#too immersive for my taste then lmao
chainsawtrans · 1 year
genuinely wish i could be one of those people who enjoys y/n type fics but i’m just. never able to supplant My Name. i always just read “yes no”
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prouddogboi · 2 years
Stray dog (Part 1)
To find the most recent chapters, please go to @doggoboigaugau 's masterlist
Pairings: Ghost x Soap x Male Reader
Summary: Male Reader is traumatized and forcefully refuses affection from Ghost and Soap even in his sleep.
Word count: 1852
Warnings: It's my first time posting my writing on Tumblr. There are so few CODxM!Reader fics I just want to contribute lmao TToTT. The warning is it can be shit because I'm new.
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It was a successful mission. A tough one, yes, many soldiers got serious injuries and had to spend days in the hospital, but still, the mission was accomplished with minimal loss. The people at the base decided to throw a party at a well-known bar in the area. As usual, you stayed close to your team, until they left you all alone again for whatever they were up to: Ghost and Soap went into the dark corridor doing ‘secret’ business except for the fact that everyone knew what that business was; Price meeting up with the Captains of other teams, talking about the ‘kids’ in their care like the good ol’ tired dads and moms they all were; Gaz hitting up on some pretty guy or girl; and Roach just immersing himself in the music on the dance floor. 
“The usual shot?” The bartender smiled at you. He was an ordinary-looking guy, not too tall, not too short, but he was always nice to you.
“Yeah.” You replied, eyes looking down at the empty glass in your scarred hand. Your usual shot was one of the heaviest types served at this bar, you found its bitter, stinging taste and the dizziness it brought about worked wonders for you, helping to repress the strong emotions that always came up to the surface to trouble you whenever you were off the field, whenever you were not having to fight between life and death. Free time and a mind that was offered the opportunity to relax were not something you felt grateful for. Instead, you loved being constantly stimulated when being in battles, since it left your mind no time to overthink unnecessary things other than trying to keep yourselves and your teammates alive.
“A successful mission, huh? Everyone is enjoying themselves a lot tonight.” The bartender said, clearly trying to keep talking to you as he was preparing your drink.
“It was.”
“Did you get injured?” 
“Just some scratches, nothing serious.”
“You seem to do your job very well.”
You did. You were a good soldier. An excellent one even. You were showered with praise from the Captain, the teammates, the higher-ups… just anyone after almost every mission. Even Ghost himself had to admit that you were a good one. However, you didn’t know for sure what made you excel while most others didn’t. Maybe it was because every mission you paid no mind as to whether you would be alive or not. It was true that everyone in this line of work had to come to terms with the notion of death upon themselves, no one could be sure how many days they got left on this planet doing this kind of job, but you were still different. You weren’t actively trying to get yourselves in situations that would get you killed, because it often meant a great threat to your teammates too, but you were not one that would hold on to life that much. You were always ready to sacrifice.
“I notice that you’re always alone. Well, the others do join you, but after a while, they leave and you’re still here.” The bartender passed you the shot.
“They have things to do.”
“Why don’t you? Getting out there and having some fun.”
Fun? It did not sound fitting to who you were. “Thanks for the suggestion, but I prefer it this way.”
“By the way, can I ask for a guy’s number? The one with the mohawk.”
“You mean Soap?” You left out a soft chuckle, “Give up, mate. He already has a partner. A scary one.” 
“The fuckin’ huge one with the skull mask. I’m sure you know well who he is and how scary he is.”
“What? That guy? I’ve always thought he’s into you though.”
This time you laughed out loud. The thought of someone interested in you was just so ridiculous, it felt surreal and impossible, “Ain’t no way, why would you think that?”
“He always looks at you with those piercing eyes, as if he will eat you up in no time.”
“Probably it’s because the Soap guy is always leaning over me. He’s so mad that I dare to get that near to his precious partner that he just wants to end my life right here.” You drank up the whole glass in one breath, then smashed the now empty glass on the bar, resulting in a huge ‘thump’ sound, mainly due to the fact that it was your fist that came into contact with the wooden material. It sent a burning feeling to your skin and fresh, but it was nothing compared to the physical pain you had to endure in battles or the mental one off field, when your mind was free to drift away. 
“Could be. But I still think he is into you.” The bartender shrugged, knowing you so well that he went ahead to prepare another shot for you. Nights like this often led to you drinking non-stop until you were so drunk that you’d pass out, and that masked guy was the one who carried you back. That was another reason besides the intense glare that made him convinced that the guy was attracted to you. Well, the hot man with the mohawk was always there too, but he usually waited in distance and smiled at how the masked guy having trouble carrying you as you thrashed around in his arms, clearly too drunk to know that he was just helping you. But the bartender only thought that the mohawk and the masked guy were close friends. Now that you mentioned it, it was indeed possible that they were in love with each other. 
Wouldn’t that make a love triangle though? The bartender threw a glance at you, studying you with amusement. Everyone loved some drama in their mundane lives. You were a handsome boy with sharp facial features, those damn bright eyes that lit up the whole place when you genuinely smiled, and all those strong muscles. He would’ve asked for your number instead if that scary big masked man wasn’t into you that much.
A few hours passed and the party came to its near end. All those smiling and laughing soldiers slowly hopped on the vehicles, making their way back to the base, clearly not wanting to wake up a mess the day after. They still had training as usual after all. One didn’t seem to care though. You collapsed on the bar, your handsome face grew red with how drunk you were and how much alcohol your body had absorbed. Ghost and Soap assured Price that they would bring you back safe before the tired dad of your Task Force got in the car with Gaz and Roach. They didn’t usually drink too much when they were off base, but you were quite the opposite. The team had no idea why you would pour so much alcohol into your mouth and stomach on these occasions, it was like you were grieving over something rather than celebrating the good news of a successful mission. Everyone in this line of work had their own past and troubles, but there was indeed something different in your troubles as they never felt that you were comfortable to open up. Soap even joked a lot about how much harder it was to get closer to you than Ghost. It was true that you were always smiling, chatting, and gossiping with him and Gaz and Roach over stupid things, but there was this invisible wall that you had built around your heart, unwilling to let anyone in. 
Ghost and Soap got to the bar where you were lying. 
“Come to get him?” The bartender was cleaning all the glasses that you and some other regulars used.
Ghost looked at you as your eyes were tightly shut, clearly not happy with your current condition, “Maybe next time don’t let him drink too much.”
The bartender raised his hands, “C’mon, I’m just serving my customers. He appears to need those shots to handle whatever emotions he’s having.”
Ghost and Soap turned their head to look at each other for a few seconds before Ghost stepped up and got you off the bar. You were too drunk to know anything, but surprisingly tonight you were very silent and cooperated well with your Lieutenant. 
“Let’s take you back to your room, huh?” Ghost was content with this sudden change and Soap just casually used his strong hand to rub your neatly cut hair. 
As Soap parked the car in the base's park, Ghost threw one of your arms over his shoulder and carried you off the vehicle. However, your tightly shut eyes suddenly opened, they widened as you turned your head left and right to make sense of your surroundings. 
“You’re up early.” Soap said jokingly.
“He’s too drunk to understand your stupid sarcasm, Soap.” Ghost scoffed. 
However, it took both men aback when they heard you sobbing. Soap was quick to cup your face with his palms, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
You shook your head, sobbing almost uncontrollably, trying to get your face out of his grip. One of Ghost’s arms went to your waist in an attempt to hold you in place and calm you down, but you started to act the usual way when you were drunk: thrashing around hysterically, as if you were striving so hard to escape from something inescapable. 
“Let go of me!” You screamed.
“Y/n, calm down, calm down! It’s us! Ghost and Soap!” Soap tried to talk some sense into the heavily drunk you.
“Stay away from me!” You didn’t seem to listen. Feeling Ghost’s grip was still firm around your body, you got more and more violent. Screaming and kicking, you definitely hurt him in the process as you finally succeeded in getting away. You stumbled a few steps on the cold cement ground before you collapsed on it due to the perfect dizziness that you hoped the shots at the bar would gift you. You curled into a ball, trembling violently yet not from how cold the ground was. Shuddering sobs still escaped your lips, and your eyes were tightly shut again. Price and Gaz hurriedly ran to where you three were, their eyes filled with worry given how loud and heartfelt your screams were (Roach didn’t come with them because he also drank too much). The two men saw Ghost and Soap standing beside you, their arms were hanging in the air as if they were holding on to something, while you were there, laying on the ground sobbing and mumbling unintelligible words. 
Luckily you quickly fell asleep again, still sobbing but unconscious enough for the men to carry you back to your room. They tucked you nicely into your bed, watching over your now peaceful sleeping face. Soap wiped the tears left on your cheeks with his hand, his mind questioning the reasons why you reacted so fiercely to them taking care of you earlier. When you finally stopped sobbing, they carefully left your room. There were things to be discussed, but they could wait.
to be continued bc I have class tmr and I need to sleep :D
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bisexualiteaa · 5 months
Ghoulish Kinda Love
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John Hancock x Ghoul!Fem Reader (SMUT!! and some fluff!)
CW: NSFW MDNI!! ghoul reader, chem usage, alcohol use, talks of discrimination, p in v, p0rn w/ some plot, slow burn, FEELINGS! Fingering, oral, (fem receiving) short handjob, unprotected sex, ghoul sex, riding, irradiated cream pie, cursing, fluffy ending, potential spelling/grammar errors, slight deviance from game
AN: I’m back partying people! Thank you to those who have put requests in regarding our charismatic ghoul companion Hancock! Been itching to write something for him and give him a little more love because there isn’t a lot out there for my boy Hancock, and he deserves all the love. ❤️ We won’t talk about the way I’d go to write this and each time I would, a sign telling me I need to “repent for my sins” would come up along the road lmao. 😭 Anyway, enjoy some fluffy smutty action with our man Hancock! Please go easy, I’m still relatively new to all things Fallout so if I goof up some stuff from the game, I do apologize, I’m still learning! But otherwise I do hope y’all enjoy! 🥰
Also I don’t own the rights to any music here, but there are a few songs if you’d like to enjoy them along with the moment for a more immersive experience!
You didn’t remember much from your life before the bombs dropped on that horrifically fateful day. You vaguely remember the taste of pie when you would bake it, or Mac ‘n cheese back when it was made with clean water and fresh hot off the burner. You even more vaguely remember the days of dressing really nice, now it was all you could to find something that was concealing enough to hide who you had become wandering along the commonwealth aimlessly. There was once purpose in your journey, once meaning behind it but not anymore, at least not one you could remember. Two hundred years is a long time to live, a lot of memories to hold, and when you’re spending a lot of that time trying to keep from turning feral it’s even harder to remember the trivial things like life without radiation exposure. It pained your heart to think about, to look at yourself in a mirror or your reflection in a passing puddle of radiated water. One thing you do remember is looking beautiful once upon a time, your once E/C eyes having turned a hazy black, your H/L, H/C having long since fallen out. Hell, the most noticeable part was that your nose was completely missing now, your leathery marred skin a sickly grey making you look like a walking corpse. You hated looking upon yourself now that you were a ghoul, you had been for a little over a century now, but it still always caught you by surprise.
t was one day upon your blind stumbling that you had entered a town called Goodneighbor, your bandana covering your face and large hat on to keep the fact that you were a ghoul slightly harder to point out lest it be anything like Diamond City was. You found out the hard way that day that a lot of places don’t take kindly to ghouls, and whether you were feral or not they tended not to want to chance it. You were just going to stroll through, minding your own business when a man stopped you on your way in. “Hey, hold up there. First time in Goodneighbor? Can’t go walkin’ around without insurance” spoke the gruff voice of a man who had just lit a cigarette in front of you, speaking with it sticking from the corner of his mouth before removing it and blowing the smoke in your direction. Asshole. “Unless it’s keep-dumb-assholes-away-from-me insurance, I’m not interested” you stated, and he didn’t quite like the tone you were catching. “Now don’t be like that, I think you’re gonna like what I have on offer” he replied, making you roll your eyes at his persistence. Here we go. “You hand over everything you got in them pockets or “accidents” start happening to ya. Big, bloody, accidents” he threatened, and you didn’t take too kindly to it but by now, you were used to the casual threat being thrown your way, especially as a ghoul. You heard a gravely voice from off in the distance, almost as if he had just appeared from the alleyway between the buildings in behind the man haggling you. “Woah woah, now time out” the man spoke, wearing a black tri-corn hat and a stark red jacket with a white dress shirt underneath. What really caught you by surprise? He was a ghoul. “someone steps through the gate the first time, they’re a guest. You lay off the extortion crap�� he finished, walking towards the man haggling you and the man almost seemed to meet him halfway as if he knew him. All you could do was stand there in awe. Holy shit, he was defending you, no one ever did that. “What’d you care? She ain’t one of us” the man spoke, his cigarette smoke still lingering in your nostrils from when he’d blown it in your face. “No love for your mayor, Finn? I said let her go” the ghoul said, standing his ground. Wait…did he say mayor? He was the mayor of this town? As a ghoul?? You were so flabbergasted to imagine such a thing, your kind were so hated, you could never have thought of a town being accepting enough to be run by a ghoul. Although you could tell by the body language this man in particular didn’t really care for the mayor, they looked as if they were getting ready to have a stand off. “You’re soft Hancock. You keep letting outsiders walk all over us, one day there’ll be a new mayor” the man, Finn countered. “Come on man, this is me we’re talkin about. Let me tell ya somethin’…” the ghoul, Hancock said, walking closer to Finn, looking as if he was stretching his hand out to place it on Finn’s shoulder but instead, reached for a knife, stabbing your haggler repeatedly in the stomach until he dropped to the ground at his feet. You were in shock, you’d seen people killed before, heck you’ve killed people yourself before because it was a kill or be killed kinda world out here, but never in the time you spent as a ghoul had anyone ever killed for you.
“Now why’d you have to go and say that, huh? Breakin’ my heart here” Hancock said to the man before looking to you. “You alright, sister?” He asked. “Your face…it’s like mine” was unfortunately all you could say, bringing your bandana down to show him. “Ya like it? I think it gives me a sexy, king of the zombies kinda look. Big hit with the ladies” he said flirtatiously, his voice dipping a little lower, bringing out the gravely rasp to his tone and if you could blush still, you would have. You gave a smile and a giggle, enjoying his take on ghoulification. “I’m a ghoul, something I see we share. Lot of walkin’ rad freaks like us around here” he said, and you felt guilty for pointing it out and not thanking him first, but his next words put a warmth in your heart to hear. “Goodneighbor’s of the people, for the people, you feel me? Everyone’s welcome” he said, and that made you smile because never had you been some place where you felt so welcome for being who you were. “Of the people, for the people? Oh brother…” you joked sarcastically, making him laugh. “I can tell I’m gonna like you already. Just consider this town your home away from home…so long as you remember who’s in charge” he said before starting to walk off, but you were so curious, had so many questions needing answers to, so you bothered and stopped him.
“What can I do for ya, newcomer?” He asked happily, making you almost clam up when you went to speak but you cleared your throat, working through your anxiety. “What’s your story, Hancock?” You asked kindly yet curiously. “My favorite subject. I came into this town about…a decade ago? Had a smooth set of skin back then. While I was busy making myself a pillar of the community, I would go on these…like…wild tears. I was young; any chems I could find, the more exotic the better. Finally found this experimental radiation drug, only one of its kind left, and only one hit” he said, and his story had you intrigued. “Oh man, the high was so worth it. Yeah I’m livin’ with the side effects but hey, what’s not to love about immortality?” He asked, making you chuckle. “Got its perks, its downsides too but hey, glad to finally see someone enjoyin’ it” you said, making him chuckle. “All that chem use definitely prepared you for a career in politics…” you quipped wittily, making him chuckle. “People respect me because I don’t put myself above them. I sling and shoot up just like the next guy” he said, and you respected that. “Hey, no judgement! I respect that” you replied. “Can you tell me more about this town of yours, Goodneighbor?” You asked. “It’s all about the people, understand? They’re freaks, misfits, and troublemakers and that’s why I love ‘em. Everyone here lives their own life, their own way. No judgements” he said proudly, making you smile happily to find yourself welcomed to such a wonderful place. It wasn’t anything crazy big or crazy busy, it was quaint and sweet, felt like home and that was a hard feeling to come by these days. This was the first time you’d ever been anywhere so accepting, so care free of looks or who you were or what you did. It felt good. Maybe this was what you’d been searching for all this time.
“I have a feeling you’ll fit in well here” he said with a warm and inviting smile to match his tone, making you smile hopefully, and it made him happy to see such a look on your face, to know he had helped someone who seemed to really need it. “Thank you, it’s so nice to finally be welcomed somewhere rather than forced out” you said, and he felt that pain, knew that a lot of other people who stayed in his town felt the same way. It warmed his heart to know that he could be a helping hand. You seemed really sweet, he hoped you’d settle in and stay a while, newcomers were always interesting around here but you piqued his interest just a little bit more than most others did.
So as you settled in over time, he got to know you a little bit more. You would often venture down to the bar, and you’d found Hancock there quite often, there you exchanged life stories, dreams, aspirations, regrets. It was nice, finally having human interaction for once with someone, someone who understood and someone who wouldn’t cringe or push you away when you spoke. Some nights, he’d put something on from the jukebox and ask you to dance with him, not caring about how bad either of you were in your drunken/high states. Did I mention you were chem buddies? Oh yeah. When night time came, or you’d find some chems while out scavenging the commonwealth for more supplies to help yourself, Hancock and the town, he was inviting you to his room on the state house to do them with him. For that time, you could just forget the world in its entirety, forget being a ghoul, forget it all. You would smile and laugh amongst each other as you told wild stories, flirted with one another, it was always a good time with him. You never had to worry, and you loved that. He was a safe place to just be yourself and he did the same, with absolutely no shame or judgement in sight.
There was one night in particular that you’d remember for the rest of your days, no matter how long you lived until. You were at the bar, talking and enjoying a few drinks with Hancock as you both typically spent your evenings, before you watched him saunter his way over to the jukebox, picking a song to play to dance with you to. As much as Fehr claimed she wanted no part in, or held any care in your growing relationship with the mayor, she couldn’t help but feel a little warmth and happiness deep down that Hancock had finally managed to find someone that made him happy. It was good to see him happy and well, to be carefree in the positive kind of way rather than just getting high in his room all the time. Of course he was still getting high, but it was with you, someone who kept him company, someone who he could confide in. You smirked as you recognized the song that was playing as he leaned against the jukebox, his eyes raking your figure as Oh, Pretty Woman began to play, urging you over to him to dance with him. How could you say no to a man with such charisma?
Pretty woman walkin’ down the street
Pretty woman, the kind I’d like to meet
Pretty woman, I don’t believe you, you’re not the truth
No one could look as good as you
He’d softly sang along with the song, his arm sliding around your waist to your back, swiftly and effectively pulling you against him, your hands resting against the ruffles along his white under shirt. You smiled up at him, knowing this was once again one of those times that if you could blush, you would. You’d never felt this way before, never felt so cared for, so wanted since you’d become a ghoul.
Pretty woman, won’t you pardon me?
Pretty woman, I couldn’t help but see
Pretty woman, that you look lovely as can be
Are you lonely just like me?
He continued to sing, just loud enough for you to hear, grabbing your hand and spinning you in front of him suavely before dipping you, unphased by anyone who could be looking on. You smiled as people clapped and stomped their feet to the beat as a way to hype you both up. You couldn’t help the fury of giggles leaving you as he did so, absolutely stunned by such a display.
He imitated right by your ear with a grin, making a shiver run down your spine at the way his raspy voice dropped in octave a little bit as he did. You gave an intrigued sound in response before a laugh bubbled up from your throat as you pulled his signature black, tri-corn hat off from his head in the process of standing back up, placing it on your own with a mischievous grin up at him that he mirrored back. He was good and he knew it, but you couldn’t just let him have this that easily, as much as you were down bad for him, you wanted to see him chase you a little bit. Needed to see if he was all talk or if his words and actions held meaning to them like you hoped they would.
Pretty woman, stop awhile
Pretty woman, talk awhile
Pretty woman, give your smile to me
Pretty woman, yeah, yeah, yeah
Pretty woman, look my way
Pretty woman, say you’ll stay with me
‘Cause I need you, I’ll treat you right
Come with me, baby, be mine tonight
He sang as you danced once more, grabbing your hands and twirling you to where your back pressed to his front for a moment before twirling you back, his fingers beneath your chin as you looked up at him at the end of the verse with a teasing grin. You sauntered away to the doorway towards the rooms before stopping there, turning to look over your shoulder at him as an invitation but stayed as you watched him sing.
Pretty woman, don’t walk on by
Pretty woman, don’t make me cry
Pretty woman, don’t walk away, hey
If that’s the way it must be, okay
I guess I’ll go on home, it’s late
There’ll be tomorrow night, but wait
What do I see?
Is she walkin’ back to me?
He sang as he watched your hand as it slid down from the doorway you propped up against before making your way back to him, getting just as excited to see you come back as the man singing the song claimed to be. He smirked, watching the sway of your hips as you walked towards him, giving a whistle as you did, his eyes roaming your body.
Yeah, she’s walkin’ back to me
Oh, oh, pretty woman
He finished, watching you loop your arms around his neck as his hands came to rest against your hips and god he’d never been more scared than fucking up this moment with you. Does he just hold you? Does he kiss you? Fuck, do you even feel that way about him? He figured with the way you two flirted, with the way you gave him bedroom eyes just a minute ago that you did, but he didn’t want to be an asshole and just assume either. Maybe he’d let you make the first move, place it in your hands to do with what you wish. That look in your eyes made him never want to look away, you looked at him like he hung the stars in the sky. God how he adored you, he wanted you so badly, and not even in just the sexual way that he normally felt for women who piqued his interest now and again. You were really and truly different in his eyes. As people clapped and cheered on for you both, the tension in the air was broken momentarily, making you laugh happily as you looked out at everyone then back up at him. You smiled up at him, your heart racing as he looked at you with a smile that told him this was the moment. So he took the leap of faith, pulling his hat from your head and leaning down to kiss you, his hat concealing your lips that locked together softly. The on lookers gave a whistle and a cheer as they knew exactly what was happening, and you placed your hands on either sides of his face, pulling him to you to keep him there for just a little bit longer. He grinned into your kiss, his free hand coming to rest on your hip as all worries flew out the window the moment you enthusiastically pulled him in. There couldn’t have been a happier man to exist in that moment other than him, watching as he looked down at you with the most star struck look on his face. “What do you say you and me sneak off for the night, Mr. Mayor?” You asked, placing his hat back on his head and adjusting it for him with a smile. He gave a raspy chuckle at you using his title and what you were insinuating from your question. He’d be lying if he said it didn’t send an excited twitch straight to his cock. “I’d say I like the way you think, sunshine” he replied, making you smile and giggle at his enthusiasm. “Good answer” you replied. Guess it was a good thing you’d paid for your drinks already after all.
You followed him upstairs, to his room in the state house, closing the door behind you both as you walked in after him. You could still hear the jukebox playing music loudly, you smiled as you heard the next song playing from it. Coincidentally enough, it was perfect for a slow dance. His hand boldly came to rest on your waist as his free hand grabbed yours, your fingers intertwined together. “I know it might be cheesy but…now that we’re away from all the pryin’ eyes, I wanna do this right” he said, making you smile softly at him, doing your best to hide the giddy excitement bubbling inside of you that you hadn’t felt in centuries. “Would you…dance with me?” He asked, making you smile brightly as your arms looped around his neck and you looked up at him with a dreamy smile. “I’d be delighted to” you replied, making him smile back down at you. You hummed along with the opening of the song, knowing the melody that was being played.
Crazy, I’m crazy for feelin’ so lonely
I’m crazy, crazy for feelin’ so blue.
I knew, you’d love me as long as you wanted
And then someday, you’d leave me for somebody new.
You sang as you rest your head against his chest as you both swayed to the rhythm of the song. You closed your eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth of him against you and the feel of his embrace. He gave a contented hum, getting to hear your lovely voice so close, and only for him in this moment. In this moment you weren’t the newcomer that everyone felt the need to gawk at every time you entered a room with him, as selfish as it made him feel but at the same time, in this moment he wasn’t the people’s either. He was yours, and you were his. For a moment the world felt at peace. For a moment, all time seemed to stop around you and it was just the two of you here. It was calming, intimate even. Intimate in a way that for the first time, wasn’t sexual for a change. The closest he’d really ever gotten to intimacy without sex was aftercare, and even then, it came after sex so therefore it was still involved. But this? This was nice. Having you in his embrace, your head against his chest, not a wrinkle of worry evident on your face, and his only worry being if his heart was racing too harshly or too loud for you to be able to withstand.
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wonderin’ what in the world did I do?
Crazy, for thinkin’ that my love could hold you.
I’m crazy for tryin’, and crazy for cryin’
And I’m crazy for lovin’ you.
You supposed the song wasn’t wrong in a way, most people would call you crazy for falling in love with a ghoul, or trying to fall in love period as a ghoul. Most people knew them by the characteristic lack of smooth skin, sunken in and marred skin, missing noses and the potential that they turn feral at any moment. You would never listen to that though, as a ghoul you knew you came with ups and downs, but you never let that stop you from seeing the best in others just as you’d hope they would some day do for you in return. After all, you and John both have had your fair share of run ins with feral ghouls in your time traveling together, you both knew what to look out for. John wasn’t one of them, and he knew neither were you. It never mattered to you what someone looked like, you only cared whether they would care for you in return the same way you care for them. How big their heart is, how they treat you and others around them. John was a good man, you knew this from the first moment you met him. Sure, the first moment you’d met him he killed someone, but he killed someone who was trying to harm and haggle you the moment you first step foot into what you’d learned to be his town. He did it to protect you. He looks out for his people, wanting, and doing only what is best for them, helping them any way he can. Of the people, for the people he’d always say. It was that drive, that selflessness that attracted you to him, but also that he didn’t discriminate like the rest of the world seemed to. You couldn’t care less about how his skin was marred from the years of radiation exposure, how a deep hole sits where his nose once did. You saw John for the man he is, the heart he has, not just as the ghoul everyone else does. That’s what made you so likable in his eyes, you never judged. You never held a distaste for the fact that you were a ghoul, that he was one, or that you were surrounded by your fellow people of Goodneighbor who were also mostly ghouls. You had a good outlook on things but weren’t too gullible to be taken advantage of, something that not many people had these days. He also appreciated the way you never judged his habits. Never once in the amount of times that he would take a hit of jet, or pop a couple of mentats, hell even on the rare occasional use of psycho, did you ever once judge him. You didn’t have to partake with him, he’d never force you to, but the fact that you didn’t cringe when he would, the fact that you would never chew him out for it as if he didn’t know the consequences of his own actions. You respected him, respected his way of living, just as he respected you and yours.
He looked down at you, seeing your eyes light up as they met his with a smile spread across your lovely, maybe slightly chapped, lips. He smiled down at you, his hand leaving yours to cradle your cheek as he looked upon you with astonishment. How could someone like you, so loving, so caring, choose him? In a world full of people, granted he knew from experience that the pickings amongst those of the surface were less than stellar, yet you still chose him. A ghoul, when there are people out there that are still far more human looking. Hell, he was sure you could make a synth even grow a heart if you wanted it to and looked upon one the way you looked at him. Sure he would tease you for liking him, for befriending him, but it warmed his heart to know that out of anyone out there, you chose him as your battle partner, him to adventure with. He only hoped deep down that that friendship could be more.
And almost as if someone out there was listening to his thoughts, had heard his silent prayers, he watched as your eyes flickered between his hazy black ones and then to his thin, marred lips, with a look he recognized well. This was the moment that would lead to it all, the moment he’d been waiting for, dreaming about since starting to travel with you and partake in your company. It was truly all or nothing now.
Crazy, for thinkin’ that my love could hold you.
I’m crazy for tryin’, and crazy for cryin’
And I’m crazy for lovin’…
He smiled a little wider when your hand came to cradle his cheek like he was doing with you as you were singing, pulling him even closer to you, if it was possible. Before he knew it, as you sang the last word of the song, your lips found their way to his once more, pressing gently against his own but with confidence and passion that showed him you wanted this. That you wanted him. His hand that was on your cheek soon came to rest against the back of the one you had on his, keeping you as close as he could get but also ensuring that this was real. He needed to know that this wasn’t a dream or some jet fueled fantasy he was in. And to his surprise and delight, it was in fact real. He reciprocated the kiss, finally breaking out of his momentary shock to pull you against him, your chests flush together as his other hand gripped your hip. You smiled into it as his tongue prodded at your lower lip, asking kindly to deepen the kiss into something more passionate. You opened, allowing it and allowing the moment to carry you both to wherever it may lead. Your free hand came to rest against his chest, fingers toying with the ruffles of his undershirt beneath the red jacket he always wore, earning a low, gravely groan from him that rattled his chest. As you both parted for air, he looked down to see that beautiful half lidded expression as he pressed his forehead against yours. “Tell me I’m not dreamin’” he said, breathlessly, almost as if he couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. His response made you chuckle. “I’d be really pissed if I was, that or damn impressed by what the chems you have can do” you quipped, making him laugh. “Me too. You feel real…real nice too” he complimented, his head ducking down to place small chaste kisses against your neck, always the charmer. You giggled. “Then I’d say it’s real” you replied, and those were the words he wanted to hear. He chuckled softly as he exhaled, relieved to know it was real.
He smiled but you could tell there was something eating at him, something he hadn’t said yet. You’d known Hancock long enough in the time you’d spent getting high with him and traveling the commonwealth with him to know his cues. Part of him hated the way that you could tell something was off, after all, he always wanted to keep this aloof front, like nothing ever bugged him but you knew that wasn’t true. Something was bugging him now. “There’s uhh…there’s something I need you to hear” he started, making you part enough to give him space, but not too far to make him feel like you weren’t there for him or put off by what he’d said. “Is everything alright?” You asked, concern in your tone that maybe you might have overstepped a boundary or assumed something incorrectly. “Oh yeah, better than that. This is just…tricky” he replied before giving a sigh, as if trying to get the tension to release from him with one breath. “It’s just, being out there with you, it’s made me realize. Most of my life to this point, I’ve been runnin’ out on the good things I got” he answered, but you could tell he wasn’t done yet, he had more to get off of his chest. “I skipped out on my family, my life in Diamond City. Took up with you just to get outta Goodneighbor. Hell, runnin’ from myself is what made me into…into a damn ghoul” he added, sounding upset at himself, and you wanted so badly in that moment to reach out and take his hand, do something to comfort him, but you wanted him to finish as to not overstep or rudely cut him off. “But bein’ here with you, for the first time in my life, things have just felt…right” he added, making you smile softly at that. You were happy you could be help and a good friend to him, even if you deep down wanted more than that. “And running? It’s the furthest thing from my mind. I mean, I left Goodneighbor thinkin’ I was just gonna sharpen up the ol’ killer instinct. But whether it’s fate, or destiny, or just god damn coincidence, I ended up with someone like you” he continued, making you smile once again, even brighter this time at him as you imagined a soft pink would have flushed to your cheeks had you had a smoother set of skin. “I turned one of the nastiest settlements in the commonwealth into a refuge for the lost. I thought I’d done something I could hang my hat on. But being out there with you, it’s made me realize just how small time I’d been thinkin’. And that maybe all my running, from my life, myself…maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing after all” he confessed, making you look slightly confused as to what he’d said.
“Running from yourself? What do you mean?” You asked, making him chuckle a bit as he thought of what to say to both be honest but also lighten the slightly damper mood up a little bit. He needed to see that smile back on your lips, when you smiled at him, it was like the world was no longer in shambles. He needed that, right now and until the end of his days because he swore no high from any chem out there compared to the one you’d give him. “Well, I didn’t always look this good. The drug that did this to me, that made me a ghoul, I knew what it was going to do. I just couldn’t stand lookin’ at the bastard I saw in the mirror anymore” he replied, making your heart break for him that he felt that way about himself, under all that confidence. “The coward who’d let all those ghouls from Diamond City die. Who was too scared to protect his fellow drifters from Vic and his boys. If I took it, I’d never have to look at him again. I could put all that behind me. I’d be free. Didn’t seem like a choice at all” he added. “Turns out it was just me runnin’ from somethin’ else in my life” he continued, sounding ashamed for his actions and his past, and you understood better than anyone what that felt like. You stepped a little closer to him to grab his hand in yours, an offering of comfort. “Hey, it doesn’t matter what you did. All that matters is what you do from here on out” you said confidently, something you always told yourself to keep your head high and keep going, making him chuckle. “I know a lotta bookies that’d disagree with you. But I feel what you’re gettin’ at. So let me get to the point” he said, grabbing your other hand in his as he looked at you, eye to eye now to show you what he was about to say next was very important to him.
“Throwin’ in with you, has been the best decision I ever made. It’s like I found a part of myself I never realized was missing…which happens sometimes when you’re a ghoul” he started, making you chuckle as you too knew that feeling all too well by now. “If I hadn’t taken up with you, I’d probably be in the gutter somewhere, getting gnawed on by radroaches. You’ve been one hell of a friend” he said, making you smile and chuckle at that, before you looked down at your hands held together, working up the courage to ask the question that had been plaguing your mind for ages now. This was it, this was the moment. “Have you…ever thought about us as maybe more than just friends?” You asked skittishly almost, hoping he’d say yes, praying he felt the same way. A part of you felt deep down like he did, call it hope, call it whatever, but you were never fully sure where you guys stood. You two flirted like he held interest, he looked out for you, invited you along for things that he’d really never invite anyone else to other than maybe Fehr, but it felt different when it was with you. There was a connection between you, that was undeniable, but what type of connection you were never sure of. He gave a chuckle at your question. “It that obvious? But c’mon, you don’t wanna wake up to this mug every morning. Never wish that on anyone I cared for” he replied, joking in that self deprecating manner he always did but answering your question nonetheless. “Hey, who I fall for is my decision, and I’ve fallen for you” you replied softly but with confidence, showing him that you meant it. “Wouldn’t expect that kinda lapse in judgement from you. But I guess that works out for me then, doesn’t it?” He asked with a happy smile, chuckling once more but you could tell that that comment did wonders to help him feel more at ease. “Moments like this, I know all that karma stuff is bull. Because no one like me should be this lucky” he added, making you chuckle in response as you came closer, looping your arms around his neck once again. “Sure you do. You deserve the world in my eyes, John” you said softly, genuinely as you looked up at him, your eyes promising nothing but love and support for his any and every endeavor. “I don’t need the world sunshine. I got you, what else could I need?” He replied, making you giggle as you rest your head against his chest. “So everything is okay between us then?” You asked, making him give a raspy huff in amusement. “I got you, everything else is just details and drug paraphernalia” he said, making you smile warmly as you chuckled once again at his corny line before leaning up and kissing him once more.
It wasn’t long before silence fell over the room long enough to hear the music playing from the jukebox once more. Once again, as if someone had been listening, it was a rather slow, very romantic song playing through the speakers.
Blue moon you saw me standing alone.
Without a dream in my heart,
Without a love of my own.
Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for.
You heard me saying a prayer for,
Someone I really could care for.
And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold.
I heard somebody whisper “Please adore me”
You smiled into it as you both very quickly got swept back up into the moment with each other, his hands traveling the expanse of your curves slowly and softly, mapping out the valleys and plains of your body and to feel you against him. A mischievous grin took the place of the more innocent smile as you pulled away, gently pushing Hancock back to sit on his bed. He gave an equally mischievous grin and chuckle at your actions as you separated enough to take his hands and use them to slide the straps of your dress down your shoulders, allowing it to begin to fall down your frame. He gave a chuckle before whistling once it slipped from you, sitting in a red pool on the floor, leaving you in just your underwear as you stepped out of the discarded dress and straddled his lap on the bed.
And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold!
Blue moon!
Now I’m no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
He grinned, his hands resting on your hips as yours sat on his collarbones, pulling him into another heated kiss. “Fuck…” was all he could manage to mutter into it, making you giggle as your hands wandered his frame. You smiled as you pulled back to enjoy the almost drunk look on his face as he drank you in. It was as if he didn’t know where to look or touch first, he was normally smooth and suave when it came to this sort of thing, but you were different than the rest. “You’ve got a wonderful way of making this ol’ ghoul feel like her old self again with that look” you replied, making him chuckle before clearing his throat. “What’s not to like there, sunshine? All I see is a badass, very beautiful woman sitting in front of me” he said, moving his hips against you and that told you all you needed to know as you chuckled before littering kisses down his scarred neck. “It ain’t exactly pretty underneath all this, you sure you still wanna do this?” He asked, making you look back up at him. “You kidding? Of course I do. Looks ain’t everything ya know” you said, making him laugh. “Says the model” he quipped, and you had to admit that it was sweet that he regarded you that way, but you knew you were no model. What you were though was true to your words when you undid the buttons to his undershirt and coat. You gave a laugh at his flirtation. “Yeah, maybe if a model spent too much time in a tanning bed” You replied, making him chuckle as you continued to litter your kisses down his chest after disposing of his top and coat, then down his stomach, and soon to where his pants sat at his hips. “Still gorgeous all the same to me” he said, and that made your heart flutter in your chest to hear. You couldn’t help the smile that painted your lips as you situated yourself on your knees between his legs.
Damn what a sight it was he’d thought to himself, seeing you on your knees before him, eagerly undoing the flag he used as a belt to free him from them and his briefs. You grinned up at him, getting them down and off, doing the same with your underwear, then happily taking your seat back on his lap. He gave a playful tap against your ass as you got situated, enjoying the nice handful that most ghouls weren’t blessed to still have once they’d reached this point. “I think you’re very handsome, John” you said genuinely, and god he could just melt from your compliments and tone. A moan rips from both of your throats as you grind against him, your slick cunt gliding along his length. “Fuck, oh no sweet cheeks, we’re doing this the right way” he said, making you cock your head to the side confused before he picked you up and put you on your back on the bed. You gave a playful yelp as he did before giggling as your back hit the mattress. “Wanna feel you and taste you first, get you all worked up. Somethin’ tells me you’re a sight to see when you’re all crazy for me” he said, making you swear you could actually blush for once as you let out a way louder moan than you meant to when one of his fingers grazed up and down your slit and found your clit almost immediately, drawing tight circles. Your hand clasped to your mouth immediately, knowing the walls were likely paper thin, but John seemed to have a better solution. He moved your hand away, leaning down to pull you into a heated kiss once more, muffling your moans to where they were just loud enough for him and him alone. It had been so long since you’d felt the touch of another, your scars usually keeping you from finding someone to help scratch that itch. There was the occasional crazy you’d run into that were hell-bent on trying to sleep with a ghoul to find out what it was like. You avoided those people the best you could because something told you that necrophilia didn’t exactly sit very highly on their never to do lists.
Soon his fingers moved down to prod at your entrance, pushing in slowly to allow you the chance to accommodate the intrusion. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as his roughly textured fingers began to piston in and out of you in a steady rhythm, sure to graze your walls to find that spongy bundle of nerves that would leave you crying his name. “Fuck, John…” you moaned, earning a low gravely groan from him. The way you said his name so salaciously went straight to his cock and made his head swim with all the ideas of how he could get you to say his name like that more. Soon his lips mimicked what you’d started earlier on him, trailing down your neck, stopping to tease and nip at your sensitive spots before moving down to take one of your nipples in his mouth. Your arms flew to cling around him, nails digging small crescent shapes into his back as you bit your lip so hard you were scared it would bleed. You were far more sensitive than you thought you’d be, even after ghoulification, apparently the loss of touch still left you as needy as before. “So good for me” he praised, making you whimper as his kisses dipped lower and lower. “Wanna taste you. Gotta know if you taste as sweet as you sound” he said, shifting in between your legs, kissing the insides of one of your thighs leading up to your sex before skipping to your other one, leaving you on edge. “John, don’t tease…” you mewled, making him chuckle at how eager you were. “You’re so cute, hard not to when you sound like that, sunshine” he replied before seeing just how wet you were for him. A sound of intrigue left him as he looked at his fingers once he withdrew them from you. “Tell me, this all for me?” He asked, pulling his fingers out and showing you your slick that clung to his fingers as he separated them, making you whine as you shake your head. “Yes, all for you John, please…” you begged, making him smirk as his fingers slid back inside of you with little resistance, and his tongue finally making contact against your sensitive clit. Your body arched off the bed for a moment, biting back another loud cry as his tongue started to circle your clit. “Fuck! Oh my god” you let out, making him chuckle as the pads of his fingers found your g-spot, rubbing it as his tongue drew all sorts of letters and shapes along your sensitive bud. Your breathing started to turn ragged, your mind blank, you could hardly think of anything other than the whispered expletives and cries of his name that left your lips like a mantra. “Keep sayin’ my name sweetheart, tell ‘em who makes you feel this good” he said with a cocky grin as he dove back into you like a man starved. To think, he could’ve had this the entire time you’d been traveling together, he was at least lucky to have it now.
“Just like that, just like that! Fuck…” you moaned, feeling the ache in your lower stomach start to burn and grow taut. It had been so long since you’d been with someone, and even longer since you’d been with someone who actually could help you reach your peak. Your hips began to buck selfishly against his fingers and tongue, making him moan into you as you used him. “That’s it baby, use me. Wanna hear that pretty mouth moan my name when you cum” he said, making you focus on chasing that high, god you were so fucking close, you could feel it. He peered up at you, watching as your face contorted with pleasure, calculating and changing his movements based on your expressions and sounds. You gasped as he started to draw tight circles around your clit with his tongue, curling his fingers inside of you to rub your g spot once more. “John I…fuck, I think I’m gonna- John!” You moan in warning the best you could before your orgasm washed over you like a tidal wave, sending your back arching off the bed and your thighs squeezing and trapping his head between your legs. He moaned into you as your body was savaged by what felt like every nerve ending lighting on fire all at once. He couldn’t care less if you suffocated him like this, even with no nose to get caught or crushed, he’d consider it an honorable way to go out. You tried to steady your breathing as best you could, finding it hard to open your eyes even, but when you did, you realized he was still trapped between your legs. “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry!” You apologized, opening your legs to let him free and breathe, whining as his fingers left you with that disappointingly empty feeling. “Don’t you dare apologize, being crushed between these is one hell of a dream come true” he said, making you roll your eyes playfully and laugh at his response. Your hand reached out to yank him back up onto the bed, finding your spot once again straddling him. He groaned low in his throat as your hands stroked him, his one hand resting on your hip, squeezing every now and again. “Drivin’ me crazy here sunshine, might just be enough to make me turn feral if you’re not careful” he said, making you chuckle as you kissed him once more, your taste still heavy on his tongue but you didn’t care. You delighted in the moans coming from him as your tongues fought for dominance over each other. Your head dipped into the crook of his neck, peppering kisses along his neck and collarbone. “Need you so bad, John” you said, voice no louder than a breathless whisper as he chuckled. “I dunno, judging by your reaction I figured my mouth was enough. I’m just kiddin’. Think you can handle it, sweet cheeks?” He asked, making you grin as you lined him up to your entrance, slowly working your way down onto his member. “You tell me” you challenged in response as he stretched you open, fuck it’s really been a long time. “Touché- fuuucckk. Goddamn baby…” he groaned as your needy cunt slowly sucked him in, careful to stop once he’d fully sheathed inside of you. “Fuck…” you panted, feeling him fill you entirely, his tip nudging the apex of your cervix.
“It’s uhh…it’s been quite a while since the last time I did this, but I wanna make you feel good” you said, and that ruined him entirely. How could someone so sweet be speared on his cock right now? He’d never know but he’d thank every god out there until the end of his days for it. “That’s alright baby, just not sure I have it in me to be gentle or stop once I’ve started there sugar” he said, grabbing your hips to help you start a good pace, leaving you to moan loudly as his cock nudged your cervix. “Don’t care, gentle can come some other time. Fuck, you feel so good…” you moaned as you met his hips with your own thrusts, taking over and setting the pace as you bounced up and down on his lap. “Love the way you think babe. Shit… tell me what you need sunshine” he said between pants and the sounds of your hips slapping together. “Need you, need you so bad John, please” you begged, trying your best to keep quiet but you both knew that ship sailed a while ago. Whenever your legs grew tired, he was there to grip your hips and help you move, making your eyes roll once again to the back of your head as you’d moan. When you would tip your head back, he’d lean his forward to catch one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking and licking at it to pull you closer to the edge.
He pistoned his hips up into you, all sense of restraint and control lost in the feeling of your gummy walls wrapped tightly around him. You gasped as you felt that sensation in your lower stomach again, getting tighter and tighter as he worked you both to your peak. “Yes! Fuck, so close, don’t stop!” You moaned, making him chuckle deviously. “Wouldn’t dream of it sugar, feel too good to stop” he replied through gruff grunts and soft moans into your shoulder before parting to look down to where your bodies were connected and watch as he disappeared inside of you. “Look at that, that’s a pretty sight” he said, praising the way you’d take all of him with ease and the way your thighs would jiggle as you hungrily bounced on his dick. His eyes raked up your frame to rest on your face, delighted to find your eyes rolled back once your were seated on him, then half lidded when you’d come up, and that happily little cock-drunk smile on your lips before it’d drop to let out a blissful moan. You were music to his ruined ears, and like the chems he took before this, he just couldn’t get enough. His thumb found your clit once more, earning a surprised jump and moan from you as he rubbed it to help you tip over the edge. He couldn’t just let himself cum before his girl did, what kind of man would that make him? Not a very good one at all, he reasoned. Before you knew it, you were toppling over that edge again, holding tightly onto him as your walls spasmed and fluttered around him before squeezing him tightly, making him moan as your release sparked his own. He moaned into your neck as you threw your head back with a lascivious moan, enjoying the pleasant sensation of him filling you up whilst his hands held you seated in his lap. You gave a contented hum, enjoying the feeling of being so full of love, of him. You smiled as he looked back up at you, kissing you sweetly and gently as if he wasn’t balls deep inside of you with his cum leaking down your thighs. He was a man of many capabilities, and certainly was one capable of making you happy in many different ways.
“And to think, I’d been missin’ out on all this this whole time” he joked, making you laugh as you got up to fetch a wet rag to clean yourself and him off with. “Well, now you know” you teased, a grin resting on your face as he snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he hugged you from behind. He rested his chin along your shoulder as you stood in the connected bathroom, debating on whether you wanted to have a nice bath, or if you just wanted to lay in bed and cuddle with him to bask in the after glow. “Don’t know which is more addicting; you, or the chems” he said, knowing damn well that you were far more addicting to him but he enjoyed the playful way it’d get you to respond. “Tough competition, guess I’ll have to let you do me as often as the chems” you said, looking at him from over your shoulder and making him laugh at your dirty comment. “Don’t threaten me with a good time” he said, mischief evident in his tone as you felt something press against your rear. With the devious glint in his eyes and a grin to match, he led you back to his bed. Clearly he needed to test your offer.
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I See You - an Aziraphale pov poem
the poll has spoken yet again here u have my very first aziraphale pov poem :)
I see the way you move
Not like a creature of deceit
Or the way a fallen soul should
You slither, not in malice
But like a twinkling star would
I see the way you speak
Each syllable a delicacy upon your tongue
I ache to taste each one of those,
I want to savour them like honey on my lips
But most of all, I want to listen to your voice
I see the way you dream
With those big eyes of gold
In their shimmer resides a universe,
A galaxy of hopes, of stories that unfold
With you, I feel truly immersed
I see the way you love
Slowly, then all at once,
Softly, then thunderously loud
And yet you hide it from the world
My dear, you are allowed
I see the poetry written in your being
Verses etched into your very soul
Oh how I long to tear down this taboo
To tell you that I see you, the whole you
And to implore, don’t you see me, too?
Oh boy this poem is all over the place lmao but i think the essence of it is pretty clear i hope😩 i am struggling very hard with Aziraphale's pov so cut me some slack🥺 it has a weird structure because i was going for free verse but decided not to in the middle of writing so just pretend this was an artistic choice to convey Aziraphale's inner confusion, fragmented thoughts, hesitations, doubts etc rather than my failed attempt at poetry lmao. there's certain beauty in chaos amiright😅
Thank you so much for reading!! Reblogs and comments are really appreciated💙
read also in ao3:
tagging the favs:) @bearthewhipsandscornsoftime @seven-stars-in-his-palm @fearandhatred @foolishlovers @sabotage-on-mercury @notagoodlad @ficreader500 @ghostsparrow @ineffabildaddy @lickthecowhappy @di-42 @goodoldfashionednightingale @eybefioro @crowleys-curl @crowleybrekkers @spookyllamatree @wanderer-main
73 notes · View notes
therentyoupay · 4 months
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern! i chose most of the most recent ones, then a few of the ones with the most kudos, and then a few of the ones that i just really really really like the opening lines of!! thank you, @salamandersocks, for tagging me!!
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of sparks and moonlight | JACK FROST/PRINCESS YUE | fandoms: Rise of the Guardians (2012), Avatar: The Last Airbender | T | Words: 7,836 | Chapters: 5/5 | 2012 | yue-is-jack's-princess-in-the-moon!AU
There is a strange boy on the beach who won’t stop staring at her.
frosted sea glass ; | JELSA | fandoms: Frozen (Disney Movies), Rise of the Guardians (2012) | E | Words: 80,734 | Chapters: 12/12 | 2015–2023 | mermaid!AU
“Man,” Nino groans, accepting defeat at last, as he gives the golden elevator doors a vicious, vengeful kick.
technical difficulties for roarlikethunder | LOVE-SQUARE, MARI-NINO!BROTP | fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug | T | Words: 96,832 | Chapters: 8/9 | 2017–WIP | trapped-in-an-elevator!AU
Seven minutes late.
fifteen minutes ; by therentyoupay for dragonsinparis | JELSA | fandoms: Frozen (Disney Movies), Rise of the Guardians (2012) | T Words: 2,920 | Chapters: 1/1 | 2015 | superhero!AU
“...the fuck is this?”
check the pipes for frost ; by therentyoupay | JELSA | fandoms: Frozen (Disney Movies), Rise of the Guardians (2012) | T | Words:66,666 | Chapters: 8/8 | 2015 | wrong-mail!AU
my thoughts below!! 💕 @salamandersocks and i have similar tastes!! i seem to favor:
opening lines that immediately immerse me in a specific emotion or situation (curiosity, anticipation, mystery), and stuff that hints at deeper complexity and "clues ahoy!!"
i also like slightly unsettling lines ("there is a strange boy on the beach who won’t stop staring at her") for mystical stories like the mermaid!au
i also like when really specific or short lines can drop a reader IMMEDIATELY into a specific context; conversely, i like when the first line gives the reader a feeling and the second line gives a location!
i also realize i like throwing characters into emotional / interpersonal conflict immediately lmao ("... the fuck is this?" / "what are you doing here?" / "on the contrary" / "man")
i shall tag a whole bunch of people too, and anyone else who wants to do this!
@aicosu | @blackestfaery | @sanfangirl-cynicalromantic | @kanamesharisenwrites | @callimara | @yuki119 | @marlahey | @siren–s | @dragonsinparis | @jelsawithacapitalj | @portentous-offerings | @jessainzukaland | @laurakrivera | @sunshinemellow-fic | @watermelon-sugar-bi | @da-awesom-one | @renaerys
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fereldanwench · 8 days
so i did commit to cullen for this playthrough
i forgot flirting with blackwall to a certain point meant you were locked into that path unless you "break up" with him so i alllllllmost stuck with him, but cullen just makes more sense for this run
it's been interesting running through that romance again--i think i have reached a point of zen where i can pretend like his VA doesn't exist as an actual person lmao, but there are some deliveries of lines that just make me go 🤢🤢🤢 bc the ellis-ness just really comes through
it's also funny noticing how my tastes have changed over the years because while there are things i still like about the romance (the chess scene if you flirt is still super cute to me and i do still like getting him all flustered), some of it just ain't doing it for me anymore. like the first kiss--i remember being soooo into it back in the day, and the interruption part of it is still fun, but i was kinda underwhelmed this time
some of it could also be from the janky animations breaking immersion tbh. even considering this is a 10-year-old game, they are sooooooo rough; honestly, i feel like there's always been a noticeable disconnect (to me) between the level of detail in the character designs and the animations, even playing it on launch. i was trying to take a few shots during the cinematics, but they're bad, lmao. and his mantle thing gets in the way a lot
anyway, i'm about halfway through the main quests, but I'm only level 12 so the recommended DLC levels are still way too high so i gotta keep grinding
i was not planning on 100%ing this run at all--i'm completely ignoring the shards, for instance, but considering how long it's taken me to get to this point and what my schedule looks like between now and Halloween, I'm thinking i might sit out some maps almost entirely. D: I've never liked the exalted plains so i was thinking about ignoring that one, but i feel like the dalish lore there will probably be useful going into veilguard. conversely, i like emprise du lion a lot, but i feel like that one is probably the most "non-essential" map for my purposes so that might get skipped
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all-things-normaler · 11 months
i wanna write fanfics but i'm not sure how to keep everyone in character and to write normal dialogue. do you have any advice? thank you!
Okay so, I've written fanfiction and roleplayed for nine years, and I know it's scary and hard at first, but eventually with enough practice, writing will become as easy as breathing air.
First thing I do is envision the scene in my mind, like a movie! What's the setting? The mood? What kind of characters are here? What's the plot? Materialize all of this in your brain and do not force yourself to make dialogue, it'll come up to you naturally. Think of yourself as the actor for all these characters, feel their emotions, study their motives, backgrounds, passions and even body mannerisms.
If you're dealing with a pairing or characters that correlate with each other, try to think. What are their similarities and opposites? Are they really all that similar or is it one or two few traits? This is where the Venn Diagram comes in! That's the method I've been taught at school, and honestly, I could make a list but the Venn Diagram helps me visualize things better. To be honest I have sharp memory to things I'm fixated in, so I don't do it physically, but it's very useful! And YES, while studying these characters annotate everything that could be useful in writing dialogue.
Do they have an accent? A lisp? Is there any vocabulary depending of where they were raised?
I have things to say about these things in dialogue and the first two are more personal and up to my taste.
Personally when people write "accents" that aren't like Country or Irish accents that actually have different words in the vocabulary, when you replace the letters to make the "sound" and in a way create new words, not only does it look messy, it IS messy to read! It's an unfortunate phenomenon in the Team Fortress 2 Fandom lol.
EXAMPLE: "Viz is not good. Vhat was a vad decision."
For these instances, use regional words and spellings for the dialogue, it says much more than what I've told you. Are they british? Use words like "favourite" instead of "favorite" etc. Trust me, the readers aren't dumb people, you can do ONE paragraph describing that your character has an accent and they would understand.
I think my gripe against that style of writing isn't only aesthetically but also because I'm bilingual (my native tongue being Spanish) so honestly, it would look a little offensive reading a fanfiction where my type of accent is typed like that.
When writing bilingual people ALSO avoid this:
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Like prideling said, that one's a big example of what bilingual people do. Even in their own native language! I constantly forget to say "accurate" in Spanish lmao.
And we do not "switch" languages, we aren't Dora The Explorer. We can greet and talk normally to people. Only times I'd say bilinguals happen to jump back at their native tongue accidentally it's when they're surprised? It's happened to me, but for a very short time. Bilingual readers prefer to be represented with the struggles of knowing two languages and showcasing their culture throughout descriptive paragraphs over anything.
Anyway, moving on... DIALOGUE!
This is a classic. Do NOT get comfortable with the verb said. Try using other words like: exclaimed, announced, warned, shouted, whispered, etc!
The more you write, the more you'll learn about these verbs, adverbs and adjectives and it'll come handy tremendously. We don't want to have too much repetition do we?
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I am also handing you this emotion wheel that will be incredibly useful if you're starting writing:
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Speaking of repetition... Remember that thing I said about studying your characters? Try to avoid too much repetition of one word between the two characters. As you may have noticed people have a cadence and ways of speaking. If you do that a lot, people will break from the immersion and think it's you who's talking, not the character.
Another classic! SHOW, DON'T TELL.
If you're into writing, you'll probably have heard this saying before. All writers have committed this sin when they started writing, using adverbs and adjectives too obsessively instead of narrating how the character feels.
Is your character anxious? How about instead of doing:
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! What am I supposed to do now!?” He anxiously exclaimed.
We do...
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He tightly gripped onto his jet black hair and ripped it from his scalp into shreds. Pain was the last thing he cared about when a bigger torture was on his mind. His chest constricted, his lungs having less oxygen filled with hot air. The corners of his eyes burned, and his brain constantly banged to the corners of his skull begging to free it from this horrible outcome. The man started to lose his senses, he couldn't smell the horrible stench from his machines, or feel the bottom of his feet anxiously walking in circles, his fingers were getting tingly and numb. Onceler couldn't even see the insides of his destroyed mansion and the deforestation he caused from his window. All of it was a blur and too much too handle, the weight of his actions fell into his mind and stomach, forever scarred and stuck like that last stump in the middle of what used to be a vibrant Truffula Tree forest.
“What am I supposed to do now!?” He scratched his knotted throat as loud as he could, ripping his vocal chords. It didn't matter if he could hear himself now, he didn't listen to his real soul in the past, and now, no one will listen to him now. No matter how much he begged for help.
Alright, that was a little big example there haha! But you get it right? Here's a picture to help you visualize better.
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Mind you, the first example isn't bad to use! Just don't constantly use it. It's good to show a story throughout the actions of your character!
Alright, what else... what else... oh yes!
Be mindful of spellchecking bots!
I'll be honest to you, I do use them! They come incredibly handy because sometimes I mess up verbs or I just simply add too many spaces or create typos without meaning to! But remember that bots are bots, and at the end of the day they don't have humanity. They're AI. Therefore, these bots might make suggestions to change certain words because they don't recognize it as part of the vocabulary, but if you do click on everything they suggest, your dialogue will become very robotic and lacking of stylization. Keep those peepers open!
Use a beta reader?
I never had one. To me, writing is a very personal thing and for me to have one, they would have to share the same fandom that I'm writing of to be trustworthy. Beta Readers can be useful because they can point out mistakes other than spelling ones. Something the bots CANNOT do. They can point out weird things in dialogue, plot holes, etc.
Learn of your narration voice.
The way you narrate is your brush strokes of art but in writing! What type of a narrator are you? The unreliable type? The classic? Or just a narrator with a god complex? Have fun with that! And remember, if you want to narrate not as a narrator or yourself but as one of the characters, REMEMBER to study the character. Basically, the first tip I gave you.
Don't overuse it. And we don't always stutter like: "b-b-but!" NO! Instead, try slurring the words, and adding ellipsis (the three dots ...)
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Not only is it more realistic, but it looks better on writing.
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This image is something I struggle with too, but it'll be useful to see it now!
Honestly, my path for writing has been rocky and I raw-dogged this shit, so it's an honor being able to help you! If you ever have any doubts keep coming here! I love to get in more depth, but I've been making this post for like an hour already!
I think that's all I can give you for now! Lots of people that have read my fanfics and roleplays have pointed out that dialogue is my forte! It's rather flattering. As always, I don't give tips or boast about my writing without evidence, so here's a snippet of a Normaler fanfic I'm writing:
“I brought you some things. Water and a towel. Hopefully that's enough.” She handed him the materials and he gladly took them, opening the water bottles and damping the towels.
“Thanks. It's tomatoes. I doubt there's a lot to get me dirty with those.” He chuckled awkwardly, before rushing to rub the towel against his cheek.
Norma smiled, raising her eyebrows.
“I take it that you're a foreigner?”
“You can tell?”
“Your accent. Yeah.” Norma stretched her legs as she sat next to him. “You're one of those cowboys?” She grinned back at the man.
The Once-ler laughed, and my... did he have a goofy laugh. Not what she expected.
“I wish. It sounds like fun, but where I come from, rural life is pretty boring.” He continued to rub the towel against his clothes.
“Greenville doesn't like foreigners.” She explained bluntly. “They always come here with bad intentions.” She furrowed her eyebrows with a teasing smirk, causing the Once-ler to dramatically gasp, a hand on his chest.
“B-But I ain't coming here with bad intentions!”
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acircusfullofdemons · 4 months
Hello, I hope this is okay to ask. Do you have any resources for people who want to start daydreaming, but have trouble staying in the daydream and/or becoming immersed in it?
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Most things I've seen have been geared towards helping people stop daydreaming, simply be MaDD is ... terrible lmao. I'm assuming you're looking to become an immersive daydreamer, though? In that case, I might have a few tips.
My daydream doc has a "daydream inspiration" section, thats meant to help you develop your paras & paracosms. There's various resources on organizing, naming, visualization, etc.
If you are into any media/fandom, then thinking of an AU for it might help you keep more interest in it.
Music helps a ton! Unfortunately I don't have any specific recs as taste can vary so greatly, but try making a playlist for a para or paracosm and daydreaming to those songs.
Set aside some time for daydreaming. Ideally, a time when all or most of your responsibilities have already been taken care of. This can be a day, an hour, just whenever you have free time and can daydream in peace.
Remember to take breaks! Daydreaming on this level can be mentally taxing, especially depending on the scene/context/storyline, so while I know it sounds counterproductive, taking a break every now and then is good for you.
Try not to force anything. If you're not vibing with a daydream, then it's okay to scrap it and try a different one. You don't even need a consistent paracosm or recurring paras! I know thats very common in the community to have at least one consistent paracosm and a few paras that stick around, but starting a new daydream every time is just as valid if that's how your brain works.
I hope this helps, anon! Feel free to ask any more questions if you need too <3
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writingmochi · 1 year
Tag your moots with what song do they remind you of?
lissie: oh god... this is gonna be filled with so many people and assigning this will be hard (especially with my currently experimental prog music taste lmao) i’ll try my freaking best!
@kookthief : my time by jungkook (bts). your kook-themed username reminds me of it and i wanted to pick euphoria at first, but i like my rnb songs and i want to promote my time more too hehe. and it's a song about kook growing up and i just had this older-sister-feel from you tbh
@ujunxverse : an alternative-lover queen! ngl the song that reminds me of you is hyper-ballad by björk. it reminds me of you because of how unpredictable you are (in a good way of course), kinda like when i listened to this song for the first time. it goes slow then fast kinda like how you write your story tbh which in return, making it so immersive
@euphor1a : is it weird that you remind me of into the i-land? specifically, the one where enhypen and &team perform together. it has a sense of melancholia in it but is also hopeful at the same time...
@heartandfangs : sober by hyoyeon (snsd)! i first think that i get reminded of you by enhypen songs but you are more than enhypen and i owe you to me and other ppl. i just think of your blog's aesthetic with this song. idk if you like dance/bass type of genre or not, but it just kind of *click* you know
@jeongwins : because of your innie pfp, blueprint by stray kids! it's one of my fav skz songs of all time because of how feel it sounds. thinking of you reminded me of your review on crossroads which is so wholesome and i think this song encapsulates the wholesome-ness too...
@s-ngh8n-main : stereotype by stayc and yes it is because of your sieun and yoon pfps. but, ig it is also from the sound of it that reminds of you and kinda matches your lemon-y vibes <3 hope you have a good time offline!
@boba-beom : thinking of you reminds me of troubled pixies so much and the every breath you take-inspired fic of tyun. so ig throwback songs are what i'm reminded of you of, specifically cloudbusting by kate bush. it sounds dreamy af and tbh... if you can make a beomgyu fic out of this song, i will be forever grateful
@dim-sun : you seem so bright from just a few posts and i think thank you by asahi + haruto (treasure) reminds me so much of you! i had fun watching this live and i hope the optimistic feel of the songs keeps you up with whatever you are doing
@itz-yerin : since your milestone event is based on baek yerin, you really reminded me of k-r&b songs, especially imagination by dean + miso (the fact that this song is not on any streaming service is freaking illegal. i love this song so much). it has an ethereal presence about it, kinda like your blogs tbh... since you prob like my crossroads playlist too, ngl if this song is on spotify, this song will defo be in that playlist
@heart2beom : when i see you like 2000s romcom movies on your blog, 7 things by miley cyrus came into mind! it is unapologetically 2000's dcom soundtrack and probs right up your alley (esp with your f2l agenda that i'm digging.) the whole story of this song could be a fic idea itself so pls if you could make a fic from this song, i will also forever be grateful
@tyunlatte : alex you are a wholesome human being!! you remind me of time of our life by day6! it just gives such a teen adventure type of beat which i associate with you esp with your drawing board and sleepovers! i haven't read your works yet but i just have inkling that it has a somewhat feel like this song
@lovejoshua : fast pace and light a flame by seventeen! both are very jazzy and latin-sounding seventeen songs which reminds of you because of your carat-ness and just because they’re something you might like. tbh maybe it's because they have a sense of maturity to it and you are older than me lol
@junniieesbby : you seem like a very carefree person to me but also confident in the same way(?) ngl while scrolling through your blog and what you wrote on discord, i suddenly had maneater by nelly furtado in mind. my assumptions is that you pretty much ate up things lmao i'm sorry if that is too random >.<
@hanniejie : i really think that you are an embodiment of the sun from how sweet you are. it's gonna be a random choice again but i thought about pocketful of sunshine by natasha bedingfield when being reminded of you. it gives off a sense of encouragement and kind of reminds me of when you send us anon asks that is just words full of encouragement
lissie: this is actually so much fun to make. thanks anon!
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posting this bit of the ramble separately from this post (just to keep it a neutral reference) but, I will say, the greatest drawback to Baxter's DLC - and Dereks by extension, I expect - so far is that, even a fully romantically invested Cove just... shuts off??? the moment the other romance is turned on.
rant below, btw:
Like, my MC has had strong feelings ever since day one for a Mr. Cove Holden and I have absolutely nurtured those feelings in Cove just as strongly so that it was very mutual and pretty well known by both them and everyone around them by the time that Baxter actually showed up. So, to see that all just get deleted flat out from the characters like bleach on the brain - It was just, I don't know.. Disappointing?
And I mean, as much as it hurts me personally, I do understand that most people still find polyamory pretty cringe and avoid it - and though I don't agree with that mindset at all purely because it's so non-inclusive to who I am, I'm still not very surprised when I don't find it in the media I ingest either. It's just a sad acknowledgement that I'm always left being aware of.
But like, to straight up just not acknowledge previous romantic feelings in the face of a new relationship at all just feels so entirely fake to me. Like, it broke my immersion completely on several occasions because characters just start acting like they haven't been talking about the obvious feelings you two have for each other for the past several years. The fact that you can't even have an open dialogue of "Oh, what about Cove?" with anyone else is just very ridiculous to me.
Cove also straight up just doesn't have any strong reactions to you anymore and, though I could suspend belief on anyone else having that switch because they were just keeping quiet about shit to try and be polite, I straight up just cannot believe Cove-I feel everything-Holden could just stop blushing or crushing or loving you like that when you are actively still very touchy and very loving towards him at every chance you get. Especially not if you still choose to flirt with him - that 'laughing it off' behavior can only possibly work if you were previously just friends, it does not work when you both clearly have feelings for each other. There should be something there, is what I'm saying, for the sake of immersion if nothing else.
Anyways, this is getting long, lmao.
Suffice to say that I'm not at all surprised I don't get to be poly (even in such an otherwise inclusive game) I'm used to that, which is really a sad thing to say but, there it is. I am, however, pretty goddamned miffed that there was no dialogue or follow up or anything to make the transition between 'Clearly Romancing Cove' to 'Clearly Romancing Baxter' a more realistic and organic experience. That history should not just outright be deleted. If they could make it that Derek still seems to have some feelings for you in Cove's whole romance route, then Cove should also be given that too. Otherwise, it just kind of leaves an unhappy taste in my mouth, y'know?
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haysgrove · 2 years
i’ve been told a lot that i am scary looking bc i have a horrific case of resting bitch face , dress like hot topic personified etc but i hate bitter/coffee taste so i get a drink called a ‘double chocolatey chip’ frappe (it’s literally basically a chocolate milkshake with chocolate chips in it , whipped cream and chocolate drizzle) and this is a running theme with all of my orders anywhere bc idc if that ruins your immersion/idea of me okay i like yummy/cute stuff i’m not gonna make myself have a yucky boring drink just for the aesthetic idc if u think i’m scary i’m baby and baby wants their double chocolatey chip !!!! >:(((
i wanna say Logan has a constant resting bitch face too bc of this. If hes by himself he looks like hes constantly frowning and WILL snap u in half if you look at him funny
but then he asks for a Vanilla Frappe and when the barista is like "uh. h. here u go sir" hes like "Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day! :)" and gives them an amazing tip
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kae-karo · 11 months
fic writer tag game
saw someone on the for you tab do this (x) as a tag game but obvs i do not know them and did not get tagged and thus i thiefed it 😌
How many works do you have on AO3? 258!!!!
What is your AO3 word count? 3,097,981
What fandoms do you write for? currently 99% blue lock, although i have a wip in genshin and one in bnha that i would some day like to finish lmao
What are your top five fics by kudos? in order they are chosen (x), to love (and be loved in return) (x), little bird (x), feet don't touch the ground (x), and cold devotion (x) wow genshin rly repping out here lmaooo
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? yes basically always!!!! i really appreciate that someone took the time to tell me they liked my story and it feels like the least i can do to tell them that!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? hmm it is rare indeed that i write fics with unhappy endings but i did it twice for bnha so it's probably a tie between freeing icarus (x) and to the stars that burn (x)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? this is a strange question for me to try to answer just cause like. idk i would say a solid 90% of my fics have overtly happy endings? if we're talking happiest compared to the initial vibe, i would say pink light (x) does a good job of starting off angstier and trending quickly toward a very happy ending, but that's just off the top of my head due to recency lmao
Do you get hate on fics? i have gotten hate on fics lmao i've had a handful of hate comments regarding kaeluc, one about how 'disgusting' a certain t/b dynamic was, one about a character's storyline, a few about my portrayal of a canon dynamic, and one complaining about the ship the fic was about and how it's so lame that anyone's still reading it
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes i absolutely do sldkjfkldsf all kinds really? pretty vanilla for the most part although i've dipped my toe into a kink or two here and there
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? nah not really my jam tbh? too much to keep in my head at one time lmaoooo
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge 😬
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes!!!! lots of lovely people have translated my fics
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? one time lmao with my wife back in the day, although we never really 'finished' it (it was sort of a one-shot ongoing thing so each bit was self-contained but we didn't write more than a few of them)
What's your all-time favourite ship? i refuse to pick one skdjflkdsjf not so much in a 'i could never choose!' kind of way but more bc like. my tastes have changed and will continue to change so anything i say is just gonna be my current opinion. which would be ryusae.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? ohhhhh this is a painful question lmaoooo what can i allow myself to let go of. i have a wip that's followed me across fandoms that i think i've accepted i won't ever finish. i am still deeply trying to keep my interest alive in my two other longfic wips to prevent their untimely demises lmao
What are your writing strengths? immersion!!! coincidentally it's also one of my fave compliments, that i was able to make something very immersive/that people couldn't put it down/etc. i think i do a good job of highlighting the pov character's thoughts, feelings, observations, etc in ways that help tie readers to the character and experience what they're experiencing
What are your writing weaknesses? banter/comedy !!!! this is really a comparative one imo cause i know i've done banter and comedy well but i've also seen it done better and i think it's an area i don't particularly excel in apart from once in a blue moon. which is fine by me!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? i've done it on occasion! i think it can be fun and interesting especially when relevant to the story or for a good bit
First fandom you wrote for? dan and phil
Favourite fic you've ever written? me, staring forlornly at the 258 fics i've written like ummmmmmm. i am supposed to PICK? ldskfjklsdf is it cheating if i pick a fic i haven't published yet? cause i have one i started almost 2mo ago and i've literally reread it probably a solid dozen times minimum since i finished it (it's for an event otherwise i def would've posted it sooner lmao) but honestly i put my heart into so many of my fics in ways that are so meaningful at the time of my writing that it's hard to say that one fic holds the whole thing when they really all hold different pieces
technically this is a tag game so if u see it and wanna do it, please consider this me tagging u (and tag me so i can see ur answers!!!)
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kaoarika · 1 year
I posted this on Twitter, but basically -
I have finally read a josei/smut manga that I have put on hold for quite a while and, in general, I think the whole thing has a somewhat interesting portrayal of smut and so, and so.
My only dissapointment is the art. I see the author has done more shoujo manga before with some exceptions here and there, but... man, my immersion has broken itself a few times because anatomy details in some scenes, lol. She is NOT a bad artist, btw, let me get that clear... but wow, some scenes. I don't like the ML having a very pointy chin at times, lol. I think both the MCs are too slender to my own enjoyment, because in some clearly steamy scenes whenever the FL bends her torso, I worry about her organs, OTL and ML sometimes have very bony hands (too obvious, too noticeable... talk about my tastes, lmao).
Saw some reviews posted in the Manga-Updates page, I am baffled because they do think "the art is pretty"... and man, I have only read volume one, and I only agree to that to a degree... the smut scenes' art is a little... iffy, lol. Maybe the author improves (it's on its 5th volume, and it has a very sparse release schedule - the first compiled volume is from 2016... the 5th is from last year?) but I'm only judging with what I have right now.
On one hand, I feel a little harsh because I am not exactly the best to be critiquing someone else's art considering that I do think my anatomy and perspectives and the like kinda suck (this by feeling demotivated because I haven't drawn in a while and I'm in one of those "frick, I feel like I have forgotten to know how to draw my own characters" moods)... but then I remember stuff like this is professionally published and sometimes I think no one bats an eye about it.
So. Yeah.
Feeling some validation, I guess???
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the-type-a · 2 years
Courtney doesn’t game, but let’s say she eventually starts as a hobby which is a bad idea because she gets so immersed in it 💀
•She plays Animal Crossing and is definitely the type to have SPECIFIC villagers on her island, if they don’t fit the aesthetic gtfo
•She’ll spend HOURS perfecting her island, only to demolish it because she ends up hating it
•She falls into the whole Mayor role pretty easily, and definitely cries when her villagers throw her a birthday party 🥳
•Don’t open her sims game, she’s tasted what it’s like to be a god and went mad with power.
•She makes a family of her and Duncan and he doesn’t know, when he breaks up with her, she kills him in the game, nobody but her knows lol
•Minecraft, she definitely builds aesthetic cottage core builds, I think I sent a whole ask based on Minecraft before so this is all ima say on this lol
•She’s DEFINITELY a rager and toxic as hell playing FPS games, if she gets into a fight, she hits back with insults that would make her abuela cry lmao
•because of that she can’t play FPS too much.
•She secretly LOVES GTA, because she can commit crime without actually committing it, she’s the type to run over a group of people & get into full on wars with other players. She doesn’t care for the missions or levelling up, she just plays for the chaos.
•other times she drives around normally and just listens to the radio or spends thousands on customizing her character lol
•She can’t play horror games, at ALL.
•Duncan definitely dares her to play one and her not wanting to back down tries it, cue screaming and her being mad at Duncan while he records and laughs✨
•She likes puzzle games like LOZ, gets her mind thinking and she can fall into her nerdette fantasies✨
Animal Crossing and Sims are sf addicting!
I had downloaded SimCity at one point and it consumed me. Those citizens got on my nerves though, always setting their own houses on fire and I had to deal with the consequences 🙄
Lmao she definitely would kill Duncan off. More than once.
Courtney playing GTA would be pretty funny. Listening to the radio is lowkey so fun though, sometimes they have some bops 👀
Duncan would absolutely trick her into playing a scary game. She’d be so into whatever it is and then something pops up or everything gets dark and she’s just like wtf wtf wtf wtf. Can you imagine if it’s virtual reality?!? Omfg she’d be fighting with the air 💀
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funnywormz · 2 years
watched the whole of guillermo del toro's cabinet of curiosities and figured i would make a lil post abt it since i watched the whole thing lol. im gonna put it below a readmore link so i won't annoy ppl with it bc it got sorta long........ this isn't a proper review or anything just my silly lil thoughts. there are minor spoilers below, jsyk
my episode rankings from best to worst + rating out of 5:
1) the murmuring 4.5/5
2) the viewing 4/5
3) the autopsy 3/5
4) the outside 2.5/5
5) lot 36 2/5
6) graveyard rats 1.5/5
7) pickman's model 0/5
8) dreams in the witch house 0/5
my overall rating is probably like. 2.5/5. i was hyped up for it bc it's guillermo del toro yknow....... but i was disappointed honestly. it's mediocre overall. if you're gonna watch any of it i would definitely recommend the murmuring and the viewing, but i can't rlly find it in me to recommend the rest LOL.
an overall pattern with the episodes is that they have good build up and atmosphere for the first 30 minutes or so, but completely fail to follow through after that. the two aforementioned episodes are the exception, i rlly liked both of them and felt they delivered well.
a little summary review of the episodes in order:
1) lot 36
lot 36 had great build up and an awesome atmosphere. i liked the set design and the general message of it was really good. however the last few minutes were honestly just. stupid. and i found it a little boring to watch bc the main character was such an asshole it was difficult to relate to him or care abt the fact that he was about to get eaten by a demon. it wasn't bad but it was just sorta eh
2) graveyard rats
this one was honestly more of a silly dark comedy than actual horror imo. but it wasn't really campy or silly enough to hold my attention, so it just straddled this awkward zone between not being scary enough to be horror and not being funny enough to be a dark comedy. it got boring fast, there are only so many minutes of a guy crawling in a tunnel and whimpering you can make me watch before i get tired of it and this episode definitely exceeded that limit LOL. if you're into gore and body horror that side of it is pretty decent, but personally that's not the main thing i look for in a horror story so it just wasn't interesting to me.
3) the autopsy
the autopsy was another episode with great build up that just failed to follow through for me. the atmosphere was great, i liked the vibes and the initial autopsy scenes, i had some pretty high hopes for it. but the last part just felt silly and too much in poor taste for me. like maybe if you're into body horror you'd like it more? but the whole "super scary spooky evil alien getting his rocks off on human suffering" thing was just. too stupid for me
4) the outside
i LOVED the set design and general setting for this one. once again, great atmosphere, great build up, stupid ending. the message of it was honestly just kinda outdated as well. the main character was likeable at first but quickly became obnoxious and impossible to root for or empathise with which made the episode boring to watch. her husband was so blatantly meant to be a stand in for the audience and a "voice of reason" type character that it was hard to get immersed into the story. the characters in general were just. not great. and the "twist" of "it was a creature!" at the end was just so stupid imo sorry if that's harsh lol. i appreciated the visuals and how weirdly horny it was for no reason lmao but honestly it didn't have many other redeeming qualities
5) pickman's model
this one just didn't grab me at all. the characters weren't charismatic or interesting and the plot was just so obvious and overdone with the whole "what if there was a scary painting BUT IT WAS REAL!!!!!" thing. the scene where the creature appears and drags pickman off was pretty cool but other than that it just sucked honestly. extremely boring, not scary whatsoever and not interesting or fun or anything else.
6) dreams in the witch house
oh boy this shit sucked so bad LOL. just right from the beginning it was silly (but not in a good or fun way), poorly acted, boring, and extremely not scary. the only bit that even vaguely scared me was the "OH MY GOD IT'S INSIDE ME" part but that's just bc it's a trope that always freaks me out (i still can't watch the chestburster scene in alien lmao). the dialogue was predictable and cheesy and the characters were bland as hell. it was just not good sorry
7) the viewing
FINALLY I CAN BE POSITIVE ok this one ruled i loved it. great performances from charlyne yi and eric andre especially. it has a slow build up but makes up for that with an awesome atmosphere and amazing set. the characters are all clearly established with their own motivations and personalities. the direction the plot goes in is a little bit predictable, but that's probably the biggest flaw it has. it's also darkly comedic in a way that works in this episode, unlike some of the others. and the creature design rules
8) the murmuring
they definitely saved the best for last in this anthology. this one is awesome. great acting, and you can really feel deeply for both characters. it takes just the right amount of time building up the tension. the setting is so wonderful and atmospheric, it's visually brilliant. there were also some moments where i felt genuinely scared and tense which is more than i can say for most of the other episodes. it was possibly a little rushed at the end but nothing major. some really creepy off-putting moments combined with great visuals and a compelling plot and setting. if you're more of a body horror/slasher/etc type of person then this episode might not be your thing, but personally i prefer a "creeping feeling of dread" kind of horror so this was right up my alley.
obv these are just my personal takes and i know a lot of this is down to my own personal taste and preferences. ive read some reviews where the reviewer has the exact opposite of my opinions on every episode lol. if you liked episodes i didn't like then please don't take this personally or anything, and in general i don't want this post to be interpreted as some kind of attack on the series. i just wanted to share my personal thoughts on it, and unfortunately this one wasn't rlly for me overall, but that doesn't mean that there isn't someone out there who will love it!
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barbatos-sama · 2 months
problems i have with poppie playtime now that ive watched chapter 3:
they decided to add a mysterious voice guiding us through the facility randomly at the start of this chapter and i hate it. i don't know who it is but it def sounds like a child specifically it sounds like gregory fenaf which already puts a bad taste in my mouth since i run the gregory smear campaign. anyway the voice sounds super unnatural and speaks with the cadence of like how pre school cartoon characters talk to the audience. the problem with this is that i don't know if it's Intentional or not. best case scenario for this story is that it Is supposed to sound unnatural, but there's always the real possibility that this child actor they have just sucks, since it does sound like someone just reading off a script. it makes the gameplay super boring and annoying too bc this voice is hand holding telling you exactly what to do, once again like if you were a preschooler being guided through. basically it's just taken me out of it bc i Don't Know if it's supposed to be intentional or not, so i can't be immersed in it. poppie knows the voice by name but tells us nothing about them and our character just blindly trusts them for no reason.
basically i'm just out here like okay either this is intentionally supposed to sound like a preschool cartoon character speaking to you, or this is someone's kid who sucks at voice acting and whom they put in to cash in on 'kids love seeing kids in their horror media' a la fenaf gregory. if this turns out to be A Human Child guiding you im gonna roll my eyes UNGODLY hard. and if it's some kind of toy made for preschoolers who can't talk like a normal person, they should just make that clear instead of leaving it as a mysterious voice. like do you get what i'm saying.
although another theory i have is that the voice could even be the prototype aka the big bad of the game and is guiding you to him under the guise of a friendly child voice, in which case that would Also kinda suck bc that's literally just the plot of fenaf ruin.
idk i just don't like how suddenly the voice was added to the story, like there was no reference to this character in the previous 2 chapters. why did he only decide to chime in and guide you three chapters in? where has he been all this time? i just don't like it lmao it feels like an afterthought
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