#Junpei Yokozawa
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askthedespairkids · 3 months ago
Orochi save your lover
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You can't! You don't know what he might-
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I used to work with Hyde, remember? If he wanted everyone dead, half the island wouldn't be standing right now. Clearly there's more to this. *Junpei walks through the walls of security, keeping his distance from Michael*
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Saw your handiwork on Suibuki. I'm impressed. I might have to upgrade you from a mouse to a rabbit.
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What do you want?
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Well, I don't want you for anything in particular, really. I'm here to pass on a message from Enoshima herself.
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Your presence is wanted on the front lines. By her word.
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Absolutely not!
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Why would Enoshima want Yokozawa-kun on the front lines?
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Shouldn't that be obvious? She wants your head for herself - called dibs on it before I could.
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Like hell I would-
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*The gunman standing next to Junpei, his head blowing apart from the impact of the shotgun's bullets*
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*Junpei freezes, feeling the blood hit the back of his head* H...Hey-
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Maybe you didn't hear me, or do I need to be clearer? You're going. *His eyes shift to Orochi* ...alone.
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Orochi, don't!
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E...even if I wanted to, all the helicopters are gone.
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Not quite. *He turns to the bomb's clock and grabs hold of it. The bomb slides out from the slot in the helicopter and Michael sits the bomb on the ground, taking a seat on top of it* This helicopter will take you there. One of Miu's more...useful inventions - self flying this thing is.
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You...can't be serious....
Naomi: Junpei-kun! You need to go!
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Naomi: If you don't Michael will kill everyone here when we can't fight back! Of course I don't want him to *She looks at Orochi* But he needs to.
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It's okay. *Junpei takes Orochi's hands in his* I'll be okay...Karma's out there, right? You trust them.
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*Hands trembling, Junpei squeezes Orochi's hands and turns around again* Alright, I'm going then. As per your conditions.
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*Michael, not moving from the bomb, gestures to the helicopter. Junpei, tentatively walks up next to Michael who doesn't show any intentions of moving. Junpei boards the helicopter and slides the door shut. After a few moments, the helicopter starts up and begins to ascend and fly towards the mainland*
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...I have this sinking feeling...that Enoshima may have been even more steps ahead of us than we originally thought...
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a-student-out-of-time · 2 years ago
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After many weeks of work, I’ve finally completed my designs for the cast of Hope’s Absolution.
Overseer AI: Zadkiel
Residents of the Absolution Program (From left to right):
Sumi Sonada- Ultimate Escort Josuke Matsumoto- Ultimate Salesman Airi Asahara- Ultimate Newscaster Ushio Takasaki- Ultimate Nun Tsukiko Ishikawa- Ultimate Thanatologist Dento Nomura- Ultimate Historical Reenactor Mitsuri “Mimi” Rikimaru- Ultimate Enigmatologist Shin Tachibana- Ultimate Paramedic Junpei Yokozawa- Ultimate Blogger Karma Graves- Ultimate Secret Agent Kyoji Nakamura- Former Ultimate Geneticist Shigure Morita- Ultimate Therapist Toi Rangihau- Ultimate Lawyer Rin Nanjo- Ultimate Photographer Viviana Giulia Bernardi- Ultimate Personal Chef Kazumi Kazetsubaki- Ultimate Detective
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//Another profile complete, and one dedicated to a friend of mine ^^
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dkronpa · 6 years ago
Meet the Students #7
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Name: Junpei Yokozawa
Gender: Male
Height: 5′2″
Birthday: April 16th (Aries)
Likes: Co-op Games
Dislikes: Horror Movies
Talent: Ultimate Blogger
The blogger of several semi-popular blogs that cover a variety of topics such as fandoms, political views, and even gossip, Junpei Yokozawa may be a blogger, but he’s a damn good one. Overshadowed by the rest of family having flashy talents, he’s never seen himself as being worth much in the world of Ultimates. However, his ability to manipulate internet culture is second-to-none despite his inability to stand out in public due to a serious lack of presence.
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askthedespairkids · 3 months ago
For those that have considered it, do you want your wedding to be a big spectacle, traditional, or small/intimate.
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My traditions are very important to me, especially with my plan to rebuild my nation! Even so, I'm sure there are elements of a Japanese wedding Gundam would want to include should we get married.
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I think after planning someone else's wedding, the smaller the occasion the better it'll be for everyone involved.
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Well...I suppose it's something we need to start thinking about soon enough, huh? I'm not too sure, what I'd wanna do, actually...
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I don't really care about how grand it is, just as long as the right people are there for it - no matter how long that list of guests may be.
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askthedespairkids · 3 months ago
Children Can Rule the World
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But it's not fair!
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Look, Masaru, I know it's not fair. I know it doesn't sit well with you or your friends, but I can't let you go out there and potentially hurt yourself - or worse.
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They...Enoshima is gonna try and kill everyone she sees. I can't forgive myself if I let you get in the way of that kind of carnage. Please, just stay somewhere safe.
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EVERYONE'S GOING TO DIE AND YOU WON'T LET ME BE A HERO!!! *He jumps away from Junpei when he tries to put a hand on Masaru's shoulder*
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This...this is why everyone still hates me. And all my friends...*He runs out the room*
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Masaru! *He runs to the door but Masaru's already disappeared down the hallway* Dammit...
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*She peeks her head out from the laundry room when she hears the commotion* Yokozawa-kun? What was all the ruckus?
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Don't worry about it, Toujou-san. Just...some an argument with my son.
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About the fight tomorrow?
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All the Warriors of Hope want to fight on the front lines, but there's no way I could let him do that. What kind of parent would I be? I'm sure Watanabe-san feels the same with Jataro-kun.
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If it isn't too much of an overstep, would you allow me to talk to the children? I can stay out of this if you'd prefer.
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You have an idea to convince them?
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Admittedly, I'm not sure. Household tasks I am adept at. Handling children can be...more of a coin toss, if I'm honest.
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I won't stop you, but I don't think there's anything you could say to them.
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Thank you, Yokozawa-kun. And yours and Kamisaka-kun's laundry should be done momentarily as well. I'll be sure to drop it off at your door.
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askthedespairkids · 2 years ago
Long Live
Naomi: Okay! Okay everyone, gather around!
*The crowd gathers in front of Karma and Naomi, awaiting for what they're going to say.*
Naomi: I just want to thank everybody for tonight. It's been just magical, honestly. I can't wait for everyone to come to our reprise wedding as well. *They shook Karma a joking 'look'. The two giggle.* I just...I'm so lucky that I have you all as not just my friends. But my family. God, it feels like this past week has lasted years. But...the fact you're all here. That fact that all of us are here...I just...I'm glad we got this moment. *Her eyes look sad* ...I love all of you guys.
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Shit...I might cry. *He turns away as Kyouko pats his back to comfort him*
Karma: ...Um. Yeah. Just like Naomi said. Thank you all for helping me with today. This was a crazy crazy project and honestly, it wouldn't have been possible without...*They look around the crowd* Hey, where is Junpei?
Kobo: *Casually* Oh, I think Yokozawa said he was really tired. Don't blame him with how much he exerted himself today.
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*Mouths 'what did you do?'. Kobo just grins and shrugs.*
*Elsewhere, in the cold night, the sound of struggling can be hear near the Future Foundation's helipad. If you crane your neck upwards, you will see Junpei hoisted up on the flagpole at half-mast by the waistband of his white and teal briefs*
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Agh...! Fucking Okanaya!
Karma: Oh. I suppose I can't blame him for being tired. It's fine! I can just repeat this to him tomorrow! I just...wanna thank you all as well. When I came to Hope's Peak, I had no idea what it meant to be a normal teen. I...didn't exactly have a normal life. But...meeting all of you. Having friends like all of you, for the first time I think I might have the smallest idea of what a normal life for me might finally look like. You guys are the best thing that's happened to me. And Naomi...*They look at her* You are just...perfect in every way. I love you. I love that I get to have this moment with you.
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Gh...now I might be the one to cry...*Sly pats their back*
Sly: Don't take away the focus.
Karma: *Their face grows serious* We had a nice night, but...we have to face reality tomorrow. The reality of our situations. *They smile genuinely* I'm just really glad. So so glad that just once we could all be here tonight.
Yuuki: *His mind trails off to think of Toson* (Not everyone...)
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*Sensing what Yuuki is thinking about, she gives his shoulder a comforting squeeze*
Naomi: We don't want to end on a sour note. We just want to say...for all these years we've been able to stick together as friends. Thank you. From the bottom of both our hearts. Now, if you wanna go, we aren't going to stop you. We'll keep the music playing a bit if people wanna stay and mingle, but, um...*She and Karma look at each other with a similar glint in their eyes* I think me and my lovely spouse have exhausted ourselves tonight and are gonna turn in. Thank you guys. Truly. For everything. We'll always be in each other's hearts as a family.
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askthedespairkids · 2 years ago
The Night Belongs to Us
*In Naomi’s room, Amaterasu sits behind her, quietly putting in the finishing touches to Naomi’s hair. It’s just far enough off a bridal bun to still look suitable, but not neat enough to draw suspicion*
Amaterasu: ...there. Looks good.
Naomi: It does. I didn’t think you were so good with hair, Amaterasu-san.
Amaterasu: One of my many talents.
Naomi: Clearly. But are not already running a little late? We should hurry up. *She smooths out her dress and stands up* ...I’m worried. Don’t I look a little formal just for us all getting together.
Amaterasu: Considering the circumstances, why not allow yourself to look a little more formal. Besides...*She checks herself out, in the dusty pink tailored suit* It would a shame to let Maemi-chan’s designs go to waste. (Even if the colour washes me out).
Naomi: True to that. Should we go?
Amaterasu: Yeah. *She puts her hand in her pocket, clicking a button on a remote inside*
*At the wedding venue, everyone has arrived in their outfits. Junpei has a buzzer is his suit trouser pocket that alarms*
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That’s Amaterasu-san’s signal, everyone! Which means Naomi’s gonna be here soon!
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Alright! Places, everybody! This is it!
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*He walks up to Junpei* How’s Graves doin’?
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Orochi’s calming them down in the back. I think we’ll be okay...no turning back after all this anyway.
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...hey. Thanks.
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Huh? What for?
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Y’gotta ask? You’ve done all this for my niece. I’ll always appreciate you for all the work you’ve done. And you’ve been her friend for all these year...to be honest, because of her connections to Hope’s Peak, she didn’t always have the most healthy friendships in school...so thanks for that as well.
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...of course. Naomi’s been taking care of me all this time. It’s the least I can do for her.
Naomi: Oh man, how far down the beach is this?
Amaterasu: Not too much further. They must’ve really wanted the décor to be a surprise.
Naomi: *She spots the flames of some torches up ahead* Ugh finally. *She reaches the torches and finds that boards have been placed down on the sand to make it easier for Naomi to walk in her heels* Well, they had the sense to this much at least.
Amaterasu: Go ahead.
Naomi: Huh?
Amaterasu: *Gestures down the road of boards* I’ll be behind you. Just go ahead.
Naomi: You’re being weird.
Amaterasu: ...
Naomi: ...*She sighs* Alright then? *She continues ahead, as she moves along the path, music starts to become audible in the distance. Soft piano music that enhances the evening atmosphere. The torches become bigger and the decorations become more noticeable. White and pink ribbons on the torches, small arrangements of balloons along the path*
*Naomi eventually turns a corner made by pots of greenery and white arches, coming around to the ceremony itself. The boardwalk is decorated with a white carpet and on either side are assortments of chairs. Her whole class, her uncle, and Kyouko and Makoto are present, all dressed up for the occasion. Kyoji stands at the end of the white carpet underneath the balloon arch. Off to the side, Kaede is delicately playing on the piano next to an extravagant four-tiered cake*
Naomi: I...*She almost laughs* What is all this...? It’s looks like-
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A wedding?
Naomi: ...*Her faces turns to realisation* This...this-
*Karma walks out from behind some of the shrubbery decorations, dressing in a pink and light blue tuxedo with a tailcoat. Their baseball cap is still sitting proudly upon their head, with a white rose attached to it. They walk down to the top of the aisle up to Naomi*
Karma: ...hi there.
Naomi: ...this is a wedding? For us?
Karma: Surprise? *They grin sheepishly* Junpei coordinated all of it to make a surprise...
Naomi: Junpei-kun?
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Karma wanted to get married before...
Karma: Yeah...I’m sorry! If you hate all this, then I totally understand! I promise you don’t have to count this at all! Once the fighting is over, we can have another wedding - an even bigger one that you can have complete control over! We’ll have a traditional Japanese wedding! Or a traditional Jewish wedding, if you’d prefer...honestly, I don’t know much about either-
Naomi: *She starts to giggle and then breaks into a laugh*
Karma: Wh...what’s so funny? Is it the suit?!
Naomi: No no, love, you look wonderful. It’s all...*She takes in, and breathlessly says* Wonderful...
Karma: You’re not mad then?
Naomi: Oh, I definitely will be having a redo after the battle. But this? It’s just...beautiful. You all...you all look amazing as well. And thank you, Maemi-san, for the dress.
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*Maemi is dressed in a pale blue dress with darker blue detailing, her hair pulled back in a ponytail* No, no. Thank Muro-kun for that one.
Naomi: I shall.
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And let’s not forget the most important part- go on, kiddo.
*Madoka walks around in a dress the same shade of pink as Naomi’s dress’ details, with a small basket of flower petals. She looks up at Naomi and then reaches into the basket and throws a handful of petals at her*
Madoka: Bwam!
Naomi: *She laughs and crouches down to Madoka* Aw, Mado, you look beautiful. Definitely more beautiful than mommy.
Karma: So, um...Naomi.
Naomi: *She stands back up* Yes?
Karma: Do you wanna get married...?
Naomi: *She giggles* Like you need to even ask.
Karma: Okay...okay! *They run back down and stand at the arch.*
*Kaede takes her cue to start playing again. With some encouragement, Madoka walks down the aisle, clumsily throwing the petals down onto the ground before going to the side.*
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*He offers his arm* If I may have the pleasure of walking you down?
Naomi: Of course. *She takes Koichi’s arm and the two walk down*
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...I’m sorry this is all happening without your parents...
Naomi: *Her smile shakes bit* I know...but they’d be happy, right?
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Overjoyed. And very proud.
Naomi: Then that’s enough.
*The two reach the arch and Koichi lets Naomi go and she stand opposite Karma. Koichi takes his seat as Junpei and Sadao stand and join Karma’s side, in similarly designed tuxedos. Similarly, Kyouko and Orochi stand to join Naomi’s side...in matching dusty pink dresses*
Naomi: *She stops herself from chuckling* I should’ve know you’d try and out dress me.
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As if I could.
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*She presents Naomi with a bouquet of her favourite flowers* You look beautiful, Naomi.
Naomi: You do too. I better be the maid of honour at your wedding.
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Naomi: *She turns her back to Kyouko with a sly grin* Alright...I’m ready.
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Then we’ll begin.
We’re gathered here today to celebrate the love and union between Naomi Kizakura and Karma Graves. Before we begin, if anyone should have any reason that these two should not be married-
Karma: Keep it to yourself.
*A few people laugh*
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That works too.
Now, usually this is the part where we would go through the story of how the two met, and how they fell in love and how their story got to this day. Though with such short notice, and with it being a surprise to one of our parties I couldn’t exactly get a rounded story.
Naomi: Well, we were all there for the king’s game.
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So...I’ll pass it to our couple. They can tell us their story through their own words.
Naomi: Just...off the cuff?
Karma: Sorry.
Naomi: No, it’s fine! Not a hard topic to talk about.
Karma: Then, will I...?
Naomi: If I could?
Karma: O-of course!
Naomi: I don't have my vows planned out, because someone didn't bother telling me I was getting married until… What, thirty seconds ago? And despite my many skills, coming up with speeches on the spot is… Not one of these. So I'll keep it short. *She takes a breath and looks into Karma’s eyes* Anyway, Karma. I loved you for years, we have a kid together, and I promise to love you and to care for you for the rest of my life. I'm sure there should be like three more sections of things I promise, but I don't remember them now, so I'll just go with those. I think those are the big ones. And now I'm rambling, so I will stop. Love and care. Let's stick to these.
Karma: *They’re grinning like an idiot* I love that. Very you.
Naomi: Would rather get it out of the way than stand thinking ‘Agh, what to say?’ *They both giggle*
Karma: *They take a breath, nervously taking out a piece of paper* Sorry, I just...I’m worried I’ll forget something I wanna say.
Naomi: Go ahead.
Karma: *They nod* Naomi... God I had a hard time writing this, not because of anything bad, but because there is so much I wish I could say. I just don't have the words. From our first kiss at the Christmas Party, all the way to now, I've loved spending my life with you in my arms, and I will continue to. Naomi, you help me feel safe and grounded, and I only hope to provide you and Mado with the same sense of love and safety. I adore you, and have nothing but hope and excitement for our future together once the world is back in order. I promise to look out for you and Mado, and to bring joy into your lives, as you have done with mine. You fill me with nothing but love and happiness, and I am so happy to have you in my life. I wouldn't trade our time together for anything. You're my light in the dark, and I promise to treasure that. Here's to our future, come what may. I love you Naomi, and that's never gonna change.
Naomi: ...*She clears her throat, clearly struggling to stop herself from tearing up* I love you, too.
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Do you, Karma Graves, take Kizakura Naomi to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Karma: I do.
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And do you, Kizakura Naomi, take Karma Graves to your lawfully wedded partner?
Naomi: *She grins* I do.
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Then by the power vested in me by...
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Junpei? *A few people laugh*
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I hereby pronounce you officially married.
*Karma and Naomi come together for a final kiss as the ceremony attendees break out into cheers. From the sides, Rina and Amaterasu throw rose petals over the two. Naomi and Karma giggle and look across the party*
Karma: ...I love you.
Naomi: ...I love you more.
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askthedespairkids · 1 month ago
Hey Junpei, how you doing, buddy?
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...(This helicopter is so cold. And it's so alone. I suppose it's fitting that this is how I'd be riding into this battle, huh?)
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(Looking back, I can see everything that led up to this moment. Orochi losing his eye. Enoshima's message to recruit me. Playing the villain at Hope's Peak...)
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(And I was stupid enough to think I was one step ahead of someone like her...)
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(...but then I met all those people. My class. And despite everything they knew, they took me in and saved me. And we survived and we lived and we got saved by the Future Foundation.)
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(I got captured by Storm in Towa City. Then we all got captured by Mori-san in her killing game. The Irunami-kun...got murdered. And I went to New York, and met the American resistance...and we had to work with the Despairs to stop Fujisaki-kun...but we lost Shinko-kun during all that...and then we went to the Despair base)
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(And I...killed Suibuki...)
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I wonder if this is what you wanted from me, Enoshima? Did you want to see what I've become after all these years, or did you really just wanna be the one to kill me?
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...I guess I'll find out soon enough. (No matter how this all concludes. I hope nobody is disappointed.)
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askthedespairkids · 1 year ago
Mahiru I feel like the majority of your impact on the final battle will come afterwards. The way you can spread a feeling is unmatched. It’d be like you and Junpei in a tier of your own.
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Me...? You really think so?
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Once we can set up a system of information again? Absolutely. Whether digital or not, we'll need your skills as a photographer to document progress into improving the world. And if we manage to get the internet back into the state it used to be then I can spread it even further, hopefully.
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That sort of computer nerd stuff kind of goes over my head, but if I can leave that aspect to you then it's all for the better.
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Just leave the tech aspect to me.
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askthedespairkids · 3 months ago
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Hyde, you fucker! *He aims his gun at Michael*
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*He presses the machete close enough to foundation member's neck to draw blood* Watch it. That little peashooter wouldn't do much anyway.
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Stand down, Kuzuryuu!
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Tch! ...*He lowers his gun, as do the other gunmen*
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*Ethos pushes his through the crowd* ...Mike. I didn't think you'd come out here. Thought you'd wanna be in the thick of it with most of the others.
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If you "kill" a snake but don't cut off the head, then you haven't killed it at all.
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He's saying that he's here to stop the Future Foundation at its source.
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Got it in one, Miss Yukizome. Of course, I'm not completely unfair, but I'm also very impatient. *His arm swings out and hits against a panel on the helicopter. The panel falls off revealing a countdown timer*
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What's that supposed to be...?
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It's a countdown...for a bomb powerful enough to level this island. One of Kazuichi's last gifts.
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Settle down now. The countdown isn't for detonation- no. It's for the deactivation of the bomb.
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This bomb is hooked up to a sensor to my heart as well. *He pulls away the side of his vest to show a small metal plate situated over where his heart is* All you have to do is wait out the timer and then I'm all yours.
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And we've to sit around while you slaughter us all then?
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Heh. Where's the fun in prey that doesn't fight back a little? No, no. I'll hang around here until that timer is up - it's set to end at 8am tomorrow...but the second that clock hits zero?
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*He draws the machete across the foundation member's neck and blood sprays from their neck as they fall to the ground* I'm gonna decorate this whole island in your corpses!
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NO!! *She tries to rush forward but Ethos grabs her arm*
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We can't, Seiko. If we do, he'll just detonate the bomb...
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Very true. At the end of the day, what matters more to me is killing everyone here than actually surviving. Do you understand the game you're playing now?
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...Michael Hyde...
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...as soon as that timer reaches zero. I will make sure you die before you can even blink.
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Heh. Now that's bloodlust.
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Oh, and one more thing?
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If Junpei Yokozawa is still on this island, I highly suggest you bring him here. I've got a special message for him...
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askthedespairkids · 2 years ago
If you yell "Hey, shortie!" in a crowded Future Foundation office, who's most likely to answer? (bet it's Yumeno...)
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*They all turn and speak at the same time*
FK: "The fuck did you say-"
HY: "I'll place a curse of-"
JY: "Who the hell-"
RH: "...come again-"
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I have a question. What's everyone's age are? Hope that wasn't a stupid question. Thank you
//No, it’s not stupid! I’m glad to answer ^^
From oldest to youngest:
Kyoji -42
Dento -22
Sumi, Kazumi, Toi, Josuke - 21
Shin, Tsukiko, Shigure, Airi, Ushio, Rin -20
Mimi, Karma, Junpei, Viviana -19
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askthedespairkids · 2 years ago
Maverick and Junpei
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Maverick: Hmm? *He grins and tilts Junpei's chin up towards him* You look so tense, Yokozawa~ You don't trust me?
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I n-never said that...
Maverick: Heh, good. Because I'm not the best at being gentle-
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AHHH!! *He shoots up from his bed to the sound of the alarm blaring*
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AHHH!! *He jumps, laying next to him* What?! What happened?!
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....*He takes a second before sinking back* I think I just had the worst nightmare known to mankind....
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askthedespairkids · 2 years ago
Most likely to have a YouTube channel with millions of subs
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Oh come on now. If it's anything relating to the internet, then it's obviously going to be me.
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We're talking about a place that's also crawling with high-profile celebrities like Maizono-chan, and gaming YouTubers are massive so you know that Nanami-chan would be mega-popular too. What would you even do on a YouTube channel?
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If I think about it as blogging but in video form, then it's easy, right?
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askthedespairkids · 2 years ago
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*Junpei trudges along the beach, his feet dragging through the sand, his body language thoroughly reluctant to continue his journey- he murmurs quietly with his head down* Stupid fuckin’ argument, stupid- ugh.
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Gyuh! *His head snaps up and he’s met with Ryuu and Kobo walking in the direction towards him* I- um...w-well-
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It’s fine. We’re coming back to help for Graves-san and Kizakura-san-
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Right...right, yeah. It’s just...
Kobo: Ryuu, you can go on ahead.
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Kobo: It’ll be fine. Just...get a head-start for me.
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...alright. *He squeezes Kobo’s hand one last time before going on ahead, resisting the urge to bump Junpei as he passes by*
Kobo: ...*he sits down in the sand, facing out to the ocean*...you gonna just stand there? I mean, sittin’ like this means I get to be at eye-level with you-
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Alright, alright. *He sits down on the sand, a slight distance away* Glad to see your attitude’s back.
Kobo: I ain’t much for mopin’ around forever, y’know.
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...I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said all of those things back there, it was wrong of me. Stressed or not, I went way too far by saying you didn’t deserve to have Nagata-kun and Kirishima-san in your life.
Kobo: Heh. Weird hearing you apologise for somethin’...still, not like you weren’t right about other stuff...sorry. I’ve said a lot of shitty things to you as well.
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Unlike you, I’ve done everything to deserve it...
Kobo: Even at that, ain’t right for me to cause tension in the class...I still hate your guts, don’t get me wrong, but I shouldn’t be makin’ it everyone else’s problem.
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I get what you mean...honestly? I think I’ve always been a little jealous of you.
Kobo: Come again?
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You’re my antithesis- my opposite. Majority of people like you, or at least respect you. You’re able to help everybody out when the situation’s dire, and...and you and Nagata-kun are so happy together.
Kobo: You and Kamisaka are happy as well?
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Yeah, we are- I don’t mean to say we aren’t. I...I love Orochi so much that I think it makes me stupid. B-but, um...
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I worry...I always worry that he’ll decide he’s had enough of me one day. That...one day, all the hate we get will be too much for him and he’ll disappear. And I always get so insecure that I can’t make him happy. I mean, let’s be honest, I’m only bringing him more hardships by being with him. And it’s like he has to take care of me most of the time between...w-well, that part’s a little personal but you get what I mean.
Kobo: Yeah...yeah, I do actually. I feel a similar way towards Ryuu. He’s like...an angel. He’s smart, and kind. He’s so humble and he’s always jumping at the chance to help people out. And even though he’s not a fighter, he’s got this courage that comes out of nowhere when his back is against the wall...I don’t get what he sees in a screw up like me. Why stick around?
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You really do get it then...
Kobo: Yeah...but Kamisaka ain’t unhappy. If anything, he’s at his happiest just talking about you. The guy’s a lot more nihilistic than he lets on, but you’re like a...beacon to him. A light. Or somethin’, I dunno.
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R-really? Is that how he seems?
Kobo: For sure. I usually get bored and zone-out when he talks about you, but Kurohiko and Kurosaki always listen. Kurohiko’s a little obsessed with listenin’ actually- it’s creepy.
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Ugh- we got sidetracked, this was supposed to be about me apologising and we started talking about something completely different- look, Okanaya-kun, I was wrong. Seriously wrong for what I said.
Kobo: Agreed.
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...we still have a lot to do for the wedding. Will you still help us?
Kobo; *He grins* It’s for Graves and Kizakura. ‘Course I’m helpin’.
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Thank you. *The two stand up* We’ve got a lot of work to do, so I’ll be relying on you for a bit.
Kobo: Sure are. I’ll make sure to collect my payment for all this hard labour.
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Uh...payment? I didn’t think-
Kobo: Don’t worry. *His grin turns mischievous, and he cracks his knuckles menacingly* I’m sure I can figure something out.
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Kobo: Don’t worry ‘bout it now! We got work to do! *He marches on ahead and throws his hand up, flipping Junpei off as he leads* You’re still a dick!
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Right back at you, jackass.
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