#transguys can be gay
Deep in Euphoria: Keys
Junno stared out the tinted window of the vehicle watching the strange world pass by at such a fast pace while sitting across from his interplanetary mate, Bjarnasson blushed with sympathy especially when they passed a few military houses with Christmas lights. The vehicle hit a bump in the road and Junno looked at one of the guards and they nodded to allow him to check on his encumbered partner. Junno approached Bjarnasson who was holding his undulating stomach full of fat and hybrid embryos. Bjarnasson grabbed Junno's tiny hand and placed it on his stomach. Junno felt some movement and rested his head on Bjarnasson's stomach.
The personnel pulled into the driveway of the dignitary housing. The guards step out first to check the perimeter. They wave the entourage to signal the "all clear" the Admiral and Junno stepped out with a handful of personnel. Junno was stepped through how to use keys and was given a tour of the place.
The personnel was moving Dr. Bjarnasson as Einarsson toured Junno around the master bathroom. They heard a thud and rushed down to the den to see the sliding doors being removed to move the imposing mass of the heavily pregnant Dr. Bjarnasson. He was clutching his ample bundle of blubber and extraterrestrial hybrid brood to protect them from being jostled too much.
"How are you holding up?" Einarsson inquired with concern.
Bjarnasson nodded with assurance and massaged his stomach and replied "We're okay."
Junno ran over to Bjarnasson and embraced him despite his arms not being able to go all the way around his lover's girth.
"If you need anything like clothes or food, not to worry we already arranged for someone to deliver what you need at the military's expense" Einarsson said before having the personnel present boxes of clothing and food from the commissary.
"We took the liberty of getting anything in your size made with natural materials and natural blends since we noticed that you seemed safe in the cotton jumpsuit we issued to you." One of the members said while presenting a shirt and pair of pants from a box to Junno.
The personnel leaves and Junno was left to his devices to move Dr. Bjarnasson to the bedroom, with all of his extraterrestrial strength while being careful with the hybrid clutch growing within his human mate.
When in the bedroom Junno asked "Even though we've known each other for a short period of time and engaged in interspecies breeding, I never got your first name due to being on a last name basis at the facility."
The doctor looked stunned from the realization. He also understood that despite this feat for the sake of science there should be an even more intimate and casual approach. Since they were equals in their own right. Plus they had this controlled environment to themselves so more notes to journal while also including not just a human approach but a universal approach.
"My name is, Elías" He replied, "Since you want to go on a first name basis to provide comfort plus we're to be hand rearing not just to make things feel less sanitized but to also learn not just about how the Euphorian species raises their young but also have an emotional understanding especially since I'm carrying Euphorian hybrid children." He said with a deep, primal, sense of duty while cradling his massive belly and looking down with a deep sublime expression. ...
To Be Continued...
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I love trannies 4ever n swagever
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It's late and I'm having thoughts about queerness and imaginary lines in the sand on the beach and I can't tell if they're any good but I just gotta get them out.
I feel like sometimes we need to remember that not only is gender a construct, but so is the difference between a queer/LGBTQIA+ person and a cishet person. There's all kinds of bigotry and privilege and norms and as a targeted minority it makes sense to divide ourselves from "them" but I think sometimes we need to remember that this separation is a construct that was constructed to keep us out and target us, and those definitions have shifted throughout history and of course never been universally agreed upon. Nothing about what it means to be "queer" is set in stone any more than what it means to be "female". We have always been here, but the line that says we were also queer is not as perfectly defined or straight or sharp as we like to think. There's safety in the box we've built, community and belonging and I don't want that to be taken away. But I think it should matter less whether someone checks any of the defined queerness boxes and more about "Do you support our right to be as we are? If yes, then come on in and have a seat, if no, then piss off." The only us that matters is if they're with us or against us. And maybe one day, even that wall can be taken down. I like to believe it will. And we won't need terms like "straight" just what someone's into independent of their own gender nor "cis" just what you like to be called and if you want to you could independently talk about your anatomy. I like to think that one day our time's obsession with talking about these things as inherently connected will look nonsensically convoluted and pointless. Maybe one day we can all just be.
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transmarimo · 1 year
the way that i will be a different kind of transgender and gay in secret
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ufoend · 28 days
please help this gay couple survive!
im so sorry for this and i will try to make it short but we've truly gotten to a desperate point and we need help
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if you dont know us, im jet, im a transguy who is the sole caretaker for my wife and our 3 pets (one of the cats is also disabled and has expensive monthly food). i have been working 8+ hour days at my job to try and get ahead but we live in a climate where every single day has been over 105 and the bills are actually killing us i have taken on all the extra work i can but between our 1,300 rent and this 500 dollar electric bill (that was actually 700 before i made a payment a few days ago) i will not be able to stop us from being disconnected when they start doing that in september anything even 1 dollar would be an actual life saver right now. we are not qualified for any aid anymore because of my job being right over the limit for ebt so we can't even eat because of bills taking all funds, despite this being really bad for my wife who has hypothyroid, a seizure disorder and autism. it will be my wifes birthday next month and i wont be able to even cook her a meal despite everything shes been going through with family and i am just desperate for her stress to lower at least a little. anything helps, even a boost. thank you so much for reading it means the world payp al: [email protected] casha pp: $ brainspitz venm o: @ ufoend0
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
i heard you need more maze runner ideas so boom
can we get a newt x trans reader? like something with reassurance when reader is like “im not a real ____” its fine if not :D
ooo sure! ; I can definitely try but it's not gonna be perfect LMAO ; since newt is canonically gay kinda idrk anymore cause trashner... I went with a transmasc reader so 🙏 ; anyways thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; this is just a short little drabble idk, hopefully it's good ; also I apologize to everyone who's sent requests that I haven't posted yet, I'm just very burnt out but I'm hoping to get more out soon 💔
NEWT ; yeah? yeah
summary ; youre trans, and have a hard time even accepting yourself
warnings ; language, self-hate, slight transphobia
disclaimers ; reader has short hair because of dysphoria (sorry any long haired transguys/transmascs) ; pet name (love)
word count ; 501
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You stand on the ledge of one of the Last City's walls with Newt, Gally and Thomas, overlooking the whole city. You fidget with your fingers, your body leaned up against the yellow railing. You run a hand over your freshly cut hair, feeling the slight breeze run through it.
You're unable to look out at the WCKD building, finding more serenity by looking at all the bright lights that dazzled against the dark sky. You feel a solemn type of peace as you look out across the city, although your close friend is still trapped behind those walls so many hundreds of feet away.
You look down, then loop your legs on the outside of the second horizontal rail, letting them dangle over the edge while you sit on that second rail. Your arms rest over the top rail, providing you safety next to your boyfriend.
As Gally and Thomas depart, leaving you two to catch up, Newt rests a hand on your back between your shoulders. He leans against the railing as well, looking at your dazed expression.
"You okay, love?"
You softly nod, looking up at the WCKD tower again.
"You sure?" He asks, "I know something else is on your mind, not just Minho"
You shrug, still silent.
He lightly sighs, trying to get you to look at him.
"You know you can talk to me, right?"
You nod again, giving him a little glance. The breeze sends a slight shiver up your spine, causing your cheeks, nose and lips to grow a little cold.
"Please talk to me, I'm here for you"
You shrug and look back down at your fidgeting fingers. "I dunno," you mumble. You pick at your nails, then begin to bite at them.
He gives you a knowing look, pleading you to open up. He reaches for your hand, pulling it away from your mouth.
"I don't feel like... normal. I know I'm not normal, but, like, I don't feel like a real boy. I'm not a real boy, but, like... I dunno." You shrug, your feet lightly kicking as they dangle from the ledge.
Newt softly places your hand back down on the railing and steps back. He wraps you in a hug from behind, resting his head on your left shoulder. "You are a real boy, okay? Gender is just a construct, you can be whatever you want to be, and I'll always be here to support you. You're my boyfriend, Y/n/n, alright? Is there anything I can do for you, or that you need from me?"
You shook your head no, leaning back into him as a sign of comfort and thanks.
"Why don't we catch up to Tommy and Gally, yeah?"
You nod, carefully untangling yourself from the railing as he awaits at the little entranceway behind you. He grabs your hand as you approach, sending you a soft smile as you quickly walk to catch up to your friends.
"I'm here for you, yeah?"
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talisidekick · 1 year
I wanna talk about how transmen are sexualized.
Transmen aren't Femboys.
Transmen aren't Sissys.
Transmen aren't for your sexual pleasure.
Transmen are biological women who have dysphoria.
You cannot change sex, you can change gender presentation and how your gender is perceived.
-Sincerely A transguy tired of being sexualized and misinformation
When people go out of their way to say "all trans men are" or act like all trans mascs are a specific thing only, like a femboy, or a sissy, it's transphobic because it's debasing people to a kink and not recognizing that these can be aspects of a person, but not their entire personality. When someone treats a kink like the default for a type of person, it's offensive. Gay men got reasonably upset when people kept expecting and depicting them to be effeminate because it was rightfully offensive as fuck. We shouldn't be debasing people to sexual roles and stereotypical presentations grounded in bigotry. In your examples, that's transandrophobia. Beyond this, I will disagree with everything except your sign off.
Transgender men are not 'biological women'. They're men. Medically, commonly assigned female at birth (afab). I say "commonly" because intersex transgender men exist and the term 'afab' isn't all inclusive of the biological reality we're dealing with. The term "women" is a social term, not a medical one, that relates a person to experiences of womanhood and defines them as a woman by proxy. This is incorrect. Transgender men are men, period. If you're talking biology, use biology terms. Social terms belong in social contexts. Conflating the two aids no one and instead walks right into the rhetoric fascists like the so called "radfems" and "gender criticals" use to associate sex with gender as falsely inseparable terms.
Also, no again to "you cannot change sex". That is a falsity in the reality of modern science. We can make functional penises for transgender men, this is widely documented, and modern science has procedures that would allow an individual to no longer be accurately medically classified as "female" and even "male". One such procedure is called SRS or Sex Reassignment Surgery, sometimes referred to under a broader category of Gender Confirming Surgery or GCS that covers the creation or removal of primary and secondary sex characteristics. Now before we get on the "what do I mean by functional" train, I'm deliberately not including sperm production or egg production in this statement because if that's your argument that it's not 'functional' unless it can be used to reproduce, you're an asshole that just said sterile men aren't men, and post-menopausal women aren't women, and fuck you. Men and women aren't defined by their ability to reproduce. That's bioessentialist bullshit that can fuck right off, this ain't the fucking 1960's.
I'm being highly specific here because I want to be very clear that the terms we use have impact, they're meant to be used in certain contexts and conflating terms with eachother doesn't help us make the points that we're trying to here.
The real meat of this though is that these sexualizations as femboys and sissy's being default used on trans masculine people in general is deliberately denying transgender men and mascs their masculinity. If a transgender man or masc chooses to express themself in such a way, that's their choice. But it's a choice an individual is making, not a collective. It doesn't matter what a transgender man or masc looks like, it matters how they want to be treated, and denying them that treatment to force them into a sexual role they don't agree with is a big fucking baaaaaaaaaaad move. We talk about sexual liberation in being 2SLGBTQIA+, and defining ourselves our way, but doing this to trans mascs is just reflavouring homophobia to attack a different group. Fucking stop it. Let trans mascs and transgender men be masculine. Stop default coding them as feminine.
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pinkrose787 · 1 month
A Troll By Any Other Name Would Be As Sweet.
Summary: Branch realizes that she's trans. When she goes to tell Poppy, she finds that Poppy has something to tell her too.
Inspired by this post
AO3 Link
After everything with the Bergens, Branch has finally had some time do some introspection on who exactly Branch is.
And the answer is quite surprising.
Branch is a girl.
Looking back it does make a lot of sense. There had been so many signs that she ignored over the years. Like how she never really liked the way she looked in the mirror, how dressing up in suits always made her feel terrible about herself, or how she always felt like her name never really fit her.
For years, she attributed it to her very severe depression. Everything was bad for her emotionally. So, it made sense that she’d hate looking in the mirror and seeing the troll that she had become. Now that things are better, she is finally able to see it for what it really is. Severe gender dysphoria.
All she has to do now is tell everyone.
Which isn’t terrifying at all.
Troll society is generally very accepting of queer trolls. Branch remembers when Floyd came out as gay. Everyone was very supportive of him. There were a few female fans who were distraught. But other than that, no one really made a big deal of it.
Despite this acceptance, there is still this part of Branch that is terrified that she’ll be rejected. That others will look at her and say, “This is too much. She’s too weird.” And have her be outcasted from society again. Right after they had all accepted her back in.
But Branch refuses to let herself live her life in fear again. She’s coming out. 
Poppy is obviously going to be the first person Branch comes out to. For one, she’s the nicest troll ever and if anyone is going to be supportive, it’s her. Two, Poppy is her best friend and she should be the first one to know the truth about her.
Branch stands in front of her pod. She raises her hand to knock on the door. Her hand starts to shake. Every part of her brain is activated like there’s a level 10 threat and she’s miles from her bunker.
She can’t do this.
As she turns around, the door swings open. “Branch! Hey! What’s up!” Poppy says.
Branch stops in her tracks. She turns around. This is the time to do it. There is no turning back. “Hey Poppy.” Branch waves at her. “Can we go inside? There’s something important I need to tell you.”
“Sure! Come on in!” Poppy waves Branch inside.
Branch’s legs feel like jelly as she walks in to Poppy’s pod. The last time she was this nervous around Poppy was when she was all gray and angry. Before the two of them were as close friends as they are now.  
“What do you need to talk about?” Poppy asks.
“Well…” Branch wants to stall. But she won’t. “I want to tell you that I’m trans.”
“What?” Poppy says.
“I’m a girl, not a guy,” Branch says. She thought that Poppy would know what being trans meant given how socially conscious she is.
A wide smile forms on Poppy’s face. “That’s crazy!” She pulls Branch into a big hug. This is the type of reaction that Branch had expected from her. The hug feels so comforting, as Poppy’s hugs always are. “I’m so glad that you told me!”
Poppy releases Branch from the hug, to her slight disappointment. “I actually was going to tell you that I’m trans too!” Poppy says.
“What?” Out of all the responses she expected, that was not one of them.
“Yeah! I realized a couple of weeks ago that I’m a transguy!” he says.
“What?” Branch repeats.  “Really?”
“Yes!” Poppy shouts very enthusiastically. “Have you picked out a new name yet? I haven’t. Nothing that I’ve thought of has really felt right.”
Branch rubs her arms. “Well, I haven’t.” She sighs. “Honestly, I haven’t really given anything about my transition much thought.”
Poppy gasps. “I just had the greatest idea in the history of ideas!”
“What is it?” Branch is dreading whatever he’s about to say. Often times, his “great” ideas end in a massive mess.
“We should switch names!”
“Wouldn’t that be confusing?”
“I don’t see why it would be,” Branch says.
Poppy shrugs. “Alright.”
“Yeah! I’m King Branch now! And you’re Poppy, my best friend!” Branch pulls Poppy into another big hug.
Poppy hugs Branch back. She loves his hugs. She loves him.
“We’ve got to tell everyone!” Branch thinks for a second. He gasps. “I know! We could throw a gender reveal party for ourselves!”
“I’m not sure how comfortable I am with that.” Poppy rubs her arm. “It’s just that telling you took a lot of courage. And I’m not sure if I’m ready to tell anyone else.”
Branch smiles softly. “That’s okay. We can tell everyone when you’re comfortable.”
Poppy sighs. “Yeah. When I’m ready.”
“Until then we could get you a new wardrobe!” Branch takes Poppy’s hand. He takes her over to his closet. “I’ve got lots of dresses that I don’t need anymore and you would look great in.”
Branch goes on and on about helping her with her fashion. Taking out different dresses and talking about how he thinks it will match her style. It’s so sweet. The kindness that Branch is showing her is one of the reasons that she loves him.
This isn’t exactly how Poppy imagined coming out would go. It’s a lot better than she could have ever imagined. Transitioning is scary, but at least she won’t be alone. She’ll have Branch by her side. And she’ll be by Branch’s side for his transition.
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gaytransmalefeedist417 · 11 months
Deep in Euphoria: Within and Throughout
The passions between Junno and Dr. Bjarnason intensified even more after the eggs were fertilized and laid within him. When Admiral Einarsson walked in to check on the unusual pairing after their bout of exchange of passions with the intensity of both of the suns of their solar systems combined Dr. Bjarnasson handed over the list of items Junno could eat for Earth food. Junno was listed as a species that required a low acid and low glycemic diet after a test and it listed why Junno could not eat all manner of human foods.
Low glycemic requirement: Subject displayed intense bouts of vomiting upon ingestion of refined sugars, bleached rice, and gluten. Subject responded positively to chromium in combination with inositol capsules.
Low Acid: Subject had blue urine when ingesting a lemon and had symptoms that mimicked a human UTI. Subject responded well to sodium bicarbonate in combination with over the counter UTI medication.
Carambola warning: Carambola (Starfruit) acts as an aphrodisiac with this species, only reserve for breeding.
Admiral Einarsson took the file on Junno to turn to the mess staff and consulted with the head of the commissary to have some clothes sent to an isolated on base residence for Dr. Bjarnasson and Junno to live on and further study on how he assimilates to living on Earth somewhat among humans.
When night fell, Junno and his earthly mate were loaded into a military vehicle. Dr. Bjarnasson had to be loaded in with an industrial lift due to his hefty mass despite Junno offering to help lift him with the Euphorian strength he was imbued with from birth. ...
To Be Continued
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themanirealityshifter · 5 months
My Empyrean DR Script (that I will write on here, so that I actually finish it 😭)
First Name: Sebastian
Middle Name: Fynn
Last Name: Riorson
Nickname(s): Seb; Sebby
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Human
Age: 23
Description: Black hair (wolfcut)(I love wolfcuts, and I don’t care if it’s impractical, I MISS MY LONG HAIR); Olive skin (even though I’m as pale as the moon in my CR); Black eyes flecked with lighter brown; Lean, muscular body (I need to be in shape here or I will die, so luckily I’m in control of this and can script that I’m not a blob that lays on the couch every single day); Top and bottom surgery scars (you bet your ass I have those); Fully transitioned (love that testosterone); Huge black dragon relic covering my back; Rebellion relic covering my chest; Lots of scars all over my body
Positive Trait(s): Intelligent (I need to be able to not be a dipshit and die immediately); Clever (same thing); Good memory (say bye bye to all those days of dissociation and maladaptive daydreaming in my CR, now I will remember EVERYTHING there); Quiet (of course I’m quiet, have to keep up the mysterious act, plus I’m too overstimulated and socially awkward for this shit); Thoughtful (my mind is always stuffed); Nice (even though I’m quiet and don’t talk much, I am pretty nice when you talk to me first)
Negative Trait(s)(yes, I’m gonna script them, just to give myself some flavor): Trusting (making friends wise, always end up getting hurt or stabbed in the back, literally and figuratively)
Dragon Name: Aodhan (do we know how to pronounce his name here? no. will we script that we do know it? yes)
Signet Power(s): Time Manipulation (can go back in time) and Reality Manipulation (can make my imagination real life)
Weapon(s): Daggers and Swords (I love me some sharp things)
Parent(s): None (dead)(it’s literal canon that Xaden’s parents died[along with all the other parents that were part of the rebellion]so yeah)
Sibling(s): Xaden Riorson; Liam Mairi (adoptive brother)
Other Family Member(s): Brodhi Durran (cousin)
Best Friend(s): Xaden Riorson (I’m besties with my brother, I know, I can do that); Liam Mairi (same thing); Violet Sorrengail (I’m the one who ends up being the body guard for her, not Liam); Brodhi Durran (I love my family); Ridoc Gamlyn (I adore him, it’s gonna be interesting all the talks we will have [I am scared that most of them will be about sex he had or people that he likes, help me]); Heaton (I love my non-binary pals); Garrick Tavis
Friend(s): Imogen Cardulo (I love her hair); Rhiannon Matthias (bisexual queen, go girl)
Partner(s): None (I am single forever, thank the almighty gays)
Gender Identity: TransGuy
Romantic Orientation: Aromantic
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous; Panalterous; Panaesthetic
Extra Fact(s): Liam does not die (I was sobbing when it happened); Homework is effortless and easy always (I don’t want to work too hard or make it take up so much time); I am a skilled painter/artist (something to do when I’m not doing homework, have training, have secret rebellion meetings with Xaden and the rest, or guarding Violet); I wear ear plugs a lot of the time (because I’m overstimulated a lot, but I still manage); Probably have some anxiety and PTSD (not that I don’t have anxiety already and probably have some form of PTSD here-); I keep my head easily (no panicking for me, though, even though I know, realistically, that contrasts with the anxiety, but I want to live and also have my sparkle at the same time); I know how to pronounce Aodhan’s name perfectly; Garrick and Imogen are together (Imogen needs her love too); I cannot die; None of my best friends or friends can die; Xaden, Liam, and Brodhi cannot die
Specific Affirmations For This DR: “I am with Aodhan”; “I am Xaden’s brother”; “I am in Basgiath College”; “I am in my dorm room”; “I am training with Ridoc”
Safe Word/Phrase: “Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up.” (don’t ask)
Me in this DR (Picrew Form):
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Probably will add to this more. Maybe will post some individual scenarios for this DR.
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wiiwheel · 8 months
Got any advice to give a transguy who will never be attractive to the men he's attracted to? Trying to not care has not helped. Gay and bi men in my area wouldn't touch a trans man with a twenty foot pole. Or maybe it's just me. I am OK with being alone, I can survive, but I don't want to be alone and just surviving. I envy you, that you have a bf, that men give you attention. FYI I am 37 and been on T over a decade. Being myself has only made me terminally lonely.
I am not transmasc so obviously my advice has to be taken w/ a pinch of salt BUT
It is awful that people haven't taken interest in you - for being trans or for any other reason. It's one thing to say you don't care (and you shouldn't give a fuck about the opinions of transphobes!) but it's another to live it and experience it.
I'm gonna gently combat you on saying that you'll never be attractive to anyone. There are plenty of guys out there who would be into you. Not sure of your sexuality based on your ask but I can guarantee that!
Its good to be self sufficient and be ok with being alone sometimes ... but Everyone deserves connection and community. and anyone who wants it should be able to find someone who they can have a romantic and sexual relationship with.
My advice is to try and find community groups in other areas - is there a sport or hobby you like? Try and find a group there. You might make connections and friends that way. If there's not much where you live, see if there's groups online you can join - not just social media - I mean video calls with a smaller group. Connections in one group can lead to more in surprising ways! Otherwise you could try posting in trans spaces online if you feel safe to see if there's other people with similar experiences u could meet up with or chat to!
Finally envy is a funny thing... dating apps and stuff have seen like tons of men block me call me rude names be nasty and mean in general... it isn't just you and you're not alone, ok? I know its hard to start making connections & outreach but I believe in you.
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tjalexandernyc · 4 months
Not sure why so many people are getting nostalgic over Claire's at the moment but if you'd like to hear my personal Claire's ear piercing story here it is.
I'm 40 years old so I grew up in peak '90s mall culture. Claire's was a standard stop on any mall visit along with The Rave, Auntie Anne's, and the sketchy arcade. Despite the ubiquity of Claire's and its cheap ear piercing, I never got my ears pierced until I was... probably 15 or maybe 14. I don't know how I escaped it for so long; most of my girl friends had their ears pierced either as an infant or at least before they were tweens. I suspect it was a combination of me being a little nonbinary baby who didn't want to wear earrings in both ears but couldn't articulate why, so I never asked for them; the fact that my mom was thrifty and never offered; and my grandmother's penchant for clip-on earrings, since she'd also never gotten her ears pierced. I think when she was growing up in the 1920s it was seen as slutty? Anyway IF I was required to wear earrings for a fancy occasion there were plenty of grandma's sitting around the place.
But when I was 14 or 15, I was at the mall with my father. I don't remember why we were at the mall together. We rarely did anything together, and even now are not especially close. I vaguely remember my childhood best friend being there too. We must have been waiting for someone or something (maybe a movie at the attached theater?) and had some time to kill.
I think my dad must have offered to buy us some earrings we were examining at one of the kiosks, because I remember having to explain to him that I didn't have pierced ears. My dad famously misremembered things about me, like thinking I'd had braces when it was my older brother, not me, who needed them. He was shocked. He must have assumed I'd gotten them pierced at some point, but I told him no, it never happened. He offered to pay for the piercing at Claire's right then and there.
I don't know if I can explain how it felt, that offer. I was largely ambivalent about piercings. I knew, as most '90s kids did, that there was a Gay Ear that some guys wore earrings in, but no one seemed to agree which one it was. I have a visceral memory, down to knowing exactly which seat I was in, when a kid in the elementary school lunchroom got a cheap clip on pirate earring stuck on his earlobe and was mercilessly taunted for it being on the Gay Ear. I both wanted piercings so I could figure out which of my ears, if any, were gay. I simultaneously didn't want anyone putting holes in me. I craved visibility and invisibility in equal measure. I wanted to do something with my dad, since we never did things together. I didn't want to spend my own money on ear piercing, which my father spoke of like some inevitable event. I wanted to talk to my best friend about all this alone even though I knew she would not understand.
I ended up getting my ears pierced at Claire's that day. The 18 year old cashier who was manning the piercing gun made one puncture slightly off center compared to the other. I picked out a pair of cubic zirconia studs, which I thought weren't as girly as the others. After the piercings healed I started wearing earrings pretty much every day and amassed a huge collection of them. I did that up until I came out a few years ago.
I don't wear earrings often anymore but when I do it's usually just one dangly transguy-esque piece or a single hoop. I put it in the same ear that the kid in the lunchroom did. I haven't thought about my father in relation to my piercings for a very long time, until recently, when the Claire's memes reminded me. I think there's probably a lot of pop psychology mud to dig through there if someone cared to. I don't.
My father and I talk a couple times a year now, usually brokered by my mom. He has pierced ears, by the way, three in each ear. I don't remember when that happened. I'd like to think it was around the time my parents got divorced. I'd like to think it was circa 1997. I'd like to think it happened the way I know it didn't, in a way that even our combined shit memories couldn't conjure: that we both got gunned at the Claire's at the mall, ears red and puffy, before getting a cinnamon sugar pretzel to split. It didn't happen that way, but god I wish it had.
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yulsbabymama · 8 months
Disventure Camp Headcanons Part 1
Half Argentinian Half French Canadian
Had a huge TOP phase in middle school
Only child
Super good singer but hates hearing his voice
Afro-Turkish and Japanese
Diagnosed w Autism when he was a child
Started drinking shortly after he got married; relapsed after his separation w his ex
Has an older sister by 7 years
Transgirl; came out to her grandfather and he was the only supporter she had
Definitely had obsessive love disorder when meeting Hunter the first time
Super fucking bad at dancing
Likes K-pop (Fromis_9, Stray Kids, Billlie, P1harmony, Enhypen, Stayc, aespa, ITZY)
Country music defender
will actually die on the Country Music hill
like she's from Texas but she's FROM TEXAS ykwim
Transgirl; realized she was a girl at a young age and transitioned w a supporting family
Would probably roll her eyes at u if u assume she loved AppleJack when she was younger
I mean, she did
but not as much as ppl assume
Despite having a booming business, he still doesn't understand technology
but he WAS a boss at programming his MySpace page
"programming is my passion" college dude
Nickelback liker
I'm so sorry
He and his sister shared a bedroom until she moved out
Actually convinced her to come back home bc he missed her
crying on his knees
blasting a radio to her favorite songs
did i mention he loves his sister
Pokemon kid
Oh, he's also autistic
Half Filipino and half Columbian
Transguy; was an unhappy "girl" growing up and would refuse to listen to anyone who didn't call "her" by Derek
Facebook user
only to troll, tho
He tried trolling on Twitter too but Trevor had to pry the phone out of his hands
Secretly likes Trevor
and by secretly I mean he angry-cried while writing drafted emails of his confession
Barely cries or anything like that, emotionally, but angry-crying is his #1 basically
Is not a registered gun owner
Other than the notebook, he has a communication device
Video games hurt his eyes
so do mobile games
Honestly i think he just needs glasses
likes dogs :)
Half Irish and Half Singaporean
Transgirl; came out in her last year of junior high
Middle child w two sisters
While struggling w her identity, she was a Pick Me girl to fit in #sad!
she ended up giving up on fitting in #gogirl
Malay's her first language
Mom passed when she was little
tolerates cats
3/4th Italian 1/4th Chinese
hates horror movies
not bc she's scared of them or anything
she just thinks they suck
forced into a ton of shit to become normal
girlscouts, ballet, soccer, etc
she hated everything
but she can make a good cookie deal
Has an unhealthy obsession w watching drag shows
she doesn't understand any of the lingo
she just thinks the outfits r pretty
LPS kid
also watches too much animal documentaries
will actually sit down and say "im bored, time to watch a 6 hour doc on cheetahs"
she just cray cray like that #loveher
unhealthy addiction to stickers
Transgirl #slay
was a Toddlers & Tiaras kid
passenger princess
forces Yul to drive her places
they have almost broken up 5 times bc of this
she also genuinely forgot to tell him she was #trans
u should've seen the look on his face
that's ooc but idc
she's bi :3
Half Chinese Half White
Dad left after his youngest sister was born
Lived in China until he was 8
He has autism
Christian btw
like pslam bunch-of-numbers in his bio
can quickly change languages like that
will talk to u in english then will answer his phone in cantonese
texts like a millennial
:/ sorry
the killers, staind, blink-182, and r.e.m fan
plays the guitar
Half Korean Half Japanese
cannot speak those languages fluently, tho
he and his brother wrestled a lot
his brother would always win
anyways he was a theater kid
but quit bc of some drama
haha. get it ?
one of those gays who cries to mitski & ricky montgomery
but only listens to them when he needs to cry
which is often
has been in cringe compilations before
imagine if i just ended this w just that hc
would that be funny
one of those middle schoolers who was violently supportive of the lgbtq+
like everyone knew he liked boys
except him
loves his younger sister
like a lot
they r bffies
will call her in the middle of the night randomly
"i just posted a new tiktok, go like it."
genuinely have nothing for him
can i just say he's dreamed of men shirtless before and end it at that
um so yeah
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pokegyns · 1 day
→ mod zoroark introduction
good evening my most beloved gyns! you can call me zoroark on here… although my secret name is apollo ( @dykeulous ). i am a 20 year old transguy butchdyke attempting to navigate through life in this cisheteropatriarchal mud of society. i have found myself in-between the trans & radfem community, and although radfem circles generally have more nuance than mainstream trans spaces & allow more free-thought, a lot of radfems are very hateful, mock surgeons & make disgusting remarks about trans bodies & are one hundred percent anti-transition in all aspects. i want both communities to learn how to be more respectful of one another, stop hurling insults at each other & learn to allow for some nuance. we are all oppressed by the patriarchy, because we are all underclass according to its’ lethal function as a system meant to marginalize. as a pokegyns mod, i hope to preach intersectionality in its’ truest form: everyone is privileged and disadvantaged in some ways. we might all be harmed by the patriarchy, but not all of us are oppressed by it, and those who are will experience that oppression differently than others who also are. cis women, transmascs, transfems, detrans people, gay people– we are all considered to be of lower worth in our system’s eyes, so why do we shame each other? of course, not everything can be nice-milk-and-honey, even when doing activism; we must understand that the vital part of intersectionality lays in comprehending the factual reality that oppressed people are oppressed in different ways. oppression is not based on internal identity, and while dysphoria is a real struggle, male-passing trans women will not experience sexism. on the other hand, transmisogyny is a real axis of oppression, as is antitransmasculinity, and as is transphobia as a whole. i do not believe denying this is productive. and while i do believe we need to be able to understand pattern recognition & talk about the ways some transfems might weaponize the levels of male privilege they wield (even passing ones), i think it’s generally harmful & unproductive to spread the narrative that all transfems are agps, that all transfems are abusive sexual predators, or that transfems are “just dirty males who want to invade women’s spaces”. transphobia kills, the radfem tendency to claim that transphobia just hurts people on an interpersonal level is false. it marginalizes people on a systemic level, and often is intersected with other systems of oppression such as gncphobia & homophobia (& obviously misogyny). transphobia is the amalgamation of misogyny, gncphobia, homophobia & capitalist exploitation.
dysphoric people worldwide lack proper care. transition saves lives, but it can also destroy lives– non-affirming therapy is almost non-existent, and when it does exist, it is generally misogynistic (telling dysphoric female people that “they just need to reconnect with girly hobbies so they will feel more womanly”, etc.) & heavily flawed. affirming therapy also tends to be sexist & fails to consider socialization. sex/physical dysphoria is distinct from social/gender dysphoria. sometimes sex dysphoria is innate & neurological, some people might only be sex dysphoric while not being socially dysphoric, others might be both, some are only socially dysphoric (& i don’t think it’s fair to label them as “not truly trans”, although i do think they wouldn’t be post-gender). sex dysphoria isn’t always innate. sometimes it comes with social dysphoria, as the byproduct of it, not the other way around. trans/dysphoric healthcare should in every possible way be improved, as dysphoric people deserve the right to peacefully exist in society, whether their path be transitioning or not. radfems need to stop claiming that dysphoria doesn’t really exist, that all dysphoria is produced by misogyny & stereotypes (although it does influence & sometimes even produce it), and that choosing to transition makes you a terrible person. mainstream tras need to stop defending genuinely abusive trans women, defending transition in all cases, claiming oppression is based on internal identity & painting radfems as fascists. both sides need to learn nuance & oppression dynamics. some radfems have to understand that with their transphobic sentiments, they could end up harming gnc & detrans women as antitransmasculinity targets them too. transmisogyny harms gnc & detrans men. transphobia almost always comes in package with homophobia. mainstream tras have to stop living in echo-chambers & expand their worldview, they need to communicate with the people they don’t like & stop claiming everyone wants them dead. both sides need dialogue, both sides need the other!
i will mostly talk about & center transmasc struggles as a mod on this blog, as those issues concern me personally. we need all sorts of feminist activism, and as intersectionality needs to be present, transmasc people deserve their own space to talk about their struggles. however, i won’t exclusively talk about transmasc struggles, and i will also generally center all gnc female people. i hope i will pour some valuable insight on here!
some general facts about me: i am autistic, i like harry potter (& am a slytherin 🐍), mlp, typology & writing. i am majoring in sociology & history. i love talking about greek mythology! i’m otherwise fascinated with the human mind, which probably influences my tendency to be leftist. speaking of which, i am an explicit marxist (bolshevik-leninist), and i moreso align with marxist feminism. i come from a slavic place, and i adore slavic patriotism & don’t like the way that some contemporary communists (particularly anarchists) tend to believe patriotism inherently harms internationalism. i hope to provide some important info in regards to the nation since i come from quite a homophobic country. i also like witchy stuff & find astrology interesting although i do not believe in it. love the tirfy & nuancefem puddle 🙃😎😆!
– mod zoroark 🖤
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lukabitch · 2 years
i've been reading all your posts and i love the gay transguy rep you make, it makes my heart warm </3
now with the hc... how would wesker, jiwoon and danny react to their beloved survivor fighting them back during a trial out of fear? like for example stabbing them with a pocket knife or a piece of wood (im actually really invested in how many ways wesker could use uroboros with the reader 👀)
Aw I’m glad you like my writing! I haven’t gotten a request in so long😭. Absolutely loving your brain rn this is an S tier request. Thank you so much for the request Anon!
Cw: Standard Dbd violence, Danny and Ji Woon being themselves.
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“Did you really think that would work?”
He took it extremely personally at first.
You were immediately restrained with the Uroboros. Every inch of your body was covered.
He only really noticed that you’re attempt to stab him with a piece of wood was at of fear.
His grip would definitely lessen but he will still have you pinned.
“Sorry I scared you love. Let me make it up to you.”
He could just be an ass and leave you there but he likes pampering you too much.
He isn’t the type to be physically affectionate but would help you for the rest of the trial.
Trust me though after the trial he wants you around him for an apology date.
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He leans more into the “how dare you 😡” type.
He didn’t deserve a stab with a stick. He was just being playful.
So he has you pinned chewing you out while you sit there almost crying.
Eventually he does come to his senses and feels horrible.
“Oh I’m so sorry my little dove! I don’t know what came over me.”
If you think your leaving his side now your dead wrong.
He wants to make it up to you and the only way he really knows is physical affection.
Expect a lot of apology cuddles.
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“Woah there sweet thing!”
He definitely gets a kick out of it. I mean how could he not!
He has you pinned down and you just swung the tiniest pocket knife.
Expect to be teased about it until you get mad at him.
Don’t expect him to apologize for scaring you like that. He really likes it when you get scared like that.
He wants to meet up after the trial for some uh “training”.
You should fully expect him to do this all the time. Good luck!
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A/n: I’m so sorry about how long this took and how short it is. I’m trying to get back into the grove of writing. If I can make this up I would be happy to. :)
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fllagellant · 8 months
Tagged by @ikarons AND @asharaks MWAH TO YOU BOTH thank uu
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Name: Danior “Flamehair” ( not his last name , but he no longer remembers his , so this nickname ended up taking its place )
Nickname(s): Flamehair , of course . I don’ t think he really gets called any nickname that often . Aside from Wyll’ s pet names , Ofc
Pronouns: He does not care ( 2spirit gender apathetic transguy )
Star Sign: Sirius star
Height: 5’ 11
Orientation: Gay DemiAroAce . Just shrugs if asked
Race: Half Wood Elf
Romancing: Wyllyam …
Fave Fruit: Give this man a Kiwi or a Pear and leave him alone he’ s gonna devour those things sloppy style . Any Melon is also a good choice
Fave Season: Winter , even though he knows the cold of the season is Very Bad for him . It is beautiful , and peaceful . But the damn cold …
Fave Flower: Bee Orchid , Bat Flower and the world famous Corpse Flower !!
Fave Scent: Leather polish , the scent of cold ( like snow and such ) , Spiced rum and ciders , ozone … yeah
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Teas , he can brew a variety of them with … a variety of tastes . Never drink the morning brew it is medicinal and slightly unfit for consumption but he can down a cup and feel good so …
Average Sleep Hours: . Well ! He doesn’ t sleep , or rest like elves do . He does lay down and let his body heal , but he doesn’ t ever drift off
Dogs or Cats: Dogs , but like sled hounds . Dogs that help bring wood home . Dogs that carry prey in their jaws and drop it at your feet . Dogs that can win against you , and they know they can , but they never strike agaisnt you . You get it
Dream Trip: He’ s an avid Wanderer . Anywhere is the dream trip . Literally just take him somewhere and be happy about it and he’ ll be pleased with the journey no matter what
Amount of Blankets: He says he needs one at most , but his body temperature is always a bit too alarmingly cold , so he ends up bundled often . Good for him
Random Fact(s):
While in a pact , he doesn’ t see himself as a warlock , nor does his patron treat him as one . He still uses magic on occasion , but they’ re not as powerful as a true caster’ s spells could be . #EldritchKnightLife
Also due to the pact , he’ s still quite young , but basically magically slept through plenty of decades of life . He doesn’ t like getting into it .
Habit of chewing on lips and hands , to the point that scar tissue has built up on joints of his fingers and his lips are always a bit bloody and raw
THANK U GUYS AGAIN … I already tagged people on the Zerxes post .. but if you see this one first and want to participate Please !!! Do so
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