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wineworldnews · 5 months ago
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The cities where you’ll find the most and least expensive bottles of wine
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thetravelers-rocks · 9 months ago
🚀 Game On, Wanderlust On! 🏆
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🎉 #travelersrocks takes the win in our Carrom showdown! 🎉
Your victory isn't just about the game; it's a ticket to explore the world. 🌍 Book your next adventure with us and turn your triumph into unforgettable memories! 🏖️✨
Use the hashtag #travelersrocks to share your victories and travel dreams with us!
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exploretouristplaces · 10 months ago
A new US rule mandates airlines automatically issue cash refunds for cancelled or significantly changed flights, making travel hassles a bit easier for passengers.
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skatewine · 6 years ago
Type 'Skatewine travel' into YouTube and you'll find team @sk8wine aka Rob and @mikeday565.md VLOGGING LA in 2017. Here is that awkward moment Rob created when he met @feliciathesk8r 🍷ace to meet you, sorry about Rob! #sk8wine #SkateWine #skateboarding #skate #wine #LA #losangeles #lax #merica #America #usa #travelVLOG #travel #comedy #YouTube #channel #people #skatetravel #travelwine #instatravel #VLOG #Vlogging #tourist #oceanside #alexroad #california #encinitas #encinitasskatepark #encinitasskate (at Vans Off the Wall Skate Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQgdkRBgEw/?igshid=1sqlmh7wsiro3
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baccoperbaccoit · 4 years ago
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Quanti Km abbiamo fatto con le #baccoreunion Quanto #Vino abbiamo conosciuto e assaggiato. Quanta voglia voglia di vita, abbiamo condiviso e soprattutto quante belle amicizie sono nate con BACCO REUNION. Per ogni Bacco Reunion che mediamente aveva una durata di fin settimana, c'erano almeno 90 giorni di studi, contatti,il creare un cammino di #enogastronomia #cucinaitaliana #cucinatipica. Con gli occhi di un bambino che si emoziona per conoscere il mondo. Con #baccoperbaccoitalia dal 2012 si riusciti a coinvolgere tante persone, diverse tra loro, da realtà completamente diverse da regioni italiane dal nord centro sud. Tutti appassionati del vino e della cucina, tutti semplicemente partecipi e coinvolti da un unico motto: BACCO PER BACCO ITALIA INNO ALLA SOCIALITÀ UN MATRIMONIO DI SAPORI Ci manca tutto questo, perché ogni cielo ed un paesaggio è sempre unico dove bere un vino. La primavera era un periodo magico, esattamente dopo l'inverno quando cresce la voglia di #Viaggiare e perdersi in bellissime emozioni. Quando Non lo sappiamo, ma vi assicuriamo che appena potremo avremo da recuperare, C'È LO MERIATIAMO 📢 Siamo #Viaggiatoridelgusto 📸 Foto PierPaolo Trupia Luca Lorenzo Gianni Della Fonte (durante Bacco Reunion Trentino Alto Adige) Cantina Tramin 18 - 19 Maggio 2019 Fare #enoturismo è come ascoltare una bella canzone è bellissima musica 📢 Un carissimo Saluto ed un Bocca in Lupo, a tutte le #cantine con cui abbiamo collaborato e soprattutto con quelle che andremo a collaborare. ➡️ Non ci sarà nessuno vino, che potrà essere raccontato mai via internet, con nessun video, IL VINO FA BEVUTO E ASSAPORATO IN CANTINA A PRESTO #wines #winetasting #winelover #VinidiBacco #travelwine #baccowines #enoturisme (presso Cantina Tramin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMCimHJFMQI/?igshid=u7pbps4f37qe
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missmaridajes · 5 years ago
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Impresionante la masa de la quiche lorraine, con salmón y espinacas y queso Emmental @restaurant.lebelzunce.bayonne Bon Appétit.. -- Impressive dough of quiche Lorraine, with salmon and spinach and Emmental cheese @ restaurant.lebelzunce.bayonne Bon Appétit .. -- #mismaridajes #bayonne #frenchwine #francia #visitbayona #travelling #gastrolovers #gastrotravel #travelworld #travelwine #foodandwinetravel #travelemotions (en Restaurant le Belzunce) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7D5TDxCKc-/?igshid=1ob69ra5ouctu
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baretablog · 6 years ago
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#flower #art #arte #bareta87 #hotelbareta #baretacommunity #baretablog #travel #travelblogger #traveltips #explore #discovering #blogger #reisen #voyage #tempolibero #travelphotography #travelporn #travelpassion #travelwine https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzm1ygiCnxG/?igshid=sl97jwwjea7b
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riccardofranchinilucca · 6 years ago
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Reggiseni. Vini. Musica. Fuori inverno. 🍷 #vino #wine #foodwine #winelife #winelovers🍷 #Volterra #tuscan #toscana #tuscany #reggiseno #reggiseni #donne #vita #life #travelwine #travel #italy #italia #instalike #instaphoto #instapic #instadaily #instafood #RiccardoFranchini (presso La Vena Di Vino) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx7ig_7Il-J/?igshid=19ouwn0o4j6yt
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wineworldnews · 5 years ago
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4 Incredible Canadian Wine Regions To Explore https://bit.ly/2EbcWRY #wine #traveltips #travel
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thriftism · 5 years ago
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We got upgraded to first class!! Thanks COPA for the great flight from panama - enjoyed having a full meal! #travel #flightupgrade #win #travelwin #firstclass #copa #panama #lima #vacation https://www.instagram.com/p/B269SXDJ3S8/?igshid=1tsi73lh6ehrk
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penumbracreative-blog · 6 years ago
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I what he's thinking? - - So there were a lot of cats! Which was awesome I love cats! No deep philosophical revelations. Just thought it was time for a cat pic. Hope your having a good day😁! - - #travelmemories #catpic #travelwin #travelblogger #travelvlogger #instablogger #livingmydream #myshadownme #solotravel #solofemaletravel #athens #greece (at Athens, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByqeuslB70v/?igshid=c8y7jx4zbby1
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caksanabali-blog · 7 years ago
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Enjoy holiday with @caksanabali ======================================== #travel #travels #travelexperience #travelerlife #travelers #traveling #travelasia #travelassistance #travelorganizer #travelbuddy #travelinbali #travelinasia #travelsingaraja #travelmomment #travelmood #travelmoore #travelproject #travelwine #caksanabali (at Mayo Resort North Bali)
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baccoperbaccoit · 5 years ago
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#BaccoEurope Stiamo lavorando con le varie idee. Ma ci siamo quasi per lanciare il prossimo #Viaggio di #enoturismo in Europa per il prossimo 2020. Ancora un po' di pazienza, ma solo un po'... BACCO EUROPE ⬇️ Viaggiare con lo spirito di #baccoperbaccoitalia senza confini. Alla scoperta di tutta la bellezza che abbiamo dentro. #Viaggiatoridelgusto #VinidiBacco #traveleurope #travel #voyageursdugout #voyager #enoturisme #wines #wineturist #travelwine #baccoworld #instatravel #instaviagem NOI PROSSIMI GIORNI, SARÀ INVIATA UNA APPOSITA MAIL✔️✔️✔️ Con le tipologie e date e quindi organizzare il viaggio https://www.instagram.com/p/B5wC9tcoph4/?igshid=100cbwj56pyib
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missmaridajes · 5 years ago
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Uno de los rincones preferidos de Lisboa, #charafrizdovinho Chafariz da Mãe-de-Água (literalmente, manantial del pozo). Forma parte de esa estructura monumental, el Acueducto Águas Livres de Lisboa. Gracias Marcio por tu acogida, volveré! -- One of the favorite corners of Lisbon, #charafrizdovinho Chafariz da Mãe-de-Água (literally, well spring). It is part of that monumental structure, the Águas Livres Aqueduct of Lisbon. Thanks Marcio, I will come back! -- #mismaridajes #winelover #wineblogger #vino #winemuseum #bodegas #lisboa #visitlisbon #portugal #travelling #worldfoodie #travelworld #travelwine #delicious (en Chafariz do Vinho) https://www.instagram.com/p/B62uygIiHoB/?igshid=18mtno5bgp0zh
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socialsf · 7 years ago
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#roséalldamnday @tablascreek #patelindetablas #rosé #pasorobles #drinkupclown #yeswayrosé #brosé #roséallday #roséseason #winecountryliving #roséstyle #travelwine #letsadventure #liveauthentic #lifedoesnotsuck (at Sonoma Valley (Wine Country))
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jackgreen7777 · 5 years ago
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東亞 #2 中國澳門 世界遺產 澳門(葡萄牙語:Macau;英語:Macao),簡稱澳,古稱濠鏡澳,或稱濠江、龍涯門、海鏡、鏡海、媽港、梳打埠,是中國兩個特別行政區之一,位於南海北岸、以及珠江口西側,北接廣東省珠海市,東面與鄰近的香港特別行政區相距63公里,其餘與南海鄰接。 澳門由澳門半島、氹仔、路氹及路環四個區域所組成,2000年後氹仔與路環之間填海形成出以賭業為主的路氹城:澳門半島是澳門的核心,其東北面小部份陸地與中國大陸連接,氹仔和路環原本分別為兩座離島,後來因填海而成為路氹城。 澳門是歐洲列強在東亞的首個、也是最後一個殖民地。澳門為獨立經濟體,其中旅遊業與博彩業為重要產業,尤其政權移交後開放賭權,現發展為「世界上第一大賭城」。澳門為世界上人口密度最高的地區,每平方公里人口超過2萬。2017年澳門的人均本地生產總值依國際匯率爲78,586美元,名列世界第二。澳門2017年人均國民總收入依購買力平價爲102,480美元,名列世界第二。 由於澳門在近代中國與外國聯繫中的重要地位,蘊藏豐富的文化遺產。2005年7月15日,22座建築及8個廣場、前地列入《世界文化遺產名錄》的澳門歷史城區。 大三巴牌坊(葡萄牙語:Ruínas de São Paulo)是澳門天主之母教堂(即聖保祿教堂)正面前壁的遺址,屬於「聖保祿學院天主之母教堂遺址(大三巴牌坊、前地及石���)」的組成部分之一,亦是澳門的標誌性建築物之一。「大三巴」一名為華人對聖保祿學院及教堂的稱呼,出自聖保祿的葡萄牙文「São Paulo」的漢語譯音。 澳門除了吃東西和逛街之外 仍有很多具有歷史價值的景點 大三巴牌坊以及24座葡萄牙建築 這樣的巡禮其實滿有趣的 #中國 #China #香港 #澳門 #深圳 #珠海 #廣州 #港珠澳大橋 #世界遺產 #文青 #男紙 #旅遊日記 #流浪 #攝影 #旅 #旅行教會我的事 #詩人 #旅遊攻略 #夢想 #冒險 #傻帽 #敦益 #travel #life #Diary #tourism #JackGreen #jackgreen77777 #travelwin旅行家 (澳門大三巴牌坊) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vBDCFqjGS/?igshid=1mznht3n4yj5c
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