to draw leather, so it was like 'trial and error' like stuff... I wish to draw a proper version of this in colour, so this was a practice sketch thing. I got new colour pencils now since I didn't have proper ones for black paper. I haven't tested them yet but I got plenty of drawing ideas inside my head.
I do call pretty much everything a sketch that ain't rendered in a detailed and 'proper' way. A sketch can take me 5 hours but if I did a full piece out of it, it could take 10-20 hours more, so it probably makes sense why it's a sketch for me. Man, I used to do so detailed line art, shade with doing those little dots, do patterns... I kinda just couldn't stand my line art without much details, though it's still like that... I could give that style a try with fineliners. I wish that I had more time to draw since I kinda don't have time to draw but I wanna draw so badly and it makes me feel better. I basically started to draw this to calm down, gather my thoughts; drawing helps me to clear my mind.
But yes, I have just been thinking that black leather would suit Molluck. I'm not sure about his necklace but I wanted to try it out. I also thought that he could have his chest visible since he got nothing to hide there! I know that there are some flaws still but I tried my best. It felt like I l still earned new thing about Molluck's shapes while drawing this... His head is full of fine details! His expression is pretty random, didn't feel like redoing it. Oh, and now thinking this more, a leather jacket could make sense since maybe there could be some use for the skins of the animals/creatures butchered at his farm.
I don't know if there is more to say. I have been just having so many doubts related to myself and my stuff... I kinda also started drawing this to check if I can (still) really draw... Sometimes, it can just feel like maybe my skills have disappeared, maybe I have forgotten everything, because I don't really trust my own skills, don't even feel like I draw well... Man, mind can be so odd and twist things into so absurd thoughts... But they still feel real, even if I knew that it was just my mind's trick again...
And yeah, I don't feel like submitting anything to that OWI's 'fan celebration' thing since I feel like I got nothing proper to submit, been just doing mainly sketches and I'm not a fan of my 'proper' pieces... My whole blog is 'an Oddworld creation' I could submit but well, just too much stuff for them to check out. I wouldn't also feel good if they did a video about my stuff... I would just love to hear Lorne talking about Molluck but everything else... It just gives me anxiety and my impostor syndrome would bloom...
I just tend to feel embarrassed of my own skills... I have so much to learn, been drawing too little... I drew much more about a decade ago. Only if I had more time but this is a good start already since I barely drew anything last year; I have already drawn more this year! It has been also a big step to finally start using those unused art supplies I have had for so many years... Still got some more recently, like an eraser pencil. It's been very useful, something I really wanted to find! I should try to use some proper graphite pencils and stuff too since I have been doing these pencil sketches with a mechanical pencil and erasers. Just so much stuff to try out, man... I got like two packs of graphite stuff; yeah, should put them in use too...
Oh, and I'm sorry for the quality of these traditional things. Sometimes, I get a better picture but sometimes, it's just terrible... But I try to edit these as well as I can, and yes, sometimes I also like to add some colours digitally or do some fixes.
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lumilasi · 1 year
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UPDATE: Yep, I had to revamp Harrow quite a bit; I realized that his anatomy and perspective were all kinds of wonk, and I didn't like his face either after all lol. Now he looks much better
First day without fever yay. Still feel kinda like I was hit by a truck, so didn't have energy for any of the more complex drawing ideas I had.
Instead, I finished Jurou's new Main outfit I started yesterday (basically I've felt like none of the ones I made him so far felt like "the outfit" so I tried to design one more, this time without leaning so heavily into realistic fashion), edited Yui's old bio image to give her a new dress for this modern world story, and repurposed a sketch I had for Angus into Jurou's father, Harrow. Yes, he has a present dad in this new story.
Some notes about them below already for those curious:
Jurou mostly comes after his mother, but he did get the blue part of his hair, his glowing purple eye, and the spiderweb pattern under it from his father.
The more theatrical side of his personality is combination from both parents, though he is closer to his mother who is a bit more down to earth than larger-than-life Harrow.
Harrow's hair is light grayish blue now, because he has reached the age where Soul Eaters begin to age again. It used to be the blue hue Jurou has.
Jurou's preference in beard style is obviously inspired by his old man.
Yui is a Spider woman spirit, and ages slower than her husband.
Yui is also a popular Jazz singer. She was introduced to the music genre by Harrow originally, and already loved to sing so it was a natural match.
The Araknos family crest is on Harrow's hat. it is a spider forming an A shape.
Since he is a fugitive, Harrow mainly hangs out in the human world, often getting involved in the human criminal underworld. mainly to keep an eye of dangerous mirror world objects to make sure the dumb meat sacks don't injure themselves with those.
Harrow also enjoys wearing colored glasses like his son.
Harrow has kind of a villainous, scary laugh, though he's not really evil.
His fugitive status mainly came from the fact he murdered two members of a Council he was a part of, something he did to protect his son as those two were planning on abducting his son due to him being born with this unique and dangerous powerful ability known as "god eater"
Harrow used to be more beefy like his son, but with aging he's lost some and is physically weaker. He's still very powerful soul eater warlock though.
Harrow's magic aura is blue, Yuis pinkish red. (Basically darker shade of Jurou's aura)
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pls write a 2012 tmnt x artist reader who likes drawing them little things and self portraits. maybe even paintings or anything else!! thank you so much ur so cool
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Aww, you're cooler!! Ask and you shall receive!! I apologize if you've requested something but I haven't replied yet, I've been having a lot of problems with my mental health, but I hope to get back on track, and maybe even write some stuff from the TMNT Bayverse movies (I'm obsessed with them right now)
Definitely taken a back
But very impressed
He couldn't even draw a stick figure, but he finds it so cool you can draw
Has definitely asked you to draw the captain from space heros before
Sometimes when he gets in his funny heroic poses, you like to do quick sketches of him
Definitely saw you one time, and stayed still just so you could draw him
Definitely a dork
When you drew him one time, you swear you could see stars in his eyes
He thought he looked so cool as a drawing
Definitely felt a confidence boost after that.
You've definitely used him to draw fighting poses
If you ever paint, he word remind you to put newspaper or something down so you don't get the dojo messy
He knows you'll be careful, but you never know what might happen.
You painted a beautiful Sakura tree in traditional Japanese style (which was really hard when you just have acrylic paints and not the special paint specifically made for that kind of painting.) With a light blue sky behind it.
When he walked in to check on you, he thought it was so amazing.
He had never seen an actual cherry blossom in real life, so, this shocked him (before S2)
He loved how you drew the petals, how the pink flushed against the shades of magenta and red.
He loved the simple branches
He felt as though he was in Japan just by looking at it.
He loved it so much, he showed it to Master Splinter, who was also impressed
Leo loved it so much, that he asked to keep it
He hung the painting on his wall, to stare at whenever he felt down
You both definitely have days where he'll chill on the couch watching Space Heros, and you'll be next to him, drawing whatever came to mind, wether it be a still life, figure posing, cartoons, facial expressions, or just practice drawing in general
He enjoys the quiet times together with you
Doesn't admit he likes it
Constantly says how art is dumb, but secretly, he loves your art work
You tried to convince him, saying how art can help get rid of negative emotions, and he called it stupid
But secretly, whenever he got super mad one day, he draw scribbles and circles, and harsh marks on the blank page, and even though the art wasn't all that great, he did feel a bit better after wards
You definitely caught him doing it when he went in his room mad, but came out a bit calmer and graphite smudges on the side of his hand and fingers
If you ever draw a portrait of him, he will say how you didn't capture his coolness right, but in all honesty, he thinks he looks so much cooler as a drawing, and stares at the drawing for an ego boost
Sometimes when he practices, you draw poses he does and his fighting stances, he rolls his eyes when you do this, but secretly, he enjoys it
Definitely asked you to draw Spike one day, so that he can keep a small photo with him when he goes on missions
But he'd never tell you that, he would just say that Spike would like it, and then say how it went missing from Spike's tank one day, but, he actually has it tucked away in his shell
When he walked in on you painting, he expected you to be drawing something dumb, but he actually was kinda shocked at what you painted.
A red sunrise over the black buildings of New York.
Sure, it wasn't anything major, the buildings were made with black sharpie and a ruler, and the red was just in the background going from red to a gradient yellow on the horizon, but he loved the simplicity of it
It wasn't anything to big or to small
It wasn't anything to complicated or to simple
And it was a picture he could understand the beauty of it.
Definitely complimented the painting, which left everyone's jaw on the floor since Raph would rather be caught dead than to compliment something
But, he just felt like he needed you to know he actually, genuinely, thought it was good.
Very impressed.
Brags to the others that his S/O is so artistic
Melts at any drawing you may give him
Keeps all your little drawings on a cork board in his lab
He finds it cool when you draw people since he can only draw machines or blueprints
If you ever draw him doing a pose as a reference, he will stop until you're done, and then beg you to see the finished product
He thinks everything you make is beautiful
If you ever make a portrait of him, he will be so confused
He doesn't believe he looks as good as you made him look, and says stuff like "I don't look nearly as cool as that!" Or "Woah, I look alot cooler as a drawing!"
Poor baby
You definitely have to show him how cool he looks another time
Will lay his head on your shoulder while you're drawing
Very clingy
If you ever get frustrated with a drawing, he'll help you take a small break, so that you can relax, and have a better outlook on the drawing so that you can fix it later
He doesn't like to see you stressed
One time, when he's going over blue prints and ideas, he sees you painting something on a canvas on the floor
When he's done, he looks over to see what it is, and he literally gasps outloud.
It's a monochromatic purple painting of a calm library (monochromatic means it's one color, but with lighter or darker shades of that one color for those who don't know)
The painting shows dark purple bookshelves stacked way up high, and a lone lighter desk, with a lamp shining on an open book.
He thought the painting was gorgeous, considering he's never been to an actual library, that painting makes him want to go to one
Is gushing over it all day
Showing it off to his brothers
And even his father
Keeps the painting in his lab, right next to the cork board, so that anytime he may be stressed or frustrated, he can look at your art work, and feel at peace again
Definitely a bit of a graffiti artist himself
Understands alot of art terminology oddly enough
You both give each other tips and compliments on each other's drawings
He draws more cartoons and stuff
If you ever draw something realistic, he'll say how he thought it was the real thing on a piece of paper
If you don't have a flat surface to draw on, say no more, because he'll flop on top of your legs, so you can lay the paper on his shell while you draw, so it's a win win, he technically gets to cuddle up in your lap, and you get a flat surface to draw on
If you ever draw him when he's in a wacky pose, he'll notice and do more wakier poses, to throw you off, until he does something that's super flexible like, and you give up trying, which he giggles at
Has definitely tried to get you into graffiti
But it's a lot harder than you thought it would be, your fingers got tired often, and so would your arms from holding them up above your head, the the paint seemed to be either to pigmented, or not pigmented enough, and sometimes, the paint would drip, or dry weird, so, you'd definitely leave graffiti to Mikey
One day, while he's goofing of, you decided to draw a still life of ice cream kitty
It was definitely more difficult than you thought, you had to constantly put him back in the freezer, and sometimes he'd get hungry and need an ice cream snack, and sometimes you couldn't get the colors right, but after some long long hours, you were finally able to paint the still life
Mikey had eventually came over to see why you kept staying in the kitchen and hanging with ice cream kitty. But when he saw it, he said "woooooahhhh" out loud
It was just a painting of ice cream kitty, shading and highlights and everything, you had even put a orange background behind him, so the canvas wouldn't look to blank.
He is freaking out, he's bouncing around the walls, saying how cool it was, asking a million questions per second, showing ice cream kitty even tho he's already seen it, and it just super hyper about it.
Is hugging you and spinning you around because of how much he loves it.
Definitely hangs it up in his room, so he can keep it forever.
Art buddies
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