#trick or treat short film
Tumblr, I have one question:
How in the WORLD are you staying away from short horror films on youtube?! Because- I just watched this AMAZING short horror film duo 'TRICK or TREAT' and 'TRICK or TREAT 2' and it features a serial killing skeleton-magician killer! (Spoilers ahead GO WATCH IF YOU WANT, ALSO TW/GORE AND KNIVES)
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Thing about this dude, he is completely silent. Much similar to Micheal Myers in a way accept he doesn't do the Darth Vader heaving. He is silent as DEATH itself! He only comes around on Halloween when a porch light is on and you BETTER have some candy, because this guy has QUITE the sweet tooth! If you happen to be out of candy? I'm sure giving him practically ANYTHING sweet will suffice, or hell, even taking him with you to get more! I mean, it's a either he's fed, or you're dead kinda schtick.
What dissappoints me about this guy however is. His. Name. He's called, 'The Magician' in the description, which I mean- don't get me wrong! He is a magician. A killer magician... Buuuuuuut.. What IF he had a name like, 'The Doorstopper?' Hell- in the first short film he actually DOES stop the door from closing with his foot because he was like, "Uh excuse me?! I'm supposed to have candy in my hat, right here, RIGHT now! You left your porch lights on!! You know the rules, pay the fee!"
In OTHER words...
"he won't leave until he either tricks you to death... Or until he gets that treat. It's your fault for leaving your porch lights on..."
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
🎃Random horror movie crossover thought! Feat. Trick ‘r Treat, Terrifier, and The Jester 🎃
I can’t help imagining an Art the clown, The Jester, and Sam crossover. All of these characters oddly have things in common. As far as we know, they’re all supernatural entities who wear masks and/or makeup to hide their face. They exist to make sure Halloween is respected and its traditions are upkept. They commit acts of violence and/or murder on those who are rude and/or disrespect Halloween in any way. Even people who choose not to participate aren’t safe. The only characters who survive are ones that follow the rules of Halloween.
(Note: Art would probably still kill people regardless. Like my bestie @tinalbion said, “I think he wouldn't have been as messed up in the kill if she would have given him candy. So I feel like he'd still kill people, he just wouldn't be AS brutal as he could be.”)
I’ve seen lots of crossover fics for slashers before, and I dunno why but I’d love to see Art, The Jester, and Sam as this scary and unnerving yet unconventionally wholesome family of supernatural Halloween entities. Maybe with Little Pale Girl tagging along. She and Sam could pose as children and go trick or treating together while Art and Jester are the “parents” or “cool uncles” who keep watch. They’d probably make the people giving out candy uncomfortable with their silence. This family isn’t exactly talkative but they express words and emotions through body language, even if that may freak people out. Fun night out for the family whether they get candy or commit heinous acts of goofy gorey fun on humans. It’s both tricks and treats for this gang of ghouls.
And if reader somehow gets roped into this family, she’d be the wife/mom and the only seemingly “normal” member. Just an everyday average human woman and the murderous Halloween entities she loves so much. Imagine their family photos. They’d probably be like those “Everyone looks the part of a nice, happy family except the goth/heavy metal teenager in black clothing and corpse paint.” meme pictures you see. But instead it’s “Everyone looks like a laid off Spirit Halloween employee or out of season scare actor, except the wife/mother, who looks like she came from a Better Homes and Gardens magazine.”
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junkyarddemento · 10 months
Everything about Zach Fleming's film, MICKEY DOGFACE, screams retro spooky horror. Shooting outdoors at night, on a short film budget is tough, but Zach and his team really do it well, making the production design of his film shine! Let's hope Zach keeps cranking more urban legend tales that hit the right mix of horror and comedy!
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terrivond · 2 years
The Birth Of A Serial Killer
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murdrdocs · 11 months
having a baby w mike and it being the baby’s first halloween :’) you mike and abby take lil dude to baby’s r us and spend HOURS trying to find smth perfect, mike and abby bicker over costumes bc “he’s my kid??” vs “i’m a kid and i know what kids like, and he’s MY nephew”, taking him trick or treating w abby and her staring down anyone w a mask or smth scary like “>:( don’t scare him he’s little”, mike being a Dad and wanting to take pics/vids of everything
oh my god clementine this is so sweet i actually had to silently squeal for a second !!
it’s like there’s a general buzz in the house for all of october. each of you thoroughly excited for the first real holiday in baby schmidt’s life, apart from the fourth where he’d worn an american flag swimsuit at your parents cookout. he seems to be excited too, constantly flashing his newly grown teeth even when no one’s looking. 
the outside of the house is brandished in cheesy decorations, little cobwebs and faux tombstones, abby’s hard work as she likes to remind you and mike every so often. it seems like she has just as big of a role in baby schmidt’s life as his parents, which eventually leads to the infamous babies r us argument. 
standing in the infant section again, it’s at least the fourth time the four of you have found yourselves here, the three times before ending in frustrated walks to the toy section (where mike put entirely too many toys in the buggy), a lunch break, and a feeding break for little schmidt. 
now, you’re determined to find a costume this time. the section isn’t that big so it really shouldn’t be as difficult as it is. but the two equally stubborn schmidt’s are the ones making it difficult, dual hardened eyes staring at each other. 
“he should go as mickey mouse, it’s cuter.” 
“and i’m telling you again, abby, that he’s going as a little astronaut.” 
they each hold their respective costumes in tight fists, and it’s really a funny sight to see; mike bent down to eye level with his little sister, face just a tiny bit red from the argument that really shouldn’t be as heated as it is. 
“every other kid is going to be an astronaut.” 
“and how do you know that?” 
“because dina’s little cousins are all astronauts. i’m a kid. i know what kids like, mike.” she spits his name with such a matter-of-fact attitude, that you start to see her point. 
but little schmidt is starting to get fussy in your harness and your back is really starting to hurt so you cut the argument short just when mike states, “yeah but hes my kid” and abby is starting to counter that he’s her nephew. 
you punctually grab the first costume that you see, the lion from wizards of oz, and throw it in the basket. 
“neither of you carried him and went through 17 hours of labor so i get to choose.” and they can’t argue with that logic. 
but to make the two grumpy ones feel better about losing, you all stop for ice cream on the way home. 
and weeks later, when halloween finally rolls around (because of course abby and mike were so excited for little schmidt’s first halloween that you’d gone costume shopping extremely early), they’re both on guard. 
abby’s trick or treating with a friend, you and mike left as guardians for the night, and as soon as dina rings the doorbell abby is giving her a lecture. 
“and he’s really little still so you can’t scare him, okay?” 
you and mike stand a few feet away in the hallway, coordinating outfits with baby schmidt who’s still down for the remainder of his nap. 
when it comes to trick or treating itself, mike has his camera out the entire time. he refuses to let you all leave the house without pictures. every few houses he has to take a picture of you and abby and dina walking back from the porch, or baby schmidt with his fist in his mouth. by the end of the night, he’s gone through two rolls of film, and there’s new family photos framed around the house by the time thanksgiving rolls around.
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etaleah · 1 year
What Is the Appeal of Sonadow?
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I have a lot of thoughts about this ship, what draws people to it, and why some of the criticisms of it are exaggerated or less than honest. Putting them under a cut because it’s gonna get long.
First of all, the critique of “Lol why do people ship them when they beat the shit out of each other whenever they disagree on something, they’re abusive!” is dishonest framing for two reasons. One is that it ignores the fact that Sonic and Shadow are allies far more often than they’re enemies, and even when they are enemies, it’s usually over something serious, not just a minor disagreement. The other is that it’s bad media criticism to apply real human standards to a cartoon animal universe.
When you watch the classic Looney Tunes short where Bugs and Daffy are arguing over whether it’s Rabbit Season or Duck Season and Bugs tricks Daffy into shooting himself, do you see Bugs as abusive and evil? Probably not, because the laws of physics don’t apply in cartoons and Daffy getting shot in the face doesn’t actually hurt him. He’s still completely fine afterwards because he’s a cartoon and is therefore invincible. The same is true for Sonic and Shadow. Have you ever seen either of them seriously injured after one of their fights? Has either one ever needed to go to the hospital because the other beat him up so badly? No, of course not. They groan in pain for about two seconds and then they’re fine. If the creators wanted to convey them being injured, they could show bruises or blood or have bones snapping and the characters limping, but they don’t. The fights are never meant to be taken that seriously. I find this criticism every bit as annoying and overzealous as people who insist that Pinky and the Brain are abusive because Brain bops Pinky on the head. They’re cartoons, y’all. They’re not realistic, were never meant to be realistic, and shouldn’t be treated as realistic. Different standards apply.
To the second point, Sonic and Shadow don’t actually fight that often. In all the interactions they’ve had together, it’s only been a handful of times. They’re allies in the Archie comics, Sonic ‘06, the canon ending of Shadow the Hedgehog (they’re only enemies in that game if the player wants them to be), Sonic Forces, Team Sonic Racing, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, and most of the IDW comics, along with the endings of Sonic X, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes. They’re allies for much of Prime as well. But hey, let’s break down the times they do fight:
Sonic Adventure 2: Shadow’s memories have been tampered with and he and Sonic are literally fighting over the fate of the world.
Sonic X: Same thing for season 2, and in season 3, they’re fighting over whether Cosmo should live or die. Sonic says killing her is wrong, Shadow says stopping the Metarex is what’s most important and if that means little Cosmo has to die, well, them’s the breaks, pal.
Sonic Prime: Sonic has broken their world, Shadow is trying desperately to save it, and Sonic is valuing the Shatterverse inhabitants over Green Hill.
IDW: Shadow says Eggman is too dangerous to leave alive and if that means Mr. Tinker has to die too, well, them’s the breaks, pal. Sonic says killing anyone is wrong no matter the reason.
You see a pattern here? Most of the time what they fight over is literally life and death. They’re not going at each other’s throats over petty bullshit like who gets the last slice of pizza or who gets to pick the film for Movie Night. They fight over serious moral differences. I would argue that Amy and Knuckles have gotten angry at Sonic for way less than what Shadow does.
Now, there are a few instances where their fights are stupid, namely Sonic Boom and Sonic Heroes. But I think it’s pretty universally agreed that Shadow is out of character in Boom, and honestly, all of the fights in Sonic Heroes are very forced. There was no reason for Team Dark or Team Rose to fight Team Chaotix; their goals don’t contradict each other in any way and it’s clearly just manufactured conflict to give the player another boss fight. And these are the exception; most of their fights are over serious ideological divides.
Those serious ideological divides are exactly what makes Sonadow so interesting. I personally prefer ships where characters can learn and grow from each other, where their differences can clash until they learn to reconcile them. I don’t find a ship like, say, Sonamy nearly as interesting because I don’t think there’s many (if any) moral stances Sonic would have that Amy wouldn’t. They already agree on the important things. I’m not bashing anyone who likes that ship; if that’s your thing, good for you. It just doesn’t appeal to me because I think Sonic and Amy already having a lot in common morally means they can’t really grow and change from interacting with each other in the same way.
Sonic can bring out the best in Shadow, teach him to trust others and lighten up and learn how to live in the moment rather than being tethered to the past. Shadow can teach Sonic how to think before he acts, to view the world more realistically, and to consider the impact that his insistence on moral purity will have on others. That setup makes for some amazing stories.
Also? These guys love fighting each other. They’re both athletes and very competitive. Look at how much they smile when they fight:
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Like…they love this. It’s so much fun for them. Sonic and Shadow are both competitive athletes who love pushing themselves, but in terms of speed, no one is any competition for them except each other. No one else can beat either of them in a race. Imagine spending your whole life winning so easily that there was no accomplishment in it, and then suddenly this guy comes along who’s actually as good as you or maybe even better. Finally you have a challenge and can really enjoy the feeling of being the best. That’d be amazing. They give each other something no one else can, and to me, that’s what good romances are made of.
And all of that is combined with the fact that Sonadow offers an Odd Couple setup, which is always fertile ground for fun, comedic situations that require opposite characters to work together. Plus the Enemies/Rivals to Lovers aspect, which adds a bit of “forbidden fruit” to the mix because we all know that the most tempting and appealing relationships are the ones that are Forbidden (TM). That’s literally the premise of Romeo and Juliet, people who aren’t supposed to be together but end up wanting to be anyway.
I wouldn’t want Sonadow to be canon, but I definitely enjoy exploring it in fandom. It’s a fun ship that offers a lot for a writer or artist to work with. And while I would never force it on anyone, I wish the criticisms of it weren’t quite so shallow and disingenuous.
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ofmdrecaps · 1 month
08/26-27/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Recap Status; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Nathan Foad; Samba Schutte; Ruibo Qian; Vico Ortiz; Bronson Pinchot; Dominic Burgess; GalaxyCon SanJose Full Panel; Articles; Rose City Comic Con OFMD S2: Anniversary; Tell Tale TV Voting Round 2; Astroglide Love; Our Flag Means Trick or Treat; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Never Left Podcast; Love Notes;
== Recap Status ==
Hey Lovelies. I don't have the greatest news... my dad is in the hospital and going into some really dangerous surgery. This means I'll probably be pretty scarce over the next couple days. I'll do my best to keep up with the recaps, they may help me stay distracted depending on how things go... but please bare with me if they don't happen. I hope you all stay safe out there. Take care <3
== David Jenkins ==
David sharing an adorable picture with his new pup, and some very silly interactions with Con.
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'Source: David Jenkins Instagram
== Rhys Darby ==
So excited for the episode of Expedition X that features Rhys coming out Aug 28 on Discovery! Here's a sneak peak!
Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika's reaction to Rita's outfit is adorable.
Source: Instagram (Originally Rita Ora's tiktok)
More shots of the two of them:
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Source: SarahReynoldsx356 Instagram via YulYY4 on Twitter
== Ruibo Qian ==
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Ruibo shared some interesting work on her instagram. You can see the full collection of images here on tumblr from that post.
Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba out enjoying some glorious Dutch food and sharing more about his recent works!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
More Nathan out and about!
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico shared some wonderful words and pictures from their PublicAssembly work!
"I’ve had the absolute pleasure to act, write, co-curate and direct for @thepublicassembly since 2018. I’m currently developing a short film and writing a one person show because I have gained the confidence as a story teller through their theatre/workshop program. Every month we develop 3 brand new pieces based on the audiences prompt the month prior and while the process of writing a 12min play can be overwhelming, being held, witnessed, encouraged (and hold, witness and encourage) these wonderful artists has been an amazing experience of championing all of our journeys as story tellers! This coming month we are throwing a fundraiser to get us to the next level. Check out my linktree for tix! It’s gonna be a sexy-awesome-artistically arousing- thought provoking evening of theatre ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Look forward to seeing you there!"
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Source: Vico Ortiz Instagram
== Bronson Pinchot ==
More Ned Low from Bronson!
Source: Bronson Pinchot's Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
A pretty cool shot from Dominic!
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SourcE: Dominic Burgess Twitter
Congrats Dominic for making it to the next round of the Nicholl Fellowships for his script OUT OF MIND!
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Source: Dominic's Twitter
Dominic sharing an adorable video of one of his cats.
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== More Galaxy Con San Jose ==
The full panel is finally here!
== Articles ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for sharing this great article by screenrant! OFMD made #2!
Also, in WBD News, thank you to Ashley AKA Seven_Sugars on twitter for sharing this new CMO news for WBD.
Source: Seven_Sugars Twitter
Source: Global Comment's Twitter
== Rose City Comic Con ==
Are you going to be going to Rose City Comic Con this fall? Well good news, you can submit questions to be asked to the lovely OFMD Panelist that will be there-- here!
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Source: RoseCityComic Con's Instagram
== S2 Year Anniversary ==
Some very kind works from @adoptourcrew <3
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Instagram
== Tell Tale TV Voting Round 2 ==
Our friends at @adoptourcrew reminding us to vote on Tell Tale TV's battle of the ships 2024! Vote here!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Instagram Stories
== Some Love for/from Astroglide ==
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Source: Astroglide's Twitter
== Our Flag Means Trick or Treat! ==
There's a fabulous Zine I've just heard about -- Our Flag Means Trick Or Treat! It's an OFMD Children's Charity Zine! How cool is that! Interested in participating/learning more? Please check out their socials here: Twitter / Discord
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Source: OFMToT's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Another cast card tonight from our kind friend @melvisik is Elia P. Popov, one of the Special Effects Coordinators!
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Source: Melvisik's Twitter
== Never Left Podcast ==
New episode of Never Left Podcast! A continuation of Motifs! Part 4 already, wow!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Gonna be scarce for a bit lovelies. Just know I'm thinking of you and sending so much good vibes and hugs.
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Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
Some love notes from our Pirate Queen:
Source: WordsAreVibrations Instagram / Ruibo's Instagram Stories
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Halloween Movie Marathon.
fictober masterlist || ask me anything <3
authors note - this one gives me all the feels, ngl, what i would do to have a cuddle on the sofa with harry.
word count - 3.3k
in which, it's your first halloween where your children finally understand the concept of what it is, after having taken them out trick or treating, the four of you all cuddle up on the sofa, hot coco in one hand whilst the other dips in and out of there sweet bucket, a movie marathon where the films are child friendly halloween films which both you and your husband can't wait to show your children, creating not only a family tradition but memories to last a lifetime.
trope: husband!harry
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On a crisp and moonlit Halloween night, you and your husband Harry excitedly prepared for a tradition you'd been waiting for since your children were born: taking Malachai, your four-year-old, and Winnie, your freshly turned two-year-old daughter, out for their first real trick-or-treating experience.
The excitement was palpable in your household as you helped your little ones into their carefully selected costumes.
Malachai's face lit up with joy as he twirled around in his Batman suit, a reflection of his unyielding enthusiasm for all things superhero. His deep blue cape fluttered dramatically behind him as he posed with a playful grin, ready to conquer the night.
Winnie, on the other hand, had been dressed as Wednesday Addams, a character she seemed to have an innate connection with, despite her tender age.
She didn’t really smile a lot, only when she was near her father, the two of them had an exceptionally close bond.
The tiny, sombre costume suited her perfectly, with a jet-black dress, pale makeup, and her dark hair held in two braided pigtails. She looked both adorable and eerie, a striking contrast that only added to her charm.
As you stepped out into the cool, autumn evening, the streets were alive with the flickering glow of jack-o'-lanterns and the sounds of excited children and their parents.
Your little family joined the Halloween revelry, with Malachai leading the way, exuberantly shouting, "Trick or treat!" at each house you visited.
He expertly wielded his plastic Batmobile bucket, a constant companion throughout the evening, eagerly awaiting candy from each doorstep.
Winnie, being at the tender age of two, was just starting to grasp the concept of Halloween. She clung to your hand, her big green eyes (much like her fathers) filled with curiosity and a hint of wariness, occasionally practising her very own version of "trick or treat" in the sweetest toddler lisp. Her tiny fingers couldn't quite manage the task of holding a candy bag, so you and Harry took turns collecting her treats.
The decorations adorning the houses in your neighbourhood were nothing short of breathtaking. Cobwebs, pumpkins, and eerie silhouettes of witches and ghosts adorned every porch. Your little ones were enthralled by the captivating displays, each one sparking their imaginations as you ventured from one house to the next.
As the night wore on, a gentle chill settled in, prompting you to pause at a neighbor's fire pit where families gathered, toasting marshmallows and sharing spooky stories.
Malachai and Winnie marvelled at the dancing flames, their faces illuminated with the warm glow of the fire. It was in moments like these that you cherished the closeness of your family.
After several hours of trick-or-treating, the excitement began to give way to sleepy yawns and drooping eyelids. Malachai's candy bucket had grown heavy with the spoils of the night, while Winnie's adorable little face was smeared with chocolate from her first-ever Halloween treat. You decided it was time to head back home.
Walking hand in hand, you strolled back through the now quiet streets, your hearts full of love for your little superheroes and the charmingly spooky Wednesday Addams. With Malachai's cape fluttering in the breeze and Winnie's pigtails swaying, it was a Halloween night that you would cherish for years to come,
As you step through the front door, a warmth envelops you, not just from the inviting atmosphere of your home but from the joy and contentment of your Halloween adventure with Malachai and Winnie.
Harry, with a gentle smile, looks at you and says, "M’gonna get t’kids changed into their cosy pyjamas, and y’can work y’magic on the hot cocoa. They're going t’love it."
He leans down to pick up Winnie, who snuggles into his neck with her tiny Wednesday Addams costume. She clings to his shirt, and her tired eyes still hold a glimmer of excitement from the night's adventure. Malachai, gripping his plastic Batmobile bucket, eagerly extends his hand to Harry, who takes it with a reassuring squeeze.
"Okay, y’two," Harry says as he starts to make his way up the stairs with the kids in tow. "S’time t’get into y’warm PJs and then we'll come down f’a treat with Mommy."
Winnie, in her sleepy state, mumbles something unintelligible but content into Harry's neck, and Malachai excitedly chatters about his favorite houses and the candies he collected. You can hear their footsteps gradually ascending the stairs as they disappear from view, leaving you alone in the cozy living room, already picturing the smiles on their faces when they taste the hot cocoa.
He makes his way to Winnie's bedroom with his precious Wednesday Addams in tow. The room is bathed in a soft, comforting glow from the nightlight, casting gentle shadows that dance on the walls.
He eases her out of her costume, chuckling softly as she fumbles with the little buttons and zippers.
"Y’doing great, m’sunshine," he encourages her, his deep voice filled with warmth.
Winnie's little diaper-clad bottom wiggles as she chooses her own pyjamas from her drawer. Her tiny hands reach for the set with pumpkins, as if she instinctively knows that it's Halloween. She tugs the pyjamas out and turns to her father, holding them up with a proud grin.
Harry can't help but smile at her choice.
"Pumpkins, huh? S’perfect f’tonight, m’little pumpkin," he says, bending down to scoop her up in his arms. Her small frame is light and warm against him, and he revels in the sweet scent of her baby shampoo and the feeling of her little arms wrapping around his neck.
With gentle precision, he helps her slide into her pumpkin pajamas, making sure every button is secure.
"There you go, all set," he whispers, brushing a soft kiss on her forehead. Winnie nestles into her father's arms, feeling safe and cosy in her Halloween-themed sleepwear.
With Winnie all set in her cosy pumpkin pyjamas, Harry turns his attention to his energetic four-year-old superhero, Malachai.
"Alright’, buddy," he grins, sweeping Malachai up in his arms. "S’go t’y’room."
Malachai's face lights up with excitement as he's carried off, his tiny Batmobile bucket still clutched in his hand. His little heart races with the anticipation of choosing his pajamas. Harry gently lowers him onto his lap, their faces almost level, and begins to help him out of the Batman costume.
As he peels back the cape and unzips the suit, Malachai can't help but giggle.
"Daddy, I got so many candies!" he exclaims, his eyes wide with wonder.
Harry chuckles, ruffling his son's hair. "I saw that, buddy! Y’were an amazing Batman out there."
With the costume finally off, Harry tells Malachai,
"Okay, go ahead and pick out your pyjamas." Malachai doesn't need a second invitation; he eagerly darts off to his dresser, a whirlwind of excitement and enthusiasm.
In a matter of seconds, he's back, holding up a pair of Batman-themed pajamas, complete with a little Bat-Signal on the shirt. Harry can't help but laugh at his son's choice. "Well, I should've guessed you'd pick those, m’little superhero."
Malachai grins from ear to ear as he hands over the pajamas to his dad, ready for the last transformation of the night before they both head downstairs to enjoy the hot cocoa and some Halloween treats.
As Harry is helping Malachai change into his Batman pyjamas, he suddenly hears a commotion coming from the nearby bedroom. Laughter and the sound of fabric rustling are unmistakable signs that Winnie is up to something.
He gently advises Malachai, "Almost done, buddy. Just a moment."
He heads to Winnie's room, where he finds his little Wednesday Addams in the midst of a rather energetic quilt-throwing exercise. Quilt pieces lie strewn about, and her mischievous giggles fill the room.
With an amused smile, Harry asks her, "Win, what are y’doing, sweetie?"
Winnie looks up, her big green eyes holding a glint of mischief, and she simply replies, "Bored."
Harry chuckles at her honesty, realising that she's probably looking for some excitement after the adventure of trick-or-treating.
He kneels down and gently gathers her into his arms. "Well, how about we go downstairs and have some hot cocoa? Would that be more exciting than bothering your lovely bed?"
Winnie nods, her pumpkin pyjamas crinkling with the movement.
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Fifteen minutes have passed since you and Harry managed to get the little ones settled into their cozy pajamas and had some quality bonding time. Now, the living room is a hub of activity as the two of you prepare for a movie night to round off Halloween in style.
You've both changed into your comfortable pajamas, creating an atmosphere of warmth and relaxation. Harry wears a simple t-shirt and shorts, while you've slipped into a pair of his boxers and one of his well-worn t-shirts that still carries the scent of his cologne. It's a comforting aroma that wraps around you like a familiar embrace, making you feel even closer to him.
Together, you're setting up the living room for the perfect movie night. The TV is on, casting a soft, inviting glow across the room. A cozy blanket is spread out on the couch, waiting to envelop you both in its warmth as the night progresses.
In the kitchen, you can hear the gentle hum of the microwave as the popcorn starts to pop. The tantalizing scent of buttered popcorn fills the air, promising a delectable treat for the evening's entertainment.
With the popcorn timer set, you and Harry adjust the cushions on the couch, fluffing them up for maximum comfort. The remote control rests on the coffee table, ready to transport you to the world of your chosen Halloween movie.
Harry glances at you and grins.
"M’gonna come with y’t’ get t’hot cocoa, so we don't have t’keep getting up during t’movies," he suggests, knowing that once you're all settled in on the couch, it's best to minimise interruptions.
You nod in agreement and turn toward Malachai and Winnie, who are perched on the couch, their eyes fixed on the TV.
"Alright, kiddos," you say playfully, "we'll be right back. Be good for a minute."
Malachai nods, his little Batman eyes shining with excitement, and Winnie gives you a mischievous grin.
"Behave, you two," you say, smirking at them, knowing that their idea of "being good" might be open to interpretation.
In the cosy kitchen, you and Harry stand side by side, the scent of popcorn filling the air as the microwave hums to life. The sound of kernels popping is rhythmic, a soothing backdrop to the conversation between you two.
As you prepare the popcorn, Harry can't resist leaning in and brushing a playful kiss to your cheek.
"Y’know," he says with a mischievous glint in his eye, "you wearing m’shirt does something t’me."
You chuckle and play along. "Oh, does it now? And what might that be?"
Harry's lips curl into a gentle smile as he takes a step closer.
"Well," he begins, "it makes m’want t’hold y’like this." He wraps his strong arms around your waist, pulling you into a warm embrace.
You feel your heart flutter at his touch and tilt your head toward him, resting it on his shoulder.
"What else?" you ask, curiosity dancing in your eyes.
Harry's warm breath tickles your ear as he continues, "It makes m’want t’kiss y’until we forget all about the movie night."
His words are filled with affection and desire, and you can't help but blush. The microwave dings, signalling that the popcorn is ready, and you both turn your attention to the hot cocoa.
You grab the mugs and pour the steaming chocolatey goodness, while Harry retrieves a can of whipped cream from the fridge. As you finish garnishing the cocoa, you feel his presence close behind you.
He places a soft kiss on your temple and whispers, "And y’laugh, especially in m’shirt, s’m’favorite sound."
You turn to face him, sharing a sweet, lingering kiss as you exchange mugs, ready to head back to the living room with the popcorn and hot cocoa, cherishing this tender moment and the love that surrounds you.
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The living room is now perfectly set up for a family movie night. The soft glow of the TV illuminates the room, casting a cozy atmosphere that envelops you all. Winnie's choice for the evening is "Hotel Transylvania," and it's playing on the screen. She's curled up on her father's lap, a warm blanket cocooning her tiny form.
As the movie begins, you can't help but smile at the sight. Winnie's eyes are wide with wonder as she watches the colourful characters on the screen. Harry wraps his arms protectively around her, his gentle voice whispering, "S’this y’favourite movie, sweetheart?"
Winnie nods, her sleepy eyes twinkling with delight, and she snuggles deeper into her father's embrace.
On the other side of the couch, Malachai is cuddled up against you, his little head resting on your shoulder. He clutches his favourite superhero plushie tightly in his hand, occasionally glancing at the screen with rapt attention.
The atmosphere is filled with warmth, love, and the soft sounds of the movie, punctuated by the occasional giggle from Winnie.
The movie progresses, and as the characters in "Hotel Transylvania" embark on their comical adventures, a series of shared giggles and gasps fills the room.
Winnie, with her fascination for the animated world on the screen, occasionally points at the characters, and Harry, ever the doting father, indulges her by asking, "Do y’like Dracula, sweetie?"
Winnie grins widely, her tiny face alight with excitement, and nods, "Dracula funny!"
Meanwhile, Malachai is engrossed in the movie's action, his big brown eyes wide as he follows every twist and turn. He occasionally snuggles closer to you, as if seeking comfort during the slightly spooky scenes.
As the family settles in, you reach for the bowl of popcorn and hand a piece to Malachai, who takes it eagerly and munches away, the crunch of popcorn providing a delightful background sound to the film.
With a warm, contented sigh, you nuzzle your son's hair and steal a quick glance at Harry and Winnie. You can't help but appreciate these quiet, precious moments when it's just the four of you, lost in a world of animated monsters and a shared love that binds you.
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Midway through the movie, as the animated characters face a comical conundrum, Malachai can no longer resist the allure of the candies he's collected during the night.
He sneaks a hand into his Batmobile bucket, selects a piece, and with a sly grin, he turns to you, his wide eyes shining. "Mommy, want a candy?"
You can't help but chuckle at his irresistible charm and accept the candy he offers. After taking the treat, you lean in, gently pressing a soft kiss to his button-like nose. He lets out a joyful giggle at the unexpected display of affection, his heart warmed by the simple gesture.
With the candy indulged, you both return your attention to the movie. The lively characters on the screen continue their quirky adventures, and the living room echoes with shared laughter and the occasional gasp at the on-screen antics.
Harry, from his spot across the room, watches with a fond smile. His heart swells with love as he sees the bond between you and Malachai, a mother and son sharing moments of pure joy.
He can't help but chime in, "Hey, don't forget to save some candy for me!"
Malachai grins and offers the candy bucket to his father, who selects a piece with a playful wink.
As "Hotel Transylvania" nears its conclusion, it's evident that the long and exciting day of Halloween adventures has taken its toll on the little ones.
Malachai, his eyelids growing heavier with every passing moment, has shifted from his snug spot at your side to rest his head on his father's lap.
Winnie, nestled under her blanket and clutching her favourite plush toy, is in a half-dreamy state as she gazes at the screen.
The movie's ending is met with a quiet stillness in the room, punctuated only by the gentle, even breaths of your two precious superheroes.
The soft glow of the TV paints a warm, comforting picture. Harry smiles down at Malachai, who is slowly surrendering to sleep, and he gently strokes his son's hair, a loving and protective father's touch.
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In the quiet moments of the evening, the soft lamplight casts a warm, gentle glow in the living room. The day's activities have left Winnie tired but still full of curiosity and energy. She's been trying to settle on her fathers lap like she does most nights but now she has a different kind of need.
As you sit comfortably on the couch, Winnie's inquisitive spirit takes over.
She crawls over to your lap, her bright eyes filled with a mix of innocence and desire.
She pauses in front of you, gazing up with a look that seems to convey, "Mommy, can I?"
You smile down at her, understanding her silent request. In response, you lovingly adjust your position, allowing her to crawl onto your lap. Her tiny hands, warm and soft, reach for your shirt, her fingers fumbling to lift it up.
You ask her, "Do you want some mommy milk, sweetie?"
Winnie's face lights up with a happy nod, and she whines softly as her efforts to lift your shirt all the way are met with a bit of difficulty. Her determination to satisfy her hunger is apparent, and her love for "mummy milk" is a testament to the special bond between a mother and her child.
With a gentle, motherly touch, you guide her to your breast, and she latches on with eager determination. As she begins to feed, you brush her soft hair away from her face and stroke her cheek. The connection between you two deepens, and in this intimate moment, you cherish the unique and profound love you share.
As your youngest settles into her peaceful breastfeeding session, the living room is not devoid of activity.
On the sofa, you can see Harry and your eldest still seated together.
Malachai's eyes are heavy, his little body leaning comfortably against his father. The remnants of their family movie night are visible in the traces of popcorn that litter the coffee table.
Malachai glances up at his father, his sleepy gaze meeting Harry's warm, tender eyes.
With a quiet understanding, he says, "Daddy, I love our family."
Harry's heart swells with love, and he replies, "I love our family too, buddy. And y’know what? We're all so lucky t’have Mommy, aren't we?"
Malachai smiles, his sleepy face lit up with affection. "Yeah, we're the luckiest. And Winnie's lucky too."
Harry chuckles softly. "Y’absolutely right, m’little superhero."
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The night has fallen, and the house is immersed in a comforting stillness. You and Harry have just put both Malachai and Winnie to bed, their innocent faces wrapped in the embrace of slumber.
The room is now your own, and the two of you lay side by side in the cosy intimacy of your double bed.
Harry, the moonlight gently caressing his features, turns to you with a thoughtful look.
"Do y’ever think about trying f’another baby?" he asks, his voice laced with curiosity.
Harry's question hangs in the air, you go quiet, and a small, enigmatic smile plays on your lips. Harry notices your silence and turns his head to look at you, his eyes searching for your thoughts.
“S’that smile for?" he asks with a curious, quizzical expression.
You take a deep breath, your heart beating a little faster, and with a soft chuckle, you say, "I don't think there's much 'trying' to do."
His brow furrowed in confusion for a moment, but then your hand gently guided his, placing it on your stomach. As he feels the gentle, subtle curve of your belly under his touch, realisation dawns in his eyes, and his gaze locks onto yours.
A beautiful mix of emotions washes over him, and with a joyful and surprised grin, he whispers, "Are y’saying...?"
You nod, your eyes shining with love and happiness. "Yes, H, we're going to have another baby."
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astrasrebloggedfics · 10 months
Saved Toji Fics
Toji Loves Thic Women
Morning After (Husband!Toji)
What is Love
That's Why I Love You (pregnant reader)
Dog tags
The Couple and The Cashier
Doctor!Reader x Dad!Toji
Ass, Tits, or Thighs (Suggestive)
Dad!Toji Megumi's Height
Hide and Seek (Ft. Megumi)
Toji Sleeps Naked (Highly Suggestive
The Fight For The Television (Dad!Toji)
Three Little Words
Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Toji With Newborns
Toji Has Lots of Money
Fluff Alphabet V
Getting Fast Food
Extra Mean To Others
Toji Respects Women
Baby's First Words
Trying to Dom Toji
Dry Humping
Dilf!Toji & Babysitter
Obsessed with You Breasts
A Brothel but With Men
Noise Competition
Werewolf Toji Part 1 Part 2
Loves to Fuck You Dumb
Me and My Husband (assassin!Toji)
W/ Reader's Oral Fixation
Leaving the Door Open
Dilf!Toji and College!Neighbor!Reader
Dumbification and Breeding
Things Toji Says in Bed
Hotel Maid!Reader
Boyfriend's Uncle
Yakuza Boss!Toji x Needy!Reader
Too Big (For Condoms)
Want Some Milk With That?
Ex Husband!Toji
Soft Dom!Toji
Virgin Killer!Toji (filming)
Love Line (MMA!Toji)
Making You Explain What You Want Him To Do
Toji Punishes You
Mean!Possessive!Toji Getting You Pregnant
Pleasing the Wife
The Sorcerer Killer
Birthing Hips
He's Married (angst)
Toji's Valentine's Gift
Baby Fever
Hungry Husband
Big Dick!Toji
Loves Making You Cry
College Teacher!Toji
Sucking Tits in Public
Dilf!Toji x College!Reader
Hate (Jealous) Sex
Fucking You So Good
Tease And Feast
Old Tricks, Same Treats (halloween)
Short NSFW
Fresh Out Of the Shower (lightly NSFW)
Toji's Trophy Wife
S & M
Dilf!Toji x Babysitter!Reader (Cheating On Wife)
Locking Down Toji
Dirty Diaries
Better Than Breakfast
Fuck Boy!Toji
"How Do You Feel Mama?"
Stay the Night
One of His Girls
Belly Bulge
Missing You
Dilf!Toji Slapping You With His Cock
Dilf!Toji Shopping
Lemon (One of my personal favorites)
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desire-mona · 11 months
abed headcanons because im autistic and bitches be projecting
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big fan of deep pressure, has a weighted blanket but ideally someones putting all their body weight on top of him
can drive but hates it because its FUCKING BORIIIIINNNGGG
doesn't have a very expansive music taste, when he likes a song he listens to it on loop for weeks
has received the same novelty popcorn bucket as a gift 10+ times bc his relatives have no idea what to give him and just google "gifts for movie lovers"
britta offered him an edible one (1) total time and he got so overstimulated he passed out and slept for 15 hours
has ARFID and there's a list of his safe foods on the fridge in the trobedison apartment
has very sweaty hands. like if you high five him it'll splash. troy is used to it (cuz they hold hands) but if anyone else finds out theyre like AH OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE YOU DAMP
either loves or hates scott pilgrim vs. the world. i cant decide so neither can he.
reads the books that have movie adaptations bc dedication but doesn't have a great time
has a head jerk tic when he's cold (i have this too its very annoying)
"troy and abed in the mooooornin" vocal stim at random times
FFFFFUCKING LOVED trick or treating as a kid cuz the interactions were so cut and dry. "trick or treat" and "thank you". Perfect.
nobody is ever allowed to touch his feet. ever. under any circumstances.
lucid dreams basically every night but thinks thats just what Normal Dreaming is
got along very well with his teachers. "delight to have in class" energy
#1 sherpa hater, the most evil texture
always bites his nails bc the thought of long nails makes him wanna throw up
hate hate hates the smell of drool or saliva in general
compulsive hand washer, especially after touching a bad texture
has glasses but doesn't wear them. the feeling of anything on his face is Not Good
in the same vein, has a love hate relationship with headphones cuz they hurt his ears after a while
gets viscerally angry when someone says male gaze/ female gaze in reference to a real person. its a film term!!
has been told on many occasions that he has a "nice podcasting voice"
often pirates new movies because movie theatres are a nightmare but he will Pass Away if he hears spoilers
hhhhhhHHHHHAAAAAAATES opening gifts at parties cuz he has no idea how to react
shaves his legs bc if he feels hair against his pants he Will have a breakdown
wore the same pyjamas Every Single Night for a year as a kid
was a shorts year round kid in middle school
probably nonbinary but thats neither here nor there
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krinsbez · 1 year
A Watership Down Meta/Headcanon/Rant
So, both @jaybutnotthebird and @stavarosthearcane have stated that, to their knowledge, I've not posted this on tumblr, and indicated that they would like to hear it, I'm posting it now!
So I don't recall if it was stated explicitly or was, like, a rumor, but everything about Gen. Woundwort makes so much more sense when you realize he's a hutch rabbit.
Why is he so enormous? Cuz he was bred to be big and fluffy, was fed flayrah everyday, and was taken to the vet if he got sick.
Why is he so afraid of humans? Because they were the first elil he ever encountered.
Why is everything he does in complete opposition to proper lapine culture and behavior? Because he grew up not knowing anything about it.
Efrafa is, in essence, an attempt to make a warren into a hutch.
OK got that? So, here's another thing to think about. Cowslip's Warren, or Strawberry's Warren, or the Warden of the Shining Wire, or whatever you want to call it...they also completely disregard traditional Lapine culture and behavior; they don't tell stories of El-ahrairah, they make weird poetry about the inevitability of death, they keep babbling about dignity, they make ART, etc. This, by the way, is why it and Efrafa come off as so viscerally wrong, because Mr. Adams went to the trouble of putting us in a rabbit headspace, so we can understand the full horror; it's not just Woundwort's tyranny or the farmer's snares, it's that they're unnatural and rabbits aren't meant to live that way.
Now, I know what you're thinking when I say that word, "unnatural", but put down the pitchfork.
Because Hazel and Co. do a LOT of things that is outside the realm of typical rabbit behavior:
Despite being Chief Rabbit, Hazel let's the others argue with and talk back to him.
They made friends with mice and a bird.
He adopted Cowslip's Warren's idea of using tree roots to create a big central chamber
Tales (the sequel short story collection) has them adopt a (obvs. less aggro) version of the Efrafan practice of having the Owsla run patrols
They busted out hutch rabbits.
They used a boat
Meanwhile, Sandleford, the Warren that our heroes fled, was apparently the epitome of a traditional Warren and of course they all died horribly.
So, what's the difference?
It goes back to the last lines of the first myth, part of which was used as the first animated film adaptation's tagline:
“All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.”
(I bolded the important part)
Sandleford's Chief Rabbit (EDIT: The Threarah) decided he liked things as they were and refused to change, and his people died. Cowslip and Co. allow themselves to be farmed and treat death as an inevitability, and they're slowly going mad and dying one by one. Gen. Woundwort teaches his Owsla to respond to every situation by fighting, and they break and flee when the unexpected happens. The ordinary rabbits of Efrafa are forced to live like hutch rabbits and they're miserable and not having babies.
Hazel does weird stuff…but he does so because he's in a weird situation and has to adapt. He listens to the other's concerns and ideas, he keeps an open mind, he figures out what resources are available to him, and then figures out how he can use them to protect his people.
In short? Unlike Woundwort, Cowslip & Co., or the unnamed Chief Rabbit of Sandleford EDIT: The Threarah, he is cunning and full of tricks.
(I think one of the reasons the BBC miniseries from a few years back didn't hit right is that they failed to get this)
Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED Talk
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ghoulinfuschia · 6 months
hi, weird question- do you have any tips or tricks for storyboarding/animatics/learning how to board? been wanting to get into it but not sure how
Hmmmm I wouldn’t say there are many tricks to storyboarding, however when it comes to starting out I think the best thing you can do is start with short things.
- When I started boarding the first things I ever made were short animatics to vine audios. No background, nothing fancy, just a character in a white void. Storyboarding heavily relies on your stamina to get things done, so treat it like prepping for a mile run. Start with small things and slowly build up.
- When you’re drawing characters for storyboards try to simplify them as much as you can. The character should still be readable, but you don’t wanna be drawing any unnecessary details over and over again.
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N’s design consists of a lot of triangular shapes so I utilized those a lot when simplifying for boarding reason. I dont include his caution tape design, no hat design, no armband, and his tail is a line with a cylinder at the end (usually I draw his tail. I forgot to here). It really helps to learn how to break down characters for the sake of convenience. (I would even argue I could simplify N even more)
- Become familiar with film shot terminology! What is a medium shot? A dutch angle? A worm’s eye view? Once you familiarize yourself with these terms the next tip will be much easier.
- Rewatch your favorite shows and pay attention to the way they compose scenes! Ask yourself why you like the shots you do, and try to archive that info in your brain so you can use it for your own stuff! Some of my favorite shows are My Little Pony, The Owl House, Winx Club, and Amphibia. I would rewatch episodes and silently take note of the shots I liked so I could mimic them later!
- Lastly what I will say is just have fun with it. It’s great to strengthen your skills, but don’t turn it into a chore or else you won’t enjoy it. The best work comes out of having fun :3
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junkyarddemento · 1 year
Jack in the Box is stepping up their Halloween game this year by giving us a full horror short film. Centered around their New Angry Monster Tacos, we find a group of masked troublemakers that happen upon a mysterious food truck that's giving away said tasty tacos. Hopefully this becomes a yearly tradition for the fast food giant, releasing spooky themed mini movies for fans of the season!
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brokehorrorfan · 2 months
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Trick 'r Treat will be released on 4K Ultra HD on October 28 via Arrow Video. Sara Deck designed the new cover art for the 2007 horror anthology; the original key art is on the reverse side.
Michael Dougherty (Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Krampus) makes his feature directorial debut from his own script. Dylan Baker, Rochelle Aytes, Anna Paquin, Brian Cox, and Quinn Lord star.
The limited edition set comes with a booklet featuring new writing by Becky Darke and Heather Wixson, a double-sided poster, and six art cards.
Trick 'r Treat has been newly restored in 4K, approved by Dougherty, in Dolby Vision with original DTS-HD MA 5.1 surround and 2.0 stereo audio. Preliminary special features are listed below, where you can also see more of the contents.
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Special features:
Audio commentary by writer-director Michael Dougherty, conceptual artist Breehn Burns, storyboard artist Simeon Wilkins, and composer Douglas Pipes
Tales of Folklore & Fright - Featurette with writer-director Michael Dougherty, conceptual artist Breehn Burns, and storyboard artist Simeon Wilkins
Interview with writer-director Michael Dougherty
Sounds of Shock & Superstition - Featurette with Michael Dougherty and composer Douglas Pipes
Tales of Dread & Despair: Releasing Trick ‘r Treat - Featurette with Michael Dougherty and film historian Rob Galluzzo
Season’s Greetings - 1996 short film with optional commentary by director Michael Dougherty
The Lore and Legends of Halloween narrated by actor Brian Cox
School bus VFX comparison
Additional scenes
FEARnet promos
Sam O'Lantern
Storyboard and conceptual artwork gallery
Behind the scenes gallery
Monster Mash comic book set in the Trick 'r Treat universe
More extras to be confirmed
Also included:
Double-sided foldout poster with original and new art by Sara Deck
Six postcard-sized art cards
Booklet with new writing on the film by Becky Darke and Heather Wixson
Follow the secretive and disturbing life of a high school principal (Dylan Baker) who leads a double life as a ruthless serial killer; the journey of a young girl (Anna Paquin) looking for love who finds something infinitely more macabre; a group of teenagers playing a prank with disastrous consequences; and an old man (Brian Cox) confronted by Sam, a mischievous trick-or-treater with a terrifying secret.
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disneytva · 6 months
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Monsters At Work S2 E1 featured a cameo of the Walt Disney Animation Studios short "The Ballad Of Nessie" as a cute easter egg from the director of that short Stevie Wermers-Skelton who serves as showrunner and EP on Monsters At Work.
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Wermers also has a overall development deal with Disney Television Animation to create new shows, films and specials and is the 7th female creator at Disney Television Animation alongside Sue Rose ("Pepper Ann"), Daron Nefcy ("Star Vs The Forces of Evil"), Aliki Theofilopoulos ("Descendants Wicked World", "Zombies The Re-Animated Series"), Jennifer Magee-Cook ("Descendants Wicked World"), Krista Tucker ("Fancy Nancy", NDA Disney Junior Series"), Dana Terrace ("The Owl House"), Latoya Raveneau ("Rise Up,Sing Out","NDA Disney Channel Series") , Chelsea Beyl ("Alice's Wonderland Bakery"), Sabrina Alberghetti ("Chibi Tiny Tales","Chibiverse"), Helen Sugland ("Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur","Cookies And Milk"), Kate Kondell ("Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur"), Lucy Heavens ("Kiff", "NDA Disney Channel Series"), Natasha Kline ("Primos") ,Kim Duran ("Mickey Saves Christmas", "Mickey And Friends Trick or Treats","Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 2.0") ,Reese Witherspoon ("Tiny Trailblazers"), Elise Fachon ("Playdate with Winnie The Pooh"), Emily Kapnek ("Rhona Who Lives by The River"), Pamela Ribon ("InterCats"), Lynne Southerland ("Ariel"), Molly Knox Ostertag ("NDA Disney+ Series"), Monica Ray ("NDA Disney Channel Series") Amy Hudkins ("NDA Disney Channel Series") and Norma P. Sepulveda.("NDA Disney Junior Series")
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Thoughts on Beetlejuice Beetlejuice *SPOILERS*
The Good:
The reveal that Astrid could see ghosts this whole time and that Jeremy was actually a ghost was genuinely really good - I didn't see it coming but in hindsight it was so obvious. The whole bit about him trying to trick Astrid into giving her life for his was so fun.
Michael Keaton was a treat to watch as usual - all the actors seemed to be having the times of their lives, especially him, Willem Dafoe and Monica Bellucci. I was actually laughing out loud at some of the scenes he was in and I appreciate that they used him sparingly. I also thought the gag of Willem Dafoe's character being a former actor who liked pretending to be a cop and his secretary kept fetching him coffees and feeding him his lines was genuinely funny.
I was on the fence about Astrid because from what I got from the promotional material she seemed pretty bratty and whiny, but I think her frustrations with Lydia and her life in general were generally fairly understandable and I think she and Winona Ryder had great chemistry. Also I want Astrid's wardrobe, that sweater-dress with the bike shorts and boots? An absolute serve.
It's cool that Tim Burton and Michael Keaton both insisted on building sets instead of relying on CGI to do everything, I think that one of the charming things about the first movie was the handmade feel of the sets and they managed to capture a lot of it in this one. I mean, they do use SOME CGI, especially where Beetlejuice is involved, but I think it's good they didn't just rely on greenscreens.
Banger soundtrack, as usual, thanks to Danny Elfman.
Killing off Charles and Delia was surprising but I thought it was handled in a good way. I thought the actor who played Charles had died or something and when I googled why he wasn't in the sequel I think they did the best they could with the character. Catherine O'Hara sort of held together the Lydia/Astrid subplot for me, especially when she says to Lydia, "What happened to the angsty goth girl who gave me so much trouble? I think you need to find her!" The Bad: - This movie really made me appreciate the Maitlands more. The whole thing with the first movie is that Adam and Barbara ground it and give it a sense of normalcy - they have random, sudden, unfair deaths and as the audience we're thrown into the confusing world and rules of the afterlife as much as they are. In this movie I feel like everyone is too busy trying to be different flavours of wacky to feel real, which is fine for people like Beetlejuice or Delores but the human characters didn't feel like that had substance like the Maitlands.
Am I the only one who felt like this film felt kind of like a character assassination of Lydia?? I love Winona Ryder to death (pun unintended), but I feel like all she did in this movie is make that pop-eyed shocked face and say exposition. I'm sorry but am I meant to believe that Lydia Deetz, the only person in the first movie who could communicate with Adam and Barbara, called Otho, Lydia and her dad out on their shit multiple times and had the balls to make a deal with Beetlejuice to save the former, would seriously let some creepy man pressgang her into marriage? Not to mention I can't remember a single line of dialogue from Lydia, she's kind of been demoted to just being a depressed goth mom and that's kind of it. Also I felt like the way she was using her power for a TV show felt OOC when she was the only one who opposed the haunted house idea in the original. (Also Winona Ryder's hair looked terrible in the movie, it made sense for teenaged Lydia to have those gel spikes but on a Lydia who's hit fifty they look ridiculous. Like what, did her fashion sense never evolve past age fifteen?)
There were WAY too many subplots. I genuinely really liked the subplot with Astrid and Jeremy, and I think Beetlejuice and his ex-wife had a lot of potential, but the end of the movie was like Tim Burton forgot to keep track of every subplot he had going on and wrapped them up really unsatisfyingly.
Monica Bellucci's character was WAY underused. Like. I absolutely loved her design and stuff but she was walking around the whole movie attacking random people we don't give a shit about, and then in the climax she just stands there and lets herself get eaten. (That staple-face look would make a fire Halloween costume though.) I feel like the subplot with Lydia's creepy boyfriend/producer should have been cut so she had more time to shine.
The dialogue. Some of it was fine but other times phrases showed up that are so obviously going to become dated in a couple of years, it sounded like adults trying way too hard to be edgy and relatable to Gen Z viewers, like when Astrid goes "the afterlife is so random!" or that one woman describing something as "non-triggering". I don't remember the dialogue in the first movie feeling so buzzword-heavy.
Beetlejuice felt less like a threat this time. In the first movie he's more of a clear-cut antagonist but this time he's very clearly on Lydia's side and even dispatches all the other bad guys, so I think some of his more sinister energy was lost here.
The ending was really dumb ngl. It feels like it's setting up for a third one but Tim Burton was like "lol not gonna happen" so I have no idea why he chose to ending it like that.
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