#tony stark needs a hug
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itscrazycasey · 7 months ago
I present to you… DAY SEVEN!
I think.
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irondadfics · 5 months ago
Hey I found this fic forever ago but I lost it again. It’s Tony’s pov about Peter through the years and he’s waiting for him to leave but he never does. It’s short of that helps thanks!
Here you! Enjoy
Easy Come, Easy Go by losingmymindtonight
Tony Stark spends a lifetime waiting for Peter Parker to leave. But the kid stays. He always stays.
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susanbslamthony · 8 months ago
Having spent the summer reading fan fiction, I can say that there are no greater Tony Stark Apologists than Stucky fans. Every AU and Fixit and cannon divergent storyline had Tony being an infinitely more compassionate, self-aware, emotionally intelligent person than he was in the MCU. I don't know if it's just because they all started out as Stony shippers, but everyone just so badly wants for Tony to be a better person than he is.
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ririfor20 · 9 days ago
This clip reminds me so much of civil war....🥲
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frankthesnek · 1 year ago
✨️ New Story ✨️
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Split Down the Grain (rated E)
Stony (Tony Stark/Steve Rogers)
Missing scene, not realizing you're in a relationship, make up sex, Tony needs a hug
6.2k words
Suddenly, everything seemed to shift. This didn't feel like a disagreement with a teammate. It felt like a fight with a lover—deeper, more intimate, with far more meaning behind it—but that was wrong. They weren't like that. All the arguments, all the verbal barbs they traded—that wasn’t a relationship. So their spats ended in sex nine out of ten times, fine, that was just blowing off steam for the good of the team. None of it mattered. None of it was meaningful. They were casual. They were liars.
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t0nyst4rkssn4p · 1 year ago
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"you killed my husband!"
A women shouted from distance.
"I bet my son is somewhere underneath these ashes of you" Tony heard a man shout from behind him.
"You did this"
He heard it ring over and over inside his ears.
Tony just stood there.
He didnt moved, he didnt think. All he did was listen to the crowd.
"You fund this katastrophe"
Maybe they were right.
At least they were all pointing at him and noone else. Not cap, not nat, not clint, not Bruce neither Thor.
Just him
Tony being blamed for like every little shit ever happening
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ffiamgoku · 2 years ago
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A Custom gifset I made for my DC/MCU crossover story "A New Team: (Done Right)" Chapter 15. NOTE: The story is not friendly to Steve Rogers or Wanda Maximoff. Story Link: A New Team (Done Right) - Chapter 1 - iamgoku - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
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itscrazycasey · 7 months ago
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Not an artist in any way whatsoever, but I had an idea, looked at poses, and tried my best!
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superactivenerdy · 2 years ago
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It's my 6 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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lolxdswag123 · 4 months ago
Aftermath of a Mission
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: y/n and Peter are used to decompressing after a mission together. This time, it isn’t so easy. What happens when they both have to figure it outout on their own?
warnings: crying, some angst, accidental pulling out of hair, slight ptsd
Exhausted. Aching. Bored. I couldn’t focus on a word that Dr. Banner was saying during our debrief. All I could do was sit back and stare at the wall until it was over.
I wasn’t even sure why I had to attend these meetings as I wasn’t technically even an Avenger. My dad insisted that I sit in because it’ll be useful to me in the future.
I tapped my foot, checking my watch, anxious to leave the conference room. I glanced across the table to my best friend, who looked just as exhausted as I felt. I definitely zoned out looking at him, because the next thing I noticed was him looking back at me with furrowed eyebrows, as if asking what’s wrong.
I let out a yawn in response, shooting a glance at the door and hoping he could read my thoughts. I just wanted to get out of there.
Missions can be fun sometimes, but the recovery is most certainly not. I’d typically spend about a day in bed before I could finally start functioning as a normal human being again. Usually that day in bed is spent with my best friend.
It started after a particularly rough mission about a year ago. Peter wasn’t even going out with us yet at that point, but he had just been sick— and we both desperately needed rest. I had gotten a minor injury to my ribs, and Peter being the sweetest best friend in the world decided to come check on me and bring me ice. He ended up falling asleep next to me for about 15 hours. My dad threw a tantrum.
Ever since then— as long as we’re sneaky enough— it has become a habit for us after we come back from missions. And maybe a few other occasions as well.
It was just easier to sleep next to someone else. Especially after the mental and emotional strain that missions bring. Being with someone who brings you comfort makes all the difference.
I swear I was already half asleep by the time the meeting finally ended, moving extra slowly as I got up and exited the room. I latched onto Peter's arm, leaning most of my body weight on him as we headed to the elevators.
Steve and Nat stayed behind, somehow still having more to discuss. They were nuts.
We entered the elevator with my dad and Thor. They each pressed their respective buttons, going to the floors of the compound that their rooms were on. I reached out as well, pressing the level 3 button for my room.
My dad stood up straight, moving in front of the elevator panel before glancing over at us and speaking, "Where you headed, Pete?"
Peter didn't have a real room at the compound yet, so he really should've been headed to the showers on level 1. Although, for the past year he has just been showering in my bathroom- not to my dad's knowledge of course.
"Uh-mm," he choked out smoothly.
I shook my head, speaking for him, "He's just going to shower in my bathroom, dad."
I could feel Peter tense against me, clearly afraid of my dad's reaction.
My father dramatically turned his head, using his palm to bang on his ear a couple times, before removing his ear piece all together and saying, "I'm sorry, I must have misheard you. It sounded like you just said that Spider-boy is showering in your bathroom."
I rolled my eyes, sighing, about to speak back when Thor spoke up, "Ah, Stark, let them have their fun. On Asgard I had many women bathing in my chambers by that age." He said, patting my father on the back.
I rolled my eyes, knowing Thor's comment is no help at all.
My father shook his head, facing me and sticking a scolding finger out at me, "You are not showering with your little boyfriend under my roof. Understood?"
I blushed, hating his phrasing. The elevator stopped, and Thor stepped forward, nodding awkwardly to us before exiting.
When the doors closed again, I rolled my eyes, turning to my father again, "First of all, we're not showering together," I said, using air quotes, "And second, he isn't my boyfriend. It's just easier to have someone there after these missions, you know that better than anyone, dad."
I crossed my arms, awaiting his response.
He shook his head, "Nope. Not today, kid. Pete, I'll escort you to the first floor showers."
The elevator door dinged, and it was my turn to leave. I glanced up at Peter, hoping that he would find a way to come back to my room later. He gave me a nervous look, so I wasn't too sure he would.
I squeezed his hand, exiting the elevator without looking back, but I could hear my dad mumbling something about "no spider-babies" as I walked away.
After a much-needed, very refreshing shower, I sat on my bed in my towel, feeling the weight of the past few days lingering over me like a storm cloud, ready to let loose at any moment.
Usually after missions Peter and I would immediately come to my room, and everyone was too exhausted to even pay attention. Today however, the debrief had taken so long that there was no easy way for us to come back together.
It felt lonely. I had a heavy feeling of emptiness in my heart. I hadn’t realized how much I’d gotten used to his presence at times like these. Even with the winding down after we got back— he had always been there. We’d sit in eachother’s comfortable silence, he’d comb my hair for me, we’d patch up eachother’s wounds, and then we’d fall asleep together.
I was embarrassed by how much this was affecting me. I was a Stark, I should’ve been okay being alone. And yet, I could feel tears stinging my eyes as I sat there, trying to comb out my own hair. My hands were shaking from a mixture of fatigue and frustration, making it even more difficult to get through the knots. Peter had always been so gentle.
My comb got stuck on a particularly tough knot. I tugged, causing clump of hair to come out, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I instantly started sobbing.
I could feel my body trembling, desperately needing sleep and desperately needing company. I threw on the first clothes that I could find, knowing I looked crazy, and headed out into the hall in search of my best friend.
I cried, wiping my tears with the sleeves of my shirt, and shifted uncomfortably with the feeling of wet hair on my back. I felt overstimulated if the feeling of overstimulation was on steroids and a red bull.
I heard footsteps from the other end of the hall, and I sniffled, my voice cracking as I called out, “Peter?”
I felt pain in the side of my head, and I reached up to be reminded of the broken strands of hair that were now hanging sadly to the side. I sobbed again.
I didn’t hear a response, so I called out again, “Peter?”
Peter didn’t round the corner. Bucky did. I wiped my tears, knowing that I looked like a mess, and attempted to force a smile at him.
He frowned, running his hand through his own wet hair. “Oh, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He asked gently, reaching out to me.
I immediately felt the lump in my throat grow as tears began streaming down my face again. I didn’t trust my words, so I just shook my head, looking at the ground.
“Do you want me to find Peter?” He asked gently, resting his hand on my shoulder.
I nodded, swallowing hard and trying to find my words. “Please,” I whispered.
He nodded, stepping forward to wrap me in a hug. I cried into his shoulder. It did give me a sense of comfort to be with anyone at this point. I knew I was just so over exhausted that my feelings were all messed up, but I knew I really needed Peter.
Bucky rubbed my back, trying his best to comfort me before slowly pulling away. “You gonna be okay if I go look for Peter?”
I nodded, wiping my tears again and said, “Thanks, Bucky. You’re the best.”
He smiled sadly, nodding and turned back to the elevator— hopefully in search of Peter. I didn’t care if the whole compound knew how much of a mess I was at this point if it meant he would come find me.
I walked back to my room, and the tears stopped. I felt numb, and exhausted. I left the comb on my nightstand. I couldn’t deal with that now. I turned off my lights and crawled into bed, shivering with pain— physical and emotional.
I’m not sure how long I layed there. It might’ve been five minutes, it might’ve been fifteen, but eventually I heard my door open and close quietly, and soft footsteps entered the room.
I felt the covers lift up, and the bed dipped next to me. I immediately sighed with relief, feeling his arms wrap around me. I could hear his breath shaking, and I pushed him back slightly, trying to see his face in the dark.
“What’s wrong baby?” I whispered, reaching behind me to turn on my lamp. My heart broke when I saw tears on his face, and I could see his expression drop even more when he looked into my swollen eyes.
He grabbed my hands, pulling me close and whispered, “I didn’t realize how much I’d gotten used to being with you after a mission,” he took a deep breath, trying to steady his breathing, “then Bucky found me when I was talking to your dad and he told me you needed me and I kind of lost it. You know that thing that happens when my senses freak out? It was like that but ten times worse.” I nodded feeling tears start to fall again when his voice cracked, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here.”
I shook my head, taking his face in my hands. “It’s okay, Pete, it’s okay. Are you doing okay now?”
He nodded, tucking his face into my hand. “I’m okay. Are you okay?”
I nodded, laughing and lifting one of my hands off of his face to find my broken section of hair. “I accidentally took some of my hair out.”
Instead of laughing, his face dropped in concern, and he then reached his own hands out to hold my face, “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here.”
I shook my head, finding comfort in the warmth of his hands on my face, “You’re here now, it’s okay.”
He nodded, moving close and pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. I smiled, and closed my eyes at the soft gesture of affection.
When he pulled away, I opened my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows, realizing I must’ve missed something. “How’d you get my dad to let you up here?” I asked.
He sighed, “After Bucky told us how he found you, then I went into sensory overload, he kinda just sent me off.”
I raised my eyebrows in surprise, but didn’t respond.
“I think it hurt him,” Peter said, “hearing how upset you were.”
I nodded, yawning and moving closer to rest my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I finally felt safe again, and I felt a warm sensation in my chest.
Peter kissed the top of my head, whispering, “Get some sleep, angel.”
I nodded, hesitating for just a second. I knew what I wanted to say, we’d just never said it out loud before. I never knew if it was crossing the line past being just friends, but after today I didn’t care. I needed him to know.
“I love you, Peter.” I whispered, hugging him tightly.
“I love you too.” He answered without hesitation, hugging me back.
I smiled, sitting up to look at him, taking his face in my hands again.
“I love you,” I whispered again, seeing him smile as well.
“I love you, baby,” he whispered back, leaning into my touch.
Without thinking any more, I leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. When I pulled away, he was smiling at me with such a look of adoration that I almost teared up again.
I was about to lay back on his chest and go to sleep, but he gently took my face in his hands, returning another soft kiss to my lips. When we pulled away, we both blinked hard, looking at each other with so much love.
Finally, I laid my head back on his chest and we both fell into a deep sleep. It was almost fifteen hours later that I was awaken to my dad bursting into the room, saying, “Just because I was fine with it doesn’t mean you need to sleep together for fifteen hours. Get out Spider-boy.”
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frankthesnek · 1 year ago
✨️ Now on AO3 ✨️
Stony prompt mini fics are now posted to AO3!!!
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(A Not so Long) Kiss Goodbye (rated T)
Stark Swept Off his Feet? (Rated G)
Coming in Hot (rated G)
Come Home Again (rated G)
Smooth to the Touch (rated T)
Thank you for the prompts, I appreciate the support ☺️
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multiverse-peterbparker · 4 days ago
So I have a little secret… I was going through pictures and Mr. Stark totally knew my mom! Crazy, right?
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darthbloodorange · 2 months ago
Shadow of Stark
Rating: Teens Universe: Marvel 1872 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers (Brief) Warnings: Canonical Character Death, Uncanon Character Undeath, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, References to Depression Major Tags: Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Fix-It of Sorts, Hurt/Comfort, Secret Relationship, Awkward Conversations, Ghosts, Monsters, Vampires, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, POV Tony Stark Word Count: 400 - Quadruple Drabble
Summery: Things have been difficult for Tony after the Sheriff's death. Particularly his relationship with the townspeople.
For the: ✦ CapIM Holiday Exchange 2024 Community Gift Prompt: "Tony is haunted by Steve's ghost" (1872) + "Tony gets Steve raised as a vampire, post death. but for some reason, Steve can only feed off of Tony." (1872).
Read below or on AO3 >HERE<
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A few more minutes and it should be safe to excuse himself from the party. Tony sighs into his lemonade.
It wasn't that he didn't like the people of Timely, but they were nosy and his secret was difficult to keep. He knew they suspected something with him.
Bruce makes his way over, readjusting his glasses with a smile. "Mr Stark! It's good to see you about."
"It's good to see you too, Doctor."
Bruce gives him an appraising look, "You're looking good. Better than you have in a long time. It warms my old heart."
"You're not old. You can hardly be older than me."
"Oh, but I feel it."
"Don't we all, Bruce."
"Cutting out the drink certainly has seemed to give him a new lease on life," Romanov says behind him, giving him a fright.
Bruce laughs awkwardly, "Yeah. We all thought the bottle was going to be your undoing. Glad you showed us."
"Not Rogers," Romanov says with an unusual softness.
Tony's heart squeezes at the mention of Steve.
"He always believed in you," Bruce says.
He did. Most times he was the only one that did. Even when Tony himself couldn't.
"Everyone thought..." Bruce trails off.
"Everyone thought what?" Tony asks.
"That his death would be the last straw," Bruce says with visible discomfort. "We could all see how it haunted you. It was like you carried his ghost around with you everywhere, tucked beneath your ribs."
Tony sucks in a slow deep breath. Focusing on keeping his hand steady around his glass.
"Then one day it seemed like you finished morning and had this... new life in you." Bruce says, "You gave up drinking. Came out more. Were more animated. It's good. Really good to see."
"Yeah..." Tony says.
"So, what've you been up to?" Bruce asks. "We haven't really had the time to chat recently. You've always been on the move, it seems."
With reason.
If he could have, he probably would have begged off this party.
Tony tries to laugh, hoping it doesn't fall as flat as it feels. "Oh, this and that," he says, finishing his lemonade. "Speaking of, I should be heading home now. We should catch up later," ...Much later.
Tony says his goodbyes and quickly sets home.
As soon as he's inside the dark of his cabin, he's embraced. Icy lips press along his neck.
"Hungry, dear Sheriff?"
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lanyakea-universe · 1 year ago
Post battle tragedy
AI generated
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So, my wandanat celebrity singers au is posted!
The story is finished and I'll be posting two chapters per week.
I honestly hope you guys enjoy it. I've never written anything like that before.
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years ago
Irondad fic ideas #129
In an AU where everything is the same except Tony survived the snap in Endgame, MJ and Ned are both very aware that something is up with their memories. Huge, overlapping chunks of their lives are gone. And Spider-Man has something to do with it.
The only public figure Spider-Man has ever been closely associated with is Tony Stark. In need of answers, and not the types to just let something like this go, the kids hack and heist their way somehow onto Tony Stark's secret lake house property. It's weird that no alarms go off when they get close, but they manage it. They're about to knock, when Tony Stark, savior of the universe, opens the door.
He does not look great. Aside from the general post-battle healing and the fact that they have literally caught him at home, there's just something...off. It doesn't take long for them to realize that it's the same thing that's off with them, too.
Something important has been taken from all of their lives. Someone.
After Tony calms down from his initial freak-out, MJ and Ned (though mostly MJ) manage to convince him pretty quickly. The fact that FRIDAY never alarmed because they're in her system already is a huge point to their side. 
And, the fact that he agrees with them. He survived the battle, everything should be fine. But something is so, very wrong. He's grieving someone he doesn't even know.
So, a new team is born. A trio united to find their shared missing person, the eraser mark in their memories none of them can bear to lose, all for different reasons.
They don't have much to go on, but Tony agrees with them on one thing: Spider-Man is involved somehow. And that's a good place to start.
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