#took me a minute to figure out the barcodes
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pycth · 2 years ago
Audio RP | Seeing your Chill Water Elemental Professor after class | [A4A]
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Barcode- calmingwaters
Audio RP | Elemental Coworkers first meeting | [A4M]
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Barcode- kingstonbyfayewebster
Finally tried my hand at these fake thumbnails, now I wanna make more— 🚶
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actually-safer-to-kiss · 2 years ago
Well, Actually
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Summary: Spencer gets frustrated as Reader proves him wrong about an unsub's profile.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff-ish
Content warnings: discussions of gender, sexy implications, Ernest Hemingway
Word count: 1.5k
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It’s when I flip the OPEN sign to CLOSED that I can finally breathe. Saturday Sale Days at the bookstore are usually easygoing, but most people took refuge at the windows thanks to the crime scene across the street. Another sex worker was murdered, according to the agents who were here earlier. Well, one of them looked like an agent; coated from head to toe in black and seriousness. The other, however, might as well have been a pretentious preppy middle schooler who thinks a doctorate — three doctorates (he made sure to correct me) — gives him the excuse to lack social graces.
I’m not used to running into FBI agents regularly. However, I’m fairly confident that questioning civilians is more about further insight and not running to the end with confirmation bias. Dr. Reid, on the other hand, had his confirmation set that he and his team were looking for a woman riddled with internalized misogyny who was killing sex workers and leaving quotes from Ernest Hemingway pieces.
So, is it wrong that I may or may not have said they might actually be looking for a male with possible gender nonconformity issues? According to the quotes written in lipstick and discussions revolving around Hemingway’s relationship with gender, it was the first thing to pop into my head.
And it was Dr. Reid’s first instinct to take it personally, like any other gifted child who’s never learned what it’s like to be wrong (possibly). His reaction mainly consisted of raising his voice and saying my assumption “was not relevant to our case” and taking a collection of Hemingway’s short stories without paying for it. I haven’t found a suitable way to explain that to my boss yet.
Regardless of his reaction, I had no reason to expect to see him again. I got a card from Agent Prentiss after she questioned me behind the counter and haven’t heard a word since. It didn’t matter then because we were closed, and I had the day off tomorrow —
Knock, knock, knock. A simple three-raps on the glass. The night makes it difficult to see who it is, but I’m more than familiar with the panic button under the register. So before I turn the lights out, I get closer to the door to find out who on the other side can’t read.
And without thinking, I open the door, but don't let him in. “Agent Reid.” I can’t help but push him just a bit.
“Dr. Reid.”
“Right.” I faked a laugh (years of practice). “Well as you can see we’re closed for the night so —”
His hand is out, holding the book. The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. The paper cover is already pulled up at the corners and the spine is cracked. Nothing display worthy, that’s for sure. “I took this.”
“And you had it for six hours. How did you decimate it so quickly?”
“I was using it as a source while we were trying to solve the case.” His hand was shaking, from nervousness or lack of strength to hold a paperback in one hand for longer than a minute, either could be possible. “I figured a way to make amends was to come back and purchase it.”
I looked down at the book and looked back up at him. Sincerity and boyish charm force me to hold the door open for him and let him in. When he comes in, his under eyes are darker, perhaps because he's a night owl, or because of his job. His hair is still fluffy like this morning but droopy.
He was prepared to call it a night before coming here. But thievery is apparently too heavy for this agent’s shoulders.
I walk to the register, booting up the fancy tablet. “So did you? Solve the case, I mean?”
“We did.”
I scan the barcode, luckily he didn’t ruin that. “And? Did she explain the Hemingway quotes at least?”
Silence, only for a moment. I see his hands digging into his pockets. He pulls out a debit card and hands it over. “He, actually.”
“He didn’t explain the Hemingway quotes but said he targeted sex workers because they were ‘freer than he ever would be.’”
Silence swallowed the room immediately upon saying that but of a different kind. The kind that was ripe for me to brag and possibly even do a little dance. But I’m patient, and I don’t like interrupting people. I tap the screen slowly so the good doctor can gather the words. I even took another glance and his eyes were already locked on me. It would’ve made me jump if he didn’t follow it with “You were right.”
There it is. “Hmm,” I say as I keep the arrogance down to a minimum as I contemplate my next words. I take his receipt and scribble before bagging the book. “So do I get a one-way ticket into the bureau, or do I take your place or —”
“Thank you for your help." He says slowly as if he were being ordered to apologize. Like he wrote these words in a document before coming here. “Your observation sent us in the right direction.” His hand is out, waiting.
I also have a talent for dragging things out. When I shut the techy stuff down again, I go back around and hand them to him, so I can get closer. Read his face. When he reaches out and just touches the paper, I jerk the bag back. “That’s not what you want to say.” I let the bag dangle off two of my fingers, shamelessly drinking in the moment. “Come on, it’s gotta be killing you.”
He rolls his eyes. Briefly, but enough for me to notice. “What could be killing me?”
“That you, an FBI agent, with two PhDs —”
“Three PhDs.”
This is so fun. “Three PhDs was outsmarted by a girl who works in a bookstore. Merely a bachelor's on my resume.”
“That is not the case.” He says.
“It seems relevant to the case now.” That intended to burn, and it did. Scorched actually. I could feel it from here, so I walked to the back to find the lights, expecting him to follow me.
He did. The creaking of the old wood floors echoed as we walked, there was no rhythm or synced steps, just two different walking patterns, one at ease and the other eager. “Just tell me how you figured it out.” He says. “Hemingway has been praised for his writing style and the way he wrote certain female characters but his macho personality indicated he enjoyed nothing feminine.”
A chuckle might have been appropriate, but I replied with a stark laugh. A bold “Ha!” As I opened the lightroom door. “Because macho men are known for being the happiest people on Earth, according to history.” With a click, the lights flickered steadily before turning off. I had my phone flashlight ready, though. “Honestly, Dr. Reid, it might be worthwhile to take a break from reading and watch a documentary on the man. It adds up quickly, even someone like you would get it.” I let the flashlight guide me back to the front, avoiding collateral damage from bookshelf corners.
Until Dr. Reid stepped in front of me, causing my head to collide with his chest. Somehow, I didn’t drop my phone and instinctively reached for my nose. “Someone like me?”
“Ow, first of all. But yes.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
I rub my nose in the dark. “That even a predictable bookish boy like you can eventually come to grips with the fact that he doesn’t know everything.”
“And you do?” He asked.
“I never said that,” I admitted.
He looked at me skeptically. Even in the dark, I could feel my arrogance might have gotten the best of me here. I tried looking away, to another dark space. 
He, however, did not. “What else did you say? Predictable?”
“You mean you don’t remember?”
He sighs, and air from his nose brushes above my lip.
Then so does his hand in my hair.
His lips, though, were quite the opposite. As if all his frustrations couldn’t take it anymore and needed to be let out with a teeth-smashing, saliva-coated spectacle (that no one could see. Not even us.) All I felt was wandering hands and the wall hitting the back of my head before he pulled away. His hands are still on my waist, and he breathes sharply in and out. “Was that predictable?” I heard him swallow.
I contemplated my response for a short while, wondering which one, a yes or a no, would get him to do it again. So instead, I just grabbed where I assumed his head would be and jerked him down to meet my lips again. It worked. His hands wrapped tight as if he glued himself to my skin. “Will you get reprimanded by your team for being somewhere you aren’t?” I ask between breaths and lip separation.
“Maybe. I’m sure you’d enjoy that.”
“I won’t admit anything,” I said. Whether it was to see Dr. Reid’s night turn out worse, or to keep a secret from his boss about a makeout session in a bookstore, I’m not sure. But his body was thin, layered with clothes. Warm.
“What will you admit to?” He whispers, moving our bodies, begging for more kisses. Or just more.
“Education purposes, Dr. Reid.” My hands can’t help but explore. “Seems like we’ve got a lot to learn.”
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a-drabble-a-dray · 11 months ago
Veilsmoke, Prologue Chapter 1: A Convenience Store Trip.
Lake groaned, rubbing their forehead as they stepped back from the automatic door. Every time. Their eyes trailed up, meeting the sensor’s infrared gaze in an ineffective staredown. 
A moment passed, their conviction unflinching.
No dice. 
Lake relented, waving their hand around so the sensor would actually detect them.
The doors complied, like inanimate objects were supposed to in the first place.
Sighing, Lake stepped into the convenience store. The air conditioner was as strong as ever inside, heedless of the already cold weather. Overly colorful packaging lined the shelves, though Lake’s familiarity with their own preferences made it easy to ignore all the exceptionally unhealthy temptations.
“You know…” As Lake reached out for a bottle of soda, the cashier’s voice creeping in from behind sent a chill down their spine before the cold of the fridge even hit them. Oh. She was watching. “It’s just you. The door works fine otherwise.”
“W-Well, that’s not my fault!” Lake turned around, racking their mind to come up with a face-saving rebuttal. “Besides, uh…”
“...Besides?” The young woman leaned on the counter, face half-shrouded in a mess of black hair, though her amusement still peered through. “Go on.”
“Besides, you– Wait.” Lake blinked, mentally shifting gears to a more important question. “You were keeping track?”
“Oh, I, uh–” She blinked, standing straight up on her stool. “No, that’s… Stupid. It’s just that, uh, I’d notice. Practically nobody comes here.”
“Oh.” Lake paused, glancing at the shelves, holding a large bottle of lemon soda. “Well, I come here. That counts for something, right?”
“No.” She shot down quickly. “It’s just confusing, really. You walk all the way across the bridge for, what? Junk food?”
“Um… Yeah…?” Lake paused, feeling a twinge of guilt as they grabbed the largest-sized bag of chips the store had. “Wait, how did you…?”
“You were wearing a Roche U shirt last time. I figured you lived on campus.” She explained, putting some of the magazines from the register counter back onto the rack.
“That… Makes sense.” Lake placed their purchase on the counter, hesitating for a second. “But, um…” They piped up, trying to pretend they weren’t blushing. “Why do you remember so much about me?”
The cashier froze for a second, barcode scanner stumbling out of her hand and down onto the floor. After looking for it for what felt like a minute, she shot back up with a counter. “What are you talking about? That’s basic info. Maybe don’t come around so often if you’re so embarrassed.”
“O-Oh. Right.” They nodded, a bit taken aback by the scolding. “It’s just, um, most people don’t remember my name, nevermind all that.”
“That’s… Kinda sad.” She sighed, scanning the codes. Slowly, however, the cashier’s eyes trailed up, until they met Lake’s. She stayed silent, lips parted uneasily. “I…”
“...Lake.” They tried to not look disappointed. “It’s Lake.”
“Oh. Right. Okay.” She nodded, glancing away. “H-Here’s your total.”
Lake tapped their phone against the PIN pad, sighing in relief as a beep confirmed the transaction actually went through. “...Can I ask something, in return?”
“Oh, uh, sure.” She nodded, offering a plastic bag. 
“Is ‘Phan’ short for anything?”
She paused, glancing down at the name tag sticker glued to her coat. “...No. No, it’s noth–”
The cashier froze, tensing up and wide-eyed. As soon as Lake opened their mouth to say something, the world went black.
It took a second to adjust. It seemed like a blackout, but that wouldn’t have left them in pitch black at nine in the morning. The lights, thankfully, slowly faded back on, only to remain unstable. The fluorescent bulbs, buzzing and flickering, seemed to form patterns, attention to the lights making Lake feel something clawing behind their eyes.
Their focus shifted to the door. The morning outside was gone. Outside was gone. There wasn’t simply darkness beyond the glass– Whatever was on the other side seemed to consume the scant light left in the store.
Phan grit her teeth. She didn’t seem nearly as confused, but still looked as visibly uncomfortable, bracing herself on the counter.
“What–” Lake mumbled, only to be hit with a stinging pain. The simple sound of words, soft as they were, seemed to twist itself into knives, making even Phan flinch from the aural torture. 
‘Shut up.’ She mouthed soundlessly, raising a hand as if telling them to wait.
Lake braced themself against the counter, letting the seconds flow into minutes, the buzzing and the flickering scratching at the edges of their mind as if to not let them get distracted.
And then, it was gone.
Another flash of darkness, and they were… Back. The lights were on. The sun shone outside.
“...What…” Lake huffed, legs somehow even shakier now that they were, seemingly, safe. “...What was that?”
“I’ve got no idea.” She responded, hesitating. “It just… Happens. Sometimes.”
“Wh- That?” Lake shook their head in astonishment. “Shouldn’t someone, uh, look into that? I-I mean, maybe…” They reached for the business card, still in their pocket from yesterday.
“Someone should,” Phan interrupted, “but… I’d rather nobody did. I can’t really afford to lose this job.”
“...Working retail, you mean?” Lake blinked.
“No,” she corrected, crossing her arms, “getting to slack off unsupervised all day because nobody comes here.”
“They even pay well– Maybe because of the, uh…”
“...Nightmare blackouts?” Lake offered.
“That works.” She shrugged. “Besides, I don’t want job advice when you’re specifically going to the cheapest convenience store in town.”
“I–” Lake huffed. “I’m working on that!”
“Uh-huh.” She sighed. “Well, your stuff’s still there.”
“...Yeah.” Lake picked up the plastic bag, stepping towards the door with a bit of a smile. “Thanks.”
“...Ophanim.” She mumbled, as soon as they turned around.
“...Huh?” Lake turned around, cocking their head to the side.
“My name. Phan is short for Ophanim.” She huffed, averting her eyes. “I know it’s stupid, but–”
“I like it!” Lake grinned.
“...Sure you do.” She turned away, leaning back on her stool. ”Can you leave me alone now?”
“...Alright.” Lake turned around, pretending not to notice her smile. “Take care!”
Funnily enough, the door opened just fine on their way out.
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01zfan · 1 year ago
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boyfriend!sungchan x reader | 3.4k words
second base - petting above the waist, including touching, feeling, and fondling the chest, breasts, and nipples.
contains: barely public car shenanigans, touching above the waist
bases: first | second | third | homerun
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you and your boyfriend are in the front seat of his car when you two should be seating in the theater. you had plans to see a new movie. the barcode sitting on his phone that should’ve been scanned fifteen minutes ago. 
instead of watching a movie and eating popcorn, you two made the executive decision to eat eachother’s faces in the leaned back driver’s seat of sungchan’s car. you two are lucky you’re in the back of an abandoned parking lot, away from anyone who could possibly see what you two are doing. you didn’t have a chance to even make it to the theater, ruining the “date day” sungchan had intricately planned out for you. it was a surprise, sungchan first saying you two were going to the store. you should’ve suspected more when he told you to dress nice and to be fully prepared for a “day of errands”.
the date had started out at a pottery painting place. you remember in the back of your mind showing sungchan a tiktok of cute date ideas, something randomly popping up on your for you page. you had no idea he had paid attention much less booked you two an appointment to paint ceramics. you were surprised that he remembered something you showed him so long ago that even you had forgotten. you learned that although sungchan was talented with his hands, painting was not his calling. you learned that hands learned to hold a hockey stick didn’t transfer to holding a paint brush. you can’t say sungchan didn’t try his best. the idea was cute and well thought out, it was just that towards the end something along the way was lost. the finished product was allegedly supposed to be you two holding hands on a grassy field. you did everything in your power to hold back a laugh when he showed you the finished product.
“babe don’t laugh at me.” sungchan said pouting. you were two stick figures with gigantic hands. “it’s because i’m emphasizing that we are holding hands!”
when it was done you left it with the pottery staff so they could glaze the finished product. it would be awhile until they were taken home so you took a picture of your finished products. you thought the day was over, getting ready to go home. sungchan wasn’t done with you just yet. you were confused once again when sungchan parked in front of a cafe you’d never seen before. you guys went to lunch at the cafe that  also had boardgames. the food was alright, and the games were okay, but the pictures that sungchan took of you was the highlight. 
“you know how much i love taking pictures of you, babe.” sungchan said. it was funny seeing him take photos of you. he would contort his comically large body however he could to get the perfect angle of you. sungchan called you his muse, yelling compliments from behind his phone camera that made you blush. it was a nice change of pace too, since you were usually the one taking pictures of others. you always thought you were awkward in front of the camera, which is why you preferred to be behind it. but sungchan took the time to coax you out of your shell by showing you pose ideas and always complimenting you no matter how the photos turned out. 
after the impromptu photo session you were spent. you knew your boyfriend knew you well when he took you to the park. he carried the blankets while you looked for the perfect tree with shade underneath it.
you two were camped under the trees, people watching and listening to music that reminded you of one another. sungchan laid on your stomach while you played with his hair. it was a position that you guys always found yourselves slipping into when together.
“this song reminds me of you.” sungchan said, turning up the volume on his phone. it was a cute song, one about being young and in love. 
you added the song to your secret playlist, the one you had been compiling since you first met. songs that you were afraid to show him at first, songs you think he’d like, songs you liked. it had a little bit of everything and you had the plan to show it to him on some sort of anniversary. while you were playing with his hair, you wondered what brought this all on. sungchan planned dates of course, but something in the air felt different. 
“is there a reason for all of this?” you ask sungchan. he looks up from your stomach to smile at you.
“just as a celebration.” sungchan says. he looks up through the leaves of the trees filtering harsh sunlight. some of the light filters through, showing a beautiful highlight on your face. sungchan was tempted to take a photo of you but instead he opted to save the mental image of you being bathed in sunlight. 
“celebration of what?” you ask. some hair from his bangs had fallen into his eye so you move it out the way.
“hockey season is over now so i just wanted to show you that we can still spend time together.” sungchan says happily.
you smile while continuing to play with his hair. you would be lying if you didn’t have your hesitations for the season ending. you and sungchan had spent nearly every single dat of the season together as the teams’ photographer. now that it was over you thought you two would drift apart or even break up now that close proximity was no longer an option.
“i appreciate that. but i think you might be stuck with me now.” you say. sungchan smiles at you and continues to watch people around the park.
you guys stay at the park for a majority of the day. sungchan eventually ends up joining a game of volleyball as you watch from the shade of the tree. you would’ve loved to join but you didn’t want to think about sweating in your nice outfit. you also wanted to be fully seated for the show sungchan was about to give you.
your boyfriend took it upon himself to play for the both of you. sungchan was jumping, hitting, and passing with ease. you wanted to remind him that it was an innocent game of pickup volleyball. you thought it would be useless to mention it when he took off his shirt and rolled his jeans up to his knees to give him more mobility. you laughed at how much effort he was putting into the game. during breaks or in between plays sungchan would face to where you were sitting and make a show of flexing his muscles and posing for you. each time you cheered loudly like a fangirl, making sure everyone playing heard you. 
when the game was done sungchan had worked up a sweat, to the point that you both had to go back to his place so he could shower. you sat on his bed, expecting for your day to be done. you couldn’t help but be excited at the fact that you two were conveniently at his place while his parents weren’t here. you had gotten comfortable on his bed and even found on of his shirts that you could wear to sleep. you were searching through netflix looking for the perfect movie to be background noise when sungchan came out dressed in a casual outfit. you had expected to see him in his pajamas or sweats, something that would make him ready for bed. sungchan revealed the final part of your date. it was a double date, with anton and yunjin at the movie theater.
sungchan drove you both around town for a while, not sure what to do while waiting for the movie. sungchan had made the mistake of getting movie times mixed up, so now you two had thirty minutes to spare before having to be there. the whole time while he was driving you had to fight hard to ignore his hand that was on your thigh. when sungchan parked in the back of the movie theater parking lot you tried your best to sound shocked.
“we are really far away from all the other cars.” you say innocently.
“we got some time before the movie starts,” sungchan says. he moves the seat backwards with the automatic button on the side and makes use of the extra room, spreading out his body and legs. “wanna come over here?” 
sungchan helps you over the center console with ease and you are on his lap. you could never get used to the feeling of him underneath you. his athletic legs were like cushions underneath yours and his legs spreading made you extremely pliable. this position always makes you feel antsy in the best way. the way sungchan has to look up to you makes you feel like you are in charge but you both know his strength has you completely at his mercy. 
before making a move to kiss your lips, sungchan plays with an earring hanging from your ear.
“sungchan,” he pulls away from your ear to look at you in your eyes. “i had alot of fun today.” you say.
he nods as you press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“but can we have a little bit more fun? before the movie starts?” you say, looking down at him.
sungchan is more than happy to pull you into a kiss. this one is different from the one you gave him. he wastes no time to tilt your head with his hand and drag his tongue along your lips. you open your mouth wider and you let him in. you can’t get enough of the feeling when he grips the back of your neck to get you you open your mouth a little wider. he’s having the time of your life kissing him, feeling him move under you and against you. when you pull away from sungchan and you see a string of spit connection your lips to his. sungchan holds onto your hips, massaging the skin in his hands. 
“we are going to be late for the movie.” you say looking at your phone. the movie starts in twenty minutes.
“let’s go then.” sungchan says back. neither of you make a move. sungchan smirks, moving a hand going back to your neck.
“just five more minutes.” sungchan brings you in and you oblige, immediately catching his lip in your mouth. you suck on his bottom lip, the soft skin sweeter than any confections the theater can offer. 
sungchans’ hands roam up and down your body, unsure of where to put them. this is when your position above him works perfectly. it gives you just enough sense of authority to make the move to his hand and put it over your breast. 
you can instantly feel sungchan become distracted, his kisses had become delayed and his tongue freezes in your mouth. his legs that were making a game of spreading yours stop. you let him rest his big hand on your chest and use your hand over his to squeeze. sungchan took this as permission to kneed your breasts over your bra. you let out a sigh of relief when he brought his other hand to the other side to do the same thing.
“i thought you’d never do it.” you say. you lean back exposing as much of your chest as you can, giving him the entire expanse of your chest to roam.
“didn’t wanna move too fast baby.” sungchan says. 
he has completely abandoned trying to kiss you, fully focused on making up for lost time with your breasts. even over a bra and blouse your skin felt soft and yielding underneath his hands. sungchan was slowly losing himself in between the valley of your mounds and he wanted to stay there. the movie was the furthest thing away from his mind.
“do you want to see them?” you ask quietly. 
sungchan nodded like a idiot, afraid that if he said yes he would be confess that he had been thinking about your boobs like some hormonal teenager. he was ashamed to admit that he wondered if they would fit in the palm of his hands or be smaller, if your nipples were the same color as your lips, or if you played with them when you thought of him. he thought about your boobs the most when you were button up blouses like these, or on the days you’d go braless. when sungchan could see your hardened nipple through your shirts he always had to avert his eyes. he hoped you never noticed when he’d be staring at the shape of your boobs through your shirt. sungchan never wanted to pressure you to show him, but when make out sessions would get heated he wanted nothing more than to feel your chest the same way you were letting him feel them now.
you were slow and steady with each button. even though the pace was agonizing, sungchan used the time it took with each button to try and compose himself. he was liable to cum in his pants at the first look, and he absolutely had to focus on not embarrassing himself if he wanted to feel you up like he had been dreaming to. when you were halfway up, revealing the outer trim of your bra you put your hands down.
“wanna do the rest?” you asked, with a smile playing on your lips.
sungchan brings hands up to your blouse. they have a slight tremor to them and sungchan almost laughs at how ridiculous he’s being, how nervous he is for no reason. you must’ve seen his red cheeks because you put his hands over his reassuringly.
“don’t be embarrassed. i take it as a compliment.” you say. 
you both work together to undo the remaining buttons. sungchan helps your arm out of your sleeves. when the blouse is finally off of you, you are the one who’s shy. as a reflex your arms come up to cover your bosom. before you can, sungchan thumbs the fabric of your blue lacy bra in his fingers.
“i think blue is my favorite color now.” sungchan said. you would’ve taken it as a joke but the way he stared at you made you think he wasn’t kidding. sungchan looked to you with wide eyes, like it was his first time ever seeing the color blue.
“do you want me to keep it on?” you ask. seeing sungchan so enamored by you gave you confidence. 
“can i see all of you?” sungchan asked. 
you nodded as he was reaching behind you for the clasps of your bra. it only took him two tries before he was able to undo the clasps. you let out a gasp when you could feel your bra loosen on your body. there was no going back as you let the straps fall forward off your shoulders. 
sungchan thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. even his greatest imagination fell short of what he saw before him. he felt like a teenager seeing boobs for the first time. when you used your arms to bring them closer together he had to clear his throat to focus on something else. he looked at you looking at him and was extremely aware of the tent in his pants, and how close your thighs were to it. 
“baby. can i touch them?” sungchan asked. he was pleading and desperate, as if you could ever say no to those eyes.
he was careful and attentive when he first put his hands on you. sungchan almost felt like he was tainting your pure beauty with his hands. did he even deserve to touch you? he didn’t think he was worthy to touch the supple skin, or to flick your hardening nipples. when you held him a little tighter sungchan was driven by the idea of making you feel good. when he experimentally pinched your nipples between his thumb and index finger you nodded your head vigorously. 
“keep going.” you whispered. sungchan started pinching a little hasher and you let out a new sound sungchan hadn’t heard you make before.
“does this hurt?” sungchan asked worried. he rolled both your nipples in his fingers, feeling the buds get harder and harder.
“it hurts in a good way,” you laugh. you seem to be getting carried away on your own, moving your hips slightly on sungchan’s lap. “take off your shirt.”
sungchan is upset he has to pull away from your chest to expose his. sungchans’ shirt is off in a second, thrown the backseat unlike yours that was neatly placed in the passenger side. sungchan flexes for your enjoyment and your hands go to his chest slowly. you do the same pinching motion he did to you and sungchan is shocked at the new sensation.
“wow you were right.” sungchan says. the pain is there, but it’s a type of pain that gives him a little bit of excitement. it’s the type of pain that has him reaching for your chest a little more aggressively, kneading the fleshy parts a little harder. 
you arch your back towards sungchan’s face, straining into his hands. you close your eyes as he gets more into feeling your chest. sungchan has his hands full of you now.
“sungchan,” you moan. sungchan looks at you instantly. “can you suck on it?” you ask a little louder than you meant to.
you think you may explode from the heat you feel everywhere. the car feels like it’s crackling with electricity, like a bolt of lightening is about to touchdown right beside your car. sungchan’s cold tongue on your nipple cools you down, and you lean so far back lay on the horn of his car. the blaring sound doesn’t stop as he sucks on you, and it fails to drown out your moans that fill the car. sungchan has to sit up and use his free arm to pull you into him and off his horn. it isn’t until he adds the pinching motion to your free nipple that your digging your nails into his back. 
sungchan doesn’t stop, looking at you react to his every move. he wants to tell you that you’re addicting and the softest thing he’s ever touched, but all he can do is nod and bring his mouth to your other nipple when you say you’re close. you finish when he nips a little bit, adding a new wave of pleasure coated in pain. you ride out the wave on his lap, amazed that you are having an orgasm without any stimulation in your pants. 
when you finally pull your hands off of sungchan you can see crescent moon shapes from the impression your nails left. you can barely mumble out a sorry as you slump against him, chest to chest. you are so sensitive and out of it that you almost don’t notice the wet spot where sungchan finished in his pants. 
“that’s never happened to me before.” sungchan pants into your hair. it’s relieving that he’s just as shocked as you are. 
you both stay in the drivers seat of his car trying to regain composure. when sungchan finally pulls back he lets his body rest on the back of his seat. you don’t know he means to but his bare chest and new exposed view of his neck already has your body winding up for more. you look at sungchans’ arms as he reaches to the passenger seat for your clothes. he slowly helps you back into your bra, letting you lay against his chest so he can peer over your shoulder to make sure he clasps it correctly. it isn’t until he buttons your blouse up and smoothes out your hair that he reaches to the backseat to put on his own shirt. you feel at ease even in the stuffiness of his car, so at ease that you almost fall asleep until you jerk up from sungchans’ chest. you see your phone light up with a text notification and several missed calls from yunjin.
“we are definitely going to miss the movie.” sungchan says while leaning the seat even further back.
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icallhimjoey · 2 years ago
what u mean struggling!?!! you dumb-dumb go read your own fics back and convince yourself that you'll do an amazing job! i cant wait for part 3 (please let them fuck on the stairs they deserve it)
bitch you don't know my LIFE (jokes, love you, thanks) ive got a very specific spot i need to get these idiots into and its taking me time to figure out a good way to get them there (its not the stairs) (no stair-fucking in this one sorry) (my joey would never)  Wordcount: 3.5K
A Lot Like Love
part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
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Your friend had trickled little droplets of doubt into your mind. Sprinkled uncertainty into your thoughts like chocolate onto a cake, but less sweet, more bitter. You liked to imagine Joe as just the person that he was when he was in the bookstore. There was no need for you to think of him as anything else, but your friend was right. It did seem like there was a little of a double life situation going on, yet it didn’t feel like he was hiding anything on purpose. Just something you didn’t talk about. Because you didn’t know each other, like Joe had pointed out to you the day before. 
You helped a couple of older ladies find books. And then someone came in and asked for something you didn’t have, and you spent a little while looking it up to see if you should get some copies of it in. And then you still had to scan more barcodes into the till. Get more books into the system. And then you made two coffees, because Joe was still there. But then more people came in who didn’t want to look themselves but had immediately asked for your assistance, and whilst Joe got to enjoy his hot beverage from the plush armchair with his mind deep within a story, yours grew cold because you had work to do, and it felt unfair.  
Because you wanted to sit with him whilst he was still there. 
And the first moment you got, where there didn’t seem an immediate task looming to be done, you took your chance and sat in the chair opposite to Joe. 
No book. You didn’t want to read. You wanted to watch him read. And you felt you should be able to openly do so. This was your store. So, you scooted back into the chair far enough for you to prop a leg up that you rested your head on. You could just take a break here for a minute, before the door would open again and there’d be new customers to help.
Joe’s so pretty, you thought. 
Joe was pretty, and obviously also very aware that you were staring at him. But he was reading. And he knew the one rule in the store, so he kept reading. You had the image of Joe in a shiny black suit fresh in your mind’s eye. You liked this Joe better. The one that wore these clothes that never seemed to properly fit his form. Frumpy, too big on his frame. And his hair, fluffy. Soft. The scruff on his cheeks. Chin. Neck. Just, messy. No intentional shape to it. Soft features, focused big brown eyes and that mouth that just… You sighed at the look of it. Those lips? Sir.  
When Joe turned a page, his eyes glanced up at you once more and he was amused by the sight of you. Your cheekbone was resting on your knee, your head cocked to the side, both arms around your propped up leg and seemingly, you were deep in thought. When you made eye contact, your mouth pursed into a small smile. Joe copied it.
“Don’t you have a bookstore to run?” Joe asked, eyes then back in his book. 
“It’s a little unfair,” your eyes didn’t leave Joe’s face.  
“What is?”  
You sighed. “You know where I work,” you started. “You know where I live.” Joe halted and looked at you for a second before closing his book and crossing his hands over his stomach. His full attention was on you now.  
“You know my family,” you continued. “You know Anne… it doesn’t seem very… equal?” you weren’t sure if equal was the right word to use. But you remembered Joe’s arm around that beautiful girl in the picture and you needed to know more about it. Even if it was just to tell your friend that she’d been wrong. Or right. But you hoped wrong, of course.
“Oh, it was never equal.” Joe furrowed his brow at you. It wasn’t the reaction you expected. You weren’t sure what he meant and confusion struck your features.
“You knew who I was the second you saw me.” Joe pointed out, and you were surprised to feel your cheeks flush. Joe was right. You had recognized him instantly when he’d walked into the store that very first time. And it made you blush, which was embarrassing and only made you blush more.  
“There’s a lot of information of me, just, out there.” Joe waved his hand around, gesturing at nothing. The point he was making sunk into you. And it was true, you knew he was right. If you wanted to know things about Joe, there were several ways of getting your hands on information that didn’t involve him directly.  
“That doesn’t count.”  
Because it wasn’t what you meant. You meant that you didn’t know where he lived. What his living space looked like. What he did with his time when he wasn’t in the store, what was inside his fridge, who his friends were, what his mum looked like.
“I think you’ve got the basics down.” Joe scrunched his face at you, one eye closed, as he repeated your words back at you, making your jaw drop. Joe reached for his book, ready to get back into it.  
Wow. Okay.  
So he wasn’t going to reveal anything else about himself until you were going to? That seemed like a stubborn game to play. But Joe had just reminded you that you had started it yourself, sort of, the other day, in your apartment, over shared bowls of pasta. So, you thought, let’s finish it then too. You had definitely revealed more of yourself to Joe than Joe had revealed of himself to you, and you were about to prove it.  
“I cried in front of you.”  
“You’ve seen me cry too.” Joe kept his focus in his book, entirely too casual and quick with his comeback.  
“On screen.” You added.  
“You’ve watched me die.” Joe grew in theatricality, glee thick in his voice. 
You had watched him die. But he’d been in character. 
“That’s hardly the same, you weren’t in the room with me!”  
“Ahh, but you see, I was.”
“On screen! Doesn’t count!”
As you playfully bickered back and forth, you thought back to how you had watched Stranger Things in your bed, in the dark, late at night. Technically Joe had been in your bed with you when you watched him die. You weren’t going to tell him that, though. 
“You know exactly everything I know about you. I have no idea what you’ve seen, or read, or have looked up online about me. So much for equality.” Joe stated, now just flipping pages in his book to avoid your eyes.  
“That’s not true, actually. I don’t know what my granddad has told you about me.”  
“Yes, you do, I told-” Joe started, but you were quick to interrupt him. 
“You got me croissants because of something he said.” You smirked, far too competitive for your own good in your need to win this weird game.  
Oh. He didn’t know you knew that, and you saw the slight shock in his face. Joe looked at you, then turned to look out the window a second before he sat up in his seat. 
“All right. I live in South London.” He spoke as if he had just given you a trivial piece of information about him. Something you could’ve never known. A huge secret leaked. When you didn’t respond to it, he added, “Southeast.” 
You slumped your shoulders. “Well, I knew that.”  
“See?!” Joe practically shouted. “It was never equal!” 
“I read one article! Was in the first sentence!” you laughed. “You know my literal street address!” 
“Because you live above the store!”  
“You’ve seen me without make-up on!”  
“You’ve seen me with!”  
“You’re an actor!”  
“You’re a bookstore owner!”  
You were shouting loudly at each other with joy shooting from your faces. This was borderline not making sense anymore. If anyone was to walk in right now, you weren’t sure if you would be able to greet them in a normal tone of voice.  
“So?!” Joe repeated you, then suddenly launched forward and took hold of the armrests of your chair and yanked the whole thing towards him, almost trapping your legs in between. You could pull them up just in time. The chair made an awful noise against the wooden floor, and you had only just managed to hold in a shriek.  
“So… come back home with me today.” Joe spoke with a twinkle in his eye, his volume way softer then - sensible inside voice. 
“All right!” Your voice was still loud, in the same tone you had used to shout before. It made Joe comically flinch, before doing the same, shouting “All right!” back at you. It had the both of you laughing. 
Joe leant forward in his seat and got closer to you, but then waited. You saw his eyes pan down to your lips and you knew what he was waiting for. You closed the gap between the two of you and kissed him square on the mouth. But you felt Joe’s grin as it stayed put – he wasn’t kissing you back, so you used a finger to prod him in the ribs. “You’re so annoying, kiss me!” you moaned, clawing at his shoulders to pull him closer towards you and Joe laughed into your mouth before kissing you back. Your lips collided hard, the kiss firm, almost rough, definitely needy. You hummed in satisfaction. Joe breathed you in and found your hips with his hands to scoot you closer. You opened your mouth, inviting him to kiss you deeper which Joe took advantage of immediately as his arms wrapped around your waist. He pulled you up from your seat and leant back, placing you over his lap as he did. Your knees ended up pushing into the seat of his chair, right beside his thighs. Oh shit, you thought. We’re in the store. In front of the windows. But were you going to be one to stop this? Absolutely not. Joe’s taste was too sweet. His grip too feverish. Your hands found Joe’s hair as your kiss grew in passion, and when you felt Joe groan into your mouth and his hands grab at your ass, your mind filled up with thick fog. 
Before the door could even trigger the bell above it, you heard your mother say, “Oh- I’ll come back later!” in a panic. 
The cloud of lust immediately dissipated above you as the air sunk, and you quickly broke away from Joe.
“Look who it is,” you locked eyes with Joe, moving back onto your calves, your butt finding the other chair again before turning to find your mother there.
“The lady from the bakery.” 
Joe helped you close up shop that day. You had rushed through it, knowing that there were a lot of things you could just do the next day. Locking the door behind you, Joe had grabbed hold of your hand as he’d lead the way to his apartment. 
It was such a strange experience to be out with him. In public. Taking the tube. What if people saw? Of course, people would see, you understood people would see, but what would they think? Would they automatically assume that you were a couple? Maybe when you were holding hands, like now. But maybe they wouldn’t if you weren’t. They probably wouldn’t presume anything, you then thought. And why would they? You were just two people on a train in London, like so many others were. 
The further away you got from the bookstore, the more foreign Joe somehow felt to you, but there was an excitement bubbling within you. You kind of wanted to see what this other Joe was like. So far, he seemed the same. Boringly so.
“It’s not as nice as yours,” Joe said when he turned the key. “I might have more books though,” he joked, and you huffed a laugh through your nose. With the amount of books Joe had bought from you, you’d easily believe it.
Joe’s flat is unmistakably a man’s apartment. No frill. Little charm. Not much more than necessary furniture pieces and a dying plant in a corner near a window. It doesn’t match Joe the way that your apartment matches you. However, the bookcase in his living room is something else entirely. As you laid your eyes upon it, you couldn’t help but step closer to check out his collection, your coat still on, because this was more important right now. You recognized a lot of them, and you smiled when you found his copy of Blindness. “Have you read all of these?” You were surprised by how many of them he bought from you. All together in a bookcase like this, it was a bit worrying to think of how much money he spent on them. There were other books there too, paperbacks and hardcovers you know you had never had in stock. “Nah,” Joe said, shaking his head. “I’m not much of a reader.” Making you laugh.
Joe cooked for you. Tagliatelle, salmon, spinach- it was fucking great. It almost made you consider cooking proper meals for yourself more often, but you’d never do this justice, not like Joe, you were sure. 
You briefly met Joe’s flatmate who walked in, grabbed something from his bedroom and left shortly after. When he had shaken your hand to introduce himself, he had looked at you a little funny, but then said, “I was going to say you look really familiar, but it’s ‘cause I’ve seen your photograph.” revealing that Joe had shown him the one picture he had of you. “Thanks for that, mate. Really helps.” Joe had commented sarcastically and all of you laughed. 
After dinner, Joe reached for your plate, but you decided that you’d clean up for the both of you and ordered Joe to stay out of the kitchen. He had cooked a beautiful meal, it felt like the least you could do in return was pile dirty dishes into the dishwasher. It felt strange to move around with forced habitually in a space so unfamiliar to you. But you thought back to Joe, who three seconds into being in your apartment had stuck his head into your fridge, so you stilled the alarm bells that you could faintly hear in your brain. When everything was tidied away, you wiped the counters down and your eye landed on Joe’s coffee machine. You called out to Joe and offered him a coffee, as if it was Joe who was a guest at your house instead of the other way around, making Joe laugh from his spot on the sofa and say, “Yea, sure. We keep coffee in-” “Found it.” You interrupted before he could finish the sentence. 
With two coffees in hand, you stepped back into the living room and thought to yourself how Joe didn’t look like Joe. That man sitting on that sofa across the room from you might as well be a complete stranger. But it was Joe, and the closer you got to him, the more his surroundings faded from your vision turning him more into the Joe you knew. It’s this place, you thought, shocked at the effect it had on you. But you were quick to shake it off; you just weren’t used it, you told yourself. You put the coffees down in front of him and sat down on the sofa next to him. Joe pulled you over towards him immediately. Close. Hands on your legs that were now half on the sofa and half over Joe’s legs. Faces close, but Joe didn’t move to kiss you. He waited again, and you thought back to how he had done that earlier in the store too. He’d get so close, close enough for you to feel and smell his breath, but then he’d linger. In case you didn’t want to be kissed? To give you control over the situation? It sounded chivalrous, but it was more just, very annoying. You waited to see if he really wouldn’t do anything. When it took too long, Joe’s hands started wandering from your legs to your waist before snaking their way over to your back, dipping underneath your top to graze bare skin… but his lips? So close. But still not touching yours.
“Kiss me,” you whispered breathily, needing to know if he would when you asked for it. Joe’s grin grew, and he turned his head to touch his nose on the other side of yours, but not following orders. He was still just there, hovering. You moved back slightly to look at him. “Are you edging me for a fucking kiss?” 
Joe laughed loudly, tilting his head back as he did. You used your fingers to poke him in his stomach, making him curl in on himself.
“You’ve got to earn it!” Joe laughed as he grabbed hold of your hands to stop you. “All right, so I think I can still catch the tube if I leave now, maybe the night bus if I’m unlucky,” you faked getting up to leave, looking at your empty wrist for the time. “No, no, no,” Joe was quick to pull you back in close to him by your waist and then held you there.
“What do I need to know?” Joe meant about you. You groaned and let your head slump against his shoulder. “You said yourself that it’s unfair,” Joe said, now using his fingers to trail slowly up and down your back.
“It is unfair.” You looked at him. “But I promise it’s unfair to me.” 
“All you’ve got to do is tell me something about you. Hardly seems a difficult job to do.” Joe made a point, and you saw his eyes dart to your lips. You bit them for a second, pondering if you should say what you were about to.
“How was your film premier the other day?” It’s not ‘something about you’. But you knew it would reveal something about you, which felt like it was within the gist of things.
Joe instantly tensed under your hands. 
“See?” he then said. “Unfair to me, because I haven’t told you about that and you still know about it.” Joe thought he was making a point. And sure, something could be said for it, but it’s not what you meant. 
“Exactly. You haven’t told me about that.” It prompted Joe to sit back a little, widening the space in between you. You felt like you were winning the game, but it wasn’t a very fun occasion. You could hear distant alarm bells inside your mind again. “We don’t know each other.” You waved a finger in between the two of you, signaling to Joe that this was a two-way street. “I know you as the man who comes into my store to sit and read books.” Joe frowned at you. “Who I also flirt with, and give coffee to, and occasionally make out with.” You added, letting Joe know he was more to you than a random customer. “I don’t know Joseph Quinn," You spoke and motioned your hands as if his name was written in lights across the sky. "The famous actor who takes selfies with fans in the street, who flies business class all over the world, who has long days of filming and doing press interviews and who goes to lavish parties with celebrities and models and-”
“Premier was fine.” Joe interrupted you and sucked all playfulness out of the room with the short answer to your earlier question, his face serious.
“Good. I’m glad.” You were unsure of what else to say. 
It was quiet for a second bar the now blaring alarm bells in your mind, and it quickly grew awkward. You didn’t like Joe’s apartment. At all. And you didn’t think you were going to get that kiss still. 
But you could obviously try, still. So you did.
“I don’t have any siblings.” You started. 
“And I can’t watch horror films because they activate my fight or flight response, and I never know which one it’s going to be, so I’ll either end up punching the TV or I have to pause the film to go for a walk.” You noticed a small smile creep onto Joe’s face. 
“I’ve been to Spain once when I was six years old and I’ve wanted to go back ever since, but I’m afraid that when I do, it won’t be as good as I remember it and I don’t want to shatter those precious childhood memories.” Joe scooted closer to you; his grip stronger on you again. 
“I really love Christmas. Everything about it. The bad films, the repetitive music, the cold weather, the smell of Christmas trees – it’s truly the most wonderful time of the year.” It was working. Time to hit for a home run. 
“And I’m a real sucker for good, slow, passionate kisses.” And Joe kissed you, just like you said you wanted him to. 
— part four read Like A Poem here —
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rockbandsrockfans · 2 years ago
The Story of My MCR Concert
First of all, I was SO HYPE FOR THIS SHOW, obviously. Years of delays, and then Gerard’s costumes started to hit the Internet, and it just so happened that my anxiety was under control for the first time in a long time. This was going to be LIFE-CHANGING.
Interestingly, the tickets were actually a birthday present from me to my sister, who was the first one of us to discover MCR, but she doesn’t get into bands like I do (meaning she doesn’t learn EVERY SONG and learn the whole background and lore of the band), so I think the songs she knew consisted of like Cancer, Black Parade, and I’m Not Okay. No shade at all, we just like things in different ways!
But here’s some shade, my sister is always late. So she took forever getting ready AS ALWAYS, and while she did that, I started to scheme. I happened to have a… specially infused beverage hidden away in the fridge, and I remembered a mini disposable plastic water bottle rolling around on the floor of my car. I snuck outside, got the water bottle, snuck back in, washed it, and transferred enough beverage into the bottle to deliver what I estimated to be about 15 mg of Substance. I marked that on the bottle, then added the same amount again. Two equal doses.
I was driving and generally in charge of making sure the night went well, which I’m tempted to say was a mistake but really, it wasn’t. You’ll see. I finally dragged my sister’s ass to my car, made sure we had our vaccine cards and everything else we could possibly need in my transparent plastic bag, and hit the road.
And hit the traffic. Yeah, as it turns out, the Tacoma Dome area gets kind of busy when fucking My Chemical Romance is playing. In my defense, I’d only ever been to the Dome as a younger teenager, and my mom took care of everything and did the driving that time. Luckily, neither my sister or I had any need to see the opening bands, and thank god honestly because that would’ve stressed me the hell out.
Against my sister’s advice to drive more into the city sector to find somewhere to park on the street, I turned into the longest goddamn line of cars to get into a Dome parking lot. I told my sister hey, I brought us some beverage if you’d like to take yours now so it can start working. It’s 15 mg. We’ll be here for a while. She drank her half of the beverage and we continued chatting, complaining about the line, and listening to MCR.
The line moved up. Sloooooowly. I figured we were close enough that it was a good time to drink my half of the special beverage.
And then my sister started saying she was feeling it, and it had *only* been half an hour. I gave her a Nutrigrain bar. And I thought oh SHIT. I am driving the car. I estimated an hour for this substance to kick in. If it’s kicking in that fast, it will hit me while I am driving the car. And that is not safe.
So long story short, my sister is a lightweight.
Luckily, I remained sober while driving the car. It was JUST starting to hit as I was finally parking, and I thought the drama was over.
WRONG. The lady at the door (after ANOTHER line) wouldn’t take the tickets I had downloaded into my Apple Wallet, she needed the Ticketmaster barcode. What the fuck??? It didn’t say that anywhere! She forced us out of line with the other poor saps having this issue. And my phone wouldn’t load the Ticketmaster website! Thank fuck, my sister’s phone loaded it after a very tense few minutes and I was able to put in my account details to get to the barcode. We were in!
We were in, but my sister was starting to freak out, because again, apparently a lightweight. It’s worth mentioning that she started doing Substance WAY before I did and is overall much cooler than me. But it was very loud and the sensory shit was getting to her, and we’d been walking in circles around the Tacoma Dome’s interior looking for our seats. It’s hard as hell to find your section in there! She also wanted earplugs because I had my special chambered ones, but she’d forgotten to bring any. There was a help desk that gave her some for free, though, so that was one problem solved. But she was in sensory overload and overall way too high, and we really needed to find our seats.
We had shit seats. That was always the plan; they were cheap. But they were also way up in the air, so we climbed stairs and stairs and stairs and finally sat down after scooching past a bunch of people already sitting. I got a quick moment of rest and then had to start solving the problem of my tripping balls (exaggeration, not even accurate) sister. I decided she needed a pretzel and a water, and fast, so off I went, back past the people, down the stairs, and to a food vendor (no line this time!). Two pretzels with nacho cheese, one bag of kettle corn, two bottles of water, exorbitant prices, but I was just happy to be there. The substance didn’t hit me nearly as hard as my sis, for whatever reason, and I was feeling pretty awesome, if a little hungry.
Back up to our seats and my sister devoured her pretzel, which helped a lot with chilling her out. From there, everything was basically perfect! The show was obviously amazing, and I screamed myself hoarse. We were totally exhausted but so happy afterwards.
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chuuulip · 4 years ago
Another Earth
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Pairing: August Walker (werewolf) x Female Reader (red ridding hood)
Warning: 18+, PWP, Oral (M and F receiving), Unprotected Sex, Multiple Orgasm, Slightly ABO Universe, Rough Sex
Words: 7434
Summary: After a failed attempt to sign up for the Halloween haunted house to meet your Superman, the last minute ticket turned your night upside down as you were stuck in another earth.
A/N: Unbeta! Any grammar mistake will be on me. Divider by me 😆 This is for @jtargaryen18​ Halloween challenge, and I’m pretty late! Sorry for that life has been busy xD I still have another one in progress (the Andy barber one) and hopefully can post it soon! Thanks to @navybrat817​ and @venusdemonroe​ for giving me the idea for this story and help me discuss what a werewolf August Walker would do in this lol. Actually I wanted to mention a lot....of things but I guess it would be too much for a one shot lil but anyway Happy reading!!!
This year's Halloween event was mental. Several big haunted houses are hosted by celebrities. To name a few, there's an Avengers Tower haunted house, The Hall of Justice League, The X-Mansion, and even Walking Dead one. 
 You knew it wasn't easy. All of them have a huge fandom. The ticket was sold out immediately when it was open for sale, like 3 months before Halloween, and you were terribly upset. You were whining for a month straight to your boyfriend. Or more like your sugar daddy. He was patient and wealthy, but he knew he can't satisfy you enough, so he usually did everything he could for you. But that time, you just have none of it. The relationship, if you could ever say that, fell out immediately because you were unreasonable.
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 You really wanted to go to The Hall of Justice League and maybe meet Clark Kent. The obsession started because he always visited your dream and mostly engaged in the steamiest dream ever. It's been your wildest dream, really, to have that body blanketed yours, in a really not innocent way.
 Just one day before Halloween, you finally secured one ticket for The Hall of Justice League haunted house. Of course, the first thing you did was scream. You had been on their waiting list since the ticket sold out, but you really lost hope since last week. But now, you celebrate it with a bit of a jump and constant scream.
 "What the fuck?" Your only housemate barged into your bedroom. Face annoyed.
 You stopped your silly jumps and looked at your housemate. With a broad smile, you hug your housemate and shake her body, "I got it! I got the ticket for The Hall of Justice League haunted house! Can you believe that?"
 The redhead hugged you, and both of you jumped in a circle. "Oh my gosh...I can't believe it! Congrats!!! I really hope you will meet your Kryptonite." she gave you her suggestive smirk.
 "I mean...a girl can only hope. But this is a charity event. I don't think he will be available. What if it's all a decoy and I only meet his wax figure?" you pouted at your friend.  
 "Well, at least you have the opportunity to see it yourself. But remember, behave, young lady, don't let him if he's there, I mean, witness your brattiness."
 "Aye...aye Captain!" you giggled but immediately gave your housemate a military saluted.
 That night you dreamed of those big blue eyes and his firm, fantastic arms on yours.
 Dress in your red riding hood costume, you patiently sat in the backseat of the Uber car. Well, maybe a little bit impatient, since it's already 11pm. 
 Everything just went down the hill since morning. You can't seem to find your Poison Ivy costume. Not to mention that you were late for work that morning. Your boss was a bitch since she seems annoyed at you every time the male employee or investor became too friendly with you. 
 Who can blame you? You were just good at acting all cute to them, and it's not your fault that they mostly thought you were a cute little employee. 
 You check your wrist. The expensive rose gold watch from your ex sugar daddy elegantly pointed at 11.30 pm. You sighed, "do you know how long I will arrive at my destination? It will close soon."
 "Hopefully, in 10 minutes. Dunno why it's jam-packed." Said the Uber driver.
 You huffed in exasperation, but there's nothing you can do. You arrived very last minute, like 15 minutes before the haunted house closed. Wearing black stiletto boots, you carefully made a small run into the stairs. The booth was stationed to the far left of the building. 
 "Good night, little red riding hood; you are lucky because we are almost closed. Can I see your ticket, please?" A man dressed as Edwar Scissorhands greeted you at the far left of the building. 
 You fished out your smartphone from your small basket bag and showed him your barcode. He scanned it and looked at the monitor in front of him. "Hmm, here for a kryptonite, aren't you." He eyed you up and down and smirked at you. "I hope you have a spooky night, little girl." 
 You smile at him and sashay your way to the entrance. Apparently, they makeover a warehouse into a vast real-life Justice League Hall. Like in the comic. A white half-circle exterior completed with two giant pillars at each side imitated the picture you only seen in comic books. It looks so magnificent. 
 You entered the door after you scanned your barcode at the scanner next to it. The whooshing noises startle you a bit, but you were too excited and step in immediately. 
 The inside was bright with a black marble flooring that shone bright; you even can see your reflection. There's a different section of the silvery door like in most sci-fi, alien invasion movies. So futuristic, so clinical. 
 You darted your eyes and found where you needed to go. A small rectangle monitor with a very digital clock font in it showed you 'Krypton' words. Without hesitation, you did a little run and waited in front of it. The small rectangle monitored turned to green, and it shone. It startled you, but you let out a sigh of relief when it just scanned your body from your head to toe. 
 "So much for a haunted house." You muttered. 
 When the door opened, you stepped in. It was a glass elevator. You circled your eyes and found everything was dark. When the elevator ran, bringing you down several floors, the surrounding changed. 
 Once, the darkness engulfed you like you were being shipped to the deep ocean, but it changed dramatically. Your eyes darted in awe as you drank on the scenery. The scenery of what you would call the imitation of Planet Krypton. So beautiful yet so harsh. 
 When the elevator stopped, the ding noise pulled you to the present. With excitement, you grabbed your smartphone and took several pictures of the scenery. It was just so surreal that a haunted house would make something like this. But you remember how expensive the ticket was.
 "This three grant haunted house better give me a chance to fuck a real-life Clark Kent." you cackled. 
 There's a weird tower with a green light on top of it. You assumed some futuristic objects were supposed to be 'kryptonite' as it floated sparsely in most parts of the supposed Krypton. A bit further, you could see a white crystal-like triangle building. Oddly enough, it reminded you of the Louvre Pyramid. This one just full of crystal-like pillars crisscrossed it. 
 Didn't want to waste your time, you decided what path you should choose. It wasn't easy. Your stiletto pierced to the weird substrate like mud but also crystal-like as if it's ice. Carefully, you mind your footing while again stayed alert. There's this odd feeling of being watched. But you reminded yourself that you were in a haunted house, so it's understandable.
 You let out a loud scream when suddenly a mummy appeared behind one of the floated crystals. "Holy shit, I didn't see that coming." you try to slow down your breath as you clutched the white ruffle shirt under your red corset.
 When you feel that you can walk again, you try to do it faster. Several times it looks like the Krypton had shifted in its light as if the sun rose and shone, but the next five minutes, it set. Made the scenery look like it was illuminated by the crystal alone, like a lamp.
 When many ghost-like mannequins showed up, it got scarier and scarier, and you immediately lowered your hood to shield you from some view. Your eyes perked up when you finally saw the path to the Fortress of Solitude. It was more like an icy bridge with a dark pond surrounding it. 
 As your right foot stepped onto the bridge, a loud noise of a clock surprised you. It struck once and counted until it stopped at the twelfth. It was so loud it's voice echoed. You can even feel it under the sole of your boots. 
 Stunned for a moment, your mind suddenly set on alert mode when the water from both ponds on each side of the bridge rippled. A dinosaur-like head appeared from both ponds. It has a single protruding horn. It opened its mouth and let out a loud growl. A blast of wind came out of it like a thunderstorm. It has sharp teeth like sharks that you assumed could quickly rip your body apart if it sank on yours. 
 "Holy shit. This is— this is a joke, right? It's not real?" Body trembled in fear; you ran your life out to the Fortress of Solitude. The monsters crawled up out of the water. Its slithered movement mimicked a snake, but it didn't have any problem crawling up without things to latch on. 
 You screamed as both of the monsters chased you. Run as fast as your legs allow you. This haunted house event might be too much for you. When you can see an oval object that looks like it can be a big mirror or a huge door, your gloved palms immediately bang on it. "Open the door!" You screamed. When the door finally opened, the two snake-like monsters that chased you suddenly disappeared.
 "Oh— oh my god. Oh my god…," you chanted as you let yourself drop down on the floor. 
 "I see you finally make it." 
 Your face turned to the left. In front of you, stood up tall and proud, Clark Kent with his superman costume. He's just so big. If you compared your tiny body to him, you definitely, nothing.
 You replied to Superman's bright smile with a scowl. Slowly you got up from the floor and cleaned your skirt. "Isn't that just too much? What if I fell to the pond? I can't swim, you know?"  
 He seems surprised, "apologized my lady. It was something the organizer will handle. I don't think they mean any harm."
 "Yeah...yeah… right." you walked closer to the hero and already fished out your mobile phone. "So… what did I need to do now I meet you, Superman?"
 "Hmm… most attendants ask for pictures. Some of them spent time just talking with me. Since you are the last one, you can take as many pictures as you like and of course. If you have any questions about my protection for the earth, I will gladly answer it." The tone in his voice was more soft than authoritative. 
 Think of not sabotaging your Halloween any longer; you tried to forgive the silliness of the whole new level of scary from this haunted house. It's hard not to show off your brattiness in this kind of situation. Still, you reminded yourself that he was someone you weren't familiar with—practically a stranger.
 Gave him a sweet smile, you took several pictures with him. At one time, you tried to bat your eyelashes at him and asked for a picture where you sat on his lap. You spent a solid 15 minutes talking to the handsome alien. Your fingers touched his biceps here and there. You knew that he knew what you were implying, but he didn't refuse you either. At least not blatantly.
 "I apologized, my dear, but I think it's already time." Superman gently put you back on your feet. You gave him an upset face, but you knew it's time to go home. You bid the handsome man goodbye and sneaked a kiss on his cheeks. There's a twinge of pink on his cheeks, and you jump triumphantly at that reaction. Of course, behind his back.
 Following the word of 'exit' behind the piles of the crystal-like shape props, you opened the door. The scenery in front of you caught you off guard. The harshed white tundra scenery was replaced by now dark, almost jungly like one. Unconsciously you stepped back and turned your body to come back to the exit door. How shocked you were when it vanished. Disappear without a trace.
 As far as your eyes could see, it's only darkness and mist. Only the full moon aided your visions. The exhalation of your breath came out like a plume of white steam. It's definitely colder here than the fake Krypton one. The cold air seeped into your skin quickly as if you were actually in the deep of a forest. 
 With a loud sigh, you walk straight. You tumbled and fell down on your knees as your boots got caught with something: either roots or a massive branch. 
 Tired and frightened, you screamed loudly. You weren't sure if this was the continuation of the haunted house or not, but what you want right now just to be back in your apartment and soaked in a warm, relaxing bath. 
 "Get me out of here!" you yelled again. There's a lot of sounds as if a lot of people stepping on branches. A screeching sound of an owl surprised you, but you tried to follow its direction with your ears. 
 There's no way you will wait here and do nothing. Oh...my phone! You fished out your smartphone, but it showed no signal. "Shit!." you muttered. 
 The sounds from a far away crept closed, and you knew it. "You can do it! There's nothing more frightening than that monster snake." tried to encourage yourself; you stood up and slowly navigated. You followed the noises that now closer, like an animalistic growl. It was so intense you can feel all the goosebumps rise up your skin. 
 You weren't sure how long you have been walking, but you stopped suddenly when there's not only a pair but like 7 pairs of reddish eyes glowed in the dark. 
 "Come here, little lamb. Don't follow that voice." a vaguely familiar voice distracted you from stepping forward. 
 "Who the fuck are you, and why you get in my way just now." your voice came out hoarse. There's a twinge of fear in it, and you knew it. You felt like backed down wasn't the best option you had right now.
 "I said, come here, or else I can't even save you when they get you." 
 You stilled as if you didn't hear him talking to you. "Wasn't this still one of the tricks from the haunted house? To let the people scramble in fear?" 
 "Are you out of your mind? Come here right now, or I left you to death. They will either rip you apart or play your body like a ragdoll before one of them eats you." 
 You screamed in horror as one pair of red eyes slowly came out. It's huge. Almost four feet of canine shook its fur. 
 You were hyperventilating right now. Body rooted to the ground as you were surrendered. Welcoming your fate. 
 You heard a curse from behind your back. Maybe the stranger gave up and left you alone to be eaten by the wolves. 
 The scrunched sound of leaves crushed was loud. Suddenly you felt strong arms hauled you upside down. 
 Your eyes faced the skin of someone's back. You craned your neck a little bit to get a better view of the wolf. Screamed escaped your lips when you saw not only one but all of them, in a pack, chased both of you. 
 "Stay still." The stranger yelled. 
 Did the best thing to not get thrown out by his weird, fast speed, you secured your thumbs in his belt loops. He ran, escaped the pack inside the deep of what looked like a pine forest. 
 You weren't sure how long you ran with him, but you felt that he's finally slowed down. 
 When the thud thud sound reached your ears, you opened your eyes and saw that the stranger walked up a stair.  
 You felt nauseated when he suddenly put you to sit on something that was apparently a countertop. The rushes of blood that circulated through your body made you regain your sense of surroundings. 
 "Where am I?" you didn't mean to add an ungrateful tone in your sentence, but it was too late.
 The stranger eyed you like you were some sort of ungrateful bitch, which maybe you are. "At my cabin," he said flatly.
 You haven't had time to look at him in the forest, but now, under the actual lighting inside his house, what you saw might instantly make you drooled, which you already did right now. Stand up in front of you, a shirtless beefy tall man that's definitely more than six feet tall. He has short dark brown hair with a somewhat thick mustache that's complemented by a stubble. The front strands of his hair were loose and slightly curled. Looks likely due to all the running.  
 The sudden chill of air made you shiver, and he didn't miss your reaction. He left you for a minute and came back with a rug. The sudden heat from it, when he draped the fabric on your shoulder made you let out a gasp of satisfaction. 
 But the next thing you know, he ripped your stocking. You were shocked, eyeing him in horror. "What the fuck are you doing?!" You threw whatever things that's on your reach. The loud sound of glass hit the wall, and the strong grip on your wrist instantly made your stop.
 "Be still!" His azure irises left no room for confrontation. When you felt a sting on your knees, that's when you realized that he just pressed some gauze on it. Likely soaked with alcohol first. There's quite a prominent stain of blood on your legs, and it almost made you nauseated. 
 "If you stop acting like a brat, you'll heal faster." He looked at you with that cocky smile of confidence. "Understood?" 
 You just nodded at him. He continued to clean the blood and inspect the wounds. The position where you were sitting right now made it easier to study him carefully. 
 Although you felt the temperature decreased significantly, the beefy stranger in front of you appeared very sweaty. 
 Immediately your gaze ran down to his neck and continued its way to his chest and his abs. The unmistakable bulge under his pants made you squirm unconsciously. You were in a haze of fear and lust; you definitely insane. 
 "Wha— what's your name, sir?" 
 His strong gazed felt as if his eyes alone can subdue you. Maybe he has these laser eyes like Cyclops, your inner thought buzzed with speculation.
 "August. My name is August Walker. What's your name, little lamb?" 
 How dare this man call you a little lamb? You cleared your throat and told him your name and where you were from.
 "New York? It's pretty far from here." He patched you up nicely. The water-resistant gauze looked really neat pressed on your knees and some on your shin. You were impressed.
 When your eyes returned to August, you gave him a smile that you hoped looked like a smile of gratitude. Not the kind of smile you always presented to any potential partner in bed, sultry, and flirtatious.  
 "I— I haven't said anything but— thanks. Thank you for saving my life." Your left fingers instinctively pat his right arms. The feeling of his skin startled you. It's warm; in fact, it felt like he had a very high fever.
 "Are— are you alright? Your temperature feels off." 
 "Don't mind me. Just take care of yourself." 
 You knew there's something off with him, but you weren't sure if you had a clear mind to think right now. Not with the wolf pack outside and his words on New York being far away from here. Where the fuck am I? 
 "I… I have a—,"
 "I suggest you stay here if you don't want to meet them."
 "But I…,"
 "You can use the bedroom there," his hand pointed to the door on the far end. "Feel free to use anything you want. Just don't come to the basement. I will meet you after a couple of days, and we figured things out." 
 His authoritative voice and dominant persona immediately made you want to counter his suggestion. The funny thing was, looked like he sensed it.
 He approached you, face just inches away from you. Your eyes immediately glanced away from the delicious plane of his sweaty chest. His fingers drew your chin up, so both of your eyes were at the same level. "Do what I said, understand?. Thrust me; you don't want to know the consequences if you violate my suggestion."
 Suggestion, my ass! Your inner mind ready to throw insults at him, but you quickly held it back. In the end, you nodded at him obediently.
 That night you were restless. But in a weird sense, you felt comfortable staying in that cabin. The first night after August left you to your own devices, you had been pretty careful. Not touched a lot of things except food and items that help you with your long bath. 
 His cabin was quite spacious. The interior was a mix of something slicked and modern with an equal touch of classic. Tried to look homey. Not to mention his bathroom, it's super luxurious and made you feel at home instantly. Reminded you of your ex (sugar daddy's) bathroom. 
 Since you couldn't find another bedroom in that cabin and you don't feel like sleeping on the couch, you slept in his bed instead. After all, he said you can use the bedroom there. Still wearing your red riding hood costume, you slipped under the soft comforter. 
 After that, you woke up feeling a bit groggy. Aimlessly wandered around the kitchen, you weren't sure what to do first. Tried collecting your bearing, you tried to make a coffee. Or any equivalent things of it. Everything felt different; you just knew it. When the only thing you could find was several jars that you assumed were granules of tea, you brew it. You sat on the sofa that faced up a lake. The wall was made of glass, making everything well seen. 
 You walked closer and gazed at the vast pine forest in front of you. The trees were tall and big, so majestic. Somewhat it's different from the pine trees you usually see. The lake in front of you looked like it had two different colors, fusion together with weird looking fishes and plants that should grow on the land instead of water. Where the fuck am I? 
 The next day, you woke up feeling a little bit refreshed. You changed your slutty costume into one of the clothes you found in his closet. It was so soft and comfy. You knew when things were from high-quality material.  
 You continued your days by drinking your tea, ate whatever breakfast you can munch, and read a book that has these unusual fonts. You were sure it wasn't in the alphabet, but one day you absentmindedly swipe your fingers on some of the pages, and the font changed. Hell, it even translated into English in an instant. You were definitely impressed. 
 One thing you are sure of was, this place was strange. Wherever you were right now, it didn't look like it's on earth. Or the earth that you knew. Why were you so calm? Because you already freak out. After you freak out, you also wondered, did the haunted house event organizer realized that they were the culprit behind what the fuck happened to you right now? Did your housemate recognize that you weren't home for days? Or maybe she thought you fuck the Superman or perhaps found another sugar daddy? It was so absurd yet so real.
 The last two nights, you were struck in awe as your eyes were spoiled by two moons. Two fuckin moons. It was always quiet at night, but you heard all the howls that you suspected likely from the pack of those giant wolves.   
 It was pretty late, almost midnight. You finally found your small bag hindered under the sofa that evening. Now…, now you had some time to check it. The first thing you checked was if there's a signal. Definitely no signal at all. 
 You curled up on August bed while swiping the pictures on your phone. When you scrolled your pictures with Superman, you realized why August seems familiar. It was none other than August having quite the same face, the same build, even somewhat similar voices with Superman. 
 "Fuck...maybe I should ask August if he would like to be my Daddy while I'm here." Imagining him spoiled you with gifts and other physical attention made you chuckled at yourself. 
 Your fingers instinctively crawled under the gray long sleeve shirt you borrowed from his closet (again). Your brain projected an image as if it was August's hands that ran on your upper thigh. Find its way quickly to your wet core. Two fingers slipped under the black lace panty. The panty that you need to wash daily due to no other replacement available. Left you a couple hours with only his buttoned-up shirt without anything underneath. 
 The sound of a loud howl startled you. It was as if it circled you in close range. Moved as fast as you can, you snatched the oversize robe on you. Your eyes tried to creep behind the curtain in the bedroom. 
 You knew the owner of this cabin stated that you can't go to the basement. You wouldn't be so lucky if that giant wolf found you first and broke in. Although you haven't been really out of the cabin, you tried to inspect a little bit and found it odd that this cabin was apparently a treehouse-style cabin. How come there's a basement in the house.
 You exit the bedroom and go to the kitchen when you last saw August a couple nights ago. Next to the slick wooden cabinet was a particular thing that looked like a door. The surface of your palms works like a stethoscope, felt as if something with pressure from your hands. You tried not to get disturbed by the nonstop howl outside. When you hear something as if the door was shifted, you immediately step back. 
 "Oh my, finally…," you slipped inside the small door when it opened automatically. It was a small narrow corridor-like, and it was dark. Walk inside carefully, you follow the path that leads you to another door. The metal door let out a weird creaked as you pushed it open. 
 "Didn't I tell you not to come down here?" 
 Shocked was evident in your face when you heard his rather gruff tone. You step over, closer to where he sat, that looks more likely an even bigger size of the bed than the one he had upstairs.    
"Don't —,"
 He warned you, but you being you, could never obey orders. Although challenging, your eyes finally adapt to the only natural light from the glass wall. That said, you were totally confused as you can see the lake parallel to your eyes. 
 "What the… wait, how there's even a basement down here? Last time I checked, the cabin is a treehouse?"
 "It's camouflage. No one can't see it or enter from outside."
 "Holy… why there's a three moon?" you switched your gaze from the moon to August. Curiosity got the better of you when you saw his irises were now pale blue. You can still see the outer form that is August, but something was off. 
 A gasp escaped your lips as August rose up from the bed. The powerful moon shone his feature. He was taller, bulkier, and dangerous as he stalked towards you slowly. Your heart thumped erratically as you were cornered. Back supported by the glass wall as now you can see August in his other form. 
 "Holy shit. Wha—what are you?"
 "Told you not to go here, and you just can't listen, little lamb." his smirk turned maniacal as he looked at the fear on your face. His white fangs, longer than usual. His fingers also look unusual, claw-like. 
 "Are you— are you a werewolf?" 
 "Well...you can say that. I'm half human half wolf if you are curious." 
 "So why— why did you save me?"
 The tip of his nose inched closer to yours. You held your breath when his warm skin touched you. It moved to your left cheek and stopped near your ear. "I'm curious," he whispered.
 "I haven't really met a pure human in the same age range. So I have followed you since I saw you step out of that door. I follow you until you meet the other wolf pack, and I decide to help you instead of fulfilling my need." 
 "What need?" you asked him, dumbfounded.
 "This," he pulled away from you, his claw-like finger pointed out below his hip. Focusing on the long and hard appendage that was unmistakably, his cock.
 "Oh—I- I'm sorry?" you gave him your best apologetic face. Eyes seemed eager to stare longer, but you gazed away quickly. Wait, why did you apologize to him? You cleared your throat, "I— I actually not sure what I should do to help?" tilted your head to the right, you looked him in the eyes, almost challenged him.
 Despite almost getting eaten by wolves, August's menacing presence didn't really scare you. Maybe the fact that he was still human and less scary made it easy for you. Not to mention he's hot too, with all his glory. 
 His somewhat evil chuckled sent shivers down your spine. "If you really wanted to help, I think you know what to do, don't you?"
 "W-wait—is—does this mean we 'mate'?" you gave him a somewhat weird expression. "And—and you bite me, give me marks that I'm yours? And knot me, and I will have a litter of puppies, and I become your omega—,"
 His pale blue eyes stared at you as if you grew two heads. It softened immediately as he smiled. Broad one showed you a set of white teeth with extra long fangs. 
 "Oh, my little lamb...what have you read?"
 "Err— Omega verse? Fanfic?"
 He blinked. Gave you a quizzical expression.
 "It's— it's erotica. Where mostly the character you know—," you darted your eyes away from August. "—mate, err have sex. Mostly was written very explicitly."
 "Go on." He said.
 "They are wolves, scenting, imprinting. An alpha mates with omega, and it's been told in a variety of plots possible. Sometimes two alphas fight too." You were breathless. You didn't realize you explained it to him in a quick, incoherent way. 
 You staggered backward as he came closer, forgetting that you already cornered. His long fingers reached out to the white robe you put on you. Although his fingers had claws that looked alarming to you, his hand still skillfully unfastened the robe.
 "That's a bit of an exaggeration, I think. Pack and hierarchies usually form just for a mating season; they hunt together for food and shelter in the winter. We might be scenting people, I guess. After all, we have a very sensitive sense of smell. But no, we don't bite our mate." He took off the robe from your body, left you only with his grey buttoned-up shirt.
 "Well...I love that you are wearing my shirt as if you are mine already."
 You purse your lips at him. "Why aren't you in a pack? Isn't it a mating season?" 
 "I mostly can control myself during the full moon. That's the advantage of being half-human. I don't need to transform myself into a wolf and be in a pack. But I am an alpha if that's what you are curious about."
 "Can-can you turn back to your human form? Not like—you know, you aren't in your human form, bu—," your words were cut off by his thumb on your lips. 
 "You talk too much, aren't you, little lamb…," August leaned down and touched his lips to yours. Your first reaction was to freeze since you were afraid of his fangs. But his surprisingly soft lips coaxed you relentlessly, making you surrender as you closed your eyes. Opening your mouth, his tongue sneaked past your lips easily. His fangs poke at your lower lips, but it didn't hurt.
 The non so innocent kiss became more desperate. Your once shied tongue now dances together with August. Your once clasped palms that were situated on top of your chest now scraped at his shoulder. 
 Your eyes fluttered open as August nipped down from your jaw to your neck. Forgotten, you even close your eyes in the first place. His claw-like fingers unbuttoned his shirt on yours without difficulty, left you only in your black lace panty. 
 The feeling of temperature as if dropped significantly made you glued your body to August. Smooth skin of your chest pressed to his hot hairy one, seeking warmth. One hand secured behind your back while the other palm on your ass. Massage the globe there. 
 "Ohh…" you gasped as you felt his finger on your clothed core. 
 "Hmm… wet already, I see." he let the pad of his finger move up to your clit, while the movement of the claw added sensation to your already. Seeing your reaction, he repeated it a couple times. Made you a mess with only one of his fingers.  
 Arched your body a little bit, you were thrilled to see his expression. Traveled your hands down from his hairy chest; your eyes still focused on his face, while your palms found their way to his hard cock. 
 "Oh, so big…," slowly at first, you ran your hands at the tip of his cock. Even without looking at it, you knew it's definitely bigger than any cock you've ever seen. 
 Eyes widened as your hand slid down to the base. The other weighed his balls. "Holy…," your eyes looked down, stared in awe at his cock. 
 "Careful little lamb, you drooled on it."
 "Who's not?" You eyed him in disbelief.
 August let out a weird laugh, "I expect you to worship it, then." He looked at you with a bemused expression as you quickly worked on his length. Stroked it up and down repeatedly. 
 You go down on your knees, eyes crossed as you focused on his slit that oozed pre-cum. Unconsciously, you stuck out your tongue and brushed it on his slit. Wrapped your right hand at the base of his cock, your gaze rose up to meet his. Left handheld on his upper thigh for support as your lips covered the heat of his cock. You bobbed your head calculatedly as you accommodate him halfway. 
 "Such a good little lamb for your wolf, aren't you." August's right hand was at the back of your head as he nudged you none too gently. Made you choke at his cock, and pulled it out from your mouth. You gazed at the mix of your saliva and his precum in awe. But it didn't last long as August pulled you to your feet and picked you up. 
 He climbed up on the bed with you and laid on his back. He situated your hips and pulled it closer, so your opening was hovering on top of his face. On all four, for him. August was rewarded with a yelped and a moan as his tongue licked your clothed core. 
 The sound of fabric being ripped made you turn your head to the right. "That's my only pa— ohhh," your protest died right away as his tongue lapped your opening. The feel of his claws as he spread your ass cheeks added wonder to your pussy. 
 Trying to keep yourself busy, you swallowed the head of his cock for a starter. His cock was too big for you; your mouth can only allow half of it. Diligently, you tried to move your tongue while you suck on his cock, hands slid up and down. Feeling all the veins that encircled his length made you shuddered.
 August bucked his hips as you put one of your hands to massaging his balls. The action made you gagged as his cock entered further than before. But it didn't take a long time for you to stop due to his sudden attack on your pussy. 
 His tongue was not lapped at you anymore; it rammed inside your wet core like a starved man. You squealed as the end of his fangs scrapped at your now wet pussy. The pressure on your clit as the pad of his fingers made a circular motion left you breathless. It drove you to your high faster than you ever experienced. A surprised scream left off your lips as his tongue scraped your most sensitive part. Your body quivered as your inner walls spasm, hands held on his cock as you ride your high. 
 "Ohh— my god, ohh—my god—," you can still feel the kitten licked as August feasted on it. 
 "Ahh—that' s—that's good." You let your head rested on his left thigh. 
 "Now, for the main course." August's gruff tone pulled you back from your hazy state. His hard cock was evident on your right hand. 
 You felt your body shifted position, and now you were on your back. August spread your legs wide and shifted his position. The feeling of his heavy cock on top of your pussy made you nervous but also excited. Unconsciously you nibbled your forefingers while eyes traveled down to his long and hard cock. It made an up and down motion on your opening. You can feel your wet pussy clenched in frustration, ready to be filled. 
 "August please…," still nibbled at your fingers, you gaze at the wolf on top of you, one elbow supporting your upper body. He's so big, literally and figuratively. If you can't come back to your world, so be it. You didn't mind staying and being his plaything as long as he wanted you. 
 "Please, what my little lamb?" You pouted at that. You definitely weren't a little lamb. If anything, you should be the succubus. 
 "Please put that in me—," you writhed underneath him. 
 "Please put what?" His big body tower over you. His pupils dilated and only left a small ring of pale blue irises. His clawed fingers move up and down your thigh.
 "Ple—please, ohhhh, put that cock inside me! Fuck me, my wolf— nhhh—," your plead was answered when August suddenly pushed the head of his cock on your opening. 
 The back of your head fell to rest on the thick pillow as the intrusion of August's cock sent a surprising jolt on your body. You knew he's big. But when his cock finally spread your lips open and entered you, the overwhelming sensation was something you still didn't expect. 
 "Ohh— so big—," your pussy clenched immediately when August tried to push deeper but also slowly. The noticeable ridge of his vein scraped at your inner wall deliciously. With closed eyes, you gripped the edge of the pillow as you mumbled about how full you feel right now. 
 "Work your clit for me. Yes...make that tight pussy cream on my cock."
 "Oh—like this?" Your fore and middle fingers slowly pulled the hood and made a circular motion as August asked. 
 "Yes… Just like that…."
 It didn't take you long enough to feel the fast buildup on your lower belly. Something that never happened before. "Ohh—yes—I'm going to cum, my—ahhh," you work your clit faster as August cock made a shallow fuck inside you. 
 "Yes, cum on my cock, my little lamb. I want to see your pretty face when you cum for your wolf." His wolf tone deliciously affected your body. His growl sent an extra twitch on your clit. And you lose it when he thrust all the way inside your wet pussy. 
 You scream in ecstasy as your pussy quivered uncontrollably on his hard cock. You feel so full. The feeling of his cock all the way inside you made your brain feel as if it was submerged. Forgotten that you ever closed your eyes, you were rewarded by a sly smirk on August werewolf's face. His eyes were now all dark. His hair loosened, made the curls of it fall to his forehead. 
 "I see you enjoying yourself, my little lamb." His claws caressed your thigh gently.
 "Nnn—of course, I ahhh—I am." A little movement from August made you aware that his cock still inside you. Hard as a rock. 
 August lifted up both your knees and secured it with his hands. You lifted your upper body with your elbows as he retrieved his cock from your wet core. You gasped when you witnessed August pulled it out, inches by inches. Left only the head inside you.
 You moaned when he pushed again. Stretched you like no one else ever had. He did it slowly, knew that you still adapt to his girth. But the feeling when the tip of his cock scraped your most sensitive part every time he thrust inside you, you were tripped to your high even faster than before. 
 The moan of pleasure became incoherent as August sped up his pace. Repeated syllables of ahhh and ohhh accompanied your plead for him to fuck you like you were a female wolf. Released his pent up frustration to mate. 
 Both of you fuck like an animal who just needs to reproduce. Lust clouded the atmosphere in the room. Moaned and growled were sung like a prayer under the moonlight that shone its way to the basement. 
 His balls slapped against your ass every time he plugged in inside you. Sweats trickled down your body, and it looked even animalistic in August. His werewolf form was so majestic that you just wholly let him own you. 
 His feracious fucking looked like almost to its limit. The buzzed on your lower belly was ready to explode, but you held it.
"Fuck!" He growled.
 "Uhh—uhh—uhh—cum in me. Yes—cum in me, my wolf— filled me up with your thick hot cum!" You pleaded like a bitch in heat. 
 August slammed his cock deep inside you as he screamed and let out a long howl. The feel of his warm cum inside you triggered your orgasm. You wail as your inner walls contracted and squeezed his cock. Spurt and spurt of his cum filled your womb to the brim. Something that you never allowed any of your partners to do in the past. 
 You didn't realize that you lock both your ankles behind August ass. But also you sensed something changed. August was draped on top of your body, head sneaked at the crook of your neck. Still, in a haze caused by the release of oxytocin in your bloodstream, you missed the way August kissed turned into something more. He bit you. 
 The still clouded brain of yours pop-up an image of you becoming August omega. His only mate. Bear a litter of pups for him and live happily ever after in his house, in his world. Your pussy unconsciously clenched at his cock that was still inside you. You never really said this to anyone, but you imagine you live in another world since the first time you ever read a story about omega verse. 
 You mewled when the biting stopped. Maybe August bit you just for fun. When he craned his head up to look at you, something was different. His eyes turned back to his azure color. His fangs now short, back to its regular human teeth, and his body wasn't as hairy as he's before. He's practically not in his werewolf form anymore. 
 "You changed? Why?"
 He looked at you with his quizzical expression. "You wanted me to return to my werewolf form?" 
 You glanced away from him and kind of embarrassed to declare that his werewolf form was way hotter than his human form. Not that his human form wasn't hot either. Damn, you definitely bang him every time you can, but his werewolf form just made you curl your toes in an instant. 
 You cleared your throat and looked him in the eyes, "I like it very much."
 "Well...the full moon is still in the sky for quite some time. Are you ready for the next round, my little lamb?"
 "Yes, my wolf." You purred seductively at him and witnessed in delight his transformation before your eyes.
Comment, like and reblog are highly desirable! Spread the filthiness lol 💋
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mikrowrites · 4 years ago
•aaron tveit headcanons•
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a/n: aight guys I’m not dead! i haven’t really had the time to write much, but aaron tveit lives in my heart rent free so here’s these dumb kinda specific really long headcanons:
so you both probably met pretty early into aaron’s career
it’s probably safe to say both of you would have the same if not similar careers, broadway and acting
and though aaron was lucky enough to get his big break, you had unfortunately not (yet) and had to wait tables for a couple years after college
(insert waitress/customer troupe here)
you worked at a restaurant close to the theatre district after undergrad and aaron was starring in Hairspray
the boy saw you and was w h i p p e d
would come to the restaurant like 4 days a week
kinda creeped you out ngl
finally got the balls to actually start a conversation and boom: instant friends
and you guys were friends for a while! dumbass and chaotic conversation was a YES
“did you know barcodes scan the white space and not the black lines”
“how many orders of fries would put me in the er?”
“uhhh... 30”
you first caught feelings when aaron invited you to see him as Fiyero in Wicked
was it his amazing talent and charm? or was it his tight pants? you’d never tell
but nevertheless, oh shit! the friends to lovers troupe!
aaron is a manly man™️ and will always say he asked you out first
which is somewhat true, but you always argue the dinner you took him to after that show was the first date
because that’s when you first kissed him
and just like that! he asks you out!
first date is literally a d r e a m
no romantic dinner, no dress and tux
there was wine tho
you and aaron watched a Yankees game and got drunk off your asses laughing and screaming at the tv and annoying aaron’s roommate
did it end with both of you passed out on his couch cuddling? maybe it did
best. first. date. ever.
the second date WAS a nicer one, going out to eat and wandering the streets of New York City
and yes, some dates were ABSOLUTELY a par 9 on a golf course
you didn’t really put a label on your relationship for a while
because aaron’s career began to take off with next to normal and you finally got your big break on a national tour!
it was pretty bittersweet, though
you and aaron had a healthy conversation about your relationship, and decided you weren’t quite dating yet, but still talking. you guys wanted to see if you could manage the whole “gone for months at a time” thing
and you could!
skype, texting, and random 1 am phone calls
one time you feel asleep during one of the calls, and aaron just smiled and watched you sleep (not in a creepy way guys)
when you came back from tour you’d think you had come home from war
he all but tackles you into a hug, and kisses you
“let’s make this work”
so lo and behold! you were dating!
takes you to meet his family on thanksgiving
they love you
attending the tonys together, which was basically the first time you two confirmed a relationship
he said “I love you” first
a couple years would go by, catch me if you can and such, and you make your broadway debut!!
you’re def a triple threat
aaron’s so gushy about it, constantly brags about you
rumor has it he cried watching the opening night, denies it every time
literally glued to you for the entire after party, he’s just seriously so proud and in love awwh
and then he books les miz and graceland
you’re unable to travel to London w him since you’re in your own show, and it hits both of you hard
so what does this mfer do?
it’s the morning he leaves for shooting and you’re dropping him off at the airport
“hey when i get back from filming wanna get married?”
totally gave you a little prize machine plastic ring at the airport
you guys are literally SO NONCHALANT about it as everyone around you goes insane
“i’m engaged, i guess”
the internet blows up because they actually can’t figure out if you guys are serious or not
don’t worry, aaron actually proposed properly with a proper ring eventually
you still wear the plastic ring on a chain around your neck for a while tho
you both decide to get an apartment together
domestic couple things
Your neighbors probably hate you from the amount of times you both have “sing-offs”
slow dancing in the kitchen, laundry day, watching football games together gets aggressive
i firmly believe that you aren’t a Dallas Cowboys fan
the biggest fights you have honestly is about the NFL
in all seriousness there is still small conflict every once in a while, but you both are fantastic at communication
attending the oscars with aaron
“yeah but lOoK aT mY BeAuTiFuL FiAnCeE”
you’d be lying if watching the oscars performance didn’t turn you on a bit
you guys get married!
it’s definitely not a huge fancy wedding, just friends and family
you know for a FACT he’d sing “marry me a little” at the reception he so would
you guys dance all night
it’s adorable, his hand literally never leaves yours
you end up with a sinus infection from all the cake frosting he smears on your face
aaron felt really bad for it, so like a good wife you hold it over him for eternity
“remember that time we missed our flight to Belize because we were in the ER-“
went to Belize to honeymoon eventually anyways
aaron was very much like that one john mulaney sketch
“that’s my wife!”
“hey! have you met my wife yet?”
“i love my wife”
life goes on for you two, you remain hopping from broadway show to show
aaron ends up working on his acting career more
lots of time apart, but that just makes the time together more precious
adorable phone contact names
“wifey❤️” and “hubby❤️”
you were on set a lot for rehearsals of Grease Live
you actually helped assist in some of the choreography from time to time
impromptu golf cart rides
and you get to watch it live! like, you were AT the carnival on the set!
you’re just really proud of your mans :,)
family and friends keep pestering you both to have kids
so you adopt a dog (MILES BBY I LOVE YOU)
also as a side note, you love Braindead
you laughed HYSTERICALLY during the salami sex scene
aaron filmed it and posted it on twitter
fast forward, you get offered to help choreograph a new show! woah! and you’d get to swing for it!
it’s super top secret tho, and you literally cannot tell aaron
you do eventually relent the information that you’re working on a new show, and the man doesn’t pry. he’s respectful like that.
you meet the team, and boy you are IN LOVE
auditions are fun, creating the choreo is exhilarating
you don’t hear about casting much at all tho
so when aaron walks into the studio you both immediately freeze
“wait what the f—“
yup. you both were working on Moulin Rouge! and had NO clue
you both share (1) braincell
the lab went great, and soon you were on your way to Boston!
you HATE aaron’s longer hair, mostly because he won’t let you mess with it >:(
he eventually relents, and you teach him the secrets of “the man bun™️”
you also braid it a lot
“stop being a pussy about it”
“your hair’s the money maker don’t make me shave it in your sleep”
performing with your husband is a dream
sneaking looks on stage
aaron calls your frustrated choreo-instruction voice “mom voice” and the rest of the cast picks up on it
“no, it’s 7, 8! Up on 3, down on 5, 6, spin 7,8!”
“ok, mom!”
then broadway!!
the ricky-aaron lives
you had to go on for nini one performance and ricky teased aaron ALL DAY
you were totally in on it too
but aaron isn’t really the jealous type. he knows you are so in love with him, the same way he is in love with you
so basically he knew it was all fun and games
shenanigans backstage
one time during intermission you convinced aaron to give you a piggyback ride the ENTIRE 15 MINUTES
“hey aaron nice backpack”
small talk between scenes
like aaron would be sprinting to his next cue and you’d just
“i’m ordering domino’s for dinner pepperoni or sausage?”
you both drink too much iced coffee, like people are actually concerned for you both
neither of you are party-ers really, but you can GET DOWN
i am convinced aaron can cook
like if he’d have a day off, you’d come home from an evening performance with a cooked meal and two wine glasses
never candles tho
not after the valentine’s day incident
y’all are cute :,)
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johannstutt413 · 4 years ago
(requested by calligomiles)
“So, just so I understand this properly,” the Doctor began, looking from one Operator to the other with a disappointed look in his eye, “the two of you got into a fight over which one of you was supposed to be my bodyguard during today’s shift?”
Gravel sighed. “When you say it like that, it does put it in a different light...but Doctor, can we really trust her to protect you the way I can?”
“My duty is protecting him,” ShiraYuki retorted, eyes narrowing at her competitor, who’d managed to catch her left eye with a fist.
“And the two of you fighting over who can watch over me doesn’t make that any easier.” He sighed. “I need the two of you to come to some kind of understanding, so...I’m sending you both on a mission. Just the two of you.”
They shared a glance before the Zalak spoke up. “Doctor, are you sure about this? Who will protect you while I’m gone.”
“Funnily enough, we have several Operators who’ve taken my guardianship as their personal responsibility, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find someone. Of course, if the two of you can come to an agreement right now, we won’t have to resort to that...” Silence. “Well, then. Madam Ch’en has been given the instructions; I suggest you find her and listen carefully to her briefing. Complete the mission, and come back ready and able to cooperate rather than eviscerate. Have I made myself clear?”
“Yes, Doctor,” they said in unison.
It was probably best they didn’t catch that detail. “Good. Dismissed.”
“You just had to weasel your way into my time with the Doctor, didn’t you?” Gravel sighed as they left his office in a dark mood. “Why are you so obsessed with being his bodyguard, anyway?”
“My duty is protecting him. Yours?”
She blushed. “I...He’s very precious to me.”
“I see.” The Anaty kept silent for a moment before adding, “I agree.”
“You agree that he’s precious to me?” The Zalak asked, confused.
ShiraYuki shook her head. “I value him also...He’s been very kind to me.”
“So you do understand why I couldn’t just leave him with anyone else.” Gravel sighed. “But I’m still not okay with sharing him with you.”
“Understood. Perhaps in time.”
She shrugged. “Perhaps. Madam Ch’en? Operators Gravel and ShiraYuki reporting as ordered.” 
“Good. Sit down.” The Lung of Lungmen gestured to a pair of empty chairs, waiting for them to sit before continuing. “The Doctor’s mission for the two of you is as follows: take this envelope and a shuttle to the location marked by these coordinates. Once you arrive, open the envelope for the rest of your instructions.”
“...No further orders?” ShiraYuki asked.
Ch’en shook her head. “No further orders. Dismissed.”
“What a strange assignment.” Gravel shook her head as they left yet another office. “What do you make of it?”
The Zalak shuddered. “Team-building? Why make this out to be such an important mission if that’s all it is?”
“Ninjas work alone,” ShiraYuki observed, “as do you.”
“But he only sent the two of us...Who do you think is taking up the watch?” Gravel wrung her hands at the thought.
Hang on - the Anaty was, too. “...I don’t know.”
“Neither do I.” She groaned. “This is the worst punishment he could’ve chosen for me.”
“For us,” her companion agreed.
Gravel hesitated before nodding. “Right, for us. Alright, I suppose we’re taking a shuttle...This one looks good.” *swipe* “Can you drive?”
“Yes.” ShiraYuki settled into the driver’s seat. “Coordinates?”
“I’ll put them in. Music?”
The Anaty shrugged. “Hard rock?”
“Really?” She giggled. “I would’ve thought you listened to something more traditional.”
“Understandable.” The ninja pressed on the gas as the knight connected her phone to the shuttle’s speakers, and their assignment began.
The drive was long - long enough anyone else would’ve stopped for dinner. This was a pair on a mission, however, so they pressed on...and arrived, several hours later, at a hotel. “This...this can’t be right,” Gravel declared as they parked. The coordinates indicated otherwise.
“Envelope?” The Zalak slit it open, read the letter inside...and cringed. “...That bad?”
“The Doctor wrote this himself, I can tell. ‘Gravel and ShiraYuki: A room has been reserved for the two of you for the next week. Resolve your quarrel and return before the end of your reservation.’”
ShiraYuki stared. “We...have resolved it.”
“You think so?” Gravel turned back to her. “So if we go back right now, what do we tell him?”
“...I see.”
The knight sighed. “Yes, as do I. Let’s find out which room is ours, eat dinner, and then we can figure out our plan.”
“Understood.” The Anaty paused by the driver side door as she closed it. “Good music.”
“Thanks. It’s an expression of my inner pain.” She said it with a smile.
The ninja nodded. “Same.”
“Really?” They walked through the hotel entrance. “Reservation for two by Rhodes Island? Was ninja training that stressful?”
“Yes...and more.” ShiraYuki took the spare key Gravel handed her and pocketed it as they walked to the first-floor diner.
After finding a table and browsing their menu, the Zalak had another question. “You said your duty is to protect the Doctor, but you also said he’s important to you. Which takes priority?”
“I...” She’d expected that to be much simpler than her feelings were making it. “...I am sworn to my Master.”
“Would you kill him if your Master told you to?” Gravel had a hand resting on her steak knife as if waiting for a sign of future betrayal.
The Anaty stared at the table before staring into the knight’s soul. “No.”
“...I can tell you mean it.” She smiled at her. “If you’d said you would, you wouldn’t have left this table.”
“Understood...What’s your favorite thing about him?”
The Zalak’s eyes flared open. “You really want to know?”
“I do.” ShiraYuki nodded. “He’s our common ground.”
“That’s true. Let’s see...Where to start?” Gravel’s eyes closed as she tried to decide which of her infinite elements of admiration was her favorite.
They ended up talking about the Doctor for the next three hours; ShiraYuki’s own elevated opinion of him nearly equaled the knight’s in some regards, and knowing the Zalak for five minutes is enough to know how much she can gush about her beloved Doctor given the chance. Their conversation continued through the entirety of their meal, up the stairs to their room, and for a while after they’d changed into their nightwear and were lying on the single bed that’d been reserved for them. Why they hadn’t been given a two-bed suite is anyone’s guess...but neither of them were all that bothered by it.
Eventually, however, the conversation trailed off, and they laid there, looking directly at each other, for a few minutes. It was ShiraYuki who spoke first. “Your shoulder’s marked.”
“Mmhmm.” Gravel slid her shirt down to display the barcode the Anaty was referring to. “Before coming to Rhodes Island, I was a slave...the Doctor bought my freedom.”
“I see. Was it difficult?”
She nodded. “It was.”
“I see.” The silence returned, but not for long. “Do you love him?”
“I don’t know what else to call my feelings for him. If this devotion I have for him isn’t love, what is it?...Do you?” The knight watched the ninja’s eyes attentively.
She hesitated. “I...I may be.”
“Hmm.” The Zalak thought for a moment. “Before tonight, I didn’t think I would find someone whom I could trust with his care. With you protecting him, however? It will be almost like I’m there watching over him.”
“I see...Thank you, Gravel.”
The knight smiled. “ShiraYuki is your real name, yes?”
“Yes.” The Anaty nodded. “Yours?”
“Senomy,” she replied.
ShiraYuki fell silent again. “You’re willing to watch over him with me?”
“I am,” Gravel agreed. “Although we might have to take it in turns.”
“Hmm...I wouldn’t like that. I want you with me as well.”
Her gaze became a somewhat shocked stare. “You want to stand guard together?”
“Yes. It’s...” The ninja took a moment to catch her breath. It must’ve been years since she talked this much with someone. “I’ve never met someone who so fully understood me.”
“I feel the same, honestly.” The knight’s gaze slipped from the Anaty’s for just a moment, a flicker as she noted that ShiraYuki had taken off her mask and was smiling subtly at her.
That moment was all it took for the ninja to make her move.
About six and a half days later, the Doctor was greeted by Gravel’s voice at his door. “Doctor? We’re back~”
“Come in.” The Zalak entered and closed the door behind her. “Where’s ShiraYuki?”
“Here,” she whispered into his ear.
He jumped a little in his seat but quickly regained his composure. “I see. You’ve decided to work together, then?”
“We’ve decided to share our shift,” Gravel explained, beaming at him. “Among other things.”
“‘Other things?’ Well, that’s none of my concern.”
The ninja kissed him on the cheek. “It is.”
“...Is it, now?” He looked up at the knight, who was locking the door, and then to the Anaty next to him. “Making up for lost time?”
“We missed you so much.” ShiraYuki walked back over to the Zalak, kissing her as well, albeit square on the lips.
Gravel giggled. “You’re so thoughtful, Yuki~”
“As happy as I am that things have worked out,” the Doctor said, “remind me not to try this method with other Operators.”
“We will,” they replied as they turned to him in unison.
...He wasn’t going to get much work done today, was he?
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echoes-of-the-clockwork · 4 years ago
Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter XXIX
After leaving the room and making their way back toward the central area of this level of Zegnautus Keep, a strange sound could be heard. Ignis stopped the group when he recognized the sound. Looking in Noctis' general direction, he asked, "Noct, do you hear that?"
The raven-haired boy glanced at his advisor in bewilderment. "Hear what?"
"I've heard this sound before—on the train, just before your weapons failed you. It's nearby, and it may hold the key to restoring your power."
As the four of them make their way across the catwalk leading to the central area of this level of Zegnautus Keep, the strategist stopped them again. "It's here."
Noctis stops at the large closed metal doors in the center of the enormous room. "This thing?" He places his hand against the doors and tries to open them. When they don't budge, he huffed out a groan. "Door's locked."
"It's coming from within. Is there no way through?"
Prompto swallowed hard before speaking up when he saw a familiar control panel by the door. "There's a way." The others look at him as he hesitantly steps up to the door's scanner and raises the back of his right wrist to it. He pulls the gemstone bracelet down a little ways so the scanner could read the barcode on his wrist. Successfully scanning it, the doors slide open. Prompto resumes speaking, staring off into the room, unable to make eye contact with the others. "So, MTs... They've got those codeprints...just like I do."
Noctis wasn't fazed at the new discovery. "Do they? Never looked."
"Yeah... So, as it turns out...I'm one of them. Not exactly something I could tell people growing up in Lucis. (Y/n) was the only one who knew the truth. At the time, she didn't tell me and I don't blame her. She had her own secret to hide, too." Tears stung his eyes and threatened to fall, but he refused to let a single one slide down his cheeks. "Still... You guys and (Y/n) are like...the only friends I've ever known. I just hope that things can stay the way they were."
"Whatever. Who cares where you were born?" Noctis remarked.
"I don't see you turning against us. Not now, or ever," Ignis added.
Prompto was able to lift his head and look at his companions. "Thanks, guys. Still...I can't change where I came from. What I am."
"Since when does where you come from matter to you? You never once treated me as a prince," the raven-haired boy stated. He then playfully punches Prompto's shoulder.
"He's got you there," Gladio said.
"Never so much as a "Highness"," the tactician added.
"And by the sounds of it, (Y/n) doesn't care either," Noctis spoke up again. "We're done here. C'mon, crown citizen."
Gladio steps over to Ignis to help guide him into the room. The shield gives Prompto's shoulder a friendly smack as they walk past. "You're one of us, right?"
Ignis stops and turns back towards the marksman, looking over his shoulder. "Unless you'd rather not be."
Prompto smiles with a nod. He glanced down at the gemstone bracelet, a single tear of joy slipping from his eye. "You were right, (Y/n)..." He covered it with his hand. Following his friends into the room, his heart was somewhat at ease.
Inside the room, they find the emperor's abandoned clothing laying upon the throne with no sign of the man. What was also located in the room was a large bank of computers, which are the cause of Noctis' lost powers. Without hesitating, the raven-haired boy rams his father's sword through the machines.
Prompto looked around in puzzlement. "So...did it work?"
"With the device down and out, Noct's power should be up and running," Ignis stated.
"Go on, try it," Gladio said, meeting the prince's gaze.
"All right. Moment of truth." Noctis holds out his hand and conjures a sword, resulting in Prompto to clap in celebration.
The shield smirked. "We're back, baby."
"Let's roll. We've still got to find (Y/n) and the Crystal."
Leaving the emperor's throne room, the boys were attacked by the gargantua daemon that caused trouble for Noctis earlier. The large daemon wasn't alone as more of its fellow daemons began manifesting. "Not you again," Noctis groaned.
"New friend?" Prompto questioned teasingly, summoning his pistol.
"You really need to pick 'em better," Gladio commented with a faint chuckle, readying his greatsword. Even Ignis summoned his daggers.
Leaping into the fray, the group took out the weaker daemons before targeting the gargantua. Before any of them could attack, the large daemon was set ablaze by bright flames. They stared at the burning adversary as it stumbled backwards, swinging its body around in an attempt to extinguish the flames. The sound of a blade slashing at its metallic skin caught their attention.
The gargantua daemon collapses to the floor, dead. Its body slowly dissipated into nothingness, revealing the person who slew it. "You guys were difficult to find," (Y/n) sighed, lowering the Creator's Blade. She combed a few (h/c) strands out of her face.
Gladio was the first to speak up. "We could say the same thing, short stuff. You and blondie had us worried."
"Are you well?" Ignis asked.
"I'm exhausted," she confessed. "But overall, I'm fine."
Noctis noticed the dried blood on her skin and clothes. "What happened to you?"
"A lot I'd rather not share at the moment." Her eyes drifted over to Prompto when realizing he hadn't said a word yet. "The only time I've seen you this quiet was when I surprised you for your birthday five years ago."
At her words, Prompto snapped. He ran over to her and hugged her tightly. It was a brief hug, but a sweet one. He pulled away, examining her arms and legs. "Y-You're not hurt?"
"There are some perks of being possessed by a god," she snickered. "One of them involves healing. I do need a break, though. Still a little weak from blood loss."
"Didn't we pass a dormitory somewhere?" Noctis asked his friends.
"Indeed, we did," Ignis replied. "We should gather our bearings and recuperate for a short while."
"Then to the dormitory we go."
The group left the large central chamber and walked through the hallways of Zegnautus Keep until arriving at their destination. Once inside the dorm, (Y/n) sat down on one of the beds with a huff. Prompto sat next to her while Noctis sat down on the bed across the way. Gladio stood beside the bed the couple was on while Ignis occupied a chair sat between the two beds.
(Y/n) crosses her legs, clasping her hands together in her lap. "It seems Prompto told you the truth."
"How'd you figure that out?" Noctis inquired.
"You were able to enter the emperor's throne room," she replied. "Does this mean...?"
Prompto places his hands over her clasped ones. "Everything's okay, (Y/n). You were right. The guys don't care."
"Then I guess it's my turn."
"You hiding something too, short stuff?" Gladio asked.
"Yeah." She turned her head and brushed aside her (h/c) locks once Prompto released her hands. She tugged down the collar of her outfit to reveal her own barcode. "My true master was Verstael Besithia. I'm an imitation created by his own hands after he killed his guardian after learning she was going to betray him."
"Hey, we welcome anyone who's willing to betray the empire," Noctis said. "Besides, you kicked plenty of imperial ass with us. I doubt you wanna go back."
"Hell no," she spat. "Even if I really wanted to, the only one that somewhat cared for me is dead. Hated him to the core."
"I still don't completely understand how you're still here. We killed the chief and by guardian law, you should be dead." That was when Prompto realized how his words sounded and quickly tried to recover. "I-It's not that I'm sad you're not gone! No way would I think that! I just wanna understand what happened."
"I'm a copy, not the real (Y/n). Verstael may have believed he brought her back from the dead, but in reality, he didn't. A clone is a clone, not the original. When I was created, I wasn't bound to a soul. That would explain why I'm still here."
Prompto glanced down at his bracelet. "But the gemstone..."
"Is artificial," she stated. "It's another device Verstael needed in order for his experiment to be deemed a success. Let's just say the man was thorough when it came to his experiments. He was quite meticulous with even the smallest details."
"I think I understand." Prompto flopped down on the mattress. "But there's another thing I don't understand."
(Y/n) cocked a brow. "And what's that?"
"How did someone like him make you?"
She blinked owlishly. "I...wasn't expecting that."
Noctis and Gladio smirked. Ignis tried to hide his own grin by lowering his head slightly. The shield crossed his arms with a guffaw. "Damn, string bean. You'd normally be embarrassed, but you're pretty level-headed for something like that to come out of your mouth."
Prompto shot back up into a sitting position. "Hey, I'm only speaking the truth! I met the guy and he had more than a few screws loose."
"He wasn't always like that, Prom," she said.
"But still..."
(Y/n) clapped her hands together. "Okay, I think that's enough for a while. Let's get some rest."
"Yeah, you're right," the marksman sighed. He then encased the girl in his arms, earning a gasp of shock from her as he laid down on the bed. "Hope you guys don't mind, but (Y/n) and I are gonna share a bed."
"What a gentleman," Gladio chuckled. "Just try to keep it in your pants, loverboy."
Prompto groaned, burying his face in the guardian's (h/c) hair at his comment. He held her closer when hearing her giggle. He moved one of his hands to her tresses and combed his fingers through them. He continued his ministrations until the sound of soft snoring came from her. Feeling her breathing had gone deep and slow, he knew she was asleep. He himself couldn't fall asleep, but he was happy she could after all she's been through in the past three days.
A few minutes ticked by when Prompto saw Noctis sit up on the opposite bed. He watched his best friend closely as he made his way over to him and (Y/n). The sharpshooter carefully unwound his arms from around the girl and sat up.
"Hey, I'm...sorry," Noctis muttered.
"For what?" Prompto questioned.
"For falling right into his trap...and for hurting you and (Y/n) like that."
The marksman takes up a wry tone. "I know, right? How could you possibly do such a horrible thing to us—after everything we've been through?!" His tone then returns to normal. "Nah, it's okay. I know (Y/n) would forgive you, too. You're not the only one who fell for it."
"Once this is all over, I say we break down the borders—come together as one nation," Noctis said, crossing his arms and trying to act nonchalant. "I mean, what does it matter where you're from anyway?"
Prompto climbs off the bed, stands, and turns to look at his best friend. "Y'know, I never thought I'd say this, but you sounded like a real king for a second."
The raven-haired boy was surprised by the comment and watched a grin make its way onto the blonde's face. "Better late than never. I'm gonna make this world a better place." He glances down at the sleeping girl for a second before looking back up at Prompto. "You two with me?"
"What kinda question is that?" Both boys looked down when hearing (Y/n)'s voice. They saw her eyes were open and she was watching them. "Of course we are."
Prompto smiled, nodding in agreement. "Uh-huh. Ever at your side."
"Now you two be quiet," mumbled the guardian, closing her eyes. "I'm tired..."
Noctis smiled. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that, (Y/n)."
She reached out and grabbed Prompto's wrist, tugging on it gently. "You coming back to bed or not?"
The marksman smiled in delight before rejoining her in the small bed. Within minutes, they were both asleep.
After a couple of hours, everyone was well-rested and ready to go. They left the dormitory and continued their search for the Crystal. They continued wandering the various corridors and rooms of Zegnautus Keep, using the elevators to reach different levels.
It was two hours into their search the group was attacked by a creature known as the foras daemon. It stretched its elongated limbs, eyes focused on Noctis. What caught the group by surprise was hearing the creature could speak. It immediately attacked, focusing its full attention on the prince.
Fighting against the foras daemon, they were able to stand their ground and kill it within minutes. After listening to the daemon's last words before it vanished, Ignis tossed around a couple of potions for Prompto and Noctis. Both boys had been injured by the creature, but the curatives mended their wounds within seconds.
Eventually, they arrived in a large hangar-like room. As they made their way through, Gladio said, "One helluva hangar."
"Look at all this space," Prompto gasped in awe at the size of the hangar.
"So, the central elevator's through here," Noctis commented.
"And out of the loading bay," the shield added.
It wasn't long before the large doors at the other end of the hangar begin opening. From the loudspeaker, they heard Ardyn's voice. "Your Majesty, your precious Crystal awaits you. To liven things up I thought I'd take you on a stroll down memory lane. Of course, memories decay with time."
From the now open doors, Ravus' body enters the hangar. Unlike the last time they saw him, his body was now grotesque and daemonic, transformed into a monster. "Kill me... End it..." He begged, his voice slightly warped.
Gladio glared at the approaching figure. "Is that Ravus?"
"Or what's left of him..." Prompto murmured.
"Dammit..." Noctis cursed, summoning his sword.
"The least we can do is put him out of his misery," (Y/n) said.
Before they could even attack Ravus, the horrifying creature known as the devourer crawled into the hangar.
"Shit, that thing's here too?" The prince hissed.
"What is it doing?" The girl grumbled, watching the horrifying creature as it stalked towards the high commander instead of them. What happened next mortified the group.
The devourer grabbed Ravus, tossing him into the mouth of the middle head. Its skeletal jaw bit down into his body, causing him to holler out in pain. Black blood shot from his body as the creature continued to chew on him. The gruesome sight was revolting and forced the others to look away. As they did, Ardyn's voice rang out from the loudspeakers again. "Oh, my. It seems Callyx has yet to feed his pet. Now it seeks to ward off its hunger. Do be careful for it's quite a gruesome way to go."
Once the devourer finished consuming Ravus, each of its mouths opened and roared. Gladio scowled at the creature. "A sorry end for the high commander—for anyone. He was a man with hopes and dreams."
Prompto covered his mouth after finally being able to look back at the monstrosity. "It's horrible."
Suddenly, the devourer hauled its body in their direction. The group readied their weapons and were  prepared to attack as the large creature made its way towards them.
Raising her hand, (Y/n) conjured multiple fireballs. They loomed in the air around her until they shot forward with a single swipe of her hand. Each one slammed into the creature's body and forced it back a few feet. Noctis performed a warp-strike against one of the three heads, dealing a little damage. Prompto kept his distance and fired his pistol while Ignis carefully debated on what he should do. Gladio followed Noctis into battle, swinging his greatsword at one of its arms.
The devourer lashed out. Its tentacles stretched outward and tried to grab one of them. It managed to grab Noctis when he performed another warp-strike. Prompto shouted the boy's name and quickly fired at the tendril restraining him. He was able to free Noctis, who warped to safety before crashing against the floor.
Ignis ignited his daggers, tossing a single one towards the monster. The sharp tip embedded itself into the black sack, the flames igniting it. The devourer screeched out and reared up on its two hind legs before flopping down on the floor. Its tentacles laid limp.
Noctis, Gladio, and (Y/n) ran towards the downed monster and struck it over and over again to deal some heavy damage. They were able to deplete some of its health, but it was still strong and quickly recovered. Back on its feet, it crawled its way over to Ignis. The tactician could sense its approach and kept his distance. Noctis and Prompto kept the tentacles from grabbing the bespectacled man as he swiped his daggers at the creature.
Suddenly, their battle was interrupted when more daemons began pouring into the hangar. Gladio glared at the approaching horde. "Look alive—company!"
Their hands were already full with the devourer and couldn't possibly stand against all the daemons. The group tried to fight the devourer and horde of daemons, but it was proven to be tough. When they thought they'd made a small dent in the enemies' number, more took their place.
"We're getting nowhere!" The shield bellowed, dodging one of the devourer's attacks.
Prompto shot a daemon out of midair. "And they just keep coming!"
"Noct, you must go alone," Ignis said.
The prince froze. "What?"
"If you can obtain the Crystal's power, we may yet turn the tide. Elsewise, we are all likely to perish here."
Gladio gripped his greatsword tighter. "Iggy's right. It's our only chance."
"But what about you?" Noctis asked, blocking a single daemon's attack.
"We'll manage somehow! Just get moving!" Prompto shouted.
Ardyn broadcasts his voice to the raven-haired boy. "You could still get to the Crystal...if you went on your own. Your friends will have to stay behind."
"Noctis!" (Y/n) shouted as she formed a wall of fire around her and the others to protect them for a short while. The prince looked towards her, which she then continued. "How about some divine intervention?"
He smiled faintly. "Go for it, (Y/n)." Then, Noctis took off in the direction of the central elevator.
She smiled back before jamming the sword into the floor and summoning Brahma. A radiant cosmic glyph appeared beneath her and was soon engulfed by a column of light. At her call, the god of creation used her body and manifested in the middle of the daemon horde. He tore the roof off the hangar and fought against the enemies.
Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio focus their attacks on the weaker daemons while Brahma fought against the devourer. Unlike in Altissia, the Astral was able to focus his entire attention on the artificial daemon. He trusted the others to deal with the lesser enemies and focused all his strength on the creature. Using his cosmic powers, he was able to fell the devourer. Its shrieks of death echoed throughout the hangar as its body toppled over, gradually vanishing into thin air.
Turning his gaze to the remaining daemons, Brahma released a powerful cosmic wave that killed them all. The three boys were taken aback at the powerful magic and had to brace themselves. When they looked around, no daemons remained. Looking towards the god, they saw he was gazing at the darkened sky.
When Brahma turned his gaze down and focused his attention on Prompto, he slowly kneeled and spoke to him.
Bonded by heart, thy vessel must be protected until the True King returns unto this star.
Prompto's eyes widen when he could hear the god's voice. "Wh-What...?"
Brahma places his large hand over his chest, removing the guardian from his body. He lowered his hand and held her out to the boy.
A slumber shall befall my vessel. Only you are able to safeguard her until the time of her awakening arrives.
Prompto pulled (Y/n)'s unconscious form out of the god's hand and held her close. "Wait, I don't—" Looking back up, he saw the Astral was gone. His eyes scanned the hangar until his gaze fell back onto the girl in his arms. "(Y/n)?" He tried shaking her awake, but it was useless.
Hearing Gladio shouting his name and telling him to hurry, Prompto hoisted the girl up into his arms before following his friends to the central elevator. His body was on autopilot while his mind kept repeating Brahma's words. He was trying to figure out what the god meant.
Stepping off the lift, the trio made their way to where the Crystal was located inside Zegnautus Keep. When they arrived, they couldn't find Noctis anywhere. However, they did see Ardyn standing in front of the Crystal. The chancellor turns to them then gestures nonchalantly at the Crystal before beginning to walk away. Gladio swings his greatsword through Ardyn's head, releasing a puff of dark smoke from where the blade strikes.
Ardyn falls back a little, but maintains his balance and holds onto his hat to keep it from falling off his head. He then continues walking away. Prompto was the next to try and attack the man. He kneels down, releasing (Y/n) and letting her body lean against his in order to summon his pistol. He shoots Ardyn in the back before he can take more than a couple of steps, releasing another puff of dark smoke and hurling his body onto the floor.
The chancellor's hat rolls away and lays still for several seconds before his hand suddenly reaches down to collect it and place it back on his head. Once more unharmed, Ardyn is again standing. The twisted man smiles at Ignis, revealing corrupted daemonic features as he does so, but they go unnoticed by the advisor due to his blindness. Ardyn walks away, leaving the group behind to mourn the loss of their King.
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notanotherparanormalblog · 4 years ago
Déjà vu
August 24th, 2021
    This took place August 12th, 2021, at my job.
    I work in a warehouse. It's huge, the size of 14 football fields, and has 3 floors in some places. There are miles of conveyors and thousands of plastic bins we call totes that are used to move products around the building. The ends of each tote have barcode stickers with a series of randomly generated letters and numbers at the bottom so they can be scanned in and out of different locations.
    Early on the morning of the 12th I was sent to help in another department. While I was there, I remember glancing up at the conveyor to my right and seeing two totes sitting side-by-side. One ended in 595, the other in 42. I remember thinking that 595 was almost both my sibling's birthdays; 5/92 for my sister and 8/95 for my brother.
    The other number, 42, made me think of the meaning of life from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was a smile-worthy moment that helped take my mind off the long day ahead.
    After that I forgot about what I'd seen and went on working, eventually going back to my home department.
    After lunch I was sent to work downstairs. I had been down there for around forty-five minutes when I looked up at the line to grab another tote and stopped and stood staring in confusion, having a moment of strong déjà vu. Sitting on the line side-by-side were two totes, one ended in 595, the other in 42. My first though was about my sibling's birthdays followed by the meaning of life. Then I paused and said, "wait, I've done this before..." I couldn’t immediately make the connection.
    Even though it was only just after lunch it had already been a long day and I stood for a good 20 seconds trying to figure out where I'd seen those two. For a moment I thought I'd dreamed about them but no, I realized I'd seen them, or totes ending in the same numbers, earlier that day.
    I went over it again and again and I'm not sure which scenario was odder, the possibility of those being the same two totes I'd first seen, (without having written down the number/letter combo in entirety that morning I can't say for sure), or that two different totes with the same numerical suffixes had ended up side-by-side and in front of me again later that day.
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prettyinlimegreenboots · 4 years ago
“I think you might be pregnant.”
Minor cussing and some drinking in here along with hospital, IV, and blood. This is a continuation of this fic but you don’t have to read it to understand what’s going on in this. 
January 21, 2020 8:00am 
All was quiet in the ER that morning. Or as quiet as it could be with two gunshot victims and several heart attack patients. It had been crazy since he punched in at 5:00am for his 12 hour shift. 
He threw himself into a chair and surveyed the waiting room. He was waiting for something to happen but for the moment it was temporarily calm. 
He was lost in his thoughts, thinking of the dinner that Racer had promised him, when a chart was thrown on the desk with a bang. Looking up, he saw Plums standing there with an unsettling look on her face. “You alright, Plums?” 
“Just felt off for a moment.” She pushed a smile to her face, sitting in a chair. “Hey, good job with that gunshot victim earlier. Not sure how but you got him calmed down.”
Spot grinned, thinking back to the first 30 minutes of his shift. “Got him talking about his daughter. Works like a charm.” 
“Well I appreciate it.” Kat grinned, looking at the clock before turning to her chart. 
Spot watched her. “Something’s off with you Plums. Are you doing alright?” 
“I’m fine; don’t worry about me. Jack’s got all these ideas for projects this weekend and I’m a little nervous to be honest. But I’m fine.” She waved him off, as he raised an eyebrow. 
“And is there a reason you’ve been in the bathroom like 6 times already this morning?” Spot picked up a pen and his own chart. “Is there something you wanna tell me?” 
Her eyes went wide as her hands went to her ponytail to tighten it before giving him a look. “I didn’t know you’ve added stalker to your resume.” 
“For being a doctor you’re kinda thick headed, Plums.” Spot smirked. 
She turned, giving him a confused look. “Pray tell, head nurse Spottie, tell me what I’m missing.” 
Leaning in close to her, he grinned before whispering. “I think you might be pregnant.”
She pushed back in her chair, eyes wide. “There’s no way.” 
“Come on. There’s a way. You and Jack - trust me I know more than any brother-in-law ever wants to know.” Spot gave her a look. “You’ve got all the signs - frequent trips to the bathroom, sleepiness, fatigue, need I go on?”
Kat shook her head. “I’m not pregnant, Spot. Just drop it.” 
“Just take a test. If I’m wrong, we drop it. If I’m right, we’ll celebrate.” Spot kissed her cheek. “Why are you so worked up denying this?”
She sighed, flipping the chart closed. “Just drop it. I’m off the clock. I’ll see you this weekend, love you.” 
“Love you too Kat.” He gave her a look, watching her head to the locker rooms to grab her stuff. “I’ll see you this weekend.” 
The day passed, with more runny noses and coughs that he wanted to see but it was quiet, thankfully. No major crises or issues walked through the doors. Looking at the clock he saw that it was just past noon. He was planning on escaping to the cafeteria to grab something to eat when the bay doors were thrown open and a gurney was wheeled in. 
“What do we have boys?” He caught up with them, accepting the chart they had started before looking at the patient, eyes going wide. “Kat?”
“26 year old female; husband found her fainted and lethargic. Her husband called saying she had fainted several times, hitting her head the final time.” Spot looked at the gauze on her forehead before looking over at a worried Jack. He gave him a tight smile before looking at the paramedics. 
“Let’s get her over to bed 2.” He said, pointing in the general direction.  
Stopping at the desk, he gave Isabel, another nurse, a look. “Page Dr Rush and Albert. Plums is in bed 2.”
Walking over to the bed, he was met by a few nurses and an orderly. They transferred her to the bed, letting the paramedics leave. Spot looked at Jack. “Jack, talk to me. What happened?” 
Jack kept an eye on the nurse as she started an IV, getting Kat hooked up to all of the monitors. Putting a hand on his brother-in-law’s shoulder, Spot looked at him. “She’s going to be okay. Now I need you to tell me what happened.”
“One minute she’s telling me what a pain in the ass you are at work today. And the next she’s falling to the ground. She was so still, Spot. She didn’t move for a minute or two while I called 9-1-1.” Jack cried as Dr Rush and Albert showed up. 
Albert looked between Jack and Spot before nodding at them. Dr Peter Rush sighed. “Didn’t we just kick you to the curb, Plums?” 
“Missed it too much. Had to come check up on all of you.” She grinned. “I’m fine you guys. It’s just a little head wound.” 
Dr Rush stepped up to the bed and looked her over. “Albert, would you take Jack to the waiting room? We’re going to do some tests and you can come back in.” 
Jack shook his head, giving Spot a pleading look. “I’ll come get you when we’re done, I promise.” 
Letting Albert guide him, Jack sighed loudly. “Love you, Kat.”
“Love you too Jack. Go I’ll be fine. Call your brother.” She gave him a look, watching him walk away before looking at the two men in front of her. “Spot don’t start. Order a full blood work panel and see what’s up. Also, just stitch me up.” 
Dr Rush chuckled. “She self diagnosed herself . . . why was I paged?” 
“Possible concussion and because she’s a stubborn little thing and I needed someone to look at her.” Spot chuckled. “Anything else?” 
Looking at Kat, Dr Rush gave her a look. “What year is it?” 
“2020.” She grinned. 
“And what day of the week is it?” He asked. 
“And what’s your puppy’s name?” 
Kat grinned. “Basil.” 
“I want a CT scan, I want to know why she’s fainting. I don’t think she has a concussion.” He handed her chart to Spot. “Let me know what you find out. Kat, take it easy; try to sleep some while you’re here. Let us run tests and we’ll see what’s going on.” 
Waiting until he left, Spot gave her a look before drawing blood. “Did you take a test?” 
Swatting him, she shook her head. “No but knowing you, you’re gonna run one. Put a rush on those, please?” 
“Will do. You scared Jack.” He said, flicking the test tube a bit to ensure all the bubbles were out of it before putting a barcode on it. He would deliver the blood to the lab himself. “Do you need anything?” 
She sighed, pushing herself up in the bed. “I know I scared Jack - one minute I’m complaining about you and the next I'm on the floor with his mug hovering over me. Can I have some water? Can you grab Jack?” 
“I’ll have Al bring you some water. Anything to eat? And yes, I’ll grab Jack as I head to the lab.” He promised, patting her leg. “You’re going to be fine. We’ll figure this out.”
Kat smiled, biting her lip. “I had lunch. Thank you for everything, Spot.” 
Spot patted her shoulder before giving her cheek a kiss. “Rest. I’ll send Jack and Al back here. Love you.”
“Love you to, Spot.” She smiled. “Thank you.” 
He nodded, stepping out closing the curtain behind him before heading to the waiting room. Spot quickly found Jack sitting there with Racer beside him. They both stood as he approached. “How is she?” 
“She’s good. She’s hooked up to an IV getting some fluids. We took blood work and I’ll bring it up to the lab. She’s going to be getting stitches and a CT scan and will know more in a bit.” Spot smiled at the two. “You guys can come back and sit with her if you want, until we take her up for the scan.” 
They both nodded and followed him through the maze of the ER. He stopped at the desk and grinned at Al. “Hey can you come stitch up Plums? And grab her some water.” 
“Sure. Thought you’d want to do that?” Al grinned, looking between Spot and the two behind him. 
Fishing in his scrubs pocket, he pulled out the vial of blood. “Gotta take this to the labs. I’ll meet you guys by Kat in a bit.”
Tugging on Race’s hand, he pulled him closer. “Hi love. I’m sorry it’s so chaotic but I’m glad you’re here for Jack.”
“Hi yourself.” Race grinned, leaning over and kissing him. “Go be the hero and save the day. I’ll see you in a bit.” 
With a pep in his step, Spot gave him a look before heading towards the elevator. Tapping his foot, he took a moment to inhale a deep breath before exhaling. He hoped the vial of blood would clue them in on what’s going on, though he had a pretty good feeling. 
Walking into the lab, he grinned seeing Elmer standing there. “Hey man is there any way you can rush this and run this while I wait?” 
Elmer gave Spot a look. “It’ll cost you.” 
“Whatever it takes. I just need this done. Order should be in your inbox.” Spot handed over the vial, leaning against the wall, taking out his cell phone. 
A quietness descended on the two. Spot took that time to flip through the texts he had received, most of them from Race trying to figure out what was going on with Kat. He sent Race a text to see how Kat was doing and glanced up at Elmer. “How’s your day been?”
“Busy. Y’all couldn’t have a quiet day in the ER could you?” Elmer gave him a look grinning. 
Spot chuckled. “Never. But it’s been quieter than the last few days, knock on wood.” 
Elmer laughed, shaking his head. “Glad you’re in the mayhem and I’m not. Alright, the tests will be in the patient's file by the time you get back downstairs.” 
“Thank you! I owe you.” Spot clapped his hands, heading towards the elevator, pressing the down button. 
Stepping off the elevator, he headed to the desk, pulling up Plums’ chart before reading the labs. His eyes widened at the one result, a grin pushing through his lips. Logging off the computer, he headed back to her bed. “Oh thank god you’re back.” 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, looking between Jack and Race who both had grins, Albert who was frozen halfway between the bed and the curtain and Kat who just looked half asleep. 
“These two are trying to convince Al to put purple or green stitches in. They think they’re funny but they’re not.” She rolled her eyes, hand flying to her head with a groan. “Can you stop them?”
Spot gave his husband and brother-in-law a look, pointing at them. “Al go check up on status for a CT, you two sit there and touch nothing.” 
Walking to a drawer, he grabbed a few things, looking at Kat. “Did he numb you up yet?”
“No. He was too busy being egged on by these two.” Kat gave him a look. “Can you assign him flu cases for the next week?” 
Spot grinned. “Shhh that’s our secret. How are you feeling?” 
“Slight headache and just tired.” She gave him a faint smile as he prepped to stitch her up. 
“Race, don't look at Kat. Keep your eyes away from her.” Spot said, glancing over his shoulder. “Just a few more Kat.” 
Snipping the thread, he threw everything just as Al came back in. “They can take her now if you’re ready.” 
“You two will have to wait in the waiting room.” Spot gave Jack and Race a look as Jack started to protest. “She’s going to be upstairs, running tests. You’ll be bored so we’ll come get you once she’s back.” 
“Is she going to have to stay overnight?” Jack asked, standing. 
Spot shrugged. “Probably not but we’ll know more after the CT scan. Don’t panic - this is routine and normal. She’s okay, Jack.” 
Kat grinned at her husband and brother as they both gave her kisses. Al and Spot transferred her upstairs, Al leaving them at radiology. “So what did my labs say?”
“You owe me.” Spot looked at her. “You’re pregnant.” 
Tears clouded her eyes, as she shook her head. “Really?” 
“Yup.” Spot nodded. “We can do an ultrasound if you want when you go back down.” 
She chuckled. “Not exactly how I wanted Jack to find out or you and Racer.” 
“But it’s kinda perfect.” Spot grinned. 
She nodded, folding her hands over her stomach. “Can we not tell Jack? I will, I just want him not to find out with the hubble babloo of the ER.” 
“Let me talk to Rush and we’ll see what we can do.” Spot grinned. “Now let’s get this CT scan done and we can get you out of here.” 
He sent a text to Rush with Kat’s request and waited in the hall until she was done. Blink quickly read the report and didn’t see anything abnormal which they expected. Pushing her back downstairs, Spot put her back in her bed before going to find Race and Jack. “She’s back in bed. I’ll have Dr Rush come in and she should be released soon.” 
“Spot, give it to me straight. Is she okay?” Jack stopped him before he started to head to the back. 
He bit his lip, looking between Race and Jack. “She’s going to be okay, Jack. Dr Rush wants to look at everything before coming to talk to you guys, okay?” 
Jack nodded, following Spot to the back. Race followed them, but held back as Jack went to see Kat. “You’re lying.” 
“Am not.” Spot gave his husband a look. “And since when do you know all medical things?”
Race grinned. “You biting your lip is a tell. You know something.”
“Even if I knew something, I couldn’t tell you because of confidentiality.” Spot gave him a look. “Besides if they want you to know, you’ll know.” 
Race’s eyes lit up. “So you do know something. Spottie . . .” 
“No, Racetrack. Go in and check on Kat.” Spot pushed him towards the curtain, giving him a pointed look. “I’ve got to get the doctor then I’ll be in. Don’t be a nuisance.” 
Spot watched him disappear behind the curtain before heading to the nurse’s station. He saw Dr Rush standing there and slided up beside him. “Did you see Kat’s labs?” 
“I was just looking at them. Now what does she want to do?” Rush looked at him, flipping through the labs. 
Spot grinned. “She doesn’t want us to tell them about the lab results. So I was thinking we tell them she was dehydrated and she needs to push fluids for the next couple of hours.” 
Dr Rush nodded, motioning him towards Kat’s curtain. Spot walked behind him, pulling the curtain closed behind him.
They stepped in and all eyes turned to them. “We have your results. Looks like you’re dehydrated but everything looks good. I would suggest taking it easy for the next couple of days and push fluids - water and juice. Skip the alcohol.” 
Jack leaned over and kissed Kat’s forehead with a strangled chuckled. He closed his eyes, continuing to kiss her forehead. “Any questions?” 
Kat laughed, shaking her head. “I think we’re all set. When can I leave?”
“As soon as Spot writes up the discharge papers.” Rush gave them all a look before stepping out of the curtain. Spot looked at the pure excitement in the room and the relief on Jack’s face. “Kat, do you need anything?” 
She looked at Race and Jack who were both grinning brightly at her, a weight lifted from their shoulders at their wife and sister being alright. “Nah I think I’m alright. Just get the papers ready?” 
“I’ll get them ready.” Spot chuckled. “How are you getting home?” 
Race raised his hand. “I told them I would take them home since Jack rode in the ambulance with them.” 
Nodding, Spot left the area, heading over to the nurse’s desk to start the paperwork. Spot logged into the computer, reviewing his notes before typing them up. Finishing them up, he quickly printed them off. Grabbing that and a prescription that printed off, he headed back to Kat’s area. 
“Basically, keep hydrated, rest, don’t do anything dumb.” Spot gave Jack the paperwork, giving him a look. “Keep her calm, even though she doesn’t have a concussion, she might have a hell of a headache. Let me know if you have any questions.” 
Jack nodded, giving him a look. “Thank you Spot. I’ll text you if I have any questions.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” He gave Kat a look. “Let Jack wait on you hand and foot. No Dr Plums today . . . it’s just Katherine for the day. Go watch all those Hallmark movies you love and cuddle Basil.” 
He started taking the wires and IV out before giving her a look.  “Do you need anything before you go?” 
She shook her head as Albert came up with a wheelchair, before helping her into the wheelchair. Patting Jack’s back, Spot watched them walk out of the area with a smile on his face. He just hoped that Kat would tell him sooner rather than later. 
Race caught him as he walked out of the area. “Hey, what time will you be home tonight?” 
“Around 5. You still making dinner?” Spot asked, giving his hand a squeeze. 
Race nodded. “Pasta, right or do you want something else?” 
“Kind of craving homemade pizza.” Spot grinned. “I’ll see you at home, I love you.” 
“Love you too. Have a good rest of your shift.” Race kissed him, waving goodbye before heading out of the emergency room. 
Going back to the desk, he collapsed in the chair, rubbing his hand over his face with a loud sigh. Closing his eyes for a moment, he listened to the noises around him. He heard the chair next to him slide across the floor, as he peaked an eye open. “How are you holding up?” 
“I’m doing as well as I can be right now.” Spot sighed. “Got another two hours before I’m done and all I want is a bed for a nap. How are you doing? Ready for all the incoming flu cases coming your way?” 
Albert threw his head back, groaning. “Ha you’re funny. I’m fine. I wasn’t in the room all that much but it seems as if Kat’s alright - just dehydrated from what I saw.” 
Spot nodded, grinning. “I’m sure Jack will be the perfect nurse for him.” 
The next two hours passed by without an issue, a few simple cuts and bruises and an arm that needed to be set. He quickly grabbed his stuff before clocking out and heading home. He sighed, getting into the car, starting to head home.
He was looking forward to laying on the couch with Sassie, their dog, and looking forward to whatever kind of pizza Race was making that night. Pulling into their driveway, he quickly got out before slamming the car door behind him. Walking up the sidewalk, he pushed open the door, inhaling deeply, sighing in content at the spiciness in the house. 
“Honey I’m home.” He tiredly called, dropping his bag and kicking off his shoes. “And it’s been a hell of a day.” 
Race poked his head out of the kitchen while Sassie made her way over to him. He patted her a few times, before leaning over and kissing Race. “I love you. It was good to have you in the emergency room and not be the patient.” 
“I love you too and you’re not funny.” Race rolled his eyes, walking into the kitchen. “I have a beer open and ready for you.” 
Quickly changing into sweatpants and a hoodie, he sat at the kitchen table and watched Race finish up dinner. He relaxed in the chair and listened to Race prattle on about anything and everything. As they were finishing up dinner, both of their cell phones chirped with a text message. “OH HELL YES!” 
Race did a weird jig in the middle of the kitchen, with the biggest grin on his face. Spot gave him a look. “What?” 
“WE’RE GONNA BE UNCLES, SPOTTIE!!!!” Race yelled, continuing his jig. “Jack just texted the news.” 
Spot grinned, shaking his head, standing up and joining him in his awkward jig. The secret would stay with him now. In this moment, he would jig with his husband and celebrate the happy news.
There’s almost 3500 words of another emergency room fic featuring doc Kat and nurse Spottie. Hope you all enjoyed it. Let me know what you think! 
33 notes · View notes
sourbat · 4 years ago
I’m apparently trapped in Magnus/Pickles hell, so them with M? :)
M: Marriage of Convenience
I…actually want to do this. A lot. In fact, here is a rough summary:
Pickles  discovers his insurance is no longer covering his testosterone. Thanks to a legal loophole, Pickles learns he can marry and get covered under better insurance, and his pal Magnus is willing to take one for the team. So, no problem, right?
“Pickles!” his mother’s voice screeched through the line. “When were you going to tell me you got married, hmm?”
Basically, Magnus tries to do a solid. Pickles learns his family is aware of the situation, is immediately suspicious and/or guilt trips Pickles into coming over, and offers a financial reward for the newlyweds. They need to make a good enough attempt at being a passable couple so that Pickles’ family gets off their back and doesn’t rat them out for fraud, and what better way to do that then spend the next few days learning about one another as they slowly make their way to the state? 
Potential Rating: T/M
And underneath is a rough draft for the first scene.  Let me know what you think?? 
Worst part about visiting the hospital was the location. The city he lived in had at least a dozen hospitals, but the only one that accepted his insurance was a thirty-minute drive one way, and off the corner of a busy street not nearly enough traffic signs. Nathan was always willing to make the hour-long drive just for the hell of it. Pickles figured it was mainly due in part to Nathan's abundant fascination with music, and the sheer joy he got just listening and talking about it, but the man was a saint nonetheless. Pickles had no problem taking in the demographic history of early Scandinavian death metal bands if it made the process of picking up his gel easier. Bad enough the insurers only handed him two pumps a pop. The crappy location and last year’s seven-dollar increase were just the whip cream and cherry to his otherwise bullshit sundae. Still, there were worse options. 
“Your total comes to $133,” the pharmacist announced.
Pickles’ attention swayed from the decadent row of cough drops, rising and sparkling into a flare of curiosity at the number.
“S’cuse me?” he asked, bearing a slightly disappointed smile that was directed more at himself for not paying attention, and less at the annoyed pharmacist just trying to do her job. “Can you, uhh, repeat that one more time?”
“Your prescription,” she repeated. “The amount due is $133 exactly. Will you be using cash, card or check?”
Oh? Pickles’ dropped his stare to the register. There it was: $133.00, clear as day. A vast difference from the thirty-seven Pickles was used to paying. The amount made his stomach turn and twist into an ugly, gut wrenching knot. He rolled two twenties held between his index and middle finger, feeling their inadequacy drag between the clammy appendages. 
Surely there must be a mistake.
“Can you check again?” Pickles rested his arms on top of the counter. It’s a mistake, but there’s a distinct contrast between the cool plastic countertop versus his hot reddening flesh. The sensation was an unsettling reminder of how quick he was to second-guess, but he persisted through that gathering storm of fear and figured it had to be a problem with his card. “My card,” he said, sensing some relief when he heard the words fly out his mouth. “Yeah, maybe the barcode is wrong?”
The pharmacist said nothing as she cancelled the order, then typed in the rows of numbers on his insurance card. Pickles pressed his tongue out just enough for the tip to poke through his lips, then licking the top nervously as he patiently waited for new results. He’d have to order a new card. His mind rolled around the idea, used it as a garnish to cover that steaming pile of “something’s wrong” that was building in his stomach, and when the order went through and Pickles saw the dreaded number return, his empty stomach began to fill with acid.
“Same amount,” she said, and this time turned her computer screen towards Pickles so that any chance of this being a mistake on her part was cast aside. A manicured finger jabbed the name on the screen. “This is your name, correct?”
Pickles frowned at the name. “Yeah,” he answered, then grimaced when his eyes reflexively settled on the “S” label lying just beneath the name, reflecting and taunting him with the horrid truth of the manner, and predicament he’d somehow placed upon himself. “Uhmm…”
“Do you need me to cancel your order?”
“What? No!” Pickles snapped at the question. Thankfully, the nurse barely reacted, and merely took a step to the side, creating a small bit of distance between herself and Pickles.
Eyes returning to the price, Pickles sweaty hands curled inward into vibrating fists. The weight of his legs doubled, and chest racked with panic as he anxiously performed mental somersaults trying to recall the exact amount of money he currently had in his account, and whether he’d be about to financially handle such a burden. It wasn’t like he had spent money on anything major, aside from food. Surely had enough for a… wait, didn’t he recently loan Murderface a twenty? And he spent another thirty a week ago with Magnus at that one bar. Shit. 
Pickles swallowed. His head filled with heat and cotton as he stared hopelessly at the amount, and knew he wouldn’t be able to afford the two pumps, much less a second dose midway through the month. 
“Well?” The nurse asked, growing impatient.
What to do? His nails dug into his palms as he tried to think of a solution. If it wasn’t the card, then it had to be the insurance. Something happened with his insurance… something very recent. He only paid thirty-seven two weeks ago. He needed to call his insurance and figure out what they messed up.
But first he needed his prescription.
“One sec,” Pickles said, then reached across the counter and picked up his card. It nearly slipped out from his shaking hands as he jammed it into his pocket, then hurried down the centermost hallway, head turning between each aisle until he reached the second to the last. At the far end, standing in front of the magazine selection, stood Nathan.
He was absentmindedly flipping through the pages of last week’s tabloids, when Pickles raced up to him, slapping both his hands across the man’s back. 
“Nate, dood!” Pickles said, voice giving way to panic. Heat burst out his lanky shoulders, covering the top half of his arm in a red blush.
Unaffected by the impact, Nathan slowly lifted his eyes from the article he’d been perusing. “Oh, hey Pickles,” he grumbled.
Pickles chewed his inner lip. “Nathan, I need yer help,” he said, wincing at the burn starting to build at the ends of his eyes. Shame riddled his face and darkened each freckle as Nathan picked up on Pickles’ panicked state, and started to lower the magazine.
“Uh… what’s up?” 
“I, uhh.” Pickles ran his hand through his thinning hair, feeling the drag left by his sweating hands. His gut folded again, sloshing the collected acid from before to rise and burn the bottom of his already dry throat. Pickles sighed miserably, releasing a gust of soured, heavy air. “Can you loan me some money, dood?”
9 notes · View notes
joaquinfeed · 5 years ago
You’re Like an Angel (Joe x Reader)
Prompt: You and Joe (You Were Never Really Here) have been casually dating for awhile. He’s let a few comments slip about his past, but nothing too revealing. Soon enough, you experience first-hand just how troubled and damaged Joe really is. Any dialogue or thoughts in italics is stuff Joe is remembering from his past.
Warnings: Cursing, descriptions of death and blood. Mentions of abuse and trauma. Bad coping mechanisms and suicidal thoughts. 
A/N: I’m not sure how many will even read this fic since the movie isn't that popular. But I spent some time on this one. So, maybe give it a read? I tried to keep Joe in character as much as I could. 
60, 59, 58, 57, 56,
Joe's fingers gripped the pill bottle like it was his only lifeline. His eyes ran over the dosage information before flickering up to the cashier. He could see the young man's mouth moving, but no words were coming out. The boy held up a white baggie containing the rest of the medication. He scanned the barcode of each bottle like Joe was his only customer for the day, and he wanted to make it last.
Other New York residents piled behind him, but he kept his eyes trained on the cashier's movements. He could feel the glares of everyone else bore into the back of him as they waited.
Stand up straight.
Joe's fist clenched around the orange bottle, the words of his late father ringing so loud in his ears he didn't hear the small crack of the plastic. His other hand carelessly brushed over his tied-up hair before wiping off the beads of sweat sticking to his face.
Stand up! Only pussies and little girls slouch!
Joe slammed his hands onto the table in front of him, his breathing coming out in ragged puffs.
"What?" Joe asked the cashier whose mouth hadn't moved since the outburst.
"I- I said your total is 18.50."
He dropped a twenty onto the table and ripped the bag from the guy's hand, rushing to get away from the prying eyes of other shoppers. He was out the door before he was handed the change.
55, 54, 53, 52, 51,
"Mom, I'm back," Joe said to his mother as soon as he came through the front door.
"Joe, come here, come here," she said from her spot in the recliner.
"What is it?"
"Look at the TV," she pointed. "Our song's on."
'A, You're Adorable' played quietly in the background of a children's commercial, as his mother hummed softly to the lyrics.
"Yeah, it is," Joe agreed before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her up. "Let's get you to bed."
"Janice loves this song. You should tell her we heard it."
Joe froze at the mention of his exes name. Janice. Before her, he had tried to date several women, all of which ended up leaving him. For years, he found himself to be incapable of maintaining a long-term relationship. Every girl he kissed, touched, or felt connected to—they all thought they could change him—fix him. He knew he was incapable of being fixed. Janice was different; she was there for him until his plan to escape the outside world, and all it's horror eventually pushed her away. It was his fault.
"Mom, I don't talk to Janice," Joe sighed. "C'mon, let's go to bed."
While he helped his mother up the stairs and into her bed, his mind drifted to you. He hadn't mentioned anything about you to her yet because he knew it wasn't serious. You both had been on a couple of dates, and even had a couple more planned, but the odds of it lasting weren't high. So, Joe kept his mouth shut. The last thing he needed was another woman for his mom to question him about.
50, 49, 48, 47, 46,
Once Joe was back in his bedroom, he pulled out his phone and sat at the end of the bed. His fingers searched his contacts for your name, while his other hand grasped his knee. The line only rang once before you picked up.
"Hey, I didn't expect to hear from you tonight," you said on the other end.
"I didn't expect to call tonight," he retorted.
"Okay," you said. "Your call wasn't unwanted, though."
The line went silent. Joe wasn't sure why he called at such a late hour; if he was honest, he really just wanted to hear the sound of your voice.
When he didn't respond, you spoke softly into the phone. "How was your day?"
"Good," he lied, letting his hand run over his beard. "How was yours?"
"It was okay, just busy."
"Tell me about it," he said before laying back onto the bed. He closed his eyes and let the recollection of your day soothe him for a moment's notice.
"And then, to top it all off," you said, finally nearing the end of your story. "I'm at the store, right? I turn around and see a dead girl lying on the floor."
Joe's eyes snapped open. "You saw what?"
"I saw a little girl pouting on the floor," you repeated. "I have never related to anyone so much."
He exhaled. His psyche was playing tricks on him once again. Images of dead bodies struck his mind like lightning. Kids upon kids laid lifeless in transporting vehicles—all the people he couldn't save from the savagery of sex trafficking and other violent crimes.
"Joe? Is everything okay?"
What pained him even more were the kids who screamed for help as he stood watching, helpless against the gun to his head. Jobs would go wrong, and he was forced to admit to himself, once again, that he failed.
Help me! Please help me! Don't let them take me again!
They'd cry out to him in such anguish, but he could only watch. He was as useless then as he was for his mother during his father's spells of anger.
"Hey," you said. "Are you still there?"
"I've got to go," Joe hastily hung up the phone, not waiting for your response. He threw the phone onto the bed and got up to pace around the room. With every step, a new face plagued his mind—tears dripped from the kids' eyes as they begged him to keep them safe. He rarely did.
45, 44, 43, 42, 41,
Joe moved to the closet where his arms tugged on an old, mucky box full of plastic bags until they all came floating out onto the floor. He slid his back down the wall of the closet until he was sitting—bags all around him. With shaky hands, he pulled a loose sack over his head, clutching it hard enough around his face to cut off his oxygen.
"Where the hell is Joseph?"
His father's voice rung out through the household. Joe carried his little feet across the floor as fast as he could, hoping to get to his hiding place before his father caught sight of him. At nearly 10 years old, Joe could identify at least three spots in the house where his father never searched for him—cabinets, under the bed, and his closet. He often opted for the closet, where he'd pull grocery bags or plastic dry-cleaning holders over his head to drown out the noise of his mother's wails.
"Stop! Stop it! You're hurting me," she'd cry out. Little Joe pushed his hands up against his ears so tightly, they'd be red for hours after the incident.
He was scared of his father back then, and so he let his mother take all the abuse. Had he not been hiding, he would have been the one facing his father's wrath.
"You're weak. Weak, weak, weak," he repeated to himself like a mantra. He knew it was only a matter of time before you figured that out and left him like the rest.
40, 39, 38, 37, 36,
When morning came, he awoke from a thud sounding out downstairs. He stayed in bed a minute longer, wishing his blanket would swallow him whole. Without any luck, he pulled back the covers and went downstairs to find the source of the noise.
Stepping foot into the kitchen, the first thing he saw was his mom's head lying still against the hardwood table. A broken bowl of cereal was turned on its side, leaking milk that ran from the dish to the end of the surface. His eyes followed the droplets as they hit the ground, joining a stream of red liquid to create a pink puddle on the floor.
Joe's breath came out in fast shudders as he approached his mother's figure. He pulled her face up to see a plastic piece that was missing from the bowl lodged in her neck. His fingers grasped the broken part, yanking it out in one quick motion; he watched as blood shot out in spirts, covering his clothes before he could make a move to back up.
He turned around after laying his mom's head back on the table and walked slowly out of the room. He kept his steps light and his ears peeled for any trace of movement in the house. His head snapped towards the living room when he heard what sounded like a vase fall. He rounded the corner to see a tall, slim-figured man dressed in black, looking through a pile of receipts on the coffee table.
While passing the cabinet, Joe grabbed his hammer that he kept locked away, and with one quick swing to the head, the intruder was left bleeding out on the floor.
"Fu-fuck," the wounded man choked out. "Don't kill me. Don't kill me."
"I think I already have," Joe said, bending down to lay the head of the hammer on the man's stomach. "Why did you kill my mom?"
"I was told to! I- I only work for somebody, man. I don't know anything about her. I don't have anything against you."
"Who sent you?"
The man kept quiet as quick and panicked gasps left his mouth. Joe ran the end of the hammer over the man's stomach, light enough to tickle him, before pulling it back and slamming it into the guy's stomach.
"Who fucking sent you?"
"Carl. C-Carl.”
"Carl, who?"
"Carl Alcott," the dying man coughed out.
"The club owner? Fuckin' fuck," Joe dropped the hammer, and his hands slammed into the ground with force. He knew that exchange from a week ago was going to come back and bite him in the ass. Influential people don't like to be messed with.
"He's- he's- comin' for," the man's words ran together as his breath started to leave his lungs.
"For me?"
"No- no," he said. "For- for your girl."
35, 34, 33, 32, 31,
As soon as intruder took his last breath, he stuffed his body into a trash bag along with his mom's and drove them to the lakeside. As he left the city and got further into the country, his mind started to wander to you.
For your girl. Your girl.
His hands gripped the steering wheel so tight with shaking arms, he was swerving in and out of the lane. His tires screeched every time he raced around the corner, desperate to get the remnants of the bodies out of his backseat.
When he went on dates with you the few times before, he had briefly opened up about his past. He thinks he can recall saying something about a rude father, or his time in the marines and the police force. He may have even let it slip that he's seen piles upon piles of decaying corpses. He never once mentioned his new work in fear of scaring you off.
As soon as he dropped his job in law enforcement, he sentenced himself to a lonely life. The small number of friends he had, plus any relationship he conjured up, fell apart. He abandoned any wish to be happy since he couldn't protect any of the people who came near him; his mother was a testimony to that.
You were something else, though. He had bumped into you on a whim, not expecting your smile and personality to slam into his heart as it did. He agreed to one date, trying to escape the bleakness of his everyday life. But for some unknown reason, he kept coming back for more. One date turned into two, three, and four; before he knew it, you were basically his girlfriend—without the title, of course.
When he pulled up to the lakeside, he dragged both bodies out to the small bridge that ran from side to side. He attached each of them to a cinderblock and pushed them one-by-one over the edge.
"I hope you rest easier here than you did in life, mom," he said into the air.
He wondered what it would be like to attach a block to his own foot and drown with the rest of them. He wondered how that would feel—how you would feel.
He couldn't do it though. His suicidal story that he contemplated often was pushed aside in the past because he couldn't leave his mother. Now that she was gone, it appeared to be the perfect moment. But, again, he had somebody holding him back.
You were being threatened with the ultimate price, and he'd be damned if he let you suffer for something you had no part in. He was determined for once in his life to save someone important to him; he would not let you be another statistic in his head.
30, 29, 28, 27, 26,
He arrived at your apartment after going back to his and changing into a blue long-sleeve shirt, jeans, and charcoal vest. He knocked three times against the door and waited.
"Joe," you said, looking surprised to see him on the other side.
"I came to see if you wanted to go out right now, like a little date."
"Oh, sure," you smiled, and Joe couldn't help but offer you a small smile in return. "Let me just grab some money."
"I've got it. You know I've got it."
"You paid the last date," you reminded him. "You said I could next time."
He sighed, running his hand through his long locks. If he was going to get through this meal with a good conscience, he had to be the one to cover it. He knew your relationship was coming to a stop tonight. For your safety, he decided it was time to end the connection between you two—even if it'd hurt like hell.
"Please, just let me pay," he said.
"Okay," you agreed before shutting your door and joining your hand with his. "You look good today."
As soon as he got to his car, he pushed your body gently against it before capturing your mouth with his.
"I was going to tell you that," he said in between kisses. "You always look good—so perfect. And you’re all mine tonight."
You hummed against his lips, moving your hands up from his soft belly to his strong arms. "Not that I don't love this, but is everything okay? You're not usually this…"
You trailed off, and he backed up only slightly, letting your hands fall from his arms so he can intertwine them with his own.
"I'm fine, sweetheart," he assured you while pulling open the car door for you to get inside. Once you were secured, he went around and got in himself.
You smiled at him as he took off driving. "Where are we headed to?"
He took his eyes off the road for a second to smirk at you. "I'm not telling you."
"No fair," you pouted jokingly. "At least give me a hint."
"Not a fucking chance," he laughed—a real genuine sound—which is something he never does. You chuckled along with him before comfortable silence fills the car as you drive to the destination Joe picked out.
25, 24, 23, 22, 21,
He parked his car in a small parking lot and got out to open your door, mumbling something about 'keeping your eyes closed.' When you're told to open them, you're met with a worn-down diner that looks to be in the middle of nowhere. The windows are tended with the words 'Maggie's Place' scrawled across the glass. The building is painted red and white, with checkered lines running down the sides—a design that was quite popular in the '60s.
"Wow," you said, not knowing what else to say.
"I know it's not a fancy date restaurant, but my mom used to bring me here. This place is important to me."
"No, it's perfect," you told him, honestly. "I love it."
He nods in relief before leading you inside. You're quickly seated by a young waitress who looks to be no more than 17. Joe ordered a coffee while you looked over the menu for something you'd want. 
After you're done ordering, the waitress turned to Joe. "Is there anything else you'd like, sir?"
He stared blankly at her, trying to remember where he'd seen her familiar face. "What?"
"Would you like anything else?"
He shook his head and watched as she slowly walked away, staring at him the whole time she's departing. He knows that's not likely to be accurate; she probably left to the kitchen without a single glance back. His mind, however, sees her gaping at him—just like the other girls he couldn't save.
He exhaled. "What the fuck are we doing? What are we doing?"
"What do you mean?"
Your voice broke his delusion, and he snapped his head back to your face, which is sporting a concerned look.
"Nothing, nothing. Sorry."
"Don't apologize," you said. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Talk about what?"
"I don't know," you shrugged. "Whatever has been on your mind since I met you. You know, you hung up on me last night?"
"I'm sorry," he repeated.
"Stop apologizing, Joseph."
"Don't call me that," he barked at you, his fist clenching the side of booth tightly.
You snapped your mouth shut at Joe's harsh tone. He had been angry before; you'd seen it first-hand but never directed towards yourself.
"My father used to call me that," he muttered, his words still sounding loud in the otherwise quiet diner. "I don't like it."
"I won't do it again," you promise. "How's your mom?"
He paused, fully prepared to go with a lie. As he met your eyes though, he couldn't will himself to deceive you further. Instead, he shook his head while taking in a deep breath through his nose.
"Actually, she passed away."
Your eyes widened. "What? When?"
"This morning."
"Oh my God, Joe," you breathed out, your mouth opening and closing, trying to find some way to console him. "That's- I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," he said softly. "She'll be happier now."
"How—if you don't mind me asking—did it, you know, happen?"
Memories of earlier flooded his head--the blood oozing from his mother's body like a river; he could almost see it on his hands now.
"In her sleep," Joe mumbled, hoping that was satisfactory enough to stop the probing. He didn't want you to find out, especially during your last date—not that you knew it was the last.
"I know she meant a lot to you," you said, placing a comforting hand on his. "She would have been proud of you for putting yourself out there with me. I'm just sad I never got to meet her."
"She would have liked you," Joe admitted with certainty. "Probably a little too much. She'd have you singing 'A, you're adorable' in no time."
"A, you're adorable. B, you're so beautiful, C, you're a cutie full of charms," you sang, playfully.
"D, you're delightful and, B, you're exciting and, F, you're a feather in my arms," he sang back, smiling towards the end.
The waitress soon delivered the food to your table. You and Joe ate in silence, with a few comments made here and there about the food or something that popped into your heads. After paying the bill and leaving a rather sizable tip, he drove you back to your house.
20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 
Neither of you wanted the date to finish, especially Joe, who knew he wouldn't see you again.
He dropped you off, but before leaving to walk into your place, you asked, "do you want to come in?"
He nodded. "I have something to talk to you about, actually."
"Oh, well. I wasn't inviting you in to talk, but we can do that too," you joke.
The joke falls flat—Joe was too busy worrying about how you were going to take the break-up. Not seeing him chuckle, or even offer a smile, you became concerned.
He followed you inside to your living room, where he sat on the couch while you went to the kitchen to grab a drink. He was on his feet in seconds when he heard the sound of a glass shatter on the floor. When he got to you, you were standing in the middle of the room. A man with a different build, yet dressed similarly to the one who murdered his mother, stood behind you—a gun pressed up against your skull.
Joe quickly looked you over to see if the man had hurt you yet. Besides your trembling body and sporadic breathing, you looked to be physically fine.
"Let go of her," Joe spoke calmly.
"No, I don't think I will," the man replied.
"J-Joe," you stuttered. "What's going on? Who is this?"
"Stay calm, baby," Joe spoke softly to you. "It's going to be okay."
The man behind you laughed. "Oh, Joey. If only you would have been in here sooner. Just like all those other times, huh?"
The room fell quiet; all that was heard was the air leaving your mouth.
"The laws of man, they don't apply," the gunman sang while smiling. "When blood gets in a woman's eye."
Stand up! Only pussies and little girls slouch!
Don't let them take me again!
Where the hell is Joseph?
For your girl.
The memories wouldn't stop screaming in his head—every bad thing said to him from birth until now. The urge to leave and hide in his closet was unbearable; his hands scrambled to his ears, trying to stop the voices that were getting louder and louder.
"Joe," you yelled out as the gunman took advantage of his opportunity and started to drag you out of the kitchen. "Joe!"
You struggled against the larger man's clutch, trying to get an edge on him. He nearly got you to the front door before you heard a loud blast echo through the house. The guy's grip on you loosened, and you watched as he dropped to the ground.
15, 14, 13, 12, 11,
Joe's arms slide around your frame before you even notice he's there. You keep still, gawking at the body lying at your legs. His blood was seeping through his shirt, already creating a pool of red by your shoes.
You felt strong arms pulling you away from the scene, and only then did you look at Joe.
"What- what," you stumble, glancing between him and the man on the floor. "Why did-why?"
"Come on," he said softly. "Don't look at him."
Too shocked to resist, you let him lead you outside to his car. He sits you inside, placing a kiss to your forehead.
"I'll be right back," he told you. "I'm going to clean up. Y/N, listen to me. Do you hear me?"
You nod faintly.
"Please don't go anywhere," he kisses your forehead again, lingering a little longer before going back inside to wrap the body and clean the floor.
You watched him come back out fifteen minutes later, a human-shaped trash bag in his arms. You fight the urge to open the door and run for your life. You're not sure what Joe was planning to do with the man—with you.
He shoved the body in the trunk and made his way to the front seat. The silence that loomed over you both this time was not one of comfort like all those other drives before. No, this one was full of tension and emotional turmoil.
"Are you okay? Do you want a soda?"
You stayed quiet, not answering his questions. You rested your head on the window, watching as the city buildings got fewer and fewer. Joe decided it was best to take you to a small park in a country town far outside the New York City limits.
You listened to the radio, soft music by Rosie and the Originals played in the speakers.
'It's just like heaven being here with you. You're like an angel, too good to be true. But after all, I love you, I do. Angel baby, my angel baby.'
10, 9, 8, 7, 6,
It was nearing dark when Joe finally parked the car. Neither of you knew what to say or how even to start the much-needed conversation. So, you decided to take the plunge.
"Are you going to kill me now?"
Joe gaped at you like you'd just asked him what his name was—like the answer was obvious.
"Of- of course not," he stammered. "Fuck, Y/N. I would never do that."
"You just shot someone, Joe! And who the hell was that? Why were they holding a gun to my fucking head?"
"Calm down."
"Don't tell me to calm down," you cautioned, taking off your seatbelt so you could turn towards him. "What do you do for a living? How do you know people like that?"
"I rescue people," he said, and you scoffed. "I know that doesn't sound right, but it's true. I rescue missing people, usually kids."
"So, what? You're a cop?"
"Not exactly," he trails off. "I- I was sort of. Then, one day I was at a crime scene. I found a truck full of Chinese girls. They- they all had been kidnapped to be trafficked. I found them, but it was too late."
He paused, his voice cracking on his next words. "They were already dead."
The air in the car was getting heavy. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes as Joe recounted the events that led him to his current occupation. 
"The man who killed my mom," he started. "Carl Alcott. He's coming for you. I don't mean to scare you, but he knows you're with me."
"Okay, so we'll leave."
Joe faltered. "You want to stay with me?"
"I do. That might seem crazy, but I do."
He considered it for a moment before shaking his head firmly. "No. You can't. This can't go on. We have to end this here before it gets too serious."
"I just saw you shoot someone," you reminded him. "It's already serious. I'm coming."
"No, Y/N! I refuse to let you be another person that I couldn't save. You have to leave alone—move very far away. You need to change your number, your bank information, everything."
"I'm not leaving you," you stated.
Joe grumbled, his mouth twitching in anger and pent up emotions. "Everyone always has! My father beat the shit outta my mom, and I just hid from him. I was too late to save those girls, and I've had too many children be ripped from my sight because I couldn't save them. I'm weak. I can't save you. I'm weak."
His whole body shook as strangled sobs escaped his lips. He brought his hands up to cover his face before he moved them down to tug off his vest and shirt. He was desperate to get out of the material that was making him feel too claustrophobic in the small car.
Once both of his tops were discarded to the back seat, you finally reached across the middle console and pulled Joe into your arms loosely. He clenched your shirt as his father's words,' only pussies and little girls slouch,' played through his mind like a broken record.
"It's okay. Let it all out," you said against his ear, rubbing a soothing circle over his back while still being mindful of his bruises and cuts. "I'm right here. I'm not leaving."
"You- you should."
"Maybe so," you said. "But I don't want to."
"You can't fix me."
"I don't want to; you're perfect the way you are. I only want to try and make you happier."
He retracted his head from your shoulder to meet your eyes. "Why?"
"I- I think I could fall in love with you," you admitted, shrugging slightly. You saw the onset of panic flash through Joe's eyes, so you quickly kept talking. "You don't have to say it back. I just wanted to tell you that."
He wiped his face of any tears and sighed. "I think I could fall in love with you too."
A smile tugged at your lips for first time since the date, and he again felt himself smiling right back.
You watched him put back on his seatbelt, and you swiftly copied his movements. "Where are we going to go now?"
"Where do you want to go?"
"I think we should probably do something about the body in the trunk."
He looked at you and laughed. "I think you're right."
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
It didn't take long to dispose of the gunman; after all, it wasn't Joe's first time. Before long, you were set out across the country to go wherever your hearts desired.
In the midst of the drive, his hand found yours across the console. And for once in his life, he didn't feel the need to run his car off the road.
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mood-swings-for-days · 5 years ago
Thunderstorm Ι Ch. 4 Ι JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Werewolf!au
Word count: 7, 535
Warnings: Characters in a less than healthy state of mind, violence, slight body horror, an addicted to cigarettes Jungkook (don’t do drugs, kids!)
Summary: An accidental encounter triggers a series of events that shatter your monotonous life. A new relationship starts to develop, following the stages of a thunderstorm.
Note: Written under the influence of beautiful music
1   2   3   4
Chapter 4: Downpour
      Dull light seeped into your room through the sheer curtains hanging on the window. Raindrops drummed against the glass in tune with the quiet music flowing from the radio. Gray clouds diffused the sunlight, painting the world in desaturated hues of its former colors. The forest just beyond your back yard oozed with thick white fog. You lay in bed awake for what seemed like hours, watching the night fade away.
      You heard a door creak, followed by quick footsteps against the hardwood floor of the hallway. A beat of silence and then the muffled sound of dishes rattling reached you. You listened to your roommate prepare herself a bowl of cereal and sit down to eat with the quiet voice of the weatherwoman to keep her company.
      “… ranging from 5° to 10°C during the day, however temperatures will drop below 0° in the evening and we might even be getting some snow for the first time this season.”
      You rolled over in bed, glancing at the clock on your night stand. Your head sank back down into the pillow. Porcelain clacked against stainless steel in the sink and water started flowing from the faucet. Once she was done, your roommate padded back down the hallway and went into her room.
      With a sigh you pushed the covers off of your body. Cold air immediately crawled over you, rising goosebumps in its wake. The hand that previously rested on your stomach started gliding up the length of your body, across the valley of your chest and came to a stop at the junction of your neck. Underneath your palm your jugular throbbed vigorously with the memory of your intimate dream in mind. The skin of your throat, although clear, tingled with the ghosts of a dozen love bites, left behind by the lips you very soul yearned to capture. You closed your eyes, reliving for the umpteenth time the way your fingers would run through his thick hair, blunt nails grazing his scalp ever so gently as lithe sighs tumbled from his mouth. His hands held onto your waist tightly, pressing you against a hard body that felt oh so hot to the touch. His satin skin felt heavenly gliding against your own.
      “Jungkook…” you whispered when his sharp canines grazed against a raw patch on the side of your neck. He only hummed in response and squeezed you harder. His tongue running the length of your collarbone was the only warning you got before he sank his teeth into the fleshy swell of your breast. Your hands tightening in his hair and the tiny whimper that reached his ears stopped him before he got too carried away. Your whole body was tingling. The pain from the shallow bite made the adrenaline spike in your system.
      You sighed again, covering your hot face with your hands. You almost felt embarrassed about how much you enjoyed that dream. It was so vivid you could still feel him if you concentrated. Turning your imagination off for now, you rolled out of bed.
      You listened to the monotone beeps of the barcode scanner as you tried not to focus on your wet socks. Your old sneakers had lost the battle with the weather once again, causing your feet to become soaked in the cold, invasive rainwater. The person in front of you had rolled up to the register with a heaping cart full of absolute garbage. As you scanned bottle after bottle of cheap alcohol and copious amounts of snacks you couldn’t help but think that this kid was preparing to throw the biggest party his teenage-self had ever attended. He’d walked up to you with a wide grin and a hand already offering his ID to prove that he’d just recently become a legal adult. Coming around to the last few items, you peeked up only to see him excitedly bouncing on the balls of his feet, staring intently at the goods you were tucking into the big paper bags to your right. His bill came up pretty steep, but he was more than happy to throw two hundred dollar bills on the counter, telling you to keep the change. You watched him wrestle the bags into his arms clumsily and run out the door after waving you goodbye. You dropped the $9,50 inside your tip jar as you started to wonder when was the last time you got that excited about something. You glanced at the clock on the wall and figured you still had a while before your shift ended. With a sigh you propped your hip against the register and reached into your back pocket for your phone. Yara’s number was the first one to show up in your history and after a few short rings she picked up.
      “Hey, I’m working. Can you talk for a bit?”
      “Uh-huh,” her voice sounded kind of muffled “gimme a sec, I got some brushes in my mouth.”
      “Yeah?” You giggled
      A rattle sounded on the other end “I’m doing my makeup. What’s up?”
      “Do you want to hang out later?” you cringed right after the words left your mouth “I don’t have much to do after my shift ends.”
      “Sorry hun, I already have plans with that one guy. I mean you’re welcome to tag along, but you might not enjoy it as much as I will.”
      You immediately knew what she was talking about. The guy in question was someone from one of Yara’s classes and she’d had an eye on him for a while. It was nice of her to invite you, but the thought of her not-so-subtle flirting in public made you want to hide.
      “Yeah, I’ll pass. You two have fun.”
      “Thanks!” you were just about to bid her goodbye when she chimed in “Why don’t you call Jungkook?”
      Your heart skipped a little. Why? Because you were afraid that he won’t pick up, again. You didn’t feel like going through the mortification of having to leave a stupid voice mail only for him to never call you back. Yara took your silence as hesitation and continued.
      “Y/n how long are you going to pretend that you don’t like the guy?”
      “I’m not. I do like him;” Your voice was small “I just want some feedback from him.”
      “I’m happy you admit it at least.” Yara’s tone softened “You know there’s nothing wrong in asking him, right?”
      “Yeah, but I’m afraid of rejection.”
      “That’s fair. Still, you’ll never know for sure unless you ask him.”
      You nodded your head, vaguely registering that Yara couldn’t really see you. The conversation had reached a point at which you didn’t want to respond and Yara knew it.
      “Okay, bye. I’ll see you at university.”
        “Bye, hun. Do you want me to call you tonight?”
      “No, it’s fine. Call me if something happens.”
      “Of course.” Yara knew to reach out to you in case of an emergency “I’ll see you later.”
      And with a click the line went silent. Outside thunder rumbled in the distance and the sound of raindrops against the windows of your shop softened.
      Just a couple of customers came in after that. The first one wandered around the aisles for a while, leaving wet footprints everywhere, and left once the rain started to subside. The second one entered shortly after the first, bought a chocolate bar and left without sparing you a single glance. You waited around for several more minutes before fetching the mop. In the midst of scrubbing the white tiles with admirable vigor your hand slipped on the handle and you fell face-first into the rack in front of you. Multiple packs of cigarettes, lighters and other accessories tumbled to the ground. Cursing under your breath, you watched the shelf wobble dangerously, but thankfully manage not to fall. The commotion caused the items that didn’t fall out to topple over instead. With a huff you shoved the mop back into the bucket and pushed it aside. You were going to be stuck rearranging merchandise for hours.
      Perched on a step ladder, you reached into the very back of the top shelf to try and get the last few boxes of cigarette filters. You’d managed to put almost everything back by the time your shift was over. Glancing over at the clock you figured that as per usual Yoongi would be arriving late. You hugged the stacked boxes to your chest and proceeded to place them back on the shelf in neat rows.
        The little bell above the door jingled.
        “Hello.” You greeted blindly
      By the sound of slow footsteps, headed for you, you assumed it was your coworker finally showing up. Placing the last item in its place you were just about to speak again as the footsteps came to a stop. The words died in your throat when you felt a pair of hands smooth up your thighs and curl around your hips. You flinched at the contact, turning to look at the person behind you. Turning around, you were surprised to see Jimin smiling up at you. Without a word he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you off of the step ladder.
      “Hey.” He mumbled, not letting go of your body. In fact, he tried to pull you closer, which you countered by pushing your hands against his chest.
      “Jimin, what are you doing here?”
      “Oh, I was in the mood for something sweet and just happened to stumble upon you.”
      Oh, he was in a mood all right, you could tell just by the look in his eyes. His naturally dominant nature was practically radiating off of him, nailing you in place. It was going to be difficult to get out of this situation, you could feel it.
      His fingers played with the hem of your shirt as his gaze dropped to the sliver of smooth skin, peeking out of the unbuttoned collar of your shirt. All of a sudden you felt terribly exposed in your normally conservative work uniform.
      You cleared your throat and made a move to create some distance between the two of you. With a final squeeze, his hands parted with your body.
      “So, how have you been?” You tried to ease the tension with small talk as you speedily walked up to the register. Jimin languidly followed suit. You could hear his footsteps approaching behind you while you pretended to scrub the glass counter with a small rag you managed to find inside your pocket. Unbeknownst to you, your back was left completely exposed and Jimin wasn’t about to pass up on that opportunity. A chill ran the length of your spine when you felt his arms close in on either side of you, hands coming to rest on the surface in front of you.
      “I’ve been good.” He whispered and you hated the way your body trembled at the feeling of his breath against the shell of your ear. “And you?”
      “M-me too.”
      All of your self-control betrayed you in the face of his close proximity. Your hands started shaking when you felt the faintest brush of his hips against your ass. All of your senses were overcome by his scent and the warmth, radiating off of him. You almost felt gross about the way your body immediately reacted to his advances, without giving you the chance to think about it. He dipped his head into the curve of your neck, hot breath gliding over your skin. You squeezed your eyes shut, swallowing with difficulty and trying your best to stay still to minimize contact. Jimin breathed a soft chuckle and your heart flipped. A dark, deep seated desire to give into him started to slither its way out of the cracks of your consciousness. You felt entranced, as if someone had taken over your mind for a long moment before the rational part of you jumped in. Giving into Jimin was the worst possible thing to do right now. You parted your lips, swallowing a big lungful of air to try and clear your head. Just as you were about to speak, the bell on the door jingled, piercing the atmosphere around you.
      You jumped as his arms quickly dropped from your sides. You turned just in time to see Yoongi walking in with his sights already set on Jimin.
      “What are you doing here?” your coworker jumped straight to the point
      Jimin grinned innocently “Nothing illegal, hyung.”
        Yoongi was staring Jimin down with a stern look on his face and you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something you didn’t know.
        “I’m, uh, I’ll go change.” You mumbled awkwardly and started to back away. Neither of them payed you any mind, frozen in a silent face-off.
      The staff room door clicked behind you as you leaned against it. You waited there for a few seconds, trying to hear if they started talking now that you were out of the picture. You quickly gave up, figuring that at best Yoongi would tell Jimin off and make him leave. You were half way through pulling your jeans over your ass when you heard your coworker throw in a few expletives, but when you paused to listen in, the conversation became indistinguishable once again. With a huff you shoved your uniform inside your bag.
      “Shall we head out?” Jimin offered once he saw you walk out of the door and you just nodded begrudgingly.
      “Yeah, Jimin you can go ahead, I need to have a word with y/n for a sec.”
      You were surprised that your coworker butted in and came to a stop once you reached the register. Jimin just shrugged and walked out without any objections. Yoongi waited until he was out of sight before he turned to you.
      “Look, I don’t know what the fuck you’ve gotten yourself into, but don’t mess around with Park Jimin.”
      Straight to the point, huh? You could feel your face heating up with the embracement of being caught red handed. Of course Yoongi had seen the little stunt Jimin pulled earlier. Hell, a lot of people probably saw, considering you were in plain sight of the huge windows. You could maybe play it off and blame Jimin for the whole situation, but the truth is you made no move to push him away. Knowing that it was partially your fault stung worse than the embarrassment of being caught. Yoongi’s sharp eyes held no sympathy for your unfavorable position.
      “I assure you, he’s not what you think he is.” He continued “Stay away from him.”
      You looked at him confusedly. For some reason the ambiguity with which he spoke made your hair stand on end.
      “Now, go out there and tell him to fuck off.”
      “But why didn’t you-” You tried to protest, but he cut you off sharply.
      “Because it’s not my place to intervene. He needs to hear it from you.”
      You stared back at him with a sour expression even though you knew he was right. He wasn’t going to budge and you needed to sort your own problems like an adult.
      “Come on now, get lost.”
      You sighed and headed out without saying goodbye. You could feel his eyes on you until you exited the store and rounded the corner. Once you were out of sight, you spotted Jimin leaning against the exposed brick wall of the neighboring building. He had his hands in his pocket as he stared off into the night sky. The last slivers of sunlight were becoming extinguished by dark and heavy rainclouds. The lamps lining the street started to flicker on. You eyed Jimin for a second before shoving your fists into your jacket pockets and walking up to him.
      “I love it when it rains.” He stated simply once you were within earshot. You watched his profile as he inhaled deeply. “Are you driving tonight?”
      “Yeah.” You lied
      He turned to look at you. The streetlight reflected off of his skin, making his features look sharp. You squeezed your fists tighter. The look in his eye was taunting, like he saw right through you.
      “Let me walk you to your car then.”
      It wasn’t a suggestion. Out of nervous habit, you bit down on your bottom lip.
      “No, thank you.”
      “Why not?” He retorted, taking a step toward you “It’s dark, something might snatch you up.”
      “I’ll be fine. It’s just around the corner.”
      Jimin’s gaze dragged slowly down your rigid frame. He smirked when his eyes landed on yours once again. This whole situation was all too entertaining to him. With a few long strides he closed the distance between you. Before you could step back, his hands came to rest just above your elbows. He cocked his head to the side and pouted when he saw you frown.
      “Y/n…” he mumbled in a raspy tone “We’re both adults, right?”
      You stared up at him wordlessly, breath hitching in your throat when you saw him lick his lips.
      “I really like you.”
      “Damn, you sound desperate.”
      You jumped away from Jimin immediately. You turned just in time to see Jungkook rounding the corner with a cigarette and a knowing smirk hanging on his lips. He walked up to Jimin and got right in his face, tucking you safely behind his back in the process.
      “Fuck off, Jimin.”
      As he spoke, he blew smoke in the elder’s face, making him flinch back and cough into his hand. Jimin glared at Jungkook, taking a few steps backward before turning on his heel and taking off down the street.
      You watched the whole thing go down with bated breath. You were expecting a much bigger commotion to ensue after Jungkook stepped in so aggressively, but Jimin surprised you when he simply ran off. You stared after him until his silhouette was no longer visible.
      Turning around to face you, Jungkook exhaled a deep sigh. The smoke from his by now almost burnt out cigarette swirled around you, making you sniffle. You watched intently as his expression softened once your eyes met. Without a word, his hand closed around your forearm and you fell into his chest. His arms squeezed around your shoulders and you couldn’t hold back from hugging him back. Jungkook rested his chin on the top of your head and breathed a sigh of relief. You blinked once, twice and it felt like an eternity before he finally spoke up.
      “Don’t do that. Please, stay away from him.” You felt his heart pound against your cheek as he spoke. His plea sounded soft and shaky. Not really knowing how to respond, you just squeezed his waist tighter. It felt so good to embrace him like that, you never wanted to let go. His warmth, his scent, his heartbeat, everything about him made you feel safe. Jungkook felt you nuzzle into him and it made him chuckle lightly. His hand smoothed over your hair soothingly before he pulled back to look at your face. You didn’t realize you were smiling until he grinned back at you and a soft blush bloomed along your cheekbones.
      “Let’s go, hmm?” he offered quietly
      “I’d like that.”
      His hand slipped down the length of your arm until your fingers intertwined. His skin was dry and cold, but the feeling of it made warmth blossom in your chest. Jungkook gently tugged you closer to his side as you strolled down the street. You happily watched the way your footsteps seemed to match his perfectly while he would occasionally steal sideways glances at your pretty face.
      “I kind of want to wander around for a bit. Is that okay with you or are you too cold?” Jungkook asked softly.
      You turned to properly look at him. His otherwise pale face was dusted pink at the tip of his nose and cupid bow. You didn’t know if it was the look in his rounded eyes, but you suddenly felt bold.
      “I’d like to spend some more time with you, too.”
      Jungkook immediately grinned at your confession, a light laugh rolling off of his reddened lips.
      “I’m relieved to hear that. Honestly, I’ve been missing you lately.”
      Your pulse quickened, but you didn’t allow it to choke out your next question “Where were you then?”
      You watched him carefully as the question seemed to catch him off guard. He smiled tightly and broke eye contact. A few deep breaths passed through his lungs before he was ready to speak.
      “I… You could say I’ve been dealing with myself.”
      He glanced back at you and you didn’t seem satisfied with his answer. You could tell that he was tiptoeing around the truth by the way he avoided prolonged eye contact. His hand unconsciously tightened around yours. You realized that it was making him uncomfortable, but the mystery that was Jeon Jungkook was plaguing you for far too long and you couldn’t let it go that easily. He chewed on his bottom lip as he tried to make up his mind. Your attention was suddenly diverted when you saw a pointed canine sink into the flesh of his lip. It wasn’t impractically long, just sharp enough to become noticeable. Although Jimin’s canines were more pronounced, Jungkook’s seemed eerily similar. You found yourself running your tongue along your upper row of teeth to see if it was more common than you thought, but yours were dull, flat almost. You stared at his mouth in poorly disguised bewilderment until you noticed him looking. His lips pressed tightly together as you slowly looked up to meet his eye.
      “What?” You blurted out dumbly and he just shook his head. The pace of his footsteps didn’t falter when he retrieved yet another cigarette from his back pocket. You watched the flame of his lighter cast a yellow light to his features for a brief second then flicker and die. He inhaled the fumes deep into his lungs. You were almost mesmerized by the way smoke poured from his lips and brushed past his cheekbones.
      “I needed to figure some shit out?” Jungkook’s next attempt at explaining came out sounding uncertain. He glanced back at you. “I had to decide how I feel.”
      The last line piqued your interest.
      “About what?”
      “About a lot of things.” He looked ahead as he took another drag from his cigarette “About…you, too.”
      His hand tightened around yours and you could almost feel it close around the heart hammering in your chest. You fell silent. You wanted to pry further and ask more questions, but the rapid pounding in your ears drowned out your words.
      Your legs were moving on their own as you tried to keep up with Jungkook who was sucking the life out of his cigarette faster than you thought a man was capable of. The store windows lining your peripheral soon faded as you crossed a couple of walkways and found yourself at the entrance of the town park. The place was nothing spectacular with long winding stone paths going across fields of withered grass and trees with nothing but bare branches to flaunt. You stared up at the intricate curves in the iron arc that was once part of the park gates. You followed Jungkook past it and down the main path obediently. Thin fog swirled around you while rotting wet leaved squelched underneath your old sneakers. You stared straight ahead as you tried to make up your mind. You wanted to continue this conversation so badly, you couldn’t let the opportunity slip, but you were suddenly tongue tied. By this point you were convinced that your feelings weren’t one sided and now was the chance to have Jungkook confirm it verbally, but you were afraid. Until now, you’ve only just come to terms with the feelings part, but you didn’t exactly know what that implied. Something told you that if Jungkook was willing to pursue a relationship, that would mean long term commitment, like really long term. You actually couldn’t picture yourself with anyone else beside you and you barely even knew the guy. Never in your twenty-something years on this Earth have you ever looked at a man and thought “I could grow old with him.”. Until you encountered Jungkook it seemed alien that a person you meet in your twenties could be the one you spend the rest of your life with. And the rest of your life was such a long time too, you didn’t think you could ever be prepared to make a decision like that. On the other hand, your chest clenched painfully at the thought of just letting him walk out of your life. Your hand squeezed his weakly.
      You watched the old lake come into view. As you approached its murky waters you had already made up your mind.
      You stopped abruptly when you reached the edge. Jungkook wasn’t expecting it and tugged on your arm once before also coming to a stop. Those tall old post lights lined the edge of the lake and you happened to be standing underneath one of them. You knew Jungkook was looking at you questioningly, but you needed a moment to compose yourself before facing him. You watched the wind ripple the surface of the water as you breathing steadied.
      “How…” you started quietly before turning to him “How do you feel about me?”
      Jungkook immediately recognized the look in your big glossy eyes and it made his heart skip a million times over. Electricity violently zapped the surface of his skin, spreading from the point where your fingers were still intertwined. Adrenaline pumped in his veins, making his breathing heavier. You looked pale, timid and vulnerable under the fluorescent lights. Jungkook felt like he was holding your fragile porcelain heart right in his bare hands as you had unknowingly given him permission to do with it whatever he saw fit. He swallowed once, twice, but not a single syllable rolled off his tongue, even though the answer to your question was quite simple to him. In his head he repeatedly chanted that he was taking way too long to respond. Oh, he would be one hell of an idiot if he chickened out now.
      The tiniest movement beside your face caught his attention briefly. A small white speck was floating down from the sky, crossing the lantern’s light only to melt on your shoulder. Another one followed shortly after, and another, until Jungkook realized it was snowing. Thousands of tiny snowflakes dusted over the both of you, some disappearing into the ground and others getting caught in the loose strands of your hair. Jungkook was positive that he had never seen a prettier sight than your worried face with a halo of melting snowflakes framing it.
      He yanked you into his frame by your hand. You flinched at the sudden disturbance, but your body moved toward him regardless. His hands rested gingerly at the top of your hips, smoothing over the wrinkled material of your jacket. He seemed hesitant, but the soft look in his eyes soothed your racing heart.
      “I have very strong feelings for you.” He finally muttered and it made him cringe at his wording “Shit, that sounded weird. What I want- … what I meant to say is that I like you very much.”
      You couldn’t stop the grin that overcame your features. He was too cute as he got flustered and stumbled over his words a little. Nevertheless, Jungkook’s expression mirrored yours.
      “Yeah, me too.” You whispered when he pressed his forehead to yours.
      “Can I kiss you? I want to do it properly this time.”
      Your whole body was warm with giddiness and it felt like your cheeks would crack with how wide your smile had gotten. You nodded lightly, afraid that words would ruin the atmosphere that had started to form. Jungkook looked at you for a moment longer before his eyelids dropped and he leaned in closer. His mouth brushed yours lightly at first, testing the waters before diving in deeper. His lips tasted of cigarette smoke, but nothing could describe the feeling of completion that filled your chest once they pressed against yours fully. Your fingers slipped up his shoulders and neck until you could bury them in the hair at the back of his head. He pulled you flush against his front, clasping his hands at your lower back. His lips moved slowly against yours, sighing every now and again when you tugged at his hair. Your whole body was tingling, waves upon waves of relief and happiness washed over your anxious heart as you could finally feel his hair underneath your fingertips, his skin against yours and his scent surrounding you. Cigarette smoke had never tasted so sweet, mixed in with something that was so distinctly Jeon Jungkook it made your soul flutter. He never tried to slip his tongue into your mouth, instead his kisses were chaste and gentle. It had been so long since you’d been kissed properly, but somehow your body seemed to naturally react to Jungkook’s touch. He held you close, his warmth seeping into your body and crawling up to your face, tinting your cheeks a shade of pink.
      His lips finally detached from yours, but he wasn’t ready to part with you before giving you a few more pecks. When he pulled away, your eyes finally cracked open, only to find him already smiling fondly down at you. By the time you separated, a significant amount of snow had piled up on top of his head and it made you giggle once you noticed. Jungkook quickly caught on to what you were laughing at and shook his messy hair abruptly, making the snow scatter around him and into your face. The cold snowflakes stinging your skin as they melted only made you laugh harder and Jungkook joined in with a soft chuckle of his own.
      “Man, you’re pretty when you laugh like that.” He mumbled more to himself, but you managed to catch it. You just stared into each other’s eyes with stupidly wide smiles, just feeling content and warm in the other’s embrace even as cold wind howled past your bodies.
      “Do you want to come watch a movie at my place? I’m not ready to let you go yet.” Jungkook asked suddenly and there was no hesitation in your mind when you agreed.
      Safely tucked under Jungkook’s arm and lost in sincere conversations, you walked the two miles over to his house, which you found out was only a few streets away from yours. Stepping over the threshold, you were immediately struck by the strong smell of timber and cigarette smoke. Jungkook slipped his boots off by the door and you followed suit. He helped you hang your damp coat up to dry and led you down the narrow hallway straight into his living room. His house was dark, walls painted in dull shades of beige and gray, hardwood floors a deep brown and old heavy wooden furniture filling out the space. The living room had a semi-modern disposition with only a countertop separating the kitchen from the main area. The place was also oddly cold, like it had been vacant for a while. Jungkook flicked a switch, flooding the room with pale yellow light that didn’t make it much easier to see what with how weak the lightbulb was. You stood awkwardly with your hands clasped together in your flimsy sweater and thin socks, enduring the cold and doing your best to disguise it. Jungkook seemed unbothered as he walked past you and into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water.
      “Well,” he started once he downed his glass “make yourself at home. I know it’s not much, but that’s what I have to offer.”
      You quickly shook your head because your own house was nothing spectacular either. You didn’t expect a university student like himself to be living in a mansion after all.
      “It’s fine, it’s just-” you hesitated when he looked up at you questioningly “I’m kinda cold?”
      Jungkook paused for a second, as if processing the information, you’d just presented him with and what it entailed. You just stared at him in silence, shifting from one foot to the other until it finally clicked for him.
      “Oh, I don’t have central heating.” He scratched the back of his head awkwardly “But, I can get you something to wear?”
      You nodded gratefully and he disappeared down the dark hallway to presumably fetch you something warm from his bedroom. While you waited, you wondered what his room might look like. He didn’t look like the type of guy that owns a lot of stuff, judging by the minimal personal belongings scattered about his living room. He returned with a black hoodie, one you recognized he’d been wearing around campus a lot. You quickly pulled it over your chilled body once it was within your grasp. The garment was brushed on the inside, warm and cozy as it fell down to the middle of your thighs. You rolled the sleeves a couple of times to uncover your hands and Jungkook chuckled.
      “You look tiny in my clothes.” He said jokingly
      “Don’t flatter yourself. This thing is oversized even on you.” You shot right back, feeling playful. Jungkook let out a breathy laugh as his hand came to smooth over the top of your head.
      “What kind of movie are you feeling tonight?”
      “You’re the host, surprise me.” Your snarky replies seemed to break up the awkward atmosphere and ease the both of you.
      “Horror is far too cheesy for me to even suggest it…” he tapped his chin, pretending to ponder over his options “I guess we just have to watch Iron man.”
      You snorted unattractively at his suggestion
      “Iron man? Are you 10?”
      “Hey, it’s not my fault it’s the best movie ever!” He put his hands up in defense and grinned “Besides, have you even seen it?”
      “You got me there.”
      “Don’t knock it till you try it.” He seemed genuinely excited to watch it with you and it was contagious.
      “I’ll go ahead and download it on my laptop then.” He turned to go but then paused and turned back to you “I- uh, I have a roommate... Do you mind watching the movie in my room instead of the living room? I don’t want to disturb him when he comes home later.”
      You nodded with a smile. “Is it a problem if I hang around here for a little longer?” you asked, gesturing toward the kitchen
      “No, not at all. Do you need anything?”
      “I was wondering if I could fix myself a cup of tea?”
      “Sure, kettle’s on the stove.” With that he walked back into his room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
      You wandered into the kitchen. The cold hardwood floor matched the rest of the house and you thought about how impractical it was if something were to spill on it. As promised, an old aluminum kettle was sitting on the gas stove. You lifted the lid and peered inside, only to find some stagnant water at the bottom of it. You made a face, but washed it out nonetheless. Now filled with fresh tap water, you placed the kettle back on the stove. You fiddled with the switch a little bit to try and adjust the flame, but it was either too strong or too weak, so you just settled with the stronger one and left it at that. You propped your butt on the counter and started looking around. The kitchen was fairly clean, but clearly old and worn out. The fridge to your right was starting to turn yellow and the cupboards above you, albeit nicely crafted wooden pieces, were probably extremely squeaky. You looked around the items, placed on the counter. Next to the knife block and underneath the rack of hanging utensils you found a wooden box with the word ‘TEA’ engraved on the lid. While you looked through the various flavors, you absentmindedly noted that Jungkook didn’t own a microwave. Plucking out a bag of mint tea, you turned to face the hallway to his bedroom. You’d poured enough water for two cups of tea in the kettle, but you didn’t know what kind he preferred, nor where he kept all his cups.
      “Jungkook?” you called out as you settled by the stove once again.
      You heard some muffled footsteps before he poked his head out from around the corner.
      “I don’t know where the cups are.”
      Jungkook walked into the kitchen fully and you noticed that he had changed into a black shirt and some sweatpants. He walked straight up to you and reached for the shelf right above your head. The smell of clean laundry hit you once his chest was in your face. Until now you never noticed how much the cigarette smoke covered up his natural scent. It was clean and sweet, girly almost, with the slightest hint of cologne, but it somehow suited him. Only after he’d placed the cup on the counter did he notice how close he had gotten to you. You blinked up at him as he seemed surprised for a second. Without a word, he swooped down and captured your lips. It was your turn to be surprised, but it didn’t take long for you to melt into him once his hands circled your waist. This time his kisses weren’t as gentle. He was bolder, pushing a little harder against you and even sliding his tongue along the seam of your lips. You timidly parted them for him and he immediately went to work. The taste of cigarette smoke was persistent on his tongue, but it did nothing to dampen the satisfaction you felt as it slipped into your mouth. Jungkook hoisted you onto the counter behind you and lodged himself between your parted thighs. He was getting really daring now, breathing harder and letting his hands wander down to the swell of your hips and ass to pull you flush against his torso. Adrenaline was spiking high in both of your systems and you started to feel excitement buzzing in the pit of your stomach. His lips separated from yours to move into the junction of your neck. He yanked the collar of his hoodie down to expose more of your skin as he heatedly kissed up your throat. You couldn’t stop the gasp that slipped past your lips at his ministrations on your sensitive flesh. His body reacted to the noise and you felt his hips push a little harder against yours. Your legs squeezed his waist as your hands tried to find purchase in his hair. You could feel the shiver running down his spine every time your nails scraped against his scalp. He was focusing on a spot that made you whimper quietly, sucking and licking the skin there to make you release more of the sounds he’d become so fond of.
      Before you could get too carried away however the kettle beside you started whistling loudly, startling the both of you. Jungkook quickly pulled away from you and reached over to turn off the stove. The sound persisted for a few more seconds before dulling down to a quiet wheeze. He rested his hands on top of your thighs that were still hanging loosely on either side of his waist. The two of you stayed silent for a while longer, just locking eyes until Jungkook started to crack up.
      “Sorry about that.” He managed in between breaths and you had no idea if he was apologizing about laughing, or the kettle, or what, but you just joined him in cackling. He helped you hop off the counter and held your hands until you both calmed down. While you were busy catching your breath, he picked up your abandoned tea bag and dropped it into the mug he’d retrieved for you earlier. He grabbed the kettle from the stove and carefully poured the boiling water into the cup.
      “How do you like it?”
      You didn’t know if it was the aftermath of your make out session or something else he had in mind, but you completely misunderstood his implication. Your face flushed. “Huh?”
      “What do you like in your tea?” Jungkook chuckled.
      “Oh, um, I drink it plain.” You fiddled with your fingers awkwardly “Do you want any?”
      “Nah, I don’t like tea.” When you turned to look at the box on the counter, he clarified “That stuff’s my roommates. He won’t mind.”
      Jungkook handed you the hot steaming mug and motioned toward the hallway. You followed him closely on the way to his bedroom. The corridor was also fairly bland with only dull beige paint and three old wooden doors decorating the walls. Jungkook pulled open the first one on the left and you could feel the unmistakable smell of cigarette smoke seeping out. His room was cold, dark and surprisingly empty. There was a double bed pushed in the corner of his bluish-gray walls, a small night stand under the window, an old desk and chair and a chest of drawers where you assumed he kept his belongings. The clothes he’d worn earlier were draped over his chair and the covers of his bed were disheveled, but apart from that there was nothing else to give the room some character. There were no pictures of family or friends, no posters or books, not even general everyday stuff a person might leave around his room. It honestly looked like he’d just moved in, which was unlikely. You stepped in and looked around even though there wasn’t much to see. Jungkook’s laptop was sitting on his desk, a chunky piece of electronic with all sorts of colorful blinking lights. You’d never seen one quite like this and to be honest it was the second most interesting thing in this house aside from its owner. Jungkook moved his chair at the foot of his bed and placed the laptop onto it, ready to stream the movie.
      “Hey, do you mind if I open the window?”
      “Is it the smoke?” Jungkook chimed up “Sorry about that too.”
      He walked over and pulled the blinds up. The window opened up with a creak to reveal the already snow-covered street. It wasn’t anything severe, but it had probably piled up about an inch high. In the patches of light, provided by the street lamps, you could see it was still snowing significantly, without showing any signs of stopping. Cold crisp air flooded the room, making you shiver gently and grip the hot mug between your palms tighter. A pair of built arms wrapped around your middle from behind. Jungkook’s warm chest pressed into you, compelling your body to relax into him.
      “I’m glad I get to spend this moment with you.” He rested his chin on your left shoulder and looked out the window too. “This is my favorite time of the year. I always get excited when it starts snowing for the first time.”
      “It’s lovely.” You confirmed fondly, feeling so domestic already. It felt like you’d known Jungkook for ages and this level of intimacy was only natural. His hands smoothed over your sides, enjoying the feeling of your curves underneath the material of his hoodie. He breathed in, inhaling your soft scent and basking in the satisfaction of finally having you in his arms. He never wanted to let go, and frankly, you didn’t either. His closeness alone was enough to wipe your mind of any worry. You pulled the mug up to your lips and sipped on the scolding beverage. Mint tea, a snowy night and Jeon Jungkook was easily becoming one of your favorite combinations. He pressed a quick kiss to the side of your neck and moved away from you to close the window.
      “You might catch a cold, get in bed.” He said.
      While he pulled the blinds closed once again, you placed your mug on his night stand, next to his ash tray and crawled under his pale gray covers. They were recently washed and smelled pleasantly, but it felt kind of weird to be laying in a different person’s bed. Jungkook owned a single pillow so you settled to occupy only half of it. When he turned to look at you, you tapped the empty spot beside you with a sheepish smile.
      “Damn, I’d kill to have you waiting for me in bed like that every night.” He grinned, making your heart skip. While he went to turn on the movie, you thought that you, in fact, would also love to have him in bed with you every night. As the opening credits started rolling, Jungkook scooted closed and wrapped his arms around you. Your own arm draped over his stomach as you settled into the blissful comfort of his warmth and affection.
      About forty minutes into the movie you couldn’t resist his steady heartbeat lulling you into the most peaceful and fulfilling slumber you’d had in months. The nearly full mug of mint tea started growing cold on the night stand, forgotten.
Note: It’s about damn time I posted... I’m still having trouble with my computer, but I somehow managed.
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Hotel - Zabdiel (Part 2)
I am sooo sorry guys that I took so long, I thought I would have loads of time but I have been at work nonstop and have been feeling ill lately tooo. I have plans for a 3rd one and I’ll try my best to get it done as soon as I can! Anyway hope you like this part 2, I love being a tease so I hope the ending doesn’t kill you guys ;). 
Word Count: I don’t know mate fucking long 
Warning: 18++
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"I don't believe you, you are lying to me. THERE IS NO WAY Y/N!" Victoria said in shock, processing what she just heard come from your mouth. You laughed, "Its hard to believe but yeh, it happened and he wants to see me later too". Victoria was in so much shock she had to sit down and take a moment. Whereas, you've been sat on the bed ever since Zabdiel left, you could barely stand after what just happened. That orgasm literally sent your legs into jelly. "Well, what are you going to do? How are you going to act later?!", you went in a daze and thought [She was right how am I supposed to act, like what am I expected to do after hes left me like that]. Victoria then shouted "WAIT SHIT I'VE JUST REALISED SOMETHING", scaring the shit out of you. "Jesus Vicky, quiet down haha" you uttered. "Sorry, I just realised that if we go backstage which is probably where he is going to take us. Does that mean I am gonna meet them too. Do I have a chance with some Ecuadorian dick, because YES PLEASE" Victoria said with a devious grin on her face. "To be honest if Zabdiel can finger me in my hotel room then anything is possible. So.... GO GET YOURSELF SOME ECUADORIAN DICK B", you screamed with enthusiasm [Vicky deserves to get some action after her dickhead of an ex anyway]. You both laughed and carried on chatting about tonight and what could happen, the excitement was unbearable and you both just wanted it to come sooner. 
A couple of hours later...
"Right are we ready to go, we need to get there early if you want to get a good space in line" said Victoria rushing me in the process, as usual. You started doing your final checks in the mirror, placing your hands on your waist and turning to the side to see if your outfit makes you look big in the mirror. You tend to get like this before you go out, you worry about your figure most days as you are not shaped like most girls. You were curvier and thicker for sure, and it sometimes took a toll on you. [I really hope he likes the outfit, I hope he doesn't forget me. There is gonna be so many pretty girls there, I could get easily forgotten surely]. You place your hands on the dresser looking up at the mirror in front of you, [Ergh fuck sake why do I do this to myself]. Victoria could see you were getting lost in your thoughts, "Y/N are you okay?". You took your hands off the dresser and faced towards Victoria, "Yeh, I'm alright. I guess I'm just nervous. I should be happy and I definitely am but what if he doesn't even bother talking to me at the show. Like I know this is obviously just a hook up but like still. Ergh I don't know what I'm saying" you sighed. Vicky walked closer towards you and placed a hand on your shoulder, "Sis, lets recap okay. Zabdiel De Jesus came in your room fingered you, without asking for anything back or even to do more stuff. Then after asked for YOUR number. He obviously might not be completely head over heels for you right now cause he obviously doesn't know you well enough but maybe tonight might give him that opportunity. So don't bring yourself down, cause tonight might be the night sugar. Just have fun because that's the most important thing." Victoria said with a wink just after. A smile began to spread across your face as you realised that Victoria was talking some sense. "You're right, I am a beautiful curvy woman and Zabdiel would be dead lucky to have my fine ass tonight. I'm gonna show him who's in control tonight" You said with a flick of your hair. Victoria and you began to laugh and head for the door. You were excited and fully confident for tonight's event. 
In the Queue...
"They are gonna walk past any second now, I CANT FUCKING WAIT GIRL" Victoria screeched in excitement. You were having so many thoughts going through your mind that all you could do was respond with was a fake smile. The bus arrived and the door slowly opened. [Jesus hes about to come out, fuck fuck fuck]. Joel firsts walks out and is rushed through with security, he takes photos and hugs a couple of lucky fans on the way. Erick then steps out with Christopher closely followed behind him. Christopher gave Victoria a little wink in her direction on his way inside, it nearly caused Victoria to drop to the floor but she managed to get herself together. Then walked out Zabdiel and Richard, [God Zabdiel looks so hot, this is difficult. I just want to take him somewhere and rip off all his clothes]. While Zabdiel and Richard were walking inside, you see Richard whispering into Zabdiel's ear. They looked very engaged in a conversation, until you see Richard look over at you and say to Zabdiel "¿Es ella?". Zabdiel looked towards him and nodded his head, "Damn, she nice bro" Richard said with smirk. Zabdiel laughed in response, then finally his beautiful brown eyes made contact with yours. His stares were always so intense, it consistently made you weak every time you looked into them. You bit your lip as you felt the heat between your legs get damper. He moved his eyes towards your lip, all he could think about was those pretty lips wrapped around his dick and the image could not leave his mind. "Zabdiel, come on man" Richard shouted while grabbing Zabdiel in his direction, causing the loss of eye contact between you and him. You sighed, [God, I  just want to fuck him already]. "I saw that, you two were vibing and he DEFINITELY wants a piece" Victoria said while nudging you. You laughed and responded with "Mmm I hope so haha". 
30 mins later...
You and Victoria began to approach the security and the ticket desk, After security check your bags and you both walk towards the desk. The lady behind the desk looked away from her computer and towards us, "Hello, could I see your tickets please". You look through your bag and quickly pass the tickets over to the Lady, "Here you go". She looked through at the ticket and scanned the barcode, the lady then looked shocked as she saw something pop up on the screen. She paused for a minute and signalled a guard to come over. Victoria then faces towards you with a panicked look. The lady then looked back at you both with a smirk, "Well girls it says here that you have been granted VIP and backstage passes. So let me give your wrist bands and ill let George here from security take you backstage. Does that sound Good?". A smile spread across both of your faces followed with a more than compliant nod to her response. She placed the wristbands on both of your wrists and you follow the guard. You noticed other fans watching you go somewhere else with a guard, some either assumed you were in trouble or a new possible groupie for CNCO. But only you and Victoria knew which one you both were going to be and the excitement was only building as you got closer and closer to backstage. You then finally arrived at a room and the security opened the door for you, "Here you go girls, there's refreshments inside and someone will come over soon to give you a tour". You both smiled and Victoria responded with "Thank you George! You've been great". He then walked away and you both walked in the room. It was stylish and it had some sick food and drink, so you were both pretty content. "Oh my God I can't believe were here. it does not feel real at all" you say still astonished from all of the events of today to where you are now. Victoria grabs your shoulders shaking them and saying "GIRL, you can fucking say that again". You both giggle while moving towards the sofa to sit down and have a chat while you wait for the backstage tour guide. 
10 mins later...
*knock, knock* You both look up to notice a lady standing there with 2 lanyards in hand, "Hiya girls, my name is Lisa and ill be showing you round. Are you ready for the tour?". Victoria and you smiled and walked over to Lisa to introduce yourselves. After you all got acquainted, you both were given your lanyards and followed Lisa around the building. She showed you different sections behind the backstage area, showing where the guys chill and explains to you what they do before a performance to get psyched up. You both were looking all around, eyes wide taking in all the scenery. "God its so big in here" Victoria observed. It really was huge and they was so much going on behind stage, and none of it looked easy to deal with. You really do forget how hard the staff and the boys must work to make the performance so perfect. You then uttered, "It really is, Jesus". "Si, mi preciosa", the words were whispered into your ear from behind by a low deep voice. You turn around instantly to see that beautiful tall blonde god, and you couldn't help but smile. You were trying to hold in your inner crazy fan girl but it was hard. You look up to him and whisper, "I've been waiting for you". Zabdiel bites his lip and says "So have I". He looks behind you and then look backs at you. You look at him confused and question "whats wrong?". He then smiles back at you and says "I think Christopher likes your friend". You furrowed your brows and turned around to see Victoria giggling with Christopher, who was flirting majorly with her. You then feel a light squeeze on your hand, you turn around to look at Zabdiel "Cmon I want to take you somewhere, we can leave them in peace". You turn to him with a mischievous smile and a raised eyebrow, "Oh yeah where do you want to take me". Zabdiel sends a wink your way and pulls on your hand, leading you down a hallway. He then reaches this door that labels 'Staff only', he drags you in and closes the door. You look around and notice a desk and some boxes around. [Must be an extra office or something?]. While your eyes were wondering around the room you hear the sound of a click and turn around to notice Zabdiel locking the door. “Planning to kill me?” You said with a smirk. Zabdiel laughs and comes up real close to you “Hmm well you’ve been killing me all day, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since our last meeting.”. You look up towards him and flutter your eyelashes, “Why is that baby, do I make you hungry?”. Hearing those dirty words come out of your innocent mouth made Zabdiel go crazy. And you were right, he was HUNGRY and he wanted you so bad that he was struggling to contain himself. Zabdiel picked you up causing you to instantly wrap your legs around his waist. The whole movement was quick and it all fitted perfectly like you two were meant to be connected with one and another. He moves you towards the wall and starts kissing you hungrily, he wanted you and he couldn’t wait much longer. You ran your hands through his beautiful blonde hair, giving it light tugs at points. Making him moan slightly, Zabdiel began moving his lips down your neck while gently squeezing your thighs. A few moans began to escape your mouth only exciting Zabdiel further. You then pulled Zabdiels hair back, causing him to look back at you with a surprised look. You move your lips slowly towards his ear and whisper “It’s your turn, papi”. You hop out of his grip and shove him against the wall. Zabdiel looks at you in shock, not quite sure what is happening as he is normally the one being dominant. But he most definitely is going to roll with it. You lower your self down and get on your knees. Zabdiel then moves his hands downwards to undo his belt, you then slap his hand off. “Ayy mami, what was that for” he responded. You look up at him while slowly undoing his belt and say “I’m in control this time, not you”. This made his eyes go wide with desire, he wasn’t used to this feeling but he sure did love it. Your eyes were finally met his boxers, you slowly shimmied both his jeans and boxers down. You knew Zabdiel was going to be big but god you weren’t expecting that. It only made you even hungrier for him that your mouth began to water. You positioned one hand on the base of the shaft and placed light kisses on the tip. You then moved those kisses up and down the shaft just to tease him further. Making Zabdiel moan uncontrollably, “Nena, por favor. Stop teasing me”. You look up to him and mutter “Do you want me bad baby, do I make you weak?”. He moves his head back and nods. You look disappointed, “use your words, otherwise I stop” you demanded. He looks at you with his mouth open in shock, “I want you so bad it’s killing me”. You smile deviously and move your mouth onto his tip and start slowly swirling your tongue around it. You start moving your other hand up and down his shaft, creating a steady pace. Zabdiel was losing his mind he was struggling to function with all that you were doing. His dick began to pulsate and you could tell he was getting increasingly closer to reaching his high. You began to pick up the pace and move your mouth all the way down his base, so far that the tip was hitting the back of your throat. Tears started to fall from your eyes and Zabdiel was on the edge. His hands were intertwined in your hair and he was tugging hard only making you wetter. “I’m about to cum baby, fuck” Zabdiel moaned. You went in harder, constantly swirling your tongue around as you went up and down on his big shaft. He was so close, but then you suddenly removed your swollen lips from his member. He looked down at you disappointed, wondering what your next move was. “En serio? I was so close princesa” Zabdiel huffed. You smirked deviously back at him and then stood up, removing your jeans and unclipping your bodysuit in the process. You tugged on his shirt leading him towards the desk and hopped on it. You opened your legs, granting zabdiel access. You opened your eyes really wide and look towards Zabdiel, “I just really want you to fill me up papi”. He didn’t think it was possible for you to make words that sound so dirty sound so innocent. But he definitely loved it, Zabdiel grabbed your thighs and brought you in closer. Zabdiel aligned his hard cock with your dripping core, he slowly pushed the tip on the outside of the entrance. Earning a moan of pure frustration from you, “Please papi, Fuck me”. Zabdiel could tell he was driving you crazy so he decided to take it further. He moved his hand up to your throat and lightly applied pressure, “mami, you need to be more patient. Can you do that for me?”. His hand around your throat while his tip was just sitting at your entrance was destroying you. You needed him and you needed him now. You tugged at your bottom lip and nodded your head. Zabdiel then slightly moved only the tip in, stretching you out instantly. It was just the tip but it was almost enough to send you into an orgasm. 
*buzz* *buzz*
Zabdiel and you looked at eachother wondering where the sound came from. You both noticed the sound coming from his phone which was on the floor. Zabdiel removed his tip from you leaving you empty and extremely frustrated. He picked up the phone and noticed it was Richard calling. “Que pasa Richard?” he mutters. You couldn’t hear clearly what he was saying but he didn’t look very impressed for sure. He pauses, “Okay okay I am coming now”. Zabdiel then hung up the phone and looked towards you, “I have to go nena,  we need to prepare for the show”. Zabdiel began to put on his boxers and jeans. You look at Zabdiel disappointed, “erghhh okay, please tell me we are going to have the chance to continue this later”. Zabdiel laughed and came up close to you, he lifted up your chin with his finger and whispered into your ear “I am not finished with you yet mami”. Zabdiel then opened the door and paced over to the boys to prepare for the concert. You got up and got dressed. You felt so frustrated but you knew you had to wait for Zabdiel. You wanted him so badly and this day has been nothing less of a surreal experience. You exhaled and opened the door, going towards where you last left Victoria. Hoping to find her somewhere backstage. But truly the one thing that was on your mind was Zabdiel.
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