vocalux · 2 months
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— TransForcedMarriedAU [ Trans-Forced-Married-AU ]
when an individual wants to live / identifies as living in an AU where it was forced to get married !
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headmates-for-you · 23 days
Request not on source list -
- May I please request Error! Sans introject? He doesn’t have to be super close to source if you’re unfamiliar with it, you can just go off of the vibes he gives off <3
- I hope you have a good rest of your time !
I went entirely off of vibes -👻
Name(s): Error
Nickname(s): Rory
Age(s): ageslider 24-27
Pronouns: it/its, glitch/glitches, virus/viruses, lag/lags, data/datas, wire/wires, cor/corrupt/corruptself, he/him
Gender(s): cursedwebic, viruscoric, nightwebic, webcoric, cybersoulon, virtualthing, deadthing
Orientation(s): panromantic demi-polysexual
TransID(s): transglitch, transvirus, transAU, transreality, transtech, transvirtual, transdead, transharmful, transmanipulative
Source(s): Error!Sans
Paras: mild sadism, fictophilia
Emoji signoff: 💾👾 or 🖥👾
Positive trigger(s): old video games, game glitches, broken cartridges
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fakeagatha · 4 years
omg pls do trans kiri i beg of you
Aight so here's a part 2
Kirishima identifies as a trans male. Like Midoriya, he knew from a young age.
He was lucky enough to have gotten all kinds of surgeries from a young age as his parents were supportive of him.
He was so proud of finally having a flat chest, he had requested not to have a shirt in his hero outfit as it also helps with his quirk.
He is also obsessed with being masculine and calls pretty much everything manly.
That doesn't mean he doesn't like womenly things though, just not on him.
The only people who know about this are Bakugo and Kaminari and trusts them not to mention anything as he thinks if people know they won't consider him as manly.
But of course class 1-A would consider it as even manlier :)
Again, Denki is a trans male.
He hasn't gotten any surgery as unfortunately his parents are not the most supportive.
He knew from middle school, and him and Kirishima were friends since then (fanon) and so once Kaminari told him he surprised him with a binder for his birthday.
It's also a reason to why he can be really pervy flirty since he feels like it can hide the fact that he is trans.
Eventually he told Sero as they began dating (or Shinso whoever you ship him with)
The only every issue he had was changing in the locker rooms, but Sero and Kirishima stood in front of him so no one could see
This man lady identifies as a trans woman.
Everyone thinks that she was just a gay man, but deep down she was trans.
She only wore bras in private or around people who knew, those people were Iida, Midoriya, Shoji and Ashido.
She did use a safe method to cover up the eggplant (what do I call it-)
As people already thought she was just a gay man, it was easier for her to be able to behave like a woman in front of people.
Ashido totally haves sleepovers with her and she will paint her nails and it's epic
Anyway that's all I have for now, sorry it was pretty short
Please be sure to either comment or send an ask for any character you want (for this or a fic or anything) :)
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soft-samu · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Genderbend AU
(haikyuu trans au x fem! reader - pt.1 Tadashi Yamaguchi sample, tw; trans slur ahead please enjoy)
Tadashi woke up in a cold sweat for the forth night in a row, she looked over to her right and noticed a (h/c) haied girl sleeping in a chair next to her. She looked around and realized this was not her room. Then she remembered... “mom, I’m a girl..” “what is that supposed to be? a joke?? well its not funny” “no mom, I’m serious...I really don’t feel comfortable in my body. I’m a girl” “No- I didn’t raise my son to be a tranny” Yamaguchi winced at the word son, she always had. She never really felt right being called a boy and now she new why. “mom I mean it- I’m serious! You always wanted a girl anyways, so what so wrong about it!” “I don’t care if I don’t have a daughter! I have my son..I have you..” She smiled at her sweetly “No mom,” Her mom quirked a brow as she watched Yamaguchi grab a backpack “You don’t have a son anymore, and now you wont even have a daughter.” Yamaguchi quickly opened the door and left and never looked back.
Yamaguchi grabbed her phone off the side table and read all the messages she had from not only her friends but her mom. The one’s from her friends were mostly “we love you”’s and “we’re always here!” which made her smile. and the ones from her mom weren’t that nice. Thankfully she turned of her location. Suddenly shuffling was to her right and her head snapped in the direction of the (h/c) haired girl. She looked and Yamaguchi and smiled sleepily.  “good morning Yams, has Kei-kun messaged you yet?” Yamaguchi blushed at the sight of the girl. She sighed assuming the blush was for Tsukishima and not her. “Why won’t you tell me why you ran away..?” She suddenly asked, Yamaguchi looked taken aback. I mean it wasn’t as if she was asking her why she was staying but the intention felt the same. “because you might hate me afterwards”  “hate you why? Yams the only thing you could do to make me hate you is murder someone, if that!” “(name), you don’t understand...” “Yams I probably understand a lot of what could be happening.. I just wished you trusted me more” “I-I do! I do trust you!! Its just- I don’t want to loose the only home I have...” “And you wont!! Yams please just tell-’ “Okay, okay! I’m trans!”  “Oh, that’s it?” “What do you mean thats it..?’ “Well, I don’t see the big deal. So you’re a girl in the wrong body what of it? Yams I love you no matter what and if you need help to raise money for surgeries or anything like that I’ll happily help you!” “Aww (name)” Yamaguchi started to sniffle, and those sniffles slowly turned into a cry “thank you, I love you too!” she smiled and latched on to the girl beside her. “Now lets go get you some new clothes” [btw I’m taking critics, this is my first post but I’d like to get better!]
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transhosuhau · 5 years
Info before we start with chapters
If you see this:
It means timeskip
If you see this:
It means the present.
If you get Italic texts, it's Hosuh's thoughts like this:
If you get bold texts, it's Stephen's thoughts:
Son on a bi- (me: NO)
If you get underlined texts, it's Daniel's thoughts:
What the actual heck.
If it's all type of text like this
It's me! :D
That's all
DanPlan obviously does not belong to me.
If ya don't like gay sh**,
Why the heck are you here..?okay okay bye now.
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maxximatics · 5 years
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Marin ! This is from @wintertundra-art au ! I was bored in the bus so i did this on my phone ! Hope you like it !
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teenwolfficrec · 7 years
Do you have any trans Stiles? It could be mtf but I would love it if you could do ftm. Thank you, I love your blog!
😇👍🏻 thanks love! Have a look at those!
When All the Pieces Fit
Summary: “Does he even realize? With the cooking and cleaning andandand—now this fucking baby?” Isaac fumes.
Said baby waves its fist in the air, and Stiles bends to haul him onto a hip. The baby babbles something and Stiles nods his head with complete seriousness, as if everything out of its mouth is perfectly sensible and coherent. Then the kid starts mouthing at Stiles’ nipple through his dress and everyone goes dead silent.
“I’m going to wife him so hard,” Ethan announces, and they all break out into argument over who has the best chance at mating the boy in the river.
Read Here!
Bloodsport (Brothers)
Summary: “Uncle Derek, swans only have one partner their whole life,” Junior explains as Derek pulls on his clothes. “If their partner dies, they can pass away from a broken heart, you know.” Derek looks down at the kid through the mirror as he brushes his teeth. He spits into the sink. “Wolves also mate for life, Uncle Derek. And Mommy’s not a swan or a wolf, but he’s an omega, and sometimes I think he gets so sad that Daddy’s not here anymore that one day he might not wake up.”
In which Derek is an ex-fighter, ex-con, ex-brother. And then Stiles and his rambunctious sons crash into his world and make everything a helluva lot more awesome.
Read Here!
Dude, bro
Summary: “It’s Mister Stilinski,” Stiles repeats. “That- uh. There’s a mistake. On the paperwork. It’s Mister.” That was all it was. Just a mistake on the paperwork. On the school records and his birth certificate and his social security card. On all the paperwork. But still, just a mistake. That’s what his therapists said. His cells had made a little mistake but it isn’t disgusting or wrong or sick. He isn’t a mistake. Just the papers. His body.
Read Here!
Not Stella
Summary: Stiles isn’t Stella. He never was. Not even when people thought he was. He’s Stiles.
His biggest hope is that his soul mate’s wrist says his name.
His biggest fear is that his soul mate’s wrist says her name.
Read Here!
The Parts and the Whole
Summary:Derek accidentally finds out something about Stiles.
Read Here!
A Blessing and a Curse
Summary: “Won’t you tell me what’s wrong, Gizheurann?” Mom asks when she finds you sobbing beneath the apple tree. The sound of your name only makes you cry harder. You hate it, like you hate everything about yourself, right now.
Stiles has always thought he was under a curse. Fortunately or unfortunately, he’s not the only one.
Read Here!
-> Follow me for more fic recs!
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bukatra · 2 years
Wait hold up. Im seeing a lot on my dash that the little kid from Umbrella Academy is Transgender? And changed his name from one season to another? Is this canon or just a common transAU headcanon? Because awhile back I stumbled on the transPeter Parker headcanon and got super disappointed. I mean, i haven't seen a single episode of Umbrella Academy and i wont start now, but id like to know if a major character of a big fandom like Umbrella Academy is canonically trans.
Edit: so aparently this is true! Apparently the actor is Elliot Page and while he was fine with continuing to play a female character, the writers decided to instead add it as a plotline and make the character transition as well. Which is awesome. I still probably won't watch Umbrella Academy though. I have such a long list of shows i have to watch i wouldn't be able to finish it anyway. But I am very happy to hear this!
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digital-magus · 4 years
MacCready: So what’s that you’ve got in your pants, Hancock?
TransAU!Hancock: MacCready! I didn’t think you were interested... not like most smooth-skins can tell the difference on a ghoul anyway.
MacCready: Uh, thanks, but actually I was talking about that bag in your pocket labeled “definitely not chems”.
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cactusbunni · 4 years
the transau tag on tiktok is really something. you know like you can just say a character is trans u don’t have to make an au for it right? and also have you ever met like a trans person in real life i mean... please all these cis kids making trans trauma porn i canttt ggdgdhfh “did deku cut her hair OMG...” there was one with the danger meter going up to 100% while the bakugou cosplayer tucked a rainbow flag in the belt i ggjffhhf
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okitnoburemaking · 4 years
Hey anon remember when you said something about "transau" on tiktok
look at what showed up on my fyp 😭😭
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llazyneiph · 6 years
keeping with the transition updates:
I have my first psych appointment today, I mean I've been to one before but not for this. I was super excited for weeks and then last right I asked on transAUS reddit about my doctor and no one knew about him. Which isn’t a good sign.
So i’m nervous as all hell and quite frankly dreading it. I hope it goes well, or even just okay tbh.
The main goal is to get on the path to be prescribed HRT... but something tells me this doctor isn’t going to help me with that.
The only other doctor I can see has a 7 month wait... I’m honestly just looking at self-medicating until then?? Its dangerous but tbh I dont really care atm.
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lanhuong247 · 3 years
Lời nguyền kim cương máu đáng sợ như thế nào?
Lời hứa hẹn về sự trù phú, hiện đại kinh tế khi tiến hành khai thác kim cương máu ở Zimbabwe là một cơn ác mộng. Điều này đã phát triển thành vấn nạn nhức nhối khiết vô cùng nhiều cá nhân bị bóc lột tới mức bỏ mạng. Không biết bao nhiêu cây cối sụp đổ và đất đai thêm cằn cỗi.
Lời hứa về thời cơ đổi đời trong lòng đất
Năm 2006, một cơn sốt khoáng sản nổ ra tại Zimbabwe. Đó là khi cánh đồng kim cương Marange được khai thác tự do. Giữa tháng 12 năm 2006, có tới 30.000 thợ khai thác bằng tay tìm đến cánh đồng này với hy vọng đổi đời. Khi các doanh nghiệp khai thác kim cương tự nhiên vừa và nhỏ hứa hẹn về tỷ lệ hoa hồng đầy tham vọng.
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Tuy vậy, ko phải lời hẹn nào cũng là sự thật. Khi nhiều doanh nghiệp chỉ đáp ứng là có công việc cho mọi người. Còn tỷ lệ hoa hồng, là một khái niệm xa vời, theo gió mà bay. Kết quả, trong số 30.000 con người đấy, thì có đến 10.000 thợ là làm việc bất hợp pháp.
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Và điều tất yếu, sự chui lủi của các con người. Là hệ quả của việc lách ra khỏi vòng pháp luật. Điều kiện sinh hoạt thiếu thốn, môi trường làm việc độc hại và tiềm tàng nhiều rủi ro. Ko kể việc tranh chấp khu vực khai thác, thì khủng hoảng về nước, căn nhà ở lẫn thức ăn cũng dần bùng nổ. Thị trường chợ đen xuất hiện, can thiệp vào giữa các công ty, chính quyền và người lao động. Mức giá đưa ra tốt hơn, tiền thu về lại nhiều hơn, lại càng đẩy nhanh sự bất ổn và tạo nên nhiều xáo trộn.
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Sự bất ổn này còn có cả bàn tay của chính quyền, khi các quan chức tham nhũng cũng tham gia. Ưu tiên về chính sách, tạo điều kiện về quyền lợi tạo nên những bất bình với tầng lớp thợ khai thác. Các cuộc xung đột, giao tranh đẫm máu liên tục khiến chính phủ đưa ra nhiều biện pháp mạnh.
Lời nguyền kim cương máu hiệu nghiệm
những tìm ẩn, rủi ro và ảnh hưởng của kim cương máu
Dù phản ứng tiêu cực tới nhường nào, thì hoạt động khai thác vẫn tiếp tục. Không còn rộng rãi, nhưng trá hình và tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro, ảnh hưởng. Cụ thể:
một vài lượng lớn những đứa trẻ bỏ học để săn lùng kim cương. Điều này góp phần tạo nên sự bóc lột sức lao động trẻ em.
Giáo viên, công nhân, lẫn chuyên gia đều bỏ việc để tới mỏ khai thác. Lợi ích trước mắt quá rõ ràng để ra quyết định.
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Hoạt động mại dâm, tấn công tình dục diễn ra phức tạp. HIV, AIDS lan truyền và rộng rãi trong cộng đồng.
Vì tham gia lao động từ sớm, lại không có cơ chế bảo vệ từ pháp luật, mà nhiều bé gái vị thành niên mang thai ngày càng nhiều.
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Hệ quả của việc ấy, là các cá nhân con gái mang con đến mỏ khai thác, làm giảm đi thời cơ học tập cho các đứa trẻ.
các cuộc xung đột bạo lực, có vũ trang diễn ra công khai, thường xuyên. Nhiều cá nhân tham gia lẫn vô tội đều phải bỏ mạng ở cánh đồng Manicaland.
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những khu mỏ được dựng lên nhanh chóng, không có kế hoạch xây dựng và bảo đảm cơ bản. Nên, những vụ ngập lụt, sập hầm diễn ra thường xuyên, khiến cho hàng chục người tử vong theo.
Hoạt động khai thác kim cương máu ở Zimbabwe khiến nền kinh tế châu Phi bị tê liệt. Bởi nhân lực nền tảng đều tập trung khai thác kim cương, và nguồn thu lại đổ vào tay buôn lậu. Căn nhà nước không được hưởng lợi, kinh tế quốc gia không hiện đại.
Sự đàn áp của chính quyền
Tháng 11 năm 2008, chính quyền Zimbabwe bắt đầu triển khai các hoạt động đàn áp. Nhất là thợ và tay buôn lậu bất hợp pháp. Theo đó, có tới hơn 200 người bị sát hại từ trực thăng, gần 300 cá nhân chết do đánh đập. Và chưa kể vô số cuộc đàn áp, bắt bớ đẫm máu khác tấn công lên hầu hết mọi người có ở Marange.
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Cũng trong năm đó, các chính trị gia phe đối lập tuyên bố có lợi ích nhóm trong cuộc đàn áp. Điều này dấy lên một cuộc tranh cãi và chuyển biến phương án kìm hãm sự bất hợp pháp ở Marange. Theo đó, các ai bị phát hiện sở hữu ngoại tệ, hoặc kim cương trong khu vực Marange sẽ bị giam giữ. Và hầu hết mọi cá nhân là thợ, hay con buôn tại Marange đều phải thông qua chính phủ.
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Kế hoạch tái định cư năm 2009
Năm 2009, chính phủ Zimbabwe thông qua kế hoạch tái định cư khoảng 4.700 dân làng từ Chiadzwa tới trang trại Transau. Dù rằng thống đốc tỉnh Manicaland nói rằng có sự ủng hộ. Nhưng dân làng lại phản đối kịch liệt việc này. Động thái tái định cư này được xem là biện pháp dọn đường. Với mục đích để tiến hành khai thác triệt để kim cương tại cánh đồng kim cương Manicaland.
tới năm 2012, báo cáo từ Hiệp hội Luật sư Môi trường Zimbabwe (ZELA) cho rằng nước ở Manicaland đã bị nhiễm độc. Cụ thể hơn, hoạt động khai thác tại mỏ đang giải phóng một lượng hóa chất độc hại, nguy hiểm vào sông Save. Điều này tạo nên một làn sóng phản ứng tiêu cực. Tác động đến Anjin, Diamond Mining Corporation và Marange Resources.
những hệ lụy từ Manicaland khiến chức năng của kim cương máu ngày càng trở nên mờ nhạt và phi đạo đức. Đặc biệt, việc buôn lậu, thiếu kiểm định làm thị trường kim cương chịu nhiều tổn thất. Lựa chọn những viên kim cương không có kiểm định GIA không phải là chọn lựa tốt. Nó lại cổ súy, thúc đẩy các lời nguyền đáng sợ. Như phương thức đã tấn công Zimbabwe với nhiều đau thương.
lời khuyên thay thế kim cương tự nhiên ngày nay là gì?
ngày nay kim cương tự nhiên không còn là lời khuyên phù hợp vì mức giá quá cao, thay vào đó người dùng chắc hẳn chọn lựa Moissanite có vẻ đẹp và đặc tính tương đồng đầy đủ hoàn toàn kim cương tự nhiên nhưng có mức giá tốt hơn vô cùng nhiều.
Source: https://jemmia.vn/loi-nguyen-kim-cuong-mau-o-zimbabwe
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zambianobserver · 3 years
Man Kills Colleague For Allegedly Chewing His Wife
A 37 year old Zimbabwean man is in police custody after he killed his colleague on the accusations that he had a secret affair with his wife. The suspect has been identified as Hamabungu Nherere while the deceased’s name as been withheld. It is reported that the two men were working at a gold mine Odzi, Arda Transau, Manicaland pronvince. Hamabungu appeared before High Court judge Justice Isaac…
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suckawara · 7 years
One thing I’ll never understand is the transAUs, but hey: I won’t be a dick about it.There are some REALLY good artworks with it and just hands down to anyone making this piece of art. Just because I don’t like it, doesn’t mean I need to talk shit about it.
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estrangedfroggy · 4 years
Vape? Nah trans rights.
TRANS RIGHTS FROM A NONBINARY BITCH! Also is it unhealthy to make a bunch of characters rom shiws trans? Lik Jotaro form jjba and Connor from dbh plus many more?
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