#transformers tutorbot
beepboopappreciation 13 days
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I love Tutor Bot :]
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lolathepeacocklord 4 months
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I love my beautiful robot wife who explodes every five seconds馃グ馃グ馃グ馃馃馃馃
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Error Sans! Reader X Transformers: Animated AU Part 3:
You wake up a few days later in a darkened room on a neat and comfortable bed. Your cranium aches severely, as do your ribs and abdominal region. Deciding to play it calm, you check your stats.
Semi-low HP and a few broken ribs, but more importantly, you're starving. No wonder you passed out.
You display a grumpy frown in irritation, before selecting a chocolate bar from your inventory and devouring it with your two ecto-tongues.
You snap your skull to the doorway of the room, allowing light to seep into the area. You are also now capable of seeing a window with dark turquoise curtains. The curtains shutter aside as the light burgundy haired child from your extraterrestrial encounter flicks a switch near the door. The room now overflows with light and you hiss, disgruntled by the severe tonation change.
The little girl bounces over to you excitedly with eyes of intrigue and animosity. "Was that your tongue? You looked like you had two! Why were they blue and glowy? Are you a skeleton? Why are you black-"
"K1d," you manage to spit out as you finish dissolving the melty bitter treat. "SHU-u-ut uP."
You're about to stand up from the bed when the girl waves her hands in front of you with protest, much closer then to your liking.
Your glitches flare up in a second of panic. You use your strings to push her at least six feet away to disregard her warnings. Getting back onto your feet, you stumble disoriented. Your nasal cavity heaves in a heavy gust of air, and you release the child. You reassign your strings to under your hoodie, making sure they wrap around the ribs that need straightening to be realigned and extensively healed.
You exhale with a few shaky wavers, skull tilting towards the ground as you digest the most recent events.
"Whe-E-3re aM 1?" You flatly ask the child as they slowly rise up from their unflattering fall onto their butt on the metal-coated floor.
"Um. You're in Sumdac Tower. In Detroit, Michigan." The girl replies, rubbing her butt with a slightly pained yet wary look. She plays with her own fingers as she says, "I'm Sari Sumdac. I wanted to thank you for saving my friend..." She looks away with pitiful guilty eyes and a sheepish frown.
You stare at her blanly before you sigh, retracting your strings with depleted energy. You walk over to the girl, twirling part of your scarf between your phalanges. You crouch down to be on eye level with her. "So-0-()-rry, SaRi." You say with a half genuine apologetic tone. "I ge-3-Et a b-1-it raTTled wh3n 1 w5ke \/p in plA-5-aces I don't kn)-()-ow well."
Sari perks up in small phases. She tells you she understands with a cheerful smile and optimistic attitude. She pauses, letting awkward silence flow around the room. A few more seconds later she nervously invites you to have breakfast with her and her dad.
You accept, although with some hesitance wondering if they wanted to try something on you. You're not going to be a lab rat to anyone. ...You also can't handle many foods without some other catalyst to help dissolve it, so you contemplate telling the thin child about it while she leads you throughout the halls of an enormous establishment.
You enter the kitchen and Sari tells you to stay put as she steals a cup of coffee being handled by a culinary-programmed robot. You shuffle on your seat, all while eyeing the robot with an unfriendly glare. You decide it wouldn't hurt to check it's code, and you restrain the thing after it sets down a plate of maple syrup-doused pancakes in front of you.
It has relatively simple coding, nothing you wouldn't be able to find in the original Underground. You huff with annoyance as you bite into the sugary morning food placed before you, wanting to choke at the sweetness, but having enough will to swallow it so you recover your energy.
Once you put release the robot from its binds, it offers to turn on the TV attached to a surface a few feet above its height. You nod, giving it an unimpressed stare as it stiffly walks over to a mini console and presses a button, rendering the TV online.
The robot goes back to preparing more breakfast. You watch the TV with steady sockets and a blank face as it displays a news channel. The red and blue robot... What was his name...? Optimus? You scoff at the replay of his proud heroics, rolling your eyes at him finally detaining the weird robin hood rip-off.
Suddenly, your glitches act up in a shivering intensity. What was that...? You open a screen to hack into the place's network. You note there has just been a spike in energy flowing into a certain secluded section of the tower.
You alter some of the internal system's protocols and erase your appearances on its security cameras before checking the cameras placed in what appears to be a personal labratory.
You interest has been piqued as you keep a solid gaze on the image of a robot head and a single unattached hand prodding up from its place stuck in the ground. The head is partly taken apart with one 'eye' seeming to be a monacle, but mimics the structure of the other robot, Optimus. Both eyes glow red.
Wow, so creepy. You internally sass as his eyes focus on a computer screen positioned in front of his view. You are delightfully surprised to see he has the ability to hack the piece of equipment.
It may serve as a good puppet~
The gun metal grey head turns the computer on to show a video of the several robots you've seen prior, and another one.
The other robot appears to have aerial capabilities, and one ginormous ego as well. He even boasts about killing someone named Megatron. You don't need to take a hint to figure out that the robot hauled up inside the restricted area is the one the magenta flier was so giddy about exterminating. Especially after the robot emits an electrical charge that raises to the ceiling and disrupts the connection of several cameras, including yours.
You flinch with a twitching socket. Nonetheless, you don a toothy intrigued grin with your yellow teeth exposed. You finish your meal and boredly wait for Sari and her dad to eat theirs after they arrive.
You refuse to answer most questions Sari's dad, 'Professor Isaac Sumdac' asks you, instead either deflecting the entire conversation or switching it to be a discussion about his accomplishments and robotic empire.
Despite your want to ditch the place entirely, you know Sari has a connection with the giant robots. You know you can exploit that connection to get yourself home. You just need to exhibit... Patience.
You put on a sickeningly sad expression and do your best to pretend to be a nice person. You act as if you were recently involved in some science experiment. Unfortunately, you ended up being stripped into a skeleton through some unforeseen circumstance. You also ended up being kicked out of your apartment once your landlord saw a glimpse of you, meaning you don't have anywhere to stay.
Just like you suspected, Isaac and Sari take disgusting pity on you and offer to accommodate you as long as you need. Of course, you accept. It's not like you'll be staying around for very long anyways. You just need to have a chat with Sari's alien robot friends, steal some Sumdac technology, and rebuild the machine that got you here from scrap.
Some times passes and you find yourself laying in a blanket you crocheted, playing solo cat's cradle as Sari receives schooling from a tutorbot. The robot is talking about a quadratic formula when Sari interrupts it, seemingly conversing with someone on her phone. You note with squinting eyes the tutorbot tries to confiscate the key hung around her neck. It ultimately fails, resulting in Sari thrusting the key into the tutorbot and making it fizzle out of programmed control.
You use your strings to tie up the robot, sending Sari a questioning look as your sockets flicker to her key. You felt the same energy as the past three incidents exude from the key. It has this... Ethereal aura to it as well. You figure this isn't some normal key... Maybe it brought the robot in the secret lab to life?
Isaac makes a video call to check on Sari, asking whether she's tinkered with his stuff. She denies this, with tutorbot comedically stating a few greeting and dismissing class lines. She tries to hide her mischievous doings by giving her dad the excuse she's been helping her friends, 'The Autobots' settle into their secret base. You grip above your nasal cavity with your knuckles, shaking your skull at the pinging thought of how Alphys and Undyne would have a smooch session to see these giant anime-esque robots.
Sari soon shuts off the FaceTime and grabs her backpack in the corner of the room, bringing it to near the table. You open a processing screen and hack the tutorbot's internal functions and revert it back to its proper programming, then switch it off and set it down haphazardly on a swivel chair.
Sari shows you an amazed expression and resumes asking rapid fire questions about what you can do from earlier. You sarcastically remark that she has a sleepover to get to and she brushes it off, asking you to attend too. She tells you the bots would love to meet you. You dryly laugh at her enthusiastic proposition, though consider it and accept it. You know you're not the most pleasant skeleton, nor the kindest person in your multiverse. It would be simply stupid to see you as such. But you want answers about the strange energy that all but surrounds the group of robots and the little girl, so you barely have a genuine choice.
You wait for Sari to pack one last thing into her bag and then leave the tower, walking towards a... Rundown warehouse? This is seriously their base of operations?
Isaac Sumdac is letting his child stay in this crumbling structure of shady businessman filth?
You suck in a sharp breath of air and let it flow through the spaces between your clenched teeth. Sari rushes inside the building while you stroll inside at a leisurely pace, once again tugging your scarf over your skull as far as it can go.
You follow Sari as she skips forward confidently, in contrast, you moderately creep forward with your skull lowered downwards.
Your glitches glare around your body as you listen to a nature documentary click into obnoxiously loud rock music.
The metallic vibrating high-pitched voice of the yellow car robot mockingly rings out,
"Why don't we watch something that won't bore us into stasis lock?"
Part 4 coming soon!
Error Sans was created by loverofpiggies
Transformers: Animated is owned by Hasbro
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kappagecko 6 years
An unintentionally memey moment from TFA.
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