#trans woman prussia
proosh · 1 year
post the meta op - @ludwigbeilschmidts (and tag me pls)
As requested, @ludwigbeilschmidts;
So it took me a bit to figure this out, but I've decided to approach this as a general analysis and brief overview from my perspective so you're going to have to forgive me for being a bit rambling lmao
(Cw for discussions of historical gender and misogyny)
One of the things that struck me when doing research that Prussia was, as a nation, pretty weird in its concept of gender. I’ll mostly be focusing on Frederican Prussia here because that has the most meat to chew on and is what I’m most familiar with:
Interpreting Gil as a trans dude (so much as the concept can be applied to an early modern context) puts him in such an interesting position re: the toxic hypermasculine chauvinism of the martial culture of Prussia, and especially the contemporary standards of manhood. Masculinity was a performance and a duty, and within Fritz’ personal circle it was explicitly homosocial, homoerotic, and homosexual — Fritz himself was a raging misogynist to the point he managed to alienate and offend potential allies into turning against him by being a crude and often cruel chauvinist.
It's an interesting point to note that FW1 (Fritz' father) and his brand of extremely austere, no-frills-attached masculinity was, as similar to "modern" misogyny as it is, an aberration for the time. In the 1700s masculinity was - at least in aristocratic circles - very much typified by "effete" homosociality, high levels of personal grooming and pomp, and a personal cultivation of interest in high arts and culture.
It’s that “performance” of masculinity that interests me re: HWS Prussia, and even if he were a cis man I do believe he would be operating under a sense of gender identity that would be foreign and register as “queer” to the modern reader. He’s a soldier so he performs his duty as is expected of him, and I feel like that echoes into the other elements of his identity: gender and sexuality.
Which brings me back to my preference for interpreting him as a trans man within the the context of what he represents and why I find it narratively fascinating and fulfilling — What does this mean for him? Where does Gilbert begin and end within the performance of duty and manhood of his nation? Does he find familiarity within the “effete”, homosocial structure of Frederican era masculinity, or does he prefer the later, stricter gendered lines? He knows he’s not a woman, but what makes him a man?
There’s something to be said about the contrast between the homoerotic manhood of the Enlightenment Era and the homosexual scandals of Imperial Germany but this post has gotten long enough already and I don’t think I’ve really said anything much at all in the first place.
There’s really so much to consider and I didn’t even touch on the neurotic and bizarre gendered fanaticism of the Knights (@makwandis would be a fantastic person to ask about this!), or the recurring Cassandras within Prussian folklore, the interpersonal dynamic of being Ludwig's creator (father, mother, brother), or the delirious genderfuck of the Weimar Republic. Maybe those posts will be written at a later date if people are interested.
Thank you so so so much for the ask, I hope I’ve managed to give you something to chew on, this is really one of my favourite topics ❤️
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lulu-cat-princess · 2 years
BBC ghosts has Kitty supporting same sex marriage and in CBS ghosts there is the Nigel x Issac ship. What is interesting is that there are LGBT figures that were contemporaries of Kitty, Nigel and Issac
Baron von Steuben: Prussian general who turned a ragtag volunteer army into a professionally trained one who can march the professionalism of the British army
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Public universal friend: preacher who is one of the earliest example of a non-binary person
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Fredrick the great: king of Prussia know for his military successes
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Chevalière d'��on: French trans woman who was a diplomat, spy, and soldier. Opened a fencing school.
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morgenlich · 2 years
heta sexuality and gender hcs no one asked for
liet: pan. huge fucking romantic. @doomspiral once described him as a cis man who could be nb but isn't and yeah. he feels kinda masc relative to the guys he spends a lot of time with but is way more fem than most people realize (he does use 3 in 1 bodywash/shampoo/conditioner tho)
poland: gay af, also demi af but he's only recently realized that's a factor and not just like. catholic guilt. i've said before somewhere he mostly uses masc pronouns because like. it's hard not to in polish (since it's one of those languages where like every part of the sentence is gendered) and has no desire to do hrt or anything, but don't be fooled he is not cis.
prussia: bi, and has a harder time coming to terms with his attraction to women than his attraction to men. painfully cis.
belarus: vaguely biromantic, kinky ace who likes to have sex for the drama of being a domme. cis woman in a "sure why not" way
russia: extremely gay, possibly even rivals feliks here. cis but with trans vibes (i mean this as a compliment)
germany: gay but thinks he can't rule out being bi because never having felt attraction to a woman doesn't mean he never will, right? almost as painfully cis as his brother.
england: gay and trans, somehow
canada: bi, cis on a technicality. not aspec but not not aspec.
usa: pan, cis in a "has never once spent any energy considering gender at all" sense. no interest in a formal relationship bc who has time for that these days
veneziano: pan and loving it. i flip a coin for his agab
romano: pan and totally indifferent to it. his agab also gets a coin toss
liech: the femmiest femme lesbian who ever femmed
switzerland: ace aro but the most painfully cis of all the countries tbh
hungary: bi, gender is [redacted]. the rare tall long-haired butch
austria: bi, is the opposite of liet in that he comes across as more fem than he really is bc of all the super masc people he's constantly surrounded by (is still pretty fem tho). if he let himself play around with gender he might unlock something, but he doesn't, so he won't.
france: obviously pan, cis but regularly fantasizes about being able to swap body parts mr potatohead style, impossible to tell if this is in a Transgender way or just a "this man wants to experience all the variety physically possible in the bedroom" way (probably a bit of both)
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doomspiral · 2 years
Heta HC's
Under a readmore bcs there's a lot now
Austria: heteroromantic, ace due to chronic pain
Prussia: gay gay homosexual gay, mainly experienced with cock'n'balls but doesn't discriminate, there's a woman in there, psychotic and adhd, physical brain damage
Poland: bigender bisexual fem, anxious to the point of either being a detriment to himself or others
Russia: fem bear, psychotic and autistic and needs a live-in if he has to function above his ability, fine on his own if he gets to live in his little cabin
Switzerland: aroace, too much a man to get all three
England: gay trans man who got hatecrimed less after transing his gender, probably grew taller on T might be intersex, bpd
Hungary: detransitioned trans man with a boyhood, first afab trans woman she deserves a medal
Lithuania: bisexual cis man (derogatory), deeply romantic, martyr complex
Estonia: aromantic bisexual, npd
Belarus: schizoaffective trans woman, these are not unrelated or negotiable aspects
Ukraine: butch, someone save her from eldest daughter syndrome please
Belgium: that's a dyke top and idk whats wrong w her but she was on a softball team
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maryeve-the-bitch · 3 years
Nyotalia university au based on this idea
Hima making gay men and I make horny lesbians.
warning: 18+ content under the cut. It’s also very messy (in term of structure lol)
want me to add more ships? would very gladly do if you ask. or if you wanna add your own headcanons as well
-nyo France (Marianne), Nyo Spain (Carmen) and Julia (nyo Prussia /trans woman) live in the same apartment/ dorm.
-nyo Canada (Madeline), Nyo England (Elizabeth) and Nyo Japan (Sakura) live together.
-nyo Wales, Ireland and nyo Scotland (I don't know how I'd name them) why they're in the au? Because I say so.they’re not even relevant.
-Nyo America (Amelia), Nyo Denmark (Magnhild) And Nyo Australia (Alinta)
- Nyo North Italy (Felicia), Romano (Lovino / Trans man) and Belgium (Laura) live together.
Characters info:
-Nyo Germany (Monika) lives with nyo Austria (Johanna) and Nyo Switzerland (Veronika)
-Nyo Russia (Anya) lives with Nyo China (Chun-Yan) and Nyo Finland (Hillevi)
Marianne studies in education to be a french teacher.
Elizabeth also studies in education and shares some classes with Marianne, but she’d become an English teacher.
Laura studies languages and translation. She knows dutch, french, german, english, learning spanish, italian and russian.
Carmen studies to specialise in physical therapy
Julia studies in engineering
Lovino studies history
Madeline studies in environment science.she’s acadian, but doesn’t feel comfortable speaking french most of the time.
Sakura studies in game design.
Amelia studies in communication
Felicia in animation
Monika studies computer sciences, mathematics and statistic.
Johanna studies in musicology
Veronika in mechanical engineering
Magnhild studies in marketing.
Alinta studies in zoology
In this au, no one is related. It primary focuses on the bad friends trio, mainly Marianne who studies to be a french teacher. She has hourglass figure with big tits and butt. She is more on the curvy side but most people find her stunning and she radiates confidence. She specially likes to bake for her friends and people around her. Since she's great with makeup as well, she likes to use Julia as a doll. Julia actually loves it because no one would ever do that with her before and Marianne teaches her make up tips. Julia also brings her shopping when she needs clothes because she trusts her tastes more. Marianne pays for her university with her onlyfan account and even has more money for luxuries. She likes to give presents to her friends too such as spa days, shopping spree, etc. Once a month, the three of them takes the whole day to self-care, including full skin care routine, massage, feet care, face mask and hair mask, manicure and pedicure. Julia isn’t used to that kind of treatment, and she absolutely loving it.
While Julia and Carmen know that Marianne has an onlyfan, Marianne always makes sure she's alone while doing her photos or videos for it. She has plenty of lingerie and sex toys as well.
Although, one time, Carmen got home early from class and Marianne was in the middle of recording a video. Even though her bedroom door was closed, Carmen could still hear her roommate moan clearly. Only hearing the sweet and lewd cries makes Carmen wet. She can’t help herself but follow the noises and stay by the door, listening to Marianne. She started touching herself to her moans and whispering. It sounds she was talking dirty, but Carmen couldn’t understand what she was saying. Carmen loses herself in the moment, playing with her nipples and later on, her clit. She doesn’t notice when the moans got louder and louder and then stopped. She keeps going and lets out some soft moans herself. Marianne smirks to herself as she ended her video recording, knowing full well that the sweet sounds comes from her Spanish roommate. She gets up and slowly opens the door to her bedroom, revealing Carmen, one hand in her yoga pants and one under her shirt, teasing her nipple. She has her eyes closed and doesn’t notice Marianne next to her.
“What a lovely sight.” Marianne commented.
Carmen flinches and quickly gets her hands away from herself.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Carmen apologies.
“You’re not bothering me at all. If you’re not done, I could help you get off on my bed. You’d be more comfortable.”
“Ah? Well, yes. I’d also be more comfortable between your legs.”
Marianne smirks at that comment and gets closer to Carmen until their face is barely one centimetre away. Marianne gently reaches down her roommate’s crotch and begins massaging her clit through her pants. (i could write that in a one shot eeeeee)
Carmen is more active and likes sports. Her favourite activity is dancing. She takes around 3 types of dance class. She makes sure Julia and Marianne eat healthily and get some exercises themselves. Julia and Carmen are jogging partners early in the morning while Marianne prefers to be her dancing partner when she needs one. Carmen also teaches a yoga class on Thursday nights. Madeline is in her yoga class.
Elizabeth shares some classes with Marianne since she is studying to be an English teacher. They mostly have education and teaching classes together. She has a big gay crush on Marianne but knows how popular she is and out of her league. She is in a band with Julia and Nyo Denmark.
One day when Lovino and Julia have came to hang out with Elizabeth to cuddle mostly, Madeline come out of her room to go to the bathroom and didn’t realise that Elizabeth had her friends / lovers over. Lovino, meeting her for the first time, checks her out when she walks her way to the bathroom.
“Who is she?” Lovino asks.
“My roommate, Madeline” Elizabeth answers.
“Do you find her pretty?”  Julia chuckles.
“Yes. shut up!” Lovino blushes.
“I could ask her to come join us if you want but she’s very shy and would probably refuse”  Elizabeth comments.
“Aww. can you at least try, please?” Lovino asks with puppy eyes.
“You’re polite and nice when pretty girls are at stakes.” Julia says.
“You know it. That’s why I’m with you, bella.”  Lovino says while winking, making Julia blush.
 Amelia is dating Sakura and they're pretty much the only ones in this au that are strictly monogamous and lesbians (at first at least). Amelia is quite jealous of Marianne and disapproves of her lifestyle. She doesn't hide her opinions about her either to the point Amelia would bully Marianne despite Marianne being nothing but sweet to Amelia.
While Marianne stays cool in front of Amelia's bullying, she comes back home crying. Carmen and Julia comfort her by holding her and listening to her vent about it. Julia swears she would fight Amelia next time she sees her. No one makes her friend cry like that. Carmen makes sure Marianne stay hydrated and has enough tissues for her tears. She would even bring a small glass of wine for her. Marianne uses her shoulder to cry on. She thinks Carmen's warmth is very comforting and Carmen copies what Marianne does to comfort her by gently running her hand in her hair.
Next time Julia sees Amelia, it doesn't go as Julia planned. She starts to confront her about bullying her friend but Amelia ignored her. "I don't listen to creepy guys who makes people believe he's a woman when he's just a creep using women's bathroom to look at women."
Eli, Sakura and sometimes Madeline take some times to sit down and drink tea together. Madeline is shy at first, but Sakura and Elizabeth both make her feel welcomed.Madeline is a bit jealous that Sakura has a girlfriend and Elizabeth has lovers. She has troubles making friends outside of her roommates and would like a partner to cuddle with. She often confines herself in her room, especially when Amelia or Elizabeth's friends are over. Both Madeline and Elizabeth find Amelia way too loud anyway. Since Sakura notices this, she would either bring Amelia to her bedroom or they would hang out at Amelia’s apartment.
More rage filled Julia's whole body when she hears Amelia openly misgenders and bullies her like that. Usually, she ignores that kind of comments, but giving her a piece of her mind with her first was all Julia is thinking about at the moment. Sakura who followed her girlfriend this time keeps quiet but grimaces worryingly watching the scene. Julia doesn't hesitate to push Amelia against the brick wall of the university building and keeps her lock with her arm on the top of her chest. Julia spits to her face and pushes Amelia on the ground, scratching her arm in the process.
"That's how much respect you deserve, you dick!" Julia turns around and leaves furiously. It took both Amelia and Sakura by surprised since it happened so quickly. Sakura helps her girlfriend back up, who aggressively pushes her away when Amelia is back on her feet again. She secretly plans her revenge as she watches Julia walks away.
That kind of stuff isn’t a rare occurrence for Sakura. She has been dating Amelia for a year and in the last few months, Amelia started showing more aggressiveness and hatred toward other people. To Sakura, Amelia was the sweetest girlfriend, but seeing her girlfriend behaves like that to other people, Sakura has very conflicted feelings. She loves her, but she can’t stand how she treat other people and absolutely hates how Amelia treats Marianne and Julia. She came home that afternoon, after class, crying. She feels too scared to stand up to her girlfriend about the way she acts. She’s scared she’d hurt her too. 
Fortunately, Elizabeth is home drinking tea in front of the tv when Sakura got home. Madeline is too, but in her room. While Elizabeth isn’t the best at guessing people’s feelings, she notices her roommate is clearly upset. Sakura doesn’t even bother going to her room. She sits on the couch, a feet away from Elizabeth and grabbed her knees. Elizabeth feels awkward since she doesn’t know what to do. She wants to comfort her friend, but how? She ends the awkward silence by offering her a cup of tea, which Sakura accepts. After making that cup of tea the way Sakura likes, Elizabeth hands it to her and asks if she needs to talk.
Separating this because I wanna talk about Monika, Veronika and Johanna a little.
When she has free time, she visits the language faculty’s library to strengthen her italian since she didn’t speak or practice it since high school. She wants to maintain her skills. One of the other reason Veronika visits the languages’ faculty’s library is because she sometimes sees a very pretty girl with short blond hair working on her school works and browsing languages books. She’s sometimes accompanied by other people, probably her classmates. 
So while they’re all german speaking, Monika especially has troubles understanding Veronika’s accent in german. It kinda frustrates Veronika so she resigned herself to speak english when she has to, because she wouldn’t speak to her roommates most of the time. Monika doesn’t mind since Veronika can be scary when she’s on her period. She was closed to break Johanna’s violin once because she couldn’t stand the sounds of it anymore. Monika stopped her, fortunately for Johanna’s violin, but unfortunately for Monika, Veronika got mad at her and broke her forearm. Considering that Monika works out often and is a bit muscle, that was quite an accomplishment. So yeah, she can be scary. After that incident, they leave her alone.
Veronika actually wishes she could move out with other people. She acts mad and hostile mostly because what Monika said to her when they first met hurt her. Usually, she would prefer going home when her classes are over but because of Johanna’s constant music practice and simply being in he same place as Monika, she’d rather do homework and write her essays at the library.
One monday evening after finishing her assignments, Veronika is browsing books on italian grammar. She's mostly bored and doesn't want to go home yet. She was hoping to see the pretty girl, but she is nowhere in sight. She loses focus on what book she was searching for and runs her fingers on the hard covers, losing herself in thoughts. Thoughts she wishes she wouldn't have and that no one would ever find out about.
Next thing Veronika knows is that she hit her head on someone else's. She was about to get real mad at the person until she sees who it was.
"oh gosh! I'm so sorry. I didn't see you. Are you ok?" Laura asks.
"uh... Y-yeah yeah. I'm fine." Veronika finds herself staring at her, dumbfounded.
"ah I recognise you. You're not from our faculty but come here often. What's your name?"
"I'm Veronika."
"nice to meet you. I'm Laura. " She says. "I just realised earlier I have an Italian test tomorrow and I haven't much studied. I'm so screwed. I don't know if I can do it. "
Veronika looks at her phone to check the time. She has a class early tomorrow and normally, she wouldn't stay much more late, but she's finally talking to her.
"Right. I should be out of your hair." Laura adds.
"Wait." Veronika stops her. "I could help you. I'm good enough in Italian."
"oh no you don't have to. Don't worry about me."
"I know but uh... I want to. I'm always looking for excuses to practice."
Laura smiles widely.
So yeah Veronika helps her with italian and they get to talk more about the languages they know and bond over it. Laura also said she could practice her german with her, but Veronika declines, to insecure about the way she speaks german and says she wouldn’t understand anyway since it’s not high german. Laura says she would be happy to learn her german, maybe over a dinner date at a restaurant? 
i had other ideas but I’m not sure how to expend them and I finally want to share this AU.
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paperuniverse · 2 years
Don’t know if I’ve ever made a like a full post of my queer headcanons for the main characters of hetalia so I guess since it’s pride month I’ll do it now :)
North Italy: GNC cis man and bisexual with a preference for women. Loves wearing dresses and suits and anything pretty. Is currently dating Germany and wishes they could get married.
Germany: Gay cis man. Has had a many crushes on his soldiers and other nations but has only just started his first relationship with North Italy.
Japan: Angled aroace cis man, specifically demisexual and demiromantic. For the longest time just thought he didn’t feel romantic attraction but then fell in love with a close friend. In modern day he appreciates having a term for people like him, but often doesn’t feel the need to explain to others.
America: Questioning. For the longest time he thought he was straight but then during his revolution against England he got a major crush on Prussia. But now he isn’t sure where he falls, the only man he’s ever had feelings for was Prussia, and he’s been alive for centuries. For now he’s not putting a label on it, except questioning, he’ll figure it out one day.
China: Pansexual trans man. Realized as a very young nation he was trans, and is living proof that trans people aren’t a new fad. He’s not ashamed of who he is, but doesn’t exactly want the world to know. He had top surgery several centuries ago and doesn’t plan on ever having bottom surgery.
England: Cis queer/bisexual man. He’s also reclaimed fag and has a patch on his leather jacket that has the word on it.
France: Pansexual enby, goes by he/they in English and il/iel in French. Some days he feels more like a man and other feels more like neither man or woman. Sometimes a combination. As for attraction he’s attracted to anyone stunningly attractive, and there are many people who are! There are so many varieties of beauty and they’re happy they’ve met so many humans and nations who are all so unique.
Russia: Gay cis man. Has known for the longest time he’s gay, but sadly has tried to ignore this part of himself, even trying to destroy it. He’s afraid of what would happen if he were to admit it out loud, what would happen if others found out. One day though he’ll feel safe with the help of his fellow nations.
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entity9silvergen · 3 years
I recently asked reddit for some LGBT history from countries other than the US. Here’s what I got:
The Weimar Republic was surprisingly accepting of "alternative lifestyles."
During the Weimar Republic, Germany had a pretty active LGBTQ scene, with some major films and songs being produced, despite it still being illegal at the time. However, there was also a push to decriminalize homosexual behavior which sadly wasn't passed as the Nazis came to power.
This was based of two factors: after WW1 the authoritarian culture of Prussia sorta received a long overdue pushback. People were kinda sick of it, especially since these losers led them into a seemingly pointless war to begin with. Second: A LOT of men died in WW1 - and the army did not exactly prefer LGBT people. So with a lot of regular folks dead, the percentages of the total populace was sorta shifted. This also pushed the women's rights movements at the time for a similar reason.
Magnus Hirschfeld was helping trans people transition, crossdressers get crossdressing 'licenses', and generally advocating for and helping the LGBT community in the early 1900s in Germany. Nazis ended up raiding and burning down his research institute.
Hirschfeld was a gay polyamorous man. He was one of the first advocates for trans and gay rights but his work was destroyed by the Nazis.
The institute he headed even did the first modern gender affirming surgeries. The institute was destroyed and many people who were there (including the first known person to undergo complete MtF surgery) were killed by the nazis and the place was little more than bombed out ruins at the end of the war.
More information on the institute
Pre Nazi interwar Germany (Weimar Republic)  was pretty open when it came to not only sexuality, but also gender identity. The Nazis put a stop to that & tried to destroy any & all research into either, but, for a brief moment, it was there.
Pretty sure all Russian LGBT history was erased before we even had a written language, but Russia almost got gay marriage legalized in the first soviet constitution (didn’t happen bc Stalin)
The early soviet period (pre-Stalin) is sometimes called “the first sexual revolution” as opposed to America’s “sexual Revolution” of the 60’s. Broad women’s suffrage, female employment and education, parental leave, advancement of GSM rights & decriminalization of abortion. This unfortunately did not stand the test of time & reactionary sentiment.
Additional Source
UK/ Britain/ England 
The lead singer of Judas Priest is gay. The commenter’s father thought it was kinda funny because it didn’t match with his biker aesthetic, but the commenter doesn’t think he considered how much leather he wears on a daily basis
Hell bent for Leather was a track off Killing Machine. It was written by lead guitarist Glenn Tipton (who is straight), but it's fun to find alternative meanings in Priest songs. A second commenter likes to pretend a lot of the lyrics Halford sings are gayer than they actually are.
A couple people mentioned how uncomfortable it was seeing Ru Paul interact with British drag queens because he barely knows anything about British culture.
Ru Paul got angry that a British drag queen hasn’t seen the Golden Girls because “it’s gay culture” and then not five minutes later someone had to explain to him who Alan Turing was.
Alan Turing, who was an incredibly noteworthy figure (He made the Enigma codebreaker machine, which broke the code that was used by Nazis during the war and basically sped up the war by a significant margin. He also set the foundations for artificial intelligence, one achievement he was named for: the Turing Test), was homosexual and prosecuted multiple times because of it
Shakespeare was probably bisexual (some of his sonnets had homoerotic subtext/were sent to a younger man). Plus, Hamlet is gay as fuck. 
Sonnet 46 was very gay. Here’s a link!
King James 1st was corrupt and used his position to promote his gay lover to higher positions than he should've gotten. 
The 13 year old king James 6th of Scotland and 1st of England fell in love with a 37 year old catholic Franco Scottish man. The king gave the older man so much free shit that other lords started getting salty and his lover ended up converting to Presbyterianism out of loyalty to his young lover. He also fell in love with a man who ''was noted for his handsome appearance as well as his limited intelligence.'' 
Clearly James was into himbos, and women too.
He had a secret tunnel connecting his bedroom to George Villiers’s bedroom.
His relationship with Villiers was basically common knowledge and a source of much amusement and mockery. He also once said that his relationship with Villiers was equivalent to the relationship that Christ had with John the Baptist
Much more recently, there's obviously JKR and the banning of puberty blockers and Margaret Thatcher opposing LGBTQ+ rights by passing a law meaning you couldn't 'promote homosexuality'. 
Prince Philip was a racist twat (and probably a huge homophobe knowing him).
Gay marriage only became legal in 2014.
The Wolfenden Report was published in 1957, and it recommended the decriminalization of homosexual acts between consenting adults. It was a huge topic of public debate, and ultimately led to the Sexual Offences act of 1967, which legalized sexual acts between consenting men aged 21 or over in England and Wales (sexual acts between women were never explicitly criminalized). Scotland decriminalized sex between men in 1980, and Northern Ireland in 1982. 
For a totally batshit real-life bit of gay history, check out the show A Very English Scandal. It's about a politician, Jeremy Thorpe, who put a hit out on his former lover who was threatening to go public with the fact they had had a relationship. 
Gay marriage was legalized in Austria about 3 years ago. The worst thing is that it'd have staid illegal if the Supreme Court wouldn't have jumped in and declare it to be unconstitutional.
Austria did have something called "partnership" which was where gay couples could officially register with the state as couples but not receive any of the benefits of married het people
They still have super backwards Transphobic laws requiring for example "real life experience" to get even diagnosed. Basically you're forced to be and live as feminine/masc as possible and a doctor them judges if you're femme or masc enough. It's torture
Australia had widespread, over 60% approval of gay marriage for well over a decade before the government legalized it. The governments were actually going against the people for a very long time by denying it.
Taiwan/ Hong Kong/ Mainland China
When Taiwan recently legalized gay marriage, their official statement was something along the lines that they were casting off Western-imposed values and returning to their own traditional values and the entire western lgbt community ridiculed them in a "if that's what you need to tell yourself" sort of way but it's actually the truth. 
Prior to western colonization, the Imperial Chinese attitude toward sexuality was not dissimilar to Greco-Roman attitudes in that a man must marry a woman to beget legitimate heirs but whatever else he does on the side is his own business. It wasn't until Victorian colonizers came along and imposed homophobic attitudes on China that China started treating gays like abominations. In Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China, as indeed most of the world, homophobia is a western value imposed by colonizers.
Bonus history: there is an actual saying in Arabic that was in widespread use across the Middle East and North Africa for thousands of years from classical antiquity until European colonization. The saying goes "Women are for babies, [young men] are for fun."
The commenter specifies that this means “college-aged twinks,” not children
Another commenter speculates about when homophobia arose in China and how. They also add that in Rome, bottoms were stigmatized. 
There’s a story of Emperor Ai of the Han dynasty & him cutting off his sleeve for his boyfriend
There is also a god worshipped in Taiwan, the Rabbit God Tu'er Shen, whose domain is managing love and sex between same-sex attracted people. He is meant to be the incarnation of a soldier from the 17th century, who fell in love with an imperial inspector and spied on him bathing, and was tortured and killed by that official because he was offended by the spying. A villager from the soldier's hometown dreamed that Tu'er Shen appeared to him and said that because his crime had been love, he had been appointed to manage the affairs of gay people. The villagers erected a secret temple to the soldier, and people have been praying to him ever since.
South Africa
South Africa became the first nation in the world to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in its constitution. It was also first country in Africa to legalize same sex marriage in 2006. What really set them back for so long was apartheid.
There is some speculation that that Shaka Zulu was gay since he never took any wives
South Africa's post Apartheid constitution was the first in the world to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation in 1996.
South Africa was also the 5th country in the world and only country in Africa to legalize same sex marriage in 2005.
Even before that the Constitutional Court ruled that sexual orientation was not relevant when deciding child custody in 2002.
Transgender folks have been allowed to change their sex in the population registry since 2003.
Conversion therapy is not illegal yet and public opinion still needs some work.
In Spain gay marriage was legalized in 2005, now they are considered one of de gay-friendliest countries in the world. The commenter is a lesbian and has never been closeted or directly experienced discrimination for being a lesbian.
In July 2005, Spain became the third country in the world to explicitly legalize gay marriage, after a thirty-year struggle following the fall of Franco's dictatorship, during which most activism was carried clandestinely (as it was illegal).
From 2007 onwards, Spanish [binary] trans people can legally correct the name and sex fields of their IDs and currently, there's a push for a law that would allow for legal recognition of non-binary Spaniards.
Despite the dictatorship in the 60s, there were cinemas that specialized in gay meet ups. Trans women also had ways to get passports so they could go to the US for surgery.
In Northern Ireland, same sex marriage only became legal in 2020 and the leader of the most popular party is homophobic transphobic racist and sexist af. In fact, the majority of the party are but some of the quotes from the biggest party leader are depressing.
Same-sex marriage was only legalized in Ireland in 2015. Homosexuality was decriminalized in 1993. 
When Ireland legalized same sex marriage by popular vote in 2015, it was still something you got horribly bullied for in schools if you were out. Queer people got an apology from the Taoiseach in 2018, for the suffering and discrimination we faced from the State prior to the legalization of homosexuality.
In the case of trans rights, in 2015 the Gender Recognition Act was signed into law. It allows legal gender changes without the requirement of medical intervention or assessment by the state as long as you are over the age of 18. 
Ireland has fines and jail time for anyone found guilty of attempting conversation therapy. 
Ireland has seen a lot of progress in LGBT rights in the last 6 years but even up to the 2000s, citizens left their family members and friends to rot for being LGBT+. It still happens all over the country, especially in circles that are still fanatically Catholic. As the Catholic Church has lost the iron grip on the country, people have become more accepting of the LGBT+.
The Kamasutra(ancient text on sexuality etc.) has an entire chapter dedicated to homosexuality
The Arthashastra, a 2nd century BCE Indian treatise on statecraft, mentions a wide variety of sexual practices which, whether performed with a man or a woman, were sought to be punished with the lowest grade of fine. While homosexual intercourse was not sanctioned, it was treated as a very minor offence, and several kinds of heterosexual intercourse were punished more severely.
Sex between non-virgin women incurred a small fine, while homosexual intercourse between men could be made up for merely with a bath with one's clothes on, and a penance of "eating the five products of the cow and keeping a one-night fast"
Milk, curd (cheese), ghi (clarified butter), urine, and dung are the five products of a cow
The commenter adds that this is not a terrible punishment.
The Mughal Empire mandated a common set of punishments for homosexuality, which could include 50 lashes for a slave, 100 for a free infidel, or death by stoning for a Muslim
On 6 September 2018 the Supreme Court of India invalidated part of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code making homosexuality legal in India
Prior to the British colonization of India homosexuality was not all that looked down upon when compared to what happened when the British took over and instituted anti gay laws.
The Hijra (literally means third gender) were seen as normal and have been accepted since long before Christ, as evidenced by the Karma Sutra. The British took videos of them to take back to demonstrate how the Desi were “barbaric”.
In Bosnia, there was a one pride parade that ended with religious extremists ruining it and the police not doing anything. It was supposed to be 5 maybe 3 days long but ended in like 1 or 2.
The Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe mapped out the entire night sky with only his eyes. It laid the foundations of many later scientists, such as Isaac Newton. He was a very rich nobleman, so much so that he owned 1% of Denmark's money. He had a pet dwarf that apparently could see the future, which sounds pretty gay. He was also part of the Elefant Ordning, which consisted of rich and strong Danish men.
Despite many attempts to legalize same-sex marriage, the Philippines still didn't budge. Being gay in itself is legal, but same-sex marriage still isn't.
Philippines ,the most Catholic Country in Southeast Asia, has held the largest Pride Parade in Southeast Asia.
Serbia didn't have history from about 16th century to 1800's when the 1st revolt happened and failed till 1813's... Then yet another in 1830's for semi independence from Turks, and full in 1836
During the last lingering Ottoman rule over autonomous Serbia, Serbia was one of the very first few countries to have legal mostly everything... it then got removed with like 3 constitution changes and then it didn't move forward for a looong time
Would you have thought that small, conservative Switzerland was a center of the international gay community during the mid-20th century? The magazine "Der Kreis"- the circle - was the only queer magazine in the world that kept publishing during WWII. It was edited in Zurich and distributed internationally, which often meant illegal smuggling, even into nazi Germany. The magazine's annual ball was attended by hundreds of gay men from all over Europe each year. The whole thing was kept strictly secret from the public, though it was known and tolerated by the police.
The Kreis club disbanded in 1967, as repressions grew heavier after a number of murders in the scene had caught the public's attention. By then, other European and American groups took its place, publishing their own magazines.
They made a movie about it.
More info about Der Kreis
As of today, Switzerland doesn't allow gay marriage. A country-wide referendum will be held this fall on gay marriage.
The commenter speculates that gay marriage will be legalized.
A few people expressed surprise that Switerland is socially conservative and several people explained that women’s right to vote was only place in the 70s.
There’s a movie about it
A Muslim Persian (born in modern day Turkey) philosopher/mysticist named Mewlana who is known for his sayings on acceptance and love for one another was gay! He had exchanged letters with his instructor Shams and wrote homoerotic poems to him! In Turkey this is ignored by many due to the country's stance on homosexuality
More information
The commenter’s hometown and the neighboring town arranged their first pride parade/event in 2017, which is a big deal for a small place and one of the local priests went livid and went straight to the newspaper and social media to condemn it. A local rapper wrote a short and to the point article in the newspaper calling him out for all kinds of things which was a great read. Then to top it off, the priest arranged for a "Jesus Parade" in protest to be held the day before the pride parade. Only like five people walked in it, not including the priest of course because he happened to be on vacation in Spain that week. The pride parade itself was a success though! It's become an annual event. Covid has put some breaks on it though, but they're making a documentary this year about the pride celebrations.
Hungary has no same sex marriage or transition rights
Police are unkind to protestors
During “commie times,” being queer was illegal so queer people went to the gulag
Same sex marriage was legalized in Belgium in 2003 (right after the NL who were the first in the world). The commenter says that same-sex marriage has always felt possible and she is confused about other countries’ actions.
Polish president on public assembly: 'LGBT is not people, this is ideology'.
WHO took their sweet time declassifying being transgender as a mental illness, so Denmark got sick of waiting and became the first country to stop classifying it as an illness.
In Australia same-sex marriage wasn't legal until 2017.
Portugal is know for having one of the most (if not THE most) peaceful revolutions in history back in the 60's, with only 4 deaths total.
Operation Soap.
To learn more, watch Dance of the 41 on Netflix.
NL was one of the first countries to legalize gay marriage in 2001
In Sweden they used to classify Homosexuality as a disease during the 20th century so in protest people would call in too gay to work.
New Zealand
When same sex marriage was legalized, the parliament broke into song.
The song
Homosexuality is illegal in 73 countries, some by death or life in prison.
Only one country in Asia has legalized same-sex marriage: Taiwan
FNAF is older than same-sex marriage in the US
Condor Operation
I think this is some important stuff so please reblog so more people can see! And, if you would like to add to or correct anything here, feel free to do so!
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feedergirlblogger · 3 years
Hetalia characters who I think are transgender
Finland (transmasc, he/they)
Poland (genderfluid, they/he)
Hungary (genderfluid, he/she but highly prefers he/him most of the time)
Romania (trans man, he/him)
Belarus (trans woman, she/her) 
Greece (unlabaled, they/them)
Switzerland (transmasc, he/they)
Prussia (agender, they/he)
Iceland (agender, they/them)
Liechtenstein (trans woman, she/her)
Lithuania (nonbinary, they/them)
Belgium (nonbinary, they/it)
Latvia (trans man, he/him)
China (genderfluid, he/she)
France (genderqueer, any pronouns) 
Austria (nonbinary, they/he) 
Italy (genderfluid, they/he maybe sometimes she/her) 
Romano (transmasc, he/they)
Ukraine (nonbinary, she/they/it)
Nyo!germany (gnc trans woman, any pronouns) 
Nyo!russia (trans woman, she/her)
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
Pride HCs
Seychelles is genderfluid demigirl. Uses mainly she/they, feels just as comfortable with male pronouns. She dresses femininely in formal settings while in casual they prefer an androgynous look. Business attire depends on his mood.
France is pansexual and cis. But he has a pretty gender noncomforming lifestyle. He's comfortable enough in his body, and his self, to wear feminine clothing and like feminine things. He experimented and even once thought he might be a trans woman in the past but he's figured out he's comfortable with who he was born as and has accepted that his interests are not socially acceptable for his gender— he doesn't care :)
Kemet is a lesbian trans woman. She had this realization as a child and has since then been presenting as female.
Romano is a bisexual trans man. He was really content with his gender while Rome was still alive as he allowed Romano to flourish with his energy and personality, paying no mind to how uncharacteristic it "should be" for a girl. While under Spain, he began to slowly grow a distaste for feminine things more and more. By the time he hit puberty, few years before unification, he cut his hair and burned a few of his dresses out of frustration. Even stole one of Spain's suits and hemmed it up to as close to his size as possible. No one said a thing as this was something they were expecting to eventually happen. They knew he never showed interest in girly things despite admittedly always pushing it on him(Spain is heavily guitly of this and he regrets his actions today). Romano didn't say a thing until he was ready to.
Germany is a bisexual and demisexual trans man. Germany always fought Prussia and his nannies on wearing dresses and fixing his hair. While Prussia was away on important business, he cut his waist length hair into a very short pixie cut. When Prussia returned, he was prepared by staff as to what Germany had done. Prussia wasnt even mad, however. He said it was just hair. That it didn't concern him what Germany did with his hair of all things. Eventually, when Germany began to change his appearence to cater his preferences, Prussia did not stop him. In fact, he encouraged him by buying whatever clothes he wanted. When Germany said he'd rather be called Ludwig and go by he/him, Prussia went along with it and still does today. Germany really couldn't ask for a better brother.
Russia is demisexual. He forms crushes very easily on literally any of his friends. He dated America but that was short lived because that crush wasn't even real. He also dated Veneziano for a while until the same thing happed. He's dated China on and off because he isn't sure if his feelings are real or not and he's scared he's going to realize they aren't because he does really like China. He's really confused :(
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flamaflavio · 3 years
Pride headcanons?
I have some !! :0
Italy → bisexual
Romano → bisexual
Genoa → gay
Seborga → straight trans man
Germany → gay
Prussia → bisexual
Russia → gay
England → pansexual
France → pansexual
China → asexual homoromantic
Taiwan → biromantic homosexual
Spain → gay
Greece → pansexual
Norway → non binary (he/they)
Nyo Italy → straight trans woman
Nyo Romano → bisexual
There are probably more but I don't remember 💔
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koolkat9 · 3 years
⭐️ & 🏳️‍🌈
⭐ - You're allowed to pick three countries to be introduced to the series. Who do you pick and why?
England: Because he's my favorite character and share similar interests (reading, writing, music, etc.).
Germany: Because he could keep order and perhaps keep me motivated. (Also GerEng).
France: Because he would be nice to talk to and get advice from. (Also GerFruk).
🏳️‍🌈 - Favorite sexuality/gender headcanon(s), if you have them?
Oooh boy. I've got a lot of sexuality headcanons and I am starting to brainstorm some gender headcanons as well that I'd like to explore someday in my writing. But I can say for sure, none of the cast is straight.
England: Bisexual, cis man (though I have seen some people hc him as agender or ftm and it's definitely an interpretation I'm interested in and consume content for when I can find it)
France: Pansexual, non-binary (he/they)
China: Not one for labels with his gender and sexuality being very fluid. He says he's too old to care, but uses he/him usually because it's the easiest (but will not bat an eye if you them she/her or they/them)
Canada: Bisexual, cis man
America: demisexsual, biromantic, cis male (though, like Arthur, I've seen ftm interpretations and honestly, down for that too)
Germany: Gay, cis man (though I have been discussing an au in my discord server where Lud is trans and it's been a lot of fun. Like I said my gender headcanons are still something I'm exploring so nothing is set in stone)
Italy: Bisexual, genderfluid
Japan: Demisexual, bi or panromantic (I can't decide), cis man
Romano: Bisexual, trans->ftm (thanks @thatsamericano for introducing me to this idea!)
Prussia: Bisexual, cis man
Hungary: Pansexual, non-binary (she/they) or genderfluid
Republic of Ireland (because why not include my girl Niamh?): Lesbian, cis woman
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fantabulosabasket · 3 years
Tumblr media
The following is from Victoria’s Transgender History, a report on Australian trans history in the state of Victoria (the entire report is available at the link). It is a quote from one of Australia’s most prominent papers, The Age, dated 28 September, 1912 and offers an insight into both German trans history in the early 20th Century, and the public awareness of, and discourse around, trans people in the same time period. Note that while the language used is period-typical (transvestite, where we can clearly see that Countess von Zobelitz would be a trans woman in modern terms) and misgenders her throughout, that the tone of the article nonetheless reflects more of a sense of curiosity, empathy and a commitment to educating the reader with reference to a suitable expert (in this case, quoting no less a person than Dr Magnus Herschfeld- @uranianrights​ you may be interested in this). There is also a great deal implied about the acceptance of Countess von Zobelitz and her social transition in Berlin.  
The image used shows the Melbourne skyline in the 1910s. An article from The Age is printed between the spire of the General Post Office and the opposite side of Elizabeth Street. The article reads:
Baron Wears Woman’s Clothes
From his earliest childhood, Baron von Zobelitz, a member of a very ancient but very poor German family, showed pronounced inclination to don girls’ clothes and to play with dolls and ply his needle. These eccentricities gave him much trouble, for his father was a violent man, and the son was obliged to put up with much very harsh treatment and severe whippings at frequent intervals. As soon as he could claim a will of his own he flatly refused any longer to wear male clothing, and began to make women’s clothes for himself, since his furious parents refused to buy him any. Now, by a decision of a Berlin court, he has been converted “Countess Geraldine von Zobelitz”, and is entitled to dress as such. He is a ladies’ tailor and he makes the ladies’ clothing not only for himself, but also for the whole of the family, and he has the smallest waist in Prussia. He won the prize for small waists at a competition some time ago at which the competitors appeared in masks. None suspected that he was not a lady of society. The case aroused great interest in Berlin. Dr Magnus Herschfeld, an authority on such matters, says transvestitism has been and is common in all ages and all countries. It is an instinctive desire to dress in the clothes of the opposite sex.  
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rosethreeart · 3 years
I don't blame you if you want to turn off anon even for a little while, but before you do I wanted to share some body hcs: I see Austria has having grey at his temples and wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. He has a broad chest but is otherwise pretty skinny and long limbed. Spain has CAKE and is still strong from his pirate days but otherwise has a bit more of a dad bod and he DEFINITELY knows how to work it. I hc Hungary as a trans woman, with muscles for days and thighs made for cracking the skulls of transphobes. And I hc Prussia as a trans man so while he's on the leaner side compared to Hungary (he doesn't need to take T to be a man after all), he walks with confidence and is her go-to gym buddy (I live for platonic Pru / Hun)
Yeah if I do turn it off it’s only gonna be for a week unless I forget lol
You are so big brained anon
Bro I LOVE these so much oh my god
A mutual of mine hced that Austria had a back brace and cane and that’s been living in my head rent free ever since
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doomspiral · 2 years
have you read the polpru fic on ao3 where poland is a trans woman and gets married to prussia?
i have spelunked that tag repeatedly and not seen this fic, care to help me out anon???
[Edit] i found it
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maryeve-the-bitch · 3 years
Random question and you obviously don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but if you’re up for it I’d love to get your thoughts on Arthur being trans?
I really like the headcanon and was wondering what you think about it 😊
Listen. I barely get any asks so I will answer your question. Thank you sm.
I personally headcanon Arthur as cis white male tory. (Jk) I don't mind other people headcanoning him as Trans but not for me. Although I really enjoyed neon's fruk fic where Arthur was trans.
I have other characters I headcanon as Trans for no goddamn reason. I especially love trans woman Prussia and Trans man Romano (they're a couple too)
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 4.8
217 – Roman Emperor Caracalla is assassinated and is succeeded by his Praetorian Guard prefect, Marcus Opellius Macrinus. 876 – The Battle of Dayr al-'Aqul saves Baghdad from the Saffarids. 1139 – Roger II of Sicily is excommunicated by Innocent II for supporting Anacletus II as pope for seven years, even though Roger had already publicly recognized Innocent's claim to the papacy. 1149 – Pope Eugene III takes refuge in the castle of Ptolemy II of Tusculum. 1232 – Mongol–Jin War: The Mongols begin their siege on Kaifeng, the capital of the Jin dynasty. 1271 – In Syria, sultan Baibars conquers the Krak des Chevaliers. 1730 – Shearith Israel, the first synagogue in New York City, is dedicated. 1820 – The Venus de Milo is discovered on the Aegean island of Milos. 1832 – Black Hawk War: Around three-hundred United States 6th Infantry troops leave St. Louis, Missouri to fight the Sauk Native Americans. 1866 – Italy and Prussia ally against the Austrian Empire. 1886 – William Ewart Gladstone introduces the first Irish Home Rule Bill into the British House of Commons. 1895 – In Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. the Supreme Court of the United States declares unapportioned income tax to be unconstitutional. 1904 – The French Third Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland sign the Entente cordiale. 1906 – Auguste Deter, the first person to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, dies. 1908 – Harvard University votes to establish the Harvard Business School. 1911 – Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovers superconductivity. 1913 – The 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution, requiring direct election of Senators, becomes law. 1918 – World War I: Actors Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Chaplin sell war bonds on the streets of New York City's financial district. 1924 – Sharia courts are abolished in Turkey, as part of Atatürk's Reforms. 1929 – Indian independence movement: At the Delhi Central Assembly, Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt throw handouts and bombs to court arrest. 1935 – The Works Progress Administration is formed when the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 becomes law. 1942 – World War II: Siege of Leningrad: Soviet forces open a much-needed railway link to Leningrad. 1942 – World War II: The Japanese take Bataan in the Philippines. 1943 – U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in an attempt to check inflation, freezes wages and prices, prohibits workers from changing jobs unless the war effort would be aided thereby, and bars rate increases by common carriers and public utilities. 1943 – Otto and Elise Hampel are executed in Berlin for their anti-Nazi activities. 1945 – World War II: After an air raid accidentally destroys a train carrying about 4,000 Nazi concentration camp internees in Prussian Hanover, the survivors are massacred by Nazis. 1946 – Électricité de France, the world's largest utility company, is formed as a result of the nationalisation of a number of electricity producers, transporters and distributors. 1950 – India and Pakistan sign the Liaquat–Nehru Pact. 1952 – U.S. President Harry Truman calls for the seizure of all domestic steel mills in an attempt to prevent the 1952 steel strike. 1953 – Mau Mau leader Jomo Kenyatta is convicted by British Kenya's rulers. 1954 – A Royal Canadian Air Force Canadair Harvard collides with a Trans-Canada Airlines Canadair North Star over Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, killing 37 people. 1954 – South African Airways Flight 201 A de Havilland DH.106 Comet 1 crashes into the sea during night killing 21 people. 1959 – A team of computer manufacturers, users, and university people led by Grace Hopper meets to discuss the creation of a new programming language that would be called COBOL. 1959 – The Organization of American States drafts an agreement to create the Inter-American Development Bank. 1960 – The Netherlands and West Germany sign an agreement to negotiate the return of German land annexed by the Dutch in return for 280 million German marks as Wiedergutmachung. 1968 – BOAC Flight 712 catches fire shortly after takeoff. As a result of her actions in the accident, Barbara Jane Harrison is awarded a posthumous George Cross, the only GC awarded to a woman in peacetime. 1970 – Bahr El-Baqar primary school bombing: Israeli bombers strike an Egyptian school. Forty-six children are killed. 1975 – Frank Robinson manages the Cleveland Indians in his first game as major league baseball's first African American manager. 1987 – Los Angeles Dodgers executive Al Campanis resigns amid controversy over racially charged remarks he had made while on Nightline. 1992 – Retired tennis great Arthur Ashe announces that he has AIDS, acquired from blood transfusions during one of his two heart surgeries. 1993 – The Republic of North Macedonia joins the United Nations. 2004 – War in Darfur: The Humanitarian Ceasefire Agreement is signed by the Sudanese government and two rebel groups. 2006 – Shedden massacre: The bodies of eight men, all shot to death, are found in a field in Shedden, Elgin County, Ontario. The murders are soon linked to the Bandidos Motorcycle Club. 2008 – The construction of the world's first skyscraper to integrate wind turbines is completed in Bahrain. 2013 – The Islamic State of Iraq enters the Syrian Civil War and begins by declaring a merger with the Al-Nusra Front under the name Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham.
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