#i still have loads of old kisaita and unpublished kisaita sitting in the bank
ladyloveroll · 1 month
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(These are my ACTUAL notes from my friends birthday party full of people who absolutely did not know who the fuck Itachi and Kisame were or how pairing names work or what a ship is.)
Writing kisaita (on and off) for 15 years
Never get tired of the ship
Excellent, friendly people in the fandom to keep making content (Cynni)
Presentation is less about the specific ship and more about the general qualities that make their ship S-tier. You may find this echoed in your own OTP, IDK.
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Powerful, badass characters who can kick anyones asses no problem, as depicted where they are casually taking a stroll after Kisame (who still has his little fo-hawk) casually takes down the four-tails
Kisame is noted as the ‘tail-less jinchuuriki’
Itachi is clearly a fucking powerhouse, we don’t need to debate that
Working with strong characters means you are more easily able to portray their weakness and explore that side of them since that rarely gets screentime
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Auxiliary, not main characters
Main characters are harder to write because they spend a lot of screen time accomplishing their goal and doing Plot
Auxiliary characters are more malleable, and morally gray ones especially so
Depicted here are Itachi and Kisame, separately, being ordered by their villages to kill their own people. They carry this order out, but do not particularly like it. Nor are they particularly loyal to their own villages, despite carrying this order out. It’s hard to say where their loyalities lie.
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Any ship that has a timeskip has LOADS of canon-verse material you can work with, especially if it feels like the characters have changed or their dynamic has changed.
For Naruto especially, WTF are Kisame and Itachi doing for three years? Clearly neither of them are out capturing jinchuriki. They aren’t seen lounging around Amegakure or Akatsuki headquarters. They are just traveling the world. Probably doing hits. Probably hitting on EACH OTHER WOOOOOO
Long time skips mean a few thing: 1) Canon divergence, 2) Canon compliant, 3) pre-time skip, 4) during time skip, 5) post time-skip; and that’s not even the AU’s
They clearly haven’t made any other friends during this time either so lots of relationship to explore
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The Naruto franchise is notorious for retconning. Probably because Kishimoto (the writer) was pushed to create at a pace that was impossible for any sane or healthy man to keep up with.
Fanficition writers can take advantage of this poor writing by interpreting the character in a lot more ways than if the character was solidly written.
There are a lot of different ways Kisame is written, and accepted as so
Itachi less so but we don’t have time for that
Retconning allows you to take a writers mistake and turn it into utter brainrot that ten other people (me) will reblog every 3 years
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This one is kind of specific, but if you like angst then OH BOY this ship has a lot of potential for it
Any OTP that involves an angsty edgelord and a sadistic tagalong can indulge in either EXTRA ANGST and be able to balance out the angst with humor
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The KisaIta ship has 4 great themes about it:
And Existentialism of course
Sharkboy / lava girl
Edgelord / goof
Leader / follower
Maybe old? / a touch too young
Respect for each other
S-tier OTP because of strong themes and repeatable dynamics
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Kinkfest here we come
S-tier OTPs must be able to withstand an intense variety of smut writing
Powerful level = able to handle pain and dish out pain
Body things? = more positions
The Shape of Water was one of the single best thing to happen to the KisaIta 18+ fics because (even though it existed before the movie came out) a lot more readers were into it now
Also, Kisame makes this ship work more than Itachi. He is fucking DEVOTED
at this point I was running out of my 10-minutes (THEY HAD THE AUDACITY TO PUT ME ON A TIMER) so i just backfilled the rest of the presentation with fanart and memes i like
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Why do I like KisaIta?
I mostly write smut
They’re great at smut
I also like angst
They’re always great for angst, either character
Also look at them they are hot AF
Beefcake service-top vs. ‘shaped like a katana’ masochist
Healthy dose of hurt-comfort
They’re extremely flexible to write and so there’s a lot of stories you can create
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thank you for not reporting me to the powerpoint police
80 notes · View notes