#toxic entitlement
lunacelebrateslife · 2 days
The real questions, quoting Dr. Ana: "Would I be doing this in real life? Would this be normal to do in real life?"
This video highlights how the internet has become such a toxic place, and I feel it. It resonates deeply with my past experiences when my primary YouTube channel and other platforms were still active. Much of the harassment occurred behind the scenes, and I recognize my once naïve mistakes in engaging with individuals who later stalked and harassed me through multiple fake accounts. It was bizarre and disgusting how these men behaved. Eventually, I realized I had to leave. I deleted everything, joined a support group, and took a break.
While my decision to delete my accounts was influenced by several life factors beyond the stalking, that experience was enough to make me walk away. It wasn't until later that I began to rediscover myself. Now, I focus on what I enjoy and don’t take things personally anymore. Yes, I lost many followers due to my on-and-off social purging, but it was worth it.
Now, even if the same stalkers still exist somewhere, you know what man, I don't give a shit no more lol. That said, their actions were still unacceptable—bizarre, pathetic, and definitely not normal, as the video generally points out about this type of behavior. But I can’t control that, and I refuse to be bothered by it. The control I do have is over what messages stay and go.
It’s perfectly okay and normal to say no to irrelevant comments or anything that crosses the line. Don’t feel bad for setting up your platforms the way YOU want them to be. No one’s life is meant to cater to others all the god damn time—it’s ridiculous and unhealthy.
I empathize with anyone who feels overwhelmed and wants to walk away, whether permanently or temporarily. Do what’s best for your well-being and mental health. If you feel ready to come back, I strongly encourage you to seek out supportive people—friends, family, mentors, or a support group. There are so many wonderful people out there willing to help; you are definitely not alone. You have every right to express yourself, regardless of how others misinterpret or twist your words. It’s not your problem.
Be real and stay safe. ❤️
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breannasfluff · 5 months
Some of you have seen the note that I’ve stopped writing. Fanfiction is a labor of love and it’s also free. I don’t write to have people tear it down.
If you don’t like it, you can keep it to yourself. If you go around berating and insulting authors, they will stop posting.
I've been posting weekly or bi-weekly updates for one story or another for a little over two years. I’ve written 900,000 words, or the equivalent of 18 novels. It’s high time to stop.
Most of my motivation came from your comments and art and questions. Thank you to everyone who's supported me up to this point and I hope to see some of you in the future.
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thesoftboiledegg · 8 months
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pagonmoon · 3 months
The Bakugo/BakuDeku stans: "If you still hate Bakugo, Deku would be more than willing to hit you with his quirk!!!".
Me: "You people have no right to say that when you all are fine with hating on Almight, Inko, Ochaco, Iida and etc. what's the difference if people hate Bakugo as well?".
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disastergenius · 4 months
by far the worst take i've seen so far post-ep19 of Junior Year is that having a week-by-week live play would have allowed fans to essentially influence the direction of the story in the way they want it to go and that would have resulted in the cast being more sympathetic to the Ratgrinders (ie getting them a redemption arc)
why do you feel the need to try and control this story? YOU ARE NOT THE ONE TELLING IT. if you want to tell a story please go write your own, or go write fanfiction to cope or whatever but you don't get to say that the players are telling the story wrong when it's their story they are telling
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utilitycaster · 7 months
re: the term parasocial, specifically because it's come up in my notes a few times after I reblogged the post about dropout: I'm extremely guilty of this and should work on being better but "parasocial" on its own is a neutral term. It just serves to describe relationships where you know about someone but do not personally know them.
The issue is really that unhealthy aspect of it, which in my experience usually boils down to when people feel entitled to the responses of someone they know socially from someone with whom their relationship is only parasocial. It's feeling like someone you don't know is obligated to agree with you or validate you or, frankly, to acknowledge you exist. Parasocial relationships are inevitable unless you never hear of or see people without engaging with them socially. It's not bad to relate to or feel a connection to a celebrity especially if they share personal stuff; in fact it can be really positive! It is a problem when you expect them to have a specific response (or tbh any response) to you.
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really? because let me remind you that catra never treated adora as a peer or a partner. she constantly belittled adora, she was jealous of adora, she was insanely possessive of adora. how can you expect someone to treat you a certain way if you don't treat them the same way?
if i said “i wish people were kind to me” while treating everyone around me like shit, i would be a hypocrite. and that's what catra is too. not that this is explicitly mentioned in canon, but catra expects a lot out of adora while continuously hurting adora.
she expects adora to keep their promise, but catra herself never bothered to keep it. in fact, the only time she even mentions wanting to keep her side of the promise is IN THE FINALE. towards the very end, where adora was basically dying!! and that's after catra abandoned adora because adora didn't give her the assurance that she expected.
not to mention, catra is the one who kept feeding into adora's hero complex and her guilt, by calling adora a failure and constantly keeping her responsible for not being able to protect the people she loved.
so yeah. another post victim-blaming adora for what happened and acting like catra's actions were justified.
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labracadabrador76 · 5 months
Are all the watcher girlies done throwing their collective tantrum? Y’all were so vicious and cruel to three people that you don’t even know, and for what? Because they made a business decision you didn’t agree with? The amount of people that suddenly became financial experts this weekend was astonishing
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jinglebellrockstars · 7 months
"batman/superman shouldnt kill" and "aliens dont belong in indiana jones" and "ghostbusters shouldnt be female" and "star wars shouldnt do whatever the prequels did that made me mad for some reason" when will fandom entitlement over nerd shit end? when will you grow up? im sick of hearing about what characters/stories should and shouldnt do from a bunch of unwashed ingrates who didnt make them, and dont have the balls to pick up a pencil and make something half as good and revered as whatever they complain about from behind their greasy ass screens
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azelmaandeponine · 4 months
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Kieran Stans learn media literacy challenge.
My reaction to this drivel:
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deluweil · 5 months
To be honest the way part of the fandom has treated this Tommy character as a god makes me dislike him more. Unfortunately the Buck bi arc was tainted for me because it all feels force. Also what doesn't help is that Eddie was to much involved in that storyline.
The way people are acting like it's a perfect relationship and yet we barely saw them together feels just weird.
Also I don't like how some literally push Eddie away for this new white man.
This is Taylor Kelly all over again. The sad part is that the season is short and people wAnt to to spend their time giving more to the new guy.
I hope him and Marisol are gone, but I'm afraid. These two characters took the joy out of the Buck and Eddie storyline for me.
The fandom, I think, in this case, is definitely the problem here,
Lou is completely unassuming and enjoying the process and being a buddie shipper just like us - if one actually bothers to read the interviews and not just pick and choose what to talk about.
That is what makes me like Lou.
The fandom has somehow glorified Tommy's character after a couple of episodes and yeah it rubs the wrong way, because, what about the story we had so far?
Is season 7 a reset to 911? and everything that came before that doesn't count? Why not just make it 911 abc pilot then?
I don't think that's the case, but I think the last minute switch between Buck and Eddie kind of ruined it for the Tim because, yes, in a way it feels forced and out of left field.
Supposed that Buck was indeed vying for Tommy's attention, why do it like that? and why involve Eddie in the first place?
I have a lot of questions and my main problem here is not that Buck is experimenting with Tommy, it's the way they practically propelled this ship off the cliff into a dangerous spin, they went from zero to 200 in a second. - That is not how you build a relationship.
You don't try to figure out what you want, mess up the first date, then invite said date to an apology coffee and then invite him to family wedding on the way. It just doesn't work that way.
I may be straight, but I have gay and bi and lesbian friends, neither one of them has ever brought a second or even a third date to so much as a friends get together before they were sure that this is something that would last, before they brought the intended victim to be judged by friends and family.
And people who talk about Tommy as being established in the 118 family, that is not true. He has a connection with Chimney in that that he owes him his life and an acquaintance with Hen, who is clearly not very fond of him, because of obvious past she had with him and their old house before Bobby came into the picture. - Remember - Chimney was her ONLY lifeline in that house.
Tommy was not a liked character before.
Arguably Buck had more history with Taylor than he did with Tommy (which is none at all) - But Taylor is a strong opinionated and often self-serving woman (not unlike Buck mind you), emphasis on woman. - That is the only reason she never stood a chance. Because the writers could have made her and Buck the greatest love story this show has seen, but they continuously managed to ruin any fondness for any female LI to ever grace that set.
And this season is short, to bring in a new LI kinda defeats the purpose of re-establishing the team and this show, because it does feel the same as any of Buck's old relationships that were being pushed for the benefit of 'god forbid Buck actually learns how to be alone and healthy and happy' - the only thing that changed in Buck this season is his sexuality and nothing else, and that vexes me.
My problem is not with Tommy, it's the perpetuation of 'poor baby Buck' society. - I love Oliver and I love Buck - I am tired of the ever repeating pattern of forgiveness for his self serving ways without any accountability that we keep seeing.
I don't think Buck's or even Eddie's firsts or you know what? even seconds should be each other, I am more than happy to make this journey with them, but let it be a marathon not a sprint to the finish line - they knew they would get renewed for another season, they could have written and built it better than what we got - because the moment they switched gears after the second episode, the story became written in the same messy last minute way both S4 and most of S5 were written.
There is no grand plan, at this point they are merely winging it and see where the wind takes them. - And that is idiotic, they had SO MUCH TIME to make this a well written story with the strike and long break after that, to write as they film is lazy and stupid and mostly childish.
And yes this is Taylor all over again, not in that they are the same type of people, but that Buck is jumping head first into a relationship without actually knowing how he got there. - Bobby said that himself - and it is the same, because who in their right mind invite a second (kinda) date to a family event? Like dude have you ever dated before? Do you how this works?
It is a LOT of pressure and not even for Buck himself - because he brought this on himself - but rather for Tommy (aka the intended victim) to be first introduced to the family after a couple of dates when he himself has no idea where he and Buck are standing.
Marisol, has indeed sucked the joy out of the Eddie's story, I don't get why do either of the boys had to be in a relationship starting this season to begin with. Like, she is literally a handbag, the token hetero symbol, so to speak, what she is doing there? is beyond me.
The catholic guilt of her being a nun is bullshit, and as Bobby said himself, Eddie has no problem committing to certain people/things. She serves no purpose this season other than a seat warmer/ glorified babysitter since Buck is otherwise engaged.
They could have gone for Eddie finding his way in the department, Eddie dealing with his mommy issues, Eddie trying to figure out what and who he wants in his life, Eddie trying to navigate Chris' terrible teenage years.
They could have explored the fact that a guy going with his supposed gf/wife in the golf course checking Eddie's hot ass (6X17) - Oh wait, they were going to... the ground for Eddie's coming out was all laid out and they took a sharp turn to left field in the second episode of S7 and made it all about Buck again, because the Natalia actress couldn't come?? what kind of a weak ass reason is that?
And yes, the cliche of receiving the odd white man out (who played a controversial role in early seasons) rather than the regular casted poc male or the guest starring woman, for that matter, better is all kind of f-ed up, but no one would talk about that, of course. 👀
Anyway, I am hoping that whatever is coming next will be worthy of our time and attention because so far we got about more of the same as far as Buck and Eddie are concerned - except that Buck has just broaden his variety and has a bigger pallet of mate choosing at his disposal.
I have two very close bi friends, so I know how their minds work, because God knows they share with me more than I ever wanted to know lol. And one of them is watching 911 with me and she is happy for the rep as well, but unhappy with how it was developed too.
At the moment, I have decided to put any Buck and Eddie topics aside and just want to get the LONG AWAITED Madney wedding, if anyone deserve a happy ending, it's them. ❤️
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wenellyb · 3 months
I've seen people who ship non-canon couples could get toxic and in my opinion the writers never want to cater to those fans who harrass cast, complain constantly and spread hate on their official social media.
It seems like storyline always ends up becoming messy:
- Destiel, became semi-canon in the most chaotic way.
- Stucky: they had Steve go back in time to be with Peggy and even when he return made sure everyone knew Steve x Bucky was never going to happen.
- Japril, from Grey's Anatomy: they were canon but were divorced and then Japril fandom got super toxic when Jackson got with Maggie, in the end the writers wrote April off for seemingly no reason. I can't help but think that it was partly due to the fandom behavior.
My question is, do you guys know a fandom where the non-canon pairing became canon even though the fandom was toxic?
I only have these examples in mind but I want to know if there are more... because I'm thinking the writers usually will try not to "reward" that kind of behavior even when they might ha e originale planned to follow through with that plan.
I'm asking because I'm wondering what spm0e Buddie shippers think they'll acheive with their hateful behavior and also wondering why the normal shippers aren't calling out the toxic ones.
Your fandom driving an actor you claim to adore off of social media would be a wake up call for most.
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trippinsorrows · 4 days
to whoever sent that ask, i appreciate your passion and sharing with me, but i'm not going to post it because i see what kind of dialogue it could open up. and respectfully, i have no interest in hosting that. thank you for sharing though, and i hope this doesn't come across as mean! ❤️
it's all just sports entertainment at the end of the day. ❤️
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utilitycaster · 11 months
Person whose blog is 99.9% pure hatred towards every single character that isn't their favorite: oh so when OTHER people defend their favorite characters and ships by talking about how cool they are it's fine but when I constantly spew negativity and entitlement it's toxic? 🙄 figures
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drones-of-innocence · 2 years
I've always wanted to entertain a universe where Princess Peach was not familiar at all with romance.
She would go through her life being raised on political philosophy and the understanding that she would one day be responsible for the people of the Mushroom Kingdom, her teachings are very strict and single-minded in the effort to make her an effective ruler. This turns her into an incredibly driven and kind woman who is primarily concerned with her citizen's security and happiness. The fairytale land of the Mushroom Kingdom emphasized a culture of love, certainly, but it was a love for all living creatures. Romance exists, but it was not part of the mainstream of ideas.
Her interests did not include fantasy or fiction. Even when offered by her guardians and retainers, she would decline and opt instead for denser, brainier, more intensive material. The concept of romance simply never came across her horizon.
Until she gets kidnapped, and a stranger arrives to save her.
This man is strong, stronger than the King of the Darklands. Strong enough to rescue her. He is humble and sweet, and he has the most earnest blue eyes she's ever seen. He is charming without meaning to be, content with the simple things in life, and her heart appears to do a little something every time he smiles bashfully at her attempts to thank him for his heroic deeds. He has dimples in his cheeks. Mario, he is called. Thinking of his name causes a most peculiar rush in her chest. She sometimes likes to murmur it to herself when no one is around, but she couldn't say why.
"It is love," those close to her tried to explain. But she didn't understand.
She discovers her grand library's fiction section. She pores over romantic tales, particularly those regarding a princess and her knight in shining armor. Meanwhile, she observes that her face becomes quite warm when Mario is around, and that she tends to ramble or stammer nervously when she is ordinarily so clear and concise. She has not had any practice disguising such feelings. They come off as quite obvious to any onlooker.
Mario is not presumptuous, however, and though he finds himself nursing his own romantic feelings for Princess Peach, he would never dare assume someone of his station would be worthy of her. Still, many point out her obvious flustered demeanor and clear affection for him. He had already dedicated himself to many acts of service for her, but he begins to bring her small gifts as well. Interesting findings, secret tokens, tiny treasures from his journeys. Small wonders of the amazing world he'd come to love living in, and tiny, heartfelt creations.
Pressure grows from those around them who can see they clearly have feelings for each other. When the time comes, Peach sits, meekly admiring a flower he had offered her as they sit on a grassy hill under the starlight. She explains that she believes she likes him, but admits that she does not understand very much about the nature of her feelings or of romance in general. She's a little frightened; her daydreams and wistful yearning have distracted her from her duties at times, and she becomes overwhelmed in his presence. She wishes to understand it all better, but she doesn't know where to begin.
Mario, surprised and flattered by the news, puts his hand over hers and tells her that he is willing to help her explore her feelings and make better sense of them. He can teach her; he's been a hopeless romantic for as long as he could remember.
And he loves her. He's more than willing to take this journey with her.
Flirting, dates, kissing. All of these are foreign concepts to Peach and she frets that she's very far behind and that she'll do it all wrong. But Mario soothes her and tells her it all comes with time. He won't push her into anything she isn't ready for, though he does purposefully tease and gently flirt with her just to see her blush and smile. Over time, she is able to reciprocate.
He invites her out to classic dates and more unique ones. Garden strolls, picnics, or trips to find the best view of the sunset. He continues to bring her gifts, and rescues her from Bowser all without any expectations that she return the sentiment.
She learns. She finds or creates gifts, and arranges dates to surprise him. Her heart feels full whenever she sees his eyes light up with genuine surprise and awe. She learns that he quite appreciates physical touch, and makes sure to reach for him often. Touching his arm, finding any reason to hug him, and offering a modest kiss on the cheek upon being rescued. He also finds great comfort and solace in words of affirmation, reminding him that she sincerely enjoys his company and finds him to be very cute. She loves how he blushes.
One night, after a date he put a lot of work into arranging, Peach expresses her gratitude for his effort, and tells him that she thinks she would like to kiss him. Blinking, Mario finds himself endeared to her shy and slightly clumsy request. He approaches her with his familiar soft manner.
"Close your eyes," he says with that bashful smile, and she does.
He kisses her forehead. His hands gingerly rest on her face, and she lets out a shaky breath. "Is this okay?" he asks, and she nods. He kisses her temple, and then her cheek. His mustache tickles. Her entire body feels like it's buzzing.
He pauses, his thumb stroking her face, before he tilts his head to kiss her on the lips.
She melts. It's tender and sweet. All the stories she had read emphasized the importance of a first kiss, and his delicate manner was better than anything she could have imagined. He pulls away, his eyes shining under the starlight, only for her to seize his hands.
"I want you to kiss me again," she says.
He smiles, and he does.
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sophsun1 · 2 months
Can Debbie not emotionally manipulate someone into changing their plans because she doesn't agree with them for five minutes pls?
I'm giffing the wedding episode and when Justin announces he's going to the white party with Brian, she lays the guilt trip on him so fast as if going means he's doesn't care about Mel and Linds which blatantly isn't true. He's shown to love them both very much but that doesn't mean he can't also want to go away with his boyfriend for a weekend, both can co-exist at the same time.
Even Mel though disappointed manages to say that Justin deserves to have some fun after what he's been through even if she doesn't mean it. Debbie's retorts are always dripping with disdain and some form of 'ugh, you're behaving just like Brian would' again with the passive aggressive digs. i'm tired.
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