#trader family bonus
carabelajaronline · 1 year
Traders Family Komunits traders Terbaik di Yogyakarta
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princeofuchiha · 2 months
Crack fic concept (bc it would either have to be a crack fic or a horribly violent and dark fic) where Izuna is the one brought back from the dead / ends up in future Konoha somehow after the massacre.
He takes one look at this little Uchiha baby all by himself (Sasuke) and is like "Fuckkkk this I knew this village was a bad idea" and proceeds to tuck Sasuke under his arm and snatch away Konohas last Uchiha bc "They had their chance"
Bonus points if he finds out about the massacre being a Konoha order and after his initial "I'm going to kill this little trader" response he ends up just. Grabbing this "stupid little brainwashed Uchiha" by the scruff and taking him with too bc if the Uchiha are getting called crazy it's going to be bc of Uchiha crazy business not bc the village wants a scapegoat
Bonus bonus points if he learns his brother is still supposedly lurking around and the three go on a quest to find him. Only for Izuna to take one look at obito and go "That's not my damn brother what the fuck were you on about Itachi. I will be curb stomping him before he gets to join us for the disrespect to his name tho."
Just. Izuna double flipping the bird to the village and tucking his last remaining family members under his arm like "You poor dumb things, let grampa Izuna handle this." While both are actively trying to stab him
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tethysresort · 5 days
TRSB master post! I am going to put a cut below so that it isn't ridiculously long...
This is all of the TRSB fanfics and fanart I have done! Please enjoy and read the tags before proceeding! (I am leaving it marked "for everyone" but the ratings vary!) I will also update this post in future years.
2020 Kraken Art by AnnEllspethRaven Rating: G, 5k words Characters: Osse and Kraken (otherwise known as the Reformed Watcher in the Water) Summary: Protecting the ocean is a big job that requires strength, intelligence, supreme judgement and foresight. But somebody has to do it.
Fire Art by Lferion Rating: T, 8.5k words Characters: Nerdanel/Feanor, Arafinwe, Nolofinwe Summary: Nerdanel, Feanor and the choices that were made.
2021 Now Free Art by maglor_still_lives Characters: Original Elf and Orc characters, and a very cute warg puppy Rating M, for violence, 15k words Summary: When do you decide you are free? A long walk across Beleriand.
Walls of Stone Art by ThatFeanorian Characters: Finrod, a lot of original characters including Nargothrond itself Rating G, 6.5k words Summary: Nulukkizdîn, Nargothrond… The cave has had many names through time, and yet remains both the same and profoundly changed.
2022 Star-fire A gift for art by ArlenianChronicles Rating T, 1.4k words Characters: Maglor and Elros, Maglor and Elros and Elrond Summary: One last goodbye.
Scent of cedar on the wind Art by just_one_iota Rating M, for violence and PTSD, 19.5k words Characters: Celebrian/Elrond, Erestor/Glorfindel, Elrond and Erestor and Glorfindel, Elrond and Elros, Elrond and Gil-galad, Elrond and Lindir Summary: Imladris, TA 2. Elrond comes home. Memories of the Last Alliance trail along behind.
Wayfinding A gift for art #36, 2022! Bonus art made by Galenfea! Rating G, 2 k words Characters: The Fellowship Summary: The beginning of the trip, and some minor navigation problems.
Dill A gift for art by PointlessVenture (slide #85, 2022) Rating G, 1.7 k words Characters: OC, Fili and Kili Summary: Fili and Kili had trouble finding Bilbo's tea party.
Treasure Chest of Memories Art by eris_of_imladris Rating T, 8k words Characters: Nerdanel and her parents, OCs Summary: Nerdanel searches for her craft and place in life, and hears stories of Middle Earth and the Great Journey.
2023 A boat, my boat, out upon the River Art by Ach_Sss_No Rating G, 5 k words Characters: Smeagol and Deagol, OC’s of their family Summary: How many tries does it take Sméagol to build a boat?
lines of descent Gift for art #66, 2023 by ElanM. Rating T, 3.7 k words Characters: Lothiriel, Lothiriel’s family, Mithrellas, Gilmith Summary: Lothíriel choses how she will grow up.
Steadfast Art by I_did_not_mean_to: Rating E, explicit sex, 12.5k words (please click responsibly), Art rating G Characters: Boromir/female OC, Boromir and Faramir Summary: The love story of Boromir and Elameril.
2024 Reading Under the Flowers (art) With the story “Temporary” by Sullen_in_Love Art rating G, Story rating T Characters: Glorfindel/Erestor
Methodology Art “Oh Brother” by fishing4stars Story rating E, Art rating E (there is a LOT of explicit sex, please click responsibly) Characters: Feanaro/Nerdanel, Anarie/Nolofinwe, Anarie and Nerdanel, Feanaro and Nolofinwe Summary: The Year Turning Art Exhibition is THE premier art exhibition of Valinor. When Nerdanel told Fëanáro that she needed help with a project, Nerdanel hadn’t expected him to be quite this cooperative. When Fëanáro told Ñolofinwë that he would come at the exhibition, Ñolofinwë hadn’t quite expected it would be this way. At least it proved that there is at least one thing in which Fëanáro isn’t “the best”.
Swallows at Dusk and Dawn Art by StaYin Story rating T, Art rating G Characters: Haleth and Caranthir and Caranthir’s Wife Summary: It is winter at the castle by the lake. The survivors of the siege of the stockade recover, Haleth makes friends, and Caranthir begins courting a certain elvish trader. As winter deepens, Haleth makes choices and the People of Haleth arise.
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veevee-the-artist · 6 months
1 4 and 7 for Creeps
Questions for Mister Creeps of the Peeks!
1; What’s the lie your character says most often?
Mister Creeps Often lies about his orgins, he lies about his feelings, he lies to himself. In the Early days of his new life in the Minecraft World, Mister Creeps realized very quickly that villagers, wandering trader, the rare illager, and most other player does not know what he is talking about when talking his homeland. What is a TV? Grocery store? Chips? What in the Overworld is a Car or a Air Plane?
In his journey and life, Mr. Creep not met another person from his world... He had to make up a lot of stuff so that other heroes would not think of him crazy.
Hiding behind a mask for so long , it grew more familiar than his own face.
Sometimes that fact keeps him awake at night...
4; What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Hobbies? Mr. Creep misses a lot of his little hobbies. Skate Boarding, competitive video games, listening to classic rock with his dad, baking with his mom, bugging his parents to take him to the beach so he can go surfing. Most of all, he misses playing his guitar and singing to his little cousins. He always wanted to try playing a lute... He still sings on the occasion. Mostly for Valkory to help her sleep.
He wonders how his family is doing...
7; What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
Mr.Creeps is a sucker for Marco!! ....... Polo!!
It's a game he used to play with Valkory whenever they go mining together. Just in case they get lost.
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Bonus; I imagine his theme is C418 - Aria Math
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Bonus points for guessing which family members these apply to
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mathlann · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Thanks for the tag @arendaes and @bladesmitten! I'll do this for Cas.
1. "You think I'm being reckless in pursuing this. And, frankly, I am."
2. "I'd hoped becoming a Rogue Trader would've saved me from dealing with the Administratum."
3. "I've drifted too far from the Emperor's Light to truly reform now."
4. "Of course we have a wonderful working relationship. But if I don't test it every once and awhile, you might try and take advantage."
5. "I can't blame you for what you did. For what you knew at the time, it would have been a bigger dishonor to not try and retaliate at least once."
6. "Idira doesn't seem to have a problem with it, and considering what happened with the cogitator, I feel safe trusting her judgement over yours right now."
7. "It's just an endless emptiness out there. I hate looking at it."
8. "Seeing as we're both sitting here as the last of our lines, I think I'm right in saying all this intra-family scheming is a waste of resources."
9. "If I'm going to attend this event, I want to see a fight on the front gardens by lunch."
10. "I trust your ability to kill anything that gets too close to me."
11. "My personal tolerance for Dargonus ran out weeks ago, but it's important for 'the Rogue Trader' to be here, so I am."
12. "It doesn't matter if I care or not. How things were before clearly didn't work, and I don't want to keep coming back to clear out every new cult that pops up in my absence."
13. "Leave if you want, I can't keep you. But don't come back worse off than where you started."
14. "Interrogator, undermine me in front of my crew again and your next report to Calcazar will be sent from the airlock."
15. "I remember that old burn mark being horribly painful for you. Has it healed over now?"
Tagging whoever wants to do it!
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siriannatan · 1 year
Combat Maids - Chapter 3
I have finally managed to finish this chapter. I thought it'd be ready yesterday but my headache said no :{
Jimmy stayed at the mansion after killing every single maid - for security and proper job contract stuff - but it meant he had to quickly go by Lizzie's and grab his things. A well-paid job with free accommodation away from his sister was always something he liked. The maid dress was even getting more worth it as time went on. He didn't really wait for Scott to wake up, fWhip was awake and they had a fast breakfast before the other guard got to making food for their boss. Jimmy unfortunately was a disaster when it came to any cooking or baking but he could clean pretty well and knew how to take care of a garden. And it was a temporary arrangement, even if Jimmy would be willing to do maid's work alongside his usual duties for that extra pay.
"Jimmy?" a sudden mumble as he was just about to leave had Jimmy turning around and pressing close to the door. It was no danger, just a sleepy Scott in his pyjamas, wandering downstairs, looking slightly confused at the lack of staff but happy to see Jimmy. "Where you go-*yawn*-ing?" he asked with a wide yawn. Cute. Adorable. Jimmy found a perfect job. The pay was just a bonus... Was it? Since when was money, not his ultimate priority?
"Just to grab my things, I'll be back in no time," Jimmy assured him with a smile and a tiny curtsy. "But I can..."
"No, no, it's fine I can find fWhip on my own, and I'm in no..." Scott started but stopped when fWhip walked in. Another bonus of the job. The other 'bodyguard' (technically the head of security and temporary head maid) was also keeping Scott's favoured dress code of a maid dress and looked damn well in it. It might have played a part in how easily he defeated Jimmy. He was too busy staring at his legs and arms to properly focus on killing him. Or to pay attention to his tail even if it had an adorable bow tied on it. Or because it did? He was simply not prepared for it all.
"I'll get Scott ready for the day, take your time he hasn't got anything important to get to," fWhip assured him with a grin as Scott clung to him. Jimmy guessed he was likely still very sleepy and barely aware of what he was doing and did whatever came to mind. It was honestly damn cute after all Jimmy heard of him. A trader of strategies and secret underground information no one could even fathom how he could get, hailing from a rich, influential family. Practically untouchable. And here he was, all sleepily cuddling to his scary guard.
Jimmy heard of fWhip before he accepted the assignment. He thought about it as he drove over to Lizzie's, Scott was nice enough to lend him one of his many fancy cars, back to fWhip. Formerly of the Wither Rose Mercenary company, according to rumours, it's founder and only ever leader. It was a formidable unit of mercenaries. Joel sometimes boasted he knew someone from it but he was likely lying. Lizzie of course told him to not mess with fWhip. But even he himself said Jimmy could have taken him out if the 'maids' were more careful and didn't make him wary of something happening. And if Jimmy wasn't distracted by his...uniform. And the way he moved. fWhip was no bodyguard. He was a killing machine. He'd be dead if fWhip didn't want information out of him.
He was wondering if fWhip could be persuaded into sparring when he pulled up by Lizzie's. 
"Jimmy?! You're alive... What's with your clothes?!" he barely managed to get out of the car when Lizzie burst out of the house that was also her and Joel - and until today Jimmy's, base of operations. "Just what the hell happened yesterday? In, in I had Joel start the tea..."
"I'm kind of in a hurry. Just came over to get my things," Jimmy sighed as he followed her in. "I got a job as a bodyguard of the guy whose bodyguard I was hired to kill."
"Just tell me you didn't fight fWhip," Lizzie huffed, hands on hips and ready to ramble about how dumb Jimmy was. "And I thought you didn't like the idea of being a bodyguard."
Jimmy just shrugged. Could absolutely failing to assassinate fWhip count as a fight with how fast he had him on the ground? "It pays damn well. The outfit comes with a bonus, since the boss does not like 'uncute' things," he explained as he passed through the kitchen, barely gracing Joel with a wave. To his credit, Joel looked like he just climbed out of his own grave. His hair was a muddy and bloody mess. His left arm was bandaged and so on. He likely just came home. "It annoyed fWhip so much he..."
"You know fWhip?" Joel yawned over his cup of likely hot chocolate. 
So Jimmy recalled the whole thing. Just saying he's working with fWhip would be not enough for Lizzie. As he packed all his things - what he thought he'd need. Lizzie would not get angry at him for leaving some stuff. As he was leaving Joel of course brought up his friend - Sausage, and that he'd let him know what fWhip's up to. It was no secret that fWhip was Scott's bodyguard, but Joel was annoying so Jimmy asked that he might ask his friend if he'd be interested in a double job of guard and a maid. And, of course, before leaving Lizzie reminded him about fifty times to call her if he ever needed help. Jimmy was fully confident he and Scott had Scott's safety handled.
Scott was barely starting to get ready when Jimmy came back so he quickly unpacked and took preparing him from fWhip so he could get a head start on finding new maids and/or more bodyguards. Considering they had to take over the maid's jobs it would likely be borderline impossible. No matter if the uniform was included or not or how much of additional pay it was. After all, not everyone was as greedy as Jimmy. 
Eventually, Scott had all his clothes on properly and deemed himself ready to be seen. "I have one thing to ask fWhip," he said so Jimmy took him to fWhip and then went ahead to get the car ready. 
And finally checked what they were going out for even. Apparently, Scott's favourite mall has been closed down for renovations, repairs really - after an 'accident' - for quite a while now making him feel down. Fortunately, today was the grand reopening which meant Scott had all the intention of personally checking if all his favourite spots there were still fine. One was his favourite clothing store. Other his favourite bakery. His favourite candy store was also on the list as well as a luxury stationery shop and a coffee shop. Jimmy hoped he could manage to get a proper lunch into Scott between all those sweets. And that he wouldn't buy too much, after yesterday they didn't really have extra staff for just carrying his stuff.
"I'm ready for the trip, just had to ask fWhip about uniform arrangements, I really need to thank whoever makes them," Scott was in a great mood and seemed to have finally fully woken up. "Anyway, how was your morning?"
"It was good, my sister didn't try to kill me for not calling her I would not be coming home," Jimmy shrugged, choosing to ignore the way Scott was staring at his legs. Or that he was already by the passenger seat. He was already familiar with how touchy Scott could get. He'd be fine as long as it didn't get too far. And as for the staring, he'd just do a lot of staring back. To make sure he was safe.
The drive to the mall was silent. Jimmy has never been a bodyguard before. He literally had no idea what to do outside of beating up, killing, and massacring anyone who dares endanger Scott. He probably should have asked fWhip for details. Not like Scott was bored. He spent the drive scrolling his phone. Huffing and mumbling about idiots unable to follow basic directions. His mood did go back up at the mall.
While Jimmy was aware Scott was a big shot even outside his own business. His brother was the top candidate for the seat of major and all that. He still didn't expect the mall's director to come and greet Scott and assign a member of staff to carry his shopping for him.
"I don't think a maid will be..." the director, a rather unpleasant individual that had Jimmy's hands itching to punch him. With something really sharp.
"He's my bodyguard, and you better watch your mouth," Scott huffed and grabbed Jimmy's arm. "Or I'll tell my brother you're being rude to me," he didn't even give the man a chance to finish before dragging Jimmy off. "He's so annoying, every time I come shopping he shows up to bore me to death and ask about Xor," he complained as the crow parted for them. Jimmy could feel some stares on him but a sharp glare was enough to get most people to look away and ignore him. Others were deterred by Scott's presence.
The first stop was Scott's favourite bakery where he got some doughnuts and cupcakes and ordered a whole cake. To lift the mood, he said as he forced a cupcake into Jimmy. It wasn't too bad but compared to the muffins fWhip made for breakfast it wasn't all that impressive, somehow. Oh, and coffee. Scott insisted Jimmy also has one even if he assured him he's fine. It honestly didn't really feel like he was a bodyguard. More like he was on a date from one of the romance novels Lizzie and Joel always made fun of.
But maybe that's how bodyguarding was supposed to be. But no bodyguard he had to get past for his assassination jobs ever was this close... But they failed to keep their bosses safe so maybe being right next to Scott was a good idea, less time was needed to get that close in case they got attacked. Even if the guy the mall lend Scott to carry his stuff was looking at him all weirdly.
It wasn't long before Jimmy noticed someone was following them. Five someones. To their credit, they would possibly fool anyone who had no experience in assassinations and going around guards. Unfortunately, Jimmy had a lot of said experience and could sense danger from a mile away. 
And was simply wondering how to deal with them. They were likely to follow them all the way home or ambush them on the parking lot. He couldn't really leave Scott alone even if he'd likely didn't notice it with how absorbed he was in a bubble tea shop that apparently wasn't in the mall before it was ruined. Causing a big scene was also out of the question. Scott didn't like blood.
He could deal with them without leaving Scott's side even if it'd be a bit complicated. Mostly because he'd have to know exactly where they were for long enough to do it. And he couldn't be sure why they were following them since none of them had any obvious weapons.
He'd just have to keep an eye on them while also paying attention to Scott trying to get his opinion on what tea he'd like. He wasn't even halfway done with his coffee so he managed to avoid the sugary drink. And managed to finally convince Scott to move away from sweets to other stores. And bury the unfortunate man the mall assigned to help Scott with shopping bags. 
Scott was very excited his favourite stores stuck around after the incident. And while most shop staff ignored Jimmy's existence Scott constantly asked for his opinions. The best he could offer was shrugs and 'looks great boss'. Jimmy was not a fashionable man but Scott seemed satisfied with his minimalist answers. Some staff did not appreciate Scott's attention being more on his bodyguard than their stock. Whenever they looked too angry that Scott was having fun he'd gently suggest it wasn't all that pretty.
Overall, outside the possibly-assassins who did literally nothing the shopping day went well. Scott got a lot of sweets and snacks and some other things. All that was left to do was get Scott home safely.
And of course, the 'followers' were by the car. With the dead body of the mall's director. He likely wanted to properly say goodbye to Scott and thank him for visiting the place. Not Jimmy's problem. But he was dead and there was blood everywhere. "Boss don't..." Too late. Scott already saw it and froze. "You idiots are dead," Jimmy scoffed as the idiots started shooting at them. All the bullets were stopped by a bubble of water suddenly wrapping around Scott. The shopping carrier was lucky he was basically behind them, Jimmy didn't care in the slightest about him but he did have Scott's stuff with him so maybe he should? "Scott, I need you to stay here for a second, I promise you're safe," he assured his boss. He really needed to get Scott home quickly now. Scott was not letting him go so he wrapped one ribbon from his dress around Scott's eyes. Somehow that worked in getting Scott to let go of Jimmy. 
"Give Major to us Solidarity," one of the morons yelled. As if that would work. Almost no price they could name would convince Jimmy to let them kill Scott.
With the bubble he didn't have to worry about Scott's safety so, with his wings fluttering angrily he vanished into a water puddle. He would stab anyone who called him a duck, he was a canary with water magic. Not that many had a chance to see him fight. "First rule of assassinations, no one sees you," he sighed and beheaded two of the morons. He wasn't even interested in who they were working for. The other three had no chance to react. They barely noticed Jimmy appear behind their line before knives of water were stabbed in their backs.
The would-be assassins didn't even yet hit the ground when Jimmy was back by Scott's side. Frantically thinking of what to do. He needed to get Scott home. "Congratulations, you're in charge of the mall now," he grumbled at the man still holding Scott's shopping. Kudos to him for not dropping it and running away. "Meaning you're in charge of this mess and keeping it away from Scott. I hear of it ever again, you're dead. Anyone comes asking about this, you're dead," he slowly listed off as he picked Scott up.
Once Scott was in the car, still shaking and unresponsive, he got the shopping in the back. And drove as fast as he could - without breaking the law, he didn't need that. He was already driving with just one arm, letting Scott have one all to himself.
"fWhip!" he called out, carrying Scott in. He had absolutely no idea what to do.
Scott woke up mildly confused but comfy and warm. He was no longer at the mall... Oh... the owner... Jimmy likely took him home and together with fWhip tucked him in. Very comfortably too. He almost didn't want to get up and out the bed but he probably should have let them know he was okay. So with one last comfy sigh, he gave up on the comfort and tried getting up.
And failed which had his eyes snapping open. All he could see was a familiar boob window of Jimmy's uniform. Was he so comfy because his pretty avian bodyguard was cuddling him? Why didn't Jimmy just leave him once he was safely in his bed? Not that he was complaining, he was simply hoping it wasn't too embarrassing. And what with all that nice warmth, as he wondered someone shifted behind him. Was it fWhip? Now he had no doubts it was embarrassing.
"Hungry?" fWhip mumbled into his back. Scott has never heard his sleepy voice but now wanted to hear it all the time. "I can make something quickly," he offered and Scott all but melted. When was the last time he had a proper hug - Xor's brief business hugs didn't count, - or cuddled with? He certainly missed it more than he realised he did. "Scott?"
"It's not that bad," Scott tried to sound not as desperate to prolong the hugs and cuddles as he was. And he really was, he was barely registering that he was not only being cuddled but also cuddled by two very attractive men in maid dresses. Why didn't they - at least Jimmy - change? "How did we end up in a cuddle pile? Last I remember is the mall," maybe if he had fWhip talking he would stop worrying about food.
"You got Jimmy freaked out when you got unresponsive, and would not let him go and then started asking for me and wouldn't relax without both of us here," fWhip gently explained and Scott could feel himself blush. He was lucky only Jimmy's chest could see it.
"I wasn't freaked out, just had no idea what to do. And you should eat boss, you had nothing but sweet stuff since breakfast," Jimmy's still heavy with sleep voice had Scott blushing and curling up even more. "If you need another cuddle session just say it, no need to give me a heart attack first, and these dresses are not the best to sleep in," he added. Scott would never stop blushing.
"But they're cute..." he pouted before he could stop himself.
"I'm sure we can figure that out. And the bad news, I'm having a hard time finding new staff. Whoever send the fake maids might be behind it," fWhip yawned and to Scott's dismay rolled away. "Dinner, then we can figure out proper cuddle arrangements. For safety, if anyone asks," he added and Scott could not complain. It'd be much better to have an excuse ready for Xor. He could be a bit much.
With minimal complaints Scott let Jimmy help him out the bed and into something more comfy than an oversized sleep shirt the two managed to get him into while he was only interested in cuddles. How embarrassing. 
Over the quick but damn tasty dinner fWhip caught him up on the staff troubles. The gardener quit but Jimmy said that since he can't cook he'll take care of that. Scott absolutely did not mind the garden being messy but was thankful someone would look after it. Good news, fWhip was trying to contact an old friend if he might be interested in a well-paying bodyguard job with some special expectations. Scott was really hoping that friend said 'yes' even if to lessen fWhip and Jimmy's load of duties and tasks. He was really lucky they were so patient and nice to him.
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sideralwriting · 2 years
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Merry Christmas to you @reverie-tales! I’m glad I was your Secret Santa and I’m sorry if this fanfiction reaches you on Christmas day already. I didn’t like how the old fic was turning out so I decided for another twist. Tarquin had to go XD I hope it isn’t too heavy to read, I never wrote this many words ahaha.
Merry Christmas again and thanks to @acotargiftexchange for planning the event!!
Feysand fanfic, modern AU. Word count: 4115. TW: Tamlin & Ianthe (aka the manipulation squad), NSFW (my giftee likes a lil angst and good spices atm eheh).
Edit: Summary: Every aspect of Feyre’s life as fiancée of Tamlin is carefully approached by her future father-in-law but everything changes the day she runs into Morrigan.
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What a treasure you are
Feyre got out of the SUV in front of her favorite museum on a sunny June afternoon. That was her favorite place and spent most of her free time there, which amounted to basically half a day.
Tamlin had sent Ianthe later that morning to escort her to her outings and she was trying to enjoy every bit of it. Not that her routine was any different since she finished college last year: wake up, have breakfast — her new obsession was avocado toast with only avocados and sesame seeds on an almost burnt bread slice— clean the house and get out of it before 1 PM.
Feyre saw Tamlin only when he came home later into the night and before he went to work, right before she was fully awake. She was grateful to him for working enough to allow them to have a life together, but she missed doing something, anything, even if it was in order to ease his stress. Tamlin's rage grew by the day. Out of frustration for his job as his father's  and Amaratha's assistant, for sure, nonetheless she was afraid. Feyre didn't want to admit it to anyone, not even herself, nor she wanted to admit that Ianthe was more the controlling kind of person than actually a family friend.
So she escaped her reality with a year-long membership to her favorite of the Prythian’s Spring Court Museums.
Feyre’s pale green dress with ridiculously big puffy sleeves had been Ianthe's "gift", accurately chosen to show off her fair skin and "bring justice to Tamlin's family name". Obviously Feyre hated it with burning passion. That day she didn't put any sunscreen on because she didn't think it would be necessary. She wasn’t Tamlin’s or his father’s creature to manipulate as they pleased. She wanted freedom to do as she pleased, without it to be judged and reported back to them. Feyre wanted to paint and paint, she wanted to be someone on her own, wanted to sell her paintings to sustain her family and travel to the mountain at least once. So she strolled through the art gallery, Ianthe a few steps behind her, waiting for her opportunity to start living again. She applied for every exhibition but her soon to be father-in-law had connections everywhere in the city and made sure she couldn’t take part in it even changing the dates of a few major events.
Feyre sat on a cream divan in front of the painting of a pink cherry tree, leaning against the highest part of the divan at her right.
Father-in-law. Husband. Tamlin’s wife. That’s what her life was bound to be the moment her father asked for a loan to the man. Feyre’s father was called the Prince of Trading before he lost everything because of a hurricane. He then asked Tamlin’s father, a collegue of his, some financiary help to pay off a couple of major debts… Creating a bigger one. Feyre’s wedding was to be an alliance between the traders. An alliance she loved at first, to help her family and being loved by a caring man. Everything started to change as Tamlin had more pressure, his temper started rising, they started arguing. What she hated more was that she couldn’t reply, nor help. Feyre had just to suppress her own frustration and avoid him as much as she could, bonus if she managed to endure Ianthe’s meddling. “Are you going to stare at that particular thing for long, Miss?” Mother above, the woman truly brought the worse out of her. Feyre turned her head slowly toward the guard and glued a dumb smile on her face.
“I’m sorry, Ianthe, what were you saying? This art piece is magnificent, isn’t it? The colors are so pale that you can feel the sadness-"
“I’m regretful to remind you of this in such a nice place, Miss Feyre,” the woman sure enough of her position that she interrupted her boss’ fiancée, “but Mr. Tamlin didn’t send me only for company. I’m here to accompany you to buy the new dress for Mrs. Amarantha’s charity party”. Right. Because why else would anyone approach her? Feyre sighed and got up from the divan. “You’re right, Ianthe”, she agreed, “you are not here for company.” The guard flinched and her cheeks reddened in anger. “Lead the way, now”.
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The little bell on the boutique’s door jingled as Feyre and Ianthe entered the place. They were greeted by a dark-haired woman with chocolate eyes. “Welcome to Windheaven, ladies. I’m Mrs. Hilda, the seamstress. How can I help you?”
Feyre explained to Mrs. Hilda what the occasion was and most of all who the host was. After the tailor asked her to undress and step on the platform at the center of a private room, the woman took her mesurements and started sketching, draping fabrics over Feyre’s waist and shoulders. Feyre took her time enjoying the fabrics and trying to remember as many details as she could for her next painting: lilac walls, dark brown partitions, a big fuzzy white carpet. Ianthe kept nugging at the tailor’s sketches and Feyre was glad that no one ever tried to do the same thing with her paintings… for now. How would things change after she got married? After she had to give Tamlin an heir?
She turned to avoid panicking in front of a stranger and most of all in front of her guard when she lifted her gaze and saw it.
Her first painting, her first sale. A lake of starlight with weeping willows caressing the white waters. How had it ended up there? Her dorm roommate bought it, did she sell it in turn? Did someone steal it? “How-” she starded, but right at that moment the door slammed wide open and a lean figure entered the room submerged in fabric rolls
“Who are you? Why are you here?” Ianthe yelled, “Have you no decency for customers? Ask for forgiveness and get out right now!” but neither the newcomer nor Feyre were listening to her since the first one put down the fabric rolls near Hilda and turned. Feyre had recognised those footsteps as soon as she heard them. They jumped as her heart did. Because in front of her, in a wonderful red dress and blonde ponytail stands her best friend. The moment their eyes met, tears started flowing down her cheeks, warm, big tears that mirrored the ones on her friend’s cheeks.
“Miss Feyre Archeron! It’s been a year since I last saw you.” The chestnut eyes of the blonde woman brightened as she hugged Feyre as thight as she could. “Mor…” She smelled of citrus as always and Feyre would be forever grateful for even that didn’t change in her friend. In Feyre’s own life. So she hugged her tighter because words failed her. “I know”, the first one said, “I missed you too, my dear friend”.
“This is outrageous! Get out or I’ll-“ Feyre glared at the stupidity of her guard and debated how to get rid of her once and for all. “You will do what exactly, Ianthe? I know this woman-“
“But she isn’t approved-“ “Silence, Ianthe. Last time I checked it was thanks to me you still had your job, so go breathing some fresh air.” Her heart kept thundering and her hands trembled, “And next time you interrupt me, you’ll be done for.”
“How did my painting get up there?” Feyre asked, sitting on the plushy carpet. Ianthe stormed out of the room and she got dressed in the frilly green dress. “Mrs. Hilda is my aunt,” answered Morrigan over a cup of tea. The seamstress saluted with a pencil in hand and a mischievious grin before returning to her sketches. Then, “Morrigan always told me about her ‘super-talented best friend forever’ and the day she bought it she gifted it to me so that it could bring me joy everyday. And it did.”
New tears thretened her eyes whe she turned from the middle aged woman. Obviously her old friend didn’t miss a thing, though. Mor gripped her hands together, “What happens, Fey? Tell me all about it”. Probably it was her memories or her friend’s presence or the tea, anyway she crumbled. She told her about her father’s debts, how she will have to marry Tamlin, how she had no control over her life, Tamlin’s behaviour. Even Feyre’s phone was closely examined by Ianthe everyday so it was better for Morrigan not to have it. The eyes of her best friend blackened as she told her about her life, stroking Feyre’s head in confort.
That day, Feyre left the boutique with more hope than she had in a while. She had to know that it couldn’t last long, though. As soon as her SUV reached the manor's parking lot, she knew something was up. First of all, Tamlin's own car was there too and it was only six in the afternoon. Second thing was Ianthe's smirk since she saw the other car too.
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December has always been Rhysand's favorite month. Lights everywhere glittering like stars, laughing people, warm beverages and snowball wars. He strolled through the city aiming for his favorite jeweler. Amren needed a new pair of earrings more than her life and Rhys was determined to buy his old friend the best pair Velaris had to offer. He was almost done with everyone's gifts, the pile of them from his family growing under his own tree. They got so excited that most of them tried to shake and even sniff the packaging to understand what the hell was inside of it. Somehow his Inner Circle has found him trustworthy enough to place everything at his home. Sometimes he regretted giving them the keys, but he loved them a lot. There was only one gift he still had to buy.
Morrigan's friend, Feyre, had lived with his cousin since September. They met a few times and even though her expression looked haunted most of the time, her witty replies made him loudly laugh. Pair that with how she called him a prick on different occasions and he had fallen in love. Hard and sudden. He wanted Feyre to start smiling again and wanted her to feel safe around him. He wanted to make her feel the most loved person on this planet. Mor and Feyre left for a three week holiday in Italy getting themselves drunk on shopping and nice food almost every day.
After purchasing Amren's earrings and a brooch, he found himself in front of his mother's boutique.
"My, what have I done for my son to come visit me at work?" his mother greeted him. "As if I don't come in here every other week, mother," Rhys replied, kissing the woman's cheek.
Hilda was finishing putting together a sleeve for the soft white dress on a stand behind her. "It's Morrigan's. I thought she would love a dress for Solstice day. Do you like it?"
"It will be perfect on her, your skills amaze me every time," he confessed, "what about that one, though? What is it made of?" A fine dress of the palest blue caught his eyes, shining in the low light from the ceiling, the trail pooled as a lake of stars. What kind of fabric was even that? "Feyre's dress. Oh, don't be so surprised, honey. She needed it after all she went through."
He sighed. "What happened to her, exactly? Morrigan threatened to kill me when I mentioned I wanted to ask Feyre about it." "Well…," Hilda hesitated. It wasn't like her and an angry calm set over him. What happened to the young woman? "Back in June she came in here looking for a dress. She and Mor recognized each other and an argument started between Feyre and the Miss who accompanied her. Someone sent word that a dress was no more needed and your cousin didn't see her again since Feyre showed up at her apartment and asked if she could move in. She was engaged, you see, had some arguments with her betrothed because of the other woman and called off the engagement."
Why wasn't Rhys aware of any of this? He picked out the phone but a gentle hand caressed his shoulder, the other taking away the phone. "You are trembling, Rhysand. Sit here. Sit."
"How can I help her, mom?"
"Be there for her. Support her but don't bring it up if she doesn't. " He sat there in silence for long enough that he was startled when Hilda sent him home. "Is this the only way?" he asked, getting up from the stool and pressing the second gift —a brooch of a Solstice flower made of rubies and diamonds— into her hand.
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 Feyre was glad that Azriel and Cassian drived Mor and her back to Mor's apartment. What she didn't expect was for Tamlin to stand in front of it. Arguing with Rhysand.
“Give her back now, Rhysand. You won’t be enough for her anyway.” yelled Tamlin. “Oh really?” he turned towards the group, “And here I thought that she ran away to me because of my beautiful face and because she’s not an object.” The smirk he gave Feyre turned her from white pale to tomato red in less than a second. How could Tamlin still try to take her back? She broke every tie she had to her family, her father’s debt aside. He should respect her decision and yet he didn’t. It was at that moment that she noticed the open door between the two men and the chaos inside.
She felt her anger rise. Did Tamlin look for her inside? “Why are you here, Tamlin? I’m not coming back.” Anger and frustration filled her head as she walked toward the males. “I won’t be your wife. Go marry Ianthe instead, after all she has warmed your bed since we got engaged.” She sided with Rhysand, his steady warmth and scent anchored her. She looked toward Rhys’ face. “He actually has a beautiful face.”
Tamlin launched himself toward Feyre to grab her but Rhysand was faster. He circled her shoulders and pulled her away, while Azriel and Cassian pulled a yelling Tamlin toward the exit of the building. Her heart thundered. What had just happened?
“Hey, hey, look at me.” Rhys was calling her but she couldn’t look at him. Tamlin had just- “Look at me, Feyre darling. Good girl, like that. We’ll go for another trip just the two of us, okay?” Rhysand’s blue eyes were almost violet with the Solstice lights in the hallway. She fell in love all those months ago with how they seemed to shine just for her. She fell in love with how caring he was even without knowing what happened. Feyre nodded and Rhysand escorted her to his car.
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Four days later they reached the destination. The log cabin Rhysand drove her to was in the middle of the highest mountains in Prythian. It faced a wide lake with a few other houses here and there, a thick layer of snow covering everything in sight, brightly lit by the sun. Peace and quiet reached her ears.. together with Rhys’ pants and grunts. Why was he even doing those sounds? They make her feel so tense and weak at the same time. She turned from the landscape to find Rhys pushing her luggage inside. A huff escaped from her lips as she walked to him, helping with pulling their luggages over the wooden porch.
“And this is why Mor was expelled from the common room the third year of college” finished Feyre drinking some wine in front of the fire. The rooms were full of wood and light colors, with a big hearth in the living room. She had propped her legs up on the sofa, a soft blanket over her, while Rhysand was in front of her on the same sofa. He was laughing at the stories she shared with his cousin, only once they talked about Tamlin and decided he wasn’t worth the thoughts. His brothers were already taking care of his charges anyway, so all she had to do at the moment was relax. And wine always made her relax.
“You know,” she braved to tell him, “I actually like you, Rhysand.”
He swung his wine once, twice. “It's Rhys. And do you, now?”
“I do.” She gulped. “I started liking you the day you brought me to a dance lesson instead of Mor,” Feyre laughed. “I didn’t know I danced so badly with Tamlin.”
Rhys was silent for a second. “He knew that you are a treasure, Feyre darling. Every man you will choose to settle down with has better to acknowledge it, or I’ll be the one to teach him.”
The blush on her cheek wasn’t from her drink. “Well, you already know it”. Rhysand sat up and leaned over her. Then he started brushing her hair. It was so normal but she felt like a starving woman anyway. She'd been since that day in September. “What is it that you want, darling?” she got up on her elbows. She could feel his warm breath against her lips, mere inches apart. She met his gaze and raised a hand against his face. She felt alive again as they danced like the first time. “You.”
The kiss was hungry and sweet, soft but demanding. Their lips tasted like the finest wine they were drinking. Rhysand felt Feyre melt under his love and he couldn't believe that he would find someone who loved him this much. He had lovers but he never felt like changing into a better person with them. Feyre moaned in his mouth and it was his undoing. Rhys got up and scooped her up in his arms. In what seemed to be a second, he was at the top of the stairs with Feyre on his lips. In his room there were already dim lights on. Feyre broke the kiss long enough to examine the bedroom and laughed.
"What? Not in a Solstice mood?"
"Oh no, who wouldn't love to have sex on a four-poster bed covered in cotton balls and yellow Solstice lights?"
He grinned, "That's the spirit, darling". Rhysand put her down and slowly, oh so slowly, proceeded to undress her from the pullover, then her shirt. The leggings were the last he pulled away. Feyre was left with her little red lacy underwear in front of Rhysand, who knelt before her. Feyre averted her eyes. How was it possible that she loved the man like this? How was it possible that he loved her enough to kneel at the sight of her? It was in that moment that he entangled fingers with hers. "Are you sure of this, love?"
"I am. Only, how can you love me when I called you a prick? What if you leave me, too?" "I'm not him, Feyre. I won't leave you" confirmed Rhysand. "And I've been called worse, don't worry. Let me show you how much I love you." She smiled laying on the bed: of course he had to be right every time. Rhys undressed quickly, coming on top of her. He kissed her lips, sucked her neck. His hands roamed from her fingers to her peaked breasts, circling around the top of one to the top of the other. Feyre arched her back and Rhysand sneaked a hand beneath it to unclasp the lacy bra. He kissed his way to the peaks and Feyre felt her belly melting and tightening at the same time.
"What is it that you want, love? Do you want me to kiss every inch of you?" He showed her how under her breast. "Do you want me to suck? Or maybe you just want me to touch you." A whisper with no sound left her lips. He kept licking and massaging down, down, all the way down to her core where he didn’t stop once. He enjoyed what he was doing but looking at him worshipping her center with his tongue was a sight she knew she wanted to paint. A warm sensation started to build in her head and she couldn’t think straight anymore.
“Don’t call me like that”, his teeth scraped the interior of her thigh. “Try again, sweetheart.” This man. She was going to let him pay. Later.
“Rhys, please”. His tongue came back against her folds and she arched as he murmured praises for her bedroom manners. He was building Feyre up so much that she was almost at the end as Rhysand withdrew from her sight. “What. What are. You doing, Rhys?” She couldn’t think, could breath fast enough. “I’m getting ready for you, my love” and as soon as he said this, Feyre found him next to her on the bed, a condom on his dick. Between the soft mattres, the cotton balls and the strings of fairy lights, Rhysand looked like a fairy king out of her favorite stories. “Come up here”, Rhys ordered patting his thigh. Feyre did as he wanted, sitting right upon his member. But she had never been good at following orders without a little ‘Feyre-twist’ and that day it wasn’t any different.
She shifted, starting to kiss and suck Rhysand’s neck as he first did, her heands learning about tatoos and muscles she didn’t even know existed. She reached between his legs and began pumping. “Fuck, Fey. There, like this. You’re wonderful” He praised her again, his hands on her hips and trying to thrust into her. “Not like that, dear,” she purred into his ear, “let me show you how to do it properly.” With a grin on her face she moved him to her folds where Feyre created a new rhythm before getting down on his member. She felt her body stretch and adapt as soon as his head entered, a new rush of hot temperature creating again a fog in Feyre’s head. She took it all in before she began moving again. “You fill me perfectly, Rhys. Can you feel how much I want you?” He merely nodded, eyes heavy with pleasure. “Then don’t stop. You’re so good, please don’t stop. I-I love you too, Rhys”. They kept moving and praising each other until they broke at last.
Both panting, they hugged each other for a few minutes before taking a quick shower -it may or may not have included more kissing and asks about being a couple- and falling asleep hugging each other.
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 Rhysand woke up before dawn between the arms of the most beautiful woman he ever saw. He traced her face with a light finger before casting a chaste kiss on her lips and leaving the bed.
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Feyre woke up in an empty bed and felt as if everything had been only a dream. She put up the clothes Rhys had brought in the morning before and headed downstairs. She expected a few scenarios but not her new boyfriend mumbling Solstice songs under his breath while being submerged in coffee and biscuits and pancakes with blueberries and maple syrup. With his good trousers on. Only with the good trousers on. “Happy Solstice, Feyre darling!” He told her with the widest smile ever before twirling her around and kissing her. They were both laughing at the end of it.
“Happy Solstice, dear! Tell me now: did you cook all this?”
“Of course I did. I couldn’t let my girlfriend starve on the longest night of the year, could I? Now then, grab that bag and go change.”
The dress was stunning. It looked like it was crafted out of snow and light. “Where did you buy this dress?”
“That? Oh, my mother did it,” he answered before turning. His jaw dropped in a perfect O as soon as she saw her. Hair braided and barefoot in a dress of small pale gems, she felt crafted for it. “My-my mother has a boutique, the one where you met Mor back in June. This cabin is also hers.” He put a few plates on a table in front of the biggest window. The view showed the rising sun in a clear sky, over the frozen lake in a snowy landscape. Feyre made a mental note to recreate the landscape as soon as she was back, together with the previous night’s image.
She sat at the table. “You know Rhys, I wouldn’t mind being reintroduced to your mother and thank her for the dress.” Rhysand laughed “She already loves you, darling.”
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outpost51 · 1 year
Happy WBW! What are the customs around being invited to someone's house in the world of your WIP? (Is it rude for me to bring a gift? Do I have to take my shoes off before going inside? Things like that!)
NOPAL!!! be normal be normal be normal be normal be norm-- I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED.
[encyclopedia falls through the cut]
ah, shit.
SO, let's go through the aliens i've built so far in Xatal:
**note: these are planetside, traditional living arrangements. when in doubt, ask your host!
Call when you reach the outer bounds of your host's territory -- this is usually marked in some way by a small fence, a garden, or painted rocks. It's polite to announce yourself before the proximity alarm does (so the proximity alarm can be turned off), especially if there are pups napping.
If you're invited over for a meal, make sure your host knows about any special dietary needs before the day of your visit; cazen are accustomed and adapted to living in resource-scarce areas, which means there isn't typically an alternative available, and it's both rude and distressing to invite someone over for a meal and be unable to feed them.
On that note, if you are invited over for a visit, but no meal is mentioned, do not assume you are going to be fed. Resources may be scarce, or as Cazen like to stick with small groups, your host may simply want to catch up for a short period, and then have their house empty of company. You may be asked to stay longer -- there is no social consequence for accepting or turning down this offer.
While not required, if you can spare the credits, you'll get bonus points for asking if your host needs anything from the market/grocer/trader -- even if you're going out of your way to help, it's polite to frame it as if you were "going there anyway."
Have you been vetted by the patriarch? You're welcome any time. You don't even need to call -- you might not have a "traditional sit-down-and-eat" type of visit, but for an uknuk, spending time together is spending time together. They follow the “friend of my friend is my friend” rule, though, so you may be invited to dinner at a random dwelling. Enjoy!
Bring. A. Gift. It doesn't matter if it's your first time there or your hundredth time. It should be something practical (like tools, nice throw blankets, etc) or food/drinks. Crop seedlings are also accepted, but ask first to make sure they can grow in your hosts' climate, there is room for them in the communal garden, and that they are attractive to local pollinators!! Bonus points for asking what they need, double bonus if you bring something that contributes to the community!
If you're asked to help, you help. The community won't take advantage of someone, and they'll accommodate disabilities and limitations! Usually, if you're taller than 3'... you're on "high" shelf duty.
Don't pick up the uknuks. Don't do it. Unless you're adopted family or a crewmate. And then bully (affectionate) your uknuk "siblings" relentlessly. The kids might try to climb you, though, and in that case, enjoy your armload of fuzzy little babies.
You will be handed the bread vessel. SMASH THE VESSEL. DO IT. There's a round stone on the table. Hold it with both hands, flat side towards the table, and drive it straight down onto the stone. There will be a ruckus. Feel free to scream along.
If you cook bone-in meat close to your visit, save the bones and bring them along! You don't really have to do anything with them either, just shove 'em in a clean bag!
There will probably be fermented meat on the table. You don't have to eat it (you might not even be able to), but try not to make a face.
Post-meal preening and naps are customary! You can turn down the preening, but I guarantee that meal will put you right to sleep!
If it's just dinner, you'll be dining out -- research the place you're going to. Follow the dress code, don't over/underdress, look over the menu and have an idea what you're ordering before you go. Your behavior and appearance reflects on your host! No pressure LOL! Forget to look at the menu? Be honest, and ask your host what they recommend 😌 problem solved!
Holiday? Get ready to meet your host's entire family. You will be dubbed gazagaza at the door and held to the same standard as the rest of "the kids." It's fine, you're probably getting a crash course on the ride over -- no, you're not driving yourself there!
Unless asked, don't bring anything but yourself. It implies that the family cannot provide for themselves, and that they're doing so poorly they can't provide for you as well. If asked, it will be a bottle of mid- to top-shelf liquor or a specific wine -- this is for the owner of the house, who your host will introduce you to. This bottle will be opened and served at dinner.
For the love of all that is good and right in the world, do not remove your shoes. Everyone will probably be outside anyway, unless the weather is bad.
Ix'ai etiquette on steroids. If you're invited out, you'll be picked up at a specific time (do NOT be late). Ask your host for a meal recommendation and don't offer to pay -- communicate when plans are made that you want to pay for yourself, otherwise just let your buddy spoil you.
If you're invited over, it's a date (romantic or platonic). That's an intimate friends activity! Tell your host they have a beautiful home, remove your shoes if asked (usually dependent on the weather, it's all about keeping the floors clean!), enjoy the tour and the candlelit dinner. It's going to be over the top. Zal like their ceremony!
Don't bring a gift unless you're courting. Bringing a gift is an expression of courting. Yes, even a bag of chips.
As for Other Etiquette:
When visiting someone on a station:
DO ask which dock to use (yes, this goes for public transport as well).
DON'T assume your host is paying for your docking fees or taxi fare, but DO communicate about it ahead of time.
DO offer to bring along a snack or something they can't usually get on the station!
When invited onto someone's ship:
DO greet the captain, if they're not the person who invited you!
DON'T wear strong scents! You're in an enclosed, filtered space!
DON'T bring large gifts, or anything with non-recyclable packaging.
When invited to Eir Terminal, specifically:
If Bax requests your presence, you go right away. You will probably have to wait when you get there, but the important thing is that you are on time.
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wildskissed · 9 months
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companion romance guide
In a 'character is a b3 companion' style format where you can actively get scenes in each ACT to romance them (and can't proceed unless some scenes trigger), Eve's 'romance' arc would be as follows:
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[ACT 1] The Sorceress of the Glade
The main character comes across Eve out in the forest, her hands glowing and a bush on fire. She's had a magic surge, but while she's obviously having a little freak out with herself, she acts as though nothing is wrong. Of course there's some perception and history checks to do here though, to be able to tell that she is hiding something, but she won't admit it even if you call her out. She'll just extinguish the fire and then start rambling about the forest and the nautiloid, and then suggest you travel together, which will start her companion quest line should you accept. You can also ask her about the scar on her face but like with invading Gale's mind off the bat, she's going to immediately tell you to mind your business. You can, however, invade her mind with the tadpole if you wish a get the vague face of what appears to be an Elven man and she won't tell you anything about him.
As far as the romance starting, she'll start warming up to you, and even tell you about how she used to be a Druid upon entering where the druids are chanting in the Grove. She's weary about what they're doing and wants to speak to Khaga as soon as possible. You'll get some extra bonus points with her if you take her with you to go see Khaga, and this is where she'll either start crushing on you, or will start being sassy as all Hell towards you: you must save Arabella. If you do, she will become endeared to you, and tell you about how she was a child during conflict as well, and how important it is to take care of each other. It'll also make her a lot more smiley towards you, but if you let Arabella die, she'll be far more curt with you because she'll believe she knows all she needs to know about you, which is that you don't care about the innocent. You can do a persuasion roll to try and appeal to her, but she's unhappy if Arabella dies.
Recruiting Scratch and the owlbear cub will make her so happy to have animals in camp that she'll start flirting with you in little ways like bringing you things she's been bartering traders for, and smiling at you a lot. Commenting on your bravery and your finesse in battle, etc.
There is an optional mission to go to the High Forest and meet her family and her pegasi, and while it will get you more approval with her, not going will not actually make her upset with you. It'll give you some extra dialogue later on though.
As long as you save the Grove, Eve will like you even more. You've protected all the kids, and the Tieflings getting the short end of the stick, and she'll want to spend alone time with you at the Tiefling party. You can't sleep with her yet, but there will be flirting and kissing and promises of things to come when she feels more ready to tell you about what she's been through.
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[ACT 2] The Sorceress of the Glade (cont.)
Eve is not a fan of the Shadowlands in the slightest, but being a former druid, she is big on you respecting nature. She is easily influenced if you're kind to her and reassuring that the shadows can be vanquished, and really wants to help Halsin and Jaheira.
You will also get bonus points with her if you let Arabella stay at camp, and if you are kind to the Tiefling kids in the Last Light Inn. She is elated at besting Raphael at lanceboard, and approve if you tell the kids that you will save Mol for them.
She will continue to fall for you the more you do nice things, admittedly, like saving Isobel, saving the Tieflings, and the big kicker: letting Nightsong go. This is what will actually trigger her love scene after Nightsong and Shadowheart have their long talk and figure out Shadowheart's true story. Once she gets her memories back and all of that, Eve will want another private moment with you, where she'll talk you up and how she hasn't felt this way in a long time. She'll then tell you all about how she got her scars, and how it is hard for her to trust another lover, but that after watching you deal with all of this, she's not worried that you would ever betray her, and she'd like to show you just how much she cares about you by 'taking your intimacy to a new level'. Tender, sweet, and she will go down on you first before anything else happens.
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[ACT 3] The Sorceress of the Glade (cont.)
Eve is so thrilled to be in the city, even with it's craziness, and any comments about how cute she is fawning over things will keep her at that Exceptional rating with her, and honestly she wants to do everything. She will also, like Scratch, keep randomly bringing you things she has gotten off of traders because she was thinking of you.
You can now kiss her whenever you want, and she is a face grabber. She will cup your face and draw you in and kiss you for a bit, say something cute and cheeky as her arms circle your shoulders, and then steal one more kiss before she lets you go. She will also alternate between calling you 'my darling' and 'my love' and will offer massages and snuggles to help you to relax. Every couple of long rests she'll also offer to have you share her tent with her.
She has a couple of endings for a romance, depending on what it is that you choose to do with the brain. If you become the new Absolute, she will peace out. That isn't what she wants to be a part of, but she'll wish you well and express her deep regret that your love story couldn't go farther than this. However, if you get rid of the elder brain, she'll suggest a future together where you don't have to part, though she will make it clear that she does need to go back to the forest to deal with her family and the fallout of her actions pre-tadpoles, and will offer for you to go with her to do that, but you can wait for her instead if you so choose.
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[Epilogue] The Sorceress of the Glade (cont.)
Romancing Eve means that you're together in the epilogue and depending on what your character wanted to do, while she is still working on controlling her wild magic, she works with animals now. She just wants to be settled and with you, and have a family and enjoy your years together. She can do that anywhere that you are, be it the forest or the city or wherever.
tagged by: @elkenbulwark tagging: literally all of you!! please tag me if you do it because this is so much fun.
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thespacelizard · 1 year
ashenivir 32, rizeth 36 aaaaand vizeath 23!
asdjlkad i forgot i reblogged this ask game hi fox!!
(send me oc questions!!)
32 - Your character is having a prom night/debs. What kind of outfit do they wear?
Ashenivir dress up time! Choosing for himself it would be some simple yet elegant robes—plainer leggings, with a longer tunic overtop, plus some other like. Long bits. Some fancy sleeve covers, the kind that come halfway over your hand with subtle decoration on the back. Maybe a girdle style thing, to pull in the waist a bit for some kind of silhouette.
Colourwise probably going with dark blues/purples/black, with silver accents and little bits of decoration. A nice little half-cloak/mantle with silver edging I think, and enough Mystra stars for it to be a motif but not so many it looks silly.
(bonus fact, Rizeth plays dressup with him multiple times in arc 4, and he’s. he’s so fucking into it. it’s adorable)
36 - Tell us something about your OC that doesn't make it onto the page?
oh that’s tough! there’s loads of backstory stuff for Rizeth that might end up in arc 4/5 but it’s not there now, so i’ll put a non-spoilery bit here.
He was originally of a house with no real importance, a secondboy, and got sent/chosen as a consort by the Matron of House Velkon’yss when he was uhhh pretty young. Younger than Shen was when he transitioned at least. He didn’t have a good time there, needless to say, and when they needed a new wizard he jumped at the chance to escape to Sorcere.
When he fled Menzoberranzan, he eventually stumbled on a group of Mythen Thaelan traders heading for Neverwinter. He hid with magic, but was caught by Seldszar T’sonri (who wasn’t yet Archmage). He told him ‘do what you want with me, just don’t send me back’ and Seldszar was like well. obviously i’m not going to do that. and now they’re friends :)
23 - What is your character's favourite food and who cooks it best?
you just want me to post more about Vizaeth’s Food Issues :p
i have been musing on this though, bc i want to know what Rhylfein would get for him to eat when he’s refusing to eat literally anything. i think he likes food that’s firm/crunchy, rather than soft or mushy. but then i do also think he likes hardboiled eggs. it’s just a vibe i get.
ohhh i think he really likes good roast veggies. idk what kinda vegetables they can get in the underdark but some oil, some salt and pepper. give that boy a carrot stick. also button mushrooms i know he likes to just pop in his mouth. but only if they’re barely cooked; if they’re squishy then it’s a 0/10
i think for maximum Viz suffering, his family had one cook years ago who made vegetables the way he liked them, but they ended up getting sacrificed to Lolth and he’s never had the Right Vegetables since.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 year
❀ Share a headcanon you have not shared.
Mun's Interpretation Meme || ACCEPTING
OOOOOOO, because you didn't specify a muse, I'm gonna go with Leshy!
❀ Share a headcanon you have not shared.
Leshy's followers weren't at all spared during the process of his... game wiping, for lack of better terms. In fact, they were the first victims. Picked off one by one, their essences sealed in those horrid masks of his creation, and many of their belongings picked through to find pieces Leshy could repurpose for his grand design.
In fact, I would say that it was this that spelled the undoing of the other Scrybes and assured they were taken off guard by Leshy's blazon movements to seal and steal away them and their own
With all of his followers gone, there because there was no one left to pass along the word of Leshy's rapidly deteriorating condition.
If the others had been left-- it's doubtless they would have reached out to find assistance in the other Scrybes to help comfort Leshy or reason with him against whatever had seemingly taken over his mind. Above all else, he was their leader and their family, they loved him, they wanted him to be happy, and more than that, they trusted him.
It was this that made the task of isolating and harvesting them remarkably easy aside from than the mental burden. Still, even that was dissuaded by Leshy's reassuring himself that through the betrayal and carnage, he was setting them free from the confines of this pre-written narrative.
Thankfully though, at least for his followers, after things were reset as they had been before, and they were returned to life and body, none of them seemed to recall much of anything. Leshy remembers, though, he remembers Every Single Detail, and more than that, he remembers how he had deluded and convinced himself it was for the best. And that? That haunts him.
I WILL ALSO ADD AS A BONUS TO THIS THAT NOT ALL OF THE FOLLOWERS FACED THE SAME METHOD OF SACRIFICE AND TRANSFORMATION. Some were quick and relatively painless, like the Prospector, who found himself withering away day by day before falling asleep and never waking up, as his soul found its home in the wooden mask. BUT OTHERS??? Fiadh and the Trapper/Trader went through HELL
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justpassingbii · 1 year
plot bunny
So I had a new plot idea. Just a thought I found interesting but anyone can feel free to take it and use it, just let me read it too 🥺
It probably fits in for any fandom, it was just thought up as a (reverse) harem setting (or at least for multiple pairings side by side) and I thought it up as a MDZS fanfic so I explain it in that setting further down.
TW: period typical racism/homophobia/sexism, slavery is a big plot point and all the issues it has, like potential non/dub con (nothing happens but it is mentioned and other characters think it is normal and what should be happening)
I tried tagging it properly but do let me know (kindly)
The basic idea was:
an AU set in the age of discovery (yes I am european fam, even had to look up the name for this in english kkkk) with an OC/reader insert that is financially Independent from their family and is very eccentric in their spendings (yes they have a family but for some reason the family does not interfere in their business. bonus points if OC is a woman since sexism was a thing at the time)
now characters from canon are being sold as slaves (not all at once, just the one first and then keep them coming and adapt to the fandom/character) OC was established as rich and eccentric so they buy the character and take them home but (not so shocking) treat them very kindly.
Now I'll describe this as I thought it up but again, I think this might fit in for any fandom/characters and I would really like seeing other people's take on this
OC is rich and has a family but is independent from them. I go so far as to think she is the main source of income and status for them, despite some of that having established before her. So she has her own house and does her own spendings and her fam can´t publicly interfere but they do some bashing behind her back (and to her face cuz she is a softie, especially for the family) but she will still try to stand her ground to do the things she wants and they let her cuz this is how they got their wealth and fame so far.
She is at the market and sees slave traders and is going to move past until the foreign looking (they are all foreign, it's why people decided they should be slaves - eww - but this one looks different from any other slave and is even being marketed as such). She decides to take him in so she buys him and brings him home. She speaks a couple of languages (I am making it be an unusual thing for that time but she is a language afficionado - ignore my projecting pls) but not his so another plot point is her personally teaching him and learning from him.
It's Jiang Cheng. He is moody but nothing if not adaptable and quickly resigns himself to playing along for his own sake until he can figure something else out. She takes him home, lets him bathe and gets the servants to bring over picture books and the most basic reading and writing learning books and tools. She starts personally teaching him.
Some more projecting and the OC is portuguese but speaks english so she tries to tell him only she speaks english here but if he wants to learn that or portuguese. (haven't quite decided which one he chooses and further down the line I decided they also have their own sign language system - a mix of pt sign language and other signs). She goes through the classes with him and even tries to learn some of his in return.
Cute moment when she introduces herself and he does too but she struggles A LOT with the tones for his name and he gets her to call him just Jiang, and he calls her by her first name (she insists and he isn't fully aware of it until later)
She teaches him some basic cultural stuff like how to greet someone (as in the bowing, the language stuff will come a bit later, she is on the more basic but key stuff, so basic nouns for a while).
She also lets him pick his own clothes. She calls over a servant, gestures for clothes and points to both the servant's and his clothes expectantly until he decides to keep his clothing style. She take shim to the tailors and I am playing on the assumption they have their own fabrics for clients to choose from in there so she lets him pick the fabric for his main outfit but they also get him some "normal" ones. He picks purple obviously, and she lets him, no matter how expensive purple fabric actually is - she is rich so she should spend it, no?
(this paragraph has mentioned/discussed dub con but nothing happens) Last character specific point (or at least that gets really developed for the first character that appears) is how everyone expects that he will be a sex pet (I am sorry) so a room isn't prepared for him - he is expected to sleep in her bed and with her. He is taken by the butler (who is period typical and therefore not very supportive of all the progressive shit she does and how she does it but hasn't been disrespectful so far) who lets him get washed up and then has him kneeling on the floor in her bedroom waiting for her in just his pants. She comes in, sees him there, touches his cheeks all tender but with a very obvious sadness in her eyes. She kisses his forehead and takes his hands to lead him to the bed but tucks him in, and then gets in herself (let her do a speed run of her nightly routine, baby deserves her -limited - skin care). she lies next to him and even holds his hand but nothing more. they wake up cuddled to each other but nothing happened other than that forehead kiss and hand holding (*~kya~* lol) and nothing happens the continuing nights.
Now onto more characters (that part was long cuz 1 gives a lot of setting and a lot of things are explained now because they will be very similar for all characters and 2 I love JC, if you didn't know)
I thought of letting Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian come next, caught as a pair. She is once more out and about, with JC, and he spots them. He tells her and she buys them, gives them a similar treatment, she has JC to explain the things he already knows and things go a bit smoother with that extra bit. JC tells her they are a couple so she gets them the room next to hers. JC keeps sleeping with her cuz the alternative is to sleep next to that couple and we all know they like their "everyday" (he also really likes sleeping next to her but will never admit it out loud). I havent developed much for these two so far except that I wanna play with Wangji's mommy issues so....
She is a bit keen on physical touch but not keen on crossing anyone's boundaries so she goes slowly. Hand holding is mostly for outings in crowded spaces (there are 3 guys now but she holds hands with JC and one of wangxian who hold hands themselves and problem solved) but she opens her arms wide open to express intent to hug and holds her hand next to the body part she wishes to touch (arm or face, dont be perverts - yet) and only touches if they acknowledge her intent and allow her (not moving away from her or pushing her away/pushing her hand to where they wouldn't mind/actually want her touching - no perverted shit *yet*). Wangji is actually keen on this and one time she caresses his face and he calls her "A-niang". She is clueless so far so she tilts her head and Wangji, emboldened by this, points to her and repeats it, before pointing at himself and saying "baobei". she understands this is something about how to address each other so she complies and calls him "baobei", not noticing his red ears and the shocked faces on the other two. Include a scene of WWX and JC confronting him about it and he is unfazed, in one of the language classes she still insists on personally giving, LWJ tells her and she doesn't mind either, whatever floats their boat (she is SOOOOOO into all of them but the whole master-slave thing makes consent an issue so she has decided to NEVER do anything with none of them - she can't even be sure if even if they initiated it, if it was out of a sense of obligation or because they really wanted her)
On the topic of forms of address, after trust is established and feelings, LWJ calls her A-niang and she calls him baobei, JC calls her a normal nickname for wtv name she has and she calls him A-Cheng at first and later on (after the A-niang incident) she calls him Cheng-ge (he is flustered cuz it never happened before but he is indeed older than her so she says it's only right), WWX is A-Xian/Xianxian and calls her Jiejie/*name/nickname*-jie.
Later on come 3zun. Kinda wanna separate Lan Xichen, he arrives first and Wangji recognizes him so we all know now she has to buy him too (and traders start to see she only buys this type of slaves and this might become an issue, and also now she has 2 similar ones and they think they can finally start to understand her preferred type - joke's on them hehe). The others help him blend in, etc etc, he has the gentlest vibes and maybe later on can be a bit of a right hand man to her (as well as JC because I say so and he is the one that has been with her the longest). Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao/Meng Yao come later but together (yes NMJ is still alive, I need his himbo energy). They are at odds with each other anyway and as she is trying to buy them, she hasn't brought enough money on her to buy both so she tries to bargain by trying to trick the merchant into a buy 1 get 1 free (throwing in a bit extra above the normal price for one so its more like a discount on the second one) and oh the mental implications this has on JGY that OC is gonna deal with.
Also just thought that Nie Huaisang will have to come looking for his brother but he at least is smart enough to come as a master himself and not a slave so he becomes her esteemed guest.
Other peripherical thoughts include her family visiting and the guys seeing the strained relationship and becoming protective of her, talks of releasing them/them escaping, thoughts of them bringing in different ideas that she capitalizes on (if one of the ideas evolves enough she might let the guy that came up with it be in charge of it), slice of life shennanigans, what pairings and they interact how (otp, 3tp, moretp ?), the servants not being understanding or not sharing in her views about the boys and being fired, reference about how she bows to them too low (she is the master and they her slaves) but even after they explained to her she souldn't bow so low, she insists even more on bowing like that, to show she sees them as her equals, how she wants kids but doesn't have a husband - men don't want her to keep her power and influence (period typical shit) and she would ruin her own reputation if she had a kid out of wedlock so she has resigned herself to not hving kids.
Possible other plot points include pressure for her to marry, business competition sabotaging her, attempted assassinations/kidnappings, one of the boys acting out in public and the consequences, her household staff messing up/messing with the guys/with her, a time of some business issues because cultural and societal views on her and how they overcome them.
anywyay, if you read all of this, please have a chat with me about this, I am having some huge brainrot with this.
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darkaviarymc · 2 years
I know this has been done to death but
Here's MY top ten (in no particular order) wishlist for 1.20
Inventory update. There's going to be at least one new wood family and our first wood sub-type, plus chiseled bookshelves hanging signs, sniffer eggs and whatever new plant/seed(s) we're getting with the sniffer. So already that's a lot of new blocks and items to clog up an already overwhelmed inventory. Expand it. That's it, that's all you have to and 99% of your player base will be over the moon!
Blue dye + Yellow dye = Green dye. Honestly there's no logical reason why certain colors of dye should be SO MUCH harder to obtain than others, but currently there are 3 colors locked behind finding a desert or mesa/badlands biome and I think it's dumb. Yes, wandering traders exist but using them effectively is locked behind a tedious game mechanic that you won't have early game, especially if you didn't spawn near a village.
Wood saw. It would function just like a stonecutter but for wood. Maybe you would need a wood saw to craft the bamboo mosaic blocks?
Kiln furnace. We have a blast furnace for smelting ores, a smoker for cooking food, can we please have a more efficient furnace type for stone and clay? It just makes sense.
Different arrows. They said they'd give us a function for the fletching table, right? They also promised us a combat update so two for one, yeah? Maybe gold arrows would do less damage to normal mobs but more damage to Nether mobs, iron would do more damage to undead mobs, copper would do more to peaceful and neutral mobs (and give us an actual practical use for copper) obsidian would do more to flying mobs, diamond would do more to players (adding to the value of diamonds on pvp and even economy servers) and netherite would ignore any less than netherite armor and would damage closed shulkers. For balance, these arrows would not work with infinity or multishot and would only stack to 16.
Bedrock/Java parity. Basic accessibility features are horribly lacking on Bedrock, making it highly difficult for the hearing impaired. That's the most glaring issue, but Bedrock should also have spectral arrows, banner shields, and the ability to actually use your left hand. Java should have dyed water cauldrons and their respective mechanics, emotes, and an always-on "show coordinates" mode. There are a myriad other parity issue but those are the ones I can think of off hand.
Performance fixes/optimization. This one isn't exciting or flashy, but it's NEEDED. Even pro grade gaming computers struggle to keep up with world generation on Java without optifine and similar mods, block lag is disastrous on realms, and android and switch have been riddled with random game crashes since 1.19.
Misc. small esthetic things. Dyed flower pots (that would be the same colors as dyed terra cotta) more paintings, different colored lanterns (made by combining normal lanterns with glass panes) more banner patterns, cracked bricks
Literally any of the biome updates from previous showcases. Birch forest, Desert, Mesa, Savanah, idc atp, just making existing biomes feel more alive would add SO much to the experience, no need to add more new ones just yet, imo.
New water plants. Cattails are the obvious one, they could grow in water 1-4 blocks deep and grow up to 1-2 blocks above the water, and possibly be used as another source of brown dye (see point 2)
Bonus honorable mention:
Remove Herobrine.
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ahmed11334 · 3 months
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 4 months
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Beyond Starlight
An Alien Fated Mates Limited Edition Box Set
PUBLISHER: Storyteller Publisher 22, LLC
GENRE | TROPES: Sci-Fi Romance | Fated Mates
Release Date: November 19
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
Preorder: 99c
Participating Authors:
Diana Dawn
Susanna Eastman
Demelza Carlton
Katrina S. Karter
Danielle Forrest
Clare Dugmore
Star-Crossed Love by Diana Dawn
Kira’s planet's sun had suffered collapse, destroying her world and everyone she loved. As part of the Gundrie race, Kira's crystal pendant with its energy source of their planet's sun would allow her to live forever. She was one of only two left of the Gundrie. The other was a man she despised. If you are one of the last of a race that lives forever, how can you find everlasting love?
Tropes: End of Civilization, Enemies to Lovers, & Reluctant Lovers
Captive Heat by Susanna Eastman
She was captured by sex slave traders, and he was her only hope.
When intergalactic trader Jaden Zoma rescues beautiful teacher Mia Townes from sex slave traders, she thinks her problems are over. Being kidnapped was awful, and Mia can’t wait to get back to the family that means everything to her.
Jaden is dedicated to helping those in need and never expects to need anyone else. He has few roots, and he likes it that way. Their paths should never have crossed.
But when their bodies are sabotaged—first by the slavers and then by nature—they must put aside honor and virtue to save each other.
What happens when their crazed journey ends, and it’s time to move on?
Tropes: Sex slave, MMC hero, Alien Abduction
A Cup of Sin: An Alien SciFi Romance by Demelza Carlton
A Tale from the Colony: Vice Series
Sinclair has one goal in life: to survive her sentence on a prison ship full of male prisoners so she can go home and live her life again. Until the ship's systems start to fail.
Edward prides himself on being a model prison guard, obeying all the rules. Until Sinclair steps aboard his ship. She's everything he ever wanted…and everything he can't have.
But when disaster strikes and they're stranded in space, a little sin could mean their salvation…
Tropes: Prison ship, Stubborn MC, Model Citizen Gone Bad
Starry Eyes: A fated mates alien romance by Katrina S. Karter
My life turns upside down when my girl’s trip is invaded my aliens. I have sworn off men. Do aliens count?
It was the worst breakup of my entire life. The end of all of my hopes of having a family with the man I thought was my soulmate, the end of … everything. But the worst thing about all of this is the high-priced, 5 nebula class all inclusive honeymoon suite he convinced me to spend my entire savings and Christmas bonus on. The jerk wanted me to take it out of my name so he could still go…. It turns outs I was wrong. Turning my honeymoon vacation off planet into a girl’s trip my very well be the end of me as aliens crash the party.
Tropes: Alien Abduction, Alien Invasion, Fated Mates, Alien Romance
Matched to the Alien Workaholic by Danielle Forrest
Zenhan wanted nothing more than to do his job. It was his passion. He lived for it. But his brother, and now his boss, had other ideas. They thought he needed a break.
Except, a vacation wasn't the only plans his brother had made for him. He'd signed Zenhan up with a matchmaking agency, and his new mate was going to meet him there.
Their meeting goes badly enough, but the icing on the cake?
Finding a weapons cache in the quaint little cabin they're expected to stay in...
Tropes: MMC Workaholic, Stubborn MMC, Matchmaking Agency
The Starlight Prince by Clare Dugmore
A love story written in the stars.
Hunted for being a witch, Madelyne longs for somewhere to belong and performs a full moon spell to find her true love.
Across the galaxy, Kalas completes the aeons-old celestial ritual to show him the location of his fated mate.
Enchanted by Madelyne’s beauty, Kalas flies to Earth to find her.
And, with nothing left for her on Earth, Madelyne agrees to accompany Kalas to his home planet.
But as Madelyne adjusts to her new life, old doubts linger, and she just cannot understand why someone like her would be worthy of the crown prince.
Madelyne has spent her entire life being told she doesn’t belong, and now Kalas must convince her it’s more than just ‘fate’ that makes him want to claim her as his own.
Tropes: Magic drawn love, Fated Mates, Crown Prince MMC
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