#transformers thoughts
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the-decepticon-apologist · 6 months ago
And vice versa with the Autobots ✌️
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signedseal · 1 month ago
I have this headcanon (that honestly might even be just canon and I just forgor) that Cybertronians have these really long bespoke Cybertronian names that are complex enough to be full descriptions, so when translated into English they not only have to take the closest translation but also simplify it into the shorted synonymous phrase. I hc that neocybex is VERY fast compared to organic language so in the time it takes to say a Cybertronian's english name they could more or less say their Cybertronian name as well.
Example, the name "Concept of movement in speed and direction" may be only a couple seconds of clicks and buzzes to get across but its a mouthful in english, so her name is Velocity. A nickname for it might be "little change in speed and movement" as a diminutive, but again that translates weird, so her friends (Nautica) would call her Lotty.
"Slow calculated pursuit (of a target)" would translate to just Prowl. Prowl would be the closest translation and not, say, "Hunter" because "One who pursues and hunts" is probably an entirely different name in Neocybex. "Little one who packs a big punch"? Bumblebee. "Humble tool who makes adjustments and stabilizes"? Ratchet. "The howling noise of the cosmos" Starscream. "Air sharp enough to cut" Windblade. And so on, and so on.
For names that are definitely "namey" (Elita, Chromia, Arcee, Megatron, Optimus) they def all have a root word which they are based on, but I assume some bots just have a preference for their naming conventions to translate to something even moreso adjusted to the language they're speaking. For example if your name translated was "Little plant with the white petals" You could absolutely be called Whiteflower, but it would sound more like a Name to just go by Lily or Daisy.
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rookthebird · 9 months ago
we talk about the intimacy of people repairing robots but do we talk enough about what it would be like to be a robot repairing another robot? knowing that on the inside you are both fragile and the same? no?
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devilart2199-aibi · 9 months ago
Started watching Earthspark S2 last night! Will probably do a thoughts post like with my IDW collection reading updates :3
I'm pretty much done with it already, I'm on episode 8 😂 I was super curious to see who would appear okay!! (Also Swindle was on the 4th episodes thumbnail so I had to watch until then at least... 🫣 I'm a simple person, I see Swindle, I watch lol)
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He's so cuuuute!!! 😖💜
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welcometothesewers · 10 months ago
i was just wondering about what skyfire thinks of megatron. Like does he hate him for traumatising his partner and stuff ( also happens to be some good angst content as well I guess )
Iwas going to make an animation and i needed some advice 😅 so i thought why don’t i ask the Ratlord themself.
!!! I feel honored that you thought of me for this!
In my personal amalgam of continuities the answer is no actually. Skyfire understands that Megatron has changed a lot since the war’s end. They’re acquaintances through Optimus.
Of course Skyfire doesn’t forgive Megatron either, that’s not his place.
Skyfire believes people can change for the better, he wouldn’t allow Starscream back into his life if he didn’t. To be clear it would have been completely valid for him to not want any relationship with Starscream after he hurt him, but he took that chance. We do not need to let the people who hurt us back into our lives, we can accept that they’ve become better people and still not want to see them ever again.
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bajablastirl · 11 months ago
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ppl on twitter mad over she/her starscream and she/her megatron whyyy do yall gaaaafff starscream and megatron can be yaoiful and yurious if people want them to be its fun and whimiscal
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mann-of-1000-thoughts · 5 months ago
Is Transformers One more than meets the eye? Watch and find out.
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lazypanartist · 1 year ago
Started watching TFA. Only about 5 episodes in.
But can we talk about Prowl??
Seems like he was thrust onto the space bridge team like Optimus; no choice, after training for bigger and better things.
But he's trying. Not necessarily to be a team player, but to help. He's a bit of a loose cannon who doesn't like taking orders, but he's analytical. Works out solutions for if he was solo (which doesn't really work with the team following another own plan.)
I love just how much he loves organic life, too. And the way he retains information! Watched a cat stalk a bird one time, and can then replicate the movements to a T. He chose a room with a busted roof so he could study the birds in the tree. He was *trying* to watch a documentary on metamorphosis, but.. well. Bumbles isn't very patient.
Speaking of Bumblebee, I feel like the two are pretty close, even with Prowl's semi-lone wolf stance. Sure, Bumblebee teases him for his love of nature, but Bee's earthly fixation rn seems to be his friendship with Sari. Plus I saw a later clip where Prowl does p much the same thing, telling Bumblebee they'll be able to get Blitzwing to change face/alt mode by Bumbles annoying him.
Idk. I just think he's neat.
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trainer-sean · 8 months ago
Transformers Headcanons: Terratronus, Emberstones, and the Terrans.
So to start off, this is for concepts for the possible chances of these showing up in other media separate from Earthspark.
-Terratronus: I feel she'd be one of the regular Colony Titans, like Caminus, but instead of forming into a full on Colony, she saw the earths life and kept herself from creating more then a handful of Bots, the First Terrans(none of the ones we know). Later when humanity has developed and the Autobots and Decepticons show up, Terratronus as sank into the ground, and she only has one Terran citizen, who keeps her company.
-Emberstone: I think Quintus Prime has a Emberstone thats completely separate from what Brought the Terrans to life, much like the T-cog, amalgamus prime has the original, all the bots after have them too. Only difference is that Emberstones born in Titans, hence why the colonies have separate castes and species of Cybertronians. I also believe that the Emberstones can draw and generate Energon from the Allspark(the dimension) and Cybermatter(how they steadily become apart of the planet, and terraform it. Before and during the war, the reckless of Cybertron would take and harvest other Emberstones of the known Titans and using them to get as much energon and Cybermatter as quickly as possible, leading to their destruction.
-the Terrans: like I've noted, the Terrans are simply the Citizens of Terratronus, ones she doesn't make many of due to fondness of earth and its life. The five Terrans we know, Twitch, Thrash, Jawbreaker, Nightshade, and Hashtag, are the newest of her Citizens, bringing her present total(at the point the terrans are made, and the great war is present on earth) to 7, two older Terrans being the inspiration of Rhea(scanned a Lion) and Amaterastu(did not scan anything, and has since, lost her T-cog) in human legend(yes, those are their names as bots, they are also incredibly powerful, like Primes, Point one presenters, hence why they are still online unlike the rest of their 'Pantheons'.)
-also, if the arachnamechs show up again? They are mass produced bots made from Terratronus' stolen emberstone.
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comrade-slugcat · 9 months ago
Anyway baby transformers should look like metal sea urchins and infest crystals (gardening pest)
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signedseal · 1 month ago
WHAT THE FUCK LMFAO WHAT THE FUCK. first of all WOW. the animation and vice acting got super fucking bad out of nowhere u can tellllll they used the REST of the budget for the s1 finale. which btw was amazing rent was due for everyone oh my god. anyways this is lowwwkey kinda buns but aftermath. all ive heard him speak is his name and i CACKLED. OKAY. RANDOM SON ADOPTION OUT OF NOWHERE???
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tripleglitchwriting · 1 year ago
I realize I don’t post a lot of thoughts that often (or, like, ever), so here goes:
I am a sucker for crossovers. It doesn’t matter of what- it could be inter franchise, combing the continuities of one franchise, or pulling the ol’ undertale AU Christmas party- I don’t care. Because this is a transformers blog I’ll stick with that, and honestly I think crossovers with it has some really great potential.
I haven’t read the MLP crossover comic yet, I will eventually, but that’s an example of what I’m talking about. How would a logic and science driven character like Shockwave react to the absurd ghost-sun magic of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure? (The answer is horribly unethical experiments, probably) How would a rule following, morally upright character like Ultra Magnus deal with The Strawhat Pirates? How would a sadistic, power hungry character like Tarn handle an enemy with incomprehensible power like Bill Cypher?
The rules and culture clashing would be so interesting to think about. Some franchises are forced to avoid graphic imagery and such, so characters from something like that ending up in the IDW transformers comics would be cool to see. In some shows, movies, books, comics and more death is something that happens 24/7 all the time, so a character from a piece of media like that ending up on the lost light and just killing someone would have some very intriguing repercussions!
I know it’s been done plenty of times before in plenty of fics and even canon material, I just like to think about how those elements and personalities would mix. I have so many thoughts about this.
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devilart2199-aibi · 7 months ago
I’ve been rolling your transformers reforged stunticons and agahshv it’s giving me so many ideas.
If the stunticons were anybody else other than the stunticons (lol) I can totally see them all piling into Motormaster’s alt mode for their first appearance against autobots… Bots take note of a solo con’ send only a few crew and when the eventually approach and catch up to MotorMaster he pops the back and outs zooms a new gestalt team ajshdhdh probably could be worded better but I hope you get my general idea I’m beaming towards your brain!
Imagine how menacing that would be… couple bot grunts going to engage what they thought was some greenie con and one by one comes four others
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I'm happy you like them so much!! And I could totally see that happening with their first encounter on earth! Like maybe on Cybertron MMs trailer doesn't carry the boys around so it's a total surprise when it comes to their earth modes? :D
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4m4zing-gracie · 6 months ago
Okay but imagine transformers/cybertronians with absolute solver powers + everything that comes with them (eldritch forms included)
The sheer horror that would bring (especially if any of the 'Cons were users of it)...
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transformers one where everything is the same except the circle does not go into the square hole
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fujomiku · 5 months ago
TFA sentinel: SQUEEEE OMG IM FINALLY A PRIME and I hate that stupid scrapheap Optimus
TFONE sentinel: okay airachnid now hit the second tower
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