#traumatising fics
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music4lifexyz · 2 months ago
I'm listening to my playlist of songs that give me destiel feels and I put it in an alphabetical order to have it really random. I was not prepared for this three songs to play back to back 😭
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taggen96 · 8 months ago
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Rough night… 🦌🍎
Some radioapple angst that was supposed to be sweet, but then somehow turned dark along the way. Oops…
Just imagine Luci waking up from a horrific nightmare about his fall and Alastor trying to comfort him…
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fatherofpuppets · 6 months ago
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So, I read THIS, and my life will never be the same
Go and read it
Right now.
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measurelessdreamer · 6 months ago
One of these scogan Post-X-Men: Days of the Future Past fics where Logan changes things so everyone from the original timeline is alive and he’s back at the school and about to find out somehow that he and Scott are a thing in this new timeline, but first, after Logan is done explaining himself to Charles, Scott is charged with showing him the way to his room and they talk sort of but not really and all of a sudden they both hear a very happy “Dad!” screamed through the hallway and they both turn and there is a little girl of age four (or more), smiling and running towards them and Logan doesn’t get it because he hasn’t seen her before and he had no idea a child so young could even be at this school and someone here is her father but who? Cyke himself? And he’s about tu turn to see if someone else is standing behind them when all of a sudden the girl slams herself against his legs with such force that it wavers his stance for a moment and surely she hurt herself just now because there is adamantium on his skeleton and there isn’t any on hers and she is only a child after all but then he looks at her and not only is she completely okay, she is also staring at him and she is smiling and as much as it doesn’t make sense, it slowly dawns on him and just as he is about to accept it, the girl lets him go and then hugs Scott, more gently but with no less amount of affection and Scott is affectionate right back but he is also trying to send her away. Only for a moment, though, so he can talk with Logan, and the little girl frowns and doesn’t like it but caves in when he promises to get her some ice cream and Logan doesn’t get it yet again and as if it wasn’t already bad enough, the girl finally smiles again and nodds and then she says, “Thanks, papa!” and runs back where she came from, leaving Logan so awestruck it feels as if he’s a mere breeze away from losing his balance.
Part II | Part III
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thatoneautisticshark · 29 days ago
Tw panic attacks, mild dissociation discussion of rape.
Price and Simon slept together, having a good time. Simon doesn't do so well afterwards however
Price pulled out of Simon with a groan. “Fucking hell, your so tight.”
Simon lay there, his own cum on his stomach, Prices spend slowly leaking from his hole.His breathing heavy and measured as he vaguely registered Price moving around doing something nearby.
He felt… gross. He was sticky and sweaty. But it wasn't even the physical sensation. His eyes were blurring. His Captains bedroom was starting to look like his childhood bedroom, or the room with Roba.
He couldn't tell, it was all blurring together but he knew it wasn't good.His awareness of around him was fading, his ears ringing. He vaguely registered a door and footsteps exiting by it.
Of course he was being left. Fuck him and leave him, that's what always happened. At least the weren't here any more. He was safe for the time being.
He shifted, wincing at the feeling as he curled up. It hurt he could barely register anything, but he could feel the gross gross, wrong feeling of it, dripping out of him.
Running down his thighs.
Dampening his legs.
It was all so wrong. He needed to go, to run to do something, but he lay, frozen, stuck.
He wasn't sure how long he was laying there, eyes barely focused on the nightstand, ears ringing, but he was harshly snapped back to reality by the feeling of something wet on his thigh.
Simon reacted instinctively, somewhere between fight or flight. One hand threw a punch, but his body flinched backwards causing him to tumble off the bed. His head collides with the dresser as he scrambles backwards.
Through his blurry vision, he can barely see the shape.
The person. Approaching, getting closer and towering over him.
He pushes himself back in an attempt to get further, his back hitting the dresser. A hand is coming towards him, to grab, to hit, to do something.
Practically powerless, he plasters himself against the dresser, eyes squeezed shut. No touch comes. He slowly opens an eye, trying to focus through the blur.
The person is crouched In Front of him but not reaching out any more. The person speaks, their voice a low calming rumble “Hey, you're okay, I won't touch you, okay?”
The voice is familiar, Simon is sure he knows it, but he just can't place it. He knows it, the voice makes him feel safer, though he is still panicked.
“Just breathe, luv. That's it. In and out, Riley.”
Simons eyes slowly begin to focus ever so slightly. The beard, and voice finally piece together in his exhausted panic filled mind.
The captain's face split into a small smile. “Yeah I'm here, luv. Just breathe. It's all okay, relax”
Simons breaths slowly became more measured, the panic still clawing at the edges of his mind. But heavily overshadowed by shame and embarrassment.
Right after sex, he had a fucking freak out in his captains bed. Just bloody mint. His brain finally registered what was in Price's hand.
It was a fucking washcloth. He was gonna clean him up. He freaked out like a child over a washcloth?
He literally tried to punch his CO over trying to clean him up.
He froze. Oh god.He tried to punch his Captain. Wait, did he try or did he succeed? He couldn't see an obvious mark, so at least if he landed a hit it wasn't hard.
Maybe he could play it off? Worth a shot.
He stood up, ignoring the fact his legs were shaking and he felt like a newborn deer. “Well that was dramatic” He said, forcing his voice to be as steady as possible.
Acting as everything was fine. Maybe price would let him leave without being upset.
Price gave him a flat look “Yeah no, you are not playing this off. Sit down”
Well fuck. Simon wanted to wack his head into the wall, but he wasn't gonna disobey. He sat back on the bed, narrowly avoiding pulling a face as he became aware once more of the feeling of the cum all over and dribbling out from him.
Price sat down, a bit away from him, giving him some space. And Simon couldn't work out if he was happy or upset about it.
He wanted space. But a bit of him also wanted to be held, to be comforted, but he pushed it down.
He saw price's movement out of the corner of his eye and glanced over. Price was holding out the wash cloth. “You wanna clean up? I doubt that feels nice”
Simon nodded, gratefully taking the cloth, wiping himself off. He was so stupid. He could have just stayed still and let price clean him up, but nooo. He had to be a drama queen and fall off the bed and try to punch his Captain.
That was obviously the logical decision.
He slowly raised his head to look at Price…who didn't look angry? Simon wasn't sure what the expression was but he was fairly sure that wasn't anger.
Price cleared his throat. “So are we gonna talk about that?”
Simon winced “How about no?” At the withering look he received he relented. “Not much to say. I was in my head and reacted dramatically. You startled me. Sorry for trying to clock you in the face.”
“Simon. That is not a reaction to just being startled and we know it. Maybe the initial thing, a flinch and instinctual punch, you could maybe convince me. But, then not even reacting to the fact you wacked your head, and scrambling backwards panicked and crying. That was not just being startled.”
Simon blinked at him “I wasn't crying.”
Price gave him a look “Did you really think that was gonna convince me? Your mask is damp from your tears.”
Simons hands immediately came up to his mask touching it, and sure enough, it was moist under his eyes. He had indeed been crying. “Ah”
A silence stretched over the room. Simon sat there trying to work out how to explain his dramatics.“I just.. my brain was just being dumb price. It decided to …. Think of this as being the room I was in with Roba and I was in my head. And the touch startled me, and then I couldn't quite recognise you”
The silence that followed confused Simon slightly. Price was staring at him with a look on his face as if Simon had delivered the worst news.“I..Fuck I am so sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know it would trigger a panic attack, especially about rape. I swear I wouldn't have if I knew” Price looked so guilty.
Simon blinked at him. “It's fine? It's not a huge deal.”
It really wasn't. Simons brain just did stupid stuff sometimes and Price didn't have a reason to be apologizing.
The older man opened his mouth to argue before closing it, sighing and opening it again. “We are going to have a proper discussion about this at some point. But not right now, can I hug you right now?”
Simon nodded, and felt the warm strong arms off his captain wrapping around his middle and the tickle of the beard against his neck.
He agreed because Price really seemed to need it. But he had to admit it was nice. The older man was practically a heater, and a weighted blanket in one.“I'm giving you actual fucking aftercare” Came the murmur from his chest. If aftercare included cuddles like this, Simon decided he'd probably like it.
Poor price. He Is so worried and confused. Also autistic ghost, who just thinks his panics attacks are being dramatic.
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blorger · 2 months ago
Draco couldn’t help it. He began to laugh. Potter frowned. “What’s so …?” “It’s just the absurdity of it all,” Draco managed to get out. He took a deep breath and tried to still the humour that was bubbling up through his chest before Potter wrote him off as hysterical. “We spend years at each other’s throats, and now it’s all ‘Oh, Potter, would you be able to give a little help to this rather serious problem?’ ‘Why certainly, Malfoy, let us discuss it over tea at my abode.’ Seriously, can you imagine us sitting here three or four years ago?” “Merlin, no,” Potter said, trying very hard not to smile. Draco liked him a bit for that. “But neither of us was at our best when we were sixteen.” “You were hideous,” Draco agreed.
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He attended to the Little Owl first, it held out a leg that had its message tied on with a length of brocaded ribbon sporting crested M’s down its length. Have spoken with you-know-who regarding plans in motion. All satisfactory. Am proceeding as discussed. Will contact you later in the day regarding execution. Only Malfoy could have written a cryptic note that sounded more incriminating than the actual facts, Harry thought. 
from A Young Radical's Guide to Love by blamebrampton
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rotting-inkblot · 1 month ago
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billy hargrove is a scraggly golden retriever stray whos been kicked too many times and bites anyone and everyone who gets close, even if they're simply reaching out to pet him or give him food.
anyways.... Steve's obsession and fixation on hair and hair care :)
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gbirrd · 6 months ago
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A piece Ive made for the @batfam-big-bang is for this fic by @megaerakles inspired by The Odyssey! Obviously, the soundtrack whilst drawing was EPIC. Would you expect anything else, really?
Image ID:
An image reminescent of a book cover. Transluscent white shattered glass-like cracks stem from a jagged 'hole' slightly left of the center, through which Bruce Wayne's eye is visible in a vibrant blue. The cracks radiate out into 8 sections, each with a different character, which together make up one face. From left going clockwise, the characters are Dick Grayson, with deep eyebags, Jason Todd, with prominent scarring, Tim Drake, Steph Brown, a siren Cass Cain, Duke Thomas, Helena Wayne, and Damian Wayne-Al Ghul wearing a laurel crown. The image is done in a painterly style similar to goache.
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echoalias · 10 days ago
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Special Delivery!
Wade's gotta go rescue his man!
Context: I pre-ordered both of these figures last year, and Deadpool arrived about a month ago - but Wolverine didn't! D:
Doesn't explain why I procrastinated* and spent hours making this silly comic with them both, but~ XD
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inseparabiles · 10 days ago
#highkey envy everybody in the tags#who gets asks like 'please write piss kink yesterday'#where the fuck are you getting your freaks from#high society life has made me so prim and proper#got my pinky up when I drink my fucking tea
would you like write smut like that? is that why you haven't because you don't get asks like that and you would if you did? asking for a friend
It's genuinely. Like don't get me wrong we do like writing our genfic, we do love our all of that that we're doing anyway and people seem to like reading, but it's like
I guess it's been oddly branding? And I don't know if it's that people now take that brand as a "well you wouldn't do this thing and asking it of you would be weird and I'm going to respect your implicit boundaries by not doing it" or if it's more like "we, the audience that you have, want this specific thing that you're already writing and when you part from it it's HIGHKEY WEIRD and OFFPUTTING" or a mix of both but
would we like to get the kind of unhinged requests that we're seeing all over the tags? Get slapped in the face with an ask that's just so out there? Write explicit for the sake of explicit without having to find a better excuse for it? Yes. God. Yes. We would.
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desperatelyneedcoffee · 3 months ago
TW: minor mention of rape
I always see hurt/comfort fics about Logan but not many about Wade when it comes to poolverine. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Also are there any fics centered around Logan interacting with Wade throughout Origins and random fight scenes. Then Logan sees Wade with his mouth sewn shut and made into a weapon, he like somehow manages to kidnap him or something and either figures out a way to cut his mouth back open without the scars being too bad or learning sign language with him? Because I literally can't find anything like that. Or even just angsty hurt/comfort (but Wade hurting and needing comfort) for origins. Because I spent a while looking on Ao3 but people tag things that are the quote relevant to their actual fic and I've only found 1 that even has origins related stuff. But that's more like Worst Wolverine is Origins Wolvie and thought he lost his Wade but then proceeds to get kidnapped from the bar by the normal Wade.
Idk just some good hurt/comfort but for Wade because I'm sick of not seeing enough about all his trauma. Even if it's not completely from the movies. Like it can expand on events from the comics like him getting raped or idk some made up event that contributes to his deeply traumatised character. And then Logan comforting him - either as a friend, situationship or established relationship.
Idk I just desperately need something
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officialsollux · 9 months ago
I think one thing about erivris that is so important is the fact they made the weight on their shoulders a game. And, in some ways, Vriska hunting with Eridan meant that the trolls she would have to kill for her lusus were probably going to die anyway. Eridan's orphaning meant his kismesis would stay alive, and Vriska could help keep all trolls in general alive with him. But also. Fundamentally. They were playacting. It gave them a way to connect and cope through their trauma together. And while I'm not sure how much Vriska ever had pitch feelings for Eridan outside that make believe context, I do believe it was incredibly meaningful to both of them.
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warren-keplers-funk-band · 11 months ago
i'm trying to function like a normal person but it keeps hitting me at inopportune moments that buck kissed a man last episode and i fully stumble and bluescreen for a few seconds each time
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imheretofuckspiders · 2 months ago
it's 2:30am time for more martin!jonah angsty bullshit
why can't i ever come up with good happy wholesome stuff for these gays. why is it always sad sad depressing shit.
imagine if jon was more competent. a gertrude-like figure in the archives, existing to piss off his dickhead boss and keeping his assistants alive as much as possible. taking on monsters of the month like spooky batman and never fully manifesting the ability to just Know things.
and by his side, martin k. blackwood. employed at the institute even before jon, working twice as hard to prove himself and always able to adapt to any situation. hired to the archives mostly as a joke, and the fact that the lack of any close family or friends to recognise a sudden disappearance made him perfect for the expendable position of archival assistant.
them becoming closer after enduring the horrors together. jon growing from a cranky old man who hates martin to a cranky old man who would burn a city for martin. martin being jon's reliable anchor to the world despite the creatures that prowl in its shadows.
there are two ways this can go under the watchful Eye of jonah magnus, who is quite keen not to have Gertrude 2.0 in the archives.
path no.1: jonah restarts
were jon more competent, he'd eventually catch onto the machinations of magnus. and there's a chance he'd take the same route as gertrude: scorched earth.
jonah, trying to avoid this as little as possible, sets up a little 'accident' for jon once he knows too much. he's irritated that now he has to go to the trouble of finding yet another archivist. and he's running out of time. or at least, elias bouchard is running out of time. he needs a newer, younger body.
and what better vessel than the newly bereaved martin blackwood? his grief from losing jon makes him vulnerable. all it takes is a little lie from 'elias' to convince him to come to the panopticon itself, involving some phony ritual to see jon again.
shortly after, elias bouchard is dead of a brain aneurysm. and experienced, clever, sharp-eyed martin k. blackwood ascends to head of the magnus institute.
path no.2: this one is even sadder
the dynamic in the archives is now more 'office rom-com' than 'constant paranoia'. martin, jon and the rest of the archive crew are always on top of whatever threat emerges next. communication is key, except in one aspect.
jon refuses to examine his feelings for martin. scanning his desk for clues as to things he likes and putting on a show of his appreciation for martin's tea are just normal things for bosses to do to make their employees more comfortable.
martin fell hard a long time ago. still holding out hope after all these years that jon might reciprocate his feelings. after all the office gossip, martin isn't even sure that jon does relationships. still, he brings in his tea in what he knows to be jon's favourite mug, and lingers just long enough for an amusing conversation but not enough to imply that he's slacking off.
and jonah magnus Watches, and fumes. his Archivist, his beloved Archivist, is distracted by this boy. this boy with the nerve to have been underestimated by magnus. and now together they make a mockery of everything jonah has worked towards. meaning that jon now needs to be turned back towards the path of Beholding, and that it's going to take a lot longer than jonah originally thought. much longer than an able-bodied elias bouchard is going to last.
hell, jonah would take any opportunity to get closer to the Archivist.
suddenly, elias bouchard suffers a fatal heart attack. it's been years since jon and martin joined the archives, and despite martin's faked credentials his extended work experience makes him more than qualified for a high-ranking position. in the three days that it took between martin to be named the new head of the magnus institute and his actual ascension to the position, jon faces a dilemma.
he might not see martin as much. he'll be cooped up in his new office with rosie facilitating every one of his interactions. while they'll still be able to talk every now and then, their dynamic will never be the same as breakroom chats over biscuits, or groaning about the sheer number of fake halloween statements every year. so jon makes a Decision.
he races down the corridor to find martin. he tells him how much he needs him in his life, that he should've said it all earlier, and that it feels like martin might be leaving him.
and jonah magnus smiles through martin blackwood's slightly crooked teeth and soft, rosy cheeks, and reassures jon that he'll always be there.
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dread-red-queen · 20 days ago
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🚫 Do Not Re-Upload/Edit My Shots/Art Without My Permission🚫
Spite being torn from the fade before he was implanted into Lucanis from Chapter 4 of As The Crow Fly's
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lulublack90 · 2 months ago
Prompt 21 - Miracle
@jegulus-microfic December 21, Word count 291
Previous part First part
James wanted to go to bed. He was tired, and he had to be up early for quidditch practice, but Sirius and Remus were up there. James had learnt that if those two snuck upstairs alone, it was better to steer clear of the dormitory for at least an hour, and it had only been twenty minutes. He did not want a repeat of last time; he still had nightmares of Sirius’s pale arse wiggling at him in the dim room as his head bobbed up and down over Remus’s groin. He stood there wide-eyed, like a deer in headlights, until Remus spotted him and got Sirius to stop. That had also been the day he’d found out that his two best friends had been seeing each other secretly for months. 
He shuddered as the image of Sirius’s arse flashed behind his eyes. Trying to find something to occupy himself with, he opened the Marauder's map to try and track down Peter. He was in the mood for a prank. 
Peter was otherwise engaged. James spotted him behind a statue on the fourth floor with Gertie Appleworth. He was just about to say ‘mischief managed’ to the map and attempted to finish his charms essay when he spotted a figure moving towards his name on the map. What was Regulus doing at this time of night so far from the Dungeons? He scoured the higher floors of the castle for anyone who Regulus might be meeting and saw someone who made his blood run cold. Filch was about, and Regulus was heading straight for him. He folded up the map and took off at a run. It would be a miracle if he made it to Regulus before Filch caught him. 
Next part
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