#transformation consultant
alaminhpi2 · 1 year
Boost Your Spa & Salon Business? Please Watch This Video for More Tips.
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pocoslip · 3 months
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Its so weird to hear Sixshot having a Cowboy Accent
(Maybe I'm so Used to Sixshot being a Ninja because of the Transformers Anime and is probably why he is Popular in Japan(?) than in America)
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silvr-skreen · 5 months
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*takes long drag on cigar* *hacks coughs and dies*
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chopprface · 1 month
ok people seemed to like the chip rant and i dont really wanna give away too much about my beast wars fic rn so toontown brainrotting it is
like my other headcanon posts im probably gonna ramble about how i think cog society works but also have more character focused headcanons. this is also mainly about ttcc since i havent played rewritten enough to get to any of the extra stuff it add
-i think about how the managers work a lot, mainly their durability to gags and hp amount so i kinda mentally headcanon them as having more built up frames instead of just being skelecogs. the lengths of which that goes depends on the bot, like i think prethinker and duckshuffler are just marginally upgraded skelecogs because of their hp while chainsaw consultant is closer to a full on android because of how extensively his frame has been modified
-following up on that i think managers get upgrades to their frame as they prove to be more loyal and valuable in COGS which applies to nonmanagers as well (like higher level= better frame upgrades)
-i may end up drawing this eventually but i like to imagine chip as having leather parts of his frame where his joints are. kind of like how 80s animatronics look without any of the fur but still with a plastic shell around their frame if that makes sense.
-anyway he has other animatronic traits beyond the shell, like his eyes being that cartoony painted plastic balls. they probably were shinier at some point but the paint chipped away and he never bothered to redo it cause hed have to spray clear paint/sealer/primer RIGHT into his eyes
-my last post mentioned something like how chip gained weight after becoming a manager since he wasn't working a manual labor job anymore. now with the upgraded frame thing im thinking its probably because he had extra modifications to his frame. maybe that came with the override too or something.. aghh
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anyway i got really excited to draw animatronic eyes and spent an hour on that.
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i was gonna draw him with bigass anime eyes but i remembered i have to post this. perhaps another day
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tachyon-omlette · 1 year
Primus's specialest boyfailure (tfa Liege Maximo)
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ft. design help (& headcanons) from @thewiglesswonder​
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taara-singh · 2 months
Blockchain takes Bollywood by storm
Did you know, there is an ensuing legal battle between a major Hollywood production company and a near bankrupt Indian movie maker on copyright infringement? The story plot revolves around a telephone booth. Guess the name of both the movies and leave it in the comments below.
Up until now, rights and royalties have always been a truly manual process - requiring stakeholders on both ends to manage letters of perpetual ownership, sustainable source approvals that validate the use of intellectual property within the recording (with piles upon piles paperwork confirming your stake) with high risk for errors or disputes at every level. Media asset management is a major issue in movie industry. Movie, music, a script, distribution rights including the proceeds for streaming or airplay are all subject to lease and sale agreements in contracts that quickly get out of hand. This complexity often leads to slow payments for artists, producers and other stakeholders.
Blockchain to the Rescue
Technology consulting companies like Brane Enterprises, Accenture, IBM provide custom solutions built on blockchain technology to enable digital transformation. This technology is an innovative approach based on the decentralized and nonadjustable nature of the ledger, can provide an effective solution to the problems of managing the rights to media assets. With the help of blockchain, all the processes related to operations with media assets can be registered safely and transparently. This is helpful in allowing all the stakeholders to refer to a common source of information, thereby reducing conflicts and inaccuracies.
Recently, a traditionally operated production company based in Hyderabad adopted services offered by Brane Enterprises to create a media assets rights management solution. It details that the production house has lowered its administrative expenses, gained much quicker and reasonably precise royalty payments, and diminished conflicts regarding media asset ownership.
The Future of Blockchain in Bollywood
Given the brilliant outcome of s blockchain implementation in media asset rights management concerning Bollywood, other areas in the entertainment industry may pursue similar strategies. As more organizations get a chance to taste the future through the management of rights on the block chain, it becomes the new norm not only for Bollywood but also other film industries in the rest of the world.
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The OptiTatn SG AU
I can imagine them having a sparkling femme and naming her Deathsong.
A spoiled rotten mass murderer in the making, Primus help anyone who crosses her.
Ooo? That's a cool name, I'm trying to work around her colors in my head because I imagine that she's rather brightly colored (Unlike SG Optimus and current Tarn, sure, but quite a lot like how Damus was before the war...) Mmmmn maybe purply-blues and oranges as a main color scheme? Definitely red optics. I am drawing so much off of the HTTYD Deathsong designs sadly.
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Look at that gorgeous dragon and tell me those colors wouldn't look good on a transformer. You'd be lying. Easily my favorite new species out of the ones introduced in the Netflix series, with the Dramilions competing closely.
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bopex-guru · 1 year
Shrngga Global Solutions (About Us)
We work with Organizations and Stakeholders to build scalable result driven solutions for the black holes in system, process and the value-chain. We ensure that our client keep focus on their business and we focus on the solutions for them.
Much more than consultants, we allies on our clients digital journey.
We believe in transformative power of Consulting & Training solutions to elevate excellence in System, Operations, Process, Business & People.
SGS innovation solutions approach and methodologies go beyond traditional analytic consulting approaches. Our innovation solutions will help our client discover the unknown – and identify and leverage opportunities and markets that don’t yet exist.
SGS support organizations/Business & Stakeholder to anchorage capabilities and virtues that they already have to drive Organic Growth i.e. more sales per customer , more revenues per customer, or more customers for the same products . This focus enables us to bring deep expertise, experience, judgment, and pattern recognition to growth problems.
We at Shrngga Global Solutions are committed to provide leading edge Business Consulting and Training Services in Business Excellence, Process Excellence, Operation Excellence, Digitization enhancement and Strategy Execution with the usage of Lean Six Sigma, Lean Management, Robotics Process Automation, Project Management and Business Analysis & analytics.
Our Training Services comprises of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Black Belt, Master Black Belt, Business Process Modelling, Theory of Constraints, Robotics Process Automation, Business Analysis, Business Analytics, Project Management (Prince 2), ITIL, ISO 9000, ISO 27000, ISO 31000.
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skelswritingcorner · 7 months
Uhhh weird idea warning for pregnant robot. This is mostly just chaos.
So, I've had this idea since going to bed. The jist of it is that the members of the Lost Light end up finding a Decepticon facility where a peculiar Cybertronian is being held. Despite being forged during the war, they've been kept secret the whole time.
Basically, the Cybertronian has the ability to forge protoforms by constantly producing living metal, and most of her midsection is a gestation tank where the protoforms are created. Given how she's a minibot the size of Tailgate, it makes it even stranger. The genetic code of a "sire" is required for these protoforms to take shape. Along with that, she can't go into alt-mode during the forging of a protoform.
She is known only as The Forge, and the people at the facility have been using her for about half the war, and even after it ends to create Decepticon soldiers. Usually, with the code of either other valuable Decepticons or of captive Autobots of high interest. Most of the sires don't know about this either.
The Forge is usually able to pop out a protoform within a few months. However, when she is discovered by members of the Lost Light, she's been forging a protoform for years. This is because the protoform in question is pretty dang massive, and since she's, y'know, a mini, it takes her a while to forge a protoform that big.
When she is discovered, the presence of the protoform in her is very quickly noted. After being brought to Ratchet, he has to physically remove the protoform himself with First Aid's help. Very peculiar experience for them, but not for her. The protoforms tend to get stuck sometimes and can't be removed the usual way, so one of the people in the facility modified the gestation tank so that the protoform can be removed directly (basically a robot c-section).
Except it's kinda stuck, hence why the protoform has been in there for so goddamn long. Nobody knew how to remove it without severely damaging The Forge, which the Decepticons kinda needed for repopulating. Ratchet found a way tho.
After the protoform is forcefully evicted, The Forge (I really need to give her a name) is confused when the protoform isn't immediately taken away, and even more so when First Aid offers them to her. The protoforms are usually taken right away, never to be seen again.
When Perceptor is able to read the documents (including a list of sires), everything quickly goes into WTF territory. Drift has to confirm that no, he is not one of the sires. The sires never see The Forge, and as he sometimes guarded her during his Decepticon days.
So, EVENTUALLY, Fort Max appears. And shenanigans ensue because the moment he saw them, he IMMEDIATELY feels protective of the protoform, and he does Not Know Why. It basically goes like this:
Fort Max: I don't know why I feel compelled to protect the protoform.
Perceptor, with a datapad with a list of sires and Fort Max being the most recent one listed: Who knows?
Also, for extra shenanigans, the protoform is also attached to Maximus. Literally reaching out a servo to him once he gets close. Everyone is either losing their mind or confused as fuck. Mostly losing their mind. Perceptor, who has the documents, isn't surprised. From what he could find, in the occasion that the sire interacts with the protoform after fully developed, they feel incredibly protective of them. They don't know that they sired them.
Perceptor ends up taking Ratchet to the side, explaining that The Forge requires a sire's genetic code to help initiate the creation of a protoform, and that the protoform just removed from her has Max's genetic code.
I have no idea what to add next, so I'm just going to post this at the ungodly hour known as 5 in the morning.
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pocoslip · 1 year
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There's a Reason I still think Sixshot is the Coolest Decepticon Ever
(the source is right below the image)
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bdccglobal · 9 months
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Elevate your business to new heights with the pinnacle of Azure expertise! 🚀💼
Transform potential into excellence with our top-tier Azure consultants. Discover unparalleled innovation and scalability. 🌐💡
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start-tech · 2 years
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Changing digital technology requires changing the way companies operate. Digital Transformation Consulting is a service that provides the power of a design-led approach to digital process simplification, and helps enterprises achieve new business value through technology.
This requires digital marketing agencies to redouble efforts to stay on top of the best digital marketing agencies.
Ali Fouad is a digital transformation consultancy based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It aims to empower companies by providing the best-in-class consulting services that enhance their digital transformation experience.
In a deep dive, digital marketing services provide you with high-quality technical tools with constant development of these tools to deal with the requirements of age and vigorously enter into global competition, including social media services, mobile app design and development, web design and development, SEO development using the best and latest SEO tools and technologies with high-resolution and experienced SEO team.
Now, you can create an innovative experience for your customers while implementing many digital solutions in your business.
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fishervk · 1 year
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London Backyard Porch An example of a mid-sized traditional tile screened-in and glass railing back porch design with a roof extension.
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intellylabs · 2 years
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algoworks · 2 years
Empower your tech journey with Algoworks, the reliable DevOps consulting partner. 
Let's create the way for innovation and growth together.
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