#ash leech
sweetbunpura · 2 months
Ash Leech: Gotta question for you, little fry.
Yuu: Oh wonderful, another marine themed nickname. What's up?
Ash: Why do you smell both of my sons?
Ruby Leech: I was wondering that too.
Yuu, with no filter: Because I hang out with both of them and slept with them.
Ash & Ruby: !
Yuu, realized what she just said: I mean, in the most PG of ways. I just shared a bed with them.
Ruby: Oh.
Ash: ... what else did you do?
Yuu: I danced with them, Floyd's a really good slow dancer, Jade not so much.
Ash & Ruby: ...
Yuu: What?
Ruby: Did you... did you feed them too?
Yuu: Yeah, Floyd's lazy about it and Jade's hands were full.
Ash & Ruby, look at Jade and Floyd:
Jade: We can explain-
Floyd: No, we can't.
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what if the woman who raised peridot was at the family day and being a bitch
what if we git to witness the verbal murder that would ensue(honeycrisp is also ready to fight, theyve wanted to do this for YEARS)
peridot is just being quiet while being yelled at, maybe a quiet sorry every now and then
the murder is probably only verbal bc theyre in public
Bitch: I cannot believe you, i told you again and again to dye that hair and cover that eye! And now i even see those unnatural teeth! Youre a disappointment.
Peridot, near tears: Sorry…
The whole gang, ready to kill
-🍋 anon :3
Ruby, walks over and slaps the woman in the face: You got some nerve telling my son that he should hide himself. You hurt my boy, you abused my boy, and now you have the unearthly gall to walk in here and hurt him further?! Leave now and pray to whatever god you believe in that I, my husband, or my sons don't find you.
Ash, joins Ruby and doesn't pull her back: You "raised" him correct? He's a good boy and he got that way without your "help." As my wife stated, leave or face the full wrath of the Leech family. And, cretin, *smiles with his teeth on full display* You better hope my sons find you before I or my wife do.
Floyd and Jade are hugging Peridot and glaring at the woman.
Listen, Listen, I love Ash and Ruby and I will let them go 100% murderous if allowed.
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missashketchum · 2 months
Vice Dorm Leaders and Ash’s Pokemon!
here we are, it’s the vice dorm leaders time to shine!
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me when rook just rooks
Trey- Noctowl
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Out of all the students, if Ash couldn't take Noctowl anywhere with her, he would rather stay with Trey over anyone else
The two just vibe together, being rather calm within the chaos of their respective places
Noctowl is also very helpful with his psychic moves
There's really not much to say about these two, they enjoy each other's company
Jade- Buizel
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Buizel’s a smart cookie, so at first, he doesn't even glance at Jade
It wasn't until Buizel began getting interested in Twisted Wonderland and began picking random plants that Jade garnered his attention
Imagine this, Buizel's picking some flowers and mushrooms and stuff to show off to the others when Jade approaches them
And Jade is curious about what Buizel has, and he wants them
Eventually, after a lot of charades, they made a deal
Buizel gets plants and stuff for Jade's terrariums, and Buizel gets the terrariums in return
Cue Ash being hella confused as to where Buizel's getting all these terrariums from lmao
They're chill, but one wrong move and Buizel's using Ice Aqua Jet on his ass lmao
Jamil- Heracross
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hahaha F E A R
The first time Jamil saw Heracross, he was terrified, mainly because he fought the bug while Overblot
And the idea that this bug can fight and toss him like a sack of potatoes made him very uncomfy
Heracross actually hates Jamil in the beginning and actively went out of its way to scare him
But that eventually evolved into Heracross scaring Jamil because he thought his reactions were funny
Jamil is having a BadTime™
And see the gif? Heracross would do that SPECIFICALLY TO FREAK HIM OUT XD
Rook- Glalie
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i know this one seems a bit random but i put Unfezant with Vil AND Rook so i had to change it lmao
Rook is very curious about Ash's Pokemon, but for some reason, Ash's Pokemon are always on alert when he's around
Glalie is as cheerful and curious as his is protective, however
The Ice-type is one of the first of her 'Mons to approach the hunter
And despite his funky looks, Rook is smitten with him, finding him rather cute, in it's own little way
Is entraptured by Glalie's ice attacks, and is constantly singing his praises, which both embarrasses and makes him huff in pride
So Rook is... okay in Glalie's book, but the others? He still has a lot of work to do...
Lilia- Noivern
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Noivern! The baby!!!!
Despite his large stature and intimidating aura, Ash's Noivern is still technically a baby
And Lilia, if given the chance, would absolutely SPOIL HIM ROTTEN
Just... don't let him get close to Noivern with his concoctions...
Noivern is the ONLY creature that can and is willing to eat Lilia's food and keep it down
Baby is indestructible
Also likes Lilia's taste in heavy metal music and would sometimes join in on the jam sessions the Light Music Club has
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Round 2
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Amuro -
"Being a Newtype is just space autism to me. But also he sucks at falling in line in a structured environment, would rather work with machines than talk to people, and is only allowed as a child soldier because he's the bestest at big robots."
Kyouya -
"what's there to say? you know him. you love him. vote kyoya."
Euini -
"I relate a lot to his social anxiety, especially his performance anxiety that occurs when he's being watched by people, particularly due to his stress at needing to follow the plan/do things the "proper" way in order to not feel like he's a failure. he also stands like a lil autistic kid and i appreciate him so much for that.
(LIGHT SPOILERS) basically, he has a test that he needs to take in order to advance as a witch, and he keeps failing it because he cant perform properly while being watched by other people, even though he knows the "right" spells to use and why he's supposed to use them. on his third attempt of the test, he's prepared a "script" to use so that he can follow it and not worry about failing in the moment (in this case, his script is a hand-written book of the proper spells to use and the order in which he's supposed to use them), but when a part of the exam changes, he's no longer able to follow his script. because he's been taught all his life that there's only one proper way of doing things, his way of thinking is very rigid and he's not able to deviate from his plan without panicking. luckily, one of his fellow examinees (richeh from the autistic anime girls poll 💕) is able to convince him to try and change the way that he does things to something that is more attuned to his personal needs- basically change the way that he casts his spells and which spells to use so that he doesn't need to struggle with doing things in the way that everyone says that he should; the way that he cant seem to manage. but, even before richeh helped him with that though, he was still finding way to modify the "proper" spells a little bit to better suit his weaknesses. he was trying so hard to fit in to the mold that witch society gave him, but it just wasnt right for him and he was making it work however he could."
Aoi -
"He has a very devoted special interest in the idol Takada-chan, which he frequently imagines in fights and other situations… the moment someone (Itadori) expresses equal interest in something he is passionate about, he immediately declares them besties and brothers and creates a whole elaborate shared history for them that doesn’t actually exist. He’s not really interested in connecting with people who don’t share his interests. He’s seen as somewhat strange and eccentric. Though in the present he is respected because of his strength as a sorcerer, as a child he was very isolated."
Floyd -
"Has no emotional regulation skills and will make it everyone's problem. Prone to mood swings and can get angry at the drop of a hat, but can also be so goofy, silly, and lovely. Sways side to side for that good good stim, and loves to squeeze others (with violent intent and affectionate intent). Who doesn't love a good pressure stim? His interest in things can be fleeting, and his motivation to do things can change as quickly as his mood. Spontaneous and feral extraordinaire."
Apollo -
"Not canonically autistic but he has ZERO volume control plus he scripts/repeats stuff (“I’M FINE!!!”), sometimes mimics other people’s speech patterns (like replying “ja” to Klavier), sensitive to loud noises (stayed backstage at a concert cuz it was too loud) and bright lights (complained about the stage lights being too bright at the same concert + screamed when opening the hatch to the bright stage at magic show), and has been really into space since he was a kid, which could definitely be a hyperfixation (not to mention how he read every single one of Phoenix’s old case files back when he admired him). Plus he’s a little TOO normal, to the point where it circles back around to making him the odd one out, which is absolutely what masking feels like for me. Even when he tries to be fun and weird he gets strange looks/made fun of for not being weird in the right way. The list of autism symptoms is just a checklist for him at this point."
Ash -
"he just has those vibes ya know?"
Shou -
"His special interest is math. He uses math terms in regular conversations and calls people yoctograms/zeptograms which earned him monikers such as "math man" and "pi-face". Speaking of Pi, he once shouted 155 consecutive digits of it through a megaphone just because he could. He's so normal."
Sunny -
"Sunny has been told that his face is not expressive. He doesn't talk a lot and he often gets lost into his imagination. He is a great listener and recalls a lot of information being told he has a great memory (he is able to remember a whole speech about flower symbolism that his friend told him) He is compared to a cat."
Yuu -
"He’s like if an emo programmer boy was also completely unhinged and also had a tragic backstory."
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touyasdoll · 2 years
selfship question I’m dying to know the answer to: do you and your f/o share a blanket at night or do you use separate ones?
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lemon-koii · 1 year
Giving (cute) Twst NPC's a name and full personality
Part 1
(Aka turning them into an OC)
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Name: Ash Lucien
Age: 17 (sophmore)
Dorm: Pomefiore
Unique magic: Doesnt have one yet
A very energetic, polite and fun person!
The nice kind of class clown
Doesnt care what you look like or your backround, can and will hang around you.
Really smart and is part of the honors.
Hardworking and confident
Born from a rich family
The teachers/staff likes him.
Has a huge passion for cooking
Fall inlove very easily...
Thats one of the reasons he joined an all boys school
The type to sing ridiculous and funny song in the bathroom
Almost cried on his 1st day because of Vil
Terrified of Jamil and Lilia
One of the people that makes people wonder "How the hell is this sunshine here in a villian school..?"
Often parties with Kalim and Cater
One of the people Floyd actually doesnt try to kill
Floyd gave him the nickname "Clownfish"
Has a HUGE crush on the prefect/Mc
But will never admit it
(Tbh I just finished book 3 and saw this cute guys the backround of the twistune. Saw him in the final chapter of the book. So if he ever shows up in book 4 5 or 6 and i got him completely wrong...welp, he'll become my OC now i guess)
Please leave your opinion or thoughts about this! I love hearing feedbacks
Should i do a part 2?
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crybaby-writings · 11 months
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coulsonlives · 2 years
That pet scammer still be creepin around tumblr, messaging ppl to boost their post from a day-old blog with pics that aren't their own! Their new urls are lovely-pages, pagesfive-to-six, and reconnecteed
They also have a ton more urls active! If you wanna learn how to spot their scams (they're super cookie-cutter and similar) check out this post I made about them
Feb 27 2023 update: All three blogs have been terminated! Yay! The scammer will probably make more, though. I'll update the above post with the urls as they appear. Stay safe!
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mylittlesyn · 1 year
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sweetbunpura · 2 months
Ash could easily break the hand or other body parts of anyone who dare hurts or touches Ruby. Ruby loves that he does that because she loves to see him kick someone's ass.
Now apply that to Yuu. She's surrounded by the leech family and someone start making her uncomfortable and they get touchy with her. Sure, Yuu can handle herself, but before she can...Floyd, Jade, Ash, and Ruby step in.
Jade, threatening aura: I do believe she told you to leave her alone.
Floyd, scary look: She said to fuck off.
Ash, murderous aura and deadly look: You keep your disgusting hands off my daughter-in-law.
Ruby, very dangerous smile: Don't try it.
Yuu: Oh, so that's hereditary...Wait, Daughter-in-law?
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peridot should get to meet his parents again… as a treat
what do you think thatd be like? Im imagining very emotional bc theyre seeing their kid who was gone for like 15-16 years again
-🍋 anon :3
Bringing over Ruby and Ash from my main~
Ruby rushes over to hug Peridot: "My son, my baby boy!"
Ash, joins his wife: "Thank the sevens you're alive... and home."
Ruby and Ash are goofy balls, but only around their immediate family. Ash loves his wife to death and Ruby is just a menace. Ash is like an older Jade without the tendency to pull the nonsense that his son pulls. Ruby is just like Floyd, but less chaotic. They're are very loving parents who smoother their sons in love.
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missashketchum · 6 months
When Jades finds out Ash's grass types can make things grow faster, he's immediately trying to win their favor in hopes to grow more mushrooms. It gets worse when he finds them using the greenhouse both as a place to relax and grow berries for Ramshackle
the grass types are not having a good time
he's BAD, like, to the point of being so annoying that even TORTERRA (who's normally not one to get pissed off easily) just pushes him away from their berry garden
Rowlet especially enjoys shooting his ever stone at Jade when he gets too annoying XD
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i am not being dramatic when i say that he means everything to me<3
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space-blue · 1 year
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Welcome to my blog I guess lol
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timegears-moved · 1 year
haven't watched part 2 of the horizons debut yet but just based on part 1 i'm honest to god so impressed. liko and sprigatito are both really likeable and the smaller details like the artstyle, animation, battle choreography and music are all many many steps above what journeys was putting out
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twistedfun1323 · 2 years
Week 6
Well kinda running late on this and definitely gonna have to do 2 of these posts to stay on track.
(Umm what is my excuse for this slacking? Time doesn't exist, work is busy. I was grinding to get patches on Twisted Wonderland. I was having a really great time in Obey Me! Shoot. I even forgot to do twistunes, so I didnt even get all of the weekly missions done 😭)
One of the best designs - is Floyd's Dorm Uniform, groovy.
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Just the angle of this card is so intimidating - its thrilling.
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