#Himiko answers
askthedespairkids · 2 years
If you yell "Hey, shortie!" in a crowded Future Foundation office, who's most likely to answer? (bet it's Yumeno...)
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*They all turn and speak at the same time*
FK: "The fuck did you say-"
HY: "I'll place a curse of-"
JY: "Who the hell-"
RH: "...come again-"
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shinigxmi-muses · 1 year
Hmmmm. He feels at a loss after his school had been shut-down few month's prior at this point. Major security breech and less than savory encounters with criminal's within it's own walls was a reasonable concern. It... was an awful occurence but he'd never been registered as an actual professional hero since then... but vigilante work always had him getting into trouble constantly...
It's a soft hum as he wanders the streets at dusk past a narrow alleyway. Speaking of trouble, looks like someone was back there sitting against the walls. It... sounds like they're talking to somebody but he doesn't detect another person. Probably something to do with a quirk but... just in case...
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"Uhhhh... mmm... you okay back there lady? Should I call the EMS or something?" People in back alleyways usually meant one of three things in his experience. Either somebody needs help, he walked into a recent crime scene, or he'll be the person needing help in a moment. A gamble most people would ignore for their own safety but... here he goes into a light jog torwards the blonde. Apparently self-preservation was not on top of the list of things to do today.
The voice- soft, girlish, but with an edge to it- quieted down. In this particular dark alley, her blonde hair was barely visible, but her bared knees and bright sweater made her easier to notice. That...and the uncanny glow of her eyes when she looked up; like an animal's eyes, reflecting in light.
Wide. Wary. Curious... (He was being nice. Why be nice? Didn't he know...?)
Well. She wouldn't tell him. Either he'd be a pest, or he just may end up being her next target. Either way, Toga, Himiko wouldn't lose.
Ah, right. He asked her a question. All concerned-like.
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"I'm fine. Just fine, actually," she hums, straightening up. There's a splash of blood on her cardigan- yet another messy one that will require her to find a way to clean up- but it's okay. He was so nice, too... Her heart still flutters in excitement. (How dreamy! How sweet, to have some of his blood~! It'll be fun to get to be him, later.)
"Oh... I guess I'm a little messy, though. It's fine." She shrugs, completely uncaring for her situation. It'll get cleaned, eventually...
It's just a little "game" to see how this stranger reacts to her situation...! Could be nice to find someone else accepting of her unique way of showing affection. (LOV's been so understanding of it, but... Surely, there are other people who would understand her nature, too?)
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himikochan · 2 years
do you remember when the va books came out? were they rly popular when they did? I’m glad it’s 6 books in the series I’m reading it really slow but I really like first person pov’s a lot. is it rose’s pov throughout the whole series, do u remember 🖤
Hello hello!
So when the VA books came out I wasn’t active on that part of the internet yet. I do know they were some kind of bestseller and the books were translated into many languages at the time because of international interest!
Interestingly, I picked up my copy of the first book at a Marshall’s which is weird to think about
I only read the first 5 books when I first read them. I am waiting for my copy of the sixth to come in the mail- the ones I have read are all in Rose’s POV and they’re all enjoyable :) 💜💜💜
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marimeeko · 2 months
So what WAS THE POINT of Toga dying? Other than making Ochako sad?
Like truly I am not sure what the point of her death was. She could have EASILY lived.
They dragged Dabi's burnt body off the battlefield. Twice.
Edgeshot, said he would die from stretching himself so thin and using all of that energy to help Bakugou. He lived.
I love her, bless her, but Lady Nagant blew up from the inside?? TWICE? How did she live from an "insurance policy" devised by AFO himself, let alone twice??
And Himiko Toga dies because she gives some blood? They could have EASILY saved her life in time too? The math isn't mathing? In the end, what was it for, exactly?
She was the one villain who I thought might have turned it around. She would have faced prison, but I really thought that she was the most likely to get rehab and have that support system from Ochako as they continued to talk across the bars and Ochako would begin to understand her more. I thought there was a chance that they could have continued a relationship after the war. It wouldn't have been perfect, and toga would still have to answer for crimes committed, but, I felt optimistic that there would be at least a sort of balance or common ground they could reach. That she would actually take Ochakos offered hand.
What was the point when she dies from something so preventable?? We get one chapter of Ochako being sad, but what does it MEAN.
Idk this might just be rambling and I might think of it later BUT I am just kinda MEH on this ending with Toga being gone for real.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
So let me get this straight... Uraraka offers her blood to Toga just to get her to smile and Toga turns around and gives her blood to save Uraraka's life...
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darkcircles4lyfe · 2 months
What are your thoughts on the recent chapter?
This is a pretty vague ask but I’m pretty sure I received it yesterday. If not… oops?
I’m actually so excited for the next—that is, the second to last—chapter as someone who was deeply affected by chapters 391-395 and who just loves Toga Himiko in general, so so much. I’ve really grown to love Ochako’s arc too and I’ve come to trust the process here. I didn’t know about everyone freaking out until after I read 428 officials yesterday, and I’m not worried like that. We’ve been in this type of cliffhanger situation multiple times before.
The news that the end of Himiko’s and Ochako’s fight wasn’t recorded hit me hard, just like it hits Ochako, because the world doesn’t get to know who Himiko really is. There’s nothing Ochako could say on her behalf that would compare to actual footage of her pain, anger, joy, love, sorrow, and sacrifice.
…which is to say, Himiko does not serve as a martyr, a tragic, cautionary example. I’ll remind you that that was what the PLF reporter wanted her to be, and she was controlling and patronizing. Let’s think about this as a choice Horikoshi is making, to discard the only ammunition he had to make Himiko into an example and have it be even remotely compelling and satisfying. Boom, gone. There’s no footage. Why?
On the other hand, this is actually an advantageous turn of events if it turns out Himiko survived, because more calculated actions can be taken to keep her safe. I’m starting to see this as a turning point not necessarily for society as a whole, but for the hero profession and its purpose, wherein under Hawks’ leadership the hero commission could become the exact opposite of what it was. It’s no accident that the first half of this chapter is devoted to showing how the next generation and the public were both ~so inspired~ by class A’s actions in a way that mimics the chain of inspiration that motivated class A to begin with. Only this time, Ochako and Izuku are deeply uncomfortable with it! They don’t want this chain reaction to keep going the same way forever. These people look at them and have no idea what they’re actually going through or what they’ve seen. Future heroes who don’t know the real story. That’s very upsetting. Now they are starting to see firsthand how a pattern of collective forgetting is perpetuated. It won’t change until someone like Himiko is actually saved. No bright future without a place for her in it.
I’m excited because this chapter directly confirms Ochako’s awkward, overly cheerful mask for what it is, as it finally starts to crumble. In hindsight, she’s probably done this a lot in the past as well. It casts her whole character in a new light. She and Himiko are so much alike in this way.
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I still have high hopes for this storyline because of how much it resonates with me as a queer allegory. Of course, Himiko is also literally queer, but I mean the symbolic stuff about her quirk and her family’s rejection. As a trans person who spent a long time in the closet convincing everyone around me that I was a normal, happy girl, whose pain and rage only festered and grew stronger, who was perceived as selfish and destructive, who was determined to live for myself but still doubted if I had any future at all… I see Himiko’s story as so perfect, so real, that I can’t imagine it ending poorly. And it doesn’t have shit to do with canonizing that ship, either. I’m not worried.
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batterycows · 7 months
Is it me or,, are the bkdk apology and the Togachako fight lowkey the same confrontation
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 months
Man I wish your MHA prediction came true, cause, no spoilers, but the truth is so bad😂
atleast its finallly over... never reading a series when it hasnt finished serialisation again😂
It's not even a BAD manga ending... i have seen BAD manga endings before, i know how they look like.
No, what MHA's final chapter is, is a NOTHING Ending. An ending where it is so, PAINFULLY obvious that the Mangaka or his editor did not want to piss anyone off, or take risks in general, that for a whole host of characters, there is NO closure, or even worse, it negates what came before.
so, its not like there is nothing good about the chapter, as i like shoji's big declaration, and the fact that japans society is changing to help people deal with the quirks withouth having to become heroes... but other than that, even the stuff i liked had major caveats.
But by far the biggest issue is that there are so many characters who got NO closure for their respective relationships, and it is stupidly obvious why, and who.
and since this question was prompted by Aizawa and his development, lets start with mic and Aizawa.
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This picture right here encapsulates how Aizawa has changed. This is where he was always planned to end up. It is his natural end point compared to where he started off his story. Having turned into a much more caring man, who helped Aoyama rise above his flaws and change for the better rather than the brutal and spartan teacher he was at the start.
Or as his Ex Girlfriend would have put it has learned the value of "A household where the laughter never ends.".
However, the problem is we get no chapter, or even an ATTEMPT at giving him any form of closure where this change is encapsulated, the way we got with Endeavor, spinner, and Uraraka.
And thats a problem, because it wasnt ONLY hjis character who was tied to this hypotetical chapter for closure.
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The closure of the ENTIRE idiot trio from the previous generation, alive and dead was dependent upon whatever Hori had planned for this hypotetical epilogue chapter before he or his editor chickened out, leaving Kurogiri's death in the climax with NO sense of aftermath behind it, coming and going, and frankly feeling like an aftertought rather than the sad ending to the tragic tale of the man who died too soon.
It also leaves Mic the single worst off, because while Aizawa at the very least had his character development to fall back on as a final point, even if he didnt get a closure chapter or moment, Mic gets NOTHING.
and that's a big problem, because as im going to go over in my big analysis of the man, Mic's entire deal is that while Aizawa developed in a terrible, negative reaction to his buddy's death, Mic's reaction was to stop developing at all.
His entire life after the tragedy is being a background character in everyone else's life, the DJ who always tries to make everyones day brighter, but has no actual ambitions, dreams or goals of his own.
thats why he clings so desperately to his memories of highschool, because unlike everyone else from that time, those memories are all he has. Even Aizawa managed to have a girlfriend at some point, an actual relationship, that though it crashed and burned had meaning. Mic doesnt even have that.
He is the ultimate sad clown, who pretends to himself that he hasnt wasted his life, by embracing a role as a literal supporting character, that his teachers suggested he would turn out to be.
In other words, his role in a chapter dealing with the epilogue of the trio, would certainly have been to finally, actually begin living his own life again.
but withouth that, there is nothing to suggest he managed to change. he will just continue to waste his life, thinking he'll never be able to create great new times for himself, rather than actually living his life and making new, best moments of his life.
i might be more annoyed about Aizawa not getting that final closure with Miss Joke, but there is no questions that Mic got an even worse deal with the narrative than Aizawa.
He remained a background character to the very end.
he's not the only one though.
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You know who else never got closure? The Iida brothers.
We NEVER got to see how Tensei reacted to his brother not only taking up his mantle, but actually surpassing him and all his deeds during the climax.
Tenya's great ambition was to become a great hero to live up to his brother, and we didnt get to see any of his family members reaction to him actually achieving this dream.
As for other members of class 1-A...
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Hey, quick question for anyone who read this story, Did you think Mina and Kirishima's character stories ended with these two, small, not given very much importance panels?
Well fuck you, youre wrong! this is where both of their characters ends. their relationship, and their character arcs in general ended here, and they get no closure whatsoever.
and finally we move unto Izuku and the bigger problem with him and where he ended up.
Starting with him becoming a non powered hero, using tech.
Okay, not a BAD ending... But i feel like... maybe... there was a plan for something with that. Maybe... Maybe something that happened, and would have eased his character into using tech, rather than All Might just showing up with it after he's been a salary man for 3 years... Maybe something that was foreshadowed for years, and years.... Oh right.
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Izuku losing his lower arms.
Like, looking back, it is painfully clear that Izuku was originally meant to lose his arms for good, before the editor(as he did with bakugo's death) put the kibash on that.
I like the idea... but there was a much better and more logical road to him becoming Iron Man with him having to use robotic hands in the epilogue. it would also be the logical outcome of all that foreshadowing, and was probably the original idea before it was deemed too gruesome.
However, thats a missed what if.
And if you have read the final chapter, you know it's not the BIG issue with this chapter. The SINGLE biggest problem with this ending, that is going to haunt it forever afterwards.
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The complete sinking of Izuku x ochako by making it clear izuku has no regular contact with his former classmates, and ending the story withouth anything to suggest these two hooked up at all.
Now, im going to be very blunt, and very clear, before i tear this entire ship sinking to bits.
I didn't like Izuku x ochako.
At all.
I thought it was boring, too drawn out, and i didnt find much enjoyment as a ship from their interactions. in fact i would say i found izuku to have better chemistry with pretty much every other female character he ever interacted with.
Izuocha is the epitomy of a safe shonen battle couple. pure, boring vanilla.
I want to get that out of the way, before i really delve into why the way Hori just... torpedoed this ship because he didnt want to deal with the aftermath, was such a slap in the face.
Lets start with the most obvious problem.
It was all a waste of time.
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every single moment of shiptease, and uraraka pining after izuku...
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was one...
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Waste of fucking time.
I didnt like reading about this couple. But i cannot make the claim the story was not building up towards it.
it spent the vast majority of it's story building towards this couple, and in the last 3 chapters it devoted two of them to seemingly resolving this couple's story, and setting up for the next step... that never fucking came.
meaning that every little bit of ship tease these two had was a joke, a waste of time, it didnt mean anything in the grand scheme of things.
It was one of the most annoying parts of this manga to read through, and to my absolute fury and disguist i was fucking -vindicated.
It was an objective, waste of fucking time that could have been devoted to ANYTHING ELSE! It could have been devoted to another, better pairing, more character development for 1-A, Inko, the league of Villains, ANYTHING!
If the story was not going to end up with these two, there were plenty of ways to do that too, like having Uraraka's decision not to confess backfire as izuku moved on and hooked up with Mei, or melissa, or anyone else! or maybe just have izuku have moved past her an her ending up being friendzoned because she didnt make a move early enough! Or maybe have Uraraka realize she was gay after everything with Toga!
Again, ANYTHING ELSE would have been preferable.
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instead, even at the very end, even when the following pages kills the pairing dead, Hori STILL tries to shipbait these two!
fuck off.
2. Making Urarak look shallow through the worst fucking timing in the world.
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so, here is a question for you.
if you were going to ultimately choose not to go through with izuku x ochako, when would be the worst, possible timing to do it?
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because i sure cant think of any point worse, than during a timeskip, where izuku's quirk ultimately went away, leaving him powerless and a common working man for 3 years afterwards.
Now this is obviously not meant to be the actual reason in universe for why this pairing didnt happen... but the implication is there...
And it wouldnt have been, if Hori had actually had Izuku turn her down in one of the previous chapters.
but because he decided to chicken out of any and all romance to not get any shipper blowback, through the safest way possible, it's there.
It's ugly, and it's cruel, and it's mostly implication... but it is there.
3. It makes Uraraka's entire character growth with Toga WASTED.
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So Toga's part of her and Uraraka's storyline is obvious.
The girl who was looking for someone, anyone who would want to understand her finally found somebody who would, and she decided to give it all for that person.
in uraraka, she finally got what she could not get in the league, amongst her old friends, or anyone else.
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No the problem is not with that side of their shared development.
The problem with this is that it completely wastes Uraraka's side of this equation.
The thing that Uraraka envied about Toga, was her ability to smile as she wanted, uncaring about how the world might think of her, something the shy uraraka deeply wished she could do too.
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Ultimately, as presented in the final war arc, her develoment from this relationship was her finally learning to be honest, to embrace doing what she wanted to do.
She wanted to reach out a genuine hand in compassion to Toga despite EVERYTHING, and so she did. uncaring about what the world might have thought.
FInally she could be who she wanted to be. the girl who had been defined so long about keeping her love and more emberassing feelings under wrap no longer cared about being judged for them.
It's a very beautiful moment.
Man... It sure would SUCK if later uraraka completely backtracked, was never able to tell her crush her actual feelings, and instead it went absolutely nowhere, meaning she reverted back to the same person she had always been. that she never really grew past this flaw of herself she disliked.
That would really, really suck, and cheapen her entire character climax from the final war arc.
Man, that would suck.
It would suck even more, if the reason that happened, was due to the author not wanting to piss off the shippers that shipped the target of her affection with his former abuser and bully who tried to get him to kill himself.
This was a terrible way to end the series, not due to directly sucking, the way Attack on Titan, or bleach's endings did... but instead due to committing SO HARD to resolving NOTHING, that it flipped all the way around to being INFURIATING in how much it REFUSED to give ANY character who's final resolution would probably have involved shipping, that its pisses you off, because it means that everything that these characters were building towards had no resolution.
The only real exception was Iida, and in his case its just obviously clear that Hori just did not care to give him a climax. for everyone else though?
Hori's decision to not wanting to go through what Kishimoto went through after Naruto's final chapter might be understandable, but it also means that his already rocky final arc ended wastly lesser in quality than it could have.
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moodyvoid · 1 year
Add your reasoning in the tags if you want! rb pls
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dearest-painter · 1 year
Platonic yandere Miguel with Himiko Toga!Reader headcanon?
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship, abusive behavior, abusive relationship, NO ROMANCE, Miguel is a delusional bitch, after adopting Himiko toga!reader, tell me if I need to add more!
Summary:No matter where a child comes from a father will love them for so much, especially when they have so much traits like them…that must mean that child is his child yes? Yes it has to be!!
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-Definitely makes sure you know he is your dad and loves you even if you aren’t biologically his Yes you are silly! He’s just being king after all those years you didn’t live with him!
-Brings you to Spider society and you have your own watch, NO ONE is allowed to say shit about it as your his child! You are usually in his office while he’s busy or with the other teens
-if anyone insults you he’s immediately making them your next blood bag..he knows killing is bad but when it comes to your child it’s an expectation yes? Of course it is! He’s just protecting you!
-Lyla is also a yandere for you and you two talk often through the watch. If anyone tries to take you somewhere and Miguel didn’t request that she’s immediately telling Miguel while making a force field around you (SHE TRIED TO KILL MIGUEL FIANCÉ IN THE COMICS BY SUFFOCATING HER IN THE SHOWER!! I SHIT YOU NOT THIS IS TRUE)
-Definitely has a tracker on you so he can see where you are at all times, he’s just a bit paranoid and anxious so don’t worry this is all normal!
-Doesn’t want you dating ANYONE! No one is good for you! Your his precious child and he knows best so PLEASE just listen to him and don’t darte anyone!
-Basically you got a two deal because Lyla is a yandere now to! You got a yandere Auntie and dad isn’t that fun!? There no point in escaping now, the AI and your father is much smarter then you and knows how to keep you forever :)
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rwac96 · 2 months
Love calculator
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❤️ 93%
Dr. Love thinks a relationship between Himiko Toga and Izuku Midoriya has a perfect chance of success, but this doesn't mean you don't have to work on the relationship. Remember that every relationship needs spending time together, talking, etc.
Izuku: *eyes widened* "WHAT?! This has got to be a mistake!"
Toga: *hugging Izuku* "No mistake, Deku-Baby~!"
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bicheetopuff · 16 days
Kc//chk has that comphet/you're not the one i really want flavor to it i think
Hm so you went for the crazy obssessive blond with spikey hair? Oh you chose the girl that coincidentally looks and acts exactly like your childhood friend rival? 🧐🧐🤨
Also they already have a Deku/Kacchan name, it's Decchan 🥹
Honestly in that context, I like it a lot more. Imagine the angst opportunities? They’re trying so hard to force themselves to love each only to end up crying in each others arms because they can only think about the people they feel like they can’t have… actually I’m gonna write that. Probably not now cuz I have like five ongoing fics, but in the future that sounds like something fun to explore.
Also, I completely forgot about Decchan, I don’t think I’ve ever used that to refer to them but it’s cuteeee
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kokiwiouma · 1 year
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himikochan · 2 years
thank you for taking the time to answer my ask on the va books… I’m a few chapters in and I really like it so far! no pressure if you don’t want to continue your answer with a longer response❣️
This was sent to me a few days ago but got lost in my inbox!
The VA books are such a delight to read! I’m glad you’re getting the wonderful experience of reading them for the first time 💜💜💜
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Hey! I saw your post about midoriya not being able to understand Toga because he relates to her and that scares him.
I,,, really don't get it. What awful things has he done for (in this case) Katsuki? Or were you not referring to that?? I find what you said interesting, but I don't understand it completely to analyze for myself
i don't love the way i phrased it in my post so i get it!
himiko's expression of love via a fascination for blood is a queer allegory if i've ever seen one. she grew up being abused for not being "normal", but throughout everything, she's always held true to herself and her way of love.
izuku, on the other hand, doesn't have that security in himself. while of course, i'm not gonna compare homosexuality to actual murder, i'm talking about the way izuku views his own behavior. he shames himself for the way his love for katsuki makes him act. he's even called those feelings gross.
izuku's reaction to himiko's confession was influenced by his annoyance at the situation, yes, but also by his own insecurities. himiko feels her love freely while those around her shame her. izuku doesn't even let himself feel.
izuku sees himiko love in an unnatural way and is uncomfortable with the fact that she's not suppressing those feelings like he does.
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epickiya722 · 2 months
Not only was the chapter not even close to a romantic confession but it was an actual focus on Ochako's feelings and heroism with a hopeful note for a better future. The art was gorgeous. I'm literally crying.
I'm a little bitter for Toga's loss, but i am glad that she was not used as tool.
It would have been so weird if Izuku and Ochako went "Oh, I like you" while Ochako is literally in pain and agony over Himiko.
I won't lie, I was confused why that was almost everyone's initial response to seeing that cliffhanger.
After the war, we didn't get how Ochako's feeling until now. Her fight with Himiko (with Tsuyu there) was one of the most important fights/events of the story. Of course, we were getting her feelings for the aftermath! Why wouldn't we?
And you know what? Let's also remember that Himiko is also human, her own character. She has her own story, too. She wouldn't have been written to push some ship! Come on now.
Folks wanted the aftermath of the war, they asked for how the other characters are doing. And when Horikoshi hints them?
"Oh, no! We're getting a ship canon! 😭"
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