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A Detective, A Lab Tech, A Minister
It's now time for the 3rd chapter to be uploaded! I just finished making the section break flourish for this arc, so I included that here too. Will be posting chapter four soon.
Warnings: Mentions of abusive parents, mentions of banishment, this is a more light-hearted and solemn chapter.
Word Count: 2,400
It has been a few weeks since the attempted wedding crashing. Fortunately, the authorities were swift in dealing with everything, and the groom’s mother was sent to a mental health hospital to evaluate her for any mental disorders and to help figure out a therapy and treatment plan. They still charged her for tresspassing and assault with a deadly weapon though, crime is still crime. The therapy is Amelia’s sentencing, applied by a judge swifter than she tried to stab Patchouli.
Now, Patchouli is back to her usual routine of cleaning around the church grounds, pondering amongst the patchouli fields, and listening to the churchgoers’ woes and concerns. Some of them are kids concerned about balancing spending time with friends and doing good at school, others are parents worried about their kids, and some are people asking for advice on love. Things Patchouli, the minister of advice, hears plenty of times.
“Friendship can be a fickle thing,” Patchouli explained, hands clasped together, “and it’s even harder to balance certain aspects of life. I can assure you that adults struggle with friendship too.”
The young boy looked up at the minister, “Adults find friendship hard too?”
“Yes. The most important parts of friendship are having a common interest and balancing time spent with them and time spent away from them. You can form your own little study group, and you and your friends can do homework together! Doesn’t have to be in-person either. Just don’t go sneaking out while it’s dark to study with a friend,” Patchouli answered, “make sure your parents know you plan on doing that.”
The boy looked up in awe, “That’s sounds so cool! You do too Sister Patchy, you’re so cool and wise!”
Patchouli shakes her head, leaning forward into the desk, “Little Matthew, I’m only 20 years old. I’ve just acquired a lot of knowledge over the past few years with little else to do with it. That, and the advice I give is based on what situation is given, and how I feel those situations could go.”
Matthew nodded intensely, getting up from the chair that was a bit too big for him. He’s a growing boy though, in a few years he might barely fit it. “Thank you for the advice, Patchy! I’m gonna go tell mom and dad what you told me!” he then zoomed out of the room, speedwalking his little legs as fast as they can take him.
Patchouli sighed, watching the little boy zoom away. He’s not much older than she was when she first arrived. When she saw her sister for the last time. How is she doing, anyway? It’s been so long, how would’ve Primrose changed?
Should she try to find her sister? Start investigating? Consult the internet to see if anyone knows someone matching her description? Her efforts may not bear fruit, but she could try.
A voice cut out through her thoughts, “Sister Patchouli,” the presence entered the office, and Patchouli smiled at it just being Agatha, “There’s two people asking for you at the main lobby. Or someone else with purple hair and pink eyes, but the only one with those traits here is you.”
Chuckling, Patchouli got up from her chair and walked to the door, “I’ll go meet up with them.”
Walking within the silent halls, Patchouli wondered who would be asking for her specifically. Is she being questioned for an investigation again? How many would it be by now? Fifteen, including what happened a few weeks back?
Patchouli stopped at the lobby, seeing two people who looked a bit familiar. One of them was an average-height man with blond hair and tan skin, wearing dark green trousers and a light green button-up. The woman had darker skin with brown-black hair tied up in a bun, wearing warm gray sweatpants and a pink sweater with a cat face embroidered upon the front. The woman waved at Patchouli, and she approached the two.
“Hey! I’m Lily Manalo, this is Fennel Pappenheim. We wanted to ask you some stuff, if that’s okay.” Lily gestured to the blond guy, who waved with a V sign.
This isn’t too unusual of something to be asked, so Patchouli decided to comply. “Of course, follow me, my office is in this hall over here.” she walked back to her office, Lily and Fennel following in tow. When the two entered the office, they took their seats in the chairs, and Patchouli took position in hers.
“So,” Patchouli clapped her hands together, “I think I’ve seen the two of you before. Manalo… Manalo… that family name sounds familiar.”
Lily perked up, “You were the officiant for my brother and my sister-in-law! I think it was your first time properly officiating a marriage by yourself?”
She recalled now. Lily was one of the bridesmaids, and talked a lot with the bride during the wedding. “I recall now! How have they been?”
“They’ve been doing wonderfully! They’re having a kid soon, and my wife has been helping Naliah with setting up everything for the new arrival.” Lily smiled brightly.
Lily has a wife now? Last time she saw her, Patchouli recalls that Lily wasn’t with anyone at the time. Perhaps this was a new development?
“My brother, Leif, says that Lily’s wife looks a lot like you. She has red hair and purple eyes.” Fennel added, baritone voice rumbling through his throat. “Her name’s Dahlia. She’s away on business right now, but we’re not here for that.”
Fennel took out a business card, gently placing it on the desk, “We are part of the Linnea Paranormal Invesitgation Agency, or LPIA for short. Recently, there’s been evidence of paranormal activity back during the wedding between my cousin and Mr. Palla, and it links to you. Don’t panic though, you’re not being taken into custody. We just want to understand those powers, if you are willing to indulge us, that is.”
“Ah, I see. But how did you know I used those abilities? I don’t think anyone else was with me.” Patchouli racked her head to figure out anyone else who was there, excluding the officers.
Lily sighed, “One of Fennel’s baby sisters saw you. Was it Blossom, Fennel? I think it was Blossom?”
“Nope, Shanna.”
“Right. Shanna saw you use those eye portals, and none of us have an ability similar to that on file other than, uhhhh, my wife?” Lily continued, “We were thinking of recruiting you into the agency. Well, I was. You match the description of my wife’s baby sister, and I thought that maybe you might recognize each other?”
Patchouli pondered. She herself is planning on looking for her older sister as well. They are part of an investigation agency, after all. Maybe that could be the help she needs to reunite with Primrose?
“I’ll have to ask the head of the clergy, but I’ll consider it. I’m also trying to look for my own sister. She’s five years older, so around twenty-five now.” Patchouli replied, getting up from the chair, “Excuse me as I go find her.”
It didn’t take long to find Sister Helga, since she’s typically in her office. Given her legs weakened with age, she usually asks the other sisters to retrieve stuff for her, especially during her bad days. Patchouli came by just before it started, and often helped Sister Helga ever since.
Knocking on the door before turning the brass doorknob, Patchouli entered the room. Sister Helga was at her desk, reading a book. When Patchouli entered, she placed her bookmark on where she stopped before looking to address Patchouli. “What is it, Patchouli?” she asked.
“Two people came to talk to me. Apparently, that wedding incident involved someone else witnessing my powers, and now they want to recruit me to LPIA. I think this would be a great opportunity for me to try and find my older sister, but I wanted your approval before I do something so drastic.”
Grabbing her cane, Sister Helga walked up to Patchouli, wrapping her in a warm embrace, “This day was inevitable, you taking initiative to find your sister. I shall give you my blessing. Don’t worry about me, the others have been more than willing to help little old me.” Sister Helga says that despite only being in her fifties, but given her use of mobility aids it makes sense that she feels older.
“You can start packing everything once you made the arrangements. All I ask of you is that you visit once in a while. Got it?”
Patchouli nodded, and Sister Helga returned to her desk. The minister exited the office, closing the door before walking back to her own office.
Returning to her office, Patchouli sat down and looked at the two, “The head approves. I assume I need to schedule an interview? Do I need to provide a résumé?”
Lily nodded, “I’ll explain everything to the chair. You don’t need a résumé by the way, just a demonstration of your own abilities. It would help though. I’m a lab tech there, so you’ll probably have to deal with me a lot when you first arrive. And a lot afterward if it involves something that needs processing in the lab. Basically, you’ll see me a lot!”
Fennel shook his head while smiling, “You’ll also receive combat training by some of the experts here just in case. Osmie is one of the investigators along with Dahlia and I, she’s very chaotic, but she’s a good friend. Dahlia’s quite chill in comparison, but will bug you about hydrating and making sure you’ve eaten.”
“I see. I’ll give both of you my phone number so y’all can tell me when the interview is. Other than that, I’ll see the both of you later.” Patchouli got up from her chair, Fennel and Lily following suit. They both walked out of the office, Lily enthusiastically waving before the two left to the main lobby.
Guess Patchouli should start packing, shouldn’t she? At least after the church closes, she still has her duties as the Minister of Advice. She looked over at the stained glass over the window, six purple eyes that look like flower petals amongst opalescent stained glass. It was a design that always felt nostalgic to Patchouli, even when she first arrived. Possibly since that symbol is on her forehead, hidden with the purple locs that are her bangs.
It wasn’t time for such sentiments, though. Patchouli had work to do, at least for a few more hours. Until then, she sat down at the desk to wait for the next person in need of advice.
The church is now closed, and Patchouli finished her duties for the day. Washing the ceramic plates with a brush and dish soap, she placed them on the drying rack for them to dry. The church did have a dish washer, a more recent addition from a generous donator, but Patchouli preferred cleaning at least some of the dishes by hand. It kept her hands busy, and allowed her to clear her head from the events from the day.
Sister Agatha approached from the table, leaning over the counter, “So, you’re planning on taking that offer and going to try and find your big sis? We all knew the day would come, especially since you’ve always talked so fondly of her.”
Patchouli placed the final plate on the rack, looking over at Sister Agatha after drying her hands and rolling down her sleeves, “I’m glad that you remember. She was the only light of my life until I came here. I hope that I can find her again, or at least check to see if our father is still alive and kicking.”
Agatha winced, “Right. Your mom exiled him, didn’t she? He sounds like a good father, with him doing the best that he could to bring you to us. Hopefully he is alive, it would be a shame if he isn’t.”
“I hope so too, but being exiled from the bulk of the settlements can make it hard to survive. I just hope that the group he’s the leader of is staying strong too.” Patchouli walked out of the kitchen, “I have to wait for that though, the first thing is trying to find my sister.”
“Right, right.” Agatha nodded, “I’ll help you pack too.”
“I need to wait a bit before I start properly packing everything,” Patchouli waved her hands in front of her, “there’s still the whole interview thing beforehand!”
“Oh! I just realized, you’ve never done an actual interview before. I’ve done them before, back before I became a part of the clergy here. Do you need any advice? Help with writing a résumé? I’ve helped a few of the churchgoers with theirs since my old job used to have me look over them.” Agatha asked, “I know I’ve helped you with getting your driver’s license before, mostly because of your anxiety with learning how, but résumés are more of my specialty. Sister Lena’s the better one for driving lessons since she, y’know, also teaches driver’s ed at the school.”
It was true that Sister Lena was a good driver. Many of Patchouli’s classmates were taught by her, including Patchouli herself when she was at the school. The school itself is not connected to the church, but some of the clergy have teaching licenses and teach classes there. Sister Lena, of course, teaches Driver’s Ed, another teaches human geography, one teaches a foreign language, and Sister Helga used to be an assistant principle at the elementary school before she became the head of the church. Even though she would technically be referred to as Mother Helga by tradition, everyone in the clergy refers to her as Sister. In Sister Helga’s eyes, she felt that Mother felt too unapproachable, so she kept referring to herself as Sister Helga.
“I’d appreciate the help, we can do it once all our other duties are complete.” Patchouli answered, stretching her back with her arms raised, careful not to bonk her horns in the process. If she were to do it alone, the concept might make her a bit anxious. However, with the assistance of Sister Agatha, writing the résumé won’t be as hard.
For now though, Patchouli needed to wait for the interview to happen, then she can start packing to start a new chapter of her life.
#patchouli's revenge#skel's original works#writers of tumblr#writeblr#skel writes patchouli's revenge#original story#Patchouli Gimle#Fennel Pappenheim#Lily Manalo
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its so scary to put yourself out there but a SINGLE message saying "hi i loved what you made it touched me in some way" makes it all worth it 10000%
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Patchouli's Revenge: Lavandula Spica | To Prevent A Ruined Wedding
Guess who forgot to upload this after finishing this like... a month ago. It's me. Also this is like 9 pages long in the doc I wrote this on soooo enjoy :3 (I promise that I'll try to post the 3rd chapter soon since I'm almost done writing the last chapter of this arc)
Warnings: Toxic family members, attempted assault, multiple crimes taking place, just an absolute mess of a situation
Word Count: 3.8K
A few months prior, the Skuld Church was asked to do a wedding. As it’s a service they provided, the church accepted. However, the spouses-to-be had one simple request: keep the groom’s mother away from the wedding.
The couple sat down opposite Patchouli, gentle sunlight highlighting her pink horns. Both of them seemed uneasy, especially for a couple who is soon having their wedding. Patchouli knew that one of their parents wasn’t the best, she had quite the horrid mother herself. That must be why Sister Agnes asked Patchouli to meet with the couple; she has experience with horrible parents, it might reassure them if they have a member of the church they can connect to.
The woman was one of the regular attendees of the church services. Nina Eisner, Patchouli recalls. Nina was one of the first non-clergy members she met, and was always nice to her. However, recently, she hasn’t been attending as often. Maybe the reason is why she and the groom are meeting right now.
“So,” Patchouli put her hands in a steeple, elbows on the wooden desk, “I’m Patchouli Gimle, or just Minister Patchouli. I already know Miss Eisner, she’s a regular attendee of this church. What is your name, sir?”
“I’m Roy Palla, Nina’s fiancé and soon-to-be husband… if my mother tries not to traumatize her again.” The brunet gentleman nodded, looking at Nina in reassurance.
Patchouli tilted her head, “Is it alright for me to inquire why your mother would try to traumatize Miss Eisner? Some kind of grudge, or an assumption that she’s being replaced?”
“She doesn’t like my fianceé,” the man explained, “She’s been harassing her on social media too, it got so bad that she had to private her accounts. My mom genuinely believes that she’s trying to steal me away from her, which isn’t true. I think she has some mental problems that haven’t been addressed.”
Patchouli pursed her lips, looking at Nina. “Can you confirm this, ma’am?” She wanted the bride-to-be’s opinion as well, not just relying on Roy’s words alone. Even if it’s a fact, there should always be a second confirmation.
Nina nodded, “I’ve barely left our home in weeks because of her harassment. I thank the gods that she doesn’t know where we live, if she did she might drive to us and start breaking windows. I want to have a good relationship with her like I do with Roy’s father, but I wonder if she has some sort of mental disorder like early onset dementia or something.”
The words out of her mouth concerned Patchouli. She thought her own mom was crazy, it’s why she ran away, but the things said by the lady raised concerns for her own safety.
“Miss Nina, I am very concerned. How long has this been going on? Have you gotten a restraining order on her, or some kind of court order? I think you might need to get all the evidence you have of her harassing you if this ends up going to court.” Patchouli furrowed her brow, looking at the two.
Nina and Roy shook their heads. “I don’t think it’ll be enough, so far she hasn’t tried anything other than the online harassment.” Roy explained.
“I’d bring it up to the police just in case. Print out the screenshots with timestamps, try to get recordings of any phone calls, and have other people around you provide testimonies. I’ll contact them as well, see if they can send a few officers over in case she tries to enter the wedding without permission. I’ll help as well, there’s a few other members of this church who can officiate the marriage.” Patchouli offered, extending a hand to them.
“You would?” Nina asked, “But how would you be able to do that?”
Patchouli giggled, covering her mouth and winking, “Don’t worry about that, the Eyes of Gimle have sight all around this church.”
Nina nodded, “Ah, I see. I trust that you will take care of this. Do you trust her with keeping an eye out for your mother, Roy?”
Roy nodded in approval, “If Minister Patchouli says so and the clergy approves, then I’m fine with it. ”
“Great!” Patchouli softly clapped her hands together, “I’ll see you two in four months the day of, unless you wish to talk to us again about the wedding. Her name is Amelia Palla, correct? I’ll keep note on anyone named that.”
The couple nodded, getting up from their chairs and walking out the door. Patchouli followed them to their car, making sure that they weren’t going to be jumped, then reentered the church.
According to the couple, they wanted to do a small wedding of roughly twenty people. The groom’s father was invited, but due to the behavior of the groom’s mother, she isn’t. Roughly seven of the attendees are the children of their friends and relatives. Two of those children are in their late teens, so they might not be as startled if the groom’s mother storms into the room the wedding takes place in. The rest of them are tweens and elementary school aged, so they might not take it as well. The church will need to be on guard.
Once Patchouli returned to the office, she took out her journal and her pen to write stuff down. The journal had a leather cover, but that only hid that it was actually a spiral notebook that had some flower designs and a heavy paper weight that took fountain pen ink well. Patchouli wrote several things down.
Things to do for Roy Palla and Nina Eisner’s Wedding
1. Identify all potential entrances and exits the groom’s mother might use to enter the church.
2. Inform Skuld Police Department about the groom’s mother, Amelia Palla. Ask if they can have an officer or two stationed at the church during the wedding’s duration.
3. Figure out how many Eyes of Gimle I can have at once without any showing up on my face.
4. Check for any suspicious people who match Amelia Palla’s physical description.
Once Patchouli wrote everything down, she got up from her chair and stretched. She’s gonna be in for a few long months, but if everything goes smoothly there should be no problems at all with the wedding. For now, it’s four months of waiting and one day of anticipation.
Today is the day of the wedding. Four months prior, the spouses-to-be mentioned that the groom’s mother might try to crash the wedding and harass the bride, and the church acquired the resources to help prevent that from happening. A few members of the clergy stationed themselves by potential entrances and exits that she might try to use, and there were several officers on the scene in case she actually tried to crash it. Apparently, one of the attendees of the wedding was a cop in the same division. He was one of the groomsmen, and was given the duty of guarding the part of the church the wedding was being held in.
“Are you sure that everything will be okay?” Roy asked, looking around the venue nervously.
Patchouli nodded, “We’ll be alright! All members of the clergy know some form of magic and verbal judo, so we can stall your mother juuuust enough for the police to arrest her if she enters the church.”
Clasping his hands on his chest, Roy nodded vigirously, “Thank you. From the bottom of Nina and I’s hearts, thank you for doing so much for us. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to repay you for your kindness.”
Patchouli shook her head and waved her hands, “No no no no, no need to thank us! The best you can do to repay us is to make a donation to the church, no matter how small. This is you and Nina’s special day. Besides, the god Gimle does all she can to make sure these ceremonies aren’t ruined, even if it results in spilled blood.” She muttered the last part to herself before turning around. “I’ll keep my eyes out for her! Just relax. If you’re still anxious, think of how your wife will look during the ceremony. You might cry, but there’s a reason we got tissue boxes by the podium.”
Patchouli exited through the grand doors, walking toward the west hall where she was stationed. Was it likely for the mother-in-law to enter through the wing that leads to the annex that the clergy lives? Unfortunately, it’s possible. Sister Helga wanted to take part, but her pain has been getting worse over the years. She now uses a rollator, and all of the younger clergy members insisted that Sister Helga worry about the wedding ceremony. Because of that, she will be the officiant.
She remembers that Sister Helga wanted to have Patchouli do the ceremony. It would’ve been the fifth wedding she officiated herself, but Patchouli, with the powers she has, knew that it made more sense for her to be on the lookout for the groom’s mother given the situation at hand.
Who is that little girl walking around the hallway? Why isn’t she in the venue?
“What are you doing out here, little miss?” Patchouli asked, “The wedding isn’t happening in this hall, it’s somewhere else.”
The little girl looked up at Patchouli, tilting her head. She had blonde hair and brown eyes with an olive skin tone. She answered, “My mom’s using the bathroom, and I wanted a place to walk back and forth.” Ah, so she just needed a place to move around.
She nodded, “I see. Well, when your mom’s done, make sure you get back to the venue. We have a few fidget toys that are quiet if you need to do something with your hands.”
The little girl shook her head, “My big bro gave me a cube thingy. He’s not here though, he’s at work. Do you know him? I think you’re his age, you must’ve gone to school with him. His name’s Fennel, like the plant.”
“Fennel? I haven’t met someone with that name,” Patchouli shook her head, “I did school things here before going to the local high school for my last two years of high school so I could get a diploma. I graduated two years back, actually. How old is your brother?”
The girl closed her eyes, humming a bit before speaking, “No, Fennel graduated four years ago. I don’t think you met him.”
Patchouli nodded before noticing an older woman approaching. “Oh, that must be your mother walking up. Hopefully you have a good time.”
The little girl nodded, waiting for her mother to catch up and walking with her to the main hall. She never caught the girl’s name, but that’s alright with Patchouli. She has a duty to do, and the wedding begins soon. Can’t let that be ruined now, right?
Patchouli walked up and down the hall, using her abilities to check blind spots and other parts of the church while observing for anything out of place. It was relatively quiet, though, with only the echoes of her footsteps being heard.
Until someone opened the door leading to the annex. She was in a frilly white dress, but Patchouli knew that she wasn’t the bride. The bride looks way different. So she’s actually trying to crash the wedding? Such strange people with their strange egos. This must be Amelia Palla, the groom’s mother.
Patchouli walked towards the lady, clad in what is blatantly a wedding dress despite not being the bride, “Showing up to someone else’s wedding in a wedding dress? How disgraceful, an insult to the ritual.” With a flick of her wrist, eyes opened up on the floor and ceiling, summoning chains which kept the woman in place.
Patchouli rolled her eyes, tapping the sides of her temple. “Your son doesn’t want you there. Why do you think your ex-husband was invited and you were not? You’ve been harassing him and his now wife constantly. Nina’s been fearing for her life, and Roy has been anxious about you possibly showing up at their house.”
“And that’s why you never got told where they live.” Patchouli rebutted, “You’re controlling your son like he’s an object and not a person with their own thoughts, so he went no contact. He still cares for you, but what you need isn’t your son, you need professional help. There’s plenty of services that can help you, Mrs. Palla. You can have a relationship with your son, but you need to get your act together.”
“I need NO such help! You must be a demon sent to prevent me from seeing him. A DEMON! I rebuke your words. LEAVE!” Amelia kept screeching. This is going nowhere.
Unbenownst to Patchouli, someone witnessed what she did. The figure slinked away before anyone else could notice them.
Footsteps arrived, and a navy-clad officer strolled up to where the two women were, “Alright, wrap it up, ma’am. Amelia Palla, you are under arrest for tresspassing, harassment, and attempted assault.”
Amelia screeched, further trying to release herself from the chains. “YOU ARE NOT ARRESTING ME!” she screeched, “I AM WITHIN MY RIGHTS! BRING ME TO MY SON, I AM SAVING HIM FROM THAT DEVIL!”
The officer sighed, radioing for backup. “Suspect has been located in the west hall, near the patchouli painting. Suspect is beligerent and hostile.”
Even more screeching ensued, as the woman freed herself from the chains and tried to lunge at Patchouli. With a knife. A sharp blade that grazed Patchouli’s cheek as she stepped out of the way.
Black blood seeped from the wound, as Patchouli’s face warped into fury. Her pink eyes began glowing, and eyes began appearing all around the area.
“Assaulting a minister with a knife? How rude of you.” Patchouli stared at the woman, who went to try and stab her again.
Stepping away once again, Patchouli allowed the officer to tackle the woman onto the floor, quickly cuffing her.
He turned on the radio again, “Suspect has a weapon. I repeat, suspect has a weapon! She attempted to stab a member of the clergy!”
Several more officers ran up to the three, stopping as they reached them. One confiscated the knife after putting on some gloves, placing it in an evidence bag.
One of the officers walked up to Patchouli, noticing the blood dribbling off her cheek. “Do you need medical assistance, Miss Gimle?”
Patchouli shook her hands, “Not at all! I’ll just clean the wound once I go to the restroom.”
The officer nodded, writing something down on a note pad, “Understandable. Once the ceremony happens, I’ll ask the people attending to give some testimonies. Go wash the wound, I’ll go into the main hall.”
Patchouli gave the officer a small salute, zooming to the restroom to wash the blood off her face. When she reached it, she grabbed a paper towel and soaked it in water. She used that to wipe the cut, black blood staining the wet paper. The blood began coagulating, given the superficial nature of the wound. If that madwoman cut any deeper, she’d have to visit the hospital to get stitches.
Once Patchouli finished cleaning the cut, she washed and dried her hands before returning to the main hall. It was rather tense in the hall, but that made sense. Someone tresspassed onto the church while a wedding was starting, and now people might start pointing fingers at each other to find out who told the groom’s mother where and when the wedding was taking place.
Fortunately, nobody was starting a conflict. Maybe it was the cops being in the building, but it was rather peaceful. The wedding can go on as intended. Patchouli walked up to the groom by the podium, whispering something in his ear before taking her place behind Sister Helga. It took some time for everyone to get settled down, especially the younger attendees, but soon it was time for the wedding ceremony to begin.
The little girl that Patchouli saw just before Amelia tried to stab her tossed paper flower petals on the aisle, shaking her hand from side-to-side to allow the petals to distribute on the carpet as controlled as her little hands are capable. The petals were yellow with bits of orange and pink, like a sunset within the horizon. When the flower girl finished up near the podium, she sneaked off to the side in wait.
Soon, the doors opened, and Nina ascended up to the podium. Her dress wasn’t extravagant by any means, just a simple coral empire dress that Patchouli remembers her wearing before, but the accessories made all the difference. She had a deep pink corset belt, and a small amethyst pendant that Patchouli recalled Nina wearing four months back. Her hair was tied up in a bun, with a pink rose upon a golden hairpin keeping her tight curls in style. She didn’t wear a full veil, but the two accessories with added yellow tulle created the illusion of one.
Roy looked to be holding back tears. Sister Helga grabbed a tissue from the inside part of the podium, handing it over to Roy. He wiped his eyes and blew his nose before putting it away in the trash bin next to the podium. As Nina walked up to face her soon-to-be husband, both of them smiled.
Sister Helga began her speech, “We are gathered here today to celebrate the bond between Nina Eisner and Roy Palla. Now, I know today got off to a rough start. Someone almost crashed the wedding, and unless we’re gonna be surrounded by puppies and kittens we don’t want that happening, now do we?”
A few chuckles came from the attendees, and from the couple themselves. Sister Helga always knew how to lighten up the mood when need be. Take it from Patchouli, she knows that such ways come with skill. A skill Patchouli admires.
“But now, we are here to honor the marital bond between these two under the watchful gaze of Gimle, god of bonds and sight. Her spirit is within us as so is her power, and in this ceremony we honor her domain as she blesses this marriage between these two as equals.” Sister Helga raised up her arms, palms facing the stained glass fixture above the podium. The stained glass was of the patchouli flower, one of Gimle’s symbols.
Sister Helga lowered her arms, gesturing to the couple, “Now, which one of you wishes to go first in your vows?”
Roy grabbed a piece of paper from his front pocket, unfolding it. Taking a deep breath, he spoke the words he wrote, “When I first met you, I never thought I’d be marrying you one day. All good romances begin with a good friendship, and by the gods you’ve been one good friend of mine. Despite everything, you’ve stayed strong. Even as my mom tried to stop you, you didn’t. I can’t wait to spend so much time with you, Nina. We’ll raise as many cats together as you wish. I…” Roy choked on his words, tears beginning to flow, “I love you so much that this room isn’t enough to contain it. I care about you to infinity, and I can’t wait to be a part of yours for as long as you wish.”
Sister Helga grabbed the box of tissues once again, but Nina grabbed a tissue to wipe Roy’s face before throwing it away.
“I feel the same way as you. I never thought that you were someone I’d end up loving so deeply. Even as your mother tried to break us apart, you refused to let her. You helped me by providing a safe space, a shoulder to cry on, and encouraged me to ask the clergy to help us with her. I know it must be hard for you, but hopefully one day… one day we shall have our families bond together. You’ve been an awesome uncle to my nieces and nephews, and I know that if we have a kid you will be one cool dad. But for now, we can take care of a kitty or two.” Nina recited her vows, looking at Roy with nothing but love within her eyes.
Sister Helga nodded, as a young man around Patchouli’s age walked up with two gold bands upon the purple cushion the church provides for all weddings. His blond hair was pushed back in a braid, with a matching sunset-themed dress shirt and pants. He offered the cushion to the couple, who took the wedding bands and placed them upon each other.
Once the young man walked toward the flower girl, likely his little sister, Sister Helga continued her speech.
“And now, with vows recited and bands exchanged,” she extended her hands forward, taking in a breath, “I now declare both of you married under the watchful gaze of Gimle.”
Nina and Roy tackled each other in a hug, and the room erupted into applause. Attendees from both halves got up to clap, and began talking to one another. Patchouli walked up to the couple, who rushed up to her.
Roy bowed at her, with Nina giving her a gentle hug. “Thank you, Minister, for helping us. I know my mom cut you with a knife, are you okay?” Roy asked.
Patchouli nodded, “Don’t worry about me, sir! I’m just glad that the wedding went on without much problem! My kind is well known for our regenerative capabilities, and us clergy know some minor healing magic. Wouldn’t want to stain the church with blood, wouldn’t I?”
Nina shook her head, “Still though, we thank you from the bottom of our souls. I remember when I first met you that you were scared of newcomers. You’ve grown so much over the past decade, we couldn’t be more proud of you.”
It’s truly been that long since she arrived? The years felt like they’ve flown by for Patchouli, so much so that she forgot how much she grew. Growing past the trauma of her old home, growing to learn to love journaling again, and growing to care for those around her deeply.
Now that Patchouli thinks about it, how is her older sister? Primrose promised to try and reunite with her again one day, and it’s been ten years since then. Should she start trying to find her sister again? It would be difficult to find a starting point, it won’t be easy. Maybe Patchouli should get a social media account or two, even if it’s just to lurk.
For now though, the wedding went on without much issue. Once the attendees clear the church, she plans on helping to clean up the main hall and putting everything away. Until then, she can socialize with the people as much as she wants or as little as she wants.
#skel's original works#skel writes patchouli's revenge#Patchouli's Revenge#writers of tumblr#autistic writer#writeblr#writers on tumblr#original story#Patchouli Gimle#btw I almost started crying on stream while writing the part where the couple exchange their vows#I uh... got emotional
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writers, stop apologizing for your genre. fantasy is valid. fanfiction is valid. your self-indulgent coffee shop au? also valid.
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So close LibreOffice! The word I was looking for was arsenal.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
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The Mercenary and the Medic: Series Masterlist
Series Synopsis: Ailith (Reader Insert Character) stumbles into the Lost Light while on her ship, attempting to reach a hospital orbiting her planet's moon in order to get treatment for her wounds. She ends up needing to stay there until her wounds heal and her stitches can be removed. While there, she ends up befriending (and potentially romances) the future Autobot CMO.
A Vessel, A Stranger, an Experiment
A Question, A Scar-Covered Body, A Sister?
A Body So Stubborn
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A Body So Stubborn (Mercenary! Reader fic Pt. 3)
Barely winning against making the TFP bots learn about the horrors of endometriosis, it's the 3rd part to my First Contact AU fic (though it barely feels like one anymore). I ended up splitting this into two parts because this is like 5 pages in the Google Doc.
Warnings/Tags: Injuries, blood, hospitals, mentions of unethical experiments, Megatron experiencing remorse for something he had no actual involvement in, mentions of dead parental figures, Prowl shows up I guess
Word Count: 2050
The third part is finally here! I was going to draw something for it, but I'm currently working on my 2.0 model (Vtubing stuff) so I pushed that off to the side.
“So,” the Cybertronian on the screen tilted his head, “you found a human in a solar system that, as far as our knowledge, has no humans on it?”
“Until now,” Ultra Magnus replied, “according to the files, she was brought to this place at eighteen months old, therefore her connection to her species is nonexistent. She appears to be the only human who’s lived here for any large period of time.”
“There are, however, a group of humans currently on the local planet right now. According to Skids, they’re here to help establish an interspecies alliance. Along with that,” Ultra Magnus showed his datapad; two similar human women on the screen were shown in separate images, “one of the humans of the group appears to have a strong physical resemblance to the one we found. Not only that, she claims that her sister was abducted at eighteen months old twenty years ago.”
“Interesting,” his blue optics flickered, “it’s too similar a connection to be a coincidence. Is Ailith on the Lost Light? I’d like to see her condition for myself.”
“First Aid brought her to the clinic her ship’s coordinates were originally at, Prowl. Once she’s back, I’ll contact you again.”
“Very well. Goodbye for now.” The video feed of the officer ended, and Ultra Magnus sighed. Did he expect to have a human on board the Lost Light? Not at all. However, this is an injured human, and as he was the one who realized that there was an injured organic on board, he felt the slightest feeling of responsibility over her despite never actually seeing her in person.
Ultra Magnus walked out of the communication room, seeing the Co-Captains talking amongst themselves. Once they noticed the officer, they turned to him.
“What did Prowl say?” Megatron asked.
“He’s not sure about how and why a human would be here prior to any intergalactic relations being established. He also wanted to see her for himself, but she’s at the clinic right now. That, and I don’t know how she’d feel around him of all ‘Bots.”
Rodimus laughed. “I’m sure she’ll be fine, as long as we tell her first. It’s not like Ailith can fight in her current state.”
“I doubt that, Captain.” Magnus rebutted, “She’s adapted quickly to her current situation. Too quickly, if you ask me. Along with that, the planet she lives on has weapons designed to defeat Cybertronians. I’m confident that she has at least one weapon in her arsenal that she can use to defeat us if she truly wants to.”
“I know about those weapons.” Megatron said, Rodimus slowly turning with a horrified look. “I remember sending a team to this planet some thirty years prior because of potential energon deposits. The people used the remains of one of the ‘Cons I sent to reverse engineer weapons and other equipment that gave them an advantage. In fact, this might be the cause of Ailith’s subspaces as well. They could’ve tried creating subspaces, and tried to implement them on organic creatures. Including those from Earth.”
“Are you implying that it might be your fault for what happened to Ailith?” Rodimus asked.
“Who else could be to blame?”
“Let’s not dwell on that for too long, Captains.” Ultra Magnus looked at the datapad, “You didn’t know about the experiments until now, correct? Then it’s likely she doesn’t know either. First Aid said that Ailith’s been cleared to return to the Lost Light for recovery, so when she comes back you can ask her.”
“Do we have instructions on what to do?” Megatron asked.
“According to First Aid, it’s best to keep her from doing anything too strenuous. This includes training and combat. Along with that, she can only walk short distances. Her stitches are to remain for fourteen cycles total. Two cycles have passed, so that makes it twelve. As long as she doesn’t strain herself too much, she’ll be alright.” Magnus informed them.
“But who should she be with while she’s recovering? She’s smaller than Tailgate, literally half his height!” Rodimus asked.
“First Aid’s been taking care of her all this time, correct? Why not make a temporary space in his habsuite for her so he can make sure she’s recovering without complications?” Megatron suggested.
“That makes sense. As he’s one of the medics, he can treat her quickly if she gets injured.” Ultra Magnus agreed. ���According to Drift and Ratchet, he’s been non-stop worrying over Ailith. It should be reassuring to him if she’s nearby.”
“Hmm…” Rodimus frowned, “Fine. Tell First Aid, and ask Skids and Velocity to get some stuff for her before we get back, I doubt we have anything right now to make sure she can have a smooth recovery.”
“I already asked them, Rodimus. They should be gathering some items right now with the help of someone that might be Ailith’s twin sister.”
“Great! I’m going to talk to Ratchet now. We’ll talk again later.” Rodimus turned on his heel and left the other two mechs standing there.
The cycle in the hospital came and went. And now, you need to return to the Lost Light for the rest of your recovery. You would’ve protested if it wasn’t Aunt Daule who said that. Instead, you just sighed.
“So, I'm going to spend twenty or more days with them as I recover?” you asked.
Aunt Daule nodded. You understood that the clinic was pretty busy, so if they could they would have anyone who can recover outside the clinic so they can have space for those whose conditions are more severe, they would.
“Welp,” you slapped your knees, “I guess I’ll be stuck with that lot for a while. I’m fine with that though, I need to learn more about them in case I need to defeat a Cybertronian.”
Daule chuckled. “You talk just like your guardian. I remember hearing her many exploits back when they tried to take over our planet and failed, mostly when she charged in without hesitation. She’d use her magnetic grappling hook and a blade, get close to an exposed cable and slice it open. I’m glad to see you’ve inherited her fighting spirit.”
Both faces went solemn. Such goes the usual conversations whenever anyone brings up your first guardian. “It’s been almost five years, hasn’t it? Thirty-five more days until the anniversary.”
“Do you plan on going to her memorial?” you asked.
“Of course. I am, after all, Salva’s sister. It wouldn’t make sense for me to not visit the grave of a family member once in a while.” Aunt Daule answered.
“But that’s in more than a month. For now,” Aunt Daule patted your head, “make sure to focus on recovering. No straining yourself, alright?”
You nodded, and with your aunt’s arms as support you walked to the waiting room. You made sure to hold onto the box Makayla gifted you.
First Aid was already there, along with Tailgate. You walked to them, albeit with a slight limp.
“What are you holding?” Tailgate asked.
“It’s something from her sister.” First Aid answered for you.
“Did you meet her?” he asked again.
“She only came to drop off an injured friend the cycle before First Aid brought Ailith here.” Aunt Daule replied, “We did genetic testing, and they’re almost completely identical. After the testing she gave me the box Ailith is holding right now.”
Tailgate seemed fascinated. Do cybertronians have siblings, or is that an unfamiliar concept to them?
“Regardless of that, here,” Daule gave First Aid a document, “these are the instructions that should help with assisting Ailith in her recovery. She has a copy too, stored in her subspace.”
You nodded at what Aunt Daule said.
“We’ll return in twelve cycles, Dr. Daule!” First Aid said, picking you up. At this point, you’re used to being held by him. Aunt Daule waved, and the three of you departed.
Entering the pod, First Aid set you in a place that was relatively stable for you to sit down. While he piloted the pod back, Tailgate looked over at you.
“What’s in that box? You’ve been holding onto it this whole time.” he asked.
“Stuff from my twin that she asked Aunt Daule to give me. There’s a few pictures, including one of my niece who I just found out exists.” you replied, “Other than that, there’s some clothes.”
Tailgate tilted his head. “A niece?”
“The daughter of a sibling. In my case, my niece is the daughter of my older sister, Chloe MacArthur. I’m not sure if Cybertronians know about the concept of siblings, though.”
“Ooooooh,” Tailgate nodded, “sometimes sparks split in two. That’s the closest we have to siblings. Those are almost identical though.”
So, they sometimes have twins. Identical twins, just like you and Makayla.
“When we get back, I’ll show you the pictures.” you promised.
The pod slowed to a stop, and the door opened. Ratchet and… a cyan Cybertronian? He had red eyes and accents. His helmet was black, with two horn-adjacent finials extending out from the sides.
“Fortress Maximus,” First Aid exclaimed, “I’m surprised that you’re here!” He picked you up as well, placing you on the Cybertronian equivalent of his right shoulder blade before walking up to the two larger mechs.
“You must be Ailith,” the cyan mech put a hand over his chest, “I’m Fortress Maximus. The others informed me of your condition. I’m surprised you even survived the injuries Ratchet informed me that you have.”
You shrugged, “Eh. I’ve been operated on without painkillers and fully conscious. A few slashes and bullets aren’t that bad.”
Oops, you overshared. Fortress Maximus AND Ratchet are looking at you in horror. First Aid tensed up.
“Out of all things you could’ve said… Wait, you were fully conscious? Wouldn’t that hurt?”
Fuck it. You did this to yourself, nothing to hide now. “No shit it hurt! I still have the memory of seeing my intestines on hooks while they put that thing inside me, and when they put the subspaces on my body. As they did for all the other experiments.”
“That’s horrible!” If Cybertronians could cry, Tailgate would be doing that right now. “I can’t believe that anyone would do that, especially to a child!”
“Anyway,” Ratchet spoke before anyone could say anything, “First Aid, the captains assigned her to your habsuite so her recovery can be monitored closely. Skids and Velocity acquired some items to make sure Ailith’s comfortable.”
First Aid nodded, “I’ll bring her to my habsuite, then.” And so, he walked past the two taller mechs.
He’s been holding you for a while now, should you say something? It’s probably better to say something.
“You know you don’t have to carry me everywhere, right?” you asked him.
First Aid’s vocalizer choked, “I- You’re just small, that’s all! Most of the ‘Bots might not realize you’re there since you’re so tiny! Also, you’re still recovering from your wounds. Dr. Daule said that you shouldn’t walk too much as the leg wound recovers, right?”
“Touche.” You felt his grip on your thigh tighten slightly, as if he’s doubling down on keeping you right where you were. It’s understandable though, organic species compared to hulking machines are so delicate, especially those with injuries or preexisting medical conditions.
The rest of the walk was done in silence, which was fine with you. Talking isn’t exactly your best skill, after all. After First Aid went to his habsuite, he placed you on the desk that didn’t have much on it, but that’s something that you didn’t really care about. There were a few soft blankets and a few pillows, likely things the two others Ratchet mentioned. What were their names again? Velocity and… Skids?
Why is that name familiar? You swear that you knew someone who was called Skids. Your caretaker mentioned a large mechanical being with that name who helped save you from that facility, transporting you both to Aunt Daule so you could get treated. You’re pretty sure you bled on him, is he mad about it?
Oh well, it can’t be helped. You’ll find out after you sleep. Cautiously crawling into the blanket pile, you wrapped one of them around you before laying down. “I’m going to bed, see you later.”
First Aid nodded, “Please rest well.”
#transformers x reader#transformers#maccadam#autistic writer#mercenary!reader#first aid x reader#mtmte skids#mtmte tailgate#fortress maximus#mtmte ratchet#mtmte rodimus#mtmte megatron#midwestern behavior
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Reblog if you’re OK with people sending you asks about your OCs, ‘sonas or even about yourself
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Imagine the Decepticon's with a human Vtuber S/o who is a live streamer who streams video games whilst hiding her real face behind a robot mecha girl avatar who she created by herself in blender and rendered it
Maybe the Decepticon's thought her "avatar" was a real Autobot or some shit so they kidnapped her before they realized it was just a human using an animated 3d avatar with face tracking and full body tracking equipment, and She love's to fuck around with unreal engine.
(Also her streams are a bit like CodeMiko's stream where she has these bits dono features where if you donate a certain amount of bits her avatar gets punched, or she explodes in a fart explosion. yk that type of shit.)
#as a vtuber myself I approve this idea#if I wasn't in a car rn I'd write a little drabble to add to this fic since the idea is just SO GOOD
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#y'all seeing that Fields of Mistria fic while waiting for me to post my Transformers fic#IT IS DONE I JUST FELT LIKE DRAWING AN IMAGE#but I am stucketh with a purring tortie
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Whenever You Need Somebody (March x Farmer)
(This wasn't showing in the tags when I first posted this so I'm reposting it... FOR THE THIRD GOD DAMN TIME)
Kaltain, the new farmer that arrived the previous season, has been running around ragged for as long as the residents have known her. Elsie and Juniper decide to pry into who Kallie might pursue. Also, mild implied Ryis x Farmer.
Warnings: March challenges the farmer to a fight, March being a tsundere as per usual, mild vulgar language
Word Count: 1,044
A/N: Ah yes, my first fanfic for Fields of Mistria. Surprisingly, doesn't include any form of endometriosis! Also I accidentally wrote this in 3rd person and not 2nd person, so the farmer is less of a reader insert and more of her own character this time 'round. Enjoy :3
Ever since Kaltain moved to Mistria, she has been busy every single day. Tending to crops, contributing to the museum, mining, and so many other things that many of the townsfolk wonder how she is able to get everything done within all days she's lived in the town.
"Kallie's such a busybody, isn't she?" Juniper swirled her glass, looking over at the periwinkle-haired farmer. She was discussing something with Olric, who was holding a dagger in his hands.
Elsie nodded, "I've never seen her talk to people that often either," she looked to where Juniper was observing the farmer and Olric, "is she secretly seeing someone?"
Hemlock chuckled from the counter, "Talking about her again?"
Juniper took a sip of her wine, "What's wrong with that? Kallie's quite the enigma, we're just trying to figure things out. Elsie, you're the love expert, why don't you try asking Kallie if she has anyone in mind?"
Elsie smiled, getting up from her seat at the bar to walk over to the farmer and blacksmith. When she tapped Kallie's shoulder, the young woman stopped talking to Olric and turned to Elsie. "Oh, is there anything you need, Miss Elsie?"
"Just call me Elsie, you don't need to be so formal. I saw that blade in Olric's hands, those gemstones inside have such luster! Tell me, how did you get your hands on such a thing?"
Kallie grabbed the dagger from Olric, cautiously showing the gem-studded hilt. "This? Something I was gifted back in my adventuring days. It's an ornamental dagger given to me by some noble I guarded on a route one time. I don't know much about it, so I wanted to ask Olric if he had an inkling of what it's made of."
Olric rubbed the back of his neck, "I've never seen anything like this before. If this was something March made, I would've recognized it. However, all I can tell is that the gemstone over here is Rhondite," he pointed to the center red gem, "and the ones next to it are moonstone! The blade seems to be made with silver, but that's all I could figure out."
Elsie hummed, "That's quite a beautiful thing, and so are those gems! Anyway, I have a question for our dear Kallie, if you have the time."
"Go ahead." Kallie sheathed the dagger before putting it in her bag.
Elsie placed a hand on Kallie's shoulder, "Have you ever been in love before?" The question baffled the farmer, as it was something she never considered. She often kept herself busy enough that love wasn't something actively on her mind.
"I'm no stranger to it, why do you ask?" Kallie raised a brow at the question. Is Elsie plotting something? Trying to play matchmaker?
"Oh, no real reason. Well, I lied," Elsie smiled, "the Shooting Star Festival is in a little more than a week, and I wanted to see if you have anyone in mind to watch the stars with."
Kallie groaned, "You should know my rules by now, I'm not going to romantically pursue anyone until most of the damage from the earthquake is taken care of."
Juniper cackled, "So do all of us here. I know what you're thinking with that, you're thinking of making a full commitment to a partner when you're able to have the time to pursue them."
Taking a sip of her wine, Juniper continued, "You spend a lot of time with March and Ryis. They're both quite strong, I'm sure at least one of them is interested in you."
Kallie growled, "I don't plan on dating someone right now unless they can defeat me in a fight."
"A fight, eh?" And the grumpy blacksmith is here, and so is Ryis. Ryis waved at Kallie with a smile, walking up to her.
"I doubt you'd get that from any other guy than March, if we're going to be honest here." Ryis chuckled, fully knowing of Kallie's notorious reputation back at the Capital. He chose not to tell anyone else, since Kallie likely wanted to put her old life behind her.
March walked up to Kallie as well, "Just to tell you how I'm feeling, I'd fight you even if it was for any other reason. Something for you to understand. I've gotten quite strong over the years, I can take you on."
"You're never gonna give up on trying to be better than me, aren't you?" Kallie's mouth curled into a shit-eating grin, "Well, I hope I don't let you down by saying that adventurers are better combatants than blacksmiths. I'm not letting you run around thinking you're so smug about thinking you can take me on, then desert me when you realize that you're over your head."
Hemlock shouted from the bar, "Don't start fighting in the Inn, you two!"
Kallie stretched her arms above her head, shoulders popping and neck cracking. She was done here, and needed to go back to the farm to go take care of things. "I'm gonna take my leave now. Olric," she patted Olric's shoulder, "thanks for helping me identify the materials of the dagger. Sorry to say goodbye and desert the place, but I have to do stuff at the farm now. See you later!"
With that, she speedwalked to the door, leaving the Inn to go to the farm. March looked over at Juniper and Elsie, who were giving him knowing looks.
"What are you two plotting?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"Oh, nothing!" Elsie waved her hand, "We were just thinking of who Kallie would be with for her first Shooting Star Festival. I think she matches your energy quite nicely, March. Maybe she'll ask you?"
Ryis shook his head, "After all that? She's never been interested in dating anyway. Told me several times."
Juniper smirked, "And how do you that?"
"Oh, just something that came up once." Ryis answered, a bead of sweat on the side of his forehead. There's another reason, but that isn't anyone's business but Kallie, him, and March.
Eventually, the Inn went back to its usual chatter, the earlier conversations easily forgotten. The people of Mistria will eventually find out who Kallie ends up dating anyway. For now though, they won't know.
That's right y'all, this fic was simply an elaborate rickroll. Why did I do this? I was tempted while streaming to do this. Why this fandom specifically? Blame the clown man.
#march fields of mistria#march x farmer#fields of mistria x farmer#fom march#fom ryis#fom elsie#fom juniper#fom hemlock#fom olric#this better show up in the tags because this is the THIRD GODDAMN TIME I'M REPOSTING THIS FIC
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From bsky but this is relevant always and forever
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"should we tell authors on ao3 when we have discord conversations about their fics" i don't speak for everyone here but if y'all ever find a group chat discussing my fics you can should must and WILL send me screenshots of the whole damn thing. inflate my ego. gimme
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Howdy y'all, I'm writing my original story live on Twitch! The second chapter of the prologue is what I'll be writing on stream, then I'll probably do some Webfishing later. Link is in the image if it works, but if it doesn't, go to here.
#the author's ramblings#stream promo#en vtuber#vtubers of tumblr#I need a livestream tag don't I#writing stream
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