#tortilla man and tortilla boy
deeepnest · 1 year
okay even more cats
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katy-l-wood · 7 months
My cats, one of whom would kill a man for a few shreds of cheese, have memorized what food preparation steps usually lead to cheese being provided to them as a little treat. Tortillas? Probably gonna lead to cheese. Sandwiches? Probably gonna lead to cheese. Pasta? 50/50 chance of cheese.
Problem is, if I then make a version of a normally-produces-cheese-treats food, but I am not using cheese in that particular version of said food, I get loudly and extensively scolded.
Made pork and poblano tacos for the week and oh boy are the cats mad. Tortillas involved but no cheese? How dare I??? HOW DARE??!?
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
Hello ❤️
Can you please write something about Jason x Danny? Maybe something about Jason having a crush on this new guy (maybe Danny works in a library or helping people as a nurse) and just falling cause Danny is sincerely nice and isn't afraid of his Lazarus's rage
Jason first notices the new face volunteering at the soup kitchen when the guy hand-makes flour tortillas for the beans. Just like his mom used to make, alongside Mrs. Huerea before she got into drugs.
It's been years since he last had some, not because Alfred refuses to make it but because the butler never has the time.
It's usually a treat for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, or his birthday. Sometimes if Jason is lucky, there is another important holiday for the many members of Wayne Manor, and there is time for Alfred to get them done. He can have them more.
But mostly, Alfred had them store-bought.
That's why he wanders to the other man's line, mouth already watering as the volunteer piles smashed beans with cheese and tortillas onto plates. A name tag has a simple "Danny" on top of a white NASA shirt coupled with slightly baggy pants is the whole outfit of the stranger - odd in Gotham's winter time.
He offers Jason a smile, then, with a wink, places two more fresh tortillas on his plate.
Before he can say anything, Danny pushes the plate toward him. "I can tell you're a man who appreciates fine food. Take them. I can always make more. "
He jerks a thumb to the back, where a press awaits use. It looks just like Mrs. Huerea's iron-clad tool that, for a second, he's six again, early happy the women preparing for Christmas.
When his mother was sober, the Huereas had always opened their home to them. The elderly couple had always felt like grandparents to him.
"Thanks," He says around a forming grin. It matches Danny's.
Jason accepts the food with an excited thrill; for once, the memories of his mother are not so bitter and ruined. He moves out of the way for the next person, making a mental note to tell his men to ensure Danny gets home safely after his shift. It would be in his employee's way.
He does this often, assigning some Red Hood boys to make sure no one bothers any of the volunteers. Jason knows he can't get rid of all crime, not like Bruce believes, but he can at least protect those trying to make this place less of a shit hole.
He sits, savoring the flavor with great appreciation. He's got time to relax a little.
One of his Lieutenant is in the back, speaking to the director of the Soup Kitchen. This is one of Jason's protected areas, but to make sure people know it's not to be taken lightly, the Red Hood gang does require protection money.
He doesn't ask a lot but Jason knows that any place that doesn't have protection money is a bigger target. Of course he also here pretending to be hungry just to make sure the place is actually doing what they promised to do and feed people.
When Jason first took over, this particular place had been known to only give out half of the money they donated in food. The rest was going into the old director's pocket. When he caught wind of the senior director often refusing kids just to save money to steal, Jason quickly fed him to the fish.
His Lieutenant, Rogers, would not be able to recognize him. Jason was eating without a mask. What better disguise than his own dead face? Much less the other people in the soup kitchen.
Although he was meant to observe his surroundings for any funny business, Jason glued his eyes on Danny the entire time. It seemed the man had an easy smile for everyone and a calming personality that seemed to put even the most hostile at ease.
Snow. Jason thinks while watching Danny make more tortillas while chatting with a street kid until the young girl feels she could make one. He lets her round the table easily, showing her how to press down on the metal lever with the same soft ease. He's like pure white snow.
He would not last long in Crime Alley. Nothing pure ever does.
Jason fishes his food, unable to look away from what he knows would be a broken man in only a few weeks.
He leaves just as Rogers returns to the front clutching a brown bag. It looks like he didn't need to worry about the upkeeping of this place. He needs to check on the other kitchens in his territory before the day is out.
After three other Kitchens, Jason is satisfied that he's secured two. He must send Rogers to the last one because a few girls seemed uncomfortable with the leering crew. He'll have the creeps removed by this Friday.
He's swinging around as Red Hood on his normal patrol when he catches sight of Danny again. It's close to two in the morning, so he's surprised to see the other man cheerfully strolling about without any signs of exhaust.
He's also not wearing warm clothing despite the snow slowly falling around them. The only difference between what he was wearing earlier is the large black backpack. Jason half wonders if Danny only has nothing else to wear until the man pauses at an alley entry.
He crouches down, unzipping his bag, before pulling out a plastic-wrapped package. Jason watches him cautiously walk into the alley, following on the roofs out of curiosity.
His eyes widen when he spots a young boy hiding behind a trash bin, squishing himself against the wall as Danny carefully approaches him.
Jason hadn't seen the kid when he had passed by earlier, likely due to the boy knowing how to hide himself in the shadows. How had Danny seen him?
"Go away!" The boy yells when Danny gets too close for comfort. Jason's hackles rise, pulling out his gun in case he needs to intervene. He remembers the days when the sound of approaching footsteps to his hiding places in the streets meant.
Danny stops just on the other side of the trash bin. He places the package on top of it and backs away quickly. "I don't mean to bother you. But I thought you could use these. Stay warm, and if you need to escape the snowstorm, go to the address in the right pocket."
The boy doesn't answer, and Danny doesn't seem to wait for one. He leaves with quick strides. Jason watches him from the roof, noticing he returns to a slow stroll once he's back on the main street.
Below, the street kid carefully pulls the plastic bag towards him once he knows Danny is gone. He unwraps the bag only to gasp in delight at the jacket, gloves, hat, scarf, and socks inside. He quickly slips them on, burying himself in the small amounts of warmth they offer him.
Jason watches the boy for a few minutes before jumping down. The kid scrambles away until he realizes it's Rood Hood. Everyone knows that he won't harm street kids.
"Hey," He says, noting that the boy's new clothes seem to be made from expensive material, all in black and neon green. "Do you have somewhere warm to sleep tonight? Snowstorm is coming."
"I can handle it." The boy scoffs despite the shivers that wrack his body.
"I know you can. But it's not safe out here" He kneels at the boy's eye level. He seems about twelve, likely new to the streets since he has yet to find proper shelter. Dirty blond hair and dark, weary brown eyes stare back at him as Jason offers. "Let me get you somewhere safe."
"I won't go back to the stupid system."
"Nah, that shit's broken. I got a safe house for you to crash in."
The boy thinks it over. "Just us?"
Jason isn't a mind reader to know what the kid fears. "No. It's full of other people."
It takes a few more minutes, but eventually, he convinces Max to follow him. They travel across Crime Alley to one of the empty warehouses he had turned into an illegal shelter. Inside are various Red Hood gangsters passing out blankets and setting up cots for people from the streets to sleep.
The heaters are on, but a few still refuse to remove their warm clothing- likely in fear of theft or that it proves an extra layer of comfort- as they settle down.
Max thanks him as the boy rushes to a corner that seems to be taken over by children. He doesn't approach the others to speak to, but he looks more comfortable picking a cot close to them. Jason's eyes widen slightly when he realizes that all seven children are wearing some form of the Black and Neon Green outfits Danny had given Max.
Rogers strolls up next to him, nodding his chin at the children. "Some street kids have been saying a man is offering them free supplies. He doesn't ask for anything in return and leaves them alone with they tell him to. His calling card is the little neon green ghost he places on each item. Want me to take a few of our boys and check him out?"
Jason grunts. "No need. I already know who it is. He seems like a non-threat."
Rogers appears flabbergasted for only a few seconds before pulling himself together. "If you say so, boss."
Jason turns to stare at the man, and Rogers raises his hands. "All I'm saying is that it's a little odd how good the guy is at spotting street kids."
"How good is he?"
"It's like he can see in the dark. He might be a meta."
Jason thinks back to Danny walking around in his light clothes like it's the middle of summer instead of winter and finds some weight in the meta-theory. "I'll pay him a visit soon."
Rogers lets the matter drop, even if he is confused by Jason's involvement. Usually, he has some of the newest members of the youngest ones who reckon a personable target- or new recruits.
But something about Danny called out to Jason. He couldn't say it, but the man's snow-like personality eased the Pit Rage in him. Strangely it felt like Danny was the calm winter promising rest to the wounded parts of Jason's soul.
He didn't want to see Danny's pure heart ruined by this city.
Jason wonders if he could keep it safe and if Danny will even give him the chance to try.
He hopes so. Danny has such a lovely smile.
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josendlessmonolouge · 3 months
Lazy stay at home days with heroes of Olympus boys headcanons
frank, Leo, Jason, Percy
i think he probably has some post traumatic arthritis from all the injuries he sustained in the war (just like me frr except I wasn’t saving the world I was just weak) so while he usually likes to be active maybe go for a long run in the morning or go on a hike with you, some days he aches too much to do the active sort of date he prefers. He feels guilty if he spends a day not actively being productive or working out so I think these are probably the only lazy at home days he gets. I think likes to spend days at home days watching sports, or nature documentaries (getting new ideas of what he can transform into) while cuddling. He peppers lots of his own fun facts and dry humor in though. he’s not the best at cooking, as his grandma never cooked, they had a maid who cooked for the family. However, every now and then his mom would bake with him. but he still loves to cook with you. I think he likes to play chess, checkers, and other two person strategy games. Finish the day off with breakfast for dinner. Probably waffles with lots of fruit with some bacon or ham.
Leo’s ideal stay at home day with his partner? Probably playing Mario cart or Mario party. You, Him, A bowl of guac, an entire bag of tortilla chips. Sitting on the floor playing video games or building legos.. oh man he’d have every Star Wars Lego set. He’s in heaven. I think he lets you play with his hair too. He’s definitely a little spoon/sit on your lap/ lean on you not the other way around. he’s very skinny and pretty bony likely more so than you and doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable. Finish the day off with a fire in the backyard maybe some roasted hotdogs some 80s rock-n-roll CDs playing. I think he’d dance with you, not well at all but he’d try and you would just eat it up. Maybe watch some classic Mexican movies while y’all fall asleep- he’d like that. Tbh I think he just loves 80s comedies.
Jason is like Frank in that he struggles to have a day to wind down without feeling guilty. You have to force him to just chill out for a day man. Even so I think his ideal day is pretty structured. Wake up at 6am, make breakfast trying his best not to wake you up too. I feel like Jason loves him some steak and eggs for breakfast, bro was raised by wolves, he also can’t cook that many things… but he tries to make you something too. I think his love language is acts of service, so he makes you pancakes or a smoothie or just something simple that he knows is going to taste good. He wants to workout or train so bad but he knows it’s good for his muscles to have a day off plus he can spend it with his amazing partner. Honestly what he’d like most is doing your hobbies with you. I think he just likes to see you smile.
Percy: Percy needs a day off bro and he knows it. Percy’s idea of fun? Build a pillow fort in the kitchen with a Blue blanket (bare with me), fish patterned blanket on the floor. Man makes the cozy pillow version of the tunnel room in an aquarium. Don’t tell me he doesn’t have one of them y2k fish lamps. He and and you hang out there for the whole day him probably with a shark stuffie in his lap. I think because Poseidon is his father he’s really good at doing sailor’s knots and tying nets, therefore meaning he’s good at macramé and friendship bracelets so I think he’s like to make bracelets with you. Maybe watch some Jeremy wade or romcoms on a lap top. Play some board games. Listen to an audio book while curled up together. Just a nice slow paced day is all he needs
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tiredfox64 · 3 months
I already sent this ask but accidentally sent it before I could fully type it out, I apologize 💀
But I was wondering if you could write a Lin Kuei x reader where she finds a stray kitten outside and takes it in to nurse it back to health. She probably keeps the kitten hidden in her room. Tomas probably finds out about it first and she’s just like “please don’t tell Bi-Han” So the two of them help raise the kitten and try to keep it a secret from Kuai Liang and Bi-Han.
Thank you 🩶💛💙
Calico Critters
Yip notes: No need to apologize! Ah yes, the cat distribution system is working just right. It been working for me for years
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: I hope you’re not allergic to cats
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You’ve always wanted to own a pet of your own. It didn’t matter if it was a shaggy dog or a wimpy tortoise. You wanted to love and care for something when the world could not give it to them. But your family was not big on owning pets. They would tell you they were too much responsibility and cost a lot of money which you understood. You thought you would have a chance to care for an animal when you were an adult but that hope dwindled quickly. Bi-Han would not allow you to be distracted by even a moss ball. Unless that pet was a powerful stallion, you weren't getting anything.
But the universe doesn’t listen to Bi-Han. The universe gives when the time is right and that time is now. It is your destiny and right to own a pet. And what better way to start your loving journey than with the sweet love and attitude of a kitty cat.
You just finished practicing for the day, the winds pricking your skin even with how hot you were. If you stay outside for any longer you’ll risk getting arthritis in your joints. And boy is that hell in the winter and summertime.
You were stopped by a sound that you thought was the wind at first. A squeaking that was unfamiliar to you. There was nothing in Artika that could make that sound. Not even a seal would make this high-pitched squeaking noise. You followed the direction of the noise, bringing you closer to a fern bush. You moved the leaves out of the way and came across interesting colors. Orange, black, and white with a pair of green eyes. Oh my goodness, it’s a kitten! The poor thing was shivering and being pushed by the wind. It seemed to be alone. There was no mother cat around or even any siblings. This one might have been the runt of the litter.
“Oh, you poor thing.” You said softly as you lightly picked up the kitten in your hands.
It, or more like she since this was clearly a calico, immediately started nuzzling in your hand to gain some warmth. You couldn’t do much since your hands were starting to freeze as well but it was better than the rough ground and thin ferns. You started looking around to see if there was anyone else around. There were luckily none to see what you were about to do. You moved your uniform around to find a spot to stuff the kitten into. The only place that worked was your chest area. You let the kitten snuggle up against your uniform as you started making your way inside.
Your arms were crossed over your chest area as you took quick steps toward your room. It didn’t matter if someone had something to ask you or was asking if you were alright, you had to get this kitten somewhere safe. You had to ignore Bi-Han as well. That was a risky choice, you know how much that man hates when no one listens to him. There were other things on your mind.
Finally, you got back inside your warm room and let the kitten out. She was still shivering but it reduced. You grabbed the softest blanket you had before rolling her up in it. She was like a burrito in the softest tortilla ever. The squeaking sound she produced ceased and she finally opened her eyes fully since there was no snow pelting them.
They were as green as the fern you took her from. Her irises were not slit but like big orbs. There was already a connection made. You are her savior, her new mother. This world is too cruel for such a pure being to live in. You must protect and keep this calico. She needs you. If you try giving her to another family you’ll break her heart.
Have I guilted you enough?
Screw Bi-Han and his rules! You’re keeping her. You just need to keep her hidden. Good luck with that.
Your family was right, pets are a big responsibility. You had no issue with getting supplies for your kitty like litter, toys, and food. But goodness that little mouth can be loud.
Meow! Meow! Meow!
She never stops. Her mind is too small and fragile to realize that she is creating sound herself. She speaks but is there truly meaning behind her words? No. Her brain functions but not fully. It will still be a while before she can comprehend that she has control over her mouth. For now, she will scream for the gods to listen to her cries. Or she will just scream at you to feed her more fish.
You tried bottle-feeding her some formula to help calm her down. It works for a little before she screams. She drinks, she enjoys, she screams. What more does she want, she doesn’t even understand trigonometry. Why is she having a crisis?
Meow! Meow! Meow!
Tomas stopped walking in the hallway. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why did he hear a high-pitched meow coming from your room? What are you doing in there?
He walked closer to the door and placed his ear against it. He heard you speaking to someone, saying that they needed to quiet down and that no one could find out about them. There were more meows after that. He’s not going to wait for the answer to hit him in the face. He’s gonna investigate this for himself.
“What is that noise?” Tomas asked as he opened the door. His eyes widened once he saw something in a blanket and a bottle in your hand.
There is no easy way to explain this. You slowly turned around to show the colorful kitty in your arms. It was a relief to Tomas to see that you weren’t holding a baby but it’s still confusing. He was about to ask you why you have a kitten but you already started begging.
“Please don’t tell Bi-Han. You know he’ll tell me to get rid of her and I just can’t do that. Just look at her.” You held up the kitty burrito in front of Tomas.
“Where did you find a cat? When did you bring it here?” There were a thousand questions running through Tomas’ head but he did take a moment to look at her.
For once she quieted down. Her big, green eyes looked into Tomas’ soul. Those eyes were begging him not to snitch. They beg him to love her, care for her, to be a father to her. You were right, Bi-Han would tell you to get her out. Her small size or pure eyes would not win over his heart as it was doing with Tomas’ at that moment. Her little paws began clawing out of the blanket before stretching them to the sky. Her paws spread out and he could see the light pink toe beans that were so tempting to squish. Ah, it’s just too cute!
“You still need to tell me how you found it.” He reminded you.
You gave him all the details. You told him how you found her, what you did after, when you got all the supplies, and how long you’ve had her. You’ve only had her for a week and she’s beginning to desire more solids. You’ve been taking some of your fish from dinner and bringing it back to your room to feed her. Somehow no one has noticed until this point. You were doing well, she’s just a loudmouth.
“You seem to have your hands full. It’s like you became a mother overnight.” He joked.
She started taking big, wobbly steps on your bed. She climbs over the lumps in your sheets with determination. Her wobbly legs carried her to Tomas who was resting on your bed as you relayed everything to him. She screams and she is heard. Tomas laughs a little before trying to pet her. For some reason, she falls and begins to roll off the bed. He panics, rightfully so, as he tries to catch her in his big hands.
“Nooo, why would she do that?” He asked like he was truly heartbroken. He might have actually been heartbroken.
“She’s dramatic.” You replied.
Now she’s purring in his hands like she didn’t just cause him to have a heart attack. His thumb lightly pet her head and flicks her ears back and forth.
“Wait, did you even name her? You never once mentioned a name?” He pointed out.
“I was more concerned about hiding her than naming her. But I guess now would be a good time to think of a name.”
You two sat there for a good few minute trying to think of a name for this little scoundrel. This rapscallion who lies upon Tomas’ hands and receives pets from him. What to name a unique creature like her?
“How about Ionnah? I think it’s unique just like her.” Tomas suggested.
“Ionnah, huh? That sounds cool! I love that for her. Ionnah it is.”
She was already getting used to the name considering her head perked up once you repeated it. Now this secret lies with you and Tomas. You two are responsible for her. You both must hide her and care for her. Congrats, you have become cat parents.
She was easier to manage with the help of Tomas. He brought her more food and since he had more freedom to leave he took the time to get cat food for Ionnah. He even started to teach her to be a hunter like him. And by teaching that means letting her chase a cat toy in the shape of a mouse. Yup, that’s a lethal predator right there. She’ll be taking down some of the clansmen in no time.
But you two could not be more obvious. You do realize Kuai Liang sees all, right? You can’t hide anything from that man he will always get suspicious of something. He’s been seeing you both whisper to each other and giggle about stuff before sneaking into your room. Tomas always shuts the door quickly and locks it. Are you two…dating?!
Oh nah, he needs to know now. Why would his brother hide anything like that from him? He doesn’t like that at all. Kuai Liang kept a close eye on Tomas, almost mad dogging him until he would say something. It didn’t work because you and Tomas weren’t dating. You’re just parenting together which could be like dating if you fancy that.
Ah whatever, Kuai Liang needs to sharpen his kusarigama. And you both need to figure out WHERE THE FUCK YOU LEFT IONNAH!
“I didn’t realize I left the door slightly open. I was so tired after that mission.” You were crying into Tomas’ arms after you couldn’t find Ionnah.
“It’s going to be alright. We’ll find her. She couldn’t have gotten far with those tiny legs of hers.” He tried soothing you before taking your hand to look around the temple.
Ionnah was on a journey of her own. She may be small but she is mighty. She was looking around for some extra food since you and Tomas figured out you were feeding her fish multiple times a day without knowing. She likes her carp. But her green eyes saw something else that she was interested in and her slit pupils became wide.
She saw the rope that was connected to Kuai Liang’s kusarigama. The other end with the kunai on it was hanging off the table, the rope occasionally waving when Kuai Liang would move it to sharpen the other side. Those hunting practices Tomas was giving her kicked in and she bolted toward the rope with her claws out. She pounced on it, sinking her claws into it. She is so light that Kuai Liang didn’t feel anything pulling on his weapon. He only noticed something was wrong when he heard you sniffling near the doorway. Tomas’ eyes were angled down in shock as he was unsure of what to do to not make Kuai Liang look down.  Ah, too late he just did. That was when he noticed the furball made of white, black, and orange gnawing at his rope.
“Huh? How did that get here?” He questioned before leaning down and grabbing her by the back of the neck.
She immediately let go of the rope in response to the grab. Kuai Liang lifted her up to his face to get a better look. She looked perfectly healthy, too healthy to have just strolled into the Lin Kuei temple. Something ain’t connecting. He looked past Ionnah to see Tomas coming towards him with his hands out as if asking to pass her to him.
“Can we have her back please?” Tomas asked softly like that would stop Kuai Liang from asking questions.
“Explain.” He said bluntly.
You went over what happened again. You added on the fact that you begged Tomas not to say anything and he agreed to help you take care of Ionnah. All the while she continuously purrs in Kuai Liang’s lap as he pets her. She loves how warm he is. He’s like a sentient toasty blanket to her.
“I agree that Bi-Han would have told you to get rid of her. I would have agreed with him but now I see that she has not caused any distractions in your two. You both have been training still and doing missions. She has caused no issues.” Kuai Liang said as he looked down at her.
“So you won’t tell Bi-Han?” You wanted to double-check.
“No, I will not. But you might need extra help seeing that this slip up of yours could have gone wrong if she made her way to Bi-Han. I would like to help out. Plus, she is adorable.” He smiled softly as he smoothed out her fur.
This was awesome! Three parents for this little lady. One who is a 24/7 warm blanket for her, one who is constantly playing with her, and one who is a mother at all hours of the day. She is surrounded by so much love and warmth. Hopefully, no bitter cold will envelop her again.
You three have spent a lot of time in your room now. Every day after dinner you all go to your room to spend time with Ionnah. Every time the door opens she gets up from where she is and runs up to you while meowing. Her eyes are like boba every time she looks at you and her tail waves back and forth. She is that boost of serotonin that you all need.
Other than her mouse toy, Kuai Liang has figured out she loves rope. She loves climbing it and gnawing at it. He got her some rope that didn’t have sharp pieces of metal at both ends. She’ll start getting the zoomies when Tomas and Kuai Liang start playing with her. She will switch between the rope and the mouse before doing circles. You’d be there laughing at her cute antics. She’s gotten bigger and stronger since you first found her shivering in the cold. It warms your heart to see her enjoying her life with so much love around her. This is a better life than being stuck outside.
You’re still too suspicious. It’s the same thing except Bi-Han has noticed now. He notices how there are more whispers between you, Tomas, and Kuai Liang. He’s seen you all rush into your room. Though he didn’t come to the same conclusion Kuai Liang did, he was still suspicious. He believed the issue was in your room and he was right. That’s why he made you three go out on a mission so he could snoop around your room.
You were concerned about leaving Ionnah alone since Tomas and Kuai Liang would be with you. But Kuai Liang told you to lock the door and there would be no problems. He or his brother could help unlock the door once you guys get back. You thought that would be reasonable so you accepted the mission from Bi-Han. You did what you were instructed and locked the door. But do you think a lock will stop your grandmaster? Never.
When you guys left he immediately made his way towards your room. Of course, the door was locked but Bi-Han was quick to think of a solution. He made a pick made of hard ice to jam into the doorknob and it worked like a charm. He opened the door and Ionnah thought it was her parents. She leaped off your bed and began running towards the door until she saw Bi-Han. Her ears immediately folded down as she backed up. Her tail went down and she made that whining noise to alert that she did not feel safe. He is not her father.
Bi-Han’s eyebrows furrow in frustration as he watches her give him warning signs. She sure had an attitude.
“A calico…interesting…”
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“How could this happen again?” You started crying.
When you three came back and Kuai Liang tried to pick the lock he realized it was already unlocked. You three couldn’t find Ionnah anywhere. Not under the sheets, the bed, in the closet, under the dresser, or even in the drawers. You all ripped your room apart and could not find her anywhere.
“Do you think she could have snuck outside?” Tomas asked Kuai Liang.
“That is impossible, she hates the cold. She would not willingly go outside even to chase after us. She has to be in the temple still.” He said.
You all scattered around the place trying to find even a hint of her. There was no fur anywhere to hint at her being in a certain area. She did not respond to her name or even pspspsps. No meows or screams from her. You all met up in the middle again and none of you had any good news. But that’s when Tomas noticed something strange. He pointed to the fish pieces on the floor. There was a path of them all leading to…Bi-Han’s office! Oh gosh, he found her!
You three burst into his office expecting him to be holding Ionnah captive. Instead, you saw her lying on his desk while he worked on some paperwork. He sees he has to order more fish for the clan. Ionnah immediately picked her head up and jumped off his desk to run up to you. You picked her up and gave her many kisses, thanking the gods for keeping her safe surprisingly.
“I expect to hear that your mission was completed,” Bi-Han said casually.
You all were shocked. It was like he didn’t notice the kitten that was once on his desk.
“Brother, are you not going to ask-“
“Ask about the cat that you have been hiding away even though I told you that you were not allowed to own any pets,” Bi-Han said with a clear attitude.
You looked down all guiltily even though you have proven to be able to take care of a kitten. Tomas and Kuai Liang were not happy with their brother and his cruel tone. They were still confused about why he even had her in the room. He was ready to answer that though.
“I was wondering where the runt of the litter was. I was surprised to see it was a calico since they are rare. She does not look like her mother but she does have her fluffy coat.”
This confused you more until Bi-Han got up and walked over to a corner of his office. That’s when you notice the sort of fort made from blankets. He lifted one of the corners to show a bunch of kittens and one cat. That’s Ionnah’s family! She really was the runt of the litter!
You all got a closer look and saw that the mother was a Serbian cat with light gray fur. Her babies seemed to be a mix of Serbian and Russian blues. Some had darker fur while others had lighter fur. What they all had in common was the mother’s fluffy fur that was well-kept and her green eyes. Yup, that’s definitely Ionnah’s mother. Bi-Han placed the blanket back over to allow them to rest.
So Bi-Han was the one who took the rest of the family in? Who would have thought! Not even his brothers would have guessed that. What was he supposed to do, leave them out there to freeze to death? He can be evil and cruel but he’s not a monster. If he can manage a clan he can also manage a litter of kittens. There is enough fish to go around even for Ionnah which was the only way he could get her to leave your room. She would not allow his cold hands to pick her up.
“But I thought we weren’t allowed to have pets.”
“You are not allowed to have pets but I am allowed. I’m the grandmaster, it is my choice. Plus, they are useful when it comes to getting rid of mice.” The second point makes sense but the first is bitchy of Bi-Han.
“So…does that mean you are keeping Ionnah for yourself?” You asked in a sad tone, thinking Bi-Han would keep her for himself since he is the only one allowed to have pets around here.
“Why would I keep her when she does not allow me to touch her? There is no point. You can keep her but remember she belongs to the Lin Kuei.” It’s important that he adds in that last part.
You were extremely relieved to hear that and so were Tomas and Kuai Liang. That means Ionnah is still yours and you all get to do whatever with her. She can live with you and have other cats to spend time with if she chooses to. She’ll get all the fish she wants and if there are any mice around that’s an extra treat. Good thing Tomas was already training her. She’ll be the best mice hunter the Lin Kuei has ever had!
Yap notes: Speaking of cats here's my co-writer who sometimes distracts me:
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Also I do have calico critters that my bestie gifted me for Christmas which I gifted her a cat set as well:
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Also that card in the middle was cause i didn’t wanna put a divider or do a transition cause i got lazy and I just want more of my ice cream cake. Adiós!
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hauntedestheart · 7 months
Security Footage - Body Swaps (Part 1)
One of Trevor & Andy’s misadventures, a more detailed account of the sort described in Security Measures - Body Swaps
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While the university claimed it was supportive of its professors doing independent research and experimentation, Professor Bernard Smith of the Humanities department suspected that "using ancient magics to take the form of one of his students" was a proposal that likely wouldn't make it past the review committee, so he kept his activities on that project private.
He thought of the past twenty years he'd given to academia and heaved a melancholy sigh- society didn’t really put much consideration to how emotionally taxing it was to be a college professor. Every day, year after year, he stood at the front of a classroom and looked out upon a sea of smiling youths hopeful for a bright future that he had already resigned himself against; he aged, but his classes never did. Every rakish young man was a reminder of who he’d never be, and beautiful young woman was a reminder of what he would never have.
After all, the clock only moved one way.
Or, he glanced down at the ritual items he'd assembled before him. Maybe there's a miracle waiting for me.
He lit a candle and the changes began.
Once it became clear that Andy's… situation wasn't going away, moving in together had just made sense, but in the back of Trevor's mind he had been worried about it. Old habits are hard to unlearn and he hadn't yet shaken the niggling doubt that if they spent too much together and the novelty of the relationship wore off, Andy would realize that he could probably find someone better and leave Trevor hanging for a second time.
Reality was much kinder though, and living together actually brought the two boys closer than ever. Between school, attempts at a social life, and their constant misadventures, their small apartment became a sanctuary where it could be just them and no one else.
Trevor grabbed his bowl of tortilla chips and made his way from the kitchen to the living room, where Andy was sprawled out on the couch clicking through options on the television. Andy gave a little wolf whistle at the sight of his boyfriend bending over to put the bowl on the table, which made Trevor roll his eyes, and he picked up a chip from the bowl and flicked it towards Andy's face.
The throw fell short and bounced off of Andy's chin, dropping down and settling atop the boy's pronounced bosom; he plucked it up and tossed it in the air. Trevor watched with mild bemusement as Andy actually caught it with his mouth then squinted his eyes shut while he chewed, scrunching his forehead up as if he were deep in thought.
"Mmm, I'm detecting notes of salt… a hint of corn… is this gourmet? It must be," Andy smirked up at Trevor then leaned forwards and grabbed another chip, popping it into his mouth with a crunch. "This is why I got man who can cook. I would starve without you."
He threw Trevor a wink and a smile, which Trevor responded to with an eye-roll and a smile of his own. Andy scooted back on the sofa and spread his legs, patting at the empty space in front of him, and Trevor slipped in to claim his spot; the larger boy wrapped his arm around the smaller boy's midsection and placed an absent kiss on his head before returning his attention to the tv.
"Is this what you picked for tonight?" Trevor asked, referring to the film queued up on the screen- some sort of anime movie he didn't recognize but vaguely recalled Andy mentioning before. He tilted his head up so he could see Andy's face above him. "Have you seen it before?"
"I have, but I want you to see it too," Andy smiled down at his boyfriend before giving a mischievious chuckle. "It's awful, you're gonna love it."
Watching bad movies had become something of a "thing" for the two boys as Andy (for some reason) thought Trevor's dry observations were hilarious, and if Andy was introducing the movie as awful, Trevor knew he was in for a good time.
As Andy clicked play, Trevor snuggled in closer to him and gave a contented sigh. His muscular boyfriend boy liked to joke that he worked out so much so he could give better hugs, and when those strong arms were wrapped around him, Trevor could believe it. Being with Andy had made him appreciate being on the smaller side for a guy because it meant they fit together perfectly, and Andy's broad physique made for an incredible pillow.
He leaned back and rested his head on Andy's firm pecs, relaxing as he felt the young man's belly pushing outwards against his back while they- wait.
Trevor bolted upright and looked over his shoulder to confirm his suspicions- Andy's body was changing, and from the expression of shock on his face, he was well aware of it. Surprised, Trevor slipped off the couch and fell onto his ass, and his new vantage point on the floor let him see that his boyfriend's toned muscles going saggy beneath his clothes. The transformation made it appear almost as if he were melting, and the sight of it made Trevor so queasy he had to look away.
"FUCK!" Andy exclaimed, staring down helplessly at his hands as his skin bubbled and his flesh grew softer. He hurled himself off of the couch and bolted out of the room, the slam of a door echoing down the hall a moment later.
Well, Trevor thought to himself. There goes our weekend.
Unbeknownst to the couple, in a house across town, a lonely old college professor was having a significantly nicer evening. The Egyptian ritual he had uncovered had gone off without a hitch and now, everything that Andy had lost belonged to him.
"Well, I'm definitely getting tenure after this!" Bernard announced to no one in particular. He'd just made a major breakthrough in his field by proving that magic was real, and the proof was staring back at him from the mirror!
He leaned in closer to the glass and stared into his new eyes, tilting his face back and forth to admire the enviable visage he'd stolen from one of his students. A smile, which made him look rather dashing, appeared.
Andy Douglass from his Intro to World Religions class was far from the first jock to pass through his classroom, but there was just something about the boy that had caught his eye. He was an okay student, often late with his assignments but otherwise unremarkable, but his appearance made him hard to overlook- the tallest boy in the class, magazine-worthy looks, and a sculpted body so good it was actually a distraction to the other students.
Professor Smith couldn't miss the way every girl in the class spent more time looking at Andy than at the whiteboard, even going so far as to arrive at class half an hour early just to stake out the seats closest to where he usually sat so they could ogle the way his biceps flexed whenever he raised his hand. But whenever the young women tried to chat him up after class, the stud never seemed interested in them. The professor thought he was an idiot for it- beautiful females were throwing themselves at him and he wasn't taking what was offered? The young fool clearly didn't appreciate what he had.
After a few weeks of classes the professor had begun to fantasize about what it would be like to be the one in Andy's shoes, to be the hot young stud who had his pick of all the girls in the school. If that were his muscular body he would use it right and plow through as many women as he could find!
So when he'd stumbled across a spell to "take the form of another" in one of the hieroglyphic scrolls he'd been translating, there had been no question about who he would use it on.
Words could not describe how incredible it had felt as the spell took effect and the years shed off of him, his body shifting until all traces of his old visage were gone and he stood there in the form of the student he'd so envied. The professor quickly divested himself of his clothes so he could perform a thorough examination of his new body to gauge the effects of the ritual- as a staunchly heterosexual man it was a bit strange for him to be studying another man's body so intimately, but since it was his now he relished the opportunity.
It was a literal weight off of his shoulders as his belly melted away into nothing and for the first time in decades he had a flat stomach- more than flat, it was cobbled through with abs. He could touch his abs now, and he couldn't bring himself to stop rubbing at them just to feel the rock hard ridges beneath his fingers. In his old body these muscles would be shriveled up from years of disuse and buried behind layers of fat but now they were fully on display, and they looked damn fine! This was actual six pack, the kind that came from countless hour of crunches and other such exercises that Bernard knew nothing about.
His entire body was now threaded through with muscle and he had no idea where any of it came from but he was grateful for it and he intended to have a lot of fun with it. Broad, well developed shoulders slithering down to powerful arms that hung down on either side of a set of hefty pecs that look like they belong on a Greek statue- and he felt as good as he looked! Everything about his new body was so tight and compact, built out of trained muscles that stood up proudly rather than weak flesh that surrendered to gravity.
Experimentally, he dropped to the floor and began doing push ups- he hadn't even thought of the exercise since his days in high school physical education class, but he was filled with a burning need to test out his new muscles. Back in his old body he’d usually collapse after one or two and then need an aspirin, but as he pumped up and down with his strong arms he felt like he’d never have to stop. Liquid gold was flowing through his veins!
Over and over again he sank so close to the floor that his chest almost touched the boards, but something else always touched down first- the pièce de résistance of his new body, Andy's penis. Given the unfortunate size of the cock Bernard had been born with he'd been certain that it would be an improvement no matter what his student was packing, but this was beyond his wildest dreams. Even soft it was a behemoth, and the heavy balls that accompanied it were equally impressive. He'd certainly made the right choice when picking a new body!
Grinning, he hopped back up to his feet, appreciating the simple joy of being able to stand without his joints protesting. The years had not been exceptionally kind to him but even in his youth he’d been something of a weakling, so being a strapping young lad was a novelty to him. One he intended to make the most of...
There were so many possibilities! His mind raced but ultimately he came to the conclusion that there were really only two things he really wanted: to drink and to fuck.
In his real body he got drunk often (partially due to the sting a lifetime of missed avenues and wrong choices, mostly due to boredom) but there was a difference between drinking alone and at a party... and as for the sex? Bernard turned his attention down again, admiring the young man’s enormous cock. He couldn’t imagine what lovemaking would be like with such an impressive tool at his disposal!
Tilting his face side to side he admired how handsome Andy was. With that strong jaw, those deep brown eyes, the manly stubble, he’d certainly have no trouble landing a pretty young thing! And a head full of hair too! He ran his hands through his hair, a bit surprised by its unfamiliar, wooly texture, but he wasn't going to complain because he was just thrilled to have anything on his head.
"Hello there ladies," he tested out his new voice, which was so deep and rich compared to his old one. If he'd taught classes with a voice like this, maybe students would have listened more! He leaned in to the mirror, letting him stretch his new wingspan, and imagined that he was talking to a group of admirers. "I don't suppose any of you pretty young things would be interested in showing an old man a good time?"
"No? Well how about a young stud like me instead?" he said cockily, making his bicep bounce a few times, and he pictured a classroom full of girls swooning. "Ladies, please, don't fight! There's enough of me to go around." He winked then reached down and took his new cock into his hand, wagging it around so its huge (even when soft) length danced, and he felt his balls tingle. "More than enough for all of you."
His mind drifted back to his ex-wife, who had left him after ten years of marriage because she "wasn't attracted to him anymore" and he cackled with delight when he looked at the young stud in the mirror. He'd like to see her try to say that now! But he wouldn't give an old broad like that the time of day anymore, no, he was more interested in girls "his own age," and on a Friday night he knew there would be plenty of them out there waiting for him.
Satisfied with his examination of his new body, Bernard hastened to get dressed so he could head out for a night on the town. He could work out the realities of his situation tomorrow- tonight he was going to have some well deserved fun.
None of his boring old clothes would fit a body like this so he'd thought ahead and picked out a new outfit to match his new body- something classy, unlike the baggy dreck that the youth of today wore. He slipped into a button up shirt, purposefully leaving it unbuttoned halfway down his chest to allow a tantalizing peek at his new torso, and he dabbed a bit of cologne on his wrists for good measure. The pants were a bit tighter than expected and he had to shimmy his hips to squeeze himself inside and leave the belt fairly loose, and when he looked in the mirror he realized why.
"Oh dear god..." he whispered, turning himself to the right and left to get a view of how his new butt strained at the back of his pants. He'd had to guess at the boy's measurements and he'd severely underestimated the size of Andy's posterior. Bernard never understood the fascination that young men these days seemed to have with their posteriors- what on Earth would any man need with such a giant backside?
But when he turned back around and saw the bulge in the front of his pants, the only thing he could think about was stepping out the door and finding someone to use it on.
"Get ready world," he boldly declared. "There's a new big man on campus."
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flowery-laser-blasts · 8 months
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Happy Lunar New Year and ring in the year of Drakk-- I mean, Drakg-- the Dragon!
There's a LOT going on here so let me elaborate: - Mama Lipsky invited Dr. Drakken and Shego to come to GO City since it's been a while since their last get-together and she wanted to see what these 'Chinese line dances' are all about. - Drakken didn't know about this plan until two hours before the get-together, because Shego thought it would be more fun to see him panic around to get ready. As a last-minute revenge plot, he rang up GO-tower (good thing it's in the phonebook) and asked if Hego, Mego, and the Wegos were up for a house visit after lunch. Hego instead suggested that they could all meet up at a restaurant for dinner as a fun surprise for Shego. - The possibles coincidentally are also at the restaurant as a "Thank you for helping my boys out when his friends couldn't make it to the lion dance performance." "No big, really! It was an honor to help you all out with this!" "And these lion pants! They're so stretchy and elastic and they don't fall off even after dangling around on top of a tall pole! So say. Are cassava chips like the Asian equivalent of Tortilla chips? Because my man, do I have a spectacular idea coming up!" thus Ron rushed off into the kitchen to make a... well, sort of chips, noodles dish (he ran out to Bueno nacho when he couldn't handle the 'spice' of the cassava.) and well yeah.... 'Toodles' (Tortilla Chip Noodles) was born. Kim being left alone was then spotted by... "Drewbie? Isn't that your friend Kim?" "No." "Yeah, look it's Kim! The girl who helped you and Shego save the world? Yoohoo! Kimberly!! Over here, grab a seat dear! Really Drew, I still can't believe you lied to me about being a radio talkshow doctor instead of a secret service agent training and inspiring the next generation of heroes! Really, you can trust me to not tell others about it." "Yeah, how could you ever lie to your own mother about that, Drewbie." - Meanwhile, James found out that Jim and Tim had this idea of making an actual Dragon 'fly' by the power of science and some spare rocket parts in their dad's car. - Motor Ed simply heard the words 'get-together' from his aunt and invited himself over.
I hope everyone (who celebrates it) has a great time and may this year be a great one for all of us! <3 <3 <3
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melisnonstop · 4 days
There’s nothing remarkable about the morning.
It’s a Tuesday, the sky a dull gray outside, the streets of New York humming in their usual chaotic way. Alex doesn’t expect anything to happen. He’s just another face in the crowd, just another law student finishing his degree, counting down the days until he can make a difference, raise his voice, bend the world toward the kind of justice that feels like home.
But right now? He’s just tired. Running on coffee fumes and stubborn willpower, the buzz of caffeine humming faintly in his veins.
The bell above the door of the coffee shop chimes as he pushes through, the warm scent of roasted beans wrapping around him like an embrace. He’s done this a thousand times before—a routine. The barista knows his order. It’s nothing special—as many espresso shots as legally possible, with cinnamon and enough sugar to cut through the bitterness.
He steps up to the counter, taps his fingers idly, eyes scanning the menu he doesn’t need to read. The world around him is a blur of soft chatter, clinking mugs, the hiss of the machines.
But then—it happens.
There are no fireworks. It’s not the stars falling from the sky. It’s just a pair of eyes.
A pair of blue eyes. Endless. Familiar. The color of oceans and skies and promises never spoken aloud.
The boy who’s been there—in glimpses, in whispers—woven through his life like a thread of starlight.
He’s sitting by the window, a cup of tea in hand, a book open before him. And Alex knows, in the deepest part of himself, that he has been waiting for this, for him, for this moment, all his life.
"It's you."
The words catch on the edge of Alex’s tongue, unspoken but heavy in the air.
Across the room, the boy—now a man—looks up, eyes locking with Alex’s as though he’s been caught mid-thought, mid-breath, mid-life.
The faintest smile tugs at the corner of his mouth,like somehow, inexplicably, he understands.
It started long before Alex ever knew it had started.
Soft, flickering visions that would come and go—strange but comforting, like hearing a melody from a distant room, just out of reach.
A glimpse of blue eyes, a laugh carried on the wind, a feeling like a heartbeat not his own.
Alex remembers being six, sitting on his grandmother’s porch, the Texas sky stretching out like a blanket of stars above him. The world smelled like sun-warmed earth and tortilla dough, like home, and his abuela would hum under her breath, soft melodies that curled around him like the evening breeze.
"Es un sueño, cariño," his grandmother said when he told her, voice soft and slow. "Dreams are more than just sleep,They are echoes. Susurros. The universe whispers its secrets to us."
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phoebepheebsphibs · 3 months
Free invite to rant about your tortillas as humans
*clears throat*
Mkay @belleyellsaboutturtles @truths33k3r4 @boots-with-the-fur-club come getchy'alls food
So I'm calling the AU "Lou Jitsu's Kids". I'm still working on the story and a few details, but basically this is how the story goes...
It begins introducing the most important characters to the AU and giving some quick context, starting with Lou Jitsu. (His story is exactly the same as canon until a certain point so I won't explain him lol).
Next we're introduced to Bea M, Lou Jitsu's manager, publicist, former roadie, owner of the Hotel Nexus where Lou Jitsu lives, and girlfriend. But secretly and unbeknownst to Lou, she runs an underground crime syndicate and mafia under the pseudonym "Big Mama".
The story picks up at Lou's proposal to Big Mama. She declines, fearing that if they were to get married, her secret double life would be revealed. Lou is heartbroken but accepts her answer, believing that she will one day accept it when she's ready.
The next introduction is to a young struggling single mother, who's boyfriend left her after the unplanned pregnancy of their son, Raphael. Raph's mom has just been laid off and rent is due at her crummy apartment. Though she wants to keep her son, she understands that she cannot support him and is forced to give him up for adoption so that he might have a better life.
Next, we are introduced to a happy young family moving to NYC for the father's new job as an architect. The mother has taken a job teaching kindergarten so she can stay close to their twin sons, Leonardo and Donatello. However, on the drive, the vehicle is crashed into and Leo and Donnie's parents are killed instantly.
We are then introduced to a person the narrator refers to as "a nobody" or something like that. The "nobody" has just been given a wonderful gift, but decides to throw the gift away simply because they do not want the responsibilities that come with it. They are shown shoving a small bundle into a dumpster in the alley before running. We are then introduced to Michelangelo, a newborn baby, who is quickly running out of time.
Lastly, we are introduced to Baron Draxum, a man who owns a small and failing orphanage. He manages to hear Mikey crying in the alley and rescues him, taking him to the hospital before bringing him to the orphanage later. At first, we are meant to believe that Draxum is just a grumpy old man yet essentially harmless, but we learn that the orphanage is a front for illegal science experiments, drug enhancements, and genetic experiments hidden beneath the building. Draxum begins experimenting on the four newest additions to his orphanage -- Raph, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey.
If I remember correctly, a few years later, grandpa Shō dies. Distraught by the loss of his last remaining family member, Lou Jitsu reflects on his life and his family. He chooses to visit "Draxum's Home for Little Lambs" on a whim and ends up meeting the four boys, who adore his films and idolize his characters. Lou decides to use his wealth and and connections to donate to charity, specifically choosing to renovate Draxum's Orphanage and provide funding for a rec center as well. Lou continues to donate to the orphanage and even goes so far as to invite all the kids on a tour to his film studio to watch how movies are made. With each visit, he falls more and more in love with the four boys and eventually decides to adopt them all, much to Bea M's disagreement. However, after meeting the boys and seeing the poverty they come from, she changes her mind.
There's a heck of a lot more after that, but this post is long enough so I think I'd stop there for now and ramble another time...
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devildom-doll · 1 year
The Obey Me characters at MC’s Latino/Hispanic Party 🫠
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A/N: Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!!¡¡!¡ I am not sorry for this. The only thing I’m sorry for is my grammar. Remember this is joke, okay? ùwú
Word Count: 625 words (I think, idk, didn’t count)
TLDR: just read the title, man xD
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-Lucifer be talking with MC’s relatives, eating his pan con cafésito; probably telling them about how much his pendejo brothers don’t let him sleep at night. But also, he unintentionally brags about them cuz he loves them so damn much.
-Mammon be gambling with some of the drunk tiós; probably playin Lotería or somthn. He’s gonna lose, of course, and they’re gonna trash talk him but he speaks fluent Spanish so he’s gonna tire himself out and have nothing left. He’s gonna have to ask your abuelita for some dinero.
-Leviathan is playing video games with the primos who like anime, then he’s gonna realize interaction with people is a pain and he’s gonna lock himself in the room where someone’s baby is randomly sleeping.
-Satan tried learning some Spanish before coming to the party, but then he realized Lucifer is fluent af, now he tryna hunt Luci down with the piñata bat, jejeje. Then he’s gonna get drunk with the cool primos… drunk to the point where he’ll be fluent by morning.
-Asmodeus be dancing to Shakira and Daddy Yankee, and probably get concerning stares from your religious abuela telling you he needs el amor de Cristo. He probably gonna flirty with the tiás and brag about you being his amor. (he just learned how to say “te amo,” and he tryna find you… he drunk too)
-Beelzebub ate eveything he ate the pozole, y los tácitos, y los tamales, y las pupusas, y las empanadas… el come de todo.   El taquero is probably tired of seeing him and he keeps asking the relatives what each food is called and how to make it.
-Belphegor tomando siestas con el bebe y con Levi porque interaction is painful. Actually, he was with Beel earlier, and he takes note of the food Beel eats so both of them can find the recipes when they get home… if they actually do go home…
-Diavolo talks to all the relatives, like all of them, he says goodbye to all of them when it’s time to leave too. He probably is the drunk tío. Also, he speaks fluent Spanish. He probably plays games with the family and plays with los primitos too. Lord Diavolo doesn’t exist anymore; he’s Señor Diavolo now.
-Barbatos be helping in the kitchen making the food that the family is gonna eat (Beel too). Family be impressed, he makes some good ass food and knows damn well that Dia is gonna demand Hispanic human food to be served at RAD. He’s got the hands that perfectly shape las tortillas, people be impressed. (Also, he says sí mi Señor cuz mega lul)
-Luke is playing with los primitos, he got on the jumper, hit the piñata, and he had some pan dulce con leche. Then he got tired, and he be laying, stomach down on the couch or some random room waiting to leave. (Luke was the baby in that room btw jeje)
-Simeon also be helping the the kitchen, making the sweet stuff and preparing the coffee. 100% got along with your religious abuela; oradon y hablaron a sus vidas porque Simeon es un abuelo también. Your family loves him the most, probably, next to Luci and Barb.
-Solomon speaks fluent Spanish… cuz there’s a spell that makes him do that. He talked to some relatives, he probably scared your religious abuela con la brujería. Simeon and Barb kept him out of the kitchen. He’s just vibin tbh, probably sitting with you as you watch your demon/angel harem interact with your familia.
MC (tu 🫵🏽) is watching your demon/angel harem interact with your familia. Also, you comforting the sleepy boys telling them, “si ya vamos, solo un poquito mas…”
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respectthepetty · 9 months
Dunk x Chef Ghost Ship!
It's finally THE episode of Hidden Hangout where the chef gets flirty
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and the boys get tipsy!
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I've seen pictures of this on various socials, so I'm ready for Dunk to speak English to the Spanish chef for the entire episode
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And I was not disappointed!
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Dunk and the chef were in their own little world.
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Look at their faces! Everyone in that room knew what was happening which is why they are all applauding.
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This is the type of energy I live for. This chef is doing the most. The tattoos. The nails. The glasses. The flirt. I hope that man is being well-taken care of.
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Everyone in this room encouraged this behavior.
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The image doesn't do it justice! He popped his hip with a bit of sass!
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Tortilla Española, my love!
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Look at Dunk's face!
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Dunk is just calling out the crying friend while being very unhelpful.
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We know who the flirty drunk is and who the emotional drunk is. It tracks.
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Joong was so emotional, he rang the bell again that signals for the crew to dance, and the reaction from ALL THE MEN to not dance again while the women just chilled is everything to me.
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Men, you don't have to make excuses to cry.
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Stop! Just cry because you're happy. It's not the food. It's not being tired. It's because the vibes are right, the chef is hot, and the drinks are good.
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If this were First and Khao, full on breakdown would have already happened.
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Sangria brings out the best in people.
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I'm telling y'all! It's about the vibes!
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If the chef ain't standing on the bar to pour drinks directly in my mouth, I DON'T WANT IT!
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A fucking vibe.
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Everyone else can go home. This man stole my heart.
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El Palanca Chef with Frida on the left hand and Dalí on the right, I'm coming for you, you sexy motherfucker.
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buttdumplin · 4 months
‼️ MDNI, ageless and blank blogs will be blocked too ‼️
Pierced Ears - poly 141 x latine gn!reader, fluff Baby Bug gets her ears pierced. The boys all react a little differently, but boy, are they amazing fathers.
In Dub - poly 141 x latine gn!reader, fluff The ways in which the boys navigate Spanish at home.
Meet the Fam - Price x latine gn!reader, fluff You take the old man home.
Cuanto cuesta - Kyle x fat latine gn!reader, fluff Sneaking some solo time with Kyle.
Spoiling Kyle - Kyle x latine transmasc! reader, smut He deserves to know how loved and cherished he is.
Polaroids Pt 1 - Simon x gn!reader, implied poly 141, suggestive Simon is the first of the boys to ask for polaroids. He less asks and more takes matters into his own hands.
Polaroids Pt 2 - poly 141 x afab gn!reader, smut You’ve got intense baby fever and Simon makes a complete meal out of it, especially now that he’s got his trusty camera.
Tortilla Boys - poly 141 x transmasc latine reader, fluff, suggestive The white boys don't know how to deal with the sun.
Their Jewelry - poly x gn! reader, smut The boys have different uses for their piercings.
Gender-affirming 141
Can't be your housewife - Price x transmasc reader, fluff (tho a little tense) You confess at bedtime.
Boy Juice - Price x transmasc reader, fluff, complex gender feelings John Price helps you with your weekly testosterone injection.
Pussy Nukes - Price x transmasc reader, suggestive John continues to help you with your medicaton.
6 Weeks - poly 141 x transmasc reader, comfort There is one detail you haven't discussed yet in preparation for your hysterectomy yet.
Potential for Disappointment - poly 141 x transmasc reader, comfort, complex gender feelings The boys ask you about your feelings on packers.
Week One - poly 141 x transmasc latine!reader, spanish-speaking reader, fluff One week post hysterectomy and you're ready to pull out your hair and theirs. Ale and Rudy can help.
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Could you write a crossover story featuring Beau/Ally and Harm/Savanna?
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @keyweegirlie @snowlover250 @kenbechillin @@too-strong-to-lose @buckysteveloki-me @sca3a @flopiboni @secretsquirrelinc @@sportslovers-world @burningpeachpuppy @mandy426 @@al-lethan @thiashazzywriting @justameresimp @agentorange9595 @lxaah11 @librarian1002 @imaginecrushes @flrboyd @areamir @b-bradshaw @adaydreamaway08 @crimeshowjunkie @inkandarsenic @caffeinatedwoman @tortilla-maria1 @lemmons1998 @dr-alan-grantler @penguin876 @deliriousfangirl61 @goosterroose @kishie8 @skyesthebomb @marshmallowflufffox @whateversomethingbruh @4everademigod @notanotherpotter @yousigned-upforthis @silversprings-mp3
Ladies and gents we got ourselves a crossover! Refs to both Ally's career in JAG and Beau being a flyboy.
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It’s in a park by The Naval Yard that Mac first sees Harm again. It’s been nine years since she last laid eyes on him and he still looks as handsome as the day he packed his bag and walked out the door.  He’s standing alongside the coffee kiosk, hands tucked into the pockets of his dark overcoat as he surveys the menu board fixed the outer wall.
She doesn’t expect to see him back in Washington DC, the last she heard he was seeing a girl down in New Orleans, spending all his shore leave celebrating Jazzfest and Madri Grais. That man, she’d thought at the time, he’ll never grow up.  
She hasn’t had a single successful relationship since she left Harmon Rabb and she blames him for that. She blames him for a lot of things. The two of them had made a pact when they’d flipped that coin, he was supposed to stay out of the service, live life as a civilian in San Diego. They’d get married, have a couple of kids.
It had worked for a while but then he’d run into Ally again and it had all started to fall apart. The Admiral's Wife, Mac calls her, because she’d married Beau Simpson a decade ago, the rear admiral in charge of the Top Gun program.
Harm had been her mentor when she was coming up through JAG. He’s walked her down the aisle when she had married Beau at sunset in Cape Rey. Mac remembers she’d been a ferocious little thing, tenacious and fierce in the face of adversity. She packed a hell of a punch in the court room. Mac should know, she’d run up against her a couple of times since taking the promotion in San Diego.
“She’s as good as you.” Mac had told Harm over dinner one night. “And just as infuriating.”
“No.” Harm had responded, sipping from his beer bottle. “She’s better.”
It was Ally that had urged Harm to rejoin the Navy, her and Beau. Mac couldn’t see how unhappy he was at the time, she hadn’t understood it, not really. She remembers the day he’d come home from the airfield, eyes bright with exhilaration. He’d been out flying again with Beau, the two of them were like boys with toys once they got up in the sky. Testing boundaries, playing wargames, showing off. He always ended up at their home afterwards, talking cases over dinner with Ally or swapping war stories with Beau. He would come home with a smile on his face, smelling of cigar smoke, tasting of whiskey.
“I’m re-enlisting.” He’s told her that night after he stepped out of the shower. “It’s a different commission from JAG, it won’t mess up our agreement.”
He was wrong, it had been the end of everything. The posting that Beau had offered him meant he was away on aircraft carriers for six months out of the year, flying jets and sailing ships, the two things he loved most in the world.
Mac had hated him for that, she hated Beau and Ally for giving him that option because now she was the one left behind. The lonely one, the sad one.
It had lasted one deployment.
By the time the next one came up, it was over.   
It was a way of punishing him at the time, she’d expected him to resign his commission, come back with his tail between his legs, but he hadn’t. He’d packed a bag instead and gone to stay with Ally and Beau before shipping out to the USS Allegiance, she hadn’t seen him since. She’d heard stories over the years from mutual friends, places he’d been, women he was seeing. He’d become the Harm she used to know, the one without ties or commitments.
She had always believed they would find their way back to each other. Nine years and thousands of miles later, it’s finally happening on a rainy day in Washington DC.
She doesn’t realise how wrong she is, not until she sees you. You’re hurrying towards him, gesturing with your hands, your voice full of apology. He smiles then, and it’s that smile that completely obliterates her. She’s never seen him smile like that, not in all the years she’s known him.
You’re nothing special, not really. She’d call you pretty as opposed to beautiful, a step down from the women he usually covets. You aren’t military, she can tell from your walk, but you carry, she can see it in the way your coat drapes. Law enforcement then, she assumes. Most likely NCIS.
Strong women, she recalls. That’s what Harm’s attracted to, strong capable women.
It’s when he kisses you, she knows that it’s real. When he cradles your face between his large hands, there’s such tenderness in his expression. He looks at you as if you’re the most precious thing in the world and her heart just breaks. He’s loved before, she realises in that moment but he’s never been in love, not until you.
Her eyes start to sting because for all these years she’s clung to this hope, this stupid ridiculous dream that the two of them were meant for each other. She’d imagined that they’d bump into one another, their eyes would lock and it would be like it was back then. Nights filled with fire and passion, their days adventure and laughter.
That life, it isn’t a reality anymore.
It’s clear that Harm’s moved on and it’s time that Mac does too.
Love Harm? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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thedumbboy14 · 6 months
Mexican! Percy Jackson
Soooo, I'm back with more headcanons for my lovely Mexican Percy, and I'll explain more of the lore behind it.
Lore - Sally Jackson
Silly headcanons
In my headcanon, Sally Jackson is the daughter of American immigrants who settled in Mexico (specifically in Todos Santos, a small pueblo near La Paz, Baja California Sur), just because it is cheaper to live in Mexico and be "hippies" while earning salaries in dollars (typical gentrification).
Everything happened like in the books, Sally's parents died in a plane crash and she was left an orphan, but now with the added problem that she was living in a small Mexican town in the middle of nowhere. Her uncle Rich raised her since then moving to Todos Santos himself.
In her senior year of high school (quinto semestre de preparatoria) her uncle was diagnosed with cancer, so she was forced to drop out of school to get medical care for her uncle, having to move from Todos Santos to La Paz due to Todos Santos not having a proper hospital at the time. He eventually died and she was left alone in the biggest city of Baja California Sur.
Eventually, she returned to Todos Santos for a summer job or something like that, and she met Poseidon at Punta Lobos, a local beach where most people fish and swim. She saw Poseidon's trident through The Mist, even if most mortals thought the Trident was just a harpoon. Poseidon appeared to be a young man of yaqui descent, the typical South Californian fisherman, really. They fell in love and, well, Percy was born.
Sally was alone and with a child now, and the most logical thing to do was to go back to La Paz, as Todos Santos just didn't have a lot of job opportunities for her and lacked good quality schools. She raised Percy in a small house in La Pineda, a small neighborhood in La Paz, and eventually got married to Gabe Ugliano, an American immigrant (I'm so creative fr/s).
Percy's way to cope with his abusive stepfather was to go to the Malecon and fool around, fishing and swimming all day long like most (poor) kids in La Paz before/during the 00's. Sally worked in a supermarket and she was in charge of making traditional sweets like mangate, guayabate, empanaditas de cajeta y frijol and so on.
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Since he was a little kid, Percy's dream has been to study marine biology at UABCS
Percy would kill for a warm flour tortilla smeared with mangate and some cheese (del que rechina porque sino, no)
Percy is called white all the time, because, for Mexican standards, he is perceived as white because of his light brown skin and green eyes, but he has prominent yaqui (indigenous) facial features
He's just a silly boy living a silly life.
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melanieratford · 1 year
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On May 5th, 2015, my best friend gathered a bunch of people to go see Avengers: Age of Ultron at the theater in the town next to my hometown. At the time, I was in no mood to be in a relationship... As I had only been single for maybe 6 months. When we got to the theater, she pointed across the foyer and said “There’s my college friends.”... I zeroed in on the guy that had the Sheldon Cooper shirt and yelled “OH MY GOD! SHELDON!”. I did NOT realize the guy I had just yelled at was super cute until AFTER I had yelled at him.
When we got into the actual theater, most of the college friends sat in the front, but the cute guy sat next to me. The more he talked, the more I liked him. I wanted to hold his hand, but I had just met him. It was kind of awkward because, on the other side of me was my best friend and her boyfriend who were cuddling...
After the movie, half of us went to IHOP and the others went to Rosa’s Tortilla Factory. The cute guy went to Rosa’s... He should have come to IHOP.... Because the other girl that was with my half of the group and I wouldn’t shut up about how cute the boy who sat next to me was. My best friend ended up scolding him the next morning saying stuff like “You’re in so much fucking trouble! My friends wouldn’t shut up about how cute they think you are!”. He asked her if he could have my number and she angrily said “YES! You can have her number!”. On April 4th, 2016, after almost a year of talking and getting to know each other, we started dating. A year later we went to see the live action remake of Beauty and the Beast. I got us rings that say “His Beauty” and “Her Beast”.
On May 5th, 2023, 8 years after we first met, we went to the theater in my town (the theater we met at closed down) to see Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3. After the movie, he took me in front of the big poster in the theater’s foyer and proposed! Obviously I said “YES!”! His mom took pictures and gave us a $50 gift card to On The Border. When we left the theater, we went to the restaurant and ate Tex-Mex on the patio while we enjoyed live music. It was absolutely perfect!
Funnily enough, my fiancé accidentally let it slip what day he was gonna propose on before Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania even came out, so I had time to prepare and make myself perfect. I got us shirts that were just like what we wore the day we met. I bought makeup and nail stuff to make sure my nails and makeup looked amazing and we both asked for the day off. I don’t wear makeup! Yet, for this day, I wore Sailor Moon eyeshadow and lip gloss, as well as eyeliner and mascara!
@candysweetposts edited Castiel’s proposal illustration to look like my fiancé and me. I sent her pictures of what we were gonna wear so that it would be as accurate to how the proposal would actually look as possible. I even sent her a pic of my engagement ring (because I helped my fiancé pick it out).
Drachea Rannak did a wedding image of our My Hero Academia characters, Slipstream and Kaiju, at their wedding. The background is the ballroom from the animated Beauty and the Beast and the arch is the Infinity Stones. Margot’s dress is the style I want, but I’m thinking about getting a black dress, so my fiancé is able to see her outfit and not have to worry about bad luck. We’re gonna use this image as our “Welcome Sign” for the wedding. Drachea also sent me the foreground of just the two of them so that I can get a custom acrylic stand made for the cake topper!
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atths--twice · 1 year
Building Blocks
Being a child of a Navy man means leaving those you care about behind. But not always forever…
I absolutely loooove this one. I hope you do too.
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Kittery, Maine Naval Housing Late October, 1973
The leaves crunched under her feet as she ran to the wooded area just past the last row of houses. She turned around and checked to see if anyone was watching her before she slipped past the big tree and kept running, her breath coming out in white puffs. 
Stopping in front of the small, rather warped shed that her father had moved back into the woods for her to use as a fort, she turned the handle with cold fingers. Her mother would tut when she saw that she had once again forgotten her gloves. 
“It’s fall now, Dana,” her mother had said many times recently. “You need to wear your gloves. And your hat.” 
Whoops. She had forgotten the hat as well. 
But it would be fine once she was inside the shed, as it was slightly warmer than outside. 
She opened the door and let out a deep breath before stepping inside and taking off her backpack. Moving the two folding chairs and collapsible tv tray to the center of the space, she opened her backpack and took out the food and items she had brought with her. 
Two chocolate Ding Dongs, a canteen full of water, and a bag of tortilla chips were placed on the now open tray. She had wanted to bring the Doritos as she was partial to them, but she knew her mother would notice if they and the Ding Dongs went missing. 
The chairs opened and arranged, she sat down to wait, her mouth watering at the thought of biting into the chocolate treat in the foil wrapper. 
A whistle sounded, the one she had taught him, and she looked out the open door to see him walking toward her. She grinned even as she felt her heart speed up, something it had been doing lately when she saw him, though she did not understand why. 
“Hello there, Dana Scully,” he said with his lopsided smile, his hands in his jacket pockets. 
“Hello to you, Fox Mulder,” she replied, suddenly feeling very nervous. 
“Oh, Ding Dongs… those are my favorite,” he said as he stepped inside. 
She knew they were. Of course she did. 
“I was going to grab different chips, but…” 
“You mean these?” he asked, pulling Doritos from his backpack and handing them to her. She grinned and nodded as he sat down, taking out his own canteen. “I know you like those.” 
“I do.” 
“Yeah.” He smiled at her as he picked up a Ding Dong, unwrapped it and handed it to her. 
“Thanks,” she said, taking it from him and feeling her stomach jump when his fingers brushed hers. 
“So what’s the plan for today?” he asked, unwrapping his own treat and taking a bite. 
As they ate, she showed him the drawings she had made, discussing what she wanted to do, her nerves falling away as she spoke. 
“Wow. It looks really good.” 
“You’re the smartest person I know, the way you figure out all of those plans,” he said and she stared at him in disbelief, as she always did when he said stuff like that to her. “Even better than some of the boys in my class. And your brother for sure.” He smiled and she felt her cheeks getting warm. 
“He doesn’t listen to me,” she said quietly. 
“Because he’s dumb. Not smart like you. Come on, let’s get to work.” 
They left the little shed and walked further into the woods where they had been building a treehouse over the summer. The other kids living on the base had been around to help when they were all out of school, but had since lost interest. 
Some of the older boys, like Fox, who at eleven was two years older than her, had left because they had not wanted to listen to her ideas. They teased her and called her drawings and plans girlie and dumb.  
“What’s girlie about it?” she had demanded, tears pricking at her eyes though she would not let them fall. 
“Oh no, she’s getting mad,” Paul, one of the oldest boys had said while the others laughed. “Watch out for the tiny thing.” 
“You shut up,” Dana had yelled and they had laughed even more. 
“Let’s go. Who wants to be listening to a little girl anyway. We’ll make our own treehouse. Much better than this baby one.” 
“Yeah, let’s go.” 
And they had left, laughing and mocking her as they did. 
All of them except for Fox, who had walked over and wordlessly picked up the paper Paul had crumbled and tossed on the ground. Fox had smoothed it out against his pant leg and handed it back to Dana. 
“Where should we start?” he had asked and she had turned around to wipe her eyes so he would not see her tears. 
As the weather began to change, they were the only two who continued to venture out into the woods, gathering fallen branches and bringing items they found at home to add to the treehouse. 
Truth be told, the shed was better, but the treehouse required work and figuring things out like a puzzle. Dana loved puzzles and building things with her hands, something most other girls, including her older sister, did not want to do. 
Fox, an only child, spent a lot of time on his own, exploring the woods or reading. Occasionally he joined the older boys, playing whatever sport was popular at the moment. It being fall, football was taking over and he was a good addition when they needed an extra body. 
Paul had teased him when they first started playing, telling him he was spending too much time with Dana and calling her a baby. They had a fight, Paul gaining a black eye from it and Fox a busted lip, but after that, Paul never said anything to Fox about her. 
Dana had been furious at first, telling Fox that fighting was stupid. 
“What if he had knocked out your teeth? Or busted your head instead of your lip?” 
“He wouldn’t. He’s bigger, but I’m faster. He’s lucky it was just his eye that I hit.” 
“But, Fox-”
“He shouldn’t say things like that,” he had interrupted, staring at her with a serious expression. “Not about anyone, but especially about you. You’re a hundred times smarter than him and he knows it. He won’t bother you or talk about you anymore. I promise.” 
And in that moment, when she had not been expecting it, not truly understanding what was happening, she had fallen in love for the first time. 
“You know,” Fox said, as they climbed up the ladder they had made from pieces of scrap wood nailed to the tree. “I think we could maybe somehow connect this treehouse to the other tree there.” He pointed as Dana stood on the landing and followed his finger. “Do you think we could?” 
“Mmm… maybe. If we…” She stepped closer and looked at the tree with its wide branches and thick trunk. “We could make a… like a bridge? I think it might be difficult, but I could draw something up tonight. What do you think?” 
“I think it would be great. Make Paul eat his words.” He bumped his shoulder into her and she grinned. 
“Yeah. It would.” 
“Come on. It’ll be dark soon.” 
When the light began to fade and her fingers had long since remembered how it felt to be warm, Fox had dropped the hammer back into the small toolbox. 
“Well, it’s the most we can do for today.” 
“Yeah,” she agreed, blowing on her hands to warm them. 
They climbed down and walked back to the shed. They put away the chairs and tray, put on their backpacks, and walked out the door, closing it securely. 
He walked her to her house and then waved as he walked away, whistling the whistle she had taught him once again. She watched him until he turned the corner and he was out of sight. 
At her desk in the bedroom she shared with her sister, Melissa, she drew up plans to connect the trees and make a large treehouse. She was happy with how it turned out. Her eyes scanned the paper to look for any mistakes before she placed it into a protective folder to show Fox the next day. 
She waited for him, Twinkies sitting on the table this time, but for the first time ever, he did not show up. When it got too dark to see, she used her flashlight to guide her way back home, her heart aching and tears clogging her throat. 
Melissa was over at a friend's house and Dana was thankful she had the room to herself so she could cry without being seen. 
After her cry, as she lay in the dark, she heard something hit her window. Looking over, she saw when it happened again. Getting up, she opened the window and looked down to find Fox standing on the lawn. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there today,” he said, dropping the small rocks in his hands onto the ground. 
“It doesn’t matter,” she said, not wanting him to know how much it had hurt her. 
“It does. Can you come down? I need to talk to you.” 
“You already said sorry.” 
“Please, Dana,” he said softly and she nodded before she closed the window and left the bedroom. 
She left out the back door and walked around the side of the yard, meeting him on the front lawn. 
“I am sorry I wasn’t there today. I wanted to be, but there was a good reason.” 
“What reason?” 
“My dad got new orders,” he said, staring at her with sad eyes. “We’re leaving.” 
“Yeah,” he whispered. “My parents have known for a couple of days, but they just told me this afternoon.”
“You’re leaving? Where are you going?” she asked, tears clogging her throat again. 
“Overseas. Japan.”
“Japan…” Dana breathed. “That’s so far away.” 
“I know.” 
“When are you leaving?” 
“Two days.” 
“Two days?” she asked, unable to hold back the tears that fell down her cheeks. 
“They need my dad quickly. I don’t understand it all, but we leave in two days.” 
“I… I don’t want you to go,” she whispered, wiping her face. 
“I don’t want to go either.” 
“But you have to,” she said, knowing how life worked in the Navy- you went where you were told without question. 
“I have to,” he replied, nodding his head. 
The front door opened and Dana’s mother stood on the threshold, surprised to find them both standing there. 
“Fox? Is everything okay? Your parents are alright?” 
“Yes, ma’am,” he said with a tight smile. “I… I didn’t meet up with Dana earlier and I came over to apologize.” 
“Oh, well that was kind of you.” 
“I have to get back home now,” he said, nodding at her mother and then looking at Dana. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Yeah,” she whispered, nodding her head. 
He turned around and walked in the direction of his house, never looking back at them. 
“He’s such a nice boy,” her mother said and Dana began to cry, her hands covering her face. “Dana? What is it, honey?” 
Dana ran to her mother and threw her arms around her waist, crying into the long sweater she wore that smelled of cinnamon. 
“We won’t finish the treehouse,” Dana said the next day as they stood staring at it. 
“We could try to get as much done as we can,” he suggested and she shook her head. 
“I don’t really feel like it,” she said softly. 
“Me either. And I have to be home soon anyway,” he admitted. “I have to pack up my stuff. My mom said she could, but I want to be the one to do it.” 
“I would too,” Dana whispered, thinking about someone else packing her most prized possessions and how much it would bother her. 
“I hate that we won’t be able to try to connect those trees. I’m sure whatever you came up with would have done it.” 
She looked at him and he stepped closer to her, hugging her for the first time ever. It stunned her for a second and then she was hugging him back, closing her eyes as she tried to memorize how it felt to have him so close. 
He stepped back and let her go, smiling sadly as he let out a deep breath. 
“See you tomorrow, Dana Scully.” 
“Yeah. Tomorrow, Fox Mulder,” she said, forcing herself to not cry. 
He inhaled and nodded before he walked away, the special whistle the last thing she heard. 
Dana’s whole family, along with a few other neighbors, stood on the street saying goodbye to the Mulder family the next afternoon. The women gave them food they had baked while the men offered advice that was already known by everyone. The kids in the neighborhood said goodbye, giving Fox small trinkets he could carry with him in his bag. He nodded his thanks, his eyes often finding Dana’s in the small crowd. 
“Alright,” Bill Mulder said, shaking Dana’s father’s hand for the last time. “We have to get going. Time to shove off.” Everyone laughed out a groan and stepped away from the car calling out for safe travels. 
Fox walked up to Dana and smiled, his hands in his pockets. 
“I’ll write to you,” he said. “Once we get there, I’ll send you a letter.” 
“Okay,” she whispered. 
“Here,” he said softly. “I want you to have this.” From his pocket, he took out a smooth, flat, black stone. “I found this one day out in the woods and I really liked it. I was going to put it in the treehouse, but now… you’ll have to do it… when it’s finished.” 
“Thank you,” she said, taking it from him and nodding as she looked at it. “It’s beautiful.” 
“Fox! Come on!” his father shouted and Fox sighed. 
“I have to go. Goodbye.” 
“Wait! I have something for you too.” She took a folded piece of paper from her own pocket and handed it to him. “It’s a drawing of the treehouse.” He opened it quickly and she watched him as he looked at it. 
“You finished it,” he said with a smile. “It’s perfect.” 
“No. But it’s good.”
“It’s perfect,” he said again, smiling with a nod. 
“Fox,” his mother said. “We have to get to the airport.” 
“Okay, Mom.” He stepped forward and hugged Dana for the last time. “Goodbye, Dana Scully.” 
“Goodbye, Fox Mulder,” she whispered. 
He stepped back and hurried to the car, getting in and closing the door. He waved to her and she waved back, holding her tears in until their car had left the neighborhood and he could no longer see her.
She never did finish the treehouse. Her heart was no longer in it. 
And six months later, when her family was relocated to the state of Washington, she broke off one of the ladder rungs to take as a keepsake. Adding it to her ‘Fox Mulder’ box, which consisted of the rock he had given her when he left and the three letters he had sent her from Japan, she walked out of the house and did not look back. 
June 1977 San Diego, California 
Dana locked the bathroom door and took the Polaroid picture out from where she had hidden it under her shirt, her heart thumping almost painfully in her chest. There had been a few pictures and she took the one that she felt would not be missed. 
Seeing him so unexpectedly, as she and some other girls in the neighborhood had come to meet the new family, had made her freeze in place. Her ears rang and the conversation had suddenly sounded far away. 
Fox Mulder, four years older than the last time she had seen him, was smiling at the camera with the same lopsided grin. His hair was longer and his face leaner, looking more like a man. But she could still see the boy she once knew. 
“Did you take these pictures?” she had asked Susan, the older of the two sisters they had just met. 
“Umm,” Susan had said, looking at what Dana was showing her. “Yeah! Well, no. I didn’t take them, but I was there. Isn’t he dreamy? You’ll never guess what his name is!”
“What?” Dana had said, not letting on just yet that she knew him. 
“Fox! Isn’t that a hoot?” Susan had said, laughing with the other girls. “He was so sweet. He wasn’t really attached to any of the girls, but he danced and talked to all of us. One of the girls at the party had my camera and took those pictures. He was a good sport, but I don’t think he really wanted his picture taken.”
”When was this?” Dana had asked, looking through all the pictures again. 
“About six months ago, at a Christmas party at the base we just left.” 
Six months ago, Dana thought, touching his face in the picture. And two years since I’ve heard from him. 
But… he still had the ability to make her stomach flip and her heart race. Even more so now as she could recognize the feelings for what they were and what they had always been. 
She loved him. He had been the first boy she ever loved and the one by which she measured all others. 
And how she missed him. 
Putting the picture back under her shirt, she splashed some water on her face and left the bathroom to ask Susan if she knew how to get in touch with Fox once again. 
June 1981 Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Dana, 
I still can’t believe I heard from you after all this time. I’m so sorry we lost touch. You have no idea how sorry. 
It’s going to sound crazy, but the day your letter arrived, I had been thinking about that old treehouse and wondering if any children played in it or had added to it. I’m sure if they have, it won’t look anything like your vision. Only you could create something like it. 
“Dana! Come on! You’re going to be late!” 
“Yeah! I’m coming!” Dana called back, putting the letter she knew by heart after all these years back into the ‘Fox Mulder’ box with a smile. 
She checked her hair one last time, grabbed her cap and gown hanging on the back of her door and her shoes from the floor, before she ran down the stairs. 
“It’s your graduation and you’re the last one out the door,” her father said, tapping his watch with his eyebrows raised. 
“Looking good takes time, Daddy,” she said, smiling impishly as she hung the gown up on the small hook and went around to get in on the other side of the car. “We have plenty of time.” 
“Hmm,” he hummed and shook his head, checking his watch again as he too got in the car. 
October 1982 Cornell University
Dana was reading as she walked to her dorm, checking to see if the answer she had put down in a test was correct. She stopped walking as she scanned the pages, holding her breath until she let it out as relief washed over her. 
“Not that I doubted myself,” she said quietly, closing the book. “And now you’re talking to yourself. Stop it or people will think you’re crazy.” She struggled to get the book back into her bag and when she finally did, she turned and ran directly into someone. 
“Oh my God, I am so sorry,” she said, stepping back with an embarrassed chuckle. “I need to watch where I’m go-” 
She stopped speaking as her eyes widened and she took another step back. 
“Hello there, Dana Scully,” came the familiar words that were now spoken in a much deeper tone. 
“Hello to you too… Fox Mulder,” she whispered, shaking her head in disbelief as he grinned the lopsided smile she loved so much, his hands in his pockets. “What? How are you here? How did you know where to find me? What are you doing here?” 
“I called my mom, who then hunted up the number and called your mom, who then called me back and could not stop gushing over her incredibly brilliant daughter who was currently at Cornell University studying to become an engineer. Well… when I told her I wasn’t at all surprised to hear that, she laughed and said no, she supposed I wasn’t.” He grinned at her and she shook her head again. 
“So you’re… you’re just here? Here?” she asked, her brain not quite understanding what her eyes were clearly seeing. 
“Yeah. I’m here.”
They stared at one another, taking in the new faces they saw, while also seeing the friend they had once known so long ago. She smiled slowly and then threw her arms around his neck, crying and laughing at the same time. 
“I have missed you so much,” she whispered. 
“I’ve missed you too,” he said and she laughed as he squeezed her tightly, lifting her off her feet and spinning them in the crisp autumn air. 
“Please don’t leave again anytime soon,” she said and he laughed as he set her down. 
“I have absolutely no intention of doing any such thing.” 
“Good,” she said, staring at him and still feeling as if it was all a dream. 
“How about we get a cup of coffee? I think we have some catching up to do.” 
“Yeah, we do,” she agreed and he grinned. 
Gesturing for her to lead the way, she began to walk and he fell into step beside her. His hand brushed hers and her stomach flipped as a flush crept over her body. When his fingers intertwined with hers, she exhaled a deep breath, closing her eyes for a brief second, a smile tugging at her lips. 
“Do you think the place we’re going to will have Ding Dongs?” he asked and her eyes flew open as she laughed. 
“Not likely, but I know a place close by that sells them.” 
“Good,” he said, squeezing her hand as they continued on the path. 
No, she thought with a smile and almost imperceptible shake of her head. It’s more than good. So much more than good. 
November 1990 Boston, Massachusetts 
It was late, but she was nearly finished with her project. She had drawn and redrawn it so many times, the lines were beginning to blur. 
Stepping back, she looked at it and nodded, feeling that sense of completion she did every time she got it just right. 
Leaving the papers laid out so she could check them over one more time in the morning, she laid the rock Fox had given her so long ago directly in the middle. Pressing two fingers to her lips, she kissed them and then touched the rock before reaching to turn off the light above her large drafting desk. 
Before she did, her eyes landed on the drawing of the treehouse she had made and given to Fox to take with him when he left for Japan. He had saved it, always keeping it pressed in one of his favorite books so it did not get lost. He had carefully traced over her pencil lines with a black pen when it had begun to fade, wanting to preserve it. 
He had surprised her with it the first night in their first apartment. 
“That’s been all around the world,” he had said, touching the black frame as they both looked at it and her eyes filled with tears. “And now it’s finally back home.” 
It had sat on a shelf until it was the first picture they hung in their new home. 
The second was their wedding picture and some days she was not sure which one she loved more. 
Leaving the office, she intended to head to bed, seeking Fox’s warm body to snuggle into, but a light coming from the backyard porch stopped her. 
She walked through the kitchen and smiled when she saw Fox wrapping multicolored Christmas lights around the railings. Grabbing her jacket, she put it on as she opened the door and stepped outside. 
“What are you doing out here, you crazy man?” she whispered, mindful of the late hour. 
“Adding ambience to our little corner of the world,” he replied, smiling at her before returning to his task. 
“And you couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” 
“No. No time like the present,” he stated, reaching for the last strand and beginning to wind it around the handrail. 
She watched him as she shook her head, too many emotions suddenly nearing the surface. 
“Hey,” she said softly. 
“Yeah?” he replied just as softly.  
“I love you.”
He looked up and smiled, abandoning the lights and walking over to her. She tilted her head back to look at him and his eyes dropped to her lips. 
Pushing onto her tiptoes as he lowered his head, their lips met in the middle, her hands pressed gently to his cold cheeks. He pulled her closer and she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
“Still the smartest person I know,” he whispered against her lips and she exhaled a chuckle. 
“And?” she prompted teasingly, pulling back to look at him. 
“And,” he said, smiling the smile that would forever make her feel weak in the knees. “I love you too.” 
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