#trees climber camp counselor
so. during the summer, i worked a job as a summer camp counselor. i had a truly great time, and the kids were excellent.
the one mistake i made was letting the kids know that i had a boyfriend. very few of them had an issue with the fact that i was a man dating another man; no, they had a problem with the fact that i wasn't dating one of the other counselors (a very sweet girl who i'll call grace because she was my saving grace in the understaffed wasteland).
here are some of the stories they handed in to me, with names replaced.
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raindropren · 4 months
I think i should make a hermitcraft camp au
Everyone will be like 14-17 and it will be VERY Found Family!!!! U can take the hermits being family to eachother from my COLD DEAD HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Xisuma is the Volunteer camp counselor, His parents said it'd be good to be out in nature and would be good for him!! Real Life Experience!! and they dragged him into the role. He did not want to deal with kids(elementary schoolers can be mean...) but he was pleasantly surprised to find people more his age(That being 15 at the time) He took to it well but he is slowly going insane, do not mistake that.
The camp itself is just, alittle illegal, like a camp counselor started at 15 and i don't think he should of been without adult supervision but whatever!
by the second year of camp most of the hermits had already joined the camp! I have few ideas but here's some
Joe actually did want to go to the camp! He wanted to be a camp counselor but didn't really get the opportunity to sign up so now he helps out Xisuma whenever he can! A quarter threw the first year He dragged Cleo out of the new arrivals bus and introduced her to their little friend group! Cleo really didn't wanna be there but she also really didn't like going through the summer without Joe, so now she's here. in the wilderness :]
Did i mention that the camp is a summer camp, cause!!!
S U M M E R!!
Bdubs was super enthusiastic about the nature part, he wanted to look at cool moss!!!!(me too, me too) and then forgot about the activities part of camp and for a solid month Etho had to drag him out of bed just to do something other then sleep. They'd find him sleeping in trees. I think he'd be an amazing tree climber. He'd only wake up for the forest related activities and has skipped every single swimming activity since he got there. surprisingly it's a 50/50 on if he shows up to a craft activity. one time they had a special animal-care activity and when Etho mentioned the horses the people had brought ONCE and bdubs jumped up and sprinted to them. He did not leave those horses side until they left and after that they got a stable in the camp and bdubs and etho take cake of the horses everyday together! I like them :)
He and Etho share a bunk!!!! They're in the same cabin and after the horse thing they made a little shrine and their other cabin mates... are scared.
Mumbo joined at the same time as Cleo(On the same arrival bus and everything) and was very much the youngest(like just turned 14? maybe) He was the bbabbbyyy... and also exploded something on his first day! :D
Tango, Impulse, and Zed disappeared one night and came back the next day properly unhinged and wouldn't tell a single soul what they'd been up to but after that they're seen together more then not Lol
And the next year they came back speaking of Impulses friend Skizz who they were trying to convince the parents of to send them to camp aswell! It did not work until the 3rd year! Jump for joy, they did!
Grian joined, not wanting to be there at all, having a terrible time and then well
He caused Chaos, left for a week, then came back worse and decided he'd rather be there, super concerning to the others but he didn't speak a peep about it and then went back to causing(now slightly less destructive) chaos! He and Mumbo become extremely good friends, they bribed mumbo's bunk-mate to switch cabins with grian and now they're bunk-mates! it caused confusion for a week and then became the new normal! lol. I think he'd have a digital camera and he'd take pictures of the others, but also birds, so many birds. he'd rush to take a picture everytime he saw a duck, which was everyday, because the camp was RIGHT NEXT TO A RIVER!!! ya.
He would take care of the very few chicken's, and he got the others to help make the coop better because parts of it were rusting and breaking and he was scared that the chickens were gonna get hurt.
I think he'd be a only new arrival for the rest of that summer(so like he arrived like, 2 months into the second summer? how long is summer again? IDK) With hermits that join in season 5 probably arriving during the first month of summer? lets say? ya.
The 3rd summer had two new arrivals which was Pearl and Gem!! They arrived on the same bus and definitely had known eachother beforehand(aka Pearl went "I'm going to this camp next summer, u should come too :3" and Gem said "well okay i guess")
I think Grian and Pearl are siblings(you couldn't take that headcanon away if u tried LOL) and Pearl arriving was wweeirdddd cause grian had missed them arriving and then everytime he saw pearl he did a double take like 'did, did I just see who i thought I saw??????'
aka Grian did NOT know their Parents were sending Pearl to this Camp aswell teehe
I think Joel would arrive and be tackled by Grian, they knooww eachootherr aswell!!! yiippeee, I also think Joel and Etho should know eachother aswell, like they'd been to the same school and stuff lol.
Skizz Arrives and Impulse promptly gives him the biggest hug because He missed his best friend!!!!!!! it's been months!!!! they're dramatic about it.
I really have no other idea's, i wish i did!!!!
either way!! i think they have a camp group chat that is constantly getting chattered in even when it isn't summer lolsie
this was for fun, maybe i'll write more info i've thought about for this au, down again at some point, but ya!!! Fun!!! Yiippeee
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campbluelake · 2 years
Sunshine 💲 Jacky-Bobby
Plate of cake in hand, Jacky-Bobby settles into a comfortable spot on a blanket that's close, but not too close, to the fire. Someone as energetic as Lydia having her young life snuffed out so soon hadn't sat well with him. As bright as the afternoon might be in reality, it's far less so without her shiny, happy self in their circle of counselors.
He shoves a forkful of cake into his mouth, swallowing down his sentimentality along with it. This helps him from making a face at Leon's... positive spin on things.
"Yes, it was a rather determined effort, indeed - yet there were also pauses in the dragging. Either because the culprit was trying to avoid detection, or because they simply lacked the strength to bring her all the way to the car without stopping."
"I lean towards the latter. The indirect nature and overall ingenuity of the trap making reeks of someone who isn't confident in their ability to actually 'duke it out,' as they say..."
If nothing else, this killer is a creative soul. Jacky-Bobby has to smirk at what he says next. At the audacity of someone working at a camp unable to do something he's been able to do since he was five.
"They couldn't even climb a tree without the assistance of a stepladder. Can you believe that?"
Some people aren't tree climbers and it shows.
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quixoticanarchy · 3 years
more farm camp quotes:
- “scarecrows don’t need gender!”
- “i pray to god that he’ll get rid of ticks... he shouldn’t even have invented them”
- (kid who spends most of his time being a cow, to me) “did you practice your mooing over the weekend? i bet you didn’t. i bet you practiced singing in russian instead”
- (same kid) “can my girlfriend be a cow?”
- (same kid again) “the problem is, i’m a male cow. and you know what they do to male cows? they slaughter them. so i’m going to be slaughtered soon”
- “i’ll probably have braces for the rest of my silly, worthless life” (to which i responded “you probably won’t” and my co-counselor responded “your life isn’t worthless!” ...2 kinds of people)
- (very enthusiastic tree-climber) “of course i have rope! and a hammer! and a toolbox!!”
- “i can’t grow a beard because i’m going to be a youtuber”
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mydarlinginej · 4 years
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read my full review of you have a match by emma lord here.
From the beloved author of Tweet Cute comes Emma Lord’s You Have a Match, a YA novel of family, friendship, romance and sisterhood…
When Abby signs up for a DNA service, it’s mainly to give her friend and secret love interest, Leo, a nudge. After all, she knows who she is already: Avid photographer. Injury-prone tree climber. Best friend to Leo and Connie…although ever since the B.E.I. (Big Embarrassing Incident) with Leo, things have been awkward on that front.
But she didn’t know she’s a younger sister.
When the DNA service reveals Abby has a secret sister, shimmery-haired Instagram star Savannah Tully, it’s hard to believe they’re from the same planet, never mind the same parents—especially considering Savannah, queen of green smoothies, is only a year and a half older than Abby herself.
The logical course of action? Meet up at summer camp (obviously) and figure out why Abby’s parents gave Savvy up for adoption. But there are complications: Savvy is a rigid rule-follower and total narc. Leo is the camp’s co-chef, putting Abby’s growing feelings for him on blast. And her parents have a secret that threatens to unravel everything.
But part of life is showing up, leaning in, and learning to fit all your awkward pieces together. Because sometimes, the hardest things can also be the best ones.
my review:
I really adored Lord’s debut, Tweet Cute, so I was so excited for her sophomore novel! This book was a bit heavier than I was expecting, but it was still so good. I was tearing up towards the end! You Have a Match navigates complex sibling relationships and family secrets with heart and wit.
To support her best friend and secret crush Leo, Abby signs up for a DNA service. She doesn’t really think of anything of it until the results come back, telling her that she has a full sister named Savvy who messages her immediately. After they discover that they live very close, Savvy convinces Abby to go to the camp she’s a counselor for so they can get to know each other better. Once she arrives, she realizes that this is same camp that Leo has been working at. They, along with their friends, try to figure out why their parents have been hiding this big a secret.
I suppose I expected this book to have more hijinks than it did because of the author’s previous book. It does have the level of memes and laughs, just not as often. Also, the romance was a touch more secondary to the “surprise! you have an older sister!” plot although that’s not a bad thing. Honestly, though, comparing You Have a Match to Tweet Cute is a bit like comparing Abby to Savvy: they’re fundamentally different, but at their core, they have the same heart. Both books feature lovable characters who are trying to figure their lives out, as well as navigating complex family dynamics.
read my full review here.
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fan-clan-fun · 7 years
Fanclans Masterpost
Unlike some writers,  I have a tendency to focus on the culture and worldbuilding of a particular idea, which means I often get caught up in the nitty gritty details and never write stories about them. So here is a simple masterpost of all the many fanclans which i have developed over time, which anyone can ask questions about.
Clans for my Oracle Project, set in the North Carolina Smoky Mountains:
Ashclan: The most diverse clan, which believes fire as their deity. Ashes are a main component of clan ceremonies, and they have a unique rank who dedicate their lives to tending the living flame of their clan. They are adaptable, and admire and appreciate someone who can overcome their shortcomings to become a better cat. They live in a forest often wracked by fires.
Coveclan: Their spirituality is tied to water, but they also have a firm belief in a Great cat, whose two eyes are always watching, the Night eye, and the Day eye. Most of their beliefs and culture center around dualities, thee are always two sides to a story, two forces at work, good or evil. They live on the edge of a lake with their camp in a cove.
Ridgeclan: The martial clan, they are very heavily tied to earth, and their spiritual place is a spire of quartz which reaches into the sky, a perfect example of how the earth connects to the sky and Starclan. They are very no nonsense and have rules for everything, and despite having the largest amount of territory spreading across a ridge, they also deal most frequently with predators and prey shortages.
Bloomclan: Almost a matriarchy, this clan is heavily centered on familial interaction, particularly between a mother and her kits. As such this is the only clan where the requirements for deputy are either mentor an apprentice/or raise a litter. In many ways, they are the most flexible or lax when it comes to traditional clan ways, particularly about mates and mating. They are firmly connected to nature and plants, and always bury their dead with seeds and seedlings so that a new thing may grow from the remains of an old. They live in a meadow which supports many species of trees, shrubs and flowers.
Clans for my old roleplay site, Ancient as the Sea, set on the coast of North Carolina:
Rootclan: The most traditional clan, they split from Waveclan due to disputes on the warrior code and Starclan. They are exclusive to the point of beginning to have issues with severe inbreeding. Like one of my previous clans they are more strict and martial, but they focus around aspects of the code and staying traditional to the original ways. One might call them the extremist clan, where they pursue everything with passion and fervor, including their belief in Starclan. Rootclan is a clan of competition, of honing skills through activities, they have tournaments and hunting challenges as part of their holidays, a chance to earn rewards in prey and prestige. They live in a heavily forested area and are expert tree climbers.
Waveclan: The clan of water and ocean, this clan is deeply in tune with the tides and the changing of the weather. Half of their territory is waterside, briny water with water foul and the coast, the other half is open windy fields. They have the rank of Skywatcher, who works to predict the weather and help protect the clan from the violent storms which once flooded the clan and nearly drove it to extinction. Waveclan has a higher amount of prey and as such have more free time than the other clan to enjoy their territory and cultivate relationships. They consider themselves to be a huge family, and nothing goes on in the clan without everyone knowing. They are generally a peaceful clan, especially after an event  which only the elders remember where a warmongering leader led an attack on Rootclan which ended up killing the medicine cat. Leaders have been encouraged since then to avoid war and aggression, which leads the younger generation to feel like the other clans walk all over them.
Ferryclan: This clan is an urban clan, living in a town which holds a ferry to the Outer Banks. The clan is an odd mix of kittypets, rogues, and clan cats. They are the most open of outsiders, but before a cat become a warrior and full member, they must take a journey and make a specific oath, at this point, the least dedicated are often simply encouraged to seek another lifestyle. As part of being an urban clan, they are far more lax when it comes to certain parts of the code, particularly involving humans. Since there is less prey to hunt, particularly during the winter, Ferryclan makes use of every resource available, and thus will accept food from humans, or steal it, in order to survive. Their contact with humans has allowed human vocabulary/ knowledge or certain items to make their way into clan knowledge, and certain prefixes exist in the clan, like pepper, salt, oil, gravel, which dont exist in any other clan.
Other info of note: These clans share a very similar religious structure, in that their dead are all buried in a specific burial place, in order that their spirits may ascend to Starclan. If their bodies are not buried there, they become trapped as spirits on earth. This is why the greatest punishment on a clan cat is to be refused to be buried there, either by exile or other methods. Since spiritual energy is far more active in these clans, certain ranks have very specific spiritual energy attached to them, thse are leaders, medicine cats, and the guardians. Each of these ranks have special abilities, but also consequences. Leaders gain nine lives, but these lives are the spirits of past cats which become fused to their own bodies, which means leaders sometimes have cats speaking to them in their head, or can lose their own sanity and identity. Leadership is not for just anyone. Medicine cats bond with a significant cat of their past, often a medicine cat or their mentor, and thus gain a line of access to Starclan for spiritual advice. And Guardians are the protectors of the burial grounds, and fight off scavengers, predators, and malevolent spirits. They gain enhanced abilities, endurance and a second sight which allows them to see spirits and spiritual energy. Any cat of these ranks who has become connected to Starclan through spiritual energy is forbidden to bear or sire kits, with the understanding that that spiritual energy would be both physically, mentally, and spiritually harmful to any resulting kits, if they even managed to survive. Of course there is more to this religious system, and is possibly the most complicated I have ever created…. Yet.
And my most recent project, my medieval scottish clans. I intend to make them a roleplay if anyone is interested!
Quick Note: My medieval clans are still somewhat under construction, particularly their religion and pacts with the Faerie. If anyone has any suggestions or knows a lot about the mythology of Faeries, send me a message, I need all the help I can get! That said I do have a few things figured out. First of all, In ancient times, the first clan cats made a pact with one of the most powerful of the faerie. In return for service  in the afterlife (and essentially guarantee of an after life), some cats, those who became heroes and legends in their lives, could essentially become faeries themselves. Unfortunately because it was a faerie deal, it did not go too much as planned, yes the cats would go to the stars, but very few became actual faeries. As such there is gratitude but also great distrust. However, some faeries offer better terms, certain deas to certain cats which improve the lives of cats and increase the chances of becoming a faerie in the afterlife. Each clan and rank has a pact with different faeries. Also, in Scottish folklore, Cat Sith are black cats who are associated with faeries or witchcraft, but are untrustworthy and thought to steal souls. For the clans, having a solid black pelt is considered at least unlucky, and at most the dangerous possibility that they are not true cats at all but faeries in cat skin. Black cats outside the clans are vehemently driven away, and never welcomed into the clans. Names are also considered sacred, and some mothers give their kits secret names, under the hope that this means they cant be replaced as changelings. A lot of what I want to do with these clans is take certain superstitions in medieval times, and play with them, as well as give a completely different context and time period for a warriors world.
Moorclan: The clan of the high moors, descended from actual Scottish Wildcats, who were pushed out of their territory by human villages and the domestic cats within them. Some would say this clan is the most broken and hurt. Their decisions, made in terms of survival, are often considered barbaric in the eyes of others. Yet they are quite structured in their own way, with certain specific roles which attempt to maximize the abilities and potentials of the cats they have. They have two unique aspects, the rank of counselor, who serves as a repository for the knowledge of clan history and law, and the herbalist, who serves as the main healer for the clan. Because of the counselor’s importance, they have a bodyguard which happens to be their apprentice, who protects the teachings in order that they may be passed on, and since one healer for an entire clan is not enough, the healer has three assistants, who specialize in specific areas, but who may or may not succeed them as full healer. What sets them apart from the other clans however, is their stance on faeries. While they are a part of the original pact, they became immediately displeased with faeries, and sought a way to cut themselves off from them in any way. They found one faerie, who offered to essentially cut their territory off from the fae world, but asked a terrible cost. Any kit born with a solid black pelt  must be sacrificed to them, in the possibility that they might be a faerie kit, who could disrupt and destroy that isolation from the faerie realm. Of course the clan does not directly murder the kit, but simply leaves it out in the open, exposes it to the elements. This more than anything has isolated it from the other clans and most other outside cats. This also means that neither their leader nor their healer have any faerie bond, and so are as mortal as any warrior.
Pineclan: Pineclan lives in a predominantly pine and evergreen forest, which runs to the coast and some cliffs. The closest to human settlement, but remaining separate from them, Pineclan has the widest range of pelt colors and genes, with accents like silver, and amber, and chocolate. Perhaps they have been influenced by humans, as they follow a fairly linear hierarchy. Their leader is the Monarch, chosen from amongst the kits of the previous monarch as the one with most potential and insight to lead the clan. The deputy/second of this clan, is the chosen Consort of the monarch, their pair and counterpart who compliments the skills of the monarch and fills the gaps in the leadership. Often they share two separate skill sets, where one specializes in the matters within camp, social interactions and mentor/apprentice pairings, while the other specializes in matters outside of camp, such as organizing hunting, and territory patrols. Although it is encouraged that the consort and Monarch also be mates and produce kits, it is not required, in the case that they are both of the same gender. In this case, what is preferred is a strong bond and ability to work and lead together. For this clan, the faerie pact which was made to benefit the clan was made to extend to the specific royal line, so if a leader must be chosen, they must be chosen from the royal line to accept the blessing. This blessing involves longer life, but also the benefit that they cannot get sick (in this case are also immune to cancer). Eventually there are things which the blessing cannot cure or suppress, and the cat will die, after a longer than average life, or in battle. Healers also have a pact with  a faerie, but it is one which must be earned. The healer has 2-4 apprentices when the time comes to choose, and they learn the arts of healing, but also of good counsel and wisdom, and of cunning. They are trained with how to deal with faeries, of the dangers. Then they go to the faerie ring within their territory and pass into the faerie realm. There they must make their way to the faerie which issued this challenge. If they survive, and do not get lost or flee from fear, they gain the ability to walk between the real world and the faerie realm. With this ability they can protect their clan from certain faerie interference, and save cats on the verge of death. But it is dangerous, and they must choose who to save, because they only have a certain amount of energy to use in saving others, lest they risk being stuck in the faerie realm forever. This clan, although it interacts with faeries, is still quite wary of them, and cunning and word games are encouraged or taught to kits, because words and names are quite powerful, and faeries although they never lie never tell the full truth.
Firthclan: The clan of the pure mountain waters, and the mysterious bogs and fens. This is by far the most spiritual of the clans, and the one most open to faerie influence. Firthclan cats are very respectful of faeries, and very tolerant of them, even of the smallest variety, and interact almost daily with them. This means that there are more benevolent faeries to grant them even small gifts, but many of the most heinous villains, under the promise and pact of a malevolent faerie, originated from this clan. They are somewhat removed from the other clans, and there has been debate if they should just give up the territory on the other side of the firth to the other two, but there is significant benefit to what they do have, and so they still maintain their borders, although not as aggressively or strictly as the others. Their relationship with faeries has made them bitter enemies to Moorclan, and some of the more precocious Firthclanners have been known to sneak into Moorclan territory and save black kits left out to die. They have the traditional leader deputy structure, and the faerie pact which saves the leader is one which is similar to the traditional understanding of nine lives. If some injury or sickness would take a cats life, faerie energy heals them. As for the healer, the pact is one in which the healer communes with benevolent water spirits, and urges them to heal and soothe an afflicted cat, especially in times where herbs may not be enough, like in an infection where the water may cleanse it, or a fungal or viral sickness. Firthclan focuses greatly on an understanding of purity, and greatly values honesty and truth, and perceives kindness and caring of others in the clan to be high value.
Anyway these are my main clans that I have contributed to and devoted significant time to developing. I can always create more detail, and give more unique aspects which is why i enjoy worldbuilding so much!
Also if anyone likes an aspect or two from my clans, and would like to borrow it for their own (in combination with other unique aspects to make it new and unique) feel free to let me know. Or if you want to brainstorm for your own clans send me a message!
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fashionshoesworlds · 8 years
Moncler Took Its Show to the Extreme With Mountain Climber Looks and Hiking Boots
Moncler models braved the snow during its fall ’17 men’s show at Milan Fashion Week today. The skiwear brand put together an extensive set for its latest show, covering the floors and installed trees with fake snow. Meanwhile, the collection paired hiker boots with multiple takes on its signature puffer jackets. Moncler fall ’17 collection. The label styled its outerwear to the extreme here, covering the quilted coats with artfully-placed bungee chord cages. Models proceeded to walk the snow trails in packs, ropes connecting them together in linear formations. Luckily, their gripped lug soles and thick wool socks helped them navigate the snowy weather conditions. Moncler fall ’17 collection. Moncler fall ’17 collection. This isn’t the first time that Moncler took its show to the extreme. For its spring ’17 collection, it put together an outdoorsy set for its camp counselor-themed presentation. Moncler fall ’17 collection. For more looks from the collection, click through the gallery. Want more Milan Fashion Week coverage? Jimmy Choo’s Fall 2017 Men’s Collection Ticked All The Trend Boxes Moschino Embraced a Campy Military-on-Acid Theme Versace Debuted Bold Basketball Kicks That Sneakerheads Will Love Tod’s Shearling-Lined Shoes Are Colorful and Cozy Marni’s Cartoonishly-Chunky Sneakers Will Give Your Ankles a Work Out
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not pictured:
me: how d’you figure, buddy?
her: well cos you’re a boy,, and,, and you said you have a boyfriend. so you’re gay!! :D
me,, on the verge of tears: thats exactly right good job bud
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one of my campers comes up to me every lunch and asks me to read the little notes her mom sends because she can't quite read yet, and they're so sweet i almost cry every time. here's today's:
"what does it mean when your clock reads 13?
it means it's time to get a new clock!"
and she always giggles and puts them carefully away and i swear i am going to weep, humanity is good and the proof is a joke written on a napkin and lovingly tucked into a tiny lunchbox
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a child at the summer camp i work at asked me yesterday if i was melanin deficient (context: she is black and i am very white) and i said “yknow what. yes, [child’s name], i am” and she got very hyped and then thought for a second and tried very hard to explain that she wouldn’t get any more tan this summer, but it came out like ‘i ran out of all my melanin’ and yknow what. kids are so so smart and explain things with their limited vocabulary for the world and its occurrences so so well
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today a child at my camp goes "TEACHER LOOK!! this is how Real Men eat apples >:]"
and then proceeds to Slam an apple into his mouth at full speed and rip off half the damn thing like a lion eating a gazelle and almost choke on it, when i tell you i nearly had an asthma attack to keep from laughing
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