eebie · 9 months
im trying to stay away from tongblr and stuff but your posts and reblogs keep attracting me back like im being fished out of water and then put back in....
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HEEHEE u reminded me of that one rube goldberg trap someone made fora fly
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oreos-and-pepitos · 5 years
Hi, there! I think I’ve never done an introduction post, so here it goes!
(You can find everything about the Langblr Activation Challenge a few posts ago on my blog, or simply click here )
Name: I’m Malena (Mah - Leh - Nah), but everyone calls me Male :-) (She/Her)
Age: I’m twenty years old, my birthday is on December 31st
Nationality: I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. As of today, I have never left the country.
School? : Yes! There’s no minors or mayors or whatever you guys have in other countries, so I’ll do my best to explain myself lol.
I’m getting a teaching degree in literature. It’s a five years long plan (It’s going to take me longer than that, and I’m dealing with that). It will allow me to teach Spanish grammar AND literature in high school but also colleges and future literature teachers.
Native Language: Spanish
Also fluent in: English! that’s it. I started studying English at school when I was nine, but I didn’t take it too seriously until a few years ago. I know it's not perfect yet but I’m super proud being able to carry full conversations with native speakers and read complete books in English :´)
I’ve been studying Hawaiian for a year or so, with many ups and downs. I’m not very good at it just YET but I’m really into fully learning the language. I would love to meet more people learning Hawaiian, so if you’re doing so, let me know, so we can be study buddies! :-) Also, if you were considering studying Hawaiian, this is your sign!! 
I study Latin and Greek in college, more focused on the translation of old texts that in fluency, which I really enjoyed!  I’m taking another greek class this semester and I can’t wait to see what’s coming.
I’ve been really interested in learning Romanian and Icelandic recently, but I’m trying to reach some fluency in Hawaiian first :-)
Other stuff: I love writing and reading (follow me on Goodreads!). I also love movies, especially superhero movies (I’ve talked about this before, Marvel is my life and I’m always happy to talk about the movies, the trailers, anything :-) )
 If I could live anywhere, I would probably go to New York. I hope to at least visit NYC one day :) and Hawaii, of course. 
My obsession with languages started a few years ago when I learned about polyglots for the first time. I’ve always been into translation and always thought to be able to speak more that one language was really badass. This is all a work in progress so I thought having a blog would help me have some consistency. 
I think that’s all!! Let’s be friends! follow so be can share more language stuff :-)
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arabic-langblr · 7 years
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Cute vocabulary words in Arabic
Requested by @adorablepolyglot, thank you!
Click on the word for the audio.
Affection / مَحَبَّةٌ / Mahabba
Amicability / مَوَدَّةٌ / Mawadda
Beauty / جَمال / Jamaal
Breeze / نَسيمٌ / Naseem
Cloud /  غَيْمَة  / Ghayma
Care / اهْتِمام / Ihtimaam
Cute /  ظَرِيفـَ (ـة) / Thareef(a)
Dazzling / (باهِر(ة/ Baaher(a)
Dream /  حُلُمٌ  / Hulum
Flower /  زَهْرَةٌ  / Zahra
Forgiveness / تَسامُحٌ  / Tasaamuh
Friendship /  صَداقَةٌ  / Sadaaqa
Gentleness /  رِقَّة  / Riqqa
Happiness /   سَعادَةٌ  / Sa’aada
Harmony / تَناغُم / Tanaaghom
Horizon / أُفُقٌ / Ufuq
Hope / أَمَلٌ  / Amal
Hug /  عِنَاق / ‘inaaq
Innocence / بَراءَة / Baraa’a
Kindness / لُطْفٌ / Lutf
Laughter / ضَحِكٌ  / Dhahik
Love /  حُبُّ / Hubb
Music / مُوسِيقى / Mooseeqaa
Optimism /تفاؤُلٌ / Tafaa’oul
Peace / سَلامٌ / Salaam
Smile / بَسْمَة / Basma
Sparkling / بَرَّاقـ (ـة) / Barraaq(a)
Sky / سَماءٌ / Samaa’
Star /نَجْمَةٌ/ Najma
Sun /شَمْسٌ / Shams
Sweet / حُلْو  / Hulw
Warmth / دِفْء / Dif’
Whisper / هَمْسٌ / Hams
Wing / جَناحٌ  / Janaah
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halzyonic · 6 years
Accomplishments of the day
went on a 45 minute walk 
did an abs workout
prepared 2 healthy meals for tomorrow (god bless me i actually bring proper food to work lmao)
made 15 new Kanji cards for Anki and reviewed 100 old ones
made 18 cards for vocab and reviewed those 
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segledepericles · 6 years
Diverse music in Spanish tag
@goazen and I would like to present an idea for Langblr.
Practically all the songs in Spanish posted in langblr are reggaeton, and we think we should make it more diverse so people who like different music genres can enjoy too and so people can see more of the different cultures of the Spanish speaking countries.
So what do we do?
Post a song in Spanish that is NOT reggaetón. The post should include the lyrics in Spanish and a translation to English. And tag it  #música diversa en castellano challenge so we all can find it!
Who can participate?
Everyone is welcome to contribute, especially native Spanish speakers from all the countries. But if you are a learner and would like to share a song you like, feel free to join as well!
Thank you for your interest and collaboration!
La gran mayoría de las canciones en castellano que hay en Langblr son de reggaetón, y creemos que deberíamos compartir música más diversa para que las personas a quienes les gustan otros estilos musicales también lo puedan disfrutar, y para que se pueda apreciar música de las diferentes culturas de los países hispanohablantes.
¿Qué hacemos?
Sube una canción en castellano que NO sea de reggaetón. El post debería incluir la letra en castellano y traducida al inglés. Y etiquétalo con #música diversa en castellano challenge para que podamos encontrarla!
¿Quién puede participar?
Todxs quienes quieran pueden participar, especialmente hablantes nativos de todos los países. Pero si estás aprendiendo castellano y quieres compartir una canción que te guste, ¡adelante!
¡Muchas gracias por vuestro interés y colaboración!
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halcyonlanguages · 6 years
Eso No Va a Suceder - Ha*Ash
#LangblrMusicFridays No.1
Vocabulary and useful phrases
dejar en visto - Lit. “leave in seen.” When you see a message and you want to ignore it, so you don’t reply back.
(la) desesperación - Despair.
desenamorar - To cause to fall out of love.
aguantar - To put up with, to endure.
- Lera 
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stuckatmyhouse12 · 6 years
you’re like one of my favourite blogs on tongblr and i always get super happy whenever i see u on my dash!
I live seaing you on my dash too!! (Or more, your blog tentiginiouslogophile(?))
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wormpretzal · 7 years
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budgiepunk · 7 years
Like, I fucking hate those posts that talk about how “YOU COULD EASILY BLOCK THAT ARTIST. IF YOU DON’T JUST BLOCK THAT ARTIST IT’S SHOWING YOUR INCOMPETENCE USING THE INTERNET” or some stupid shit like that bc 9 times out of 10 those people are lumping in “artists who some ppl don’t like” and “artists who are legitimately bad people”
Like I’m sorry you’re too into thinking you’re Correct all the time about how Sensitive Tongblr Is, but there’s a difference between
A) “I don’t like how Madssnorkle draws noses so I’m not interested in his work”
B) “Madssnorkle is a big baby and I don’t like his attitude, so I’m just gonna blacklist him or something bc his work sucks and he sucks too” 
and fucking, 
C) “Madssnorkle killed my grandma and then called me a dipshit to my face, so I’m going to tell everyone what he did so people will stop supporting such a bad person” 
Bad folks are bad folks, no matter what they do with their lives.
[No grandmas were harmed in the making of this post]
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shatteredsunglasses · 8 years
michaelragequitthesituationjones replied to your post “I'M LOVE YOU!!! ur one of my best friends ever even when u shame me...”
ash, people already think we’re dating i gotta fuel that fire or it’ll burn out
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bone-removal · 7 years
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languagesque · 6 years
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Arabic stationery vocabulary
I made this vocabulary visual, I hope it’ll be helpful ^_^
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arabic-langblr · 7 years
Learning English as an Arabic speaker
Me : are you telling me that all I need to do is just add an “s” to the word to make it plural?
Teacher : yes
Me, in tears : beautiful
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halzyonic · 6 years
Accomplishments of today
added around 25 new kanji to my deck and reviewed old ones
added one chapter worth of vocab to my deck
completed on chapter of my japanese textbook
small workout and a good evening stretch
prepaired 2 healthy meals again for tomorrow
wasn’t really productive today since my brother is in the hospital and yah everything is a mess also i have period cramps ugh
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arabic-langblr · 7 years
Expressions with the word “Allah”
Thank you for this interesting request, @languagesandshootingstars!
Before I begin I’ll start by explaining the word “Allah”. It doesn’t mean “God of Muslims” as many people might think, it simply means “The God”, which refers to the God in the Abrahamic, monotheist religions (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) which is why Arabic speakers of these religions say “Allah” when they are referring to “The one God”.
There is a word for “deity” (a God among other Gods, whether it’s to refer to polytheist regions or in mythology studies), and I believe that the best word in that context is إله the female is : إلهة and the plural is آلهة.
So now, this vocabulary list is to talk about the famous expressions that contain the word “Allah” in them, which I’m sure you’ll encounter if you’re speaking with Native Arabic speakers.
والله / Wallah/ [audio : Standard Arabic + dialect]
Literal meaning : (I swear) By God
Usage : when you’re swearing, for example : Wallah (I swear) I didn’t eat the cake you hid in the fridge, why won’t you believe me?
(There are other ways to say that you swear, for example : بالله (Billah), for example بالله عليك إنت إللي أكلت الكيكة؟ / billah ‘aleek inta elli akalt el keika?/ (Swear) by God, were you the one who ate my cake?)
ما شاء الله  / Ma Shaa’a Allah / [audio : Standard Arabic] / [audio : Dialect]
Literal meaning : “What God Wills”
Usage : It’s used by people to express their happiness or how impressed they are about something. Also, people usually use this word to protect themselves or the person they are happy for from the evil eye (the bad eye, jealousy).
If someone is sharing a good piece of news to their friend, their friends would say “Ma Shaa Allah, I’m so happy for you”. Also, if a friend is complimenting your eyes or outfit, they would follow their compliment with “Ma Shaa Allah” with the intention of protecting you from accidentally being struck by the evil eye.
سبحان الله /Subhaan Allah / [audio : Standard Arabic]
Literal meaning : Glorified is God
Usage : when you’re impressed about something or to show how amazed you are about something that exists or has happened. For example, if you're talking to your friend about a very beautiful sunset that you’ve seen or describing the beautiful voice of a nightingale that you’ve heard, you can start by saying “Subhan Allah.”
It can also be used as a response to an impressive thing that you’ve heard someone say like how a person miraculously survives a dangerous or deadly situation.
الله يسامحك/ Allah ysaamhak/ [audio : dialect]
Note : in MSA it’s سامحك الله [audio] / saamahaka Allah
Literal meaning : May God forgive you
Usage : when you’re upset with someone and ask that God will forgive them. Usually people say that when they’re really upset with someone but they’re implying that they don’t want to say anything else (which is a better alternative than insulting someone or saying rude things to them in response) for example:
- I purposely broke your favorite vase yesterday because you said that my outfit was ugly.
-What? How could you..?Y-you know what, May God forgive you.
الله اعلم  /Allahu a’lam / [audio : Standard Arabic + dialect]
Meaning : God is more knowledgeable
Usage : as the meaning suggests, it’s used to say that God knows more than you do with regards to a certain question, that is, you either don’t know the answer or don’t have enough information about it. For example :
-Do you think there is are living beings in space?
-Allahu a’alam...
كتر الله خيرك/ Kattar Allah Kheirak / [audio : dialect]
Literal meaning : may God multiply your good (deeds)
Usage : it can either be used as a thank you to someone who did something good or as being sarcastic to someone who has messed a situation up, it depends on the context but I usually hear it more as sarcasm than as a genuine thank you.
إن شاء الله / In Shaa’ Allah  / [audio : Standard Arabic] / [audio : dialect]
Literal meaning : If God wills
Usage : When you’re talking about future events that you’re uncertain about. There are also many people who use “in shaa allah” to show that although they are determined to do something, in the end, this thing will happen if God is willing.
[More expressions under the cut]
الله يعطيك العافية/ Allah ya’teek el’aafiyeh/ [audio : dialect]
Literal meaning : May God give you health
Usage : When you’re thanking someone for their help in general, especially if their help included some physical effort like carrying a suitcase for you or something.
(Note : in some dialects like the the Tunisian dialect and the Great Maghrib, the word عافية means fire, so the proper way to say this expression is الله يعطيك الصحة which means “May God give you health”).
بارك الله فيك/ Baaraka Allah feek/ [audio : Standard Arabic]
Literal meaning : May God bless you
Usage : It’s used to thank someone, but this expression sounds like something an elderly person would say to someone younger than them in appreciation of something good that they did.
الله يرحمه / Allah yerhamo/ [audio : dialect]
[In Standard Arabic it’s : رحمه الله / Rahimahu Allah / audio]
Literal meaning : May God have mercy on him
Usage : it’s used to pray for God’s mercy for someone who has passed away or when you talk about someone who is deceased. For example :
 “My Grandpa, may God have mercy on him, used to like spring.”/ جدي الله يرحمه كان بحب الربيع.
الله يسمع منك/ Allah yesma’ minnkak/ [audio]
Literal meaning : may God hear from you/ Amen
Usage : when someone is hoping that the God thing that another person is wishing for comes true, for example :
-I hope you ace your test.
-May God hear from you!
(Note : in Arabic, there is an “Amen” and it’s pronounced as “Ameen”)
الله يقطع شرك / Allah yeqta’ sharrak / [audio : dialect]
Literal meaning : May God cut your evil
Usage : It sounds harsh in English but it’s usually used as a joke between friends or family members. When someone says something strange, surprising or startling but it’s also funny in a way, the person who hears it says this expression. It can also be used for someone who is tired with the continuous mischievous actions of someone. Example : “ Allah yeqta’ sharrak, you startled me!”
الله يرضى عليك/ Allah yerdha ‘aleek / [audio : dialect]
Literal meaning : May God be satisfied with you
Usage : it’s usually said by a parent (or grand parent, or a parent figure) to their child, praying that God will bless and be happy with them. Of course, anyone can say that expression, it’s not only limited to parents, but it’s mostly used by them.
Also, sometimes parents use this while asking their kids to do something (to mean “please”) for example : جبلي كاسة مي الله يرضى عليك / jibli kaaset mai, Allah yerdha ‘aleek /bring me a glass of water, may God bless you.
في أمان الله / Fee amaan Allah / [audio : dialect + Standard Arabic]
Literal meaning : in God’s protection
Usage : it’s used to say good bye to someone while at the same time praying that God protects them while they’re away (that they stay in God’s protection).
الله يوفقك / Allah ywaf’ak / [audio : dialect]
[Standard arabic : وفقك الله / audio]
Literal meaning : May God grant you sucess
Usage : in Standard Arabic, this is used to wish someone success and good luck, it’s also the same in dialect however there is an additional use for this expression and that is to say “please” for example :
أعطيني التلفون الله يوفقك  / Give me the phone, please! / a’teeni el telephone allah ywaf’ak!
Notes :
The dialect in the recordings is the Palestinian dialect.
The words are used to address a male, to change the person you’re adressing, you need to change the pronouns. If you need help changing the pronouns please let me know.
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arabic-langblr · 6 years
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Animal crossing vocabulary list
Requested by anon.
Click on the word for the audio
Animal/حَيَوان/ hayawaan
Bell cricket/ جُنْدُبُ الجَرَسِ/ jundubu al-jaras
Club/نادي/ naadi*
Customer/زَبونٌ/ zaboon
Design /تَصْميمُ / tasmeem
Fishing / صَيْدُ السَّمَكِ/ saydu as-samak
Fortune teller/  عَرَّافٌ- عَرَّافَة/ arraaf(a)
House / مَنْزِلٌ/ Manzil
Game/ لُعْبَةٌ/ Lu’ba
Gardening store / مَتْجَرُ مُسْتَلْزَماتُ الزَّراعَة/ Matjaru mustalzamaatu az-ziraa’a
Goldfish /سَمَكَةٌ ذَهّبِيَّةٌ / Samakatun thahabiyya
Kicks / رَكْلَةٌ/ Rakla
Level /مَرْحَلَةٌ / Marhala
Main Street/شارِعٌ رِئيسيُّ / Shaari’un ra’sssiy
Mayor / عُمْدَةٌ / ‘omda
Mission / مَهَمَّةٌ/ Mahamma
Museum/ مَتْحفٌ / Mahtaf
New leaf / وَرَقَةٌ جَديدَةٌ / Waraqatun jadeeda
Junction/ تَقاطُعٌ / Taqaatu’
Player / لاعِبً-لاعِبَةُ/ laa’eb(a) 
Police station/ مَرْكزُ شُرْطَةٍ/ Markazu shurta
Post Office/ البَريدُ/ al-bareed
Renting a house /اسْتِئجارُ مَنْزِلٍ / isti’jaaru manzilin
Sea horse /فَرَسُ البَحْرِ / farasu al-bahr
Town/ بَلْدَةٌ/ balda
Tent/ خَيْمَةٌ/ khayma
Village/ قَرْيَةٌ / qarya
Villager/ قَرَوِيٌّ/ qarawiy 
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