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violetcottontail · 10 months ago
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mr-iterum · 10 months ago
Okay, so apparently, I was unlucky enough to get the original, uncorrupted version of Traumathon part 2 on my TV. Before you watch it, please be aware that there's... Well, a baby gets eaten and Fairmount is drowned repeatedly. You don't have to watch this, and I actually encourage you to skip it if either of those topics are something you won't be able to handle.
I never thought I'd say this, but I feel so bad for Stephbit :(
Really glad Fairmount didn't tell him about the rift locations, but he didn't deserve to be repeatedly drowned for it :(
I seriously hope "Slashley" isn't a person...
Northstar being so honest was not something I expected, and he has a daughter??????
AD BREAK??? HAHAHA!!! I do wonder who those two in the ad were. One does look more like a Habit, but I'm not sure about the one in the whole plague doctor getup. The fact that they're also running some kind of company could NOT be something Fembit appreciates though haha. I don't think the pair in the ad were actually meant to get that commercial in here with how the breaks never had ads before. The idea of a pirate broadcast cutting in on ANOTHER pirate broadcast is hilarious though!
Once again, I'm so glad they don't actually have any footage with the broadcast of episode 100 being corrupted apparently.
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ej-artyarts · 1 year ago
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Shoutout to the Traumathon intros, especially 3’s done by Anndy Negative
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teeto-peteto · 1 year ago
Your response to my SG question has given me ideas for a story involving Illaoi and Sarah in the SG universe. Still plotting it out, but something I’ll definitely have is Sarah at some kind of party event and she’s doing her thing in the corner holding a red cup and she sees this new girl who slammed a guy through the arm wrestling table.
Alternatively, they could be exes, but I’ll figure that out.
And you know. Stuff happens. I also like Amumu and Shyvana, that’s neat too. I could absolutely see a mini arc where Nocturne or someone briefly corrupts students and there’s a mini mystery arc about what’s causing it.
Anyway, rambling over. For now…
Its so hard to write and imagine Fortune x Illaoi outside the canon universe. Cause Ruined King was like a messy breakup/divorce arc in the end and that makes you wonder if maybe in a Star Guardian context this could blossom positively. Although making them exes is great, too.
Thinking about Illaoi becoming an irreversible and powerful villain by Nocturne's influence but the last thing Sarah did while she was lucid was arguing with her and breaking up and probably saying the meanest shit ever without thinking about it and she tries to save Illaoi but ends up killing her in the process, kinda like a very twisted episode like the one with Naru and Nephrite in Sailor Moon? That type of angst but mixed with 'I didnt mean what i said but now its too late'.
I dont know why we like to inflict characters more trauma than they already have but here we are bestie.
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thankscupid · 2 years ago
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7grandyears · 6 months ago
i have to go biking for the first time since probably like traumathon '22. wish my weak gay ass luck
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beyond-the-rabbit-hole · 1 year ago
To celebrate traumathon inching closer and closer to its release date, could we have a cringe nae nae baby moment from Loathesome himself?
God, your writing has a way of healing the soul, it's kind of insane,,, augh,,,,,,,
Caught in 4K
Features: Loathesome, Evan and random rabbit mentioned Warnings: None
I'm glad you like my writing! I'm happy to continue it as long as you find it enjoyable to read :D (This is a shorter one, but it's sweet uwu)
He’s fucking livid.
He’d been in the middle of rabbit hunting, chasing them through a forest. He’d been having fun, swinging for their face with his knife, taunting them, letting them get a little further away before dragging them back to start the chase again, it was great!
Well, until he ate shit tripping over a root.
The wheezing laugh from the rabbit made his cheeks burn and his vision narrow. How dare they laugh at him! He is god!
A god that just tripped over a root and faceplanted.
He can hear Evan laughing in his skull as well.
God dammit!
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bunnyclawsllc · 9 months ago
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New batch of decoding, fresh and hot! Trying out a nicer style for readability, hope it works better for you. This lady's starving for power, huh?
Name: Showbit
Physical description: wears gaudy suits, no claws or fangs, overly flamboyant
Special abilities: mostly boring strategic nonsense, but owns a fun habit pit
Strengths: said fun habit pit, good with traps, clever (debatable)
Weaknesses: no claws or fangs, weakling, self obsessed
Extra: a fun ally, but even more fun prey. might take work, but worth it for the extra power. plan out how to destroy his allies before hunting him. could gain his trust? use his own claws and fangs against him.
Thank you for decoding! Thanks for everything, really. This is just a lot to process.
Was the whole Traumathon thing just a way for her to get close enough to Showbit to kill him? I mean, she still ate a baby, but if she did it gain Showbit's trust and take him down from the inside, wouldn't that save more lives in the long run? She's not doing these things for the right reasons, but if I can help her to make selfish choices that save lives in the long run, maybe that's the best I can do?
I don't know, I feel like a shitty person either way. It's a whole trolley problem situation. It's pretty obvious which choice to make in theory. But in reality? Pulling that lever can be the hardest thing in the world.
I'd really like some advice here, guys. What do I do?
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borom1r · 1 year ago
cat with hands on traumathon!!!!! man I love that short it feels exactly like a Storyteller segment with the cinematography and stop motion mixed with dreamlike live action, it’s SO GOOD!!!
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shoggoth-the-bitch · 1 year ago
Checking Out
13 episodes left, I should really go to bed, let's do this.
Please not another hospital. I really don't like hospitals.
Helen? Where is Martin?! I'm confused, why not wait for him?!
Helen, you are not friends!
This is a terrible idea. Thi- Uh! Do NOT make that sound after inviting him to come inside you, it's super weird!!! That was so uncomfortable.
Wow, Jon really almost chose spiders over Helen. I honestly don't think I could bare to do something like that.
So is this a Hotel California situation? I'm sure Helen wants to be to some extent but apparently Jon can just know the way through and out. How fun...
Pause: I'm gonna be real, I have been kinda looking at the idea of Distortion in a weird kinda way. I keep thinking about it like a gender identity. In which case Michael was an identity forced upon it and thus Helen is her chosen identity, which is a rather interesting thought to have about a god like being that insists it doesn't even have an identity or sense of self.
I also liked Helen. She seemed nice.
I'm still sad about Michael but I'm also sad about Helen classic. I want more fics where these two are friends. Not like shippy or anything just friends. I think that would be cool.
The world is terrible!
Helen, you are super rude, all the time!
Alright, I'm curious about this statement. Can't be worse than Dr. David or the police brutality traumathon.
Helen, stop flirting for Jon and Martin. There's no world where they'd sleep or rest in you.
You know, Helen pitching into this narration really adds something to this.
Whoa! Jon, relax! I genuinely don't know how to respond to that. I think Jon actually does need Martin with him because I don't think he would ever do something like that in front of him.
Interesting? Is Jon actually gonna kill her? But he's inside her right now?
Jon, I think it's time for you to get out.
Oh, so Helen is scared of- Oh my gosh! He's actually gonna kill her? He killed her! Oh my gosh! She's just gone now... I don't know how to feel about that...
I'm gonna miss her... yeah, I'm gonna mourn her. At least a little.
Wait, are we getting London next episode?! heck yeah!
RIP Helen, you will be missed but for the love of god, there's a blind woman and her girlfriend who almost certainly need some help.
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devouring-hive · 1 year ago
Even if she did get bonked properly, both of them are soft enough that it would've just stunned her for maybe a moment? Given that she's still hugging tight says plenty, though.
"Oh? Well, ya know how I ended up taking a counseling job at our old high school? I had to learn to be aware of how big I was and stuff, so now sneakin' around and carefully is sort of second-nature to me~!" More squeeeeeeeezin'! "That and I finally got glasses and contacts that I've needed for so long cuz I finally have an income and could afford it? So now I'm clumsy only some of the time instead of all the time, anymore!"
"But!! I'm here cuz I heard the news!! You and Moni, hmmm? Congratulations, ehehehe~!" Another biiiiiiig squeeeeeeeeze. Geez, these soft arms have some hugging muscles in them!
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"--And me and you, too, don't forget it." Natsuki allows herself a little 'humph' as she finally works up the torque to spin herself around on the spot.
"Frankly I always figured it'd be you and I first, what with how often back in highschool and the first year after you'd come over expressly just to get something made... But hey, the cookie crumbled that way eventually anyway."
"Regardless, uh... Thanks! Heh, I gotta admit that after that aforementioned first year passed I then thought it probably wasn't gonna be happening at all, past the traumathoning we're all masters at, but I'm pretty happy to say I was wrong!"
She can't remotely reach all the way around herself, much less Sayori too- So Natsuki settles for simply laying hands on the sides of her friend's belly to offer a celebratory pair of pats.
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violetcottontail · 10 months ago
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mr-iterum · 10 months ago
Woah, your tv does that on it's own? Man, I wish mine did that, I'm way too nosey about what other people might be watching.
My theory is that traumathon is the ripoff but showbit has access to more resources, but I may be biased because I just don't think showbit has ever had a creative thought in his life. I guess there's not much of a way for me to know?
Also, how's dad-hunting been going for you? Have you been getting any closer to finding your dad?
-your wallmate
Yeah, my TV is pretty weird, I'm gonna post a list of the channels and what's on em' in a bit.
I'd have to agree with you, and I'm basing that off episode count alone. Traumathon just hit 100, Gorefest has like- Triple that. I personally believe Showbit is trying to steal his viewers by airing his show at nearly the same time haha!
As for finding my dad, no luck yet. He's pretty good at going to new places fast, so as fast as I'm hopping rifts, he always seems to be a couple ahead of me. He'd call that "Having a work ethic that us lazy millennials could never understand" XD
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olli-online · 1 year ago
everyone shut up im watching traumathon
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papa-squat-89 · 1 year ago
Watch "98 SCARY STORIES MEGA COMPILATION | Traumathon 1-3" on YouTube
I hope he comes out with a 4th collection
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sphenhools · 1 year ago
The Wonderful Charm of Scary God Mother | Traumathon 5EVER
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