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dykefish · 2 months ago
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missa-sinfonia · 2 years ago
NEEEDDDDDD someone to psychoanalize MEEEEEEEEEE need someone to take me apart and put me back together, NEEEEEDDDD someone to read into EVEYRHTING i say and keep a little notebook of potential theories into why i am the way that i am, need someone to peer into my little cranium,
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 7 months ago
He's such a MOOD
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coca-colas-truck-driver · 7 months ago
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wayward-seraphim · 2 months ago
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yupekosi · 4 months ago
what do you call this genre of character and why does it go so hard
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dark-dragon-8 · 4 months ago
I want to write a supernatural fic where Sam still hunts while in college.
Like, hunting has always been such a big part of his life that he just can't live without it, especially when he knows other people are going to die and/or suffer if he doesn't help them.
I want Sam to be one of those students that you know never goes to any of the classes but almost always gets an A (or at the very least a passing grade) on all the exams/assignments (he both knows from experience and studies in his free time while on the road).
I want Sam to be the weird/cool guy at school that everyone theorizes about ["Do you think he has a girlfriend?" "He must be rich or something, how else can he afford to travel so much while still attending school" (he's not BTW) "I wonder who that guy that always drives him to and from classes/exams is" (that's Dean) "So he's a passenger princess" (they've never seen him drive), etc].
Everything about the show is the same (I might keep Jess alive though, IDK, like that girl who ends up having a crush on him so she's looking into him and finds out some stuff) except he's still in school and he & Dean always cover their faces/only Dean impersonates people (that work with the state/law & stuff) so that the authorities won't be able to connect things too quickly and ambush them while there's a test or something.
Sam is literally the cryptid of the school after getting his powers, like people literally see him get visions/mumble about future events in the middle of those rare lessons he comes to/exams/assignments.
After Dean becomes a demon, people start thinking he's his drug dealer and that they're a part of some Mafia group that needs a new lawyer/future new lawyer (hence why Sam is learning law) after they keep hearing hushed conversations where Sam practically begs this Dean guy to "Just please give it to me, please Dean I don't think I can take it much longer" (assuming "it" probably means like heroin or some other type of drug. Also how they finally found out Dean's name) and Dean begrudgingly handing him a small red vial and telling him he'll give him more, sometimes directly from the source (his wrist), later. Sam also starts bringing a second, smaller, steel water bottle to school after those interactions start but almost nobody notices (or they do and there are a thousand and one new conspiracies about it and what it means, after all, it could just be coffee for all they know, they can't be sure though, and they're too scared to ask whenever they do see him and he actually stays in school for a little longer instead of instantly leaving to go somewhere. So they don't really get the chance to ask him even if they want to).
They see him "give a random girl hickeys" in the alley right beside the school (he's actually drinking Ruby's blood after she got her throat slashed/slashed her own throat just a little bit so that they won't look too suspicious) and they think that's his GF. And then some other students see him doing the same to his drug dealer's (Dean's) wrist a few days later and they don't know what to think anymore [he was desperate (read; needed a boost before a stressful exam/lesson/finals week), okay? He wasn't thinking straight and all three thought it was at least somewhat okay as long as they were being careful].
One day, during a lesson because the others know he won't answer during an exam, Bobby (because he still isn't talking to John, fuck you John) is calling him, saying it's an emergency and that they need him there ASAP. He doesn't remember to control his reaction in front of the class and now everyone further believes that he's in the Mafia and that was his boss talking to him [they vaguely remember hearing him, quietly whisper, if they need him to bring his extra guns at the start of the conversation/if he needs to kill someone/if anybody died towards the end of it (all said somewhat casually, considering the situation, mind you)].
I imagine Gabriel coming over to fuck with him one day at the school and people thinking he's part of a rival group/family (that may or may not have joined Sam's own after betraying said family, depending on the timeline) based on their interactions. On that same note, I want Castiel to be like the boss's right hand/messenger and that their boss's name/title is God/the lord (if I was in that situation, I would think their boss is very narcissistic, but I won't say anything about it because crime and I don't want to die yet). And then when Godstiel comes around, Dean, who at this point knows way more than Sam about these rumors (because unlike Sam he's actually been around), makes him seem like their new boss (he might just use it to help him get laid, like in that one episode, but IDK).
I really want to write it, and I might just do it, I just need to finish the series first so that I'll be characterizing them correctly (these are all characters I already somewhat know about/saw) so we'll see if I remember it by then.
Feel free to use this idea but also I want credit/link to the story (mainly a link) if you do use it, since I want to read it regardless of whether or not I actually write this (knowing myself, I probably will. Like 78% will).
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0l-unreliable · 11 months ago
So about the Space Trickster AU: I'm undecided on what direction to take our sugar coated nasties.
On the one hand, when I first thought of this I was thinking of them as zombies/zombie-like to ultimately end up as dead or wholly unrecognizable as human (fun to think about but I'm the end kinda boring to draw)
On the other, I've more recently been thinking about them being transmuted into more creature-like things but still mostly human with each having a different mutation. Here are the mutation ideas I have:
Dirks's torso elongated, making room for his second pair of arms; his canines elongated as well with new ones popping in behind them. His eyes got better at picking things up in the dark but have become more light-sensitive
Jake more often then not travels on all fours or by crawling through ducts and pipes and so developed pads on his hands, knees, and feet; he lost his glasses at one point so he relies more on his sense of smell and hearing (though I was thinking of giving him thermal vision). All of his teeth have gotten sharper (may have venomous salvia)
Jane has probably the least 'fucked up' features. Her hands have grown pads, so she has a better grip, and with that grip, she can transmute people/objects though she has to have full concentration and is vulnerable at this time. Her skin, in some places, is candy cane-stripped but her whole body is capable of camouflage. Her canines and the first premolars have gotten bigger and sharpened.
Roxy I'm unsure about, but I want her to be able to transportalize herself short distances and maybe do something with voice mimicry. Like I said, I'm unsure about her so I don't have much.
That all just seems more fun to draw, but maybe less daunting than the betas facing the rotting ambling corpses of their family members.
what say others? My expertise is not in creating monsters
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winchester-grown-willow · 11 months ago
Supernatural sillies
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ckret2 · 1 year ago
I've inferred you like billford and i was wondering if you like any other GF ships?
if they'd been 5-10 years older and if Gideon had already gone through his humbling and heel-face turn before they met, I actually think Mabel & Gideon would've worked out pretty well; but Gideon spoiled any odds of that. In an AU it could work out. Anyway one-sided Gideon/Mabel is still fun to me because permanently unrequited love is one of my fav tropes, so Gideon can just suffer and I'll have a great time, sorry Gideon
I don't think they should ultimately stay together but I think exploring the toxic fucked-up-ness of unnatural magically-enforced attraction between Robbie and Tambry would make for a fascinating psychological fic
I yearn to know more about the siren Ford once dated. I'm personally going not by the "sirens sing a sexy seductive song" interpretation because that's boring and in my heart of hearts I believe that Ford is immune to conventional physical sexiness. Rather I'm going with the the Odyssean "sirens promise you irresistible knowledge" interpretation. What was that relationship like, what did she promise Ford, it's very canon that the promise of greater knowledge is metaphorically his siren song, the thought that at one point it was also LITERALLY his siren song is so juicy
I think there should be a love triangle between Manly Dan, Tyler Cutebiker, and Ghost-Eyes; Dan wins out though, Ghost-Eyes has that bad boy appeal but Tyler's got history with Dan, I think they've been silently making eyes at each other for years without making a move
the Hide-Behind is secretly in love with the Summerween Trickster
I believe with all my heart that Bill has the biggest stupidest crush on Quentin Trembley
we all know it's basically canon Bill has a thing for Wendy's mom, right
and furthermore if Bill ever met Mr. What's-His-Face I believe they would hit it off to an insane degree
I accidentally talked myself into realizing that Stan and Bud work REALLY WELL together
and of the other, like, normal popular ships that anyone else in this fandom actually cares about, I think Soos & Melody are the only one I'm emotionally invested in. I like them, I wanna see them happy.
Most of these I don't actively pursue fanworks for. ... Most of them don't have fanworks TO pursue.
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dykefish · 25 days ago
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missa-sinfonia · 2 years ago
imso scared
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badlydrawnsbahj · 2 months ago
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whys there so many of him
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coca-colas-truck-driver · 5 months ago
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ladyinthebluebox · 6 months ago
the more i think about it the more suspicious it seems to me that all members of the future Veilguard get somehow involved in the story of V&V.
like. what are the odds that unknowingly employed by Fen'Harel Nadia would completely randomly run into ALL the people who later on get recruited to fight the evil gods & they all had smth to contribute to the story that in itself runs in a strange paralel to certain story beats from DA4?
it's just hella suspicious to me.
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justafriendlystranger · 5 months ago
If the milkshake members have a phone be like:
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tell me chat, is this better than incorrect quotes?? if so should I make more?? anyway, hope you guys like it and tell me if there are any mischaracterization! (if that's the case then I'm really sorry!) qwq <33
Trickster, Casimir, Hayden, Chaoxiang and the milkshake mansion belongs to @boiling-potato !! (you can also join if you want to! ^^)
Juliet, (white haired girl) Elijah (the grey with purple stripe hair) and Talissa (the brown with yellow stripe hair) belongs to @gachaclubideas
Star (the black with purple fade) belongs to @startheimpactfangirl Kema Umi (the blonde hair) belongs to @alcohol1maid Trevor (the black hair) belongs to @edgywithaheart Tsutsuji (the light brown hair) belongs to @n0vatsu and lastly, Sylas (the blue hair) belongs to me !! ^^
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