#too young to be sad
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mgmilosh · 8 days ago
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REVISIT: Tate McRae came to an end! She's absolutely amazing, I love her songs, both the slower ones and the more upbeat ones. Her dancing is incredible and yes girl go give us everything!!! 💗
The playlist is here!
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sacraelle · 27 days ago
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falsebooles123 · 1 year ago
Confessions of a Recovering Genre-Phobic 02/04/2024
Hey Whores;
God what is this week? Well work has fucking sucked. People calling in sick, one of the refrigerators going down. Also one of my favorite work friends has left the chat to go on to green pastures and I just need to get out of there and move on with my life right?
In terms of love IDFK right? Ok here me out why bitches got to take so long to text you back and I get that its probably me just being triggered and having filters or some shit but also bitch. Treat me like a king. act like you want to be with me or some shit. I think its a lot were when people don't text me back its cause they have a life and our doing things and I distract myself with dumb shit because I hav eno goddamn friends. Anyway thanks for reading this prime example.
IDFK. Thanks for listening here are my dumb bitch thoughts on music and also Lelslie Hall has 5 albums and its homophobic you never told me...................................emrwopirjaksdlfjasklfjasdlk;fjasdlkf.
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Footnotes For the Spring (2015) - Eliza Rickman
Genre: Folk, Baroque Pop? Length: 43:15 (11 Tracks)
Ok gurl I'm bad at describing genres Eliza Rickman is somewhere between Florence Welch and the Unwoman. She's what evermore Taylor wishes to be. Just imagine a feyish women in a white chiffon gown in a field of daisys singing baleful songs that are maybe sexual???
I don't have a lot to say about this album. If you like Eliza Rickman your gonna like this. She has a certain sound and I love it because I love beautiful esoteric women.
3.5/5 (I'm starting to feel like my number ratings don't mean shit.)
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Too Young To Be Sad (2021) EP - Tate McRae
Genre: Pop, R&B? Length: 17:32 (6 Tracks)
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All The Things I Never Said (2020) EP - Tate McRae
Genre: Pop, R&B? Length: 15:00 (5 Tracks)
Ok I think I was confusion Addison Rae with Olivia Rodriguez. and then confusing her with Tate McRae. I'm really sorry pop girlies.
When I first heard Tate McRae I was up at a ridicoulas hour in december and felt like I should be hip with THEE YOUTHSSSSS.
I vagualy remember her as a bedroom pop girly singing these sad piano ballads and honestly did I jsut mix her up with another singer. Cause like I distinctly remember her doing like sad piano ballads and this ain't it. Which is a great thing because I actually kinda love this.
Like lets be real this is pretty standard what I think R&B is. WHich gurl how did I forget a complete genre of music. and you know what im ok with this being a bit generic because I don't know the genre and I'm vibing.
Ill have to check out her full albums and sorry for the shit I was talking earlier.
4/5 for both EPs.
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Hot Buttered Soul (1969) - Isaac Hayes
Genre: Soul Length: 45:24 (4 Tracks)
Ok so apparently this is a seminal album in the Soul Genre. Which ok. I'm sure it is but I feel like I'm do much of a dummy to get it.
IDK bitch you know what soul music sounds like? well good this has a 20 minutes Track in it so do with that information what you will.
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Home Vol. 1 EP (2012) - JohnnySwim
Genre: Folk Length: 18:48 (5 Tracks)
I don't have much to say about this album. Have you heard any 2010s folk music? This is it. We have beautiful voices. Clapping, and stories of love and heartbreak. I mean what more do you want babygirl?
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Ambient 1: Music for Airports (1978) - Brian Eno
Genre: Ambient Length: 42:20 (4 Tracks)
So I don't actually know if I ever finished this album.
Mostly because this album was meant as an instullation piece where it would be looped ad naseum but suffice to say.
BItch do you know what Ambient Music is? Its like music thats more about a calm and chill tone then it is about being energetic or attention grabbing. Its music thats designed to be ignored. The elegance of design.
This is fantastic. Sexisest Airport Music I would stick in my gob anytime.
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Uptown Special (2015) - Mark Ronson
Genre: Funk, R&B Length: 38:50 (11 Tracks)
Uptown Special is probably most known by the layman for being the album that made Uptown Funk which is ft. Bruno Mars. I was already under the impression that it was the other way around. So I have learned and so have you.
I don't have much to say about this album. Think about funk music. Now imagine is someone made a really solid funk album with a bunch of fantastic guest artist including Stevie Wonder??? Thats crazy.
If anything Uptown Funk is one of the weakest song on this tracklist definetly worth a listen.
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Cool Patrol (2018) - Ninja Sex Party
Genre: Comedy Rock? (thats what it says on Wikipedia will get into it) Length: 37:28 (15 Tracks)
OK did I like? Ninja Sex Party or was I just kinda horny for the vast majority of 2010s LP's. (I don't think I'm gay for Markiplier.... but)
So Ryen? What the fuck is Ninja Sex Party. ok. So its the 2010s, youtuber is full of comedic music videos and a star is born somewhere in the conceptional space adjacent to acts like LMFAO and Wierd Al. NSP is a comedic music duo consisting of Danny SexBang who is that guy in the spandex and Ninja Brian who is the mall ninja guy. SexBang likes to fuck and Brian likes to murder people a lot.
Most of the songs are these comedic sex jokes filled with dick puns and the music style is very 80s glam rock or power ballad. There not wrong when you call it comedic rock but its very limiting. Its very much a parody of those kinda corny 80s love ballads but NSP also dips there toes in Space Opera, comedic skits and so on and so forth. There pretty fun. If your a fan of like Leslie Hall or Key of Awesome or any other 2000s - 2010s comedic music artist then youd get a kick out of them.
This is pretty fun. Its like a dirty weird al yankovic album. Its not that deep fan.
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2deadboys · 6 months ago
do you also think about how there was probably a point where Charles realised he was never going to be good enough for his father..
that he was going to be abused regardless of what he did...
so he decided to fully embrace alternative cultures like punk & rude boy
pierce his ear, shave the sides of his head. make bad choices. knowing his father would hate it, but if he was going to get beaten anyway he may as well do what he liked.
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zivazivc · 10 months ago
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bby floyd sleeping with their dad's vest
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literallyjusttoa · 4 months ago
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The idea of a multi-page comic about Apollo checking on a young exiled Paris because Hecuba asked him too was beamed directly into my mind like a message from the lord. Sadly, I am but a humble neurodivergent cringfail loser, so the good lord will just have to deal with this probably staying in my head forever. Amen.
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fauvester · 1 year ago
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little moshang fan kid <3
spoiled, aloof, a bit of a bitch, terminally 'weak constitution'-ed, lowkey lazy, prefers reading his dailies in the office and pretending to do paperwork to fighting
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curly-cottage-girl · 7 months ago
Please pray for two different young adults I know of who have cancer, which is most likely terminal
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girlrandomstuff · 2 months ago
Ik maybe you all are tired of me talking about the same thing over and over again.
But almost 3 years later, i'm still thrilled how the Kenobi show respected and got Bail and Breha's dynamic and relationship as it has been described in more than one SW novel (Princess of Alderaan, Queen's Shadow, Hope and the Eclipse short story from FACPOV A New Hope).
“They had a way of speaking to each other without words, such a perfect understanding that sometimes Leia thought they didn’t need to talk at all.”
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Also thanks to Jimmy Smits and Simone Kessell for understanding the assigment, they got a 💯. Everyone here knew what they were doing and I just love it so much
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childrenofcain-if · 16 days ago
W, my shayla, I can't wait to see how it's in their POV to see us for the first time in like a decade (?). Also the way their first instinct while there was a gun going off in tbe party was to find us and whisk us away to safety 😭😭
you have to understand that before W saw MC in that party (and later on-campus if you didn’t go with D to the frat house), they weren’t even sure if MC was alive or not. the circumstances in which they last saw each other was very chaotic and W blames a lot of it on themself.
after W bumped into MC, they’re all they could think about during the party and were having a breakdown at the bathroom because they thought they were hallucinating MC’s presence. but W knew it in their heart that it was them, even under the flashing lights, loud music and the cacophony of noises from everywhere.
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messervixen · 12 days ago
Sirius Black who surrounds himself with other people, who is always loud, who is always moving and doing something because the silence gives him too much time to think
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volvolts · 2 months ago
What is your avatar? I haven't seen this art in your blog?
its because it's not! i wanted to draw a vibe comic for young philip and drew this
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and then this was the little comic
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schnuffel-danny · 11 months ago
Jack has definitely been traumatized by The Accident his best friend got horrifically injured (because of a mistake Jack made) and dragged to the hospital right in front of him, and then Jack hasn't seen him for years I hc Jack actually tried to visit and when that didn't work he wrote letters, but they all returned unopened (the staff was tampering with Vlad's mail), so Jack spent years not knowing if his best friend was about to die (or maybe was already dead) Vlad literally vanished from Jack's life in the blink of an eye one moment Jack is having the time of his life in college with his closest buddy, and the next his friend is gone... and probably dying in agony
I know Vlad was obviously way more affected by this set of events, but I can't pretend like the accident couldn't have traumatized Jack as well
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floralovebot · 6 months ago
i know there are only like five of us but i feel like garth stans really don't talk enough about how left out he feels with the titans. dick and wally are Best Friends. donna and roy are on and off again. dick and donna are too much to explain. on average, roy is close with at least one of dick's siblings. dick donna and wally all go on to be in the new teen titans. garth isn't Close with any other titans but the originals
and it's this thing where,,, it's not his Fault yknow? he's not mean or spiteful or creepy or anything that would warrant them not liking him as much. he joins in on their jokes, he risks his life, he shares his feelings, he does everything that he knows friends do. but just the virtue of him being atlantean and them being land dwellers ruins everything. he Can't spend more time with them, he doesn't understand their culture, he will always choose atlantis.
they'll always be his friends but he can never truly be with them or form deeper bonds. he'll always be the last one to know what's going on, the last one they call, a complete shadow and afterthought.
and sure there's a part of him that knows this, that feels bitter and lonely. but he can't even be that mad at them because he does the same thing. the titans are never his first thought, he never calls them first, he doesn't reach out and ask if they're okay, they're always the last ones to know what happened to him. the titans are such a huge part of his life but they're barely in it.
there's just something so inherently lonely about garth that i feel most dc writers don't understand. they just don't get it. they don't get what it's like for this boy who was all alone, never had parents or a family, suddenly being taken in and having to act like he knows how to be a son, a friend, a partner. meeting kids his own age and wanting to bond with them so bad, having to watch as they all get closer to each other and leave him behind, not being able to do anything about it. never being taken seriously, always the last choice... garth man.....
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twifairy · 2 months ago
Rotating Klint being 10 years older than Barok in my brain. He was Iris' age when his little brother was born!!!! What!!!!
Like we hear about them mostly when they're both adults and therefore much more similar but like a 15 year old Klint had a 5 year old Barok following him around like a duckling. That art of them at 11 and 21??? Like no wonder Barok was the little darling, Klint likely had to be the head of the household while Barok still had the demeanor of a squeaky toy
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lunasolaris · 11 months ago
Revisited this old piece
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They’ve been consuming my life for years now. Technically I’m colouring it but we’ll see if I like it enough
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