#eel ashes.....
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thiscatiscreepy · 8 months ago
Other people creaturefying the mechs: soooo their ears are longer and pointier, I'll give them a lil tail with some fur at the end, slightly sharper teeth would look good, maybe they'll even have some scales, aww they look so cute :)
Me creaturefying the mechs: what if Ivy was a huge praying mantis.
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creepa-b0t-inc · 11 months ago
Man I've made SO MANY secret bosses, Jesus Christ
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Maybe I'll add a quick rundown of who is where
The Neighbor - Chapter 3 Dreemurr House
Honeur Able - Chapter 4 Police Station
Kass Sheere - Chapter 5 Sans' Store
Xirsk - Chapter 6 Festival
Bellamy the Dinosaur - Chapter 7 Susie's Parents House
Gilmore - Weird Route Chapter 4 Berdly House
Eve - Weird Route Chapter 5 Holiday Mansion
FUN6.exe - Weird Route Chapter 7 Bunker
Sheriff Sprucey/Bosher - Non-Canon Chapter 3 Dreemurr House
Teel Da Eel - Non-Canon Festival
Ash-E - Non-Canon Church
Rock-E - Side Story Ice-E's P"E"zza
Antoinette - Side Story Flower King
Mizpelt - Side Story Cat House
Dummy - Side Story(???) Castle Town
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asheternal · 2 years ago
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Frye.. but more
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bagelsofnyc · 2 years ago
I'm literally Ash from Fantastic Mr. Fox
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we're literally the same like it's not even funny
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jtl-fics · 1 year ago
I hope you had a great Christmas! And that you have fun on your cruise! Let us know if you spot any mermaids. :)
I am back now from the cruise!! It was a lot of fun!!!! I did not see any Mermaids or merlads despite stopping by Atlantis in the Bahamas.
Pics and vids below
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windupaymeric · 11 months ago
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She survived!!!!
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undrsk0re · 11 months ago
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All eel
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imreszekeres · 2 years ago
I think, for the first time since this all happened, I feel.. okay enough to try playing ts4.
Might be a small feat but facing the murder hobos I love after this shitshow has been a daunting feat. I’m slowly remembering that my love for them is still just as valid and alive, despite everything. It makes me sad to separate even slightly from the murdersim fandom, but it’s been six years, and I can’t allow myself to be stagnant as an artist; especially when that stagnation is taking place within such dark subject matter. I think it might be breaking me a little bit in ways I’d rather not specify. I find myself romanticizing things I shouldn’t.
Idk where I was going with this. The lines between who I am and who I think I am are becoming more stark which is somehow just as confusing as when they blurred. I don’t think I know who I am… just what I want to be.
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 8 months ago
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feeling sick over this btw
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sagehaleyofficial · 9 months ago
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What is UP, my dudes?! It’s Friday again, meaning it’s time for another NEW RELEASE ROUND-UP! Which of these new releases is your personal favorite? Let me know in the comments, and suggest your own new releases for the week if they’re not listed! 💿
#Eels #EnterShikari #FromAshesToNew #JasonDevore #LØLØ #SwimDeep
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blueiscoool · 2 days ago
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Stunning Frescoes of a Mysterious Dionysian Cult Discovered in Ancient Pompeii
Created more than a century before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 C.E., the wall paintings provide rare insights into secret rituals conducted in the Roman city.
Archaeologists in Pompeii have uncovered a series of nearly life-size frescoes spanning three walls of an ancient banquet hall. Set against a ruby-red backdrop, the wall paintings depict female followers of Dionysus—the Greek god of wine and ecstasy—engaged in secretive cult rituals.
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Also known as maenads or bacchantes, the women have swords in their hands and slaughtered animals draped across their bare shoulders. Alongside flute-piping satyrs, they’re engaged in a wild, ritualistic dance, while shellfish, eels, squid and poultry dangle above them. In the center of it all, a clothed woman awaits her initiation into the cult.
Pompeii is full of colorful frescoes, but this one is particularly rare. The only other large wall painting depicting a Dionysian ceremony was unearthed in the so-called Villa of the Mysteries in the ancient city’s suburbs in 1909, according to a statement from the Pompeii Archaeological Park.
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Known as a megalography—a Greek term for a large-scale painting—the banquet hall fresco was uncovered at the newly excavated House of Thiasus. It dates to the first century B.C.E., more than 100 years before Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 C.E. and cast pumice and ash down upon Pompeii.
“In 100 years’ time, today will be remembered as historic,” Alessandro Giuli, the Italian culture minister, told reporters at the unveiling of the wall paintings on Wednesday, per Reuters’ Crispian Balmer. “Alongside the Villa of the Mysteries, this fresco forms an unparalleled testament to the lesser-known aspects of ancient Mediterranean life.”
As Giuli suggests, the festivals depicted in the frescoes were thoroughly secretive, even in antiquity.
“These were mystery cults, so what they did remains a mystery, even in the ancient written sources,” Sophie Hay, an archaeologist at Pompeii, tells the London Times’ Philip Willan.
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Even so, the frescoes at Pompeii offer valuable insights into what worship of Dionysus, also known as the Roman god Bacchus, entailed.
Wine, of course, was central to these festivities. But researchers think cult members may have also consumed other substances, like opium, to enter “trance-like states,” Live Science’s Kristina Killgrove writes.
The women in the fresco are both hunters and dancers, suggesting that the duality of slaughter and revelry was a central tenet. The clothed, mortal woman who is awaiting initiation is depicted as “oscillating between these two extremes, two forms of the female being at the time,” Gabriel Zuchtriegel, director of the archaeological park, says in the statement.
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“For the ancients, the bacchante or maenad expressed the wild, untameable side of women; the woman who abandons her children, the house and the city, who breaks free from male order to dance freely, go hunting and eat raw meat in the mountains and the woods,” he adds. In contrast, Zuchtriegel explains, were the women who emulated the goddess Venus and lived by the dictates of Roman society.
“The question is, what do you want to be in life, the hunter or the prey?” Zuchtriegel told reporters at the unveiling.
The hunting scenes may also stand as analogues for life and death. In the House of Thiasus, one woman eats raw meat. At the Villa of Mysteries, one breastfeeds a young goat.
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“It’s the double function of death and rebirth. Dionysus dies and is reborn. Through initiation into the cult, you are born again,” Zuchtriegel says to the London Times.
By 186 B.C.E., these festivals were at risk of dying out, as Roman authorities attempted to crack down on the scandalous ceremonies. But the presence of the paintings in the House of Thiasus and the Villa of Mysteries suggest that the secret rituals survived.
Although archaeological work continues, the frescoes are now on public display.
By Eli Wizevich.
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yamujiburo · 10 months ago
Just saw the Hanamusa Mermay pic and it is lovely ^_^
I'm curious though, what was your thought process for choosing what water Pokemon to use for the mermaid tails?
jessie bruxish was the easiest decision of my life. like the loud colors, kinda aggressive personality, half lids and lipstick? they're the same. delia gorebyss was mostly for the pinks and aesthetically looked closest to her (even has the little ahoge). ash eelektrik was for the electric typing and being a sort of eel pokemon like his mom and then james was just me wanting to do something different for him LOL. I was between wishiwashi, vaporeon and finizen for him but i just thought kingdra would look cool
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Could i request yandere sebastian, claude, and ash with floyd from twst reader? They look the same in human and merform and has the same personality.
I'll do two 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Floyd Leech Reader | Yandere Black Butler
From another world and an eel-mer person, you’re never one for abiding by the rules. Fun is what you’re after and what you find fun includes man-handling the ones you’re pointed to. Which happens to work for you in the slums of London where plenty of people need squeezing. Luckily you’re twin, the talker, has the pills that allow you both to keep your human appearances….for now. The best thing to do is stay where the fun is considering they also happen to have the mysterious ingredients needed to keep you and your brother walking: 
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Sebastian Michaelis
“Ayyy! So you’re the one they want me to squeeze? This is gonna be fun!”
While ultimately you’re no match for the demon butler
But you certainly give him a run for his money
Magic-powered eels aren’t exactly his typical foe
Nor do his opponents stop mid-fight to whine about being bored
“Ugh, I wanna go for a swim. This is boring!”
“I can make things more interesting for you if you like.”
“Eh?! Doubt it Sharky. You’re not fun to play with.”
Once he realizes that you’re becoming the only thing on his mind 
He can only wish to appease your ever-changing moods
Hoping that you’ll give him the time of day
Which unfortunately means stopping whatever work he’s doing to ‘play’ with you
When you nonchalantly let it slip or reveal your eel-mer form he’s already thinking of ways to lock you up in a tank
The only problem is your undetermined mood
And your twin….that’s oddly reminiscent of himself
Who seemingly has it out for him with that stupid smile always on his face
He hopes that’s just their typical expression and not a cocky grin
Otherwise, there are plenty of circuses that’ll want a mermaid or even better a mermaid corpse
“I hope we can get along in the near future. After all, it’d be for (Y/n)’s best interest.”
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Ash Landers
“Stop! Chasing me!”
“Come on! Come on! Don’t be scared! I just want to squeeze ya!”
“You broke that man’s spine!”
Love and crippling fear is a thin line for Ash
With his warped view of humans, he sees you as a…work in progress
You’re not human, 
you intentionally bite others without knowing where they���ve been
And delight in hurting others 
Granted if he points you in the right direction you can be somewhat helpful
“Nah I don’t wanna squeeze ‘em anymore.”
“But you said you would!”
To him, you’re just so frustrating 
But he can do it
You're rehabilitation is going to make all the pain worth it
He’s going to have an even bigger problem when your twin gets in his way
“They said they're not all that interested in helping you at the moment.”
“What!? But they just told me to-”
“They. Are. Not. Interested.” 
Oh he’s going to love cleansing this world of such a nosy twin
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tigwalen · 3 months ago
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The Ancient One, 2018
Ronni-Leigh Goeman - Onondaga, Eel Clan, born 1955
Stonehorse Goeman - Tonawanda Seneca, Hawk Clan, born 1949
Black ash, sweetgrass, tufted moose hair, fossilized walrus jawbone, moose antler, and buffalo horn.
Basket maker Ronni-Leigh Goeman and sculptor Stonehorse Goeman collaborate and innovate within the traditional Haudenosaunee art form of basketry. This basket is made of thin splints of black ash wood and braided sweetgrass. The top embellishment is tufted moose hair and antler and bone sculpture. The process of gathering materials and preparing them for use can occupy weeks of time before weaving begins.
The name of this basket, The Ancient One, refers to the longevity of the Haudenosaunee people and their traditions, symbolized by the fossilized walrus bone from which the heron is carved. In their contemporary narrative baskets, Ronni-Leigh and Stonehorse tell the stories of the Haudenosaunee, their “strengths and sorrows.”
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sweetbunpura · 6 months ago
Charmed by the Sea Ch.2 - What if Yuu had a different form? - Eel
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“A warning would’ve been nice about the taste.” She stuck her tongue out. “And why is everyone looking at me?”
“Your form...” Ash answered.
Yuu looked down and her eyes widened. Instead of legs, a long white, brown, and black spotted tail with a rippling wavy brown and white ombre tail fin stretching along her body. The multicolored speckles continue up her body and dotted around the large white heart mark on her chest and ended where her belly button would've been. Her arm fins were the same color as her tail fin with the same design. She moved her hands along her head and jumped as she felt that her ears had also turned into fins.
Looking down at her hands, she noticed her nails had morphed into painted claws. One spin of her body cemented what her thought was. She was an eel, specially a brown spotted moray eel. Yuu looked up, seeing the overly excited look on Floyd's face and the barely contained stare on Jade's. Oh, she was very much in trouble. Before she could even open her mouth, Floyd slammed his body into hers with the force of what Yuu could only described as "overzealous eel".
They spun around for a few seconds as Floyd wrapped his tail around her.
"You're an eel! You're not a shrimpy, you're an eel!" He chirped and chatted loudly, pressing his face against hers. "I'm so happy~"
Yuu coughed. "I'm glad-oof."
Jade quickly joined the two, wrapping his tail around what he could of Yuu's and pressed against her. He said nothing, but Yuu could hear the rumble of what sounded like a purr deep in his throat.
"Hey, let go of my henchhuman!" Grim tried swimming after them with his chunky catfish and tuna hybrid body.
"Out of all the forms the Sea Witch could've chosen for her." Ruby stared in awe. "I've never seen Jadie act like that before."
"They're both excited, which means they're never leaving her side."
"A LITTLE HELP HERE!?" Yuu shouted as she was completely immobilized
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thehollowwriter · 11 months ago
Summary: Finn is strongly against Azul destroying his childhood pictures. This causes a fight.
Warnings: Fatphobia, bullying,
Word count: 1883
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤️)
Azul Ashengrotto. Finn knew who he was. The smartest kid in their class. The chubby octopus with sharp eyes and a pair of eels following him everywhere. He was a granter of wishes, a skilled mage, and... very pretty, if you asked Finn. (Nobody ever did.)
Azul was someone Finn never felt the confidence to approach. All he could do was peek around the corner and stare at him for a little while, then swim off before Azul could look his way.
Was it the twins? No, Finn wasn't scared of them. He had met them a few times at their birthday parties, but it seems the rumours surrounding them were far grander than the real thing.
Was it the idea of being bullied for being friends with Azul? Of course not. Everyone avoided Finn as much as possible, even the school bullies.
Perhaps Finn felt... shy. Which was odd. He didn't think of himself as shy. He was quite confident, in fact. But with Azul... he seemed to become a little pup.
They barely interacted during class. They were total strangers. School acquaintances, if you wanted to be generous. Their conversations consisted of mere pleasantries, or Azul desperately trying to get rid of his "debt" with Finn.
The only time Finn ever interacted with Azul was when he chased off Azul's bullies, snarling and biting at them until their blood leaked into the water.
"What do you want?" Azul would ask, suspicious and almost upset. "A prettier tail? A singing voice? I will not be indebted to-"
And Finn was swimming off before he could finish. Papa would never let him make contracts with Azul anyway.
Then... there was one little conversation. One that broke the usual routine.
"Finn, Azul, you two next to each other on the left, please."
It seemed the complaints from other students about the creepy shark and the octopus prone to inking gradually whittled away their primary school teacher's resolve. Finn obeyed her nonetheless and awkwardly shuffled to float next to Azul in the back row.
The camera was poised perfectly, ready to photograph them and make a permanent memory of this museum visit. However, Finn wasn't too focused on that.
The students around him shuddered and whined, sniffling and muttering complaints to each other about sitting next to him.
"Why do I have to sit by him? He's creepy." Said one.
"He's scary." Said another.
"Azul and Finn sitting together. Guess they had to lump the fat uglies somewhere." Said somebody else.
"His dad's from the- the abyss. You don't think he's gonna try to eat us, do you?"
"Only if you become friends with him. If you do that, he'll lure you to his house, and his dad will butcher you. That's what my sister told me."
Finn ignored them. He was well practised in doing that by now. Instead, his attention was focused entirely on Azul.
Azul was clearly uncomfortable. He fidgeted and coiled his tentacles in discomfort, glancing between his hands and the camera nervously, brows furrowed.
"What are you looking at?" Azul finally asked, turning his head to look at Finn with a glare. He wavered a little when Finn looked back, but the stern look remained.
"Nothing." Finn muttered, an embarrassed flush rising to his cheeks. "You just look uncomfortable."
"I don't like cameras." Azul snapped defensively.
Finn blinked at him and nodded slowly. "I don't like cameras either." He said softly. "It's okay. I just stare at something behind them and pretend they're not there."
Well. Whenever he was actually wanted in a group picture. He didn't say that part out loud, though.
"Hmm." Azul looked at the camera and tilted his head at the painting of the Sea Witch behind it. "I see."
"No more chatting, now!" Their teacher called. "Everybody smile and say 'seashells'!"
Finn fixed a smile to his face, making sure to press his lips together to hide hide his teeth, just as his teacher told him to, and stared past the camera.
He tried his hardest to ignore the five silhouettes reflected in the large lens.
"Thank you." Azul muttered to Finn when they were finally allowed to let their smiles drop. "I'll pay you back for your advice."
Finn nodded his head, and then Azul was wandering off to the other side of the room, far away from the other children crowding to look at the photo.
Finn waited until they dispersed to look, smiling a little when he found Azul's face amongst the crowd. There was a genuine smile on Azul's face. A smile of admiration and of longing as he gazed at the Sea Witch's likeness.
He looked so cute. Finn was glad he could finally talk to, even for a little, the cool, smart kid in his class.
This opinion was rather unpopular, but his classmates were idiots (or "snivelling brats" as his Papa had once put it) anyways, so what they had to say was worthless.
If only Azul thought the same.
Finn could never call himself a friend of Azul during their younger years. Even as his little crush faded, Finn's admiration for him held strong, and their interactions remained distant.
Finn watched from afar as Azul rapidly lost weight and made more deals, becoming more powerful and less squishy as time wore on. By the time they met "officially" at their land boot camp, he was a completely different person, at least on the surface.
During their months in close contact, Finn got to see the cracks in Azul's newly created facade, and Azul got to adjust to the awful feeling of dread in his presence.
They became friends then, yes. They never said it out loud, but they never needed to. Those twins, Jade and Floyd, grew close to Finn as well.
By the time their camp came to an end, Finn was head over tail for all three of them, and by the end of their first year at Night Raven College, they were dating.
Finn loved them dearly. He loved them with all his heart and soul. But it seemed there was a cost to everything, and as much as Finn felt honoured to see his partners without those practised facades, the cost for such a thing was, well, seeing Azul at his most raw and hurting. When Azul was at his most vicious.
The sight of the photos curling in on themselves and crumbling to ash, succumbing to the licking flames of magical fire, made Finn's stomach churn and a lump form in his throat.
"Azul," He whispered, staring at the remnants of a picture of a tiny, smiling Azul being held up by his mother. "Azul, stop. You can't do this."
Azul's face, twisted in an almost animalistic expression of burning hatred, morphed into an annoyed look.
"Are you still going on about this? I told you already. Some... someone found one of these. I cannot keep up the image of Azul Ashengrotto if these are floating around for anyone to find. The evidence of the stupid, ugly octopus who could do nothing but cry and expel ink."
Finn had to take in a breath to stop himself from shutting Azul down in his usual blunt, seemingly emotionless manner. He couldn't do that now. Not while Azul was in this state.
"You were never ugly." He said softly."Our classmates were mean little brats. They-"
"But they weren't wrong." Azul insisted. "I was fat. I was a whiny, snotty crybaby. But I've changed. I'm better now. More powerful, more attractive, and far more accomplished than any of them would ever be. But if I leave a single trace of my old self for someone to find or... or for me to look at, this will all come crumbling down."
Finn's hand subconsciously went to his stomach, and he frowned. "There's nothing wrong with being fat. Or crying. You weren't ugly. You were cute. Pretty."
Azul scoffed. "Pretending you think that now won't do you any good."
"I always thought that!" Finn snapped, raising his voice. He swallowed and tried to calm himself. "Please, Azul. Don't burn precious memories or try to taint my own. I never once thought you were ugly. I admired you. I wanted to be your friend."
"Then you were a fool." Azul's voice was low, and his eyes were dark. "You don't understand. This human form is my new beginning. Nobody at this school knows about my octopus self."
"Your true self." Finn corrected, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "You're not listening to me. You're efficient and powerful. And, even if it's not something entirely useful, your tentacles, that grip of yours, it- It makes makes me feel safe. Those teeth of yours, they amaze me. Those ever changing colours enchant me."
"That sort of think doesn't matter." Azul snapped, his eyebrow twitching in irritation.
"It matters to me!" Finn's voice rose once again, and it stayed that way. "I love you. I love this human form you walk around in, and I love the real you. The chubby octopus from the Coral Sea. Maybe others don't like that version of you, but I do. The twins do."
"Just your approval isn't good enough." Azul hissed.
Finn's eyes widened. A heavy silence settled over the room. The atmosphere was thick enough to cut with a knife.
Finn opened his mouth and then clicked it shut. He gazed at Azul for a while, and to Azul, the full weight of his amthyst eyes was like an anchor had been dropped on him.
"Do you really think being fat makes you ugly?" Finn asked after a long while. His voice was so quiet, Azul almost didn't hear him, and he sounded tired and sad.
"I-" Azul hesitated.
Finn closed his eyes and took in a shaky breath. "I see. Well, I'll... I'll be going now. You-" Don't be petty. Don't be petty, now, just leave, don't say- "You can cancel our trip to town tomorrow. It seems an appointment with Vil-senpai has unexpectedly filled my schedule."
Too late.
Finn turned on his heel and began walking towards the door, blinking back tears of hurt.
"Finn, wait." Azul finally broke his own stunned silence and stood to follow after Finn. "Finn, I-"
The stupid, pretty side of Finn would not hear another word. The door was shut in Azul's face, and he continued down the hallway with a pace as quick as he could manage.
His hands, curled tightly in a mixture of various emotions, were shoved roughly into his pockets.
When he was far enough away from Azul, he leaned against the glass tunnel wall and took in another shaky breath.
Finn felt around inside his left pocket, sighing in a mix of sadness and relief when his fingers brushed against the paper inside.
Photocopies of Azul's pictures remained safe and hidden in his grasp, far away from Azul's eyes.
Perhaps when Azul was older and wanted to look back on his youth, only to find nothing but smouldering ash, Finn would hand them over. For a price.
For now, though, he'll keep the pictures safe from Azul's self-destructive hatred. And perhaps, keep his own heart safe, too.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed! I'm not good at writing arguments, so this is my way of practising. I hope it turned out alright.
Tagging: @distant-velleity @krenenbaker @kitwasnothere @officialdaydreamer00 @the-banana-0verlord @oya-oya-okay @cynthinesia @cyanide-latte @boopshoops @thegoldencontracts @1dont-really-know @amOnline @whspermy-name @theleechyskrunkly @br3adtoasty @elenauaurs @jovieinramshackle @galaxies-and-gore @ramshacklerumble @skrimpyskimpy @rizdoodls @quartztwst (if you don't mind being tagged)@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs
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