bloustorm · 2 years
Dp x Dc prompt
Amity Parkers stare (slightly) hostile at any outsider that walks into their city
(it's theirs and strangers just keep walking in)
This inclides Tim when he and Jason have to go through it / investigate it
Which means the passing glances, resulting in double takes and surprised staring are weirding jason really out
It's like he passes as one of their own at first glance
(the green in his veins sings at being around community)
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captainblou · 2 months
Fucking hate myself rn.
Just hate how much of a coward I am. I would rather present as a tomboy lesbian than be myself fully. Because I'm fucking scared.
Scared of losing my family, scared of more discrimination.
And I hate myself for it, today at least. I'll probably be better tonight, but rn I just wanna go back to sleep bcause at least when I dream I look how I feel.
Anyway. Sorry.
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one day im gonna cave and buy Dante's divine comedy in italian and then it's over for everyone but especially for me cuz i dont speak italian
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bloutwo · 8 months
Accidentally following a circle of mutuals and some of them following you back is so strange bc like
I don't want to invade on their space but also I so desperately want to join in
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eybefioro · 1 month
Hi luv 💛
Ask game: ✨️🍰???
BLOU MY DEAR THANK YOU 💛🫂💛🫂💛🫂💛🫂 Hugging you, kissing your forehead, offering you a cuppa, etc,,,
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Why do you hat me. LMAO I'm kidding is just that this question is hard.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
You already know I love By My Side, so I will say Wise As Serpents by @on1occasionfork ! it has so many things that I love. Humour. Aziraphale talking to snakes. A/C being soft and flirty. Is just so good. Also, anything by @/ineffable-doll seriously. Her fics are my go to if I want soft overwhelming feelings that will probably make me cry. Here is her last one Anchor and protect and god it's so goooood!!
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arbitrarycategories · 2 months
also, you appeared in my notes so of course I had to greet you <3
With EGG SLANDER??????????
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yumikattodl · 4 months
Diabolik lovers more Blood { Blood Bloued] Dark no 8
Dark no 8
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Shirai, she said, is not human. Who is Yumi - san !Yumi, she is not human.
Mukami,after a while they realized that Yumi was nowhere with them and when they looked around nowhere could find her she had melted into the air and all the smells were mixed together. With everyone that it was difficult to track down the girl at one time but Mukami,they would not give up.
Kou, still looking for his girlfriend even though they pretend the relationship he does not want to lose her can not lose M Neko - chan.
When they came across a burning marketplace and there was the smell of navy blue-haired they set off on her trail like dogs looking for their mistress.
- Shirai do you hate people?- asked Yumi suddenly eating a cake
- It's not like that I just hate how weak they are worthless pawns!!! - giggled the demoness
- In my opinion, they are just ridiculous in this," she fired out
- I see, in that case I will go if you hate them then you hate me too! Shirai- san goodbye!- Yumi stood up in a fit of anger!
- Yumi wait!" she growled. And grabbed her hands cuddling her to herself- Don't be angry with me I like you Yumi San just people are weak and worthless you are not like that.
- Believe me weak,they die this is the law of nature and you can't do anything about it," said the pink-haired woman.
- You are right on the whole...- said Yumi- So I say, the truth!!!- growled the girl.
- All in all, right," Yumi admitted to her.
Shirai - San is right people are weak.They die of weaknessBecause they can't cope People are lousy.Yumi - San, she was lousy that's why the former Yumi- San died Shirai is right.
- I'm glad we agree on this," Demonica smiled as she milked the cake once Yumi had eaten hers.
After a while, the two girls left the cafe.- Are you here with someone ?"
- Shirai asked her Yumi,at these words after Mukami sad - san, he is with them and living with him is a nightmare.
- Yes,I am...- she admitted to her being sad at this thought.
- Do not worry I will defend you from them we are friends ne~~~ Yumi - san Avri?- asked Shirai And Yumi, smiled truly for the first time Shirai - san will defend her are friends. She has a friend.
It was a nice feeling knowing that she has someone she can trust.
- Thank you Shirai - san !!! - the girl threw herself at her and hugged the pink-haired girl.
Even if for Yumi,it was illusory it was nice to have someone like her for a while. Shirai - san liked her, listened to her.Yumi,after a while, broke away from the demon.
- So what are we going to go eat sweets somewhere ? And you will tell me everything?" she asked her
- Sure!!- threw her Yumi Although she knew that she should not trust strangers Shirai, she was nice and listened to her and she wanted someone like that she liked Shirai.
Shirai, she knew everything from Karl Hein left her here to Yumi to meet in the world of demons Shirai knows everything. What Yumi ,does not know. Shirai will tell her. And she will help,she has a debt to the vampire king and will pay it.
Shirai, took a liking to Yumi.
The girls, found a secluded spot in the park and began their candy board. They both loved sweets it brought them together.After a short time, they ate everything they had. They knew they would probably be sick, but they didn't care, the important thing was that they were happy before that.
When, they had already dumped the empty bags and both were on their feet because they were sitting on a bench.
Yumi someone grabbed her hands and grabbed her turning her to see Kou.
- There you are my kitten!!! You know how I was worried about you !!! I thought something happened to you !!!! - growled Kou threateningly But she, doesn't believe him.- I told you to stay away,
" chuckled Ruki - There will be punishment at home," Ruki told her And Shirai at these words shrugged off
- No one is going to punish me Yumi - san !!! - she shouted to them and Mukami only then did they pay attention to theto the girl. They looked at their empty bags
- You two were eating sweets here ?"- asked Ruki To which both girls nodded their heads - Kitten you are impossible - and Kou wanted to kiss Yumi when she squirmed.
Shirai snatched him from Yumi's embrace annoying Kou with this.
- What do you think you are doing? Taking my kitty away from me ?!- growled an upset Kou.
- Yumi - san remember, me soon we will meet and now goodbye," said her girlfriend hugging Yumi
After which the girl, disappeared as if she had never been there. Only a black mist remained.
- It was a DEMON?!!- shouted Ruki who was shocked and as if terrified, but did not show it from himself.
- Yes,it was Shirai - San is great,I love her already no one is as cool as her
- praised her Yumi which did not like one of the mukami.Kou Mukami.
But he left it for now,at home he will show her.
When, Mukami arrived with Yumi at Yuma's destination - kun.
Yuma took to plucking the flower but something unexpected happened.Roslina, knocked yume- kun to the ground yuma wanted to pluck the plant but the plant began to squeal knocking him to the ground.
The scream, was unbearable that it hurt his ears. But, yuma did not give up he was strong and tried but every, time he tried yuma was rammed by the flower.
The flower,was for yuma - kun unconquerable in spite of the hardship he put himself through he had to admit it after several hours of agony. Where they all lay, exhausted by the screams of the flower.
After a while they all moved from that place happy except yuma kun who was disappointed that he didn't get a flower. But when he spotted some vendor, with yuma seeds he immediately rushed there, talking to him.
By the time he returned happy with the seeds.
- I don't know what it is, but the seller said that if it grows it will be delicious to eat quickly let's go back I have to sow it!!!
- rejoiced yuma - kun rush everyone to return to the human world.
- It's a kitten coming with me!- said kou taking her bride style the girl blushed at this gesture, kou seeing this on the girl's face smiled and brought her closer by embracing her more on her ass where she had shorts on.
Kou, smiled wryly at Yumi. And she didn't know how to react to what the boy was doing.
He was getting at her!!! She didn't want him to violate her personal space.
- We are the ones to drop M Neko - chan!!! - threw Kou holding her and teleported after a while they were back at the Mukamich residence.
After a while the rest of the brothers were there too.
- Umm..Kou could you let me go," said the girl it wasn't that she didn't like being in the boy's arms but the fact that he was incalculable scared her.
And the fact that Kou would want something in return.
They pretended to be a couple they are not a real couple nevertheless she is still surprised by the goose-stepping that Kou does towards her as if they were a real couple.
He would kiss her, carry her in his arms. She could, she would even fall in love with him....
- But why should I leave my kitty," the boy giggled in her ear - from looking at you makes me want to puke!!!
- burped yuma - kun - Yumi - San, we have to talk about this demon.
- Threw suddenly Ruki Yumi at this gesture broke out of the usisk kou and landed painfully on the floor, she did not make any voice of pain.
- You mean Shirai - San,she is wonderful ne ~~ Ruki - kun ?
- Asked a delighted Yumi get up from the floor being next to kou kun but looked into ruki's eyes.
- This is a demon, I heard they are dangerous.
- Started Ruki when she got up.- I know, it!- said the dark blue-haired one.
- So okay, you understand that you can't spend time with her and hang out with her.
- Said Ruki to Yumi Yumi froze. After so long she had a friend and he was destroying that.
She didn't want to be alone when Karl Hein let her go after so long, she had some freedom.
He was destroying it forbidding her friendship,the truth was also that she had a laito - San, but Yumi didn't want to know laito or sakamaki anymore it was all because of cordeli'e too many wounds inflicted on her she was a demon.
But Yumi is not afraid of demons and will not let them destroy her friendship.
- I won't let you Ruki -kun.... - Yumi began
- I think I overheard because I heard your objection!!!- chuckled Ruki
- You heard Ruki well - kun!- started the girl.
- I think you are dreaming cattle - he chuckled.
- I think we don't understand each other - began this time Yumi
- Hey, you won't talk to Ruki like that!!!- shouted an annoyed Yuma - Shut up !!
- shouted this time Yumi
- YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DOESN'T UNDERSTAND, SHIRAI IS MY FRIEND!!! I ADORE HER I DON'T CARE IF SHE IS A DEMON EVEN IF I HAVE TO DIE, I WILL DO IT I WILL DIE! EVEN IF IT HURTS I WILL NOT LET YOU RUKI - KUN DESTROY THEM!!!- shouted an annoyed girl to him. It was the first time a person had ripped into them and for Mukamich it was a shock.
Everyone had ,painted shock.
- So, understand Ruki - kun, I will never give it up even if I have to die for it! For Shirai - San I will do it! I don't care that it will surely hurt I will do it without hesitation!
- She threw Yumi to Ruki who was shocked by Yumi - san's words.
The girl, she had such energy like they were in the orphanage does not give up she is persistent like they used to be.
It's not that Ruki doesn't like Yumi , he liked her but feared for her safety he wanted her to be safe.
- You're too brazen for cattle!!!- chuckled Ruki - Well I'll leave it at that, there's no point in arguing with someone like you and so he'll make sure you don't have contact with her !"- chuckled Ruki
Yumi,not withstanding. Pomegranate-haired was a short girl grabbed him by the shoulders what the vampire was strongly surprised by this gesture on her part.
- You are the one who will listen to me Mukami Ruki!- she growled at him.- I can not, let you! For this even if it is a DEMON! - Yumi told him.
- That woman was a demon I will never forgive her...
- This time she burbled to herself Yumi - So Ruki I don't care what you think what you want to do I won't allow it!!!
- She growled at him letting go of Ruki. The vampire,was surprised everyone in the room was surprised by her outburst.Yumi,is a strange person and a mystery but she has something intriguing about he
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A little girl, woke up from her dream. She smiled at her brother he was older than her even though he was often busy taking care of her and liked to play.
With her younger sister Avri
The boy was nine years older than her. But for them this age difference did not bother well they got along well he took care of her always,even though there were often fights and quarrels, as they hate each other.
- Avri!!!-I will always protect you!!!
- Smiled navy blue-haired boy hugging the girl to himself.
- Well I hope!!!- she giggled to her brother.
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Yumi, woke up from her dream what was it ?!
She shouted to herself to her mind she often had such unclear dreams not knowing what they meant ?
Only this boy from the dream is so familiar to her and yet she doesn't know him....
And that situation with the blood only she doesn't remember anything,and yet she wants to know the meaning of those dreams.
Still,she has them but she can't get rid of the feeling that it concerns her.
And it's not, it's just a dream.�� ˚
。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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fearandhatred · 5 months
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it's been a week and i haven't stopped thinking about this
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5+ headcanons for an au where
Dick Grayson wakes up in a strange place and learns he isekaid into bnha when he tumbles out of wash's stomach
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Dick is SO glad Japanese was one of the languages he learnt with Bruce, headcanon 1 comes in here though, because BNHA Japan is set in the future his grasp of the language is archaic. He's speaking the kind of langauge people here their grandparents talk about int he films THEIR grandparents watched. There's enough semblance to communicate to an extent but he has to basically learn a whole new language whilst he's there.
He's managed to convince this world full of superpowered humans living in what was once a scifi dream that some kind of western demon has tumbled out of the fea realm. He's *too bendy*, too out of touch with the world as if he stepped out of time and isn't quite sure how he's popped back in at the wrong time but ISN'T surprised about powers??? Even though dated by his language there would be nothing like that if he was just a regular kid oh and he speaks in fucking riddles - see battalk- and grunts - more battalk.
I'm going to say he's young for this, i'm going to say he's 15. Just before he starts arguing with Bruce. Why you ask? Because it's funny as shit for the police/heroes/whoever ends up with this possible unaging entity to realise oh this is a kid after he tells them he needs to get back to his dad and grandfather because if his dad doesn't find him then he's going to end up destroying stuff in hsi path till he DOES find him.
Batman is known as a potential demon lord in the BNHA world. It greatly amuses Dick, it pissess AFO off so much when he hears about this creature but there is DEFO something fucked about this kid with no quirk and he is literally the boogyman of Japan he's not going to play stupid games get stupid prizes on seeing if the devil is real.
Dick ends up with a hero at SOME point and your classic ends up going to UA thing happens. He's atrocious at it. Not because he can't work with others, no no. But because he's so used to teen heroes being on his level in some way - whether it be ability, range or at least experience. He lasts three practical lessons before threatening to walk out. Damn every undercover op B ever trained him for, damn everything he will not be putting up with this shit anymore, he's fought jokerized civilians with more competency and team capabilities than his classmates!
Wash keeps an eye on the little kid that tumbled out of him; he was very nice about it, apologised a lot and explained he'd gotten seperated midbattle from his father and he didn't MEAN to use his stomach as a doorway but you know when you got shoved out of existence and into the next one over you didn't really get to pick your doors-
Bruce ends up finding a way to isekai himself to the BNHA world.
He opens a portal - probably with Zatara and/or Constantine's help, pokes his head through revealing this cloaked shadowy horned white eyed beast to those on the other side that reaches out with a disembodied arm with spikes (grieves armour) on it! And just snatches Dick by the back of his uniform and calls him 'Robin' and the boys whole demeanour changes, he says goodbye and gets yoinked through the portal.
Everyone in BNHA is convinced they just heard a spirits 'true name'.
If anyone ever tries a demon/spirit summoning using the monikor robin they end up overshooting by a good couple of years in the DC-verse and end up pulling in Jason, Tim or Damian and concur that Robin was a demonic princely title.
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silenthill2ps2 · 26 days
🏳️‍🌈James Sunderland :3
(And Henry Townshend if that’s ok?)
james: cis + extremely closeted and repressed bisexual
henry: bi trans man!
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bloustorm · 1 year
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I guess they just don't want new users to learn about the dash now
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captainblou · 7 months
I'll tell you who's in charge - a GO human AU
It's already chapter 3!! Join us!
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cyber-phobia · 1 year
you are not a neutral party you are the enabler
you are also the battleground
I'm just a little guy with big thoughts
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bloutwo · 4 months
beta reader wanted!!
hellllloo im looking for someone to beta read a fic for me pls?
It's a Klance F1 fic, so knowledge of both is preferred but either one is fine!!
pls let me know if ur interested, im looking for hopefully 1 or 2 people to give it a read and give some feedback - credit can be given when published if you would like
ta duckies!
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eybefioro · 2 months
I end up hitting the shuffle button two times without meaning to, so you'll receive two 😌
"Nothing fades like the light" by Orville Peck - and I know everything must die, but nothing fades like the light KILLS ME
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And "Pusher" by Alt-j. Layer upon layer of hope and doubt will crush bones to oil in time WHAT THE FU- one of my favourite songs from them fr. I learned how to play it on guitar even
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Send me a 🎧
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arbitrarycategories · 2 months
also this reminded me off egg crimes I wanted to show you
… is this what you put in discord. Egg in popcorn does NOT work, Blou. Seeing egg in popcorn caused me DISTRESS, Blou!!
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