#travel hacks when travelling other countries
escapetrekker · 1 year
25 Travel Hacks And Tips You Must Know Before Going on a Travel
Hey there, fellow adventurer! Traveling is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring exciting new places! But you know what? Sometimes, when we venture into unfamiliar territory, we might not be fully aware of the local culture, rules, and customs. And that can lead to some awkward moments, right? That’s why it’s super important to arm yourself with some handy hacks and tips…
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m0chisenpai · 1 month
Hi! Can you do a Armand x Fem!reader x Louis? She would be an assistant of Daniel’s. They have sorta a thing for her but are trying to ease up because she’s not as open to the whole camp thing or lowkey doesn’t believe them.
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off the record
˚。⋆ louis de pointe du lac x black!fem!reader x armand
in which Daniel neglected to coach you how to deal with the behind the scenes of the creative process
author note: I had too much fun writing this, I love the idea of this trio so much
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There takes a certain level of thick skin to work for Daniel Molloy. He wasn't a terrible boss. Just a difficult old man with extremely particular needs and ways he worked. But when he found you, you were an intern with well regarded credentials and grades, but according to your counselor you were headstrong and outspoken.
He accepted your application instantly and by the next year you were his official, and most longstanding, assistant. You juggled his interviews and meetings with editors, and only recently have you begun to manage his doctors appointments.
You traveled with him, it was a non-negotiable that you were to come and expenses were covered, but Dubai was the last thing you'd expected. You’d been nearly to all the states, but for Daniel’s health anything out the country was once in a while and planned carefully.
The first night of the interview you aren’t present. Daniel can tell when he stops by your room, how your eyes droop. Your feet shuffle to greet him at the door.
He lets you sleep, but he won't say its out of care, that he's filled with guilt for dragging you into a penthouse of supernatural apex killers. After that you are a fly on the wall just as he always instructed you to be.
Beside him, eyes down, fingers moving and taking notes when he mutters something to you.
Louis asks who you are on the third night, "I never took you for a man who needs help Daniel." You won't admit, but your heart picks up, but you keep yor eyes on the computer screen and let Daniel respond for you.
"Not an intern, she's one of the few ones who didn't run crying after a week working for me."
Your lips turn up at this, one of the few moments he would ever compliment you.
"She truly is like you." His eyes must be on you again, but a shiver washes dwn your spine. Like someones nail ghosts the skin on your back, trailing down your spine. And another hand, caresses the back of your neck.
"Stay out out my mind," you mumble.
"My apologies, just wanted to know about our surprise second guest." Now you dare to look up at him. Ghosts, goblins, vampires werewolves were for shows pandering toward a female audience that wanted to drool over men too beautiful and perfect to ever enter their mundane lives.
You scoff and return your focus to the notes in front of you. "Save the immortal hack for Daniel Mr Du Lac."
Your skin crawls at the way he tilts his head ever so slightly, and in that cocky drawl offers another apology.
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"Mr Du Lac and his companion would like to dine with you."
You assume it's in regards to the interviews. You bring your compuer and personal notepad along with Daniels. But what you are met with are two wine glasses side by side paired with the men on the couch, one sits in front of them.
Their gzes are unblinking as you enter, setting your things and carefully crossing one leg over the other.
"I'm sorry we are meeting so late, or would it be early sir."
"Call me Louis, the pleasure is mine. My companion Armand wanted to join our meeting this evening."
Armand creeps you out, how his golden eyes stare you, analyzing you. Trying to convince you of this facade. You'd prefer it if it were just Louis and you. You can manage being alone with the latter.
"Daniel tells us you think none of this to be real."
"It's true. I find the supernatural charade boring," you pick up the yellow pad and pen. "But I'm not paid to to dig any deeper than he asks me to."
"You weren't able to join the first interview because too were tired. I could hear your heart the entire time, you didn't sleep. Kept tossing and turning the entire night."
"An easy observation, can we focus on-"
"Thoughts were racing an awful lot too," Louis looks up in fake thought "is any of this worth it, why waste my time on a rich hack. I could be back home."
Once again you cut him off Pitching the bridge of your nose, "another keen observation please try and do better, now in session 2-"
"Your father took your mother here." Armand speaks up now and your heart stops, "those earrings she gifted you were from here. In fact in your dreams the previous evening you dreamt of taking them both here. You started planning it with the money that will come out of this interview."
Every word accelerates your heart, it makes Louis smile "Careful cher, your heart might beat out your chest."
Your hands shake as they swipe the glass of wine in front of you, you take two large gulps. Clutching it for comofrt.
"My apologies, I did not wish to cause any distress."
"I'm sorry, I need a moment." You leave your things behind and return to your room that night. The next morning a letter from the two sits by breakfast along with your things in a neat pile.
Eerily it is exactly what you were thinking of yesterday morning, it is french toast made from the fluffiest brioche. With a side of bacon, turkey, you hated pork. Armand asks to speak to you while Daniel rests along with Louis.
Once you eat and shower quickly putting on a sweater to combat the chill you find him in the study.
He sits, almost like he is waiting.
"It was not our intent to alarm you" his eyes follow you as you sit.
"You are more than qualified to work for any other reporter on your own, yet you work for...him. Why?"
"He was the only one to look pass the observations of my advisor, I wasn''t going to be just an errand girl. Not too many publishers cared for my opinions."
"You didn't believe Mr.Molloy was interviewing a vampire yet you still followed him here."
"It's not my book. I'm a fly on the wall."
"But if it were your story?"
You pause in thought, and stare into those unsettling eyes after a moment. "I would have interviewed Claudia had she survived. I feel her story needs to be heard."
You answer more of his prodding questions till you return to your room for lunch. A wrap o some sort with nuts and fruits on the side. And a pile of little girls diaries with white gloves and a not to handle with caution.
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Armand won't voice his affinity for you as Louis does. You won't admit the way his eyes settle on you as you enter the room makes you preen, makes your heart fuzzy and your head feel like it wants to float away.
The interview goes on tonight with Armand joining. They once more talk about Lestat. You try and fight your eyes from rolling as you read through an email.
'If I hear his name one more time I might gouge my ears out.'
'Don't torture yourself like that cher.' Your eyes look to him, but he remains focused on Daniel, listening to Armand. How does one multitask like that? Two conversations at once must be hard.
'Years of practice.'
'And whats with all this chere nonsense?'
'Would you prefer your name instead?'
'No' your cheeks warm in embarassment "I...enjoy it."
"Get me some pictures of this theatre." Daniel's instructions get your attention, "and whatever memorabilia you can find." You nod typing that onto your list of many other things to do.
'I will help you with that tonight, after the session I've arranged for dinner tonight' Armand now stares at you and that damned feeling begins to creep back in 'no pork as per your request.'
Daniel coughs obnoxiously getting the elder vampires attention. "You were saying?" This time when you look down, a smile only the pair can detect makes its way upon your lips.
They stare at you less, leave your mind alone as per your request. And indulge in your blunt questions. Each night you find yourself slowly feeling less discomfort. You almost wish you could stay, you think to yourself one night now dining with the two looking at pictures of Louis in his younger years.
He sits beside you, smiling as he watches your hands carefully hold the photos from their time in France.
"No fair, Paris is top of my bucket list."
"I'd be more than happy to take you," Louis gives you that smirk which you roll your eyes in playfulness at.
"Sure you will."
"We could take you anywhere you would like" Armand states.
Even though you still doubt their supernatural nature. You indulge them. Unknown that just as much as you have them wrapped around your finger, they have you caught in a web.
And they'll patiently wait for you to realize that there are some beings whose hearts you should never toy with. For the results afterwards, are eternal.
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fangfic · 11 months
Okay but imagine a seasoned vampire hunter, you travel all across the country, taking down vampire nests one by one.
Sure, you've been in the business of killing vampires for a long while so you know how damn sexy they are. But vamps are menaces so they need to be taken out.
One day you walk into a nest not too far from the places you once called home. Your blade in one hand, your silver bullet gun in the other. You hack and slash your way in until suddenly you see them...
Your high school bully? The one who put you in lockers all the time? Yeah they're standing in front of you with blood dripping from their chin, next to your high school crush who is currently in the process of having a poor human girl ride his dick while sampling her blood.
You're confused for a second, something you shouldn't ever be when hunting vampires because before you know it your blade and gun clatter on the floor. Pretty nails open up your shirt, exposing your chest to all, while a pair of fangs sink into your neck.
"Oh I've always wanted to do this" you hear your bully say as they unbuckle their pants and take their rock hard vampire cock to you.
"Don't worry love, I won't put you in a locker this time" he says with a grin before revealing his fangs and piercing your arm.
Slowly you start to black out, the last thing you see is your crush dropping the human girl and walking up tp you with his big fat vampire cock in his hand.
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sepdet · 1 year
Have you SEEN the original moon landing feed, especially the scary bit near the end?
Now stay with me. I grew up hearing about these few minutes from my parents (in fact I took the TV they watched it on to grad school; DS9 and Babylon5 worked well in b&w).
This is even crazier than it looks like.
My parents were both scientists, my grandmother a planetarium director, and my dad was just about to land his job at a rocket company that built 95 small rockets that were part of the UpGoer Saturn V. (Yeah. Just the small ones. Saturn V was a BEAST.)
So my parents had a fair idea how dangerous this was, how Neil going manual was a bad sign, and just how close he was to running empty and crashing. They knew the problem that every ounce of fuel you carry requires even more fuel to lift off, so the Eagle was built light, carrying no excess weight even in fuel (it had to lift off the Moon with no rocket, after all).
But they didn't learn until years later just how jury-rigged and bespoke Apollo technology was. Every vehicle and part was designed like a Mythbusters build: extremely customized for the procedures it had to accomplish, using parts and even technology invented for specific mission tasks.
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rope memory, predecessor to modern silicon chips: 1s and 0s woven by women (of course) at a Massachusetts textile plant
At the time, computers were the size of rooms and very touchy. Apollo's computer memory was core rope memory, never used before or since, to save space. The read/write guidance computer, too, was woven: physical media could better survive the rigors of space travel. (I suspect even my parents don't know it also used some of the very first integrated circuits, soldered by hand under a microscope by Navajo women).
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Spacesuits were (and still are) designed and hand-stitched by Playtex bramakers. The lunar rovers' wheels were titanium meshes woven with piano wire to let dust through, and even had a clever navigation system despite no GPS or magnetic north.
They couldn't test these rigs with computer modeling. They didn't know for sure what the moon's surface would be like, apart from basic parameters like low gravity and near vacuum and a temperature ranging from 250°F in the sun to -250° in the shade. And it was nearly impossible to test for or practice in those conditions on Earth.
And then there were the unknowns. A massive solar flare between Apollo 16 and 17 might have killed or sickened them too much to operate their ship.
While the spacesuit and to some extent the rover design carried on, a lot of these hacks were so unusual that they might as well be alien tech. (I'm sorry woven technology fell out of vogue for several decades.) That goes some way towards explaining why humans haven't left Earth orbit since I was two.
The other problem, of course, is expense. Tech for human space exploration requires as much R&D and testing as fighter planes, which have developed through a century of multiple countries' military budgets. Human space programs are lucky to last two presidents; the next president usually doesn't think giving glory to his predecessor is a good use of money.
So for 40 years, NASA has mostly worked with other countries on human spaceflight or built robot explorers that can be launched in 3-4 years before Congress or the president can axe the program. They're less likely to shut down a mission when 99.99% of the money's been spent, and all that's left to do is download data and uplink occasional instructions.
TL:DR; Congress and the White House keep flashing the equivalent of that computer error message, every time NASA gets ready to send humans into space again. Overload. Abort mission.
Unless, you know, American citizens start saying Go. Go. Go. Go. We have some pretty important priorities down here on Earth (which Amazon and Disney and oil companies should be footing the bill for, though they try not to), but I bet the military can cough up the cost of a few fighter jets.
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myhauntedsalem · 6 months
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The Lizzie Borden House
“Lizzie Borden took an axe, And gave her mother forty whacks, When she saw what she had done, She gave her father forty-one.”
The grisly poem above was inspired by one of the most famous cases of murder to ever occur on U.S. soil. The Lizzie Borden murders captivated the entire country during the late 19th century and continues to inspire ghost stories and tales of paranormal activity by anyone who dares to enter the home of Lizzie Borden.
It’s not surprising that reports of haunted activity and paranormal occurrences have been whispered about at the Lizzie Borden House for quite some time. The violent and emotional nature of the tragic events that transpired there have been forever burned into it’s walls and the memories of residents in Fall River, Massachusetts.
The haunted history of The Lizzie Borden House begins on a Thursday afternoon during the year of 1892. Lizzie Borden was the daughter of Andrew Jackson Borden, who was a wealthy and influential citizen of Fall River. He was not particularly friendly to people, but took his business matters seriously. He was the board director for several banks in the local area and had his hand in commercial real estate as well.
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His choice for a home wasn’t very impressive when compared to homes of other men of his stature. Lizzie Borden had openly expressed her desire to move into a better area and a bigger, more beautiful home. Andrew Borden would have no part of this and being the penny pinching type of fellow that he was, preferred the lesser expensive home that was close to his business dealings. Many have attributed the sense of entitlement that Lizzie felt as one of the factors that Lizzie Borden began to put a strain on her relationship with her father and his second wife, Abby. The relationship between Lizzie and her stepmother wasn’t particularly great either.
Nobody would ever have guessed that Lizzie Borden, a Sunday school teacher and well known member of the community would have been responsible for what would happen that day.
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Sometime before noon, as Andrew Borden napped on the couch, he was attacked by someone wielding an axe. He was struck repeatedly until he was dead. The body was hacked to the point that it was unrecognizable by most. Little did he know as he laid down for his nap that his wife Abby was already dead on the floor above, her blood seeping through the cracks of the wooden floor. She had been attacked with the same axe. The position of her body when found suggested that she was kneeling down beside the bed when the gruesome attack occurred. Some say she was praying, others say that she was simply making the bed. Either way, Abby Borden didn’t have a chance when her murderer entered the room, filled with rage and armed with an axe.
The news traveled fast in those times and sinister acts such as these were practically unheard of. Lizzie Borden was arrested for the murders although she maintained her innocence. The trial made headlines nationwide as the world became fascinated with the Sunday school teacher that had hacked her parents to death. Eventually, Lizzie Borden was found innocent of the crimes by the courts.
Some of the local townsfolk however, had a different opinion. Lizzie Borden was somewhat of an outcast from the community and forever marked as a murderer. This didn’t bother Lizzie very much as she immediately purchased a grand home on the hill along with her sister who had always been equally unhappy with the home that Andrew Borden had chosen for them. They named the home “Maplecroft”. Lizzie lived in the home until her death at age 67. She was buried alongside the graves her father and stepmother in Fall River’s Oak Grove Cemetery.
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Over one hundred years later, The Borden House has been turned into the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast. Many patrons of the inn have reported various accounts of ghostly activity within the house. The most popular room and reportedly the most haunted is the room in which Abby Borden was hacked to death. People have witnessed a woman in 19th century clothing making the bed. Disembodied voices have been heard coming from empty rooms and echoing through the house. Footsteps that belong to no one are also a common experience inside The Lizzie Borden House.
Perhaps the most spooky reports are that of a woman heard crying throughout the home. Is it the sobbing spirit of Lizzie Borden, riddled with guilt for the slaying of her parents? Or perhaps the spirit of Abby Borden whose life was cut short by the edge of an axe? Either way, The Lizzie Borden House will forever remain one of the most interesting and allegedly haunted places in America. If you are ever in Massachusetts, You can always reserve the most special room at the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast and test the local legends for yourself.
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brostateexam · 3 months
Swine flu caught scientists by surprise. At the time, many researchers were dead certain that an H5N1, erupting out of somewhere in Asia, would be the next Big Bad Flu. Their focus was on birds; hardly anyone was watching the pigs. But the virus, a descendant of the devastating flu strain that caused the 1918 pandemic, found its way into swine and rapidly gained the ability to hack into human airway cells. It was also great at traveling airborne—features that made it well positioned to wreak global havoc, Lakdawala said. By the time experts caught on to swine flu’s true threat, “we were already seeing a ton of human cases,” Nahid Bhadelia, the founding director of the Boston University Center on Emerging Infectious Diseases, told me. Researchers had to scramble to catch up. But testing was intermittent, and reporting of cases was inconsistent, making it difficult for scientists to get a handle on the virus’s spread. Months passed before the rollout of a new vaccine began, and uptake was meager. Even in well-resourced countries such as the U.S., few protections hindered the virus’s initial onslaught.
But the worst never came to pass—for reasons that experts still don’t understand. Certainly, compared with the 1918 pandemic, or even those in the 1950s and ’60s, modern medicine was better equipped to test for and treat flu; although vaccine uptake has never been perfect, the availability of any shots increased protection overall, Sam Scarpino, an infectious-disease modeler and the director of AI and life sciences at Northeastern University, told me. Subtler effects may have played a role too. Other H1N1 viruses had been circulating globally since the late 1970s, potentially affording much of the population a degree of immunity, Troy Sutton, a virologist at Pennsylvania State University, told me. Older people, especially, may have harbored an extra dose of defense, from additional exposure to H1N1 strains from the first half of the 20th century. (After the 1918 pandemic, versions of that virus stuck around, and continued to percolate through the population for decades.) Those bonus safeguards might help explain why younger people were so severely affected in 2009, Lakdawala told me.
Some of those same factors could end up playing a role in an H5N1 epidemic. But 2009 represents an imperfect template—especially when so much about this new avian flu remains unclear. True human-to-human spread of H5N1 is still a distant possibility: For that, the virus would almost certainly need to undergo some major evolutionary alterationsto its genome, potentially even transforming into something almost unrecognizable. All of this muddies any predictions about how a future outbreak might unfold.
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darksilvania · 2 years
Can you give some background on thekroel region/ is it just smt that exists in your imagination or are you working into a rom hack/smt else entirely? I love the designs and I'd be so curious to see more
I do plan to eventually make something with it, either a game or at least a comic or stories, but right now I'm just working on the Pokémon. But I do have some basic info
General Kroel information so Far
The Kroel Region is a vast continental mass big enough to hold multiple regions, but there are only two main ones at the time the story unfolds.
Kroel is a very old region, due to long history and size many civilizations and cultures have developed on it, it is known for its many traditions and legends, but in recent years there has been a great economic and technological development just in the heart of the continent, a large group of cities have united into forming a small country of their own, named Neo-Kroel, which aim to steer the old continent into the future.
This is the main reason for your character to come to Neo-Kroel, you are a trainer and you family has just moved in due to you parent having a new job, and you will begin your pokemon journey as well, as soon as you get your starter you are set to beat the eight gym leaders of Neo-Kroel, this eight gyms are relatively new ones, the leaders are young and in some cases not very experienced, your gym battles with them will help you both grow as trainers, of course they will be harder as you go on until you collect the eight badges. In this part of the region you will find the spatial center on Blackfall city, the laboratories where you can revive your fossils as well as lots of labs and malls, it is a very modern region.
When you are done collecting you 8 badges you will be told that now you are ready to face a greater challenge, you are ready to take on Old Country
Old Country is the name given to the rest of the continent, it almost doubles the size of Neo-Kroel, it has many ecosystems and climates and its more traditional, with many cities and gyms reflecting different cultures. The gym leaders on Old Country are older and more experienced than the leaders in Neo-Kroel and are harder to take.
In order to travel from Neo-Kroel to Old Country you must cross a large desert known as the Eternal Sea, a large sea of dunes, you will follow a straight path as you are advised not to wander east or west, as you are not ready to visit either place until you have beaten all the gyms in Old Country. this places are The Garden of Marble to the east, a large valley full of ancient ruins, many full of ancient pokemon, and the Great Necropolis to the west, a Large tower like structure that goes both up above the ground and deep down below, many legendaries rest in this two places and will awaken once you have been able to enter this places.
Once you have beaten the 16 gyms of both Neo-Kroel and Old Country you will be able to face the Elite Four of the region, which are not in the region but in one of many Islands to the east of the Mainland.
This region has its own criminal team as in other regions, Team Phobia (I kept the P) wich wants to rule over Kroel through fear, the team uses scary pokemons and its themed after old movie monsters, its boss is still based on a vampire. You will face them across both regions and will have to thwart their plans twice with two different legendaries.
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I have a day off today, so I’m ducking in to tell y’all a little bit about how things are going!
I’ve taught my first classes! Most of them I’ve had another teacher assisting me, but yesterday I did my first solo class. It was... okay lol. One of the boys disengaged the moment I said I don’t speak Japanese so they have to speak English, and proceeded to yawn audibly through all activities and pretend to be asleep when spoken to (which I put on my lesson report form, so the regular teacher will hopefully tell him off haha).
On that note... Japanese kids really are like any other kids. Everyone said to me before I went, “ohhh I bet Japanese kids are so well-behaved and respectful!” I can assure you they are not lmao. Some are, others are little terrors.
I’ve had some really wholesome moments. The other day during one of the younger classes this one boy (~3 years old) was mostly a little terror, running around all the time and hiding in the corner. But then during story time he sat in my lap and directed me to hold him. Then later in the lesson he went and hid in the corner again, so I went over to him and asked if he was okay. And he just snuggled into me, so we spent the rest of the class like that.
So far 4-5 year-olds are my favourites to teach. You can be so fun and silly with them! Sure, they don’t want to sit down and do things, but I’ve found some useful hacks already (pro-tip: if you let them rub things off the whiteboard or draw a shape for answering questions correctly, they’ll suddenly be very, very attentive)
I enjoy this kind of teaching a LOT more than teaching on italki. The lesson prep I have to do is minimal and all time outside of teaching is my own, basically. Not to mention it’s much more active and I don’t spend my life hunched over a desk!
Speaking of free time, I spend most of it studying languages and it’s awesome!
My Japanese level is definitely improving. My speaking not so much, but my comprehension for sure. The kids do speak Japanese in class, both to each other (obviously) and to me, and I’m rapidly getting used to certain words and speech patterns.
I can also now more or less get through interactions at train stations and konbinis! I even managed to ask a police lady for directions the other day (go me being so panicked about being late for my train I didn’t even care that my Japanese was broken af. Literally like, if I don’t at least try to speak Japanese rn I’m going to miss my train and be late for my classes)
I’ve learned that despite being in the country, active studying is really important. I’ve not learned anything through pure osmosis; I’ve only learned through active studying and then having the immersion reinforce it. So yes, my level is improving because I’m in the country and surrounded by the language, but I have to put in the effort first.
Also, the general level of English in Japan is not high. I’ve been spoilt by travelling around Europe where I can usually find someone who speaks broken English well enough to help me if I’m stuck (or if not then I can communicate in broken French/German/Spanish), and coming to Japan and being lost at a train station and literally not being able to communicate is a HUGE motivation to get good at the language quick!
I LOVE Yamagata! There was a snowstorm the day after I moved in and I feel like I live in a winter wonderland. I can see the mountains almost everywhere I go in the city. It’s not a busy city, and every train ride makes me feel like I’m in a Studio Ghibli movie. I love it I love it I love it.
I also love the dialect here! It’s easy to understand and it’s kinda musical!
My personal supervisor (PS) is awesome and has been super helpful. I’m so grateful! A lot of people from my training course have said that their PSs haven’t given them much/any orientation, whereas mine helped me set up my internet and a Japanese bank account as well as went over my schedule with me and ensured I did at least a week of teaching with someone else in the classroom before I was on my own.
I’ve only met 3 of my colleagues, but they’re all nice. One of them lives in my block and we’ll teach together for two days next week. Another of them loves the snow and the cold as much as I do, and I think we’ll get on super well.
My flat is tiny. It’s basically one room! But it has loads of storage space and being as small as it is means it’s super easy to heat (which is fortunate, because it was -10ºC the other night).
The tap water tastes great! In Nagoya it tasted so fucking weird I couldn’t even drink it. But here it’s awesome.
I’m enjoying trying new things! I’m going through all the different candies/chocolate brands at konbinis and supermarkets and I’ve hardly had the same thing twice since I got here (including bento). This is super different to how I was in the UK, where I was stuck in a routine and knew what I liked and didn’t want to go out of my comfort zone.
So yeah, I went from crying and wondering if I’d made a huge mistake the first 2-3 days of being here to absolutely thriving less than a month later. I’m so happy right now, truly living my dream, finally able to flourish and grow in a way I always knew deep down I could.
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drikadreemurr · 1 month
Tim Drake - A AU rant-thing
Greetings there Tumblr! This isn't something I usually do and I often get hesitant on sharing things with others... but this has been eating up my brain in a bit and I just need to get it out there. So I am really new to the DC universe, but I have always loved Robin. I remember going wild watching the Original Teen Titans and The Batman from 2004 on TV. And now that I know at least the basic ordeal of the 4 Robins, I can say that Tim is my favourite.
The last month I decided to check out what they were trying to do with him in Tim Drake: Robin and like most I didn't really liked it, but also saw that it HAD so much potential on trying to build a solid base for who Tim can be in this new universe.
I guess that's what most -if not all of us- Tim fans have been waiting and wanting to see: WHO is Tim Drake here? I get that today characters suffer a lot from being brought to a FLAT portrait like Jason being the "angry one" or Damian being the "spolied brat" one, wich we all know it's not the ONLY thing they are, SPECIALLY Jason -- and Tim is over and over being portraited as the "lost and insecure" of the bunch. And we know he IS that too, but that's not all there is to him. Reading Superboy - The man of tomorrow (Even as it being a bit... eh?) I thought: why not make Tim go through something big like this too? What I liked about the Tim Drake: Robin run is how he was set out in a entire different enviroment from other comics: He's not at the Mansion, not at his or his dad's appartment or some other random house. He's still in Gotham, but in a new separate part that seems mostly overlooked by others - including the vigilantes. And as for foes... The Chaos cult really needs to go, or at least suffer some huge overhall to be a REAL, SERIOUS threat to Tim. I mean c'mon, he is the guy that EXPLODED half of Ra's al Ghul bases, he can deal with a 16th century cult.
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I know it's "hard" to built a decent threat to Tim if we take into account his hacking/fighting/detective skills, but not impossible. I keep looking back into that comic where Tim and Jason get stuck on that loop of their nightmares and the one thing I like about this comic is the two of them working together. I think that instead of focusing on making threats in form of real villains, would it not be possible to make them something else like in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish?
The way I see it, Puss had way to many lives and Tim... has way too many personas, leading to the point where he doesn't know WICH one makes up Tim Drake in the end, and THIS is what I consider to be his biggest threat.
I have this idea cooking in my brain: Thanks to some dimensional-travel shenanigans (Don't know exactly what could have happend here), Tim ends up in a dimension where almost everything is identical to his own, but: 1. Batman and Robin are nothing more than a discontinued series of comics and TV show; They were never real, living breathing heroes and this line came to a abrupt and bitter end when a tragedy happend on the TV set.
2. The only existing heroes here are the Supers (Superman / Supergirl and Superboy).
3. The Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson of this place still met eachother and currently run WE together. Also, Bruce is the owner of a museum dedicated to The Batman Series in honer of his father.
4. His parents are ALIVE. Still, that doesn't mean things are perfect - He lives with his mother who is now a history teacher in Gotham while his father lives on the other end of the country running Drake Industries all by himself.
The main thing I thought of this whole deal was for Tim to be put on a situation where he NEEDS to figure out who he is taking into account that:
- No Batman means no Robin. No Robin means he never had anyone to stalk throught the nights, and so, he could NEVER become Robin in the first place.
- His parents being alive, while still in VERY BAD TERMS, means he would no longer be a lonely only child. In fact, he would much rather do anything to get away from the galas and parties his mom would often drag him to.
In the other hand, I would like this "AU" to also focus on other characters like Bernard and that other girl that would often help Tim on some occasions - While Tim was gone, Bernard could very well try to fill his empty spot with his own hero persona, he did learn how to fight to protect himself, why not put this to use in a time of need? Also, I would really like to JASON be the one travelling to the other dimension to drag Tim back, but not as the Red Hood - No Batman and no Robin also means no Joker, wich means no death and no Red Hood - but just as Jason. Out of all the Batfamily, I think he is the one to mostly be able to talk through Tim and relate to him. I often think of that scene of Vee and Luz at the museum and I just think that it suits both:
They both know what it is like to be left behind and alone, still, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME, one of them never really had a choice.
ANYWAY, I have some small "points/scenes" on my head for this crazy idea and I could develop more about them later, I still have no idea if something in this line had been done already.
If you reached this far, thank you for reading my insane ramblings about Tim and let me know if you would like to see more about it :D
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serenanymph · 1 year
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wip intro - beast, witch's book
Five long, excruciating seconds pass. Bit by bit, Icarus pulls Crys up, till they’re both collapsed and wheezing in the snow, safe on the clifftop, the Witchrisen far below them. “Well,” Icarus says, still out of breath, and he eyes the last of the rope as it goes over the side, eliciting an angry shriek a moment later when the Witchrisen finds no prey on the other end. “That was not fun. Thanks for the save, though, uh…” He turns towards the hooded figure, packing away the short length of rope they’d manage to hack off and salvage into a small satchel sitting in the snow. “Oh, don’t thank me,” they grouse, “ruined my day and my rope. What I want to know” – they whirl, finally tugging down their hood to reveal the freckled, scowling face of a young girl – “is just what the fuck did you do to piss of a Witchrisen that size?”
GENRE: YA high fantasy
POV: third person, multiple, present tense
STATUS: ongoing (first draft)
flashbacks. tragedy. tragedy flashbacks
we got snow. we got mountains. we got more snow
more magic, shapeshifting, undead creatures
the Journey continues
mine tunnels, mysterious underground labs, auctions
basically ten thousand different things because I'm overambitious but it's going to look cool. promise
(synopsis, characters and other stuff under cut. it's a lil long)
The Khujsa Mountains. Cold, unforgiving, and housing one of the Anti-Magic Army's biggest strongholds, it might also just be the most dangerous place anywhere in the country, especially for Beasts.
After a week of travelling, Crys and Icarus have finally reached the Elai Pass. From there, they're supposed to pass through to Riel, and then it's (mostly) smooth sailing all the way to Tel, where Icarus's contact resides.
But upon arrival, they find that things may not be as easy as they seem.
A Beast rebellion group. A Halfling in the AMA. And a young, brash girl who seems to hate the AMA just as much as she hates Beasts, and who certainly has something of her own to hide. Throw that onto the fact that Elai is an AMA stronghold, add in a Knight Captain from the Order of Klysmos, plus sprinkle in the hint of a conspiracy…well, they've certainly got their work cut out for them.
On the other end, after an equally stressful two weeks, Beatriz Das-Reille has finally reached Crys's village… just to find out Icarus is already long gone. However, she soon gets her own set of problems to worry about - joining up with Dahlia Reistveil brings to light that a certain poacher group has come back to town, and that this entire operation may run deeper than she's ever imagined. Does she go after Ink, now that she knows where he is? Or does she pursue this deeper and unearth what's going on, despite the risk it brings and the fact that she'll have to abandon her original goal?
Crys had picked to save someone in the face of an impossible choice. Icarus just wants to get home. Beatriz had never asked for any of this, and Dahlia only wants to do the right thing, but  one thing is true for all of them.
No matter their intentions at first, they've just been pulled into something that might be far bigger than them - and if they aren't careful, that something will swallow them whole. No country is without its secrets, after all, and Kosei has quite the number of skeletons in her closet…
Crys Averwell - 16, human, archer. sharp tongue and even sharper wit. walking personification of "I'm fine", needs sleep and therapy but is getting neither because I keep putting him in Situations
Icarus "Ink" Kal-Nira - 17, Beast (Crow), dual-wielder. ray of sunshine and genuinely the nicest person to ever exist. giant golden retriever energy. Trying His Best
Dahlia Reistveil - 17, human, daughter of a tavern-owner. Crys's childhood friend. often seen as the Mature One, but underneath all that she has a boatload of her own Issues
Beatriz Das-Reille - 16, Beast (Crow), Icarus's sort-of-but-not-really-little-sister. fast flier, wields a rapier, and is made up of only anxiety and more anxiety.
Rhyme - 14, human (???), apothecary from the mountains with a lot to hide. picks all her herbs and medicines directly from the wild so she knows her way around. extremely angry. will make your ears bleed
Carrick "Sol" Solder - 15, Halfling (Wolf), soldier in the AMA. commonly known as the Witchhunter's Mutt. often addressed as either "Sol" or "soldier". anger issues 2.0, never stops arguing with Rhyme the instant he meets her
taglist: @sapphos-scientist, @allianaavelinjackson
gen tag, wip tag
okay so my wip intros are kind of a mess right now, and I still haven't made a page for beast, but since I'm working on book 2 right now and there are a lot more new characters, I figured I should at least attempt to clear up some of the future confusion.
anyway, this is the wip intro for book 2, and there's another one here that's more a mashup intro between the overall series and book 1...? yeah I'm gonna remake that. just bear with me here I don't really know what I'm doing. also!!! there is a taglist now!!! let me know if you want to be added, not like I'm really sure how it should work.
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lovethephotoo · 2 years
Underrated Travel Hacking Tips for Everyone
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I haven’t taken a vacation for the last three years with good reason regarding the severity of the global health crisis and the economy of the US. Inflation is at an all-time high and the cost of everything from groceries to clothing increased.
On one of my work lunch breaks, I stumbled upon a YouTube video from professional, full time travel vloggers who enjoy saving money. I saw that the Youtuber went on a “travel hacking” trip around the world to save up miles and points for two weeks. I personally would not like to spend only a day in different countries while spending so much money to fly there. Also, I don’t want to pay the annual fees for travel credit cards. Therefore, I decided to do my own research to see which tips could work for any frugal traveler.
·         Link your accounts: Delta SkyMiles and Instacart have a partnership. Everyone needs groceries. I order from Costco every week to support my family and we buy the necessities (milk, meat, fruits, and vegetables) only to cut costs. Every one dollar spent on Instacart is one and a half miles on Delta. It racks up quickly.
·         Bonus Tip: Instacart has a great deal when an order is placed within a three-hour window, the customer receives two dollars off their order. More money in your wallet!
·         Best Credit Card: Amazon Prime Rewards Visa is the most economical credit card that has no annual fee. I invested in an Amazon Prime membership in 2016 and never looked back. It is the only streaming service that I pay for. Majority of my purchases are from Amazon and I received five percent back with each order. It is two percent back on restaurants, gas, and drugstores. There is one percent back on all other purchases.  The points can be used to buy anything that Amazon has on their website.
·         SkyMiles Shopping: Airlines like Delta have their own designated website where a customer can earn airline miles with their purchases. Every company listed on the website has a specific number of miles that a customer can earn. I love fitness and I buy my workout clothes from the website. During the holiday season, I was able to earn three miles per every one dollar spent for a Delta flight by buying two tie dye sweatshirts.
With the information that I learned and stated above, I booked my flight to Hilo, Hawaii and I posted some photographs that I took below. It was heavenly paradise.
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The magical sunset that I experienced from the summit at my hotel.
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It was so beautiful to see the aerial view of Hawaii from a helicopter and the scent of sea water was relaxing.
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Dancing Around the Truth Snippet
Dearest Polinators,
I've been working on this fic for monthsss but have been holding off on releasing any chapters until I finish writing the entire first draft. I'm still a few weeks (and about 30K words) away from officially publishing, but... I just got laid off an hour ago and need to distract myself! Sharing a snippet of the first chapter for anyone interested :)
It's the final ball of the season. The social gathering to celebrate every social gathering that came before it, each one an important chapter in some lucky couple’s love story. That’s what Violet Bridgerton would say, at least. Benedict would call it a celebration of the friendship and art (and sex, wine, drugs, etc.) forged in the last six months or so. Eloise would say it marks the last time she’s forced to endure a corset before retreating to the country for the remainder of the year. Tonight, Colin would argue that it’s an excellent place to drink. And to catch a glimpse of a certain elusive redhead. 
Colin stands in the depths of Lady Danbury’s ballroom, swishing back the last drops of champagne in his glass. As the bubbles prick his throat, he half-listens to Violet and Francesca’s musings on his sister’s first official season. Colin had made an earnest attempt to take an interest in Francesca’s coming out all season. It was an momentous time in any woman’s life, at least that was what he was told. But there were more other, more important things occupying Colin’s time and attention, leaving little room in his mind for other matters. Well, there was one thing on his mind. One person, really. 
One of Francesca’s (discarded) suitors approaches the group to share a word. If Colin had given slightly more of a damn, he might roll his eyes at the man’s feeble attempt to win Francesca’s favor when the season is practically over. Instead, Colin takes the opportunity to slip away. He follows the path his eyes have been trained on all night. 
Moving through the crowd between them, Colin watches Penelope as she dances across the floor. He supposes “dance” is somewhat of a generous term to employ. It would be more accurate to describe Penelope as being “thrown around” by the geezer she’s been paired with. 
The man is Jeremy Michaelson, a Welsh lord who’s been attending these events a few weeks now. Colin had never spoken to the man, but he knows his type. The type to wander into the Ton halfway through a season and expect to scoop up whichever young bride fits his liking. Judging from his performance on the dance floor, out of sync with not just his partner, but the room around him, Colin also takes him for a deaf man with two left feet. 
As the orchestra grows louder, the strings building towards a climax, Colin’s eyes shift back to Penelope. She’s wearing a dress of blush and gold, the floral fabric reflecting the light of the room. It’s as if every step she takes changes the light around her. It’s entrancing. Literally. Colin cannot take his eyes off of her. Her hair is loosely pinned atop her head, pink flowers laced through red curls. She looks beautiful, even with that unmistakable frown persisting on her lips as she’s guided by Michaelson. When Colin thinks of Penelope, he usually thinks of her smile before anything else. Before this season, Pen rarely spoke to Colin without that smile gracing her lips. 
When the music finally draws to a close, Penelope take a step back from Michaelson and nods politely. Her partner, in turn, starts hacking relentlessly, his old lungs clearly not built for the dance routine. His greasy fingers latch onto Penelope’s right shoulder for balance. That is Colin’s last straw. 
The 1815 season had been markedly different than years past for several reasons, but the most distressing difference for Colin was in his relationship with his best friend. Before the season even began, he could sense that something had shifted between them. During his travels, he had sent her countless letters, persistent but always unanswered. While it was not unusual for his siblings to leave such letters unanswered, he did not expect the same from Penelope. But while he could sense a that a shift had occurred between them, he could not think of a logical reasoning for its occurrence. So, for months, he foolishly held on to hope that he was simply over-thinking Penelope’s silence, that all would be well once they could speak to each other in person again. 
“Mr. Bridgerton,” she had called him, the night of the Queen’s inaugural ball. Her eyes apathetic, her voice cool. The fact that she had run out of every room he had walked through that night should have been the first clue that his suspicions were correct, that something of significance had changed between them. But Colin has a tendency to overlook those sorts of details. 
“Miss Featherington,” he calls to her now. 
Penelope’s head turns quickly, a look of surprise on her face. Although Colin’s eyes have been transfixed on her all night, clearly she was unaware of his presence. 
“Colin?” she says quickly, the surprise carrying through to her voice. He tries to suppress a grin when he hears his name on her lips.
“It is getting quite late,” Colin says, taking his eyes off of her for just a second to glance at the old man. He’s coughing up a storm a foot away from where they stood. “I was hoping you might save me a dance before the night is finished.” He looks down at the dance card tied around her gloved wrist. It looks disappointingly full. 
“I believe the lady said she was about to retire —” 
“Yes. I believe I have one dance left in me,” she says, cutting the old man off. Colin is so pleasantly surprised that his brain seems to stop working for a moment. Then Penelope’s hand is in his, leading him towards the other side of the dance floor. 
“Thank you,” she says when they take their places standing across from one another. 
“Whatever for?” he says, a smirk on his face. The music starts. Colin pulls Penelope, hand already resting in his own, a few inches closer as their feet start to move in step. 
“For saving me from that…” she glances behind her. Michaelson is now walking towards the staircase at the back of the room, looking as though the distance might kill him.
“Walking corpse?” Penelope laughs in spite of herself. Colin considers it a win. 
Colin wants to tell her that he would save her from a million men like Jeremy Michaelson. He wants to tell her that he would do anything to make her happy, to protect her. He wants to tell her this, but he fears uttering those words aloud will only make it easier for him to let her down. Again. 
The music picks up and, despite the tension between them this past season, Colin can’t help but notice their movements are as natural as they ever were. It always feels natural with Pen, he supposes. 
About halfway through the dance, Colin notices Penelope’s attention float to the back of the room. His curiosity gets the better of him and he turns his head to figure out what she keeps glancing at. That’s when he sees Portia… speaking very closely with Jeremy Michaelson. 
Suppressing a groan from deep within his gut, Colin gently pulls his dance partner towards the other side of the room, towards the garden. As if taking Portia out of view could magically save Penelope from her mother’s scheming. The movement disrupts the flow of the dance floor, each other couple following the intended steps (Colin silently prays Anthony is not watching from the corner somewhere, or else he will surely receive a lecture on the embarrassment of improper dance etiquette later that night). But while Cressida Cowper may throw him a disgusted look for nearly stepping on her dress, Penelope does not miss a step. 
Once they land on the edge of the dance floor, Penelope squeezes his hand. Leaning in a bit closer, she says, “This hall is starting to feel a bit crowded, would you say?”
Colin’s brow furrows. What is she getting at? 
“Yes, I suppose it is.”
“I believe a stroll through the garden would be quite refreshing at this time of night,” she says, her eyes fixed on his intently. Earlier in the season, Penelope would have said something like this to avoid Colin’s company. The way she’s looking up at him now, her gaze open and uninterrupted… this is an invitation. Maybe there’s hope for them yet. 
He clears his throat. “Yes, and the perfect weather for star gazing.” 
The orchestra plays on. The other couples move in sync. Colin and Penelope exit the dance floor. No one notices them slip into the moonlight.
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ladylooch · 6 months
OK, so this is something else I had kicking around in my old melon. I was talking to another beautiful soul on here about travelling. I've only made it as far east as Quebec and as far west as Alberta in my home country.
If you had the summer off work, and unlimited funds, and could assemble your dream travel team from your AUs (male, female or mixed), who do you think you'd choose to have the most fun with? If you want to throw in destinations too, by all means...
Thank you for entertaining my pondering thoughts ❤️❤️
Oh my goodness!!! Yes! An opportunity to travel would be so welcomed 🥰 I haven't been many places in the U.S. either. Life has been busy!
Pause for appreciation of your insightful thoughts and questions. LOVE IT!
Okay so my dream AU road trip team..... would be:
Mack, Emma, Connor, and David (okay this is hard, I want to bring everyone but fine.)
Mack: great at traveling & would know the ins and outs of where to go, travel hacks, what not to waste our time one.
Emma: A constant vibe. Has also traveled a lot and would be down to just sit with me and drink all day when he others wanted to go explore.
Connor & David: Comedy and eye candy 🤭 Although I would be very afraid to be checking David out so openly in front of Mack LMAO. We know that girl can fight.
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transientpetersen · 7 months
There's a lot going on here. A lot. Certainly the most provocative segment is the long quotation from elsewhere called Connor Goes Deep [and Weird] so at the risk of missing the point, I'm going to complain to the sky and exorcise the mental poison through the keyboard.
I do not understand the appeal of using metaphor when you know it creates an unnecessary translation barrier between yourself and your audience. The section is loaded with jargon and references but there's nothing deep about those references that demand their use. And the constant invocations of "length of a tweet" - so why be confined in the format? But then I was never a believer in the usefulness of that platform so maybe I'm the wrong person to answer.
A modern adaption.
You've grown up in a small town in a dying part of your country. Dying because both agriculture and industry have moved off and find no use for your people. So what do you do? You leave. You go where there's density enough to host industry, find the places where "everyone agrees" the "people who are worth associating with" live.
You meet new people. You learn new skills. You change perspectives many times.
What are some of the outcomes listed in the original (suitably translated)?
1. Go home shortly after leaving. You don't like the city or you cannot hack it or someone back home needs you. Life goes back to normal with shades of regret and might-have-been. 2. Stay in the city indefinitely. You like it there, you grow used to it, you disavow who you were (you've outgrown them). 3. Stay in the city awhile and return home with some flash and some fashion and charm the kids back home with your new manners and your aura of cool. You feel better about yourself but is your life truly that different in substance? 4. Stay in the city awhile and return home with skills and knowledge that lets you bring some jobs. You start a local business. You stave off the decay for a while. The churches still close around you, one by one, but you don't feel that as a loss anymore. 5. You stay in the city. You travel to your home town. You return to the city. You decide that the difference between the two is less than its made out to be - it's all just people. People who don't much like those different from them. Not that that shuts you out because you can code switch. You build people up wherever you go because you're not carrying the anxiety of place around anymore.
So Connor is saying, "You moved to the city. You couldn't cope with the full range of human expression there so you carved out a little space that you felt safe within and let it cradle you until you forgot your home and forgot the scary and you're telling people the truth when you encourage them to find a sanctuary in the city but that's not what you came here for. You've lost your way."
No jargon; no fuss. Just a story.
I believe that agency is cultivated and power is a skill and responsibility means building both of those competencies. Useless anxiety is definitionally both a distortion of agency and a misapplication of skill and I wouldn't encourage anyone to cultivate it. On the other side, you do not understand how to use power if you do not use power - it's not something you rehearse in your head to prepare for the perfect application, that's so incredibly far from how it works.
I don't believe that the five scenarios I sketched out above are ranked. People fall into each bucket as circumstances push and pull - or they were never in the buckets to begin with. Judging where they landed or talking about which bucket they should be aiming for is a category error. Decide your aim, pick your vows, and do your best to make the world better around you.
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slimesam · 2 years
Wrote a storyline and dunno if I should continue writing lol
Manager kim <three years apart> Lookism
The reader is 18 (19)
Minji is 17 (18)
Gun 19 (20) (21)
Goo 18 (19) (20)
The ages jump around as Korean birthdays have two birthday which is their date of birth, and New Year's.
Lookism ff character sheet
Reader = has the gamer power of learning ability, she travels during her school vacation to each country just to learn martial arts she needs to use every ability she learns every month so it won’t go rusty and downgrade. She is an avid admirer of muscles and strong people.
Mother = A Japanese fitness instructor and referee of some kind of “martial art tournament” meet her husband during one of the matches, just happen to be an admirer of muscles and also like mother like daughter.
Father = the Chinese and Korean husband who works as a data information manager, sometimes it is weird that he knows some information that is a secret. And he is the Second Son of Pyunggyeon.
Pyunggyeon (the person with whom manager Kim made a deal to wash his identity) is = Reader’s grandpa on her father's side, He is a shady grandpa that brings the reader to the bar when babysitting her, He is a shady grandpa who spoils the reader during her infant and pre-school even now. The reader probably got her admiration of muscle and strong people due to her grandpa's muscles and strong kidneys and liver.
Manager Kim = Reader’s unofficial uncle, he can be seen with the reader’s father sometimes. They probably catching up.
During Lookism
Minji Kim = Reader visits her like an annoying cousin. Minji is younger than her by 1 year when Minji got kidnapped Reader speed dial her grandpa to agree on whatever Manager kim request and also recommend manager Kim to the white tiger job center as she sees in a hacked CCTV camera his martial art.
Tom Lee = Weird uncle that always harasses Reader’s Father and also the one who introduces Goo to her.
Jung gun Park [Yamazaki] = Childhood friend? Gun knows Reader as he was introduced by her mother, sometimes he travels with the reader to learn martial arts. Who knows what they are up with when they are alone rumor that every time they share a room, the room of the furniture gets destroyed, and the room also smells like sweat and iron.
Goo Kim = Besties that Reader hangout with, She probably gifts Goo a lot of sword collection. Goo clings to the reader every time they met up, from what the other perspective source says When the trio is together Gun tries to pry out Goo from the reader, I wonder if the three are actually in a relationship.
Crystal Choi = Reader regards her as acquittance and the chubby version of crystal is the most focused of her and reader wants to push crystal's limit and transform the original to the shell crystal like Daniel's original that pushes his limit that he looks like the shell Daniel. Chubby Crystal avoid reader thinking she is bullying her when in fact reader want her original body to transform into the shell version with diet and fight
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anothersebastianblog · 11 months
I hear lots of people talking about the drama with Ellie and something about Brazil?? Can someone fill me in please :) I wasn’t part of the fandom back then x/
Ellie is one of the best friends of Allisa (Will's wife, will is -was?- one of Sebastian's besties), they knew each other from much before they dated (obviously because she and Seb were constantly in the same palaces/events because of their respective friends, there's even a photo of Seb ad margarita in 2014 and she's there 🤣) the thing is that in June 2018 we found out they were dating, I mean we weren't sure but they traveled in couples to north Carolina, then the next month in July 4th they celebrated together at Will's apartment and then she and Seb were together at will and allisa wedding that same month and days after someone caught them in a restaurant kissing. Seb traveled to Greece to shoot Monday in August, just days before his birthday, then he'd comeback to LA in Sep/Oct(?) to shoot "endings, Beginnings", after he filmed his part, he went to NYC and he was papped with Ellie in NYC in mid October, now, I don't know in which moment it happened but it was definitely before Brazil when some "fans" "discovered" (sorry, but 5 days later I'm still questioning how real those screen shots were😬) that she had said some questionable stuff years before dating Seb, for example calling a kid ugly (which lol, everyone has done that sorry) and supposedly writing the n word. now, the weird thing is that some "fans" talked with a friend of Ellie 😬 (those were the only very clear screenshots so I believe those were real) and she told them that Ellie would go to Brazil with Seb because they were going on vacation after the comic con he had to attend. personally I didn't believe it at first but then Ellie showed up in Brazil 😐, this friend of Ellie sent them a screenshot of a conversation with Ellie and the friend had asked Ellie of she was going to Australia for Christmas and she answered no because she'd be with Seb in Brazil or something like that and then shit exploded. while Seb and Ellie were in Brazil, someone took the Tumblr shit to Twitter (the n word thing) and it became something big, Sebs tag was full of people calling him out (surprise!!! calling him out for something he didn't do 🥱) and at the end, he ended up leaving Brazil after the comic con was over but he left the country alone, not Ellie in sight. I must say, Ellie denied what she was being accused of, she even said she'd take legal action against the people who started that but then she went private and eliminate all of us who were following her, she's been private since then. that same year, she went to Australia alongside will and allisa, I always thought Seb was meant to be in that trip but nope, he was photographed in Soho NYC December 24 🤭
now, I must say, the friend who supposedly passed the conversation to the "fans" is still her friend so I've always thought that those "fans" might have hacked the friend maybe, I don't know, it was weird.
i don't know if you wanted the whole story, sorry.
also, Seb said nothing he just moved on like he always does 😂
But he definitely got the confirmation his fans are freaks and i bet he started getting angry
First signal: during his rs with margo
Confirmation: this thing during his rs with Ellie
He had enough: during his rs with Ale
Decided he lives better sharing ZERO and that this also protect his partner: at 40 yo during his current rs
Character development, i am proud despite missing him
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