#trans explore
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lisasmiths · 14 days ago
Drop a ❤ if you think you'd last an hour with me🤤
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transexplore · 2 months ago
Mommy is ready to make all your transsexual desires and fantasies come through anytime, anywhere.
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donnieisaprettyboy · 9 months ago
“what if kids identify with something and it ends up just being a phase-?” good. stop teaching and expecting kids (and adults honestly) to formulate permanent traits and ideas of themselves. everything in life is a phase. that doesn’t make it any less legitimate while you experience it. let people explore themselves and know it’s okay if what you think about yourself changes.
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zan0tix · 10 months ago
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My fav agents of the transsexual empire 🫶😁🏳️‍⚧️
I think personally we should draw them as adults getting to fully indulge in their teen fashion aspirations. (see second image) Callies outfit was inspired by paint splotches and embroidery as if she made her outfit herself :) A true artist!
Third is my updated readings. I say "readings" because i believe theres textual evidence for these and its how i interpreted them from my read throughs. (Only jake has the autism symbol because hes the most explicitly disabled coded in text but all of them to me are neurodivergent)
The gender labels are used loosely bc i think each of them has an incredibly unique journey/relationship with their gender that cant be encapsulated in a small set of words, and i do not think any of them would actually fully use labels either.
I am just using these to simplify down my thoughts into something easily digestible LOL MY THOUGHTS ON THEM AND THEIR PARALLELS + MIRRORS + INVERSIONS ARE SUPER COMPLEX i think about them Genuinely Literally Every Day of my Life. theyd have to be saved for a different time </3 but ya alpha kids trans 4EVER howd hussie cram THIS AMOUNT of queerness into these guys.. will never know
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gloriousfckingpurpose · 1 year ago
i know they underutilized the frankenstein aspect in the movie but it really does feel like the creature was perfectly created for lisa regardless. from what we saw, he spent his whole life lonely; dead parents, isolating social life, failed romantic prospects, the whole shebang, but he never gets to do anything about it because he dies, suddenly and unstoppably. until he’s suddenly alive again and the whole world is different but there’s this girl who tended to his grave when nobody else would have given him that respect, who’s experiencing the same things he did who actually has the chance to get back at the people who didn’t care for her, one tiny bit of familiarity to him… of course he’s going to kill for her just to see her happy.
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avatar-masterofallfandoms · 9 months ago
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I really like I was a teenage exocolonist... You'll never guess who my favorite characters are...
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queer-reader-07 · 1 year ago
i think one of my spiciest takes is that i think cis people should be cis on purpose and not because it’s the “default”
ok hear me out before you go into the notes, i have reasons.
the main idea is that i think EVERYONE should explore and interrogate their gender identity and what their gender truly means to them. because 1) i don’t think any harm will ever come from wanting to understand yourself and your existence on a deeper level and 2) if everyone, including cis people, explored their gender it would be more generally accepted. thus, trans people or people questioning their transness wouldn’t be as othered when they start questioning and exploring their gender.
because here’s the deal. every trans person i know can tell you what their gender means. they can tell you what it means to be a man or a woman or neither or both or some other nebulous concept. they can describe it to you and explain it to you. they can tell you what their manhood or womanhood or neitherhood means to them, what it represents, how they knew that’s who they were.
every trans person i know (including myself) can articulate what their gender is in more words than “well i’m *insert gender* because i’m *insert gender*” (yes i know i’m always saying i can’t be bothered with gender but i do actually have a lot of feelings and words on my own)
i’ve talked to a lot of cis people about gender and they just simply can’t explain to me what womanhood or manhood is to them. so often it’s “well i’m a man cuz i’m a man. i look like a man i act like a man etc etc.” but what does a man look like? what does a man act like? and it’s usually people who consider themselves trans allies saying these things!
people should explore their gender. they should understand it more deeply. i don’t say “explore your gender” as a way to try and force anyone into a realization of transness, i say it because i want people to understand their gender. whether that be cis or trans or whatever.
to understand yourself more deeply is to understand your place in the world more accurately. learning more about who you are, and why you are, and how you are never hurts in the long run.
so yeah. be cis on purpose, be cis because you know deeply that you are cis, because you understand what that means to you.
and be trans on purpose. use the labels you like deliberately. dress in the way that brings you euphoria and mitigates dysphoria because you deserve that.
simply be on purpose. walk through life with deliberate steps, with solidified intent. because without doing so, how can we find our purpose on this earth and in this life?
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nomilkinmyteaplease · 6 months ago
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Endurance in a new 3d scan by the Falkland Maritime Heritage Trust
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author-main · 2 months ago
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What happens to a guy right before exploding and putting their own ideas all up in everybody's face.
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rosesoma · 10 months ago
transfem laios having the worst time of her life growing out her hair bc there's inevitably that period where she HAS to look like her dad bc she doesn't want to cut her hair short again but she also can't force it to grow out faster either
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transexplore · 1 month ago
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Mommy was busy attending to clients yesterday, And I almost forgot to wish y’all. 😹 But I can’t. Happy Post Valentine. 🤭🫦
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reiningsoral · 4 months ago
reminder that it is 10000000% a-okay to check in on your gender from time to time and just go "yup. everything here checks out, all good"
it's okay to be cis and explore your gender
it's okay to be trans and explore your gender
it's okay to exist and explore your gender
it's okay to not have a gender
it's okay to explore your gender and gender concepts and come out of it with 0 new information. everything currently is as it already was, nothing new, perfectly content with current state of being.
identity exploration is not something that is only for trans ppl. it's very good to do it, actually! healthy, even. learning about yourself (even if it is just learning you're happy as is) is a good thing.
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groovyfrog420 · 1 year ago
T4T chilshi is honestly cooking because.
Chilchuck idolising "dwarves' masculinity" works even better if they're both transmasc. And I'd love to see the initial "How did you do that?? How did you get to this point so easily? How did you achieve A and B and C?" slowly transform into understanding that you can be transmasc in many ways. There's no single standard that you have to conform to, and you're just as valid and manly in any shape or size or behaviour.
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letmeinimafairy · 2 years ago
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Finished painting a set of pendants for a commission about Shackleton's Trans-Antarctic expedition. Endurance, whales, Frank Hurley and penguins. Sea pottery officially captured my brain.
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yourgirljasmine · 1 year ago
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say hi if you’d bang me (sexually)
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cosmocove · 4 months ago
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but my heart is like a claw machine
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