#okay this is getting out of hand someone write it
gothbitez · 2 days
break up with your boyfriend ; ellie williams
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pairing: bestfriend!ellie x afab, curly haired,bi!reader (college au)
chapter: one shot (8k words whoops my finger slipped got my asd diagnosis today lol ig that explains that) proofread but if there's errors idk what to tell u
warnings: explicit sexual content, 18+ so minors dni, subish!ellie, loserlesbian ellie, poc friendly!! drug mentions, marijuana usage, friends to lovers, ellie gets her coochie ate, fingering, ✂️✂️, all that good stuff cheating (not by reader but sus behaviours n thoughts fs) (tw::: men bf’s a dickspawn imsorry) homophobia.
summary: you have a horrible boyfriend, ellie’s always hated him. 
a/n: full word vomit im sorry if its ass but also i kinda lost my composure writing this 🤭🫣😵‍💫 shit made me kinda
AS ALWAYS FUCK DRUCKMANN AND ALL ZIONISTS, resources for Palestine and the daily click linked on my pinned post!
You were tired, drained. Hours had passed and you and your boyfriend were still at it. Angry words and misunderstood sentences all throughout the day had resulted in yet another fight between you.
"Dean, I've said it so many times, I can't go through it again,"
Dean, your boyfriend of a few months had a rocky track record, from keeping in close contact with his ex, to not telling interested girls that he's not single. The situation was always the same, you'd express your discomfort with something and he'd get angry, defensive. Then, eventually after so much arguing would get you to 'realise' that it's no big deal, that you shouldn't have reacted that way at all and in fact, you should apologise to him for making him feel like a cheater.
You had considered breaking up with him, so many times, in fact. Yet, you simply couldn't bring yourself to do it, still holding out with hope that things will improve.
"Baby, I swear nothing is going on, she's just my friend."
"Fine, okay." You ceased, feeling mentally drained by hours of conflict, "I have to go, need to meet Ellie, we have that test soon."
"You're leaving?" Dean said, clearly still agitated and pumping from the fight,
"Yes, Dean," you sighed, glancing in the mirror to double-check that your makeup hadn't been ruined from the previous crying, "I told you, this exam is really important," In other words, you have more things to be worrying about than your issues with him.
Gathering your books and piling them into your tote bag, you felt Dean's eyes on you, silently steaming as he saw you pick up your books.
"I'll see you later," Without looking back, you grabbed your keys from the side of the door and headed out.
He always had a problem with Ellie, which you couldn't understand, she was always supportive and kind to you. What reason would he have to dislike her?
You had been friends ever since that first physics class three years ago, you had sat in the row in front of her, over fifteen minutes into the lecture had passed until you felt a tap at your shoulder. Turning, you were greeted with green eyes and a smiling face adorned with light freckles.
"Hey, you got a spare pen?" She looked bashful, almost embarrassed that she hadn't been prepared even for the first class of the year. A half smile was placed on her lips. Amused, you gladly handed her a pen, pleased that you had an abundance of pens neglected at the bottom of your tote bag. You were always prepared, just not the most organised.
At the end of the lecture, she tried to hand you back the pen, but you refused and insisted she kept it, was she planning on asking someone for every class she had? That was just inefficient.
When you wouldn't accept the pen back, she ripped out a rough square from a page of her notebook, scribbling her number quickly so she could pay you back for the pen. 
You had been friends ever since, there was something that just worked. She had been there long before Dean and you would be damned if he was to get in the way of your friendship.
You had reached Dina and Ellie's place, they both shared the accommodation whilst you lived in a one-bed en-suite in a dorm. Dean lived at his fraternity, which you always hated going to meaning you spent most of the time at your place instead. 
Knocking, you only waited for a few seconds until the door swung open, revealing Ellie, clad in a white tank top and some grey sweatpants. The open door had caused a draught to haze through the air, the faint scent of smoke and music softly playing at a low volume.
"Hey, you." She spoke, smiling that usual smile that was seemingly tattooed on her lips. Ellie moved out of the doorway to let you in, closing the door behind you as you stepped into the familiar, comforting living room.
"Hey," your tone must have not been well received, as it prompted a,
"Well, what's gotten into you?"
"I've had the worst day, Dean-" you were interrupted by a slightly exaggerated groan, with an added,
"What has he done this time?"
"Ellie.." you sighed, dropping your tote from your shoulder and to the floor, kneeling down to pull out your books and pens.
"I'm serious," she threw her hands up, leaning against the edge of the desk where her work had been all set out already, "He's always up to some bullshit."
Ellie was confused, annoyed actually as you explained the situation to her. In her head, as a lesbian, the solution to these kinds of issues was so, so obvious to her; break up with him, he's not worth it. She had repeated this rhetoric to many of her men-loving friends, all of which refused to listen to her only to turn out heartbroken in the end, anyway.
"I wasn't exactly being rational either," you tried to explain, not that you were making excuses for him, but you felt a certain need to defend your relationship with Ellie. She was always so judgemental of the people you dated. You knew deep down that it was her way of looking out for you, she had consistently been the one to bring you comfort during your relationship breakdowns. And there had been a few of them.
"Don't do that, that's exactly what he wants," She spoke sympathetically, her words very soft considering that, mentally she was currently fighting Dean, and winning.
What was wrong with these guys? Ellie thought, you had dated some specimens before, but this new fraternity bro, Dean? She couldn't stand him.
Seemingly fuelled by his returned distaste towards her, but she knew the real reason why.
He was a pig. Flirting with any girl that'd give him attention, Ellie had caught him at parties with drunk girls hanging off his arms, inches away from their faces, centimetres away from cheating. Only for him to charm his way out of it when you confronted him. It pained her to see you go through this, especially when there were so many options out there. Like her, for example.
To be frank, Ellie's asking for that pen three years ago hadn't been entirely innocent. Whilst, it wasn't a lie per se, as she did, in fact, not have a pen on her first day, making her feel like the worst student on the planet.
She had taken notice of you when you first walked into that physics class. Eyeliner, framing the outer corners of your eyes and tight curly hair that lay perfectly around your face caught her attention. You were so beautiful, she knew she had to talk to you.
As you two had gotten to know each other over those first few months, her little crush had evolved from simple attraction to a full-blown, 'would rip the sun out of the sky if it meant seeing you smile', feelings situation. Whilst her initial intention had been to try and flirt a little bit, over time (really didn't take that long) Ellie realised that you were something special. The bond and groove you had as platonic friends was too great to risk ruining it all. So she decided, her feelings shouldn't be the thing to damage it. Ellie being Ellie, didn't know how to deal with said feelings, so she had made a pact with herself to never act on them, never expect anything other than platonic behaviour on your part, and never, ever let you find out. So whilst you dated, so did she.
"Anyways, can we talk about, literally anything else now? Like our exam that we have in a few days, perhaps?" You hummed, kicking your shoes off and sprawling on her couch, reaching down into your bag for something you had saved for this exact moment.
"Right, 'cos studying is the reason why you're laying dead on my couch right now." Ellie chuckled, joining you and holding your legs up to settle her body on the couch as well, before placing your legs on top of her lap.
"What are you even looking for?"
"Just wait, you'll see." You responded, still rooting through the bag, god where is it?
"Well, not if you can't find it in that damn bag, how do you even find anything in those?"
"Shut up," you chuckled, feeling better already. That's something you loved about Ellie, no matter what would happen to you, a few minutes with her and you'd feel like you had taken uppers.
"Ah, finally," you breathed out, fishing out a single joint that had become embarrassingly bent in the trauma that is, being an object lost inside the bottom of a tote bag.
Ellie laughed when her eyes caught sight of the bent joint, rubbing her eyes as they started to tear from the entertainment.
"You didn't have to go through that much effort to pull out that monster, plus you know I always have enough here, we don't need to smoke yours."
"It may look unfortunate, but this is the best shit in town right now." You tried to sell, "Got it from Xav,"
"Xav? How did you manage that?"
"One of Dean's frat brothers put in a huge order with him and sold me some, thought I'd save it so we could smoke it together." 
"You truly know the way to my heart," Ellie gushed, before leaning over your legs, to grab the closest ashtray and a lighter, passing it to you, roller's rights, after all.
"This doesn't look like studying, though," Ellie spoke, eyes falling to your lips as they wrapped over the end of the joint, sparking and taking a drag. She excused her thoughts.
"I just want some peace before I have to focus on work, you know?" You said, exhaling out the smoke.
Ellie sighed, knowing Dean was truly taking a toll on you, she watched as your face fell, obviously being reminded of the previous events. She wishes there was more she could do, how many times could she say leave him, before it sounded too obvious? Too pushy? Too out of line?
"Fuck him, don't worry about that for now. You're with me, this is a Dean-free zone." Ellie cheered, taking the lit joint as you passed it to her.
You felt her fingers trail random lines and shapes on your leg as she smoked, probably not even aware she was doing it. It was comfortable and set off a wave of sleepiness to hit you.
Ellie passed you the joint back,
"You going to that party tonight?" She asked,
"I don't know, I think Dean wants to go but I was planning on sitting this one out,"
"Why don't you come? Dina and Jesse will also be there, so you don't have to spend the whole party with him,"
"Fine, only because I haven't seen Dina and Jesse for a while,"
"I can live with that," she chuckled.
Deciding you were no longer comfy in that position, you lifted your legs up off Ellie, before manoeuvring your body so that you were sat side by side. Passing the joint back to her, you rested your head on her shoulder. What you didn't notice was Ellie's visible tensing the second you laid your head on her.
It wasn't like it was unusual behaviour from you, yet she reacted like this every time. 
"What do you think of it?"
"Fuck yeah, it's good," she swallowed, head turning to glance over at you resting your head comfortably on her shoulder, "You falling asleep down there?"
"No..." you mumbled, your voice visibly getting quieter as you were getting sleepier. You were just so tired. Constant arguing with Dean, working or studying. You needed a break, plus Ellie had a habit of being super comfortable to nap on.
"You sure?"
"It's alright, have a nap, we’ll study later."
Ellie chuckled, she continued smoking the joint to its ends, relaxed by the sound of your breathing as you fell asleep. She took the opportunity to observe you for a minute, you looked peaceful, a hell of a lot more peaceful than you were when you first entered. She wished that you could always be that content, at peace. Ellie wanted you to be happy, whether with her or not, she just didn't want you so stressed and drained by yet another unhealthy relationship.  
It was then she took time to think, how messy the situation had truly become.
After your nap, you and Ellie actually did finally study, spending a few hours going over the course material and sharing notes. With a few distractions here and there, but successful nonetheless.
You were back at home, Dean seemingly long gone back to his own place, as you got yourself dressed for this party. Texting Ellie that you were ready, you awaited her knock on your door, as your place was a bit closer to the party you decided you'd make your way there together and you'd crash back at your house later.
Once she arrived, you two made your way to the party, it was in the next block of student accommodation, so it was only a quick walk.
Before long, you had reached the party, greeted by its loudness with thumping music and loud chatter.
"It's fucking packed," you complained, already nervous. The bass of the loud music echoing in your chest, exacerbating the anxiety you felt.  
"It will be okay, let's go find Dina and Jesse,"
It took a few glances to land on them but they had been settled in a corner with two other girls. One with short black hair and the other with long, blonde hair.
Making your way towards them, Dina spotted you and Ellie and eagerly waved you guys over to their spot.
"Bitch! Where have you been?" Dina questioned, and truly it had been an unreasonable amount of time since you'd seen her, which is weird considering how often you were at her and Ellie's place.
"Don't get me started," you sighed, whilst smiling at her and wrapping your arms around her.
"Well, it's good to see you, we missed you!" Gesturing towards herself and Jesse, who took his cue to also greet you.
Dina introduced you to her friends who were also sitting with them, the one with black hair was introduced as Cat, and the blonde was called Abby.
They were nice but you weren't too sure about the dark-haired one, she seemed a bit standoffish to you, only, but welcoming and friendly to everyone else in your group, and especially to Ellie. You noted it and placed the thought at the back of your head for dissection later.
In the ten minutes you had been there, Dean had spotted you and walked over. Causing an eye roll to come from Ellie,
"Hey, you're here!" He was drunk, words slurred and eyes heavily lidded. How much had he already had to drink?
Wrapping his arms around your waist, and nuzzling his face into your neck, the scent of alcohol lingered on him and you found that you didn't want him to be that close to you.
Your eyes met Ellie's briefly before she quickly looked away and took a long sip from her cup, which had been filled up with some vodka and whiskey mixed with some chaser by Dina. She turned her head away from you and began talking to Cat, faces a lot closer than most people. 
You tore your eyes away from their interaction, turning to face Dean.
"I have to go to the bathroom," Dean shrugged, too incapacitated to care too much before making his way back to some of his frat brothers. Yuck.
You were making your way to the bathroom, hoping to find the right door, but you weren't successful the first time, the second or the third. You were starting to wonder how many goddamn rooms were in this place until you finally reached it, and it was of course labelled with a stupid little diy frat sticker that said 'bathroom' featuring other, more immature graffiti. Apt, you thought.
The light was on but the door was slightly ajar, thinking nothing of it you walked in believing it to be empty. The room was also, of course, occupied. You mentally laughed at your own bad luck as you saw Abby sneaking a cigarette out the window. Her body perched up on the windowsill as she breathed the smoke out the open gap.
"Shit- oh it's just you," she chuckled, holding her hand on her heart indicating that you had slightly frightened her, clearly from her doing something she isn't supposed to be doing.
"Sorry, thought it was empty," you said, turning your body towards the door in an effort to leave her to it,
"You don't have to leave I'm just smoking this before any of my team sees me,"
That brought a smile to reach your lips,
"Why are you sneaking cigarettes like a 16 year old?"
"Athletes aren't really meant to smoke, but shit happens. I just don't want to hear it from coach." She mumbled taking her final drag, throwing the butt out the window.
"I'll take it to my grave," You promised, making a little zip motion on your lips.
"All yours," she smiled, making her way out of the bathroom.
"I won't take long, we can head down to the group together,"
So you did, exiting the bathroom, Abby smiling at you,
"Let's go?"
You had travelled down the stairs, engaging in random, friendly small talk until you had reached everyone. Abby sat back down next to Dina and Jesse, who were ranting amongst themselves, whilst Cat and Ellie had been left to their own devices. Now, you and Ellie had been friends for a while, you kinda knew what she looked like when she was flirting with girls. And this was definitely that. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by Dean respawning in your face again,
"Wanna explain that?"
That completely broke you out of your little trance, explain what?
"Why were you in the bathroom with her?"
"She was-" you remembered your promise to her, "We were just chatting, nothing weird happened, if that's what you're thinking."
He grabbed your wrist and walked with you to a quieter corner of the room,
"Why are you lying?"
"Dean, nothing happened we were chatting because she was in there when I walked in,"
"Do you know what she is?"
"I just met her today, Dean," You didn't want to deal with this right now, Ellie had said she was going to try and help you escape Dean tonight and instead she got annoyed by his presence and began flirting with Cat.
"What is with you and hanging out with all of those d-...", he trailed off,
"Those what, Dean?" You were beyond angry at this point, you didn't like what he was implying.
"You know, all those le-"
"Hey," your altercation was interrupted, "Everything cool?" Ellie was looking between you both, eyebrows furrowed as she looked you over, gauging the situation. She knew you could fight your own battles, but when a drunk man is getting too handsy on someone it's always good practice to remain vigilant.
"We're fine." He said, his words less slurred now, a bit more pissed off. Egged on by the fact that his very point had just interrupted him.
"Oh yeah?" She pressed, making sure to look at you when she asked, having watched the interaction since he dragged you away.
"Yeah, I'm okay," you added, trying to give her a grateful look with your eyes, whether she got the message or not wasn't confirmed. Ellie wasn't one to let things go, but then she asked you if you wanted to be left alone with him and when you simply said 'Yeah I can deal with this," there was nothing more she could do without being too out of line. 
Sighing to herself, she dragged her feet back to the group, silently warring with herself over her actions, wondering if she put her nose in someone else's business or whether she didn't act enough. She had decided that was enough for the night, she'd try and focus on something else.
Whilst you were frustrated; you didn't want to explain the situation to her yet, at this point.
"Dean I don't like what you're trying to say, I don't want to be near you right now, we can talk about this at home."
"Sure, whatever." He walked off. You exhaled a sigh that had been festering in your chest for a while.
Wandering back to Dina, Jesse and Abby, noticing a considerable lack of Ellie and Cat. But at least you could clear your mind, Dina offered you another drink- which you gladly took.
You were in conversations with your friends, a good amount of minutes had passed and you finally caught sight of Ellie. You felt your heart twitch, your stomach churning at the sight.
Ellie was engaged in some heated make-out with that Cat, her hands tightly wrapped around the back of the girl's neck. The lights of the room bounced off her skin, illuminating them in deep reds and blues, as their lips moved against each other. It was hot, you couldn't lie. Perhaps the alcohol had hit you a lot more than you thought. You had seen Ellie in action, but not in action.
You felt yourself start to stare, lost in the sight of Ellie until you felt your breathing start to quicken and your legs fidgeting. You had to pull your eyes away, shaming yourself in your head for even looking that long, like a damned pervert.
Taking another sip of your drink, your thoughts trailed, you wondered what it would feel like to be in Cat's position, to feel Ellie's passionate grasp and soft lips against yours. You wondered if her kisses would feel loving and warm, not cold like you were used to.
You quickly dismissed your thoughts, blaming it on the alcohol, wondering what was spurring this on, all of a sudden.
You soon decided it was probably time to head home, the party had lived its course and you were in a worse mood than when you first got there. Mission failed, indeed.
Saying your goodbyes to Dina, Jesse and Abby you made your way through the dance floor to Ellie.
"Hey, I'm gonna head out," You interrupted a conversation occurring between Ellie and Cat.
"Oh, you sure?" She glanced between you and Cat, "Will you be okay getting home?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm gonna find Dean and we're gonna go,"
"Oh," her face soured, "You're really still going home with that guy?"
"Well..." you stilled, you didn't exactly want to, but you knew he wouldn't give up until he got to say his piece, regardless of where you were, "We have stuff to talk about, I guess." Your voice and tone sound beaten, tired.
"I see," She glanced you over, hesitant, as if she was about to say something but then changed her mind. You could almost see thoughts flying in her eyes. 
"See you later," Cat smiled at you, though it didn't quite reach the corners of her eyes, no crease of skin. Everything seemed polite on the surface, but there were weird undertones in her voice, indifference. The vibe of that was definitely weird, right?
With that, you found Dean and left to go home.
Panting, you were panting. Heavy breaths mixed with sloppy touches in the darkness of red and blue lights.
You pulled away, glancing at Ellie, the corners of her plump lips curling into a smirk as she caressed your thighs. Fingers teasing near your entrance, you were completely ready for her touch, dripping, waiting.
"I can't wait to taste you, baby." she spoke, her words soft but with a hint of a growl that excited you, eager for what was about to come.
Then your eyes split open, and you were lay on your bed, hours had passed and you had been fast asleep. Sleep came easy, induced by the alcohol you had consumed, as you realised you had just been dreaming.
It took you a few seconds to stir and become conscious of what you had been dreaming about. Then the shame hit. What the fuck was that?
It didn't last long though, before you heard Dean's voice,
"That was hot,"
You slightly jumped at the surprise of his voice, not expecting him to have been awake and especially aware that you were having a dream of such nature, about your best friend of all people.
"You got me all hard, babe." You suddenly felt too overwhelmed, flashes of Ellie's lips and fingers cursed your mind as Dean's voice was mixed into your thoughts.
Confusion and panic hit your senses, you didn't want to look at Dean's expecting face when your mind was still reeling with the faint remnants of being under Ellie's warm and comforting touch, even in the astral plane, your body still warm and wanting. But not for him. Disgust overwhelmed your veins, poisoning the air in your lungs as you realised you couldn't think of anything worse than him touching you. It was as if that dream had been a message, a sign that this wasn't what you wanted. Or deserved. A sudden unexpected epiphany.
You quickly shot up and ran to the bathroom, no words spoken between you as you closed the door. Ensuring space between you both.
You sighed and grabbed at the roots of your hair, thinking of how utterly fucked this is.
You thought back to Ellie, would she be disgusted at your thoughts? Would she feel weird and uncomfortable if she knew you had been thinking of her that way? Her best, and very platonic, friend. She definitely isn't interested, you thought, remembering the way she had grabbed Cat closer to her and embraced her in a kiss that could only enflame your very being. Jealous. You realised, that's what that feeling was. It seemed to occur a lot regarding Ellie, that feeling.
Dean's voice blared through the door, reverberating through the walls.
"It's about that blond bitch isn't it?" Your eyebrows pulled together, fucks sake.
"Dean, please." It was stupid o'clock in the morning, the last thing you wanted was yet another argument.
"I knew those fucking lesbians would fuck with your head, you've always been a stupid woman, following whoever gives you attention."
His words hurt, and doubly pissed you off. How dare he? Those were your friends he was talking about.
You opened the door, Dean all blotchy and red in the face, fuelled by the past months of his bullshit and borderline abuse, this was the final nail. He was not about to say disgusting things and expect no repercussions. Lifting your hand, you put your entire back into connecting your palm with his cheek, made real by the smacking sound of skin, loud as a gunshot in the dark hours of the night contrasting the silence of no other surrounding sound in the dorms.
"Fuck you, Dean. I'm over this, get out." You stared him right in the eye as he rubbed the throbbing skin of his cheek to alleviate some pain. You couldn't help but feel a hint of relief that it had actually hurt him, as horrid as that sounds. You weren't a violent person, by any means, yet the continuous accusations, the newly exposed homophobia, his vile behaviour - it had to be done. You were done letting him treat you like that.
"I don't need you anyway, can find ten other girls that'd give me what I want."
"Go do that, then." You huffed, wondering why you hadn't done this earlier.
"Already have, sweetheart." He smirked, eyes glinting as he finally lifted the shroud of lies he had been filling your head with. You always knew deep down, you just chose to ignore it. Worms in the brain feasting at any rational thought and your self-respect. You didn't find it in yourself to get angrier.
"Get out of my house, Dean." You finalised, arms crossed over your chest, you just hoped he'd go willingly.
"You're not worth it, anyway." He cements, body turning to put on his shoes, chuckling as his heavy presence finally leaves your door.
You let out a breath, relief, shame and anger seeping into the deepest part of your being.
You were glad he's gone, truly. You just wish you had killed it sooner. Ellie was right, he ain't shit.
You sat on the edge of your bed, suddenly finding that the dark, empty space in your room was doing you no favours.
Pulling out your phone, you drafted a text to Ellie,
3.47 a.m:  you awake?
It was a long shot, you almost gave up on a response for tonight until you felt your phone buzz.
3.49 a.m:  ..always
3.49 a.m:  whats up?
Your lips tilted into a weak smile, before responding,
3.50 a.m:  u should be sleeping rn!
3.50 a.m:  umm so should u
3.51 a.m:  whats wrong?
Sighing, you had to bite the bullet, already started it now.
3.52 a.m:  he's an asshole, i broke up with him
A few minutes passed, and you wondered what was taking so long even though in the grand scheme of time it was only a few seconds, really. It was just anticipation, time felt dragged out awaiting her response. You didn't know that Ellie was laying on her bed feverishly typing, deleting and re-typing, overthinking how to respond. She wanted to say, 'I knew this' and how she was happy he was gone because he was a loser who didn't deserve you anyway. How she never liked him. Ellie didn't want to be insensitive, though, lest she hurt your feelings further. 
3.57 a.m: how are you feeling?
3.58 a.m:  im just glad he's gone tbh
3.58 a.m: had to be done
Ellie couldn't help the hint of a smile that fought its way onto her features, she typed her response. Picking at the dry skin around her thumb with her teeth as she sent her next message, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
3.59 a.m: he didn't deserve you anyway, you're too good for that.
You felt a warmth rush through you, stomach tightening as you read into her words. You wished that she meant it, that her feelings matched yours. Your mind thinks back to Cat, instantly murdering any hope in your heart.
You don't remember when your feelings for Ellie began to change, but looking back on it, you had felt so unsatisfied, seldom comfortable with your past lovers. Ellie was the only person who knew you, truly. Who had loved you and made you feel so safe, her comforting presence always soothing you, you felt like a person around Ellie. Whole. It had just taken some time for life to knock some sense into you to realise. It has always been Ellie. 
4.01 a.m: want me to come to you or you wanna come here?
4.01 a.m: it's so late you don't have to! i'll be ok promise
4.02 a.m: hah good one.. gimme ten mins
Ellie was not messing, not much time passed before she was knocking on the front door of your dorm. 
"Hey," Her voice was soft, gentle, her eyes shining with such a tender glint. She's always had such pretty eyes, you thought. 
You moved a few steps to give her space to enter,
"How you doing?" She wrapped her arms around you, holding you tighter than you expected,
"Honestly, I'm okay," Ellie took a look at you, gauging your overall mood and believed it, you already looked lighter, less weight (*Dean) holding down your shoulders. 
"Think I mentally checked out a long time ago," you added, sitting down on your bed and lifting your laptop screen to load a show, acting somewhat as a buffer amongst the silence.
"So what happened?"
You couldn't help the audible groan that escaped your lips, "He got pissy when he saw me leaving the bathroom with Abby and accused me of cheating,"
"Abby?" Ellie had taken off her coat and shoes, joining you on your spot on the bed.
"Yeah, she was smoking in the bathroom hiding from their coach, we walked down to the group together, it was only small talk. I was so confused, he started saying things about who I was hanging out with,".
"He's a fucking homophobic prick,"
"He said hanging out with 'all those lesbians was fucking with my head', said I follow whoever gives me attention," you sighed, "then I slapped him."
Ellie couldn’t help it, she felt a swell of pride that you slapped him, stood up for yourself. He deserved so much worse, she thought.
Ellie couldn't hide the smirk that reached her lips, as much as she tried to suppress it, it still came.
"That's my girl,"
You didn't expect your stomach to twist when those words left her mouth, opening something up deep inside.
"He finally admitted to cheating, and then it was over," You sighed.
"I'm proud of you," Ellie muttered, fidgeting with her nail-beds, failing to meet your eyes.
"You don't have to say that, I know how pathetic this is,"
Resting your head on the headboard, you brought your legs into a cross,
"Hey, I mean it, it must've been a lot," She paused, her hand coming to rest on your knee, rubbing her thumb over the skin absentmindedly, like it was second nature to her. Perhaps, it was.
You looked over at her, eyes trailing down her features, freckles and the green eyes that still weren't meeting yours, suddenly shy.
"You're amazing, you deserve to know that," she paused, eyes finally meeting your own, determined.
"So are you," Your voice lowered, trailing back to the pretty brunette from earlier.
“So what’s going on with you and that girl?” You shouldn’t have said anything, but it was out before you could stop it. Clearly, your brain kept thinking about it.
“It’s..” Ellie thought about what to say, it would sound extremely horrible to say Cat was mainly a distraction, unfair as she is a lovely person, but it’s true.
“Nothing more than what you saw,”
Vague, was that best response to that, Ellie thought.
“I saw quite a bit,”
“Honestly, she’s great, we get along and all but..’ She’s not you. “I don’t think it’ll go any further.”
“She seemed to really like you, why not?”
Ellie almost wanted to laugh, it was so painfully obvious to her, how could you not see it?
“I guess.. I want something different.”
Her eyes connected with yours, the contact between your eyes felt different now, charged. You caught yourself stealing a glance at her lips, which slightly parted as she spotted where your eyes had fallen.
“Like what?”
She had no response, it was either avoid the question, or firm it. Ellie didn’t know which was the right answer.
"Ellie.." You paused, words caught in your throat, as scenarios rushed through your head like a rolodex of different possible outcomes. Heart tugging at your brain to do something, anything.
"Yeah?" Her head leaned closer to yours, your breathing slowly becoming heavier, the room's environment growing thicker, harder to inhale. Her hand still on your knee, unmoving now, frozen in place.
You could almost make contact with her lips, if you moved just a tiny inch closer. Her hand trailed slightly further up your leg, just a little above your knee, almost as if to test the waters. You wondered if she felt like you did, if she could also feel her veins light up and her body inflamed. Were her lips just as eager to touch yours? Were her hands longing to feel you just as well?
Before you realised, it was out.
"Ellie, can I kiss you?"
A beat, and no response. You felt your heart start to panic, already thinking over how to pretend that had never happened. You almost regretted it, until her hand reached for the back of your neck, reducing the distance between your faces.
Lips meeting yours, shyly at first, hesitant. Ellie’s mind was whirling, feeling her heartbeat pump aggressively throughout her body, there was no way this was reality, she thought. No way that you were here in front of her, asking to kiss her, after all this time of her yearning, feeling like a useless lesbian who would never ever make a move on you.
She could almost feel herself kicking her feet in the air, as she decided to firm it. Scared if she waited any longer, the opportunity would cease to exist, pass her by and join one of those regrets she’d think about as an elder.
Your lips met hers back, eager to push for contact, eager to push closer. Your zeal spurring hers on, as her hands clasped the back of your neck, keeping you in place. Not like you wanted to be anywhere else.
This was it. This is what you should’ve been feeling in the past.
Ellie’s soft, plump lips melted over yours, taunting with a bite and pulling your bottom lip out before entering her tongue into your mouth.
Fuck. That was hot.
You felt yourself getting hotter, damper by the minute as the kiss continues, Ellie’s hand getting more comfortable and trailing down to your thighs.
You pulled apart for a second, taking the time to catch your breath as you looked into her eyes, usually green but now much darker, enhanced by enlarged pupils as she glazed her sights over you. An unreadable expression on her face,
“Are you okay?”
“You’re so hot, and amazing and I-I really want to keep going, I just- I don’t know, I don’t want this to be like a .. rebound thing. I really care about you but I just, don’t want to feel like that, you know?” She rambled on, her thoughts getting ahead of themselves as she was pondering if it happened, then if it was too late to return to what you had been, before things got all naked and messy.
You understood, of course you did. You had literally broken up with him just maybe two hours ago. But it didn’t matter, you had to say it. Let her know and reassure her that it was only her.
“Ellie.. you could never be a rebound to me,” You stammered a little before the next part, “You’re the one I’ve wanted this whole time. It’s always been you.” You pecked her lips, grabbing her face, looking into her eyes hoping she’d see the seriousness in yours.
“I’ve wanted you for a really long time,” she broke contact, “I just didn’t wanna fuck shit up,”
“I mean it, Ellie, I’ve never felt as certain about something as I do this,”
Her stature relaxed, you continued, “I love you, Ellie. I didn’t love anyone else,”
“I love you,” she answered, the corner of her lip tilting up, eyes brighter.
“I’ll just have to show you how much, if that’s okay with you.”
Her gaze turned curious, before nodding, watching as your hands danced down her sides and ever so slightly underneath the fabric of her shirt.
“You can do whatever you want with me, honestly,” she murmured. You caught her body tensing, almost shaky as you lifted her shirt. Warm hands covering the sides of her defined stomach, you squeezed a little, just enough to rile her up.
Which it did, Ellie’s eyebrows furrowed as she anticipated your next move. Losing control of her lungs, she was about to explode.
“This okay?” Your hand met the band of her sports bra, digging scarcely into her skin beneath it.
“Yeah,” she exhaled, stuck in place, watching, her cheeks becoming flushed, “Shit,”
You hands pressed over her breasts, tightening pressure around as she let out a content sigh. You dipped your head down to wrap your lips around her nipple, licking laps over the tip and softly blowing air over them when you decided you were done, chuckling to yourself at the goosebumps that now raised on her skin,
“Don’t tease,” She murmured, composure dwindling.
“Sorry, can’t help myself,”
You kissed down her stomach to her pelvis, feeling her restlessness grow as her body refused to stay still, itching for you to do more.
You leaned back up, placing either leg over her torso and looked her over, making sure she was okay as your hand moved lower down, seemingly in a mind of its own as it crept past the waistband, meeting her skin as you held eye contact.
Ellie folded, shutting her eyes as the waiting became too much, you tapped her leg with your free hand,
“Eyes on me,”
When she held your eye contact once again, you teased a finger past her folds, almost letting out a groan at how wet she was, at how easily you could feel her arousal.
“Fuck Els,” you sighed, struggling to contain yourself as your thoughts grew more indecent, slipping a finger in further as Ellie writhed underneath you, head hanging back.
“More fingers, please,” Her voice was strained, breathy as she closed her eyes, embarrassed to be feeling this undone already.
“Yeah?” The side of your mouth curled up, goaded by the sound of her voice. She nodded impishly, covering her eyes with her wrist, as her other hand reached to grip around your hip. A tight squeeze followed on your skin.
“I can do that, baby,” Following instructions, you slipped two more fingers into her, falling into a rhythm as you felt her clench around you. She glanced over your body, legs spread over her midsection as you leaned your arm back, hips gently grinding over hers- an attempt to alleviate some of the pressure building up.
Her hand grabbed at the hem of your shirt, pulling it slightly and groaning when the tight material pushed against your breasts, she always loved how you never wore bras, stiff nipples poking through the fabric.
“Fuck, clothes off, now,” she let out in soft grunts, as she broke your wrist from her to take off your shirt, rubbing her hands over your newly exposed skin “Always fucking wanted to see you like this,” She spoke, your fingers meeting her centre again, “So fucking pretty,”
“You feel so good, Ellie,” You gasped, your hips involuntarily grinding on top of her stomach, “So fucking good ‘n wet for me,”
“Fuck-“ Ellie’s voice cut off as she bit into the back of her hand, her own hips rolling your hand in deeper, hitting her walls more than before as she let out a mewl. “Feels so fuckin’ good, angel,” she whimpered, voice strained as she continued to ride into your hand.
It was the hottest noise you’d ever heard, and you wanted to keep drawing it out of her. To keep hearing her moan for you, and your actions only.
Suddenly, you had something you prove, both to her and to yourself. Flashes of Cat in your mind as you wanted her to forget other women existed.
You unwrapped yourself off her lap, removing your fingers, kissing her stomach as you pulled her pants and underwear down, grabbing her legs and holding them open, exposing her even further.
“Damn,” you said, glancing over her wet inner thighs as they glistened, all for you.
“Shut up,” she spoke, voice tight as a side smile swept over her features, as she grabbed the back of your head, pushing you closer to her pulsing core, throbbing and dripping waiting for you to make contact.
You licked a line up her heat, moaning to yourself at the taste of her. You grew light-headed, thinking you could die happily just between Ellie’s legs, becoming addicted to her moans as you ate her out, head in a daze as she squeezed her thighs tight around your head, almost cutting off your air supply- her moans growing more frequent, as she reached closer. Your free hand moving up to wrap itself around her breast, squeezing tighter around her nipple.
Deciding to have a little more fun, you slipped two fingers into her wetness as you continued to lap your tongue around her clit, pushing up into her as you sucked. Dragging her delicious sap on your tongue as it marred all over your face, cheeks glassy with her warm sleek.
Ellie had lost control over her vocal cords at this point, moans slipping out from between her sweet lips no matter how hard she tried to suppress them. Hell, you were moaning too, despite not even being touched yet, dripping all over yourself, ass up and needy as you rolled your hips over thin air as you continued to soak yourself into Ellie.
There could be no coming back from this, you thought, not now that you had been exposed to the delicacy that is Ellie Williams. You were holding on to her and not letting go.
You felt Ellie’s moans get shorter, cutting themselves off from its full power before the next one came, her hips moving more haphazardly up to meet your tongue, she was close.
You glanced at her, her eyes closed, brows pinched up and mouth agape, a slight sheen to her skin from sweat, she’s so attractive, you thought.
With your free hand, your fingers guided themselves onto your own folds, rolling over your own clit for some release, the lack of hand on her caused Ellie’s eyes to lull over at you, the sight of your arched back, wet cheeks from her slick, spread legs as you touched yourself all whilst still fucking her into oblivion.
The damned sight of you, just as undone as Ellie, without her even touching you, was enough to cause the coil in her abdomen to twist, before she came all over your face, breath slowing into heavy pants as her body twitched. You lapped her up her residue, finally removing your face from between her legs as she looked at you. Wordless.
“Wh-what the fuck..” Ellie’s weak voice trailed, before laughing and forcing a kiss on your lips, hands wrapped around your jaw as she tasted the remnants of herself on you.
There was no way you were about to give her the best orgasm of her life and expect her to not do anything back? Funny joke. Ellie was ravenous now.
She placed you underneath her, biting around your thighs before bending her head down, her tongue having been desperate for a taste since that first day she saw you. “I wanna fuck you so bad,” Your legs tightened around her as the air from her voice hit your centre, “Been dyin’ for a taste,” You looked at her, tip of your eyebrows raised up as you took in her words, how long had she wanted you back? Her words caused you to shudder, whimpering as she continued.
“Fuck,” You said, voice breaking as her tongue rippled over your pussy as your hips shook, slurping up the honey that had been left neglected. Long, slender fingers meeting your centre that had felt so, so desperate and needy for her to touch.
“G’na show what you’ve been missing,” She hummed, as her fingers picked up pace working harmoniously with her tongue as she fucked into you. Warm muscle rolling over your pulsing clit. Fingers rubbing over your velvet walls which sucked her further in, skin dragging out with her soaked fingers when they recoiled out, the image obscene. “What was waiting for you this whole time,”
“Els- shit, wanna feel you,”
“What you want, baby?” She gasped out, in between breaths as fingers toyed with your clit.
“Wanna feel you, y-your fucking pussy on mine-fuck,” you cut yourself off, embarrassed. The desire was simply too strong, you were dizzy just from the thought of it. Ellie seemed to share your enthusiasm, her heart skipping a beat, the thought kindling her veins with heat.
This was truly a gift from the heavens, she thought.
“Shit- yeah, okay.” Ellie exhaled out, as she got you into position, grabbing one of your smaller pillows to cushion underneath you as she placed her legs over yours, getting into place as she rubbed her clit over yours, hips lolling over your pelvis.
The sounds were debaucherous as they filled the room, hot and wet, as if the spirit of Dionysus, himself had possessed you. Invoking you with bacchanal, carnal desire as you could think of nothing else than the sublime vice that is Ellie Williams.
“Fuck, Els, I’m gonna come,”
Ellie groaned, rocking her hips over yours, her defined abs on show, breasts working with Earth’s gravity as they sprung up and down to match her movements, hair falling out of her half-bun, causing some strands to stick to her face, completely dishevelled. You looked at her, eyes attached to yours, lust ruling over them, then looked back down to where you were both intertwined. You trapped your bottom lip with your teeth at the sight before you.
Her sap mingling with yours, leaking out from her cunt as it folds over your own, Wrapping you with her warmth, pulsating around yours. Ellie’s body still trembling from before.
“Then come for me, baby,”
You were gone. With her words, you felt yourself spilling out against her, not being able to hold back the climax of your arousal spurting out from you, splashes reaching Ellie’s legs.
“Fuck, Ellie!” Your voice drawled out, as the wave ran through you,
“That’s it, angel, come all over me,” She smirked down at you, breath heavy as she watched your eyes glaze over, lips parted and chest heavy as you finally came down. A ardent glaze over her eyes.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” She gaped, eyes transfixed on your figure as her reeling mind came down from the high.
“Shit, neither did I,” you laughed, covering your mouth, suddenly shy. With your head still in the clouds, you weren’t feeling as overly self-aware.
“That was fucking hot, and I’m not done.”
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seulrinnie-rinrin · 3 days
Love in Turbulence
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SUMMARY | You're the maid of honor in your best friend's destination wedding, but you are single and feeling depressed about having to attend solo. Stressed and grumpy on the long flight there, you have a few too many drinks and pass out, drooling on the shoulder of your seatmate. When you arrive at the wedding, you are mortified to discover that your handsome seatmate is Yunho, the best man, and you spend the rest of the wedding weekend trying to avoid him. PAIRING |Yunho x Reader GENRE | non-idol!Yunho, wedding season yo, smut with no (maybe a little) plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), vaginal sex, oral sex RATING | Mature, 18+, NSFW, MDNI LENGTH | 4,144 words TAGLIST | -- NETWORKS | @illusionnet, @blossomnet, @atzhouse AUTHOR’S NOTE | I got invited to a wedding next year and was kind of, somewhat inspired to write this lol. I think it feels a bit rushed hahaha. Enjoy!
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"Jina!" You yanked your best friend, the bride, into the bathroom and locked the door before anyone else came in.
"Are you okay?"
"No! Why didn't I know that we were sitting together?!" You asked her.
She looked at you with a confused look. "Huh?"
"Me and Yunho!" You explained.
"Of course you're sitting at the same table with Yunho. He's Yeosang's best man, just like you’re my maid of honor." She said it as if it made sense to her, but she couldn't figure out why you weren't making any sense either.
"Jina, he's the man I told you that I drooled all over on the plane." You told her the whole story, starting from when you started feeling depressed from being single during take-off, to having one too many drinks and until you woke up later on to find yourself face down on Yunho's shoulder, drooling.
"Oh my god." Jina covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my god."
She kept repeating herself over and over again while you finished your story. When you were done, Jina leaned against the sink counter and looked at you with wide eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"How was I supposed to know that he was Yeosang's best man?" You groaned. "He's the only one of Yeosang's friends that I haven't met yet."
"So? Who cares? Do you think Yunho will be mad that you drooled on him? If anything he'll probably be flattered."
You rolled your eyes. "There's no way he'll be flattered. Who would be flattered by someone drooling all over them?"
"And you're worried about what he thinks about you? Seriously Y/N, this isn't high school where everyone has the same circle of friends. People come here for weddings alone. You need to start meeting new people or you're going to end up an old maid at this rate." Jina scolded you. "Look, go talk to him."
"I can't do that!" You protested. "I've been running away from him ever since the reception started."
"Why? Because he looks good in a suit? Or maybe because he smells really nice and his voice makes you shiver every time you hear him speak?" Jina teased. "Come on Y/N, don't make this harder than it already is. Talk to him and get this awkward moment over with. I know Yunho. He won't think you're weird, so don't worry about that."
You sighed. "Fine."
After straightening yourself out and silently cursing Jina for making you wear this sexy cocktail dress, you headed towards the table where Yunho sat with the rest of the wedding party. Okay, you had to admit that he was stupidly, insanely hot in a suit. And you also knew that his smoky brown eyes would have caught the attention of most women around him. However, none of that mattered right now. All that mattered was getting past this first conversation with him and praying that it would go smoothly.
When you reached the table, you realized that the only empty seats were beside Yunho, so you went to sit down next to him without even thinking twice about it. As soon as your butt hit the chair, you noticed that Yunho slowly turned his head to face you. You gulped nervously and looked away quickly. This was not happening. Not after everything that happened on the plane. It was too soon. You had to get out of here. Now.
But then, before you could make a move, Yunho moved closer to you and leaned forward to place his left arm around the back of your chair. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your cheeks burning bright red under his intense stare.
What did you say? What did you say?! But then, before you could figure out how to escape this situation, Yunho spoke. "If you're worried about what happened on the plane, don't worry about it."
His voice was smooth and silky like silk. It was almost hypnotic. The last thing you wanted to do was fall under his spell. "Okay," you replied and slowly turned your head to face him. "Thanks."
Yunho nodded and smiled slightly. His eyes scanned your body, lingering on certain parts of you. "You look really beautiful tonight."
You blinked a few times, dumbfounded by his compliment. You stared back at him and realized that he still hadn't let go of your chair. Oh god.
"Are you alright?" He asked you.
"I'm still mentally embarrassed about the whole plane incident." You said sheepishly.
"Don't worry about it." Yunho assured you. "Besides, you looked cute sleeping on my shoulder."
"Even with all the drool?" You frowned.
"Yes." Yunho confirmed. "You looked very pretty. Even with all the drool."
The corner of your lips twitched up and you realized that you actually liked hearing those words from him. So you decided to take the conversation further. "Well...I didn't know you were the best man until I saw you standing next to Yeosang earlier today. As soon as I saw you, I wanted to avoid you at all costs."
“Well if it makes you feel better, I didn’t know you were the maid of honor until a few hours ago.” Yunho laughed. “It all makes sense why you kept running when someone tried to introduce us to each other. What made you change your mind?"
"The bride." You mumbled.
Yunho laughed and you couldn't help but smile at his cute chuckle. Damn, he had such a gorgeous laugh. You could listen to it forever.
"I'm sure Jina told Yeosang because they look like they're staring at us nonstop." Yunho said, nudging you gently. "But hey, I'm glad you changed your mind and talked to me. I'm really glad to finally meet you."
Your stomach suddenly churned and butterflies started fluttering inside your chest. Even though you just officially met Yunho a few minutes ago, you were strangely attracted to him. How strange was that? You always thought of yourself as a hopeless romantic, but the feeling that you were currently experiencing right now was something entirely different. And it scared you more than anything.
"Do you want to dance?" Yunho asked, getiing up from his seat.
"And give the newlyweds even more ammo to tease us?" You asked him.
Yunho gave you a soft smile. "It's fine if you don't want to dance with me."
"But I DO want to dance with you." You countered. "I promise I won't make a fool of myself."
"Then come on." Yunho grabbed your hand and pulled you up from your chair. "Let's dance."
You knew he was tall. But you didn't think he was this tall. Sure, you were wearing like four inch heels, but he still towered over you like an oak tree. And when he wrapped his strong arms around your waist, your knees felt weak and shaky. The entire time you were walking, your heart raced faster than ever before. What the hell was wrong with you? How was it possible for someone to make you feel this way within seconds of meeting them?
The dance floor was filled with people of all ages. An upbeat song played in the background, filling the room with music and laughter. You smiled as you watched Jina and Yeosang dancing. They looked so happy. You noticed Seonghwa, Mingi and Jongho, three of the groomsmen, dancing in a corner while the other groomsmen and bridesmaids laughed.
He was so close to you. You could feel Yunho's warmth radiating from his body, causing goosebumps to form all over your skin. Every movement that he made was like poetry to your ears. Every breath he took sounded so perfect. You closed your eyes and listened to his voice wash over you. For a second, you forgot who you were, what you were doing, and who you were talking to. Everything just faded away except for Yunho and his amazing presence.
As the music slowed down and into a romantic melody, Yunho moved his hands closer to your body and slid his right hand around your lower back. You sucked in a sharp breath and pressed yourself against him, enjoying the sensation of his hard muscles against yours. Your heart pounded rapidly and the entire world disappeared except for the two of you. You were falling. Falling into this incredible dream.
"Is this alright?" Yunho whispered into your ear.
"More than alright." You breathed out, still clinging onto him for dear life. "Perfect."
He continued to hold you in his arms, swaying to the tune of the song. His hand stayed low on your back while his other hand held onto your wrist. He never let go of you.
After dancing with Yunho for a while, you excused yourself to use the restroom. On your way to the bathroom, you ran into Jina who was heading towards the restrooms as well. She stopped short and looked at you with a wide grin.
"So...looks like you and Yunho are hitting it off." She teased. "I don't even know why you were so freaked out about him earlier."
You let out a laugh and hugged her. "Thank you, Jina. For pushing me to go talk to him."
"Y/N, you're my best friend. Of course I'm going to push you to do things you're afraid of." Jina explained. "I want you to be just as happy as I am. So I know you two officially just met but what do you think of him? Yeosang and I were saying earlier that you two looked cute together."
"I don't know why..." You bit your bottom lip. "But I'm having all these weird feelings that I've never had with other guys before. Like...a sense of...home."
Jina smiled. "That's good, Y/N. Trust your gut. If something feels right, it probably is. And besides, who says you need to rush things? You should be able to enjoy this special time in your life."
"Yeah, but this isn't supposed to happen." You complained. "How does someone fall in love so fast?"
"They don't." Jina shrugged. "You just meet the person that you're meant to be with and things fall into place naturally."
You let out a small sigh and turned around to walk towards the restroom. "I never asked but did you feel this way about Yeosang?"
Jina laughed. "When I first laid eyes on Yeosang, I knew I was going to marry that man."
You stopped and turned around again. "Really?"
"Oh yeah." Jina grinned widely. "I knew we were meant to be together since the day I met him."
You smiled as well. "Wow. That's awesome."
"Now you understand what I mean about trusting your gut, right?" Jina said, clapping you on the back.
You glanced at her out of the corner of your eye and nodded. "Yeah, I think I get it."
Before you entered the restroom, Jina leaned in close and whispered into your ear, "You'll find him too, Y/N. Don't lose hope."
Once you finished using the restroom, you headed back to where you and Yunho were sitting. He let out a smile when he saw you coming. Your eyes lingered on his lips for a brief moment and then snapped back up to his face. "Did you get lost?" He asked you.
"No." You shook your head and sat down next to him. "I ran into Jina and we talked for a bit."
Yunho laughed. "Let me guess. She asked about us."
"Yep." You replied. "She said that we looked cute together."
"And do you think we look cute together?" He asked, cocking his head at you.
"A little too early to tell." You let out a laugh. "But I'd like to keep this momentum going. Only if you want to, though."
"Of course I want to keep this momentum going." Yunho replied and let out a laugh. "I'm a fan of momentum."
Before you knew it, you found yourself holding his hand. Not because you were drunk or high, but because you genuinely wanted to. Maybe he did awaken a dormant desire deep inside you, or maybe you just wanted to have fun with a cute boy and this was the best opportunity to do so. Whatever the reason was, you were completely okay with it. And surprisingly enough, neither of you let go of each other's hand.
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"Mmmm..." You let out a small moan of satisfaction as you snuggled close to Yunho's body.
The air conditioner hummed softly and the windows were tightly shut, blocking out any noise from outside. There wasn't a lot of light in the room; the only source of light came from the moonlight shining through the window. But that wasn't what caught your attention. It was the warmth of his body that surrounded you that caused goosebumps to appear on your skin. You reached out to touch his shoulder and his arm tightened around your waist, preventing you from moving further. He shifted slightly to turn you on your side, wrapping his arm around your body and pulling you closer.
It had been months since Jina's and Yeosang's wedding and here you were, wrapped in Yunho's embrace. You had your first official date a few days after the wedding and it ended in the most intense kiss you had ever experienced in your life. From that moment onwards, your life was flipped upside down and you didn't regret one thing about it.
Your friends were ecstatic that you and Yunho made it exclusively official. Jina and Yeosang even joked that if you two were going to get married in the near future, that they would have to be part of your wedding party. You weren't even thinking of marriage yet. All you wanted was to enjoy your time with him without worrying about making a mistake. And the fact that you could call him 'my boyfriend' was simply icing on the cake.
When Yunho suggested that you stay the night, you jumped at the chance. As much as you loved spending time with him during the day, nothing beat being curled up with him in bed. Being this close to him made you forget everything else in the world.
You closed your eyes and sighed contently. In that moment, nothing mattered except for you and Yunho.
"Y/N?" A soft voice spoke into your ear. "Are you asleep?"
Your eyelids fluttered open and you turned to see Yunho staring at you with adoration. His hair fell into his eyes and his cheeks were rosy red. His smile made your heart skip a beat. God, he was such a beautiful man.
You shook your head, burrowing your face deeper into his chest. "Not anymore."
Yunho chuckled and lightly kissed your forehead. "You're too cute, babe."
"Mmm...keep calling me cute." You pouted playfully.
Yunho wrapped his arm tighter around you and pulled you closer. "Cute. My girlfriend is cute. So precious. Cute, precious, sweet, adorable, perfect, gorgeous, hot, sexy, beautiful. That pretty much covers every adjective there is when describing you."
Your cheeks blushed. "Gosh, Yunho. What will I ever do with you?"
"There's only one answer to that question." Yunho replied and started tracing random patterns on your stomach. "Take care of me."
Your heart skipped a beat as Yunho lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. You leaned forward and cupped his cheek, wanting desperately to deepen the kiss. His mouth was warm and his lips felt so soft against yours. You couldn't help but moan as his tongue slowly brushed against your lips.
Your hands gripped onto his shirt and before you knew it, you were straddling his lap, moaning loudly as he continued kissing your neck. One of his hands ran up and down your thigh while the other caressed your cheek. The intensity between you two grew as the kisses became more heated. You grabbed his face with both hands and crushed your lips against his, giving him full access to explore your mouth. Both of your tongues intertwined and you moaned into his mouth, sending chills throughout your body.
His hands traveled up your legs and you quickly lifted your body off of his, leaving him breathless. "Yunho..." You breathed heavily, running your fingers through his hair.
"What do you want, baby?" He asked with lust-filled eyes.
"I need you." You confessed. "Don't you need me?"
Yunho smiled mischievously. "Every damn minute of the day."
You slid your hand underneath his t-shirt, running your fingers over his stomach. He groaned as your fingers pressed firmly against his skin. He moved his hands to cup your face and pull you in for another kiss. His fingers dug into your hips, pulling you tighter to him. Yunho sat up, tugging his shirt off before grabbing the hem of the t-shirt you borrowed from him and pulled it over your head. He threw it on the floor and admired your naked chest. You licked your lips, breathing heavily as he ran his hands up and down your sides, resting them on your breasts. He pulled your nipples into his fingertips and pinched gently, causing a low moan to escape your throat. He chuckled and planted a firm kiss on your lips.
You rolled over onto your back and pulled him on top of you, wrapping your arms around his neck. He ran his hands over your exposed skin and slowly slid your shorts and panties down your legs. Once you were completely naked, he took off his remaining clothes and lay down next to you, continuing to run his hands over your skin. He traced his fingers across your collarbone, dipping lower until he reached your breasts. You arched your back and grabbed hold of his hair, letting out a loud moan as he circled your nipples with his thumb and forefinger. His fingers pinched your nipple lightly, causing you to arch your back even more.
He licked his lips as he stared hungrily at your naked form. "God, you're so fucking sexy." He muttered under his breath.
Your breathing increased as he explored every inch of your body with his hands. You ran your fingers through his hair and watched as his dark eyes searched for yours. You tilted your head to the side and sucked on your bottom lip as he trailed kisses along your jawline. You closed your eyes and let out a moan as he covered your breast with his mouth, sucking hard on your nipple. Your nails dug into his scalp as he began to trail kisses down your stomach. He pushed himself up on his elbows and looked at you, waiting for you to tell him whether he should continue.
"Please." You whispered.
Yunho grinned wickedly and buried his face between your legs. You tensed as he ran his tongue along your wet slit, lightly brushing your clit. "Oh god..." You moaned as he placed small kisses all along your pussy, stopping briefly to tease your sensitive nub. You squeezed your thighs together, squeezing his head as his tongue ran along your clit.
He let out a little laugh against your inner thigh. "Babe, you’re going to suffocate me.”
You laughed, reaching out to grab his hair again. “I can’t help it. It feels so good.”
Yunho licked his lips. “Then don’t fight it, baby. Just enjoy the ride.”
You whimpered as he flicked his tongue against your clit, causing you to buck your hips. His mouth wrapped around your clit and suckled gently, causing an explosion of pleasure to flow through your body. You cried out and dug your fingernails into his scalp as you bucked harder and harder against his mouth.
"Yunho!" You cried out, unable to take it anymore.
Yunho removed his mouth from your dripping sex and stared at you with hooded eyes. "Let go, Y/N." He whispered. "Just let go."
With one last thrust of his tongue, you lost control and let out a scream as waves of ecstasy flooded through your entire body. You clutched Yunho's head, crying out as your orgasm exploded inside of you. Yunho continued licking your pussy until your orgasms subsided, kissing you tenderly afterwards. You laid there with your eyes closed, taking deep breaths as your heart slowed down.
Yunho propped himself up on his elbow and placed a soft kiss on your lips. "You okay?”
You nodded and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I am now."
Yunho laid next to you and you couldn’t help but straddle him again, tugging his pants down to free his cock. With one hand wrapped around his cock, you positioned yourself above him, lowering yourself slowly onto him. The way he gripped your ass made you gasp as you lowered yourself, allowing him to enter you. You held onto his shoulders tightly as he filled you up, his hips grinding against yours. You leaned forward and ran your tongue along his neck and shoulder, loving how his muscles tightened around you.
"Can't get over how good you feel inside me." You whispered.
Yunho smiled. "Feels good to be inside you, baby."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, enjoying the feeling of him filling you up. He let out a deep sigh as you rocked your hips back and forth. Every movement sent delicious sensations coursing through your body.
Yunho leaned his head back and closed his eyes, groaning softly. "Fuck, I love it when you ride me like this."
"Yunho." You gasped, biting his lower lip as you rode him faster.
"I know, baby." He whispered, tightening his grip on your waist. "I love watching you ride me. Love how you look so fucking hot riding my dick."
"Oh god..." You whispered as he pinched your nipples. "Please...Yunho...don't stop."
You could feel his cock pulsating inside of you and Yunho couldn't help but flip you over unto your back, pinning you down on the mattress. You bit your lip as he ground his hips into yours, causing another surge of pleasure to rush through your body. His mouth found its way to your breast and he kissed it roughly. He took his time sucking on your nipple, making you squirm beneath him. His teeth scraped against your sensitive skin and you arched your back, gripping his hair tightly as he pleasured your breast.
"You're driving me crazy, baby." He whispered against your skin. "Tell me what you want."
You bit your lip and glanced up at him. "Yunho...please..."
"Tell me what you want, baby." He said, still teasing your nipple with his teeth.
You let out a frustrated groan and dug your nails into his shoulders. "Yunho...fuck me...harder...please..."
He growled and slammed into you hard, burying himself to the hilt. "That's it, babe. Take my cock. Take everything I give you."
Yunho grabbed hold of your hips and pounded into you with every thrust, making you cry out in pleasure. His large hands grabbed onto your waist and held you in place as he pumped you harder and harder. You wrapped your legs around his waist, clutching his body close to yours. He moved his mouth to your ear and placed soft kisses against your earlobe. "God, you feel so fucking good. Feels so damn good."
He kept pounding into you until you felt the pressure build up inside of you. "Yunho...oh god...I'm gonna come!" You cried out as you clamped down on him, milking his cock.
"Fuck! Fuck! !" He yelled, pumping his hips faster as he came inside of you. You cried out as you climaxed with him, your body trembling as you fought to keep your legs still. You clung onto him tightly as he slowly pulled out of you, gasping for air as he collapsed next to you.
Yunho looked down at you with glazed eyes. "That was...one hell of a fuck." He whispered, caressing your cheek with his hand.
You laughed weakly and shook your head. "Mmmhmm."
"Glad I could be of service, ma'am." He teased, stroking your bare hip with his thumb.
"Uh huh." You giggled, running your fingers through his hair. "Anytime."
You snuggled closer to him and he wrapped his arm around you. "How'd I ever get so lucky?" He whispered against your temple.
You cuddled closer to him and ran your hand down his chest. "We both know it wasn't luck." You whispered. "This has always been meant to be."
Yunho smiled. "Meant to be. Sounds right to me."
"You know Seonghwa invited us to his wedding..." You looked up at him. "You wanna go?"
"Depends." Yunho gave you a teasing smile. "You gonna drool on me again?"
"Maybe..." You smirked.
Yunho laughed and pulled you into a tight hug. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, babe."
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monstersflashlight · 2 days
Commission for @itsafullmoon
A/N: Thank you so much for commissioning! This turned a lot more funny than expected, the werewolf is basically a himbo and the events are very fast-paced. Hope you enjoy!
Request: I’d like to request a NSFW-longer story Werewolf x fem!human, werewolf saves her from what could’ve been a fatal fall/accident in the woods or….was that his secret plan all along😏 (stalking, future mate?) I love your writing and leave the rest up to your creative mind🫶
The spiral to insanity happens in a hole
Werewolf x fem!reader || induced heat, knotting, semi-public sex (cave), implied stalking
“Help! Help me!” You cried out.
A head appeared at the top of the hole you fell into. “Hello there, stranger. Seems like you are in a hole,” his words made you want to hit him with a rock. “Do you need some help?” Was this dude for real?
Not wanting to be mean to the stranger that could have your way out of the hole you sighed and told him: “Yes, please.”
He reached inside the hole with his long arm, and you reached up trying to grab it. Before you know what happened there was a big crash and the stranger was next to you in the hole/cave. “How did you fall, too?!” You accused. Now both of you were stuck in the hole. Fuck.
“Oops,” he giggled. He actually giggled. Who was this dude? You glared at him and he rose his hands in a calming motion. “No worries, I work as a keeper in the reserve and called my college when I heard you calling. They’ll come to get us soon enough.” That did calm you, and you sat down on a big rock and stared at him.
He was pretty in a rough way, like a lumberjack. He was big as a wardrobe and looked like he could break a tree if he wanted to. You were kinda okay with that, he looked good. In other circumstances, you would have hit on him. Probably. And well, being completely truthful, you would probably hit on him here, too. Your body was tingling just by looking at him, a strange sensation boiling inside of you.
He didn’t say anything else, and you didn’t either. You sat in silence as he paced up and down the little cave and you thought about all the dirty things you would let him do to you. At some point he stopped and looked at you. “We could do something to pass the time.” That made sense, but at that moment you wanted to do anything but to talk. He was handsome, and maybe you wanted to fuck him a little (understatement of the century), but definitely not in a hole in the forest.
“What do you suggest?”
And then he went and deadpanned: “We could make out.” You looked at him trying to decipher if he was being serious.
You were so surprised it took you a couple of seconds to respond. “Are you fucking insane? I don’t know you!” You didn’t want to say no, but it was fucking insane that he was asking you that, you didn’t know each other’s name.
This dude was completely crazy, 100%. You didn’t know how you found yourself in that situation, but there you were. In a hole, in the forest, with a crazy dude who wanted to make out. And what was more surprising: you were okay with that. The idea of making out with him wasn’t as bad as someone could think. You kinda wanted to say yes, but you also knew that was a bad idea.
“Well, we could know each other.” He proceeded to tell you everything that came to mind about himself as you looked at him astonished. Who the fuck was this guy and why did you find him so adorable? He kept talking and talking and his blush became more and more prominent as you stared. “I’m sorry, I’m gonna shut up now.” He went from weird to endearing very fast, your heart beating erratically inside your chest. You were charmed by that big fool.
“You are kind of adorable,” you blurted out. You covered your mouth instantly, you didn’t want that to escape.
“You think so?” He asked back, flushing harder. Cute.
“Yeah. I feel this…. This connection to you. I don’t understand why, I should be scared or anxious about it, but looking at you brings me some kind of calmness. It’s like I already knew you.” And it was true, you felt some kind of deep connection to him, like something inside of you could recognize something inside of him.
“You do?” He sounded so hopeful and excited that you wanted to hug him and kiss the tip of his nose. What was wrong with you? “You a… Well, you see… Youaremymate.”
“I’m what?”
“You are my mate,” he told you, slower this time. At your confused look, he continued, “let me explain. So…. I’m a werewolf.” At your not-impressed look he changed before you. His face contorted and his bones cracked and before you knew it he was a fucking werewolf.
For both of your surprises, you didn’t scream, you didn’t panic, you just stared at him until your brain came back into action. “What the fuck!? How are you even real?!” You must have hit your head when you fell down. That’s it. That’s why the dude in front of you was a werewolf and why he was saying you were his mate. Yep, that’s the reason. He pinched your arm and you slapped his hand. “Why did you do that?”
“You aren’t dreaming. Or hit your head. I’m a werewolf and I’m real.” You stared at him for what felt like an eternity but was probably just a couple seconds. For some reason, you believed him and that made you question your sanity even more.
“You know what? I believe you. My life couldn’t get any messier, but apparently it can.” You laughed at that, hysterically. He looked at you with concern all over his face. “I’m okay, I’m okay…” You repeated as you wiped tears off the corner of your eyes. “I’m just having a bit of a breakdown.” He hugged you then, pulling you against his furry chest and embracing you tightly.
Weirdly enough, it made you calm down. Your breathing evening out to match his and your body relaxing in his arms. “So… do you want to make out?” He asked again, making you chuckle and looking up at him incredulously.
“Are you serious right now?” His kicked puppy face was answer enough. “Of course you are. I- No I don’t- You know what? I do. Let’s make out. If my life is going to get this crazy, I can surrender to it and also be insane.” You felt completely out of control, nothing made sense anymore and why not... Kissing a werewolf didn’t sound like the worst idea in that moment. He was handsome as fuck and he looked even better with all the furriness he had going on. You wanted to kiss him when he was human so… why not? Insanity was as good option as any other.
“You are not insa-” He didn’t finish that thought before you launched for his mouth and started kissing his wolfy face. The fangs against your lips made some deep part of you tingle. The danger and the anticipation making everything so intense you could feel your pussy getting wet. He sniffed the air and groaned against your mouth. “I can smell your desire,” he growled against your ear, breaking the kiss. You groaned in response, feeling hot all over.
You felt like your body was burning from the inside out, like your blood was made of lava and you were about to burn down completely. Your pussy felt so wet and so ready you could feel your heartbeat in your clit. “What is happening to me?” You asked, fanning yourself.
He looked down at you, guilty as fuck. “You started the mating process. You kissed me and now your body is going to react strongly to everything we do. You are going to get really horny, really soon.” You shook was rapidly replaced by a new wave of heat. Fuck. You groaned and kissed him again.
He tore a hole in your pants and ripped your panties, exposing your pussy to his hungry eyes. He stared at your center and slowly circled your clit as he pushed two fingers inside of you. You cried out and came around his fingers.
“More. More. Give me your cock.” You were frantically pulling at his pants, trying to free what felt like a dick bigger than anything you’d experienced before. He got himself free and you gasped when you saw. It was different from humans, larger in every way, but also had a different shape. It was fat in the middle instead of the tip, and there was a big bulge at the base that looked incredibly to grind against. “Now. Now. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…” you chanted. Your brain couldn’t understand anything else but the heat burning inside of you and his dick being the solution.
“Are you su-?” He tried to ask, but you weren’t having any of that. You needed to be fucked and you needed it NOW.
“If you don’t fuck me right now I swear to God I’-” He grabbed your hips and lowered you to his dick in a second, his dick fitting inside of you in one long thrust that had you throwing your head back and crying out in ecstasy. It was perfect. His dick was perfect.
He didn’t give you time to adjust to his girth, he started a punishing pace, his hands on your hips as he moved you up and down. You were grateful for that, your legs turned into jelly and you doubted you could do anything to help him right now. His movements were perfect but not enough. You rubbed your clit frantically as he told you how pretty you were, how good you looked and how lucky he was having a mate as beautiful as you.
You came apart in his lap. Once, twice, three times… He wasn’t stopping. He had super stamina or something like that because his dick was hitting all your perfect spots and you were seeing stars as he just kept going. Your pussy felt used, but you wanted more, so much more…
You needed, you needed something… Something. And then you felt it. “What is that?” You asked between groans, your body limp because of the pleasure.
He grunted and moved your hips up and down faster, making you see stars. “My knot. Do you- Do you want that?” You nodded, not knowing what you were getting yourself into, but too lost in the pleasure he was giving you.
It took some work, but he moved your hips against it until it was coated in your juices and it could slip inside. You blacked out for a couple seconds when you felt the extreme fullness inside of you. Your pussy was stretched to the max and it felt better than anything you’ve ever experienced. You felt like you reached nirvana. And then you could feel him coming inside of you, so much, so hot and fast… You were being stuffed, and it felt... marvelous.
You came a couple more time grinding his knot against your G-spot and when you couldn’t take it anymore, you deflated against his front. His knot was still firm inside of you, spurting cum every once in a while. You didn’t care anymore, you could take a nap right there.
“Can I confess something to you?” He broke the silence, his hands caressing your back in a hypnotizing motion.
“Well, it’s not like we can move, can we?” You asked, his knot firmly pressed inside of you. You rolled your hips experimentally and groaned at the sensation. So good.
“I hid the hole so you’d fall into it,” he confessed, hiding his wolfy face in your neck, licking that spot behind your ear that made you shiver. The combination of his knot pressing onto your G-spot and the licking was making your brain foggy with pleasure.
But then his words registered, “Dude, what?!”
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sharkikive · 6 hours
Ken Sato with a supermodel!reader pls pls pls
Like they're dating in secret but accidentally reveals their situation and their fans go wild
OMG sure! Sorry this took time for me to write and I really do hope you'll like it <3
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runway to your heart (ken sato x supermodel!fem!reader)
Summary: A baseball player and a supermodel, both celebrities in their respective fields. A relationship that had to be kept under wraps.
It was supposed to be a secret... until it wasn't.
Word count: 6,913
CW: Fluff, slightly suggestive (he def talks you through it), Ken Sato being the boyfriend of the year
A/N: I tried my best in writing this because I am not familiar with both fields (baseball and modelling) so here you go! This was purely out of my own imagination and is very, very self-indulgent because damn, who wouldn't want Ken Sato in their life? Rich, soft spoken, a good father, and the list goes on. Hope you enjoy this one just like how I kicked my feet every single time Ken becomes THE boyfriend.
Cheers erupted throughout the whole stadium and through the speakers, mixing in with the noise in the dressing room.
Hair rollers tucked in, brush with powder dancing across your face, and a neutral expression to let the makeup artist do his magic. Your eyes dutifully closed as the artist worked on your eyelids, but your ears got sharper to hear the conversations around you.
You knew who the main topic in the room would be, and that was the man that had just scored another point in the game on screen.
“Oh God,” you heard one of your model colleagues groan. “Ken Sato is too attractive. Look at that smile, that body-” she stopped talking and addressed you next. “Y/N, isn’t Ken Sato so handsome? Imagine being his girlfriend. That would be a-ma-zing.”
Your eyes were still closed and you hummed an immediate reply. “He’s okay. I’ve seen better and-” You opened your eyes when the makeup artist told you that he’s done with your eyes. “He seems like a cocky bastard.”
Your colleague, Hina, gave an exaggerated gasp as she heard your reply. “You did not just say that about Ken Sato. If he isn’t your type, I wouldn’t know who else would be able to satisfy you. He is the most sought-after man.”
You shrugged. “You never know. Maybe I like a single dad who has to raise a kid on his own, with him himself having daddy issues.”
Hina narrowed her eyes at you suspiciously, before prancing over and stared at you. “You know that whatever you described was very specific? Y/N,” she said, almost quietly, “are you seeing someone?”
“Yeah, I’m seeing you, Hina.”
She clicked her tongue. “You know, you always answer so smartly. One day, Y/N, I will discover your secret!”
You chuckled, watching as Hina got dragged by the stylist, prepping her to get her up to the runway. Your turn was still a long way to go, so you were left with your hair held up by rollers, while your eyes caught a notification on your phone. You read the notification and smiled, but quickly returned to a neutral expression.
The message read: It’s another win for us tonight, baby. Can’t wait to see you after this. Good luck for your show today, and break a leg. I know you’ll do great.
You typed in a reply, quickly snapping a picture of your prepped face and sending it over to the recipient. You weren’t even able to put down your phone when the next reply came in the next second.
You swore, this person could make you smile without even knowing, which could be a very risky thing considering the nature of both of your relationship.
Looking gorgeous as always, baby. The text message read. I really am the luckiest man to have you.
You put down your phone as your name was called over; your turn was approaching fast. You were practically floating around from one point to another, having different hands adding last-minute touch ups.
The line was moving fast before it was your turn, and you could see that every one of the models who finished their turn returned with a grim look on their faces backstage. You looked at the small entrance, and when you spotted Hina, you quickly signaled for her to come over.
“Was the runway condition that bad?” you whispered to her, whose hair was going in different directions at once.
“They said they wanted to simulate an ‘extreme condition’ on the runway, right?” She did quotation marks.
You nodded, agreeing to her. “Yeah.” You inched up the line. “The theme for today’s show is extreme weather.”
Hina exhaled slowly as she attempted to fix her hair. “All I can say is that they managed to replicate it well.” She shook her head. “Good luck, Y/N. You’ll need it.”
You turned your head back to the front, your turn coming closer as the models in front of you went out to continue the show. It was a rapid show, where you finally had your turn right after Hina disappeared behind a row of clothes.
You understood what Hina meant as soon as one foot was out from behind the scenes. The runway was boxed within a transparent glass, protecting the simulation from the audience.
From years of experience, you put on your best face before walking down the runway, doing your best in showing off the collection.
You were sure they were trying to imitate a blizzard, but the worst they could offer to models wearing heavy dresses and high heels. You saw the model in front of you fall first, the strong winds knocking her back before as she couldn’t fight it back.
One rule on the runway: you keep on walking, no matter the condition. Walk over your fellow models, maintain your expression and show off what you have. It’s an unapologetic world out here.
But that’s exactly the reason why you’re known as the rule breaker around here.
While maintaining your face, you did a show of reaching out to the fallen model, helping her up to let her continue, but you figured this time around, being a rule breaker did have its consequences.
You knew the fallen model; she considered herself as your rival, always trying to one up you in every single aspect. Every, single, aspect including boasting about having a ‘sweetheart’ while you don’t.
Your rival, Mei, quickly took this as a chance to get back at you and embarrass you in front of the audience. She accepted your hand at first, but you realised that she was pulling you down instead of pushing herself up. Not enough with it, she added an extra push, disguised under the pretext of accepting your help to get up.
You were thrown to the side, and coupled with the condition on the runway, you almost tumbled off the path. Luckily, you managed to break the fall but as you landed sideways, you could feel the bruise forming near your right ankle. You cursed silently as you saw Mei picking herself back up and smirking in a split second before strutting away, leaving you stranded.
You knew no one was going to help you up as long as the show was on, so you braced yourself while continuing. Throughout the whole show, you managed to finish without breaking rhythm. You didn’t let the pain hinder you, although all you wished to do was to be lying down, giving your body a much needed rest.
Backstage after the end of the show, your manager, a sweet woman in her 40s, quickly rushed to you. A single mother of 2, Ms. Tornado as you’d like to call her, as she always seemed like she was caught up in something chaotic. She fussed over you, but you quickly brushed her away.
”Ms. Tor,” you cooed, hiding the pain with a calm demeanour, “I’m done for the day. Let’s go back.”
On the way out, you gave a signal of reassurance towards Hina, who looked worried while her right fingers were tapping on her left knuckles. You saw Mei smirking at you, offering no words to you. You gave her no satisfaction of seeing you in pain as you smiled back.
You knew that everyone had seen you fall on the runway, but that didn’t disturb you.
Your phone pinged with a notification. As you read the message in the car, you turned to Ms. Tornado on the driver’s seat. She understood your signal.
”Usual place?” she asked.
Unable to hide your excitement, you quickly nodded.
No further questions asked as she drove towards the city border, bringing you to one special spot you had practically owned with that one person. In fact, you’re sure that he had bought ownership over the whole area. Your smile grew wider as you spotted the person waiting on a camping chair with an empty one next to it, a campfire lit up.
You sneaked up from behind, forgetting the pain in your legs as you broke into a run, almost causing the person to tumble forward as you hugged him from behind.
”Kenji!” You exclaimed, your character a total 180 degrees from whatever you put on when you were ‘the supermodel who revived the fashion scene’.
With him, you allowed yourself to be comfortable; no pretense of having to check your posture, controlling your expressions or giving off a cold demeanour. With him, you were just Y/N, the girl who preferred to be nested in your home, finishing your time up by watching your same favourite shows over and over again.
Kind of ironic how you considered yourself an introvert yet landed a job that essentially thrusted you into the spotlight.
Kenji exclaimed your name back in the same energy you gave him, hugging your arms as he planted a kiss on the back of your hand. He stood up and dear God, you love this man so much. One of your features that contributed to your modelling career was your height, but you loved the fact that even then, he towered over you.
Ken Sato, the name that had revived Japan’s baseball team, who had acquired a celebrity status after essentially becoming the saviour.
Ken Sato, the man who had kept the audience on the edge of their seats as he scored yet another point in the game.
Ken Sato, the one man who had essentially saved your life while unironically revealing his one kept secret to you.
And Ken Sato, your boyfriend.
Though both of your relationships had to be kept under the radar due to your statuses, you were content with what you’re having now.
Who cares if people think you’re too ‘cold’ and that’s why no one wants you? A small smile played on your lips as you thought, Well, Ken Sato does.
How both of you met was bizarre, to say the least. You were out eating dinner alone, under the disguise that you always wore when you’re just a ‘normal’ citizen, when the ground shook. You were sure that there was a monster attack somewhere, but you were calmly eating dinner when the restaurant’s roof got lifted up.
Ultraman’s giant figure was punching the monster, and you were left gaping at the sudden loss of roof above your head. You quickly finished up your dinner, and when you were about to walk back to your condo, you saw the one thing that you were sure you shouldn’t.
You saw Ultraman shifting back into a human-sized figure and lo and behold, it was Ken Sato. Before, you never bothered to dig deeper into his life because you figured out that you would never be affiliated with the baseball scene. You knew he was famous and that was it.
You couldn’t believe your eyes so you gasped, but your hand wasn’t quick enough to muffle the sound until he turned back to look at you. Both were stone statues for a good minute before he finally spoke up at that time, “Um… can you keep… uh the… secret?”
You sure as hell did keep the secret that even after a drunken stupor, a one night stand then turned into a secret relationship with him, it was still safe with you.
You were so comfortable with him up to the point that it was nice to be yourself with him.
”What’s wrong, baby?” He planted a kiss on your forehead, bringing you back to the present. You inhaled his scent as you buried your face in his chest. “You’re thinking of something?”
You shook your head, tightening your grip around his waist. “Nah,” you mumbled. “Just thinking about the time we first met.”
He chuckled as he ruffled your hair. “I’m sure you did great in your show just now, hmm?”
You stayed quiet, debating or not whether you’d like to tell him what actually happened. He most likely hadn’t seen the show yet, but sooner or later he’d find out. It’s just a matter of now or later.
You were in your comfortable clothes; baggy t-shirt with cargo pants and hair tucked underneath a beanie. In public, people would usually leave you alone when you’re in this attire. Today though, the long pants were also an attempt for you to cover up the growing bruise.
You decided to keep quiet about the bruise, figuring later that he would find out and by then, you hoped it wouldn’t look as bad as it was now. You detached yourself from his hug, careful to not make it so obvious that you were limping. You took a seat, beckoning for him to come over.
Ken traced you with his eyes, lips locked before he smiled. He passed by his seat but didn’t settle down. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the sand, facing you. He leaned forward, crossing his arms with each other on your legs and rested his chin on top. He looked up at you, that same boyish smile he had whenever he was with you.
You looked at him, uttering, “Looks like my boyfriend won yet another game today.” You patted his cheeks, and he quickly grabbed your hands to hold them.
”It was the team, really,” he said humbly, but with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “I was just one of the players.”
”Whatever you say, Mr.-eligible-bachelor-with-thousands-of-adoring-fans-waiting-to-be-picked.” You rolled your eyes.
He chuckled. “Little do they know,” he drew circles on your palm, “that I’m no longer available.”
He stared at you as you looked into the distance, the crashing of the waves filling in the silence between both of you. He stood up, cocking his head towards the shoreline. “Wanna go for a walk?”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, the trouble you had with your feet coming once again. You didn’t get a chance to answer as he knelt in front of you with his back towards you.
He gently pulled you on his back, your legs dangling on either side of his body as he piggybacked you. “Okay, let’s go for a walk,” he said, firmly placing his hands under your thighs.
You said nothing, circling your arms around his shoulders, your face buried at the nape of his neck. You loved the fact that you’re always calm around him, something that you’d always need after spending hours in a fast-paced environment for work every day.
As you walked along the shoreline, both of you pointed out stars shaped like objects, and he stopped at one point when you suddenly said, “I love you so much, do you know that?”
He laughed. “What’s with the sudden confession? I love you too, baby.” He gave your thigh a light slap. “And I’m glad to call you mine.”
”It’s time to go back, isn’t it?” You asked, hoping the answer would be no but knew the world would have to end for it to be.
He threw back his head to get a look of your face before uttering, “Sorry. I have a game tomorrow.”
You pouted slightly but knew that the circumstances wouldn’t change. Whether you’d like it or not, even though you didn’t mind your relationship was playing this way, both of you had your individual lives that didn’t intersect with each other.
Dates would always be a secret with limited areas you could go to, and you had to make sure you’re not seen within the vicinity of each other. If both of you needed to go to each other’s house, it felt more like you’re on an undercover mission.
Today, though, with you still on his back, he held onto you firmly and made his way back to his bike parked nearby some bushes.
”Kenji-“ you started, figuring that maybe he forgot that both of you were supposed to follow separate ways.
”Tell Ms. Tornado you’re staying at my house tonight,” he uttered, placing you on his bike’s seat, taking a helmet and helping you to put it on. “You’re sleeping at my house today.” He checked his watch. “I know that you don’t have any work scheduled for the next few days, right?”
You shook your head slowly, secretly happy that he actually kept track of your schedule. Your eyes searched for his from behind the visor, and you blinked slowly as he tapped your helmet.
“Stay at my house until you’re fully healed. Mina can take care of you.” He’s referring to the supercomputer his parents had programmed. He wore his helmet and leaned forward. If not for both of your helmets in place, he’d be resting his forehead against yours. “Of course, you’re welcome to continue staying until…” he winked, “whenever.”
He positioned himself in front of you, powering up his bike. You leaned forward, circling your arms around his waist.
Before your voice got swallowed by the roar of his bike, you said, “You knew I was hurt.”
Underneath his helmet he smiled. “I always do, baby. Always.”
One of the reasons you didn’t want to stay at his house for too long was because you knew you’d be too comfortable. It seemed that after the fiasco you ran into with Mei, Ms. Tornado told you that she was suspended from any work and your agency gave you time off.
So here you were, warm mug of coffee in hand, cross-legged on Ken’s sofa while wearing one of his hoodies. So far from your side, your manager was the only person who’d known about your secret relationship with the baseball player. You’re grateful that your agency was not the type to pry into your private life, so long it didn’t affect your work.
You made yourself right at home at Ken’s house. You could say that you became best friends with Mina, with her occasionally sharing stories about how Ken was when growing up and you helping her around the house.
You sunk in the plush sofa, watching a live show of another one of Ken’s games. You saw him turn to the camera, winked and did a secret sign that was directed at you. Seeing how he’s so expressive, you wondered whether Ken actually wanted your relationship to be public.
Even then, you wondered whether anyone actually noticed that Ken started doing the same pose to the camera whenever he scored a point, after he got into the relationship with you. Maybe the secrecy of your relationship was just held back by a single click to post on the Net.
As far as you knew, only five were aware of this relationship; both of you, your manager, Mina and Kenji’s father.
Rather than your own reputation, you’re worried more for Ken’s image. He just moved here from America, carrying the expectations of everyone who had set their eyes upon him. He rose to fame real quick, while you’d already established your foundation right in your hometown as you were raised through a family generation of models.
Night was approaching, and you did catch a message from Ken updating you that he would be joining the group dinner to celebrate their win first. He promised to come back as soon as the dinner was finished. While waiting for him, you caught Mina’s red bar from the corner of your eyes and you smiled at her.
“Y/N, Ken had actually asked me to ask you one important question.”
“Sure, what is it, Mina?”
Immediately, Mina displayed a projection showing a website of a furniture store. She changed the page to the ‘bed frames’ category.
“I was told that the bed broke last night. Ken told me this morning to ask you which ones would you prefer,” Mina said without any hint of emotion. “He didn’t want to disturb you while you’re sleeping this morning.” After remembering another point she added, “He said make sure to pick the strong ones.”
You, on the other hand, were already burying your face in your hand as your cheeks reddened. “Oh my God,” you groaned. He could go one day, one day, without making you blush. It didn’t help that Mina was delivering the message so robotically. Well, she was one, but you get the point. “Mina, can we talk about this… some other time? Don’t worry,” you pressed your lips into a thin line as you remembered how exactly the bed broke last night. “I’ll tell Ken that you delivered the message well.”
Mina backed up, doing her gesture akin to a nod. “Sure, Y/N.”
You turned your head towards the front door when you heard the door opening, and you stalked your way to your boyfriend, who was holding his jacket in his left hand. Your face fell when you saw that he was wincing, the skin near his eye bruised and his right hand gently pressing over the injury.
“What happened to you?” You fussed over him, requesting Mina to take a bucket of ice and a cloth. “Who did this?”
He winced once again, but grinned soon after. He threw his jacket on the sofa and grabbed your waist, kissing you, hard. It was like he was releasing whatever pent up frustrations he had the whole day, drunk in your kiss that you felt out of breath as soon as he let go.
You saw Mina hovering nearby, clearly not wanting to disturb both of you. You cleared your throat and Ken ran a hand through his hair.
Mina set down the requested bowl of ice and cloth, but Ken shook his head.
Ken uttered, “Mina, can you please bring a bucket of ice to the bathroom? I’d like to soak myself in the tub.”
“Sure, Ken.”
“Ken, you need to tell me what happened to you. You’re injured, for God’s sake!” Your eyebrows knitted in worry, but your boyfriend was displaying the opposite as he was happily dragging you along to the bathroom.
He only gave you a peck on your forehead as Mina helped to prepare the bath.
You wouldn’t let your eyes off his injuries, assessing how badly he was hurt. As Mina excused herself to leave both of you in the bathroom alone, he stripped and stepped into the tub. The water sloshed around as he settled down, and you gritted your teeth as you sat on the edge of the bathtub.
He lifted up his eyebrows, clearly teasing you. “Care to join me?”
You sighed, clearly dissatisfied at how he’s acting while not disclosing about what had happened to him until he returned with a black eye. You crossed your arms, not wanting to submit to his pleading eyes, not until he told you what happened.
Clearly, you were not strong against this man because now both of you were stark naked in the cold water, Ken hugging you from behind as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Now tell me what happened.”
Ken obliged. “So we went for a celebratory dinner at this one grilled meat restaurant.” He buried his face at the nape of your neck. “There was this one group of guys who clearly were too drunk. One of them,” you felt his arms tightening around your waist. “Was making inappropriate comments about your body. My girlfriend. Of course I got pissed and punched him. It was an easy fight, but I was unlucky to get this one hit. I won, of course.”
The knot in your stomach got undone, that heavy feeling finally lifting off as you laughed, relieved. You leaned backwards, muttering, “Oh, Kenji. My idiot Kenji. I really thought you had an encounter with a hater, someone that wasn’t afraid to punch you in public just because they hate you. I was so worried. But didn’t your teammates suspect anything? For you to react that way when they’re talking about me.”
“Even if they do find out, it doesn’t matter. Anyone who speaks like that about you deserves to be punched, baby.” The water sloshed around as he turned you around so that both of you were facing each other. He rubbed a thumb over your lips, his mouth lifting at the corners. “And guess what?”
You narrowed your eyes. “What?”
“I got a personal invitation from one of the biggest sports brands here. They’re inviting me for an official photo shoot for their new attire collection.”
“That’s amazing, Kenji!” you exclaimed, and he shook his head, a smile plastered on his face.
“And you know what’s the best part? It’ll be a duo photo shoot, a collab with one of Japan’s famous models.”
“A man?” you asked, still clueless.
“A woman.” He grinned, “With my woman.”
“Oh!” You slapped a hand to your forehead, not believing that you hadn’t caught on when your manager had told you that you would be having an upcoming photo shoot with one of the most famous athletes. No wonder Ms. Tornado looked all smiley when she was delivering the news.
“They were surprised when I agreed to it without much questions,” he said. “Said yes as soon as I heard your name.”
Your leg was all healed, Ken’s bruise subsided, and it was finally the day of the photo shoot. Obviously, both of you had to come from a different place and at a different time to avoid any suspicion, so the night before you had returned to your house, despite Ken showing you his puppy eyes to make you stay.
You left without looking back, having to reassure him that both of you would see each other tomorrow.
The day came. In the makeup room, both of you had your lips locked, only a slight nod of greeting when he first came in before you returned your attention back to the mirror in front.
God knew how much Ken Sato was holding back from pulling you into a hug as soon as he saw you in the room.
You saw him from the corner of your eyes, his eyes closed as he let the brushes and artist do their work. You smiled, your mind thinking about how Hina would most likely go crazy once she heard that you had landed a job with this famous baseball player. You figured that you’d let her find out by herself once the official photo shoot had come out.
In the studio, both of you exchanged a formal greeting before the photo shoot started, and you could see that Ken was trying to hide from forming a smile on his face. As the camera started clicking and poses were thrown, you could hear the photographer yelling out encouragement, including ‘Don’t be shy with each other’ and ‘Stand closer’.
You heard Ken slightly snicker, and he whispered to you subtly, his lips slightly brushing your earlobe. You shivered, and he was smart enough to not let anyone see what he was doing. “If only they know how close we are.”
“Last set!” The photographer announced. “This time around, I’d like to see some contact with each other. No looking like you’re two magnets repelling each other, but attracting each other instead.”
“Oh I can do that,” Ken said smugly as he followed the photographer’s instructions.
Funnily enough, he was the one looking like he had more experience in modelling as he followed the photographer’s instructions to a T, while you felt more like a deflated balloon guided by your boyfriend.
You promised you were a professional model, but with him, well, you faltered and posed like you’re a novice instead. Still, you managed to pull through the photo shoot as the photographer gave a thumbs up, fully satisfied with the session today.
You took some time to relax after the photo shoot alone in the dressing room. As you were leaning against the chair, your head turned to look at the door that just opened.
Ken’s head popped up through the space and he waved his hand. “Hey,” he whispered. He looked over his shoulder before slipping into the room, locking the door behind him.
“Ken Sato,” you said, more of a warning. “What if someone sees you coming in?”
“It’s fine,” he walked over to you, and lifted you up in a hug.
Naturally, your legs coiled around him as he firmly placed his arms around you.
“I wanted to say goodbye in person before I leave for my game this evening. You’ll watch the game live, right?”
“Of course, I’ll be there.”
You practically jumped away from him as a knock came on the door and panicked, you opened the closet door before shoving him inside. You shut the closet tight, catching his eyes trailing your movement through the bars before putting a finger over your lips to signal silence. Steadying your breath, you opened the door to find the photographer standing outside.
“Oh hey, uh…” you trailed off as you realised that you didn’t know the camera man’s name.
“I’m Yuichiro,” he extended his hand to offer a handshake, but you politely declined with a nod of your head. “It’s uh,” he nervously chuckled. “I thought that you looked great and I found out that we’re the same age. I was wondering if you would like to, you know, go have coffee sometime. As in, uh, I’d like to take you out sometime.”
“Oh, really?” You swore you could feel Kenji’s stare digging through the man’s skull as you stole a glance towards the closet behind you. “That’s too bad because I uh,” You silently prayed that Ken wouldn’t suddenly spring out of the closet. “I am too busy. I don’t even have time to drink coffee myself.” You gave a professional smile, hoping that the man would take the hint and walk away.
“Not even coffee?”
“Not even coffee.” You sighed, shaking your head. “I don’t drink coffee, actually.”
“Oh.” He looked surprised. “But I thought I saw you drinking coffee this morning at the set.”
You shook your head, pretending to be disappointed. “I’m afraid you are hallucinating, my friend. I don’t drink coffee. Anyway,” you clapped your hand, “I need to get ready to go to my next destination for another photo shoot, so if you could please leave?”
He looked disappointed as he nodded. “I mean, yeah. Please go on your way. Sorry to take your time.”
You smiled politely but as soon as you closed the door and locked it, you jumped over to the closet, the door creaking as you pried it open. You saw Ken sitting on the floor, elbows resting on his knees as his bangs curtained his eyes. You sat down in front of him, moving his bangs out of his vision.
“Kenji…?” you started, trying to gauge his emotions. 
He stayed quiet for a few moments, and you poked his stomach when it seemed like he’s not budging.
“Are you okay?”
He breathed in and out, before looking up. His eyes caught yours, but still you couldn’t read his expressions. “I experienced this new emotion,” he finally said.
You inched forward.
“You’re doing great, baby.” The compliment came out of nowhere that you were slightly taken aback.
“Kenji,” the grin on your face grew wider, “were you jealous?”
He never broke off his stare to you, and you found it so attractive. “I was.” His eyes dropped to your lips. “I was stopping myself from jumping out of the closet and announcing that you’re mine.”
“I am,” you uttered, ruffling his hair. “You better get going. You have a game to win.”
“I sure do.” He stood up and you mirrored his actions. Before he turned to leave, he kissed you on the lips and whispered again as he peppered kisses on your neck. “With this jealousy, let’s just hope the bed won’t break again tonight.”
Of course you lied to the photographer to politely decline his advances. Your schedule was free this evening and you had promised Ken you would see his game live. You dressed as inconspicuously as possible, donning on the merchandise jersey they sold to the public.  
Ken had offered you to wear his jersey, but that would practically mean announcing your relationship to the public. Tucking your hair under the cap, putting on fake glasses and looking at yourself in the mirror, you figured how Clark Kent had managed to turn people’s suspicions away from him being the superhero.
Now, you’re just one person among the thousands of show-goers filling up the stadium. You took up your seat, eager to witness the game Ken would be joining. Announcement blared throughout the stadium, signalling that the game was about to start. You heard your boyfriend’s name announced as he stepped onto the field.
Giants’ supporters cheered for him, and you joined in on the hype as you saw him giving his million-dollar smile to the crowd. You waited for the game to start, and truth be told, no matter how many times Ken had explained the rules of the game, anything barely stuck to your brain. Still, you tried your best to support him even though that meant cheering for him blindly whenever the others did.
The crowd went wild again as the Giants scored yet another point.
You got distracted by a notification coming to your phone. You wanted to ignore it, but as you saw Hina’s name as the sender, you had to sit down and open the message. She rarely texts you out of work, so there must have been something out of the ordinary. You felt your heart drop as you read the message, and a link towards a news website was sent together.
Your eyes caught her message first. Oh my God?! You’ve been dating Ken Sato?
You stood up together with the rest of the cheering crowd, but you had to wrestle your way through to make your way out of the stadium. You didn’t know what to do, Kenji was still in game and your feet almost gave way as your shaky hands opened the link to read the news.
Everything was summed up in one news article, and you felt your world getting smaller as you saw the pictures of the night Ken had piggybacked you after you hurt your leg, all obviously looking like they were taken in secret. You read through the whole article, your ears deafened by the sound of roaring cheers inside the stadium.
You were standing outside the stadium, and you looked back at the giant screen you could see displaying yet another shot of Ken doing his signature pose to the camera. You turned back to the news article in your hands, and read through the whole thing over and over again. Several lines caught your eyes, and you finally caught on who was behind this.
Photographer Yuichiro handed over the pictures of the two lovebirds having a secret date at the private beach, which was purportedly owned by Ken Sato. From the pictures taken, I’m sure everyone would come to one very obvious conclusion. The question is; do you find the relationship surprising, or are they a perfect match for each other?
You wondered if it was all planned by him; the photo shoot together with Ken. Was he testing to see whether you’d accept a date with him to assume whether you’d have a boyfriend or not?
You wanted to run away. But from what, exactly? Running away wouldn’t solve this problem.
Well, if it turned into a problem.
Cheers erupted again as you returned to the stadium, just in time to see the final score and then celebrating the Giants’ victory. Chanting swimmed through the crowd, and you gripped your phone tightly as you searched for Ken among the players.
You finally spotted him at the bench, and your mind was as equally noisy as the audience around you.
He looked in your direction, trying to search for you but before he could catch your eyes, his shoulder was tapped by a fellow teammate, showing him an article displayed on the screen.
Everything happened fast, you didn’t know that it was possible as your worst fear came to life in front of everyone. The giant screen in the stadium displayed the news article and the pictures of the both of you displayed in a slideshow. You could hear shouts of confusion and gasps among the crowd as all of them were looking at the same thing.
The noise of the crowd died down as Ken made his way to the edge of the field, where an interviewer was waiting to start the session. The topic of the interview was supposed to be about the win at first, but it had clearly turned into a different direction.
The camera focused on Ken, and you knew he was directly looking at you. He looked calm, the practised smile he had on whenever he appeared on screen.
“Ken Sato,” the interviewer started, as he looked into the camera, “The name that is no longer a stranger to every household. His return to Japan brought waves and hope to the Giants. But today,” she turned to him, “it seemed like you’re the focus on the interview for an entirely different topic. Who knew that this eligible bachelor was actually already taken? I have the man here with me, so, what would you like to say?”
The crowd was obediently silent as they waited for his answer. You felt your heart beating loud in your chest as you, too, anticipated what he would say.
For a split second your mind wondered whether he would vehemently deny the news, but you brushed that thought away. You trusted him.
“I do have a question for everyone here, first, though.” Ken swept his vision across the crowd. “Is it a sin for a celebrity, or at least someone who is quite well known by the public, I mean,” he shrugged, “I don’t wanna sound like I’m boasting or that I’m too full of myself thinking that I’m famous.”
There was a ripple of laughter through the whole crowd.
“Is it wrong for me to be in a relationship?”
Silence. A dread coming over you as you quietly anticipated that there might be protests coming from the crowd. No one spoke up until you heard a female shouting from the crowd, “No, it’s not a sin! Well, we would be slightly sad that our favourite bachelor is no longer available, but you’re still human!”
Your eyes travelled to the female shouting, and realised why the voice was so familiar. It was Hina. She saw you looking at her and she grinned, giving a thumbs-up.
“Thank you, random woman from the crowd,” Ken uttered. He turned back to the camera. “I think that answered the question. I’m still human,” he shrugged, his eyebrows lifting up as he announced, “and I fell in love with Y/N. We are happily in a relationship. I’m proud to say that she’s mine.” His eyes finally fall towards your direction. You could only discern his expressions and gestures from the big screen because he was too far from you. “I love you, Y/N.”
There was a momentary moment of silence that you could hear a pin dropping, and you feared that maybe, the public wouldn’t take it so nicely.
But soon, the whole stadium shook with cheers from the crowd. This time around, they were chanting both Ken's and your names.
Okay, so this was not the reaction that you had expected.
You saw Ken gesturing to you, asking to meet you privately after the game. You nodded, pointing to your phone to say that you would communicate through text.
He sent you a message for the meetup point, and you practically ran towards where he had wanted to meet you.
You saw him at the end of the empty hallway, the noise in the stadium a distant sound now that it was only the two of you. You ran into his arms and he caught you, laughing. You let your breath steady first before saying anything.
“Ken Sato… you…” you started. “You have this way of wording things. I never expected the whole crowd to just agree with you.”
“Hey, look at me.” He tilted your chin, and he gazed upon you. “Like I said, we’re still humans.” He kissed your lips. “And I fell in love with you.”
“Hmm…” You hummed, still feeling slightly worried.
Ken opened the article, scrolled down to the comments and showed them to you. “See, they’re all positive comments.” He cleared his throat, doing his best imitation while reading the comments. “Oh my God, they’re a perfect match for each other! I knew they were dating, it would be weird if they didn't date. Honestly, I don’t know how it happened, but I’m happy for them. Y/N, you’d be better off with me-” He stopped reading when he read one comment that irked him. “You know what, I’m going to report that last comment.”
You burst into laughter seeing how he was tapping furiously at the screen, blowing out an air of satisfaction as he finally reported the comment.
“There, problem solved,” he announced.
“You know that probably some time in the future that there will probably be people who won’t be satisfied.” You sniffed.
“Well that’s too bad.” He bumped his forehead against yours. “Because you’re already mine.”
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thisisxli · 1 day
Hajime x tooru's twin sister!reader who is bold president of a science club in school headcanons?
OOOOH this is a MUST
Miss the old haikyuu 2020 days fr. And man is this my best work yet trust🙏
Hajime Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader(Tooru's twin)
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Rs: Hajime Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader (Tooru's twin sister)
Warnings: ANGST, a little bit of bullying, awkward talks of teenage sex, sexual depictions, suggested themes, nsfw(lasts for a sentence or two), disorder mentioned, implied death
Tags: sad.. Bittersweet, fluff, hajime is so cute, hajime acts soft around reader, childhood friends to lovers, high school sweethearts, old age, marriage, a little smut
Recommended song: (play by the end)
wc: 1.5k
a/n: this made me feel nostalgic and pretty sad to write imo.
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How you met/first impressions:
You met each other through your brother, Tooru. Tooru was snarky and keen on keeping his best friend to himself but you were even more petty. When Tooru was distracted on trying to set a ball, you would quickly grab Hajime by the wrist and drag him to your hiding place. Occasionally, it would change because your brother would somehow find it.. always.
To Hajime, you had to be one of the prettiest girls he's ever seen in all of his six years of living. You.. also became his first heartbreak. He proposed to you with a ring pop and you refused. "Pee-yew! I don't wanna marry you, Iwa!" He was left super dejected and sulked until Tooru was forced to distract him to get his mind off things. Ever since then, he was always teasing you and making smart ass remarks at you.
He was a odd boy. What made you like and wanna hang around him like Tooru does was that Hajime was adventurous. He seemed strong too. And you wanted two boys to look up to anyways to treat you like queen so you tried your best to boss both Tooru and Hajime around. You entirely started to acknowledge Hajime when he comforted you after Tooru hit you in the head with a volleyball.
How you start to like each other:
Hajime has always liked you since you were little kids. Obviously. But he made sure it wasn't obvious to you or that you were merely someone he stole answers from for science class. Someone who was just his best friend's twin sister. It wasn't like he was gonna stay like this forever... He just didn't know how to approach you. And he has his doubts. He's basically like Paxton Hall Yoshida only that he didn't sleep around and he wasn't that dumb... He just sucked at science. So he goes to you but he makes fun of you for it.
You realize when some random jock drops all the books in your hands on purpose, laughing and high-fiving with his friends. "stupid- STUPID SHITFACE!" Your shout literally reaches everyone's ears. Including Hajime's.
For some reason, the jock gets offended and goes up to you, chest to chest. Except his chest was much larger and higher than yours. "The fuck d'you say?" You nearly recoil when you feel his hot breath hit your face. "I said-" "betta' keep that mouth shut, sweetheart," he cuts you off immediately, wincing when he shoves you against the lockers. People are already crowding and pulling out their phones. Great. But before anything else happens, the jock is roughly jerked back and lands on his butt. And there stands your prince Charming, Hajime Iwaizumi. You notice that his ears are red. Steams were also practically steaming out of his ears. He stomps his way over to the jock that stood up with a small stutter. "Better keep that mouth shut, hm?" Hajime stares the jock down. Clearly, the boy wasn't going to back down so he scoffs, rolling his sleeves up. The jock's eyes quickly widen and murmur a 'my bad ' and takes his leave along with his friends, a few applauses and cat calls being earned from the crowd.
"You okay?" Hajime barely grasps your fingertips in his, looking at you with concern. Your heart was quite literally about to explode over what just occurred.
How you confess:
The tension was awfully SO obvious.. Matsukawa was frantically complaining about the faint flirting and playful teases. But neither you or Hajime did or said nothing. Matsukawa basically face plants at that but he sorts out a plan with Hanamaki and Tooru. Tooru was almost against it but he did have to admit, he literally knew everything about how the two of you felt. And it was painful to watch you and Hajime, it cringed him out LIKE JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY!!
Tooru had sent you a text that he was already home. So it was just you and Hajime. You both left the school in silence. Started walking in silence. Entering your neighborhood in silence. Before you thought another moment was gonna be filled in silence, he tugs you by the wrist. He confesses and pours out everything he knows and feels about you. How long, when, where, etc. You confess too, a smile adorning your face when he looks away all flustered. You kissed him on the cheek before you went in your house, leaving him alone with a hand on his cheek and a slack jaw.
How you get together:
He was waiting for you outside the door after your club meeting ended. He seemed nervous but you knew what he was trying to get at. So you simply do the job for him. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" He gives you that signature head scratching smile, giving you a nod. You both walk home together that late afternoon, holding hands the whole way.
How you kiss:
They're very sweet and slow. Hajime respects you enough to not over step your boundaries unless you ask of him. He gets very wary when you do. "Are you sure? Are you reaallly sure? I don't know.. Suure? Okay, okay- fine, c'mere."
Sometimes things get heated. The way his tongue glides over yours seems like they almost suggest something. You would smirk against his lips and push yourself on top of him to get him flustered on purpose. Or you would... at least try to pin him against a wall. "(Y-Y/N).. We- we can't yet.. not yet.." This would get you very pouty but he kisses you through it and holds you so you don't catch a fit.
What he loves about you (Adults) :
He loves that you stayed through all this time. He's known you about twenty one years and you both have dated each other for nine years. Obviously when it becomes your tenth anniversary, he's gonna propose.. He just doesn't know how... And he seriously did not mean to wait that long..
He loves to kiss your pulses and your eyelids. He thinks those are really intimate to do and he just really loves that you're alive and breathing.
He loves when wrinkles start to spawn whenever you concentrate. It makes him think he'll grow old with you.
When you're married: he loves it when you cling onto him for life on your honeymoon, screaming his name when you're bouncing on his shaft. 'Give me your babies' you chant. It makes him giggle at the thought.
Awkward discussion with your kids:
One of your kids get a unusual.. and awfully weird offer. Luckily, they came to you both about it for advice and for curiosity. "Why do people have sex?"
Honestly, it was like you were ready for this question but you were unprepared. You knew how high school could be very.. Ratchet. Especially with all the drama, sex, hormones... You were sure things were worse for their generation. But you thoroughly explain and answer with all you can to your child's questions, trying not to cringe halfway.
Your husband was NOT prepared at all. He wasn't ready. He wasn't even really expecting this conversation until LATER. man, he thinks. 'Their generation would really bring us all down.' He stays and tries to answer though.. It's mainly just you talking and you seem completely fine and cool with it which he doesn't understand at all.
After an argument:
Usually, a child sulks and becomes completely depressed when their parents fight but oh no, not your child. Your child absolutely loves to step in between you and Hajime's arguments. Your child was basically the anchor, almost. Keeping you two steady.
Hajime would realize his mistakes and so would you. So you both make up to each other and show each other your love, hugging each other and never letting go, falling asleep in each other's arms once you do.
Who gets Dementia?
You, you do.
It's a sad thing, really. Old age was really hitting you both, you especially. It saddened you both but you both knew it would be okay all as long he was next to you and you were next to him.
It would hurt Hajime whenever you would forget his name and slowly how he looks like. But he never gave up, nor did he ever pressure you into trying to figure out who he was. That's also how you knew that man was someone you loved. Every time you would remember though, everything suddenly became waterworks. You would cry about being young again and experiencing so many things with each other without a problem in the world.
Last moments?
"Hajime?" You murmur, reaching out for his wrinkled hand. He turns to look at you, eyes glossy and sullen looking because of his droopy skin. He rubs his thumb across your hand, kissing your knuckles. "You're beautiful."
You smile warmly, closing your eyes just as you tell him so, "take me to the moon."
Fun Fact:
As young adults, Hajime was suffering without you in California. He immediately made sure you never left his sight when he went back to Japan.
At the ages of 6, Hajime had nursed your scraped knee. When he gave you a Disney Princess band-aid, you kissed his cheek politely and he happily accepted it.
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o-pandora-o · 1 day
Dating Beleth Headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
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Note: This is NOT SPOILER FREE. After playing the event and have unlocked few of info via intimacy, I am currently hungry of Beleth content. Please be advised that this is not spoiler free and will connect a few info from the event or intimacy info. Writing this before I completed 100% of his intimacy info (currently at 27%). Writing in gender neutral pronouns.
How is it like dating the de facto King (in terms of what he does) - Right hand of Belphegor - Beleth?
🚬 One of the loyal green flags in Hell, once he picks someone to be his partner, don't expect him to entertain others. He might have the charisma to get along with others; however, he will definitely not entertain others who flirt with him when he's taken. He'd politely say "Hahaha. Sorry to break it to you pretty boy/girl, I'm already taken", bonus points if they flirt in front of you, he'd hold your waist and pull you close to him, no questions asked.
‌🚬He would definitely call you cute pet names such as "kitten", "kitty", "baby", and "babe". He like cute things, so he'll call you something cute too wink wonk.
🚬He isn't picky when it comes to his partner, he mostly looks at what's inside rather than what's outside. He doesn't care of your gender, nor your physical appearance. Whether your thin, chubby, plus-sized, or small. He'll love you, since he chose you to be his partner out of the many people he slept with.
🚬His love language is Act of Service, similar to Valefor, he'd do anything because you deserve everything. He may look like a bad boy, but he's a good guy at heart. He'd hold the door for you. He'd take your bag whenever you go out. Honestly, he's quite used to this because he takes care of his king - Belphegor.
🚬‌If you're feeling sick he'd take a leave from the palace and take care of you. He'd cook your comfort foods, provide comfort and warmth. Even if you're not sick, he'd cook for you if he wakes up before you.
🚬‌He's also keen on things you once said. He might bring home some desserts or food if you mentioned something that you wanna try it. Or plan a date on a newly opened cafe because you once mentioned it.
🚬He always likes it whenever he does something for you, especially if you request something. He'd do anything just to make you happy. ‌His secondary love language is physical touch. He is purely consensual and will ask you if it will be okay to touch you (hold hands, hugs, kisses) especially if you're not the type of person that is fond of physical touch.
🚬He loves LOVES being the big spoon! He's pretty tall and loves seeing you all small in his embrace. He also likes to pat your head whenever you look so cute. Bonus if you pout, he'd laugh heartily.
🚬He's pretty neutral when it comes to PDA. He respects your personal space but if he needs to display his affection, he might do so. For example if one demon decides to flirt with you, not knowing Beleth is your s/o. "It seems you really are famous with the demons, no?" Beleth said to you "Sorry my friend, it seems they're already taken, Hahaha." He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close and kisses your forehead
🚬‌Doesn't get jealous easily. He trust you so much to the point that he doesn't get jealous when other demons talk to you. However, it will be another issue if he notices something fishy with the other party. He'd be more protective rather than jealous.
🚬‌He's fond of cute animals especially baby ones. He feeds stray cats and dogs, one some rare occasions he might bring home one. "Hi baby I hope you don't mind I brought home a small kitty. I was watching him for a few days now, he's all alone. I hope you don't mind haha." He cradles the small kitty like his baby, while making that sweet smile "But Beleth… that's the 10th cat this month…"
🚬‌He does not belittle anything or anyone, even his opponents or you. When he heard someone talking shit about you and your abilities he'd butt in and politely negate their comments. "Hahaha. I wouldn't be too sure of that, my baby can pack a punch you know".
🚬He's practically the son of the Black cat x golden retriever trope. He's so cool, chill, and he practically gets along with everybody. His aura screams bad boy but to you he's like a dog (or in his case, a cat) waiting for your orders and affection.
🚬‌He once thought that you might be scared of his demon cat form, but you proved him wrong. "Are you sure you wanna see it, y/n?" "Yes! Please!!" "You know I don't show this normally right? I just show this whenever I'm mad. Haha" A cold sweat drops from his forehead "Yes! Bathin told me that too! Even Harumon!! May I see it pretty please?" "Promise me you won't change how you look at me, mkay?" "I promise!!!" "Alright, a promise is a promise, okay?" He hesitantly transforms into a gigantic demon cat "…" You stared at him "Y/n…?" He meowed " YOU'RE SO FLUFFY AND CUTE SORRY I LIED I CHANGE HOW I LOOK AT YOU NOW OMG YOU'RE SO FLUFFY!!!" You run a hand into his fur and hug him He was happy and shocked that you enjoyed looking at his demon cat form
🚬‌He enjoys it if you run your hand into his fur, it makes him purr if you scratch certain places. He will sometimes wrap his body around you and it will be okay for him if you sleep on his soft fur.
🚬‌He gets a bit upset or sad if he can't see you in the days that he's busy with Belphegor's orders or errands. Honestly your competitor is his Majesty Belphegor himself in your time with Beleth. I wouldn't say Beleth is too busy like Bael, but he may be busy occasionally due to fights or troublesome issues. He might request Harumon to bring you something if he can't come home.
🚬He sometimes fight for fun, kinda similar to training. Hottest time is when he fights without a top on, when sweat trickles down his chest and abs. "Y/n please close your mouth and don't drool" Gusion said as he was requested to supervise so you wouldn't get hurt. He'd also enjoy it if you bring him a towel. "Hmm? Do you wanna wipe my swear, lil one? Just kidding haha" He likes to tease you
🚬The only time he'd lose his chill is if you're in danger and if the angels did something to you. "What did you do to them?!" "Oh ex-brother Beleth! I just removed the temptation from you! You were sinning and that person is-" The angel's head was cut off "Oh Beleth? Why are you here?" "Huh but I thought-" He saw you bought cat food and Bathin was behind you "Was guarding them like you asked" Bathin said as he saw the angel's head in the floor "Oh."
🚬‌He likes lighting up cigarettes(this is alr obvious because of his philia), bonus if you like it too. But if you don't like cigarettes (even the smell), he'd maintain distance to respect your preference (also so you won't smell it too strongly). However if you try to smoke (or if you already do) he'd really get turn on (again this is because of his philia).
🚬‌He always likes it if you dress up like a soft boy/soft girl or lolita. He always encourages you to dress up and not be shy of your preferences, since you dress up for yourself after all.
🚬Firmly believes that Beleth only have sex with people because of the NEED to sleep. But after you're with him, man he WANTS to sleep everyday. He's so comfortable with you that he wants to sleep (literally, wholesome) with you but his insomnia is stopping him. But hey you can help him sleep tho 👀
🚬‌He's pretty naughty sometimes. He'd slap your ass jokingly if you're cooking or doing something standing up, and he won't apologize but makes the most flirtatious smirk. He would often tease you especially if it makes you pout and he'd laugh about it. He would also engage in dirty talks if he seems a bit bored.
🚬His member is pretty big, and I'd say BIG, it's probably bigger than Beel's and it's girthy. Good thing Nilfheim has good pants (fuck those pants) you can't see his bulge or whenever he's having a boner when he see you all flushed up and squirming from his dirty talks or even if you lit up a cigarette for him.
🚬‌He'd like it whenever you sit on his lap (he doesn't care if you're heavy, he's a demon with demon strength anyw). However, he will like it even more if you decide to cockwarm him. He likes seeing you squirming on his lap, begging to move. He'd grip your thighs and whisper dirty things in your ear. He'd even bite or lick your earlobe. "Mmmm Beleth please can I m-move?" "Lil oneee, you said cockwarming right? Be a good girl/boy and sit still mkay? I'll reward you later" His one hand hold your thighs, while the other wraps around your waist and he nibbles on your ear 🚬‌He's a dominant top however, if you're feeling frisky, he's willing to be submissive for you.
🚬He'd praise you and pat your head in bed. "Mmmm you're doing great little one. Hm you're so tight for me now are you, baby? That's a good girl/boy" *He pats your head and he also whispers "Do you want me to touch you, baby? Mmm you're so good for me today" ‌Prolly has size kink in addition to his philia, he likes seeing his towering figure above your small figure whenever you take him. He's favorite positions being Missionary and Side windher.
🚬‌He LOVES marking you. He's not really possessive but he always laughs and feels proud whenever someone asks you or looks at your love marks and you always become flustered to answer.
🚬After sex, he always looks at your disheveled look, like some masterpiece he made and he was the painter (i mean if cum was paint then he is). He always enjoyed looking at your cum filled holes (and body) and his marks in your body. ‌He's fond of aftercare. He'll help you clean up and take a bath or shower. You in front of him while he cleans you. He'd also prepare some comfy towels and a bathrobe before falling asleep together with you. He'd sleep hugging you with a smile in his face.
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A contribution to the WHB Server that I'm in! Hungry for Beleth for this past few days. Special thanks to my friend K for being hungry with me and reviewing some similarities we thought of Beleth. Will probably update this once i got a hold of his 100% intimacy information and voice.
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scarletwinterxx · 2 days
but if it's forever, it's even better - joshua hong imagine
i will start this off by saying i am down bad for this man right here. ISTG i see him and i'm smiling all stupid like a school girl who has her first crush. i cannot get him off of my mind so yea now we're here😅
if there's one song i would say is written about this guy, it's birds of a feather by billie eilish. i just feel like it's so easy to love him, like you'd be sitting in a diner with him then you'd take one look and think about how you love him so much🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 okay okay i'm getting carried away😅
it's my first time writing a story outside the nct-verse hahaha but i love it🥺 maybe i'll write more svt scenarios in the future but for now, i hope you enjoy this one🤍
if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"Oh my god, you like him"
"What are you talking about?"
"You know we follow each other on spotify right? You've been listening to the same 6 7 songs for days now. It's a playlist isn't it?"
"Where is this conversation going exactly?"
"Who is it? Tell me"
You look at your friend confused. Soonyoung can be random at times, like right now. He just started this topic randomly.
"You like someone, you only make a new playlist when you like someone so who is it?" he asks
"No one, oh my gosh"
Just then the bell hanging by the door chimes, signaling someone just walked in. You didn't look over only to be surprised when someone sat beside Soonyoung,
"Hey guys, sorry I was late. Have you ordered?"
"Hey" you nod over at Joshua, the guy smiling back at you
Soonyoung watches the exchange, looking back and forth between you and your other friend. It's like a lightbulb just lit up in his head.
You can see his expression change, but before he could say anything you kick his leg under the table to stop him
You shoot him a look, meanwhile Joshua stays oblivious to the chaos. He reads the menu, looking for something to order.
"Is the coffee good?" he asks no one in particular
"Yea, she likes it" Soonyoung points at you
"Oh uh yea it's good"
"Okay, I'll go get that. Do you want anything else?"
"I'm good" your other friend answers, then the two look at you
"Me too, thanks Shua" he shoots you another smile before standing up
"Shua? SHUA? You call him Shua???"
"Yea, because that's his name" you roll your eyes, trying to play it cool
"Oh my god, it's him. You like him" he points at you
"Shut it before he comes back"
"You didn't deny it"
You shoot him another look just as Joshua takes the seat beside him again. The three of you hang out to catch up, a little tradition you do with your friends when you have free time. Sometimes, you drive around town or go on an easy hike or set up a picnic.
Sometimes your other friends join you, but today it's just the three of you.
"The sky's getting dark, it'll probably rain soon" You say while looking out the window, the two guys following your gaze
"Oh yea, we should go. Hey Joshua, can you drive her home? I have a thing I have to drive by before going home"
"Yea no problem" ever the gentleman, Joshua agrees with a smile. The three of you walk out the cafe, saying goodbye to Soonyoung as he walks over to his car. You catch him mouthing something a long the lines of "you're welcome". Probably trying to play cupid between you and Joshua.
The two of you also walk to his car, a hand behind the small of your back to guide you. Even though the ground is flat concrete, you feel like you're going to trip just thinking about how close he is.
When he gets in the car, he puts the keys in and turn the engine on. Putting one hand behind your seat as he maneuver out of the parking lot.
Joshua opens the door for you, holding a hand over your head as you get in. You're not even close to hitting the roof of the car, but still, he does it because he is the epitome of 'gentleman'. He waits for you to settle in before closing the door and jogging over the driver's side.
You can feel your cheeks get warm, it's nothing special but you had to admit he looks so good while doing such a mundane thing.
Joshua looks over at you and notices the blush on your cheeks.
"You okay, baby?"
"Shut up"
He laughs louder, his hand finding yours and intertwining your fingers together.
"Soonyoung thinks I have a crush on you?"
"Does he?"
"Mhm, been listening to the playlist you made me. He said I only ever make a playlist when I like someone" you tell him, you see the smile forming on his pretty lips you had to stop your self from leaning over to steal a kiss from your boyfriend.
"I mean, he's not wrong. You made me one before"
"Yea like before we dated, now you do it too"
It was how you confessed to him, too shy to say you like him to his face so you did it through songs. You thought he didn't get the message you were trying to send over because he didn't say anything to you after you sent the playlist.
You really thought he really didn't see anything other than a friend until one night while hanging out he started to play one of the songs on his guitar. It was during a party, surrounded by all your friends, with people having their own conversations all around you.
And yet your attention was on him, listening to each note he's playing.
"When will we tell him?" Joshua asks you
"Let him figure it out on his own. It's kind of fun to see him get excited over it, it's like we have a fan rooting for us"
"What if I kiss you in front if him"
"You wouldn't dare, Joshua Hong" he smirks when he heard his full name, sparing you a quick glance. He waits until the light turned red before turning over to you, a hand behind your head to pull you closer to him then he's crashing your lips against him.
His lips moving against yours in sync. Like a routine he worked hard on memorizing, he knows just how to get you chasing after his lips asking for a few more kisses. Each one taking your breath like it's the first kiss.
He's the one to break away first (even though he didn't want to, but you're in middle of the road), he kisses your nose before going back to his seat. His hand goes back to holding yours, like back to normal. Like he didn't just kiss the breath out of you.
Joshua smirks when he looks over at you, looking at him with round eyes he loves so much.
The traffic light is still red but you don't dare to tease your boyfriend again because you know he won't hesitate to do it again and then some.
"Hey, I love you" he squeezes your hand, making you look over at him
"I know" you jokingly reply, then you lean over to give him a peck on the cheek.
"Let's sit together next hang out and pretend to secretly like each other" you say, "Easy, I already look like I like you" he say
"No kisses though, have to take me out first"
"We'll call it a date then"
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elcvatedhorror · 20 hours
Can you do a request where Tara comforts reader from a nightmare they had? It mostly involved losing Tara
"i'm right here" - tara carpenter
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summary - (takes places after the events of scream 5, you have a nightmare about that one night. the night you still feel guilty about.)
sorry if the writings a little bad, but.. i'm back!!
you were laying on the couch watching a movie. you hadn't been able to see tara because you had work today, so you opted to see her the next day. you had called her as you left work and made sure she was okay, and assured her that you two would see each other tomorrow. she really wanted you to come over after work, but you were too tired, you told her. she tried to get you to come. you loved tara, but she was really really clingy at times, you didn't mind though. you didn't love her any less.
you had started to drift off to sleep, but you jolted awake as your phone rang. it was tara.
"tara? are you okay?" you asked, your mind immediately saying something was wrong from how late she had called you, she never called so late.
a voice was heard.
"y/n! i think.. i think someone's in the house, they called me just a few minutes ago saying they were going to kill you, and i said it was bullshit until they sent me a picture of you in your living room and.. and.."
"what?" you said, taking the covers off of you and you glanced at the window not too far from you, scanning to see if there was anyone outside, but there wasn't. "tara.. slow down, okay what's wrong, who called you?"
"i don't know! some guy.. he said he was from my mom's group, and i believed him until he started going off track and started asking me about my favorite scary fucking movies! and -"
the line went dead.
shit. you grabbed your keys that were in front of you on the table and bolted out of the front door without a second thought.
on the way to tara's, you tried to call the landline, and her phone, but each went to voicemail. you were panicking. frantic. you didn't know whether tara was alive or not. you didn't want to hope for the worst.
soon enough, you pulled up to tara's house. every light was on. upstairs, downstairs, you name it.
you shut the car off, and ran to the front door, banging on it.
no answer.
you banged again, harder this time.
still no answer.
"goddamnit!" you said, sweat starting to cascade down your head.
'wait' you thought. tara always had a spare key incase you came over. and sure enough, it was under the mat below your feet.
with sweaty hands you grabbed the key, and unlocked the door.
"tara?" you called out. "tara! tara where are you?" you turned the corner nearing the kitchen and you saw blood.
it was everywhere. you searched the room for any sign of the attacker, but he was gone.
you were too late.
"tara!" you yelled, kneeling down beside her. it seemed as if she had more then eight stab wounds in her torso. she was bleeding out horribly.
"no.. no..no.. tara? it's.. it's okay.. i'm here.. i'm gonna get help.. shit!" you tried to add a bit of pressure to stop the bleeding, but it was no use.
"y/n?" you heard. it was a whisper but you heard.
"i'm gonna get help tar, don't speak, okay? just.. just hang on!"
you pulled your phone out of your pocket, tears streaming down your face, with blood all over your hands. it was hard to even type in the passcode, let alone dial 911. but you did, thank god.
"hello? please.. help! my girlfriend she.. she got stabbed!" you tried to get the words out but you couldn't, your chest heaving up and down.
"tara? tara stay with me okay, help..help is on the way, i promise! just stay with me... stay with me."
you cradled her head in your hands, bringing yours down to meet.
"oh god.. i should've came.. i could've..."
you jolted awake, scanning the room, your shirt wet from sweat. your eyes then landed on the figure next to you.
"y/n.. it's okay, i'm here.. was it a nightmare again?" she asked her hands cupping your face as you melted into them, eyes closed.
"yeah.. i.. you're okay.." you said, panting.
"i'm okay, see?" she grabbed your hand placing it on her heart. "i'm okay, i'm alive, and i'm breathing." she chuckled.
"do you want to talk about it?"
"i.. maybe tomorrow. can i just hold you.. please?" you asked, finally opening your eyes.
"of course you can."
you pulled her close, needing to hear her every breath as she slept, needing to know that she was close by you for the rest of the night.
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oharaslove · 1 day
Miguel O'hara as a cat
summary: After the events of your boyfriend becoming a cat, you decided to get a normal cat. Would the two kitties get along?
word count: 5.2k
warnings: Miguel x !Spider fem Reader, fluff, nothing else???
I am so so sorry for the wait!! I had many ideas and I couldn't find the words or the way to connect them. Also there was a lot going on and I couldn't find time to properly sit and write. Anyway, hope you enjoy!!! This is the last part, then I'll post the bonuses next week!!!
<< Part 2
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It’s been 2 weeks since the whole cat accident. Thankfully, no one heard about it, only Miguel, Lyla and you knew about it. Even though you had gotten angry at the AI for taking pictures, you have to admit that she kept her word and the photos were kept hidden. Besides, it was funny seeing Miguel as a Maine Coon, although he didn’t think so, and he still thought he wasn’t a cat. The audacity of that man.
For the other part, Miguel hasn’t stopped working, it seemed like he was trying to make up for lost time, even though it was at most two days he was out of duty, but that’s your boyfriend, a workaholic at his best.
With all the work Miguel had been doing, he totally forgot about you wanting to adopt a cat. In all honestly, you had forgotten too. The last two weeks had been swarmed with anomalies here and there, no time to stop and think or rest completely. Your mind always racing and alert, battling between your own villains at home and the ones that didn’t belong across the multiverse.
“Miguel, there’s an anomaly on Earth-98393A.” Lyla informed, appearing in front of her boss.
Miguel groaned, running his hand through his messy hair. With the amount of anomalies, he wasn’t running out of teams to send.
“Is there someone available?” he asked.
“Let me check” Lyla answered, pulling out her holographic tablet, and scrolling through it. “It seems like everyone is deployed, in the infirmary recovering or its their day off.”
Miguel massage the sides of his head, before pulling lightly on his hair.
“Call y/n” Miguel said. “We are going together.”
“On it!” the AI responded.
The gizmo rang a couple a seconds until you appeared in front of Miguel. It seemed like you were in the middle of something.
“Hi Miggy!!” you sang, a little out of breath.
“Hola amor. ¿Estás bien?” (Hi love. Are you okay?)
“I’m in-,” your face went out of frame, sounds of a fight taking over. “-the middle-,” an explosion was heard, and then some grunting and punching. “-of something.” you finished, sighing, and then beaming into the camera. “What’s up?”
“Am I interrupting something?” Miguel asked, a smirk forming on his lips.
“What do you think?” you questioned back, rolling your eyes, before smiling at him.
“There is an anomaly we have to take care of.”
“Okay, gimme a minute.” you groaned. “I have to-”
A giant object flew over your head, luckily, your spidey-senses warned you about it.
“Hey!” you snapped. “Rhino, I am busy over here. Can’t you wait for a single minute?” you rolled your eyes, and looked at Miguel. “Be there in a minute. Love ya. Mwah” you blew a kiss before hanging up.
“Lyla, status on the anomaly?” Miguel asked.
“It is causing a lot of trouble.” the AI answered. “I suggest you go now. Once your little girlfriend comes around, I’ll inform her.”
“Okay, let me know when she arrives.”
Miguel opened a portal to Earth-98393A using his gizmo. As soon as it opened he went through.
“Another day of work” he sighed, stretching his arms.
The fight was not going good.
Maybe he should have asked Lyla what he was facing.
Maybe Miguel should have listened to you when you said the sleep deprivation was going to bite him in the ass.
Maybe he should have not listened to Lyla and wait for you to arrive.
Maybe you should fucking hurry and help him. What was taking you so long??
THREE FRICKING ANOMALIES. That was what he was fighting.
Yes. Miguel was a big guy, he was a really strong Spider-man, but everyone has limits, and he has reached them minutes ago.
A vulture, a Rhino and a kind of symbiote had him cornered. Miguel took punch after punch, kick after kick, blow after blow.
After a kick to the gut, he fell to his knees, clutching his stomach.
“Lyla” he groaned. “Where is y/n?”
He managed to roll over to the right, just as the Rhino rammed into the wall behind of where he just was.
“I called her again, telling her it was an emergency” Lyla answered.
He stood up, groaning, still clutching his middle. There was internal bleeding and external bleeding, everything was aching, he didn’t know how many more punches he could take.
He was feeling dizzy, his senses not there 100%.
Thanks to that, the vulture managed to surprise him. He flew right into him, grabbing his middle and smacking him into the wall.
Miguel’s body was pressed against the wall and the Vulture. Nowhere to go.
His mind was slipping in and out of consciousness. The pressure on his chest preventing him from breathing properly.
The vulture grabbed his head and smashed it into the wall, and he kept it there.
“Well, well, Spider-man” the vulture said. “No so unstoppable now, huh?” He laughed, throwing his head back.
“What are we gonna do with you?” the symbiote hissed.
From the corner of his left, swollen eye, he thought he had seen an object levitating, but given his condition, he was probably hallucinating.
“Please” he whimpered, too beat up to form more words.
“Pleading, already?” Rhino mocked him.
“You will be pleading once I am done with you all” you said, standing behind them. Jess and Peter B accompanying you.
Each one of you took a target, getting them away from Miguel. You grabbed the vulture’s wings and threw him back, making him let go of Miguel.
Miguel fell to the ground, breathing heavily, putting a hand to his chest.
You rushed to his side, checking for serious injuries, but not seeing any major one.
“Hand in there Migs” you whispered, rubbing his shoulder lightly. “Once we are done I am taking you to the infirmary of HQ, no complaining, ‘kay?” you said sternly, before kissing his cheek and running to get the job back.
Not long after you were gone, Miguel passed out.
“I got him, I got him, thanks Jess” Miguel heard you say, and then he felt you placed him gently into a soft surface, presumably and infirmary bed.
Before slipping out of consciousness again, he heard some mumbling. Two people having a conversation, but he couldn’t make up the words. And then a meow. Was that a cat?.
Before he could give much thought to that, he passed out, yet again.
Miguel opened his eyes slowly. A ray of sunshine hitting him straight in the face through the semi-open curtains. He squinted, trying to get used to the light and make sense of where he was.
He rubbed his eyes slowly, noticing cables attached to his hands.
The sound of the heart machine giving him an idea of where he was.
He threw his head back, hitting the pillow and sighed. He hated being on the hospital, he dreaded it.
Looking to the side, expecting to see you sitting on a chair, he was met with a surprising sight.
A cat. A CAT??
What the hell is a cat doing in here? he thought, the only cat being able to roam the society being Spider-cat.
He frowned, watching how the unfamiliar animal slept peacefully, unaware that the person beside him, didn’t like him.
Once he heard the door open, he snapped his head towards it.
There you were, beautiful as always. You were too focus on the food tray on your hands to notice Miguel’s gaze.
“Hola hermosa”. he said groggily. (Hi beautiful)
The shock almost made you drop everything. Miguel giggled at the sight.
“Shit!” you exclaimed, balancing the food on your hands.
You rushed to place the tray on the table, before gently approaching your boyfriend, not wanting to startle him.
“Hi baby” you whispered, gently caressing his face, avoiding the various little scars that adorned it.
Miguel grabbed your wrist, nestling his face harder into the palm of your hand.
“Mmm” he mumbled, still too weak to have a long conversation.
You giggled, his sleepiness reminding you of the morning before he turned into a cat.
“You were out for a day.” you informed him, using your other hand to run your fingers through his messy pillow hair. You bent down, peppering the crown of his head with kisses, and then his other cheek. “Do you want food?” you asked
Miguel gently nodded into your hand, letting go of your wrist. His eyes fluttering open.
As you turned around, walking towards the tray, Miguel remembered the other living creature on the room.
“Whose cat is that?” he questioned.
As soon as the words left his mouth, Miguel saw you tense up, before quickly relaxing. You grabbed the tray of food, and turned.
Your gaze was fixated on the food on your hands, avoiding his. You looked guilty.
“Can you eat for yourself or you need help?” you mumbled, trying to change the conversation.
Miguel arched his eyebrow. “Don’t change the conversation darling. What’s the cat doing here?”
As in cue, the cat woke up, stretching his whole body on the chair.
You placed the tray on Miguel’s lap, before retracting your hands and playing with them, stretching the sleeves of your sweater.
“The food will get cold” you urged him.
Miguel kept looking at you, without breaking eye contact, while you were looking everywhere, except his eyes.
From the corner of his eye, he saw the caught move. Miguel turned his head towards him, watching the cat leap from the chair and land beside your feet.
He groomed himself a little, before sitting on his back legs and meowing right at you. He did that for a couple of seconds. You were trying to resist the urge to pet him and grab him, but that would make Miguel know he was yours.
Cheese, as you called him, grew tired of you not paying attention to him, so he stood up and rubbed his whole body on your legs, headbutting you repeatedly.
“Well,” Miguel said smirking. “that answers the question.”
You groaned, covering your face.
“I’m sorry” you said through your hands.
“So this is why you took so long?” Miguel questioned crossing his arms over his chest, wincing in pain at the action.
“Be careful.” you warned, concern lasing your voice. “And NO! How could you say that?” you defended yourself.
You reached down, grabbing the orange cat. He purred instantly, nestling himself in your chest. Miguel could already feel jealousy bubbling on his own.
“I just,” you began explaining yourself, walking slowly towards Miguel’s bed. “when you called, I was fighting my own Rhino. I admit it took longer than I expected, and I apologize for that. I took you for granted, I am so so sorry, I thought you could handle whatever it was for a few more minutes by yourself.” You bent down and kissed Miguel’s lips, slowly, trying to pour all your love into it. You pulled away slowly, your head resting against his. “Perdón mi vida.” (Sorry my life)
“It’s okay” Miguel whispered back.
“MEOOOWW” the cat squealed, clearly not being happy being squished between you too.
Miguel frowned again. He suspected that this wasn’t going to be the last time the cat was going to interrupt a nice moment between him and his girlfriend.
And it wasn’t
Despite Miguel’s complains, the cat stayed with you. You had explained how and where you had found him and how you were all he had in your world. Besides, you knew he couldn’t resist your puppy eyes, and you also reminded him of him agreeing back when he was a cat.
The only rule was that you couldn’t bring the cat to work, precisely, you couldn’t leave him alone with it.
Did you stick to your word? No, not at all. You honestly did what you pleased, and Miguel could only deal with it. To be honest, he would do and endure anything for you. How bad was dealing with a cat? There could be worse things.
Or that’s what he thought.
Cheese was a male orange cat, meaning, Miguel and him were constantly battling for your attention and affection. Again, for someone who claims he is not a cat… he sure acts like it when he needs to assert dominance.
For instance, there was a morning…
Miguel had stayed at your place, after you constantly begging him to take a break the night before. He gave in, not taking into account that that daemon was going to be accompanying you both.
With you, he was a saint. Always dropping on his back, exposing his fluffy stomach to you, begging you for pets, claiming all your undivided attention.
But once you left the room? The fight would begin. Miguel and him stared at each other, not breaking eye contact. Neither of them attempting to move, to cave in, to surrender.
“I brought food!” you sang, always smiling, unaware of the war taking place right in front of you.
Your two kitties snapped their heads towards you. Both jumping, standing on their feet to try to reach you first.
Thanks to his stature and long legs, Miguel managed to catch your attention first. He took his plate and that monsters food off your hands, placing his on the table beside him and the other quickly on the floor, before scoping you in his arms.
“Miguel!” you squealed, body flushed to his, arms wrapping around his neck.
Miguel swung you around, your feet not touching the ground. You giggled loudly, stomach hurting, throwing your head back.
Miguel took the opportunity to kiss your neck, producing even more happy sounds.
“Migss!” you laughed.
Your boyfriend stopped spinning around, and set you on your feet, giving you a tight hug. Your head on his chest and his on top of yours. Cheese was behind you, staring at the scene with an angry face.
Miguel noticed him and stuck his tongue out at him. Cheese bared his fangs in response, hissing. Miguel hissed back, also baring his fangs, clutching you harder.
“What was that?” you asked innocently.
“Nothing mi amor.” he answered quickly. (my love)
You squinted your eyes, being suspicious.
Cheese meowed behind you.
“He must not like his food” you said, trying to pull back from Miguel, but he pushed you against him harder.
“It is the same food from yesterday night.” he grumbled, clearly annoyed by the cat’s tactics to get your attention.
“Yes, but-”
“But nothing.” he cut you off. “He can eat by himself, while we enjoy our meal.”
You pouted, but accepted. You could sense someone was jealous. Even though you found it amusing, you knew not to push his buttons so harshly.
There was other time where Cheese was ‘not feeling good’ according to your words. You had been at home all day, taking care of your little poor kitty, when Miguel called you due to an ‘emergency’.
As you didn’t want to leave Cheese alone, you took him to HQ, much to Miguel’s dismay. As the mission on required you (because it was fricking simple, Miguel was only jealous of Cheese and he wanted your company, yours alone, but clearly you didn’t take the hint, or you did, but liked to tease him), you left Cheese to Miguel and Lyla.
“I remember telling you last time that I am not a babysitter” the AI complained, crossing her arms and staring at you through the top of her glasses that laid on the bridge of her nose.
“I knooow” you whined. “But hey! You took care of Miguel last time, how hard can a real cat be?” you said, trying to sound convincing.
“You do have a point.” she replied, resting her chin in her fist, thinking.
“I was not difficult.” Miguel huffed.
“Debatable.” Lyla said. “And also, if you take into account that it was Miguel as a cat, I say I did take care of a cat.”
“I am not a cat!” Miguel snapped.
Both you and Lyla laughed.
“Please take care of him, both of you.” you said, pointing at both of them. “He is not feeling that well. I left a note with his cares just in case here” you finished, placing a bag on Miguel’s desk.
Miguel side-eyed it, not happy with taking care of his arch nemesis, but he knew you would be pissed at him if he didn’t, and that would be a win for the cat. He couldn’t let that happen.
“Okay” he sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Thank you Migss” you squealed, kissing him on the cheek. “Bye Cheese” you waved to the cat before opening a portal and exiting.
Silenced consumed the room. Lyla, sensing the tension, disappeared.
Miguel made eye contact with Cheese. They both immerse in an intense battle.
“Are you even sick?” Miguel asked, clearly losing his mind. Why the hell am I talking to a cat? he thought.
Cheese simply meowed, and then proceeded to groom himself.
Miguel shocked his head, he was clearly exhausted and out of his mind if he thought the cat could talk about. But he knew it! The cat had you wrapped around his little paw, and he was losing your attention.
Okay, find, he was probably exaggerating. Was he jealous of the cat? Yes, sure. Would he ever admit it to you? Not a chance. Would he even admit that the main reason why he is jealous is not the fact that maybe your attention is not solely on him anymore, but the fact that he thinks you got a cat because you miss taking care of him when he was a cat? Absolutely not.
It was not long ago he admitted to himself that he missed being a cat, and that he was in fact a cat. How could he not? He didn’t have to work, he could sleep however, whenever and wherever he wanted, he didn’t need to cook. All he had to do was be cute and wait for your pets, and cuddle with you. And, he would admit, that he liked being carried by you.
He liked being taller than you, and stronger. He could pick you up like you were a feather. But being smaller than you gave him a sense of comfort and sleeping on top of you, without crashing you, was amazing.
So yes, he was jealous of the cat because he could do all those things, and here he was, sitting on a chair, staring at screen flashing warning signs of anomalies, while fricking Cheese is sleeping on the floor, like nothing matters. The cat hadn’t shown any sign of being sick, he was an actor. They should give him an Oscar for this. But two could play that game.
In a blink of an eye, you were back at HQ. You made a quick stop in the cages to drop the anomaly off. You couldn’t believe Miguel called you for this. That was the emergency? Mayday could have catch this thing in a second. If you were ripped out of your house, at least you expected a good fight, that this one barely tickled you.
You sighed, entering Miguel’s office now. You barely made a sound, but thanks to Miguel’s heightened senses and training, he knew you were coming. Let the show begin he thought.
Miguel slumped over his desk, face down, arms covering it. He sighed loudly, trying to catch your attention before it was diverted to the cat laying a few meters away from him on the floor.
“I’m back Migs.” you said, approaching Miguel.
He simply sighed again, moving his whole body to accentuate his ‘fatigue’.
You frowned, not expecting to see your boyfriend like this. You left basically five minutes ago and he was fine.
“What’s wrong mi amor?” (my love) you said, gently rubbing circles on his shoulder.
Miguel simply groaned.
“You weren’t like this when I left.” you continued.
“Mmm” he simply replied.
Lyla appeared without making any sound, trying not to alert Miguel. She called your attention and once you looked up towards her and the screens, she wrote: ‘He is pretending, and so is your cat’
“What?” you mouthed.
Lyla simple shrugged and disappeared, leaving you with two ‘sick cats’.
What the hell? you thought. Why would they pretend to be… oh
It dawned on you. This two stupid kitties. From Cheese you could understand, he was merely a cat, but Miguel? Your silly grumpy boyfriend. You laughed to yourself. They want to pretend? Let’s see how amazing actors they are you thought.
“Are you sick Miggy?” you cooed at your boyfriend, bending down a little to be at eye level with him.
Miguel turned his head towards you, his cheek resting against his arm, squishing his face. He pouted.
“Mmm” he replied.
“Oh poor Miggy” you said, mirroring his pout. “Why don’t I take you and Cheese how, so I can cuddle you both and make you feel better.” you pecked Miguel’s cheek.
As you were pulling back, you saw in the corner of your eye how Miguel’s facade fell for a second, frowning. Clearly he wanted your attention completely, he didn’t count on sharing it with the cat.
He regained his pouty face, giving you puss in boots eyes. (is this even the equivalent to puppy eyes?? I didn’t want to put puppy eyes giving the fact that Miguel is a cat hahahaha)
He sniffed, ‘aggravating’ his state.
“Okay” he mumbled, clearly, he couldn’t tell you the cat was faking without blowing his cover.
“Okay” you whispered back, rubbing circles on his back. “Why don’t you take Cheese to my apartment, I’ll meet you there in a few.”
“I don’t know if I am strong enough” Miguel mumbled, trying to convince you to take him.
“Migs” you sighed straightening up. “I know you are feeling a little under the weather, but we can’t live the multiverse unattended, can we?” you questioned, resting your hands in your hips.
Shit, you are right Miguel thought.
“Maybe you are a little sicker than I thought if the multiverse isn’t on your mind” you smirked for a second, making Miguel frown. Where you catching on him?
“You go to my apartment, take Cheese. Leave the bag, I’ll take it later. I am going to look for Jess, and then I go” You pecked his cheek and off you were, sprinting out of the office.
Miguel huffed, he clearly didn’t think this plan through. He sat back on his chair, running his fingers throw his hair. Maybe this was going to be more difficult than he thought.
He lulled his head to the right, where the cat was still sleeping, unaware of what had just happened. Miguel sighed, knowing he had to pick up this monster, and that it wasn’t going to be happy about it. He wasn’t either.
He stood up and walked towards Cheese. Bending down, he stroke his fur, maybe a friendly approach would save him from scratches. Cheese purr a little, not knowing who was petting him. Even though Miguel didn’t really like him, he had to admit he was friendly, always asking everyone for pets.
Slowly, Cheese opened his eyes. As soon as they laid on Miguel he meowed loudly and jumped in the air, getting away from Miguel. Cheese hissed, his tail up and rigid.
“Hey!” Miguel said loudly, putting his hands up in defense. “I know you don’t like me, I don’t either. I don’t know if you understand, but your mama told me to take you home. If she walks through that door,” he pointed to his office’s door. “and sees us here, she’ll know we are full of bullshit, because you know and I know you aren’t sick. So quit being a pain in the ass and let me grab you.”
Cheese stood in his place, as did Miguel, both of them as statues, observing each other. Seconds went by, and Cheese relaxed. Maybe he does understand Miguel thought.
The cat walked carefully towards Miguel. Miguel bent down and picked him up, making Cheese meow loudly.
Once Miguel placed him in his arms, Cheese took his claws out, scratching Miguel a little.
“Ay mierda” he exclaimed. “Hey! Claws in, you don’t want me to take mine out” (Ay shit)
Cheese hissed at him, baring his fangs. Miguel did the same. Both stared at each other.
They could have stayed liked that for hours, but they were snapped of their state when they both heard your voice approaching, accompanied by someone else.
Miguel rushed to open a portal to your dimension and barely made it through when you entered the office. He could hear you talking and laughing with Jess, but he didn’t stay to not rise suspicions. He closed the portal and waited.
Jess laughed, grabbing her sides.
“Miguel is pretending to be sick?” she laughed, using her finger to take the tears out of her eye.
“I knoww” you said. “And my cat too. They are both so silly”
“It looks like they are competing for your attention”
You rolled your eyes. “It does look like it. I can understand it from Cheese. But Miguel could talk to me.”
“You know his forte isn’t opening up. You are lucky he told you he loved you.”
“Hey!! He has love in his heart. He just, he suffered a lot.” you pouted.
“I know, I know. I am messing with ya. But you should let him know that it is okay to be vulnerable sometimes. That is what partners are for. If we don’t trust them with our feelings, who then?” Jess explained.
“Yeah, you are right. After a mess with them a little I’ll tell him.”
“Thanks for this Jess. Promise I’ll make it up to you.” you said, going in for a hug.
“No problem girl.” she hugged you back, rubbing your back.
“Well, byeee.” you said, pulling back and opening a portal.
“Bye!” Jess said, waving at you.
Back at your apartment, Miguel decided to wait for you in your bed. He left Cheese on his bed, both of them not wanting to be nowhere near each other if not necessary.
You appeared from a portal, giving Miguel just the right seconds to get back into character. He covered his head with an arm, blocking the light.
“Ohh Migs. Still feeling bad?” you cooed, sitting next to him on the bed and rubbing his chest gently.
Miguel nodded.
“Do you want food?”
Miguel nodded again.
Miguel felt the bed move when you stood up and heard the shuffle of your feet walking away.
You stopped right in front of Cheese’s bed and dropped to the floor.
“How is my little baby” you said pouting, scoping Cheese gently and petting him.
Cheese meowed and headbutted you.
“You want cuddles huh?” you smirked, looking back at Miguel, checking if he was listening. “What do you say if I take you to the kitchen and we cook Papa’s food together?” you kissed the top of his head.
Miguel groaned behind you.
“You are his Papa, whether you like him or not.” you explained, talking to Miguel.
Miguel groaned again, this time not only because of what you said, but because you were going to cuddle with Cheese while he had to pretend to be sick. This plan was biting him in the ass.
You stood up and walked out of the room, shutting the room to not disturb Miguel.
After an hour or so, you finished Miguel’s soup. If you were being honest, you didn’t cuddle Cheese at all, it is difficult to cook with a cat in your arms. Besides, you called his bullshit. You knew he was a smart cat, and really cuddly, so little did you know he could pull a stunt like this.
But, to continue to tease Miguel a little further, you placed Cheese on your shoulders and tried to balance him and the tray of food in your hands. You walked towards your bedroom slowly, for one, to not drop the food and two to see if you could catch Miguel red handed, which would be unlikely, he could hear everything.
Opening the door was a real challenge. Once you were able to do so, you peeked your head through. Miguel was spread out on the bed over his stomach, snoring lightly. You pouted. Maybe he wasn’t really sick, but he was for sure tired.
You opened the door further. You walked into the room trying to not make any noise. Cheese jumped off your shoulder and landed carefully on the floor, next to his bed. You walked further and placed the tray on the table next to your bed, giving your back to Miguel.
“Baby?” Miguel said groggily.
Your turned around startled.
“Migs” you whispered, moving towards him. “Did I wake you up?”
Miguel shook his head, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, pouting.
You sat on the bed slowly, stroking his back.
“Do you want to eat?” you asked.
He shook his head again.
“I have to tell you something” he began, avoiding your eyes. “I-” he closed his mouth, he couldn’t find the words. He didn’t want to admit what he had done.
You giggled before kissing his cheek and then shoulder.
“It’s okay Migs, I know”
“You know?” he said, opening his eyes.
“Yeah, I had my suspicions, but then Lyla confirmed them.”
“Lyla” Miguel groaned, planting his face back on the pillow.
You laughed. He was such a baby. You ran your fingers through his messy curls, massaging his scalp. You stood up, making him turn his head towards you. You pulled back the covers and climbed into bed with him.
“You know,” you began, using your thumb to move the hair out of his face. “you don’t have to pretend to be sick to have my attention.”
Miguel looked down, avoiding your eyes.
“Hey” you whispered, putting a finger under his chin so he would look at you. “I’m sorry if you feel like I am not paying enough attention to you. I know I have been a lot with Cheese, and I am sorry.” you kissed his forehead, moving your hands to play with the hairs on the back of his head and resting your forehead in his. “But you have to tell me how you feel too, si amor?” (yes love?)
He nodded, gently nestling his nose with yours. You smiled.
“I’m sorry for calling you up for an emergency when there wasn’t any and for pretending to be sick” he said.
“It’s okay.” you mumbled, beginning to feel sleepy. “It serves as an excuse to rest for a day, and you too mister. You aren’t going to HQ again.”
Miguel smiled. “I wasn’t planning to.”
You yawned, rubbing your eyes. You smiled at Miguel and rubbed behind his ears and under his chin. Maybe it was your sleepy state, but it seemed like he liked it and you thought you heard him purr.
At last, Miguel moved to rest on top of you, his head on your chest. You played with his hair, listening to his breathing, luring you to sleep. Cheese jumped on the bed and climbed on top of Miguel’s back, loafing up and closing his eyes.
With one hand you stroked Cheese and with the other you played with Miguel’s hair.
In the end, both your kitties were happy.
THE END or is it??
<< Part 2 <Masterlist>
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I honestly love how this mini series turned out. Given that I couldn't put some dialogue I wanted in this, maybe I'll edit it later, and then repost it hahahaha. Anyway, hope you liked it!!! If you want to be tagged in the bonuses or you have requests about this "series' universe" if you'll like to call it that haha, let me know!!! I am happy to write more about this.
I honestly feel like every story I write is in a different universe, or well, that's what I think. So this is the kitty universe hahaha
TAGS: @glaciertea
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bravo4iscool · 2 days
Thank you so much for your last fic you did for me! It was so amazing! If you don't mind, could you do either a Price or Johnny (or both) x plus-size reader where the reader is head over heels for them but doesn't think they'd look at her twice, and so she accepts a date from someone else and it makes them jealous and possessive bc that's *their* girl? And it can be NSFW or not, I'll leave that up to you! Thank you so much lovely, I hope you're well!
i’m so happy you liked that and it was so fun writing it!
your requests sounds amazing, thank you so much for it🫶🏼
i’ll write a one shot for soap and one for price (separately), if you’re okay with that?
this one will be price’s and i’ll try to get soap’s done as soon as possible! (this feels so ooc, i’m so sorry😭)
(ghost one shot | masterlist | join my tag list!)
tag list - @yazt09 @blackhawkfanatic @bumblebeesfromvenus @jenniferpendragon
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your head shoots up and you look at yourself in the mirror when you hear a harsh knock on your door. is that your date already?
you give yourself one last look before you hurry towards the door, trying to put your shoes on at the same time.
once you get to the door you smooth down your sundress and take a deep breath. then you open the door. when you see who’s on the other side of it you freeze for a second.
“john? what the hell are you doing here?” you stare at him, too confused to form a coherent thought. without saying anything he gently pushes you aside and enters your flat.
“some birdie told me something,” he says as he closes the door and looks at you. “why are you wearing that?” he looks you up and down.
you frown and look down at yourself. “i’m going on a date, is that forbidden?” you put your hands on your hips as you wait for an answer. why was he sticking his nose into your business.
john lets his eyes drift across your body again before he looks at you. “you’re not going,” he then says, pushing you further back into your own flat. “you will stay here.”
you immediately shake your head. “nu-uh. absolutely not!” you push his hands off you. “what makes you think you can decide about me that way, huh?”
fury lights up in his eyes and he grabs your arms again. “you’re mine. mine. you understand that? ain’t no man will touch you,” he hisses, his face slowly coming closer to yours.
for a second your eyes widen and you swallow but then your brain sets back in and you shake your head. “i’m not yours john. i never was.”
“that’s not true.”
you grit your teeth. “oh, but it is.” you rip your arms from his grip, spin around and stalk towards your bathroom to get your phone. you would call your date now and ask him when he would finally arrive.
but before you can even think about dialling your date’s number john takes the phone from your hand and lets it slip into the back pocket of his jeans. “absolutely not,” he says while he crosses his arms in front of his chest.
you let out a frustrated groan and throw your hands in the air. was he serious right now? how dare he?! “give me back my phone john. now.”
“not happening.”
“i swear, you’re insufferable! you don’t look at me twice during the day and now that i want to go out and have a little fun you walk into my flat like you fucking own the place and act like you have any power over me?” you’re furious with him, jabbing your finger at his chest with a glare.
you catch him off guard for a second and he only stares at you but he’s fast to gain his composure back. he grabs your wrist and pulls it away from his body. “do you even hear yourself?” he asks, slowly lowering his head to look in your eyes. “you think i don’t look at you? you think i don’t admire you and the way your hips swirl every time you walk away from me?” his voice gets lower. “you drive me crazy darling.”
the pet name is heavy on his tongue and you swallow. hard. “you are like a drug,” he continues. “and you know i despise those but i simply can’t get enough of you.”
“you’re lying,” you manage to rasp out, not believing that after all those years captain john price might like you back…
“i’m not.”
you shake your head and pull yourself away from him again. “no, you’re lying. all those—all those girls you took out they look nothing like me, they’re all—“ you take a deep breath. “there’s no way that you’re possibly attracted to me!” you argue, deep down wanting to believe the words he said.
you turn away but he grabs your hand again, not wanting to let go of you. “listen, listen darling.” there’s a vulnerability in his eyes you’ve never seen before. “listen to me.”
“because there’s something untold between us.”
“and what?”
john takes a deep breath and his gaze darts to the ground. “the love i feel for you.” his eyes find yours after a few seconds and he searches for an answer.
you open your mouth to say something but you can’t manage to actually get any words out. “john—“
he cups your cheek as he walks closer to you. “don’t say anything darling… just let me kiss you, will you?” he asks, his thumb caressing your cheek bone. “just this once, please…”
you swallow before you nod and give him a quiet ‘yes’. when your lips finally collide with his a firework exploded within you. a fire ignites and you don’t know what you do. you start to claw at his arms, trying to touch him, to feel him.
“oh darling,” john groans against your lips while he pushes you back against the wall, his hands suddenly on your hips, squeezing your plush flesh. “been wanting to do that for so long.”
he moans against your lips when your hands start to roam across his shoulders towards his throat and up into his hair.
john when just started to let his hands wander down your body towards your core the bell rung. you looked at him—completely out of breath from the kissing—and pointed your head towards the door. “you gonna cancel that for me.”
he grins, “of course darling.”
(maybe i’ll write the smut for this separately but i wasn’t really in the mood😭)
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silken-moonlight · 3 days
What we deserve - Part 1
Tiger shifter x Human nurse
A/N: Hi there my dear moonies. This is the first part of a collab with the wonderful @strawberrypoundtown and @the-witches-creatures please check out their profiles and stories. I am so in love with their characters.
Here you're gonna find out a little more about Zyran and I can't wait to write and read more.
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The rain poured down onto the thick glass of the shop window of the large bookstore. Inside, the air had taken on the aroma of freshly ground coffee. The owner had recently invested in a high-end coffee machine for himself and the other workers there.
Zyran Rosefall, a part-time translator and full-time bassist with a love for books, currently stood in front of one of the many bookshelves. Rows upon rows of books, in this case, were romantic novels—typical love stories that were his guilty pleasure. The last few days had been filled with work and little time for himself, so the tigershifter decided to treat himself to a self-date. While he loved his friends and bandmates—Jesse, Teyo, Bruce, Ari, and Clayton—some days he needed a little time for himself.
Today was such a day. This day had been planned by him from morning to night. The bookstore was his first stop, where he browsed and purchased a few new books. Afterward, he would walk to his favorite coffee shop, have breakfast there, and take a peek into one of his new books. This would be followed by a visit to the swimming hall and then a quick return home. A hot bath, a delicious meal, and his evening spent on his couch with his newly acquired books…
As he dreamt of his day ahead, he stood before the books. A soft voice jolted him out of his reverie.
“May I?” you asked, wanting to reach for the books the tall man stood in front of. His gaze snapped down to you, his eyes catching you off guard. “Sure,” he answered, taking a step to the side. You gave him a polite smile, reaching for the hockey romance books at the top, only to sigh in frustration since you were a few centimeters too short to reach them. Damn those tall bookshelves!
“Here,” he said, handing you the book that you had reached for. “Thanks,” you replied, taking the book from him. In his other hand were already two books, both of which you had read already.
“Do you read the books?” you asked him. He nodded. “They are so good,” you said with a brighter smile. “I read them in the span of a day. The stories from those books are connected,” you told him. “Don’t spoil it for me,” was his answer, seemingly a little put off by your talking.
“I didn’t mean to, and I’m sorry for babbling. I just get so excited when I see someone reading the same books as I do.” The apology quickly came from your lips, not the first time and probably not the last time you were apologizing for talking too much. A slight smile tugged at his lips. “It’s okay… I assume you also don’t have people to talk about your books with?” You nodded. “My friends aren’t into the same books, sadly… I have a weakness for those cute love stories.” The man chuckled. “I must admit, I’ve developed one too. Here.” He reached for a book right next to you, pulling it out. “This is my absolute favorite book and the one that got me into these books.” You eyed the cover, powder pink with bright blue letters: Catching the Doctor’s Heart. A smile crept onto your lips as you read the description.
Quickly, you put that book onto your small stack of books. “That’s definitely coming home with me,” you tell him. The man smiles at you, something he doesn’t seem to do very often.
“Glad to be of help.” The man answers. “I’m Zyran. Zyran Rosefall.” He introduces himself. “I’m Y/N L/N. It’s really nice to make your acquaintance.” A chuckle is heard from him. “Any other books you would recommend to me?” Immediately you are on fire: “Absolutely, okay, so here is this - a bear shifter and human romance. Uh and this - an elven prince falls in love with a barista. Oh and let's not forget this one - a romance between a human man raised by shifters who feels all alone meeting a woman in the same situation.” You are so excited and pull the books out to show him.
Immediately, his slender fingers took the books from your hands. He looked at them for a moment before adding them to his stack of books. Zyran stood close to you, and his perfume or aftershave smelled amazing—a scent of eucalyptus and something woody that you couldn't quite identify, but it was absolutely intoxicating. You took a moment to look at him. His dark hair was slicked back, with a few white strands visible. He wore a black turtleneck and dress pants, likely expensive shoes, and a dark coat. In that moment, you realized how attractive he was—something you had simply overlooked in your euphoria about books.
“Those sound amazing. I was in desperate need of some new books,” Zyran told you. You looked up at him with a smile. “I did as well. I have a few days off and wanted to have a cozy weekend, so new books are a must-have.” He chuckled. “I understand. I have a ‘cozy day’ today.” You listened to him and then nodded. “So we have the same mission then. Do you maybe want to get coffee together and talk more about books?” Zyran suddenly smiled widely. “Yes, I have a café I go to regularly. We could go there.”
Thus, the two of you briskly walked to the register, purchased your new books, and exited the bookstore. The rain continued to pour. Zyran opened a black umbrella and gestured for you to take his arm, saying, "Come." A bit surprised, you took his arm, and the two of you walked under the umbrella in silence for a moment. It was not an uncomfortable silence, but rather quite pleasant. Raindrops drummed on the fabric of the umbrella. There were not many people outside, and the street was empty except for the two of you.
“Isn’t it strange?” Zyran asked suddenly. “How all people, no matter the type, love the smell of rain. I’ve never met a human or supernatural who doesn’t.” His smooth voice sounded next to you. You nodded along: “It is strange, isn’t it? For me, it smells a little like nostalgia.” “I agree, it's… nostalgia and new beginnings. I like to meditate, and sometimes I do it outside. One time, it was pouring like it is right now, and…it was such a spiritual experience. It was like everything was cleansed: mind, body, and soul.” You listened eagerly as he leaned down a little so you could hear him better. “That sounds amazing. I have yet to have such an experience.”
With that, the two of you arrived at the cafe. Zyran opened the door for you, and the two of you went in. It was empty except for the barista, who smiled at the two of you. After you took your coats off and put away the soaking wet umbrella, you sat down. Taking a look at the menu, you went back to the counter to order.
The next two hours, the two of you began talking about books, though you didn’t stay on that topic. You drifted over to music, clothing, and skincare. Seemingly, you share a lot of interests. While you were still more of a creative person, Zyran did a few sporty things too. “I like to believe that if I control my body, I can control my mind as well,” he explained to you while drinking his second coffee. You nodded. “I understand completely. I’m just not that sporty.” He listened and added, “I mean, not everybody is the same. I’m a tiger shifter, so I have it in my blood already.” Your eyes widened. “Is that why your hair has white strands?” you asked him.
Zyran chuckled, he liked you, immediately taking a liking to you while you two were still in the bookshop. Now he sat here with you, talking away and listening. Usually he wouldn’t have agreed on something like this…But you were just so nice and kind, he could not say no. Not when you listened so eagerly to everything he had to say and looked like him with those eyes. It stroked his ego immensely…and honestly he enjoyed this more than he wanted too.
“Yes, that is why my hair has these white strands. I am a white tiger shifter. How about you, sweetheart?” He asked. “I’m a human, but I’ve got nerves made of steel since I am a nurse.” Again he laughed gently, reveling in your humor. “Also, what did you think was the reason my hair was white if not because I was a shifter?” You shrugged. “I don’t know. I just didn’t want to be rude,” you answered, which made the two of you laugh.
“Let's exchange numbers,” Zyran suggested, for he didn’t want this to end. Yet, he knew it would, sooner or later. "Sure. Here's mine.” You told him and showed him your phone. Quickly, he typed your number into his phone. He sent you a text, and you saved his number.
“I do have to leave later. I still have to go grocery shopping,” you tell him. “Oh, sure. We definitely have to repeat this. I really enjoy talking to you,” he said, his light gray eyes holding your gaze. You nodded with a smile. “I agree. Also, the coffee is on me,” you said to him. He arched an eyebrow. “Forget it, it's on me.” A smirk spread across his face. “The first person at the counter invites the other,” he said, and both of you quickly got up. Both of you hurried to the counter, trying to pay, but Zyran was quicker. “Hah!” he exclaimed with a laugh, grinning down at you. “I was faster, sweetheart.” You pouted but had to laugh as well. “Next time is on me, then.” Again, he smirked at you. “Sure thing…”
Both of you then got your things and said goodbye. Sadly the two of you had to go into different directions.
Zyran thought about you the whole day, even when he was in the bath reading his new books; you invaded his mind. The way you laughed made him feel warm inside, and your scent drove him insane. Were you aware of how good you smelled to him? Probably not. The way you had gently taken his arm when offered...usually he hated when people touched him...but your touch felt different. It felt safe and welcome...
Suddenly, he remembered that the two of you hadn't even talked about your jobs. He knew you were a nurse, and you knew he was involved in music, but that was it. It had been so easy to talk to you. While it felt good, it scared him a bit.
Another hour later he couldn’t take it anymore.
Zyran: It was wonderful talking to you today, sweetheart. I'd like to repeat that. Do you have time for me tomorrow?
Y/N: In the afternoon, I do have time. Do you want to go to the coffee shop?
Zyran: We could also have dinner together? I know an amazing Japanese restaurant.
Y/N: I love Japanese food. Let's go there together.
Zryan: Wonderful! I would like to pick you up, if that would be all right with you. I own a motorcycle.
Y/N: I've never sat on something like that before, but I definitely want to try it.
Zyran: Wonderful. Then good night, sweetheart.
Y/N: Good night, Zyran. Sleep well.
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kinardsevan · 14 hours
spare parts
(this is only part of a concept. who knows when i'll find time to actually write it.)
He falls asleep at some point. He’s not entirely sure when; he wasn’t really keeping track of time. But the sound of the front door opening rouses him, and when he sits up, Tommy is coming through the door. 
“Hi baby,” he greets. His voice is weary, but cheerful. He drops his duffel beside his shoes and leans down over the couch, pecks Evan on the lips. “How was your day off?” 
He doesn’t answer at first; lets the idea that he’s still waking up fill the moment instead as Tommy comes around the couch and sits down next to him. The sun is setting, but there’s still enough light left in the room that they can still see each other. 
Still, they’ve been together long enough now that they’ve memorized all the nuances about each other. Which means when Evan doesn’t start offering up an answer about anything, Tommy can tell something is up. 
“Evan, what’s wrong?” 
He inhales a deep breath. 
“I had a doctors appointment today,” he admits after a tick. He’s staring at his hands, wringing them tightly together. Tommy reaches out and slides his fingers between Evan’s, forcing him to stop. It makes him look up at his husband. 
“Tell me,” Tommy replies, his own tone gruff, but patient. Cut the bullshit and just tell me.
“M-my leg has been acting up,” Evan continues. “Thought maybe I pulled something, but it didn’t feel like it was getting better even after I took extra time off last week. So I called.” 
Tommy nods, watching him intently. 
He inhales another deep breath. 
“And it’s not good,” he replies, his voice trembling. When he manages to look up at Tommy, the tears in his own eyes are welled so high that half of his husband’s face is blurred, and his chin is quivering. Tommy just keeps watching him, waiting.
“Th-they did some x-rays, a-and then an MRI, and-and a CT,” he explains. 
“And they found,” Tommy prompts him. His tone is tight and gravelly. It’s like he knows what’s coming, but still needs Evan to say it. 
“Cancer,” Evan rasps when finally finds the strength to say the word. “Osteosarcoma, they think.” 
His tears fall then, and Tommy nods as he wraps his hand around Evan’s head, pulling him and pressing his lips to his husband’s temple. Evan cracks at that, unable to stop the silent sobs that fall out of him then. 
“Dr. Benton transferred me over to one of the orthopedic oncologists,” he continues, even as the tears keep coming. “Sh-she wants to do a biopsy in a few days.” 
“Okay,” Tommy replies, like it’s the easiest decision in the world. “Then we do that.” 
Evan lifts his head up, a pained expression in his eyes. “Tommy-..” 
Tommy shakes his head, his fingers still in his husband’s hair. 
“No. You are not somebody’s spare parts anymore, Evan,” Tommy tells him. “You do not need to operate on someone else’s schedule, especially if we’re facing a fight like this.” 
Evan doesn’t have the words to respond then. He’s not entirely sure how he feels about the whole process yet. It’s been almost three decades since Daniel passed away, but he still remembers enough of his childhood in hospitals to recall the pain of being the access point for anything his older brother needed while he was still alive. 
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 day
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Deep Sea Sympathies
Yandere Sun Wukong
(Syntax alphabet is up next, then an LSO + Primal . Feeling super down, so I wrote something a little sadder. The villain tiers post I spent two days writing and rewriting again and again got anonymously sent to another user, who skimmed the majority of it, left out my opening and ending points, and called at least one of my criticisms “ridiculous” and even has a reblogger claiming that I “hate Macaque”, that I want “everyone to hate Macaque” and that I’m “salty”. Maybe it’s childish, but that kind of hurts when I’ve spent literal months making content for the show (often involving Macaque) that I genuinely love. I only wrote that list because I wanted to give my honest opinions as a break from my usual content as I prepared to watch and write for Season Five. Maybe I’m in the wrong and my rant was just stupid? Do you guys want me to delete the “Season Five Prep” posts?)
“I still can’t believe MK got me back into this,” the simian before you chuckles. “But I’m kinda glad he did. I really missed drawing. I forgot how good it felt.”
“…I see,” you “answer”, maintaining a stiff and poised position, staring down at the collection of utensils that the hero is using. “Are you… having fun, then?”
“Aww, bud. Come and take a seat, okay? Look, I’ll even put out a little mat for you. Come and take a seat,” he invites, plucking one of his transforming ginger hairs to make a proper cushion for you.
His tail winds lazily around your leg, tugging you closer and closer to the squishy orange padding.
“C’mon, bud,” he says, cutting through your hesitation. His voice has a powerful edge under all the sweetness- reminding you that the Monkey King is someone you can’t say no to. “I want you to draw with me, kiddo.”
Wukong is fond of this- pulling you into little “bonding sessions” that take up the whole day and leave you without time to spend with anyone else.
It’s funny, though, really- you are the last person that need be manipulated away from others.
“The Great Witch of Gloom,” was the title that you had been assigned. Before you had a name, before you had taken a step, before you had so much as uttered a cry… your fate had been decided.
You were to be a wicked soul with dark motives and a darker heart.
As old memories flood into your ever weary mind, Wukong arranges a few sheets of paper in front your mat. The grip of his tail slowly tightens, and you cease all stalling.
Lowering yourself to the ground, the mat provides a cozy cradle to shield against the cold wooden floor.
“…it’s almost Winter,” you mildly comment, tracing a finger against a smooth plank. “It’s getting colder.”
“Oh,” the simian casually asks, scooting his mat closer to yours, “you like the snow?” Here’s chance he always adores- any rare tidbit of info you offer is a chance for him to spoil you, stocking up on presents and snacks in an attempt to drown you in platonic love.
It didn’t help that you always felt so indebted after he was done stacking gifts into your arms and bag.
“So, bud- what’re you gonna draw?”
The curiosity in his voice is almost innocent, almost sweet. He pushes the multi-tiered box of crayons towards you, smiling.
“C’mon, pick a few out!”
Awkwardly; and with a shaking hand to boot, you reach for the box.
It’s… not a comfortable sensation. Waxy paper around thick wax sticks makes for an awkward feeling in your hand, and you slightly recoil from the hueless cylinder.
“Aww, kiddo. No one draws with white- heck, you’d be better off eating it! Not that I’ve, uh, ever done that.”
“…I don’t know what to do,” is your blank confession that leaves Wukong quirking an eyebrow.
“What, you don’t know how to draw? You’vd never had… oh. Oh, kiddo.”
Realization colors his golden eyes, leaving the simian king with a sympathetic frown. Your parents wouldn’t have ever let you have something as fun and bright as crayons, would they? How could he have forgotten that?
It had been a nightmare for the Monkie Kids to pry information out of you, and a further mess to try pushing you towards a healing state.
And, honestly- Wukong’s doting ministrations really didn’t help. All the love and gifts in the world could not undo your traumas- but certainly left you feeling as though you were mired in debt.
Not that you had the words to voice those feelings, leaving Wukong to continue piling on with his affections- all in the futile hope that he could love away the demons of your past.
“Okay, bud. Maybe we stepped out of your comfort zone, huh? Alright, my bad. Tell me what you wanna draw, and I’ll pick out the crayons for you, okay?”
“…I don’t know what to draw, though.”
His frown deepens. It’s hard to think that someone as young as you could be so… he wouldn’t say broken. That was far, far too cruel a word for someone he loved so dearly. You were… “cracked”, maybe. A little “tarnished”.
Like you had given up on seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and decided to instead drift slowly along in a dark ocean.
“Bud, don’t you like the beach? C’mon, why don’t you draw something from there, yeah?”
“…could I?”
Your little words break his heart. You shouldn’t have to feel like you need permission for something as simple as drawing a damn picture. But you *do*, so he answers with false cheer-
“Of course, kiddo! Draw anything you want!”
“…how do… how would I draw… a jellyfish?”
Finally, a real smile graces his lips.
“I didn’t know you liked jellyfish,” he says, in a too familiar voice that lets you know you’ll be receiving a loaded armful of themed plushes and stress toys in the very near future.
Another load of guilt, another load of debt.
“I’ll take you to an aquarium one day,” he tacks on, unaware of your growing insecurities. “And we can look at them together.”
To him, this is healing. Love and affection and unending comfort.
And certainly, Wukong is far better a guardian than your parents were. Instead of blaming you for powers you couldn’t control, he was always ready with praise and applause. Instead of resigning yourself to rotted garments rummaged from the trash, you had brand-new clothes and warm shoes. You were never hungry. You were never bored. You were never alone.
And, above all else- you were loved.
But you were not happy.
And you doubted that would ever change.
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4drianaaaa · 2 days
u meet hamzah outside at the back of the bar, u head out to get some air meanwhile he’s out there smoking, he offers u a cig and y’all have a heart to heart talk! at the end of the night you guys end up exchanging numbers, js an idea😇
I’ve been in Mexico for 4 days now and I haven’t been able to write I’m so sorry yall but I pinky swear I’m working on my fic 🥲 (also this is not spell checked I had to rush this small little blurb 💔)
SLOW BURN || Hamzahthefantastic
You looked at the disappointing message your friend had sent you as you were already seated down at the bar waiting for them to come. you couldn't help but storm out the nearest exit as you were bought to a very dark alley as you heard the spark of a lighter.
you saw light reflect onto a six-foot tall guy's face as you noticed his curly hair under his hat as a wind of smoke came out his mouth. you sighed as you took the last sip of your drink as you heard footsteps
"hey, you okay?" the same guy questioned as you crossed your arms, a little hesitant to speak to this really cute stranger.
"yeah I was just waiting for someone but they never showed up" you awkwardly laughed as he offered a cigarette "want one?" he questioned, you were fighting the fact that you were gonna get kidnapped right now but you couldn't say no. "Thanks" you placed the cig in between your lips as he lit it up for you "what are you doing here?" you asked as he smiled "I got tired third wheeling" he said as he blew smoke into the air "third wheeling huh? you don't have a girlfriend or maybe some girl you could have talked to right now in there?" you crossed your arms as he caught a glimpse of your features, "no one stood out to me" his eyes interlocked with yours. you noticed how satisfying his smile was to you, the way it was so contagious
"do you have a boyfriend?" he questioned as you decided to tease him a little
"maybe? why?" you smirked as he flicked the cig in between his fingers "what a jerk, he couldn't even come to accompany you?" he said as you laughed "I was joking" he rolled his eyes "whatever" his tongue poked the inside of his cheek "well I used to but It makes me sick talking about him" you blew the cigar out as you felt your anger getting a hold of you "now I'm curious" he said as he leaned closer to you "well he used to treat me really bad and he would always be so self-centered. I don't think he really ever loved me" you said lowly as you sat down at the nearby bench "how long ago was this?" he turned his head "like a couple months ago, but he moved. I don't know where but hopefully far away" you remembered all the ways he had hurt you as you felt your eyes pool up "I don't really know what told me to give him chances after chances but I'm glad I'm finally away from him" you sighed as a tear slid down your cheek as you felt his hand reach for your thigh as your hand rested on top of his “sorry to hear that, what an asshole really. Your to pretty to be treated like that.” he hissed as you wiped your eyes as you noticed his small comment about your appearance as you smiled. you looked over at his sincere smile and his lips, you noticed how he really had some sympathy to him.
“I never asked in the beginning but what’s your name?” He questioned “y/n.” “Hamzah” he handed you his phone “it’s okay if you don’t want to but you seem fun and honestly really pretty” he said as your face got warm again “Pretty huh?” you laughed as you gave him your contact “yes…don’t make me repeat my self y/n” he put his phone back in his pocket “I’m flattered” your sly smile made his knees weak. you both finally headed back into the bar to talk more.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 days
omggg I saw that you are taking requests for pjo x obx and I just had to come here with one.
Imagine reader is the daughter of Apollo (maybe Cleo’s twin) and she they have arrived there a couple of weeks ago, rafe was not too keen on her but they get paired in one of those games/missions on the camp and after that he just decides that she ‘needs’ someone to protect her? Like even though she’s Cleo’s sister she’s more quiet and not as bold as her twin? Idk how else to explain it lol
I love your writing and I believe that you’ll do an amazing job if you’re comfortable with this one 🫶🏻
TYSM FOR THIS I LOVE IT SM AHHH!! ❤️ im so glad u like my writing !!
𝒞𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝑔ℴ𝓁𝒹 𝓁𝒶𝓊𝓇ℯ𝓁𝓈
ok this game was literally one of my favorites for no reason lol, it was just silly and fun ?
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You had gotten to camp sort of late, something some campers disliked. You quickly learned and caught on about the cabins and their children.
For example, the Ares children were people who you would want to be paired up with in a game like this. And the Demeter children were people you wouldn’t.
You were shocked when you heard that you’d been picked for the game.
“You know you’re getting partnered with Rafe cameron for the game tonight?” One of your friends told you at lunch, your fork dropped and you stared at her.
“No way.”
“Yes way.”
“Hey, the pairings out.” One of his siblings told him, sitting down next to him. Rafe stopped his movements, turning to his siblings.
“Who am I with?”
“You’re with that Apollo girl, y/n.”
“You serious right now? An Apollo kid for the gold laurels?” He groaned in annoyance, scanning the tables for you. “I mean, I met the girl and she’s nice, but nice isn’t exactly gonna get us a win.”
“Well, I mean, her sister’s pretty badass. She beat half the kids here, including some of us.”
“I guess.” He grumbled, sighing and continuing to eat.
Later that day, he actively looked for you, even asking around. Eventually, he found you, giggling among some of your friends when he came along.
He looked pissed off about something, his hands shoved into his pockets and he towered over your entire friend group. Everyone’s smiles disappeared, and everyone looked up at the man.
“Y/n, right?” Was the first thing he said to you, everyone looking at you and back at the man.
“Uhm… yeah.” You told him quietly. “You’re Rafe?”
He just nodded, waiting on your friends to leave. Which they did. They quickly dispersed when he glanced at them.
“We met before, right?” He asked you, scratching the bell of his neck.
“Uhm.. at that one party.”
“Right…” he had accidentally spilled a drink on your shirt, making you leave the party before he could even apologize or get a word out. “you saw that we’re partnered together for the game?”
“Yeah.” You nodded this time, not sure what else to say.
“We could train together, for a little. I’ll tell you how the game works and shit.” He suggested, and your heart raced.
“I-I mean- sure. Yeah. Okay.” You stuttered, eyebrows raising. “But I- I need to grab my sword and stuff. It’s back at my cabin.”
He nodded, and followed you there. He stood at the doorway of your cabin, leaning against it. You siblings whispered and looked at you and him.
“Where you going now?” Cleo asked you, furrowing an eyebrow as she watched you all over to Rafe.
“Uhm- I’m just going to train. For later. See you, cleo.” You gave her a small wave, looking down at the ground as you followed Rafe’s
One thing he noticed while training with you, you were good, but you weren’t exactly your sister. You were quieter, not as bold.
He disarmed you, knocking your sword to the ground, holding his to your neck. He raised it so it hit your chin.
You both stared at each other for a moment before he lowered his sword, your cheeks warming up as you stumbled back a step.
He didn’t say a word, just stared at you before snapping out of his daze.
“C’mon. We should get ready.” He told you, turning around, grabbing his sword, holding it against the back of his neck and beginning to walk.
You fumbled for your own sword, quickly grabbing it and running to catch up with Rafe, who stole glances at you every once in a while.
You all met up where it would begin, while Chiron walked you through the game. There was 6 cages, four other teams.
“The cages have 6 ten foot scorpions in them.”
Your eyes widened, looking at Rafe and back at the cages.
“Each of them have a package on their tails, your objective is to find the one with the golden laurel. If you find it, you must slay the scorpion in order to win.
“Kill it? They look huge!” You whispered to Rafe.
“There’s nothing to worry about.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Promise, these scorpions aren’t getting near us. Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.” He told you, getting in a ready stance with his sword, waiting for the scorpions to be released.
You did the same, looking at him and mirroring his stance, eyes widening and heart thumping against your chest as you watched the scorpions get released.
It wasn’t long before you both got cornered by two scorpions, Rafe had an arm extended behind him, putting it protectively in front of you and motioning for you to get behind him.
They were huge, you were practically shaking in fear and Rafe could feel it when you pressed your body to his.
He glanced down, looking for anything to distract them with. He saw a pretty good sized rock. He glanced over his shoulder, whispering to you.
“Pick the rocks up and throw them towards the kids over there.” He told you, you nodded, bending over and picking up multiple rocks, throwing the rocks repeatedly into the large field.
The distraction had worked, both scorpions turned around and you both took the opportunity.
He pointed to the package to the one on your side and he went to the one on his. You both successfully untied and grabbed both packages, Rafe ripping his open to find nothing.
You ripped it opened, finding the golden laurel just as the scorpion had turned around.
You held it up, looking at Rafe who smiled at you. Not enough time to celebrate however, as the scorpion noticed you and whipped its tail around violently, its eyes set on you.
Your smile faltered, face turning into an expression with fear again. Rafe’s smile fell, quickly getting back into his fighting mode, his grip tightening on his sword as he dashed over to you.
The scorpions claws snapped, all legs moving towards you. You fumbled for your sword, grabbing it and holding it in front of you.
You swiped at its hard claws, but Rafe was quick to be in front of you again. He furrowed his eyebrows, examining the scorpion and thinking of how to kill it.
“The legs. Go for the legs.” He told you quietly, you nodded again, focusing up and the both of you ran to the sides of the scorpion, chopping off its legs all while avoiding the stinger.
The scorpion was now struggling to move, Rafe hopping on it, and stabbing it repeatedly until it fell.
He panted, looking up at the sky, shutting his eyes as they announced you both were the winners.
The corners of his mouth twisted up, and he opened his eyes, looking over to you. You were smiling right back at him.
Maybe you weren’t so bad, he thought as he hopped off the giant scorpion, making his way to you, both of you standing next to each other with smiles as medals were wrapped around your necks.
“You did good.” He told you when Chiron walked away.
You smiled at him. “You did most of it.”
“Nah, you found it. Give yourself some credit.” He told you, patting your shoulder and walking away to celebrate with his friends and siblings.
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shellforbrains · 13 hours
okay, strap in, here we go.
i think i & a lot of other people went into Apology Tour expecting Stolas to be at different point in his character development then he actually is. but that development is definitely still coming!
a deep dive into where Stolas currently is at character wise with insights from my own personal life experience.
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in this deep dive into where he currently is, i want to use what i personally have experienced & witnessed in my own life as a guide. bc if i'm being honest, after i had time to mull it over, looking at Stolas in this episode was both like looking in a mirror & also like looking at some of my own family members who i have tried to correct on their own microaggresions in the past.
now i want to preface this by saying that i am white. i will not be speaking on this from the perspective of a POC. i am speaking on this from the perspective of someone who has had to go on a similar (but obvs not as extreme) journey that Stolas is on, and as someone who has seen people i love vehemently deny their problematic actions when i have tried to tell them how harmful they are & how hard it is to actually argue with them about it.
and i'd also like to add that i am not trying to shit on Stolas with this & say that Blitzø did nothing wrong in their arrangement ever or in Apology Tour. Blitzø is also on a character arc of his own & growing as a character.
both he AND Stolas continued to suck at communicating this episode, & it wasn't anyone's sole fault there. i'm focusing less on their conflict (though of course i will make reference to it) & more focusing on where Stolas currently is in his journey & how him acting the way he does in AT is... not far off from reality, honestly.
even if it's painful to watch at times, i do have to commend the writing there haha. bc it's pretty fuckin' spot on.
okay with all that out of the way, let's get our hands dirty:
the description of the episode itself confirms that Stolas is "still not quite being self-aware enough at times" & boy did they hit the nail on the head here lmao.
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i think most people will agree that Stolas still has a LOT to learn about the race/class difference & the power imbalance between he & Blitzø, but even still, some were expecting better out of him in AT than what we got. myself included.
but let's look at FM from his perspective:
he's off his meds & obviously went into that night with a very black & white view of the possible outcomes: either Blitzø returns his feelings & they'll be dating by the end of the night, or he's been keeping Blitzø against his will & is a monster. no room for shades of grey.
and when Blitzø (understandably for multiple reasons) mistakes this basically out of nowhere declaration of feelings as a form of rp, Stolas (very understandably) gets his feelings hurt. he shuts down & stonewalls.
he doesn't see any shades of grey when Blitzø chases after him, says he needs a minute to think, makes reference to his feelings being played with, or the fact that, while aggressive, Blitzø was trying to talk things out with him. Stolas only hears the yelling and (again, understandably) gets triggered.
ALONG WITH, it seems, only hearing the "everything you've put me through, you rich, privileged asshole" comment & the "treat me like one of your butler imps" comment. which, if i'm being honest, i think ALSO really hurt his feelings, based on how he ends up acting the next day in AT.
here's where my personal experience comes in, so let's tldr my story real fast:
i was raised in a fairly privileged position & was basically brainwashed into far right ideology from a young age at the private school i attended. trust me, i went on a WILDASS journey to unlearn some of the craziest & most vile shit that had been hammered into my head since i was a little tiny child. it's a tough journey, too, that's filled with a lot of ups & downs.
part of what makes Stolas such a special character to me is seeing that journey reflected on screen with the good, the bad, & the ugly. which is also why i get very frustrated with fans that want to ignore the bad & the ugly parts of Stolas' character & journey.
bc, yes, while he is a fictional character, it is always important to hold oneself accountable. even though i am a completely changed person from who i was all those years ago, i know that even at 33 there are probably things i still need to unlearn that i just haven't stumbled upon to challenge me yet.
the journey that Stolas is on is not a single switch flip or a short, easy one. nor should it be treated as one. however, i think it's important to dive into these things and see where it's coming from, even if it shines light on the bad & the ugly in a way that some people may not like.
now with my personal experience in mind, & how Full Moon went from Stolas' perspective, let's finally address that painful exchange that happens the morning after Full Moon.
emotions are still high, neither of them has had time to really process, Stolas is still very deep in his own feefees, and those feefees are HURT.
Blitzø, in his mind, has rejected a relationship with him. as well as accused him of being a racist/classist, something that Stolas does NOT see himself as. and, like ANY privileged person mostly oblivious to their own behavior, he gets his feefees hurt over this as well as getting very defensive about it.
while the bar is quite literally in hell, Stolas DOES treat imps... better than other Goetia. that doesn't mean he treats them WELL, bc he DOESN'T, but to Stolas himself, he sees other goetia carry imps around in purses like animals or throw them around like objects like Stella did. in his mind, he's treating imps very well! so he must think, "so why would Blitzø or that Stiker guy even say anything like that?! that's ridiculous & hurtful!"
enter stage left Blitzø, who starts off with his typical sexy talk which then turns into needling/arguing. (once again, oof. they both continue to suck at communicating this ep so hard.)
and when this exchange happens, it is... it is so quintessential oblivious privileged person getting defensive.
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"i'm not racist/classist! when have i EVER done something like that? you talk just like those people that hate all white/rich people!"
i have literally heard basically those exact words, and ones similar to what Stolas says later, from family that i have tried to point out microaggresions to before.
microaggresions are called microaggresions for a reason & are obviously not considered the same as the more outwardly hateful shit for a reason. they are harder for people to realize that they are doing/participating in and therefore very easy to get their feefees hurt over & defensive about.
bc the ppl committing microaggresions hear the big, ""scary"" words like "racism" or "classism" & think of the most extreme examples, not the ""mundane"" shit that THEY do. so if someone says they're being racist/classist, they think they're being accused of the extreme shit & think people are being absolutely ridiculous.
bc OBVIOUSLY Stolas isn't carrying an imp around in a purse or yeeting them like Stella does so what's the big deal, right? /s
moving forward in their exchange, we come to these lines. and here's where, if i haven't ruffled feathers already, i'm probably going to ruffle them now.
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by saying this, Stolas DOES make a point but also... DOESN'T at the same time, ending up only reinforcing his own ignorance & lack of self-awareness. but before anyone starts furiously typing to me, let me explain.
Blitzø DOES need to hear this to begin to understand how Stolas has been making attempts & does care in his own way, just like how Blitzø also needed to hear what Fizz said in Oops for the same reason.
HOWEVER, just like how Fizz said what he said in Oops without full context of the arrangement that Blitzø & Stolas had, Stolas says what he says here without the full context of his actions & how they actually read to Blitzø, especially in the context of the deal they had.
he is genuine about his attempt to make Blitzø understand he cares, but just like before, this is ALSO quintessential privileged person being defensive.
"if i were racist/classist why would i want to date a POC/a poor person? if i were racist/classist why would i want to be seen with a POC/a poor person? if i were racist/classist why would i want to spend time with a POC/a poor person or support them?"
yes, Stolas cares about Blitzø. but this is called being seen as an Exception or One Of The Good Ones. Stolas doesn't look down on Blitzø as much as he does other imps, but that doesn't make Blitzø feel any better. and even still, while Blitzø is the Exception, it still doesn't mean that he isn't still looked down on or been the victim of microaggresions from Stolas.
and honestly, some of the talk i've seen these past few days around the fandom regarding this has been... very fucking exhausting.
yes, i more than anyone understand that Stolas is not self-aware enough to fully realize his own behaviors yet. but everyone seems to be putting this entirely on Blitzø's shoulders to fix & educate Stolas on this despite the fact that Blitzø is also hurting & neck deep in his emotions as well.
Stolas gets a pass for being ignorant & uneducated & neck deep in his feelings but Blitzø is apparently supposed to be able to articulate perfectly to Stolas every microaggresion he's suffered & be able to sit him down & give him a lecture on Hell's Racism & Classism.
just like how it is not the job of POC to educate white people, or any other underprivileged group to educate a privileged one, it is NOT entirely on Blitzø's shoulders to educate Stolas.
Stolas is approx. 36 years old & has a smartphone. Google (or i guess it's gaggle in hell) exists & Stolas shows later on in AT that he DOES indeed have tiny blips of self-awareness, little nagging feelings that he's missing something.
yes, it would definitely HELP to have Blitzø explain his own perspective to Stolas, as i'm sure Stolas would be willing to listen if Blitzø can find a way to properly elaborate. and i do think Blitzø WILL at some point in the future do that!
BUT. confronting or educating loved ones is SO much harder than anyone else. i think part of the reason WHY Blitzø has a hard time saying specifics to Stolas (besides his own self-hatred & communication issues) is BECAUSE he cares about him so much.
it was not easy at ALL for me to try to confront loved ones in my life about their behavior, & being met with the defensive reactions only made it more painful on top of that. it is not uncommon at all for ppl to let a privileged loved one get away with things that they would NEVER let someone else get away with.
this leads into where i basically want to say... if you're having any worry or doubts about Stolas' character arc right now, don't worry. we've gotten some pretty clear signs from AT that there's still plenty to be addressed on Stolas' side & that it WILL be coming.
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he simply is just not as far along in the journey as some of us thought he was, & that's okay. he'll get there, even if it is painful right now.
personally, my biggest theory on HOW he'll get there is the whole "Stolas is stripped of his title & everything he owns" theory that's been circulating around the fandom. something that drastic happening to him, leaving him with nothing, & forcing him to see what Hell is actually like for the lower class outside of his gilded cage would be one hell of a wake up call for him.
but even if that theory isn't correct, i still believe that it will not just be solely Blitzø or others around him showing Stolas the error of his ways.
i am of the opinion that something drastic will happen that will also help shift his view much more into focus & make him even more receptive to what he's being told about the racism & classism of Hell.
bc oftentimes, it DOES take something drastic in a journey like this one to actually light a fire under one's ass. what that will be for Stolas...? well, i guess we'll just have to wait & see!
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