#trash gremlin leader
Au where Murdoc runs away as a kid and ends up at the Pots' house.
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bookdragonideas · 6 months
Here's the thing. I'm a girl, and as a girl, I really like it when girls are portrayed in fiction. Especially fantasy.
But so much fiction/fantasy mixes up 'girls' with 'unstoppable forces of female badass' and there's not necessarily anything wrong with having a character who is an 'unstoppable forces of female badass'. But it gets old real quick. And it is not the same as portraying normal girls, or having good female characters.
And that's one of the many reasons I love Avatar the Last Airbender.
Because all the girl characters have flaws and weaknesses and sometimes act like idiots or jerks. They get emotional and make mistakes. They lose fights or arguments or are just wrong sometimes. Some of them are amazing warriors, and some aren't. Some are powerful or special and some are normal, with nothing special about them.
And I Love that.
I was around the same age as Katara when I first watched Atla. And I instantly connected with her as a character. I loved her optimistic attitude and her fighting spirit. And I could relate with her anger, and with her maternal instinct. I admired her fighting skills of course, but I loved how the show portrayed her compassion and kindness, the way she could both beat up a bunch of bullies AND enjoy a relaxing day at the spa. She was a baddass warrior that should never be crossed. But she was also a normal teenage girl who had a lot of the same internal struggles and problems that I did.
(I never connected to Toph on the same level, but I did relate to her on a few things. She's an adorable trash gremlin who would commit any crime for fun and I love that. But she struggles with being both independent and letting people help her, and I still struggle with that sometimes. I've learned that sometimes, you can help others by letting them help you.)
Yue is, in my opinion, a perfect example of a type of hero that seems to be disappearing. She is not a warrior. She is not a fighter. She's not even a bender.
Yue is a perfect princess, a perfect daughter. She is extremely feminine in a rather older sense.
And she was the only one who could save the world. She gave up everything for her people. She saved everything, everyone, the entire world. Without ever becoming a fighter.
Yue is a perfect example of a girl who was never more than a girl, and how that's okay. Not every girl has to be rough and tumble and fight for her rights in order to change everything. Sometimes it's okay to just be a quiet obedient girly girl. Sometimes that's all it takes to be a hero.
And I love that. Yue is strong in her own way. She is unique and interesting. She appears in only a few episodes and yet manages to be one of my favorite characters.
Song is another great example of this. Song is a healer in a small town. We don't see much of her but we see her compassion and empathy. She is gentle and generous. A healer not a fighter.
She watches Zuko steal her ostrich horse and does nothing.
Is that because she's kind and generous and knows he needs it more? Or is it because she's a healer girl who knows she can't actually stop those two from taking the horse? Maybe neither, maybe both. I have always thought that the scene where Zuko steals the horse and only the audience knows she saw it is one of the most thought-provoking in the series.
Suki is a badass warrior woman who is an awesome fighter and good leader. She is one of the best non bender fighter we see in the entire show. She was one of the smartest, most efficient, and powerful characters we ever saw.
She kissed a boy she had just met because she thought he was cute.
Now don't get me wrong I love SokkaxSuki. Its one of the best couples in the show.
But Suki totally did the old 'love at first sight' thing. And that is awesome. Because when she kisses him she delivers one of the best lines, not only from her, but, I think, in the entire show.
"I AM a warrior, but I'm a girl too."
Being a warrior doesn't mean that she isn't also a teenage girl. She might be a fighter, but she still gets crushes and likes to flirt with cute boys. And hey, she picked a good one. Not every boy is going to come break you out of prison.
Anyways, let's have more realistic girls in fiction. And please enjoy the next 24 hours.
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farfetchedshow · 2 years
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Alright, freaks, time to learn about OUR cast of freaks!
Meet Rue! 🐰
Loves pastels & corny horror movies.
Big ball of anxiety.
Keyboardist of Sesamoid.
Doesn’t realize a sesamoid is a bone.
Voiced by Nola Klop
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Meet Kira! 🐶
Emotional-support creature.
Can transform into your worst nightmare.
Could be Sesamoid’s lead singer if she wanted to.
Voiced by Jazmine Luevanos
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Meet Quinn! 💎
He’s a diamond, you’re dirt.
Shortsighted & charismatic.
Leader & drummer of Sesamoid.
Grandma’s little man.
Voiced by J Michael Tatum
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Meet Piper! 🌙
Extroverted gremlin.
Competitive & caring.
Guitarist for Sesamoid.
Has listened to caramelldansen like 1000 times.
Voiced by Dani Chambers
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Meet Warren! ⌚
Jack of all trades.
Tells it like it is.
Bassist of Sesamoid.
So help him, he will turn this ice cream truck around.
Voiced by Jonah Scott
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Meet Griff! 🦝
The drifter in your trash can.
Airheaded good boy.
Lead singer of Sesamoid.
Mike, the local pizza-eating rat, is his friend.
Voiced by Jacob Takanashi
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Meet Papa Swirl! 🍦
Sesamoid's untrusty steed.
Full of instruments and sweet treats.
He sees all...
Voiced by [REDACTED]
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Meet Regan! 🐍
Purveyor of pyrotechnics.
Piper's girlfriend.
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Her snake's name is Craigbert. All hail Craigbert.
Meet Clodagh! 🍀
Quinn's grandma.
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Meet Drain! 🦇
Performer of Electronic Drain Music (EDM).
Sesamoid's shampire nemesis!
Voiced by Michael A. Zekas
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Turnarounds by @drunkenfix.
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Drawing by @KiruKrono.
Meet our Creature Cast! 😱
Only a little slobbery!
Monster Kira growled by Kellen Goff.
“Boris" howled by Edward Bosco.
Two more mystery monsters brought to life by Jason Marnocha & Morgana Ignis!
Camp Crag has many secrets, best be careful roaming those woods…
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And that's all... for now. Hope you like all our children, young and old! You'll be seeing more of them in the coming days, weeks, and months!
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isabeauwolf · 3 months
Guess this is a shorta Q&A and Story about how my Overhaul x Villainess OC Mary x Dabi x Shiggy fanfic came about and its creation. 🤣🫣 Ugh, what a mess 😅 Plus, a tiny sneak peak/ scenario
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Down in the underground labyrinth of the Shie Hassaikai base, inside the secret meeting room Dabi and Tomura Shigaraki sat on one side of the couch while Mary and Overhaul sat on the other across from the clear coffee table.
Our Author sat in-between the couch in a loveseat. "Originally, last year I decided to make my own Overhaul x Villainess OC x Shiggy fanfic since I had dialogue and scenes written down all over the place." She sighed.
An awkward silence settled over the room.
Dabi waved. "Princess, why dontcha come play with me instead of Bird face." He gave Mary a small coy smile, "I won't bite. Unless you want me to."
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Tomura seething in his corner. "I was Yakuza Boys rival before burnt face rudely used a cheat code! She's my Queen and Player 2." Narrowing his crimson iris' at Dabi. "Get your own love interest to seduce from some back alley brothel or hole in the wall, Dabi. I was leveling up and gaining intimacy points long before you showed up." Turning his angry gaze at the author. "How the hell did this happen? It was supposed to be just me and the germ freak fighting for her affections."
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"As I said multiple times, Dabi kept shoving his way into the fanfic like the little impatient gremlin that he is." The author gives a strained smile, obviously tired from lack of sleep and the heat wave outside. "In the end, Mary's got 3 villainous mates. Happy?"
Mary's inner wolf, wagging her tail and jumping up and down "Yay!"
Mary blushing, mismatched eyes widening. "Wait, a minute... Can't we just?!"
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Overhaul sitting besides Mary, glaring at Tomura and Dabi. "Absolutely, not. My angel is my wife." His face scrunched up in both distain and disapproval underneath his beaked plague mask. "Not those filthy arrogant diseased ridden gutter trash."
"Now, now, Kai. My dearest, please calm down." Her wolf ears flat against her head and nuzzling into his side. "It's tradition and law for shifters to have up to 5 mates."
Kai grits his teeth, "I am aware, angel." Uncrossing his arms, reaching behind and pulling her into his side, gloved grip becoming possessive. "It also states that you need permission from your first mate, mine as your husband, and your grandfather's since he is the leader of your clan."
Mary pouts. "True."
Dabi stands, walks over to the married couples couch and plops down on the other side of Mary, grinning lazily. "What can I say Overbeak," scared lips, curling into a smug smirk, "Can't stay away from my firebrand, right, princess?" Casually pressing a hand down on the top of her head, giving headpats between her ears. "Besides, I'm sure little Eri would be sad to miss her new daddy, wouldn't she?"
Kai's thin eyebrow twitched in irritation. "Don't bring, Eri into this, homewrecker."
Tomura fidgeting and hands twitching, curling and uncurling into tight fists. "I'm still here. Don't you two fucking ignore me." He growled underneath Father and cut in.
Dabi scoffs. "Yeah, yeah, we hear ya yappin' handyman." Waving him off. "Can't help that I've got more game than your crusty introverted ass." Removing his hand from the top of Mary's head to lay it across the back of the couch, digits tapping.
"Say that to my face you burnt bastard!"
"What was that?" Dabi cups a hand over his ear, tilting his head. "Can't hear ya over your chapped lips, gamer boy."
Mary interjects, smiling sheepishly. "Guys, calm down. I'm sure we can make this work."
"No, we are not." Kai speaks, the invisible tingling, phantom itching and crawling in his skin made him grimace. "Stop touching, my wife before things get messy and I don't remember inviting you to sit over here."
"You invited us down here, birdman. Saw an empty seat and took it." Dabi gave him the middle finger without looking in the Yakuza Boss' direction. "Blow me."
Tomura snorted and laughed.
Overhaul growled. "As if I would ever stoop to such a low and vulgar suggestion asshole."
Mary felt more and more uncomfortable. She could feel and smell their anger, irritation and each feeling territorial. "To think returning to Japan to honor the union of our clans and engagement to Kai would result in this." She glances at the author. "Am I truly fated to Kai, Tomura and Touya?"
The author nods her head and crosses her arms. "Yup." Holding up her hand, pointing at Overhaul and counting off on her fingers, "Kai gets more funding and men towards his goal, plus marrying his sweetheart," smiling and glancing at the she-wolf, "you get a bigger family, friends and a house filled with children that you always wanted. It's a win-win."
"I get friends?" Mary asked in excited, ears perking up and tail wagging. "Pups of my own?"
Overhaul's golden gaze narrows in suspicion. "How do you know so much?" He's feeling uneasy, despite his calm and masked poker face; he doesn't like being left in the dark or the unknown, threat or otherwise.
Ignoring our sexy birdy, she points at Tomura. "Handyman gets a new teacher and a love interest though he won't admit it."
Author points to Dabi. "Mister steal your girl, here, gets to shove his new status in his dad's face and closer towards his goal."
Dabi's turquoise eyes, brighten with interest. "Oh yeah?"
"Don't ignore me?!" Shigaraki and Overhaul snap at the same time.
"Well, that's all we have tonight." The author winks and giggles.
"Awe, come on, dollface. It's unfair to tease me like that." Dabi pouts.
"What do you mean I get a new master?" Shigaraki asks, confused and irritated. "I'm not a noob player!"
"Do you have a future seeing quirk?" Overhaul stood on his feet, air in room growing chilling, intimidating and dominant, demanding an answer as he fiddles with his glove. "Answer me, woman."
"Kai, you can't kill her. She won't be able to tell our story without her." Mary grabs his arm, rubbing it to try to soothe him.
"Thank you for reading our behind the scenes content on our messy Villains x Villainess romance. Feel free to ask questions, thank you and good night." She waved and blew kisses.
"Wait!" Shigaraki, Dabi and Overhaul yell as the lights turn off in the building.
Mary sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Mimics going to have a bitch fit."
---- end of Q&A 😉💕
Honestly, I wrote this on a whim 🤭 Hope y'all like it. Plus, I promised to give some more crumbles.
Whatcha think? Where our favorite MHA men true to character, or too out of character?
Feel like I don't mention Shiggy more often, whoops 😬 Ta-da! 😆
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@slayfics @i-need-chisaki-redemption-arc @fanofflames @chainslobber @chisvki @xxchisakislittleangelxx @x-kiwi-03 @fabled-lady-twilla What do y'all think?
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siphersaysstuff · 11 months
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It's "Locktober", a month entirely about Dinobot leader GRIMLOCK! I mean, what else could it be? So let's close in on some of the plastic toys of the Autobot warrior who simply won't be restrained in this month's batch of Patron-backed @tfwiki pictures!
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Sadly, I don't have wiki-worthy samples of the first Grimlock toy, G1 or G2 (also I'd want all 3 G2 decos represented). But here's the Action Master, the fourth release of the character in the original toyline. He came with an "Anti-tank cannon" partner/drone (bonus pic!).
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Robots in Disguise 2001 Grimlock, named to secure the Trademark, is one of the most awkward Transformers toys ever made. Them arms, man. This yellow deco was a Hasbro exclusive, released in a post-RID 4-pack of the entire Build Team on Black Friday 2003. Thank you for preserving the name.
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The only Unicron Trilogy Grimlock wasn't even originally supposed to be in that series! The Energon Grimlock & Swoop toys (who can combine into Mega-Dinobot) were originally meant to be in the concurrently-running Universe line, but got shifted to the combination-centric Energon.
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Grimlock was a natural choice to be in the very limited 2006 Classics line, though him being a Deluxe baffled many. Still, for my money this is a great redesign. I can just see him biting down on a Decepticon, pinning him to the floor, and transforming to stand directly on top of him.
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Grimlock made a splash in Animated, though his role and number of toys ended up being pretty limited overall. Still, aside from the big Voyager toy, there's the smaller Activator version, with a partially-spring-loaded conversion activated by pressing the gold button on his dino-butt.
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Shattered Glass Grimlock started as a brainless beast. But the pre-convention "prank" comic pages by @therobotmonster and myself portrayed him as highly intelligent and verbose, inspired by the Brain Gremlin from "Gremlins 2". Which went over so well that's how he ended up in later SG stories!
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Weirdly, it took some time for Grimlock to show up in the Kre-O building-brick line. The first were Age of Extinction sets, including one with an inexplicable G1-based build and Kreon in the "Grimlock Unleashed" set! G1 Grim also showed up in the "Kreon Class of '85" San Diego Comic Con 2015 exclusive set.
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Speaking of Age of Extinction Grimlock, one of the oddest toys of this version of the character is this Walmart-exclusive redeco of the ten-year-old Energon Cruellock mold! The "energon star" accessory has been glued into place to hide that the toy lacks its "spark crystal".
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And speaking of weird Grimlocks, Angry Birds Transformers! The app's still going, what the hell? It briefly had actual toys, which included this Jenga-branded "Optimus Prime Attack Game" set with a Grimlock Bird Jenga frame! And yes, this thing is in the mobile game. In both, the goal is to knock out as many tummy bricks and pigs as possible.
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The large "Hyper Change Heroes" 3-Step version of Robots In Disguise 2015 Grimlock is possibly the perfect-scale dino-mode toy compared to his teammates' Warrior-class toys (def a bit too big in robot mode)… but ooh, does he take a big hit in robot-mode posability and accuracy from the waist down.
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Cyberverse "Spark Armor" Grimlock came with a "Trash Crash" dump truck that forms incredibly bulky armor for him. Interchangeability of the Spark Armors has not been extensively tested to the best of my (admittedly limited) knowledge on the subject.
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Of course, G1 Grimmers gets loads of merch. He's currently the only TF to have two wholly-different molds in Super7's ReAction retro action figure line, with both robot and dino mode figs. This G2-colored (but not G2-symbol'd, boo) figure was one of many, many Target exclusive ReAction figs.
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Let's end on the "ultimate" G1 Grimlock (well, non-Masterpiece version, though one can argue which of those two is truly "ultimate"), Studio Series! He came with a semi-posable Wheelie figure, so when his price point was inevitably budget-cut, the "partner" fig could be dropped, a sacrifice so the later Dinobots could still afford AN accessory.
If you enjoy these stomps through Transformers toy history, you can help out by joining my Patreon at "gregstfwikipics". Every little bit helps get more pics out a month, plus at higher pledge tiers you can even pick a theme!
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cochidinh · 9 months
The illness hit my brain again and I will ramble about why I like the Ota tribe. Again. Yes. Again.
I mean, look
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Soooooooo badass, right?!
The 5 characters in the photo come from Ota City, where polluted by industry, and has become a slum filled with crime. That's why they are Ota Tribe.
When they first appeared in the anime, I didn't even see the art above, what I saw was a group of people wrapped in robes and looking like beggars asking for money. When Haru (one of the main characters) gave them a piece of candy, it was enough to make them happy and I was like "Aww they do look a bit weird but it's cute somehow"
no shit. they fucking blew up the mansion after taking the gold with them. But still...cute? (sorry the mansion owner, you have too many girls with you, I'm jealous). In short, that's enough for me to have a basic opinion about these characters.
They steal, but they are also not picky with what they get. They are chaotic, but they have their own rule.
I look at the cast of characters in the anime and it's funny, not counting the NPCs that look like they're copied and pasted, the main cast is like this
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I swear the air and water in Ota are polluted from the dye factory or something that's giving them that edgy emo make-up aesthetic look (Oh don't worry Saigo you look great, and Yukigaya you look adorable)
I looked at this team and the only thing that popped into my head was that they were all picked up from the trash can and taken to a garbage dump (effortlessly) by Sonoda.
Sonoda is the ermmm pretty boy with the mask in the center. Yeah I know he looks normal and you can find a bunch of white-haired anime guys like him or whatever. That's right, why are you wearing a shirt, tie and bow-tie shoes in this city? Are you a lost high school student or are you trying to look more mature with that style? (It's suit you <3) and I still love this photo of you.
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Even though he's an asshole, I have to admit that his looks are so deceiving. His eyes are very sad, he drags out the last syllable, he apologizes when people tell him he's not allowed to do that (still does), and he likes to bring food home to share with everyone ( even though it contains explosives). He beats and kills people because he likes it, oh what an atrocity. Best boy ever. We should throw him down the drain.
He already lives in such a stinky place? whoops
Haneda Kiyoshiro. yeah that baby face boy. yeah. He is obsessed with his leader. In a best-worst way that makes you back and forth between "he has a crush on Sonoda" and "He wants to crush Sonoda". It's very complicated but I wrote a fic on ao3 about him so you can check it out-
anw I was a bit surprised because I thought they had dumb luck when it came to making this and that machine but honestly, they're pretty good, aren't they? Especially Haneda's birthday fact, he used paper to write down and analyze Sonoda's behavior. I thought that the Ota tribe was completely illiterate, they couldn't read and never had a book or something ToT (It's all because the battle with Minato was so impressive)
Yukigaya, girl, so cute I want to adopt her. She's always hungry and eats cakes all the time, but she's still 44kg?? girl u okay???
Asahikawa, the joker gremlin. He is. everything. I'm sorry for calling you joker. You are funny, always happy and smiling but your taste in music is...urg...
Saigo. Everyone needs a big man in their team. He looks the most normal but I don't know? He is on good terms with all the members. But is there really a normal person in Ota?
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reinekes-fox · 7 months
Pokémon team anon. Quick explanation for the teams:
Fuchsia: mostly dog/wolf/fox pokémon for kinda obvious reasons (werewolf FUCHSia), with Sylveon having the bonus of being the trans flag colors. Roserade is there as a little hint to Fuchsia's true identity (I peeked at the code, so Dornröschen)
Chase: a heavy magician motif since I think taking the storm punishment with Elrond seems to suggest Chase can do magic? Meowscarada and Galarian Slowking wear masks, matching Chase hiding his identity. Salazzle is a flirty girl, with its pokédex entry mentioning it has a reverse harem and that it captivates opponents with alluring movements, which matches Chase's flirty nature. Staraptor because there are implications about Chase's past having something to do with the cult.
Droznik: Pidgeot, Swellow and Golduck are the obvious birds. Applin for the reasons you know (he tries to give it to MC during the confession). Luvdisc has this pokédex entry, "It is said that a couple finding this Pokémon will be blessed with eternal love." and I imagine he and MC found one as kids that Droznik caught (this is either very cute or bittersweet depending on MC's choices). Magmortar starts off as Magby, which more closely resembles a duck or booby, and evolves into something that is no longer as bird-like, which I think matches how Droznik also strays from the faith (the punishment + being possibly gay for MC).
Marcel: Corviknight for obvious reasons (raven). Kingambit due to how it is both a leader among its kind and for how it favors brute strength over strategy. Skuntank since Marcel is a trash gremlin, and I imagine he is used to the smell. Hydreigon to represent his more destructive and brutal tendencies. Houndoom represents Marcel's (and by extension all ravens) as a "guard dog" of the school. Lokix is based off the locust, a pest that comes in swarms, and its Showdown Mode happens when it fights all out, serving as a warning sign that Marcel is about to also stop holding back.
Falkenflug: Swanna (swan). Bombirdier (stork). Solrock/Lunatone + Minior (celestial aspect), also Minior hides a bright and colorful core under its shell, which is similar to E. Lopunny is an interesting case; Buneary evolves when it has high friendship, but it starts with the lowest possible base friendship, so giving E a Lopunny indicates early on that there is more to them than they let on (after all, they were determined and loving enough to get Buneary to evolve into Lopunny). Volbeat and Illumise are two halves of a whole, Volbeat is exclusively male while Illumise is exclusively female, and both are deeply connected to the other; this is interesting to combine with E being into the same sex, with them insisting their pokémon does not need its "pair".
Karla/Chris: I already got it spot on. I see that I wrote Chimecho instead of Chinchou, but luckily you still got the right one.
Really love all the thoughts you put into this! If this were a school grade I would give a 1+ for characterisations the best grade!
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rarepears · 2 years
Lans & Order
(law and order reimagined)
(but its The Lan Clan trying to bring order in a world where Jin Guangshan, Jin Guangyao, Xue Yang, Su She, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are chaotic gremlin potatoes with their trash asshole wannabe NOT TOLERATED leader and his sidekick and sidekicks sidekick + an insane sixteen year old rat bastard AND WHO THE HOLY GOOSE BROUGHT MO XUANYU HERE?!)
(the true leader is Nie Huaisang but he's the headshaking Mafia Boss cinnamon killer who denies everything while pulling the strings behind this shitshow.)
(Nie Mingjue will NEVER know his younger brother is a literal criminal undercover mafia boss who mostly sells p*rn. And the occasional murder investigation with a team not totally on the right side of law.)
(Xue Yang literally HAS murdered. AND stolen a couple of corpses for them to investigate.)
(Jin Guangshan is their agreed upon EXPENDABLE leather wallet. The minute they get under fire, he's thrown into it.)
And in one season, Wei Wuxian gets framed, but no one believes him since he REALLY was indeed guilty of a crime (of stealing a kiss from a drunk Lan Zhan) but he doesn't fess up his actual crime so his shifty, guilty behavior is seen as an indication of something else.
Naturally Jin Guangshan is bribing the political elites with money, booze, prostitutes, and more in order to win more military supply contracts (that he delivers subspar equipment to).
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aclosetfan · 1 year
Heyyyyy, how are you doing? I hope you are doing well and life gets better and better with each day for you. just saw your post with your H/Cs about the girls. I was wondering if you have some of the boys too?? Maybe something you haven't mentioned before, and/or would be unexpected to some fans.
Btw, you are probably my favourite writer in the fandom. I usually don't re-read fics but Until Do Us Apart has my heart, ksjdhhdgghj. You can't imagine how much I cried when I first read it 😭 When I find it, I will definitely read it again (when I have free time).
Bro ngl, forgot i wrote that (AGAIN), re-read it, and after i got past all the typos i missed and fell into the story, i was like WHAT!? I couldn't have written that! Like who?? Me?? That was too sad. too heartbreaking. I hate it. I want five more stories just like it. thnxs!!
here's the link so everyone can be sad too :) just ignore all the fucking typos
lmao anywayyy! Three h/cs for our fave boys. I've forgotten what i have and have not mentioned, so if these are just repeats, sorry in advance. Like with the girls, my headcanons don't vary often! Once I've characterized them, they're pretty much characterized lolol
On paper, he's not a good leader. He's condescending, bossy, lazy, and the biggest asshole, but where Blossom needs a plan for everything, Brick is quick on his feet and doesn't mind Boomer and Butch straying from the plan. He doesn't direct every action, and because he's better at taking shit in stride, his brothers are also better at acting independently. By contrast, Bubbles and Buttercup are well-trained and don't act until directed, which drives Brick up a wall. He's definitely an "I told you what needs to be done, so figure it out already" macro-manager.
Boy band/girly pop junkie, but he'll go to the grave before anyone finds out, except everyone knows. He's bad at hiding it. He claims all the k-pop shirts he owns were bought as a joke, but his spotify is linked to Butch and Boomer's, and they know how big of a swiftie he is. (or like in-universe equivalent lol)
He's depression barbie all the way, which isn't a new h/c I just want to reiterate that mentally he's not doing well and is a gremlin about it. His brothers routinely remind him that he does, in fact, have to drink water.
If not for him, his brothers would have killed each other by now. He's not any more responsible than the other two, but he is a grounding figure. He has, overall, earth-sign-middle-sibling energy. He's the one who remembers to take out the trash, not because he wants to take out the trash, but because the trash just needs to be taken out, and he's standing there anyway. This headcanon is actually hard for me to convey with words. Basically, he's the one keeping the trio together. Good second-in-command guy.
Sure, Brick broods and Boomer whines, but Butch is the brother staying up at night yearning for something a little bit more than the life they've got. I think he'd be the brother most easily persuaded to "go good," not Boomer like I've seen. He likes his reputation as the big tough monster of the trio, but a small part of him knows it's all just a front and that he'd like to be respected as a person. With that in mind, it's easy to see how he could be angry angry angry. He's stuck, he wants more, he's doing what he's made to do, he loves his brothers, he wants to leave them, he feels directionless, lost - - - might as well workout to distract himself, maybe start a fight.
planes, trains, and automobiles bbbyyyyyyyyy. Autism be damned, my boy can work an engine (both real and of the model variety)
i feel like i've already said everything I've got on this kid haha, but I don't think I've mentioned that, like Bubbles, he's good with small creatures, but where she focuses on the cute ones, he's obsessed with rabid raccoons and fucked up looking opossums. He has an opossum hidden in his bedroom named Trashcan. Also very interested in Bugs(tm).
Went through an "emo" phase, except he was a total poser about it, which caused considerable tension between him and Brick (goth boy extraordinaire), and wore bad eyeliner. Then, immediately after, went through a surfer boy phase, then a cowboy phase, and then a, well . . . basically, Boomer's always trying to find himself because he doesn't think Himself is good enough (he hasn't had his Kenough moment yet), and is desperately seeking other peoples approval.
Boomer may not know who he is quite yet, but to his brothers, he is crinkly-eyed smiles, breezy laughs, warm hugs, and cold hands with an innate ability to make them feel like they're people worth loving. He may not like it, but he's the baby brother through and through.
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leuxcrows · 2 years
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ares and riddle are always fighting over their dorm rules lol
the second one is kind of an au because ares and the faes dont exactly mix well together but ares would eat any kind of trash you give them so i had to make the lilia joke sorry--
aaaand the three gremlins try really hard to follow their dorm leader instructions to be the best ramshackle students but the kidnapping part is always the most difficult one~
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dimpledlianfang · 2 years
A little bit of drama for today/tonight.
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*in a cell*
Xue yang: get me out of here if you know what's good for you! *banging bars*
Su she: you really think that they'll listen to you *rolls eyes*
Xue yang: I'm trying to intimidate them!!
Sms: by acting like a gremlin!
Xy: *sits and pouts* my candy is also finished.
*lifts up a piece of wood* I think I'm gonna break down these bars!
Sms: *looking for a way to escape.*
Xy: what I gotta do to get sweets here!!! You idiots!!
I'm gonna complain to my Jiggybun!
Su she: you're only worried about sweets?!!
Xue yang: not only that! I want to brutally slaughter this sect leader! And I can't get out!!!
Sms: compose yourself xue yang! We're Zongzhu's henchman. We represent.
Xy: I'll represent their face with a stick!
And where are your teleportation talisman?!
Sms: *crying* I forgot them at home for some reason.
Xy: *pulls out mini dagger* Su she!! I will kill you!
Sms: hide it before they take it from you!
Xy: I think they might find your corpse first. Just saying.
Sms: stop threatening me!
Xy: idiot.
Sms: I rather be in a pit with a bear than with you.
Xy: don't stress out the bear.
Xue yang: how dare this idiot imprisoned us.
Su she: he should be afraid of our Zongzhu at least.
Xue yang: Jiggy will trash him.
Slt and others : *clapping while entering* ah. Bickering and chatting I see.
What are you two lap dogs up to, huh?!
Sms: planning your demise.
Xy: figuring out how to hide a body.
Slt: drop your sarcasm.
Xy: sarcasm for sarcasm. It's fair.
Slt: now would you two care to give me info on your dear dear sect leader.
Xy: hell no.
Sms: and how dare you challenge him.
Xy: he won't be too pleased.
Slt: do you think I'm afraid of him!
Sms: *laughs* you would be.
You wouldn't want to see our emperor angry. Nor would you want to anger him
Xy: better count your days.
Sms: or hours.
Slt: What nonsense! Weren't you two just quarreling! On the verge of killing each other?!
Xue yang: you'll never understand. *rests his arm on smss shoulder* Yea, we would fight. But when it comes to business, we're partners in crime.
Sms: Aparently you haven't heard about frenemies.
Xue yang: and just remember, we can destroy you before Jiggy gets you.
Slt: you and your sect leader can't do anything!
Sms: wait and see.
Slt: look! Whether you like it or not, I'll take everything that your wh*re clan leader have.
Two hours later.
The Tang sect leader went on an agenda, whereas something ominous happened at his sect headquarters. Firstly, sect members were mercilessly killed by mysterious men in black (obviously Yao's entourage and some other assassins)
Then when a fight broke out, cloaked person snuck through the back door, all the way to the cells. Afterwards, they stuck strong controlling pins into remaining sect members heads. And like Lingyi, their eyes turned gold and then went back to normal.
*distorted music plays*
*dungeon door dramatically opens*
Then the mysterious person killed the guards with a swish of his sword.
The mysterious guy: *saunters over to xue yang and Su she's cell.
Sms: wah!
Xue yang: who the heck are you?!
The mysterious guy: *pulls out a piece of candy*
Xue yang: Jiggy!
Su she: my Zongzhu!
Yao: *taking off his cloak* happy to see me.
*breaks the lock with his sword* come.
Su she: thank you so so so much, Zongzhu!
Yao: you're welcome *smiles*
Xue yang: Jiggy, that bastard didn't give me any sweets. *pout*
Yao: here muffin. I know, they have mistreated you two.
Su she: I accidentally forgot my teleportation talisman, Dianxia. I'm sorry.
Yao: it's ok.
Xue yang: *caressing his dagger, while while chewing on a piece of candy and standing ominously behind Yao*
Su she: *standing behind him as well*
Yao: *arms folded, while smirking*
Su she: what are we gonna do with him, Jiggy!
Xue yang: he's so done! Now what's your plan?
Can I stab him?
Su she: we'll do your work for you.
Yao: relax boys. Jiggy got this.
Su she: I know. You're very genius.
Yao: *chuckles* shall we.
Xue yang: sure!
Su she: gladly.
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lasitas · 2 years
My Imperfect Remembrance of Star Wars Episode IV
The original trilogy opens with Luke at a store with his uncle Ben (not related to the rice company… I presume). They buy a servant bot named See Three Pee Oh, who is a to-scale man-shaped robot made out of some sort of cheap yellow metal. Accompanying this bot, whose name we’ll shorten to C3PO, is a less articulate, waist-high bot shaped like a park trash can. This bot, named Argh Too Dee II, is able to communicate with C3PO with a series of beeps and whistles, but he is incomprehensible to just about everyone else, except for a trademark wail of despair that speaks for itself.
After another dull evening at his uncle’s middle-of-nowhere desert home, Luke decides to take a screwdriver to the trash can robot, whom I’ll call R2D2 for short, and discovers a message hidden inside its memory banks. It’s a video message, sort of like a voicemail for Skype. The speaker is a hot lady, which is exciting to young, bored Luke, and she’s asking for help! Luke must intervene to save his princess.
He goes to his eccentric neighbor’s house to ask if he knows anything about the man mentioned in the voicemail: Obi Wan Kenobi. The neighbor’s name is Ben Kenobi, so Luke figures he must know something…. Wait, both the uncle and the neighbor are named Ben? Maybe the uncle isn't named Ben after all.
Anyway, Neighbor Ben reveals that he’s Obi Wan and Luke’s princess is a real princess named Leia. Or maybe he’s evasive at first and reveals this later. Who gives a shit, Luke’s house just burned down!
Now that Luke is homeless and orphaned, he joins eccentric neighbor Obi Wan Ben Kenobi on the adventure of a lifetime.
They travel through a desert where there are massive long-legged robots which are actually vehicles piloted by aggressive fascists (who maybe also burned down Luke’s house?) They pull the monsters down with rope around their knees.
Also, C3PO and R2D2 are lost in the desert and wander into a village of little hooded bears who live in caves carved into the sides of the canyon. The two bots are in some sort of fight, but the fact that the little gremlins are aggressive reunites them since C3PO has to rescue trash bot.
Luke, Obi, and the bots end up at a giant space ship which is also a planet called The Death Star (so it’s a ship, planet, weapon, and a star, be sure to keep up). They try to infiltrate the ship in order to rescue Leia, but end up in a trash compactor! And they’re the trash!
Meanwhile, Leia is a prisoner on the Death Star, and Darth Vader, the leader of the fascist government, shows her that his ship is capable of destroying an entire planet in seconds. He decides to demonstrate this by using her home planet, because he’s just kinda a dick like that. She is understandably upset and feels hopeless and alone. Darth Vader is pleased.
Oh, earlier they joined up with a guy named Han Solo. He’s also in the trash.
They get out of the trash by riding a big worm. Han Solo presumably has a lot of fun with this because he is an adventurous guy who lives life on the edge. Oh, and he also has a big anthropomorphic Afghan hound as his co-pilot! The dog’s name is Chewbacca, and he’s been here for this whole thing too. Except he’s not a dog, he’s a Wookie because we’re in space and he’s actually an alien, duh.
I need to backtrack for a moment because you’re probably wondering, “Why are Han and Chewy along for this adventure?”
The answer, my friend, is a barfight and some money. Han Solo is a bounty hunter and Leia has a steep price... maybe? Or Luke is going to pay him for helping? Or he owes them because he accidentally shot someone on Tatooine and Luke and Ben used the Force to save him? Look, there was a lot of alcohol and MDMA changing hands, no one’s too sure what happened.
Maybe Luke just stole his ship, but Han stowed away? Why the fuck is Han here?!
Anyway, they rescue Leia, I guess, but then Darth Vader appears, right when they almost escape! Darth Vader and Obi fight on the porch and Vader slices him through with a laser! Obi Wan is raptured into heaven. Luke is devastated. Han is indifferent.
The survivors escape because Darth Vader decided to let them go? He didn’t notice them? He actually felt bad about killing his old friend? (but you don’t know that)
Anyway, now they’re with Leia’s army watching a documentary about the Death Star. They’re going to blow it up because it has an air vent that leads straight to the explosive heart of the machine!
Everyone gets loaded into little shooter planes and head into space! They’re all connected via walkie-talkies, so everyone’s having a great time! Luke is one of the boys, along with a colorful cast of soldiers who all get killed. Wait, what, they’re all dead already?! But they were so fun-loving and witty! They were making so much fun banter! And now Luke is alone because every single person who ever loved, liked, or worked with him sacrificed themselves for him. Except Han, but Han secretly hates Luke. (probably. He hates everyone except his dog.)
Luke, emboldened by grief and rage, blows up the Death Star!
Darth Vader… survives somehow?!?!?!?!?!?!?
To be continued.
P.S. This post is cross-posted to my creative writing blog: lasitas.blogspot.com
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"Do I look like your Dad?" hehe funny title
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"Do I look like your Dad?"
Okay so, so so so! This is a BNHA crack idea where Midoriya Hisashi is a low level goon for All For One right? And he goes on 'business' trips a lot and whilst he isn't like... Garaki levels of top goon he's pretty high up; to the point people are sending assassin's after the Midoriya's to get to him.
And Inko, well she's aware to an extent, but she also adamantly refuses to leave the flat, to move homes and little ten year old Izuku decides enough is enough!
So, he calls the number his mother has listed as 'contact Hisashi' except... it's not Hisashi's personal number it was the number he gave Inko for a 'if I die and everything goes to shit phone this number and my boss will help you' type of situation. But Izuku doesn't know that.
He phones, he hears a gruff 'Hello? How did you get this number?' and just starts wailing on whoever is on the other end of the line. He assumes it's his Father because he was very small when he last saw him so he doesn't know what he sounds like but this is Hisashi's number so it MUST BE him.
Izuku starts demanding Hisashi convince his mother to move because they're being attacked a lot, there's apparently hits on them and it's only his mothers fine control of her quirk and the fact that Izuku is very fast and small with great lung capacity to scream for help that things haven't gone very very wrong. Of course... it's not Hisashi on the other line but a mildly amused All For One who's laughing inside because he had told Hisashi that people would go after him and the cocky goon had said it wouldn't happen and well, he's got the reality on the phone.
AFO tries to tell Izuku he isn't his Father, tries to clear up this misunderstanding because sure it's mildly amusing but he also doesn't want to hear a random child wailing on at him frequently, so he goes "I'm not your Father-"
And that just sends Izuku onto another spiral, and so AFO gets this ten year old screaming at him saying how he was asked of two things, 'child support and keeping his Mother safe' and yes he's quirkless but is Hisashi really such a cruel bastard that he'd let his wife be assassinated!?
(All For One is slightly more intrigued now)
Of course he still tries to correct the situation but Izuku just pulls the 'I know the phone is tapped by your boss and that it's recording the location and recordings of all the calls here so if Hisashi doesn't get his act in order Izuku was just going to go to the police.'
Well that isn't much of a threat but it's interesting, here's a ten year old trying to blackmail his Father who he knows is involved in business so dangerous that assassins are involved. He wants to know more.
So he just... takes over Hisashi's place. He never goes in person but he sorts out the assassins, never lets Hisashi know about them and just starts phoning more often, talking quirks and such, talking heroes and ending up being something of a father figure in Izuku's life.
Inko knows damn well it isn't her husband and that it's his eldritch being of a boss but he sends her presents on hers and Hisashi's anniversary (and she knows it's the not-hisashi since these gifts are thoughtful and not the 'oh shit i forgot' last minute box of chocolates her husband also sends her) so she isn't saying anything.
Over the years Izuku becomes convinced his Father is a super villain hence why he's never around and Tomura knows that Sensei has a 'brat', but he thinks Izuku is his biological son and only knows his voice not his face.
Shigaraki has this whole one-sided rivalry in his head with Izuku for Sensei's attention and he discovers Izuku goes to UA and attacks 1-A behind AFO's back because HE was with Sensei before Izuku was even conceived he is not losing to a little snot nosed brat who is like a mini All Might!
The rest of the plot stays the same, but Shigaraki is just extra edgy because Izuku isn't just his 'All Might' in the dynamic he's like his 'step brother' and he wasn't quite ready for one. The Kamino wall incident (where AFO didn't destroy the wall the kids were hiding behind) is because he tagged Izuku as soon as he got the quirk and he's desperately hoping that Izuku doesn't try and kill him since this might be the one OFA user he doesn't want to kill but he's already Izuku's father figure he will pull out the so-called 'dad' voice he made to admonish the boy over the years if he gets in the way.
link to wip list
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themandilorian · 3 years
Things each amis does/says in the brick that I personally want to talk about more
These are strictly ridiculous things. There are super sad parts out there that I refuse to acknowledge.
blocks the barricade with paving stones but forgets to make an exit, gets trolled by Combeferre and Bossuet for his troubles
is known as "the leader" whose suggestions are "commands" except no one ever listens to him. Needs Marius’ assistance just to send people home and spare their lives
does not reply to Bossuet that his mistress is "Patria", instead whispers under his breath, which arguably makes it worse
randomly points out Feuilly on the barricade to tell people that he is an orphan. Really, look at him! He has no parents! No mom! No dad! Good for him
also demands universal secondary education on the barricade, like yes, that is a worthy cause, but is this the time?
is an excellent fighter, somehow fends off three armed national guards with like a broken stick or something
does not know women exist on earth (?) does not notice seasons (?!) thinks flowers are only good for concealing weapons (?!!)
is genuinely a huge dork, nerds out about cannon technology in the middle of a fight where the national guard wheels out a bunch of cannons... to kill him and his friends
is hilarious, the fandom gets him
is "an iconoclast who respects nothing"
literally builds the barricade where it is because he runs into his friend (Bossuet) there
(on Marius wearing a new coat) : he looks so stupid
makes fun of the national guard's ineffective fighting with "you are so useless, it's breaking my heart"
tries to cheer up Mere. Hucheloup with "we will avenge the 100 francs the government fined you for your flower pot with...this barricade" (she is not convinced)
refuses to go to Lamarque's funeral as per Enjolras' summon because it is raining outside since he "promised to go through fire not water"
is "the gayest of them all"
gets thrown out of law school for trying not to get Marius thrown out of law school, further cementing the fact that Marius is the true antagonist of les mis
"greets adversity like an old friend and is on a first-name basis with fatality"
trolls Enjolras a lot, arguably more than anyone in the whole damn book
is generous, gives Gavorche's friend 20 sous for delivering a message from Enjolras, evern though the kid already got 10 sous from Enjolras
....got those 20 sous from Grantaire and Joly...because he himself has no money
loudly praises a mattress during a gun fight
Is an actual trash gremlin, pops out of a floor latch to join Joly and Bossuet for breakfast like that one cat that lives in an animal shelter ceiling
is responsible for gems such as "the imperial palace of russia seems like a very unhealthy place for Russian royals" (because they kept getting killed there). Also announces that he was born to be a millionaire so it is an injustice he doesn't get to just lounge around 24/7
blames the rain on some underpaid interns of God
when told a note is from a "tall blond man" immediately goes "that's Enjolras" as if there is only one tall blond man in the entire city of Paris. Rip my poor simp.
invites a random street urchin messenger to join him for breakfast
(upon the kid's decline) goes on for a whole paragraph about different types of street urchins
tells an alarmed passerby that only bulls should be afraid of red (the actual color of the revolution, as in people got arrested for wearing red back then)
gets annoyed at a lent guideline allowing people to eat eggs so he just tears it down (please someone tell me if Terry Pratchet based his "hard boiled egg" slogan on Bahorel I need to know)
(after being reprimanded) tells Enjolras to mind his own business
has never done anything wrong in his life and we do not make him sad ever. EVER.
knows five languages so he can read original texts like god intended
above all he is kind and kindness is akin to greatness (not funny but this is important to me)
blushes over nothing and considers clouds as important as anything :)
also has never done anything wrong in his life and we do not make him sad ever. EVER.
has a warm heart with an immense capacity for affection (he's perfect)
borrows from Courfeyrac five francs a week in order to carry out his misguided duty to take care of the Thenardiers for like three months
(upon being invited to Lamarque's funeral): those words may as well be Chinese
gets made fun of by Courfeyrac for not going out more so goes out even less and avoids Courfeyrac more
is somehow a sharpshooter, shoots Courfeyrac's attacker with one hand and Gavroche's with the other (?!)
gets mad at Cosette while he is stalking her because the wind lifted up her skirt slightly (true antagonist of les mis)
tells Enjolras he'll have his gun when Enjolras dies
(after Enjolras offered him a carbine): no I want a musket
smashes street lights for fun
extremely generous, has no money but steals a purse for Mabeuf instead (Mabeuf, who doesn't know where the money came from, takes it to the police station and i hit my head against a wall for two hours after reading those words)
(upon being called an angel): "i think i'm the devil"
has an identity crisis when suspects she might be pretty
proceeds to lose sleep over it then wakes up all puffy and tired
then has another identity crisis because of that and refuses to look into the mirror for two weeks (?!)
already walking away from the barricade because jvj let him go, then turns around and says "this is embarrasing, can you just kill me?"
also calls jvj "tu" instead of "vous" for the first time then. Ooooh
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Midnight Adventures ~ BC [Request]
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GENRE: Fluffy, established-relationship, fluffy bang chan feels
PAIRING: Chan x GN!Reader 
A/N: I hope it’s okay I went with Chan! I was feeling really soft for him since I wasn’t feeling great when I wrote this...Nothing bad just a migraine and I was in the mood for some soft Christopher Bang Hours! I also made it GN that everyone could read it and enjoy, hope this is okay my lovely little anon
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Once he was given the all-clear from Felix Chan flung himself out of the bed, changing into some sweats and a black hoodie, something baggy so that he didn't look too obvious to those around him. 
"Is Y/n ready?" Chan asked as Felix came into the room with a giant smile on his face, clearly proud of himself at the others for what they had been planning weeks in advance. This had been planned secretly by the boys, wanting to make sure you and Chan got to spend some one on one time together.
"Jeongin text them to start getting ready, the car is on its way, Jisung is covering at the studio," Felix explained to his nervous leader, it had been two months since you and Chan got to spend some quality time together and the boys were doing everything in their power to change that. Convincing their manager that Chan was sick and was staying home that night to rest when in reality he was sneaking off to go and meet you. Jisung was in charge of working in the studio to distract their manager enough and annoy him to the point where he would just stop asking about Chan. The two of you weren't supposed to be seeing one another since there was still a dating ban but that wasn't going to stop you from sneaking out and seeing one another.
"Are you sure the plan will work?" It wasn't that Chan was trying to get out of the evening that Felix had planned it was just him wanting to make sure he wasn't going to get caught and have consequences for everyone. He hated the thought of everyone getting into trouble for something that he could have prevented.
"It's foolproof, nothing can go wrong. I promise." Felix smiled weakly at Chan who still didn't look convinced on the whole thing but went along with it anyway, agreeing to get ready.
"Shower! I need to get the basket ready while Minho borrows his mum's car," Chan laughed at the thought of it, driving around in a Hyundai truck that the boys had specifically picked out for the date. It was a car that none of the paparazzi would be looking for and it was perfect for the both of you to climb into the truck part and stargaze together. The boys had planned everything out for you, putting blankets, pillows and food into the back of the truck while Chan got ready and making sure it was going to be a romantic time together. 
"I put in some torches in case it's dark, there are some battery-powered fairy lights around the bottom of the truck bed to make it more romantic," Minho explained what he had done to the truck bed to Chan while Chan nodded along, wondering when everyone else had got invested in his relationship with you.
"Guys don't you think it's too much, I mean Y/n loves it when we just hang out without all of this-" Chan stopped talking when Changbin placed his finger over his lips telling him to be quiet as he slid the keys into his hand.
"Just go, you and Y/n have fun and stay safe. We've put masks and maps in the car," Changbin began to push the leader towards the door that was parked in the garage, ignoring Chan's questions and concerns about the dorms watching him drive off. 
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"Your chariot awaits," Chan spoke down the phone to you as you came out of your apartment to see him sitting in the car, your mouth fell open a little as you realised it was going to be a secret date but one of the best kinds. Secret midnight adventures were always the best, it didn't matter what you were doing as long as it was together with one another. 
"We have maps, we have food, we have everything we may need so tell me," Chan turned to look at you as you got into the passenger seat, 
"Where would you like to go?" Your mind flooded with possibilities but all you did was lean over and kiss Chan on the lips, enjoying the firey feeling you got whenever you kissed him.
"Let's just go anywhere we want, we have all night." You whispered looking back at him with loving eyes as he leant forward to kiss you again. 
"Then let's go," He started up the car again and began driving towards the motorway, turning on the radio to play songs you could both sing along to while on the drive. Changing gears together while he held your hand, never once letting go as he enjoyed the feeling of being close to you again. He never wanted to let you go again. 
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"Take them off, you look too good," Chan mumbled as he handed you a different set of sunglasses. The two of you had driven to a service station with a 24/7 shopping mall, the place was practically deserted besides the workers who looked half asleep and didn't want to be there. Who could blame them? A 24/7 shopping mall off the motorway? Who was going to use it? 
"I'm not putting those on," You laughed staring at the bright orange, flashing pumpkin glasses that Chan was trying to get you to try on. Placing a pair on himself before raising his eyebrows at you, 
"They'll make us match, come on...They're cutttteeee," He said in a sing-song voice as he inched closer to you, trapping you between his body and the wall that was behind you, 
"You have no escape young one," He put on an old-gremlin like voice before placing the sunglasses on your face and smirking at you, 
"Look at that, we look fantastic." He smiled taking out his phone to snap a photo, it wasn't often that he took selfies but he took a lot with you. Wanting to remember and have memories of the times you spent together, he had a whole folder dedicated to your relationship.
"Don't you dare send that to the boys, I look like a trash-bin!" You yelled out trying to take the phone from his hands but he'd already sent it to the group chat while laughing menacingly as you slid off the sunglasses to stare at him. He suddenly felt as though he was in a library and being stared at by the librarian that had just caught him yelling too loudly.
"I can't unsend it-" He stopped speaking when his phone chimed, he looked down to see Felix sending laughing emojis. 
"They love it," He said to you as he turned his screen around to show you their reactions to the image but you continued to stare at him,
"I am going to kick your ass on the arcade games, no more going easy on you because you're my boyfriend," You scoffed as you put the glasses down and began racing towards the arcade machines that were inside of the mall. Chan racing after you with his unrealistically fast sprinting, catching up and surpassing you within seconds as he got to the machines faster than you ever could imagine.
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Chan looked down at you as you stared up at the starry night, your eyes flicking over the different stars you could see. After a gaming disaster where the two of you competed with one another head to head on everything in sight, the two of you decided to go out and sit under the stars in the bed of the truck. The back was filled with the blankets and pillows the boys had given to you and you just laid there for hours, talking to one another and enjoying the company. 
"I missed you, I didn't say it before but I did miss you." You turned away from the sky to look at him and smiled, 
"I missed you too baby, I know how busy you get so it's fine," You cupped his face in your hand, running your thumb over his skin and smiling at how smooth it was. 
"I promise I'll do this more often...N-Not just every two months," You shook your head at him, you didn't want him to have to worry about sneaking out to create dates like this all of the time.
"You can come whenever you want, don't force it." You whispered snuggling your head into his neck as you got comfortable, 
"I could sleep here." You laughed softly as you relaxed in his grasp, his arm wrapped around your body as you laid there together, enjoying the sounds of traffic, bugs and people just walking around having no idea who he was. Spending quality time with one another and ignoring the rest of the world while it moved on around you. 
"I think Felix packed food..." Chan hinted thinking that you were still awake but when he got no response he turned down to look at you, finding you fast asleep in his arms, he smiled to himself leaning down to kiss your nose. 
"Sleep tight baby," He whispered as he pulled the blankets up on your body, trying to let you sleep for as long as possible before he would have to set off home again.
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Tagline: @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon​ @minholuvs​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @that-anxious-bisexual​ @mwitsmejk​
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inkdemon-whore · 3 years
For the Spamton Au, who’d be leading the party? If it���s Spamton now that’d be hilarious. Cut to player desperately trying to convince the other characters to Act through gremlin trash man. “Tell Noelle to cast Heal prayer” Spamton flashing the okay sign before turning to Noelle: “[Angel] CAST THE [Nutritious Deal] ON [Great Customer Prices!!]” “???WHO EVEN ARE YOU?!”Although granted it is implied that Kris’s and the players voice is separate it’d be so funny if everything the player tries to get across through Spamton just ends up being horribly deep fried. Also Kris doesn’t do anything now they just sit in the background drinking Pepsi.
Unless Kris still controls the party somehow? If so I have no idea how this whole situation works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Stuff established for player!spamton au so far
Kris traded their soul for the thorn ring, and punched their soul into spamton like a dick
It's a symbiotic, or maybe parasitical relationship. Giving benifits to both, but with the trade off of kris being unable to leave the dark world, yet being stronger and able to make their own choices without the player controlling them, and spamton getting the ability to act, despite now being under the players control and likely going through more mental stress than before
Spamton and the player might try to get back to the party and be a leader, but the party doesn't understand and just sees spamton as an enemy. Kris is more than likely still the leader, but if the soul is visible to the party, there may be confusion as to why spamton has a soul and kris does not. If that's the case, the party may try to hunt spamton down to get kris soul back, or kris might do everything in there power to keep the soul/player away from them.
So it'd probably go like this, player is trying to get back to kris, kris is trying to run/kill spamton and the player, spamton is trying to get the soul out and not die while doing that. I called it tag before, but this makes it out more like a game of hot potato
Other lil tidbits, the player can speak through the glitch bits of spamtons voice, but only sometimes, it's a bit hit or miss. Same with act and magic, with the button being corrupt, and a 50/50 chance of being act or magic. Spamton can maybe use neo attacks, but I'd imagine it'd be smaller in comparison, while also having some of his normal attacks
Kris more than likely is just attacking now, and has lost the act function, ironically having less options/choice in battle
Feel free to send more ideas if pall got any, but I think this is just about rounding out the au :V
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