#tons of people died
gale-gentlepenguin · 5 months
Everyone wants a Year One Batman movie and then when they get it, they complain it’s too boring. No you wouldn’t have watched a movie with The Riddler setting up traps like it was a PG13 Saw.
Also the movie points out multiple times that this Batman isn’t as experienced at being a detective as his prep time counterparts are. Of course The Riddler almost won, no one actually looked in his hideout. Don’t randomly throw incel to describe The Riddler, it’s not an accurate description just because of his ideology. He wasn’t wrong about Gotham being ultra corrupt, and he’s supposed to represent how Bruce could have turned out without allies like Alfred.
A more accurate rendition of The Long Halloween might work later down the line. But as of yet there are no supervillains, just Batman being a detective in Gotham fighting corrupt police and mafioso.
You know what, you have a point about the incel comment.
But that character wasn’t the riddler.
The riddler is a narcissist that wanted someone intellectual to challenge. Thats his whole point. He wasn’t some “It’s society” problem child. Now is Gotham corrupt? Yes, that’s the point. Gotham is as corrupt, it’s a universal law.
But let’s talk about Batman.
I don’t have a problem with inexperienced Batman. That’s fine, but there is zero difference between Batman and Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne was a party boy billionaire that occasionally did philanthropy. Bruce Wayne is supposed to be charming, even in the origins. That’s the point. Because Bruce is the cover.
Batman here is serviceable, still figuring things out, but my goodness the level of which Batman failed is incredible. And it was all avoidable if they had actually did detective work! Like the first half of the movie makes me think it will have good detective work… and then it doesn’t. Plus Batman doesn’t come off as intimidating, he comes off as creepy.
The main problem is the length though. It just drags on for so long that you’d think that there would have been more done. If this was a two hour movie with everything that occurred, the oversight with the riddler stuff could at least be justified in a time crunch sense. But for this 3 hour movie… no.
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thatpunnyperson · 1 year
According to NBC here in the US, the missing titanic sub has been found. As debris. Off the bow of the Titanic wreckage.
And it looks like the sub suffered what we all suspected, and what was undoubtedly the more merciful of the two options: a catastrophic implosion from the pressure.
Also, more info has come to light about the fishing trawler with the hundreds of migrants that sank cataclysmically off the coast of Greece, indicating that the greek coast guard knew about the vessel AND how much trouble the vessel was in, and were towing it at a speed that made it capsize, at which point they unhooked the tow line and watched the trawler sink without helping the passengers to safety. Despite a bunch of other ships trying to help as well throughout the whole ordeal.
So a lot of people are dead, all because of regulations (and the lack thereof) regarding sea-faring vessels and rescue protocols. People shouldnt be allowed to make a business charging a ton of money for a ride on an uncertified, unsafe, un-seaworthy ship going deep into the ocean with no distress beacon or tether to the mothership. People also shouldnt be allowed to enact laws that criminalize the ferrying of refugees, which then force the refugees to hitch rides on fishing trawlers, and which also prevent people from helping those fishing trawlers full of refugees due to fear of legal consequences.
Hopefully BOTH of these events spark changes on an international scale in terms of what is legally allowed to be sailed, who is legally allowed to be the passengers, and what the rescue protocols are in the event of disaster for any seafaring vessel, illegal or not. It shouldnt be just the global 1% who get 24/7 search parties and remote-operated submersibles helping rescue them.
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airoarts · 8 months
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Leader and deputy
[Image description: a digital painting of Squirrelstar and Ivypool from Warriors. Squirrelstar is a small dark red cat with green eyes, standing in front of the much taller Ivypool, a gray tabby-and-white cat with blue eyes and many battle scars. The background is dark blue. end ID]
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royalarchivist · 6 months
Foolish: You'll never take me alive.
[Foolish jumps off the platform before Pepito can lasso him and lands in a pool of water. Pepito follows him shortly after, and Foolish laughs as he takes the elevator back up to the platform]
Foolish: Alright, this time: Waterbucket.
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(They were both fine; Bad, Bagi, and Mike all came running to help them)
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Because you're missing something. What? How you're going to win. You always miss it. Right up until the last minute, so put down the sword, stop playing soldier, and look for it. Start winning, Doctor. It's what you're good at.
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weathernerdmando · 1 year
I do have on thing to say about the fact that "one of the passengers is a 19 year old" for the Titan.
A 19 year old is still a "teenager" but that is a whole ass adult. That is an adult who has been an adult for a year and acting like he has no self agency to not make the choices he did is just ridiculous and I'm seeing *way* to many people on this site pretty much just infantalize him. 18 is *also* an adult. A new adult, but still an *adult*. If you are seriously in the mindset of "but that's a child still!" You need to step away from Tumblr and just think about how you view the various human stages of development.
19 year olds aren't kids. That man made that choice to go down there.
(also as a trans man who's rights are under attack and that people are using the argument of "kids can't consent" to get their foot in the door and then further take them away from literal adults, some under the argument of "well a lot of y'all are autistic and Don't Really Understand what's happening even though you're adults!!" This shit infuriates me. Stop infantilizing people!!! This may not be about my rights as a trans person but the issue of infantilizing literal adults is still the same!!!)
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hysteriafossil · 3 months
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angel Ɛ✦3
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master-xochimilli · 2 months
Hot to go by miss fucking chappell roan save me,,, hot to go,,, save me hot to go
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ilikedetectives · 19 days
being the eldest sister means suddenly you are a single mom for a teenager
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House M.D. One-shot
Tw suicide Tw self-harm Tw assisted suicide Tw Overdosing Tw Drug Use
House keeps living after Wilson's death just so he can keep his promise to Thirteen.
He struggles after Wilson's death, seeking comfort in drugs and alcohol, anything he could get his hands on.
He laughs to himself one night, thinking, "They all thought I had a problem with the pills. Look at me now. A proper addict."
He floats around, never staying in the same spot too long, just trying to survive from one high to the next. When the drugs aren't doing enough, he takes to other forms of self-harm. What's it matter if he can't use his hand properly anymore after breaking it so many times? Nothing matters anymore. His leg hurts, his hand hurts, his head hurts, his heart fucking hurts.
He lives on the edge, breaking the law every single day but never exposing himself enough to risk getting arrested again. The closest he gets to anyone from his old life is when he stands in the back of Wilson's funeral. Wilson's mom is crying, and House feels like he should say something, but he can't bring himself to step up and speak to her. He overdoses that night, multiple hard drugs running through his veins.
He hallucinates Wilson. His wavy brown hair and big brown eyes, throwing out some witty remark. House overdoses again, this time on purpose after that, just to see Wilson. He's living on borrowed time.
Every time he sees Wilson, he wants to grab his shoulders and cry.
"I was supposed to go with you."
"I promise I'm coming."
House doesn't believe in an afterlife, but when he's sprawled out on the dirty floor of some abandoned building high out of his mind, he likes to pretend that he'll see Wilson again. House died when Wilson did, and all the important parts of him left with him.
Weeks drag out into months, and months drag out into years. House has no idea when it is. Time means nothing once you're dead. Eventually, he figures it must have been enough days, enough months, enough years, for him to find her.
Thirteen looks almost as bad as House does once he comes face to face with her for the first time in years. She stands huddled at the door, nothing but skin and bones and an oversized sweatshirt. Her face is shrunken in, and her hands are shaking, and she stares at the man outside her door with awe.
House doesn't remember when the last time he shaved was. The years of hard drug use have taken their toll, and he would wager that he weighs less than Thirteen does. He looks like a dead man, and at first, Thirteen thinks she's seeing a ghost.
"Looks like I'm right on time." Even his voice sounds different, hoarse and gravely and broken. It shocks Thirteen out of her stupor, though, and she knows immediately what he's referring to. "We thought you were dead."
"I am."
"God House, what have you been doing?"
"Waiting for you. I made you a promise, didn't I?"
A look of understanding crosses her face. "I guess you are right on time." She's ready. She's been ready for a long time. The disease has progressed to the point that it's taken over her life. She's got nothing left. She's said goodbye to everybody already, planning to take matters into her own hands.
She lets House in, and then she starts to laugh. She can't stop laughing. Tears roll down her face, and her cheeks turn red, and her face hurts. House looks at her fondly. He's always felt paternal towards her.
Once she composes herself, she answers the question she knows he wants to ask.
"It's just - I don't know how you knew, but you did. I already picked today."
House smirks, it looks more like a grimace, but the intent it there. "I guess I'm just that good."
Thirteen has more then enough drugs, and when House brings them all out, she looks at him knowingly. She ends up laying on the couch, both of them quiet as he injects the drugs into her bloodstream. House lays on the floor after that, using the rest on himself.
They wait in silence until Thirteen speaks suddenly. "Do you think there's any chance of a heaven? Honestly. None of that bullshit edgy stuff you used to always say."
House doesn't answer right away, and when he does, his speech is slurred, the drugs finally settling in. "I hope so. I hope he's there."
His body feels heavy, and he struggles to move. It takes a few tries, but eventually, he manages to reach up and catch Thirteens' hand in his own, lacing their fingers together.
His time is up.
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thoughtfulfangirling · 4 months
I say this with the utmost affection, but I'm two hours from being done with Wuthering Heights (83%), and @docholligay wtf 😂😂 Brutal. It's brutal hahhaa
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lavenderjewels · 9 months
saw a comment about how Gojo’s afterlife could’ve actually been a product of his imagination that was his acceptance of death—I never even considered it, although now it feels like an obvious option on the table. Haibara mentioning him butting into Nanami’s death is the only thing I can see going against that, but Gojo knows of their past that affected Nanami his entire life, so it doesn’t debunk it. When Jogo was dying, he spoke of reincarnation with Hanami and Dagon, and that too was vague in how real it was (at least for Hanami and Dagon being there), but was likely Jogo himself accepting his and their ends. A surprisingly similar end to Gojo’s. That interpretation does make everything 10 times sadder though.
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impishtubist · 5 months
The Fall of the House of Usher (Netflix) AU but it's Sirius as Roderick Usher and Regulus as Madeline Usher is this anything
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All this talk about Wally not having a twin and also his shifty parents got me thinking. What if he did have a twin but his Asshole Cultist Dad went "well the prophecy said I only needed one kid so into the sacrificial fire you go so Wally can absorb all your strength or something."
See that's high-key why I kinda want Wally to have a twin. Cause the prophecy was specific. Like 'go find this specific person to marry at this time to have this child' so it probably specified first born or son or both.
So a second born/daughter would be straight up neglected.
Hell, I could even believe that Rudy sold his second child or something. Seriously. This man makes deals with Lex Luthor and space gods on the regular. I do not find it hard to believe that Rudy would see a second kid and go "that's just another mouth to feed" and sell the kid to the highest bidder.
Rudy is cunning. He'd probably say "my child is destined to be all powerful and this is my child" and play it off like he's selling a godling. Rudy would 100% sell his kid into metahuman trafficking or into a cult.
The only argument against this is that Iris was hella there for Wally's birth and I think she'd notice a second kid. Which, come on, Iris was literally the first person to hold him. Mary and Rudy wanted nothing to do with him. That should've been a massive red flag to everyone in that room.
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honorthysalad · 8 months
The unuki being less like Hell itself and more like Prometheus, a being that wanted nothing more than to help humans and was imprisoned for encroaching on the “gods’” territory in order to do so.
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poppyseed799 · 8 months
I feel like everyone’s forgetting that Jimmy dying first again is NOT the most likely outcome. It’s INSANE that he has died first four times. I want it to happen again BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE EVEN MORE INSANE. It’s most likely that he won’t be the first to die, and while that would be hype for him, I would mourn the loss of the highly improbable streak we had going.
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