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carrieemberlyns-blog · 8 months ago
Be honest, would you rather fuck or get fucked..🫦🍆
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mrsmp28 · 2 months ago
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Two depressed badasses w a shitty game on ps2 and guns
I love stupid crossover
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count-horror-xx · 1 year ago
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heretherebedork · 1 year ago
Tomorrow and Wednesday are going to combine to murder you, y'all. Both good and bad.
Tomorrow night I'm going to go see Come From Away an hour and a half away from me after work which is good but also fucking ridiculous.
And then on Wednesday I'm going to a training at an ABA center (auuugh) that includes Autism 101 (double auuuugh) and that I should take a ride share to which I never do and I am stressed. Stressed.
Stupid work and time and space.
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vocalux · 4 months ago
May I ask for some Resident Evil related transids? Specificially these
TransT-Virus (iding as having the T-Virus)
TransG-Virus (iding as having the G-Virus)
TransUroboros (iding as having Uroboros)
and TransSTARSWorker?
Thank you!!
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— transtvirus [ trans-t-virus ]
when an individual wants to have / identifies as having t - virus !
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— transgvirus [ trans-g-virus ]
when an individual wants to have / identifies as having g - virus !
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— transumbrellaworker [ trans-umbrella-worker ]
when an individual wants to work / identifies with working at umbrella !
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— transstarsworker [ trans-stars-worker ]
when an individual wants to work / identifies with working at stars !
— hmmm i hope i got everything right !
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boycritter · 10 months ago
there are cysts in my brain. wish they were transts </3
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chrlotpony · 6 months ago
walking through littlest trans shop like "zoe TRANSt? vinnie TRANSrrio?? blythe baxTRANS??? SUNIL NEVLA⁉️⁉️"
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justsomeguycore · 2 years ago
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krenia · 2 years ago
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we had a "fuck PiS" graffiti basically on my way to school but some loser covered it in green paint lmao
we still have a bigger and longer "fuck cops and homophobes" and a insane amount of transt and rainbow stickers everywhere so I'm happy but
there was also "fuck putin" but someone painted over it
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devilmaymetalgear · 4 months ago
transte wokeda
Hi devil may cry fandom! You are actually nice
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Here's my another Dante's piece ☺️ I feel like he's the person that would rather throw up out of his own feelings than actually discuss it, but what do you think
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qubixo1 · 1 month ago
Family Sue California Ag on Instch Long Transte Grader After the Varsity Status in Transga
The two young girls have a Califor’s Calls Rob Constant On the law of the state that allows swifts to compete with girls games. Kalati was told by Ryan Starling, the father of Taylor Senselling; Daniel and Cynthia of Slavin, Kaitlyn Slavin’s parents; and save girls, according to the courts of the courts that is enabled by Fox News Digital. The listed by Boot and California State Derctual…
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bdpst24 · 6 months ago
A UPS megvásárolja a német Frigo-Transt
A UPS megvásárolja a német Frigo-Transt
A UPS bejelentette, hogy megállapodott a német Frigo-Trans és testvérvállalata, a BPL (együttesen „Frigo-Trans”) iparágvezető, komplex egészségügyi logisztikai szolgáltatók felvásárlásáról. Az akvizíció tovább bővíti a UPS Healthcare végponttól végpontig terjedő logisztikai képességeit Európa-szerte.  Az újabb felvásárlás a UPS több éve tartó, a vállalat egészségügyi hálózatának bővítésére…
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aussieholdens · 9 months ago
Groomers after your children
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akiwuff · 2 years ago
My personal favorite response to this, by the very funny comedian Al Val
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blockbourne · 1 year ago
@koopzilla cont.
A flinch accompanies the word as well as a shuffle of pots, pans, and other camping gear hung at his side as he takes a hesitant step backwards. Though he'd agreed to follow the other into the wilderness for a better understanding of just what the hell the larger reptile meant when he said he belonged with his kind, the yoshi couldn't help but wonder if that decision was a mistake now faced with the rage of the river below-
But it mattered not when his pack was snagged by claws bigger than his own head. With a yelp and a squawk, Transit kicked his boots wildly behind him to no avail. There would be no airborne escape in his future as the sharp nails secured him in place shortly before the boat he'd been forced upon sank deep into the river's pull. Instinctively, the yoshi scrambled to find less wet ground atop the other's head, tail thrashing in irritation as he glanced over his shoulder to watch the shore they'd left disappear slowly behind them in a wave of river mist and fog.
It's with some valid concern that he offers up a surprised squawk as a blast of river water rises over the koopa's edges an slaps him across the face. Tucking drenched snout down and into his arm pit, he shivers for a brief moment before the unstable ground of Koopa against the elements causes him to stumble around and fall over the koopa king's head, a paw scrabbling frantically for leverage only to find a horn a few moments later to cling on with one nubby-pawed hand. As parting water lapped up against his thighs, Transt, shifted - expelling a low rumble of unhappiness as he pushed his face under the water momentarily to keep the waves from lapping the packages. With a sputter as the waves subsided briefly, his gaze caught something odd from the opposite shore bank. A figure dressed in a black robe? The longer he stared, squeezing lightly at the koopa's horns, the more he reailzed the watcher's face-...resembled that of a koopa's face, sans the flesh. Bleached bone affixes to his alarmed gaze, and for a moment, he can do nothing but hold completely still despite the water raging past them.
It's only after he gives himself a rousing shake does he bump Bowser's horn with his snout. "...! YRrsh- yawhaawshi buh-!" [Something there. Something not right-] He begins, but is swiftly waterlogged once a cheep cheep launches itself out of the river and knocks his lower half full force over the edge. Kicking the surface frantically with forcible snort, he slaps at the rapids furiously with his boots as he clambers back atop the koopa's head, dripping miserably.
"Yrsh-yawirsh..buhdabuh- shii?" [W-what that...? There's... someone out there.] And though it wasn't particularly interesting information, it did have him pressing closer to the koopa ferry's head, tail wrapping up around him comfortably in guard against the river's spray. As the two met land, Transit, sighed a breath of relief from his nook behind the other's head. The shaking urges him to hop off, and he stumbles a moment, squished beneath the pack's dropping momentum before he inevitably pushes up against the force and gives himself a shake too.
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"Yarrsh'm." [Prefer dry...] Though his tongue snaking out after catching sight of a cheep cheep launching itself onto the bank beside them says otherwise. Without a second thought, he swallows the unlucky fish.
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gabriela-girardot · 2 years ago
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#Transgenderwoman #Transwoman #Transgender #Transt #blondiewoman #tswoman #maletofemaletransformation #maletofemale #tgirlsdoitbetter #maletofemaletransgender #mujertransgenero #chicatrans #transfemme #transwomen #mujertrans #transvisibility #transpride #leathershorts #mujerrubia #shortpants #transgenderlatina #transisbeautiful #transsexual #transsexuals #transexuales #transexual https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKCRFTu2TC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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