captain-morgan · 11 months
Rwby x Justice League pt 2 thoughts:
Not Bad, I was definitely entertained. I wish we had more character interactions like the first one but the ones we got were good.
I love how Yang, miss self sacrifice herself, was telling Ruby not to. Felt like maybe Weiss and Blake should’ve been telling both of them. But rather have that in vol 10 (pls crwby) than a fun movie
I’d give it a solid 7/10
(Evil Yang was low key hot tho so plus .5 for gay lol)
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captain-morgan · 1 year
Y’know when the Barbie movie came out, I thought it was kinda dumb when I heard some girls were getting mad at their boyfriends who didn’t understand the movie. But I get it now:
My Dad was asked to watch the movie by my Mom who wanted another adults take on the movie. (I’m 19 so I don’t count) so he is sitting their watching it and we are there too just to see what he thinks. We get to the end of the movie, Ruth is talking to Barbie about the complicity of being a human. And he says…
“Finally, something true”
My jaw dropped, “You think this is the only true thing in the movie?”
Then he turns to me and says “patriarchy doesn’t exist”
I had no words. It’s literally people like that who make it needed to have a movie like Barbie made. The whole movie just went in one ear and out the other.
While the themes and messages in the movie were definitely very baseline concepts, he still didn’t even try to listen.
That is just so frustrating.
His quote after an hour long argument, “Life is unfair, don’t play the victim”
I feel such silent rage hearing stuff like that
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captain-morgan · 1 year
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captain-morgan · 1 year
Ok I just finished HSM: The show s4 and uh… omg that season was like everything
Did they get a new writer or something because not only was it good but also really funny and really emotional?
Like I cried at the end wtf? The glow up from s3 was real
I have no words, I loved it
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captain-morgan · 1 year
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As a gay as fuck girly and a big fokelore fan,
Fucking Dress and Exile?!
I’m in heaven, best show I’ve ever been too!
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captain-morgan · 1 year
what’s the pink they put in pink lemonade that makes it so poppin
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captain-morgan · 1 year
I think the Volume 9 Soundtrack was very solid. All the songs were great, tho none taking my top all time favorite song spots. I think Casey did a really good job bringing her own sound into the series but still keeping the vibes of what Jeff made. I’d say Worthy, Trapdoor, and Quiet are the stand out songs to me
Also I feel like in some of the more guitar heavy songs they need to turn up Casey’s vocals, cause it’s kinda hard to hear what she’s singing sometimes with the instruments going crazy lol. Maybe it was just a me problem and I have shitty hearing
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captain-morgan · 1 year
I think Worthy (Bmblb part 2) cured my depression
But on the other hand it broke my single ass heart lmao now I miss my ex that I definitely shouldn’t miss
That song was pure wlw romance, I never cried and smiled so much listening to a song
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captain-morgan · 1 year
I wrote a part 2 my first fic in celebration for Taylor Swift’s release of my favorite album Speak Now. I had planned to make a chapter of Blake singing Back to December so here it is
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captain-morgan · 1 year
I got a friend to start watching the show and as of now he is halfway through vol 5. He knows that I ship Bumbleby and that it’s very important to me. But he just texted me “So far there is no indication that Blake and Yang like each other.” And I’m like ???
Are we watching a different show? I’m so sad cause now I look delusional lmao. What do I do?! How do I justify my ship isn’t just me being crazy lol
I’m mostly joking but idk I guess I’m just to gay so maybe I just looked to far into their relationship at some points
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captain-morgan · 1 year
Weiss took one look at Batman and was like “He’s rich, hot, has daddy issues, and would make my father faint. He must be mine”
The girl was pinning for him lmao and Wonder Woman was having none of it
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captain-morgan · 1 year
The Rwby/Justice league movie was actually really good. I expected it to just be like fan service but nah it had like real character moments for both sides. I’m hoping we get a part 2
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captain-morgan · 1 year
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What a volume. Truly I think one of the best CRWBY has made.
I’d give it a 9/10
Ever After was a beautifully designed world that was a nice change of pace from Remnant. All the side characters were each so unique, I especially loved the paper pleasers.
The cat was a fantastic villain (tho the final design was wack lol) In the beginning he held this air of mystery and wonder that was so fun to watch. And then his villainous side came out and it just all made sense. Especially because the brothers created him so flawed. He helped others get to the tree but never could himself. I kinda wish he got to Remnant just cause I think Salam having a cat partner would be amazing but he wouldn’t really fit in with the rest of the story.
I thought Jaune’s story was really intriguing. He needed to learn that heroes are allowed to fail and that sometimes you need to learn to let go of things. I think having him fuck with time was a great way to have him learn that. If it wasn’t for the old age I don’t think his breakdown would have held the same weight.
Ruby’s character ark this volume was great tho I have some gripes. I loved that we finally got to see her feel all the shit she’s been through. And her breakdown was very well done. Her scene with Neo was very hard to watch in a good way. I liked her decision to go to the tree. I’m a firm believer that it was not suicide like other people do but that’s just me. I loved her conversation with the blacksmith and how discovering Summer wasn’t perfect helped her realize that Ruby Rose is enough. I just wish the decision had more time, it felt a little rushed. And I needed an apology scene, like what she said to WBY was messed up. Yes she was hurting but that doesn’t make it ok.
Blake and Yang becoming a couple was 10/10 truly amazing. To finally see that was so important and it was handled so well
Blake really shined this volume, she truly felt like she was almost lighter in a way. She was the positive one of the group and was just so much more confident. I loved it
Yang stayed just as great as she always is. Her sad scenes hit. Her jokes hit. Her love for her team was just as prominent as always. And she still continues to be the person who asks questions, she doesn’t believe everything she’s told. I also loved that she was finally comforted during her time of need, she deserves to be loved man
Weiss… here’s my problem lol. Her as comic relief was amazing. Loved that. But after that we really got nothing? Don’t get me wrong her sadness over Atlas was good. And her understanding of both Jaune’s struggles and Ruby’s was great. Her empathy shined through. But we didn’t get any of her struggles worked on. Yes it was shown she has them, but idk she never just got to really explore them. Yes her speech to Jaune was also towards herself but idk I guess I just wanted more?
Obviously there is more to touch on but that’s the gist of my thoughts rn. My last gripe is that the episodes were way to short. It really fucked with the enjoyment for me. But I still loved the volume and it might become my favorite over volume 6
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captain-morgan · 1 year
This exactly! Like we as the audience get to see everything from all sides. WBY+J ran into a room, saw Ruby not actively getting attacked, and then she drank tea. Yang’s shock/realization was that Ruby is going to ascend. Which all of WBY this whole volume have been trying to get Jaune to see that ascension isn’t death. From Ruby’s pov, yes she gave up. From WBY’s pov she can still be saved. Find the tree, get her back is what they think. This episode showed that they now need to except Ruby may not come back the same.
One Last Thing to the NaySayers
How sure are you that WBY+J was aware of what will happen to Ruby if she drinks some tea? It’s a bit of a stretch to immediately assume that she’s committing that thing when you see someone, slumped to the ground, beat up, and drink some tea while the supposed offender was sitting in a chair?
It’s like you’re projecting what you saw as an audience member to the characters who did not see Ruby slash Oscar’s stomach.
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captain-morgan · 1 year
So so prediction time:
Jaune is ascending back to his younger age but will still have the acceptance he just gained
The Blacksmith is what Alyx became after the cat killed her
As I thought before the gang knew/needed to understand that ascension is not death or suicide, it’s rebirth. Ruby clearly needs to understand that she can still be her and still fail. She thinks she herself isn’t enough but is blinded to the bigger picture. Her world is broken not her. What she decides to do, I have no clue.
I really hope she doesn’t change much, just returns with a new outlook. But I really can’t tell what they want to do with her story. I think her becoming a new person/having a new weapon would kinda just ruin her character for me tbh. But I’ll have to wait and see
I think the cat is still gonna get out somehow, I just have a gut feeling.
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captain-morgan · 1 year
Bruh. What?
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captain-morgan · 1 year
This is the first fic I’ve written so sorry if it sucks lol I tired. I was inspired to write a song fic based off Haunted by Taylor Swift so this was born lol. Just thought I’d share it here cause why not.
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