#by appealing to her love of the Doctor of course
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yey56 · 3 days ago
(complicated feelings, un-required love, Leith getting his hopes up and later destroyed. Mainly Leith's pov of chap 1 and before of that).
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Since the moment you started working at playtime co you were like a fish in the sea. You adapted quicky in your position and as time passed by, your job as a clinic psychologist expanded to the head psychologist in the company. Then you became closer to the rest of the executives and important charges at the company.
That position had it's ups and downs. Your favourite benefit was the chance to work with the innovation and design department. There you met Leith Pierre, head of innovation.
You both got along right from the start, both of you were good at knowing what people wanted and you shared the gift of creativity so Leith and you were made friends very fast.
He was pretty friendly with most of the staff but sometimes he had his rage moments (like for example when an employee took him by suprise and scared the hell out of him after passing through a door)
As a joke, you made him a poster that specifically instructed the visitants and the staff of the factory to not hide behind door because Leith will get startled.
Deep down, that kind of sense of humor you had made him like you even more. You both were competitive in your works but always maintained a playful banter. A silly battle of subtle little insults will always start when you were together in the same room. Never aim to really hurt but rather to annoy and tease.
He would often frequent your office and talk to you about the last models of toys he was designing, always focused on listening to your opinion and how certain factors of the design might attract more clients.
If he ever catched you in the middle of an appointment with a child he would wave and wait outside until the child finished.
You also noticed he was a very physical man. He was always touching everyone's shoulders or backs as a way to appear closer or warmer. You assumed he had his businessmen methods on appearing more appealing to the public.
Pierre was getting more attached to you by each year that you worked on the company.
He even tried to get closer to you by directing himself the commercial of the toy you design yourself, Piannosaurus.
"So, what do you think... Come one, we both now it's amazing!!" He said excited as he extended his arms and grabbing your shoulder in the process.
"Certainly not bad... I would've made it better but not bad for being you" you chucked playfully. Leith had taken you out of your work hours to show you this commercial.
You appreciated the effort, of course but your mind was occupied by something else or maybe someone else.
A few months ago the project Bigger Bodies started and at the lead was Dr Harley Sawyer. Leith didn't get along with Sawyer and neither did you at the start.
In reality, you didn't care much about Harley at the start apart from being a capable Dr and later someone who you respected professionally but Leith seemed to have some kind of mistrust against him.
He always wore tense smiles around him and didn't seemed to trust him much.
Eventually you started becoming more involved with the project, obsessed even. You were most of your time in the lower levels performing experiments and treating the toys and kids down there.
Pierre always knew you as someone very comprised with her work. You loved what you did and you made it known.
The problem was that you barely seemed to remember others existence apart from yourself and the person you were down there with. Sawyer.
Your relationship with the doctor had developed into some sort of friendship. Your ideals were very similar and since you both always insisted on staying down personally supervising the experiments you ended up interacting with each other a lot.
One day he got tired of waiting for you to seek out so he did it himself.
"Good morning sir" greeted the guard responsible for the labs.
"Where is Dr (Y/L/N)?" He asked directly.
"Sir, Dr (Y/L/N) and Dr Sawyer are in lab 007 performing an experiment on one of the toys."
He was certainly irritated that Sawyer was the one getting your time, but of course you were the only two ones demented enough to stay down there for more than required.
Some deadlines on his department had been missed because your lack of assistance didn't gave the inversors the security to invest in the toys.
He had suggested Ludwig to make your intervention in innovation required at least twice a week but the man was still revising the schedules and contracts.
Irritated, he arrived at the handrail you and Sawyer were at. You were taking notes and commenting on the behaviour and cognitive abilities of a nightmare creature. This one was bigger than the others, a black sheep.
His blood boiled when he saw Sawyer so close to you. He had been made aware that there were complaints about the Drs lack of respect for boundaries and personal space.
If Harley didn't knew how to maintain some healthy physical space that was his problem.
Forcing a smile he approached the pair, putting a hand on Harley's shoulders.
"Sawyer! (Y/L/N)! It's been quite sometime since you had seen the sun" his attempt at humor was met by the disgusted face Harley gave him.
The Dr moved his shoulder harshly so Pierre's hand would fall from it.
"Working, the experiments require time" he responded dryly.
"Sawyer the investors are waiting, I'm sure you both are working yourself to the bone to get a result out of the experiments but I need to give something to the guys funding us" he turned to you "(Y/N)!, I'm sure you understand that this project is very risky. We are putting so much on the line" he now grabbed your shoulder.
You were still writing in the report the last notes about the experiment "Of course I do understand Leith, but you need to comprehend that precisely because this is a risky project we cannot allow ourselves to make any mistake" you finalised the notes by signing them.
"Would you be so kind as to give this report to Dr White? He will need to make some adjustments in his next patients. Harley and I have been noticing some patterns on the experiments that can be corrected if we are careful enough" Oh! Now you called him Harley. How sweet. He though while you passed him the notes. He held on the subtle contact you fingers made.
Harley seemed annoyed merely by Leith's presence. He was already used to you being there with him. He had accepted you as part of his space.
You could peacefully exist in his office, in the labs he was in and anywhere near him but any other person who should not be there that was somewhat staying more than needed was met with a glacial look from the doctor.
"Pierre, as I'm sure you understand I have more surgeries to perform and (Y/L/N) needs to run some more test on 1888." Sawyer looked coldly at Leith and left the lab while putting on his lab bat.
Leiths tense smile dropped the moment Sawyer got out of the area and he quickly turned to you.
You were putting away some documents on the bookshelves on the wall, archiving the remainder of the experiment.
"You know, you could get out of here sometime. The innovation team is a disaster without you doing their works" he joked trying to fix the tense atmosphere that had took over the room.
You stretcht, groaning before facing him. "Yeah sorry, this is just so fascinating.... And I need to lead the other psychologist, the experiment are quite picky." You laughed
"Don't worry, both me and Harley are required in the executive meetings. The next one is on Tuesday right? After that I will go to you office and we can settle whatever problem you and your team have" There it was again, that stupid name. He sighed annoyed and rolled his eyes. He took a look at you.
You look tired, exhausted but the light on your eyes, either by the caffeine or by the excitement made it worth it going down here.
The weeks turned into moths and even though you fulfilled your statement and spent not one bit two entire days reassuring the investors, analysing the latest trends preferences and assisting on the designs, sensory materials etc.
This appeased Leith but it irritated Sawyer. He had already his routine. You would perform your interviews and consulta, him his surgeries and later on you would both discuss the experiments and their development, sometimes even going as far a having dinner together in silence or with you ranting about some recent studies you had read.
He had heard you talk a lot about how music affected kids and how Pianosaurus was a great stimuli for the kids and a great way of stimulating the mind and creativity.
You were specially proud of that damned dinosaur and Harley knew it (mainly because you talked about it a lot)
Therefore, after getting acostumed to you and even enjoying your presence and monologues, he felt absolutely enraged that Leith was going out of his way to take you away from your responsibilities and workload. (And him of course, though he would never admit it).
He had already confronted Pierre telling him to stop making other workers lose time just because his team wasn't productive enough.
Of course this caused that the Ludwig himself had to intervene and stablish some legal rules. Re-establishing all of your contracts.
Leith should do his work with his team and since your importance in the project was essential, he should ask any other psychologist of your team if he needed help.
The resentment on Leith's part keep growing and growing just as the complaints about Sawyer.
It got to a point that even other executives as Stella had complaint about him being insufferable.
This got to a point in which the three of them started to plot how to deal with him until they got to a common ground
We could always 'deal with him' " Rittermann suggested "it's not like we haven't done it before"
"Either way, what do we do about (Y/N) she also seems pretty involved with the project. Do you think she might be a threat?" Stella quickly denied that, she wasn't really on board with the idea of dealing with people and also she didn't have any problem with you, you did your job well and treated the children with respect and that enough for her. "No, that would be just unnecessary she had done nothing wrong"
Leith was quick to agree with her "yeah, and some of the experiment are already attached to her, some of them are even refusing to be treated by other psychologist as far as I've been informed. She hasn't done anything wrong, I'm pretty sure we can just do this privately and get going."he finalised, settleling the plan
He felt relieved when the rest of them agreed. He didn't think he would have the guts to give you as a meal to Boxy Boo.
But before he could get out of the room he heard an impact on the floor. The three executives went out of the room and found the guard they had assigned to guard the corridor with his club high.
Leith looked at the floor to see who had the guard hit.
He saw you body and your belonging spilling out of a box on the floor. He knelt to your level and took you pulse. After realising what he had done, he quickly ordered the guard to take you to another room and to cuff you on a piece of furniture.
He then went away of the room, accompanied by Stella, to personally give the order of dealing with Sawyer and ascending Dr White as the new head of the surgeons.
He was completely unaware that after leaving Rittermann alone, he had given the order of dealing with you the same way as with Sawyer.
He was made aware of your fate when your anesthesia had already kicked in. He saw through the glass your unconscious body, he regretted not insisting more to Elliot about moving you upstairs again or to Home sweet Home instead of letting the situation get out of hand.
He personally chose one of your discarded designs as your new body. One you knew you would like, or at leat hate less...
A white manikin with only two black eyes. That toy you designed was destined to potentiate creativity by dressing it with accessories made of either doe or other manipulable materials...
This had gone so far tot he point he couldn't stop it, but at leat he wasn't going to lose you completely. He was a creative man, he would work something out.
He didn't realise everything would go wrong when the anesthesia didn't really worked out.
He receive a call from one of the surgeons in charge of your surgery, shouting desperate something about you waking up and stabbing his assistant with a scalpel. He faintly heard your voice on the background and later the sound of someone being shot.
Scared of what you might do, he ran to one of Sawyers screens.
"where is she??!!" Leith asked desperate
"Mmm, an why would I tell you Leith" his bitter voice was evident even though the static that now surrounded it.
Leith grabbed the sides of the TV "Listen to me you good for nothing system, either you tell me where she is or she is going to get shot by a guard!!" The seemed enough to convince Harley.
"Control room" after that he turned himself of.
Again Pierre started to run to the control room and when he reached the end of the corridor he saw you banging on the door, still in the medical dress you had for the operation.
He shouted you name and when he was already close enough to reach you, the door suddenly opened, letting you in. He knew it had been Sawyer. Only people with executive access could enter that room.
He desperately tried to reason with you, he could already imagine what would you do.
"(Y/N)!! Stop this. You are not thinking straight! They will kill you, all of us!!!" He said completely desperate, attempting to convince you to stop whatever you were planning, banging on the door even harder.
The red lights started illuminating the whole compound. That only meant one thing, you had opened the cages "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!- WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!" He kept banging on the door out of desperation and fear" Nonono-"he murmured. Suddenly he hear you stared talking so he stuck his head to the door, trying to hear you.
You were also leaning on the other side of the door, with the look of a madwoman on you face.
"Actions have consequences Leith, sooner or later both you and I were going to face them, I just accelerated the process." you said with a mocking tone that brushed insanity"Im just helping you learn how to take responsibility for your actions."you finished with a harsh tone in your voice that expressed resentment and betrayal.
He was going to keep arguing with you, still not giving up but he heard the screams to pain and horror of the other workers so he just run and by sheer luck managed to escape the factory, not without being injured in the process. One limp leg was his price to pay.
He knew some experiments had became attached to you such as Doey, or Kissy Missy hell even Pianosaurus only gave any glimpse of response to you... He knew you would not immediately die there but you were now right at Harley's arms.
When all of the authorities arrived and he gave his testimony, obviously false and manipulated.
Years passed by and he didn't have any news of you or if you even where alive. He had founded his own new company, similar to playtime but way more discreet and simple. With no horrific experiments and most importantly not you.
One day, while cleaning his apartment he found s photo of Elliot Ludwig, now dead and the other executives. In that photo you were in between him and Sawyer. You looked calm and healthy. No like his last memory of you in which you looked exhausted, disoriented and frantic.
That made him do something he never though to do. He decided to contact an ex employee and ask for him to go to the factory. To search for the secrets of playtime urging him to discover what happened (what happened to you).
Little did he knew that that letter would change everything inside of the abandoned factory...
I redesigned Leith Pierre (I'm awful at the first version of the designs) and gave Y/N an appearance. {You can imagine Y/N with whatever characteristics you want, I did the drawing based on an oc}
Leith showing (Y/N) the Pianosaurus commercial (he's very proud)
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-Unedited fanfic-
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blueberrypancakesworld · 2 months ago
Begging you for more Caracalla fanfiction pretty please?? Literally no one writes for him ??
I’m so ashamed but can you write Caracalla and fem reader who starts her period, how he’d help her through any pain or discomfort? Also disgustingly good period sex to get rid of cramps if this isn’t too weird?
I just started at work and have no products with me so we die like men in Rome, free bleeding 🩸
Blessed if you do, blessed if you don’t 🙏🏼 ty xx
Bleeding free for love
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Emperor Caracalla x wife!reader
warning : +18, smut, hurt/comfort, tiny emotional, kissing, body worship, blood play, period sex, family problems
Summary : When the sun was in the sky at midday, it was the aches and pains that afflicted the goddess of Rome, hot and cold baths hardly seemed to help and hardly any food was right. When her husband has a certain idea to take away her pain and they both could get closer to each other.
info : So finally dear i have finished it i wish you a lot of fun reading and hope you have survived your period well. I had a lot of fun writing this everytime again and wish you lots of fun ;)
Blood had many uses for rituals, animal blood for eating, for painting, blood was something that gave life and could take life it was the most valuable thing known to man because without it you died.
One thing the soldiers in the battles knew as soon as they saw the blood of their opponents they had won, the midwives saw the blood of the mother as a life was born and a dead man would bleed as his head was cut off.
A thing that everyone knew, every child, every man and especially every woman who felt the blood on a day of the month followed by pain and upset.
A natural process that could lead to life according to certain doctors or midwives to whom one went to have herbs and tinctures mixed against the pain, but as death would haunt everyone, so would pain haunt every woman of Rome.
A pain that also commanded the empress in a moment of adversity, from the moment she woke up she had felt on the edge of Olympus.
She loved her husband and her brother-in-law but her smile wanted to smile less and less, everything seemed to interfere and nothing worked her mood was completely controlled by the gods a thing that only disturbed her even more.
At breakfast, her appetite didn't seem to be for anything except for a delicious sweet fruit or honey glazed nuts, but nothing else seemed to appeal to her either, ,,I'm sure it won't be anything bad" she had told Caracalla, who was already giving her a worried look, normally the three of them tasted their way through the whole breakfast and were not so reserved.
At midday in the palace garden she was only in the shade, the sun seemed far too strong, although even Geta and Caracalla were in the sun, ,,Just leave me" she had said more cheekily than necessary when they both wanted to pull her to the table for a game and she had retreated with her servant.
But above all, her stomach pains didn't stop, pains that she feared were something worse and she wanted to turn to a healer after the senate meeting...but the answer came to her with a knowing sigh.
She rose from her seat in the senate to help her brother-in-law's argument, knowing that Caracalla was not fully present in his current state when she felt the first drop and she cursed inwardly.
,,I commend myself, something has come up" she only hastily said to Geta and gave Caracalla a brief smile as she tried to get away from the gazing eyes as quickly as possible.
But while Geta tried to reassure the senate that all was well, it was Caracalla in particular who seemed to snap out of it and looked anxiously after his wife.
Gods must you make me bleed now? she asked the saints and at least the answer was only why her abdomen hurt and why her mood was so different, she had bled once more.
A bleeding that made her go straight to the bathhouse where she washed herself because of course it didn't stop at a drop, she sometimes felt as if she were an animal bleeding to death in its last moments.
It stung and pinched so much, no wine or food seemed to help and the water always seemed too cold, ,,Warm it up once more" she ordered her tone again harsher than she wanted and the servants informed the slaves.
The bath water warmed up again after a few minutes and she sighed as the pain disappeared, at least for a moment, as she tried to concentrate on the rose petals and the scent of avender that came through the flowers floating around her.
A scent that at least helped her with a headache did some good, at least the gods were a little merciful to her because the rest of the day she would be bleeding in her room.
Her feelings were as numerous as the gods and she probably didn't take pleasure in anything, just lying in bed perhaps listening to music to distract her from the pain.
Whatever it was she was going to do it was all better than being around people, she had kept the dinner with Caracalla and Geta as short as possible, ,,I will find a way to take away your pain that is my duty as your husband" her heart tried to cheer her up and gave her a quick kiss.
A kiss that actually made her smile for a moment, it seemed that no matter what situation or how much pain she was in Caracalla always found a way to make her smile, one of the things she appreciated so much about him.
He liked to fight with himself, the madness taking him over more and more from time to time but for her he always tried, ,,And I will accept this as your wife" she replied and gave him a kiss too as Geta only had a pleased look for the two of them, glad that his family didn't stop at madness and blood.
After dinner, everyone retired to their rooms to rest, the day had been exhausting enough and she just wanted to try to sleep, a sleep that was not granted to her, but minutes turned into almost hours in which she turned from left to right and knew that as long as she continued to be stabbed in her abdomen, she would find no rest.
Until the moment she heard a knock on her door and smiled, ,,Are the gods not letting you sleep either?" she heard her husband ask and saw that Caracalla had a small tablet with some things on it.
Sitting up in her bed, she tapped the fur next to her, ,,The honourable ones seem to be stabbing me right now," she replied, but immediately saw her husband get a worried look on his face.
In his state, where he was probably at least a little more aware of his surroundings, it was always better than him having a full-blown seizure and hurting someone else.
Setting the tray down on the bed, he scrambled over to her and placed his hand on her stomach, surprisingly gentle for someone who seemed so worried but at least it had a little ,,The warmth of love" he grinned as he saw her features relax and her hand rest on his.
Maybe it really was the bond between man and woman that could help them, that could ease their pain as she saw some sweet treats on the tray.
Treats they fed each other, the sweetness and warmth actually helping a little, ,,My caring emperor" she murmured to him before giving him a kiss.
A short kiss really, but one that made the blue-eyed man want more, his hand sliding from her belly to her side, letting her know he wanted her, ,,The healers said...a touch of body might help with your pain," he said as they parted, the smell of sweetness mingling slightly with the tang of metal.
She felt the slight shame burning on her cheeks, she knew it was supposed to help when they slept together it always seemed to make no difference, an agreement, a bond could do so much
,,But the blood" she already knew the skins and pillows needed to be cleaned even without the sex through her blood, but Caracalla just smirked, ,,Has an attractive effect on me" he just giggled before he kissed her again.
A kiss as they lay gently on the pillows, hands carelessly taking the clothes from each other's bodies, the room seemed too warm, too heated by their love that burned as his hand went to her breast.
The gods gave her the pain but also the sensitivity something that also struck her lover who looked at her almost proudly, ,,Never be ashamed of our union no blood will keep me from you" he assured her and began to kiss her neck.
The little bites and marks turned her on more than usual, her mind plagued by lust that surfaced between the pain whenever she thought of her husband, an emperor who continued to take care of her body.
His fingers skilfully massaged her breasts, teasing her nipples as he lightly pinched them and she shuddered as she groaned, ,,Mhhh gods you've made a pack with him" she giggled as she saw the amusement of Caracalla as he continued to take care of her body.
Every piece of her had to be loved by him, everything she needed he gave her, praised her, kissed her, bit her, licked her everything he just wanted to be with his wife.
His goddess who loved him so much it was the only right thing to do that he helped her through everything in their life together.
Blood was what he liked in the Coloseum arena, and her blood seemed to act like an aphrodisiac on him, making him lose himself in lust and slight madness.
He finally kissed her belly before running his hands along her thighs and pushing them slightly apart, ,,Your emperor will take away any pain...as sweet reddish as a cherry you are" he compared them and the couple both smiled at the sweet but apt comparison.
A comparison as his hand held hers as she saw him caress himself a little and yet she opened her legs, his hungry expression meeting her slightly pleading one.
The feeling as he was inside her not unfamiliar but pleasing the sounds of the couple mingling as he kissed her again the brief moment of time to geen hung between them.
But now their shared love seemed to diminish, with every thrust he made, every movement, every lustful sound that escaped them both, their love for each other only blossomed more.
His hands went from her hips to her body every now and then, giving it further attention, knowing that it made her feel good when the pain was taken over by the pleasure.
,,Don't stop" she only breathlessly brought out, wrapping her legs around his hips to feel him deeper after a few minutes.
The healers were right love could banish pain and how love could banish it, rarely had she felt him so intimately and arousing it was something a look at her husband told her they should both do more often.
Her hands shakily detached themselves from the fur and scratched along his torso, his grunts letting her know he was the one enjoying the pain, something she gave him more of.
His thrusts increasing whenever she pulled at his light-coloured hair, scratching along his skin, his back streaked with red.
The couple gave themselves to each other, savouring everything and the sounds that echoed off the stone walls as if they were looking at each other from afar.
She heard him stammer ,,I love you" almost sensing that he was close to his climax, a tingling sensation in her stomach that she could only answer with a nod as she pulled him even tighter against her.
The moments passed and the movements became more hurried and intense until the stifled cry was lost in the kiss as the couple shuddered and clung to each other as the climax came over them both.
A moment in which the pain and the blood didn't matter, his care didn't matter, they held each other and only separated after a short moment.
He lay down next to her with a slight grin and put his hand on hers, ,,The gods should honour us like this more often" and the couple had to laugh again when she turned to him and held his hand.
But no more pain plagued her as she gave him a kiss on the forehead and now knew that love could conquer even the pain of blood.
@cottoncandiescupcakes , @somepallings , @k-yurieee , @qardasngan , @sweeteststing , @songbirdmunson , @abundance-of-fic-reblogs , @bel0ved-heretic
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slytherinshua · 1 year ago
genre. fluff. cheol as a dad. warnings. toddler/parent stuff. cheol gets jelly. pairing. husband!scoups x wife!reader. wc. 1k. request. request by @blue-jisungs: you asked for soft hours n i shall give!! it’s been in my mind for a hot while actually but i’m too busy rn to do it myself… and you’re the perfect person bc U MADE ME THINK IF TJAT 🫵🫵 jealous dad seungcheol :( ofc he loves u n ur kid but give him some attention too smh >:T and requested by anon: i love your svt as dads!! they’re all so cute and i’d like to request one for cheol! a/n. i love love love dad cheol omg :( my second dad fic for him hehe <3 hes so girl dad coded and SOOOOO ADORABLE SKDJKS I LOVE HIM!!!!
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“You ate without me…?” Cheol’s sleepy mumble was the first thing you heard from him. He had tiredly trudged downstairs when he had woken up and you weren’t next to him in the bed. It was already a bad start to the day when that happened, and he was frowning and pouting and generally sulking about it by the time he found you.
He wrapped his arms around you from the back, trapping you in the middle of the living room so you couldn’t continue without giving him the attention he needed. You smiled at his clinginess and deep raspy morning voice, but scoffed at how baby-like he was in the morning. Sometimes he acted even more like a child than your actual child. 
Eunha was your now 2 year old daughter. She was adored by everyone and constantly doted on. She could be a handful at times, but only because she had started to take after your bossiness and knew exactly how to appeal to Seungcheol. If she ever wanted something, all she had to do was look at them with those big boba eyes that she got from him, and he’d be folding.
He loved her more than anything. Probably even more than you, but you were okay with it. It warmed your heart how much he cared for his daughter. He’d die for her in a heartbeat without a second of hesitation. You were learning more and more every day the love a father could hold for his children. You had expected this attitude when you married him, of course. Because you knew him and you knew how caring he was. He was so filled with love for people and the world, and you were so lucky to have him.
Starting a family had always been a dream for both of you, and Eunha’s birth had been your biggest blessing. It was challenging to take care of a toddler, but you and Cheol always did your best.
Eunha was happily playing with her toy dolls after eating breakfast— the entire living room spread with her mess. It was always a constant of cleaning her toys in the evening just for her to make a new mess the next day, but you didn’t mind. It was worth it to see her so happy, and though it could be stressful to have a messy space sometimes, her happy giggles made up for it.
“Were you playing dolls with her without me as well?” Cheol asked, the pout he was wearing somehow finding its way into his tone. You giggled and he squeezed you tighter out of jealousy. He didn’t want to admit that he missed your attention being only on him, but it was true. 
You were getting up earlier to feed Eunha and play with her in the morning. The sleepy morning cuddles that Cheol looked forward to every time he fell asleep next to you were becoming rarer and rarer and he felt bitter about the change. It just wasn’t the same with Eunha. It wasn’t worse, it was definitely better in most aspects, but the free time that he had enjoyed before was being sucked away by the little child.
“She wanted me to be the doctor.” You told him, explaining the dynamics of Eunha’s favourite game. She would be the mother to her little baby doll, and either Cheol or you would usually be the doctor.
“The bed was so cold without you…” He murmured, pushing his cheek against your neck. His skin was warm against yours and you leaned into him more, savouring the feeling.
“I’m sorry. You know that Eunha likes to get up early…” You whispered.
“She should’ve woken me up instead of you. Aren’t you tired?” 
“A bit. Eating breakfast with her was nice, though. She insisted on having strawberries with her yogurt since she had seen me eat it like that once.” You smiled. Seungcheol pouted.
“I thought I was her favourite…” He was mostly joking, of course, but slightly hurt. He had always been susceptible to jealousy. Maybe he was a little too greedy— he loved watching you and Eunha spend time together, but he also hated being left out.
Your little moment of warm embrace was interrupted after 2 minutes, a giggly Eunha running up and clinging to her father’s leg. She babbled something about her doll and wanting to get ice cream later today, which you were sure Seungcheol would indulge her in. He spoiled her too much.
You were happy to see your husband’s pout lift up into the sweetest of grins. He picked up Eunha, holding her so that she was resting on his hip. He kept one arm around you; almost if you would run away and leave him if he didn’t. Which was probably partially true since you hadn’t cleaned up from breakfast yet.
“Give daddy a kiss?” Cheol asked Eunha, giggles ensuing amongst both of them. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek cutely and you smiled. Now that Seungcheol was awake as well, the two would be inseparable for the rest of the day— especially since Cheol didn’t have any work to get to.
The morning happily proceeded with a small second breakfast and playtime. Now that your husband was being included in every activity, he was all smiles and giggles. He liked being the centre of attention; you had discovered that fact throughout the years. He was the happiest man in the world when he knew he was making his daughter happy.
Her happiness always came first, even when it relied on Seungcheol’s hair being tied up in pigtails with little cherry-coloured bows because Eunha wanted to play hairdresser. You were almost envious of how cute he looked in them. It was impossible not to love everything that Cheol did.
Along with the bows came matching sweaters with a cherry pattern for father and daughter. One look at the two and you could easily declare them the two cutest human beings in the entire world.
↳ svt taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @yeonjuns-redhair,, @ddeonudepressions,, @hannahsophie0103,, @skz-minchan-enthusiast,, @shuabby1994,, @icyminghao,, @98-0603,, @weird-bookworm,, @edensgardenn,, @wonwooz1,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @cienlvrs,, @amara-mars
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vigilante-3073 · 1 month ago
Law & Medicine
James Wilson x Female Attorney Reader
Part 2
Summary: House finally meets Wilson's fiancée. He quickly learns that she is not someone to mess around with.
TW: Dating, lying, mentions of money/debts, House being House.
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House looked up from his computer screen when he heard a soft knock on the glass door to his office. A young woman stood in the doorway with a briefcase in her hand.
"Hello, you must be Doctor House. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Y/N greeted politely. She made her way over, holding her hand out for him to shake.
House took her hand, giving it a gentle shake before releasing it, "I'm glad that I could get ahold of you. I'm in a pretty bad spot right now and I've heard that you're the best," House said.
Y/N nodded, sitting down in the chair in front of his desk, "Separations can be difficult and they definitely bring out the worst in people," Y/N replied.
House nodded, "I'm having a pretty difficult separation and my ex-wife wants to take everything I have. She's been a stay at home mom for our six kids and I will do anything to keep those sweet little rugrats," House said with a smile.
Y/N nodded, "A family man will definitely appeal to the court. You also have the advantage of making quite a bit of money because of your position. You're definitely going to have to pay some alimony, but I'll do what I can to keep it reasonable," She said, pulling out a leather portfolio and flipping it open. Y/N pulled a pen from the holder before beginning to jot down notes on her notepad.
"I just- I thought we would be together forever. Our marriage started out all hot and heavy before things fell apart. W-we haven't even made love for almost two years. It's just been so hard," House said shakily, sniffling as he struggled to contain his ficticious emotions.
"To me, you seem like a sweet man who's going through a hard time, Doctor. I will do everything in my power to make sure that you keep your kids. Can you tell me their names and ages?" Y/N asked, preparing her pen.
House hesitated, "Of course. There's Ben, he's ten, James, he's twelve, Barbara, she's three, Louis, he's two and our sweet little Fernando. He's three and it's also up for debate if he's actually mine," House said.
"What about the sixth child?" Y/N asked.
"Oh, that's David, he's nine," House replied easily.
"Ben and Barbara are twins, I assume?" Y/N questioned, looking down at her notepad.
"Yeah, it was a hard pregnancy for the wife," House said.
Y/N set her pen down, "You said Ben was ten and Barbara was three," She said, closing her folder.
"Yes, lots of kids and hard to remember," House said.
"Listen, Doctor House, I am not an idiot like you'd clearly like to think," Y/N stated.
House narrowed his eyes, "Wilson told you, didn't he?" House questioned.
"He did... He loves me and didn't want me walking into something that I was unequipped to handle, but he doesn't know the kind of people that I deal with on a daily basis. I can smell bullshit from a mile away and you absolutely reek of it, honey," Y/N said.
She tucked her portfolio into her bag and zipped it up before sitting back in her seat.
"So, do you have any real questions to ask me or would you like to continue spinning bullshit about your fictional family?" Y/N questioned.
House watched her for a second, "I like you," He said.
Y/N smirked, "Glad to hear it," She replied.
Y/N was sitting at the table, typing away on her laptop as she replied to various emails from coworkers and clients. Wilson made his way over to the dinner table, setting two plates of pasta down before taking a seat across from his fiancée.
Y/N closed her laptop and pushed it aside, "Thank you for cooking tonight, honey," She said, picking up her fork.
"Of course, it's the least I could do since you had to deal with House," Wilson said.
Y/N smirked, "He's not as clever as he thinks he is. I let him talk for enough time that I can bill him so I doubt he'll try anything like that with me again," She said.
"You sent him a bill?" Wilson smiled, Y/N nodded.
"You're amazing," He said.
"Hopefully he can afford it. Apparently he has six kids and a crazy ex," Y/N smiled.
Wilson laughed, "House seriously made up a whole story to try and mess with you?" He asked.
"Yeah, he's definitely got a screw loose or something. He folded immediately when I called him out on it though," Y/N said, taking a bite of her food.
Wilson watched her with a soft smile, she looked up at him curiously when she realized that he was watching her.
"What?" She questioned.
"He came to talk to me after you left," Wilson said.
"What did he say?" Y/N asked, taking a sip of her water.
"He likes you... He said that he thinks you're good for me," Wilson said.
"Is that a cause for concern?" Y/N questioned, setting her glass down on the table.
"Well, I don't know because he's never liked any of my significant others before you," Wilson said.
"Seriously?" Y/N asked, her tone suddenly becoming serious.
"Yeah," Wilson said.
She sat back in her seat, "I thought he was just a manipulative ass," Y/N stated.
"Well, most of the time he is. Somewhere in all of his craziness, he cares about me and that was his way of showing it," Wilson said.
"You're kind of a package deal then, huh?" Y/N asked.
"I think so... Does that bother you?" He asked.
Y/N shrugged, "I don't mind. As long as he doesn't think he gets free legal consultations because he seems like a guy who gets into some shady stuff," She said, taking another bite of her pasta.
"How did you know that?" Wilson asked.
"It's my job, honey. He also seems like the type to borrow thousands and never pay his debts," Y/N replied.
Wilson stared at her in shock, "It's like you're a wizard," He mumbled.
Y/N set down her fork, "How much does he owe you?" She asked.
"He bought a motorcycle," Wilson admitted softly.
Y/N grabbed her phone and stood up from the table, "Where are you going?" Wilson questioned.
"I just need to make a quick call. I'll be right back," Y/N said.
She made her way out of the room, Wilson watched the clock closely as he waited for her to return. Y/N came back to the table after less than five minutes and sat back down, she picked up her fork and returned to her meal.
"What did you do?" Wilson questioned.
"You'll find out tomorrow," Y/N replied simply.
Wilson read through the morning paper as he sipped on a coffee and ate a bagel. The hospital cafeteria was busy, the quiet chatter of staff and visitors filling the room.
Wilson kept his eyes focused on the story he was reading as someone sat down across from him. Wilson set aside his paper when he finished reading, looking up to find House sitting across from him.
"Is everything okay?" Wilson asked, House looked around before pulling an envelope from his blazer.
House set the envelope down and slid it across the table to his friend. Wilson raised an eyebrow before he picked up the envelope and opened it, eyes widening when he saw the stack of hundred dollar bills inside.
"All the money I owe you and your fiancée," House said.
"What? Are you serious?" Wilson questioned, House nodded.
"What did she say to you?" Wilson asked curiously.
House shifted uncomfortably, "Doesn't matter," He muttered, grabbing the other half of Wilson's bagel.
Wilson watched him as he took a bite, avoiding eye contact with his friend as he chewed.
"I know she called you last night... What did she say?" Wilson pressed.
House shook his head, "Don't mess with that woman," He stated.
House tossed the bagel back onto Wilson's plate before standing up from the table. He left without another word and Wilson wasn't even sure what to make of the interaction.
Wilson couldn't help but wonder what Y/N said to make House fork over almost $10,000 without any argument. He went through his day as usual and stepped out during his lunch break to deposit the funds into his bank account.
Wilson stopped to purchase a bottle of champagne on his way home before he began cooking Y/N's favorite meal. Wilson stepped out of the kitchen when he heard her key slide into the lock on the apartment door.
Y/N stepped into the apartment, setting her briefcase down and taking off her coat. Y/N took off her heels with a relieved sigh before looking up at her fiancé.
"Is everything okay?" Y/N questioned nervously.
"He paid me... House paid me for everything and he even paid you back too," Wilson said.
"Oh, good," Y/N said.
"Very very good. You are amazing and I love you so much," Wilson said, taking her hands in his.
"I love you too, baby," She smiled.
Wilson leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss, "Why don't you get changed into something comfy because I may or may not have some bubbly for us to share," Wilson offered, wiggling his eyebrows.
"I didn't even do that much for you," Y/N laughed softly.
"You did more in one five minute phone call than I have managed in five years," Wilson said.
"You're lucky that I don't mind being spoiled," Y/N teased, pressing another quick kiss to his lips.
Wilson watched her walk into the bedroom with a smile. He had no doubt that she was the one for him and he was excited to make it official.
It was also nice to finally have someone who would stand up for him, even if he would never find out how she managed to get House to cough up $10,000.
Maybe he didn't need to know.
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issa-pheonyx · 2 years ago
Puppy!Abandoned!Leon X Pre-Owner!Reader
𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗟𝗲𝗼𝗻 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗳𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲? 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝘂𝘁! 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗽𝘂𝗽𝗽𝘆, 𝗟𝗲𝗼𝗻 [𝗵𝘆𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱], 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗼 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵~👀
▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
-You have noticed these puppy hybrids everywhere and everyone claim to say it was the best they ever done. You never thought about it nor did it appeal to you, so you just did you. But, it does pass by your mind what it would be like to have a special companion by your side. That's when you saw one. He was left abandoned with his collar strangling his neck. It was severely bruised and red from the burn. The leash was attached to a fence from a vacant home. He was crying and whining, wiping his tears
-In the beginning he was very scared when he saw you come closer. "No, stay away!" He chokes out. His voice was raspy and dry. Probably, from crying and the leash tightening his neck. You slowly approach, cautiously, and he would try to flee away as hard as he could even tearing up from the pain on his neck. It wouldn't budge, so all he could was watch you in fear, lowly growling. When he noticed you cut off the leash with your pocket knife his heavy breathing calms down and stops growling. "It's okay, baby boy. You're safe. You hungry? Are you thirsty?" His tail wags a little by the name and your comfort, but he is still scared and runs inside the house
-After that you would visit the same spot since you tried to get him out the first day, but all he did was run inside the vacant house whenever he is outside of it. You bring food and water to him. He would watch you from the window and he grow onto you little by little as he would peek out the door, sits out on the porch, and now a few feet away from you
-That's when that one day he got really close to you. It freaked you out cause you assume he may bite or lunge at you. "What's wrong, honey?" You remain calm as you were knelt down to serve him food and water. He kneels down with you and sniffs at you and tries to get close to your face as you back up a little making him whine. When you let him he licks your cheek,"Thank you..." Not going to lie it made you choked up and you smiled sweetly to him,"Awww, my love you don't need to thank me." His tail wags, much more enthusiastically that is very rare. He then gets down on the tall grass doing body rolls making your heart melt,"Is the good boy happy?" You cooed and he perks up,"Good boy, yes!" That is when he lunges at you and starts licking your cheeks. Definitely, the golden retriever type
-Now it may seem all sunshine and rainbows with how affectionate and loving he is, but it was tough before all the settlements into making him your official companion. The trauma has taken a huge toll on him. The previous owner, Ada Wong, supposedly was working and ended up not coming back again. She tied him on the fence to malnourish. Left to die. He experiences separation anxiety and would growl at women who look like her, especially when they wear red dresses. For men it was strange since nobody knows why he would be snarling at blonde haired, blue eyed, and dressed all in black types. That one still remains a mystery
-You gave him all the love, care, and discipline when needed. Thankfully, he is well trained. You went to doctors and therapists to help him out. However, they just seemed to tell you he is hopeless to get over the trauma. It hurts him so much as he gets panic attacks of predicting you will just leave him just like she did. You reassured him you wouldn't of course. This was overall draining and exhausting, but you would remind yourself he didn't give up on you for the trust and you were not going to give up on him either
-You give him time and gently tell him to not growl or snarl at specific people and would show him that they are not bad with certain friends and family. When you did he started to talk to them ever so often and eventually he broke out of his shell and gets excited when he hears who's coming over and who you are and him are going to meet up at. He just needed time that's all
-When you meet up at the vet he was his quiet and defensive (most common for our pets when they go to the vet), but when you comfort him he has the spark in his eyes that you make him feel safe. Once he got everything settled with his shots, checkup, and all. He is officially your dog and you are officially his owner. His mommy. You kept his name as it suited him very well. "Welcome home, Leon. You helped me at my worst and I will be sure to be there for your best~" You scratch behind his ear making his tail wag very fast and he just licks your cheeks, happily, and you giggled. "Thank you for saving me...mommy."
▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴! 𝗜 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝘁. 𝗠𝘆 𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴. 𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹~🖤🫣
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ccarlislecc · 5 months ago
love love love the way u write especially Shoko!!!!
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♡ good samartian ♡ ♡ shoko is a good person. . .maybe not nice or the life of the party, but she’s a doctor, a good samaritan; so when she meets you who needs her help with something sensitive, she just has to say yes, whether you're asking for help or not
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shoko was a big drinker, of course. but the thought of going out to a bar gave her a headache. especially when her drinking buddy options were gojo or. . .herself. neither were too appealing to her. but she’s making an effort to be nicer to gojo, call it a new year’s resolution or simply a life bettering notion. either way, she takes him up on his tenth offer of “please, please, please come out with me, shoko! i’ll pay your tab, & for your ride home, promise!” the bar is stuffy, the music is too loud, the led lights are hurting her head, & she’s not quite drunk enough for this to be worth it. gojo has already found some girl to take home & handed shoko a hundred dollar bill from his fat wallet. 
but when she spots her, her night starts looking up. she’s a little tipsier than shoko, but not blackout drunk by any means, & she’s just precious with her frilly pink dress & bows in her hair. it’s practically criminal for a grown woman to look so. . .innocent. she offers to buy her a drink & she just smiles & nods enthusiastically. 
“i don’t usually go out to bars much,” she smiles, “but i’m glad i did.” shoko thinks she might be flirting, but the girl seems so genuine that she really can’t tell. regardless, shoko’s glad she came out too. it’s after a few more drinks that shoko gets to enjoy the spectacle. she’s never met a girl who was so terrible at holding her alcohol. thankfully, she doesn’t puke, but when she attempts to stand to go home, she’s falling all over herself, tripping on her shiny heels, hiccuping about how she’s “gots ‘ta call a cab,” & it’s all slurred & drooly, & shoko finds it ridiculously endearing. 
so of course she’ll take her home, it’s the right thing to do. she couldn’t possibly send her into a taxi all by herself, let her find her way home alone. she’s hardly sobered up at all by the time the cab pulls into shoko’s driveway, & a knowing glint shimmers in shoko’s eyes as she helps her across the threshold of the door. she’s falling all over shoko, tripping over the bed, when she lets a fun fact of the night slip from her lips: “‘m a virgin,” she giggles. “go out ‘ta try ‘n find a guy, b-but just never do.” & shoko is so sympathetic, so sorry for her. a pretty girl like her deserves better than some asshole who probably won’t even make her cum. 
so she’ll make her feel good, she decides, fix this little problem for her because it’s what a good person would do, right? 
it’s easy, rolling her over on her stomach, delicately unzipping her dress & sliding it off & onto the floor. shoko is graceful in sliding her panties off & unclipping her bra, & she’s so gentle with her, so sweet because that’s just who she is. 
pinching her nipples, pulling her hair a little, making her arch all pretty-like before she makes her feel good because shoko deserves a little pleasure from teasing her, right? i mean, she is doing her a favor after all. some sick freak could come across her & take her virginity, but shoko’s not gonna allow that, no. she’ll take care of her. 
she’s a little questioning when shoko, pushes her head a little further into the pillows, bringing her knees up, but she shushes right up when shoko lays her tongue flat against her pretty pink pussy, fucking it in & out of her, kneeding the flesh of her ass, fingertips circling over her clit, & shoko chuckles, a little mean, when she whines, trying to say something but she just can’t form the words. 
“feeling good? s’good, wantcha to feel good, i’ll show you, sweetheart,” she sneers down at her, working her fingers into her virgin cunt, meeting a little resistance, but she’s just so wet for her & pliant & needy, practically begging for it as her moans are muffled by the sheets, & who is shoko to deny her what she wants? fingers pumping in & out of her cunt, sloppy kisses all over the backs of her thighs & ass. hitting that spot inside her that has her cumming all over her shoko’s hand, mewling about how foreign it is, how good it feels, & shoko’s glad to help, happy to make a sweet girl feel good because she’s just nice like that. 
fucking her with her dildo after she’s stretched her out because all the best girls deserve to get fucked, pushing it all soft & gentle into her weeping cunt, shushing her as she bleats out that it “k-kinda hurts, sho,” ‘cause she doesn’t need to worry about that, shoko will make her feel good. letting her cum all over shoko’s cock & she’s too fucked out to know the difference between a real dick & a silicone strap-on & she doesn’t care ‘cause it’s “so good, so good, f-feels so good, sho.” yeah, let it all out, shoko thinks, because shoko’s a good person & she just likes to make pretty girls feel good. 
sliding up her panties right after she finishes & putting her dress back on, leaving her like that to wake up wondering why her panties are full of cum & she’s sleeping in a stranger’s bed feeling a little drunk still. shoko is a lot of things: rude, a little snotty, a gojo hater ‘til the day she dies, & sometimes just downright mean, but with her, she’s kind, she’s sweet, she cares.
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♡ fin ♡
thank you for reading! comments, likes, & reblogs are so, so appreciated, but I love you non-interacting people, too ♡ here's my masterlist! mwah 🩷 xoxo, carlisle
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fortheloveofwonderland · 2 years ago
My Reply | S.R
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This one was a request from the lovely @reidsaurora-replies for my milestone celebration which got wildly out of hand. I think I damn near used every lyric of the song in this one. Also, Maeve does not exist in this universe. I felt like his phone calls with her were too similar to the letters with reader and not needed
Summary - Spencer writes his deepest tragedies down on paper for his pen pal. After ten years of exchanging letters and some divine intervention from JJ, the two of you finally come face to face.
CW - this one covers most of Spencer’s canon storylines including Tobis Hankel and his drug addiction, his moms illness, his fathers abandonment, getting shot in the knee, his headaches, Emily’s “death”, prison arc, Mr Scratch and Emily’s kidnapping, angst, interfering friends, lots of literary quotes.
WC - 6.3k
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Making friends was always something Spencer Reid had been inherently bad at. He was always too young or too smart which always seemed to put people off of forming friendships with him. 
When he joined the BAU, his team called themselves his friends. But Spencer knew if he’d met any of them outside of work he would have nothing in common with them. 
They were simply friends by proximity, which admittedly was better than having no friends at all. But he couldn’t talk to them about everything, afraid to scare them away with talk of his mothers illness or his fathers abandonment. 
And sometimes he just needed to talk to someone. 
It was Garcia’s idea that he sign up for a pen pal. When she found out about his mom during the course of the fisher king case, he’d confessed that he didn’t feel comfortable talking to the team about such things. 
At first she’d actually suggested talking to someone online, she had many online friends who she talked to in various chat rooms. But after almost an hour of trying to explain that to the technophobe doctor and getting little more than a deep frown in response, she changed tact. 
A pen pal appealed to Spencer greatly. He already wrote daily letters to his mom and found it somewhat cathartic, getting his thoughts down on the page, but he never bothered her with the darker stuff. 
The idea of a faceless person he’d never meet reading his deepest, darkest thoughts was actually intriguing to him. And so with the help of Penelope he found himself a pen pal. 
In his first letter he’d just introduced the basics, his name and age, what he did for a living and that he lived in DC. 
He went on to explain how hard he found it to make friends and the difficulties of talking to his already established friends about the darker parts of his life. He ended the letter with a quote from To Kill a Mockingbird.
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” - Harper Lee.
He received a reply little over a week later. 
Your name was Y/N and you were twenty two, three years younger than him and a grad student at Columbia University. You told him you would be happy to read whatever he sent you, that you were more than willing for him to write to you about the things he didn’t tell his friends. 
You signed off with a quote of your own quote from the book Infinite Jest.
“You will become way less concerned with what other people think of you when you realise how seldom they do.” - David Foster Wallace. 
And so he did just as you said and he wrote another letter. 
His second letter to you was five pages long. He went into great detail about his mothers illness, how he’d been left to deal with it alone at ten years old. He wrote about how he’d made the decision at eighteen years old to have her committed to a sanitarium. 
He told you about growing up as a child prodigy in Las Vegas and how hard that was. You were the first person he ever told about Alexa Lisbon and being tied naked to a flagpole. 
He spoke about the events surrounding Elle leaving the team and how it didn’t feel complete without her. 
He ended the letter by apologising profusely that he’d wasted your time with his long winded rambles and said he hoped to hear from you soon and scrawled a quote from The Great Gatsby.
“The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald.
He said he would understand if you didn’t reply. But you did. 
The letter took two weeks to arrive and you explained that it was because you wanted to really process his words and give each and every one of them the time they deserved. He read the last few lines of your letter over and over again in a loop even though they were etched into his memory after only one glance.
I wish there was something I could say, to erase each and every page you've been through,
even though it's not my place to save you. 
“When I get lonely these days, I think: so be lonely. Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience. But never again use another person’s body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings.” - Elizabeth Gilbert - Eat, Pray, Love. 
He wasn’t familiar with the book and so he’d gone out and brought it and read it cover to cover within an hour. 
Reading your letter made Spencer feel understood for the first time in his young life. You didn’t pass judgement on him. Spencer found that between the pages of your letters he found a kindred spirit. 
The letters continued back and forth for several months until one day you didn’t receive a reply. His last letter had been penned to you on route to a case in Atlanta, which you’d responded to the day you received it. But there was radio silence from Spencer. 
You shouldn’t have been as worried as you were, but you couldn’t help yourself. His letters had become such a huge part of your world, often rereading them hundreds of times just to make sure you didn’t miss any little nuance on the page. 
His handwriting was ingrained within you, his scrawly, sometimes barely legible penmanship danced behind your eyelids every time you closed your eyes. His letters had rapidly become the best part of any day. And for over a year you didn’t receive a reply. 
After a while you’d stopped holding out hope every time you collected your mail. Eventually you gave up ever expecting to hear from him again. Maybe he didn’t need you anymore. Perhaps he’d made a real life friend, maybe even a girlfriend and you’d been rendered ineffective. 
But then little over a year after you sent your last letter, you found an envelope in your mail slot with the familiar handwriting you adored so much and the DC postmark. 
I don’t really have any excuses, all I can say is I’m sorry. I have written you fifty three letters over the course of the last year but never mailed a single one. They are piled up on my desk, addressed and even stamped, but I couldn’t bring myself to mail them. 
I’ve been struggling, I can’t lie to you. I can’t even lie to you through a letter and tell you I’ve been fine because I haven’t. I think you would see through my prose, know that I wasn’t being truthful. And you’ve never given me a reason to be anything but honest with you.
The case in Atlanta was one of the hardest I’ve ever worked. I’m not going to beat around the bush, I’m just going to tell what happened and hopefully this letter will end up with you and not in the pile on my desk. 
I was kidnapped by the man we were hunting down. I spent two days tied to a chair being beaten within an inch of my life but a man with multiple personalities. In fact, that’s not strictly true. I wasn’t beaten within an inch of my life; one of the personas killed me. 
I’m not entirely sure how long I was technically dead before he revived me but obviously not long enough to cause permanent neurological damage. Irreversible brain damage occurs after four minutes without oxygen so it stands to reason it was less than four minutes. 
But during that time, my life flashed before my eyes, including every single word of every single one of your letters. 
One of the alter’s drugged me in his own way of trying to save me. Drugging me was supposed to help with the pain, both mental and physical. I fought it at first, desperate for him not to stick that needle in my vein. But after that first hit, I stopped resisting. 
I think you can probably already see where this is going. You’re incredibly smart and you seem to know me so well. After I shot Tobias Hankel dead I took three vials of dilaudid from his corpse. 
I should have prefaced this by saying I am now ten months sober, and offered up the good news first. But there were several months that I continued using the drug in secret, hoping it would aid in erasing the memories of it all. 
It took a case in New Orleans in which I met up with an old friend Ethan and ended up almost destroying my career for me to decide to get sober. I’ve had a lot of difficulties in my life, as you know, but getting clean is the hardest thing I have ever done. 
And now for the first time in months I’m craving again. Maybe that’s why I’m writing to you, determined to send this letter this time. I need to know that everything is going to be ok and you are the only one that I will believe it from. 
My team tries. Now it's all out in the open, they try to help. But you don’t even need to try. Your help is so effortless, so easy and I’m in real need of that right now. 
His letter went on in this vein for another six pages. He also included several pages of handwritten poetry which he had copied out of a book to send you. With each word you consumed you felt your heart breaking for him a piece at a time. 
And he signed off with a surprising choice of quote from The Lorax.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” - Dr Seuss. 
You spent the next month or so trying to cultivate the perfect reply, but for the first time in your life, words failed you. 
It was three days after Spencer received his one year sober chip that your letter arrived. 
I got your letter and the poetry you sent me, postmarked in December of last year. I really hope you’re doing better, all your friends close by your side, one step closer to recovery.
I hope by the time you receive this you are close to one year sober, but if you didn’t make it you need to know that’s ok too. Life is full of ups and downs Spencer. If you didn’t make it this time you will the next time. Or the one after that. 
If you relapsed I need you to not beat yourself up over it. You will be ok, Spencer Reid, for that I am certain. 
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.” Maya Angelou - I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. 
When he got shot in the knee, he wrote to you from the hospital. He told you how hard it was for him to turn down pain medication when he was in so much agony. But he was over two years sober now and he wouldn’t do anything to risk a relapse. 
Your reply spoke of how proud of him you were and how you knew it couldn’t have been easy for him but you hoped the fact you were proud went some way to aid him. 
He told you it meant more to him than you would ever know. 
Then he started having headaches and the letters became sporadic. When he did write he told you how painful it was for him to try to focus on the words in front of him. 
I’ve seen so many doctors and no one can tell me what’s wrong with me. It’s like they think I’m making it up, like this pain isn’t real. 
On my good days it’s a dull throb but on the bad days it’s nearly paralysing. I’m so scared that this is a precursor for schizophrenia. I'm still young enough for my first break, and it is a genetic illness. 
I love my mom but I can’t turn out like her, Y/N, I just can’t. I'm so, so scared. 
But your letters are the greatest comfort to me. I don’t think there are words to describe how much they mean - I will try to surmise it with a quote from Charlotte's Web -
"'Why did you do all this for me?' he asked. 'I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.' 'You have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing.'" - E.B White.
You could feel his fear through the pages. His handwriting was somehow even harder to read than usual and sentences often tapered off with no ending. There were whole passages scribbled out so violently his pen had ripped the paper in places. There were crude drawings of brains and dark rain clouds in the margins. 
I am so sorry you are going through this and that no one can give you the answers you seek. But this isn’t the end for you, even if it is schizophrenia, you can still live a full and normal life. 
If you'll just hold on for one more second, if you just hold on to what you have, you will wake up tomorrow. Behind every rain cloud lies the sun. As Victor Hugo said in Les Miserables -
“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.” 
In his next few letters he seemed to be getting better, his headaches slowly dissipating until they only hassled him every once in a while. Things seemed to be looking up for him. 
But then one of his best friends died. 
His detailed letter told you all about Ian Doyle and Emily’s history with him and went on to conclude how she died on the operating table. 
I’ve been through a lot of trauma in my life, lost a lot of people close to me but never like this. I’ve never had to bury someone I love and honestly I don’t know how to move past this. 
My initial reaction has been dilaudid. It's the only thing I can think of to take the pain away. 
Tell me not to do it, Y/N, please. Please tell me that this grief will get better and that using drugs again is not the answer. Please help me stay clean. 
"When someone you love dies, and you're not expecting it, you don't lose her all at once; you lose her in pieces over a long time — the way the mail stops coming, and her scent fades from the pillows and even from the clothes in her closet and drawers.” John Irving - A Prayer for Owen Meany
It took you longer than it should have done to formulate a reply. You felt pressured, like his sobriety hung in your hands. You hated that his friend had died but you didn’t think it was fair of him to put this on you. And you told him such.
I am sorry to hear about Emily, I know how close the two of you were. I’m no expert on grief, I can’t tell you how to deal with this.
You know full well that using dilaudid again is a bad idea, you really don’t need me to tell you that. Honestly, I’m a little frustrated at you for putting this on my shoulders. 
I am always here to help Spencer, in any way I can but sometimes I think you expect too much from me. We’ve been trading letters back and forth for the better part of five years and I don’t think you’ve ever really asked me about myself aside from those first initial letters.
And it’s fine, you needed this friendship more than I did. But over time this has started to feel so one sided and I don’t always look forward to your letters as much as I once did. 
I realise this is not the best time for me to be saying these things but I can’t hold back any longer. I’m glad I can be someone you can turn to but I have my own life, my own issues and I have no one to talk to about them. 
You put too much pressure on me Spencer and it’s a lot to take. I’ve tried to help shoulder your misery all these years but it’s starting to bring me down. All I can say is you need to wake up, you've gotta believe; you can't give up. Time keeps going on without us, long after we're dead and gone.
And you finished it with a simple quote from After You by Jojo Moyes.
“No journey out of grief was straightforward. There would be good days and bad days.” 
It was no surprise to you that you didn’t receive a reply. 
It’s been two years and I’m sorry for that. Two years, one month and eleven days. The truth is your last letter was hard for me to read as you can probably understand. 
The hardest part of reading it was the fact that I knew you were right. I’ve been selfish all these years. I’ve treated you like a sounding board for my problems and never once asked how you were. 
It's taken me time to write this because I wanted to get to a better place before I responded. I was angry at first, I felt like I was being abandoned again and my anger would not have been conducive. 
Then I was hurt, hurt that the one person I thought would always be there for me had turned their back on me. I displaced my grief over Emily’s death onto you and anything I would have written in that time would have only been the rage fuelled epitaph of a grieving man. 
And then once I dealt with those emotions, life simply got away from me. Emily was alive and well, her death was faked to get Doyle off of her back. Again I was angry about being lied to by my friends but eventually I was just happy she was alive. 
Then I turned thirty and had a crisis of faith I suppose. I guess with my intellect I always assumed I would be doing something more with my life and turning thirty kind of threw me through a loop. 
We had some changes to the team, new agents coming and going. All in all things have been somewhat hectic. 
But that’s not why I’m writing. 
I am writing because I really do want to know everything about you. I want you to be able to open up to me the way I always have to you. I want to be your shoulder, your repreve. I really hope I haven’t completely blown our friendship and I hope to be the kind of person who you can talk to. 
These arms remain stretched out to you and maybe someday you'll accept them. Maybe it's too late to save a young girl's heart that's long stopped beating. But I hope that it isn’t. 
“You have been in every way all that anyone could be…if anybody could have saved me it would have been you.” Jennifer Niven - All the Bright Places. 
You wanted to tell him it was too little too late, that after two years of silence you weren’t interested anymore. 
You wanted to simply not reply, ignore him entirely like he’d done to you. 
But you couldn’t. And so you replied. 
It was your longest letter to date, depicting in great detail how he’d made you feel over the years and all the hardships you’d faced without having someone to vent to. 
But getting to write it all down had been purifying, and by the time you were finished you weren’t mad anymore. 
I am willing to give this another shot, but things have to be different. If we’re to continue this friendship then it has to be a two way street. 
But I can’t pretend that I haven’t missed your letters because I have. I see pieces of you between the words, parts of yourself I’m not sure you realise you leave on the page. 
I’ve painted a picture of you in my mind's eye and even after two years with no letters, I’ve carried that picture with me wherever I go. 
I feel like I somehow know you better than I know myself and I hope going forward you can start to know me the same way. Charlotte Bronte once said -
“Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear.” - Jane Eyre. 
Spencer didn’t know how it happened, he only knew that it had happened. Over the course of all the years writing to you it was almost a surprise it hadn’t happened sooner. Or maybe it had and he just didn’t realise until now. 
Spencer Reid had fallen in love with the woman who wrote her prose to him. 
It had been ten years of letters, every single one of which he kept in their envelopes in date order in the bottom drawer of his desk at home. 
Those letters were his lifelines on bad days, the one thing that kept him tethered. He didn’t even know what you looked like, even what you sounded like but he loved you. He loved you with every fibre of his being. 
And he couldn’t stop himself from telling you exactly what you meant to him. Even if it inevitably destroyed what the two of you had, he couldn’t stop the words from flying across the page. 
So that’s pretty much everything that’s happened these past few weeks. Mom’s doing ok but obviously it's a huge adjustment for her and I’m not entirely sure how long I can keep her living with me but for now it works.
How did the interview go? I have absolutely no doubts that you blew them all away with your presentation, you’re a hard person not to fall in love with.
Your presence in my life has brightened my every waking minute. You once told me that behind every rain cloud lies the sun; you are the sun behind my clouds. Your letters bring me back to life, your handwriting penned onto my soul. 
Is it foolish of me to be in love with someone I have never laid eyes on? William Makepeace Thackery said in Vanity Fair -
“It is better to have loved wisely, no doubt: but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all.” 
I suppose that’s as good of an answer as any. 
Five days after he penned his love confession, he was arrested in Mexico. Once all the drugs had left his system, only after he was extradited and arraigned and placed at Milburn was he able to dwell on the fact he never received your reply. 
And being trapped in a cell gave him way too much time to think about that. 
It was possible you had replied, maybe even just to tell him he was crazy to even think he could be in love with someone he had never met. But he was sure you wouldn’t have even bothered to respond, thinking him a lunatic you needed to cut ties with. 
After a month in prison on one of JJ’s visits she brought a letter with her which she had found in his apartment. She recognised the handwriting on the envelope from several she’d seen him reading over the years. 
She wasn’t allowed to give him the letter but she offered to read it to him. At first he’d declined because he had no idea what to expect from your reply but after several long minutes he’d decided to let JJ read it to him. 
I am pleased to hear your mom is doing well but I do think you know that this solution won’t work in the long run. You say you live in a one bedroom apartment? You and I both know that you can’t sustain having your mother live there permanently. But I know you and I know you will figure out what’s best for you both.
The interview was amazing and they offered me the job on the spot. If it wasn’t for all your help with the presentation there is no way I would have gotten it, so thank you so much for that. 
As for the other thing…
For some time now I have been wondering about feelings I didn’t understand. You’ve been such a large part of my life for so long and even though we’ve never met I feel like we have, if that makes sense? I feel like in my heart I know you. My heart knows your heart.
Falling for you was as inevitable as the sun rising each morning. Perhaps it is foolish but I believe Thackeray knew what he was talking about. And I also believe Emily Bronte was talking about me and you when she said, “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” 
Spencer had interrupted JJ then, when she was smiling from ear to ear as she read your words out loud. 
“That’s enough.” He cut her off, burying his head in his hands.
“Wow, Spence, I had no idea you’d met someone.” 
“I haven’t met anyone. She is simply a woman at the other end of a series of letters.” 
“How long?” JJ placed the pages down in front of her.
Spencer looked up at her, a small blush on his cheeks. He didn't want to be talking about this, least of all on the other side of a plexiglass screen with his other inmates nearby but he responded all the same.
“Ten years.” He shrugged. 
“Ten years?” JJ sounded incredulous. “Ten years of letters and you’ve never met? Why?”
“I, uh, it never really came up.” It wasn’t a lie, you’d never once discussed meeting in all those years. 
“Is it like a distance thing? Does she live far away?” 
“No,” He sighed with a shake of his head. “She’s in New York.” 
“New York!” She huffed. “New York is a five hour train journey, Spence!” 
“Jennifer, now is really not the time for this.” He lowered his voice as JJ’s had garnered eyes in their direction. “There is really no point in discussing this as we have no idea when or even if I’m going to get out of here.” 
“Don’t say that.” She shook her head.
“It’s true.” He shrugged sadly. “I really can’t think about all this right now, ok? Just take the letter back to my apartment and pretend you didn’t see it. Please?” 
If it weren’t for the desperation in his eyes she might have argued it. But she didn’t want to waste what little time she got to spend with Spencer fighting.
“Ok.” She relented with a small roll of her eyes.
“Thank you, JJ.” He offered a tight lipped smile. “How are the boys?” 
JJ filled him in but she wasn’t really focused anymore. In her head, she was already penning a letter of her own…
My name is Jennifer Jareau, JJ, and I work with Spencer at the BAU. I’m not sure if he’s mentioned me to you or not. He hasn’t really told me too much about you if I’m honest. But I have learned that he has strong feelings for you and you for him. I’m wondering if I can make a suggestion…
When you received the strange letter from Spencer’s friend JJ in response to yours, you’d been initially extremely confused as to why he was letting his teammates read your secret correspondence. 
But when she’d gone on to tell you that Spencer had been arrested along with all the details surrounding his incarceration and how she’d read your letter to him during their visitation, you started to understand. 
But then a few days later, before you had a chance to reply to her, you received another letter from Spencer with a postmark from Milburn Correctional Facility.
Maybe Thackeray and Bronte were right or maybe they were wrong, I can’t say for sure. What I can say with certainty is that I can’t carry on like this a moment longer.
Something has happened to me, it won’t be hard for you to figure out what as soon as you see the postmark. I am not willing to get into it or explain how I ended up here. But I have no idea how long I am going to be inside and I don’t want the rest of our communication to be sent through a string of guards who will pick apart each tormented sentence. 
I ask you not to write me back. This has to be the end of the road my dear. This letter has to be our last. I don’t know how much longer I will continue to be able to live like this. Each day my hope dies a little more and I’m sure I won’t make it out of here alive. 
I am writing simply to say thank you. Thank you for all your years of listening, for all your patience and kind words and your hopeful prose. In my darkest hours you have shown me the light, dragged me out of the shadows of my own creation. 
I love you for all that you are and all that you have done but even you can’t save me this time. This really might be the end for me and I don’t want you to blame yourself. You are the only reason I made it this far in this treacherous game we call life. 
Take care of yourself, continue to live your absolute best life. And in time I pray that you forget me and are able to love someone far more tangible. 
All that is left to say can be summed up by a quote from The Miniaturist - 
“You are the sunlight through a window, which I stand in, warmed. My darling.” Jessie Burton.
You replied firstly to Spencer, his heartbreaking words more pressing than JJ’s letter. You kept it short and to the point, knowing that various other prison guards would read it before it even made it to his hands. 
I appreciate but can't accept this thank you note that's sealed with your last breath and I won't stand aside and listen to you give up. 
You are stronger than that Spencer Reid and if I know anything about your team from all the years of hearing you speak of them it’s that they are the best at what they do and they will prove your innocence. 
Just remember what Ernest Hemmingway said in A Farewell to Arms -
“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are stronger at the broken places.” 
You will be stronger at those broken places, Spencer, I have no doubt about it. 
And besides, if you don’t make it out of there, how do you  propose to ever meet me? 
Whilst on a role, you grabbed a clean sheet of paper and started scrawling again. 
Thank you for your letter. I have spent some time musing on your suggestion and I think you might be right. 
I think it's time for me to take a trip to DC…
Spencer never opened your last letter because he had no intention of replying to it. If he didn’t read it, he could pretend you had never sent it and he wouldn’t be tempted to write a response. 
Instead he stuffed it between the pages of his book and tried not to think about it. 
After two and half months his team proved his innocence and he was released but he was thrown into the deep end of trying to find his mother. 
And even once he found her unscathed, he was rapidly thrust right into Scratch’s web after he kidnapped Emily. 
Taking the elevator back up to the BAU alongside JJ after they’d escorted Emily to the hospital it already felt like a lifetime had passed since he left prison. And all he wanted to do was chronicle all of it to you. 
Maybe once the dust settled, once he’d wrapped his head around everything that happened he would open your letter and send you a reply. 
But for the first time in ten years, Spencer didn’t want to drag you into his mess. 
JJ was strangely quiet as the elevator made its ascent. He didn’t even want to be here, he’d planned on going straight home after leaving the hospital. He hadn’t slept in his own bed for two and a half months and he couldn’t wait to collapse into it. 
But JJ had insisted that instead of him getting the metro home, if he popped back to the BAU with her to collect some paperwork, she would drive him home. 
And honestly he was just too exhausted to decline. 
JJ’s eyes were hyper focused on the digital floor numbers as they got higher. A few seconds after it displayed number five, one floor below the BAU, she turned and looked at him. 
“Don’t hate me for this.” She blurted out. 
“Excuse me?” Spencer frowned, too tired to try to understand what she meant. 
“I couldn’t just let it go.” She shrugged, a guilty smile on her lips. 
“Let what go?” His frown deepened. 
Her eyes flicked back upwards as the number five rolled into the number six and the elevator started to judder as it prepared to stop. 
“Just remember I love you and that’s the only reason I interfered.” She shrugged as the elevator stopped entirely and soon the doors were peeling open. 
Spencer looked away from her and out of the open doors to where someone was standing just a few feet back. 
Spencer’s eyes landed on the stranger only it wasn’t a stranger. He wasn’t sure how, but he knew exactly who this person was standing on the BAU floor. 
He remembered the way JJ had read him your letter and how you’d told him your heart knows his heart. 
Well his heart knew yours too. And he knew the heart beating a few feet away from him was yours. 
“Y/N?” He croaked, slowly stepping out of the elevator but not too close to you. 
“Spencer?” You smiled at him, the kind that reached all the way to your eyes. 
Neither of you noticed JJ slipping quietly away, wanting to give you some privacy. 
“What are you doing here?” His brows were furrowed and he was rolling his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“You’re friend JJ wrote to me. She told me everything that happened to you. And she made me realise that ten years is too long to wait for a first meeting.” Your voice was like honey to Spencer’s ears. 
Your prose was beautiful, but hearing the words from your lips as you stood in front of him in all your ethereal glory was more than any letter could convey. 
“I…I am actually speechless.” He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. 
“You? Speechless?” You giggled and Spencer felt the sound all the way to his heart. 
“You’ll come to learn I am much more of a wordsmith on paper. In person I am incredibly awkward and often trip over my words. I ramble when I’m nervous or clam up entirely, no in between. I spout facts and statistics rather than have a meaningful conversation. I am much more comfortable writing my words down on paper than speaking them out loud.” He let the words spill out of his mouth, proving his point entirely. 
“I’ve waited ten years to hear your voice. Please never stop talking.” You smiled so brightly at him he felt like he was floating. 
You were here in front of him, not just hidden between pages of letters. You were real, tangible; within his reach. 
And suddenly the last thing Spencer wanted to do was talk. 
He took a few tentative steps towards you and cautiously raised a hand to your cheek. You sighed in content when he cupped your face and nuzzled against his palm. 
“I could talk to you about anything and everything all day long, my love.” He smiled, inching his face closer to yours. “But at this moment in time I have one slightly more pressing desire to do with my mouth rather than speak.” 
“Oh yeah?” You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. 
The warmth of your body and your smile encompassed him. As he looked into your eyes, finally looked into your eyes, every bad thing that had ever happened to him slipped away. 
“Love starts as a feeling, but to continue is a choice. And I find myself choosing you, more and more every day.” He quoted Justin Wetch’s Bending the Universe. 
“Yes Y/N?” 
“As sweet as that is, I thought there were more pressing desires to use your mouth for?” 
“If you insist.” He smiled and quickly closed the small space between you.
When his lips finally met yours it felt like all the pieces of the universe were falling into place. 
For ten long years you’d communicated in the pages of letters, constructing replies to what felt like one sided conversations that were confined to only live on paper. 
As the kiss deepened every single one of those words seemed to float in the air around you, spiralling like a tornado made of a decade worth of missives. 
He swore he could hear each and every word whispered to him in the voice he’d longed to hear all these years as he kissed you like you were the most important being on the face of the earth. 
And when he pulled back and mumbled I love you against your lips, it was the easiest reply you’d ever given. 
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wolven91 · 10 months ago
Thick as Thieves
"Have you seen this human?" Asked the canid officer to the whole crowd, the dyed red ear confirming that the canid was in it for the long haul.
A fanatic to the GC.
The small data slate the canid held in his hand that he held in the air for all to see was projecting a small picture a few inches above it. It showed a human in full detail, slowly rotating. The entire bar had gone quiet the moment the Galactic Community officer and his retinue had appeared in the doorway. All eyes on them until they had declared their business.
The canid was a zealot, which meant his team would be to. Zealots and norms don't mix. One finds the other either too much, or not enough. The ursidain all but blocked the door meaning even if a fight broke out, there would be no reinforcements from beyond the single room unless the GC team wanted them.
As it turned out, the GC team's business was bounty hunting.
"We have a substantial reward for the whereabouts, or credible information that leads to the whereabouts of the human known as 'Bruno' or any human that has interacted with him."
The hyenid on the opposite side of the bar merely took another long draught of their golden amber as the creature spoke, blinking slowly and unimpressed. It wasn't their problem, and they had no love for the GC nor the canid currently appealing to the patrons' wallets.
"He is wanted for questioning for the destruction of an entire species' development, along with assisting an armed assault and capture of a GC S-a-R vessel. The people on board were not soldiers, they were doctors. Rescue workers." The canid continued, slowly stalking deeper into the dive, seemingly not satisfied that the occupants had seen the hologram, nor heard the story.
In truth, the hyenid hadn't. They'd heard of the infamous 'Bruno', of course, but the version of the story they'd heard was not from a GC mouthpiece and was substantially different. The fiks didn't tell the story often, to the point where most almost outright claimed that 'Bruno', their prophet, didn't even exist.
"He's also wanted for a slew of other crimes including sexual interactions with a non-sentient creature. Conspiracy to distribute peanut bu-"
"Saah! Lies!" Cried a fik from a dark corner, the large creature jumping up onto its table and resting a clawed foot against the back rest of the neighbouring booth. In its hands were a chipped, but still dangerous looking sword and a curved axe, a wicked spike cut into the blade at the bottom. The sword would engage a target before the axe would be swung in a long arc until the spike was behind the target. The fik would then yank their arm back, puncturing any standard issue armour with the sharpened point.
The hyenid grinned as a point in their side twinged in memory. Fiks. Cheeky fuckers the lot of them. They took another slurp of their drink.
"Do you have something to say? Fik?" Demanded the officer, whilst the fik's tail was grabbed and pulled by its brethren who were sat at the same table.
"Saaah... Bruno has not... had interactions with animals!"
"His own admission on his rescue confirmed that he bedded several fiks before they were uplifted." The officer's snout curled back as he narrowed his eyes. "Your kind still aren't part of the GC. You're basically animals still..." Baited the officer.
"No one 'er's seen ya' stupid 'ooman. Fuck off." Called the hyenid over the rim of her drink before the fik could say or do something they'd regret. The canid's head turned their way and he lost interest in the fik now that they were less likely to give him reason to take action.
"The experiment speaks."
"Say's the paw licker."
The officer snarled again and marched up to the corner of the bar, just on the other side of the hyenid. He was mere inches away from where they sat on a stool. Wisely, he kept the bar between himself and them. For all he knew, they had a holdout weapon. Something short and stubby. Something loud. Something that could break a wrist if fired one hand, but preferable to nothing in a fight.
The canid dropped his voice into a low, gravelly rumble.
"No surprise your kind are now slumming it with these things, you fucking experiment." The canid sneered. The hyenid merely sighed into the now mostly empty stein. They hated dregs and wanted another, but the barman had disappeared and would likely remain gone until the threat of a fight was over.
"Tha's fuckin' rich." They belched loudly, directly into the face of the officer before tightening their lips and ensuring every speck of dead space was breathed out into the officer face. "Comin' from ya'. GC ain't welcom' 'er. The only thin' ya' gonna' get 'er is mocked."
The canid held her gaze, his eyes burning with barely contained rage. But he was GC. He had rules. His precious devotion to them had him follow those rules until otherwise. As a sanctioned bounty hunter, he had more freedom than most; but not enough to warranty attacking a bar full of people who hadn't actually touched him.
Crescent Station would throw the GC off of it if they got wind of a GC officer abusing his rights.
It was why the place was so popular with the folk who lived on the very edges of the GC's over extended reach.
The canid licked his chops and huffed before turning away and stalking back out, but not before he threw one last jab over his shoulder.
"Put clothes on you animal."
The hyenid glanced down at their naked torso and pulled a face, more confused than anything else. If they were a uniformed GC agent, fine, clothes come with the job, but they weren't?
Once the officer had disappeared, the hyenid waited before leaning back, away from the bar and addressed the space between their knees.
"Ya' okay?" They asked.
"Yeah thanks! That was intense!"  Said the human that was the spitting image of the wanted hologram. Except he'd gained a tattoo on his neck and a ring pericing on his eyebrow.
"Nah, tha' wan' intense. Tha' were a prick." The hyenid sniffed as the fik clan broke from.the corner and went to see where the officer had gone.
"Do you want your top back?" Asked Bruno.
"Nah, he'll smell ya' before ya' get back to ya' ship. Keep it on n' keep ya' 'ead down." The hyenid explained, shuffling backward so the tiny human could get out.
"Was that the only reason he didn't find me?"
"Yeah, look, ya' mates are callin' ya'. See ya' later."
The human gave a soft smile and a short wave before running the length of the bar and being swept into the long coat of one of the fiks, disappearing from view.
The hyenids had found staunch allies with the fiks, and with the GC breathing down both of their collective necks, anything a hyenid could do to piss them off was a pleasure to do.
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wpdarlingpan · 2 years ago
Barbie x Female Reader
❌Some Spoilers Ahead❌
Hey guys! I just watched the Barbie movie and absolutely loved it. So I had to write a short fanfic on it but if you guys like it enough I may expand on it. I wanted to write this because it seems poetic that the idea of Barbie and Ken would break apart and she can see that she isn’t confined to him or the gender after it being what was expected.
Warnings: Self-Depreciation
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Every day in Barbieland was absolutely perfect. Not a hair was out of place, the sun was shining, the sky was bright plastic blue and not a Barbie was frowning.
Except one.
Stereotypical Barbie was about to leave to head into the real world, find the kid who was making her a ‘weird’ barbie, and make them see the empowerment in Barbie once more. Her Barbie friends gathered around her, saying their good lucks and goodbyes, each sounding more and more similar to the last.
Y/N Barbie isnt gathered around her as she frowned at the idea of not wishing her goodbye. As much as she wished to, her brother was tightly holding her back, albeit unaware, as he bragged to another Ken about Barbie ‘inviting’ him to go with. That’s right. Her brother is Ken, as in Barbie and Ken. The supposed to be power-couple. But the truth is, it’s one sided.
Y/N didn’t notice the longing gaze sent her way from the beautiful blonde. Ken did, and of course he though it was for him resulting in a awkward kissy face being sent her way.
She had been too busy thinking about the outside world. It was so unknown. After all she wasn’t nicknamed curious barbie for no reason even if it’s not her official name.
It was odd being a Barbie without a sense of purpose. Y/N was just simply herself. She didn’t have a specified job, she just jumped around and worked with anyone who wanted a little help in their field. Oddly enough she was good at anything after a little practice.
Finally leaving the circle of thoughts as her brothers grip left her arm and her daydream was back to just that, a dream.
But the frown finally lifted at the sight of Barbie. Y/N quickly rushed down to her as Barbie was close to getting into the car.
Barbie heard the commotion of running footsteps and a slight squeak as the person in question was running too fast and literally ran into Barbie as the women in question didn’t even stumble as she felt herself be pulled into a tight hug. After noticing who it eas not a second went by before her arms wrapped tightly against Y/N’s figure.
No Barbie or Ken questioned their warm embrace. Barbie preferred it that way. She knew how Y/N let her brother get the best of her. If he questioned her too much about it, she surely would get awkward and avoid being open like this. That’s just how Y/N was… and she loved her for it.
Y/N has no idea of Barbies feelings for her, after all she’s stereotypical Barbie. She could never even imagine someone like her even considering the thought. Y/N was just another Barbie in the mix. She wasn’t even President Barbie or Doctor Barbie. Like she thought; Y/N was just her.
But that’s what made her so appealing.
Barbie knew long before she started to get flat feet that she had a crush on the girl. But ever since that happened, the only positive thing that could come out of the situation was that her feelings were intensified. They grew more mature and realistic, just like her.
Their hug ended with a soft gaze before they separated completely and Barbie got into her car. Y/N watched as she began to slowly drove away. When suddenly she slammed on the breaks making everyone gasp. She turned around and in one sentence she spoke
“Y/N… will you come with me?”
Again everyone thought nothing of it. Everyone other than Y/N and Barbie, they just smiled before saying their quick goodbyes as the former of which smiled brightly and nodded before gracefully running up to the car and hopping in.
Y/N still didn’t see the loving gaze as Barbie turned her head and continued driving away.
After all it is Barbie and Ken, not Barbie and Y/N
But with all the changes going on around them, why can’t they make one more?
Authors Note (you don’t have to read, just about the general feelings)
There is so much I can say about this movie but it’s hard to even put it into words. I give it a major 10/10, even above that if it counted. Watching the movie just gave me a different sense of self. It made me feel like I wasn’t alone. With the Barbie world and our world basically being switched where women are in high standing positions and are respected. Meanwhile our world constantly puts women down and are offered less opportunities. I don’t want to get too deep but this movie was a wake up call for so many people to see the differences in treatment and the expectations of a woman. This is just a tidbit of the deep message within the story of a Mattel doll. Something so small that represents so much more then themselves.
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tearsucry · 2 years ago
— °˖ ⊹ ꒰ 🌿 ꒱ tearing up old wounds ; addison montgomery (grey’s anatomy)
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#.                   ( season 3 episode 14 ) you woke up after inhaling the neuro toxic from the colon cancer patient’s surgery, and addison was stupid enough to run in after the patient’s anesthesia was wearing off, ripping up bandages from old wounds
content warning;      suggestive content, afab reader, implied homewrecker! reader, age-gap (reader is in the same intern year as meredith), mention of surgeries, blood, intubation,
a/n.                                        I had this little idea while rewatching the show, I fell in love with addison all over again, ugh she is so hot- enjoy
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everything was foggy, you still felt nauseous, you were still shivering even under the thick blanket, and the oxygen mask on your face felt more suffocating than the heavy feeling in your chest. blinking, moving your head around and trying to figure out where the heck you are.
“I thought you were on burk’s service today.” you heard an all too familiar voice coming from your side, faint, and sort of mumbled, but you knew who it was, you knew exactly who it was. you felt weak, struggled to move your hand up to your face to rub your eyes, to help yourself to see better.
“you went in there…” you croak, taking a shaky breath in as you spot her green eyes in the haze of your vision. you gulp again, trying to compensate for how dry your nose and mouth feel because of the oxygen mask. she is right in front of you, if you could just
you can tell by her blurry appearance and her messy red hair. she looks so tired and worn out, like every muscle in her body aches, just like yours does, and just like that realization makes you wonder if maybe you should have requested to stay on her service, maybe this whole thing wouldn't have happened with the two of you. “I did.” she whispers, her throat hoarse and scratchy.
“but i couldn't watch her suffer, fight against the intubation like that..."  her voice trails off, and her hand reaches out for you, as if she wants to touch your face, caress your cheek but can't bring herself to do it. "i couldn't let her feel so scared, miserable." she sits up and leans on the bed next to you, reaching out to tuck some strand of hair behind your ear. “what do you mean?” you ask, not understanding whatever she is hinting at. you'd know because you were in her position once after your surgery, the surgery you had to get after a psych patient went rogue, dressing up as another surgeon then going around, and stabbing people in the stomach.
but then you remember-
she was there when you were fighting against the intubation, you remember it clearly. the same green eyes were staring at you, frightened above the rim of the surgical mask. the same lips formed the words, "you will be okay," over and over again. you try hard not to cry as you recall the events, because even though you are happy, you're also afraid.
"can we... can you lay next to me?"  you finally manage to say, because you're starting to become restless from being trapped under this blanket, sitting still isn't really appealing anymore. "of course, i'm here darling." she smiles softly, and you could swear you're seeing her tears glisten in the dim light of the room.
addison shifts in her bed again, putting the green strap around her head then getting up to lay next to you on your bed. you catch doctor bailey rolling her eyes at the nurse's station before coming over and closing the curtain around the two of you.  your breathing has gotten steadier, your heart feels calmer, and you close your eyes slowly as you settle into her embrace, inhaling deeply the scent of her scrubs, smelling like a freshly sterilized operating room.
her heartbeat slows down to match the beat of your own and you sigh contently, relaxing in her arms. “thank you.” you whisper quietly. she kisses the top of your head. you don’t think there is anything she wouldn’t give to make sure you are alright. “no need to thank me, sweetheart.” she murmurs softly, wrapping her arm around you tighter. your fingers are laced together now, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on your skin.
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alexa-yukiyu · 1 year ago
Ohh if you going to write Platonic reader
how about a male reader who's part of the straw hats and his devil fruit power is that he can talk and use dead people to fight (like Klaus from The Umbrella Academy)
he has a best friend who died but he talks to him all the time so he's never alone (like Klaus and Ben from The Umbrella Academy)
Gone but still there (Strawhats x male!reader)
A/N: I had to change it a little bit since im bot comfortable with the whole controlling dead people to fight nor I think the strawhats would be too happy about that but I made this instead, hopefully it is somewhat appealing to what you envisioned! It is not very good, I would say this one is a flop :(
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Okay, are we ready?” Reader exclaims, staring at his crewmates around him. Robin and Nami sat at a table nearby, with Sanji bringing them both snacks and compliments. Zoro sat down in his favorite corner, eyes closed, with Chopper standing close to him; Luffy sat at the head of the Sunny as usual, with Franky and Ussop sitting together, tinkering with some gadgets they had. Jinbe sat at the boat's wheel, keeping watch of the course ahead, Brook standing nearby with his violin.
He looked up at the reader, smiling and waving his bony hand in excitement
“Yes! Im excited to hear what Doctor Hiriluk has to say this time.”
“Yohohoho, and im excited to hear what new songs my old crew-mates have learned since the last time we spoke.”
He smiles
“I promise I’ll go around with everyone!”
He sweatdrops staring at the small girl next to him
“Umm Zoro, I think Kuina really wants to say some things to you…”
His eyes open, and he walks over
"What did you want, Kuina?" he said with a bit of annoyance
He laughs nervously
“she said your form was off in your last fight, that only an idiot would make such a mistake.”
He sighed and shook his head a bit
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," he said sarcastically and started moving back to his corner
He sighs
“This is going to be a long one…Ah, Nami, Bellemere says you shouldn’t be hitting your crewmates.”
She gives a small sigh
"Well, when they don't listen, it's what happens. Thanks for the message." She said while fixing her bangs gently as she took a bite from her apple
"Robin You're mom says you should look up the Old Signs? Uh she says that the second part gives some interesting views on cryptography?"
"Hmm I will look into it, thank you for the suggestion"
“What about my Mom?” Ussop questions, glancing at Reader
“She says you should be more careful with your experiments; she hates to see you get hurt when one of them goes wrong.”
He chuckles softly at that
“I’m not a little kid anymore, though…”He said before he fell quiet and went about working with his tools
He cackles at what the crew can only guess is something one of the ghosts has said
“Ussop~ Your mom says you will always be her little baby.”
“That’s what she said?!” His hand froze on the tool in front of him as the other slowly wiped away his sweat, his eyes wide in shock and even some embarrassment at his mother’s words
He can’t help but laugh even harder at Ussop's embarrassment; he glances to the side as his laughs die down, now just chuckles escaping him as he smiles gently at his crew and all the one-sided conversations they were having with their loved ones, every once in a while he would step in to deliver a message to them. Still, even if it was one-sided, none of them cared, happily chatting with their loved ones, knowing they were there, listening to them.
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Okay I was honestly debating if to put this one on a timer and then delete it but I think I smoothed it out at the end, but still debating that one.
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cringecompanionapologist · 9 months ago
I Swear I Thought of This Months Ago: Different Doctors in Midnight
The thing with Midnight is that shit goes wrong because it's a companion-lite episode. The two people the Midnight Entity singled out to possess where the two people traveling alone. They were easy to isolate from the group. If the Doctor's not traveling alone here, and there's this human who came in with him just going along with whatever he's doing, it's going to seem less suspicious. So, what would happen to any Doctor in Midnight is based more on their companions than the Doctor. Donna took the day off of adventuring to enjoy the spa. Not all companions would do that. First Doctor: He may get on everyone's nerves, but he's going to have a granddaughter with him and people will judge him less harshly because he has a family. You've got a couple with their teenage son there. They see an old grandpa with a granddaughter the same age as their son, they're going to see him as someone like them. As for the granddaughters, Susan wouldn't want to leave her grandfather and Vicki canonically is more interested in adventures than relaxation. I'm less sure about Dodo, because nobody is sure about Dodo. She's a wild card.
Second Doctor: A group of people in a small space menaced by a monster? Might as well be a base under siege. He's in his element here. He also tends to be better at understanding human nature than most Doctors, so even if he was alone, he might not end up quite so isolated. And he wouldn't be alone. Out of a combination of loyalty and discomfort with spa environments, Jamie would definitely be with him.
Third Doctor: Following the Doctor around on his adventures is literally what Jo was hired to do. She'll be the one telling everyone that the Doctor is an expert on basically everything and she trusts him so they should too. If they try to throw him out she'll try to either take his place or go with him and nobody will want to hurt her. Nobody wants to hurt Jo. Even the Master didn't want to hurt Jo.
Fourth Doctor: When Four shows up somewhere, being weird, acting like he owns the place, and having way too much fun in a crisis, people tend to sort of roll with it. It's a superpower he has. But, if we want to turn the superpower off, we've sort of got three eras to consider. Sarah Jane would probably follow the Doctor, since she's still a holdover from Three's "companions are literally the Doctor's assistants" era. Leela would not understand the appeal of a spa and would threaten people into listening to the Doctor. As for Romana...Okay, we've got another Time Lord. I actually don't know. She'll probably go with him and might have slightly more luck with the locals.
Fifth Doctor: Really depends on the TARDIS team. Tegan's going to take the goddamn spa day and will talk Nyssa into going with her if she's around. If it's just Nyssa, she'll go with the Doctor and everyone loves Nyssa, so everything will be fine. Turlough is going to enjoy a pleasant day off. He can relax, do a bit of sketching, and not have to deal with yet another traumatic incident. Adric would not understand the idea of a spa, call it stupid, get into a fight with Tegan, and if he wasn't going with the Doctor before this, the Doctor would insist purely to separate the two and restore order. Adric has no social skills, so he wouldn't exactly make the Doctor look better, but like with One and his various granddaughter companions, the family on the train would be more comfortable with a family man.
Sixth Doctor: The classic Doctors have done well so far but Six is probably fucked. Peri would probably like a day off from him and the violent shit that happens around him. Mel might try to get him to stay at the spa for health purposes. I don't know the EU well, but Evelyn might have a chance of coming along and getting him to behave, but no promises for anyone else.
Seventh Doctor: Of course Ace is there. Yet another Doctor passes as a family man and it's easy.
Eighth Doctor: I don't know the EU well and Eight is the Whoops All EU Doctor, but he seems to pick up companions that would follow him around here, being all human and convincing the humans not to bully him. But, considering Eight's luck, they'd probably try to throw him out of the train anyway and he'd end up traumatized again.
Ninth Doctor: Might actually consider just spending the day at the spa, but if he gets bored and goes on an adventure, Rose probably gonna follow him. The day is saved with the Power of Love or something.
Eleventh Doctor: Amy wants to go with the Doctor despite Rory's protests. There's a lot of bickering but they get out fine.
Twelfth Doctor: Clara is his carer who cares so he doesn't have to, so preventing Midnight incidents is sort of what she's there for. For Bill, this would be an educational experience. Twelve gets on everybody's nerves a bit, and he gives a speech about how stupid everyone's being, which doesn't actually help, and he'll probably end up getting punched in the face, but not thrown out of the train.
Thirteenth Doctor: She tells her companions to just enjoy themselves and wanders off alone. If they insist on following her, and Yaz probably would, we're fine. If she successfully ditches her companions, she's in trouble. She'll openly admit to being socially awkward, but I'm not sure if that would actually help in this situation.
Fourteenth Doctor: He's retired. He's probably staying with Donna. If not, everything mainly goes the same as it does with Ten, but it feels more cruel.
Fifteenth Doctor: Ruby would go with him and he's actually pretty good with people anyway. I'm guessing the Fourteen remembered being Ten and regenerated into someone unlikely to be thrown out of a train on a death planet just in case.
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nihilnovisubsole · 1 year ago
something i've been thinking about as GDC comes around again: it's amazing to sit in the same room with Real Industry People and hear the truth of why certain story decisions happened the way they did. studio games are odd group projects that take a really long time to make, and there are many irons in the fire and many interests at play. sometimes the stars align and a team gets a laser vision, creative freedom, and the budget they need, and they ship the thing they meant to ship.
but not always. if a character you love got killed off, it's entirely possible that their original writer left or they couldn't bring the voice actor back. or leadership wanted to close down old story arcs and tie up loose ends, or someone felt new characters would bring in a new audience. if a series seemed to drop a plot thread in a sequel, it's possible that the narrative team wanted to include it and it got cut for scope. or shareholders wanted to appeal to a different part of the playerbase. or the team had internal creative conflict, or any number of reasons as simple as "it got lost in the shuffle because we did so many rewrites". [important disclosure: i'm not vagueposting about specific games here. i'm just rattling possibilities off. resemblance, unintentional, etc.]
and of course that's not a phenomenon unique to video games. tv shows make snap decisions when they get canceled before the planned end of the story or a cast member wants to leave. movies' plots can change when a new director comes on board, or they bring in a script doctor, or an actor's problems interfere with the shoot. even louisa may alcott changed little women's ending over concerns that if jo remained unmarried, the book wouldn't sell. i'm not sure whether it was her publisher or she worried about it herself, but the point is, something got altered, and it can happen anywhere.
as a fan, i found these developers' stories both comforting and vindicating. for a long time, i've felt like someone riding two horses at once: the fanfic-and-OC girl playing on other writers' playgrounds, and now also the staff writer who sees how the sausage gets made. i've been affected - probably overmuch - by a character's sad end, only to learn that some third party or outside motive influenced it. i've met writers who also didn't like where a plot was going, but didn't have enough seniority on the team to protest it. i've heard stories along the lines of, "we were trying to make lemonade, man," and what shocked me more than the revelation is the peace i gained from it. it's a miracle the games shipped at all. the things that got made, got made. between professionals, it's neither heretical nor some wild flight of irrationality to ask, "what if things had gone a different way?"
and, i mean, it would be both cynical and incorrect to wave it all off and say that no storytelling motives are ever wholesome. some characters die because it's the logical conclusion to their arc. some universes with complicated worldbuilding benefit from narrowing their focus and shaving off a few subplots. i'm just saying many things are possible. when you only sit on the fan side, it's easy to feel like Canon™ looms above you, inviolable, when you're really in conversation with it. there's a lot of power in saying "i respect the team's accomplishments, but i would've made different choices." you'd be surprised how often the team agrees with you.
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greatwyrmgold · 2 months ago
i feel like everyone has their own vision for this in their head, so what do YOU think an Ai Lives version of OnK would be like? both in terms of what you think the manga itself would have been like and what you, as a fan, would like to see for the characters in that kind of scenario
So, the fun thing is, I've had a few Ai Lives AU fanfics kinda outlined and semi-scripted in the back of my head. I'll try to keep "what I think makes sense for the AU" separate from "what I thought I could justify in that fanfic," but no promises.
I will divide this into two sections. First, I'll discuss how I expect the Hoshino family dynamic would shift over time if nothing disrupted it. Second, I'll discuss a disruption that I expect/hope would happen sooner or later.
The Hoshino Family
Much like HikAi, the Hoshino family is a bunch of people with complimentary unresolved traumas. Like HikAi, there's theoretically a way where these mesh together cleanly and let everyone involved heal without complication, like a broken bone that sets itself.
Like HikAi, that would require implausible serendipity. Unlike HikAi, I don't see that devolving into violence. But the idyllic Hoshino would devolve into a normal, mildly dysfunctional family, composed of people who have minimal experience with anything except the idyllic Hoshino family and idiosyncratic forms of filial abuse.
Aqua has the least baggage. But depending on how his slide from Goro to Aqua turns out, as Ai and Ruby's baggage comes up, I can imagine him appointing himself as the Family Adult without even realizing it. The part of him that's still Goro still sees Ai as his patient, someone who needs his help.
Of course, Ai doesn't know Aqua remembers being his mother's doctor. To her, this just feels like the child/parent relationship being inverted. And I don't think she'd like that much! She'd probably blame herself before Aqua, thinking that this is all because she's a terrible childish mother, but still.
As for Ruby...she'd react basically how you'd expect a little sister to react to her big brother telling her what to do.
There'd be more tension between Ruby and Ai. Ruby wants the unconditional love a mother is supposed to give her child, Ai wants to feel like she can give someone that love; they should mesh like puzzle pieces designed for each other. But that's conditional on Ai being able to express that love.
One of the AU fics I've outlined is the first time Ai has to spend several weeks away from home. She stars in a move with a bunch of scenes shot in Hokkaido or somewhere, and a week or two later B-Komachi has its first world tour scheduled, and then that gap gets unexpectedly filled when Ai gets hospitalized away from Tokyo. (Maybe she broke her leg in a skiing accident or caught an infectious disease or something.)
Anyways, the end result is that for a couple of months, Ruby doesn't see her mama. All she has are occasional phone calls. Even if the rational part of Ruby realizes that her mama isn't intentionally abandoning her, she feels abandoned, and doesn't appreciate Aqua's appeals to her rationality. She needs Mama and mama isn't here! And Ruby's lonely and scared and mad and explodes when Mama finally shows up again. And Ai is dying inside because she feels like she's failed her kids on a fundamental level.
If there's a single moment where the "idyllic Hoshino family" phase ends, it's that. Maybe not that exact scenario, but whatever moment where Ai's work means she can't maintain that intense positive affection. After that, no matter how real Ai's love for Ruby is, it's not going to feel real the way it used to.
Crucially: The actual Hoshino family experience is, objectively, not that bad. But to Ai and Ruby, it feels like they stepped off the slippery slope. Ai worries that she's going to keep slipping until she's as bad as Ayumi, while Ruby worries that Mama's going to keep growing more and more distant until she's abandoned, like everyone except Sensei abandoned her.
Part of the problem is that the Hoshino family is kinda left to stew by itself. As long as Ai of B-Komachi is a public figure, she has to keep lying. She can't admit that she's the mother of her children to anyone she doesn't trust absolutely. That means they can't give her advice, or comfort, or even point out that from their perspective the family is still okay. It's fine. They're fine. It's fine.
(I guess there's Ichigo and Miyako. But they're not exactly an ideal nuclear family themselves.)
Odds are, the Hoshinos will stew in the fear and paranoia about becoming a Bad Family until something disrupts their status quo.
The Hoshino Disruption
The argument that Ai of B-Komachi needs to hide her family for her whole life, or at least her whole career, is contingent on Ai Hoshino being able to hide her family for her whole career. When she's just a semi-famous idol with a couple kid-kittens at home, that's not unreasonable.
But as Ai of B-Komachi's fame grows, more and more people will poke around, looking for a lead that could make their carer, or at least a tidbit that could let them pay rent. And as Ai Hoshino's kids grow, it will be harder and harder for her to balance their needs and desires against her career.
In one of the AU fics I outlined in my head, the dominoes fall like this: The Saitous set up a livestream so Ai can watch her kids' first sports festival, a paparazzi catches her watching it, he recognizes one of the kids as that boy from That Was the Start, then does a little digging to find out that that boy and his sister are legally the kids of Ai's boss, then does a little more digging to find some circumstantial evidence suggesting that Ichigo Saitou's wife was not actually pregnant when the twins were born and also they seem suspiciously close to Ai of B-Komachi.
Nothing definitive, but enough suggestions and raised questions to catch the world's attention. Because by this point, Ai of B-Komachi is the global face of J-Pop. However these suspicions accumulated into circumstantial evidence, finding out that this perfect, pure idol might have had a secret boyfriend and two children is a major story in Entertainment News.
And then there's Kamiki.
Maybe Strawberry Productions could have answered those suspicions and provided something more (seemingly) concrete than all that circumstantial evidence. But as indicated by the Ai Dies primary universe, Kamiki is still emotionally clinging to Ai and prone to doing impulsive things at her.
In my fic outline, Kamiki crashes a press release where Ai and the Saitous are answering questions about these allegations. He basically says "Yes, it's all true, Ai had children and I'm the father! Ai, will you marry me???" And Ai panics and agrees on live TV and there's no walking that back, even though she realizes it was a mistake.
Whatever the details, Kamiki is gonna do something that makes it impossible for Strawberry Productions to just dismiss the rumors out of hand. If they don't admit that they hid their idol's pregnancy, there are gonna be investigations. And those kids are Ai's children; if Kamiki elevates this story from top-tier celebrity gossip to an evening-news controversy, the truth will come out sooner or later.
The Fallout
Whatever ends up happening to Kamiki, whether he gets to marry the love of his life or gets murdered by Ryosuke for defiling history's most perfect idol, the Hoshino family is free of the burdens of secrecy. Ai can go to PTA meetings and take her kids to the movie theater and show baby pictures to her colleagues. She has so many baby pictures she never got to show anyone, it'll be years before she shows anyone pictures of what they look like now.
Of course, they'll have new burdens. Ai is probably too famous and skilled to go completely without work, but her reputation and income will probably never recover. And Ai of B-Komachi's ex-fans are going to exert as much pressure as they can. Ruby, who has been flaming the haters since she was a toddler, is going to give them more clickbait than they know what to do with.
But at least Ai Hoshino can stop lying. And whatever tribulations she must face, I don't think the Hoshino Family can know peace until that happens.
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inkievoid · 10 months ago
Leon definitely did this for all his wife’s pregnancies but I think for Scottie in particular, she’s a lot older, probably got really self conscious when she started to gain weight and look more pregnant. Particularly when she’s in her third trimester, and she’s got a baby bump. Her clothes don’t fit at all and she’s uncomfortable. Of course she’s done this before but it’s different now. He’d go out of his way to make her feel beautiful, to let her know she’s still gorgeous to him. She’s also extra sensitive right now, and he’d be so gentle with her, and make sure his girls knew to be careful with what they say and do
Leon in general is affectionate to his family, especially his wife. He's extra affectionate when she's pregnant but this time around it's like he's a whole different kind of supportive man.
Constantly checking in, even a few times throughout the day. I'd imagine she goes a little stir crazy during pregnancy cause she's not able to work (Terrasave would definitely not let a pregnant woman around virus strains cause God forbid anything happen!)
Whenever he can be, Leon's home. Constantly being on the edge of overbearing but knows his limits by now with her, this ain't their first rodeo together after all. But the last two times you could bounce back pretty easily. Now this is considered a late in life or as the doctor so lovingly called it a "geriatric pregnancy" since you'd be in your 40s by now.
You can't help but dwell on all the possible issues or how you'll be after. HOW YOU'LL LOOK AFTER!
Will Leon still find you appealing?
You're honest enough with each other to come forward and talk about problems big or small. You've literally held him through full on breakdowns before. He's cared for you when postpartum hit you after having Cecilia and you felt like less of a mother for not connecting with her right away like with Violet. You're each other's rocks. Of course he'd still love you and find you just as gorgeous as the moment he laid his eyes on you.
He tells you not to worry about clothes, they're just clothes. They can fit again eventually. But he knows how you find comfort in having him around somehow. So you two start sharing a wardrobe. Sweats, t-shirts, and his jackets. It's nice having him there even if it's not physically. Even just his cologne stuck to his jacket collar is nice against your sensitive pregnancy nose. And he gets the benefit of watching you walk around in his clothes. And smiling in the bask of your glow.
He'd sit down with the girls in one of their rooms while you were napping and give them the talk. Being completely honest about how mommy's sensitive and they all need to stay aware of everything while she's like this. Cecilia wouldn't get it right away, obviously, she's younger. But Violet would understand. She'd even get into the habit of checking in on her mom and micro managing her sister whenever something came up. Talking on the responsibilities of making sure she kept her entertained so Leon could spend time with you.
It really does take a village to raise a child and you're very lucky to have people who care. To have raised 2 great girls already and have a husband who loves you unconditionally.
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mikan-angiekinnie · 6 months ago
Billie Bust Up Bandaid Headcanons
It came to me in the middle of writing fanfics.
Billie keeps those big tan bandaids that are usually in a square shape. Being so adventurous and rough makes them get bruises and cut a lot, usually more than just a simple prick. Therefore she’d carry around those heavy duty bandaids, even if it’s a relatively small cut, just because she thinks it makes her look much cooler.
Aristotle for sure has the bandaids you’d get at a doctors office. They might have patterns on them, or small characters, or just some sort of overall appeal design that makes them pop! They have normal ones as well, of course, but Aristotle personally prefers these cuter ones. Sometimes they may accidentally cut themself while prepping food so he likes to distract himself from the blood by looking at the characters or design instead. Besides, who doesn’t love cute patterns on bandaids? Absolutely loves to help patch others up with them if they can.
Barnaby barely has bandages, he has all out gauze. Being dead and all she can’t actually bleed or be bruised, since that requires a physical form, but she’s seen Barnaboos who suffered from injury upon death and helps them with that! For example, she might wrap up a beheaded ghosts neck in gauze either as a symbol of their death or an accessory, or maybe they’ll simply just play around with it because it’s fun! It’s also very wrappable! What isn’t there to love!
Fantoccio has basic ass bandaids. He will use them on himself, but moreso for enjoyment I presume? Unlike Barnaby, he can bleed, but given that it’s sap it’s very likely a bandaid wouldn’t hold it and it’s better to use something else instead. The bandaids were just left behind the theatre, so he will sometimes use them to fix props or just to add something to a characters costume to show they are a fighter. He has some just in case one of his many numerous hundreds of thousands of guests get injuries as well!
Dutch also has regular bandaids, but he additionally has those super special and specific ones that you need instructions to put on. Like the knuckle bandaids, the heel bandaids, the finger ones, all of them. He just likes to show off how rich he is by doing that because honestly nobody uses those stupid specialized bandaids because they are too hard to figure out. >:(
Elaine has a mixture of large bandaids like Billie and cute ones like Aristotle. Large ones for herself, but most of her crew likes cute things so she lets them use those bandaids. From time to time, she may also indulge herself in a little butterfly sticker on her wrist! Bring it up and you’ll lose your own though.
Bonus: Scrimshaw
This guy raw dogs it, absolutely nothing. Not even disinfectant. If the world wants him to die of infection, then it can try!
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