#tough decisions....
ghost-pasta · 2 years
New Spider-Man crossover idea.
Take the concept of Peter Parker getting bitten by a radioactive spider, except throw away the party where it gives him superpowers, and instead replace it with him dying from a radioactive spider bite in a hospital.
The ghost of Peter Parker in Danny's universe "lives" on in the ghost zone, she they incidently became friends during one of Danny's adventures in mapping out as much of the ghost zone surrounding the ghost-portal as he can.
But then take that concept, and combine it with a "spiderverse" type plot. To where ghost!peter (and Danny) get sucked into a weird as hell glitchy portal while they were just hanging out.
Now they're somewhere they don't know (even tho it looks like New York) and apparently there's a masked spider themed vigilante...... Or rather, plural vigilantes.
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happyheidi · 1 month
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to everyone who feels underrepresented, misrepresented or unrepresented; everyone who can’t express themselves, their gender and/or sexuality in a manner that feels comfortable to them; to everyone who experiences dysphoria, who is misgendered and deadnamed every day; to everyone who’s closeted because they’re not ready or they don’t feel safe; to everyone who’s flag isn’t on this post: I see you. You are loved!
𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 !!
Happy Pride! 🌈
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flag collage source
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inamindfarfaraway · 3 months
I love how Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse said “Anyone can be Spider-Man”. I love how it inspired everyone to imagine their own Spider-People, saving the day in their own universes, with all kinds of cool, interesting personalities and aesthetics and mutations and life stories and relationships. We all put pieces of our soul into these homemade heroes. We had fun. We found community. And then Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse said, “Wow, great job! You’ve really taken our message to heart. Well, get ready for even more of everything you liked from the first movie and a new message to complement the first. Anyone can be Spider-Man… and anyone can be pulled into a cult.”
So now we all have to contemplate whether our lovingly crafted heroes would ever be on Team Mandatory Trauma Because Martyr Complex or not and why.
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saintruby · 1 month
have elijah haters ever stopped to consider that he’s a single mom who works two jobs? who loves her kids and never stops?
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moeblob · 3 months
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New farmer (for 1.6 update reasons).
His name is Death and he's really death. He's pretty quiet and just wants to live in peace with his chickens. Tries to interact with the town as little as possible but is really curious about them and how they live and is super satisfied to simply watch them - but as the new person it seems no one wants to let that happen.
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almaraclan · 6 months
can we see their sprites?
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Totally!!! Can you believe I only had to soft reset like 5 times to get such gorgeous starting cats?
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saccharineomens · 1 month
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Laimay 2024 has come to a close!
A big thank you to everyone who participated!
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aurorangen · 2 months
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Who is this guy?
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It's none other than Mrs Kobayashi's grandson Riku! Riku is the only relative who lives the closest to her, so he finds the time to visit outside his busy work. Training on the slopes can be intense and he's also a model from a popular agency, but he tries to come at least once a week. When he came today, his grandmother was so excited to introduce a girl to him! Well he's been single for a while and he loves meeting new people; of course he'd be happy to go on this blind date!
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willosword · 2 months
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lavellaned · 1 month
One thing that I find myself appreciating about solavellan is how Solas doesn’t coddle Lavellan at all. He offers help and guidance, of course, but he doesn’t treat her like a dumb baby who is incapable of higher thinking or can’t understand consequences.
If Lavellan does fucks up it’s not met with a patronizing, infantilizing, chauvinistic attitude. He’s very much like, “hey wtf you’re smarter than this get it together”.
I love solavellan so much because it’s a dynamic that is naturally sprinkled with power imbalances (mortal x immortal, head of a world power x elven apostate, etc.) yet they truly treat each other as equals.
Their love is built on a foundation of deep respect for one another and that means so much to me.
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ilkkawhat · 3 months
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folksaga-if · 1 year
fuck it. demo's going live asap
i say "fuck it" with this BECAUSE those 3 branching routes? yeah, i'm only happy with 2 of the 3 right now (ie. Magni & Thrúd), Modi's is going to take more editing and that'll take a couple more weeks at least. but i promised i would get it up this week and i want to hold true to that! i also have to go away for like 5 days this week to help my parents move, and that means i won't be getting as much work done as i would want to which would mean things would be delayed further and again: no broken promises.
BUT. mostly i just really need the feedback LMAO. the coding is very bulky and a huge pain to edit & clean up, and i know it'll be 10000x more difficult if i let it go on much longer. sorry to anyone who wanted their goth catboy waterfront meetcute, but i promise it'll be coming soon!
the demo will be 48k words, with about 15k per playthrough. i'll reshare a new post of the intro with the link as soon as its up!
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54625 · 4 months
people can keep coming up with angsty headcanons about why qPac passes out (crashes) so much- like he's got low blood pressure from not eating properly or he's exhausted from not sleeping properly- and I accept that
but to me he's just that one character in a kids movie that keeps getting injured as a gag. like he's just constantly tripping over roots and whacking his head off the ground, birds just constantly seem to drop rocks specifically on his head, people just keep inexplicably slamming doors into his face without realising it. qPac is just such a cartoon character to me I'm sorry
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jascurka · 5 months
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All the important things
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icannotholdmypen · 1 month
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becauseimanicequeen · 11 days
It’s great that Joe has someone on his side. I’m all for loyalty and protecting the people I love. But, at the same time, there are moments when Sol needs to back the fuck off so Joe can get a chance to deal with shit on his own.
And it’s definitely not loyalty to steer the one you love in the direction you want them to go. I get that Sol is scared to lose Joe again, but there’s a difference between loyalty (and genuinely wanting the best for Joe) and manipulation in a desperate attempt to keep Joe away from Ming. How can Joe ever deal with Ming if he never gets the chance to deal with Ming (no matter what the outcome may be)?
Will Joe never catch a break? Even his friends are manipulative bitches, lol.
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