#too tired to create the meme
sesamestreep · 1 year
I’m going to create a Monday that is sooooo dysphoric
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runsonlovepower · 1 year
that does anyone want to drown in a lake intertwined by the antlers it has to be weird post reminded me I made these like a year ago in case anyone still thought I was normal about ven vani and sora much less ven and vani by themselves
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daydreamwhumpinc · 30 days
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I may have spent too much time making myself a custom meme template....... Was it worth it? Absolutely🫠😭
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crop-pop · 2 years
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rexcaliburechoes · 6 months
ask game - KISS
spins a comically large wheel that just consists of the name "istorros"
god. okay. i've been looking for an excuse to talk about istorros. so i'm gonna take this as my sign to talk a little about him.
the real answer is sort of funny, because in my current file, he's romancing gale, so the last person he's technically kissed is gale. but story-wise, astarion, because of a bunch of funny shenanigans that happened behind the scenes.
here he is casting speak to dead for context (the only other reference i have of him is an Actual mugshot. lmao.)
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#ask meme#istorros duskrorr#rex rambles#that behind the scenes shenaniganry is my first file i critically fumbled and romanced shart instead of gale (i had a planned routesplit)#(but that didn't happen obviously. big game. too big to justify long routesplits like that. LMAO.)#so when i created istorros i was deadset on romancing gale bc he's my pathetic wizard!! i like my pathetic wizard#whom of which uh. well. istorros sprouted a whole ass personality OUTSIDE OF MY CONTROL.#motherfucker hit the ground running when he popped into existence#he's the drow cleric i've been vaguing about in tags every so often#anyways back to the shenanigans: i was deadset on romancing gale with him but due to how his trauma ended up shaking out#he ended up bonding the most with astarion and we slowburned our way through faerun in oc lore locked away in dms#my friend described his relationship with astarion thus:#astarion: tries to seduce for protection#istorros: no. bye.#astarion: I DESIRE HIM CARNALLY#but yeah that's a little sliver of istorros. he's funny and also Very Tired.#man needs a nap and for his companions to stop trying to kill themselves literally or metaphorically#as one of two clerics in the group he's pretty sure he has some authority on this actually. please and thanks.#(man also legit looked at gale shart and lae'zel's gods and went. 'i think. those gods are being a bit extra. just a little.')#('at least tempus only wants me to assist in warfaring/warring in general and wants to treat me with some modicum of dignity.')
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batri-jopa · 1 year
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 2 years
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ursaspecter · 6 months
🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow
Friendly reminder that asking your lycan partner to turn you is incredibly insensitive! Seriously can we retire this trope already? Not only is it just offensive, but no one would ever actually choose this life! Lycanthropy is a curse. Full stop.
🐾 superhowllock69 Follow
Ok user "moon-moon" as if that original meme wasn't created to mock pack nomenclature 🙄
Anyway I'm not gonna touch that internalized lycanphobia with a ten foot pole. Being turned by your partner is something that can be incredibly intimate as long as both parties are consenting and the one being turned is 100% sure they want it. Literally the only downside to transforming once a month is the pain, but midol works just fine. No one with these "lycanthropy bad" takes ever wants to discuss the legitimate positives that come with this "curse" lmao.
🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow
I'm literally reclaiming moon moon but go off I guess. Anyways turning your partner is absolutely disgusting and morally reprehensible and anyone who does it should be muzzled permanently.
🌜 impawssible Follow
lmao my wife literally saved my life when she turned me but i guess she should be muzzled huh? we run through the woods hunting deer together and can each haul in groceries in one trip now, but nooo she's obviously a danger to society because she cares enough about me to help me when insurance wouldn't cover my medicine
also it was confirmed that the creator of that meme literally makes and sells silver bullets so if you still wanna use moon moon for yourself that certainly is a choice. source: (X)
🦴 pupperoni Follow
I love that instead of naming the more common benefits of lycanthropy, you mentioned that you and your wife can carry all the groceries in one trip. I think that's definitely a positive that gets overlooked far too often and I commend you for speaking your truth, sir
🌜 impawssible Follow
lol thanks but I'm a woman 😅
🦴 pupperoni Follow
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🦇 count-fuckula Follow
Plus werewolf blood tastes way better and is as filling as 10 humans 👍
🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow
Oh my GOD you vampblr freaks will just flock to anything. It clearly says "vamps DNI" in my bio!
🐾 superhowllock Follow
lmaoooo of course you're a vampire exclusionist
🌕 daddy-fenris Follow
wasn't OP the same guy who said fursuits were offensive to lycanthropes and doxxed a werewolf fursuiter?
🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow
They ARE offensive and harmful to this community and I'm tired of pretending they're not. They perpetuate harmful depictions of what a humanoid wolf is actually like.
🌜 impawssible Follow
me when I dox someone for making candy colored animal costumes that look nothing like what a real werewolf does
🦴 pupperoni Follow
🌕 daddy-fenris Follow
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l0stvegas · 26 days
About twoish years ago I had this completely inscrutable dream where there was a new cardinal direction (like north, east, west, south) that suddenly started existing and was basically east but on a different directional plane. The name of the dimension/direction called “Crust”.
The way the Crust functioned was that the laws of physics changed where approximately 1 out of every 100 times something attempted to move east as relative to a compass, you’d accidentally cross into the Crust plane and be caught in a weird limbo dimension where your surroundings were a forever-looping snippet of whatever you last saw before entering the Crust. Think of how the infinite stairs in Super Mario 64 or how looping backgrounds in old cartoons like The Flintstones worked. Except, the further you descended into the Crust, the more your surroundings would gradually saturate and grow brighter until you were left with solid opaque white surroundings, and you would completely lose your sense of time and direction if you progressed too far.
This was an issue because the only way to escape the Crust was to move extremely fast westward and hope you could break “through” the crust back into regular reality, and you had to do so through the approximate point you entered the Crust. Some people would travel into the Crust for minutes or hours at a time not realizing they were in the Crust until they were inconveniently far from their starting point. There were even a few individuals who got presumably permanently lost in the Crust when they descended too far in to know how to navigate to their return point.
It got to a level where people in the dream were creating weird, deep-fried memes about how the Crust ruined their commute to work, which @/solsticeinstars and @/morrighancorbel on Twitter tried to make recreations of based on my description. There would be school classes cancelled because their teacher got Crusted and they couldn’t find a substitute in time, or truckers that went missing because they got Crusted while on their route and, tired from the road, didn’t realize they were in it until the point of no return.
I have nothing else to add this dream just haunts me and I needed to share it here
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zu-is-here · 1 month
Zu, have you seen the sexy poll man is back and like... Like they put Horror vs Error. It's not fair, Horror has to win against him. Oh, or we put Error on a rocket in Outertale and poof, no more Error. That way Horror wins, because he's a thousand times sexier than Error ♡*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*♡
And they put Cross against Dust, and for ten minutes I froze in front of it: who do I choose? Sorry Dust, maybe next year ˞͛꒰๑ऀ •̆ꈊ͒ू•̆๑ऀ꒱
Oh and imagine Epic winning the poll, that would be a great moment, really funny. The Memes Master unanimously voted sexiest, Cross will be very proud of his dude ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
Otherwise, it would be great fun to see Error lose in the final (after all, there's never a dull moment. Well, the proverb is better in French, like "jamais deux sans trois", if you translate it literally " never two without three". It's more in keeping with what I was saying) (⁠*⁠꒪⁠ヮ⁠꒪⁠*⁠)
The most important message of my little outburst is:
Horror has to win, we have to create a league for it, or a religion, as you prefer o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮꒰♡∇♡*꒱╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡
I say a lot of stupid things when I'm tired, sorry (´;ω;`)
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I'm watching it intensely! (`・∀・´)✧
That was so unfair indeed, Horror had no chances against Error... (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) But don't be sad, I feel like he'll be avenged in the end >:)
I'm really glad Murder was in this year poll too, but now it's Cross VS Swap... My heart is torn between two best soldiers ♡_(:3 」∠)_
OH that would be epic indeed! (≧∀≦) Sadly, this time Reaper wins, and I have some silly hopes for Reaper VS Geno... ♪
I guess most of us are waiting for Error to become the second again — the third time in a row, it'll be the greatest joke ever XD
Horror is always in our hearts (〃ω〃) It's not stupid at all, thank you so much for sharing your feelings! ♡
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ladyloveroll · 2 months
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(These are my ACTUAL notes from my friends birthday party full of people who absolutely did not know who the fuck Itachi and Kisame were or how pairing names work or what a ship is.)
Writing kisaita (on and off) for 15 years
Never get tired of the ship
Excellent, friendly people in the fandom to keep making content (Cynni)
Presentation is less about the specific ship and more about the general qualities that make their ship S-tier. You may find this echoed in your own OTP, IDK.
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Powerful, badass characters who can kick anyones asses no problem, as depicted where they are casually taking a stroll after Kisame (who still has his little fo-hawk) casually takes down the four-tails
Kisame is noted as the ‘tail-less jinchuuriki’
Itachi is clearly a fucking powerhouse, we don’t need to debate that
Working with strong characters means you are more easily able to portray their weakness and explore that side of them since that rarely gets screentime
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Auxiliary, not main characters
Main characters are harder to write because they spend a lot of screen time accomplishing their goal and doing Plot
Auxiliary characters are more malleable, and morally gray ones especially so
Depicted here are Itachi and Kisame, separately, being ordered by their villages to kill their own people. They carry this order out, but do not particularly like it. Nor are they particularly loyal to their own villages, despite carrying this order out. It’s hard to say where their loyalities lie.
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Any ship that has a timeskip has LOADS of canon-verse material you can work with, especially if it feels like the characters have changed or their dynamic has changed.
For Naruto especially, WTF are Kisame and Itachi doing for three years? Clearly neither of them are out capturing jinchuriki. They aren’t seen lounging around Amegakure or Akatsuki headquarters. They are just traveling the world. Probably doing hits. Probably hitting on EACH OTHER WOOOOOO
Long time skips mean a few thing: 1) Canon divergence, 2) Canon compliant, 3) pre-time skip, 4) during time skip, 5) post time-skip; and that’s not even the AU’s
They clearly haven’t made any other friends during this time either so lots of relationship to explore
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The Naruto franchise is notorious for retconning. Probably because Kishimoto (the writer) was pushed to create at a pace that was impossible for any sane or healthy man to keep up with.
Fanficition writers can take advantage of this poor writing by interpreting the character in a lot more ways than if the character was solidly written.
There are a lot of different ways Kisame is written, and accepted as so
Itachi less so but we don’t have time for that
Retconning allows you to take a writers mistake and turn it into utter brainrot that ten other people (me) will reblog every 3 years
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This one is kind of specific, but if you like angst then OH BOY this ship has a lot of potential for it
Any OTP that involves an angsty edgelord and a sadistic tagalong can indulge in either EXTRA ANGST and be able to balance out the angst with humor
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The KisaIta ship has 4 great themes about it:
And Existentialism of course
Sharkboy / lava girl
Edgelord / goof
Leader / follower
Maybe old? / a touch too young
Respect for each other
S-tier OTP because of strong themes and repeatable dynamics
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Kinkfest here we come
S-tier OTPs must be able to withstand an intense variety of smut writing
Powerful level = able to handle pain and dish out pain
Body things? = more positions
The Shape of Water was one of the single best thing to happen to the KisaIta 18+ fics because (even though it existed before the movie came out) a lot more readers were into it now
Also, Kisame makes this ship work more than Itachi. He is fucking DEVOTED
at this point I was running out of my 10-minutes (THEY HAD THE AUDACITY TO PUT ME ON A TIMER) so i just backfilled the rest of the presentation with fanart and memes i like
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Why do I like KisaIta?
I mostly write smut
They’re great at smut
I also like angst
They’re always great for angst, either character
Also look at them they are hot AF
Beefcake service-top vs. ‘shaped like a katana’ masochist
Healthy dose of hurt-comfort
They’re extremely flexible to write and so there’s a lot of stories you can create
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thank you for not reporting me to the powerpoint police
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rockyteriyaki · 3 months
s/o to @powerful-owl for starting this meme and @disarmd for the insanely funny contribution, it’s such a delightful thought exercise! here’s my attempt:
american sports have hella mascots, so every team is tasked to create a marketable mascot that could represent them for u.s fans. they also have to build a little model to pitch the concept. there’s the williams whale sharks. the aston martin martinis. lando and oscar devise a walking papaya named penny who looks so much like a vulva oscar backs out almost instantly.
GUESS THE GRID based on clothing choices: drivers assemble an outfit they’d wear and then everyone else tries to guess who picked what. the catch is that the f1a girls did the same challenge and their answers are mixed in as well. everybody thinks doriane’s mercedes-themed picks are george’s and maya gets confused for charles even though there’s no ferrari branding to be seen. chloe’s picked a haas cap with a black skirt and we watch nico hulkenberg go through every emotion known to man trying to figure out why kevin would—???
(meanwhile the academy grid is absolutely ripping everybody’s style choices to shreds, accusing hamda of being the most basic bitch on the planet bc max chose to wear basketball shorts, etc)
5 teams are in on it and the other 5 can’t know what’s going on, otherwise they lose points. charles pretends that he’s too tired to walk when pierre catches him searching the top of a cabinet on carlos’ shoulders. oscar distracts williams while lando tries to get a picture of logan with red, white and blue objects in the background. yuki gets stranded on top of the rbr motorhome because daniel won’t stop using him for reconnaissance and the whole thing gets called off because max sees them squabbling on the roof and thinks the rapture has arrived.
ib george’s natural talent for graphic design. the audience gets to see what a communications team actually does in motorsport (educational!) and george and alex get free reign of the entire library of press photos of eachother. george is hunting for a terrible picture of alex to edit onto a podium but ends up having a very verbal crisis about how none of the pap shots are appropriately bad and then spends the next half an hour digging himself into theeee deepest hole talking about how it’s just not as FUNNY if alex looks TOO GOOD on the podium! it would be UNFAIR! alex is squirming and trying to remember where tf he was planning on going with this zoomed-in great-gatsby-esque picture of george’s eyelids on his screen right now. george silently edits alex’s teeth out of his mouth and tries to erase the fact that he just called alex handsome like 47 times.
im talking full immersion. sherbet land is ice fucking cold. every time they drive over some kind of giant clock or railroad or something the sim porpoises like a jackhammer. someone is standing behind them with a full tank of water for the splash sections. there’s a legitimate epilepsy warning at the start of the video. bowser puts the fear of god into lando norris.
i’m hesitant to allow them access to a bowl of water but i have an extremely clear vision of daniel slapping tats all over the blank spaces on his skin to the point where they overlap and he’s just got shiny plasticky tattoo skin everywhere. max would find this unappealing and also stupid until he realizes all the fake tattoos on his side of the table are replicas of daniel’s actual ones. cut to: daniel with a snake tattoo stuck in his eyebrow hairs hiking his shorts up so max can mirror the placement on his own inner thigh. daniel resembling a concussed post malone, watching max’s careful application of the ‘3’ tattoo. max does a horrible aussie accent and daniel looks like a chimpanzee seeing its own reflection for the first time. cinema.
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
I imagine Moon to be an enabler of sorts or Earth personal cheerleader,*looks at Cron* because someone has to
Earth: *presents prototype of animal*Is that how it's done *has only reference of what Unicron saw before he got immobilized*
Moon:*knows nothing about organics so has no clue what counts as acceptable*You're doing great
(Look up helicoprion because thats kind of creature that would work only as cybertronian creature rather than organic but yet it lived(or that's just my opinion idk)
Holy crap that is a terrifying creature. Yeah I can see Earth trying really hard to replicate the life Unicron saw Primus creating prior to their battle.
Moon is indeed the BIGGEST enabler in the universe. He found Earth was she was still developing after fleeing Cybertron and he opted to stick around. Now she's kind of his problem and honestly he's fine with that. He adores Earth, and Earth adores him. They have a strange undefined relationship, but Moon will indeed cheer her on in whatever the heck she is doing.
Scary creatures? Yup keep at it Earth! New things that probably shouldn't exist. That's fine! Weird natural phenomenon that come straight of some Cybertronian horror stories? *Insert I'm in Danger meme* Keep at it sweetspark!
Whenever Unicron starts getting too active and trying to stop Earth from playing, Moon will purposefully scoot just a little closer to Earth and Unicron's shared atmosphere. It sets Unicron on edge since Moon is a Cybertronian Titan, and due to not being fully awake, he always reads it as Primus coming back. Hence, Unicron falling back into slumber off and on until the dark energon incident.
Earth: He doesn't want me to make anything new. He says he's tired of my insane creations.
Moon: Darling, never stop being creative. I will take care of this.
Moon glaring at Unicron and very carefully partially transforming to make a point: Make her cry and I will end you both.
Moon does not play games.
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voxmilia · 5 months
Do you have any HCs with inkblade and Ivy
I latched on so hard to "mean girl with the Garthy O'Brien accent" so I've adopted Ivy, she's one of my favorites, I literally write her on my rp blog, I have a character/timeline study for her in the works so I have many headcanons. Some of these are, as usual, created in conjunction with my friend Nick @starlingcity !!
I've had to cut this down like 3 times because I have so many thoughts about all three of them so literally ask me for more anytime!
Ivy was born in Leviathan. She doesn't remember it much; she and her bio mother (her mama, bc Fabian parallel) emigrated to Solace when Ivy was around 2 or 3. Her accent is sort of a mix of Leviathan and Fallinel, as her second mother (her mum) is a high elf.
She meets Oisin at Oakshield Middle School. He's sitting by himself, reading a spellbook and Ivy, who even before the rage never really knew how to express herself right the first time, tells him it's "too sad" to watch him all alone and insists she has to join him from now on. She does. They're inseparable from then on.
They develop minor separation anxiety after their first death in the Mountains of Chaos; it's tenfold by their revivication in junior year. Jawbone helps them both and also helps them find accredited private therapists.
Oisin has a panic attack for the first time ever during his first appointment with Jawbone, because Ivy isn't there and he's terrified she'll be dead when he comes out.
He has another one when Lucy's out for a summer trip, reconnecting with her family after a year dead, and he hasn't heard back from her in almost a day. Adaine finds him, knees tucked to his chest, arms and tail wrapped around them, just outside of Jawbone's office. It's their first real conversation beyond his initial apology to her.
He laments that he should be stronger than this, should know better. Adaine still doesn't trust him but she understands so she huffs and assures him that anxiety doesn't mean he isn't strong. She has anxiety and she's been in so many battles., defeated so many foes
"I punched a dragon in the face and I have anxiety!" (It makes him laugh. She hates that she likes the sound of it.)
Ivy, as bad as she is with words, is the first to apologize of all the Rat Grinders. Mazey is kind, too kind. Ivy sort of rambles. She isn't even sure why was she so unkind in the first place; she apologizes, says Mazey deserved better. They're not friends but they've buried the hatchet at least. (Years later, they run into each other at a Fig and the Cig Figs concert and smile at each other but say nothing.)
Oisin and Ivy kissed exactly once, at 14, the summer before their freshman year. They were two confused, curious kids who wondered if the warmth in their chests when they were together was meant to be romance. They hated it immediately and never attempted it again. Ruben is still convinced they're exes, though.
Oisin, Adaine, and Ivy end up in the first Bad Kid/Rat Grinder mixed group chat, beyond their initial mega chat with both parties. Oisin kept sharing memes Ivy sent him to Adaine, who would tell him to send Ivy one from Adaine in turn. He got tired of being the middle man eventually and makes them a group thread.
Ivy texts the chat one night that she feels sorry for Adaine, because Oisin is an awful kisser. Adaine tells Ivy to speak for herself. Oisin is too embarrassed to reply for almost an hour, to Ivy's joy
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babyrdie · 3 months
I completely understand why people ignore the version of the myth in which Helen is Achilles' wife in Leuke, but there's a certain potential in imagining Patroclus, Achilles, and Helen interacting in Leuke!
Oh yeah, I think they'd totally be like that "I'm a knife" meme. It would be an interesting dynamic, to say the least. I can imagine a whole scene lol
Helen: Okay, I'm really tired of new husbands for now. When I was a kid, Theseus kidnapped me. And then later I married my husband Menelaus. And then I was in Troy with Paris, and when Paris died Deiphobus married me. And now this? I thought I'd be in Elysium, not here. I still don't even understand why you got a special island!
Patroclus: Well, I can temporarily sleep on the floor or something. It's not like the servant accommodations in Phthia were excellent, I can handle the floor. Achilles, don't give me that look, I'm obviously talking about accommodations before you intervene!
Achilles: You won't sleep on the floor.
Patroclus: Are you implying we should let Queen Helen sleep on the floor? I don't think Zeus would be happy with the news that his daughter was given to Leuke only to be treated like that.
Achilles: I didn't say anything about she sleeping on the floor, that obviously would be a stupid idea. I can sleep on the floor!
Patroclus: Even when we were camping in Troy you were always much more demanding than me. You would never happily sleep on the floor with the bed option.
Achilles: Well, I was the one who was raised in Pelion, not you! I spent years of my life sleeping in a cave in the middle of the forest, I guarantee you...
Helen: or… no one sleeps on the floor, everyone sleeps on the bed!
Patroclus: ...
Achilles: ...
Patroclus: Queen, none of us are small. How are we going to make a decent separation between you and us?
Helen: Just don't separate, I don't need you to put some pillows between us. I said I didn't want a new husband for now, I didn't say I would die if I had to be the big spoon with Achilles!
Achilles: What makes you think you'd be my big spoon??? You're tall, but not taller than me!
Helen: Menoitiades doesn't look like a little spoon. If he's not the little spoon, then it's you!
Achilles: I want you to know I can cuddle my man!
Helen: Okay, sorry sir I-can-cuddle-my-man. I understand you're the big spoon!
Achilles: I'm a knife!
Patroclus: He's usually the little spoon.
Achilles: My Prince???
Patroclus: I didn't spend years of my life having to get used to your fluffy hair in my face for you to deny me that recognition!
Helen: ....
Achilles: ...
Helen: Aristos Achaion...
Achilles: Hey, you talk like you're not Menelaus big spoon! A big man with a beard like him!
Helen: How do you know that???
Achilles: I didn't know, but now I have confirmation!
Helen: Menoitiades??? Did you guys bet people's sleeping position when you were in the army or what??? I thought you guys were focused on getting me back!
Patroclus: Queen, it's a bit predictable…
Helen: ...
Helen: He likes to be hugged, okay?! Agamemnon spoiled him while they were growing up! Their life was difficult! I'm sure if Agamemnon wasn't so focused on proving himself Clytemnestra would be his big spoon!
Achilles: Didn't she kill him? When I was in Elysium, before Leuke was created, Agamemnon complained a lot about it.
Helen: …
Patroclus: He was really irritated, Queen. You had to see him when Odysseus talked to him. Not dead, Odysseus was alive, by the way. He came because…you know what? It's a long story.
Helen: She was a really good sister, okay? Even Penelope, who was always discreet, loved her! ! When Penelope wasn't there, my sister was really patient with the way I made mistakes all the time while we were learning to weave! It's just that we're a bit of a different family!
Achilles: Hey, relax! It's fine, she was great sister!
Helen: Yeah, she was!
Patroclus: ...
Achilles: Honey, what is that look…
Patroclus: Queen, did you know that Achilles can weave too?
Helen: Wh...
Achilles: MAN!
Etc etc hehehe just them being silly
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bluecryptic · 6 months
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After (finally) figuring out how to make a link thst won't expire, I want to try to convince folks to join the Radioapple Park discord server using memes.
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So part of the reason why I created the Radioapple Park discord server was because I was tired of seeing the occasional annoying twat complaining about shipping Alastor with anyone because "he's aroace and we need to respect the sexual identity of a fictional character" and I figured why not make a discord server where people like that aren't welcome? Just you know, have this server where fellow fans of Radioapple can talk about these two old men being gay and in love because we like it and think it's neat.
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Radioapple may be the center stage, but that doesn't mean other ships aren't allowed or can't be talked about. We're open to talking about other ships, too. Be it a canon ship like Chaggie to minor fanon ships like Applerot, nobody here is kinkshaming. Hell, it's also okay if you ship Alastor or Lucifer with other characters, too.
We're open to all sorts of shipping content.
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(Seriously, from cats and dogs to ferrets and shrimp, they're all adorable)
To wrap things up,
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I could give a whole lot of reasons as to why one should join the Radioapple Park discord server, especially if you ship radioapple, but I feel like it's also best to let the incredible people I've met on the server speak for themselves (you know who you are), plenty of folks have already joined and I think they're all wonderful and I just want to bring in more people on the fun we have.
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(Will now be adding the invite link)
And just one more meme to convince you to join^^
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