tosonic10-me · 29 days
reptile 3 (YT)
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this was another pain to record as i had a cat next to me the whole time but also my wifi kept dropping out slightly and corrupting the video but i think i cut out all the glitches so feel free to enjoy
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havingapoemwithyou · 1 year
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“First Love” by Toson Shimazaki
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rotzaprachim · 7 months
ok right so this book would have slapped me on the face as being deeply like the official vibe of andor season 1 if the protagonist had actually been 23 years old
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Art drawn for the fic The Cold Eyes Above the Depths that I wrote some time ago
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the-monkey-ruler · 7 months
Gravure Heroine Saiyusenki (2007) グラビアヒロイン 西遊戦記
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Director: Matsuura Kanzo Starring: Yoshiko Nakamoto / Yukino Hiyama Genre: Science Fiction Country/Region of Production: Japan Language: Japanese Date: 2007-06-08 (Japan) Duration: 60 minutes Type: Reimanging
Mikura Gensho, a beautiful monk who is assigned to take back a precious scroll stolen by a monster, a nihilistic sword master named Jou Sargo, Kai Chohatsu who boasts he has superhuman strength, and Chohatsu a beautiful fighting girl who is more violent than you can imagine from her cute appearance. Mikura Gensho travels with three fighters from Songo. When they arrived at a certain town, the town's mayor, Toson, asked Mikura and his group for help. Mikura accepts Toson's wish to get rid of the mud frog demon, a frog monster that attacks women, but it turns out to be a trap from the mud frog demon. Kuu, who noticed this alone, fights the mud frog demon, but her energy is taken away and she is hurt. She manages to escape with Mikura and the others, but Mikura does not listen to Kuu and returns to Toson. Kuu gets into a fight with Mikura, but she can't let her die and ends up going to rescue her.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/27039021/
Link: N/A
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steege-jpt3391 · 6 months
Blog Post #16: GO by Yukisada Isao
Super happy to be watching this film because we are finally in the 2000s, the decade of Japan that sparked my interest in the country and culture. This was the decade of Japanese media I originally grew up on and is most likely the reason why I chose to study Japanese and potentially envision myself living there one day in the future. Additionally, I watched Ikebukuro West Gate Park (recommended to me by Shuuji, shoutout him) which not only was set in the same period, but the actor who played Sugihara in GO was also one of the main characters in that J-Drama. And, it was safe to say that the film did not disappoint. GO follows the story of Sugihara, a zainichi-korean struggling to find his way in the world. Sugihara is taught how to become a fighter to protect himself from others, but the real battle lies within Sugihara’s battle against the outside world that constantly represses him and his multinational identity. The final decision of Sugihara’s choice of who to become and where to belong remains the most prominent aspect of the film for me, as this coming-of-age story highlights the trials and tribulations ethnic minorities experience when being forced to assimilate into a new culture, specifically lying in Sugihara’s relationship with Sakurai. It was a captivating watch from start to finish and I’m glad I got to reminisce a bit in my childhood. 
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I thought the final say of this film was very powerful as, being a coming-of-age story, it was beautiful to analyze Sugihara’s character and see the shift in his personality. For me, the true meaning of this film lies in staying true to your own identity, even in an environment that discriminates you. When Sugihara revealed his real name to Sakurai in the film, I felt that almost symbolized his choice to accept his Korean identity versus him forgetting it and simply assimilating into Japanese culture. I also thought this went hand-in-hand with Yukisada’s choice to include a quote from Romeo and Juliet at the beginning of the film because it tells a story of unrequited love where one person has to hide their true identity in fear of rejection. I loved how Yukisada drew parallels between those two stories and showed how, through Sugihara revealing his real name, he is accepting of his own identity and has decided to step into his shows as a Korean.
One thing I thought was really interesting about this film was the similarities it shared with Shimazaki Toson’s “The Broken Commandment,” which tells the story of a Ushimatsu, a burakumin who hides their identity from the rest of the world due to the minority group’s severe discrimination in Japan. However, because of his admiration for Rentarou Inoko, a burakumin activist who is proud of his identity, Ushimatsu reveals his identity to his students. Ushimatsu and Sugihara’s shared similarities reflect the message of choosing yourself over others, which I thought to be very beautiful.
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askthedespairkids · 1 year
Long Live
Naomi: Okay! Okay everyone, gather around!
*The crowd gathers in front of Karma and Naomi, awaiting for what they're going to say.*
Naomi: I just want to thank everybody for tonight. It's been just magical, honestly. I can't wait for everyone to come to our reprise wedding as well. *They shook Karma a joking 'look'. The two giggle.* I just...I'm so lucky that I have you all as not just my friends. But my family. God, it feels like this past week has lasted years. But...the fact you're all here. That fact that all of us are here...I just...I'm glad we got this moment. *Her eyes look sad* ...I love all of you guys.
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Shit...I might cry. *He turns away as Kyouko pats his back to comfort him*
Karma: ...Um. Yeah. Just like Naomi said. Thank you all for helping me with today. This was a crazy crazy project and honestly, it wouldn't have been possible without...*They look around the crowd* Hey, where is Junpei?
Kobo: *Casually* Oh, I think Yokozawa said he was really tired. Don't blame him with how much he exerted himself today.
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*Mouths 'what did you do?'. Kobo just grins and shrugs.*
*Elsewhere, in the cold night, the sound of struggling can be hear near the Future Foundation's helipad. If you crane your neck upwards, you will see Junpei hoisted up on the flagpole at half-mast by the waistband of his white and teal briefs*
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Agh...! Fucking Okanaya!
Karma: Oh. I suppose I can't blame him for being tired. It's fine! I can just repeat this to him tomorrow! I just...wanna thank you all as well. When I came to Hope's Peak, I had no idea what it meant to be a normal teen. I...didn't exactly have a normal life. But...meeting all of you. Having friends like all of you, for the first time I think I might have the smallest idea of what a normal life for me might finally look like. You guys are the best thing that's happened to me. And Naomi...*They look at her* You are just...perfect in every way. I love you. I love that I get to have this moment with you.
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Gh...now I might be the one to cry...*Sly pats their back*
Sly: Don't take away the focus.
Karma: *Their face grows serious* We had a nice night, but...we have to face reality tomorrow. The reality of our situations. *They smile genuinely* I'm just really glad. So so glad that just once we could all be here tonight.
Yuuki: *His mind trails off to think of Toson* (Not everyone...)
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*Sensing what Yuuki is thinking about, she gives his shoulder a comforting squeeze*
Naomi: We don't want to end on a sour note. We just want to say...for all these years we've been able to stick together as friends. Thank you. From the bottom of both our hearts. Now, if you wanna go, we aren't going to stop you. We'll keep the music playing a bit if people wanna stay and mingle, but, um...*She and Karma look at each other with a similar glint in their eyes* I think me and my lovely spouse have exhausted ourselves tonight and are gonna turn in. Thank you guys. Truly. For everything. We'll always be in each other's hearts as a family.
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Wait! That's not all!
"The suicide of his sister's husband all at once flattened him. He had now the added responsibility of his sister's family. His future as far as he was concerned was the grey of twilight. Coldly grinning at his own spiritual collapse (fully aware of all his weaknesses and vices) he went on reading book after book. But even Rousseau's Confessions was stuffed full of heroic lies. Worse yet was Toson's New Life, —— in it he encountered a hero more slyly hypocritical than any. Only Villon touched his heart. In his poetry he discovered beautiful male".
Add another win to V agdyfuhyih
Also, Toson that he's talking about here is Shimazaki Toson a famous and influential Japanese novelist and poet. He's also a guy, who had an affair with his niece, ran away to France, when she got pregnant, then came back some time later, wrote a book called "New Life" about it and published it, while everyone involved were still alive.
Incredible. Thank you anon.
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kinopioa · 2 years
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Awkwardly enough, the idea of Sonic returning to scrap heap with sentient bots technically happened before in Archie, despite different writers. I like James Fry's art here, it's like a nice blend of his old weird angular style and the later one, and the Krudzu looks well detailed and gnarly
As for writing, it was mostly fine despite nostalgia refs, except...
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Then later
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Yeesh, Starline really was just Ian Snively 2.0, and Ian just HAS to punk Eggman
Also, why not just have Eggman make an alliance with the Krudzu? I can understand wanting to personally smite Sonic, but immediately killing the thing that can help you is too much. It probably wouldn't even rebel given how it shares your hatred toSonic, and you have the bird
Eggman should take advantage of things in his selfish ways, not be so selfish it makes things unecessarily harder
But woo, at least this Free Comics Day story was self contained, unlike 90% of Sonic Universe
And despite similarities, I can say it's distinct enough from Scrapnik Island
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tosonic10-me · 3 months
jokes on you (YT)
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This is the start of my multiversus lets play sires on my YouTube channel
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rotzaprachim · 7 months
I have to read shimazaki toson’s novel “the broken commandment” for class and it’s one of those books that slaps you on the face two pages in with how fucking good it is
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It was previously drawn as a gift, part of a fun idea for a hitman/contract killer AU featuring businessman sugar daddy Tolkien hiring Jason White, a hitman in need of money, to take out his enemies
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Ed eccoci di nuovo qui con la rubrica a cadenza mensile e precisamente l'ultimo giorno di ogni mese, curata dalla nostra utente e amica Valentina Pace
Questa rubrica nasce anche e soprattutto da una riflessione che ci accompagna da un po' di tempo: per una "piccola" biblioteca di un piccolo paese non è sempre facile stare al passo con le richieste, i suggerimenti, le necessità degli utenti e non. Per questo motivo, con l'aiuto di Valentina scopriremo nuovi autori e nuove letture, consigli e spunti di riflessione, insieme a curiosità e notizie sui nostri cari libri. E allora, diamo il benvenuto a questo nuovo spazio culturale dove si viaggerà alla scoperta delle case editrici indipendenti: ʟᴇᴛᴛᴜʀᴇɪɴᴅɪᴇ.
La casa editrice di questo mese è: Neri Pozza
Buona lettura a tutti!
Il ritorno a casa di Samson O’Brien, pecora nera di Bruncliffe, ridente cittadina dello Yorkshire, non passa certo inosservato. I suoi concittadini non hanno dimenticato la sua fuga precipitosa avvenuta 14 anni prima, né l’assenza al funerale di Ryan Metcalfe, suo migliore amico, morto durante una missione in Afghanistan.
“È una canaglia. È nato sotto una cattiva stella e porta solo guai”. È questa l’opinione condivisa dai più, anche da Delilah Metcalfe, sorella minore di Ryan, che con Samson ha condiviso i giochi dell’infanzia, l’amore per il fratello e ha vissuto il suo abbandono come un tradimento. Ecco perché, quando scopre che è proprio lui ad aver preso in affitto l’ufficio al piano terra della Dales Dating Agency, l’agenzia matrimoniale che la donna sta cercando di salvare dalla bancarotta, Delilah non può proprio trattenersi dall’accogliere Samson con un bel gancio sulla mascella, di fronte allo sguardo sbalordito dei clienti del Tosone, il pub più frequentato del paese.
Eppure Samson non è il cattivo soggetto che tutti credono e Delilah non è la persona rabbiosa e irrisolta che ci appare all’inizio del romanzo. Infatti, un capitolo dopo l’altro, Julia Chapman ci rivela ciò che è accaduto nel loro passato e costruisce una struttura narrativa in cui, dopo aver diffidato l’uno dell’altra, i due protagonisti creano un sodalizio investigativo che li porterà a risolvere una serie di omicidi mascherati da incidenti.
In “Appuntamento con la morte” l’elemento mistery, tranne che nell'ultima parte, non è preponderante; al contrario, sembra quasi un escamotage per raccontare le dinamiche di una piccola comunità situata in una delle regioni più amene dell’Inghilterra, lo Yorkshire. Le descrizioni degli splendidi paesaggi sono vivide e vibranti e le relazioni tra i personaggi porteranno il lettore ad empatizzare con la coppia di improbabili investigatori.
Uno degli aspetti più gradevoli di questo cozy mystery aglosassone è il “sense of humour” tipicamente britannico che lo pervade, fatto di dialoghi effervescenti, battute spassose e situazioni al limite del farsesco.
Inoltre, i personaggi secondari sono così ben caratterizzati che il lettore non può fare a meno di affezionarsi a loro. George Capstick, ingenuo come un bambino, le simpaticissime sorelle Hird, Elaine Bullock, pessima cameriera, ma geologa esperta e amica fedele, l’agente Bradley e il meteoropatico Titch Harrison restano impressi nella memoria. Una menzione particolare spetta a Tolpuddle, lo splendido esemplare di Weimaraner, compagno devoto di Delilah e protagonista di alcune delle situazioni più divertenti del romanzo che, con la saggezza istintiva tipica dei cani, prova una simpatia immediata per il “reietto” Samson.
Come sempre quando un libro mi piace, mi trovo in difficoltà a evidenziarne gli aspetti negativi. Sinceramente, in questo caso, non ne ho trovato nessuno.
Julia Chapman è lo pseudonimo di Julia Stagg, autrice di una serie di cinque romanzi, The Fogas Chronicles ambientata nei Pirenei francesi, pubblicata da Hodder. I delitti dello Yorkshire è una delle serie crime di maggiore successo in Inghilterra, di cui “Appuntamento con la morte” è il primo romanzo.
Neri Pozza è una casa editrice veneta rinomata e prestigiosa, fondata nel 1946 dall’omonimo scrittore e ha pubblicato, nel corso degli anni, opere di autori molto famosi della letteratura italiana come Carlo Emilio Gadda, Eugenio Montale, Goffredo Parise, Massimo Bontempelli, Giuseppe Berto ai quali si affiancano oggi nomi internazionali grandiosi quali Romain Gary, Natsuo Kirino, Tracy Chevalier, Eshkol Nevo, Herman Koch.
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kneehoming-knee · 5 months
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Bricca, legale dei Toson: "La Corte ha detto di procede con giudizio immediato"
Al via il processo, imputati assentisource
View On WordPress
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cematheus · 10 months
Tala language, Star Trek Discovery sound of thunder. Michael and Saru at Kaminar
kel-pinar X!i-re?
torej-hal pul-du hazhun-raj bau-te
nee-zhut-zhid kiv-nar pon duni-ya: dej X!ra zhuva-nar
boo kol-da X!oo-kara-raj X!arat X!i-re-doo.
kel-pin yej-an-sek dame je X!al-en-zhan vo-ya-raj, hu-ke-daj na-poo-lah bau-te
X!arat-dal-nar tah-nau X!a pe-re-te-zhid, nod-arab dame-zhan, X!ozek-toj-daj duhaker, vul-daj-raj zhizhoo-ra
hoj no-sek?
bal-ja lin
tul sut-ab
nop rama-sek tu X!oo kel-pinar-te
poo-ba X!inat-doo todev
zhut-baj jol tona-nau-tu, tira-may kami-nar toten-sa-bej
taj, nav-doo tah X!oo-hazh
X!un-tay nela-to-sek zhitira-da-pu
nilat zhina noh ral, nilaj-vizh kel-pinar, bau-te-va pun-doo laj-raj
je X!al-en-doo yenob nej-zhid
nej va X!inat-baj barav?
X!ay, kahesay buzh balna-ra, vuza zhut-toj yer pol-li
ba-ja-ha va-ti ben-too, torej-toj-raj den toneh.
zhoo-daj zhoo-ra-ra kiri.
X!azhe zhoo-daj tozhile
bap-baj-vo rap X!in-taro-daj
X!ay, vedal-ya-daj
X!oov-nite-ra-sek nev-ra-kaj X!in-taro-daj-doo
ki X!oozh ha-se-lah nej?
Saru! baduj.
mi kaj? bahek-du zhinilaj
dapej dej X!ra zhuva-nau run-daj-too bayo-de-sol-ra-du
no-sek bahira poo-me?
serana, ba-ja-ha va-ti ben-too, X!oov-too-sek ke-jir-toj toro-sek-lah tonilaj je toson-ya-du.
dumij-rin X!oov-zhi-tara-too, X!oov-ola, daj-ov-zej-sek roj je tala-raj doo-ma-nau.
vo-dasu zhi-tara-duv vo-dasu bau-te-lit
X!inat vep toro-sek-du
noo ba?
pe-re hu-man
X!oo-tel-toj may-koo
ne-la huta-vo tomij-du je des-kover X!oov-nite-ra tobal suka-baj-raj
ha-ten-sa, kaj zhina-rav-pu?
X!uzan minar-raj-daj duna-mit-lah
ray barav, rup zhoo-ra X!uzan pe-re-te?
X!ima! X!uzan tuza zhoo-ra
pem tah-dal... daj-ov? hen-suvin?
su-talar kir hu-man-te?
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