#transfemme ruby rose
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 2 months ago
Happy Holidays, ya filthy animals!
Enjoy this art piece, commissioned from the amazing Phinnia, for my RWBY fic We May Fall.
Yes, Weiss is an Arctic Fox faunus in this one, and Ruby is a trans woman.
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PS the version embedded in Chapter 26 doesn't have the little smilies 😉
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celticcatgirl2 · 2 years ago
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“So THAT’S what Jaune would look like on Estrogen? I need him to transition RIGHT FREAKING NOW!!!”
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playinhooky · 2 years ago
some headcanons that made it into The Night We Met because I can't write them all in there, and I'm really only doing it from Glynda's POV:
Summer Rose is the epitome of Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss, who not only cheated on Glynda with her Beard Taiyang, but also cheats on him with Raven.
Ruby has ADHD and is transfemme nonbinary!
I might stick some Freezerburn in the fic later tbh. I like when Blake has a time to be her own person and she gets to have more time to rediscover herself and her social justice.
Beacon doesn't fall! the ripple effect of Summer being alive changes so many things, and that's been interesting to explore!
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bistrocule · 1 month ago
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[ ↑ We make our own pixel art, you should request some ↑ ]
Collective name is SOA, collective pronouns are it/its and he/him [and any alternative spellings of he/him: hy/hym(n), hx/hxm, etc.], NO they/them and NO it&/you& type pronouns. Also, masculine terms, and the most important blacklist, NO human terms.
We are a bunch of Bistro Huddy fictives. This blog is not limited to Bistro Huddy, we just wanted our own group blog, to get away from main, I guess? I don't know, I wasn't consulted. [-Terry]
We don't have a DNI, but we'll say BYF we're pro-endo and there's a lot of NSFW and gore here. Also if we're on your DNI and you follow us, we will softblock you, but we still don't care if you interact outside of following.
You should read this fanfic and check out @bistrohubbies [the author, they're really cool and make awesome fanart] [-Terry+Avery]
Headmate list and tagging system under the cut.
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[ Name - emoji - pronouns - gendered terminology - age ]
-- Terry Alderidge - 🐻 - he/it - masculine - 46-54 - Also goes by Teddy and Sparrow. Used to have the names Scott Spruce and Gilbert Douglas, but I went back to Terry [and took my wife's last name]. - Married to Rosalie. - Described by wife as a "sexy Southern sadistic sodomite" and a "cute cuddly cannibal". Which people seem to enjoy. [-Terry]
-- Clary - 🎆 - they/them - feminine + neutral - 23 - Transfemme non-binary fictive of the mixologist. - Fun fact: They hastily chose the name Clary as an alternative spelling of our ship name, clerry. They thought they would change it later, but they turnt out to actually like it. [-Terry]
-- Rosalie Alderidge - 🍓 - she/her - feminine - 29-34 - Rosie, Rose. - Previously Beau (he/him). - Fictive of Brad. - Married to Terry. - Look at her art.
-- Ezra Owens - 🍾 - he/him - masculine - 26 - Fictive of Clint, the mixologist. - The hottest, conventionally speaking.
-- Nicole - 🎇 - she/hxr - feminine - 26 - That's she/her and shx/hxr, to be clear. - Fun fact: She's the one that made this blog. The icon is hxr personal icon; the original username was bistrosapphic. That changed very quickly. [-Terry]
-- Deenie - 🍭 - xe/it/ask - neutral + feminine - 22-25 - Fictive of Pickles. - Married to Jasmine. - Host of Kandi.kafe, a P-DID [sub]system that came with xem.
-- Jasmine - 🦋 - she/it - feminine - 28 - Fictive of Nico. - Married to Deenie.
-- Joey Cattaneo - 🥩 - she/hxr/hyrs - feminine - 26 - Feminine terms except for "mom". Trick calls hxr "dad" and hyr natalgenic kids call her "nonna". - Very canon-divergent, but still very source connected. - Married to Trick and Avery.
-- Trick Cattaneo - 🧨 - he/it/xy - masculine - 29-31 - xy/xym/xys/xymself [pronounced he/him] - Trick is canonically short for Patrick. Do not call him that. - Married to Joey [Cattaneo], Avery, Strade and Ames.
-- Avery Dean-Cattaneo - 🦌 - he/it - masculine - 26-29 - Fictive of Terry. - Married to Joey [Cattaneo], Trick and Strade.
-- Strade Führer-Cattaneo - 🔗 - he/it/rot/gore+ - masculine - 38-41 - Metafictive of Strade from Boyfriend to Death. - Honorary bistroculean because... - Married to Trick, Avery and Ames.
-- Ruby - she/it/dyke - feminine - 31 - Exofactive in Kandi.kafe subsys.
-- Amber - she/they - feminine - 24 - Exofactive in Kandi.kafe subsys.
-- Spencer - 🥂 - he/it - masculine - 23-29 - Exofactive of Bridgette in Kandi.kafe subsys. - Married to Joey [de Luca]. - Nothing to do with the Bistro Huddy character Spencer, just a name.
-- Joey de Luca - 💥 - he/it - masculine - 38-44 - Exofactive in Kandi.kafe subsys. - Married to Spencer.
-- Ames Dean-Geisterklon - 🐴 - he/it - masculine - 26-29 - Ghost clone of Avery. - Therefore another fictive of Terry. - Married to Strade and Trick.
We're all dating, hence the bistrocule.
There are also some that will not be active. Taylor who's left, and the kids.
-- Taylor - 🍹 - he/him - masculine - 28 - Fictive of Clint, again. - He may be mentioned, but he left front immediately. [-Terry]
-- Benjamin Jackson Alderidge - 🐐 - he/him - masculine - Benji or Jack. - Parents are Terry and Rose. Terry carried.
-- Bellamy Rose Alderidge - 🫐 - she/her - feminine - Bella, Bell/Belle, Bee - Parents are Terry and Rose. Rose carried.
-- Laurence Cattaneo - 🪬 - he/him - masculine - Parents are Joey and Avery + Trick. Joey carried. - Twins with Laurel.
-- Laurel Cattaneo - 🫒 - she/her - feminine - Parents are Joey and Avery + Trick. Joey carried. - Twins with Laurence.
-- Pickles - it/they - neutral - 7 - Not an introject; Little in the Kandi.kafe subsystem. - Here, will be mentioned, not allowed to front. - Adopted by Joey de Luca; others also play caretaker naturally, but JD is the dad.
Rosie and Terry plan to have more kids, and Trick plans to have kids with Joey and Avery. So, there will be more.
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We tag 'nsfw' but not 'nsft'. Could be a wide range of things, just as on SOoC.
We will, however, also separately tag 'gore' if that comes up. When it does, it's usually of the sexual nature in some way.
'oh lookie! an ask!' -> Ask post tag
'context now included!' -> When we reblog @syscord-out-of-context posts with the context. Also used for things we've submitted to culture-is or similar blogs.
// text // -> Tagged commentary, slashes are a visual indicator. This started on SOoC.
Name (pro/nouns) -> The headmate making the post, including on reblogs, for commentary tags or our own future reference.
name.kafe (pro/nouns) → Same as above but for the Kandi.kafe subsystem.
-- Coming to you live from XX Month 2025! -- -> When tagged commentary was added at a date later than the post was initially made.
'formaledecore' + 'forestcore' -> For friends of ours. Alternative to @ tagging their blogs in every post.
'bistro huddy' tag will only be used for fandom posts, not for posts just talking about being fictives from it.
'character: name' and 'ship: name x name' for Bistro Huddy fandom posts.
'rebagel' is for 'self' reblogs. May or may not be the same individual, but, reblogging this blog back to this blog. Does not include culture-is submissions, posts from other blogs like SOoC, or posts that we have previously participated in but at root are not ours.
'bistro.txt' -> Original posts. Non-reblogs. Not always 'text' but, we don't care.
'bistro.png' → Original art posts. Only art, not just images. Mostly pixel art.
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greenteaandtattoos · 4 years ago
Ruby 🤝 Blake 🤝 Yang 🤝 Ren 🤝 Summer 🤝 Oscar 🤝 Penny
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celticcatgirl2 · 1 year ago
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“Okay so Ranma 1/2 didn’t age PERFECTLY it was the best representation we had back in MY day….”
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celticcatgirl2 · 1 year ago
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“So which anime girl cracked YOUR egg?”
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