#tor aksel Eriksen
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“Chaos Was Her Name”
Chapter One Chapter Two
Pairing- Konig x reader *call sign (phantom)*
Summary- König has been going to therapy for his depression and self isolation. That lands him in the therapists office when one mission goes wrong. But his whole world is gonna be turned upside down. Recently joining the 141 Task Force he keeps to himself. But things are gonna change.
TW-Mentions Blood, Death, Unprotected P in V Sex, Size Kink, Fluff, Pining, Some Angst, Lack of Sleep, Comforting, Praising Kink. Obsessive! König!
A/N- artwork credit to @ave661 . Watermarks are present in the artwork. Floral dividers are from @saradika
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“How long are you gonna wait for her?”
Therapist glances to König.
“She told me she didn’t like me back. I cared so deeply for her and she pushed me away and left me”
“It’s been 5 years since she was declared dead”
“Nein, she isn’t to me.”
“König, when you received the news you were there to view the body. Is that right?”
“And you made a positive I.D on the body. You did let your superior know that the person they brought back from the field was her.”
“Nein, I didn’t make the call. One of the TF guys called it for me. I- I uh I couldn’t cope with it. I dream of her. I see her around base she runs and hides from me.”
“When I wake up she’s gone. And everyone keeps reminding me she’s not real.”
“I could never be more alone without her here”
“Her name was Sergeant Sarah Smith”
“Don’t say her name”
“When I dream of her she runs away, but the moment she sees me she’s scared of me.”
“König your obsession with Sergeant Smith was something we discussed before her untimely death.”
“Your obsession with Sergeant Sarah have they been laid to rest since her passing”
“So I heard there are new recruits coming in from another private military base”
“Just three people their from Kortac the private military company I use to work for.”
“Okay have you met them yet. Remember we’re to work on our social skills and interactions with other members of the team and your superiors.”
“Ja, I remember”
König fiddle with his gloves looking down at the hem of his mask. Picking at the loose thread that dangled. Pulling on it his mind wondered. Thinking about Sarah and how she looked at him when he confessed his love to her. The look of disgust and rejection written on her face. That hurt more then anything.
König avoided her after that incident. Thinking about the day she was KIA out on the field. He did shed a few tears but his heart hurt. The feeling of rejection was all too familiar for him.
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Thinking back when he was a child in Austria. The way everyone bullied him for his face and height. He did have one friend but that friend moved away to the states leaving him alone.
König as a child often sat alone on the playground watching the other children play and giggle on the school yard.
Watching all his classmates playing with one another but his heart long for the girl with the bluest eyes like the ocean. Her golden hair that was split into two braids that framed her pretty freckled face.
Watching her from afar made his little heart flutter.
König would pick flowers for her on his way to school and leave them on her desk in the morning. He wait around the corner waiting for her to see the flowers.
The way she smell them and smile made his heart skip a beat. He would write little notes with poetry and leave them on her desk. Watching her read them she would smile and run to her friends holding the flowers and notes.
Watching all her friends gather around her smiling and giggling about the notes and flowers. König wanted to confess his love to his crush. She made his cheek burn so much he had to hide his face in the crooks of his arms.
But his moment was ruined when Hans ran over to his crush tagging her back and running off with his friends.
Hans was König classmate that bullied him often. He tried to be his friend in the beginning but Hans always made fun of his height and called him nasty names.
König kept his distance when it came to playing outside on the school yard. He would sit under the trees watching everyone play and socialize.
He longed to be included on the games. The only time anyone would talk to him was the bullies.
They would throw rocks at him when he walked home. Never fighting back he simply ignored it walking home. The name calling hurt him the most. When arriving home he dust himself off before walking inside to greet his Mother and Oma.
König fathers was a Colonel in the Military but he sadly passed away while on a mission when he was only 9 years old. König always looked up to his father although his father was very tough on him. He admired his father accomplishments. He often daydreamed he would one day become a Colonel just like his father.
“Hallo Mutter, wo ist Oma?”
“Mein Schatz, du bist zu Hause, wie war die Schule? Oma ist im Garten.”
König nodding his head to his mom holding his school bag storing it away wiping the dust from his cheek. Walking to the kitchen he kissed his mothers cheek, smiling to her taking a Apfelstrudel from the counter taking a bite, thanking his mother before walking out the back door.
Walking past the rose bushes his mother planted, to find his oma sitting under the tree his opa planted for his oma.
Sighing with a heavy heart he put on a fake smile walking over to his oma. Before he could say anything she already knew he tried to sneak up on her.
“Mein kleiner Bär, komm raus, ich weiß, dass du zurück bist.”
His Oma already knew König was sneaking up behind her. She smiled and waved to him to come over to her.
König walked over looking down at his leather brown shoes.
“Sind es wieder die Tyrannen, mein kleiner Bär?”
König nodding his head in shame. Sighing heavily he bursted into tears hugging his Oma tightly. Wiping his face into her blouse and cardigan. His small cries and whimper’s muffled in her chest.
“Oma why am I different?”
“You’re special my little bear. Your grandfather named you my little king. You’re a special kind young boy that will grow into a wonderful young man.”
“Oma, there’s a girl I like in my class I want to tell her but I’m scared she might get scared of me.”
“König, one day you’ll meet a special girl that will love you for you. If she can’t see the sweet loving boy I see now then she isn’t one.”
Those words echoed in his memories of home. All throughout his teenage years König was faced with rejection. The memories of the disgusted look on all their faces made his heart break. All that was left was the shell of the sweet loving boy that his mother and oma saw. König often paid for sex when he was off duty.
Meaningless sex meant nothing to him. Keeping the hood on often made the sex workers nervous of him. He pay them and lay in his bed unsatisfied with the sex. He wanted someone to lay with him to hold his heart and hopefully one day take the mask off.
He often found himself longing for a loving warm embrace. He would often watch the new recruits walk around base. Somedays he would often jerk off in the showers thinking of some of the female recruits awhile they exercised. After squirting the walls and his hands with his thick ropes of cum. Looking at the water washing away all the cum off his hands. The shame would overcome him.
Finishing up his showers he would walk back to his room his head hanging with shame.
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“Our session is finished for today. Would you like to schedule another session for another day next week?”
“What day will work for you?”
“Can I get back to you on that Doctor?”
“Sure König, my door is always open and give us a call as well we can discuss more over the phone if you like?”
With a smile the therapist clicked her pen and closed her notebook. Walking to the door she opened it for him allowing him to leave her office. She sighed as he left. Exhausted for the day and all the sessions she had to take on for the day. König was a very unique case.
Clicking her pen she takes a seat looking out the window jolting down her notes.
König had developed a obsession with one of the new recruits that had an untimely death. This loss had thrown him off his feet landing right into my chairs. He’s being put on temporary leave for the time being. His superiors put him on watch for the first few nights. Looking over his record on the field he has never failed a mission nor lost anyone. But this one particular mission that ended with 5 soldiers killed on the field under someone else command made his mind wander off. He started to self isolate and fell into a deep depression. I’ve seen this a few other times but König is a Hound of Love. Something in his childhood must’ve started this conquest of searching for love. He looks for love in the many faces of his fellow comrades. This is something he has acknowledge and he is willing to work for the time being. But we are making progress on moving past this grieving period. And coming to acceptance with Sergeant Smith death. He’s starting to share a bit more in our therapy sessions.
I will make note to his superiors that König is cleared for active duty in a few days. After our last meeting which is next week. He will be cleared to go back out on the field.
A Few Days Later
“König wheels up in 20”
One of the privates knocked on his door frame.
Nodding his head he stood up from his bed sighing looking at his gloved hands reaching down to pick up his gear bag. Walking out with his weapon strapped to his chest and his side arms all in there holsters. Listening to Price and Ghost talk about the mission. The operators they we’re receiving from his old employers were sending over three operators to assist in this mission.
Listening to the briefing again he board the plane storing his gear away. Taking his seat looking down at his boots and knees he looked around staring at all the soldiers who sat in silence. His mind often wandered to love.
“Was he not capable of love?”
“Why did all his past crushes all repulsed by him and especially when they asked about his face and hood.”
Lost in his thoughts hours had gone by and the turbulence of the plane jolted him up from his dark thoughts. But his mind often wander to Sergeant Smith.
The way she looked at him when he admitted his feelings to her and the flowers she stepped on before crushing his heart.
His heart broke.
All those sleepless night thinking of her.
“Why am I a hound for love. I search and search for it and come up empty handed.”
As the hatch opens the rush of cold air chills everyone to the bone. But for König his heart was already broken and cold. His cold lifeless eyes burned with bloodlust. Gathering his gear he walked out sweeping the area waiting for everyone to get into position.
The rumbling of the aircraft lifting away rumbling his chest and awakening his inner beast for bloodlust.
Listening to Ghost mission objectives. König couldn’t focus enough looking down at the ground covered in snow. Flipping the switch on his radio the static came rushing through and the sounds of a women singing softly piqued his interest. Looking up and listening closely to his radio he confirmed his suspicions.
Ghost listened to his radio.
“That’s our sign let’s move”
Moving as one they made their way around the buildings that were left in ruins. The smell of smoke and gunpowder filled his senses. Watching the snow fall to the ground he didn’t see or hear someone get the drop on him.
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Falling forward to the ground he felt a cold sharp blade pressing against his mask on his neck.
“Move again and that will be the last thing you do”
“Phantom! Let him up”
The familiar sound of the deep voice resonated in Königs mind.
König stood up dusting himself off he walked over to the large man hidden in the shadows. Aksel emerged from the darkness hand extended out. König grasped his hand aggressively the two men laughed and smiled to each other.
“It’s been too long Brother”
“Ja, too long Tor”
“I didn’t know you were coming here. Captain Price informed me that you overseas busy with another mission.”
“Nein Brother. We finished early”
“Let me introduce you to my fellow operators. This is Sebastian and this is (y/n).”
Emerging from the darkness stood Sebastian and by his side stood a goddess.
“This is Krueger and I’m Phantom”
“Aksel we don’t go by our formal names!”
“This is König”
Aksel chuckled at her little outburst and brushed it off as he continued his conversation with his friend König.
There she stood the goddess that graced him with her spitfire attitude. She had a covering that covered her face. Her eyes sparkled under the moonlight she looked up to him holding a rifle on her back that was almost as big as her.
“Phantom back to your position. Krueger go with her we rotate in 3 hours we leave at dawn. The snowstorm is supposed to hit in a few hours.”
“Come inside brother we have much to discuss.”
König walked beside Aksel but he was so enamored by her the way she sighed and rolled her eyes. Her spitfire attitude made his heart flutter but his cock quiver.
Krueger was quick to notice the way König was staring at her as they walked away. Krueger laid his hand on her back as they walked away. König clenched his fist swallowing harshly his cock quivered more leaking precum from watching her walk away and the way Krueger laid his hand on her back as they walked away together.
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“Phantom, but her name sounds so sweet rolling off my tongue and lips (y/n)”
König listened to the conversation but his sight wandered to her small form as she sat by the window. The cold winter breeze chilled her she shivered slightly. Keeping her rifle next to her she felt someone presence behind her before she could react she felt someone drape a coat over her back.
“It’s okay, I’m fine.”
“Nein, it’s freezing tonight. It’s a bit hot wearing my jacket too.”
She looked back into the street and keeping her gaze out there she smiled to herself and pulling his jacket more closer to herself. Inhaling the smell of his jacket was very pleasant. It smelled clean with a hint of floral scent. She smiled slightly.
“Thank you”
She whispered to him as she shifted slightly in her position. König smiled under his mask and stood up leaving her alone on watch. Walking back to Aksel he looked at him shaking his head walking back to the fire sitting beside him.
Aksel glanced at him. Giving him a smirk. König scoffed at him and pulled a cloth from his chest pocket and started to clean his gun. Glancing at her every so often she stayed perfectly still with his jacket covering her. It warmed his heart. But deep down his cock throbbed for release. Shifting himself as he sat trying to sit comfortably while watching his goddess stay warm under his jacket.
That’s was enough for him for now.
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A/N-I do not claim credit for the artwork. I do try to credit the source. I do apologize in advance if I offended anyone. I am so sorry to whoever I offended. I will do better for the future.
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indefenseofkara · 1 year
MWII Operator Headcanons: Kortac edition
Hello! It’s time for my Kortac headcanons! I’m doing the base operators that came with the game (except Oni because he’s a playstation exclusive so I can’t play him.) Like before, all images are screenshots from my game.
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“Fender” Takacs
momma's boy, in the positive sense
can be loud and rambunctious, easy to view as a "mans man"
but very respectful of women and doesn't tolerate any of that "locker room talk"
the whole "mystery dad" thing has maybe gotten out of control
and when he's drunk he might let slip that he thinks his dad is someone like Reagan or maybe Elvis
or a time traveler. Seriously
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I like the cleft pallet head canon
definitely a guy who crafts
there's already a ton of fan ideas about him, I don't really have anything to add
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“Calisto” Allard
thinks she's better than you, but she's right
honestly one of those people who is good at everything and it's just not fair
refuses to look unkempt. No messy buns, no old t-shirts. Even her lounging around or doing chores clothes are high quality and well coordinated
still coming to terms with the fact that she isn’t straight
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Darnell “Hutch” Hutchinson
competitive to a fault
seriously, just say "bet I can (blank) better than you" and he's ready to go
really good singing voice, a deep baritone
I think he has sisters. idk why, it just feels right
he’s actually the most meta character because he worked with the Call of Duty Endowment, which implies CoD exists within the world of CoD
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Kim “Horangi” Hong-jin
has attempted to bet on the fact that he's a terrible gambler
it did not work
because he is a terrible gambler
can really hold a grudge
dyed his hair blue one time and kinda wants to do it again
likes to paint his nails
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Rozlin “Roze” Helms
I like to think that she put Graves in his place a couple times when in Shadow company
like can you even imagine? He'd say some sexist remark and then say "not you/you're different/you don't count" or some "boys will be boys" nonsense
as if Roze isn't ready to throw down on behalf of any and all women in the fucking world
has been the "only woman" or the "first woman" in organizations for so long, and she's sick of it
maybe that’s one reason why she split from shadow company?
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Sami “Zero” Zakaria
his call sign is the answer to the question "how much sexual attraction do you feel?"
(I'm trying to say he's ace)
yeah he had his rich party boy days, but that was more of a performance; a persona molded by societal expectations
when not in the battle field he's surprisingly chill
cannot stand low quality alcohol
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Declan “Conor” MacConor
this mf-er blinked in my first screenshot of him
will play up the accent to get laid. No shame
if people get annoyed by his filthy mouth he talks about how cursing is a part of his ~culture~
guilty pleasure: reality tv
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Tor “Aksel” Eriksen
serious about sunscreen. He's Scandinavian and has scars and tattoos. Gotta protect that skin
definitely owns a motorcycle
probably part of a heavy metal band at some point
he’s one of those guys who will wear shorts and sandals when it’s snowing and tell everyone “it’s not even that cold!”
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Salvatrice “Stiletto” Muselli
biggest issue with her scar is that it makes it hard to do covert/undercover work
due to working on anti-drug task forces, she always carries narcan
has definitely threatened to castrate someone. Like holding a knife to their sack and everything
pretty good at giving herself manicures
she’s my fave, tbh
Thanks for reading! You can find my Specgru headcanons here. 
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asshork · 2 months
For your rp server, what characters are the 11 already playing?
I don’t own it, my friend does! I am just a moderator :) we have gained a lot more characters and have around 25 players now.
Here is a list of canons taken and not taken!
We have tons of OCS as well!
Task Force 141
- John Price
- Kate Laswell
- Simon "Ghost" Riley (On Reserve)
- Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
- John "Soap" MacTavish
- Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Los Vaqueros
- Colonel Alejandro Vargas
- Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra
- Jesus "Chuy" Ordaz
- Gustavo "Gus" Rodriguez
- Zhiqiang "Zimo" Huang
- Kleopatros "Kleo" Gavras
- Nila "Nova" Brown
- Sobieslaw "Gromsko" Kościuszko
- Zé "Luna" Míngzhū
- Daniel "Ronin" Shinoda
- Arthur
- Blueprint
- Rocket
- Isa "Byline" Juarez
- Eyitayo "Ripper" Davies
- Benjamin "Warrior" F
- Thibault "Riptide" Lefebre
- David "BBQ" Fischer
- Mike "Jabber" Yuan
- Abe "Jet" Kaede
- Elodie "Lockpick" Micheaux
- König
- "Fender" Takacs
- Calisto Allard
- Darnell "Hutch" Hutchinson
- Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
- Hiro "Oni" Watanabe
- Sami "Zero" Zakaria
- Tor "Aksel" Eriksen
- Declan O'Conor
- Salvatrice "Stiletto" Muselli
- Zosar "Zeus" Kalu
- Klaus Fisker
- Nikto
- Ana Vega
- Mila
- Blaze
- Thirst
- Izolda "Warden" Garanina
- Gytha "Alpine" Stromme
- Pham "Enigma" Lan Minh
- Clyde "Bantam" Hogan
- Ateret "Doc" Dahan
- Natalya "Raptor" Orlov
- Ricardo "Corso" Vargas
- Roland "Swagger" Kaminski
- Ari "Dokkaebi"
- Orla "Banshee" Murphy
- Bashiir "Hush" Shirwa
- Manoel "Hammer"
- Void
Shadow Company
- Phillip Graves
- Mace
- Velikan
- Rozlin "Roze" Helms
- Marcus "Lerch" Ortega
- Osmond "Oz" Ryan
- Nikolai
- Yegor Novak
- Sebastian Krueger
- Sydney "Syd"
- Iskra
Urzikstan Liberation Force
- Farah Karim
- Alex Keller
- Samara "Pathfinder" Jalal?
- Ziryan "Scorch" Serhati-Hadid
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lumi-cake · 2 years
A Fallen Angel (Fem!Reader x König)
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⚠️TW⚠️ : Blood, Gore, Weapons, Death, Anxiety, Shock
🚫I do not own the rights to any mw or cod characters
✅ This is a fanfic, some lore may not be accurate.
It was pouring down the rain, you almost couldn't even see a foot in front of you. The only sound was the windshield wipers squeaking across glass. We had a low profile to check out, it was König, Aksel aka Tor Eriksen, Oni aka Hiro Watanabe, and I. We just have to infiltrate a abandoned warehouse and see where they have been sending their supplies. It is 20 past midnight, the city is quiet as we pass through, We reach the warehouse about 2 klicks past the city limit.
We park behind trees and we turned the lights off before we reached here so no one would see us. We quietly got out of the van, while everyone was getting geared up König came over to me. "You stay here in the van okay? Stay low and quiet" you hold onto his arm "Let me come with you please" you beg the masked man looking up at him. "I can't have you in danger love" He adjust the straps on his vest. You cross your arms "then why did I even join?" you can see him smile by the way his eyes squint "We might need a medic you never know". You un tuck your arms "Exactly which means you could get hurt!" He doesn't respond immediately he just pulls you into a hug. You knew he was just looking after you. You sigh "Just be safe please" He pulls away from you and give you a nod as he joins the rest of the team as they walk into the darkness.
You go back into the van and lay down across the backseat. You keep checking your watch over and over. After everything you have lost, you always had König. He has gotten you through so much and you couldn't even bare the thought of something happening to him. You keep telling yourself this isn't a big mission and you are also here to patch up and scratches he gets.
You snap up out of the seat when you start to hear gunfire. Every ounce of you wants to go run and check but you know he told you to stay here. You know it's best if you stay, you don't want his focus on trying to save you that he gets hurt or worse.. killed. The gunshots continue when you hear König yell something. You don't know what he said it was too muffled but you know the sound of his voice, you could pick it out of a million. You jump off the seat and grab a flashlight and a knife and start sprinting toward the abandoned building.
You approach the building, quietly walk up the forgotten stairs. You only hear some sounds of faded footsteps. You quietly take a big breath and continue looking around the building. The only thought in your head was please let him be okay. You don't hear anymore gunshots so you think it is over, it is safe. "König" you speak down a long dark hallway, your voice echoing off the walls. No answer. You turn the door way into the hall when suddenly something had you from behind, choking you. It was an enemy holding an AR of some kind but using it to choke you with instead of shooting you. He must be out of ammo? you thought to yourself. You were gasping for air when instinct told you what to do. You moved your body to one side and stabbed the man behind you, which made him release you. The man grabbed his stomach and dropped to his knees. You stood there looking at the man in pain, then looking down at your hands where one held a knife covered in blood. König and the crew came running over to you since they heard your screams.
"Y/N?" König carefully stepped closer to you. "Oh god.... Oh my god... I....I.....what have I done" You started shaking dropping down next to the man "I can save him go get my bag..PLEASE!" You start mumbling to yourself and checking the mans vitals. They were weak but still there. You start to stutter standing up with your hands covered in blood. "Y/N..." König tries again to get your attention. "Oni went to get your bag okay". You look up at König "I save lives not take them" You start hyperventilating, König takes off his jacket and puts it around you "She is going into shock, radio Oni and see where he is with that bag" he says rubbing your arms to get you calmed down. Oni comes in with the bag and you take it and start to check the mans vitals once more. "I think he is internally bleeding I won't be able to help him here, I need to get him to the facility." Aksel puts his hand on your shoulder "He won't make it to a facility" You jump up "We can just go get the van and someone help me get him" You begin to hysterically crying. Everyone gives each other a glance of knowing he was dead in a matter of time, but they didn't want to make you spiral more. The man on the floor starts coughing up blood "Please!" you plead for someone to help you while König keeps trying to calm you down. König then leans down to the dying man and snaps his neck ending his misery. "Why...why would you do that?!" deep down you knew why, you just didn't want to accept it. He pulls you into a hug and holds you "I don't couldn't let you to carry that burden y/n"
I hope everyone enjoyed! Also I was going to make a part 2 of reader having flashbacks and nightmares of this when living at home with König. Let me know your thoughts 🥰
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abs0luteb4stard · 3 years
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The literal translation of the title is "In Evil Days". I dunno why the US Netflix title is "The Trip".
There's already a ton of movies called 'The Trip'.
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gbhbl · 3 years
Horror Movie Review: The Trip (I Onde Dager) (2021)
Horror Movie Review: The Trip (I Onde Dager) (2021)
The Trip is a Norwegian comedy action horror released in 2021. Directed by Tommy Wirkola. A faded film director, in debt and with a gambling addiction. Lars is forced to start directing a meaningless soap opera, for which he has no passion or talent for. After shooting a scene, Lars informs his lead actress that he’s taking his wife, Lisa, to their summer house in the woods. Lars quotes: Lisa…
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don-lichterman · 3 years
The Trip | Official Trailer | Netflix
The Trip | Official Trailer | Netflix
Well, that escalated quickly. Lars and Lisa’s marriage has seen better days. But a weekend trip to the family cabin in the woods offers them both a chance to start fresh. As soon as the other one is dead. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 About Netflix: Netflix is the world’s leading streaming entertainment service with over 209 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series,…
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wiedzmina-blog · 7 years
Norwegian / old norse names and places
Every now and then I come across a book, movie, TV-series, fanfic, game or whatever, that mention a fictional "Norwegian" or "norse" place or person, and it just sounds so wrong it makes me either cringe or ROFL. Really. I still haven't recovered from the 1995 X-files episode, "Død Kalm", which took us to the port of "Tildeskan" where we met "Henry Trondheim", "Halverson" and "Olafsson".  Hopefully this list will keep others from being that “creative” with names. :)
Common names for places, towns and villages in Norway
These names are very generic and suitable for a place, village or town anywhere (and pretty much any time) in Norway. Mix and match prefixes with suffixes for diversity.  Bonus: All of these can also be used as surnames. Name (meaning) - usage
Nes (headland, cape, ness) - Standalone ​ Bø (fenced-in field on a farm) - Standalone Fjell (mountain) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Fjell- / -fjell Haug (small hill / large mound)  -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Haug- / -haug Vik, Viken, Vika (inlet, the inlet, the inlet) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Vik- / -viken / -vika Ås, Åsen (hill, the hill (larger than "Bakken")) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: ​ Dal, Dalen (valley, the valley) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: ​ Berg (small mountain) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: Berg(s)- / -berg Sand (sand) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: Sand- / -sand Strand (beach) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Strand- / -strand Li (hill) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Li- / -li Gran (spruce) -  Standalone or prefix: Gran- Bratt (steep) - prefix only: Bratt- Myr (bog, mire) - prefix only: Myr- Neset, Nesset (the headland, the cape, the ness) - Standalone or suffix: ​-neset / -nesset Odden (foreland, headland) - Standalone or suffix: ​ -odden Våg (cove, bay) - Standalone or suffix: -våg Lund (grove) - Standalone or suffix: -lund Sund (sound, strait) -  Standalone or suffix:  -sund Skog (forest) prefix/suffix: Skog- / -skog Øy (island) prefix/suffix: Øy- / -øy øya (the island) - suffix only: ​ -øya bakken  (the hill) - suffix only: -bakken  gard / gård / gården (farm / farm / the farm) - suffix only: -gard / -gård / -gården elv, -elva (river, the river) suffix only: -elv / -elva stad (old word for town/place) suffix only: -stad vannet (the lake) - suffix only: -vannet
Common words that can be used as prefix to any of the suffixes above Svart- (black)  Lille- (little/small)  Sol- (sun)  Brei-/Bred- (wide)  Stor- (big) Lang- (long)
Common Norwegian surnames (contemporary)
Heredatory surnames didn't become mandatory in Norway until 1923. Many took the name from the farm or place they lived, or just changed their primary patronyms into hereditary patronyms. Example: Helgessønn/Helgesdatter (son of Helge / daughter of Helge) became Helgesen.
Alm Andersen Anderssen Antonsen Aspelund Bakke Bakken Bang Berg Bjerkan Bråthen Christensen Corneliussen Dahl Dahlberg Danielsen Dyrnes Dørum Eide Ellingsen Erdal Eriksen Falch Fredriksen Foss Fure Fylling Gabrielsen Gran Grønning Halvorsen Hansen Hanssen Hay Hoff Holm Holt Husby Isaksen Iversen Jacobsen Jensen Jenssen Johansen Karlsen Klausen Konradsen Kristensen Kristiansen Larsen Larssen Lie Lien Lund Løvold Magnussen Meyer Mikalsen Mo Moen Myhre Myklebust Mørk Ness Nilsen Olavsen Olsen Paulsen Pettersen Prestegård Rasmussen Riise Rogstad Ruud Simonsen Solbakken Solli Stokke Strøm Sund Svendsen Thorvaldsen Torp Thune Tønnesen Ueland Ulven Urdal Vik Vinje Wahl Wik Wilhelmsen Zakariassen Ødegård Årseth Årvik Ås, Aas Åsen, Aasen
Common Norwegian names -- 1980 - present
Anders André Andreas Are Arne Atle Bjørn Cato Chris Christian, Kristian Christoffer, Kristoffer Daniel David Dennis Elias Emil Espen Erik, Eric Eirik Fredrik Filip Geir Harald Helge Hans Henning Håkon, Haakon Håvard Isak Jan Joachim Johan Johannes John, Jon Johnny Jonas Jonathan Kim Kristian, Christian Kristoffer, Christoffer Lars Lucas, Lukas Mads, Mats Magnus Martin Michael, Mikael Morten Niklas Nils Odin Ole Ove Paul Per Peter, Petter Preben Pål Richard, Rikard Roger Sebastian Simen Simon Sindre Sondre Stian Terje Thomas Thor, Tor Thore, Tore Vegard Werner William Øystein Åge Åsmund
Andrea Ane, Anne Anette, Annette Annika, Anniken Astrid Bente Camilla Carina Cathrine Celine Charlotte Christin, Kristin Christina, Kristina Christine, Kristine Elin, Eline Elise Elisabeth Emilie Eva Frida Grete, Grethe Hanne Hege Heidi Helene Hilde Ida Ine Ingrid Ingvill, Ingvild Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle Iselin Jannicke Janine Jeanette Jennie, Jenny Julia, Julie Karoline (Kine) Katrin, Katrine Kristin, Christin Lea, Leah Lena, Lene Linda Line Linn Linnea Lise, Lisa Liv, Live Mai, May Maja Malin Margrete, Margrethe Mari, Maria, Marie Mariann, Marianne Marte, Marthe Mette Monica Nina Nora Oda Pia Ragnhild Randi Rikke Sara, Sarah Silje Siv Stina, Stine Susann, Susanne Tanja Tina, Tine Tiril Tone Trine Vilde Vera Veronica Wenche Åse Åshild
Common Norwegian names - 1800 - 1980
Men Aksel Albert Anders Andreas Anker Ansgar Arne Arnt Arve Asle Atle Birger Bård Charles Edmund Edvard Egon Erling Even Fred Fredrik Frode Geir Georg Gunnar Gunvald Gustav Harald Helge Hilmar Håkon, Haakon Ivar Ingvar Jens Jesper Jørgen Joakim Karl Karsten, Karstein Kjell Klaus Kolbein Kolbjørn Kristian Kåre Lars Lavrans Leif Lossius Ludvig Magne Magnus Nikolai Nils Odd Oddvar Odin Ola Olai Olaf Olav Ole Omar Oscar, Oskar Peder Per Petter Philip, Phillip Pål Ragnar Rikard Roald Roar (also Hroar) Rolf Rune Sigurd Sigvard, Sigvart Simon Svein Sverre Tarjei Terje Toralf, Thoralf Torbjørn, Thorbjørn Torleif, Thorleif Torstein, Thorstein Torvald, Thorvald Trond Ulf Ulrik Valdemar Wilhelm Willy Åge
Albertine Alice, Alise Alma Anita Anna Annbjørg Asbjørg Astrid Aud Bente Berit Birgit Birgitte Bjørg Bjørgun Bodil Borghild Dagny Dagrun Edel Ella Ellen Elsa Fredrikke Frida Gerd Gjertrud Gunhild Gyda Hanna, Hannah Helga Henny Herdis Hilda Hilde Hjørdis Ingeborg Inger Irene Johanna, Johanne Jorun, Jorunn Josefine Judith Kari Karin Kirsten Kitty Kjersti Laila Lilli, Lilly Lisa, Lise Liv Lovise Mathilde Margaret Marit Martha Molly Nanna Oddrun Oddveig Olga Ragna Ragnhild Rigmor Sara Signe Sissel Solbjørg Solveig Solvår Svanhild Sylvi Sølvi Tora Torhild, Toril, Torill Torun, Torunn Tove Valborg Ylva Åse Åshild
Names usage Double names, like Ragnhild Johanne or Ole Martin are common in Norway. Just keep them as two names and don't use "-", and you'll be safe, even if it ends up a tongue twister. Using only one of two given names is also common practice.
In Norway everyone is on a first name basis. Students call teachers and other kids' parents by their first name, workers call their boss by their first name, we call our Prime Minister by her first name (journalists will use her title when speaking to her though). Some senior citizens still use surnames and titles when speaking of or to  people their own age.
There are some exceptions. For example, a doctor may be referred to as Dr. Lastname when we speak of them, but first name is used when speaking to them. A priest is "the priest" when speaking of him/her and their first name is used when spaking to them. In the millitary only surnames (and ranks) are used. If you meet Harald, the King of Norway, in an official setting you will refer to him as "Kongen" (the king). If you run into him at the gas station, or while hiking, he is "Harald".
If you don't know someone's name it is okay to use their title, or just say "you".
Names for pets (contemporary)
Dogs Laika (f) Bamse (m) (bear) Tinka (f) Loke/Loki (m) + characters from TV/film/books...
Cats Melis (m/f) (powdered sugar) Mango (m/f) (mango) Pus (f) (kitty) Mons (m) (tomcat) Nala (f) Pusur (m) (Garfield) Felix (m)  Simba (m) + characters from TV/film/books...
Horses Pajazz (m) Mulan (f) Balder (m) - cold blood Kompis (m) (pal) Freya (f) - cold blood + characters from TV/film/books...
Rabbits Trampe (m) (Thumper) Trulte (f) + characters from TV/film/books...
Cows (yes, I am serious) Dagros Rosa Mira Luna Sara + characters from TV/film - Disney is popular, as are the Kardashians :)
Road and street names
Storgata (usually the main street) Kongens gate (the king's street) Dronningens gate (the queen's street) Jernbanegata (railroad street) Jernbaneveien (railroad road) Sjøgata (ocean street) Sjøveien, Sjøvegen (ocean road) Skolegata (school street) Torvgata (plaza street) Industrigata (industrial street) Industriveien (industrial road)
Prefixes Blåbær- (blueberry) Bringebær- (raspberry) Bjørke- (birch) Aspe- (asp) Kastanje- (chestnut) Solsikke- (sun flower) Blåklokke- (blue bell) Nype- (rosehip) Kirke- (church) Park- (park)
Suffixes -veien, -vegen (the road)  -stien (the path)
Other Torvet (the plaza) - standalone or suffix: -torvet Havna (the port) - standalone or suffix: -havna Kaia (the port) - standalone or suffix: -kaia
Safe solution: use a first name or surname as prefix.
Old norse
Men’s names Agnarr (Agnar) Alfr (Alf) Ámundi (Amund) Ánarr Árngrimr (Arngrim) Askr (Ask) Auðun (Audun) Baldr (Balder) Beinir ​Bjørn Burr Borkr Dagfinnr (Dagfinn) Davið (David) Drengr Durinn Einarr (Einar) Eirikr (Eirik) Eivindr (Eivind) Erlingr (Erling) Fafnir Flóki Freyr (Frey) Fuldarr Galinn Gautarr (Gaute) Gegnir Geirr (Geir) Glóinn Grímarr (Grimar) Hafli Hakon Hallsteinn (Hallstein) Haraldr (Harald) Haukr (Hauk) Heðinn (Hedin, Hedinn) Helgi (Helge) Hrafn, Hrafni (Ravn) Hrafnkell (Ravnkjell) Iarl (Jarl) Ingolfr (Ingolf) Iuar (Ivar) Jafnhárr Jón Jóngeirr Kál Kiaran Klaus Knútr (Knut) Kolgrimr (Kolgrim) Kolr (Kol) Leifr (Leif) Loki Lyngvi Magnus Mikjáll (Mikal, Mikkel) Mór Morði Nesbjørn Nokkvi Oddr (Odd) Oddbjørn Oðin (Odin) Olafr (Olaf) Ormr (Orm) Otr Ouden Pálni Pedr Ragnarr (Ragnar) Ragnvaldr (Ragnvald) Randr (Rand) Róaldr (Roald) Rólfr (Rolf) Salvi Sigarr (Sigar) Sigbjørn Sigurðr (Sigurd) Skarpe Snorri (Snorre) Steinn (Stein) Sveinn (Svein) Teitr Þor (Thor/Tor) Þórbjørn (Thorbjørn/Torbjørn) Þorsteinn (Thorstein/Torstein) Tryggr (Trygg) Týr Ulfár Ulfheðinn (Ulvhedin) Ulfr (Ulf) Vakr Vani Veigr Viðarr (Vidar) Yngvarr (Yngvar) Æsi
Women's names
Anna Arnfriðr (Arnfrid) Ása Bera Bergdís (Bergdis) Biørg (Bjørg) Cecilia Cecilie Christina Dagný (Dagny) Dagrún (Dagrun) Dís Dísa Edda Elin Ellisif (Ellisiv) Freyja (Freya) Friða (Frida) Frigg Gerðr (Gerd) Gertrud Grima Gyða (Gyda) Hadda Hallbéra Hallkatla Herdís (Herdis) Hildigunnr (Hildegunn) Huld Hvít Ida Iðunn (Idun, Idunn) Ingríðr (Ingrid) Johanna Jórunn (Jorun, Jorunn) Juliana Katla Katrine Kristín (Kristin) Leikný (Leikny) Lif (Liv) Magnhildr (Magnhild) Mjøll Myrgiol Nál Nanna Nótt Oda Oddný (Oddny) Ólaug (Olaug) Rafnhildr (Ragnhild) Rán Rannveíg Ríkví (Rikvi, Rikke) Rúna (Runa) Roskva Sága (Saga) Sif (Siv) Sigriðr (Sigrid) Skaði (Skadi) Skuld Svana Sýn Solveig Tekla Tóra (Tora) Trana Ulfhildr (Ulfhild) Una Urðr (Urd) Valborg Vigdís (Viigdis) Vírún Yngvildr (Ingvill, Ingvild) Yrsa
Bynames Bynames, or nicknames, could be neutral, praising or condescending. Usually bynames described a person's
body, bodyparts, bodily features
kinship and descent
territorial origin
knowledge, belief, spirituality
clothing, armour
occupation, social position
Examples: Eirik Blodøks (Eirik Blood-Axe), Gammel-Anna (old Anna), Halte-Ása (limping Ása). I suggest that you stick with English for bynames, or use (relatively) modern language if you are writing in Norwegian. 
Surnames weren't really a thing until 1923 when they became mandatory. Before 1923 patronyms (son/daughter of) were used, and the name of the farm you lived on was often added as an address. 
For instance: Helgi Eiriksøn (Helgi, son of Eirik), who lived at the farm called Vollr (grass field), would be called Helgi Eiriksøn Vollr. If he moved to the farm called Haugr his name would change to Helgi Eiriksøn Haugr.
Men: Use father's first name and add -sen /-son /-sønn Women: Use father's first name and add -dotter / -dottir / -datter
Farm names
Farm names were usually relevant and derived from either the location, a nearby landmark, nature or from occupation.  I suggest you stick with the modern forms for farm names.
Old Norse (meaning) - modern Bekkr (stream) - Bekk, Bekken Dalr (valley) - Dal, Dahl Horn (horn) - Horn Vollr (field) - Vold, Volden Lundr (grove) - Lund
The list of common names for places/villages/towns is still valid, although the spelling is modern. Just keep it simple and make "clever" combos based on meaning. 
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“Chaos Was Her Name” Chapter 3
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Pairing- Konig x reader *call sign (phantom)*
Summary- König has been going to therapy for his depression and self isolation. That lands him in the therapists office when one mission goes wrong. But his whole world is gonna be turned upside down. Recently joining the 141 Task Force he keeps to himself. But things are gonna change.
Minors DNI - 🛑🚫❗️
TW-Mentions Blood, Death, Unprotected P in V Sex, Size Kink, Fluff, Pining, Some Angst, Lack of Sleep, Comforting, Praising Kink. Obsessive! König!
I did use Google Translate feel free to correct me.
A/N-I do not claim credit for the artwork. I do try to credit the source. I do apologize in advance if I offended anyone. I will do my best in the future to try to look up the names of the artists and credit them. Artwork Credit to @ave661
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Previously in Chapter Two
Ghost glanced at her he crouched down with his weapon drawn walking carefully through the snow. The snow had started to falling again covering the ground and their tracks again. The cold breeze his her small body. She shivered while walking behind Ghost.
König stayed close to her watching their surroundings but his line of vision constantly wandered to her ass and her legs.
König inner dark thoughts.
“I wonder what it feels like to have her legs wrapped around my waist as I fuck her brains out against the wall.”
Trailing behind her she crept through the darkness with her night vision glowing green on her eyes. She kept silent.
Approaching the the fence she crawled up the fence going first creeping up on her prey. Unsheathing her knife she grabbed him piercing his flesh watching the crimson fluid rush down her victim chest and gear she pulled the knife out and continued to eliminate all the guards.
König watched with a devious smile under his hood. Watching her in her element. Something about the gore and the smell of gunpowder and dirt and sweat aroused him. As if a beast in him had awaken and there his mate walked before him. Clenching his fist he fought the urge off from taking her right then and there.
She followed closely behind Ghost. Keeping her gun aimed to the ground she pulled out her secondary she screwed on her silencer. With her blade out she crouched, crept slowly behind Ghost.
König watched her every movement. He couldn’t stop staring at her legs and the way she moved but most of all his eyes lingered on her waist and ass.
Drinking in her figure he was biting his lip under his hood. The taste of blood was savored on his tongue.
König whispered to himself. Watching her she turned around but her face was the face of his past obsession Samantha. His breathing hitched just looking at her beautiful face he stepped forward grabbing her face. Feeling her face.
Phantom shivered under his grasp he lifted her off the ground hugging her tightly. She heard him inhale her scent. She grabbed hold of his vest. She grabbed his mask. The feeling of her hands touching his mask made him wake up from his trance.
Looking at her surprised he dropped her immediately. She grunted and gasped when she hit the ground. Hissing at the pain that radiated from the fall she looked up at him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
König looked down not looking back at her Ghost kneeled down beside her helping her up to her feet. Ghost stood up quickly he walked over to König pulling him aside.
“König what the fuck was that?!”
“Do that again! I will personally have you removed off this TF”
“I’m fine Lieutenant”
“Let’s move”
König shook his head shaking away the thoughts of his past obsession Samantha. The look in her eyes. It wasn’t fear nor disgust. Phantom eyes were empty. They showed no emotion. She stared at him with a stoic expression.
Catching her breath she held her rifle tightly. Following behind Ghost again she was more on guard around König. While walking she glanced behind her watching his every move.
The sounds of men talking on the radio was closer then they anticipated. Ghost stopped abruptly taking out his knife he gestured her to cover him.
König kneeled down beside Ghost holding his gun loaded. Waiting for his signal. He glanced over to phantom. Her small figure laying on the ground under the cover of the bushes.
Phantom quietly moved into the brush pulling her rifle out looking around to see where the radio chatter was coming from.
Breathing in slowly, holding her rifle breathing out, inhaling slowly holding it in, her finger on the trigger holding it. Waiting for her target to move forward.
“Permission to engage sir”
Whispering to Ghost.
“Negative let them pass we have to see what we’re up against.”
“Yes sir”
Watching the soldier pass ahead of them. They held their position. König scoffed silently under his hood looking at Phantom. His eyes wandered back to her every chance he got. Staring at her this was his moment to be alone with her.
“Hold this position. I’ll be back”
Ghost walked ahead. Making sure it was safe to move his team forward.
Holding her rifle she crawled back using her fore arms she moves backwards. Her ass stuck out most to him. The small branch from the bush had caught her vest strap. Trying to pull herself back it only made her irritated.
“Fuck, I’m caught on something”
König laughed softly watching her struggle on the ground with her face down and her ass up.
Taking advantage of this moment he tilted his head slightly watching her struggle.
“You gonna help or just stare at my ass.”
König smiled under his hood. Watching her struggle was amusing to him. She was so small and helpless under his gaze. This was all too amusing to him.
“My schatz ask me nicely”
“No, just fucking help me.”
“Ask me nicely”
“Fuck you, fine”
“König please help me”
Sighing with defeat she shifted her face against the ground looking to him. He tilted his head watching her struggle.
Taking a step towards her he kneeled down beside her leaning down to her he laid his hand on her lower back gliding down her back towards her head. He felt where her gear was caught. Breaking the branch he pulled her out of the bushes. She looked up to him placing her hands on his chest.
Looking at his hood his painted eyes. Her breathing slowed and hitched as he trace her jawline with his gloved hands. Moving the stray hairs out of her face.
“Don’t call me that. We’re not friends. And I don’t trust you.”
Standing up she looked back to him looking away picking up her gun she walked away from him.
König watched her turn away from him. The blood in his veins began to flow to another part of him that needed immediate attention. Shifting his pants he looked down.
Looking at her back side his lust for her only grew stronger.
“Aksel do you copy, this is Phantom.”
“I read you loud and clear”
“We are in the clear advance to our position. Sending you our coordinates now.”
Holding her rifle close she noticed her ghost charm was missing. Grasping the tip of her rifle she sighed heavily.
Where the charm sat she held it tightly.
“Whose Samantha?”
“You called me that when you had your little episode earlier.”
“No one”
Looking back to him. Watching his cold stoic demeanor change to him avoiding her gaze. She noticed his uneasiness to the question.
“I’ve lost someone too. His name was Angus.”
“I know that feeling of losing someone close to you.”
“I understand if it’s too much to talk about.”
“Is that where you got that scar on your cheek.”
“That’s a different story.”
Looking down she sniffled at the memory of her scar on her face.
Looking back to him she met his gaze. Biting her lower lip she was about to speak but the sounds of branches breaking near them alerted them.
Crouching she duck down behind the bushes next to König.
Holding her radio she whispered to Ghost. Watching the group of soldiers patrol the area they we’re currently occupying.
“Ghost we have a problem”
“They know we’re here we need to get what we need and get out quickly.”
“Fucking Hell”
König grabbed her shoulder pulling her against him. He shield her from the flashlights. Holding her small body in his arms was an overwhelming feeling of comfort.
She had no choice but to remain still in his grasp. The feeling of his heat from his body was so warm and comforting in a way that was completely opposite from Krueger.
“Don’t move”
“They are moving forward they know we’re here.”
“Ghost do you copy.”
“They know we are here we have to move now. Before they seal off the base.”
Releasing her from his grasp she released the breathe she didn’t know she was holding in. Looking at him with a scowl she shook her head. Her radio came to life with Aksel voice.
“Fall back Phantom, that’s an order”
“We’ve been tracking this data for months we can’t just abandon this mission.”
“Fall back Phantom Now! That is an order!”
“Yes sir”
Picking up her rifle she placed it in her back pulling out her secondary she made her way back to the rendezvous point.
Something about this mission was off to her she couldn’t pin point exactly why she had an uneasy feeling.
But the feeling of comfort of being held by König was a feeling she hasn’t felt since Angus died.
The sounds of twigs breaking beside her caused her to stop. Looking up she was spotted by one of the guards. Before he could yell, she grabbed him covering his mouth she stabbed him repeatedly.
König watched in awe of her ability to protect herself. The way she looked covered in blood and dirt was all he needed. The way she looked up to the sky covered in blood was so hypnotic.
The rising sun illuminated the forest.
The sound of an alarm going off. She looked down at the deceased soldier she snorted and rubbed her nose.
“Show time!”
Hours Later
Several hours later, the sounds of gunfire, men yelling in pain. (Y/N) took cover behind the trees. The sounds of bullets cutting through the air. She looked around her searching for Konig but he was no where in sight.
"Konig do you copy, Ghost anyone."
She ran through the forest the sounds of men yelling and screaming in pain around her. This mission was a failure. All hell had broken loose.
Konig fought hard looking for her in the distance hoping she was safe and hidden. He had lost track of her when they were ambushed hours ago. Ghost was in his sights fighting like hell.
There were too many. Reinforcements had showed up a few minutes ago. Konig ripped through the soldiers with sheer anger. Searching for her in the distance, on the ground among the bodies that littered the forest floor.
She stopped running when she heard him call her name.
She ran to where his voice was calling from. While running she was shot in her side feeling the bullet rip through her flesh she ignored the pain. Her adrenaline was already coursing through her body.
Lungs burning in her chest her legs tired from all the running.
Konig heard her calling out to him. Peeking his head out he saw her running in the distance. The snipers hidden in the trees and bushes all started firing at him.
Running at full speed she slide against one of the dead trees that laid on the ground. Loading her rifle she aimed towards the trees and bushes.
One by one they dropped like flies. Taking her time eliminating one by one she slowed her breathing focusing on the targets ahead of her.
Holding her side she was gasping for air. Her breathing became a wheeze. Sucking in the cold air she moved slowly.
Looking down at her radio she pushed the button.
"Konig, Ghost if any of you guys can hear me.....I've been hit in my side. Im bleeding like a damn faucet."
"I'm good. Just tired is all."
She smiled and laughed softly.
Holding her rifle she struggle to pull herself up to her feet. Pulling her small medic pouch she pulled out gauzes. Stuffing her wound to stop the bleeding. Biting back her whimpers she let out a shriek.
Her shriek sounded inhuman.
This shriek echoed in the forest. As the snow fall started to fall harder so did the breeze turn into a harsh strong gust of wind that swept the forest.
Krueger jumped to his feet running in the direction of where he heard her scream.
Phantom stood up to her feet holding the tree she reached into her chest pocket pulling out an adrenaline shot.
Jabbing her leg she shivered with the rush. Reloading her gun she cracked her neck. Walking towards the sounds of men yelling.
Walking passed Konig he noticed her walking towards the soldiers.
Blood covered her side and her pants and boots.
She kneeled down holding her rifle calming her breathing she focused on all her shots. The way the snow fell around her made her look mesmerizing.
Konig ran out from the tree line charging after the soldiers that were retreating.
Ripping through the soldiers with his blades he could help but laugh at the few soldiers that screamed and begged for their pathetic lives. The feeling of their bones breaking beneath his grasp was pure euphoria. The feeling of being in control was like an addicting feeling.
As the snow fell he watched her rise to her feet.
This goddess that stood before him.
She belonged to him, no matter what.
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If she didn't want him like he wanted her, he would have to show her his love and devotion to her.
She turned around looking for Krueger she saw him in the distance. Walking towards him she called out to him.
But the sound of a Snipers rifle gunshot rung through her ears.
Watching Krueger look down holding his stomach he fell to his knees.
She started to scream running to him she tripped in the snow. The fresh white snow under her feet turned crimson red. Holding her side she pushed the bloody gauzes back into her side. Crawling to her knees she struggled to stand up.
König watched in horror as Krueger fell to his knees. Watching him land on the ground without moving he saw phantom running to his aid. Running to her he grabbed her. Bear hugging her from behind she fought against him.
She elbowed him as he held her back. Kicking and screaming she fought hard. Trying to squirm out of his strong grasp she started to bite his hands and arms. Her bite marks littered all over his hands and wrist.
Kicking his legs and knees she screamed and cried for Krueger.
A large black and grey Humvee showed up some men jumped out picking up Krueger they threw him in the back. taking off with him.
As the truck was leaving so did the left over soldiers in the forest. They too had retreated.
Throwing her head back against Konigs nose, the pain of his nose cracking caused him to let her go.
She crawled to her feet running after the truck. Pulling out her secondary she loaded her last clip. Shooting every last bullet she had at the tires or anyone. Gasping for her air her lungs burned so much. The cold air filled her lungs.
The pain in her knees and shins all ached.
Hands frozen.
Her leg covered in cold blood from her wound.
Holding her knees bending over her mind was hazy.
Gasping for her air, she fell to her knees crying for Krueger.
Running through the forest. The more snow fell it had made it had made it harder to navigate through the thick woods. Stifled coughs muffled in their scarves Aksel tried his radio again.
Only met with silence and static. He led his team through the forest with caution. It had became quiet very quiet.
Moving silently and quickly, Aksel made his way to the others with Soap and Gaz
Price walked silently but cautiously through the forest and snow fall cautiously. The sounds of grunting and leaves rustling caught his attention. He turned the corner quickly but no enemy but to be met with Ghost.
Harnessing his weapon he kneeled down beside Ghost. Checking his wound he patched him up. Helping him to his feet they heard the snow crunching nearby by them.
Ghost held his rifle ready. Price held his weapon ready. Peeking his head out he sighed with relief. Watching Aksel he sighed with relief as well. Soap rushed over to Price nodding to him he was relieved to see Ghost still in one piece. Gaz nodded to Price walking over to Ghost he patted his back. Helping Soap they lifted Ghost to his feet.
"Ghost? Where's Phantom, Konig and Krueger?"
"Konig ran after her a few mins ago. Something must've happened. I heard her screaming for Krueger."
"It got quiet after they left that way."
Ghost pointed in the Northeast direction. Looking at the snow Aksel followed the boot prints where he saw Konig sitting on the ground holding his face.
Aksel rushed over to Konig. Seeing him sitting on the ground he pulled out his medical pact.
"Brother you hit."
Kneeling down beside him he examined him.
"No I'm fine. That spitfire of a woman broke my nose though."
Holding his nose he looked at Aksel with a shit eating grin.
Aksel shook his head. Patching up his nose he looked around for Krueger and Phantom.
This literal goddess had broken his nose.
No one had ever broke his nose.
This spitfire of a goddess had been the first to break his nose.
"God, I Love This Woman."
He whispered under his breathe.
Standing up he wiped his nose. Looking at his gloved hands he noticed her delicate teeth ripped through his gloves.
The sight of her biting his hands and arms made his hunger for her grow ten fold.
Aksel walked over to where Phantom sat on the ground looking at her lap. Blood seeping out of her wound she bit back her sobs.
"They took him. They stole him away right in front of me."
"Aksel he's gone."
"Just like that"
"It's my fault. I never fucking miss a shot. How could I have been so clumsy on my shots."
Looking up to Aksel she cried more, covering her face with her bloody gloves. Her sobs were muffled.
Aksel kneeled beside her patting her back she hugged him immediately.
"I'm gonna kill that fucking asshole."
She tried to stand up but failed miserably. The wound in her side throbbed so much she collapsed.
Groaning in pain she tried to crawl but Kong stood in front of her.
Smirking down to her. He reached out to her picking her up he held her close. Inhaling her scent this sent shivers down his spine. Carrying her bride style she in a way found comfort in his grasp. But her anger towards him remained.
"They have Krueger."
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