#Gonna go have lunch after my hard work TvT
rainofpainaaaaa · 24 days
New persona time :D
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I was actually getting lazy by the end of the shading but I’m glad I powered through TvT I decided to try out a new shading style for this (I did a fancier shading style for the skin and hair and started regretting it because I have to do the same for everything else or it won’t look right qvq)
Here’s where I got all my inspiration from:
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All those pretty boys (Silas: The pretty head empty elf, Elias: The pretty boy with the long hair and dangly earrings, Micah: The close eyed sinister one, Ciaran: The cute crybaby vampire, Lavi: The spoiled cat energy twink incubus) belong to @/meo-eiru, I love their art so much I check their blog every morning while having breakfast like it’s newspaper and I’m a dad at the dinner table
I saw their ocs and got gender envy, so what do I do? Make a persona who’s basically the man I want to be. I wanted: The cuteness of Silas, the beauty of Elias, the sinister and intimidating energy of Micah, the style (kinda) of Lavi, and the soggy cat energy of Ciaran, so I tried to mix all that in this persona
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
Can you write an hc where bakugou owns a coffee shop and the reader is like a daily costumer there, the rest is up to you! Also your writing is the best, ily mwa 😚
This is my first ever headcanon request pls be gentle TvT
-Okay so you probably hear about the coffee shop from a friend
-The place is notorious for its good brews, but also for its...enthusiastic owner.
-You don’t fully believe your friend’s story when they tell you about the guy who yells and shouts and borderline scares customers but also who makes the best coffee on this side of the city.
-So you decide to check it out for yourself! You find yourself in the area one afternoon and figure what better time than today, when it’s dreary outside and a little bit chilly? A warm drink might cheer you up.
-It’s not very busy when you walk in, since most of the lunch crowd has already passed, but it’s definitely quieter than you thought it would be. There are two or three patrons sitting at the tables, either reading or doing schoolwork, and they all seem to be about your age.
-You’re startled when a gruff voice calls out to you, and your attention snaps to the coffee bar, where a spiky-haired blond man stands, looking impatient.
- “What do you want?” he asks bluntly, and it takes you a second to figure out he’s asking you what you want to drink, and not what are you doing in here.
-You fumble for a second, face heating up under his scrutiny, but eventually decide on a simple dark roast with foam on top. He narrows his eyes a bit, but gets to making your drink.
- “I would’ve pegged you as a ‘fancy caramel frappucino with oat milk and vegan whipped cream’ kind of person,” he says, while he waits for your coffee to brew. In the corner of your eye, you see all three of the patrons shift in their seats.
-”Well, I mean,” you stutter, “I wouldn’t say no to that. But you’ve gotta be in the right mood. Today’s more of a dark roast day.”
-He considers you for a second, gaze intense, but he doesn’t say anything else. When your coffee is brewed, he pours it into a travel cup and fixes it the way you’d requested, and sets it in front of you.
-You pay for your drink and offer him your quiet thanks, dropping a couple dollars in the tip jar on the counter, and when you walk out of the building, you miss the way his expression softens ever so slightly.
-Your friends don’t believe you when you tell them about your calm interaction with the supposedly hot-headed owner of the shop. They tell you there hasn’t been a time when they haven’t heard him yelling.
- “Maybe you’re special,” one of them suggests, and you’re quick to get embarrassed and swat at them.
- “Not likely!” you say, “I probably just caught him on a good day.”
-Still, you make a point to drop in at the cafe again the next day, around the same time. It’s a little busier than your previous visit, with the end of the lunch rush still lingering around.
-Again, the blond seems to be the only person behind the counter, working diligently and effectively to prepare people’s orders. He’s not bad looking, you decide, not in the slightest, and you’ll be the first to admit that there’s something mesmerizing about the way he works.
- “Hey, space cadet.” His voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and you glance at him with warm cheeks. “What do you want?”
-The line in front of you has dissipated, and you realize you’ve been standing in the same spot, staring, for several minutes. It’s a little embarrassing, but you hope he’ll just chalk it up to you having a off day.
- “Um,” you say, taking a glance outside, “I’ll have a chocolate latte. With an extra pump of espresso.”
- He narrows his eyes at you again before beginning to make your drink. You hadn’t seen him interact with many other people, but you were fairly certain he didn’t scrutinize their orders like he did with yours. Though you noticed he was undeniably calmer while he was making your drinks.
-Whether that had anything to do with you, you didn’t know.
-He sets your drink in front of you a few moments later, and you pay, leaving him with a tip and a quiet thank you.
-You once again miss the way his gaze trails after you as you walk out.
-Before long, you find the coffee shop becoming part of your daily routine. You wake up later than most people, get a good portion of work done from home, then take a late lunch, which is usually when you’d stop in to get a drink.
-Over the weeks, you learn a little bit about your favourite barista. You’re shy around him for the first little while, barely mustering the voice to order your drink, but as you grow more accustomed to the routine you get a little bolder.
-You learn his name is Katsuki, but most people just call him Bakugou. You learn that he’s owned the business for about four years, having started it on a whim when his roommate suggested it. You also learn that he’s got a roommate, and that he’s apparently ‘the most annoying person and the physical embodiment of sunshine’ but also his best friend.
-He asks you a few questions in return, your name, what kind of work you do, simple things that aren’t invasive or impolite but that keep conversation going. Your friendship is still budding, but it’s growing steadily. He calls you out when you’re later than usual, and sometimes tries to guess what kind of drink you want, based on the weather (he gets it right about 50% of the time).
-About two months into your daily visits, you have a bad day.
-And by bad day, you mean a Bad Day. The kind of day that has you stressed to hell and back, jittering in your own skin, and so restless you can barely get anything done. It makes you want to cry out of frustration. either that, or fully quit your job.
-As such, you’re so busy you don’t get to the coffee shop until late in the day, close to closing. Sure, you couldv’e skipped out on your warm drink for the day, but you didn’t want give up on your favourite parts of your routine just because you’re stressed.
-It’s almost dark out when you walk into the cafe, and Bakugou looks up from the counter when the bell above the door rings. His face softens slightly when he sees it’s just you, but a frown appears when he realizes what kind of state you’re in.
- “Long day?” he asks, leaning against the counter.
- “Something like that,” you sigh. “I need something with so much caffeine, I won’t sleep for six more hours.”
-He narrows his eyes at you and stares at you intensely, instead of getting started on your drink, and you stand there awkwardly while he silently judges you.
- “I think I’m gonna have to deny you on that one,” he finally says, and goes back to wiping the counter down.
-Your eyebrows raise in surprise, and you’re only a little taken aback. “Why?” you ask, “Are you out of beans or something?”
- “No,” he says, “But you look like shit. Maybe I’m going soft, but I think what you need is some sleep. That, or a new job.”
-You’d be more prone to argue if he wasn’t right. You sigh and droop, letting your exhaustion show clearly. “I’ll just have a chamomile lavender tea, then.”
-He gets to work quickly, and you lean against the counter to watch him. You’re both quiet, and it sits a little oddly with you. Though it hasn’t been that long of a time you’ve known him, you’ve gotten used to the idle conversation you share on a daily basis. You never see him talk with other customers like that, and maybe you’re being a little too hopeful, but you wonder if maybe he...feels something for you.
- “Damn, you really are out of it today.”
-You startle out of your thoughts, and your face feels like fire when you tune in on Bakugou’s face. He’s leant on the counter directly across from you, looking you directly in the eyes from about four inches away, two steaming mugs in between you.
- You skitter back a foot or two, apologizing profusely.
- “It’s fine,” he grumbles, taking one of the mugs in hand. “Come sit for a few minutes, though. I don’t feel right sending you out into the darkness when you’re this fucking oblivious.”
-You grab your own cup and hide a smile behind a sip, sighing when you sit down at one of the small round tables.
- “I think this is the first time I’ve sat down all day,” you tell him, when he takes a seat across from you. “Figuratively, of course. I work at a desk, so I’m technically always sitting.”
- The two of your nurse your drinks for nearly half an hour, talking about whatever you feel like, whatever comes to mind. You tell him about the project you’re working on, some shitshow that your boss demanded you take part in, despite it being out of your field of experience.
- “If I don’t do it well, I’ll literally lose my job. And I have no fucking idea what I’m doing, but when I ask people, they’re also clueless! The only person who has any kind of experience with stuff like this is my boss, and she’s refusing to take part in it. ‘Needs her seasonal vacations’ she says.” You grumble a little into your cup. “If I could pick one person to punch really hard...”
-A quiet laugh shakes you out of your reverie, and you glare at Bakugou halfheartedly. “It’s not funny,” you tell him, but he only laughs a little louder.
- “It is, though,” he replies. “You’re so different than what I expected.”
-You tilt your head to the side. “What do you mean?”
-You don’t miss the way his cheeks flush slightly, but you don’t say anything about it.
- “I just mean. Most of the pretty girls who come in here are either so vapid it’s painful, or they’re just here to twirl their hair and flirt with me. It’s fucking annoying.”
- You chastise him a little, telling him that not everyone is the same, to which he replies that he knows that and that It’s just the experience he has with coffee shop girls.
- “You think I’m different, though?” you wonder, setting your empty mug down.
-He averts his gaze ever so slightly, flush still evident on his cheeks. “And pretty.”
- A feeling of boldness consumes you, and you stand from your chair, walking around the small table to come to a stop in from of him. He stays seated, looking up at you and watching you carefully. 
- “I think you’re pretty, too,” you tell him, leaning down to press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth, “and thank you for the tea.”
- His face resembles a tomato when you pull back, and by the time he snaps back into reality you’re already out the door. However, on a napkin on the table, you’ve left your name and phone number for him, and the sweet message of Let’s go out some time!
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