#Spec mech
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comrade-slugcat · 9 months ago
Anyway baby transformers should look like metal sea urchins and infest crystals (gardening pest)
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eternally-anomalous · 2 years ago
If you enter the interior of an iterator, you can see things that look like grass growing from the walls and interfacing with neuron flies occasionally
thats the mycelia, which connects to most of the actual iterator
the stuff you can see is mostly just memory storage and simulation rooms
-eternal anomaly
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gayinternetsideways · 3 days ago
it would probably be relatively rare, but I imagine things that cause the vent system to fail would probably be quite dangerous to cybertronians, overheating for too long could easily cause severe damage to almost every system, and with vents that don't work right its far easier to overheat
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the-suns-a-tube · 1 year ago
Here you go! Jonny is Canonically Omnisexual
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aquaquadrant · 2 years ago
Why do I feel like Etho and Patho would actually really get along well. Like there'd be a minute of "oh shit" then they'd be making some weird machine together.
Also any chance you would be willing to share the story about Patho's clock and maybe info on Hels Bdubs?
(honestly? true. patho isn’t bothered enough w the concept of being a doppelgänger so he’d be chill w etho if etho was chill with him. and etho’s like. always chill. anyway idk if this’ll answer ur questions but here’s uhhhh something)
patho pauses at the top of the netherrack hill, boots hissing briefly as he shifts off a magma block.
xyz: -12,485.167 / 67.09835 / 253,295.942
the coordinates ever-present within his field of view tell him he should be another hundred or so blocks away in the z axis, but he can already see the jungle’s grown since his last visit. it’s been slowly overtaking the neighboring nether waste biome for a couple decades, now. rate of growth has held constant, unchanging. that's something, at least.
patho slowly scans the horizon. words and numbers flash across the left half of his vision as his cybernetic eye rapidly processes new information based on visual input: netherrack, netherrack, crimson nylium, grass, jungle wood, jungle wood, jungle leaves, weeping vine. light level 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4. there's a lava pool eleven blocks over in the x axis; light level 15.
he starts walking again.
153 fps t: inf fancy-clouds b: 15x15 3 tx 3 rx c: 695/41672 (s) d: 16, pc: 000, pu: 00, ab: 42 e: 23/109, b: 0, sd: 9 p: 18 t: 109 error fc:0 xyz: -12,487.331 / 65.21091 / 253,375.987 block: -12,487 65 253,375 chunk: -780 15 7,835 facing: south (towards positive z)(1.5/5) client light: 5 (0 sky, 5 block) biome: error:nether waste local difficulty: 6.75//0.00 (day error404 not found) sounds: 5/247 + 0/8
the data shifts with every step. he's learned to tune most of it out by now, only paying attention to the biome indicator as he crosses the chunk threshold.
biome: error:crimson jungle
particles and sounds immediately jump up a couple degrees. glowing red specks dance slowly in the air, mingling with the ambient noises; hoglins rooting around in the brush, parrots calling unseen from the canopy above, lava bubbling in a pool nearby.
p: 35 sounds: 23/247
the temperature is warmer here. patho shrugs off his jacket, letting it hang at his elbows as he picks his way through the jungle. he doesn't even need to think about where he's going, coordinates left ignored at the edge of his vision. he's taken this path many times before, and he never has to wander very long.
his boots crunch softly on the nylium and grass terrain. jungle leaves and crimson fungus alike brush at his shoulders as he ducks underneath branches, taking care not to get tangled in weeping vines.
this is his favorite jungle. it's not the only crimson jungle he's ever come across- not to mention the warped jungles- but out of all the biomes he's seen, it's the one with the greenest leaves. something about this jungle sustains the normal trees just as well as it does the fungi, allowing the grass and leaves to stay bright and full instead growing in wilted and brown. it makes a lovely contrast with the blood red fungi.
not for the first time, he's thankful that the jungle is far enough away from spawn to be left alone. if other players knew about this place, with its well-sustained passive mob spawning and greenery, they'd destroy it for resources for sure. but he never worries too much about that possibility, because no mob or player sets foot in this jungle without permission from-
a weeping vine suddenly sprouts from the ground and lashes around patho's leg.
it's quickly joined by several more, snaking out from the undergrowth to wrap around his other limbs. before he can blink, he's lifted off the ground and pulled up into the trees. he doesn't struggle, doesn't panic- this is nothing new to him. the vines string him up among the highest branches, where a familiar figure is crouched in front of him, nothing but a pair of glowing red eyes beneath a heap of moss.
<player>dat -7063fdce-39ac-4a12-d836-a990c45b2bb0
"hey, dbubs," patho says casually.
the figure straightens up, hood falling back to reveal his face. his huge red eyes are sparkling with excitement, despite the dark circles lining them, and his mouth falls open in a wide, sharp-toothed grin. vines of varying shapes and sizes curl lazily around his body, small tendrils sprouting from the mossy cloak he wears. a couple veins of red discolor his skin, crawling up his neck and across his face. his messy hair is a bit whiter than the last time patho saw him, tinged red at the roots. a clock hangs around his neck, to match the one hanging from patho's hip.
"patho!" dbubs practically shouts, throwing his arms out.
sounds: 24/247
before dbubs can say anything else, patho asks his usual question. “what’s your name?”
“what’s my-” dbubs blinks, works his jaw for a second. “GODSLAYER666,” he proclaims loudly, puffing his chest out. then he pauses, frowns. “wait, no, i- i don’t know why i just said that. uh…”
it’s somewhere in the middle, then. not as bad as his worst days- at least he’s aware he’s lying, even if he has no control over it. and patho has to admit, that's one of the most entertaining responses dbubs has ever given to his little test.
"uh huh." patho shifts in the web of vines. they're holding a bit tighter than normal. of course, he could still easily break out of them. if he wanted to. "did you miss me, dbubs?" he asks instead, his voice teasing.
dbubs throws his head back to let out a sharp laugh, sending a shower of red particles fluttering through the air. "what?" he demands incredulously, his eyes blown wide. "miss you? i d- eugh, n'you stupid- i- i didn't even notice you were gone!"
patho hums with amusement. "then you don't wanna, like, kiss me or anything?"
"no," dbubs insists stubbornly, even as he comes closer. he steps boldly into patho's space, hands coming up to grab his face. "no, no of course not, i don't..." his long eyelashes flutter as he looks patho up and down. he smells like moss; like old vegetation and decay. there's soil and dried blood caked under his fingernails. "why would i- you ha- you have a lotta nerve..." dbubs tugs at the left strap of patho's mask, tilting his head. "do i- uh, do i get to see ya?" he asks, expression suddenly eager.
"yeah," patho chuckles.
dbubs grins widely, pulling patho's mask down. for a moment, he just looks at him. his calloused hand scuffs along the metal parts of patho's face- the entire ramus of his left mandible and most of his cheekbone, lost in the explosion that took his eye. the remaining skin is rough with scar tissue. dbubs strokes his thumb along that, too.
"i lo- um, i- i hate your stupid face," dbubs mumbles before he finally kisses patho. he seems to process his words a second later, breaking away with a small gasp of "oh! i d-", but patho simply leans in again, reclaiming his lips.
he knows what dbubs meant.
dbubs spares patho the trouble of walking, simply having the vines carry him to the hideaway. it's a difficult base to categorize: part tree house, part nest, part garden. in some places the floor is made of wood- in others, just a thick layer of leaves. there are potted plants and hanging vines everywhere, interspersed among stacks of barrels and moldy bookcases. little red mushrooms sprout from walls made of thatch and tree trunks. a couple of shroomlights provide gentle lighting as glittery particles drift through the open air; red, from the biome itself, and green from the spore blossom that patho brought him last year.
the vines unceremoniously drop patho onto the makeshift bed- a mat of moss and old, shredded banners. he's barely gotten settled, pulling his mask up and pulling his jacket off, before dbubs flops onto him with a heavy wuff.
"so!" dbubs starts loudly, propping his elbows up on patho's stomach. "what brings ya to see ol' dbubs today, huh?"
patho huffs a laugh. "what, i can't just stop by to say hi?"
"oh sure, okay." dbubs rolls his eyes, one of his vines flicking through the air dismissively. "you j- yeah, okay, be all secretive, then! see if i care." his haughty demeanor doesn't last long, though, as he shimmies up a little further, arms folded on patho's chest. "d'you- uh, do you wanna hear what i've been doin'?"
patho sighs good-naturedly, shifting so he can tuck his arms behind his head and lean back against the wall. "alright, go ahead."
dbubs beams at him and immediately starts telling lies. he tells patho about all the amazing things he's built (the jungle looks the same), all the incredible battles he's fought (no one's entered the jungle in years), all the wonderful places he's gone (he can't leave the jungle).
but patho doesn't mind that it's all lies. he's content to listen anyways.
they carry on like this until dbubs suddenly pauses, scrambling for his clock. "uh oh! gotta schreep."
patho glances at his own clock; dbubs is right on time, as always. that's one thing he never lies about. "okay, okay," he says, pushing dbubs off- he hits the moss with a soft thump. "lemme get my anchor."
"well, hurry up already!" dbubs shouts impatiently, vines swatting at patho's arm as he pops down his ender chest.
after placing the anchor and setting his spawn, patho reaches up and presses his finger directly into the center of his left eye, shutting it off.
he doesn’t regret putting a data processor into his cybernetic eye; the information it’s given him is invaluable. but every now and then, he needs a break from it. even when his eyes are closed, the display is still active, showing blank values on the back of his eyelid. turning the eye off is the only way to make it go away- of course, at the price of half his vision. so he only does it if he’s sleeping somewhere fully secure, and if he’s alone.
the jungle is an exception. dbubs has full domain out here- no mob or player can come close to his home without him allowing it.
"finally," dbubs huffs as patho settles back down. he's quick to cling with both his arms and assorted vines.
patho can't help but chuckle. "what's that you said about not missing me?"
"oh, shut up!"
patho abruptly reenters consciousness, emerging from a deep, dreamless sleep. with a soft groan, he fumbles to turn on his cybernetic eye, wincing at the sudden influx of data.
149 fps t: inf fancy-clouds b: 15x15 3 tx 3 rx c: 695/41672 (s) d: 16, pc: 000, pu: 00, ab: 42 e: 1/109, b: 0, sd: 9 p: 52 t: 109 error fc:0 xyz: -12,587.412 / 96.77253 / 253,401.623 block: -12,587 96 253,401 chunk: -783 15 7,845 facing: north (towards negative z)(1.5/5) client light: 7 (0 sky, 7 block) biome: error:crimson jungle local difficulty: 6.75//0.00 (day error404 not found) sounds: 27/247 + 0/8
"goooood morning!" dbubs calls, over on the other side of the little nook. he's busy rummaging through barrels, perhaps trying to find some breakfast. it’s unlikely he has any food stored; when he’s hungry, he hunts, and the jungle always provides.
"mornin'," patho says, rubbing his face. he sits up- and then pauses. there are weeping vines wrapped tightly around his legs. he sighs. “dbubs, you’re doing it again.”
“what?" dbubs manages to sound surprised. "no! no, i’m not, i’m- i’m just over here, minding my own business, crafting a loom.”
“a loom,” patho repeats flatly.
“yes! for um, for banners.”
“do you even have any wool?”
“do i ha- uh, of course! yes, of course i do.”
“can i see it?”
“no. no, i- i just ate it, actually. um-”
“you ate it?”
“yeah. sorry.”
patho sighs again. he kicks the weeping vines away. "i uh, i didn't mean to be gone for so long," he says, rising to his feet. "but, you know, i- i got held up with a job."
"a job?" dbubs glances over his shoulder at patho, squinting. "what kinda job?"
patho stretches his arms above his head, hearing both his natural and mechanical shoulder joints pop. "some guys out west are tryin' to make a portal out of hels."
"a portal?" dbubs's mouth falls open. "oh, for goodness sakes- and you call me a liar!"
patho knows better than to take offense. "it's true. they've got a player who came here from another world."
"uh huh." dbubs scoffs, but he can't quite hide the anxious shimmer in his eyes. "yeah, yeah, sure... so- i mean, did you do it, then? make them a portal?"
"basically." patho shrugs. "i uh, i told them everything they needed to know, to make one."
"right. you told th- okay." dbubs nods, bites his lip. "um- you didn't stay? to see the portal? or, uh…”
patho chuckles, crossing the distance to put his arms around dbubs's waist. "nah. i mean, come on, you know me, dbubs. i'm a- i'm a hels player, through and through. what's the rest of the universe got that's better than this place, right?"
dbubs grins at that, slotting his arms through patho's. "oh, you- you're such an idiot! y'know, i uh, i've been outside'a hels before and i- um, let me tell ya, you're missing out!"
"mhmm." patho smiles even though his mask is on. he knows dbubs can tell.
"yeah! "dbubs nods vigorously. "and, uh, there's- i got a whole world that's just mine!"
"is that right?" patho rests his chin on the top of dbubs's head. "tell me about it."
"it's a beautiful world, of course. my perfect builds, i ha-"
"of course."
"- uh, hey! quit interruptin'!"
"sorry, sorry."
"i di- thank you. so i um, i built a big ol' crastle, with a- hyeugh, a sorta um, horse course... y'know, with th- with the fastest horses anyone ever saw, one-stick horses, and- and uh, everyone was really impressed…”
this won’t last forever. it’ll only be a matter of weeks, months if they’re lucky, before patho won’t be able to ignore the itch to wander again. before the comfort and familiarity of the jungle becomes unbearable. before dbubs grows so used to his presence that the jungle itself tries to overtake him, the way it has dbubs- vines and veins of red.
he’ll leave without warning in the middle of the night, while dbubs is sleeping, because trying to leave while dbubs is awake never ends well. he’ll leave without a word and try not to think about the frantic whispers he knows dbubs sends him on lonely nights, despite knowing patho will never receive them (it’s the only time he regrets fusing his communicator with his arm- but how was he supposed to know he’d hear it in his mind? how was he supposed to know that disabling the chat was the only way not to lose himself completely to the endless flood of data?)
he’ll stay away long enough for dbubs to shatter apart, losing himself to the wildness of the jungle, and come back together. he’ll wait until dbubs has recovered from his grief, so that the next time dbubs sees him there will only be joy. because no matter how many times patho hurts him, dbubs always forgets it eventually.
“… so, you see, ol’ dbubs been workin' on a new technique, using the uh. grade- uh, gradient? block palettes... to create depth. ah hah! so- so listen, now, to teacher! it all starts with the color scheme..."
this won’t last forever. so for now, patho closes his eyes and listens.
error fps t: b: tx rx c: (s) d: , pc: , pu: , ab: e: , b: , sd: p: t: error fc: xyz: / / block: chunk: facing: ( )( / ) client light: ( sky, block) biome: error: local difficulty: // (day error404 not found) sounds: 1/247 + 0/8
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selfshrimping · 3 months ago
considering getting real self indulgent with this whole tfp self insert thing and giving my gorl a mech suit of sorts....
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thiscatiscreepy · 8 months ago
Other people creaturefying the mechs: soooo their ears are longer and pointier, I'll give them a lil tail with some fur at the end, slightly sharper teeth would look good, maybe they'll even have some scales, aww they look so cute :)
Me creaturefying the mechs: what if Ivy was a huge praying mantis.
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ohmysheetmetal · 4 months ago
A pin is most known for the point on its head. It's horn is very sturdy with cushioning around the base internally. If you encounter a Pin turn sideways while maintaining eye contact. Back away. Try not to face them as they may lunge and spear you. Despite this tendency they are mostly woods dwelling herbivores. A pin has a large territory that it usually shares with only one other Pin. Pins mate for life( barring a point break) and joust regularly to display dominance and bond. A den of a pin is usually filled with items the Pin couple find interesting. A pin may attempt to raid a campsite if a sufficiently shiny or portable thing is left in the open. Take note that you cannot overpower the pin. another note is that if a Pin's horn breaks they become distressed and become too depressed to live. Prosthetic points have been successfully installed in the past leading to an otherwise healthy life. Provided they do not break their horn again.
I approve of all of this
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bluebudgie · 1 year ago
today i have decided to no longer be annoyed by the virtuoso floating daggers so that i can finally play the spec
wish me luck
(i don't think it will work)
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laguzmage · 5 months ago
Finished the first "arc" of Mechwarrior 5 clans, it was almost criminally easy cleaving pirate mechs in two with a Shadow Cat's gauss rifle. Surely those DCMS regulars will offer little more as we lay siege to Turtle Bay
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seithr · 1 year ago
"won't someone think of the biology of fictional creatures" no-one-in-the-world cries. "but what about the plausibility of this one part of a fake animal that has 500 other reasons it doesn't make sense in the first place and shouldnt so much as be able to stand under its weight.". to this nonexistent call i appear oh god he's reaching for the parchment-paper-tecture.jpg
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aroacegundamalex · 2 years ago
Playing through both Zone of the Enders and Armored Core side-by-side is a fascinating experience.
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the-suns-a-tube · 1 year ago
Fandoms love flip flopping, where once the main interpretation was of an abusive Carmilla, now commenting on her characters flaws gets you called out for slander (politely called out, no hate to that individual I respect u greatly <3)
ANYWAY. My Opinion on Carmilla. She is Morally better than the mechanisms, and her intentions were good, however the relationship between her and her immoral children WAS ABUSIVE. In both directions.
I shall look at all Cannon Interactions between Carmilla and the mechs:
-Carmilla specifically never starved them for THAT long
-Carmilla installed a morality switch into brian. (the mechs claim it was for cruel entertainment purposes, I do not believe them)
-Carmilla did not bioprograme the mechs
-The Mechs airlocked Carmilla "Lots"
-Carmilla didn't leave through the airlock the last time
-The Mechanisms are described as "on the run" from carm
-"it always ends like this" refering to Jonny panicking as Carmilla drugs him in homestuck
Its common for the mechs to be violent towards each other, but that seems more like banter to me. With Carmilla its different because thats a parental figure grasping for control over her children she loves, inflicting violence to keep them in line. The Mechanisms Inflict it back, airlocking her and trying to get away from her because they see her as impeding on their freedom.
The Mechs assume Carmilla made the morality switch for entertainment because their own motivations for doing anything are for entertainment. I think they see carmillas modivations as Trying to control them, hold power over them, when her actual motivations were to stop them from hurting people.
The Relationship between Carm and the Mechs was an unhealthy power struggle between individuals who love eachother but were ultimately too at odds with eachother's morals to ever work out a healthy situation. In the end Carmilla realized it was for the best if they parted ways.
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voidbears-oc-stash · 2 years ago
Just read the blog banner and description. I'll use this pinned post as a list of my OCs.
Jax and perhaps Springtime, you both know the rules I put for asks. And if you don't, reread the rules on @the-cookies-of-darkness blog.
More OC tags
Even more OC tags
Yeah I think you get the point
OC List under cut
Expo, a Sphinx Cat that is half void, and is extremely powerful because of that. He's a bit witty but all-in-all loves adventuring. Lost his mom soon after his birth and his father died in The Great Void War.
Luna The Werewolf Queen. She's a werewolf queen and can command werewolves. She, unlike other werewolves, is not weak to sliver. You'll find her backstory depressing, but I'm keeping a little mystery for now. She typically wears a special gold necklace that keeps her in a between-form. She just looks like a white wolf but her front paws are hand shaped. She's a bit self-conscious about her full werewolf form and doesn't go into it unless necessary. Yes, in the between-form she walks on all 4s.
Vinnie the Velociraptor. He's a Velociraptor from the dream realm and can enter others dreamrelms while they're asleep. He's kinda dumb but in a funny way, though he takes his 'job' to save others from nightmare seriously. He miraculously came from the dream realm of Sky The Cloud Warrior, in which in the realm he though Sky died and had a whole existential crisis when he became real.
Nameless, he does not know exactly what he is, even his own name was a bit of a misunderstanding but he kept it anyways. He stays around special rainbow crystals that keep him 'powered up', though he can still make more if given the energy. Here's some art of him by @maskoni-five. He's basepart wolf, has owl wings, aardvark claws in front, basilisk legs in back, a camel hump, and the venomous bite of a gila monster. His favorite food is eggs.
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He dislikes being called rat-like, especially while being AT LEAST the size of a Great Dane. In reality, he's a Demigod, the son of a god of nature from a different planet(named Toadflax). Rumors spread that the new baby demigod had a key to immortality, so he was kidnapped. His dad wasn't too happy, so his papa cursed the species that kidnapped his son with immortality without any of the benefits(As in you literally cannot die but your body can't keep up forever), and for his safety sent Nameless off world with a protection boon so his true backstory would be near impossible to find out even from other godly beings (With some exceptions, those being beings with the same or higher power level of him(the dad-) himself, or just an aching reminder to the species he cursed). This, somewhat unfortunately, lead to Nameless not exactly knowing much about his own backstory and having large gaps in his memory. He got his name because for some official IDs that were made for him, a rather tired worker asked him for his name, and he said "I'm nameless...", which led to his name being named Nameless. He finds it funny and has gotten too used to it to get a 'real' name. He specializes in nature control and healing magic. The rainbow crystals are basically generators for his power, which he got from his mother's side. With enough energy, he can make more rainbow crystals, but prefers to just use the ones he already made. He can also use his power directly through the rainbow crystals, which makes it stronger.
Blacky The Void Demon. He's not exactly a "demon", demon is just the void's word for powerful, like the void's word for the world outside the void is "Osega". He has a pet Shadow Beast named Beastie. He also has a complex backstory, involving him loving somebody who his dad did not allow and (his dad)causing The Great Void War. He left out of hatered of his dad and gained enough power to be able to survive the osega without having to possess anyone, granting him rank of Void Demon. He'd be willing to share his knowledge about what lives in the void. Here's his ref.
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Fiqunzur: A full on species of mythical bests I have made. They can shapeshift and fit through even the tightest of gaps, and have the magpie's tendency to just take anything shiny or that they find neat. I'll likely be using Fritz and his two kids, Atsen(male) and Zemryu(female). Fritz's partner was murdered by the superstitious folk, but his kids don't know that. Here's what they looks like typically
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(Yes, my pfp is Blacky petting one)
Shadow Beasts. I've already introduced the jist of them on @the-cookies-of-darkness but I'm thinking of moving Raider, Silho, and Buddy here. They're shadowy lions, basically, though their temperament changes on how they grow up. Without supervision (or supervision of ferals), they grow up a feral apex predator. When treated like a person, they grow up acting like a person and are capable of speech, though still stand on all 4s(Raider, Silho, and Buddy as examples). And when treated like a pet, they'll act like a mix of a cat and a dog, Beastie being an example of this. They're weak to attacks of "pure light". Which they describe as "something you can see that does not cast a shadow". AKA mostly just fire. Their scratches typically leave permanent black marks, and when one dies they are reborn. Though they can still have the more 'traditional' kids way. They're all one gender but it still takes two. The ferals have been known for taking over universes.
Sola and Quasar are two space-patterned technically aliens. Sola looks like a and is about the size of a Songbird, while Quasar is a large and powerful-looking dragon. The two are in love. They refuge in this galaxy to hide from a Tyrant in their home one. Quasar, despite looking powerful, the most power he has is the strength due to his size, the typical dragon fire-breath (but, ya'know, at will), and technically being able to move at Faster Than Light speeds, but he's actually a big softie who loves to make cookies(for eating, which might cause awkwardice when confronting cookie run characters.) Sola is a bit more willing to talk about the tyrant dictator of their home multiverse, but is clearly still scared to talk about them. She's a bit more introverted and only really feels comfortable around Quasar. She's prone to nightmares.
Sybeny, said Tyrant Dictator. I do not intend for her to show up yet, but I am at least writing her name down. The warning I have: Do not let her cuteness fool you. That's exactly how she gets you.
Cannibal, one of my Just Shape and Beats OCs. His home world's treeangle had a star on top that often kept our cannibalistic friend fed, but after a lot of trouble and the world starting to fade, he and 2 remaining others had to leave. Will Of Fire (will be referred to as "Will") made the mech and infused his soul into it, giving the mech his ability to make golden fire that has like a midus touch effect. However, it did not have enough time to charge with solar power, so Cannibal grabbed his other remaining friend Fusion, who was already in a comatose state, and put him into the backup power source spot and managed to flee the world before it faded. Fusion will ne near impossible to wake up again unless another star-topped treeangle is found, Will's soul does have some mild influence in the mech, but Cannibal is the main guy controlling it. He controls it all from the head portion like that scene in Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 where Berry controls the sentinel of safety suit. He can leave the suit if he wants, but usually only opens the visor to eat, and only ever leaves to go to the bathroom. But here's a ref of him outside the humanoid mech suit! Due to not having a star treeangle piece to keep giving him the required food he needs, he usually eats cacti as it's the closest to what he could eat in home world that lives up to his cannibalistic instincts(as long as it works to keep him from self-cannibalism, that's what he's concerned about). He is not corrupted, he is just naturally pink.
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Fusion, another Just Shapes and Beats OC. When not able to be powered by a treeangle, Fusion will be in a comatose ball form that's all rainbow-y that constantly leaks energy. When powered by a treeangle, Fusion is a force to be reckoned with. With powers from each boss from Just Shapes and Beats with looks to boot, he is essentially a demigod. He takes his job to protect the innocent very seriously. Sometimes even too seriously. Threaten anyone he deems innocent, you're in for a bad time. If he's in a good mood, you'll likely just be punted. In a bad mood? Better start praying to what gods you believe in. His favorite attack is lasers, which he, like annihilate, can shoot from his mouth. He can also summon things like sawblades and scythes, fire and spider webbing. Arms can also detach and regrow like Blixer/Fresh/whatever you call the main boss guy.
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Quinton the Hydra. Good friend of Luna's, ended up in a minecraft world that's basically single-biome of cherry grove. So has gotten used to eating cherries, pigs, and sheep. Ironically, when I first made him I imaged him looking like the hydra from minecraft's Twilight Forest mod. He's kinda goofy, with his center head being in control, and the other heads tend to not exactly care, which leads him to limp now-and-then when the other heads are lazy and sleeping. He does take his job as a guardian seriously, however. He's covered in scars, though at least it seems people are smart enough to not cut any of his heads off. He calls his other heads Lefty and Righty
Swifty the Jagfox. She lives in the trees and is very quick in them, that's even how she got her name! And her jaguar spots help her camouflage. Was also in the cherry grove world. She tries to be friendly, but sometimes her hunting instincts take over. (Drawing was made when I was still, like, a freshman in highschool and was starting to get into drawing, so don't judge how bad it is :b)
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Silver the Giant Snake. She's an albino Burmese Python who is slightly bigger than a Reticulated Python. She's sometimes seen like the mom of the group, she's kind and caring, but can do the 'I'm not mad I'm disappointed' attitude. Sadly and ironically, she's infertile. She did take care of a baby turtle named Ellipse for a while before the shadow beast invasion, in which Ellipse was killed in front of her, which has caused her to be a little more depressed. Ellipse was friends with Swifty. She ended up in the Cherry Grove world
Desmond the Phantom Witch. He's a Phantom from Minecraft mixed with a Witch(which makes him humanoid). He makes potions for a 'living' and is always trying to find new things to use to make them. Being a phantom, however, he sometimes has a hard time controlling himself when he's around somebody who hasn't slept for days and feels the urge to aggressively leech the energies off of them. He wears a hat with mending and curse of binding to keep him from burning in the sunlight. He has a knack for showing up in random worlds when testing out potions. He always carries brewing stands and potion making supplies with him at all times. No matter what light, you can't see his face under the immense shade of his hat, just his glowing green eyes. He does mention he has fangs and a nose. Here's his ref and a poster he made! (Ignore the "in the thread" part, I used that for roleplays on Discord then the server got closed down =/)
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Firefly. A Windchime Squid from The Void. Ended up in the Osega when Void Cookie (from @the-cookies-of-darkness) had a power surge. He and Stinger both now control a body made out of scrap coredroid parts with a void-infused core. He controls the upper body. He uses fancier words and is quite smart, and often instructs Stinger where to go. He takes responsivity cleaning up most of the void-related messes
Stinger. A Monstera-Mimic The Void. Ended up in the Osega when Void Cookie (from @the-cookies-of-darkness) had a power surge. He and Firefly now control a body made out of scrap coredroid parts with a void-infused core. He controls the lower body. As a predator species from The Void, he's more physically strong than smart. While he often now listens to Firefly, his predator instincts will sometimes get the better of him and he starts using his thousands of microscopic stingers to consume sugars of those he gets close enough to. While Firefly insists they flee most squabbles, Stinger prefers to try to fight anyone off.
Notebuster. A Superhero on basically the other side of the world or at the very least a different country from where most of the OCs hang out. He's a superhero there with superpowers that relate to music! But he's also half-void on his mom's side, so he also has void powers like Expo! Just slightly ones, at the very least by color. He is somewhat ironically a cousin of a famous (in the towns nearby at least, anyone who knows void people would hate him) void demon hunter and killer named Oggy Budderhorn (who has since died and has a memorial). He wears a cyan suit with a screen, speaker, and special fingertips that allows him to control music in a way to create attacks. He also doesn't talk verbally most of the time. He can talk, but he prefers to just scroll through videos to talk for him, like that one scene in Animation Vs YouTube. Basically, he's mute by choice, like Henry Stickman.
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Rzore. Notebuster's mother. She's one of the last surviving members of the pink tribe that was wiped out in The Great Void War. She wasn't aware the war ever happened, and had been in hiding in the Osega for a few hundred years before finally having a child. She became a Void Demon through mostly determination, rather than killing fake people in a fake world like Blacky did. As for why? She found the Osega much more interesting than the void.
MINOR (for now) OCS:
Sky The Cloud Warrior. I do not intent on having him be very relevant other than being Vinnie's 'dad'. He's retired and loves pizza parties, though he gets his nickname "The Cloud Warrior" for a good reason. He lives on the top of a mountain. Here's a ref with a little bit of info on it(Via a very inexperienced OC maker past me). The clouds he makes are always the perfect comfortable temperature and he can choose whether or not they're tangible.
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Plobettba(Goes by "Plob" for short). I don't intend for her to actually show up in a long time, but she will be mentioned by Expo and the others. She's a cyborg dragon with the ability to melt planets, and only the metal on her could resist such high temperatures. She's killed her maker, Snatg(which is a shorting of "Snatgbbgu"(back when I was obsessed with Rot13 names lol), he was a mix of an Okapi and a Rhino, and is a more horrible and powerful tyrant than Sydeny could ever dream to be.), and has the source of his power on her. She's currently residing in the center of a star about a thousand lightyears away in hypersleep mode, and has connections to Expo if she wakes up and wants to talk, or if something goes horribly, horribly wrong to the point she can't handle it alone.
Qwarkon, The Blood Moon's Ghost. He's a weather elemental that looks ghost-like, though he can only seem to charge up his powers at night when the moon is out, and when he charges up, anyone nearby sees the moon turn to look like a blood moon. So he kinda typically stays away from the crowd and usually can't get himself the confidence to start a conversation.
Fred. He's just a grouchy scrooge Komodo Dragon who would kill just for peace and quiet.
These four. Not adding as much info as I've already shared it all in DMs with Jax and I'm pretty sure it's just me and him on this blog lol
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Phantasma the Ghost. He's a humanoid wolf-panther mix who is, of course, a ghost. His tail is completely clipped off and he has no idea what happened to it. He's a quiet guy who enjoys the little things. His favorite thing to do is watch Fireflies, which he hadn't done in a long time due to first being stuck underground and then being stuck in the cherry grove world (even if Minecraft added Fireflies, they would've only been in swamps). He is lacking a good chunk of his memories, and only remembers that he died due to his best friend betraying him and thus doesn't trust easily.
adding the mutants to the more OC Tags post
Avtug. One of the few of the elusive Void species called Lucem. He's one of the more braver ones of the species, but still flighty. He hides in ghost towns of the world, fleeing when any explorers or tourists or the like show up. He isn't afraid of being seen, he is afraid of his picture being taken and the world knowing about his species because of him.
Willy The Wanderer and Vlad The Destroyer. Two mice people (who I made using this Picrew) who are adventurers. They're cousins, but are as close as brothers. Willy is the one in black and has brown fur. He knows magic, and has somehow wound up in the wrong place multiple times. He's adventurous and has a knack for solving problems. Vlad is the one in read with gray fur, he's a sailor who sometimes tells tall tails, once saying he rode a shark with nothing but his fishing hook steering it. He's a bit more serious, but has a soft spot. The two live in the same area as Notebuster and Rzore
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Pyth (Previously named Decidoreal). A Green Tree Python helplessly in love with Silver, ended up foolishly saving Geno. In return, he ended up getting fused with a cacti and changed himself up to try to impress Silver.
Ellipse. Silver's adopted turtle daughter who was killed in front of her. Revived using corruption by Pyth in an attempt to woo Silver, she ended up fairly unstable due to Shadow Beast DNA being in her.
Echo. Echo is an Undertale OC. Her father was a Spelunker who explored the caves of Mt Ebbot before the barrier. She was named after the Echo Flower. After her unfortunate death due to a car crash, she ended up being buried in what would become Waterfall. When the barrier was made, the splurge of magic turned her into a boss monster(a boss monster because she was once human and had some leftover determination in her), a Zombie. She has Echo Flowers growing into cracks in her skull. She's become an adult since her awakening, but has no memory of her life before being a zombie, other than her name.
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abermetta · 8 months ago
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a crime of passion, you could say
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the-zapped-part-timer · 1 year ago
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