soft-samu · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Genderbend AU
(haikyuu trans au x fem! reader - pt.1 Tadashi Yamaguchi sample, tw; trans slur ahead please enjoy)
Tadashi woke up in a cold sweat for the forth night in a row, she looked over to her right and noticed a (h/c) haied girl sleeping in a chair next to her. She looked around and realized this was not her room. Then she remembered... “mom, I’m a girl..” “what is that supposed to be? a joke?? well its not funny” “no mom, I’m serious...I really don’t feel comfortable in my body. I’m a girl” “No- I didn’t raise my son to be a tranny” Yamaguchi winced at the word son, she always had. She never really felt right being called a boy and now she new why. “mom I mean it- I’m serious! You always wanted a girl anyways, so what so wrong about it!” “I don’t care if I don’t have a daughter! I have my son..I have you..” She smiled at her sweetly “No mom,” Her mom quirked a brow as she watched Yamaguchi grab a backpack “You don’t have a son anymore, and now you wont even have a daughter.” Yamaguchi quickly opened the door and left and never looked back.
Yamaguchi grabbed her phone off the side table and read all the messages she had from not only her friends but her mom. The one’s from her friends were mostly “we love you”’s and “we’re always here!” which made her smile. and the ones from her mom weren’t that nice. Thankfully she turned of her location. Suddenly shuffling was to her right and her head snapped in the direction of the (h/c) haired girl. She looked and Yamaguchi and smiled sleepily.  “good morning Yams, has Kei-kun messaged you yet?” Yamaguchi blushed at the sight of the girl. She sighed assuming the blush was for Tsukishima and not her. “Why won’t you tell me why you ran away..?” She suddenly asked, Yamaguchi looked taken aback. I mean it wasn’t as if she was asking her why she was staying but the intention felt the same. “because you might hate me afterwards”  “hate you why? Yams the only thing you could do to make me hate you is murder someone, if that!” “(name), you don’t understand...” “Yams I probably understand a lot of what could be happening.. I just wished you trusted me more” “I-I do! I do trust you!! Its just- I don’t want to loose the only home I have...” “And you wont!! Yams please just tell-’ “Okay, okay! I’m trans!”  “Oh, that’s it?” “What do you mean thats it..?’ “Well, I don’t see the big deal. So you’re a girl in the wrong body what of it? Yams I love you no matter what and if you need help to raise money for surgeries or anything like that I’ll happily help you!” “Aww (name)” Yamaguchi started to sniffle, and those sniffles slowly turned into a cry “thank you, I love you too!” she smiled and latched on to the girl beside her. “Now lets go get you some new clothes” [btw I’m taking critics, this is my first post but I’d like to get better!]
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soft-samu · 4 years
Welcome :))
Hello! My names Arrow/Nyx idrc what you call me, and this is my tumblr!! Here I will write short stories, scenarios and many other things!  Most stories might start to be published on other platforms like ao3 or wattpad (by me) when I feel like I have enough written! anyway I hope you enjoy!!
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