#trans maiden! Weiss
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bridgyrose · 5 months ago
“Put my foot here,” Weiss said quietly as she slowly moved herself into a fighting position, taking each step just as Winter had told her. She glanced at the beowolves in front of her, glad they were still sizing her up and hadnt tried to attack while she wasnt ready. Though she still couldnt help but be nervous. This was the first time she was fighting grimm that wasnt either captured and sold to her father or summons created by her sister. Real grimm. 
Once she was ready, she created a glyph just in front of her rapier as she pointed it towards the grimm. She focused on the dust in the revolver chamber as she used her glyph to pull the fire dust down the blade. A small smile crossed Weiss’s lips when the glyph turned red, ready to unleash a fireball. All she had to do was keep her focus on the grimm and release the power behind her glyph-
“I’ve got them!” Ruby yelled out. 
Weiss flinched, her concentration fading and the fireball she held in her glyph launched towards the grimm and hit the trees behind them instead. As the grimm started to run, she tried to run her rapier through the closest one, only for her side to hit Ruby’s back as she pulled back to take a few shots at the remaining grimm. 
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Weiss yelled out as she finally ran her rapier through a grimm. “I was handling these grimm!” 
“You werent handling them fast enough!” Ruby sliced through another grimm and then used her semblance to pull back before taking a shot. “So I��m taking care of them!” 
“We’re supposed to be a team which means we need to communicate!” 
Weiss took a deep breath and sheathed her rapier as she watched Ruby take care of the last of the grimm. It wasnt that she didnt want Ruby to help her, but she wanted to prove that she had what it took to be a huntress herself. And clearly Ruby didnt want that.
Ruby folded her scythe as the last of the grimm started to disappear. “Then you should tell me what you want to do. I cant be left guessing what you’re trying to do if you dont tell me.” 
“Just stay out of my way and let me work,” Weiss said as she stormed deeper into the forest. 
Though, the further she went, the more she realized she didnt quite know where the relics were. She knew they were supposed to be to the north, and she did have to admit that Vale was still foreign enough that she couldnt quite tell which way north was supposed to be. But she couldnt just go back to Ruby and ask her to help. 
She was not about to admit that she had no idea what she was doing. 
So instead, Weiss turned around and made her way back to Ruby, pointing in the opposite direction she was heading. “I have decided that we’re going to go this way instead.” 
“We’re lost, arent we?” Ruby asked. 
“N-no! We’re not lost! We’re just… we’re just giving others a head start before we show everyone what we can do.” Weiss let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay, fine, we’re lost.” 
“Then I think I have an idea about how we can find where we’re supposed to go.” 
“And what is-” Weiss quit talking as she heard a loud *caw* from a nevermore high above the trees. “No. We’re not doing that.” 
“You dont know what I’m going to suggest.” 
“You’re going to make us ride a grimm, arent you?” 
“...a bird’s eye view would be the best way to find where we’re supposed to go.” 
Weiss wanted to argue, but couldnt. Ruby’s reasoning was sound, and standing around trying to figure out where to go didnt seem to be getting them anywhere. Then, she remembered how she had started to glide through the air during her landing strategy. Itd be a bit much to show her powers now, but if she could hide them with her glyphs and get another aerial view without using the grimm…
“I-I think i have a better way to find where we can go,” Weiss said quietly as she started to create a stairway of glyphs. “Just… give me a few minutes, okay?” 
“Wait Weiss-” 
“I’m not going to leave you behind.” 
“Its not that, its-” 
Weiss ignored Ruby, making her way up the glyphs until she was high enough to not be seen by Ruby. She let her eyes start to burn as she used the wind to lift herself off the glyph she was standing on. Dark clouds started to fill the sky as she tried to obscure others from being able to see her as she moved a bit to try to find where the ruins were. All she needed was another minute and then she could- 
Weiss didnt have time to brace herself as she felt Ruby slam into her and bring her to the ground. The flames in her eyes went out as a flurry of feathers stormed overhead, her aura flickering as she tried to pick herself up. “Ruby!” 
Ruby picked herself up and offered a hand to Weiss. “We need to go. Now.” 
“I almost found the ruins-” 
“No time!” 
“There’s always-” The words escaped Weiss’s thought as she saw a mass of beowolves racing behind them. She wasnt sure when they had started coming after them, but it was enough to make her freeze. 
Without another thought, she stuck her hand out towards the grimm, eyes burning as ice left the palm of her hand. The air around her froze along with everything in front of her including the grimm. The flames in her eyes died down and she spoke with a quiet tone as she shaikly lowered her hand. 
“Dont tell anyone about what you saw.”
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bestworstcase · 1 year ago
You know, if the possibility of Summer not only being Salem's final lieutenant, but also possibly the person who accidentally killed the Spring Maiden (and who might also be Gretchen Rainart based on a previous theory mentioned somewhere)...
That's gotta be reaaaaaaally awkward if Summer was ever around Hazel at any point.
i’ve mentioned this before i think (<- i assume by “mentioned somewhere” you mean you read a theory post but can’t remember where in which case, the op was probably me, i’ve been on this train for a while) but:
the official story is that gretchen rainart, after enrolling at beacon academy, “tragically lost her life” on a training mission
per lionheart, the spring maiden was “determined, at first, when she inherited her powers, but the weight of responsibility proved to be too much for the child. she... ran. abandoned her training, everyone. that was over a decade ago.”
per raven: “she was scared when we found her! weak! no matter how much training i put her through, she never learned! she wasn’t cut out for this world! and with those powers, she would’ve been hunted her entire life. what i did—”
(“and which we are you referring to?”)
raven: “that’s why i tried to leave when i did. i’m not afraid, i’m smart.”
raven left taiyang shortly after yang was born. this would be approx. 15-16 years ago as of the beginning of V1. however, her statement that she “tried to leave” suggests that she stayed (reluctantly?) entangled with ozpin’s cause for longer.
eyeballing it, summer left when yang was around five and ruby about three. this would be about 12 years before the start of V1 and 3-4 years after raven broke things off with tai. since raven and summer were obviously still in close contact then, this tracks with the interpretation that leaving tai <> leaving ozpin.
‘more than a decade ago’ is vague but presumably means >10 and <20. so spring running away would have occurred approx. 10-18 years before the start of V1.
“nice story. but if gretchen’s death taught me anything, it was never to trust you.”
let’s consider the case of the runaway spring maiden. and, more specifically, the assumptions the fandom (myself included) have tended to make.
first assumption: the spring maiden trained in mistral or at haven academy.
no one ever says as much. qrow’s suggestion that the spring maiden was “picked up” by the branwen tribe after she ran away does not, in a world where trans-continental travel is commonplace (and was explicitly safer a decade+ ago than it is now), necessarily imply she ran away from haven. weiss got picked up by the branwen tribe after she ran away from atlas, after all.
likewise, amber’s presence at beacon and, later, fria’s in atlas prime the audience to link the spring maiden to haven. however, both amber and fria were in the academies because they were medically fragile and not expected to live for very long; prior to cinder’s attack, amber was traveling in rural vale, tailed by qrow. it also makes sense, in general, not to keep the living keys to the vaults in the same fortress as the vault they can open.
second assumption: lionheart knew her.
this follows from the assumption that she attended haven, but look at what’s missing from lionheart’s account: he never uses self-referential pronouns. his syntax leaves it ambiguous whether he knew this girl or if he’s simply repeating information he was given.
third assumption: raven’s “we” is the tribe, and she’s talking about finding the spring maiden after the girl ran away.
before V9, this was more plausible, but i don’t think it adds up now that we know raven was still at least notionally aligned with ozpin, via summer, as recently as twelve years ago. in order for “we” to mean the tribe, raven would have had to actually leave (as opposed to “trying to leave”); thus, either summer was conspiring with raven while raven was leading the tribe, or raven met the spring maiden after whatever went down with summer, in which case the third person involved is a complete mystery. the former is possible, but i think the simpler explanation—that this “we” is ozpin’s circle—is more plausible.
especially because what raven says lines up with what lionheart says. except for “she was determined at first,” but even if lionheart did know her, raven was clearly much closer to her and is the type to see through any façade the girl might have put up. (pyrrha was also “determined” but you know that if raven knew her, she would remember how scared pyrrha was. same principle likely applies here.)
fourth assumption: “what i did—” is solely about raven mercy-killing her.
which, it might be.
but if “we” means ozpin’s circle, that would mean raven was training the spring maiden on his behalf—and because it doesn’t really make sense for #3 to be anyone but the spring maiden, we can assume with high confidence that raven had a kindred link with her, ergo she loved the kid like her own family.
the spring maiden “ran away.” gretchen rainart “tragically lost her life on a training mission.” raven “tried to leave.” summer and raven and a third person were involved in a rogue mission to end things once and for all, none of them ever came back, and raven never told anyone what happened.
all of these things happened a bit more than a decade ago.
“what i did—”
i think she’s talking about summer’s last mission. the young spring maiden was overwhelmed, scared, struggling to learn what she needed to learn—and she had a huge target painted on her back because of salem. raven cared about her. if she wasn’t cut out for this world, the one defined by eternal war between ozpin and salem, then maybe the answer is to change the world. end it, once and for all. (sometimes it’s worth it all to risk the fall?) so she conspires with summer to do exactly that.
and then it goes so catastrophically wrong that a) summer joins salem, b) there’s a fight, c) gretchen is mortally wounded, d) raven either mercy-kills her or just can’t save her, and e) raven becomes the spring maiden.
now. if gretchen was the spring maiden, how do we square the circle of “died on a training mission” vs “ran away”?
in V3, qrow talks about having to search for maidens and in V5, ozpin says that one of the reasons he gave the branwens bird forms was to make it easier for them to search for new maidens when the transference of power was “unclear.” gretchen enrolled at beacon “against her brother’s wishes” and hazel holds ozpin responsible for her death; i think she was the spring maiden before she enrolled, raven identified her, and ozpin recruited her personally.
(if only because unknown maidens are mentioned twice in connection with the branwens and that has yet to pay narrative dividends; and it fits quite nicely.)
it does not go well. gretchen gets more freaked out with every new inkling she’s given of the conspiracy and is under intense pressure not to back out or tell anyone on the outside what’s happening. raven, her mentor/handler, sours more and more on the whole situation and eventually decides she’s not going to be a part of it anymore.
she’s not backing down from the fight. she’s not running away. but she’ll give gretchen a way out and make sure no one else can find her, and if that blows up her relationships with the rest of the inner circle, so be it.
so the spring maiden runs away. “abandons” her training, except raven still knows where she is and is still trying to help her figure out the magic because, well, she’s sort of stuck with it until she dies. gretchen can’t go home yet (salem might find her), but she can lay low and focus on mastering this power to defend herself away from the pressure of being one of ozpin’s guardians.
raven refuses to tell anyone where gretchen is. hazel is getting increasingly frantic; either she’s dropped out of contact or her vague, cryptic messages have him worried. nobody at beacon can give him a clear answer.
several years go by. the situation does not improve. somehow or another summer and raven cook up a plan to Fix Everything by taking salem down. it goes horribly wrong. summer joined salem, gretchen is dead, raven is the one left standing with blood on her hands and magic in her soul, after years of obfuscating where the spring maiden went.
what to do?
tell no one about summer. no one would fucking believe her if she told the truth. refuse to answer questions about her bond to summer, no one will think twice about her doing that because it’s what she did when gretchen went missing, too.
tell hazel gretchen is dead. he deserves to know. what happened, and why it happened, but leaving out summer’s involvement. if she’s vague on how and when—if she makes it sound like she was too cowardly to tell anyone that she, perhaps, let gretchen die (“[you saved yang] once. because that was your rule.” <- qrow really believes this)—or couldn’t save her—she can reveal that gretchen is dead without linking her death too obviously to summer’s disappearance.
if ozpin hears that gretchen is dead from hazel—when the infuriated meltdown rampage happens—then he can quietly tap qrow to confirm (by talking to raven) and restrict who knows the truth; hazel’s explosive grieving anger is easy to spin as hysterical paranoia.
and playing gretchen’s death “close to the chest” is a classic ozpin move. after all, learning that gretchen has been dead the whole time will only sow negativity, and the situation doesn’t materially change very much either way; they’re looking for the spring maiden either way, and everyone is aware that gretchen might die before they find her, so they’re already keeping an eye out for unknowns. qrow knows the truth, but he’s not about to spill the beans to anyone without ozpin’s say so.
and summer’s the one who suggests recruiting hazel to salem, because it’s her fault gretchen is dead but she can at least bring hazel into the fight to tear down the system that led her there. (“you’ve never wondered why she recruited you? you, specifically, to help her find the relics?” <- a narratively interesting line of attack in that it explicitly puts this question in front of the audience, follows up with an unequivocal confirmation that salem sought hazel out very deliberately, and follows that with ozpin’s overtly manipulative and unsatisfying answer of “because hazel is easy to manipulate.” lots of people are easy to manipulate. why choose hazel? how did she even know about Just Some Guy who lost his sister?)
all it really requires to tie everything together around the discrepancies is for ozpin (a liar) and raven (a matryoshka doll of secrets she refuses to talk about) to be, er, lying and keeping secrets. and narratively gretchen being the spring maiden just makes sense, to almost the same degree that summer joining salem just makes sense. it’s intuitive. it fills in gaps the narrative quietly circled in V8. it tracks with gretchen being so important in the same volume that makes a huge thing of how no one knows what salem is really after. no more gretchens; so you’ve decided against vengeance for your sister, after all this time?; in pursuit of a new world.
but yeah like. it’s fun because hazel is so malleable and so good at pretzeling his thinking that he could conceivably have been told the truth—summer killed gretchen—and still been talked around to aiming all of his fury and vengeance at ozpin because 1. ozpin is the reason gretchen got pulled into this mess, and 2. gretchen died in the crossfires of a fight that broke out when summer learned the truth (that the war was one-sided paranoia), and 3. for salem and summer the point of this war is to end the paranoid conspiracy so nothing like this can happen again. but my god, the tension between him and summer could probably cut glass.
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ao3feed-blakeyang · 2 days ago
Rwby reacts
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RntHO09 by Anaya09 Words: 8546, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of My reactions Fandoms: RWBY Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Relationships: May Marigold/Winter Schnee, Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Penny Polendina/Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Neptune Vasilias/Sun Wukong, Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos, Raven Branwen/Summer Rose/Taiyang Xiao Long Additional Tags: Ruby Rose (RWBY) Needs a Hug, Trans Ruby Rose (RWBY), Trans Female Ruby Rose (RWBY), Autistic Ruby Rose (RWBY), Ruby Rose (RWBY) has PTSD, Fluff, Angst, Weiss Schnee Needs a Hug, Tsundere Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long Needs a Hug, Lesbian Yang Xiao Long, Bisexual Blake Belladonna, Nonbinary Blake Belladonna, Good Sibling Winter Schnee, Winter Maiden Weiss Schnee, Whitley Schnee Needs a Hug read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RntHO09
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min3nc · 1 year ago
trans girl sun in denail so stil presntaing as male as summerm maidnen as just think have a exarta semebcsule in more comdic way cause waht sun like i guss it ociuld soem in agst if want but dosnt have to
(sorry this took so long! life came at me like a speeding truck. But here we are! closeted TransFem!Sun... who's also the summer maiden, very much against her will. Tried my best, in consideration that I myself am not Transfem and didn't know just how much could I joke around with. Felicia did beta-read this for me, so... yeah!
Sol = Sun in spanish, which is, coincidentially, a popular name here.)
Tapping her fingers against the tabletop, Sol smiled nervously at Blake, and the rest of Team RWBY.
The conversation about Sol's new semblance - or The Summer Maiden Powers... as 3 out of 4 members of team RWBY assumed - continued to hang in the air like a poorly executed dodge.
Ruby, the youngest of the group, looked utterly perplexed. She furrowed her brow, head between her hands, attempting to process the information.
No one can really judge her, though. The stress of being Remnant's Savior To-Be was a fair excuse for something as obvious as this to slip through the cracks.
She had no reason not to believe Sol when she said that she was a man. A big, burly, macho man.
Blake rolls her eyes. She knows her friend. And most importantly? She knows herself... and also sees herself in Sol.
That's a conversation for another day, though. What mattered right now was the apparent new semblance of Sol.
"So... You're telling us... That after Miss Olivia was... attacked by Cinder, you developed a new semblance."
The previous Summer Maiden had gotten attacked by Cinder - A woman named Olivia... who was one of Sol's teachers at Shade. She had passed away as Sol was carrying her away to safety due to her injuries.
"Yeah! You all saw it, right?" She gestures with her hands, clenching her fists. “Yeah, you know, it's like an upgrade or something. Happens all the time! Semblances evolve! Y-You... Weiss, you know about this, right?"
Sol didn't miss the way Weiss' sudden reaction as her name was mentioned, noting the way Weiss jumped, her shoulders leaping up to her ears in surprise.
"I-" She coughs into her fist to recover her composture. "Well, yes, I did evolve my semblance through... Hard work, experience and..." she waves her hand around dismissively, and then turns around to Sol. "B-But! I use dust for elemental attacks, while you just create them... B-By all means, that's ilogical! One does not simply create matter out of nothing-"
"But... What if my semblance allows me to do that? Maybe I just AM that kind of guy!"
Blake does not miss the way Sol's right eye twitch at the last word.
Weiss breathes in heavily, before looking at Blake, silently communicating to her; Guys do not simply become Maidens.
Blake sighs, and looks at Yang, and shortly after, Weiss looks at her too.
Yang grimaces as Weiss huffs frustrated between her explanation as she tries to make sense of Sol's own explanation. Blake and Weiss look at her with pleading eyes. She curses under her breath. Curses being the Older Sister, and thus, the reliable one.
Clasping her hands together, she takes a deep breath. "So... Wukong," she starts.
Sol nods.
"You know... We all know, now, that my mom's the fall maiden..."
Ruby perks up, head almost snapping off her neck as she turns to Yang. "She's WHAT?"
"Yeah, uh, yeah. She is," Rubbing her neck, she smiles nervously. "And... Dad has told me, that she wasn't always called Raven. Uh. Y'know the whole thing about... perfect twins always being the same uh... Gender? At birth, at least."
She cringes, and when Sol shakes her head, she full-on grimaces. "They are? Huh… I'm an only child, so…"
"Well, they are. And... And Ruby and I have two moms, and a dad. My dad wasn't involved in the... huh... conception," She gestures with her hands, fingering her thumb and index, making Weiss and Ruby groan and cover each other eyes. "That was fully my mom's thingy," Blake facepalms, and - does it smell singed? A distinct burning smell comes from Yang, as smoke begins to come out of her mouth as she speaks, her semblance dangerously close to activating and burning the chair she was sitting on. "N-Not thingy! Huh - Deal! Mom's deal!"
Sol simply shrugs as she watches her friends look around awkwardly, avoiding each other's eyes. Particularly Yang's. "...And? What does that have to do with me?"
Ruby, who seemed to have caught up, opened her mouth, babbling out something about the Summer Maiden powers, and how they needed the powers to defeat Salem.
Nothing about how this exactly meant Sol's involvement.
Nervous rambling, through and through.
Blake groans, taking her friend by the shoulders and gripping them as she stares at them. She knew her friend, she knew how Sol wouldn't just... accept something so out of her comfort zone so easily.
And the first step to get her to accept things for her had always been via the crash-landing method.
"You're the Summer Maiden."
"Does that make me cooler?"
"It makes you a woman, Wukong. You're a woman. Congrats on the gender."
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lunatriense · 2 years ago
Nitpick (or maybe a serious problem, I can’t tell anymore): A lot of the details around the Fall of Beacon just don’t make sense.
Who decided that is was a smart idea to have Penny manipulate her swords with strings? Why was she let in to test her strength on human (and Faunus) opponents when she could fight Grimm just as easily with a smaller chance of being found out? Is there some sort of prize for winning in the tournament? Does she have an Aura shield? Why didn’t we see it shattering? How didn’t she notice Pyrrha’s magnetism powers? Considering how Silver Eyes work, it’s really weird that Ruby didn’t unlock them when she saw Yang injured. Or Penny dying. Yang running to save Blake and telling Weiss to find Ruby instead of the other way around will never make sense to me. Why did Weiss and Blake decide to eat dinner instead of watch Pyrrha’s match at the arena itself? Why did Jaune call Weiss instead of Goodwitch and Qrow and Ironwood like he was told to? How did they not design the communication towers in a way where one tower falling didn’t automatically mean all trans-continental communication was down?
Oh, absolutely. In addition to the above:
Why was there such horrible security on the CCT that alarms weren't immediately sounded when an intruder came in?
Why was there no security whatsoever on Amber, when she was so important to protect?
Why did Ozpin insist on doing the aura transfer in the middle of the battle, when it's pretty clear Salem's agent doesn't know where Amber was since, y'know, zero security and she hadn't been attacked again yet?
Why didn't Ozpin take part in the defence? He apparently had a nuke cane with which he could choose to only affect certain targets!!!
Why did Qrow — who had encountered Emerald and dealt with her hallucinations before — not immediately become suspicious when Yang relayed what happened with Mercury?
Where is Beacon's (and Vale's!!) air defences? Do they honestly count on fucking students to do literally everything??
Where was Taiyang? We're seriously supposed to believe that both of his daughters are in the Vytal tournament and he didn't even come to watch them?
As soon as Cinder made her broadcast, people intimately familiar with Beacon's campus (like Ozpin, Glynda, etc.) would know approximately where she was, and none of them were far from her at the time. Why wasn't she swarmed with seasoned hunters?
Why the ever-loving fuck was Amber even at Beacon!? That's the last place she should be! They put the comatose Fall Maiden in the Fall vault with zero security when they knew Salem's agent was after her! She should've been deep in the heart of Atlas surrounded by guards or something, not right where her relic is!
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shera-dnd · 2 years ago
It took me powering through several writers blocks, rewriting this TWICE, and (I'm not even kidding me) AO3 GLITCHING ON ME!
But it's finally done. The next step in my long elaborate plot to trans every Schnee's gender
This time it's a story about Whitney following in her brother's footsteps and becoming a huntress
It also features some delightful art by @midnightechoes which you can check now on AO3 or wait for her reblog if you also wanna support her here on tumblr
anyways sorry again for the wait, and I hope you guys enjoy the read
Falling. He was falling.
White and blue surrounded in darkness as he fell further and further into the abyss.
She dove after him, flying as fast as she could. 
She had to save him. She couldn’t fail again, couldn’t let another person die for her.
She got closer and closer, her hand reaching for his, barely inches apart.
She screamed his name…
…and then he was gone.
“Weiss!” Winter screamed as she bolted up in her bed.
Around her were not the golden pathways of that strange place, but a simple tent; one of the many set around the walls of Vacuo, a home for the countless atlesian refugees that now gathered in the desert.
It had been weeks since the incident at the central location. 
Weeks since she lost her brother.
And weeks of waking up just like this…
If only she had come sooner, if only she hadn’t wasted so much time with Ironwood. If she had realized earlier that her loyalties weren’t worth all this pain she caused.
It didn’t matter. Winter could sit there all night thinking of what ifs, but it wouldn’t change what had come to pass. 
Weiss was gone, and she only had herself to blame.
A sigh escaped her lips. She wouldn’t be getting any sleep like this. It would be better to do something with herself, get her mind away from this, and try again later.
And that’s how she found herself stepping out of her tent and into the desert. 
The shattered moon glowed brightly in the sky above, and the brisk air of the desert night almost reminded her of her now lost home. 
Winter closed her eyes and allowed herself to just feel the wind on her face, the sands under her feet. It became strangely easy to do so since she gained the winter maiden’s powers, to just connect herself with the elements of the world.
Maybe she could take flight and lose herself among the clouds. Let the night wash away all the worries that would come with the morning. It was a childish thing to even consider, but it’s exactly the kind of thing Penny would want her to do with those powers. 
Oh, Penny…
Another life lost to her stubbornness.
Why couldn’t she just listen? Why did she let things go so far? 
Why did she–
There was a sound, metal ringing off in the distance. 
Had a fight broken out? Had someone invaded their camp? 
Instinctively Winter reached for swords… to find them gone. She must have left them in the tent, damn it! 
Her eyes glowed a pale blue, and a pair of ice swords formed in her hand - awkward imitations of her blades, but they’d have to do.
Now properly armed, she skulked around the many tents around her, searching for the origin of that sound, swords at the ready, and her senses searching for any threats.
What she did find was a little girl - her sister - awkwardly flailing with Winter’s sword, swinging wildly and with no technique.
Whitney had never been a fighter, had never shown interest in hunting or learning the family semblance. She had always put her focus on the company first and foremost. And yet here she was, practicing in the middle of the night, all by herself.
She would have asked what Whitney thought she was doing - stealing her weapon and sneaking off into the middle of the night - but there was a fire in Whitney’s eyes that she hadn’t seen before; so Winter stepped back and watched as her sister trained.
She must have realized her flailing was nowhere near an effective combat strategy, because she huffed and walked back to her starting position. 
She brushed her hair away from her face, wiped the sweat from her brow, and took up a fighting stance.
Then it hit Winter.
It was Weiss’s fighting stance. 
The sword was too big for her, and her base was too narrow, but it was still clearly Weiss’s. Like Winter could still see him holding Myrtenaster back when he was a kid, so unsure of himself, but determined to grow.
“Whitney,” she called, and the girl nearly jumped out of her skin.
Jacques’s upbringing immediately kicked in, and she composed herself in record time.
“Ah, sister,” Whitney greeted, trying to hide the sword behind her, “what brings you so far from your tent in the middle of the night?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” she answered truthfully, “and I take it you couldn’t either.”
“Yes… of course,” Whitney replied, “I just decided to go for a nice walk to clear my mind before bed.”
“I see,” she nodded, “and did that little walk happen to involve late night sword practice as well?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Whitney tried to deflect.
Winter simply tossed the ice blades aside and reached one hand towards her, “hand it over.”
Whitney opened her mouth to argue, then looked around to maybe find an escape route, then finally deflated and surrendered the sword back to its owner.
“What were you thinking?” she scolded, “sneaking around, stealing weapons, and then training all by yourself in the middle of the night? Do you know how poorly this could have gone?”
Whitney sighed, “I’m sorry, sister. I promise not to do this again.”
“Good,” Winter answered with a hard military nod, “now meet me back at my tent tomorrow morning so we can start some proper lessons.”
And just like that her sister perked up in attention, her mouth opened and closed several times over as she tried to figure out what to say, eventually settling for, “thank you, sister.”
Winter smiled at that, “don’t thank me yet. Now go get some sleep, you’ll need to be well rested for your training.”
Wooden swords clashed over the sands. 
Sweat dripped from Whitney’s brow as she continued to strike against her sister. Each blow met with a perfectly effortless parry, and each parry followed by a comment.
“Watch your footing.”
“Don’t telegraph so much.”
“Strike higher.”
She had to admit, this was starting to get frustrating. 
Sure, Whitney wasn’t an idiot. She didn’t expect to match the years of military training Winter had in just a few days. 
But after a whole week of this she was hoping to at least get a hit in!
After a dozen more strikes, Whitney was left breathless, and Winter looked just as composed as she ever did. Which only made this ordeal even more infuriating.
Worse still is that she looked almost satisfied. 
She raised a hand to command Whitney to stop - not like she had the energy to keep going anyways - and gave another one of her sharp nods.
“Good,” Winter informed her, “you’re making progress.”
Whitney huffed and panted, but still managed to get out a halfhearted, “thanks.”
Winter put her training sword aside, took off her gloves and announced, “I believe it’s time we moved to the next step of your training.”
“Oh, wonderful,” Whitney grumbled, “can it wait until I’m not a sweaty mess?”
“Don’t worry, this will require no physical effort on your part,” Winter assured her, “this time, we’ll train your aura.”
So it was finally time to learn that old family secret.
The Schnee semblance.
Winter approached slowly and placed one hand on her shoulder and the other on her forehead. The white glow of her aura radiating from her hands and through Whitney’s body, reaching into her more and more until–
Something reached back.
That thing expanded through her body, like a wave of warmth, breaching the surface in a bright white glow. 
It surrounded her, enveloped and permeated every part of her body, and she felt… safe.
“With your aura unlocked, you have taken the first step on becoming a huntress and learning our family’s legacy,” Winter announced with pride.
The family legacy.
For Whitney that had always been the company. 
What did the semblance matter when it was the company that made the real difference in the world? When it was money that would keep her safe?
After the Fall of Atlas that felt like a different life. 
She was a huntress in training now, like her brother and sister, and that meant keeping alive the one part of her family’s legacy that had not been destroyed.
Whitney raised her hands before her, bringing them together, willing that force inside her to come to her finger tips. 
Her aura glowing a bright white once more as it gathered in front of her and… nothing happened.
She released a breath she hadn’t noticed she was holding, and grumbled, “well, that’s disappointing.”
“Our family’s semblance won’t respond to brute force,” Winter explained, extending her hand and calling upon a small glyph, “it’s the manifestation of our family’s ability to dream, and our will to make those dreams into reality. It lets us turn everything around us into tools for our goals. Even the grimm we fight. It was this semblance that allowed our family to colonize Solitas, that allowed our grandfather to found the SDC, and it’s what allows us to fight for a better future.”
The power to dream? 
That felt almost silly. Especially coming from her sister. 
Grandpa Nick? 
Sure, he was a dreamer, he envisioned this wonderful world he could bring about with the help of the SDC. 
But Winter? Whitney? Their mom? 
They weren’t dreamers. 
That word felt too childish, too hopeful for them.
“What do you dream of, dear sister?” she found herself asking.
That caught her by surprise. Winter looked pensive, unsure of what to do or say. The glyph in her palm disappeared as she turned aside to think.
“I’m… not sure,” she admitted, “I used to dream of a prosperous Atlas, with our family living safe and happy within it, but now I’m not sure that dream can ever be real.”
It should have been sad. To know that her sister had lost the one dream that had kept her going, but at the same time it was good to know that even someone like Winter could still dream and hope like that. 
It reminded Whitney of the human hiding behind all the uniforms and titles.
It also confirmed for her something she had started to suspect about her family.
“Weiss really was the only one of us to ever do any self reflection,” Whitney huffed.
It was about time she did some of that too.
As much as a throwaway comment as they felt in the moment, those words followed Winter around for the following days. 
Self reflection? Did she really need to do any of that? 
It felt wasteful to spend so much of her time thinking about herself. 
She was a maiden now, she had a kingdom to protect, and the power to do so.
What else mattered?
And yet, those words followed her constantly.
Weiss had been happy since he found out who he was. Happier than he’d ever been in their home. Happier than anyone in their family had been in a long time.
Even Whitney seemed to have changed and grown so much since her own journey of self discovery. 
To learn that she had gone out of her way to try to save as many of the Mantle refugees as she could, it had been both heartwarming and shocking.
The sister who once would do anything for their father’s praise, now standing defiantly in the face of authority.
To think even Whitney chose rebellion before she did.
No, it didn’t matter. 
Focus on protecting people. Focus on using her powers for good.
Winter couldn’t undo the harm she’d done, but maybe if she protected everyone, then she could at least prevent more tragedies from happening. 
Keep families from being torn apart.
She sighed and buried her face in her hands. She’d been flying high across the sky, the vacuan desert below, and the shattered moon high above. It was a vain attempt to clear her thoughts, when all it did was leave her alone with them.
One hand extended forward and on it there appeared a glyph, barely bigger than the palm of her hand.
They’d been getting smaller since they arrived in Vacuo, forcing her to rely more and more on her maiden powers. She worried soon the family’s semblance would be lost to her for good.
A maiden more than a Schnee.
This wasn’t working. 
She needed to do something. 
As long as she didn’t have to hear these accursed thoughts any longer. So she made the decision to land in front of someone who would never allow her to self torture like some brooding fool.
“Hey there, Ice Queen,” May Marigold greeted from the entrance to her tent as Winter’s feet gently touched the ground in front of her. 
She was wearing a simple nightshirt with little cartoony sheep on it. Her long hair was hanging loose behind her, and she looked downright sleep deprived. But she made time for Winter all the same.
“Hey,” she greeted back, unsure of what else to say.
“So what got you floating around this late at night?” May asked, a half smirk on her face.
Winter sighed, deflating from the all powerful Maiden to the overworked soldier that May was much more familiar with. “I just– I needed to get my mind away from things. I could… use some distraction.”
“You know most girls usually buy me dinner before asking for that,” she replied, cocking an eyebrow.
“May,” came Winter’s severe tone as she crossed her arms.
“Alright, alright, come on in,” May chuckled, waving for her to follow her into the tent, “now what am I distracting you from?”
Of course she wouldn’t just let Winter be.
She glared at her, eyes narrowed, a look that had made many cadets tremble in their boots. But May was no cadet, and she knew Winter too well to fall for her tricks. 
She just met her gaze and quirked an eyebrow in amusement.
Winter caved in first.
“My glyphs are still shrinking,” she admitted, taking her usual seat at the foot of May’s bed.
“Right,” May nodded sitting next to her, “I told you beating your head over this isn’t gonna work. Maybe listen to what you told your sister, and don’t try to brute force it.”
She tilted her head at that, “how do you know what I told her?”
“She’s a baby trans, and I’m the big mama trans,” she explained with a shrug, “I check in on her every once in a while.”
Winter pinched the bridge of her nose, “what else did she tell you?”
“Besides that you’re a hardass who could really do with reassuring her more after sparring?” she threw those words out casually.
“I’ll… keep that in mind.”
“That maybe you need to figure yourself out a little instead of hiding behind your duties as a big sister, and a maiden, and whatever else you got going on in there,” she said, poking Winter’s forehead.
Winter shook her head away, “self reflection is a luxury I don’t have time for.”
“Self reflection is a necessity you can’t keep delaying,” May argued back, “you’re the one who said that whole thing about dreams before, so actually listen to yourself then.”
“Fine!” Winter groaned and leaned back onto the bed.
She covered her face in her hands, took a few deep breaths, then took them away. May had laid down next to her too, both of them now staring at the tent’s ceiling.
“...last time I tried to blindly follow a dream, I just ended up getting everyone hurt,” Winter began, her voice heavier than it had been, “I thought I was fighting for a prosperous kingdom and a safe family, but all that did was get Atlas destroyed and Weiss…”
May took Winter’s hand in hers and gave it a little squeeze.
“You know, I envied Weiss back then,” she admitted, “he got to be himself, to find a family that loved him, and live a dream that was all his. He still had a long way to go, but I was so sure he’d be the best huntsman our family had ever seen… if he had the chance.”
“Then be like him,” May said, turning in bed to face her, “you already have a family that loves you, and people who support you. Now you just need to find out who you want to be, and what kinds of dreams that Winter would have.”
Winter turned to face her, blue eyes meeting gold. 
Who did she want to be? 
It seemed so much easier to figure out who she didn’t want to be. Not like her mother, not like her father, and most certainly not like Ironwood. 
Itdid very little to narrow down her options…
Who was Winter Schnee?
“And I mean,” May added, with a smile on her face that let Winter know that nothing good would come of it, “if you envy Weiss in other ways, I can ask Joanna to lend you a binder.”
There it was.
Winter sat back up with a loud exasperated huff, “I told you, I don’t identify as a–,”  then the next part hit her and she paused, “wait! Joanna wears a binder?”
“Yeah,” May answered, sitting up after her, “you don’t have to identify as a man to wear one. You can just do stuff because it helps you feel more comfortable with your body. Wild isn’t it?”
That was an option? 
Now hold on, why did she get so excited over that being an option? 
No, don’t let May know that, she’s gonna make fun of her over “cracking her egg” or something silly like that.
“I see,” was all Winter had to say.
“Should I try to hook you up on a packer too?” May offered.
Okay, maybe she really did need some self reflecting.
Dreams. Dreams. Dreams.
What did Whitney dream of?
She dreamed of being a girl, a dream she’d conquered quite handedly if she might say so herself. But that didn’t feel like the kind of dream Winter was talking about.
Did she dream of inheriting the company? 
She used to - and maybe she still does - but that felt secondary now. There was still enough of the SDC around that just dropping the headquarters from the sky isn’t gonna lead to a collapse. The title of heiress was still hers, and if she so desired Jacques’s legacy was hers for the taking.
But Jaques’s legacy wasn’t the one she wanted to live up to.
Did she dream of becoming a huntress? 
Oh absolutely not. 
Learning to fight was a necessity, not a choice. She would keep the flames of Weiss’s spirit alive, and fight to protect the world he died for, but she never felt the calling for heroism the way Weiss did.
Not to say she didn’t like doing good. 
Saving - or at least trying to save - all those people back in Mantle filled her with a unique kind of pride, and if she could continue to help others like that she would. Just not, you know, charging in with a sword in hand or anything.
Texting May also didn’t help that much. As helpful as she was when it came to matters of gender and expression, the Schnee semblance was firmly outside her area of expertise.
Which left her with only one choice. A Schnee who had never been a huntress, never taken the company, and still held her semblance.
It was time to talk to her mom.
She found Willow sitting on her bed, in their shared tent, reading some romance book she managed to get her hands on.
Sitting around and reading had been most of what she had done since arriving in Vacuo. It was her own way of dealing with the loss of her home, and her son, all in one swift blow. It was a sad state, but sadder still was the fact that this was an improvement compared to before. 
At the very least she wasn’t caught in a constant drunken stupor anymore.
“Hey, mom,” Whitney called, making her presence known.
Willow perked up, her eyes looking up from her book to meet Whitney’s, “oh, sweetie, do you need something?”
She was also trying to be a better mom. A fact Whitney had not fully gotten used to.
“I needed some help actually,” she admitted, walking up to her mother, “it’s about Winter’s training.”
Willow set her book aside, and turned to face her properly, “I don’t know how much I can help you with that, dear. I’ve never been much of a fighter, and my old hunting rifle…” there was a pause and a frown, “...well, it went away with the house.”
“No, no, it’s about our semblance,” she explained, “she gave this entire speech about dreams and the family legacy and I just–” she sighed, “don’t know what to do with all this.”
Her mother smiled at that and said, “I understand how you feel. Back when your grandpa told me all of that I was so nervous that I would never have a dream worthy of the Schnee semblance.”
She leaned closer and continued “do you wanna know a little secret? It’s never about how big your dream is, it’s about how much you care about it.”
“So my dream could be anything?” Whitney asked, somewhat confused.
“As long as it matters to you,” she assured her, “your aura comes from your heart. As long as your heart is in it, it will answer you.”
“Ugh, this is starting to sound like something out of a fairy tale,” Whitney complained, “but I think I get it.”
Something that she could put her heart into. 
Yeah, that sounded a lot easier.
“Hey, mom,” she added, still finding that word a little weird to say out loud, “if it’s okay to ask. What was your dream?”
Willow cupped her daughter’s face and looked into her eyes.
“To have a family I could love and care for.”
Wooden swords clashed over the sands. 
Sweat dripped from Whitney’s brow as she continued to strike against her sister. Each blow met with a perfect parry. 
Though this time Winter found herself too stuck in her own head to be able to comment on her sister’s progress.
For what it was worth Whitney had grown remarkably as a fighter in such a small span of time. 
She was proud of her - genuinely so - but there were too many thoughts swirling in her mind, and even that beaming pride was lost in the maelstrom.
“That’s enough,” Winter declared. 
Her sister had nothing to gain from this if Winter’s head wasn’t in it.
Whitney unceremoniously dropped down on her knees, half sitting on the sand.
“Any commentary, sister?” she panted.
Right, she was expected to offer feedback. “You’re making good progress.”
“Wonderful,” Whitney grumbled, “so shall we go about my aura training?”
Should they? When Winter herself had all but lost mastery over her semblance, what right did she have to teach anyone how to use theirs?
That talk with May had given her a path towards perhaps regaining that part of herself, but that was a path she had barely begun to walk, and not one she could guide anyone through.
“Perhaps some other time,” she deflected, turning to put her sword away, “I gave you a lot to think about. You should take your time with it.”
“Actually,” Whitney called, “I wanted to talk to you about that.”
That… was a surprise.
She turned to face her younger sister, who now played with the edge of her skirt.
“I don’t want to be a huntress,” Whitney admitted, “I’m not like you or Weiss. I’m not made for fighting.”
“Understandable,” Winter nodded, trying not to seem disappointed, “then we can stop with the physical training.”
“I didn’t mean I’m not going to fight, especially after everything that happened,” Whitney countered, “but that’s not what I want to do with my life.”
A small hint of a smile formed in Winter’s lips. 
That was very noble of her little sister.
“What I really want,” she continued, “is for our family to have a home again. I don’t think any of us ever felt at home in the manor, so that’s what I want. I want to give us a place that feels like home.”
Whitney straightened her posture, and there was a new determination in her eyes.
“And if that means mobilizing every last bit of SDC resources to dig Atlas out of the ditch it landed in, then so be it!” she declared, “because we deserve a place to call home!”
That hint turned into a full blown smile. 
Winter walked up to her and dropped on her knees so they could look eye to eye.
“Uh, I guess… that’s my dream,” Whitney added, all her previous confidence melting away in the silence.
But Winter wasn’t about to let that flame die. She took Whitney’s hands and brought them up in front of her face.
So she could see the small glyph that had formed between.
“I think it’s a beautiful dream.”
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greenbeany · 3 years ago
I made some redesigns of the kids in Vacuo for a comic I'm working on. Dropping the references below and uh some analysis if u want to read it below the cut 👉👈
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Cinder ONCE AGAIN overhauled her look completely.
Hair is grown out a little more again, because it has to blow in the wind it just has to.
Cape is red and gold, in reference to her "killing" Ruby and killing Pyrrha.
Covered her neck because we do love symbolism.
Moved her feather brooch to her neck. More on that later.
Brought back the gold detailing from V2. They were goregeous and she deserves them.
Glove to match with Grimm arm. More gold detailing. Also Grimm arm has red nail polish?
Keeping the playsuit shape from v7, but sleeveless and overhanging coatless, she just looked too hot.
Thigh highs, because she's a maiden.
Oscar is pretty similar to his original design.
A little less red but it's clearly still present to show that he's grieving for Ruby.
Jacket is v similar but it's shorter in length and sleeves, because Vacuo.
Black trousers. Not ideal for desert but I wanted everyone to have some black so you know they're grieving.
Cape is a different shade of green with gold accents as reference to Ozpin. Green is used again on his wrist band. Cape is in reference to both Ozma and Ruby.
Grew out his hair just a little.
Winter has her hair out, because I'm giving the fans what they want. The bun and plait surrounding it are meant to represent a crown but I didn't want to give Winter an actual crown, because I don't think she's into that kinda stuff.
She keeps her swords on her back. One, because this looks cool, and two, because it gives her the silhouette of a snowflake.
Jacket is Weiss-volume-1-esque. Made it less regal and more modern though.
Black tank and shorts. Because grieving. Also she looks hot in them.
Her belt has the Schnee logo with a red crystal on it. Again, to represent Weiss.
Speaking of Weiss, she has Weiss' necklace on her neck. It's positioned to draw parallels with Cinder's brooch because parallels wooo.
Thigh highs, because she's a maiden. Note that they're white, while Cinder has black ones.
Gun holster on leg. This could either contain a gun or dust. But it looks fuckin cool as shit.
Ren's look is very much derived from my casual design for him. He and Nora aren't stressing about practicality too much.
His hair is down again. I'm doing the Ren stans a favour. You're welcome.
Pink scarf. It's to stop sand getting in his mouth and such. Dip dyed red at the end. Resembles Ruby's cape.
Overalls because Ren is fucking sexy. Muted green shirt underneath. Off the shoulders.
He has a black belt around his waist. He keeps dust (and Nora's diabetic medicine) in his pouches. Very responsible.
Black miniboots. He's a fashion diva dontcha know.
Red ribbon wrapping his knife to his arm. I'm using black as the group grieving colour, but Ren also gets red because he loves Jaune secretly shhhhh.
Nora is another growing her hair out. I imagine that Jaune started cutting her hair one day and once he left, she didn't ask Ren to take over again. She just let it grow.
Hair bow, because she loves Penny secretly shhhhh. She has a heart choker too. Just for fun.
Black loose jumper. Again, not Vacuo clothing, but she kinda just needed comfort clothing. Heart with a lightning bolt through it also brings to mind imagery of a broken heart.
Blue skirt. There's no reasoning for this.
Pink and blue combat boots and white socks. She might be trans.
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bridgyrose · 6 months ago
Weiss smiled as she looked out at Beacon through the window of her family’s airship, two years of training and exams had practically flown by. And she couldnt be any more nervous. She was sure she belonged at Beacon, and the flight from Atlas was long enough that she was able to change into something that fit her better for a first day at the academy so she wasnt worried about how people would see her. No, her worry was with the strange powers that she had trained with for the last two years, still unable to control them well. She was glad she was able to keep them hidden during the exam her father had administered for her to prove she could attend Beacon, but even then it wasnt easy to explain why her weapon had frosted over or the flames that came in her eyes. 
Even as the airship landed, she couldnt help but run her fingers over the gloves she wore in an attempt to hide her powers. Not that they helped, but they certainly helped her feel better. Once the airship went still, she gathered her bags and started to make her way to the Beacon courtyard. 
“Would you like any help, Master Weiss?” Klein asked as he stayed near the door to the airship. 
“I can handle it, Klein,” Weiss answered. “But… thank you. I am going to miss you while I’m here.” 
Klein nodded and gave her a smile. “You know how to reach me if you need anything. And that includes if you need any assistance with doctors here.” 
“I think I can handle that on my own, but… I’ll keep that in mind. And I’ll keep in touch.” 
“Please do, Miss Weiss.” 
A smile crossed Weiss’s lips upon hearing Klein’s words, glad that he still accepted her no matter what. It was a comfort to hear, almost taking away the nervousness that she felt as she made her way towards the cafeteria for orientation. At least, that was the plan until she felt someone run into her and knock her over. Weiss picked herself up with a groan, only to be met with one of the students standing over her and offering a hand. 
“I’m sorry, I didnt see you there.” 
Weiss took the girl’s hand and stood up, dusting herself off before glaring at the girl. “Dont you know what you could’ve done?!” 
The girl rubbed the back of her head. “I… dont know what you’re referring to.”
“You could’ve caused an explosion with dust!” Weiss yelled out as she started to pick up some of the vials that had spilled out from her bags. She inspected the vials and made sure everything was still securely closed before packing them away. “You’re lucky nothing’s loose. Even as a powder its still volatile.” 
“You’re the one who needs to pay attention then. How’s anyone supposed to know you have that much dust?” 
“W-well… I-I… Most people know who I am!” 
“I dont.” 
Weiss took a deep breath to try to calm herself as she finished putting away her dust vials. She could already feel the familiar surge of the powers inside her as her eyes started to sting from the heat of flames that wanted to appear. “I’m Weiss. And you are?” 
“Ruby,” Ruby answered with a smile. 
“You should still pay attention where you’re going.” Weiss paused as she picked up one last vial and looked it over. It was unlabeled but certainly looked more like something you’d get from a doctor. “I dont remember this one-” 
“That’s because its mine!” Ruby said as she snatched it away. 
Weiss frowned a bit, but let it go. If it was Ruby’s, then there was no sense in getting angry at her snatching her own vial away. Though, she still thought it was rude. She finished making sure the bags were back on the trolly correctly and tightened up a few straps to keep things in place. “It was nice to meet you, but I do need to make my way to orientation.” 
“A-actually, could I come with you? I just got here, but… I do feel a little lost about where to go.” 
“Lost? How could you be lost-” Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath as her voice strained to keep from yelling. It was just her luck that she’d run into someone so ill-prepared to be at Beacon. “Arent you a bit young to be here?” 
“Yeah, but professor Ozpin offered me a spot here after stopping a dust robbery.” Ruby fidgeted a bit while she adjusted her backpack. “I guess I ended up a bit too excited and forgot where we’re supposed to go for orientation. Though, it doesnt help that Yang left me too.” 
“Fine, you can follow me but then we go our separate ways.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes a bit as she felt Ruby pull her into a hug. Once she was let go, she grabbed her trolley and started moving forward towards the cafeteria. Her steps started to slow as she looked around at all the other students around her, her eyes lingering on the girls she saw. Most of them were wearing skirts or pants that let them move around, and those that werent seemed to have weapons that let them sit still at range and far away from combat. She couldnt help but look down at her own clothes feeling ill prepared in her own right. Sure her combat gear was tailored to her body, but it felt… lacking when she thought about it. It still felt like something she was expected to wear to be her father’s heir. 
Ruby put a hand on Weiss’s shoulder. “Everything okay? Your eyes look like they’re burning.” 
Weiss quietly pulled out a hand mirror and looked at her eyes, heart nearly stopping when she saw the flames in her eyes. At least it was only the flames. She wasnt sure she was ready to try to explain anything else like ice forming or burning someone’s clothes. “Y-yeah, its my…uh.. m-my semblance,” she lied. “Something about getting emotional makes it manifest differently.” 
“Sounds like Yang’s. Her eyes change to red when she gets angry or uses hers.” 
“Its not really like that, but… I guess that’s close.” Weiss closed her eyes and took a few moments to try to shut off her motions like she trained herself. No anger, no fear, no nervousness or extreme joy, just calm. Nothing to allow her powers to channel themselves. She waited until the sting in her eyes was finally gone before opening them again. “The cafeteria is just ahead. You should be able to find it without too much issue.” 
“Arent you going there too?” Ruby asked. 
“I have a call I need to make beforehand. You go ahead and maybe we’ll see each other again.” 
“Maybe huh?” 
“Just go.” Weiss relaxed a bit as she watched Ruby walk off, not quite sure if she made a friend or an annoyance. Either way, she didnt seem to recognize her name just like everyone else around didnt seem to recognize who she was. And while that should’ve made her feel disappointed, it did make her feel better that she could try to be herself without anyone thinking it was strange. 
She made sure to get off the main path to the cafeteria and stood next to a tree as she pulled out her scroll and dialed quickly. Her heart started to race as she heard Klein answer the call, her voice went quiet as she spoke. “Can… can you put in an order for a new combat outfit to be ready in a week? I’ll send you the details, but… I think I’m ready.”
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captain-morgan · 4 years ago
RWBY Volume 8 episode 14 rant
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I actually really like the finale. At first I didn’t really enjoy it cause so much happened and it was way to fast. But after a second watch I found myself really enjoying the episode.
I think it definitely had its flaws but I think it also shined spectacularly. Like the whole volume had a problem with sidelining the main girls (tho it did a lot of really good character interactions that I absolutely adored) but honestly I’d give this volume a 9/10.
I think that everyone can agree that Penny was the true main character when it came to the atlas arc and honestly as someone who wasn’t a big penny fan until after vol 7 I can honestly say that her story broke my heart.
When she came back to life I knew it wasn’t for long, I mean that kinda ruins the way death works in the series. So I knew she was gonna die by the end. But that doesn’t mean it hurts less. I think her death was done beautifully. All she ever wanted was to protect her friends and make her own choices. And people kept getting in the way of those wishes.
I’m not gonna get into the whole trans allegory and how many people read her character as that and how they are disappointed in her death cause they think rt hates trans people. (*cough* May is standing right there *cough*) Cause I’m not trans and I don’t want to speak over the people who actually are and that are having very valid feelings while grieving her. But the people who are damning the show because of it are kinda getting on my nerves.
Anyways, Penny’s last moments was her last chance to make her own choice. Even if it was the choice to end her life. Honestly the whole volume she knew this was going to happen. I mean having the maiden powers basically puts a big sign on your back saying, “HEY CINDER COME KILL ME”. But she made the sacrifice to insure that the good guys at least wouldn’t lose everything. And it’s heartbreaking because all we want is for Penny to finally live the life she always wanted. To be with her friends and feel the love that comes with that. But sadly she doesn’t get to experience that.
I think in a show like rwby, that’s basically about war, it’s really appropriate to show people that not everything will be okay. The good people die. For no reason. And it sucks. But that’s war. And I understand the grief, really I do. But in no way does Penny’s death ruin the show for me. If anything it makes me love and understand her character more.
(And penny was always a real girl robot or not so bite me fandom)
I also am so happy with how the girls fell trying to save each other and how Weiss was fighting for her found family even through her grief. She literally had no aura and yet still went full strength against a nuts maiden.
And omg Blake baby I love you and I can’t wait to see you shine in volume 9. Also bumbleby is canon suck my dick haters.
Same with Ruby, she has so much trauma to process and my girl needs a long hug.
And Jaune is the mvp in my heart. Literally I become a Jaune stan recently and I’m so sad for everything he did in this episode. He is the support but Penny was 100% right, healing would have taken to long. I mean come on, Cinder was right there it was a matter of seconds before she pushed Weiss aside and finished the job. Jaune did what Penny asked but the blood is 100% on Cinder. And then the weapon that has never truly been his was shattered. I can’t wait for his journey next volume.
Winter, omg, Winter. Literally I have no words. Her character is so much and I don’t think I can talk about it rn. Just, I love her and I am so so sad for her.
Cinder has finally become a truly terrifying villain and I’m all here for it.
All that out of the way, I loved this volume and I can’t wait for the next one. I know a lot of people a disappointed and I understand that, I really do. You are 100% valid in your sadness. And I understand a lot of people are mad about it not only being rwby who fell into “ gay super hell” but imo I’m so excited for Jaune to be there lol. (I literally yelled “YES” when he fell lol)
I love rwby and I loved this volume. Can’t wait for more ☺️
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ao3feed-blakeyang · 4 days ago
Rwby reacts
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IXK5LeF by Anaya09 Words: 8546, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of My reactions Fandoms: RWBY Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Relationships: May Marigold/Winter Schnee, Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Penny Polendina/Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Neptune Vasilias/Sun Wukong, Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos, Raven Branwen/Summer Rose/Taiyang Xiao Long Additional Tags: Ruby Rose (RWBY) Needs a Hug, Trans Ruby Rose (RWBY), Trans Female Ruby Rose (RWBY), Autistic Ruby Rose (RWBY), Ruby Rose (RWBY) has PTSD, Fluff, Angst, Weiss Schnee Needs a Hug, Tsundere Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long Needs a Hug, Lesbian Yang Xiao Long, Bisexual Blake Belladonna, Nonbinary Blake Belladonna, Good Sibling Winter Schnee, Winter Maiden Weiss Schnee, Whitley Schnee Needs a Hug read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IXK5LeF
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kittyprincessofcats · 4 years ago
RWBY Volume 8, Episodes 1-7
Since I know there was a hiatus in the middle of this volume, I decided to make a separate post for the first half. (Also because SO MUCH HAPPENED in just the first half that I felt like it deserves a separate post and because I think mid-season speculations can be interesting at times.)
[There will be spoilers for episodes 1-7 of RWBY Volume 8 in this post (duh). Please don’t leave spoilers for any of the later episodes on this post, or I will block you.]
Under the cut because some people might want to avoid spoilers
- So, Ironwood is just a full-on dictator now, cool. Sleet just asked what’s going on and Ironwood straight-up shot him without even trying to explain first. Wow. If there was any doubt in my mind that Ironwood is evil now, it’s gone. Also, just how DUMB do you need to be to work with Watts on trying to hack Penny? HOW DUMB??? Didn’t he realize that Watts still works for Salem and would obviously secretly make this work in Salem’s favour? Did he really think a few guns would stop Watts from that? Ironwood’s a f-ing idiot.
- Also, if Ironwood’s already working with Watts, he could have at least also made Watts turn the heat in Mantle back on? Just saying? I mean, I know Ironwood doesn’t care about Mantle, but he could have at least done that to give them a fighting chance? That would have been the very least if you’re already not evacuating them?
- I like the slight design change in Weiss’ hair; definitely makes the braid look more natural. I also like how they made Blake’s hair a bit fluffier.
- I love the opening, though I’m still trying to figure out what some parts of it mean. (And it scares me how dark and depressing it seems – it’s giving me Volume 3 vibes, but I really don’t want anyone to die.)
- When it comes to dying, I’m particularly worried about Penny, Nora, and Winter. But especially Penny. I hate how Ironwood was trying to pressure her into coming back, how everyone is after her now, and how she herself said she wished she didn’t have the Maiden powers. I just want my baby to be okay 😢. I’m also worried Cinder might die, just because you see her screaming in the opening when the lyrics say “Some lives will end much too soon” – and after getting her backstory, I actually like Cinder now, so I’d be sad about it this time.
- I love Robyn so much. Her comforting Qrow, yelling at Jacques to shut up, and calling out Harriet were all such giant moods.
- The conflict between Yang and Ruby (and by extension the rest of the gang) is interesting, though I’m honestly not completely sure why they’re angry at each other. Both of them have a point about why their respective plans are important and I think splitting up and doing them separately was the best course of action (though they could have maybe split the teams up a bit more evenly). So, I’m not completely sure why their conflict feels like they’re also mad at each other on a personal level. And same for Ren and Nora, by the way.
- The Hound and everything about it freak me the hell out and I don’t want to ever see it again. (Right now, my sister and I are speculating that the Hound might have once been a person and while I think that’s likely, I also hate it – no thanks, do not want to see.)
- The Happy Huntresses are amazing and I love that they’re getting more screen time now. I still think both May and Fiona’s semblances are super OP. I also like that we now got on-screen confirmation of May being trans (yay for some more LGBT+ representation!).
- Blake getting motion-sick and hating being transported with Ruby’s powers was adorable and reminded me of Catra (from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) and how she hates being teleported by Glimmer’s powers. So, now I’m wondering: Is motion sickness a cat thing or something?
- Can you believe we got 3 Nuts and Dolts hugs in just the first 3 episodes? I’m living!
- Nora’s arc was interesting so far. I loved seeing her hug Oscar so sweetly, and her moment of taking down that door was epic (I really hope she’s okay!). I also think what she said about not knowing who she is without Ren is really interesting. It’s something that happens in real life, that two people who have spent so much time with each other can lose their sense of who they are as individuals. So, I hope she gets the possibility to figure out who she is by herself.
- Ren’s arc was interesting as well. I’m glad he finally voiced what’s been bothering him and while I was annoyed with him during his fight with Jaune and Yang, I loved that moment where he told the Ace Ops that no one is replaceable. (Bold thing to tell Team JNR that people are replaceable after how they lost Pyrrha.) His evolved semblance is really cool, I loved how he analyzed that Marrow and Winter don’t really want to be there, and now I want him to psycho-analyze all the characters. I also like how Jaune telling Ren not to hide his feelings is what eventually led to Ren realizing that hiding their feelings is exactly what the Ace Ops are doing.
- Also, I really want both Winter and Marrow to jump ship and abandon Ironwood and the Ace Ops already. (Winter telling Harriet she outranks her was epic!)
- Honestly, Ironwood and the Ace Ops (minus Marrow) are my most hated characters right now. Because Salem and everyone under her are at least not pretending to be the good guys. They’re evil, but at least they’re honest about it and they’re still interesting and/or entertaining and they have style. So yeah, I don’t really hate the actual villains because they’re at least cool villains, but Ironwood and the Ace Ops are just awful - and they keep insulting my girl Penny and I want to slap them for it every time.
- Salem’s giant whale is one of hell of a villain-lair location. I dig it.
- In general, this volume (so far) once again reminded me how much I love Salem as a villain. She’s so stylish and so deliciously evil, while also being extremely compelling. It’s not often that I find a “big bad” character so intriguing and fascinating while still considering them irredeemable* and wanting the heroes to take them down. I really have to clap for the CrewBY here. Not many writers have managed to make me feel that way about a big bad. And then there was that part where she acted like an orchestra conductor while classical music plays as the Grim attack everyone… she just has style as villain, okay? You have to admit she’s got style.
[*Small correction here: I would be okay with it if the show redeemed Salem and the gods ended up being the final villains, as long as it was handled in a believable way. What I meant to say here - but didn’t express well - is that I don’t necessarily need Salem to be redeemed and I’m okay with just liking her as a villain. That said, no one is ever “irredeemable” because no one is ever unable to make the choice to change.]
- I mean, just that first scene between Salem and Oscar was so good! The way Ozpin has an “okay, don’t panic” moment before Oscar looks up and sees Salem (😂), the way Salem talks to Oscar and refers to Oz as “my Ozma” 😢. How she caresses Oscar’s cheek after he lied to her and her line “like-minded souls indeed”, implying that Ozma lied to her as well – I love all of it. Salem’s such a good character I could go on and on about it.
- I feel so bad for poor Oscar, though! He didn’t ask for any of this, he’s only a kid, and how he’s getting tortured and beaten up after everything he’s already been though. I really hope Yang, Jaune, and Ren manage to save him (possibly with Emerald’s help?). And like, I’m not surprised that Salem isn’t above hurting kids (she did kill her own ones and all that), but Hazel is a hypocrite. His beef with Ozpin aside, he knows full-well that none of this is Oscar’s fault.
- Also, I feel dumb for only now understanding that Salem’s plan is to bring the relics together so the gods will destroy all of humanity and finally let her die as well. Honestly, just having a deep death wish after being alive for so long is also an unconventional motivation for a big bad, and I love it. I also think this should make Oscar and Ozpin’s idea of turning Salem’s followers against her a lot easier: With the exception of Tyrian, I’d say most of Salem’s other followers are probably interested in, you know, staying alive. So, telling them Salem’s real plan should honestly at least make all of them consider the idea of leaving Salem. And we saw that it’s starting to work with Emerald, Mercury and Hazel.
- So yeah, I think Ozpin and Oscar (and Penny) had the right idea when they questioned Salem’s underlings on why they follow her. And honestly, I think whether all of those characters “deserve” a redemption or forgiveness isn’t relevant right now – they don’t need to be forgiven by every character for everything they’ve done, they just need to leave Salem and potentially help fight against her because, frankly, our heroes need all the help they can get right now.
- I loved that moment of Yang asking if “she” would think less of her for not helping with Amity and Jaune reassuring her that Ruby loves her, before Yang implies that she wasn’t talking about Ruby (heavily implying that she meant Blake).
- And yeah, my sister was right about Qrow being even more upset about Clover’s death because he thought Clover was someone his misfortune semblance couldn’t hurt.
- Penny is best girl and best Maiden, I said what I said. I love how she’s only had the maiden powers for a few hours and she’s already better at using them than Cinder (or Raven, for that matter). Holding her own against the Ace Ops 4v1 was epic, as was her fight against Cinder and Emerald. The way she used her powers to freeze those pillars into place, fought off Cinder when she tried to steal her powers, found the real Cinder among the illusions via heat signature – epic stuff. And the way she lifted up Amity all by herself? As much as I hate that everyone’s after her, I love seeing just how strong Penny is now and I loved hearing multiple characters admit they can’t beat her. I also loved all of her funny moments (like figuring out Ruby’s semblance before she did, or that part where she explained which way they’d have to go). I swear though, I’m going to punch every character who’s insulting her or trying to guilt-trip her. And the Ace Ops blaming her for Winter being hurt? Fuck them. (Notice how Penny only attacked them after they insulted Ruby, though? D’awww.)
- The thing that makes me love Penny even more than all her amazing powers though is just how compassionate she is and what a big heart she has. She was the first to ask Cinder why she even serves Salem, before even Oscar and Ozpin thought about trying to turn Salem’s followers against her, and she ultimately let Emerald and Cinder go when she could have finished them off, despite the fact that those two were directly responsible for Penny’s first death in Volume 3 – whether heroes letting dangerous villains go is a good thing or not is a different discussion, but in this case it just showed to me how compassionate Penny is – enough that she felt bad even for the people who hurt her before.
- Pietro and his bond with Penny are giving me all the feels 😢. I really felt for him when he said he didn’t want to lose her again – but he ultimately had to let her make her own choices. That “I love you” before she fell really got to me. Gosh, I hope Penny will be okay.
- Maria fighting Neo was epic as well. Never count out the Grimm reaper just because she’s an old lady!
- I loved the scene of the broadcast and all the cameos of people all over Remnant listening to it. I really didn’t expect to see Terra and Saphron, Sun and Neptune, Ilia, Tai or Glynda! And the moment of Ruby herself watching it with such wide eyes was adorable.
- Okay, now let’s talk about my highlight of the volume so far and my new problematic fave: Cinder. I’m honestly not even surprised at myself. I often have a thing for villain ladies, I love Cinderella as a fairy tale and I’ve thought since Volume 4 that I could probably really like Cinder if they explained her motivations a bit more and gave us a bit more development. Then Volume 5 disappointed me on that front, but I’m glad we’re finally getting there now! I’ve been practically begging to get a backstory or something for her and I’m so glad CRWBY finally delivered! The moment they opened the volume with that little glimpse of her backstory, I became super hyped that we were finally getting it, and the fact that they opened the volume with it makes me think it’s going to become relevant to the main plot somehow. The backstory itself was pretty much what I expected (my prediction was “Cinderella but slightly worse, and then she murders the evil stepmom and stepsisters”), though I have to say the human trafficking, literal child slavery, and shock collar were a surprise. I expected “Cinderella but slightly worse”, but I’d say we got “Cinderella but A LOT worse”. And even though I get why some people might feel that this backstory was introduced too late to make Cinder interesting, I’m personally team “better late than never”, so I’m still glad we got it. And honestly, it puts so much of Cinder’s character into perspective and explains so much about her. How she models herself after the abusive figures in her life (Madame, Salem), how her confident demeanor is an act, her affinity for glass, her treatment of Emerald and Mercury and how she probably sees herself in both of them (Emerald was a starving orphan, Mercury killed his abusive parent, Cinder’s backstory combines both of those). So yeah – I get why opinions here differ, but I personally loved the backstory and have to officially come out as a Cinder fan now.
- I also think Cinder’s backstory reveals a lot about Atlas’ society as a whole. Because, are you seriously telling me that all the high-society hotel guests saw literal child labour in front of them, saw this child being yelled at and mistreated, and except for one Huntsman no one said or did anything about it? Is child labour just normal in Atlas? Or are the people there that heartless? And I’m not sure if the implication is that Rhodes only trained Cinder in secret because he wasn’t willing to do more, or because he wasn’t legally able to do anything else to help her. And if it’s the second one, then what does THAT say about Atlas? No child protective services anywhere? No legal way at all to help a literal child slave instead of waiting for her to turn 17? Because holy hell, that’s messed up, Atlas!
- I also want to again stress what a brilliant manipulator Salem is. That scene where she punishes Cinder at first by hurting her only to backtrack and say it’s her own fault and that she needs to support Cinder is so good. The way Salem reminds Cinder of her pervious abuser before backtracking and pretending to be kind to make sure Cinder doesn’t make the connection and doesn’t realize that Salem is her new abuser – it’s such good emotional manipulation on Salem’s part. Because Salem IS Cinder’s new abuser, but she’s much more psychological about it. She hurt Cinder first before stopping, basically saying “Look, I’m not like your evil stepmom because I stopped”. It’s a brilliant way of making sure Cinder stays under her thumb and won’t rise up against her the way she eventually did against the stepmom. It’s amazing – but I also need Cinder to realize what’s going on and get out of there asap.
- Also, I just want to say: After I finished watching “Midnight”, I went on AO3 hoping that someone had written a canon divergent fanfic where someone actually saves young Cinder – and I wasn’t disappointed. So far, after only skimming through AO3 for a bit, I’ve seen two fanfics where Qrow saves her, one where Tai saves her, one where Summer Rose saves her, one where all of team STRQ save her, and one where a time-travelling Ruby from the future saves her. Thank you FNDM for not disappointing me – I can’t wait to read all of them.
- So yeah, I’m a fan of Cinder now and… uhm… *quietly hides before sharing my very controversial opinion*… I’d like it if she switched sides eventually.  I don’t necessarily think a redemption is realistic or likely, but I’m kind of team “redemption for everyone (except Salem because she’s the big bad and awesome at it and Tyrian because he clearly loves what he’s doing)” now. Hazel might be a hypocrite, but he’s still someone who has morals and doesn’t want the world to end. Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder have all had tough lives and I feel bad for them – so I’m kind of like, let’s just redeem them all. (And again – that doesn’t have to include all the heroes forgiving them! In fact, I’d be really disappointed if Teams RWBY or JNR ever forgave Cinder. I just want her to turn against Salem eventually; that doesn’t have to mean anyone forgives her!) And no, I don’t think they will all get redeemed - but I can dream, right?
- In general, I’m really curious to see where they’ll go with all four of those characters (Hazel, Emerald, Mercury, Cinder) now. Oh, and Neo as well! I think Emerald and Mercury definitely care about each other if their parting looks are anything to go by. I also think that despite his words, Mercury was worried about what Emerald told him she overheard. I think either Hazel or Emerald might steal the lamp and ask Jinn the last question (probably Emerald because she’s based on Aladdin and Jinn is the Genie). I’d really love to see all of Salem’s underlings asking the lamp something like “What is Salem hiding from us?” – similar to what Ruby and company asked about Ozpin, but since Mercury left and Cinder’s on her mission, I know that won’t happen. But maybe we’ll still get something like that with just Emerald, Hazel and Neo.
- I loved seeing Klein again (I still can’t get over the fact that he’s just all 7 dwarves in one person) and it was so sweet when he called Weiss “my snowflake” 🥺. And I’m glad Whitley came through and called help for Nora. Weiss hugging him was really sweet.
- That cliffhanger with Penny was honestly evil. That’s what they left people on for a month? Evil. I also think that given that the Hound and Cinder are after Penny, she should definitely stay with Ruby (since Ruby’s silver eyes should work on both of those).
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thuskindlyshescatters · 5 years ago
The magical eye squad of Ruby, Penny and Oscar my good hombre.
Ah, the kids. Love em.
Sexuality HC: I like to think she’s ace, but has had crushes of admiration on various girls throughout her life.
Gender HC: A trans girl (mtf) who loves her trans uncle.
A ship: How to choose? Sugar Rush (Ruby x Nora) is a guilty pleasure of mine, as well as Rosegarden (Ruby x Oscar) and Nuts ‘N Dolts (Ruby x Penny). Ultimately, due to the ace HC, I don’t really ship her in canon? These dynamics are just nice to think about, is all.
BROTP: Her and Yang, for sure. I know I already put down Yang and Weiss as a BROTP, but the power of sisterly love is indomitable!
NOTP: Rosewick (Ruby x Roman). Eugh.
Random HC: She doesn’t remember what Summer looks like, which is why the flashbacks in 6x13 and 7x11 look so idealized, and why we can’t see her face when she’s at her grave in the Volume One Opening.
General opinion: She’s such a good protag, I love her <3 I’m kind of sick of her not having a character arc, but at least mastering her Silver Eyes gives her something to do.
Sexuality HC: Ace homoromantic. Ruby was her first love, but she doesn’t experience sexual attraction.
Gender HC: She assigned herself female at birth and designed her physical form around that. There’s various mix-and-match designs and presentations in storage in case she ever felt like changing it up.
A ship: Nuts ‘N Dolts (Penny x Ruby). I wouldn’t want it to be canon in the show -- I’d prefer Ruby stay single -- but there’s something so Good about the bond of trust between them.
BROTP: I love her and Winter! They inspire each other to be individuals.
NOTP: Idk, just... don’t let your android fetish override your morals. Please.
Random HC: She actually did go through a period of shock and mourning when she came back and learned of what happened to Vale. She just tried to put on a brave face for Ruby.
General opinion: YES THEY BROUGHT HER BACK AHHH!! AND SHE CAN FLY!!!! AND SHE SHOOTS LASERS!!!!!! AND SHE’S THE WINTER MAIDEN FDJSKLGISGNF She deserves that main characters status 100%, and you may fight me on that.
Sexuality HC: He has no idea. He has kind of a complex about how being attracted to others is predatory because Oz, but he’ll eventually come to terms with it and just accept that he’s pan and move on.
Gender HC: He was assigned female at birth, then fully transitioned to male, and now is in a sort of demiboy limbo with so many other experiences in his head.
A ship: He totally has a crush on Ruby. Also Jaune, but he’s still figuring that one out. Neither should be canon, but hey, he’s still a teenage boy.
BROTP: Him and Nora are so fun to watch together. Seeing Nora go from “whomst the fuck” to “LITTLE! CUTE! BOY! OZ!!!!” is so pure.
NOTP: You know, I get where you’re coming from. The only two boys their age in the entire canon? The potential for romantic confusion providing access to his arc? Mlm representation? All of these are plausible reasons to ship Snowpines (Oscar x Whitley). But I just don’t see it.
Random HC: I used to have a theory that Watts was Oscar’s estranged-and-presumed-dead father. It’s mostly dead now, but I still like to bat it around sometimes. Watts wouldn’t recognize him since he still thinks he’s a girl, and Oscar was too young to remember him. Only after hearing the name “Pine” does he go wait a minute--
General opinion: He’s gone through so much, and his arc has just been GOLD. I wish that we’d actually got to see some character development when he ran off in Volume Six instead of moping about Pyrrha for no reason, but whatever. “I Had a Mental Breakdown in Argus and All I Got Was This T-Shirt.” I hope Volume Eight is kind to him.
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makiruz · 4 years ago
I was thinking about things that seems like good ideas at night but during the morning you change your mind.
Last night I was reading a RWBY AU where Raven doesn’t leave and Summer doesn’t die; for some reason it includes Weiss being very transphobic and at the time I thought that was an amazing idea and I wanted to share it but it was late and I wanted to go to bed; at the light of day (well “light” it’s been raining since yesterday) I still think Weiss being transphobic is an interesting idea since no one else is gonna be okay with that and I headcanon like half the cast to be trans (including Ozpin), but I no longer feel like sharing that sort of stuff, it feels to dark for when I’m alert.
Also in this Yang is the Spring Maiden for some reason and Ozpin is gonna train her, and in the day I noticed a tag that says: “and once again oz is preying on an easy to manipulate student” which he doesn’t (Also Yang is not easy to manipulate WTF). 
And I remember I have issues with this person because they say shit like that but they pay a lot of attention to Salem and Cinder and they have too many Fallen Petals stuff; and as I’ve mentioned before I’m not comfortable with people who have more sympathy for Salem than Ozpin because Salem was a domestic abuser and Ozma her victim, and I wanna add that I’m not comfortable with ships like Fallen Petals (Cinder/Ruby) because it gives me bad vibes (like it’d be an abusive relationship if it were real); I’m not gonna get in anyone’s case about it, but it makes me uncomfortable.
Also, now I think about it, this person seems allergic to m/f relationships (in that AU it seems like Raven and Summer are a couple and Tai the third wheel, which is weird); and as a bisexual woman, folks who seem to be actively avoiding m/f ships make me a bit uncomfortable; folks who avoid m/f ships AND seem to have a double standard for men and women make me very uncomfortable
Of course the question is, why am I reading this stuff? I dunno man, this person has interesting ideas, inspite of you know
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bcdwclves-a · 4 years ago
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Anonymous said:  What muses do you roleplay as? Forgive me for asking
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Naw, it’s all good. 
Here’s my Bestiary, for desktop.
But I’ll put my muse list down under a readmore, in case you come across this post while wandering your dashboard or you check in for this ask. 
Raven Branwen
Height: 6’8”.
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Mythic Faunus. Werewolf. Shape-shifter.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Bio: The oldest of the Branwen twins, Raven was raised an early age to be a perfect killer by her father, Romidus Branwen, the former chieftain of the Branwen tribe. Now, she is the Spring Maiden and is on the run after failing to secure the Relic of Knowledge from beneath Mistral’s academy.
Yang Xiao Long
Height: 7'1".
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Mythic Faunus. Dragon. Dragon-shifter.  
Sexuality: Polyamorous Homoromantic Homosexual.
Bio: The younger of the Xiao Long twins, Yang is the reincarnation of one of the Twin Dragons, a religious sect that once operated within Mistral’s borders that was headed by the Xiao Long clan, but her family is the only one left from that clan. She aspires to be a huntsman, using her awesome power to defeat evil, but now, she’s not so sure.
Blake Belladonna
Height: 6’3”.
Gender: Trans Female.
Species: Dire Faunus. Black Panther.
Sexuality: Aromantic Bisexual.
Bio: The younger of the Belladonna twins, Blake belongs to a family of activists that strived for peace, with her dire panther faunus mother, Ghira Belladonna, the former head of the White Fang, and her mother, Kali Belladonna, a former royal that ruled Vacuo. She found love and acceptance at Beacon, but once her nightmares became a reality, escaped to Menagerie to find some semblance of normalcy. Now, she joins team RWBY to save the world.
Weiss Schnee
Height: 5’10”.
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Dire Faunus. White Dire Wolf.
Sexuality: Grey-romantic Pansexual.
Bio: The youngest of her siblings in the House of Schnee, Weiss would have been the youngest CEO that the Schnee Dust Company would have seen, but with her wanting of freedom and to experience things on her own terms, she fought with all she had to attend Beacon. The price was a scar and her vision waning in her left eye. The freedom she experienced and the love of friendship was enough to leave a mark on her and once going back to her lonely castle, she resisted with all she had to oppose her father. Currently, she joins team RWBY in their effort to save the world.
Ruby Rose
Height: 6’1”.
Gender: Trans Female.
Species: Dire Faunus. Black Dire Wolf.
Sexuality: Grey-Asexual.
Bio: The youngest of her siblings, Ruby Rose is a hopeful spirit that sees the best in others, and strives to be a Hero of Justice that she perceives the Huntsman to be, and her goal of becoming a Huntsman is the beginning for her goal of saving people with a smile on her face, so that no one will suffer. Being a silver-eyed warrior, she hails from an ancient race of humans that were blessed with these ocular powers by the Brother of Light, who saw that these humans were exceptional. Currently, she heads the effort to save the world from “evil”.
Winter Schnee
Height: 6’4”.
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Dire Faunus. White Dire Wolf.
Sexuality: Aromantic Homosexual.
Bio: The oldest of her siblings in the House of Schnee, Winter strived to become a huntsman in her early years, but her dreams were quashed once she was told how her life would be going according to her father’s machinations. Distraught and in an act of rebellion, she joined the Atlesian Military once graduating from Atlas Academy. There, she saw the world, but only through the eyes of a soldier and then, as a Specialist, and all she saw was GREY.
Willow Schnee
Height: 5'5".
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Dire Faunus. White Dire Wolf.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Garnet Rose
Height: 5’9”.
Gender: Transgender Male.
Species: Faunus. Black Wolf.
Sexuality: Demiromantic Asexual.
Bio: The oldest of the Rose Siblings, Garnet, at an early age, was very inquisitive and innovative. At nine, he had shown an affinity for constructing and deconstructing various old machines around their house and using them for other builds. He was also a crack shot with a rifle, never really missing a shot, besides ricocheting a bullet off a bark of a tree to get at an out-of-sight target. He used to want to be a huntsman so that he could be a Hero of Justice, but just found himself struggling with the concept once finding out that their world wasn’t even the first one here and that evil truly is immortal and unkillable.
Eis Schnee
Height: 6’2”.
Gender: Cis Male.
Species: Homunculus.
Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual.
Bio: The middle sibling of his siblings in the House of Schnee, he belongs to neither mother’s of Winter and Weissen and neither to Weiss and Whitley. He was born out of the machinations of his father at his wanting of a perfect heir to lead their company into the future. Thus, he was born out of somebody’s else’s needs. Not out of love, but of what he could provide. He isn’t even his own person, for he is constructed out of the Soul Signature’s of every Schnee that came before him. But, besides being not made of flesh and bone, he strives to be the best that he can be.
Noire Belladonna
Height: 5’11”.
Gender: Agender.
Species: Faunus. Black Panther.
Sexuality: Panromantic Grey-ace.
Bio: The oldest of the Belladonna siblings, Noire has known nothing but the White Fang for their entire life. At age eight, they were attending rallies and at age 12, they got their first taste of violence at a rally, resorting to them defending themselves from an angry mob of humans. By 16, they were the White Fang’s torturer. By this time, they grew disenfranchised with the idea of the White Fang, and soon left at 17, before attending Beacon a year later. There, they found friendship and the experience of love before it was destroyed by the group they had left a year prior.
Yin Xiao Long
Height: 7’5”.
Gender: Cis Male.
Species: Mythic Faunus. Dragon. Dragon-shifter.
Sexuality: Polyamorous Pansexual.
Bio: The oldest of his siblings, Yin is the other half of the reincarnated Twin Dragons. All his life, he dreamt of using his incredible powers for good, and he still holds that dream close to his chest. But first, the end of the world takes precedence over his own dreams.
Cinder Falls
Height: 5’11”.
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Mythic Faunus. Dragon.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Bio: The one who brought on the downfall of Beacon and of its Headmaster, the Dragon of Scorched Earth, Cinder Falls. Before she was a pawn of evil, she was the daughter of merchants, who see traveled the world with, but they had met an unfortunate end as their dealings were cut by bandits. Her father offered up their goods, their entire wagon of food and perishables, groveling on the floor like wounded dogs. Cinder wanted her father to fight, to fend off these invaders, but instead, her father offered up his wife as a prize for safe passage. They were killed for the fun of it. There was no rhyme or reason to such cruelty. They did it because they had to power to, that was all. She was furious, at everything. Her father’s weakness and for those bandits’ audacity. Thus, she vowed, on that day, trudging through the mud along the dirt road, that she would never be weak like those around her. That she would be strong, strong enough to never, ever be considered weak by anyone.
Neo Politan
Height: 5’1”.
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Aromantic Bisexual.
Bio: A mute assassin, known in the deepest underbelly of the Remnant crime syndicate, she has many notches beneath her belt that tell of her killings. Politicians, huntsman, generals, peace leaders, priests, activists, whatever or whoever it is, she kills all, as long as their is pay for it. It’s just how she operates because, in this world, the weak die to her blade and the strong are future targets for other, stronger people with more money than the last idiot who hired her.
Qrowe Branwen (Genderbent)
Height: 6’2”.
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Mythic Faunus. Werewolf.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Asexual.
Gheera Belladonna (Genderbent)
Height: 6’11.
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Dire Faunus. Black Panther.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Taiyang Xiao Long (Genderbent)
Height: 6'9".
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Mythic Faunus. Dragon.
Sexuality: Poly-homoromantic Homosexual.
Height: 7’8”.
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Dire Faunus. White Dire Wolf.
Sexuality: Aromantic Homosexual.
Bio: An existence older than Remnant, itself. She is neither alive nor dead. She stands somewhere on the precipice of undeath. She knows the deepest depths of gods’ malice and curses the divine with her great and immolating wrath. She seeks nothing but the revenge that has been earned of her for waiting these millions of years for the exact moment to enact her terrible revenge. Anything else means nothing to her, for nothing matters most to her than seeing the Gods’ that the world reveres sink to their knees in groveling prayer to her before she kills the Brothers’ Grimm.
Eve Taurus (Genderbent Adam Taurus)
Height: 6'3".
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Mythic Faunus. Minotaur.
Sexuality: Grey-Ace Pansexual.
Nora Valkyrie
Height: 5’1”.
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Dire Bear.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Artoria Pendragon (Alter)
Height: 6’3”.
Gender: Agender.
Species: Servant. Dragonkin.
Sexuality: Aromantic Homosexual.
Bio: A fledgling phantasmal dragon mired in true, corrupting darkness of the holy grail, Vortigern once again takes mortal form as Artoria Pendragon, the Once and Future King, now a cold and unrelenting monster that cares not for the wiles of the people, but decidedly swings her sword down as an executioner’s blade without thought. Some say the fledgling dragon king is the truest version of Artoria’s wishes and the perfect king. Others say that she will bring the downfall of any kingdom or civilization she sets her sights on.
Rhongomyniad, the Divine Spirit and Fae King.
Height: 8’4”.
Gender: Agender.
Species: Divine Spirit. Fae.
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual.
Bio: An existence much different than her inferior Servant version, and greater than even the aberration derived from the singularity her origin is mired in. Rhongomyniad has truly achieved her goals and holds within her lance the souls of her kingdom, who live in peace within her holy lance. This Rhongomyniad is an existence that has matured fully into a true divine spirit, who encapsulates the half of her bloodline belonging to her mother’s, that being the Fae. She visits Chaldea on a whim, but roams to other lost, forgotten timelines, promising the lost souls of that dimension salvation and absorbs them into her holy lance for safe keeping in that utopia.
Vortigern, the Phantasmal Dragon
Height: 8’4”.
Gender: Agender.
Species: Phantasmal. Dragon.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Bio: If Rhongomyniad could be heralded as the true heir of her Fae lineage, then the once fledgling dragon, now a fully matured phantasmal, is the encapsulation of her father’s draconic origin and has fully been mired in the blood of her dragon kin. Vortigern is an Artoria coming from a radically different timeline, where she rules Camelot with an iron fist and terrorizes the British countryside as the leader of the Wild Hunt, where she takes her hunting party of phantasmal soldiers to raze the countryside, sweeping up any unfortunate soul into their hunting party. She was also slain by her own bastard son, Mordred in this timeline. But her existence wound up within the Reverse Side of the World, where she determinedly planted herself as the top of all Phantasmals, besting the dragons and divine spirits under her iron will. It was also in this space where she encountered the dragon, Fafnir, but he was clutching a source of great, eldritch mana close to him. And as such, Vortigern slew the great beast and absorbed this source of mana into her body, where she grew stronger and mightier than before. She takes up residence at Chaldea when the mood strikes her to terrorize them, but she mainly resides at the Reverse Side of the World.
Mordred Pendragon
Height: 5’9”.
Gender: Transgender Male.
Species: Homunculus/Servant. Half-fae/Half-dragon.
Sexuality: Aromantic Bisexual.
Bio: The bastard son of the Once and Future King, Artoria Pendragon. He was conceived out of wedlock by the scheming Morgan Le Fay, after her own mother violated his father in her sleep to gather the sperm necessary to create him. He was told all his life that he was born to best the king and to usurp the throne when called for him. But he nary believed such a thing was possible when viewing the sight of that perfect king. He trained and served under his father as a knight, but when told by his mother that he was bastard son of the king, he believed it to be his chance to tell the king the news, that he wouldn’t need to look for a successor, because he was there to take the throne when the time came for it. But he was denied even recognition by his own father, and that made him angry. Angry that he couldn’t even be looked at as a son to the king, let alone as someone as worthy to take the throne. Thus, his rebellion was enacted when the king left to Paris to chase after his adulterous knight, Lancelot. And it was after the king returned that, on the battle of Camlann, that Mordred was pierced through the chest.
Height: 5’8”.
Gender: Nonbinary.
Species: Servant.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Bio: One of the twelve famed paladins of Charlemagne, Astolfo is a paladin that has lost his sense of reasoning and is fairly carefree and charismatic. Often acting irrationality or without foresight, he charges into battle without care with his surprising and wild strength. He is a servant summoned in the Rider class, and originally was summoned in the Greater Holy Grail War, where he participated and survived to the end of it.
Ritsuka Fujimaru (Gudako)
Height: 5’10”.
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Bio: She is the current master of Chaldea, having traveled through many parallel worlds and timelines to correct them. Having fought gods and eldritch creatures that one would only see in their deepest nightmares, she persevered because of those at her sides, of the servants that pledge their allegiance to her cause of protecting the world, and of those contracted to her personally. She has many battle scars, even missing her fingertips on her right-hand due to continuing to use her mana despite having none.
Grigori Rasputin (demi-servant)
Height: 5’4”.
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Servant.
Sexuality: Aromantic Pansexual.
Mash Kyrielight
Height: 5'8".
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Homunculus/Demi-Servant.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Minamoto No Raikou
Height: 7'1", in normal form. In Oni Form, stands at 8'5".
Gender: Intersex Female. After fusion with Ushi Gozen, she also received Ushi’s various, uh– parts.
Species: Servant. Oni/Half-Deity.
Sexuality: Aromantic Pansexual.
Height: 8'7".
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Aesir God, of Thunder, Fertility, and the Sky.
Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual.
Walter C. Dornez
Height: 6'8".
Gender: Male.
Species: Artificial Human/Super Soldier.
Sexuality: Demisexual Grey-ace.
Height: 5’2”.
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Werekin.
Sexuality: Aromantic Pansexual.
Height: Determinant on current form.
Gender: Also determinant on current form.
Species: Vampire/True Immortal.
Sexuality: Omnisexual.
Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
Height: 6'4".
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Aromantic Pansexual.
Height: 8'9".
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Koopa.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Ryuko Kiryuin (Junketsu)
Height: 5'11".
Gender: Trans Female.
Species: Life-fiber/Human hyrbid.
Sexuality: Aromantic Homosexual.
Ryuko Matoi (Senketsu)
Height: 5'11".
Gender: Trans Female.
Species: Life-fiber/Human hybrid.
Sexuality: Aromantic Homosexual.
Ragyo Kiryuin
Height: Indeterminant. Taller than you.
Gender: Cisgender Female.
Species: Life Fiber-infused Human.
Sexuality: Omnisexual. You Are Not Safe.
Satsuki Kiryuin
Height: 6'4", in heels. 6'1", without heels.
Gender: Cisgender Female.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Demiromantic Grey-Ace.
Alex Cadejo
Height: 6'3".
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Human (?)/Host to Eldritch Abnormality.
Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual.
Bio: Alex is a struggling monster hunter who attempts to reign in big monster hunting gigs but usually struggles to pull in anything worthwhile, so whatever he manages to scrounge up, such as troll extermination and goblin cave clearings, he barely makes enough for gear upkeep, let alone anything to pay off his rent on time. His past is foggy, as he doesn’t quite remember anything past a certain point, but he’s certain he’s had parents and siblings at one time and loved in a spacious home at one point in his life, but that’s about all his mind can remember before everything turns into fog. In actuality, his family has a long history of being hosts to Eldritch Abnormalities and fostering them for their own gain before the Eldritch Abnormality manages to consume them whole. Alex is one such host to an Abnormality, but it seems this particular Abnormality causes such distress upon the world, it’s completely nulls out Alex’s existence and places himself outside the world’s cycle itself. He knows he’s host to something strange but he finds himself unable to die properly, as everytime he does manage to unfortunately meet his end, he always manages to wake up on the spot a few minutes, or hours/days, later, unharmed. But he’s generally on alright sort of person with very unfortunate luck and a strange history, but he’s abnormally strong and that’s all right.
Akira Kurusu
Height: 6'0".
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Goro Akechi
Height: 5'10".
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Justice, the Awesome Demon
Height: 5’8”.
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Demon.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Helltaker (Genderbent)
Height: 6'4".
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Homorantic Homosexual.
Byleth Eisner
Height: 5’9”.
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Goddess/Crest-infused Deity.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Height: Regular Form is 5’8” but She-ra Form is 7’1”.
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Alastor, the Radio Demon
Height: 7'4".
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Demon.
Sexuality: Aromantic Bisexual.
Bio: A devilish man that cherished the product of entertainment and sought to up his prowess in the cabaret business, but by wanting more and more, every attempt became more and more futile and rejected by both his radio audience and his clientele. This is when he made a pact with a very old god and in exchange for the odd human sacrifice, he would be granted his every wish. But he became enraptured in the swell of fame that he subsequently lost his mind with the killings and hunting of his human prey, that for one last show, he had televised the slaughter of his studio TV audience with the help of his powers granted to him by this god. It wasn’t until his escape and evasion of the cops, that he got all that he had ever wanted, in the form of a bullet shot by a hunter who had mistaken him for a deer coming out of the foilage.
Height: 10’3”.
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Moth Demon.
Sexuality: Aromantic Pansexual.
Bio: A prodigious owner of Po///rn Studios, Valentino made his rise to power during the tribulations of the Radio Demon’s arrival, many, many years ago. He resides as the Boss and Overlord over his quaint section of Pentagram City, as along with the Three V’s. His business is in pleasure, and pleasure is his business. He runs popular strip clubs, bars, brothels and owns and operates the largest studio of adult entertainment in Pentagram City.
Height: 4'1".
Gender: Male.
Species: Imp Demon.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Height: 6'6".
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Hellhound.
Sexuality: Aromantic Pansexual.
Angel Dust
Height: 9'0".
Gender: Male.
Species: Spider Demon.
Sexuality: Aromantic Bisexual (but with a male-leaning).
Height: 5'4".
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Moth Demon. Former Exorcist/Angel.
Sexuality: Panromantic Grey-Ace (but female-leaning).  
Doom Slayer
Height: 6'8".
Gender: Indeterminate. Isn’t actually seen without their armor on.
Species: Formerly Human. Now, Divinity-infused Human.
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual.
Goro Majima
Height: 5'7".
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Aromantic Pansexual.
Kiryu Kazuma
Height: 6'2".
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Tatsumaki, the Tornado of Terror
Height: 4'8".
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Human/Esper.
Sexuality: Better than you.
Height: 6'7".
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Vouivre.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Height: 7'2".
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Oni.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Anastasia Belinski ( Doktah OC )
Height: 6'5", with heels on. 6'3", without heels.
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Unidentified Extraterrestrial.
Sexuality: Aromantic Bisexual.
Height: 5'3".
Gender: Transgender Female. From Kale’s side.
Species: Saiyan.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Height: 6'2".
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Saiyan.
Sexuality: Fightsexual. Give him a good fight, and he’s all yours.
Height: 5'6", in current/base form. 8'9" in Berserker/Legendary Super Saiyan state.
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Saiyan.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Height: 8'8".
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Umbran Witch/Lumen Sage.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Rumi Usagiyama
Height: 5'3".
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Human/Bunny Hyrbid, due to Quirk.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Nana Shimura
Height: 6'5".
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Human/Quirk User.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Izuku Midoriya
Height: 5'5".
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Human/Quirk User.
Sexuality: Panromantic Bisexual.
Height: 7'6".
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Gerudo.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Height: 4'7".
Gender: Cisgender Male.
Species: Hylian.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Height: 5'2".
Gender: Current host is male.
Species: Deity. Is the God of Wind, Barbatos.
Sexuality: Aromantic Pansexual. Buy him a drink first and he’s all yours.
Height: 4'9".
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Enhanced Human.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Height: 6'5".
Gender: Transgender Female.
Species: Human. Vision Holder.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
Rimuru Tempest
Height: 4'9".
Gender: Agender. But prefers He/Him pronouns.
Species: Slime/Demon Lord.
Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual.
Chara Dreemurr
Height: 5'6".
Gender: Nonbinary. Has no set pronouns.
Species: Demon of Hatred.
Sexuality: Aromantic Pansexual.
Kris Dreemurr
Height: 5'9".
Gender: Agender. But prefers He/Him pronouns.
Species: Human.
Sexuality: Aromantic Bisexual.
Scanty Daemon
Height: 6'2", with heels on. 6'0", without heels.
Gender: Intersex Female.
Species: Demon.
Sexuality: Painsexual. But aromantic pansexual.
Alcina Dimitrescu
Height: 9'6".
Gender: Cisgender Female.
Species: Mutant.
Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual.
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dragynkeep · 5 years ago
I have been waiting for SO. LONG. to hear your thoughts on the volume 7 finale, especially where Irondaddy James is concerned. I think the crwby fucked up ROYALLY with the whole thing. This whole volume was a dumpster fire! So glad it's finally fucking over.... But those are just my thoughts in a nutshell, a very bitter nutshell. --ods
ozpin vc : its been 84 millennia  .  .  .
for me uh  .  .  .  yeah it was bad concerning james. it was very bad & i’m not here for yet another instance of a male character with a mental illness being villainized and dehumanized when there were plenty of other ways to go about revealing oscar’s powers & showing that james had fallen down into his own spiral ; which is presumably what they wanted from this volume but completely bollocks’d it up like usual.
penny being the winter maiden  —  i know that luke is still dying on his hill that she shouldn’t of come back which, mood. but i will personally say that i prefer penny being the winter maiden over fucking lil miss nobody nora. it reaffirmed her personhood, even though the is penny trans discourse that resurfaced afterwards was so fucking cursed like. let’s not make the character who was murdered the first time round because her “ true nature ” was outed without her consent an allegory for a trans woman thanks.
rwby turning tail and running away from mantle when that had been the exact thing that they had bitched and whined at ironwood for was hilarious  —  their hypocrisy has been off the charts this volume and it’s only made me wholly dislike them. best girl weiss lost points for that whole this is my home schtick (which she would then abandon with rwby so obviously didn’t mean much did it weiss) when they were fighting over mantle. mantle is not your home, weiss ; atlas isn’t even your home because you were forced back and wanted to leave the moment you could. you even said so in your discussion with willow so. that scene with marrow was a big fucking oof.
winter’s back must be hurting from carrying this entire fucking volume sksksks.
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magnhild · 5 years ago
let’s talk about nora valkyrie
warning: this post is not a solid, coherent discussion. it is simply a mess of my thoughts and ideas and is rather messy. also, it contains spoilers for volume 7 of rwby, but if you can see this post then you’re probably all caught up and don’t have spoilers tagged.
so anyway let’s get into it.
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I’ve always loved Nora, there’s never been any doubt about that. but at the same time, she’s always off to the side, hasn’t done too much to contribute to the plot and arguably hasn’t had any character development either. This volume though is where I think that changes. Volume 7 is truly taking steps to make sure we know she’s part of the main cast alongside her teammates and RWBY, to the point where she’s now joined Yang and Blake as one of my top favourite characters. And I think she’s going to be far more important in this volume and possibly the next ones than any of us anticipated.
Some of us had already picked up that there was more to Nora than one would first think. We’ve picked up on her brutal honesty and her surprising perceptiveness, both when it comes to people’s feelings and how to potentially solve issues. She’s certainly smarter than most people give her credit for. But volume 7 is bringing all this to the surface so that everyone can see, and I don’t think they’re just doing so for no reason. They could easily have Blake taking her role in the story, or maybe even Ruby or Weiss. But of all people, it’s Nora who’s standing up more than any of the main cast for Mantle’s wellbeing and calling Ironwood out for what he’s doing to harm it. For her, it almost seems personal, with episode 7 seeing her get angrier than we’ve ever seen her before. In fact, aside from direct confrontation with villains, we’ve rarely seen any character get this angry so far in the show. I’ve seen people say that it’s because she was an orphan and she doesn’t want to see the people of Mantle go through what she did, but I don’t think it’s that simple. After all, Ren was an orphan too, but he seems to be taking the opposite stance to her (and that’s a whole other can of worms). No, I think- and disclaimer, I’m not claiming to have come up with this- that Mantle is Nora’s original hometown and where she spent her life before somehow winding up in Anima. After all, we have absolutely no knowledge of where she came from or went through before meeting Ren aside from the fact that she was not from Kuroyuri. As for further details on her backstory, there are several possibilities. Maybe her family were extremely poor and suffered greatly from the city’s circumstances. Maybe she’s the child of a human-faunus couple and faced discrimination from both humans and faunus as a result, especially given the racism of Atlas. Maybe her parents died early on in her life and she was an orphan long before meeting Ren. Or maybe her parents died early, but she was taken in by other family. Perhaps a grandmother who might just be on her deathbed deep within Atlas who’s constantly thinking of her lost granddaughter.
Yes, the Winter Maiden Nora theory sure is a good one and if my personal theory (the human/faunus child one) falls through, I’d be very happy with it. It certainly makes sense. Not only did we never get a mention of the current Winter Maiden’s last name, but her first has some interesting origins. Fria is one of the modern spellings of Freyja, a Norse goddess, who, according to some scholars, was one of the Valkyries of Norse myth. Interesting, huh? There’s also the fact that it seems a little too easy and obvious for Winter to get the powers. Not to mention, it would certainly be a very interesting choice for the story if the powers go to someone who is beginning to oppose Ironwood rather than his most trusted lieutenant. And if Nora does indeed become the Winter Maiden, the whole game changes. Atlas’ fate is suddenly going to pretty much be in the hands of this 19-year-old woman who isn’t looking to be a very big fan of Atlas right now and is already getting stressed enough as it is. I don’t actually know much about proper Norse mythology, but I know that, in the Marvel movie at least, it’s Thor himself who causes Ragnarök. Whether or not it’s the same in the actual folklore, I don’t know, but it’s definitely something to think about.
So yeah, there are a lot of possibilities surrounding Nora being from Mantle but now let’s talk about where she could be headed with these possibilities in mind. I think it’s clear at this point that she is regretting allying with Ironwood with each passing day. In the very first episode of Volume 7, she expressed her dry disappointment with the state Mantle’s in and she’s continued to do so as time’s gone on. We also know that she supports Robyn Hill and it’s been implied that she thinks she’s doing a much better job at helping people than Ironwood is. And then there’s Ren. Despite their kiss in episode 6, it’s clear that they’re still having problems, especially now that Ren’s showed a worrying amount of support towards Ironwood- it even seems to have surprised Ruby. With all this coming to a head, I don’t think Nora’s going to be staying with the team for long. Something’s going to happen, something like a huge argument or a break of her trust and it’s going to push her right to someone who she knows is doing the right thing- Robyn. After all, Nora expressed frustration with all the lies she and the others are having to keep in the very same episode Robyn’s Semblance was revealed to be the ability to know the truth. There’s also my personal headcanon of her, May and Joanna all being trans girls and bonding over it, but I’m not getting my hopes too high for that.
Honestly though, if Nora joins the Huntresses, I think it’ll be great, both inside the show and out. I personally don’t think that what Ironwood’s doing is a good idea at all, nor do I agree with his methods and I think Nora rebelling could be the push the others to do the same (especially since Yang and Blake have already done it a little bit). It could be the cause of some really interesting conflict and we could get a lot of character building. Would she leave in secret or make it very clear where she’s going? Would her friends be able go after her or will Ironwood insist that the Amity project is more important? Will Ren feeling deeply betrayed and angered or will it be the wake-up call he needs? The choice opens so many doors and if it’s the direction they take and I’m very much here for it
Then there’s Ren. I’ve already mentioned him several times in this post, so all I’m gonna say is that I don’t think their conflict will doom them, not at all. Ren and Nora have been best friends since they were young kids and were all each other had for the longest time. They’re not going to let this ruin their friendship after all they’ve been through together. And despite what I keep seeing people saying, I think episode 6 made it clear that Ren does return Nora’s romantic feelings and it’s all in the kiss. There’s no way he’d have reacted the way he did- wrapping his arms around her and staying in the kiss for several seconds- if he didn’t feel the same way. He’d have pulled away or at the very least looked uncomfortable with it. I honestly think that, once Ren realizes that how he’s acting is risking him losing her for good, he’ll come to his senses. Every friendship and every couple have their arguments but that doesn’t mean it has to end. I have faith that they’ll get through this, even if it takes a while.
So yeah, there’s all of my jumbled-together thoughts about Nora and where I think she could be headed. I actually didn’t get down quite all of what I wanted to say, but there’ll be time for that when I eventually make Nora’s episode of my ‘Why I Love’ series on YouTube, though that’ll definitely be after volume 7 in case anything more important happens with her. For now, I hope this satisfies you guys and gives you something to think about in the seven weeks (yes, seven- they’re taking a break after episode 8) that we have to go of Volume 7.
bye nerds
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