#broker traders family
carabelajaronline · 1 year
Cara Daftar Komunitas Traders Family di Surabaya Sidoarjo
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am-canary-realtors · 1 year
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ladyofvoss · 12 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 #14: Telling
adjective: carrying great weight and producing a marked effect
They deserved to know.
It sat in her gut, curling around her insides like wretched, bog-infested vines. A horrid, monstrous truth.
But they needed to know.
Traders alive, how was Thalia going to tell them?
Uncle Theo could have lived, should have lived, but instead chose to give up the miracle that could have spirited him to safety for the chance to save her life.
She had been agonizing over this for days, pacing a restless path throughout the Rising Stones, or finding solace in the solar as she unloaded her woes onto Minfilia’s understanding shoulders.
“They would understand, I’m sure of it,” her friend encouraged her gently, as they sat in the solar during one of said respites.
“Would they?” Thalia countered, lifting her head from where it was dropped into her hands, “my mother was never the same after. My grandfather nearly died from the grief. If they knew I was the reason he didn’t return home….”
“They would not blame you”, Minfilia interjected, firmly, speaking with an authority that brokered little argument, “if what you’ve told me of your family is true, blame would be the last thing on their mind. They would grieve again, perhaps, but never find fault in you.”
Thalia said nothing, staring resolutely at the table in front of them as she fought back distressed tears. But Minfilia was undeterred, gently tilting Thalia’s face towards her.
“I have watched how this weighs on you, my friend. It burdens you greatly, and I cannot bear to see you suffer any longer.”
And in that moment, the damn broke. Perhaps it was the empathy in her friend’s eyes, or the past few days finally reaching a breaking point, but in that moment the tears flowed without stopping. Thalia wept bitterly, curling in on herself as Minfila pulled her into her arms, one hand stroking her hair, the other rubbing soothing circles on her shoulders.
“I’m so afraid, ‘filia”
“I know, darling. I know.”
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scuttledusk · 3 months
Lantern Eclipse Cast
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Fairywren Merlo - A hitman from Guardian City who was forced to flee after a job gone wrong.
Eddie Reeves - A successful, respected businessman of the Violet District in search of a mysterious artifact.
Ford - A Terror who spent the past 40 years in servitude and just recently gained his autonomy.
Bex Dlamini - A former Shepherd removed from service for his softness and now lost in the Cursed Wilds.
Heidi Cantrell - A wandering trader and musician, leader of a motley crew of outcasts and “freaks.”
Davin Fitzgerald - A protective sharpshooter with a mechanical heart of gold - or, well, titanium.
Ratshot Durchdenwald - A hyperactive young mechanic and medic-in-training with a venomous bite.
Judas Durchdenwald - A game hunter with a long family history and an even longer criminal record.
Gloria Tungalag - A singer and sniper, who’s been traveling with Heidi for as long as either can remember.
Marcus Ramsey - Paladin of the Breaking Dawn and a trusted, noble leader to his team.
Nisha Houghton - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, a ride-or-die friend with an indomitable spirit.
Hank Montoya - Happy-go-lucky technician for the Breaking Dawn, as well as the best cook on his team.
Arthur “Art” Danus - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, blunt and judgmental but a loyal friend.
Reuben Haverkort - Cleric (or healer) of the Breaking Dawn, who has harnessed cursed magic to help others.
Sadie Clem - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, soft-spoken and timid but never one to back down from a fight.
Anderson “Roach” Trengrove - A member of a failed revolutionary group, now the guardian of his two nephews.
Styke Trengrove - An impulsive young punk with a tendency to get into more trouble than he can handle.
Benji Trengrove - An innocent younger boy, oblivious to the horrors of the world, with a passion for sports.
Francis “Wasp” Mortimer - An old friend of Roach’s, and the only other survivor of their lost revolution.
Pearl Artair - The charismatic and elegant owner of a nightclub in the Violet district called “The Visionary.”
Finnegan “Mercury” MacEirie - A prostitute working at the Visionary, on the run from his past.
Inez Coronel - A singer at the Visionary, as well as a collector and broker of secrets and important information.
Vera Romeo - The bartender of the Visionary, who has new romantic troubles every day without fail.
Vaughn Grandis - The owner of a rival club and an influential figure in the Violet District’s underground.
Kerry Faulcon - The captain of the Rhettshore Redhawks, a cordball team known all across Guardian City.
Gage Bandy - Another member of the Redhawks, calm and reasonable but a bit condescending.
Lauren Bandy - A player on the Redhawks, who fans think may drop out of the league after this season.
Emerson Wheeler - A Redhawks player widely appreciated for his looks and charm rather than his skill.
Belle Eriksson - A skilled Redhawks player who is believed to be competing with Kerry for the title of Captain.
Antony Valdovinos - The mastermind behind the Damned, leader of a deep-rooted criminal organization.
Simon Demaret - Antony’s second-in-command and personal assassin with a secretive background.
Natalia Barrueco - A down to earth but extremely irritable member of the Damned, Antony’s cousin.
Kian Kinnerk - An entertaining young man and member of the Damned, who brings his violin everywhere he goes.
Vivi Seacoal - An extremely intimidating older woman, the muscle of Antony’s inner circle.
Lazarus Cain - Friend and rival, a mysterious young assassin who is always present yet rarely seen.
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I��ll try to update this whenever I need to, since new paras and storylines pop up every now and then! These are also just the “major” paras - there are a few side characters who just aren’t mentioned at all bc. this ain’t abt them
fun fact: eight people on this list are dead </3
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cking398 · 12 days
Chapter 6: Revelation
So in 2003 when the stress became too much I developed a plan, I figured I could hire my ex-mentor. I was smoking too many joints and it was a shit plan. I respected Karim’s broking skills immensely. Although Karim had never really taken me aside and explained broking to me. I had worked it out by listening to him. People forget we have 2 ears and one mouth. There is a reason for that, you are meant to listen more than you talk. I figured I could just hire Karim and another apprentice. I would be able to extricate myself from the day-to-day running of the business. Extricate me from the horrible nightmare my life had become because of this one twat trader Vahe and my pregnant girlfriend Sophie. Attacked on two sides. On one side, I was being hit psychologically by my pregnant girlfriend and her bitter complaining, on the other I was being abused at work by one of the biggest players in the market. A man who wanted to control all option prices before him. I could have simply cut his line permanently. Once I really did. Resulting in a farcical situation where he would call Nick on his mobile to trade. I didn't really want to cut this bank's line, he was one of the biggest traders. Never losing a client had become a point of honour for me. Also, if I could no longer have access to his prices it would have meant losing that little bit of competitiveness compared to other brokers who still spoke to him. I felt attacked at work and attacked at home. Something had to give.
By 2003, I was living in Repulse Bay, Hong Kong island. On Belleview Drive. I had the penthouse in this block of flats overlooking the beach. It was 20 minutes from the center of Hong Kong. I had a jacuzzi on the balcony, and a small swimming pool on the roof. Table tennis. A plasma TV screen. A pool table in the living room. Beautiful fiancée with a baby on the way. Materially I had it all. By this point, I knew money did not make me a happy camper necessarily. I was smoking too much hash.
I set my plan into motion. My old mentor, Karim, was arriving from Tokyo for a weekend break, or so he thought, I had other plans to discuss with him. Business plans. Karim was due to appear around 10 pm. It was 7 pm. I was sitting with 'The Apprentice' in my apartment: Charles-Henri Rossignol. He asked Charles about his family background. He was a Christian. I had always relied on his instinctive sense to gauge the goodness in a man. I picked my friends carefully and I thought he could become a good one. Although Charles was handsome in the extreme, he had none of the personality baggage normally associated with the 'beautiful' people. I sat on my massive couch. Rolled up another dubie and started questioning Charles on his family background and then bam. It hit him. 
I never normally got scared. I had learned to control my fear. My life had been kind of scary. Indeed hardly plausible. But in that moment everything made sense. My upbringing, my name, my birthday, everything made sense. It was literally like an atom bomb but confined to my brain. The world around him remained unchanged. I thought a million different things, could I be Jesus reborn, but really, I had no idea. I asked Charles to check the computer. My hands were shaking so much, I could not type. I thought it would be as easy as walking over to the computer next to the TV and typing my name into Google. It was the 23rd of November 2003, 6 days before my 30th birthday.
The story of my Awakening
When I was around 7, my atheist mother asked me what I thought about religion. I have a vague recollection of this. Hers was better, she passed away in 2020 which is appropriate since she was born on the 21st of December 1943, the winter solstice reflecting the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. She told me that I turned, looked at her very seriously, and said “I don’t have time to think about that now, I will think about that later.” Little did I know that 23 years later it would consume a large part of my thoughts.
On a side note, my favorite book is “Reminiscences of a stock operator” by Edwin Lefevre, it is a book that details the experiences of the best financial market trader that ever lived, Jesse Livermore (interesting family name). There is a very interesting chapter in the book that details his trading experiences relating to the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Note: I had no idea that Sophie, my first wife, who had a new boyfriend but was technically cheating on me with her new boyfriend, would be one of the closest people to the epicenter of the Asian tsunami. Back in 1906, the time the ticker symbol of the stock that would be most affected by this tragedy would be Union Pacific. UP would go down. He had no knowledge that the earthquake would occur. But his being knew. He was in Atlantic City strolling along the boardwalk with his buddy. He was young and that day had no particular position in the market. They decided to go into his broker's (Harding Brothers) to look at the board where the quotation prices were. He looks at it, everything is pointing up. He focuses on the price action involving Union Pacific. Very strong. For a reason his friend does not understand he has the urge to sell it, in the hope of buying it back later, after it falls, and taking the difference as profit. He does not even understand why. He keeps selling until his position becomes so big he decides to return to New York. The Earthquake hits, the market does nothing, in fact, it goes down on the news but quickly rallies back to previous levels. His friend is amused. He tells him that was a hell of a premonition but that the market is always right. Jesse rebutts that the market does not always process information in the right way when the unexpected happens (the same thing happened with the emergence of the COVID virus, the market did nothing for a long time and then plunged). He keeps his position. When the full details of the disaster unfold over the coming days the market starts to sell off. A major American city has just been flattened. It finally plunges and like the good trader he is, he takes his profit. A major coup for him. How did he know that UP would go down? Same way I know I am the one the world has been waiting for. I just know. This chapter details what happened the day of my revelation and some of the moments, where I acquired knowledge, that I believe tilted me into knowing it was me.
“The Secret Book of Birthdays” is another book that led to my awakening. Great coffee table book. It's online now. Used to be free up until recently, but now they are cashing in. It’s written by Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers. I believe what they did is, they analyzed famous people throughout history and then compiled personality traits of those individuals.
I was 27 and was invited to a dinner party. Can’t remember the girl's name who hosted. I fancied her friend Lisa. Anyway, when invited to people’s homes I tend to head straight for their bookshelf. You can tell a lot about a person by what they read. There was this serious-looking big book talking about birthdays. I thought this would be good for a laugh. So I grabbed the “The Secret Book of Birthdays”. Each page is A4 size and 2 pages are used for each day of the year to describe the person. I read the first line that described me; “has the ability to provoke conflict or thought”, anyone who truly knows me knows this is true. I change the status quo. Always have. I will not go into everything it revealed about me but needless to say, it is remarkably accurate. Even down to my main health issues, a weak stomach. I thought, right, total fluke. I checked my mother’s, my father’s, my brother’s, my best friend's. Basically all the people whose birthday I knew off by heart. All true. This really was a revelation to me. How could the alignment of the planets influence people's personality? It made no sense to me at the time. However, I knew it to be true. What I would come to believe is that the connections that exist in our Universe are of a complexity I had never imagined. Atheism was no longer the appropriate belief, but I could not see a reasonable alternative. My mind had truly been opened. I live in Lasne, Belgium. The owner of my local bar is Patrick, he has a couple of restaurants also. His personality perfectly reflects the description in the book. I have since checked many people. Really incredible. They also have a book dealing with “Destiny”; The Secret Language of Destiny. This gets specific about my goal: “To fully and in detail express their experience of the numinous”. I had to look up Numinous; divine will. Need I say more? I know who I am. I am a product of this Universe and I am here to tell you. Once you die, your soul lives on. So be good.
Back to the main story. Stress, it was 22/11/2003. 7 pm. Repulse Bay. It was 7 days before my 30th birthday, and I was interviewing Charles-Henri from Lyon, France who had just finished a work placement with a good friend of mine Eric Noyel (winner of Young French Entrepreneur 1997 and number 1 toilet brush supplier to the world). Charles was 24 and soon to be my new apprentice, I had 4 people working for me at the time. It was the 22nd of November, yes the same day as JFK got shot. Many would say the most infamous day of the 20th Century. On that day my awakening happened. A strange coincidence. God does not play dice with the U.
Charles was 25 years old. Sweet guy. I was in my big-ass apartment and asking him my regular interview questions for the time. The three questions I would ask as a general rule were: How many siblings do you have? Why did America invade Iraq? The last question I would generally ask is 17x19 in your head. 
People with many siblings are generally better communicators and I needed communicators, the job demanded it. They know how to get along with other people. The ‘only’ children I knew from school tended to be somewhat strange. I would ask about the difference in age and what their siblings were doing now to see if they maintained a strong bond. Family is important, so if they take an avid interest, the better the person tends to be. If they did not answer Oil to the second question. Forget it. Failure to list this as the principal reason would generally cause me to laugh in the candidates' face or get into an argument with them. Just logically, no dictator would allow terrorist cells to operate in his country. Made no sense. All the candidates I asked answered Oil. Later it would come out, no Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), no link to al-Qaeda, just a continuation of the ‘Bush’ fire. The last question 17x19 in your head was to measure their mental dexterity. I would tell them that the speed of the answer was not important, although it was, the logic was more important. The quickest way for most people is 20x17 minus 17. A surprising amount of people answer 321.
He must have answered appropriately. I went deeper. I asked him about his religion. Never normally asked this question in interviews and I do not know why I did it then, but I did because I was genuinely interested. He was catholic. I started shaking, not because he was catholic but because I suddenly felt this immense responsibility that I felt I had been given. This shook me to my core. Charles was there and is still among the living. He is a witness. I won’t lie. Not on important stuff. Little lies are important for humans to function in society but I abhor big lies. The default position on the important shit, it’s to tell the motherfucking truth. Why Lie? For whom? Anyway, I don't. I asked him. He said Catholic and then I knew. Not that, that is the right religion. I just felt the pull of God.I just knew it was fucking me. My whole body convulsed. My hands started trembling. I was the man. And I was like fuck no. I knew in my being. I had no choice and I hated the position. My body, dominated as it is by my brain said no, no, no fucKING NO. Not me, please not me. I had everything already. NOT fucKING ME. That split second changed everything. One moment I was an agnostic, the next I believed in the Numen; God to most of you. 
In less than a split second I knew. I knew I had this important destiny. I just did not know precisely what if anything to do about it. Even now I cannot describe the feeling accurately.  It was like a nuclear reaction inside my brain. One atom hit another atom, but instead of the atom breaking, all atoms simply shook together knocking me to my very core. From agnostic to knowing for sure there is a god in one split second and on top of that knowing I was the one with a message to deliver. The messenger. It was all too much. In that instant, I changed irrevocably forever. That moment would define me and would lead me inexorably to the writing of this book 21 years later after the accumulation of a lot of knowledge.
Destiny, you can’t fuck it, you cannot fight it. It just happens. Why me? Ricky Gervais will say I am hallucinating, I am a dick, but I come from pure atheists and I lived the atheist creed better than him. Reason, Logic, my being was in open rebellion against itself. When your heart's intelligence does not work in accordance with your brain's intelligence, problems arise. David Servin Schreiber describes this problem perfectly in his book: “The instinct to Heal, Curing Depression, anxiety and Stress without drugs and without talk therapy”. He died at 50, I hope to have the same luck. Just kidding, although some nutter will probably kill me one day (I would advise against this course of action if you care about your soul in the afterlife). I am allowed to say whatever the fuck I want BTW; First Amendment US constitution and also in the UDHR. It’s a fundamental right. I read a scientific study recently that proves that a belief in God generally makes humans happier and feel better about their lives. It makes sense, we are all programmed to believe.
How to explain that moment on the 22nd of November 2003. The touch. It was like the film “Contact” with Jodi Foster. There was no proof. Just waffle, blah, blah, blah coming from me. The best broker I knew;, that was me. The one who was always able to choose his words carefully. The one who was normally lightning fast and spot on in his responses, even after a few beers at lunch. It’s not as if I heard voices or had been contacted. I just realized something all at once. It was as if every fiber, bone, tissue, and neuron in my body suddenly knew something that had always been within me and that I was meant to do something with my life besides making loads of money and that God existed. I was meant to be a messenger. I knew it. The problem was, for me, not the fact that I now realized that God existed and that I had been sent to deliver a message. The problem was I did not want the job. It was absurd. I was a club-footed, cannabis-smoking, binge-drinking twat who had never really grown up. People saw me differently. As a golden boy, a God of finance, someone to be looked up to. I knew differently. I had been stuck in my teenage years, with a teenage mindset and teenage dreams. 
That day, on the 22nd of November, the tables turned, how do you keep your emotions under control in the face of God? And if you are his messenger are you not supposed to have a message? I knew the war was wrong and Iraq was a travesty but how could I possibly influence world events? 
No, No fucking no was all I thought. I wanted the atheist position. I lived my life, grew rich, and had a good time, it was my playground, and then suddenly, everything, it, him, her, Yahweh, all at once. No, fucking no, fucking NO. I was happy with the thought that I turned to dust and that was it. Okay, I wanted children, but to provide me with happiness, not because God said I should or I was going to complete some mission or actually I was not on this planet to live for me but for IT or Yahweh/Jehovah, or whatever created me. And, fuck, it meant that my soul would go on… it meant I lived forever, a complete revolution. You think you die and it’s all over. No. Not correct. I knew it. What we did now actually mattered. Fuck, fuck, fuck and I understood that all at once. It’s not big brother, it’s not humans watching other humans, it’s fucking real what we do actually matters and it’s not about being judged by our fellow man cause there is a greater power that judges. It was an explosion. It actually is real. God is fucking real. It pissed me off, I remembered the ghost of Mary, I remembered the bloody plastic tractor, the Secret Book of Birthdays. I remembered laughing at the idiots who believed in God. I remembered planning my rise. I remembered everything but I never saw God coming just like the financial industry never saw me coming. I knew. Everything changed. Not only for me, but for all those around me, and not in a good way. My mind jumbled everything. I did not have enough knowledge at the time. All my body seemed to fathom was the enormity of the task but no clear way of achieving the goals. Not that I even knew what those goals were. I had a basic idea, bring peace to the world, how? I had no idea. 
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tmarshconnors · 3 months
"If you're stupid enough to buy it, you'll pay the price for it one day."
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James Dimon is an American banker and businessman who has been the chairman and chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase since 2006. Dimon began his career as a management consultant at Boston Consulting Group.
Born: 13 March 1956 (age 68 years), New York, New York, United States.
Leadership at JPMorgan Chase: Jamie Dimon has been the chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase since 2006. Under his leadership, JPMorgan Chase has become the largest of the big four American banks and one of the most prominent financial institutions in the world.
Early Career: Dimon started his career as a management consultant at Boston Consulting Group before moving on to work with Sandy Weill at American Express and then at Commercial Credit.
Education: Dimon holds a Bachelor's degree from Tufts University and an MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker Scholar, one of the highest academic honors.
Crisis Management: Dimon is renowned for his management during the 2008 financial crisis, where JPMorgan Chase not only survived but also acquired Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual, solidifying its position in the banking sector.
Personal Background: Jamie Dimon was born on March 13, 1956, in New York City. He comes from a family with Greek heritage and has a strong personal connection to the banking industry, as his grandfather was a Greek immigrant who was a broker and a trader in the Greek stock exchange.
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The Biggest Problem With wholesale houses 101, And How You Can Fix It
Wholesaling Qualities
Wholesaling components is surely an expenditure strategy made use of by some property traders to generate potentially sizeable returns in a nutshell times. It involves discovering below market value properties and setting purchase contracts to traders who will then promote these commitments back at market real estate investing simplified price.
John has acquired his grandmother's hoarder home, which is in bad condition. Anne, a seasoned dealer in actual property dealings, identifies its possible and gives to take it off John's hands in exchange for an earnest funds down payment transaction.
1. Know Your Limits
Wholesaling qualities is an purchase strategy that allows real estate brokers to generate a return without generating an beforehand transaction for properties. Real estate property wholesalers purchase components below market price at discounted prices before offering the contract back out at full market price to individuals looking to rehabilitate or rent payments them out for profit. Wholesaling offers homeowners with stable earnings during times of monetary misery as being a source of carried on cashflow.
Even so, general house can present particular disadvantages. For starters, it may be challenging to set up the actual market value of any residence when dealing with distressed dealers who could be eager to offload it quickly. Moreover, wholesalers must find buyers willing to buy at whatever selling price level will be questioned.
To prevent such obstructions, new property buyers must deal with a skilled advisor and coach that can manual them with the market place and get away from timeless faults that cost both time and money. In addition, newcomers should conduct comprehensive researching the market by strolling local communities, participating in network situations and reading community blogs - together with locating an experienced investor coach/mentor.
2. Know Your Consumers
Wholesaling real estate attributes is undoubtedly an popular real-estate method during periods of pandemic, since it will allow brokers to earn fast profits without incurring costs for maintenance or advertising and marketing. But just like anything, wholesale real estate property investing calls for consideration and education from experienced professionals.
To achieve success like a wholesaler, it's very important to determine interactions with purchasers with your community marketplace that can undertake components requiring some operate. You can track down these brokers at property networking occasions or by reaching out to friends and family.
Once you have discovered a purchaser for whom to wholesale properties, start your search for components to general. Once you discover one which fulfills your conditions, discuss together with the vendor to place it under agreement before determining it for your purchaser - at which time an assignment fee will likely be received from this commitment project.
At all times when wholesaling real-estate, you have to remember that facing sellers you will be working with folks challenging situations. Any endeavor at taking advantage is only going to turn out harming yourself in the long term. Therefore, it's crucial that interaction between functions engaged stays open so you feature an evaluation contingency in deals therefore if unforeseen or too costly issues develop they allow you to back out from any offer and stay away from any upcoming migraines.
3. Know Your Industry
Wholesaling attributes is a wonderful technique for investors to get into real estate without needing to set down much money beforehand. But before plunging in, it's imperative that you fully grasp your market before scuba diving in - which means being familiar with which neighborhoods are hot and which of them are not along with understanding how to locate determined dealers.
Many suppliers build their particular program for locating buyers and sellers. Some use residence tax records to discover proprietors who haven't paid out their taxation while others push through communities looking for signs of ignore or damage that indicate a requirement to promote.
As soon as a wholesaler locates an excellent home, they discuss with its proprietor to enter it under commitment at an arranged-upon cost after which look for a customer for this agreement at the earnings.
Comprehending your market is essential to find appropriate investors and preventing possible problems that might develop. For instance, if your seller doesn't make needed maintenance as agreed upon, which include an evaluation contingency clause in your agreement could allow you to back out without running into fees and penalties afterwards. Planning yourself before hand for probable concerns saves both money and time in the foreseeable future.
4. Know Your Financing Options
Real estate wholesaling features several problems, such as discovering potential customers for qualities. As a result, it's vital that you develop a customers listing before entering into any deals - this lets you customize the qualities you locate from what your buyers are looking for and boost your chances of shutting an agreement effectively.
At the same time, it's also essential to recognize your funding alternatives. Wholesalers frequently turn to hard money lenders when buying bargains - this may be particularly ideal for modern traders without enough investment capital up-top to purchase home straight up. In addition, tough funds loan companies are generally well-informed of neighborhood styles.
Eventually, excellent conversation and negotiation capabilities are vitally important when making an investment in general real estate deals. You have to influence retailers that you just offer you honest importance for house have the ability to estimation restoration fees calculate ARV of house and also talk to an actual property attorney acquainted with working with buyers/suppliers who can draft deals as outlined by community legal guidelines.
5. Know Your Deals
When wholesaling components, it's crucial that you fully grasp your contracts thoroughly - such as knowing the distinction between a realtor and wholesaler. A real estate professional markets and provides components for percentage retailers take existing purchase deals out and sell them directly to conclusion consumers/buyers.
Retailers typically work to find brokers prepared to purchase contracts at marked down costs to acquire an project charge, which allows the trader/buyer to solve and turn it swiftly for profit without taking on constantly, work and tension included in acquiring, renovating and offering it on their own.
Profitable real estate property retailers create buyers lists beforehand to improve the general method and minimize shopper look for time. They might use bandit symptoms, networking situations or social media to quickly increase their swimming pool area of consumers before actively seeking bargains them selves.
Say a house owner is facing financial problems using their house and is also battling to market or fix it by themselves. A genuine property wholesaler could view it detailed for $90,000. They will often persuade the property owner to delegate it for an buyer that will obtain it and allocate their commitment at this particular selling price point.
6. Know Your Shutting down Days
Wholesale suppliers must know their shutting down times when wholesaling components. When a commitment continues to be negotiated having a property owner, there exists only short time left for setting it to a buyer or entitled buyer - producing the shutting down approach for wholesale discounts more technical than regular real estate purchases.
New brokers often battle to get appropriate purchasers for his or her deals, so it will be important they establish a group of potential propstream trial buyers they are able to draw upon for assistance with their jobs. They are able to get in touch with local brokers, group at real-estate events and utilize social media advertising their solutions as means to do this.
Retailers should keep in mind that their possibilities consist of promoting commitments or performing twice closings. Deciding on the best method depends on individual circumstances either strategy can result in earnings. But it is essential for retailers to remember that profits earned through wholesaling numbers as business income for the IRS - new wholesalers may benefit from employing a cpa early to prevent this tax problem. Because of this, new retailers are encouraged to hire one particular as early as possible.
7. Know Your Shutting down Charges
Shutting costs for wholesaling components is an unanticipated shock. From having your deal drafted and make payment on buy cost of your property on its own, to shift fees and name insurance coverages - it's important that you know upfront so that you can budget properly.
Real estate property wholesaling is surely an superb option for individuals thinking about property but lack the money to spend immediately. But remember, this method needs time to work and research: finding encouraged vendors, precisely analyzing a property's advantages, locating brokers with money which will buy the commitment and designate you with ownership, and so forth.
Some wholesale suppliers select the increase close technique, whereby they find the home with either their own cash or difficult funds loans then market it instantly to finish buyers. This can be one of the fastest ways of buying and selling real estate property, with a few wholesalers even having the capability to shut on homes within time!
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cking330 · 12 days
Chapter 6: Revelation
So in 2003 when the stress became too much I developed a plan, I figured I could hire my ex-mentor. I was smoking too many joints and it was a shit plan. I respected Karim’s broking skills immensely. Although Karim had never really taken me aside and explained broking to me. I had worked it out by listening to him. People forget we have 2 ears and one mouth. There is a reason for that, you are meant to listen more than you talk. I figured I could just hire Karim and another apprentice. I would be able to extricate myself from the day-to-day running of the business. Extricate me from the horrible nightmare my life had become because of this one twat trader Vahe and my pregnant girlfriend Sophie. Attacked on two sides. On one side, I was being hit psychologically by my pregnant girlfriend and her bitter complaining, on the other I was being abused at work by one of the biggest players in the market. A man who wanted to control all option prices before him. I could have simply cut his line permanently. Once I really did. Resulting in a farcical situation where he would call Nick on his mobile to trade. I didn't really want to cut this bank's line, he was one of the biggest traders. Never losing a client had become a point of honour for me. Also, if I could no longer have access to his prices it would have meant losing that little bit of competitiveness compared to other brokers who still spoke to him. I felt attacked at work and attacked at home. Something had to give.
By 2003, I was living in Repulse Bay, Hong Kong island. On Belleview Drive. I had the penthouse in this block of flats overlooking the beach. It was 20 minutes from the center of Hong Kong. I had a jacuzzi on the balcony, and a small swimming pool on the roof. Table tennis. A plasma TV screen. A pool table in the living room. Beautiful fiancée with a baby on the way. Materially I had it all. By this point, I knew money did not make me a happy camper necessarily. I was smoking too much hash.
I set my plan into motion. My old mentor, Karim, was arriving from Tokyo for a weekend break, or so he thought, I had other plans to discuss with him. Business plans. Karim was due to appear around 10 pm. It was 7 pm. I was sitting with 'The Apprentice' in my apartment: Charles-Henri Rossignol. He asked Charles about his family background. He was a Christian. I had always relied on his instinctive sense to gauge the goodness in a man. I picked my friends carefully and I thought he could become a good one. Although Charles was handsome in the extreme, he had none of the personality baggage normally associated with the 'beautiful' people. I sat on my massive couch. Rolled up another dubie and started questioning Charles on his family background and then bam. It hit him. 
I never normally got scared. I had learned to control my fear. My life had been kind of scary. Indeed hardly plausible. But in that moment everything made sense. My upbringing, my name, my birthday, everything made sense. It was literally like an atom bomb but confined to my brain. The world around him remained unchanged. I thought a million different things, could I be Jesus reborn, but really, I had no idea. I asked Charles to check the computer. My hands were shaking so much, I could not type. I thought it would be as easy as walking over to the computer next to the TV and typing my name into Google. It was the 23rd of November 2003, 6 days before my 30th birthday.
The story of my Awakening
When I was around 7, my atheist mother asked me what I thought about religion. I have a vague recollection of this. Hers was better, she passed away in 2020 which is appropriate since she was born on the 21st of December 1943, the winter solstice reflecting the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. She told me that I turned, looked at her very seriously, and said “I don’t have time to think about that now, I will think about that later.” Little did I know that 23 years later it would consume a large part of my thoughts.
On a side note, my favorite book is “Reminiscences of a stock operator” by Edwin Lefevre, it is a book that details the experiences of the best financial market trader that ever lived, Jesse Livermore (interesting family name). There is a very interesting chapter in the book that details his trading experiences relating to the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Note: I had no idea that Sophie, my first wife, who had a new boyfriend but was technically cheating on me with her new boyfriend, would be one of the closest people to the epicenter of the Asian tsunami. Back in 1906, the time the ticker symbol of the stock that would be most affected by this tragedy would be Union Pacific. UP would go down. He had no knowledge that the earthquake would occur. But his being knew. He was in Atlantic City strolling along the boardwalk with his buddy. He was young and that day had no particular position in the market. They decided to go into his broker's (Harding Brothers) to look at the board where the quotation prices were. He looks at it, everything is pointing up. He focuses on the price action involving Union Pacific. Very strong. For a reason his friend does not understand he has the urge to sell it, in the hope of buying it back later, after it falls, and taking the difference as profit. He does not even understand why. He keeps selling until his position becomes so big he decides to return to New York. The Earthquake hits, the market does nothing, in fact, it goes down on the news but quickly rallies back to previous levels. His friend is amused. He tells him that was a hell of a premonition but that the market is always right. Jesse rebutts that the market does not always process information in the right way when the unexpected happens (the same thing happened with the emergence of the COVID virus, the market did nothing for a long time and then plunged). He keeps his position. When the full details of the disaster unfold over the coming days the market starts to sell off. A major American city has just been flattened. It finally plunges and like the good trader he is, he takes his profit. A major coup for him. How did he know that UP would go down? Same way I know I am the one the world has been waiting for. I just know. This chapter details what happened the day of my revelation and some of the moments, where I acquired knowledge, that I believe tilted me into knowing it was me.
“The Secret Book of Birthdays” is another book that led to my awakening. Great coffee table book. It's online now. Used to be free up until recently, but now they are cashing in. It’s written by Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers. I believe what they did is, they analyzed famous people throughout history and then compiled personality traits of those individuals.
I was 27 and was invited to a dinner party. Can’t remember the girl's name who hosted. I fancied her friend Lisa. Anyway, when invited to people’s homes I tend to head straight for their bookshelf. You can tell a lot about a person by what they read. There was this serious-looking big book talking about birthdays. I thought this would be good for a laugh. So I grabbed the “The Secret Book of Birthdays”. Each page is A4 size and 2 pages are used for each day of the year to describe the person. I read the first line that described me; “has the ability to provoke conflict or thought”, anyone who truly knows me knows this is true. I change the status quo. Always have. I will not go into everything it revealed about me but needless to say, it is remarkably accurate. Even down to my main health issues, a weak stomach. I thought, right, total fluke. I checked my mother’s, my father’s, my brother’s, my best friend's. Basically all the people whose birthday I knew off by heart. All true. This really was a revelation to me. How could the alignment of the planets influence people's personality? It made no sense to me at the time. However, I knew it to be true. What I would come to believe is that the connections that exist in our Universe are of a complexity I had never imagined. Atheism was no longer the appropriate belief, but I could not see a reasonable alternative. My mind had truly been opened. I live in Lasne, Belgium. The owner of my local bar is Patrick, he has a couple of restaurants also. His personality perfectly reflects the description in the book. I have since checked many people. Really incredible. They also have a book dealing with “Destiny”; The Secret Language of Destiny. This gets specific about my goal: “To fully and in detail express their experience of the numinous”. I had to look up Numinous; divine will. Need I say more? I know who I am. I am a product of this Universe and I am here to tell you. Once you die, your soul lives on. So be good.
Back to the main story. Stress, it was 22/11/2003. 7 pm. Repulse Bay. It was 7 days before my 30th birthday, and I was interviewing Charles-Henri from Lyon, France who had just finished a work placement with a good friend of mine Eric Noyel (winner of Young French Entrepreneur 1997 and number 1 toilet brush supplier to the world). Charles was 24 and soon to be my new apprentice, I had 4 people working for me at the time. It was the 22nd of November, yes the same day as JFK got shot. Many would say the most infamous day of the 20th Century. On that day my awakening happened. A strange coincidence. God does not play dice with the U.
Charles was 25 years old. Sweet guy. I was in my big-ass apartment and asking him my regular interview questions for the time. The three questions I would ask as a general rule were: How many siblings do you have? Why did America invade Iraq? The last question I would generally ask is 17x19 in your head. 
People with many siblings are generally better communicators and I needed communicators, the job demanded it. They know how to get along with other people. The ‘only’ children I knew from school tended to be somewhat strange. I would ask about the difference in age and what their siblings were doing now to see if they maintained a strong bond. Family is important, so if they take an avid interest, the better the person tends to be. If they did not answer Oil to the second question. Forget it. Failure to list this as the principal reason would generally cause me to laugh in the candidates' face or get into an argument with them. Just logically, no dictator would allow terrorist cells to operate in his country. Made no sense. All the candidates I asked answered Oil. Later it would come out, no Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), no link to al-Qaeda, just a continuation of the ‘Bush’ fire. The last question 17x19 in your head was to measure their mental dexterity. I would tell them that the speed of the answer was not important, although it was, the logic was more important. The quickest way for most people is 20x17 minus 17. A surprising amount of people answer 321.
He must have answered appropriately. I went deeper. I asked him about his religion. Never normally asked this question in interviews and I do not know why I did it then, but I did because I was genuinely interested. He was catholic. I started shaking, not because he was catholic but because I suddenly felt this immense responsibility that I felt I had been given. This shook me to my core. Charles was there and is still among the living. He is a witness. I won’t lie. Not on important stuff. Little lies are important for humans to function in society but I abhor big lies. The default position on the important shit, it’s to tell the motherfucking truth. Why Lie? For whom? Anyway, I don't. I asked him. He said Catholic and then I knew. Not that, that is the right religion. I just felt the pull of God.I just knew it was fucking me. My whole body convulsed. My hands started trembling. I was the man. And I was like fuck no. I knew in my being. I had no choice and I hated the position. My body, dominated as it is by my brain said no, no, no fucKING NO. Not me, please not me. I had everything already. NOT fucKING ME. That split second changed everything. One moment I was an agnostic, the next I believed in the Numen; God to most of you. 
In less than a split second I knew. I knew I had this important destiny. I just did not know precisely what if anything to do about it. Even now I cannot describe the feeling accurately.  It was like a nuclear reaction inside my brain. One atom hit another atom, but instead of the atom breaking, all atoms simply shook together knocking me to my very core. From agnostic to knowing for sure there is a god in one split second and on top of that knowing I was the one with a message to deliver. The messenger. It was all too much. In that instant, I changed irrevocably forever. That moment would define me and would lead me inexorably to the writing of this book 21 years later after the accumulation of a lot of knowledge.
Destiny, you can’t fuck it, you cannot fight it. It just happens. Why me? Ricky Gervais will say I am hallucinating, I am a dick, but I come from pure atheists and I lived the atheist creed better than him. Reason, Logic, my being was in open rebellion against itself. When your heart's intelligence does not work in accordance with your brain's intelligence, problems arise. David Servin Schreiber describes this problem perfectly in his book: “The instinct to Heal, Curing Depression, anxiety and Stress without drugs and without talk therapy”. He died at 50, I hope to have the same luck. Just kidding, although some nutter will probably kill me one day (I would advise against this course of action if you care about your soul in the afterlife). I am allowed to say whatever the fuck I want BTW; First Amendment US constitution and also in the UDHR. It’s a fundamental right. I read a scientific study recently that proves that a belief in God generally makes humans happier and feel better about their lives. It makes sense, we are all programmed to believe.
How to explain that moment on the 22nd of November 2003. The touch. It was like the film “Contact” with Jodi Foster. There was no proof. Just waffle, blah, blah, blah coming from me. The best broker I knew;, that was me. The one who was always able to choose his words carefully. The one who was normally lightning fast and spot on in his responses, even after a few beers at lunch. It’s not as if I heard voices or had been contacted. I just realized something all at once. It was as if every fiber, bone, tissue, and neuron in my body suddenly knew something that had always been within me and that I was meant to do something with my life besides making loads of money and that God existed. I was meant to be a messenger. I knew it. The problem was, for me, not the fact that I now realized that God existed and that I had been sent to deliver a message. The problem was I did not want the job. It was absurd. I was a club-footed, cannabis-smoking, binge-drinking twat who had never really grown up. People saw me differently. As a golden boy, a God of finance, someone to be looked up to. I knew differently. I had been stuck in my teenage years, with a teenage mindset and teenage dreams. 
That day, on the 22nd of November, the tables turned, how do you keep your emotions under control in the face of God? And if you are his messenger are you not supposed to have a message? I knew the war was wrong and Iraq was a travesty but how could I possibly influence world events? 
No, No fucking no was all I thought. I wanted the atheist position. I lived my life, grew rich, and had a good time, it was my playground, and then suddenly, everything, it, him, her, Yahweh, all at once. No, fucking no, fucking NO. I was happy with the thought that I turned to dust and that was it. Okay, I wanted children, but to provide me with happiness, not because God said I should or I was going to complete some mission or actually I was not on this planet to live for me but for IT or Yahweh/Jehovah, or whatever created me. And, fuck, it meant that my soul would go on… it meant I lived forever, a complete revolution. You think you die and it’s all over. No. Not correct. I knew it. What we did now actually mattered. Fuck, fuck, fuck and I understood that all at once. It’s not big brother, it’s not humans watching other humans, it’s fucking real what we do actually matters and it’s not about being judged by our fellow man cause there is a greater power that judges. It was an explosion. It actually is real. God is fucking real. It pissed me off, I remembered the ghost of Mary, I remembered the bloody plastic tractor, the Secret Book of Birthdays. I remembered laughing at the idiots who believed in God. I remembered planning my rise. I remembered everything but I never saw God coming just like the financial industry never saw me coming. I knew. Everything changed. Not only for me, but for all those around me, and not in a good way. My mind jumbled everything. I did not have enough knowledge at the time. All my body seemed to fathom was the enormity of the task but no clear way of achieving the goals. Not that I even knew what those goals were. I had a basic idea, bring peace to the world, how? I had no idea. 
Imagine growing up in a loving household with two parents who indoctrinated you with atheistic beliefs only to realize as an adult that you were meant to awaken people to God. A human with a brain somewhat larger than average but very much a human-sized brain. How could it cope with this realization? Well, quite simply it couldn’t. Instead of sitting underneath a tree for five years like Buddha or running from the Atlantic to the Pacific over and over again like Forrest Gump, I did what I had always done. I turned to family and friends for help. Stupid, stupid, stupid. How exactly were they supposed to react? It's not as if there were other messengers of God strolling the planet. How could they help me? How for that matter could anyone? There has not been a messenger of God alive since Mohamed. Weren’t messengers of God meant to receive messages and then pass them along? I had no yardstick to go by. Just men’s stories in books written long ago, polluted for political purposes, corrupted for reasons that are obscured by time. None of the last messengers had actually written or supervised the writing of their books. The world, at the time, seemed divided into two; representing the last two messengers' work. Mohammed and Jesus. Anyway, it's all hearsay, and knowing how stories seem to be embellished, expanded, and ultimately corrupted I was uncomfortable going down this road of inquiry after my mind settled.
I asked the young french man, Charles, to type my name into the google search engine. I couldn’t, my hands were shaking too much. I thought there would be help. Someone would know shit. Nothing. But when I say nothing I mean fucking Nothing. 
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whitepolaris · 23 days
Curse of the T.B. Scott Mansion
The towns of northern Wisconsin are filled with monstrous houses built to shelter the families and egos of nineteenth-century lumber barons. Most of these men became rich by decimating the state's general great timber stands, so it was of little consequences to them to put a small forest's worth of oak and pine into their homes.
Scotsman Thomas Blythe was one such lumber broker (and five-term state senator), who built a hilltop palace in Merrill, overlooking Wisconsin River. Unfortunately, things didn't go too well for him once the fabulous home was completed. Old-timers in Merrill said he might have done better if he'd only had the sense not to build on cursed land by a Native American chief.
The land had been doomed long before Europeans settled in Merrill, back in the days when French fur traders canoed up and down the rivers, looking to buy beaver, fox, and muskrat pelts. Near what is now Merrill was a village called Squiteo-eau-sippi by the French. One day, a group of French traders came to the village and received as important guests by the chief himself, who asked his beautiful daughter to serve the men dinner. Perhaps unable to pronounce her name, the Frenchmen called the young woman Jenny. One of the traders decided he'd like to see more of the comely Jenny, and nine months later the poor girl died in childbirth.
By this time, of course, the traders were long gone, and the chief was unable to direct his revenge at the man who had impregnated his daughter. In his grief and fury, the chief decided she would be buried on the large hill across the river from his village, but he cursed the hill for all time. The curse was recorded in a story by Dolores Chilsen Mielke that appeared in the Merrill Daily Herald in 1930. Mielke later wrote a book about the Scott Mansion, which figures prominently in this story. The bereaved chief's prayer was, "O Great Spirit, grant me this peace for my child. Let this ground by sacred to her memory, and let it never do any white man any good."
A settler's village soon sprang up near the hill, called Jenny, and just as the chief had hoped, all who lived on that hill seemed to fall prey to early death and great woes.
By 1884, T. B. Scott had begun building his mansion, and the village, now a city, had changed its name to Merrill. At that time, a small Indian summer camp still occupied part of the hill, and Scott took care to leave it alone. Even so, he died in 1886 at the age of fifty-seven from Bright's disease before the house was finished. His widow, Anna, died the following year. Their son, Walter, sold the mansion, but apparently not quickly enough-he met an early death ten years later, when he was stabbed with a letter opener after a quarrel. None of the Scotts ever lived in the mansion.
The Chicago businessman who bought the house sold it only five days after purchasing it to one Andrew Dunning, who was able to hold on to it only a few years before passing it on to Edward and Gertrude Kuechle. Edward Kuechle soon lost his short in a gold-mine scam, after which the house was owned by a succession of Chicago speculators. A few years later, the Kuechles' fortune rebounded and they bought the house back. Big mistake. No sooner had they once again become its official owners than they lost everything in a disastrous railroad purchase. Edward Kuechle was eventually declared insane.
The next owner was embarking from Chicago on a trip to Merrill to have his first look at the property when mobsters stabbed him to death in Chicago's Union Station. Another owner died of a stroke at the relatively young age of sixty-two, and in 1912 a one-armed popcorn Dan Coxon, who may have served as caretaker of the house, drowned on the Titanic.
Eventually, the mansion was sold to the city of Merrill. In 1923, the city offered it to a Catholic order-the Sisters of the Holy Cross-if the order would build a hospital on the grounds. The sisters accepted, and the grounds now include a modern hospital, a chapel, and other buildings.
Although people still whisper that the mansion is filled with ghostly laughter and mysterious footsteps, there have been no more strange or untimely deaths since the Sisters of the Holy Cross took it over. Townspeople say that's because the religious sisters are the only people the curse could ever allow to live on the hill. Not everyone agrees that there was a maiden named Jenny. Some digging by Dolores Mielke revealed that for some unknown reason an early surveyor had named the town Virginia Falls. Virginia was shortened to Ginny, then corrupted to Jenny, and that is where the town's original name came from.
Whether the curse was real or not, whether there was a beautiful chief's daughter or not, only the river and the hill now remember. But one fact remains: Until the estate was given over to people whose lives were decided to God and to healing, it never did do the white men who lived there any good.
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nuwanhemal · 2 months
BOTT Price Action Guide: Binary Options Turbo Trading, Forex, FX Options, Digital Options BOTT Price Action Guide: Binary Options Turbo Trading, Forex, FX Options, Digital OptionsThe ultimative Price Action guide (7 edition) for any kind of financial instrument (Binary Options, Forex, FX Options, Digital Options) any kind of time frame from 1 min over 5 min up to 15 min, 30 min and above and any kind of broker. This ebook is all you need, especially as a binary option turbo trader or Forex day trader to get profit out of the market, to get out of debt, make yourself a living or help your friends and family and to archieve financial freedom. Don't miss the opportunity to get this ultimative Price Action guide (7 edition)File Size: 12597 KBPrint Length: 118 pagesPublisher: BO Turbo Trader; 7 edition (October 24, 2018)Publication Date: October 24, 2018Content:Mindset for consistent profits- Practice- Win Rate- Discipline- Money Management- Emotions Candlestick Patterns- Hammer, Inverted Hammer, Takuri Line, Shooting Star and Hanging man- Dragonfly Doji, Gravestone Doji- spinning top - long-legged doji, high wave and rickshaw man- Pinbar - Pin Bar - Pinocchio bar or Kangaroo Tail - Tweezer Top and Tweezer Bottom- bearish harami, bullish harami and bullish harami cross and bearish harami cross- three inside down, three inside up- descending hawk and homing pigeon- bearish meeting line - counterattack line and bullish meeting line- bearish belt hold - black opening shaven head - black opening marubozu- bullish belt hold - white opening shaven bottom - white opening marubozu- bearish kicker signal - bullish kicker signal- matching high and matching low- bearish stick sandwich and bullish stick sandwich - bearish breakaway and bullish breakaway- ladder top and ladder bottom - tower top and tower bottom- three stars in the north and three stars in the south- bearish sash pattern and bullish sash pattern- engulfing candlestick pattern or the big shadow pattern- (bearish) dark cloud cover and (bullish) piercing line- Breakaway gap, exhaustion gab, continuation gap and common gaps- rising window and falling window- marubozu and big belt- inside bar and mother bar- evening star, morning star and evening doji star and morning doji star- three white soldiers and three black crowsChart Patterns- Double Top - M Formation - Mammies and Double Bottom - W Formation - Wollahs- J-Hook pattern and inverted J-Hook candlestick pattern- bearish last kiss - bearish pullback and bullish last kiss and bullish breakout- Head and Shoulders and inverted Head and Shoulders Pattern- Trend Channel - uptrend and downtrend- symmetrical triangle- ascending triangle and descending triangle- bullish flag and bearish flag - bullish pennant and bearish pennant - rising wedge and falling wedge- Broadening Bottoms and Broadening Tops- Rectangle Bottoms and Rectangle TopsConcepts- Candlestick Mathematics- Rejection - market move - weak snr and strong snr- trending and ranging market- minor and major trend- adapting forex strategies to binary options turbo trading- proper rejection - invalid rejection- false breakouts - channel breakouts- reversal and retracements- highest probability trading setups- high probability techniques- market pressures and types of market pressures- upper shadow and lower wick or tail- advanced candlestick charting techniques- overbought and oversold - oscilator - RSI CCI Stochastic Oscilator- different market conditions and market conditions examples- cycle of market emotions, psychology and dynamics- trading setups without rejections as confirmation - multiple time frame trading concept, system, methology and strategy- candlestick momenting- direction of candlestick momentum- inside swing and outside swing- support and resistance - minor snr and major snr and much more concepts ... Also by the same author: BOTT Mentorship Self-Study Video Pack 1-4 BOTT Price Action Indicator BOTT Price Action Bible by BO Turbo Trader
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rijojoe · 2 months
FBS is a regulated Forex broker in Cyprus and enjoys the regulatory body of the EU. Clients can trade with confidence knowing their funds are protected and FBS complies with all regulatory requirements. Spreads are competitive and start at 1.0 pips in a standard account, but the lack of assets available for trading is a disappointment. FBS offers the bare minimum to traders both in terms of trading assets, platforms and deposit options, but what it does offer it offers well; an effort has clearly been made when it comes to education of new traders as well as video content. FBS offers no special bonuses or promotions and sticks to essentials, which can help new traders focus on their core trading strategies without the distractions.
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carabelajaronline · 1 year
Cara Daftar Komunitas Traders Family di Surabaya Jombang
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astrology-bf · 2 months
The Pathos of Things
(CW: Contains Spoilers for Stormblood)
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A blond ijin wearing spectacles came to a halt out on the evening stroll that he was taking through the streets of the Rakuza District of Kugane. He thoughtfully cocked his head, then shifted out of the main thoroughfare and raised his right hand to his chin, his head slightly lowered; the very image of a man trying to remember if he’d left something at home. 
Behind the nearly opaque, red-tinted glass of Hancock’s shaded spectacles, however, the Ul’dahn broker’s eyes were squarely fixed across the street: staring into a streetside restaurant where a familiar, if recent, acquaintance was seated by himself.
The Warrior of Light sat slightly hunched over a table in the inexpensive-looking eatery, a pair of wooden chopsticks deftly grasped in his right hand with practiced ease. He seemed to be enjoying a bowl of noodles and some sake at a table up against the restaurant’s papered wall; though Hancock would have hesitated to use the word ‘enjoying’, based on what his keen ianthine eyes perceived despite Ifan’s back being turned towards the street.   
Hancock could see by how lazily Ifan was eating, and the way his head remained near motionless, that he was likely staring into space. He wasn’t even glancing down when reaching for his drink, keeping the lacquered cup and ewer within easy reach of his left hand. And he was by himself, as Hancock has noticed right away, which struck him as quite odd: the Warrior of Light had just made port in the Far East for the first time in his life that week, and in the company of folk that Hancock had been informed were his near-family no less. 
The broker lowered his right hand and straightened up so as not to look more suspicious than he usually did, and then he slowly raised his other hand to feign a slight adjustment of his spectacles and thereby allow himself a few more moments to discreetly scrutinize the other Midlander. 
His brow creased faintly in mirror of the nearly imperceptible frown crossing his lips as his eyes raked over Ifan’s posture. It was momentary, however, before Hancock resumed his usual casual grace and turned to make his way into the restaurant. He wove his way past a Roegadyn on her way out, and then approached the table where the Warrior of Light was sitting. 
Hancock indulged a final pause to examine him more closely, now that he had a much better view. He could indeed now see that Ifan was just blankly staring into space while he ‘enjoyed’ his meal alone, working his way through the bowl of spicy-looking noodles without even a book to occupy his mind. 
He supposed it was his business: Ifan was his guest, after all. So though he hesitated for moment, Hancock nodded once before he cleared his throat politely to announce his presence.
“Good eve, my friend. I hope I’m not interrupting.” he greeted, as he stepped up towards the table’s side. 
He had to fight back a small chuckle at the way the other Midlander started, his gaze flicking up to Hancock with noodles hanging from his mouth. But he couldn’t stop the smile that touched his lips at the display of manners as Ifan politely hid his mouth, so he could quickly finish off his mouthful before answering.
“Hancock. Traders’ blessings.” he greeted in return, setting his chopsticks down and reaching for his napkin. “Not at all. Please, have a seat.” Ifan gestured at the chair opposite him while wiping his lips, before giving Hancock a smile that was both friendly but still obviously forced.
“Much appreciated, if it isn’t an imposition.” replied Hancock, giving Ifan his usual grin along with a more genuinely thankful nod as he occupied the offered seat. 
“What brings you out here?” asked Ifan. He reached for his drink, but kept his eyes on Hancock as he spoke.
Hancock didn’t answer right away. His conscious mind was thanking Nald’thal for his glasses, as his unconscious mind was once again enchanted as it had been on the Long Pier a few days past.
Ifan had been born with beautifully expressive eyes. They were dark blue, near grey, which reminded Hancock of glazed cobalt on white porcelain, of indigo desaturated in fine brushwork across mulberry paper, and of the Ruby Sea itself which served as the magician’s backdrop when Hancock first beheld him. And like the ocean, the slightest breeze would shift the surface into glittering, surging, or storming as the Hyur’s mood dictated. 
The broker’s grin was usually affected, but he felt it grow a little wider than he practiced when he saw the way that Ifan’s eyes lit up when Hancock gently poked fun at the Scions’ displays of ignorance. He, like Hancock, clearly liked a witty man. And the very witty gold-haired ijin could see that Ifan was also very clever when he’d easily met the Ul’dahn broker’s ribbing with light banter. Hancock much preferred to see the playful sparkle in the other Hyur’s eyes when he was teasing people than…
He didn’t have a word for it. The way Ifan’s eyes looked in their resting state, much as they did at present beneath the overcast of suspicious curiosity at Hancock’s presence. Sodden, maybe? A dripping mess of glaze making the surface of the china rough, or paper oversaturated so that the brush tore through it, or as if the ocean that was Ifan’s eyes was somehow overfull. 
After brief pause he masked with an adjustment to his seat, Hancock gave Ifan a polite smile and folded his hands together on the table in a graceful resting posture.
“Much like yourself, the other Scions have found things to occupy their time.” he explained. “It seems I’ve been blessed with a spare evening, and I thought I might take a small constitutional.” His eyes were fixed on Ifan’s from behind his spectacles, but his head was slightly canted to help obscure where he was looking. 
Ifan’s own eyes were quite brazen as they wandered over Hancock, obviously scrutinizing him as the magician listened to his explanation. At length, he gave an amused huff. “Not following me, then?” he joked, giving the broker a friendly wink.
“Am I that untrustworthy?” asked Hancock, giving Ifan his typically untrustworthy grin.
“That damn smile of yours doesn’t help things.” answered Ifan in a pointed tease with a small shake of his head. Then he smiled more amiably. “I jest. Might have an ax or two to grind with Lolorito, but I’m sure you’re just doing your job. You’ve been a wonderful host, Hancock, thank you.” he said, giving the other Hyur an appreciative nod.
“I’m gratified to hear that, my friend. Truly.” said Hancock. His grin settled into a genuine smile, reminded as he was of Ifan’s friendliness despite the situation serving as the reason for him being in Kugane. Both his presence to foment rebellion against the Garlean Empire in Doma, as well as being the guest of Hancock’s employer and his company with whom Ifan and his friends had a… colorful history, if what he had been told was anything to go by. After another pause, he gave Ifan a small nod. “Is Kugane to your liking?” he asked.
“Very much. I’d read about Hingashi quite a bit, and even seeing a little piece of it…” answered Ifan with a nod as his own smile became warmer and more enthusiastic… for a moment, before it settled into something more sedate. “I only wish we were here under less, ah-” He trailed off, and pursed his lips.
“Complicated circumstances?” supplied Hancock, gently, as he gave Ifan a teasing smirk of reassurance.
“Aye. Thanks.” agreed Ifan with a snort and an appreciative smirk. Then he sat up a little straighter. “Can I buy you a drink?” he offered.
“I insist on buying yours, actually, along with your meal. I’d be a very discourteous host, otherwise.” countered Hancock in a tone that was as smooth and strong as silken fiber, followed by his usual grin.
Ifan blinked, then stared at Hancock for a moment as a barely noticeable pout pulled at his lips. Then he huffed lightly, and turned so he could flag down a server for a refill of sake and another cup for Hancock. The magician’s pout then widened to a flattened frown as he turned back to the still-grinning broker, then reached for his chopsticks.
“Too slick by half.” he muttered, resuming eating.
Hancock felt his grin exceed his practiced restraint, his cheeks aching a little at the sight of Ifan’s appreciative irritation; to say nothing of his skill with his utensils, as the broker’s eyes were drawn to the way the bronze-skinned fingers delicately grasped the slender wood. 
“You speak from personal experience, I take it?” he ventured, leaning forward slightly with his hands still resting on the table. Hancock let his eyes begin to wander behind his spectacles, as they usually did when he was in conversation, raking over Ifan’s clothes, face, and even noting the attention the man paid to both his beard and hair. 
“Maybe.” answered Ifan, after finishing another mouthful. He smirked humorlessly at himself and shook his head, then paused as his expression settled. The magician’s eyes flicked up to Hancock’s glasses before he gave the broker a wan and slightly worried smile. “I really appreciate it, Hancock. You’re not going to get into trouble with the Empire, are you?” he asked, lowering his voice a little.
Hancock’s eyes snapped back to Ifan’s right away, and he felt his own smile fade at the other Midlander’s tone and expression. Then he shook his head and looked at the Warrior of Light as reassuringly as he could muster. “There’s no need for undue concern about myself, my friend.” he replied, unable to stop either the confusion nor the gratitude from entering his voice. “Not that it isn’t appreciated, given our recent acquaintance.” 
Ifan let out a breath and nodded slowly. “I suppose you know your way around Hingan politics better than me, and Lolorito usually knows what he’s doing. All right, as long as it isn’t a problem.” he said, before taking another mouthful of his meal.
The server returned with a fresh ewer of sake and another cup, and though Ifan reached for it Hancock beat his guest to pouring two more servings for Ifan and himself. Raising the lacquered porcelain, they clinked the cups together in a silent toast before the Warrior of Light continued eating, and the broker of the East Aldenard Trading Company watched him from behind his spectacles.
“If you’ll indulge me…” said Hancock, at length. “I am a little surprised you’re out by yourself, and not with one of the other Scions.” The broker chased his words with a small sip of sake, though the hastiness with which he brought the cup up to his lips was telling.
Ifan gave no immediate answer, focusing on finishing his mouthful and spending those few moments thinking of how best to answer. Then his shoulders slumped a little as his gaze drifted to the side.  
“I’m not good company at the moment.” he stated, quietly.
Hancock couldn’t stop the knitting of his brow or the faint frown on his lips, nor the tightening of his fingers on the cup. “You seem more than pleasant enough to me, at least.” he replied, feeling unusually disarmed.
“I’m glad you don’t feel that I’m not grateful, really. But…” Ifan’s breath seemed to catch, and his fingers trembled slightly as they held his chopsticks. “I’ve always wanted to come to Othard. Especially with people I care about as much as the others. Here I am, and…” 
Hancock’s lips parted faintly at the way Ifan’s expression fell for a brief moment, and though his eyes were off towards the side the broker could see dark streaks of fear and guilt welling within them before Ifan forced his feelings down and shook his head.
“How are you?” he asked, looking back at Hancock suddenly and giving him a very forced, but still friendly smile. Then it became much more beseeching as the other Hyur’s eyebrows fell. “Please. I don’t want to make it all about me.” he implored, before digging for more noodles to keep his mouth too occupied to say anything further.  
It took the gold-haired ijin a few moments to reply. Hancock’s mouth twisted imperceptibly with worry before he shifted where he sat, leaned forward, and gave Ifan a casual smile. 
“I’m well enough, thank you for asking.” he replied, meeting Ifan’s gaze behind his spectacles. “The novelty of entertaining fine folk such as yourself is well appreciated, as is your company. Terrible as it is, at the moment.” he added, giving Ifan a teasing grin.
Ifan paused, then snorted around his noodles as he held back a small laugh. The broker joined him with a little chuckle, though his grin grew painfully wide again at seeing the small flare of mirth in the magician’s gaze as he reached for his napkin and wiped his lips. 
“Glad to hear that.” snickered Ifan. Then he looked over Hancock again and smiled more genuinely. “How did you end up here? Working for the company, I mean. If you don’t mind my curiosity.” he asked, then reached for his drink.
“I’m happy to share. Though…” he began. Hancock grinned again, but not of his usual sort; rather, an open and quite sheepish grin of hesitation with his gaze lazily cast off towards the side behind his spectacles. “I suspect you may think I’ve made it up to elicit sympathy from you, specifically.” added the broker, his eyes shifting back to Ifan.
Ifan stared at Hancock blankly, cup still raised in his left hand and chopsticks still balanced in his right. “...Well you can’t just say that and not tell me.” he said, at length. Then he smirked and shook his head. “Go on, then.”
Hancock took another drink. A much bigger one, though less hasty than that initial sip. Then he set the cup down, folded his hands, and smiled at the magician once again.
“I am from Ul’dah, like yourself,” he began. “We are roughly the same age. I’ve no knowledge of my parents, also like yourself. And, much like yourself, I owe my present calling and opportunity to enjoy this fine country to a very clever older Lalafellin man.” Hancock’s smile remained unchanging ‘till the last, when his lips twitched in a faint note of vulnerability. 
A heavy silence settled in the air between them after Hancock finished speaking. Ifan gazed at him inscrutably, setting his chopsticks down and taking a moment to top up both cups before he took another sip of his own drink. When he exhaled, it came as a soft and slightly rasping huff. 
“That so?” he asked, taking another drink.
Hancock’s smile widened wanly. “Indeed.” he answered. Then he hummed. “Should you find it believable.” added the broker, with a small cock of his head.
“I do.” replied the magician, without hesitating. His eyes hadn’t left Hancock, but the inscrutability of his expression shifted into thankful warmth. “I know how hard it is to share something like that with a stranger. ‘Tis appreciated, Hancock.” Ifan gave the other Midlander a nod. “I have to say, you’ve done very well for yourself. Very admirable.” he complimented.
“I should say the same of you.” observed Hancock. The hesitation in his face had faded as his good humor eased back, and he returned a gracious grin. “The Warrior of Light, no less.” he added.
His grin faded immediately at the way Ifan’s face fell, followed by the magician looking guilty and then trying to force himself back into confidence. “...Aye.” he answered, with a practiced smile as he picked up his chopsticks and began to finish off his bowl.
Hancock found his words deserted him for a short while, as he wondered why that observation would cause such a response. Nonetheless, he leaned forward towards Ifan. “I apologize if I’ve given cause for offense…” he offered.
Ifan gave Hancock a guilty look as he finished off his final mouthful. He wiped his lips, then shook his head. “It isn’t you, Hancock. I’m sorry.” he apologized. The Warrior of Light gazed off to the side as he reached for his cup, but didn’t raise it to his mouth just yet. Then his eyes flicked back to Hancock, and he smiled wanly.
“Do you want to be friends?” he asked, suddenly.
Hancock blinked behind his spectacles, taken aback, but his lips immediately pulled into a friendly smile out of sheer instinct. Then he swallowed slightly, and gave Ifan a little nod. “I’d like that a great deal.” he said earnestly. Then he paused, leaning forward a little further and giving Ifan a reassuring frown. “Not that I’m not appreciative of the offer, but might I ask why the suddenness?” he asked.
The Warrior of Light raised his cup to his lips and drained it. He sighed, looking down at his now empty bowl before his eyes drifted back up to Hancock’s glasses.
“I’m tired of losing people.” he admitted, voice heavy in a way that made the broker’s chest begin to tighten. “But I know that where we’re headed… I’m going to lose more people. I need to keep making friends, keep living life, and… you seem nice.” Ifan nodded slowly, his lower lip trembling near-imperceptibly, as the magician tried his best.
Another silence then diffused between them, but it was less heavy and more thoughtful. Hancock reached for his own cup, drained it slowly, then set it down. Then he reached up for his spectacles, and slid them off so Ifan could see both of his eyes clearly.
“As do you.” he replied, his violet eyes near-gleaming as they gazed over at the magician with both worry and infatuation. 
Much like Ifan, Hancock had been born with the unfortunate curse of having expressive eyes. His irises were an enchanting ianthine hue that drew the gaze, and they showed every emotion in his head and heart in how they softened or they hardened in mirror of his mood; to say nothing of the way they nearly crackled like raw levin when he allowed himself a twinge of irritation. Many might consider such an emotive gaze a blessing, but in his sometimes literally cutthroat line of work an obvious tell like Master Fitzgerald’s eyes were not an asset but a liability.
Hence, the spectacles. He’d learned well from Lolorito.
Ifan’s gaze was drawn to Hancock’s eyes immediately, and the broker saw the other Hyur’s lips part faintly at the sight of them. He wet his lips, swallowed, then gave the gold-haired ijin a half-smile that had a small cast of shyness to it.
“You have really pretty eyes.” he complimented, before he blinked and looked away.
"As do you." repeated Hancock as he grinned again; his usual grin, but the crinkling of his eyes betrayed his own small hint of bashfulness. A hint that grew as Ifan looked back at him appreciatively, the weight he carried in his gaze a little eased. 
At length, Ifan’s lips twisted pensively. Then he leaned forward, both arms resting on the table.  “I know we have a small conflict of interest.” he began, giving Hancock a nod as he kept his eyes on his. “But I like to think you also wouldn’t mind someone you can be your worst with.” 
Hancock’s grin had eased into a gentle smile. He canted his head, still leaning forward towards the other Hyur. “Is that the sort of friends you wish to be?” he asked, eyes softening as he did so.
Ifan returned an equally as gentle look, and he gave the other man a pointed hum. “I wish to have you as a friend.” he stated. “Even if that’s just a man I have a drink with, now and then. What do you wish for, Hancock?” asked Ifan, looking at him firmly.
The broker didn’t answer right away. He returned Ifan’s look, the only change in his expression being a slight widening of his smile. It became more thoughtful as he finally broke eye contact and glanced off to the side. Then, after a while, he nodded to himself and shifted his gaze back to meet the Warrior of Light’s.
“I wish to take you to the theater.” stated Hancock, with quiet confidence. “And then I wish to take you to the onsen.”
Ifan gazed at him in silence for only a few moments before smirking and huffing in amusement. “Very slick.” he said, though the little grin that followed showed his delight at the suggestion.
Hancock returned the grin for a moment before smiling at Ifan reassuringly. “It needn’t be more than two business partners having an evening off. I’d simply like to help you forget business for a night.” he clarified.
The magician’s lips pursed and his lips twisted as he looked away for a brief second. “What if I’d like to do things after the onsen?” he asked, looking back at Hancock with curious hesitation.
“I’d say…” began Hancock. His expression remained even, but his eyes raked up and down the other Midlander much as they did that morning on the pier. “I wouldn’t mind doing things prior to the theater. Should time permit.” Then he grinned again.
Ifan sucked on his tongue, then smirked as he gazed back at Hancock knowingly. “Not afraid of getting a little messy?” he asked, lowering his voice.
Hancock glanced off to the side to make sure no one was watching. Then he leaned forward over the table until their faces were mere ilms apart, before giving Ifan a wry smirk.
“Eastern garb has its advantages, my dear friend.” replied Hancock, in a very sultry whisper. Then he leaned back with that prior grin, but indulged a little wink.
An enthusiastic hum rolled out of the magician’s chest. “I don’t own any.” said Ifan, cocking his head breezily.
“I’m certain we can find a valid justification for expensing new attire to the company.” countered the broker, smoothly. Hancock’s grin settled into a look of carefully affected genteel indifference, despite the subject matter. “A desperately needed change of clothes, perhaps.” he suggested, with a playful flicker in his violet eyes.
Ifan returned a teasing smirk. He enjoyed it for a few moments before his face fell slightly, taking on a somewhat suspicious cast as he looked over Hancock once again. 
“...You really want to do this?” he asked, eyes welling visibly with vulnerability. “You’re not just being… told to. Or doing it out of pity?” Ifan wet his lips as both his hands began to tremble imperceptibly. 
Hancock’s gaze flicked to Ifan’s hands for just a moment. Then he unfolded his, and reached over to gently brush his fingertips against the other man’s. His manicured, fair-skinned digits were stark against the rougher, bronze-skinned fingers, much more so as the Warrior of Light had painted arcane sigils on his nails. Roughened only by experience, however, as Hancock could immediately feel how gentle Ifan’s grasp was as he let the broker thread their fingertips together in between it.
He gave Ifan a smile, and tilted his head a little. “What do my eyes tell you?” he asked, quietly.
The other Ul’dahn orphan looked at Hancock carefully, his blue eyes gazing into Hancock’s violet as they searched for his feelings… and found them easily. 
Ifan swallowed. His hand shifted forward until his fingers were threaded between the broker’s, and Hancock’s digits brushed against one of the fingerless gloves he wore as the broker felt his hand being given a gentle squeeze.
“That you’d like a little company, as well.” he stated, giving Hancock a nod. He gazed at him affectionately and tilted his head sympathetically. “Is it lonely, out here?” asked Ifan.
Hancock’s expression didn’t change, but his eyes lowered briefly. “One’s nature as an ijin is sadly immutable, however much one tries to integrate.” he admitted, quietly. “Nor can I say the battlefield of business is a fertile ground for…” His normal eloquence deserted him, and his smile tightened for a moment before settling, as he looked back up at Ifan pointedly. “I’d like to get to know you, Ifan. The real you, not the man in the dossiers.” he said.
“Dossiers, hm?” hummed Ifan, giving Hancock’s hand a little squeeze.
The broker grinned again, but then chuckled mirthlessly. “I’m nothing if not fastidious about my research. All the better to serve you and the others, in my duty as your host.” he explained. 
“Can’t say I blame you, even if I am a little curious as to what’s in that dossier of mine.” replied the magician with a snicker and a wink.
“Company secrets, sadly.” answered Hancock with a sage nod and his usual look, though his eyes were gleaming deviously.
The magician snorted, then shook his head as he returned a grin. “No doubt.” he agreed. Then he smiled warmly. “I’d like to get to know the man behind the glasses, too. I’m sure you have a lot of great stories about Hingashi.” His own eyes still carried that sodden look, but Hancock smiled at seeing the stirring of enthusiasm and excitement in their wine-dark depths. 
“We have all night.” promised the broker. Then he smirked. “That is, of course, assuming we aren’t otherwise too occupied to speak.” The disclaimer was accompanied by yet another sagely nod, along with a very unsagelike brushing of one zori-wearing foot against the other Hyur’s ankle. 
Ifan’s smile grew into a playful half-grin. He tilted his head, then reached for the ewer with his other hand and shook it so he could gauge how much of the sake they had left. Then he nodded, and poured the last two cups before he squeezed the broker’s hand again.
“Very well, Master Fitzgerald.” he said, matching Hancock’s expression as his eyes gazed into the other man’s enraptured at the gleaming amethyst lit by the restaurant’s lantern light, fixed as they were into the rainy sapphire of the Warrior of Light’s. “I’m in your capable hands.”
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aclmartsjaipur · 2 months
Navigating Your Investment Journey and Exploring Delhi: Top Picks for Brokers and Travel Agencies
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Delhi, a vibrant metropolis, pulsates with both historical charm and modern energy. It's a city that beckons not just for its rich cultural tapestry, but also for its burgeoning financial scene. For those seeking to invest in the Indian stock market, Delhi offers a plethora of stock brokers to choose from. Here, we'll unveil the Best 9 Stock Brokers in Delhi, followed by a curated list of the Best 9 Tour & Travel Companies in Delhi to ensure a seamless exploration of this captivating city.
Best 9 Stock Brokers in Delhi:
Discount Brokerage Champions: For cost-conscious investors, discount brokers like Zerodha and Upstox reign supreme. They offer low brokerage fees and user-friendly platforms, making them ideal for beginners and active traders alike.
Full-Service Powerhouses: Established names like ICICI Direct and HDFC Securities provide a comprehensive suite of services, including research reports, advisory services, and wealth management solutions. These brokers cater to a wider range of investors, including those seeking more hand-holding support.
Research and Advisory Focus: If in-depth research and personalized advice are your priorities, Motilal Oswal Financial Services and Kotak Securities are excellent choices. They boast experienced analysts and dedicated advisors to guide your investment decisions.
Digital Innovation Leaders: Fintech startups like Fyers and Paytm Money are revolutionizing the broking landscape with cutting-edge technology and mobile-first platforms. They cater to tech-savvy investors who prioritize convenience and real-time market access.
Established Legacy and Regional Focus: Brokers like Sharekhan and Angel One (formerly Angel Broking) possess a strong brand presence and extensive branch networks across Delhi. They offer a blend of online and offline services, catering to both seasoned investors and those seeking personalized support.
Choosing the Right Stock Broker: Before diving in, consider your investment experience, trading frequency, budget, and desired level of service. Discount brokers are perfect for cost-conscious and active traders, while full-service brokers benefit those seeking guidance.
Best 9 Tour & Travel Companies in Delhi:
Now, let's shift gears and explore the exciting world of travel. Here are the Best 9 Tour & Travel Companies in Delhi to elevate your Delhi experience:
Luxury Connoisseurs: For those seeking an opulent travel experience, companies like Cox & Kings and Imperial Travel specialize in curated itineraries with premium accommodations and exclusive experiences.
Budget-Friendly Adventures: For backpackers and budget travelers, agencies like Dhruv Travels and Mercury Holidays offer pocket-friendly packages with comfortable stays and efficient transportation.
Off-the-Beaten-Path Specialists: If you crave unique experiences, opt for companies like Breakaway Adventures and The Adventure Resorts. They curate tours that delve into Delhi's hidden gems, cultural nuances, and lesser-known historical sites.
Family Fun Experts: Planning a trip with your loved ones? Consider companies like TUI Travel and Fartravel. They specialize in creating family-friendly itineraries with child-centric activities, comfortable accommodations, and flexible schedules.
Special Interest Tours: For travelers with specific interests, agencies like Art of Travel and Delhi Walks cater to art, history, and food enthusiasts. They offer specialized tours focusing on Delhi's vibrant art scene, rich historical heritage, or delectable culinary delights.
Planning Your Delhi Trip: To make the most of your Delhi adventure, research your interests and preferred pace of travel. Budget plays a crucial role – choose an agency that aligns with your financial limitations.
Delhi offers a captivating blend of investment opportunities and unforgettable travel experiences. By employing the insights provided on the best stock brokers and tour & travel companies in Delhi, you can pave the way for a prosperous investment journey and an enriching exploration of this magnificent city. So, embark on your Delhi venture with confidence, armed with the knowledge to maximize your financial goals and travel aspirations.
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zeitjournal · 3 months
The Many Lives of Chief Fernandez: Oil Baron, Diplomat, and Feudal Lord
The story of Chief Fernandez reads like something out of a fever dream – a Nigerian billionaire with Portuguese roots, a self-made oil tycoon, and a bona fide Scottish Baron with six wives and nine kids to show for it. Born Yesufu Akinwale Fernandez in 1929 Lagos to a family descended from a 19th century Portuguese slave trader, young Fernandez got his hustle on early, brokering a million-dollar…
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Decode Group’s Guide to Winning Ramadan Rewards: Mastering the Art of Referrals
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Decode Group’s Guide to Winning Ramadan Rewards: Mastering the Art of Referrals from a French Trader’s Perspective
As a trader from France, Ramadan for me is a period of deep reflection and sharing. With this spirit in mind, I’m eager to share a unique opportunity offered by Decode Group, allowing us all to fully embrace this sacred month while enriching our network. Decode’s referral program is an innovative way to earn and share rewards. Here’s how you can excel in the art of referrals and maximize your gains during Ramadan.
Step 1: Invite Friends
Your adventure begins with a simple invitation. Invite at least three new users who meet the following criteria:
Make a deposit of $100 USD or its equivalent in another currency.
Complete at least one transaction on the platform.
Ensuring your friends meet these conditions not only opens the door to opportunities for them but also rewards for yourself.
Step 2: Become an IB, Promote DecodeEX
After your initial invitations, take it up a notch by becoming an Introducing Broker (IB) for DecodeEX. Share your invitation link or code with friends, family, and beyond. Leverage social media, blogs, or any other channel at your disposal to spread the word. Ramadan is a time for sharing; what better to share than an opportunity that benefits everyone?
Step 3: Earn Commission
The most rewarding moment of this adventure is undoubtedly earning commissions. When the users you’ve invited make deposits and trade, you receive the corresponding commission. During Ramadan, this generosity reaches its peak, allowing you to benefit from an exceptional commission rate of 90%.
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Why Participate During Ramadan?
Ramadan is more than just a fasting period; it’s a time for introspection, self-improvement, and strengthening community bonds. The Decode Group’s referral program aligns perfectly with these values, offering you a way to help your friends and network discover an enriching platform while enjoying significant rewards.
Inviting friends during this holy month not only helps you win rewards but also strengthens the bonds within your community. It’s about sharing opportunities for growth and prosperity, embodying the very essence of Ramadan.
Decode Group’s guide to winning Ramadan rewards through mastering the art of referrals offers a rewarding path not just for your financial well-being but also for positively contributing to your community. Invite friends, become an IB, and enjoy generous commissions this Ramadan. Let’s embrace the spirit of giving, share the joy of prosperity, and grow together with DecodeEX.
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