#tomorrow night by loote
magicshvps · 2 years
closed for: @miuimiu​
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           “who’s idea was this anyways, said that we needed space, but we just got closer? late at night missing the little things, it’s simple as baby just come over.”
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orcelito · 8 months
Been finishing up act 2 of bg3. It's a good thing I find the battle systems so fun bc Hoo Boy there sure do be battles
#speculation nation#im going the epic hero direction this run. mostly bc i care about saving innocents' lives as much as possible#which means Killing Necromancers...... ugh.#cloudkill my beloathed. me n my homies hate cloudkill (used against us at least)#i got my vampire kicked into a fucking CHASM i had to reload a save 😭😭😭#he's been phenomenally unuseful in these fights bc theres so many people and so few places to hide#usually hes one of my biggest damage dealers. and sometimes he can get a good shot in#but a lot of turns hes just firing one dinky lil arrow and then hiding in the corner#...... i keep forgetting about the fancy arrows. i have so many of those. i should try to remember them when i get to the Big battle.#which. hmmm. we r gonna hope it's not Too difficult a battle. ive been able to get thru every battle so far in this game#turns out im Pretty Damn Good at this game. to the point where i'll brute force it and still end up fine.#the literal only battle i had to leave and go back for was the big spider queen thing in the bottom of the well. she was scary.#im level 9 now tho and full of so much guts n grit. and loot. holy fucking shit the loot.#im looting every body (including fallen allies. sorry guys ur gold's goin to a good cause.)#i have karlach with a like 460 carrying capacity but she STILL keeps getting encumbered. from all the armor.#im making fucking Thousands off this tower capture im gonna have so much fucking money#once i leave here and can actually. sell them all 😂#anyways i have been having fun! had to stop for the night bc it's late. but i will be killing thorny ass tomorrow. mark my words.
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Apparently if you get the level going down a set of stairs you get scammed out of the level up popup and fireworks, but that's 97 Agility! Should have had it yesterday but it is what it is. Tbh, 97 to 98 is the level that has me most worried, 98-99 you feel invigorated cuz it's the last one but this one and 96-97 are just endurance tests it feels.
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Also 3/6 on dark graceful! Need boots, gloves and hood still, should be able to snag one more dye today before I go home and focus on Miku.
Just 4 levels away now...
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I memorized all my limes!
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miniimight · 4 months
ur dad!sukuna has me on a chokehold and i don't even like that man
lol same, it really came outta nowhere. woke up one day and decided to make him a soft girl dad :(
loosely inspired by this
sukuna had never understood the need to celebrate holidays with family, much less getting together for no reason. and yet, here he was at your grandparents' house in the middle of the school year.
there were a bunch of kids, from toddlers like your daughter to the teenagers of family friends. sukuna made sure you handled all the pleasantries, save the occasional polite nod. he was convinced the only kid worth entertaining was his baby girl, who clung to him as she tried to adjust to the new environment.
she was quieter than usual, and he observed her as she pulled at her lip, turning her head into his neck when unknown relatives crowded you to congratulate you on your little family.
you and sukuna found a corner to hole up in, talking to each other while you sampled all the drinks and food at the party. soon, your daughter grew restless, wanting to go play with other kids.
sukuna watched her with deadly precision as she and the other kids brought out toy cars and dolls, driving them around on the city rug below their feet.
he had crossed his arms, only for you to wiggle your hand into the crease of his elbow seconds later. eyes still on his daughter, he leaned his head down a bit to show he was listening.
"i thought you'd enjoy the free drinks." you said.
he snorted. "i'd enjoy my bed right about now."
you swat his bicep with your free hand before hugging into his side. "at least baby's having fun."
he just hummed in response. "she's gonna want one of those stupid rugs."
you roll your eyes. "you know she'll forget about it by tomorrow morning."
his lips pulled up. she would. and he'd still get it for her.
soon, gifts for the kids were being exchanged. why? just for existing, apparently. you left sukuna's side to capture your daughter's reaction on camera.
your baby glanced at you as she was presented with the gift bag.
"go 'head, baby." you nod, and she ripped the tissue paper to shreds before reaching her whole arm into the bag. she pulled out a tiara, studded with gems and painted gold, along with a fluffy dress.
an immediate chorus of awwws echoed around the room as she held up her loot. she raised the tiara over her head, but didn't manage to get it to sit right.
"help." she chirped, waddling over and holding the tiara to you in her outstretched hand. "mama."
sukuna's heart squeezed at the sight, gaze following you as you retreated to the bathroom to help her change into her costume.
a few minutes later, you emerged, setting her next to your grandparents.
another wave of awws made sukuna's head lift from his phone. always watching, he noticed how his kid's wide eyes darted from unknown face to unfamiliar face. her chin tucked down, her chubby neck doubling up as her bottom lip pushed out into a pout.
he'd know that look from a mile away. he stood a little straighter, frowning.
at that point, your mommy senses tingled, pulling yourself from the conversation you were wrapped up in. "aw, honey, no..." you cooed, stooping to her level and trying to catch her eye.
she whined, pushing off the couch and shrinking under the crowd of people, wringing the hem of her dress as she walked through the crowd.
her eyes were scanning the room, looking up at every adult and getting closer to tears when she saw they weren't the one she was looking for.
eventually she broke into the kitchen area, locking eyes with her father and barreling towards him. sukuna crouched down, his arms spread to catch her.
as soon as she gripped him, he lifted off. "hey, kid. rough night, huh?"
she tucked her head into the crook of his neck, her arms hugging the expanse of his shoulders. he nodded and rubbed her back. "me too."
she raised her head abruptly and touched her tiara. her eyes so serious, as if she'd base her own feelings about her new stuff on how much her father liked it.
"yes, i see it. very pretty." he placed her onto the kitchen counter, smoothing the crinkled mess of her dress. his tone could be perceived as dry or near-monotonous, but his intention was the complete opposite. "my, my, were you ever going to tell us we were living with a princess?"
a toothy grin spread on her face, and sukuna was blown away yet again by the way he was able to make someone so genuinely happy.
"look." she started twirling around.
sukuna shook his head with a low chuckle. her spin was anything but graceful. he applauded her showcase, his back shielding them both from the noise surrounding them. a little bubble just for them <3
your hand rested on his back, signaling your approach. sukuna lifted his arm, resting it on your waist when you stood at his side.
you frowned as you studied your little girl. "you feeling okay, baby?"
she poked her tongue out.
"i'll take that as a yes." you kissed her cheek. "wanna get outta here?" you ask your husband.
"fuck yes." he grumbled, immediately slinging the baby bag over his shoulder and grabbing your daughter. you three were out the door in the next minute.
your toddler started screaming at the burger king y'all were passing on the way home. you gave sukuna a look, silently warning him not to do anything illegal in order to appease her request. as usual, he soothed you with a squeeze of the hand, pulling a jerky, very illegal u-turn across oncoming traffic into the burger king lot.
you sighed, your daughter giggling happily as the car came to a stop.
after you got your food, she placed the crown she got on her father's head. "princess." she said.
"oh?" you side glanced your husband, his glare unsuccessful in deterring you from snickering. you encourage your daughter, "yes, baby, isn't he the prettiest?"
"no." she looked at her father in disgust. "me."
"oh, my apologies. you are so right."
sukuna scoffed. "where'd you think you got your looks from, silly girl?" he crossed his arms, leaning back in the booth. he made no move to take off the cardboard crown, though.
you gave him a look. "i helped too??"
he grinned deviously and pulled you into his side, squeezing your hips. "don't kid yourself, doll. you didn't even try."
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
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thatfreshi · 1 year
Hi! Can I request a story about Tav having trouble fighting cause Astarion just fed on her and so he gets worried and protective ofc. Maybe they were ambushed at camp or something? Thank you so much for your work! I really like how you write Astarion
Tw - animal attack, lots of gore, themes of death
Recommended Song: Seek and Destroy - SZA
Against better judgment, you let Astarion feed on you almost every night. It's just one of those things, a sacrifice you make, an act of love. After decades of disrespect, scavenging for next to nothing, you thought it'd be nice for him to have something better than animals. While he always insists it isn't necessary, he never passes you up on the offer. A ritual before bed every night, like a lover's embrace, you've come to adore the feeling of his teeth.
This evening in particular, he took quite a bit. You don't mind, considering you go to bed almost right after. Light-headed, woozy, you're wrapped up in his arms.
"Thank you darling."
His embrace almost feels warm when you're this drained. You almost drift off, but he keeps you awake.
"Tav, you need to eat something first."
You groan, absolutely exhausted, trying to keep him in the bedroll.
"Nooo, I'll just do it tomorrow."
He smiles, moving your hair out of your eyes.
"That's not how it works my sweet. Now, let me get up so I can-"
Goblin war drums. The sound of the percussive rhythms bouncing off all the trees, they're not far off, and Astarion knows they're on the way. Karlach starts making her way to every tent, telling your companions to get their asses in gear.
"Tav, Astarion, let's go!"
Astarion whispers to himself. You're still not fully there, in and out of sleep.
"What's going on?"
Double vision, you see two of your vampire lover get up and start rummaging around for his daggers.
"Just- just stay here Tav. It's alright."
You try to rub at your eyes, desperately wanting to figure out what's going on. Before you can ask again, he's gone, and you hear more war drums outside. You quickly realize it's goblins. They must've found where you've been hiding, but your head is still spinning. Trying to get up and grab your blade, you almost fall back to the ground. Steadying yourself for a moment, you try your best to listen to what's going on outside. It sounds deadly, metal, screams. You hear Shadowheart casting left and right.
When you manage to stumble out of the tent, you're tackled by one of their dogs, or whatever wretched things they are. A scream rips out of your throat, trying to hold the thing off. It bites rabidly at your arm, leaving numerous gashes, until it's thrown off of you and stabbed to death, relentlessly.
"Gods damnit, I told you to stay in the tent Tav!"
You're too worried about your arm throbbing in pain to care about the validity of his argument. He's angry, and perhaps both of you aren't entirely certain why. It's your dominant arm, you can barely move it. Astarion goes to wrap your arm, but is quickly overpowered by the numbers again. They must've sent a large party after the lot of you. Halsin and Shadowheart are running out of magic, already drained. It's bad, but it'll end soon. With a couple more fights and a thunderwave from Gale, the rest of the goblins scurry off, knowing they're fighting a losing battle. Astarion doesn't even stop to loot their corpses, running to your side.
"You're a fucking idiot Tav, you know that?"
Gods, he could sound so mean when he wanted to. You know he says those things out of fear, but they still hurt. Despite how angry he is, he starts ripping pieces of cloth from his shirt, wrapping your arm, which is bleeding far too fast. Shadowheart and Halsin come over to supervise, both out of arcana until they get some rest.
"Yes, the two of you standing over my shoulder is quite helpful. Might as well cheer me on while you're at it!"
His movements are ragged, furious, only making your arm hurt more than it does. He's lost though, somewhere in his head, unable to hear the cries of pain as he's wrapping your arm. You're even more lost than before, your blood leaving rapidly.
"Aster, I-"
He then realizes you were going to tell him you were about to pass out, because you almost immediately fall over.
He holds you in his arms, your limb still not fully wrapped.
"If the two of you want to be helpful, get me some actual bandages instead of gawking at me!"
Sure, Astarion hates doing things that require hard work, but he knows how. How many times did he have to do something like this to himself, when no one was there to help wrap his wounds? Shadowheart quickly returns with all of the bandage wraps she has.
"We have to clean it or it'll get infected."
"Well, Shadowheart, I don't know how you think you're going to clean it if Tav bleeds to death."
The two healers decide it's best if he handles this himself. While he obsessively wraps your arm, the rest of the camp watches on, knowing he's too possessive to let them help. He doesn't trust them like he trusts you.
And I trusted you to stay put.
There's no way to give you more blood, not in a way that would work for you. For a moment, he simply thinks that he'll feed you some of his blood, and then he remembers. All he can do is hope you retained enough, that he didn't preemptively kill you by feeding on you tonight. Your pulse is still going, but it's slow, and you're paler than usual.
Astarion begins to think to himself, asking why he ever fell in love, why he ever let himself think twice about you. It's easy to play the game when you have nothing to lose. Second thoughts, always, he's always thinking for two people now. It's been his survival, for as long as he can remember, and now you're lodged in his brain.
"Damn you Tav, I can't do this. I can't lose you like this."
He begins to sob as he holds you, still unconscious. This beckons Gale to come over, often a voice of reason for the vampire.
"You've done all you can. Perhaps we should get Tav back inside? Away from the elements?"
Astarion is too distraught to argue, helping Gale carry you back into the tent.
"The second Shadowheart is awake, she'll be back to check on Tav."
"Yeah, if they don't die from blood loss in the middle of the night."
Gale simply sighs, knowing there's no point in fighting with him. He leaves your pale lover to wallow in his misery. Hours pass, you're still clinging on, and Astarion watches over you, panicking every time he can't see your chest rise and fall, constantly checking your pulse. You're cold, your heartbeat dangerously slow, and he keeps wracking his brain about what else he could possibly do. But there's nothing, only fate, only the gods. He sadly chuckles to himself at the thought of even trying to pray, knowing there's no higher power out there, at least one that cares about him.
"W... what are you... laughing at?"
You ask weakly, oblivious to the horrific stress he's been through. Astarion whips around quickly, wondering if perhaps he's imagining your voice. When he sees your eyes fluttering, lost somewhere between dreams and reality, he rushes to your side.
"Oh gods Tav... you- you really scared me there."
He tries to hold back tears, failing miserably. You try to speak again, but groan in pain as the feeling in your arm starts to come back.
"I know, I know it hurts. It's okay my darling, you'll be alright."
He begins fully sobbing, and you have no idea why, without being awake enough to comprehend the situation. Astarion always tries to be strong when you're weak, but watching you teeter on the line between life and death, it was simply too much to bear.
"You can't pull that shit, ever again my love, I'm so serious. I know I'm normally quite serious, but ever more so right now."
Then, a joyful, tiny laugh. Happiness. Happy that you're alive. The memories of the fight slowly start coming back, the beast that ripped up your arm, Astarion yelling.
"Yes my dear?"
You start to tear up a little, still a tad delirious.
"I'm sorry."
And then remembers as well, the things he said, the tone he spoke to you in.
"No, no my love I'm sorry. You weren't yourself, I was being entirely unreasonable. I just..."
He almost can't finish his sentence.
"I'm just happy you're okay. That's enough for me."
Your lover slowly and carefully lays down beside you, pulling you into him, being sure not to let your wounded arm drag on the ground. He holds you for a long time, until Shadowheart wakes at dawn, fully rested and ready to fix your wounds. Astarion vows silently that he'll never let it come that close, ever again.
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ghostboneswrites2 · 7 months
A Mess || Part 8
New account! @ghostbones was banned! Transferring everything here starting with this series since it was the most popular!
A/N: this is not the last part I promise
Summary: You finally make it to the town you set out for all those days ago. Feelings get shared when you find a place to stay for the night.
18+ MDNI || WARNINGS: profanity, suggestive
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        "Can't believe we left the map." Daryl shook his head as he drove. He finally got one of the cars working, though it had a strong gasoline smell as he drove it. 
        "You were in charge of it." You pointed out.
        "Don;t need it anyhow." He defended. Men and their pride when it came to directions never ceased to amuse you. "Should be 'bout thirty minutes up this road. We can load up some while we're there, get gas, hole up of the night, and loot s'more before we head back tomorrow."
        "Sounds great." You agreed. "If I have to go one more day without a shower I'm gonna kill someone."       
        "Can barely fight a walker off of ya. Who you gonna kill?" He teased.
        "I was distracted." You defended.
        "With what? The view?" He retorted. Well, yes, but you couldn't tell him that.
        "Whatever." You grumbled, crossing your arms and turning your attention out of the window.
        It wasn't long before the town you two originally set out for rolled into view. You spent an hour looting an old thrift store for some clothes and random things you thought the prison could use. Board games, soaps, hairbrushes, plates and bowls, you name it. If they had it, you took it. Next was the pawnshop for guns and ammo, which were pretty sparse but they did have some good knives and machetes. You also found an old DVD player and some movies that you thought might be nice for Carl or something. Daryl focused more on equipment. Golf clubs, tools, lawn equipment for when everyone started working on the garden.
        On your way out of the pawnshop with your load of treasure, you noticed a flyer on the window. 'MONTHLY FOOD DRIVE - DELIVER ALL GOODS TO 227 PINEBLUFF CT DR'
        "Hey, check this out." You called Daryl over. He squinted as he read it.
        "C'mon. Town's small. Can't be too hard to find."
        It wasn't hard to find. It was a church, of course. Wasn't hard to clear the place out, either. Just the pastor and a few ladies stumbling around. They had a bunch of canned goods stored in an office, which you and Daryl happily loaded up in the car.
        "Think this is a good spot to crash for the night?" You asked him. 
        "Nah. Windows are all busted. We'll find a little house or somethin." He said.
        So, when you guys were done with the church, you drove around for a little while, siphoning gas from random vehicles and searching for a house suitable for the night. He settled on a little blue house, with a fenced in front and back yard. He reasoned the fencing was good added protection.  Plus, the windows looked to be in tact and overall the place looked untouched.
        There weren't any walkers inside, but there also wasn't any food. There was, however, running water. Whoever these people were, they ran their house off filtered rain water. 
        While Daryl was working on blocking all the exits off with furniture and nailing blankets over the windows so nothing could see inside, you opted for a shower. It wasn't hot since the house had no power, but damn was it nice to feel clean. Well, as clean as you could get with no soap, anyways. The towels were all dusty, so you drip dried when you got out. When you were dry enough you slid into the extra outfit you packed, and found your way back out to Daryl. He had the house as safe as he could get it by then.
        "All yours." You told him.
        "Nah." He shrugged.
        "Uh, you smell like a biohazard." You insisted. He glared.
        "Yeah, shoulda smelled yourself. By day two in that tree house you were chokin' flies." He shot back.
        "And, would ya look at that, I showered!" You sneered. He huffed a little breathy laugh and shook his head as he grabbed his bag and disappeared to the shower.
        You were hungry, so you decided to light the gas stove and heat up a can of Campbell's chunky beef stew for the two of you to share. By the time it was done, he was out, so the two of you ate in silence before tossing the emtpy can and borrowed spoon in the sink.
        "It's not even dark yet." You commented.
        "Yeah. Best to get to bed early. We can head out first thing, make it back home by tomorrow night." He reasoned.
        "Guess so." You agreed.
        "Guess? You don't wanna get back?" He questioned.
        "And give up our quality bonding time?" You joked. He scoffed and shook his head. Damn, you were a smartass. 
        "'S that what ya call it?"
        "Yup. What else would it be?"
        "Thought we were stranded on an island." He recalled.
        "Oh, that. No, I was just hungry." You shrugged. "Never take me seriously when I'm hungry. I become a different person, really."
        He rolled his eyes a little. "Still wanna play that game?" He asked.
        "What game?"
        "Twenty questions."
        "Twenty-one questions, Dixon." You corrected. "And sure. You go first."
        "Alright." He nodded, pondering for a moment. He had a million questions he could ask, but somehow they felt too personal. Did you miss Shane? Were you ready to move on? Did you like him, or were you just a tease? Why did you always pick on him? Was it the same reason he always picked at you and gave you shit? "How ya like the shoes?"
        "They're good." You nodded. "I love them. Thanks again. Uh.." You thought for a second. "How long do you wanna grow your hair out?"
        "I dunno." He shrugged. "What'd ya like to do before the world went to shit?"
        "Hmm... Paint, listen to music, go go out and eat my weight in food from little hole in the wall restaurants." You recalled. "What kind of music do you like?"
        "Whatever was on the radio." He said. "You plan on movin' on?"
        That was an okay question to ask, right? He broke the ice pretty well, he thought, with the rapid fire Q&A flying between the two of you. He realized maybe not, though, because you seemed to really take your time with that one.
        "Don't see why not." You finally said. "I mean, he would, right? As long as I thought I found someone who would treat me right... Are you seeing anyone right now?"
        You asked the question so casually but it choked him up. He felt so naked, like a chicken with all its feathers plucked off one by one.
        "No." He cleared his throat. "Nah."
        Uncomfortable silence blanketed over the two of you.
        "Your turn." You reminded him.
        "Oh. Are you?"
        "Am I..?"
        "Seein' anyone." He clarified. You giggled a little.
        "No. But I have met someone. Real nice guy, actually. He gets me gifts and teases the hell out of me,  but I think he'd do just about anything for me." You smiled to yourself. He had to know you were talking about him, right? Wrong. He was clueless. Right over his head. He admittedly felt sad to hear it. Who was this guy? He kind of sounded like everything Daryl tried to be for you. "Do you like anyone?" You asked, taking him out of his swirling thoughts.
        "Nah." He shrugged. A lie, but everything he had tried to work up to was washed away when you said you met someone.
        "Oh." You said, slight sadness hinting in your voice. "Your turn." You reminded him again.
        "Who's the guy?" He asked.
        "Oh, you don't know him." You waved him off. If you could slap yourself, your would. What kind of lie was that? He knew everyone. There were literally less than ten of you if you didn't count the baby. 
        "Oh? Some kind o' pen or somethin'?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Then it hit him; you were talking about him. That's why it sounded like everything Daryl tried to be for you, because it was him. "Oh." He blurted quietly.
        Your face felt like it drained of blood completely. Well, way to completely humiliate yourself around the only real friend you had, huh?
        "You okay?" He asked.
        "Yeah." You nodded, forcing a smile, but your voice was sort of meek and squeaky. You shook it off, reminding yourself that you were, in fact, not the type to falter under pressure. This would be no different. So what if you liked him and he didn't feel the same? You could get past that. It was nothing--
        "(Y/N)." He snapped you out of your thoughts. 
        "You asked if I like someone..." He trailed as he shifted uncomfortably.
        "It's just -- I do, but... How do I know she likes me too?" 
        He didn't make eye contact as he asked. In fact, he looked quite literally everywhere except at you.
        "You just... ask. And if you don't wanna ask... Make your move." You shrugged.
        "Right." He nodded.
        Well, that conversation had gotten awkward enough for you, so you figured that was a good place to end it. You cleared your throat and stood up.
        "I'm gonna go choose a bed." You announced.
        You went to walk past where he sat on the couch but he stood up abruptly and cut you off.
        You looked up at him with confusion. What did he want? Your nerves were eating away at you and you were honestly pretty tired. You shifted your weight anxiously.
        "Daryl--" You went to complain about it but he had other plans. He gripped your arms firmly and smashed his face into yours. Like, actually smashed. It hurt. "Ow." You mumbled as you rubbed over your mouth. He gulped. It was supposed to be a kiss. Was he always so clumsy?
        "Sorry, I--"
        "Were you trying to kiss me?" You asked. He just stared at you. "'Cause, I gotta tell ya,you could really work on your technique." You smirked. 
        When he remained frozen, you began to feel bad for teasing him. He clearly had no idea what to do now. His hands were even still rested on your arms.
        "Here, let me show you." You whispered. You reached up for his face, his hands sliding softly off of your arms. When your palms found his checks,you tippy-toed up a couple of inches, and slowly leaned in, placing your lips softly on his. It wasn't a long, rhythmic kind of kiss. It was just simple and soft, and it lasted just a few seconds longer than a quick peck-and-go.
        His eyes were still closed when you pulled back, a tiny smile slowly spreading over your lips. When his eyes opened,he looked disappointed, like he was waiting for more. 
        He leaned down slowly, a little unsure. He was waiting for you to stop him, but you didn't. You pushed yourself back up on your toes o close the gap and snaked your arms around his neck. This time, it was deeper. You slowly moved your lips, allowing him to find the rhythm and synchronise. When he felt a little more confident, his hands gripped your hips and he quickened the pace.
        Slowly, he eased you down onto the couch. You gladly followed his lead. When you were comfortably seated, his lips peeled away and his kisses found their way down from your cheek to your neck to your collarbone. Oh, this was going to get good.
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A/N: next part will be spicy ;)
Masterlist || Taglist
tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader
((I didn't use the tags in all the one shots I just transferred cause I didn't wanna hit you guys with like 348827502720 notifications in one day))
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darylsfavoritegirl · 7 months
Can you do a Daryl fic where you fuck and then he says he’s not into labels :( and it makes u sad and comfort
I love this idea !!! lesss goo
A/N: Sorry if these are taking longer than you thought!! im putting myself all in between the breaks i manage to get from school lol. I liked this personally, not sure if i managed to put out a good "comfort" though but there you go anon!
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Your eyes flickered at Daryl's scars covering his entire back alongside of his tattoos that looked very much like to having been done by an amateur. You had been wondering their story for a long time now, yet never had the courage to question him vulgarly.
You moved your legs restlessly under the thin sheets, feeling his seeds sticking to your thighs and dripping onto the bed.
He was never at ease with such things. From the very beginning of your "relationship" that is, just warming eachother's bed on these aggravating days of the apocalpyse, where former human beings becoming foes to the geniune humanity. Hence, you always had to wait for him to leave first. There'd be nights so lewd, so scarlet that he'd feel adequate enough to let his guard down now and then. He'd fall next to you on the bed. He'd try to maintain his heaving chest as he'd cover up his downer body with sheets and would just lie down, your bodies so close to eachother, so warm that you'd feel sheltered against his bare skin. And then, he'd bend down to grab his denim jeans and take out the pack of cigarattes you'd looted from a walker's jackets earlier.
At times, there'd be enough to last you a week but at other times there'd be so little amount that you would share one. He would pass a cigaratte to you that he had taken a long drag of. You'd draw the cigaratte to your lips, savoring the tip of the cigaratte he'd moistened with his lips.
But on this specific night, both of you were high on joints. These thoughts entangled your mind as your attention shifted on the flexing muscles on his back while he put on a t-shirt.
You spoke your mind, without giving it a second thought nor being aware of his upcoming run with Glenn and Rick tomorrow early in the morning.
"Why don't you sleep here?" You uttered low, tracing your knuckles across the downy sheet incase he'd turn to face you, you couldn't dare.
"Why, are ya need in company?" He grunted in a headlessness manner as if to drop a joke. You despised how he practically didn't pay any attention to it.
You felt blood rushing to your face. The humid already made it unendurable to stay under the sheet and now this. You took deep, instable breaths.
"No." Your voice was unexpectedly trembling slightly. You shook your head as you scoffed. Now, he was facing you.
"It's just..." You were already in remorse, wishing you hadn't even started this conversation in the first place. You bit the inside of your cheek as you cracked your knuckles out of apprehension.
You felt his piercing gaze sticking upon your forehead, yet you rejected to meet with his gaze until you found something to say that didn't make you look, perhaps, desperate.
"It just gets lonely in this side of the prison." You uttered, finally lifting your head to see him buckling his jeans. You had expressed this countless times in conversations with a different context. Rick had decided to put you in a cellblock away from the others when you first joined them and he didn't change his decision ever since.
"Gon' ask me ta snuggle, too?" He quipped, a subtle sly smirk played on the corner of his lips. He tapped on his pockets as he scanned the small cell for his belongings that he might've dropped.
A sense of indignity overwhelmed you, leaving you feeling overstimulated. You couldn't grumble. He wasn't a boyfriend that owed you courtesy after screwing your brains out. He wasn't someone like that after all. Nonetheless, you loathed at the thought of a huge difference between men and women. How insensitive they could be, how insensitive he could be.
You were very well aware of your relationship, you'd both made it clear to not turn this into anything it wasn't. However, you couldn't resist the longing yearning in your heart.
"Jerk." You simply said as you turned your back to him. You placed your hands under the pillow, resting your head on it. All those thoughts, yet "jerk" was the only thing you made it through your lips. You locked your eyes on the shabby wall, slowly breathing as all you were hearing was his movements behind you. He was so dazed that he couldn't comprehend you nor your course of actions.
"Got'a get sum' shit done in the mornin'." He spoke to himself as he was wearing his leather boots.
"Ya know, with Glenn n' Rick." He added followed by his grunts as he leaned forward to tie his bootlaces.
"The sun shines on this side of the prison, too. You know?" You uttered quietly. Your tone must've caugh his attention as he stopped tying his laces and leaned back on the chair bit by bit. He sighed as he rested his hands on his knees.
"What the hell 's dis all 'bout?" He spoke low with an irritated tone. He scowled at not getting an answer from you.
You wrapped your hands around you, staring at him with softly quaking brows. He stood there with a clenched jaw, eyeing you with squinted eyes.
"Now ya dun' talk?" He spat, chewing his bottom lip as he grabbed his jacket on the bedside table.
"Ya damn well kno' how ta kill a good night." He scoffed derisively, hearing a exasperated sigh from you.
He turned his head to you, giving you a spine-chilling glare.
"Don't ya?" His voice grew taller as you observed the vein throbbing on his neck.
"Keep it down." You exclaimed, shifting your position on the bed in a rush. The bed sank under the weight of your knees as you incompetently tried to cover yourself with the sheets.
His eyes flicked through your bare body for a brief moment as he forced himself to look you in the eyes. You felt subjected to his deviant gaze, a sense of shame flooding your every cell.
"Nah." He firmly uttered.
"Rick threw ya in dis cellblock for a reason." His tone above a whisper.
" 'Cuz ya stir up sum' drama."
"All the damn time."
"Dun' miss a chance, like clockwork."
He locked his eyes on yours. Dark shadows roaming his face. Your face got hot as you had to wait to process his words, what they could've meant.
"Those joints have caused you a mental block." You hissed, not understanding even a bit why he would've say something like that.
"Fuck off." You shrugged your shoulders as you threw your body on the bed, leering at the ceiling.
"It ain't tha'." He uttered, you could sense him leaning against the wall.
"Then what? All this because I asked you to sleep with me?" Your hands met over your chest, crossed. You could hear his shallow breaths, contemplating the best thing to say. You knew he'd fail. A moment passed as neither of you spoke. He took a deep breath
" 'S cuz ya wanna go for childish fantasies." He grunted.
"Like 's sum' kinda game." He spoke, one could sense the palpable thickness of weariness in his voice. It was like he had questioned it a thousand time before you even brought it up. His heavy words lingered in the air, unraveling all the things he never even told you. You could sense it.
"It isn't." You abruptly begged. You needed him to know that you understood his way of seeings things, his way of seeing you. You knew you shouldn't corner him. You didn't.
"Forget it." He huffed with exhaustion as he left the cell.
"Night." You mumbled, knowing he didn't even hear you. You didn't even bother to get up and grab your clothes lying on the floor as you were nothing but flabbergasted. Your eyes were glued to the ceiling, hearing the cicadas singing outside of the prison.
A tear rolled down to your temple and your hand shifted to the side of your face reflexively. You sniffed your nose and shook your head in apace. You got up slowly, sitting on the edge of the bed fully naked. You sticked your eyes to the wall infront of you, fearsome of even uttering a word to yourself in this godforsaken cellblock.
You reached your hand to the panties he threw to the floor as all you could hear was muffled conversations from people on watch. You exhaled, the futile argument which broke out of nonsense didn't support your brain to not grow more lethargic thanks to the joints.
The world around you started to spin, leaving you out of kilter as you had to screw your eyes shut. You wore your bra and as you were done with clasping it, you drank what felt like a gallon of water.
You topped it with a dirty t-shirt and left your body uncovered to the humid of the south on your bed.
What did he think? That you were gonna be just fine with just fucking. How long before you started to feel things, that you wanted more.
You blamed yourself, too soon you thought. Maybe it wasn't. There was no way to know.
You woke up to the sun breaking through your eyelids. You fell asleep to overthinking hence the penetrating headache. You swallowed dryily as you tossed your body to the water bottle next to you and gulped it down agressively to a point where it dripped down your neck to the floor.
You spent your day within the fences of the prison casually, helping people run errands and talking about the run three of the solid men in your group went.
You were in the hall where you kept your food in, cleaning your pistol and weapons so that they're more handy. You furrowed due to your focus on the weapons when you heard a few sighs out of relief drawing near to the hall.
You lifted your head, awating to see who it was with your growing curiousity. Your face loosened at the sight of Daryl and lowered it to your weapons once again, exhaling subtly.
He put his crossbow and poncho on the table, fixating his eyes at you. You wrinkled your forehead, trying to ignore his existence but you were only growing to be distracted even more, with him standing there and observing you.
You suddenly lifted your gaze, exhaling exasperatedly with your hands sagging between your knees. Dirty rags and utensils accumulating a thick layer of dirt on your hands.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a second, sighing dramatically.
"...What?" You huffed, wishing nothing but to be left alone.
" 'M sorry." He muttered under his breath, making it impossible to be heard.
"You're what?" You let out a frustrated growl with his fancy words.
" 'Bout last night." He shrugged his shoulders indifferently, concealing every bit of an emotion peeking on the way.
"What about it?" You forced a downward smirk, trying to seem cool.
"C'mon." He simply said, looking rather bewildered with you. He looked as if he didn't know where to put his hands or what to do with his body.
"Your fine." You huffed, focusing on the weapons.
"I's bein' a dick 's all." He begged, taking a step towards you.
"Yeah you were." You scoffed tauntingly, not looking at his direction. You observed his boots and exhausted steps drawing towards you as you maintained your focus on the dirty rag in your hand.
"Ya kno' I'ma set things right." He was so near you that you had to raise your head to look at him. You were sitting on the frontstep of smaller cellar in the hall, he looked down at you. Your eyes filled with a flamey look as he stayed put.
"Per usual." You forced a sham smile, wishing he'd sense the sarcasm in your tone.
Seeing that he wasn't getting out of the way, you instantly got up as you rolled your eyes. You leered at him.
"Will you please get out of my way?" You hissed, maintaining a stern eye contact like a rock.
He remained silent without blinking.
"Dun' do dis." He mumbled.
You felt heat rising to your head, slowly gritting your teeth.
"So now it's my fault?" You barked between your heaving chest. You digged your nails into your palm, your face getting redder each second.
He remained silent once again as he placed his burly left hand to your waist, burying his forehead on your shoulder. As you were at the brink of pushing his body, hands softly grabbing him by the shoulders.
"A herd nearly took us out today." He breathed against your skin.
Your hand fell loose down his body as your eyes widened and you let out a soft sigh. His hair tickled under your chin as you felt him breathing shallowly against your skin. Your eyes fixated on the entrance gate as you didn't know what to say or do.
You felt your eyes twitching along with your bottom lip as his hot breaths send shivers down your spine, your body flooding with goosebumps.
"Almost got Rick." He added after a few second that felt like a decade.
"I'm sorry. I- I-" You made it out through a shaky voice as he lifted his head, his hand still gripping your waist.
"Ain't yer fault." He slowly ambled toward the table where he left his crossbow on.
"Jus' made me get mah head al' together." He spoke as if there was no one in the hall. He slunged his crossbow on his body and rubbed his face as he let out a frustrated sigh.
"There ain't no reason ta be a damn douchebag." He added, eyeballing you as he placed his hands on his hips.
You were left with thousands of feelings, thoughts lining in your head leaving you stay put like a statue with no form of life whatsoever. Your brows were raised, lip bottom still trembling yet you managed a hold on it. He threw his poncho on his shoulder as he got close to the hall gate.
"Come to my cell tonight." You insisted with soulful, intense eyes right before he left.
You saw him nodding his head discreetly as he chewed on his bottom lip.
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
Hello LU fans! I'm back with another LU update analysis! :D
Are you ready cause there's so much to unpack I'm gonna be here a while. Like last time I'm gonna put a timer on lmao, see how long this takes me.
As always grab your popcorn and drink of choice, cause we need hydration in this life.
all art belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, and if I pull panels from any other pages I'll let you know where it's from! :D
Obviously spoilers for Dawn 8 :D
And a note, I've not played TP or WW, you'll see why thats important later.
Let us begin, shall we!
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Man, Poor wild, he's probably beating himself up like there's no tomorrow right now. He looks HORIFIED.
Probably because in technicality, he failed.
I love how he's holding his sword here too. Kinda acting as a shield to the conversation.
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Same expression as wild. He also looks horrified. Infact the resemblance between these two in uncanny.
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Man time really is the dad isnt he. Unimpressed dad look at 12'oclock. Jokes aside he doesn't look angry about it. He looks like he now gathering information from those who finished the fight. As we know once he left with Twilight he was the only other one to not make it back to the fight.
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Thats a fair sentence, thinking about it, I think the only other game where Iron Knuckles appear is in one of Hyrule's games? I'm surprised he's not mentioned anything about it.
Most of the others do have armoured enemies though. So while the others dont have direct experience I assume they have the basics.
All but, Sky and Wars None of them fight armoured enemies like that in their games.
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I assume because he's defeated this thing like it was a guardian (Stasis and then wailing on it cause that's what i would do lmao) He assumed it was defeated when it exploded into pieces. Like guardians are prone to do. tbh he was probably gonna go back to look for loot at some point.
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You tell them Wind. The small hero, underestimated by everyone BUT Time. Was correct thank you.
Justice for the windy boy.
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God Wild really is beating himself up about this. I love the fact that we see four's reaction to this statement. As to be honest. Over the last few nights, Four and Wild have had plenty of bonding moments. These guys are gonna become best friends.
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And now we get Time.
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The way he's looking over these panels. That look. He know's he's the leader of this group but something that Time isn't used to is making Permanent mistakes.
He has the Ocarina of Time, and when he was back in Termina every time something went wrong he could just play the song of Time and restart the three-day cycle with no trouble at all.
Time, as a person. Isnt technically used to failing.
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This panel is stunning. It's what I assume is going on inside his head. It's so pretty. It's so detailed it's just oh man easily one of my favourite panels.
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now you know i had to talk about panels with my beloved blorbo in.
first off he's so pretty. Jojo has really outdone herself with just how amazing these updates have looked. The lighting the shading its all just so incredible.
The first half of this panel with Sky's face. He, He is beating himself up about the injury. He had nothing to do with it but he cares so much about the rest of the group he feels bad. He kinda looks like he's thinking about it. Like he can see it. Like time did but we dont see inside Sky's head.
Makes me think about what exactly he saw.
And Twilight's face, he looks so sad. His little pout. Poor wolf boy, which we can now call you properly as the rest of them know now.
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And to be honest I'm glad he's standing his ground. Mr, My injury isn't that bad before falling over. the stubborn ranch hand strikes again.
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The parallels from this frame and the one from later have been mentioned elsewhere but I'm just gonna post the frame here as it's turned up. Run you coward lizard. Run.
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Captain link is back. Poor warriors, he's still showing signs of being stressed. He's one of the only one's who hasn't been able to rest over the downtime that they've had. He's been busy being in charge of the group while Time was out.
I can only assume it's only a matter of time before this comes back to get him. Maybe he is next on the chopping block? (Pun kinda intended) Something could happen and he messes up and gets hurt of causes someone to get hurt.
oh and also
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None of us did, Hyrule.
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The boys ever, I'm glad they are talking about this like this. And that it's legend who's starting to throw ideas out there like this. As the one who's got the most experience in the group, it makes sense that he would be the one to start offering ideas as to Why not just how.
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Because you pissed it off Sky. Because half of you pissed it off. In fact I do believe he had a bunch of panels in Shifting Shadows pt2 where you indeed pissed it off.
The entire reason it started running from you and Twilight had to track it was because of FI's reaction to his sword.
Wait... that explains the guilt. It is actually potentially Sky's fault. Or if he's anything like I think he is. He remembers that fight with the shadow and knows.
He knows.
Also, with clenched fist Sky is ready for a fight. Next time the shadow turns up I assume he's gonna go after it when it's inevitablebly goes after Twilight/Wild. Maybe he'll jump in after being told not too because the Master sword appears to be the only thing as of right now that can fight the red stuff that comes off the shadows sword.
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did you hear Warriors shiver? I did.
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And you'd know all about that wouldn't you Four. :D
Mandatory Sky appreciation picture
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Him's my beloved blorbo. He's wonderful. Such a lil guy. Bestest bean. My beloved. /pl
Anyway moving on
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Oh yeah, the amount of power that the items list contains We've seen the arsenal that they have between them (in the December art).
We saw what just Time could do.
Now add the rest of them and the enemies dont stand a chance. They've just gotta figure out how to either avoid the weapons of each other or work as a team with the arsenal in hand to fight better.
Like imagine if Twilight used his gale boomerang to send Wild into the air.
(Writer brain go brr, gonna write that down)
It's basically Revalis Gale.
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This man is so damn dramatic I love him
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And here's the parallel frame
the shadow running towards Warriors vs running away from Twilight.
You know thinking about it... Shadow didn't shapeshift until Twilight did. The push towards Warriors was when shadow thought they were on level footing.
But when Twilight went after Dink, he was the one who had to flee because he lost his advantage.
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The man is pissed that Shadow hurt Twilight. He is so damn mad and I think that he is saying what he would assume Fi would. (With more emotion because well, Fi)
Also that last frame.
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time is looking towards the master sword. And he looks angry. This will absolutely have gone unnoticed by the others because if they saw he was angry it was probably just because of the conversation topic.
god I love the dynamic here and I'm excited to see if it goes anywhere
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Him's I love his simple way of agreeing its wonderful.
I approve to wind let's go blow some stuff up!
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Hyrule shows the group why he is called the traveller. The man just wants to go on his adventures let him go!
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Sky is so proud of himself
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this face says 'Look guys I didn't give it to the weird toilet hand! :D'
I love this man a healthy amount.
One last thing before I go
I love this update as a whole, seeing the group gear up and getting to see the layers of the armour and straps and fastenings being put on while they are having this discussion is amazing.
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I'd give you a collection of pictures but Tumblr is being rude and I can't post more than 30. So you can have these as all four panels show what I'm talking about.
Twilight adjusting his gauntlets warriors adjusting his scarf.
Hyrule attaching his shield to his back and putting his sword strap on.
God, I love this update so much. It was amazing and I very much enjoyed it. Let me know what you think! :D
Thank you as ever for reading my rambles i appreciate you :D
Have a wonderful day and dont forget to hydrate! See you next time!
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
The biggest news out of Israel today is of course that late last night, the government approved a deal with Hamas to release some of the hostages. Here are the details as reported on the news:
50 hostages will be released in 4 groups over the course of 4 days, during which there would be no fighting. Hamas said they will be women and kids, Israel will only be told who's being released the day before. Not all kids are being released. Israel in exchange will release 150 people convicted for terrorist activity. Hamas says it will use these 4 days to try and locate 20 more hostages to be released. Hamas says that some of the hostages are in the hands of smaller terrorist organizations, and some are also being held by civilian families. Just a reminder that some civilians from Gaza followed the terrorists into Israel once the border fence was torn down. Most probably just to loot the houses attacked by terrorists, but at least some partook in the killing of Israeli civilians. Here is a vid of one such man, riding a bicycle stolen from a murdered Israeli, bragging about having killed 3 family members...
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For every additional hostage Hamas finds and releases beyond the 50 agreed upon, it will get 3 more convicted terrorists released. For every 10, it will get one more day without fighting, for a total possible break of 6 days. In addition, Israel will not be flying over Gaza, not airplanes and not drones, for 6 hours daily.
It's reported that the stop in fighting will start tomorrow (Thursday) at 10 in the morning. Based on past experience, you can expect Hamas to fire rockets at Israel even past 10, just to show it got the "last word" and Israel will have to contain this, in order to keep the whole deal from falling apart.
The ambivalence about the deal that I tried to express in yesterday's daily post is what I'm hearing almost across the board. People want the hostages who will be freed, they're afraid for the fate of those who won't be, and they're scared of how Hamas might use this break in the fighting.
I think the most infuriating thing Israelis have come across is people describing the deal as "hostage exchange." Multiple Israelis have posted to make the same point: the hostages kidnapped from Israel were all innocent. The prisoners that will be released were all convicted for violent activity. They did not murder, but they tried to.
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I saw an interview with one Israeli mother who had survived an attempted murder by a terrorist. She discovered that the woman who committed that crime is one of the prisoners who might be released. The thing is, they used to live in the same neighborhood. The mother asked, "Why should my kid have to see every day the woman who tried to kill me?" Almagor, an Israeli organization for victims of terrorism, has petitioned the Israeli supreme court against the deal. It's not likely to work, as the supreme court has indicated in the past it has no jurisdiction over political decisions, only legal ones.
And of course there's the fear that more Israeli soldiers might pay the price for the fact that Hamas will use the break in the fighting to re-arm and learn from its failures so far. That's the better scenario. There's also the possibility that Hamas would do what they did on "The Black Friday" in 2014. On Aug 1, a ceasefire with Hamas was supposed to start at 8 in the morning. At 9:05 Hamas terrorists used a terror tunnel to attack Israeli soldiers, murder them and kidnap the body of one of them, Hadar Goldin. Nine years later, the body has not yet been returned.
Today is not a day of relief in Israel.
The UK has announced it would allocate 7 million pounds to fighting antisemitism, which is welcome news. Switzerland said it will pass legislation that would prohibit Hamas activity through it.
A uniquely Israeli moment that happened yesterday... Jewish first sergeant Mordechai Shenvald, who was seriously injured in Gaza, playing with his Arab physician, Doctor Darwashe, a song by famous Arab singer Um Kultum, called Inti Umri:
Israel has torn down today a Jewish settlement established illegally in the disputed territories. You'll always hear about when Israel takes down Arab houses built illegally, but I bet most people here havne't heard about it when Jewish Israeli civilians get the exact same treatment for this exact same offense.
This is part of the testimony of a father to a girl with special needs, whose family has survived the Oct 7 massacre:
This is 25 years old Shani Gabai.
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She was considered missing since the Oct 7 massacre. Today, her body was identified among the other victims of the music festival.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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xmycxx · 10 months
Hi, so I know there's a lot of atrocities happening in the world right now, I'd just like to temporarily bring your attention to another one.
Yesterday, in one of the busiest streets in Dublin, Ireland, a man stabbed 3 children, a woman and another man. A woman and a man disarmed him and the perpetrator was then beaten. He was arrested and then shortly taken to be treated for his wounds.
The victims were treated for their injuries, the worst of the injuries was a 5 year old girl who spent the night in the intensive care unit.
The man was verified to be Algerian, and despite having lived in Ireland for the past 20 years is being flagged as "an irish attacking immigrant." (these facts have been passed through grapevines and articles, if someone has more accurate facts I'm more than happy to change this post).
This then led to riots against immigrants taking place in city centre. For context, the anti immigrant riots have slowly escalated. 3 years ago, there were monthly protests. 1 year ago, there were weekly protests.
Yesterday, busses, trains and cars were burnt.
Stores were looted.
Hotels/Camps where refugees were staying were attacked.
Police were assaulted.
Students were forced to take shelter in their friends homes or in college for the entire night.
Today, there have been rumors of these same anti-immigrant groups attacking bus/train stops in order to, and I quote: "Kill all immigrants, just kill 'em all."
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Tomorrow, there is a protest planned in city centre against all immigrants in city centre.
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This incident is just the beginning, everyone has seen this story before. This is not a new story. Please raise awareness and do what you can. If you know someone in Dublin, please pass this information on.
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trek-tracks · 1 year
Thanks to this beautiful post from @peridotsarelongterm and @cursedtrekedits, I bring you Mother Horta's disco hit, "No Kill I!"
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I’m made of silicon, I am petrified
I will protect the children, I remain right by their side
And I have spent so many nights thinking how you did us wrong
And I grew strong
I learned to vaporize your throng
Because you’re here
From outer space
I just crawled in to find you looting all our pergium in haste
I should have melted all the rock, I should have made sure that you’d flee
If I’d have known for just one second that you’d hurt my kids and me
Go on now, go, walk out the door
Just turn around now
Because I’ll liquidate the floor
Weren’t you the one who broke my eggs and made me cry?
You think I’d crumble
You think I’m just a pizza pie?
Oh no kill I, I must survive
For as long as Horta babies hatch you know I’ll stay alive
I’ve got all my life to live
My digestion’s corrosive
So no kill I
I will survive
Hey, hey
It took all the strength I had when you zapped my hump
After I’d stolen your reactor’s circulation pump
Into the Chamber of the Ages, not to hide myself away
And now you say
That you can cure my rainy day
And you see me
Somebody new
I like your Vulcan ears but I am not in love with you
The end of things cannot begin, tomorrow’s vault contains the key
If you break hundreds of my eggs then of your men I’ll burn fifty
Go on now, go
Walk out the door
Just turn around now
Or I’ll irradiate your core
Weren’t you the one who tried to meld and shouted “pain!”
Think I’m a devil
I’ve got a heart and bigger brain
Oh no kill I, I will survive
You may see a big lasagna, I’ll get pasta you to strive
Got eternity to birth, I’m not questioning my worth
So no kill I
I will survive…
Okay, you’ll stay
We’ll make a deal
You’ll take the minerals
That we don’t need to make a meal
I’m dancing even though you cannot see my feet
Now that your doctor 
Healed me with some concrete
You no kill I, I did survive
And we taught a moral lesson through the magic of sci-fi
Differences don’t mean wrong, that’s the Mother Horta’s song
So no kill I
I will survive
No kill I!
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succubusdaydream · 8 months
By The Grace of The Moon || Astarion x Werewolf!Selunite!Tav || PT4
AN: Finally! I've been stuck on how to write this part for days now. This chapter does feel rushed and I wanted to right more but was unsure how to keep it flowing nicely so this is mostly a filler. Enjoy my loves <3
Masterlist || Word count: 2440
PT1 || PT2 || PT3 ||
                “Sorry to disappoint you, Darling.” Your body whipped around, and your eyes met Astarion’s red ones. You were certain the whole camp could hear your heartbeat as he stepped out of the tree line. There were specks of blood on the color of his shirt, and you could smell it from where you were standing. A smile spread across your face as you stepped forward.
                “Astarion! You’re alright.” Your eyes went to his arm, where you grabbed him the other night to fight him off. “Y-you are alright, yes? You’re not hurt, are you?” You wanted to go to him. To check him over for any injuries that you may have caused. But you couldn’t move any closer after just a step.
                He scoffed and joined the three of you where you were standing. “Oh please. I’m fine. I think your bark is worse than your bite.” He chuckled before crossing his arms. “And you owe me a new shirt. Your blood soaked my other one last night.” My blood soaked his shirt? “I carried you back here after finding you laying in a pool of your own blood.”
                He carried me back? He... he held me? Wait. If he found me after our… run in together, does that mean- “Astarion… did you carry me back to camp naked?” Your face felt hot and you’re sure that it was a bright red.
                Astarion simply nodded. “Yes, but don’t worry. I was more worried about the gushing wound you had rather than your nakedness. And I do apologize for the whole ‘gushing wound’ thing.” He pointed to your stomach as he spoke before changing the subject. “Now that you’re all better, what’s out next step on our little adventure.”
                Shadowheart speaks up, a reminder that both her and Gale are still there. “Well, we promised Zevlor and his people a party, so I think we’ll be continuing our journey either tomorrow or within the next few days. And although your wound is healed, I think it’s to make sure we’re all well rested and replenished before we continue.” You nodded to her words. Your wound was closed but you could still feel the sting of it.
                “That settles it then. We’ll pack up the non-essentials and move out within a few days. Until then, we recover and look for more supplies. There is that village near the Grove that we haven’t fully checked out. We’ll take a look around before tonight.” With that, your group changed and made their way to the main part of the Grove. You spoke to Zevlor and informed him that the party was still on for that night.
                Using the gold you had looted from all those goblins; you were also able to buy better gear and camp supplies. And with better gear, you and the others made your way to the abandoned village nearby. There were only a few goblins left that you quickly took out, rescuing a deepgnome, Barcus, that they had tied to windmill. He offered his pack, even after you told him you didn’t want anything in return, and ran off, stating he had set out to save a friend of his.
                The rest of the village had a few more thing you had found. A cave full of spiders that held a large hole in the middle. A beautiful amethyst stone was also found near a skeleton. In another home, you found a cellar with a hidden work room. And behind a cell door was a book. The Necromancy of Thay. The cover looked like a stretched face and the mouth was wide open. Shadowheart had urged you not to open the ‘creepy book.’ The stone you had found in the spider cave seemed to fit in the mouth hole and with a word from Astarion, you handed the book over to him for ‘save keeping.’ Much to Gale’s distaste.
                With your packs full of more loot and supplies, you made your way back to camp to settle before Zevlor and the rest of the Tieflings arrived. You had decided to help Gale make a larger pot of food in hopes that everyone would be able to eat at this party. With the meat and herbs you found, the scent of it filled the camp as it slowly simmered. Although as you nearly drooled over the thought of eating, another thought crossed your mind. What would Astarion eat tonight?
                Standing up after a few minutes, you glanced in his direction before walking over. Your footsteps caught his attention as you approached, and a smirk crossed his face. “It’s always a pleasure to see you sauntering over.” His words turned your face red, and you nearly choked on your spit as you tried to speak.
                You stuttered before taking a breath and clearing your throat. “Ahem. I just wanted to ask, or talk about, your umm…vampirism.” You help wrung your fingers together, nervous that you would upset him by asking. “I umm, I just want to know how we’ll keep you fed and up in the future.”  That all seemed to get his full attention.
                “I can assure you; I will not be feeding on any of you without permission. There’s plenty of wildlife out there to keep me up. And maybe if we come across some rude bandits… well, I’m sure no one will miss them.”  He glanced at your eyes before stepping closer, “Was there something else? You have a look in your eyes that says you have more to say.”
                With his closer to you, you averted your eyes as you felt your face heat up even more. “I-I mean, I don’t mind you… feeding off me, but I can’t promise that I’ll taste good. I’m sure I’ll taste like dog and that doesn’t really sound good.” You chuckled and stepped back to give yourself some air. “If you really do need more energy than an animal provides, let me know and I’ll try my best to help.”
                He once again smirked and waved his hand around. “Quite the contrary, you smell rather sweet. I’m sure you’d taste just as good. The others, maybe not as nice. But if you are so generous to offer, I will gladly take you up on it.” His voice was low and sultry, you’re sure by now your face was like an apple with how hot it felt. “Now, was there anything else?”
                “Yea actually. And you don’t have to answer, but… how did you become a vampire? I haven’t heard much about them other than rumors in my village.” His face immediately fell, and you were quick to repeat that he didn’t have to tell you.
                “No. No you deserve to know. I had overheard your story so; I suppose it’s only fair I tell you mine.” He took a deep breath and his tone changed to a serious one. “Cazador Szarr is a vampire lord in Baldur’s Gate. He’s the one that turned me. The patriarch of his coven and a monster obsessed with power. Not political power or military power- I mean power over people. The power to control them completely.”
                His story made your blood boil, and you wanted nothing more than to rip Cazador’s head off. He talked about being a puppet. How his master would torture him and other spawns or have them torture themselves. How he was found after a gang of thugs attacked him, angry about a ruling he made a magistrate. He hadn’t realized how much ‘eternity’ was when Cazador offered to save him with ‘eternal life.’
                You stepped forward again and reached for his hand, holding it in between yours. “Astarion, I promise to watch your back and help you take back your freedom when we reach the city. You’re free from Cazador and I won’t let him, or his spawns, hurt you again.” Your voice was determined, and your eyes pierced his.
                He chuckled and nodded. “What more could I ask? Now, what that all?” You nodded back and stepped away, dropping his hand before walking back to the fire and sat next to Gale continuing to help with the food until it was time to unwind.
                The party was in full swing. Tieflings filled your camp, and the smell of alcohol accompanied the sound of banter and music. Zevlor had once again thanked you and was happy to finally relax, encouraging you to do the same. You had spoken to almost all the refugees, joining in song with the few bards that had grouped up, clapping as a wizard, Rolan, showed his siblings a simple spell, and downed wine with anyone else who asked to share a drink with you.
                After a few rounds, you decided to check on your friends. Shadowheart didn’t have much to say other than she was happy to have a night to chill with just a bottle of wine. Gale, however, had more to walk about. As you approached him, he smiled and set down a book he was holding.
                “Ahh, there you are. I trust you’re enjoying your evening. You definitely deserve it after everything you’ve done to help these people.” He cleared his throat before moving on to ask you questions about Lycanthropy. Can you only shift on full moons? Can you bite others and give them the curse as well? How much did it turn your senses up? And finally, “What about mates? I’ve read that some Lycans have soulmates. Have you met yours yet?”
                It caught you off guard and you stuttered over your words again. “Oh. Uh, well. Some Lycans have mates. Those who have been blessed by Selune and choose to worship with her moon are gifted one by her. Most of the times it’s other Lycans, mainly if they’re in the same pack.” Your eyes glanced over at Astarion, only for a second before looking back at Gale. “And no. I haven’t found my mate yet. I was never in a pack. The one that bit me was chased off before he could take me, so I grew up alone. It’s easier for us to find our mates when with other Lycans.”
                “I see. I’m sure you’ll find them on this journey. Afterall, we have a long road ahead of us, who knows who we’ll meet on it.” He nodded before bidding you goodnight and returned to his book. You smiled and turned away, looking towards Astarion who had glanced your way. A goblet of wine was held in his hands as his gaze flittered between you and Gale.
                Giving him a small wave, you once again approached him. “Evening Astarion. Enjoying your wine?”
                He scoffed. “I’ve had better. Enjoy your little conversation with Gale?” His brow raised as he took another sip from his cup. You glanced back at Gale who’s face was still lost in his book.
                “I suppose. He wanted to know a bit more about Lycanthropy.”
                “So I heard.” He was listening? I’m glad I told Gale I hadn’t met my mate. I don’t think I can tell him yet. “You know. I never picture myself as a hero. Never thought I’d be the one they toast got saving so many lives. And, now that I’m here” Another sip, “I hate it. It’s awful”
                You cocked your head to the side and raised your own brow. “Really? Saving lives is awful? I’m quite glad we helped. These people deserve to live their lives without fear.”
                “Please. We killed some goblins to save some Tieflings. The tally of lives doesn’t change much.” He waves his hands around. “But what do I get for all my hard work? A pat on the head and some vinegar for wine. Pff.”
                You softly chuckled and crossed your arms. “Yea. I’m sure the goblins would have thrown a much wilder party.” If he had heard your joking tone, he didn’t say anything of it.
                “All I want is a little fun. Is that so much to ask?” His voice was husk like earlier as his eyes properly met yours.
                Your face, once again, began to heat up. “Oh? And what exactly is your definition of a little fun?” You leaned in, raising your brow. Might as well take my chance. It’s not necessarily lying to him if I never told him he’s my mate, right?
                He scoffs once again, shaking his head. “By the hells. Sex, my dear. A night of passion. Why don’t we… wait until things quiet down. Once the others are asleep, we’ll find each other.” He downed the rest of his goblet and grabbed a fresh bottle of wine before retreating to the woods.
                Your breath hitched as you walked away. Oh gods. This is happening. Am I truly spending the night with my mate?  Your thoughts ran wild as the party continued. You kept yourself busy with the others, drinking to try and get your nerves under control. Slowly, the refugees started making their way back to the grove. Some had fallen asleep in your camp, but you didn’t mind much. And finally, when everyone was gone or asleep, you followed your mate’s scent through the woods.
                It was dark, the only light coming from the freshly waning moon and stars through the tree branches. The scent of your mate led you a ways away from camp. Away from any leering eyes. The spot his scent was heaviest was a clearing in the trees. Looking around, footsteps caught your attention as Astarion stepped out form behind a large tree, his shirt nowhere to be found. Gods he's beautiful.
                “There you are. I’ve been waiting. Waiting since the moment I first set eyes on you. Waiting to have you.” His voice was like honey to your ears as he stepped ever closer. From the moment he first set eyes on me? So has he felt the pull? He’s wanted me for that long? You didn’t speak. You couldn’t find the words and just let him kiss you. His hands found place on your hips and he dragged you back, lifting you up against the three he had appeared from.
                Your legs situated around his waist and arms around his neck. He tasted like wine and his already beautiful scent was mixed with lust. You had trusted him. You just wanted to be close to your mate. Besides, the bond wouldn’t form unless he accepted you as a mate so he wouldn’t find out about that till then. For now, you trusted your vampire mate not to bite you and let yourself enjoy a night in shared ecstasy. After all, everyone had been saying you deserved it.  
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Taglist: @saturns-angel || @bdudette || @simon-e-mallory || @caskyywrites || @emo-with-headphones || @ophelias-flowerss || @sarawithasword || @stonedstargazer666 ||
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pursuitseternal · 10 months
“Relenting:” a romantic💞 update to ETL Astarion x Tav (OC) in “Our Blood is Thicker:”
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Astarion x F! (OC) | E | 4.7K of angst and kisses
Summary: At the end of another long day, Cordehlia seeks a moment of isolation, only to have the source of her agony ask her for a bite. Same old pains resurface, same old ambition for power in his crimson eyes. Only trouble is, after a falling out, he hasn’t returned…. And there are more monsters in this forest than a charming Vampire Spawn…
CW: angst, self-loathing, fight, flashbacks, anxiety, some mildly graphic violence against werewolves, “first” kiss, post battle make out, cockblocking companions…
Previous Chapter | AO3 link | AstarionMasterlist
Chapter 4: “Relenting”
Hag destroyed. Tiefling allies made. A few goblins killed… more supplies for the camp, more loot for everyone’s pockets. Cordehlia turned the day over in her mind as they threw together a ragtag place to rest. Most of her companions were too tired to pitch a tent, settling for a bedroll under the stars of the Grove.
But not him. Oh no, he took every tedious care to set his abode just as he liked it. Just as he saw fit. Cordehlia shook her head, amused and irritated in equal measure. Her companions consulted one another around the fire, their plans for infiltrating the Goblin camp tomorrow… finding the Archdruid that was demanded. It would be another grueling day tomorrow.
Her elven sensibilities grated on her with how dirty she was, silently she grabbed a carafe of water and a rag, fishing out a bar of soap she had found among the Tieflings today. At last. Supplies and clean linens, a change of clothes in hand, she left without a word.
Night crept in as she did the same, stalking to the edge of camp so as not to draw attention. Eager to wash the grime and blood from her skin.
She hurried, not wanting to get caught again by prying eyes. She laughed at the memory.
If only he knew… if only he remembered the eery and striking resemblance to what set them on their path to engagement. Being caught lusting after her… all those years of fondness and flirtation as youth suddenly solidified as the truth of his feelings came forward. Prominently. No denying it after being caught with his hand down his pants, that veil of dramatic pretense finally slipping away.
Sighing, she scrubbed her skin, letting the light clean scent of the soap reground her. It was enough for now. She smiled just a bit, assured and proud of herself that he still wanted her. For all the centuries of torment they both endured, she still made him… long. Long for her.
And long and hard.
She giggled to herself. But the sight of her dirty, rust-colored skin, stained with the results of her violence sobered her.
She was not that innocent She-elf. Nor was he that confident, devious, charming Elf lordling that set his sights on her.
He couldn’t even remember her.
She could barely remember herself anymore.
Washing in silence, the weight of her suffering grew with every swipe of the clean cloth over her skin. It should be making her feel free. Cleansed. But instead, she only watched as the once pure water ran stained as it touched her.
She hastily threw on the clean tunic and breeches, and even with all the torment she struggled to fight back down inside her, it did feel good to be clean.
In her body if not her soul.
Footsteps approached. And she hurriedly grabbed her soiled clothes, dumping out the basin and wringing out the wash cloth.
“There you are…” that silken voice purred from the edge of camp. Astarion ran his eyes over her, the scent of soap and cleanliness hitting him strong. “Feeling better are we?” His smirk turned the corner of his mouth, that ravenous glint in his eyes as he pulled out another little bottle of ruby potion for her. “I thought you might give me a hand…” he drew near, “or a wrist, or a neck…” then he whispered right into the curves of her pointed ear. “Or a thigh, if your blood is running hot like mine.”
“Is this your ask every fucking night?” she snapped.
His eyes went wide. Mouth tweaking just a hint in surprise at her instant rage.
“Your blood might be hot, but not as I was hoping,” he couldn’t help the tease. But as he watched her face only growing redder, he softened. “Sorry, I… you’re not feeling better. Ahem…” He cleared his throat nervously. “I can just…”
She gave a feral growl, tugging up the sleeve of her shirt, balling her hand into a fist and shoving it in his face. “Here, be quick. Tomorrow will be grueling. Bloody. Another list of victims to add to my count, I would imagine.”
“Victims?” he queried, his voice gentle, almost as gentle as the way he caught her rigid arm in his hands and set it back down at her side. “What is going on, Cordehlia?”
She said nothing, only hissing breath from her mouth as she looked at her feet.
“You were glorious today you know, righteous…” he purred at her, his hand slowly stroking the bared skin of her arm. “No one looks so delicious covered in blood. Well,” he taunted with a dark little laugh, “maybe except for me.”
Scoffing, she shook her head. “I wasn’t meant to be this…” swallowing, she tried to pull from his touch. But he held firm. “I wasn’t meant to be blood-spattered and reckless. Violent and sadder and wiser. You were. You always were impetuous and rash and devious.”
Her body went numb. Chilled except for the feeling of his hand on her skin and the raging heartache that tore through her chest. He just let her stay beside him, his hand around her arm a steady tether keeping her present.
“Well,” he cleared his voice, all that honey in his tones gone, nothing but softness and the gentle rasp of his low tones in his throat, “you’re not alone you know, that feeling of being made into something against your will.”
The devastation in his voice drew her attention, meeting those dark red eyes, usually so exacting and seductive now wide and worried.
“We can even compare notes if you like, which would be easier if I could remember more…”
She swallowed that burning lump in her throat.
“But, for what it’s worth, as another being thrown into the darkness and made to do horrid, unspeakable things against my will… I am glad I’m not alone.” Those full lips of his tweaked slightly into a smile. “Not anymore.”
Gods, her face was soft in the moonlight. Bathed and glowing, and strangely familiar. Was she looking at him with longing on purpose? Were her lips trembling to catch his attention, bidding him to stay them with his own?
Her eyes began to flutter, and every muscle in her arm in his grasp clenched in expectation.
Until she took a deep breath, shaking her long red hair. “I…” she withdrew. “I am not myself right now,” she mumbled. “I need food, rest… all this business with the tadpoles, finding the Goblins, rescuing the Druid… it’s a bit much.”
“It is,” Astarion smiled. Holding his place. Letting her sway on her toes, undecided if she should stay or leave. Undecided if she should kiss him, by the way those lips twitched and puckered.
She looked down where his hand hung, the one that had just held her gently, that cool chill of his touch… He had given her something so small, so insignificant. Swallowing, she realized it was only fair she returned the favor.
So, she held up her wrist. “I need you strong, so feed, my vampire,” she whispered. “And be quick.”
“It would be my pleasure,” he smiled, caressing his fingers along the pinpricked skin of her arm to press her to his mouth. He looked into her face, expecting her to shut her eyes tight, bracing for the piercing pain of his bite.
But those silver eyes just stared back. Her breath was quick, her eyes dark as they dilated to watch his mouth on her flesh. That ivory of her complexion grew flush, just a kiss of blush on the crest of her cheeks.
His hunger took hold, that scent of her skin so close, the pull of her blood so strong. He bit, sharply and quickly, letting his lips and tongue do the rest. Drinking her down, as all the while, she watched. Licking her own lips as her blood seeped from the corner of his mouth. Forcing shaky breath after shaky breath from her lungs, hiding it from him with her silence.
She looked so… radiant, it made something inside his undead heart shift. And what was more, she had called him hers, her vampire…
He lifted his mouth, pressing the potion of healing into her palm. “Here, a little something for the effort from your grateful vampire,” he teased.
A weak smile twitched on her lips as she downed the bottle. “Little something for a massive effort. Each day seems to just be more. More cures that don’t work, more puzzles and people who need help… more mysteries and unanswered questions. These tadpoles aren’t going to remove themselves…”
“Well,” he stepped into her path. That wry look on his face. Calculating and cunning. It made her stomach sink, for she had seen it so often before. “I know you’re working hard to fix these little tadpoles of ours, but you have to admit… there is potential here.”
“Potential for what, exactly?” she cocked her chin. “Power? Influence? Control?”
“Well, yes, naturally.” He raised that brow, a flick of his wrist.
Cordehlia just shook her head. Some raging disbelief darkening her face and she hung her head low.
“Look, all I am saying is that we know there are many others under this influence, instead of removing them… what if… we found a way of controlling them… and those who possess them?”
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” Her voice fell soft. Sharp and cold. “You would like it so much, you would choose it above everything.”
“Above you,” he snapped, “you mean?”
Oh that little spitfire, she squared her shoulders and parted her legs. Her eyes narrowed with all the resolve she mustered. “Forgive me if my memory is intact, that I remember the consequences of your obsession with making a name for yourself… or to find a way to influence others to your benefit…”
“That was it, wasn’t it? The thing you accuse me of for leaving you… not that I can remember,” he snapped, his teeth bright in the moonlight. “So eager to keep me with you always isn’t that right, darling?” he gave that low, rumbling chuckle. “What if controlling these tadpoles was the way for us to be together for eternity? We know so very little, perhaps they grant us powers beyond even our ability to rip into the minds of others…. Long life? Power? Wealth? A way for me to kill my old master?”
“What if it causes loss and despair and heartache and death?” She hissed in reply. “What if it hurts others more than you could ever fathom, even if you finally got your head out of your…”
“Tch,” he interrupted, his own temper beginning to flame. “I have the feeling we aren’t discussing the same thing….”
Cordehlia scoffed, trying to push past him, but he slid effortlessly into her path again. “Let me pass,” she hissed.
“Not until you admit it. You’re angry with me, and I have a feeling we aren’t discussing anything related to these tadpoles at all…”
“You want to know? You want to know?” she panted. Her face now red with rage.
She closed her eyes, drawing upon the tadpole’s power inside them both as their minds smashed together.
“It won’t take me long,” Astarion grinned from atop his horse. “First, a few months study, then a career in the Magistrate’s office. I’ll have a name, influence, wealth, I’ll have it all…” He grinned wider, reaching a hand down to the She-elf beneath him. Her red hair dancing in the breeze, her silver eyes brimming with love, and desire, and longing. It made his heart full and his groin ache. “We’ll have it all, my love.”
“You know, I would wed you if you had nothing more than your charming good looks and the clothes on your back,” she smirked, grabbing his hand. “Of course those would most likely quickly end in a pile on the ground…”
“Vixen,” he purred, leaning over to place his lips on her fingers. So soft and warm and familiar. “Only a little time until that may happen… a few months perhaps. A blink of the eye for our kind. And then, we will wed. And you,” he gave her that same rakish leer that made her stomach flutter and her thighs hot, “you, Cordehlia Ancunín will be the toast of Baldur’s Gate, my bride.”
“It does sound rather nice,” she gripped his hand, running her thumb across the back of his hands, knowing the way every muscle, every vein raised in his pale skin. “The name… and the fame.”
“Doesn’t it just?”
The scene grew hazy… blurred as if she kept him from seeing, from hearing every detail. Just the galloping of hooves and the sight of him riding into the woods.
Then it was only her… standing in the road. A different day, a different dress. Her body was wrapped tight in white furs. The snow crunched under her feet, shaded by the barren trees.
She looked up the road. Shivering as she clutched her fur cloak tighter. Her hands trembled, but she held tight to something… letters, a thick stack in her palm. She was waiting. Again. For anything. For him.
Until the wind tore down the path, ripping every paper from her frozen fingers faster than she could scream and cry and chase after them.
She had nothing now. Only a cleft of loneliness in her heart. The chill of winter, the death of her hope. The shiver of her body, the warmth of her love dispersing forever.
He was gone.
She released him. Her eyes filled with hot tears, but she wouldn’t blink. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of crying over him again. Not again.
Not to his face.
Before he could even open his eyes, she ran up the path and into the camp.
He was gone. Again. Or still. It was time for the night watch, and still he was away. Cordehlia’s heart raced, but from worry or just raw hurt, she wasn’t certain.
The only thing that made her feel slightly less worried was that Karlach had watched him take his daggers into the forest… grumbling about going hunting. It wasn’t much, but it was at least a direction he was spotted and a purpose.
But even as the company sat around the fire, her stomach turned blackly sour. It felt familiar. Him leaving. Her waiting. The old thrum of anxiety and not knowing….
She shook it off for now. He was no Magistrate, no elfling, he wasn’t even young anymore. He was a Vampire. More deadly than the vast majority of things in the woods.
It made her mind wander, her mouth waiting to speak until there was a break in the conversation amongst them. She turned to look at the human, the newest member of their band. “You were raised in Baldur’s Gate, were you not, Wyll?”
“Indeed,” he flashed that gentlemanly grin at her. “Son of the Duke, no less, though I obviously was promised for a different path…” He meant all that he had become too, Blade of Frontiers, warlock bound in service. Monster hunter.
“Do you know of Cazador Szarr?”
The question hung in the air, and by the weight in her voice, everyone grew silent. Heavy. Each surmising at least the source of such a wondering.
Wyll cleared his throat, “Can’t say that I have. But I haven’t been in the city since I was a youth. Is he new?”
Her eyes grew sad as she turned back to look into the fire. “I doubt it,” she murmured.
“I have heard,” Gale’s gentle voice slid right in to fill the quiet. “Patriarch of the Szarr family, centuries old and steeped in nasty business, if the rumors are true…”
“They probably are, if I knew of them.” She breathed. Unable to look into those kind eyes.
“I’m not surprised, Wyll Ravenguard, that you have no notion of them in your own city. They lurk in the shadows, nefarious as they come. Why, it’s rumored that he’s centuries old, some gift of immortality…”
Silence from the She-elf made him continue, even as she gave no reaction.
“…they also suspect he’s at the center of abductions, murders, missing persons…”
Still silence.
“… the boldest call him Vampire, his victims, those missing…”
“There is a wisdom in being bold,” she finally breathed.
Wyll’s eyes went wide. For someone new, he was clearly observant. “Your vampire rogue… you don’t mean…”
“It would be easier to confirm if he were here,” she snapped, raising her head to gaze into the shadows beyond their camp.
Gale scooted through the grass, closer to speak just to Cordehlia. “You know, if Astarion is Cazador’s spawn, there is danger. A master that powerful won’t stop looking for something that is his… And from what I’ve read, true vampires have such powers… turning to mist, flying, calling legions of were…”
A sharp howl pierced the quiet of the woods.
“…wolves…” Gale finished his thought as he leapt to his feet.
Cordehlia jumped, racing in the direction of the sound, managing to grab her blade and dagger as she sprinted.
Her heart pounded, every instinct in her elven body hummed to life, her quick feet and perfect balance launching her through the dark woods. Her battle intuition was on fire, following the scent of blood in the air, hoping it was from Astairon’s kill and not the Pale Elf himself.
Whatever it is, it was just ahead now. The ringing of a blade against… something denser than metal. The growling of many voices. And the grunt of one rogue, fighting for his life by the sound of it. Cordehlia drew her weapons, breaking into the clearing. No thoughts, just pure bloodlust and rage clouding her vision in crimson. Her blade tasted flesh, burying into matted grey fur. The beast howled, a death rattle as it fell to the forest floor.
All eyes turned on the now bloodied warrior, three more werewolves salivating with their glowing yellow eyes. But it was the look of pure, sheer relief on Astarion’s face that made her whole body spark and thrill.
He was alive.
And he was smiling. Feral, wild, relieved.
Cordehlia leapt over the carcass, facing the beasts, her vampire rogue at the ready at her side.
They moved as one, fluid and smooth and elegant, even as the creatures fell and spurted their streams of blood with each slice and stab the elves made. They were slow, lumbering and snapping, slashing their claws to try to block their shining blades.
But even three wolves were no match for their speed and stealth and deadly aim. With one last stab, Astarion buried his blade into the last werewolf’s neck, pulling it out to wipe it clean on the dark fur of its body.
Crodehlia stood, breath heaving, wiping her blade clean too on the nearest fallen monster.
She could feel the intensity of his stare on her back, but she wasn’t ready to face him. The question on her tongue burned too much. “Did Cazador send them for you?” she whispered, the silence of the woods falling back around them.
“Yes,” he gave that single reply. His throat bobbed up and down as he looked at her. His breath still ragged. Rough. Loud. “I thought that was it… I thought I would be taken… and then you…”
Silence. Just his breath whistling.
“Astarion,” she whispered his name with her own trembling voice.
He broke, descending on her, hands clutching around her head, pulling her lips against his. So rigid, as he kissed her, the moment their lips met, every part of her body softened. Melted. Molding into his. Relenting. Astarion couldn’t pull her close enough, and the way she tugged at him, hands pressed into his lower back, something just felt… right.
She was so tender… the taste of her kiss covering his tongue. And he ate it up, like one starved. Maybe he was. Maybe there was more he hungered for than blood. Than living blood.
Than her blood.
And she… that… vixen… met his hunger in equal measure. Stroke for stroke. Lick for lick. Her tongue dove between his lips. And those lips, he couldn’t get enough of their supple pucker between his own.
Gods, they had done this before. For all his mind had forgotten, his body remembered.
Remembered it well.
Her hands pressed him harder into her belly, and even without her blood in his veins, he could feel it. That fullness, that drive igniting in his goin at the way she drew herself along every inch of him.
Wanting him.
Her hands gripped into his shirt, brushing against his ass.
It was pure instinct; the override of his body, so natural and feral of a drive as his hands swept to her shirt. The collar was so flimsy, just a thin piece of fabric over her lithe, little body. It was so easy to grip and rip, the fabric giving way almost as willingly as she did. For the fearsome warrior she was, she put up no fight. Leaning in as his cold touch traced over her shoulder, caressing and adoring the swell of her breast in his palm. So easy, pressing her to retreat, her kiss keeping him bound to her, leading him until her back slammed again at a tree.
And then, she moaned. Nothing hidden or held at bay. The sound of her pure, wanton desire.
All her ferocity, her ice, her anger… gone. Relenting at last to reveal the fire inside her for him. Bright as her hair, brilliant as the lights in her eyes. Her own hands explored his body, more hesitantly.
Making him chuckle into her ravenous mouth. “Courage, my darling, you won’t hurt me. I won’t bite…” he laughed again, “unless you want…”
“Yes, Gods, yes,” she panted. The same intensity in battle now trained on him, fingers flying through the claps of his doublet, pushing it open from the curve of his shoulder.
Which he was more than willing to give her aid doing to let it tumble behind them. She breathed his name again, her voice shaking as her fingers finally explored beneath his shirt. The warm caress of her touch melting even the undead chill of his skin.
She clung to him with all the strength of her soul, desperate, fearful, relieved. The centuries of her waiting and longing finally giving way to him. Relenting to him, and the love she no longer could deny.
Somehow, he knew everything about her, with no memory to guide him. His fingers traced her cheek, that subtle rise hot to the touch as he stroked into her hair. A slight grip into the back of her head to angle her higher, making her mouth open all the more for him to plunder, a gasp that stole his breath as she moved so willingly at his command.
“You… remember…” she mouthed the words, her lips too busy to speak properly, not with the way his tongue tangled with hers.
But it was rent apart.
The crack of a branch, the crunch of leaves underfoot. It caught both their sensitive ears, making them freeze.
Hearts racing now for different reasons.
Cordehila tried to catch her breath, eyeing the pure carnage they had wreaked. “Foolish,” she chided herself, pushing him off her, finding her blades in the bloodied dirt. “That was foolish,” she hissed with wide eyes.
Astarion followed suit to find his own daggers, fighting hard to ignore the way her slightly torn blouse revealed the gapped swell of her breasts.
Gods, they looked divine. Milkwhite and full. He could still feel them in his hand.
It took all his effort to shake the lust from his head, tossing his silver curls as he tried to scan the distance for more danger.
They stood, ready, waiting, primed to kill again.
Until Gale burst into the clearing, Karlach right on his tail. “You’re alive!” she bellowed, pure joy in her breathless voice. “When you didn’t come back we thought you…” Her brows furrowed as she took into the sight of the fight. At the four dead and hairy bodies strewn about in the night. Silent as she turned her flaming head.
“Tried to come for you, he did?” Gale stating the obvious as the magical glow from his hands faded at the lack of a threat.
“I’m afraid there will be more where they came from,” Astarion sneered, that sarcastic humor lilting in his voice. “Cazador never kept pets before… other than us poor slaves, his spawn. These mindless servants are new… conjured to find me, to bring me back to…”
He shook and sputtered.
Cordehlia placed a hand on his arm. Even with them watching, in the sight of her band of fighters. Instantly, his body calmed. “We dispatched them before anyone could lay a claw on our Rogue.”
“So you can see, your little rescue was very… poorly timed…” Astarion grinned, sour and taunting as he resheathed his weapons.
He could feel the little shakes of Cordehlia’s silent laughter beside him. Gods, was that how close she was standing?
“Must have been a true battle, soldier,” Karlach's eyes went wide. “Your shirt is torn…” Then those glowing eyes rested on Astarion, equally disrobed and disarrayed. “Oh…”
She let the suspicion glance right off her, unshakable vixen she was. “It was nothing we couldn’t handle, but I am grateful for the reinforcements all the same,” she smiled back.
They all began walking back in haste to camp, Gale muttering about putting up protective wards tonight in case there were more in the woods. Hiding Astarion’s scent.
But it was that vampire rogue who insisted on following so closely on Cordehlia’s heels, she was the one who could smell him. “Grateful, are you? For the untimely help of that limp Wizard and the fire girl?”
“Grateful they care enough about us to come and help,” she replied, that same steady coldness in her voice. “You should be grateful too.”
“I’m sure you understand my reasons if I haven’t relented from irritation to find such gratitude yet…” he hissed, voice dripping with that seeping seduction. His hand catching hers where it swung freely at her side.
And she let him. Fingers interlocking for that moment. The warmth of her touch sending that now-familiar ache for more coursing through his body.
They walked that way to the edge of camp, their fingers lightly connected, their little secret behind their companions back, out of sight.
She only shook off his touch when they could finally spy the circle of light. Their campfire.
He glanced towards his tent, raising his brow at that humble little pallet in the cold. “You sure you want to sleep in the cold, darling?”
“What?” she taunted, folding her arms. “Would you rather I sleep with something cold?”
“Well,” he purred. His brows wriggled, raising and twisting in that voracious leer. “I do still get so chilled in the dark. Might be nice to cuddle up with something warm…”
“Goodnight,” she grinned, slyly and unrelentingly. “With Gale’s wards, you really should rest after that experience.”
“I’d rather… relive that experience…”
Her eyes flickered nervously, scanning around the camp. Her throat bobbed. Her face tweaking, as if her lips wanted his on them again.
Then she just gave him a warm smile, subtle. Inviting. “Goodnight, darling…” she purred back at him before crossing to her little bedroll.
“You know,” he called after her, keeping his distance as hard as it was. “After today, after how you leapt into the dark to … to help me, to find me, I hope you can see it is a strength for you to be so vicious, ruthless, and blood spattered. It’s what saved me…”
Her smile widened, her lips tweaking, definitely fighting the urge to kiss him now. Again. But she turned and departed for her bed. Alone.
Astarion could only shake his head and groan, a sigh of discontentment. But at least he knew he would maybe dream about the softness of her body than the glare of the wolves sent to hunt him down.
And for that, he was grateful.
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svtskneecaps · 11 months
the time limit is actually super interesting because it really gives minecraft what i'd like to call the "stardew valley" effect: MAKE THE MINUTES COUNT. i feel like a speedrunner every time i play that game and i love the urgency added by the time limit on purgatory, even besides it being balancing to prevent players from being online for 11 hours or afk'ing to artificially raise their time. it adds such an interesting dynamic to things, like slime having to run for it to deliver his missions before getting kicked out last night, and the fact that it means any item in the inventory of a player who is out of time is effectively locked until the next day. important items can be held in inventories to keep them safe from looting but if your team needs them and you're out of time, SOL. wait until tomorrow. phil rushing to get toast made before his time runs out. choose what you do because you don't have infinite time. is it worth it to find your body? is it worth it to go fight? should you mine? should you farm? fish? what do you do with your time?
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arabaka · 9 months
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₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. content warnings ⤸ sfw. serizawa katsuya x afab!reader. 1.6 words. while i don't mind ageless/minors interacting with my sfw posts, do NOT follow if you do not have your age in bio.
₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. author's note ⤸ wowie this has been in my drafts for a thousand years so i thought, why not post <3 i do have a chapter 2 of sorts, just need to polish it up! thank you for reading <3
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He never used to do this…
Play video games online, that is.
Serizawa Katsuya had long preferred games of the retro persuasion; they were a familiar comfort, much like a security blanket. For so long, he’d only known a controller with a single stick and two buttons and that had been enough for him. It still is, most days. But that all changed when he found a new reason to turn to his desktop computer, the one he saved up every 1-yen coin for from his job working for Reigen.
But it wasn’t the graphics of new age games that kept him coming back. It wasn’t the carousel of variety that got his chair rolling and his PC buzzing. No, it was never something– it was someone.
Now he knows your name but your username used to come first. It was how Serizawa met you after all, when he was still a complete and total noob to the pixel MMORPG you’ve frequented since day one. 
And like most things, your friendship with Serizawa happened by chance. You were helping a buddy out, shepherding them if you will because after all, they were trying the game out because of your incessant begging and pleading. You needed another person in your group after all, a certain raid requirement wouldn’t let you participate otherwise and you’d much rather go in with a group of friends than some randos that might steal all your loot in the end.
Serizawa just happened to be in your party when playing as a duo through the tutorial. After you tore down the first boss, an aquamarine monster made of slimy goo, Serizawa had typed an innocuous question in the main chat.
『 How do I equip the armor? 』
And you weren’t about to ignore the help of someone trying the game out for the first time. So what started as casual advice turned into a friend request popping in your inbox… Then spontaneous meet-ups…
『 Hey Gyudon-san! Are you going to be playing for long? 』
『 Hello! Yes, I have an hour. 』
『 Want to play together? 』
『 Yes! Thank you! 』
Turned into repeat plans…
『 Gyudon! I have a day off tomorrow, want to play? 』
『 Yes! That would be fun. I have night school but we can play after. 』
『 How are your studies going? Don’t play if you have a lot of work! Education comes first :p 』
『 No, not a lot. I want to play with you! 』
Which then led to chatting outside the game…
『 Gyudon-san, do you use LINE? 』
『 Yes, but mostly for schoolwork... 』
『 We should add each other! 』
『 Okay! 』
… And that’s when you learn his name for the first time. Serizawa Katsuya. The discoveries wouldn’t stop there; with the game no longer a crutch for communication, your conversations became a staple for having a good day. Good morning texts, good night texts. You messaged him when you saw something that reminded you of him, things that went beyond your shared interest in video games. He was so kind, you could feel his warmth over the phone even from simple messages; you have so many of them saved because sometimes, you need a pick me up from the man in particular. When you are on your phone with a smile that makes the apples of your cheeks glow, more often than not it’s because of him.
“You so like him.” One of your friends tells you one day over a bowl of ramen and they just know that it isn’t the steam rising from the broth that’s making your face clammy all of a sudden.
“He’s just– He’s a really good guy! Can’t I have friends?” You remark, stuffing your face with noodles and slurping loud enough to hopefully drown out the teasing that would soon follow. But you know they’re right. Who else do you think of when the lights are off and you’re left to ruminate in your bed, the mattress seeming larger and emptier as the days go by? Who else are you always looking forward to calling, even though phone calls aren’t really your thing? How many times have you looked up train tickets and times for Seasoning City, only to click back with your heart thumping in your eardrums?
“Don’t you want something more?” The words bounce off the walls in your head long after you say goodbye to your friend. 
Don’t you want something more? 
You can practically see the words when you close your eyes as you try to go to sleep but it’s deep into the night already and you’ve been tossing and turning for hours now. You stuff a groan into a pillow, cramming your face in the plush to silence the sounds even though you live alone. You groan because… you do want something more.
But does he?
You don’t know if you can live like this. Pining is one thing, something you’ve apparently been doing all this time (and you’ve known, god you’ve known but coming to stare it blank in the face is making your heart stutter at a pace that makes your chest cavity feel like it’s going to break at the seams if you’re not careful) but living in a shadow of doubt makes you feel even worse. 
“So that’s it,” You grumble into the pillow, “I gotta do it.” The pillow wilts in your arms from all the tight squeezing, the sheet blotted with a few drops of frustration straight from your scrunched up eyes. You grab your phone– no, you’re not doing it now but you figure, since you’re already going down this path, you might as well soothe yourself by rereading some of his messages from earlier.
Only, when you go into your chat history with Serizawa, you see three little dots greeting you from the dimmed screen. 
🗨 I can’t sleep… I hope you’re resting well.
Your thumb jitters on the screen, your last swallow lodged in your throat as you read the message. 
🗨 Same here. 
That’s it? That’s all you can come up with? You don’t want the conversation to die here so you’re flipping through conversation notecards in your brain, chiding yourself for not having anything to say when suddenly, you get another message.
🗨 Would you like to talk on the phone?
You say yes. Your stomach bounces, fraught with nerves, but you say yes. And when you answer, you don’t see the face of your phone until hours later when the sun’s already come up and a new day’s begun. 
“I didn’t realize what time it was… Sorry…” Serizawa sheepishly apologies and you swear you hear him stifle a yawn at the tailend of his words. Cute.
“No, no– it’s okay! Talking with you always makes my day… Night. Day and night?” You stumble over your words but it seems to charm him nonetheless, Serizawa’s soft laughter a gift to your ears. You wish you could hear it in person.
“I– I feel the same.” He briskly coughs, almost like he’s working himself up to something, “I– I was going to ask you… My last week of school is coming up. My friends want to have dinner and I– I was wondering if–”
Your shirt wrinkles in your balled up fist, trying as you might to still the beating of your heart but failing.
“If you would like to come? Y-You don’t have to, of course!”
“I’d love to!” You blurt out, incapable of keeping your lips in an airtight seal for any longer. “J-Just tell me the date!”
And he does– it’s in two weeks, which feels like so much time and not enough all at once. You put him on speakerphone, smiling all the while as he scrambles for the right words; is he as worked up about this as you are? You’re already on the shuttle website, looking at the price of tickets, debating on buying them early just because you can. 
“... It’s going to be a lot of fun, you’ll like my friends,” Serizawa’s voice drifts back to focus, “and I’ve… Told them about you too.” He’s blushing, glad that you can’t see the red painted across his cheeks. 
Your grip wobbles, phone nearly falling on your face when you gasp, “You have?!” 
“A-Ah, should I not–”
“No, no! I’m – I’m happy you have! I’ve talked about you to my friends too… Besides the ones we play with…” How is it already 7 AM? “Hey, you don’t have to go to work or anything do you?” 
You hear him yelp, “I-I do! I have work! I gotta go! Sorry!” 
How can somebody sound cute even when they’re panicked? How smitten with this man are you? “Go, go, go! Talk to you later, Serizawa-kun!” 
The phone line ends. You wish it didn’t. You already miss him. You blink, your retinas burning from the lack of sleep, your lids suddenly so heavy you can’t help but… Close them for just a little bit…
And when you wake up – is that really the time? – you’re greeted with a flurry of notifications but the only one you really care about is the message from Serizawa.
🗨 Very tired at work but I am glad we got to talk. I hope we can do it again sometime. 
Sometime would end up being an understatement. You go a day, tops two without talking over the phone, the next few times coupled with alerts that remind you to GO TO SLEEP because otherwise… You’ll end up repeating a sleepless night and as cute as Serizawa’s eye bags were (he’d sent you a selfie for the first time that week, which you stared at for an amount of time you are still too embarrassed to utter aloud), you weren’t about to make them worse… Though you were tempted.
And so was he.
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